The imperative mood of the verb in French. Conjugation of the verb aller. What is the imperative mood l'impératif

Imperative mood in French(Impératif), as in Russian, is used to express an order, request, advice or wish.

The imperative verb in French has only three forms: 2nd person singular, 1st and 2nd persons plural.

The imperative mood in French is used both in the present tense (Impératif présent) and in the past (Impératif passé). Below we consider options for forming Impératif présent verbs with different endings.

Verbs ending in -ir and -re in the infinitive

When forming the imperative mood, verbs with endings -ir and -re in the infinitive (i.e. all verbs of group 2 and some irregular verbs of group 3) have the same form as when conjugated in the present tense in the indicative mood (Présent de l' indicatif).

For example:

Presentation of l'indicatif

tu applaudis - you applaud;
nous applaudissons - we applaud;
vous applaudissez - you applaud.

Impératif present

Forme affirmative Forme negative

Applaudis! - Applaud! N'applaudis pas! - Don't applaud!
Applaudissons! - Let's applaud! N'applaudissons pas! - Let's not applaud!
Applaudissez! - Applaud! N'applaudissez pas! - Don't applaud!

Verbs with endings -er, -frir, -vrir in the infinitive

All verbs ending in -er in the infinitive (i.e. verbs of group 1, as well as irregular verb aller - to go) and irregular verbs ending in -frir, -vrir, when forming the imperative mood in the 2nd person singular do not have the ending -s. In the 1st and 2nd person plural, the form of the imperative mood is the same as in the present tense conjugation.

For example:

Présent de l’indicatif Impératif présent

tu danses - you dance; Dance! - Dance!
nous dansons - we dance; Dansons! - Let's Dance!
vous dansez - you dance. Dansez! - Dance!

--> Impératif forms

Impératif (imperative mood ) – denotes an action, the commission or non-completion of which the speaker requires.

General information

Verbs in impératif do not have a subject.

Impératif has forms in only two persons:

– second person singular and plural

Unit numberMn. number

– first person plural

Chantons! - Let's sing!
Finissons! - Let's finish!
Partons! - Let's go to!

The verb pouvoir is not used in the imperative mood.

An action in the imperative mood, by the very meaning of this mood, can only relate to the future. In French, command is usually expressed in present tense forms ( impératif present). Along with this, in French there are forms of the past tense of the imperative mood ( impératif passé), which express the temporal relation of precedence and the specific connotation of the completeness of the action.

Impératif present

Forms impératif present most verbs are formed from the same stem as the corresponding forms present de l'indicatif. The exceptions are the verbs avoir, être, savoir and vouloir, which have special stems.

Verbs of the first group, as well as the verbs aller, avoir, savoir, ouvrir, offrir, cueillir, are distinguished by the absence of a final -s in the second person singular form. However, if the verb is followed by the words y or en, the final -s is saved. Compare:

Parle! - Speak!
Parle s-en! - Talk about it!
Pense! - Think!
Pense s-y! - Think about it!

Forms impératif present plurals are similar to the corresponding forms present de l'indicatif(except for the exceptions described above).

Below are examples of verb conjugations in impératif present.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the conjugation of verbs of the first, second and third groups on the page Typical conjugation of French verbs.

Impératif passé

Forms impératif passé are formed using an auxiliary verb (avoir or être) in impératif present And participe passé(past participle) of the semantic verb.

Impératif passé is a rarely used form. It expresses an action that must be performed at some point in the future.

Sois revenu dans une demi-heure.
Come back in half an hour.

Ayez terminé ce travail avant midi.
Finish this work before noon.

Negative form

The negative form of verbs in impératif is formed by general rule construction of negation: the particle ne is placed before the verb, and the particle pas or other words used for negation are placed after the verb (personne, rien, etc.)

Ne parle pas. - Do not speak.
Ne fais pas attention. - Do not pay attention.
N"ayez pas peur. - Do not be afraid.
Ne soyons pas naïfs! - Let's not be naive!
Ne dites rien. - Don't say anything.

Live spoken language The particle ne is most often absent before the verb.

Parle pas. - Do not speak. (colloquial)
Fais pas attention. - Do not pay attention. (colloquial)

Impératif and reflexive verbs

Feature of the conjugation reflexive verbs impératif is that in the affirmative form reflexive pronouns are placed after the verb. In this case, the reflexive pronoun te takes the form of the stressed pronoun toi.

Lève- toi! - Get up!
Amusons-nous! - Let's have some fun!
Habillez-vous. - Get dressed.

In the negative form impératif, reflexive pronouns do not change and remain before the verb.

Ne te lève pas! - Don't get up!
Ne vous habillez pas. - Don't get dressed.

In French, the imperative mood or so-called. the imperative is used to indicate an action, request, order, as well as when indicating a wish, threat, advice, etc. The imperative is used only in three persons: 2 l. units h. (tu) and 1.2 l. pl. h. (nous, vous).

The forms of the imperative mood of French verbs completely coincide with the forms of their present tense in the indicative mood, but there is the following feature: when forming the imperative, 2 l. units including verbs of group 1, as well as verbs of group 3 aller, cueillir and all verbs of the same group in -frir, -vrir “lose” the final “s”.

Formation de l'impératif

Ier groupe (le verbe chercher)

IIe groupe (le verbe obéir)

IIIe groupe (le verbe boire)

Mais: Va! Offre! (le verbe offrir) Cueille!

There are also the following exceptions to the rules that you need to remember:

avoir - aie! ayons! ayez!

etre - sois! soyons! soyez!

savoir - sache! sachons! sachez!

When forming the imperative mood of reflexive verbs in French, be careful:

- if we are talking about the affirmative form, then the reflexive particle is placed after the verb in its stressed (tonic) form, which coincides with the unstressed (atonic) form only in 1 and 2 liters. pl. h. (Promenons-nous! Asseyez-vous!). Therefore, for 2 l. units h. we use the stressed form (Calme-toi!)

N. B. Do not forget to put a line between the verb and the particle in writing.

- if we are talking about a negative form, then the reflexive particle is placed before the verb immediately after the negative particle “ne” and is used in its unstressed form. (Ne te plains pas! Ne nous doutons pas! Ne vous hatez pas!)!

Of course, the note about the “lost” s remains relevant (Ne t’en va pas!)

The French imperative is used:

1. Vo2 l. units and many more h. to express an order, request, prohibition, advice, wishes. Par example:

Finissez immediatement!

Ne me cherchez pas!

Donne-moi ta main!

N'oubliez pas vos amis!

Rétablissez-vous vite!

2 IN 1. l. units h. serves to express a proposal, an invitation. Par example:

Restons encore une heure!

Passons à l'action!

It is very important to note that the French imperative can be simple or complex, similar to the verb tense system. The above information relates to the formation and use of the simple imperative.

The complex form of the imperative is used much less frequently. It is formed by adding to the imperative form of the verb avoir or etre the simple past participle of the conjugated verb (choice auxiliary verb is determined similarly to the rules for the formation of passé composé). For example: Aie parlé! Ayez cherche! Sois venu(e)! Soyez parti(e,s,es)!

1) The verb aller despite – ER is of the third group, that is, incorrect. Aller is an intransitive verb denoting movement and is translated as:

walk, move around

go, go, fly, go somewhere

Je vais à peid. I walk.

J'y vais en voiture / à bicyclette. I go there by car/bicycle.

In difficult times it is conjugated with être.

Il est alle au bureau. He left for work.

Il est allé chez le médecin. He went to the doctor

Aller is also an auxiliary verb, used to form the near future futur proche.

Je vais réfléchir. I will think.

The verb aller also has the meaning fit, fit(à):

Donc cela me va - well, that suits me / that suits me.

Est-ce que ça va? - will this be good?/will this be suitable?

Also used in the meaning live, live; feel

Comment allez-vous? How are you doing?

Comment ça va? - How are you doing?

Verb conjugations aller in the indicative mood

Verb aller in present time. Aller au présent de l'indicatif.

Since the verb aller is an irregular verb, it has two radicals in the present indicative mood. You just need to remember its conjugation.

The verb aller is in the past complex tense. Aller au passe composition.

In passé compose the verb aller is conjugated with the auxiliary verb être in the present tense + participle allé. Despite the fact that the verb is irregular, its participle is very easy to form, the participle is formed in the same way as for verbs of the first group.

Imparfait is formed from the radical of the present tense form in the first person plural nous all– ons + endings imparfait: – ais – ais – ait; - ions - iez - aient.

In futur simple the verb aller has a radical ir- to which we add the endings: - ai; -as; -a; -ons; -ez; —ont.

Present tense Conditionnel présent

Conditionnel présent is formed in the same way as futur simple from the radical ir- + endings imparfait -ais; - ais; - ait ; -ions; — iez; - aient.

Present subjunctive tense Subjonctif présent

In Subjonctif présent the verb aller has 2 radicals aill- for the singular and for the 3rd person plural and all– for 1st and 2nd person plural. Thus aill + endings –e; - es; - e; - ent and all+ endings -ions; — iez;.

In impératif, the verb aller also has 2 radicals, the forms coincide with the forms of the present tense, except for the second person singular. numbers:

Present and past participle Participe présent et passé

Participe présent is formed from the first person plural radical. numbers in the present tense nous all– ons + ant.

Participe passé from the radical of the initial form all-er +é