Congratulations on your 70th birthday to a kind woman

You always walked straight through life,
Keeping the warmth of dear hearts.
You, our grandmother and mother,
An example for us and a model.

Warming with your smile,
Sharing your wisdom,
You helped, darling,
We have to deal with adversity more than once.

And today the family is together
We are here to congratulate you.
Let everything be as it should be
And long, long - this life.

Health, strength, mood
May the Lord give it to you.
On your 70th birthday
The soul rejoices and sings.

We're making the hard journey
Along the road of life.
Sometimes we sit down for a little while,
So that your legs can rest.

In winter and summer we go.
But we ask you to remember the days
What do we call anniversaries?
What joy they bring to the house.

Let it be a good day
Let the burden of time not be terrible,
And great bright joy
Let it be painted.

Let the soul be young,
Straighten your shoulders quickly.
Never grow old in soul -
A smile will heal everything.

All these years you walked straight
In harmony with people and conscience.
You are our grandmother and mother,
Our example of spirituality.

And warming with kindness,
Sharing warmth and wisdom,
You helped us, dear
Many, many times in life.

We want to say thank you
For being who you are.
Be cheerful, happy
And never dare to get sick!

Health, strength and optimism
May the Lord give you
To enjoy life for a long time
And look forward joyfully!

Your family is your kingdom,
Your years are your wealth.
Raised children and grandchildren -
You can live for yourself.

If only my health allows it
Do everything you dreamed of:
Resort, cinema, theater, museum,
Gather guests more often

So that, like today at the table
Talk about this and that
Celebrate a solid anniversary
And at the same time promising,

After all, happiness awaits you ahead,
Hugs to future great-grandchildren.
I wish you to live without troubles
Once again seven decades!

Congratulations to our colleague,
Happy anniversary.
We respect you for your wisdom,
We appreciate your wealth of experience.

Seventy years are already behind us,
But a clear mind and thirst for life
Gives you strength to go forward
And teach us how to do business.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
You are a recognized authority,
We wish you health and happiness
And live at least a hundred years.

Our years are called wealth -
In them wisdom, experience and souls flourish,
What we are actively allowed to do even at 70
Live and give good light to all your loved ones.

And congratulations on your anniversary,
I want to note that you are like that star,
Which is brighter and warmer than everyone else,
God bless you for many years to come!

I wish you good health and energy,
Attention from loved ones, peace and prosperity.
May success accompany you everywhere,
Walk brightly, sing loudly, sleep sweetly!

After all, there are still so many bright days ahead,
Pleasant impressions and discoveries,
And another kaleidoscope of passions will swirl
In a cycle of joyful events.

A wonderful date - seventy years!
How much is behind:
Happy days, successes, victories,
And how much more is to come!
Let so many years behind you already,
You are still the same beautiful woman:
With a sparkle in the eyes, with warmth in the soul,
With such a changeable mood!
I want to wish you better health,
Smile at every moment
Every hour, and every day!
Read life like an open book!

Seventy years is a long time.
The roads were difficult
There were bumps and downhills,
There is a lot of joy and sadness...
There was both happiness and sorrow,
But there was also a lot of love.
Passions were raging with might and main,
They didn't let me sleep at night.
Well, now everything is calm.
You walk as before, you are slender,
Wisdom in the eyes and anxiety,
How much road is left?
May you be loved and cherished
And they won’t dare to offend.
Live long and happily
Be cheerful and beautiful!

Seventy is not a problem at all,
Our wealth is our years.
Children and grandchildren went down the aisle -
You can finally live for yourself.
If only your health allows you
To do everything that I really dreamed of:
Evening at a museum, theater, cinema
(It wasn’t like that before)
And on the weekend, gather everyone at the table,
To reminisce with your family about the past.
And I want to wish you good spirits.
Smiles so big that they stretch from ear to ear.
And the mood is like on a sunny day,
So that all laziness goes away.©

You are the most best woman in the world,
You are 70 years old, it’s your anniversary!
And wisdom lies in that spiritual strength,
Today which has become stronger!
And the sparks of youth illuminate you,
Giving you health, smile and laughter!
Bad weather forever immediately recedes,
Giving that priceless success in life!

Beautiful congratulations on a woman’s 70th birthday

Seventy years and seventy candles
They burn on a festive, beautiful cake,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart on your anniversary
Peace in soul, patience and health.
May the Lord favor you,
There will be no room for despondency and sadness,
Let your house be strong as granite,
Let love and happiness always dwell in him.

The years have flown by in a long line,
But the soul is still bright and young.
She doesn’t age, she doesn’t chase fashion,
She is clothed in harmony and happiness.
On your festive anniversary, I admire you
And I look into your eyes as if into the mirror of the soul.
Beautiful woman, grandmother and mother,
We are all illuminated by your kindness.
Wisdom, tact, patience, talents and skills -
Such qualities certainly adorn you
So let on your seventieth birthday
The Lord is upon you long life blesses!

Our friendly team has gathered here today,
To organize a big corporate party in your honor.
Solid anniversary, long work experience,
Today the compliments are only for you.
Your unique experience is not wasted,
But once upon a time you started from scratch.
Now you are at the top of your profession,
We sincerely wish you on your glorious anniversary
Prosperity in the family, new heights in career,
Health and good luck, love, hope, faith.
And let a bright light of bliss shine in your soul,
And we will come to you to celebrate one hundred years.

Today is your birthday
And how old it is doesn’t matter.
So always remain kind.
And let your heart never grow old.

“There is no dearer in the world,
There is nothing more beautiful in the world!” -
I am for you - grandma - alone
I'm composing these words.

You're always so kind to me
Participation in all matters,
Still young, slim, vigorous...
You are lucky to be a granddaughter!

And on this 70th anniversary
Take two more words:
Dear! Better not be sick
And be always healthy!

The most darling in the world!
(It’s better not to invent, not to say)
Mommy beloved, dear,
On this autumn (spring) day to wish

We wish you health, happiness,
Joy, smiles and warmth!
So that, without knowing grief and bad weather,
Your life flowed like a stream;

So that its waters are not muddied,
So that grievances disappear forever,
So that troubles pass you by,
Our dearest person!

And, celebrating your anniversary,
We cannot stop admiring:
You are not seventy, dear,
And thirty-five plus thirty-five!

Happy 70th birthday!
But these are just numbers and words!

Let beauty be your friend forever,

For a woman, all ages are submissive -
She's only more beautiful every year
The look becomes wiser, undoubtedly,
And in a trembling heart love for everyone lives,
We wish you a wonderful anniversary
Happier to be once in seventy in the family,
Good health, interesting activities,
Support from loved ones and attention from friends!

On your seventieth birthday I wish you,
My most beloved woman,
So that you, as if you are visiting heaven,
And she was happy, she couldn’t hide her smile!

Let the dawn come in life,
And it brings with it a lot of joy,
Let everyone know about your holiday,
And he will bring a wonderful gift!

I wish you cloudless happiness,
Health, let it be,
And passions will not boil in the soul,
You just drink good wine!

This woman has an anniversary today.
Gifts will be presented from guests.
And they will say so many warm words,
That you can’t count them all.
Toasts sound, glasses clink -
The anniversary has a long time.
After all, this date is 70 years old.
Helmet for the hero of the day
Our warm greetings!
We wish you every day
To welcome spring in the soul
And call the morning happiness.
Over the years, more so as not to grow old
And if only she was younger.
May your health accumulate
And life would then last forever.

To a wonderful woman on a wonderful anniversary
I want to say so much today.
There's a long way behind you -
Seventy-year road!
She was not easy, but happy.
You have achieved everything you dreamed of.
I wish you to be healthy and loved,
So that your loved ones pamper you with attention.

Anniversary! And age matters!
We will assign to the birthday girl:
“Be the center of attention today,
Good feelings and charm!”
Let them say in your honor
The toasts will sound loudly,
And good wishes
There will be a lot of confessions
In respect, love
For your mature years!

How beautiful you are in the light of these lamps,
The restaurant has been booked, the whole family is assembled!
You are happy, your life was not lived in vain!
We have experienced the taste of happiness and a sea of ​​success!

And let him retire a long time ago, for you,
No time for gossip shops
You chose your hobby a long time ago,
And you were successful in it, be proud of it!

Today there will be dancing and songs for the soul,
Flowers, postcards and gifts,
We wish you a great anniversary,
You won't regret what you spent!

Poems to bring tears to tears for the woman you love on your 70th birthday

We are on your seventieth anniversary
We wish you to live a hundred times more fun!
You are such a woman that for you
We want to wish you the best chance!

You have no business thinking about old age!
After all, seventy, of course, is not the limit!
We want to wish you health now,
So that you can accomplish great feats!

We also want to wish you happiness,
Let success follow you forever!
May God fulfill all your wishes!
We wish you easy paths in life!

I wish you love at 70 years old,
After all, this feeling should exist with a woman,
May all your days be colorful
And your road will be very clean!

Let only jokes sound on this day,
May there always be joy in your soul,
You invite all your friends in a row,
They will give you an unforgettable sweetness!

I wish you not to be afraid of anything,
Then there will be harmony in life,
To always expect only one happiness,
which in large quantities will come to you!

70 years is a considerable age,
Few people lived to see him.
But you do not grow old in your heart, soul
And you have a lot of experience behind you.

We want to congratulate you on your anniversary,
Live like everyone else, without regrets.
Let your children and grandchildren make you happy more often.
And life will only get sweeter every day.

May happiness never forget the way to your home,
And 70 years will not be long at all.
We wish you a lot of health, success,
More smiles and loud laughter.

Congratulations on your seventieth anniversary
Let your cherished wishes come true today!
We sincerely wish you to always be cheerful and cheerful,
And let troubles not even appear in nightmares!

I also want to wish you good health!
So that you can spoil your grandchildren for decades,
The family hopes for you, treats you with love,
They want to kiss you on both cheeks every evening!

Your age is the best - you can do whatever you want!
Don't rush to work, you can have a nice rest.
So enjoy life, and don’t look at the years,
And we will look after you with tender care!

You are 70 today! You are beautiful!
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Always be happy and think clearly,
Give reasonable advice to everyone.
May you be lucky, may there be a lot of happiness,
I wish you inspiration with all my heart,
After all, you live a real life,
So let peace please you in your soul!

Remained beautiful even at 70 years old.

There are two beauties in man.
And if the external period is short,
That other beauty, from time immemorial
Nothing in the world threatens
Time will not pierce you with an arrow,
Whatever the year,
She will always decorate us.
This beauty is kindness.

What do you want at 70? Of course, happiness

Simple human fate,
Just a wonderful mood.

The table is crowded today
From children, girlfriends, grandchildren
After all, they all have known for a long time -
You are 70 today!

And we wish you everything with love
Always be wise and cheerful,
Optimism and health
To you for many years to come!

Today I'll grab handfuls
All your dreams, memories,
So that I can do it, I will help you,
And I will fulfill sweet wishes.
After all, today is the red anniversary -
Seventy to our beloved woman!
From the smiles of grandchildren and children
You shine like a divine ray!

May the little casket be healthy
Admires the royal riches,
Well, the rest, finally,
Everything will work out and your heart will be happy!

Congratulations on the anniversary -
You are seventy today.
You were able to survive steadfastly
Happiness days, moments of drama.

I want to wish you good health,
Quiet, carefree days,
Happiness to your glorious children,
After all, it is more valuable to you.

Let the grandchildren make playful noise,
Let your family hurry to your home,
Live with dignity and without boredom
I wish you this holiday.

Seventy beautiful years
That's already behind us.
Life was now groomed, then beat,
In general, we weren’t bored.

You haven't lost your charm,
Tenderness and tact.
You are as luxurious as ever -
You can't argue with the fact.

I wish you glorious years,
Beautiful autumn,
Don’t regret the one who has passed away,
Always live happily.

We wish you an anniversary on this bright holiday,
Never get sick or get sick,
Enjoy life as always
And let the waste water carry away your failures,
Let there be peace, comfort, tranquility in the house,
Let grief not enter the house,
Let the flowers all bloom on the window,
And luck rides home on horseback!

We wish you a happy birthday,
Always be happy and beautiful,
Let life be sweet, like a jar of jam,
And all the bad things will never return,
Goodness, comfort in the house, good books,
What can TV series replace?
Affection, kindness, grandchildren, children,
Let them give you their love!

Women are not asked the question
How many years are you celebrating today?
On the anniversary of enthusiastic guests,
You greet me with a tender smile!

And worthy of all praise,
You are radiating the joy of life again!
Congratulations from all sides,
Happy to receive it today!

Let your health not let you down!
A noticeable increase in your pension!
And they surround you with care,
Those who are truly loved by you!

You are so beautiful today -
Like the sun, shine brightly.
You are the most smiling, the happiest of all.
You are so happy about the attention and gifts!

What kind of number is “seven”?
This is happiness, luck, luck...
Well, zero is like a reservation,
This zero doesn't mean anything!

So don't hide your smile
And cast aside any doubts.
Congratulations on your incredible
And such a wonderful birthday!

Beautiful toasts to a woman on her 70th birthday

Seventy is a wonderful anniversary! There are many roads covered behind us. But remember that there are no less of them ahead. I wish you health, optimism, prosperity, goodness. May every day you live be bright and joyful, full of warmth and love from loved ones.

Congratulations on your anniversary, on such an important and significant date - your seventieth birthday! Many years have been lived, but they have been lived with dignity and benefit. Look back and admire the fruits of your labors, the happy smiles of your children and grandchildren, your warm, cozy home. You have the most important wealth - family. All that remains is to wish you stability, strong nerves and less fatigue. And, of course, let your health not ignore you.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your anniversary. At 70 years old, may your health remain strong and your state of mind cheerful, may happiness and peace remain in the family, may the house always be cozy and warm. I wish you unquenchable hope, good luck and sincere love from your loved ones.

Congratulations on the milestone anniversary, your 70th birthday! I wish that life plays with all colors, that the mood is always rosy! May your well-deserved rest bring pleasure and relaxation. Good health, a lot of attention, support, understanding, complicity and the presence of your loved ones and relatives. Happy birthday! Let your horizons be filled with new dreams and fulfilled desires!

My toast to the Woman! For the one
Who is again younger than everyone else in the world!
And, gaining altitude
Of its seven decades,
Her soul is light again!
She forgave all the insults!
She's like light through the clouds
Through the years wisdom has passed
And with a pure heart I accepted,
Staying young and beautiful!
My toast to you being
That Woman is always happy!

You're seventy today
Such a wonderful anniversary
Happiness, joy, health,
Just getting younger every day!

Congratulations and wish
I can live like this for another hundred years,
For you to the bottom today,
I'll be happy to drink

With all my heart, with great excitement,
With whom, unable to find words,
We congratulate you on your birthday,
Happy 70th birthday to you!
Our dear hero of the day, don’t worry
Don't get old, don't be sad, don't be bored
And many more years
Celebrate birthdays.

Don't be sad that you're no longer 17,
Every age has its own charm.
It is important in life to be able to smile,
So that friends surround you.
Let only warm words await you in life,
And my heart will never cry in pain,
And let your head spin
From happiness, from love and from luck.

When I die one night,
then loved ones, putting sadness on their faces,
let it be in the morning just in case
They will still give me a drink to cure my hangover.

God grant me so many years
(and you don’t need another day)
how many decent houses are there?
they didn’t call me again.
I want to drink to this house, where we are all always welcome, no matter what!

I will die abroad or in my homeland,
Doctors cannot cope with the diagnosis:
I died from a malignant life,
which I eked out with pleasure.
Let's drink to all the many joys and pleasures that we have had in life. Let us continue to drag out our lives with pleasure!

Heartfelt wishes for the birthday girl on her 70th birthday

Congratulations on your 70th anniversary! I wish you many years of life in excellent spirits! To do everything that I didn’t have time to do, to go where I didn’t have the chance. So that the children and grandchildren don’t get bored and come to visit more often. I wish you youth and optimism in your soul, love and warmth in your heart.

You're very important person in our life. Life experience, wisdom and the confidence that comes from you - all this is very valuable to us. On this festive day for all of us, let me sincerely congratulate you and wish you many, many more years of healthy and bright life surrounded by people who love you.

With all my heart, on your 70th birthday, I want to wish you not to disturb your heart with sorrows, to delight your soul with happy meetings, to greet every morning with a smile, and to end every day with a feeling of joy and gratitude.

It’s not for nothing that years are called wealth -
Wisdom and spiritual light are priceless,
That even at seventy they allow you to live brightly.
They are more expensive than gold coins.
Congratulating you on this anniversary,
Let's admit it: you are a female star!
No one is kinder, more beautiful, more cheerful,
You will keep this forever.
Most importantly, we wish you good health,
Let the energy always flow in full swing.
The one who is young at heart, we know for sure
Warmed through life by the sun's ray.

On a solid and venerable anniversary
We wish you good health, don’t get sick!
Live beautifully, brightly, inspiredly
For yourself, for your grandchildren and children.
We give you praise and respect,
Thank you from the big family
And on my seventieth birthday
Please accept our congratulations!

My years are my wealth,
This is how Kikabidze sang about the years
And there is not a shadow of guile here,
After all, wisdom comes with age.
Experience, charm, skills come,
An unbiased look at things
Hope, faith and patience,
And this is better than all the awards.
And seventy is not autumn yet,
After all, it's never too late to live.
The soul asks for high love,
She is pure and young.
May good luck await you ahead,
May your health please you
You should become even richer
Granddaughters, granddaughters, love!

May the Lord bless
Your further path in life.
Yes, the years are like ice melting
And you can't turn back time.
But every year you become wiser,
The soul becomes brighter
And with every new anniversary
The family is growing.
Let your children, grandchildren, granddaughters
You are loved, appreciated and pitied
Great-great-grandchildren will extend their hands
To your centenary!

Life moves very quickly year after year,
After spring, sultry summer comes,
Golden autumn, followed by frost
He brought good news about the anniversary.
Seven shining peaks, seven decades
Today we will celebrate with you joyfully,
We wish you a fabulously beautiful life,
Smile more often, a happy smile,
Problems and illnesses - a resounding no!
Enjoy life for at least a hundred years.

Today you are celebrating a gorgeous anniversary,
On which we congratulate you good-naturedly!
Celebrate your seventieth birthday at the door,
We wish you to live another hundred years of ease!

We wish there was always a bouquet of flowers on the table,
And happiness, like the sun, was shining for you!
To feel the flow of love, you don’t need extra words,
The desired thing - for it to come to life like a fairy tale!

We want to see more often in your eyes
Any star's smile is more beautiful!
After all, you can easily give a head start to many young people,
Flying through life fabulously and quickly!

I congratulate you
I wish you warmth too
And great health,
So that everything in life is fun.

You're young with us,
So, this is all commendable,
You know and can do a lot
And you will always warm everyone up.

Your name is grandma
You create comfort here,
Loves you, old and young,
You are a godsend, just a treasure!

Anniversary date - seventy years,
You have comprehended the wisdom of life in your lifetime,
And wise, judicious advice
You will always give to those in need.
Let me congratulate you on this day,
And express my respect to you,
From sadness, so that only a shadow remains,
Thank you for your kindness and patience.

70 candles are burning on the cake!
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations! Happiness and health!
Live without troubles, your soul blossoms!
May every day bring you joy!
So that there are no moments for sadness!
And I really want to meet you
The day when 100 candles are lit on a cake!

May your whole life flow calmly
Floats gracefully and peacefully.
Optimism lives in your beautiful heart
And the harmony of happiness lives on.
Let the children and grandchildren receive armfuls of flowers
And they bring armfuls of smiles.
Let love reign at seventy years
Faith, joy, peace and comfort!

You are seventy today -
Significant date.
Experience, charm
You are more than rich.

On your anniversary I wish you
Always live with spring in your soul,
Find your balance
Between “will” and “already”.

I wish you energy
Eternal bloom.
May fate give you more
Bright moments.

Happy anniversary to you, dear,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Life is not a simple thing,
But warmest of all, your home!

So that you always dream,
Didn't have a headache
Fatigue didn't bother me
We were always happy!

Happy 70th birthday!
But these are just numbers and words!
On your anniversary I sincerely wish you,
May youth live in your soul!

Let your heart not be troubled by boredom,
May eternal happiness live in your eyes!
Let beauty be your friend forever,
He won’t leave you, he won’t leave you silently!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a 70 year old woman

70 years is a beautiful date.
You have a wealth of experience behind you.
And women’s wisdom cannot be taken away from you.
On your birthday we would like to wish:
May your health always serve you well,
There were never any problems
More joyful, sunny days to you!
And to celebrate more than one anniversary!

Let's raise our glasses to the hero of the day! May he be healthy and happy! Let his family and friends bring him only positive emotions! And let those around him give him honor and respect! For the hero of the day!

We want to wish you
Don't give in to captivity for years.
Look after your health
Well, it’s better not to get sick!
Take more rest and walks
And visit girlfriends.
And remind the family -
You are already seventy!

It's time for the anniversary
Although you are not twenty years old,
You get better every year
Your secret is in your huge heart.
And we will live to be seventy years old,
We'll go to the dance again,
Well, for now let's all sit down at the table
We will pour wine into glasses.
You, thanks a lot,
What you good man,
So be always so happy
And may you live a whole century!...

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Have a wonderful holiday.
you are good today
In a place of honor!

Happiness, good health
We want to wish you
And at the festive feast
Celebrate your centenary!

The years flew by like a white flock,
But the soul, as before, is young.
The nightingales have not sung everything yet,
Not all the water has flowed away yet.

Your anniversary is festive and bright,
And it’s not the time to be sad, not the time.
Many years to you, apple trees in white color,
Joy and happiness and goodness.

Although 70 years is no longer short,
But you don’t seem to be tired at all
Like a squirrel all day long, it used to be
You've been running around the house since the morning.

Where does it come from?
Such a burst of energy and strength.
And even such a respectable age
Didn't defeat you at all.

So I wish you good health,
A beautiful soul does not grow old.
I sincerely wish you happiness,
And not be seriously ill for a whole century. (WITH)

You are wisdom, inspiration
And a source of joy!
Your purpose
I performed it for my daughters!
You are admired
Friends, sons-in-law and grandchildren!
You're a beauty at seventy
And a jack of all trades!

Our dear woman,
Be cheerful, healthy,
Because life is always changing,
And he will smile again!

We wish you a wonderful bright holiday,
Never grow old in soul or heart,
And always with a beautiful look at everything,
It’s like looking at a new miracle,
Let everything be easy and ok in life,
Let peace and kindness reign in the house,
Let your mood be chocolate,
And there will be comfort and warmth in the house!

Fanfares and sparkling fireworks sing
It has become a symbol of your beauty and longevity!
Look: everyone is drinking wine for you today
And congratulations on your seventieth birthday!

We wish that the supply of health does not run out,
So that the mind is clear, and the face is beautiful and bright!
Dance for us, as in our youth, a beautiful waltz,
So that all the grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children clap!

What do you want at seventy? Of course, happiness
Beautiful, only memorable moments.
Simple human participation,
Just a wonderful mood.

What does a woman want? Warmth, of course
The enormous generosity of a beautiful fate,
To be a little like in my youth, carefree,
And magnificent feelings - with renewed vigor.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
70 today for you,
And I wish you soon -
Let him be rewarded for his deeds,
May good luck be near you
And success will not let you down,
There are sincere people nearby,
Happiness awaits with them!

I wish my dearest woman,
On this wonderful anniversary, wonderful holiday,
When she turned 70 years old,
So that her life is bright and clear!

I wish you never to lose heart,
After all, life should always be beautiful,
And to know its true value,
You have to be smiling and happy!

May the moon rise in the sky for you,
And he will give you all the beauty,
You won't be alone this day,
You will be showered with gifts and wishes on this day!

Beauty, princess, queen,
You are happiness for friends and family,
And at seventy, as at thirty, you are beautiful,
And you are able to conquer anyone
Men all over the world,
We cordially congratulate you on your anniversary,
And we wish to say congratulations on this,
So that everyone can celebrate so joyfully.

You are not tired of being kind and gentle,
Remained beautiful even at 70 years old.
You have achieved everything, raised your children,
And we wish you further victories!
May your sunset be brighter than the dawn,
And autumn will warm you up more reliably than summer.
There are two beauties in man.
And if the external period is short,
That other beauty, from time immemorial
Nothing in the world threatens
Time will not pierce you with an arrow,
Whatever the year,
She will always decorate us.
This beauty is kindness.

Your anniversary, you are 70, I don’t know,
Why have the years flown by?
I wish you good health,
Good luck and love indeed,
Let there be no worries in your life,
And they're knocking on your door,
You become more beautiful every year!
I wish you many loyal friends!

No longer 18, unfortunately
But you are still beautiful in everything!
And I wish you a happy birthday,
May the house be forever full of happiness,
I wish you health, hopefully soon
Hopes and dreams come true
Let the whole family warm you with their warmth!
Let everyone give you flowers at 70!

Today is a beautiful woman's holiday,
She’s not very old at all - she’s seventy years old.
She is a messenger of love and kindness,
And we wish her in return:

Good health, great happiness,
Love from loved ones and children.
So that bad weather bypasses the house
And there were many joyful guests.

We want to wish you
Don't give in to captivity for years.
Look after your health
Well, it’s better not to get sick!

Take more rest and walks
And visit girlfriends.
And remind the family -
You are already seventy!

Happy anniversary
We came to congratulate you.
And we want to say quickly
Your wishes.

Long life, prosperity,
So that we can raise grandchildren,
So that all the clouds clear away,
And they could swim to success.

Seventy years is quite a bit.
Let your dreams come true.
Well, we will ask God,
To keep you from harm.

And delight and admiration,
This holiday causes
Seventieth birthday,
The whole family celebrates.

Stay wise, strong,
Bravehearted and beautiful,
Be cheerful and happy,
A beautiful, sweet woman.

Dedicate all this time to yourself,
And do whatever you want
Health, most importantly, dear, take care,
And live to at least 100 years.

Happy seventieth anniversary!
Peace to you and many good years to come.
Let life caress and cherish you,
And every day brings only light.

Let your loved ones take care of you,
Let kindness surround you.
And may happiness always be with you
And walks side by side through the years.

Madam, mother, sister and granny -
That's how rich you can be called.
With a hot and sincere kiss
We hasten to congratulate you and wish you good health.

No, no, quickly remove the sadness.
On your seventieth anniversary,
You are like expensive bitter wine -
The older it is, the tastier it is.

It smells like goodies, roses, secrets.
And in the eyes there are a hundred thousand bright lights.
The years have swirled like flocking birds -
Seven tens! Oh, what an anniversary!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Be smart:
Never be sad or sick.
You'll always have to squint from the rays of love
And always smile with happiness.

Look how wonderful the grandchildren are
And your caring children,
Interesting years await you with them!
Long, long, dear, live!

Happy 70th birthday! This is an anniversary!
I don't believe it at all, to be honest.
The years fly by, of course, but don’t you dare be sad,
Leave more room in your heart for joy.

Please be healthy and don’t worry in vain,
After all, there is absolutely no reason for sadness.
Your friends and family are always with you,
May love and happiness never leave you.

70 years were not lived in vain:
Rich experience and great family.
On this anniversary I would like to wish you:
Health, happiness, good fortune.

May children and grandchildren bring joy,
Let life pass without separation,
May the sun shine on you every day,
And there are still many decades ahead.

It's time for the anniversary
Although you are not twenty years old,
You get better every year
Your secret is in your huge heart.

And we will live to be seventy years old,
We'll go to the dance again,
Well, for now let's all sit down at the table
We will pour wine into glasses.

Thank you very much,
That you are a good person
So be always so happy
And live a whole century!

Life moves in a spiral from year to year,
The 70th anniversary is knocking at the gate,
We are always happy about the holiday,
We thank fate fully.
Your soul is as young as before,
You are even decorated with gray hair,
You are rich in children and grandchildren,
I bow to you, grandmother, to the ground.

We can’t escape anniversaries,
They will overtake each of us
To your wisdom and experience, dear,
We are pleasantly surprised every hour.
Celebrating the 70th anniversary,
Smile more cheerfully
This is your another volume of life,
A lot of positive things are written in it.

The 70th anniversary is your personal prize,
Life sums it up in your seventh decade,
We always admire you,
After all, your destiny is very surprising, aunt.
We always need your experience and advice,
Thanks to you, our whole family is friendly,
We call you a talisman,
You, like a ray of sunshine, always warm us.

Mommy, you are 70 today, so what?
There is no one younger in soul
Your wisdom is like light in a window for us,
We owe everything in life to you.
Low bow to you, dear, to the ground,
We ask the Lord for health for you,
For us you are a guiding star,
You always easily lead us out of the labyrinths of fate.

Today you are going crazy with happiness,
Today, joy comes on its own,
Fun flying glare.
And the red ones give carnations.
And the city seems foreign today,
Through reality - anniversary and friends in a row,
You didn’t dare look at the years,
But now you suddenly became bolder.
And it seems: 70 is your number,
And today relatives come to celebrate,
And secret signs of accomplishments -
Congratulations will fly in verse.
It's like walking on spring land,
And the stars are falling now, in February,
But know what comes to someone
That moment is solemn.

70 candles are burning on the cake!
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations! Happiness and health!
Live without troubles, your soul blossoms!
May every day bring you joy!
So that there are no moments for sadness!
And I really want to meet you
The day when 100 candles are lit on a cake!

You are not tired of being kind and gentle,
Still beautiful at 70 years old
You have achieved everything, raised your children,
And we wish you further victories.
May your sunset be brighter than the dawn,
And autumn will warm you up more reliably than summer.

What do you want at seventy? Of course, happiness
Beautiful, only memorable moments.
Simple human fate,
Just a wonderful mood.
What does a woman want? Warmth, of course
The enormous generosity of a beautiful fate,
To be a little like in my youth, carefree,
And magnificent feelings - with renewed vigor.

You are the best woman in the world
You are 70 years old, it’s your anniversary!
And wisdom lies in that spiritual strength,
Today which has become stronger!
And the sparks of youth illuminate you,
Giving you health, smile and laughter!
Bad weather forever immediately recedes,
Giving that priceless success in life!

Today you are going crazy with happiness,
Today, joy comes on its own,
Fun flying glare.
And the red ones give carnations.
And the city seems foreign today,
Through reality - anniversary and friends in a row,
You didn’t dare look at the years,
But now you suddenly became bolder.
And it seems: 70 is your number,
And today relatives come to celebrate,
And secret signs of accomplishments -
Congratulations will fly in verse.
It's like walking on spring land,
And the stars are falling now, in February,
But know what comes to someone
That moment is solemn.

70 candles are burning on the cake!
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations! Happiness and health!
Live without troubles, your soul blossoms!
May every day bring you joy!
So that there are no moments for sadness!
And I really want to meet you
The day when 100 candles are lit on a cake!

You are not tired of being kind and gentle,
Still beautiful at 70 years old
You have achieved everything, raised your children,
And we wish you further victories.
May your sunset be brighter than the dawn,
And autumn will warm you up more reliably than summer.

What do you want at seventy? Of course, happiness
Beautiful, only memorable moments.
Simple human fate,
Just a wonderful mood.
What does a woman want? Warmth, of course
The enormous generosity of a beautiful fate,
To be a little like in my youth, carefree,
And magnificent feelings - with renewed vigor.

You are the best woman in the world
You are 70 years old, it’s your anniversary!
And wisdom lies in that spiritual strength,
Today which has become stronger!
And the sparks of youth illuminate you,
Giving you health, smile and laughter!
Bad weather forever immediately recedes,
Giving that priceless success in life!

Happy 70th birthday!
But these are just numbers and words!
On your anniversary I sincerely wish you,
May youth live in your soul!
Let your heart not be troubled by boredom,
May eternal happiness live in your eyes!
Let beauty be your friend forever,
He won’t leave you, he won’t leave you silently!

The table is crowded today
From children, girlfriends, grandchildren
After all, they have all known for a long time -
You are seventy today!
And we wish you everything with love
Always be wise and cheerful,
Optimism and health
To you for many years to come!

Anniversary date - seventy years,
You have comprehended the wisdom of life in your lifetime,
And wise, judicious advice
You will always give to those in need.
Let me congratulate you on this day,
And express my respect to you,
From sadness, so that only a shadow remains,
Thank you for your kindness and patience.

To a wonderful woman on a wonderful anniversary
I want to say so much today.
There's a long way behind you -
Seventy-year road!
She was not easy, but happy.
You have achieved everything you dreamed of.
I wish you to be healthy and loved,
So that your loved ones pamper you with attention.

How incredibly lucky you are!
You have clearly proven to people:
Seven is quite a lucky number!
Well, we won’t count zero at all,
For there is no meaning in zero;
But why such verbosity?
It’s better to wish you on your anniversary
Peace, happiness and a little bit of health!

It’s not for nothing that years are called wealth -
Wisdom and spiritual light are priceless,
That even at seventy they allow you to live brightly.
They are more expensive than gold coins.

Congratulating you on this anniversary,
Let's admit it: you are a female star!
No one is kinder, more beautiful, more cheerful,
You will keep this forever.

Most importantly, we wish you good health,
Let the energy always flow in full swing.
The one who is young at heart, we know for sure
Warmed through life by the sun's ray.

Anniversary is a great occasion
Gather all your relatives together.
It needs to be fun and playful
Celebrate this holiday.

The bird years fly away,
Not to be young again
But believe me, it's not too late
Live, laugh and love!

Remember, 70 is just a number.
Cheerfulness of spirit is the secret.
Happy birsday, my dear!
May we enjoy another 100 years!

70 years is a beautiful date.
You have a wealth of experience behind you.
And women’s wisdom cannot be taken away from you.
On your birthday we would like to wish:
May your health always serve you well,
There were never any problems
More joyful, sunny days to you!
And to celebrate more than one anniversary!

You always walked straight through life,
Keeping the warmth of dear hearts.
You, our grandmother and mother,
An example for us and a model.

Warming with your smile,
Sharing your wisdom,
You helped, darling,
We have to deal with adversity more than once.

And today the family is together
We are here to congratulate you.
Let everything be as it should be
And long, long - this life.

Health, strength, mood
May the Lord give it to you.
On your 70th birthday
The soul rejoices and sings.

Women are not asked the question
How many years are you celebrating today?
On the anniversary of enthusiastic guests,
You greet me with a tender smile!

And worthy of all praise,
You are radiating the joy of life again!
Congratulations from all sides,
Happy to receive it today!

Let your health not let you down!
A noticeable increase in your pension!
And they surround you with care,
Those who are truly loved by you!

Today is a beautiful woman's holiday,
She’s not very old at all - she’s seventy years old.
She is a messenger of love and kindness,
And we wish her in return:

Good health, great happiness,
Love from loved ones and children.
So that bad weather bypasses the house
And there were many joyful guests.

Today is the date, seventieth anniversary!
And important words will be said in full,
Today we congratulate you on your anniversary
The one who is still young at heart.

And years are happiness and to seventy,
A lot of it has accumulated, and let it
In the future it will only increase,
Letting good luck and goodness into your home!

Already treacherously wrinkles
Your experience is given to people.
But 70 is still so little
May the years only go by in happiness.

Only the joy of life lives in the soul,
Let your pride in your children grow.
Yes, your age is already considerable,
But there are so many days ahead.

Just take care of your health,
So that you have the strength not to stand,
But only fun with a smile
Walk through a fairytale life.

Madam, mother, sister and granny -
That's how rich you can be called.
With a hot and sincere kiss
We hasten to congratulate you and wish you good health.

No, no, quickly remove the sadness.
On your seventieth anniversary,
You are like expensive bitter wine -
The older it is, the tastier it is.

You are so beautiful today
It's like the sun is shining.
Especially happy.
The most beautiful in the world!

What is “seven”?
This is happiness, luck, luck...
And if you ask about zero, so what?
After all, zero means nothing!

Don't hide your smile
Cast aside your doubts.
This is the most incredible
And the best birthday ever!

70 years is a considerable age,
Few people lived to see him.
But you do not grow old in your heart, soul
And you have a lot of experience behind you.

We want to congratulate you on your anniversary,
Live like everyone else, without regrets.
Let your children and grandchildren make you happy more often.
And life will only get sweeter every day.

May happiness never forget the way to your home,
And 70 years will not be long at all.
We wish you a lot of health, success,
More smiles and loud laughter.

At seventy, life is so beautiful
After all, the years have not passed in vain,
Of course, you still have a lot to do,
Today we will sing songs for you.

We wish you good luck, success in life,
May there always be a lot of laughter around,
You are the best woman in the world for us,
And we tell you this without embellishment!

I congratulate you
I wish you warmth too
And great health,
So that everything in life is fun.

You're young with us,
So, this is all commendable,
You know and can do a lot
And you will always warm everyone up.

Your name is grandma
You create comfort here,
Loves you, old and young,
You are a godsend, just a treasure!

It smells like goodies, roses, secrets.
And in the eyes there are a hundred thousand bright lights.
The years have swirled like flocking birds -
Seven tens! Oh, what an anniversary!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Be smart:
Never be sad or sick.
You'll always have to squint from the rays of love
And always smile with happiness.

Look how wonderful the grandchildren are
And your caring children,
Interesting years await you with them!
Long, long, dear, live!

How beautiful you are in the light of these lamps,
The restaurant has been booked, the whole family is assembled!
You are happy, your life was not lived in vain!
We have experienced the taste of happiness and a sea of ​​success!

And let him retire a long time ago, for you,
No time for gossip shops
You chose your hobby a long time ago,
And you were successful in it, be proud of it!

Today there will be dancing and songs for the soul,
Flowers, postcards and gifts,
We wish you a great anniversary,
You won't regret what you spent!

We gathered together today,
The lanterns were solemnly lit,
Let's all line up in an even row,
Everyone will be happy to glorify you.

Life partner, grandmother and mother,
Manage the entire household at home,
And takes care of us in difficult times,
Everything works out so easily for you.

Live two or three hundred years!
Let the whole world admire you,
Eternal youth and quiet beauty,
Sun, light and great love!

You manage to give generously
Heartfelt warmth, warming with love.
And even if you collect all the flowers -
The beauty of your soul outshines them.

Let the changes that are coming now -
They will bring peace and joy.
At least maybe life has become more anxious,
You know - everything is possible in life.

Seventy is not a problem at all,
Our wealth is our years.
Children and grandchildren went down the aisle -
You can finally live for yourself.

If only your health allows you
To do everything that I really dreamed of:
Evening at a museum, theater, cinema
(It wasn’t like that before)
And on the weekend, gather everyone at the table,
To reminisce with your family about the past.

And I want to wish you good spirits.
Smiles so big that they stretch from ear to ear.
And the mood is like on a sunny day,
So that all laziness goes away.

Congratulations on your anniversary
With a fiery heart in my chest
We wish you happiness and joy
No obstacles all the way!
The way roses bloom as a gift,
Let the gardens bloom
Let familiar smiles.
They give the joy of beauty.
Let all the stars light up
In congratulations for you,
Let them touch you with luck.
On this day
Let everything be for you!

Anniversary! And age matters!
We will assign to the birthday girl:
“Be the center of attention today,
Good feelings and charm!”
Let them say in your honor
The toasts will sound loudly,
And good wishes
There will be a lot of confessions
In respect, love
For your mature years!

There is so much beauty in this house!
Daughter, daughter-in-law, granddaughters,
But you are still the most beautiful of all,
You are the best at seventy!

The cutest and slenderest of all,
All blush and whiter,
More cheerful, more fun,
We need everyone in the world more!

Where's your birthday cake?
Seventy candles? OK!
There will be a hundred - you are ancient
Don't forget your friends! Hurry
Blow out the candles,
And don't forget the guests!

There is no reason to be sad, even 70 years old,
And let joy fill your every dawn,
Congratulations on your anniversary, wishing you well,
Let it be time for happiness and fun!

Health will become stronger, let your soul be young
It will remain forever, let life be simple,
Without difficulties, sadness, full of wonderful days,
Let your hopes come true - we wish you a happy anniversary!

These roses are for you today,
And the melodies are light sounding.
We want to wish you now,
So that there is always a dream in life.

On your honorable anniversary we want,
Tell you how kind and beautiful they are,
And may 70 years be behind us,
You still have to conquer mountain ranges.

We wish you many summers,
There is an irrepressible light in the soul.

Let's get together this evening,
Let the sorrows disappear
It's okay that there are so many candles
We can't blow the cake.

Gather together in a circle
And a hundred thousand times in a row
Children, great-grandchildren and grandchildren
Happy birthday - they say.

Happy anniversary,
Our joy, you are our light,
And with all our hearts we wish
Live to be a hundred or more years old.

We want to wish you
Don't give in to captivity for years.
Look after your health
Well, it’s better not to get sick!

Take more rest and walks
And visit girlfriends.
And remind the family -
You are already seventy!

We are making a difficult journey
Along the road of life,
Sometimes we sit down for a little while,
So that your legs can rest.

Winter and summer we go,
May these days be like autumn
We call anniversaries
And we bring joy to the house,

Let it be a good day
And the burden of time is not terrible,
And great bright joy,
Let it be painted.

Be with us young again
Straighten your shoulders quickly
Never grow old at heart
A smile heals everything.

Happy anniversary dear,
You are seventy today.
We congratulate you on the holiday -
Raise your glass
For this wonderful holiday,
What fate gave you.
How wonderful is this
Awarded with life.
From now on you will always be
Happy all year!

This woman has an anniversary today.
Gifts will be presented from guests.
And they will say so many warm words,
That you can’t count them all.
Toasts sound, glasses clink -
The anniversary has a long time.
After all, this date is 70 years old.
Helmet for the hero of the day
Our warm greetings!
We wish you every day
To welcome spring in the soul
And call the morning happiness.
Over the years, more so as not to grow old
And if only she was younger.
May your health accumulate
And life would then last forever.

It's time for the anniversary
Although you are not twenty years old,
You get better every year
Your secret is in your huge heart.

And we will live to be seventy years old,
We'll go to the dance again,
Well, for now let's all sit down at the table
We will pour wine into glasses.

Thank you very much,
That you are a good person
So be always so happy
And live a whole century!

Beauty, princess, queen,
You are happiness for friends and family,
And at seventy, as at thirty, you are beautiful,
And you are able to conquer anyone
Men all over the world,
So quickly receive our congratulations,
And we wish to say congratulations on this,
So that everyone can celebrate so joyfully.

Venerable age - 70 years,
It's a great anniversary for you!
So much knowledge and skills
Pass it on for generations!

We wish you good health, of course,
Let the years go by more slowly!
We are in admiration for you,
Fireworks in your honor!

Touching congratulations on your 70th anniversary

You will receive good things in life,
Cloudless happiness
Energy - for hundreds of years!
Decorate the world with a smile.

May your family always appreciate you
And gives a lot of light.
We wish you to maintain your joy.
Health - without pills!

Let there be vigor and enthusiasm,
Fate gives all blessings.
The sadness will go away, the illness will not touch you.
You are 70 - bravo to you!

SMS congratulations on your 70th anniversary

The laid table invites guests,
On the seventieth anniversary
I wish you not to know grief,
Drive the firebird into the field,

To be the happiest person in the world
And forget everything about illnesses!
Never be discouraged
May the years be bright!

Good congratulations on your 70th anniversary

We will put the postcard in an envelope
And we'll put a stamp on it.
And our greetings will rush to you!
Happy anniversary!

Seventieth anniversary -
The date is nice.
Let's drop the words
Routine, familiar.

Seventieth anniversary -
Of course, not the result:
I would like to celebrate the centenary
Come up with a poem!

For the seventieth anniversary
In the meantime, let's send hello...
A century left
Only thirty years!

Beautiful congratulations on your 70th anniversary

On the day of this anniversary
We wish you
Have a great mood
And do not submit to the years.

May it always be
Excellent health.
Relatives always
Surrounded with love.

So we composed
A poem for you
Short but capacious
Just a few lines.

Let these considerable
Seventy years
Will add happiness to you
This is the verse!

Funny congratulations on your 70th birthday

Seventy! Serious date!
She demands respect!
Let the temples be a little gray,
But there is still spring in my soul,
And to become - the envy of all young men!
We want to wish you now,
In addition to the pompous but routine phrases,
To live for years without snarling,
Live your own life without splurging on too much,
Nurture the beloved grandchildren's ovary,
And - health! Happy anniversary to you!

Short congratulations on your 70th anniversary

Let this day be one only in a series of others,
When you hear pleasant words relatives.
Words about how happy they are
That they can spend days next to you.

We wish you good health and good luck,
Jump through life at seventy like a ball!

New congratulations on your 70th anniversary

Happy Birthday! Celebrating
Your worthy anniversary,
There will be a huge cake with tea
And a sweet train of bouquets!
Having met seven dozen springs,
Tell us a secret:
What's most important in the world?
How to leave a mark in life?
Grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children
They will congratulate each other,
They wish you longevity,
Strengthen the strength of spirit.
We are from the heart of health,
Don't lose clarity of thought
With tenderness, warmth, love,
Seven dozen to remember.
Long life to you! Let it happen
Dates are round more than once
Celebrate and have fun.
Happy Birthday! Good morning!

Congratulations on your 70th anniversary in verse

Today on this birthday,
On a wonderful, glorious anniversary
Please accept our congratulations
From loved ones, from relatives, friends.
Divine number - seven -
Your further path is clear.
Let him be cloudless
And your wisdom is kind and vigilant.
So that your faithful one often shines,
Like the light of a living lamp,
Anyone could light a light in their soul
And support the shaky in doubt.
Let it be as if in the garden
Grandchildren are blooming,
Children are maturing
Let him not know the trouble here
No one ever in the world!

A short congratulations on your 70th anniversary

IN good mood
You meet your guests.
I can't believe it's 70
You celebrate with us.

We wish you to live happily,
Take care of yourself and be happy,
With a smile, in good health
Celebrate the centenary!

Cool congratulations on your 70th anniversary

How beautiful you are in the light of these lamps,
The restaurant has been booked, the whole family is assembled!
You are happy, your life was not lived in vain!
We have experienced the taste of happiness and a sea of ​​success!
And let him retire a long time ago, for you,
No time for gossip shops
You chose your hobby a long time ago,
And you were successful in it, be proud of it!
Today there will be dancing and songs for the soul,
Flowers, postcards and gifts,
We wish you a great anniversary,
You won't regret what you spent!

Comic congratulations on your 70th anniversary

Your youth has grown older
Not just because of age, no!
70 is just the beginning
Your aspirations and victories!
70 - golden autumn,
70 is the wisdom of years,
70 is the age of pine trees,
This is a deep trace of life.

Congratulations on your 70th anniversary

This used to be considered seventy
Old age, not now.
The old people are more cheerful now
In seventy anniversary years.

Everyone is actively interested,
Attend dances and clubs
And sometimes you just wonder,
How free and easy they are.

That's how it should be! Be an example in everything
To those young guys who are under sixty,
After all, they were among the pioneers,
When you were given a certificate.

Remember the post-war famine,
And you went to the factory in two shifts,
You endured poverty and cold,
It went for two at that time every year.

That's why they're good-looking
Even though there are no older people around.
Let the soul be young forever,
As on this glorious anniversary!