Congratulations on your first day at your new job. Congratulations on a new job, on employment in verse - on a new job - important events - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations

I wish your balance
It always matches exactly.
And the boss curtsies for this
And overtime money!

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Happy New Year wishes to a businessman

I wish you in the coming year
Good luck in any of your transactions!
May God send not just food,
And truffles pour into plates!

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Wishes for March 8

Congratulations on Women's Day and I want to admit that you are my idol! I admire your beauty, grace, sharp mind and kind heart! I wish you to be surrounded by the care and attention of your loved ones!

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March 8 wishes to a colleague

You are one of the few women who inspires the admiration of men, no matter what your mood. Your happy smile can melt the ice, your sad look makes your heart ache! If you are calm and determined, you can inspire others to any feat! You are a true woman! Happy March 8th!

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Happy Accountant's Day wishes

All professions are needed
All professions are important
And accountants today
We came to congratulate everyone
Congratulations to you today
And with all our hearts we wish:
Don't get sick and don't grow old,
have a lot of money
Happy Accountant's Day, dear
Our (name) dear!

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Wish to the director

Dear director! Colleagues and partners, as well as good friends and loved ones, wish you, first of all, to remain the same confident and capable leader, reach new career heights and outperform your competitors even faster! And also, a modest wish from your subordinates, to be a little kinder and increase the lunch break, increase the salary and not monitor traffic consumption.

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Wishes for a young specialist

You are young, ready to conquer heights,
While you're at the very bottom of your career
But believe me, a couple of years, a couple of winters will pass.
And you will be like a pro, you will be irreplaceable.
Let your faith not let you down,
Let experience lead you up the ladder.
And you, gain knowledge, ideas,
But most importantly, act and don’t be timid!

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New job wishes

May you feel comfortable among your colleagues,
Trust me, this is a lot.
When you want to go to work,
And the road seems easy.
Everything will come to you, don’t be afraid, dare,
Work without hiding your talents.
You, newbie, respect your colleagues,
And you will become part of the team.

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Wishes for a colleague's farewell

We have worked with you for 10 years,
Or maybe even with a ponytail.
Go away, we can’t hide our sadness,
So I want to know, well where?
Believe me, we will miss you so much,
No one can replace you.
You are the best and most trusted friend,
In addition, the employee is reliable.

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Wishes to colleagues

Dear colleagues! Remain the same highly qualified specialists in our common cause and irreplaceable employees. And may our large team remain as united and friendly as always for many years to come.

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Happy Birthday Wishes for Employee

Our life is in full view
You know everything about us.
And what university did we graduate from?
And where did they work before you?
Everyone's position is familiar
All marks in the labor report,
You diligently filled out
And not in WORDe, but by hand.
Who's going on vacation tomorrow?
Who was sick today?
You are entitled according to the state,
Be aware of all our affairs.
And today, not by order,
We ourselves know without you.
That it’s time to congratulate you,
This very minute at this very hour.
We wish you time off,
Vacations and bonuses on time.
And also health and happiness,
May God always protect you!

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Wishes from colleagues on dismissal

So you're exhausted! As they say, don’t be sad about what hasn’t come true, but smile about what will come true ahead. Dismissal is not a reason for sadness, it is a reason to dream and create your own happiness, we, your colleagues, want to wish you! Do not lose optimism, hard work and faith in yourself. And then everything will definitely come true for you!

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Birthday Wishes - 40th Anniversary to the Director

We have a solid, smart boss,
We appreciate and love you.
And your good deeds
We won't forget for a long time.
And 40 is the golden age,
Ask everyone.
Man you are now with us
"In his prime".

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Birthday wishes for a colleague

Responsible employee, you are a good colleague,
Now we wish you more laughter in your life.
With papers, reports, you go to our department,
And there is no time to smile and this is your gap.
Work is work, but you need to rest,
Finish with the report already, let's go congratulate.

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Wishing prosperity to the company

May your company prosper
And let the profit grow upward.
Let the client respect the company,
And it doesn’t go to competitors.

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Wishing the company prosperity

We wish the company prosperity,
May every day bring you profit
And sales markets are expanding more and more,
And let the competitors all go into the shadows.

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Wishes for your partner

We have been doing business with you for a long time,
I trust you with everything.
You are a financially reliable partner,
I appreciate and respect you.

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Wishes to business partners in honor of the campaign anniversary

Let this anniversary become a new starting point for your business. Let your income increase, and let your employees always remain a single friendly team of professionals. Let them do their work competently and responsibly, with full dedication. And then, simply, competitors will have nowhere to go, and they will recognize you as a market leader and take off their hat to you.

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Wishes of the hero of the day’s company to its business partners

You have been and remain our stable partners throughout the years of progressive development of the company. Thank you for your choice. Thanks to our fruitful cooperation, the company continues to be a leader. We have ambitious plans ahead to conquer new business heights, and you are an integral part of our success.

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Wishes for a new employee in the team

Dear newbie! Today is your first working day in the new team, and we all understand how exciting this event is! New team - how new family. There are difficult Mondays ahead, lunch breaks and long working hours. We wish you to quickly get used to your new place and express yourself without embarrassment, in the best possible way! We believe that you will surprise the team with your successes and give you a reason to heartily congratulate you on your well-deserved victories!

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Wishes to colleagues on February 23

You are our pride and support,
You always protect us.
You are faithful to your work,
And with you, grief is not a problem.
We're at gunpoint at work,
Your beautiful, keen eyes.
That's why we walk so gracefully,
And we smile for you.

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Wishes to company employees from managers

Dear company employees! You and I have walked a difficult path together. The path of formation and growth. Now we are known and appreciated in business circles. Our products are in demand. We occupy our niche. All this is the result of our professional work the entire company, and each employee in particular. On behalf of the entire management of the company, let me thank you for your work and express hope for our long-term cooperation. After all, this is what it is main secret our success.

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Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I would like to thank you for your choice of profession and dedication to our work, for your endurance and conscientious attitude towards the profession! Wish you good health, family happiness and love, interesting and creative work and growth of prosperity!

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Official wish to colleagues

Today, big changes are taking place at our enterprise, and we feel it! It depends on each of us further development and becoming in a new, more modern and dignified form! Happy holiday to you! Understanding and support from family and friends, respect in the team, health, happiness and Have a good mood!

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Official wishes to colleagues

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your dedicated and daily work! I am confident that in the future you will also be faithful to our common cause, bringing joy to others with your work, and everything you do will be gratefully accepted by people. I wish you and your families the fulfillment of good hopes, good health, good spirits, optimism and prosperity!

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May good luck always be with you,
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with your soul!
We wish you a new place,
Be successful and grow in your career!
And we hope you won't forget,
Our close-knit, large team!

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Wishes for a retiring employee

You are leaving us for free swimming. We would like to wish you that on your way you will not meet evil shark colleagues, financial shoals and reefs, vile and evil pirate bosses. May the sun of success always shine on you and a fair wind blow, carrying you to promotions.

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Parting wishes for a colleague when leaving for a new job

As they say: “When you leave, leave and don’t look back,” dear colleague, you are leaving for a new job. I sincerely hope that you will find yourself there and be able to reach new heights in your professional activity! But don’t forget your previous work and everything it taught you!

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Good wishes to a colleague

If we consider that at work we are like a big family, then you are my most beloved relative. And as my most beloved relative, I would like to wish that your work goes smoothly, that all problems are solved quickly and without complications, and that any of your work is immediately appreciated!

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Poem wishes to colleagues from someone resigning

Well, guys, I'm leaving,
I take dismissal calmly!
But I sincerely feel sorry for our team,
After all, I’ve gotten used to it over the years!
Work successfully and, of course, amicably,
Call if you need anything,
And don’t forget about me,
And, if you want, visit!
I will be happy to meet anyone
I will always find a word for everyone!
And I’ll treat you to tea, or maybe something stronger,
And we will all live - great!

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Poem wishes to colleagues from someone resigning

Colleagues, are you ready?
Say a farewell word!?
Cause deep down I know
That you are not happy about the separation!
I wish you a happy stay,
And I promise to remember you!

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Congratulations on new job, with new beginnings and new successes. I wish you a successful runway, positive results and high achievements in activities, creative ideas and brilliant thoughts, constant inspiration and unquenchable enthusiasm. I wish you to have fun working and getting in return great mood and high income.

Congratulations on your new job. Let the start to new glory be successful. I wish you quick and easy adaptation to a new place, feelings full confidence and a great desire to work well, strengthening your reputation and increasing your salary.

Congratulations on your new job! New horizons and opportunities are opening up! Let your work bring you pleasure and the desired profit! May you not encounter any difficulties on your work path. I wish you growing prospects, constant development, brilliant career growth, prosperity and good luck. Let success follow!

Congratulations on joining new position, we wish you professional success, career growth, coordinated work in a friendly team and health.

Congratulations on your new job and I want to wish you to feel new strength, inspiration, absolute confidence in yourself, I wish you not to doubt your ideas and dreams for a moment, I wish you to move forward decisively and boldly and prove to everyone around you that you are a real pro. Good luck and great opportunities in your new position!

Congratulations! A new job is always hard, there is always a lot of responsibility and worries, but along with this, it is also a new page in life, which is filled with new emotions and opportunities. I wish you to write this page easily and positively.

Congratulations on your new job, new beginnings, new plans, new aspirations, new opportunities. Let your work be easy and fun, let every effort bear fruit, let your activities provide you with high status, prestige, success and prosperity.

Congratulations on your new job and I want to wish you new strength, new ideas, new opportunities to rush into battle and only for victory, and more than one. Let your work bring pleasure, let this business allow you to fully realize yourself and open up new horizons of success, recognition and well-being.

Congratulations on your new job, new aspirations and new ideas. I wish you a successful start, high and unquenchable enthusiasm, great and bright prospects, constant and unchanging luck, large incomes and grandiose plans that you will certainly be able to implement.

I wish you to open new horizons and enjoy this work! Let your boss be favorable to you, your team friendly, and your salary high! Work hard, strive for the best and always come to work with a radiant smile!

You quit, what a pity that you quit.
All paths are now open to you.
Now you can lie in bed to your heart's content,
After all, you don’t have to go to work.
We wish you flowers of fragrance
And a million untrodden roads.
Well, good luck in your endeavors
And a wallet full to the brim.

If changes in life are always for the better,
Don't regret anything, there will be happiness in the future.
After all, you are a wonderful worker, you have nothing to be sad,
You will relax and you will be surprised by your work in a new place.

And we also wish - don’t forget about us,
We will remain friends, so please come visit us.
We wish you happiness, it will be - so you know,
We will congratulate you on your new job soon!

Dear you are our colleague, we respect you very much.
And today, as a team, with slight sadness, we say goodbye.
You were an example for us, a good friend and support,
Infecting every day with optimism and enthusiasm.
Your kind smile warmed me with warmth.
You leave, guided by a guiding star.
We wish you good luck, no matter how difficult your path may be.
Don't forget us. We won't forget you either!

Today you are leaving our team,
To rush to new shores.
You leave us alone to work,
And therefore, of course, we are sad!

We wish you unprecedented luck,
To solve effectively and easily
Fates, sometimes difficult tasks
And so that you can flourish in your new place!

Cool wishes for a colleague upon dismissal

You decided to leave us, well - good luck with everything.
We will have to solve problems here without you.
We will remember you as a whole team.
Your site is tough, it is not for the lazy.
Finally, we wish you happiness,
You can hold him, we know that for sure.
If anything happens, grab it by the tail, hug it, and that’s it,
Warm it on your chest, but look, don’t brag,
It’s better to just share it like that, because that’s what it is
If you start giving it to people, it will come back threefold.

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change,
Guiding star, let him lead you through life boldly.
There will be a new job, interesting, cool.
And with a huge salary, to relax in Hawaii.

The management will be kind and will appreciate it according to its merits
And he will be more likely to move up the career ladder.
In general, it’s like this: there’s no need to be sad, you have to keep your nose up,
Soon we will noisily congratulate you on your new job.

Are you leaving colleague? Well, good riddance!
It’s not for nothing that they say: “The way to dinner is a spoon.”
Looks like you've found a nicer place somewhere?
Don't be angry, it's a joke. We wish you warmly
Peaceful sky, health and, of course, good luck,
A fighting mood and a lot of love to boot.
To live and work with passion and inspiration.
You, colleague, can do anything, even the sea is knee-deep.

Today we will see you off
We have a good trip to you,
Now we have to plow here alone,
But don't forget us!

Come visit more often -
For tea and just like that!
We wish you to find
More new benefits!

Wishes to a colleague upon dismissal in prose

It's always a pity to part with, and especially with good people. You leave, but we stay. You leave not because it’s bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better. May you only meet in life good people who will help, appreciate, teach. Let your ambitions help you move forward, and let your bold dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

Well, the time has come to raise the sails and set off on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will definitely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of. The main thing is not to regret anything and only move forward, towards new horizons!

Dear colleague, today you are leaving our team. We are eternally grateful to you for your labor contribution to our common cause. You will leave a good memory of yourself in our hearts. We wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your home, success in business. May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events. Meet and see him off with a grateful smile. Live long in love and happiness!

Colleague! Let your dismissal become the starting point on the path to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, true prosperity, and amazing benefits!

Wishes for a retiring colleague in your own words

You're about to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we have no right to keep you. May all the best things await you ahead. Know that we are always glad to see and hear you. We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and prudence. And yet, it is human nature to search, move forward, strive for the ideal. May all barriers clear away and all doors open before you. We sincerely wish this for you.

It's very sad to part. We left behind many common working days, successful beginnings, and achievements. We will truly miss you. But we believe that everything will be wonderful for you: new interesting job, good salary and promotion career ladder. And we will always be glad to see you, success and good luck!

Dear colleague, we would like to find words for you that will be remembered for a long time. You deserve a sincere, warm attitude towards you for your conscientious, fruitful work. As we see you off, our team wishes you good, indestructible health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity. We wish you success in all your endeavors and Caucasian longevity!

Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. This means that unknown horizons await you and, perhaps, meeting new bosses and new colleagues. Let these changes be positive!

Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal

It's hard to break up with you. After all, today a mentor and friend, an experienced worker and simply good man. But, your desire is the law, and meet halfway better life no one can prohibit it. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the lives of each of us.
Good luck in your endeavors,
success ahead.
This is how it is, and not otherwise -
Bon Voyage!

In life, sometimes you have to make difficult, life-changing decisions, and changing jobs is one of them. It’s a shame to say goodbye, but we must hope and believe that all the best is ahead: new prospects, a friendly team, successes, discoveries. In other words - the beginning of a new interesting life.
Bring changes into your life
Sometimes it's not easy sometimes
But always be brave in life
And fate will smile again!

We, your colleagues, regret to part with you. You were an example of hard work and honor for us. Thank you for your kindness, sympathetic heart and willingness to help your fellow workers. Thank you very much from the entire team! We dedicate a few lines of poetry to you:

Our friendly team expresses gratitude to you.
Let neither thorns nor thunderstorms stand in your way.
As friends for you: fair wind, hello to the clear sun.
We sincerely wish you health and many years to come!

Colleague, congratulations on your dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always looking forward to your visit!

You have a close-knit team
Wishing you nice days,
Wonderful new prospects,
Good colleagues like us!

Congratulations on your New Work in verse

Congratulations on your new job!
And I want to prove myself,
So that in this harsh life I can
You pave the way to success!
Let them appreciate you according to your merits,
Let there be no obstacles in your career!
Let your new colleagues become your friend
Everyone will be happy to call you!

You are immensely happy today
And we are happy to be with you
And we come up with it at random
To wish you something, to advise you,
So that it’s easy for you at work,
Here is our congratulations for that.

Now you have washed ashore.
Today is the first time for you
Why did you come to this world,
They will write it in the work book.
They will write and put a stamp,
That's the way it is.
And they will give you a table, and they will get you a chair,
And they will say: “Your place is here.”
You are both happy and scared,
And my head is spinning.
But these feelings will evaporate -
Not in a day, but in two.
Will begin work days.
Now - plow, plow, plow...
The boss will come across wise -
It won't strain you right away.
But it will become a dream very soon,
How the excitement of work subsides,
Once upon a time a disgusting school
Or even at all kindergarten.

Congratulations! You managed
Despite the world crisis,
Aim accurately
Fate is the mistress at the shooting range!
The main prize for you
The new job became -
Show yourself now
After all, there are a lot of abilities!

Finding yourself is not an easy job!
After all, I went through countless options.
But now, there is such a job,
What only praise and honor to you for that!
You have found an island for your soul,
By interests and finances.
Now I am writing to you to congratulate you!
All we have to do is wait for the advance payment.

May your new job bring you joy,
Your new salary will pleasantly surprise you,
New responsibilities will not be a burden,
And let your new boss look at you kindly.
May the team welcome you very warmly,
And you will quickly make new friends there,
Your intelligence and initiative will be noticed by the new boss,
You will confidently climb the career ladder.

Don’t let freshness scare you at all,
Again there is room for talent to develop.
Colleagues new to business will learn about you.
We wish you to plunge into this with your head.
Then there will be no nostalgia for the past.
But don't forget the teachers,
What did they teach you recently on projects?
And there were many fruitful days.
Everything in a new place is a breath of air,
After all, you need to develop, not stand still.
Please accept this melodic congratulations
From those who know that work is a matter of honor.

Change brings happiness to all of us.
Vacation, car and found treasure -
Life will undoubtedly decorate all this,
Anyone will be happy about new achievements.
We congratulate you on your new job!
Let the money always flow like a river!
Let your work become a pleasant concern,
At least sometimes I only dream of peace.

You, my friend, are lucky -
When a crisis rages in a country,
Have you found a job for yourself?
And we were all surprised.
Now hold on, don't fall behind
And don’t accidentally oversleep.
Don't forget - he's watching everything
The boss has a watchful eye.
Let them appreciate your talent
And you'll get what you deserve
Awards and money shower!
But don’t forget - you were our friend!

Even if change is difficult for someone,
But you should never be discouraged!
Congratulations on your long-awaited work
We want, and in addition to wish
Salaries are like the Eiffel Tower
The boss is kinder than Santa Claus,
Career takeoff - unimaginably brave
And a whole lot of huge bonuses!

Life is easy and joyful!

Let him accompany
On the stretch
For long years,
Not knowing defeat
Walk the road of victory!

How nice that you changed your job again!
Now you will wake up earlier
And transport will also suddenly become a concern -
After all, it takes longer to get to the place of duty;
This is life! You, controlling it,
I chose the most difficult of all methods...
I congratulate you on your new place
But don’t change it for at least a year!

In the new team you
Congratulations now!
And we wish you well
And warmth!
For work - inspiration,
For employees - patience,
Believe me, we are family,
And now we are all friends!
Be always cheerful
Generous in communication!
Congratulatory poem -
This is the best congratulations!

Today you were hired for a new job,
And I got a good position!
Let the weather be wonderful in the team,
May you successfully solve more than one question!
Colleagues will become new friends,
Cool comrades in everything!
You are following worthy paths,
And let life be better every day!

Let humor not leave you,
Let positivity charge you,
After all, I sincerely congratulate you
No need to frown now.
Let the work go quickly
An ordinary day flies by like a flash,
Let the boss care
Will quickly overcome your laziness.
Let money flow to you like a river,
Never missing out
And change only for the better
You will always have work.

Friend, you are just great!
Still in my hundredth attempt
You finally got it
A profitable place to work!
How many days have I been looking for her?
How many companies have you visited?
But it’s not in vain that I waited so long -
The result of the search is worth it!

We wish you with all our hearts

Congratulations on your new job, my friend -
I wish you new sensations.
New paper and non-cash,
Let everything be great at work!
Let that work make you happy
With its meaning and the ringing of the ruble.
So that you can implement your plans -
May you live happier!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
With the fact that you have her -
Not spring, not prison, not wife.
But her movements are good
To obtain light fruits.
If you are ready to walk the road,
You will find both freedom and life.
So, feel free to go ahead, don’t push.
This path, where labor is the measure of everything,
Don't rush to let go of yourself.
We should make our way, lovingly.
And then we’ll have a rest somehow.

Other horizons await you!
The prospects have lit up like a beacon!
Congratulations on your new job!
And we want your expectations to come true!
We wish you to visit rarely
You and tension and stress,
And at this job they were attracted
Prosperity, respect, interest!

Congratulations on your new job,
We wish to earn many friends,
May the road be clear for you everywhere,
So that you grow to a big post,
So that work would be a joy,
And you didn't have to change
Just a lot, a lot of money,
Managed to earn money
Congratulations on your work,
He will bring you congratulations.

And, really, it’s cool that in the morning,
You have a new job!
Colleagues are new, the boss is different,
And the rhythm of life is still different!
The salary is high, I hope?!
You must register then!
There are also career prospects,
Well, then, praise and honor to you!
Me too, just the way you want
New job, good luck!
I only wish you victories,
Success, joy and fulfilled hopes!

Let your career begin with luck!
Life is easy and joyful!
Rewards and profits will fill your pockets!
More than once we will raise our glasses,
Hands-on workers, talent, creation,
A necessary job - still - a calling!

Life rushes like a swift bird,
The work is new, like a new page;
The experience of previous achievements is useful -
It is logical to expect career improvements.
We wish you in a team - friendly, new,
Work intelligently and creatively.
Like a Professional with a capital "P"
Bring your company commercial success!

With a new job -
Like with new life
Congratulations to you
Today we.
Let it be interesting
It will work for you
May you be
Needed at work.
And with this event
Very pleasant
Accept the gift -
Our congratulations
To be appreciated
And respected
The salary was paid
Always on time.

Today you are in a new place,
You are extremely happy today.
And we are happy to be with you -
There were fewer obstacles!
We also want to advise you,
To make life easy at work,
So that there is no need to complain,
And we managed to fly high!

Accountants don't have their head in the clouds,
Their work is their life,
Test of fate.
And the computer is obedient
In their capable hands,
Submits to them like a dear friend!
Yes, and a heap of papers lends itself to hands -
Never find fault
At work on the accounts,
Off-balance sheet accounting is clearly maintained,
And what they won’t take on -
Good luck in everything!
We congratulate you and want to wish you
More for you
Receive to your personal account!
And also - so that you don’t have to
Equal balances,
In personal life and in leisure,
In songs and dances!

Sometimes we have to change our work,
I searched on the Internet and couldn’t find anything.
And when, like a ray of light, a vacancy suddenly pops up,
That's it, we rush to the HR department and are afraid that he will leave.
The time has come for you to move on to a new job.
And of course, someone will say: “What a freebie! Lucky."
Someone may get scared and think: “Oh” and “Oh.”
Bravo! Congratulations on your new job! And good luck to you in your business!

A new job is a new step in life,
Every step is an aspiration
To creativity, success,
To career growth, bright insight.
I wish you good luck
Kind bosses, cheerful colleagues,
Hassle-free everyday life, more bonuses,
And may success always accompany you!

We congratulate you on your new job,
We wish you with all our hearts
Have a good career, new friends,
Generous bosses, sunny days!

New job, new worries,
The new team will have to get along with
New spaces, new flights -
A new job renews life!

We wish together that everything works out.
A change of place is fortunate, they say.
So that the heart sings, so that the eyes sparkle,
So that you don't want to turn back!

Always in the mood to be and in honor,
Make everyone happy with your positivity.
Let them wait at the new job
Recognition, profit, instant success.

Let it be as comfortable there as at home.
Excitement, energy, new ideas!
Let your circle of useful acquaintances expand
And new, but kind and faithful friends.

Congratulations on your new job, new beginnings and new successes. I wish you a successful runway, positive results and high achievements in your activities, creative ideas and brilliant thoughts, constant inspiration and unquenchable enthusiasm. I wish you to work happily, receiving in return a great mood and high income.

Congratulations on your new job.
This is the beginning of a long journey.
I wish you achievements
Find yourself in this work.

Happy to go to work in the morning,
Get everything done quickly and easily.
So that without rush jobs, without unnecessary worries
Then receive a super salary.

With a new job
Congratulations to you
Careers for you
I wish you success.

Friendly colleagues
Good bosses,
High salaries
And the chairs are comfortable.

So that at work
The new one was appreciated
Prizes to
They paid in addition to the salary.

I wish you stability
And positive
Successful work
And a happy life.

Now in a new place
You work hard.
May you have a wonderful position
Your dreams will come true.

May success overtake you
There will be awards - just darkness.
Let them respect and love
All employees you.

We are in a new place for you
We will certainly wish you
It's easy to conquer heights,
Only all sorts of victories.

Let management evaluate it
Your skills and experience
And you will serve successfully
Many, many more years to come!

A fresh horizon has opened,
A new job is calling,
Congratulations on this event,
We wish you to find your calling!

To get into a rut faster,
And let there be passion in action,
So that inspiration comes,
And it never disappeared!

New steps quickly
On your career ladder,
So that your work brings joy,
May the team not let you down!

With a new job
Congratulations to you
Let the horizons
She opens.
Opportunity gives
Talent to reveal itself,
High successes
Achieve in your career.

I want to dare
Strive forward
May you be dear
Leads to the heights.

With a new job, with a fresh page
I congratulate you in life now,
Let the team be proud of you
There will always be a boss and colleagues!

Let it not happen from your work
Headache or sadness
New successes and fresh events,
And inspire with your mood.

And let the salary inspire you,
Your boss doesn’t forget about bonuses,
There will be work on the way for you
Always a good and important place!

At a new job
Work conscientiously.
Other concerns
Life changes.

Good colleagues
And great salaries.
May there be success
Positive charge.