The truth about the smiley dog. Scary stories and mystical stories Does Smiley Dog exist or not?

I first met Mary in the summer of 2007. I arranged an interview with her husband Terence. At first Mary agreed because I was not a journalist, but rather an amateur writing about mystery stories for the college newspaper. We scheduled the interview for the weekend while I was in Chicago, but at the last minute Mary changed her mind and locked herself in her bedroom, refusing to meet with me. For half an hour, Terence and I spent near the bedroom door, while he unsuccessfully tried to calm his wife down, I tried to make out what she was saying. Mary's speech seemed uncoordinated; it was clear from her voice that she was crying and refused to talk to me about the nightmares that tormented her. Terence apologized for his wife's behavior when we gave up trying to calm her down. Then I believed that if I wanted, I could find more similar cases. Mary was an employee of the Chicago Bulletin Board System in 1992 when she first encountered smile.jpg, which changed her life forever.

She and Terence had only been married for five months. Mary was one of the 400 people who saw the image when it was posted by the BBS hyperlink, although she was one of the few who spoke publicly about it. The rest preferred to remain anonymous, or refused to talk about it at all. In 2005, when I was only in tenth grade, my attention was drawn to the growing interest in smile.jpg. Mary was the most frequently mentioned victim of a phenomenon called "" or " Smile.jpg" Among other things, I was attracted by the complete lack of information about this cyber legend. Despite her fame, finding the image itself on the Internet turned out to be very difficult, with the exception of fakes that appeared on image boards like 4chan, with a /x/ section about paranormal phenomena, and had nothing to do with smile.jpg. It was believed that the real image caused attacks of epilepsy and severe fear. However, these consequences are unlikely, and are caused rather by impressions from the stories surrounding smile.jpg. Attempts to create a page dedicated to smile.jpg or, just as it happened with the famous hello.jpg, on Internet encyclopedia sites, ended up being deleted by the administration. Although legends about meetings with smile.jpg are quite common, and Mary's story is not unique. There are unconfirmed rumors that smile.jpg appeared on the Internet back in 2002 and was spread by an unknown hacker on humorous and satirical forums, causing epileptic seizures in their users. And also that it was allegedly sent by e-mail with the message: “SMILE!! GOD LOVES YOU!"

However, those who saw this file either deleted it or forgot to save it on their computer. But they all agreed in their descriptions of the image: it was a dog-like creature (of the Siberian Husky breed), illuminated by the camera flash, but located in a dark room, in the background of which, on the left side, a human hand is visible. The hand is described as "alluring". But the greatest attention was paid to the dog; the animal’s muzzle was opened in a wide smile, revealing two rows of white, very sharp, human-like teeth. Of course, this description was compiled after epileptic seizures caused by viewing the image. These seizures are reported to recur repeatedly and are accompanied by nightmarish hallucinations. In most cases they can be treated effectively, but in Mary's case I am not sure that treatment was carried out. That's why, after my disastrous visit to her in 2007, I began researching newsgroups, websites, and online listservs in hopes of finding the names of other victims. smile.jpg who would agree to talk to me. But the search yielded no results and I eventually forgot about this matter, being very busy in my first year of college. In early March 2008, Mary contacted me by email.

Topic: Interview last summer

Dear Mr. L.

I am very sorry for my behavior last summer when you came to interview me. I hope you understand that what happened is not your fault, but only my personal experiences that forced me to act in this way. I understand that I could have handled the situation more prudently, I hope you will forgive me. At that time I was afraid.

You see, in fifteen years, Smile.jpg or I dream about it every night. I know this sounds stupid, but it's true. Never before have my nightmares been so vivid and realistic. In them I can neither move nor speak, I can only observe the scene from this terrible image. I see a hand beckoning to me, I see He speaks to me.

I thought for a long time that I could show it to strangers, colleagues... Or even Terence. This way I would be saved from and could sleep peacefully. But where is the guarantee that this will be so, and the creature will not come for me if I do everything as it said?

As a result, I never did anything for all fifteen years, although I kept the floppy disks with the image. And every night during this time came to me and demanded that I distribute them. But I resisted him. Many of my colleagues also became victims Smile.jpg, did not distribute it and eventually committed suicide. Others remained silent and disappeared from the Internet. I sincerely hope you forgive me Mr. L, but last summer when you contacted me and my husband, I was at my breaking point. I decided that I would give it to you, and then everything would be over. I thought that you would take the floppy disk from me for your research and thereby seal your destiny. But before you arrived, I realized what I was doing.

I couldn't come to terms with this thought. I'm ashamed of Mr. L and I hope this is a warning to you in further research smile.jpg. You may encounter someone weaker than me who will not hesitate to follow orders

Stop before it's too late.

Best regards, Mary.

Terence contacted me that same month to say that his wife had committed suicide. While going through her things, computer and mail, he accidentally came across the above message. He was in despair and fulfilled his wife's last request; he found and burned the floppy disks. Burning and melting, the floppy disks emitted a hissing sound reminiscent of an animal's roar. I admit that I was puzzled by this message. At first I thought it was all a cruel joke, but after checking the obituaries in the Chicago newspapers, I discovered that Mary had indeed died. However, they did not mention suicide. I decided that I shouldn't get involved with the sad story any further. smile.jpg. But a year after the unsuccessful interview with Mary, I received the following email:

A cold shiver chilled me to the bone.

Attached to the letter was a file called, naturally, smile.jpg. I downloaded it, assuming it was fake. And I wasn’t completely sure about this whole story with Mary, maybe she was just mentally unbalanced. After all, how can a simple image called smile.jpg influence like that?

And if this is absurd, then why does this legend still exist? What if I downloaded the real image that Mary saw, and what if appears in my dreams and demands that I distribute the image? Will I, like Mary, fight this until I finally die? Or will I just spread it? And who will I forward it to? If I were to write an article about smile.jpg, I would include this image as evidence. And anyone who read this article, who showed interest, would be affected.

Here's a hypno video

One more thing

And a few more photos on the topic.

It all started when I bought myself a puppy. It was an ordinary day. My parents gave me money so I could buy myself a pet, and I went to the pet market. There was a huge variety there that day: fish, parrots, hamsters, ferrets, kittens. But most of all I dreamed of having a husky - a friendly, playful dog. I went to look for them. Among the puppies, I could not find huskies - there were pugs, labradors, and sharpeis. Yes, they are cute too, but I wanted to fulfill my dream.

Soon I finally found the husky. They were sold either by a fat uncle or by an old woman. He was dressed in a large black cloak and a black hat with a brim. His (or her) hooked nose was visible from under the hat.

Having studied his appearance, I turned my gaze to the puppies and began to examine them. One puppy was snow-white, the other had a pink nose... I asked the seller how much a snow-white puppy cost. And he muttered in response that it was expensive, and that there wasn’t enough money for me. Then he began to offer money for him, but he refused it.
- They are very expensive. I'm telling you, this money won't be enough for you.
Then I thought: “Perhaps we should wait, take our time...”. The seller seemed to read my thoughts and said:
- If you want, I can sell you a husky puppy for this amount of money, what do you have?
“I wish I could,” I replied.
- I don’t have it with me, but I can bring it to you today. Give me your address and money and the puppy will be yours.
His words seemed like a spell to force him to give him the money. I told him the address and went home.

At home I later realized what I had done, I thought that he had deceived me.

But in the evening there was a knock on the door. I asked who was there. Silence. I opened the door, looked - there was a box on the threshold, it was moving a little. I decided to open it, and there was a husky puppy lying there. Not snow-white, really, but a beautiful black and white. I was full of delight. There was also a note in the box. I took it. There were instructions on how to care for a puppy written in crooked handwriting. Apparently, the seller wrote this, but why didn’t he leave the documents? The documents themselves were under the puppy. I took them, waking him up. The documents said that his name was Smile. The puppy, waking up, stretched contentedly and... smiled at me, looking at me. Can dogs smile? Well, some can. So, it was not for nothing that they called him Smile.

I took the puppy in my arms and brought him home, groomed him, fed him and put him to bed properly. My pants were full of happiness. Still, the dream came true.
This is how Smile appeared at my home...

Smile and I had a good time. They played, walked, frolicked. The puppy grew by leaps and bounds. I didn't pay attention to the smile anymore. And I always took the puppy into bed to sleep with him so that he would not be lonely.

But I began to notice that I began to have nightmares. I didn't remember the first nightmares much. But I remember one well.

I find myself at a country road, walk along it and reach a village. I look into every house - empty, not a living soul. But somehow I noticed someone's eyes. They appeared more and more often.

Entering the last house, I found a note in it. I couldn't understand what was written there. Suddenly the door slammed. I turned sharply toward the sound and saw some creature with glowing eyes and mouth. It didn’t let me move, I was chained. It came closer to me and... I woke up sweating at night.

I began to have dreams like this more and more often. But the places where I wandered changed - now the forest, now the hospital, now the train station, now the cemetery. I've never had dreams like this before...

Soon I bought myself a camera. I decided to photograph my grown-up Smile with it. I went for a walk, took a couple of shots and I was done. When I returned, I took more pictures and immediately sat down at the computer and uploaded the photos. Of these, I found the one I liked best and put it on the desktop background, after renaming it to Smile.jpg. It was me and the dog, lying against the background of the window.

About a week later I turned on the computer and was amazed. The sensations have never been so terrible. On the desktop, instead of a photograph, there was another picture: a window on a dark background, noise, as is usually the case when shooting at night, the dog looks and smiles widely, his teeth, in addition to the fact that they were bloody, were unnatural for dogs, reminiscent of human teeth. But I wasn’t in the photo; in my place there was a trace of a bloody hand. I was, of course, very scared. I then decided to find this image. I found it in the folder with my latest photos. And Smile.jpg was this photo. I couldn't find the old photo. Who could change the photo? After all, I’m the only one working for him.

I changed my desktop image. But it soon changed to the previous photo. No matter how many times I tried to change the background, the scary Smile returned to the background.

I decided to accept it. The dog himself didn’t take this photo, right? I thought so...


Yes, I increasingly began to have nightmares with the same ending, yes, I have that same terrible photo in the background of my computer desktop. But nothing good happened. True, the ending of the dreams has changed a little. Or I just didn't remember carefully. The point was that the smiling creature that haunted me in every dream was... more precisely, it was my dog ​​Smile. He looked exactly like the photo. His tiny pupils, his bloody smile followed me everywhere. Wherever I was - in the market, in the store, at work - I imagined his smile.

Because of the nightmares, I didn’t get enough sleep and was late for work. Soon I was fired. There was barely enough money now. I tried to earn extra money, but it seemed like I got a job...

When Smile turned one, he had to be taken to the veterinarian to get the appropriate vaccinations. Arriving at the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian examined the dog before giving injections.
“Your puppy seems to have problems with his bite,” he said, “he smiles somehow unnaturally.” And he doesn't look very good somehow.
- Why is it unhealthy? - I interceded, - I fed and looked after accordingly, there were no sores. And he has been smiling like that since birth.
“Hmm, quite strange... Then I’ll take his blood for analysis, find out if he has any hereditary diseases,” the doctor answered and vaccinated his patient, first taking blood from the puppy.

The veterinarian called me a week later and said that, contrary to his opinion, Smile was absolutely healthy. I was slightly surprised by what I heard.

But after another week I found out that this veterinarian hanged himself at home. Coming to his funeral, I was consumed by curiosity, which is why he hanged himself.

I went to his apartment. It was in the evening. The apartment was open. Entering his room, I saw bloody puddles on the floor mixed with leaves of documents, a loop on the chandelier, a working lamp on the table, a pile of documents, a computer in sleep mode. I dared to approach the table and saw that on top lay crumpled leaves with information about Smile, and the lines had been crossed out several times. Then I woke up the computer and saw that same creepy photo...


The veterinarian's death was very strange. She never left my thoughts. I was wondering if he, too, had gone crazy like me, or if someone had killed him and left a photograph on the computer as evidence? It remained a secret.

The next day I finally sat down at the computer to look for work. Naturally, I am used to photography. But I couldn’t leave this detail unnoticed. The inscription “Spread the word” appeared on the photo. I immediately translated the phrase - “Spread the word.” Spread whose word, to whom, why? This confused me, but did not frighten me.

But the next time, before turning off the computer, I almost fell out of my chair - the photograph changed before my eyes. Now the photo turned red, and the dog was replaced... by a red skinless creature with black hair, human teeth and crazy eyes with thin pupils. I felt very creepy about this. After that, these images with the name smile.jpg appeared on the desktop and in many folders. “Virus...” I thought and immediately called my programmer friend. He agreed to take my computer and fix it. Accordingly, I took the computer to him.

Three days later the computer was returned to me. I checked - everything is fine. There is nothing. Like new. I sat down to install the missing programs. Soon the desktop picture changed back to a photo of the red creature, creating a smile.jpg file in the images folder. I tried to delete the photo - it gives an error. No matter what programs I tried to uninstall, it didn’t work... I called the programmer, argued with him, saying that I had introduced a virus into the computer, which he denied, and swore that his computer worked without errors or viruses.

By the way, more and more letters with Smile’s photo came to my email inbox.

It's very creepy. Who creates such photographs, where does he, or she, or it come from, knows that I have a smiling dog, why did I become the center of such events, why do nightmares have the same motive? Such questions never left me...

I also began to notice this strange phenomenon: I never felt bad when Smile was nearby. I mean, I didn’t see smiles, there weren’t creepy eyes, I even slept somehow well with the dog. I discovered this when I once again decided to take my dog ​​for a walk. Before the walk, I went to buy bread and, as usual, a smile appeared. But when I went for a walk with the dog, the smile was gone. And so every time.

So, I thought, I need to spend more time in the fresh air with my husky. I also took it to bed with me. And in fact, I didn't have nightmares. I thought so until I had a nightmare that I remembered once and for all...

Let's take it one step at a time... I wake up in my room... or is it I who actually woke up... Doesn't matter. I woke up in my room. Everything is in its place. Smile is sleeping on the bed at my feet. I stood up, looked around - no one and nothing stranger. I looked out the window - it was dark outside. Very dark. No moon, no lights, no cars - everything is completely immersed in darkness. I thought, “What time is it?” and looked at the clock - there were no hands on it, only the second hand wound circles. “Strange,” I thought and went to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and saw that a large clock hand was lying in it. “Then where is the hour hand?” And I started searching throughout the apartment. I found it by accident, in the underwear that was lying in the machine. Then I went to put the arrows back in their places. Now they showed eleven o'clock fifty-nine minutes, and all the hands were approaching 12.
Midnight. I looked around again, hoping that this old man wouldn’t find me. Suddenly darkness swallowed everything around. I moved away from the window and pressed myself against the wall. And then I was pinned to the floor. And before my eyes, the same red creature from the photograph appears from the darkness. Without skin, a smile from ear to ear, yellow human teeth and crazy eyes... it scared me a lot, it didn’t stop looking at me. I couldn't move, as if he had chained me. I couldn't take my eyes off his eyes and smile. He held me like that for a long time. Soon I heard his quiet chuckle. Then it whispered something unknown. It was consonant with the phrase "Spread the word". So we played staring games until the morning. But in the dream the darkness did not go away. I was able to wake up only by his will. It seemed to claw or bite me.

When I woke up, I found Smile chewing on a floppy disk in my bed. I took this floppy disk, read “Spread the word” on it and gave it to the dog to continue chewing on. I couldn't get over that dream. The creature’s look and smile are now definitely boring in my memory...


It was a very scary and strange dream. To meet this creature... Moreover, it appeared to me in my dreams... and not only...

The creature now seemed to me at every step, at every turn, in all places. I couldn’t come to terms with it, I started going crazy. My consequences and actions became unpredictable. They called a doctor to see me, it seemed to help. But not for long.

The only support for my normal state was just a singing dog. I felt good with him, I didn’t imagine this creature. So I decided to take it everywhere. It didn’t matter whether it was possible to go with him or not, I showed my certificate stating that I couldn’t go anywhere without the dog. And it helped. Not for long...


One day I was walking in the park as usual. And then I saw a pretty girl. She walked with the husky too. I decided to meet her. The acquaintance turned out to be funny: my Smile wrapped his leash around us when I decided to approach her.

She turned out to be a sweet, sociable brunette. In general, we became friends with her. And, as it turned out, her husky dog ​​needed a male to mate. Well, I decided to offer my dog, and she agreed. We agreed to leave her dog with me for a couple of days. And I regret it now.

Before going to bed, I observed how the dogs behaved. It seemed like nothing special: Smile and the little husky were lying next to each other, huddled together. “Cute couple,” I thought and went to bed.

At night I jumped up from strange creaks and grinding sounds. I turned on the light - there were no dogs, in their place there was a wide bloody stripe and red dog paw prints. I shuddered at this. Roars came from the kitchen. I accordingly went there. And then the lights were turned off. I walked by feel.

It would be better not to go to the kitchen. I saw dogs illuminated by the weak moonlight. I only recognized Smile at first. But then I saw my nightmare in reality: sitting next to Smile was the very creature that came to me in my dreams every time. Now it has actually come to me. But how did it appear? It turned from my friend's dog?!

Then the creature saw me and began to smile and look at me. I immediately ran to the phone, trying to call at least someone. But the telephone wire was chewed through. I ran to my room and locked myself in, tried to open the window - it was locked tightly. And the door was broken through by the creature's paw. I was terrified and panicked. I hid under the bed. But the creature looked at me and whispered:
- Smile... Smile... God loves you.
“Get away from me,” I shouted, “what do you want from me?”

But the creature did not listen to me and continued to whisper. I saw with my eye that my dog ​​approached the creature and also began to smile, like it, and suddenly said:
- Spread the word...

From 6-01-2015, 16:35

It all started when I bought myself a puppy. It was an ordinary day. My parents gave me money so I could buy myself a pet and I went to the pet market. There was a huge variety there that day: fish, parrots, hamsters, ferrets, kittens. But most of all I dreamed of having a husky - a friendly, playful dog. I went to look for them. Among the puppies, I could not find huskies - there were pugs, labradors, and sharpeis. Yes, they are cute too, but I wanted to fulfill my dream.

Soon I finally found the husky. They were sold either by a fat uncle or by an old woman. He was dressed in a large black cloak and a black hat with a brim. His (or her) hooked nose was visible from under the hat.

Having studied his appearance, I turned my gaze to the puppies and began to examine them. One puppy was snow-white, the other had a pink nose... I asked the seller how much a snow-white puppy cost. And he muttered in response that it was expensive, and that there wasn’t enough money for me. Then he began to offer money for him, but he refused it.
- They are very expensive. I'm telling you, this money won't be enough for you.
Then I thought: “Probably I should wait, take my time”... The seller seemed to read my thoughts and said:
- If you want, I can sell you a husky puppy for this amount of money, what do you have?
“I wish I could,” I replied.
- I don’t have it with me, but I can bring it to you today. Give me your address and money and the puppy will be yours.
His words seemed like a spell to force him to give him the money. I told him the address and went home.
At home I later realized what I had done, I thought that he had deceived me.

But in the evening there was a knock on the door. I asked who was there. Silence. I opened the door, looked - there was a box on the threshold, it was moving a little. I decided to open it, and there was a husky puppy lying there. Not snow-white, really, but a beautiful black and white. I was full of delight. There was also a note in the box. I took it. There were instructions on how to care for a puppy written in crooked handwriting. Apparently, the seller wrote this, but why didn’t he leave the documents? The documents themselves were under the puppy. I took them, waking him up. The documents said that his name was Smile. The puppy, waking up, stretched contentedly and... smiled at me, looking at me. Can dogs smile? Well, some can. So, it was not for nothing that they called him Smile.

I took the puppy in my arms and brought him home, groomed him, fed him and put him to bed properly. My pants were full of happiness. Still, the dream came true.
This is how Smile appeared at my home...

Smile and I had a good time. They played, walked, frolicked. The puppy grew by leaps and bounds. I didn't pay attention to the smile anymore. And I always took the puppy into bed to sleep with him so that he would not be lonely. But I began to notice that I began to have nightmares. I didn't remember the first nightmares much. But I remember one well.

I find myself at a country road, walk along it and reach a village. I look into every house - empty, not a living soul. But somehow I noticed someone's eyes. They appeared more and more often. Entering the last house, I found a note in it. I couldn't understand what was written there. Suddenly the door slammed. I turned sharply toward the sound and saw some creature with glowing eyes and mouth. It didn’t let me move, I was chained. It came closer to me and... I woke up sweating at night.

I began to have dreams like this more and more often. But the places where I wandered changed - the forest, then the hospital, then the train station, then the cemetery. I've never had dreams like this before...

Soon I bought myself a camera. I decided to photograph my grown-up Smile with it. I went for a walk, took a couple of shots and I was done. When I returned, I took more pictures and immediately sat down at the computer and uploaded the photos. Of these, I found the one I liked best and put it on the desktop background, after renaming it to Smile.jpg. It was me and the dog, lying against the background of the window.

About a week later I turned on the computer and was amazed. The sensations have never been so terrible. On the desktop, instead of a photograph, there was another picture: a window on a dark background, noise, as is usually the case when shooting at night, the dog looks and smiles widely, his teeth, in addition to the fact that they were bloody, were unnatural for dogs, reminiscent of human teeth. But I wasn’t in the photo; in my place there was a trace of a bloody hand. I was, of course, very scared. I then decided to find this image. I found it in the folder with my latest photos. And Smile.jpg was this photo. I couldn't find the old photo. Who could change the photo? After all, I’m the only one working for him.

I changed my desktop image. But it soon changed to the previous photo. No matter how many times I tried to change the background, the scary Smile returned to the background. I decided to accept it. The dog himself didn’t take this photo, right? I thought so...

Yes, I increasingly began to have nightmares with the same ending, yes, I have that same terrible photo in the background of my computer desktop. But nothing good happened. True, the ending of the dreams has changed a little. Or I just didn't remember carefully. The point was that the smiling creature that haunted me in every dream was... more precisely, it was my dog ​​Smile. He looked exactly like the photo. His tiny pupils, his bloody smile followed me everywhere. Wherever I was - in the market, in the store, at work - I imagined his smile.

Because of the nightmares, I didn’t get enough sleep and was late for work. Soon I was fired. There was barely enough money now. I tried to earn extra money, but it seemed like I got a job...

When Smile turned one, he had to be taken to the veterinarian to get the appropriate vaccinations. Arriving at the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian examined the dog before giving injections.
“Your puppy seems to have problems with his bite,” he said, “he smiles somehow unnaturally.” And he doesn't look very good somehow.
- Why is it unhealthy? - I interceded, - I fed and looked after accordingly, there were no sores. And he has been smiling like that since birth.
“Hmm, quite strange... Then I’ll take his blood for analysis, find out if he has any hereditary diseases,” the doctor answered and vaccinated his patient, first taking blood from the puppy.

The veterinarian called me a week later and said that, contrary to his opinion, Smile was absolutely healthy. I was slightly surprised by what I heard. But after another week I found out that this veterinarian hanged himself at home. Coming to his funeral, I was consumed by curiosity, which is why he hanged himself.

I went to his apartment. It was in the evening. The apartment was open. Entering his room, I saw bloody puddles on the floor mixed with leaves of documents, a loop on the chandelier, a working lamp on the table, a pile of documents, a computer in sleep mode. I dared to approach the table and saw that on top lay crumpled leaves with information about Smile, and the lines had been crossed out several times. Then I woke up the computer and saw that same creepy photo...

The veterinarian's death was very strange. She never left my thoughts. I was thinking, maybe he, too, had gone crazy, like me, or someone had killed him, and left a photograph on the computer as evidence? It remained a secret.

The next day I finally sat down at the computer to look for work. Naturally, I am used to photography. But I couldn’t leave this detail unnoticed. The inscription “Spread the word” appeared on the photo. I immediately translated the phrase - “Spread the word.” Spread whose word, to whom, why? This confused me, but did not frighten me.

But the next time, before turning off the computer, I almost fell out of my chair - the photograph changed before my eyes. Now the photo turned red, and the dog was replaced... by a red skinless creature with black hair, human teeth and crazy eyes with thin pupils. I felt very creepy about this. After that, these images with the name smile.jpg appeared on the desktop and in many folders. “Virus...” I thought and immediately called my friend, a programmer. He agreed to take my computer and fix it. Accordingly, I took the computer to him.

Three days later the computer was returned to me. I checked - everything is fine. There is nothing. Like new. I sat down to install the missing programs. Soon the desktop picture changed back to a photo of the red creature, creating a smile.jpg file in the images folder. I tried to delete the photo - it gives an error. No matter what programs I tried to uninstall, it didn’t work... I called the programmer, argued with him, saying that I had introduced a virus into the computer, which he denied, and swore that his computer worked without errors or viruses.

By the way, more and more letters with Smile’s photo came to my email inbox. It's very creepy. Who creates such photographs, how does he or she or it know that I have a smiling dog, why did I become the center of such events, why are nightmares based on the same motive? Such questions never left me...

I also began to notice this strange phenomenon: I never felt bad when Smile was nearby. I mean, I didn’t see smiles, there weren’t creepy eyes, I even slept somehow well with the dog. I discovered this when I once again decided to take my dog ​​for a walk. Before the walk, I went to buy bread and, as usual, a smile appeared. But when I went for a walk with the dog, the smile was gone. And so every time.

So, I thought, I need to spend more time in the fresh air with my husky. I also took it to bed with me. And in fact, I didn't have nightmares. I thought so until I had a nightmare that I remembered once and for all...

Let's take it one step at a time... I wake up in my room... or is it I who actually woke up... Doesn't matter. I woke up in my room. Everything is in its place. Smile is sleeping on the bed at my feet. I stood up, looked around - no one and nothing stranger. I looked out the window - it was dark outside. Very dark. No moon, no lights, no cars - everything is completely immersed in darkness. I thought, “Oh, what time is it?” and looked at the clock - there were no hands on it, only the second hand wound circles. “Strange,” I thought and went to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and saw that a large clock hand was lying in it. “Then where is the hour hand?” And I started searching throughout the apartment. I found it by accident, in the underwear that was in the machine. Then I went to put the arrows back in their places. Now they showed eleven o'clock fifty-nine minutes and all the hands were approaching 12.

Midnight. I looked around again, hoping that this old man wouldn’t find me. Suddenly darkness swallowed everything around. I moved away from the window and pressed myself against the wall. And then I was pinned to the floor. And before my eyes, the same red creature from the photograph appears from the darkness. Without skin, a smile from ear to ear, yellow human teeth and crazy eyes... it scared me a lot, it didn’t stop looking at me. I couldn't move, as if he had chained me. I couldn't take my eyes off his eyes and smile. He held me like that for a long time. Soon I heard his quiet chuckle. Then it whispered something unknown. It was consonant with the phrase "Spread the word". So we played staring games until the morning. But in the dream the darkness did not go away. I was able to wake up only by his will. It seemed to claw or bite me.

When I woke up, I found Smile chewing on a floppy disk in my bed. I took this floppy disk, read “Spread the word” on it and gave it to the dog to continue chewing on. I couldn't get over that dream. The creature’s look and smile are now definitely boring in my memory... It was a very scary and strange dream. To meet this creature... Moreover, it appeared to me in my dreams... and not only...

The creature now seemed to me at every step, at every turn, in all places. I couldn’t come to terms with it, I started going crazy. My consequences and actions became unpredictable. They called a doctor to see me, it seemed to help. But not for long.

The only support for my normal state was just a singing dog. I felt good with him, I didn’t imagine this creature. So I decided to take it everywhere. It didn’t matter whether it was possible to go with him or not, I showed my certificate stating that I couldn’t go anywhere without the dog. And it helped. Not for long...

One day I was walking in the park as usual. And then I saw a pretty girl. She walked with the husky too. I decided to meet her. The acquaintance turned out to be funny: my Smile wrapped his leash around us when I decided to approach her.

She turned out to be a sweet, sociable brunette. In general, we became friends with her. And, as it turned out, her husky dog ​​needed a male to mate. Well, I decided to offer my dog, and she agreed. We agreed to leave her dog with me for a couple of days. And I regret it now.

Before going to bed, I observed how the dogs behaved. It seemed like nothing special: Smile and the little husky were lying next to each other, huddled together. “Cute couple,” I thought and went to bed.

At night I jumped up from strange creaks and grinding sounds. I turned on the light - there were no dogs, in their place there was a wide bloody stripe and red dog paw prints. I shuddered at this. Roars came from the kitchen. I accordingly went there. And then the lights were turned off. I walked by feel.

It would be better not to go to the kitchen. I saw dogs illuminated by the weak moonlight. I only recognized Smile at first. But then I saw my nightmare in reality: sitting next to Smile was the very creature that came to me in my dreams every time. Now it has actually come to me. But how did it appear? It turned from my friend's dog?!

Then the creature saw me and began to smile and look at me. I immediately ran to the phone, trying to call at least someone. But the telephone wire was chewed through. I ran to my room and locked myself in, tried to open the window - it was locked tightly. And the door was broken through by the creature's paw. I was terrified and panicked. I hid under the bed. But the creature looked at me and whispered:
- Smile... Smile... God loves you.
“Get away from me,” I shouted, “what do you want from me?”
But the creature did not listen to me and continued to whisper.
I saw with my eye that my dog ​​approached the creature and also began to smile, like it, and suddenly said:
- Spread the word...

Hello, my name is Alisa Milanova and I will tell you a story about a dog, and I will tell you how to call him.
One night, the girl Anya and her friends were reading summoning spirits on the Internet, they read about Jeff, about Ben, about Slenderman (all creepypasta.) and they came across the Smile Dog. They read how to summon him. But the girls argued whether to summon him or not.
Anya: Girls, let’s call this dog! It’ll be fun!
Alice: I agree! And you Tan?
Tanya: It’s a bad idea to summon spirits! I... I... (sighs) First of all, I’m afraid, the second time he comes, we’ll have... you know what!
Alice: Well, Tanya! please! Let’s talk to us, nothing will happen, yes Anya?
Anya Yes!
They took all the items for this and they began to call him.
Anya, Alice, Tanya: Smile Dog come and taste the treat (and so on three times)
5 minutes have passed.
Alice: Girls, did you hear?!
Anya: I heard! I heard!
Alice: Quiet!
Tanya: Girls may be enough...
There was a bark. The girls screamed and
ran to the attic.
Alice: Oh my God! I'm scared!
Anya: Damn you called!
Tanya: I told you that this won’t lead to any good! And you! Nooo, everything will be fine!
Alice: Girls...
Anya and Tanya: What?!
Alice: And if it comes with... with... with
Anya: Quiet!
Tanya: (crying)
Anya: The sound has stopped... I'll go take a look!
Alice: What a fool, he will kill you!
Anya: I’ll take a look at everything!
Anya left and the girls were left alone.
Tanya: Alice..
Alice: Yes?
Tanya: If we die...promise me that you will never forget me..
Alice: Of course I won’t forget.
Tanya: (with a smile) Thank you!
They noticed that Anya had been gone for a long time
they began to worry.
Alice:Have you noticed that Anya has been gone for a long time?
Tanya: Yes... she’s been gone for a long time, let’s go and see.
Alice: (nods)
Alice and Tanya came out of the attic, it was
very quiet and dark. The girls saw
blood and were scared. They recognized their friend Anya.
Alice: Nooo! Anya! (crying)
Tanya: We need to leave the house! and fast!
The girls quickly ran to the door.
Tanya: Wait! We need to tear up the leaf!
Tanya ran back into the house.
Alice: Tanya! no! don’t go there!
Tanya: Aaaaaaaaah!
Alice: Tanya, I'm running!
Alice went into the house and saw Tanya lying in blood.
Alice: No... Tanechka...
Tanya: (barely breathing) Alice, tear up the sheet and..and say three times smiley dog, get out of our house!
Alice ran into the room where they called and tore the sheet. After that
she left the house. And crying she said:
Forgive me for not keeping you!
Many years have passed and I remember this story because I experienced it.
advice: take care of your friends.

If you are still brave, then take for this:
A sheet of paper (make it rectangular)
a red or black pencil or a felt-tip pen.
On a piece of paper write this:

draw a smile below.
And you need to leave the room, and close the door behind you.
Wait about...10 or 12 minutes
The sign that he has arrived will be like this: scratching at the door and barking.

And please don't summon spirits
You will do bad things to yourself and to other participants in the call.

happiness and health to you!

Such a cute creature like a dog. But this is not just a dog, but a real Smiley! So what's wrong with that? Of course, this is not a Chihuahua (although there is more anger in this miniature atomic bomb than in any Smile Dog), but is it really so difficult to care for a smiling face? But no! With our tips you can easily find a common language with him!

Laughter in people usually responds to a sacramental expression of positive feeling. A sense of humor is often a large part of that laughter. We share and express a happy moment with others. Do animals have a sense of humor? There are many examples of animals that have been recorded telling jokes, especially chimpanzees and gorillas, although such cases are surprising, such as parrots, whose ability to "talk" allows them to tell jokes. In the case of dogs, it was clear that they liked it when they were “shy” with another dog.

It is normal that his sense of humor is not as developed as ours, but this is understandable since humor is one of the most obvious manifestations of intelligence. Therefore, the smarter the animal, the more complex its sense of humor will be. Smiles and laughter are not exclusive gestures of people. Experts say dogs laugh too. Who hasn't had the feeling that a dog or cat is smiling at you? This article explains how and when a dog laughs and how to spot that weird and cute canine smile on a dog. It also examines why cats' smiles are more difficult to recognize.

In any case, I will miss you, Smiley... (Where should I put a month's supply of human food now?!) So, you have become the happy owner of such a cute creature as a dog. But this is not just a dog, but a real Smiley! So what's wrong with that? Of course, this is not a Chihuahua (although there is more anger in this miniature atomic bomb than in any Smile Dog), but is it really so difficult to care for a smiling face? But no! With our tips you can easily find a common language with him!

Not only can the dog be happy and appear energetic. Maybe, in addition, he knows how to laugh and can show his strange smile almost from ear to ear, experts say. That is, the laugh that many owners find great in their furry friends when playing with them is really what it seems: the beautiful smile of a happy animal.

Many emotions that are considered unique to humans have their analogy with animals. A dog's laughter sounds like a gasping sigh, kind of ha-ha, yes. Recordings of dogs laughing had another positive effect. The tapes were heard by a group of 15 puppies. The surprise was great to see their reaction: the little ones burst into joy only to hear the canned sounds of the other dogs laughing.

1. Most importantly, never hit poor Smiley! After all, he may be offended. Yes, and you may be left without any limb, or even without a head. (How will you keep track of him then?)

2. If Smile came to you shortly before molting, then I can only congratulate you! Soon you will see it in all its glory. Until then, fur all over the house isn't driving you crazy.

The positive impact of the laughter of other furry companions has been exploited in some shelters and adoption centers. Also in these cases, happy dog ​​sounds improve mood: they reduce the stress of dogs who have suffered abandonment and are waiting for a home.

This scientist claims that the dog not only knows how to smile, but also has its own sense of humor. Research on dog facial expressions shows when a dog is smiling and happy. The images allow you to notice when the mouth of the curve can draw its special smile.

3. Walk your dog in the evening, or even better at night. Under the clear starry sky, his skin will shine, and people will not notice his beautiful smile.

4. When he brings you a stick on a walk, check to see if he brought you someone else's arm or leg. (Believe me, it's easy to miss at night!)

5. After a walk, it’s better to wash Smile Dog. You don’t want him to stain your entire apartment with blood and dirt, do you?

In short, although consensus is difficult to achieve among the scientific community, many researchers do not doubt the emotions of dogs and cats, including their ability to smile, laugh and be happy. The physiognomy of most of our Super Bowls makes us perceive "big smiles" on their faces. But are they really smiling? And the truth is that we are not wrong.

By living with our superchildren every day, we learn more about their body language and establish unique forms of communication in which only we know what they want to tell us. Usually, when we notice the "smiling" gesture on a dog, it is accompanied by movements of the tail, ears back, eyes narrowed and caressing on our part. All that extra tongue is a real smile. Except when they are excited and have done a lot of exercise, an open mouth with long lips, relaxed eyes, low ears and a relaxed body is a smile.

6.If you see your Smiley has a new toy in the shape of someone’s bone, don’t worry. This means your Smiley is already full!

7. But despite this, he will soon get hungry. But you don’t want to be included in his diet? Then stock up on meat! Yes, Smile loves humans, but there is one trick: if you put plain meat in his bowl with it, he will soon stop noticing it. The main thing is to put it on the bottom, and on top of it a couple of pieces of the victim of your last walk.

There are other types of “smiles” that we notice in our dogs that are usually accompanied by a playful and attentive attitude. For example, when we are in the park and our dog is playing around and suddenly something catches his attention, we see him lift his face, ears, tail and “smile”. This means that something has caught his attention and he finds it funny.

In fact, the smile we see especially in front of our Super Puppy is an involuntary reflex that responds to chemical stimuli that are sent by the brain to make the face match the emotions being felt at that moment. On the other hand, not all “smiles” on the face mean happiness. It is important to remember that the action of teeth showing or cleaning is not a gesture that we can interpret as a smile. This is a warning gesture and is likely to be followed by aggressive behavior. If the dog is showing its teeth to you and you can also see the hairs on the back of the spine rising, raising its tail and drawing up its legs, the best thing you can do is not make eye contact and walk away from the scene.

8. So, your pet is fed and clean. It's time to arrange a place for it! You don't want to get a heart attack when you wake up in the morning and see his sharp teeth on your pillow? Then it's time to pull out the folding bed. Do you think Smile will sleep on it? Do not joke! This is the royal box for you! And Smile Dog is not bad on the crib...

Another time it can be misinterpreted as smiling is when the dog is about to suffer heatstroke. This usually occurs after many exercises and games. We must not allow this to happen. Some may see their dog and think, "Look at him, he's happy, he's got an ear to ear smile and a relaxed look in his eyes," when in fact what's happening is the dog is panting so quickly that he can't take in the oxygen he has there look lost and fixed, ears back and about to fall into shock.

If you want to know more about heat stroke and how to avoid it. This was an overview of various gestures that people may interpret as "dog smiles". Remember that every Super Pup is different and we install unique languages ​​with each one. We must look at the situation together and the whole attitude, which will tell us whether we can interpret this moment as a “smile” or not.

9. If you hear rustling, scraping breathing behind you at night, don’t be alarmed! Most likely, your dog got bored and decided to entertain himself. Or maybe he’s just having a sweet dream where he’s tearing another victim into pieces along with Jeff.

10. And lastly, if one day you don’t find Smiley in your home, rejoice! After all, this means that Jeff has finally found his runaway friend and they are together again. And on top of that, the killer left you alive for treating his dog well. Or maybe not.
In any case, I will miss you, Smiley... (And what should I do with a month's supply of humans now?!)

Dogs are 100% sincere and live and enjoy every moment to the fullest. This is what allows them to smile with their whole body. And do you think your Super Puppy is smiling?

As more and more research proves their ability to do this, and it comes as no surprise to him, it is becoming increasingly clear that we are not anthropomorphizing dogs if we claim to demonstrate emotions such as happiness through a dog's smile or laughter.

Topic: Interview last summer

Dear Mr. L.

I am very sorry for my behavior last summer when you came to interview me. I hope you understand that what happened is not your fault, but only my personal experiences that forced me to act in this way. I understand that I could have handled the situation more prudently, I hope you will forgive me. At that time I was afraid.

This fact meant so much to her that he decided to write a book called “The Smile of a Dog” in which he talks about this personal experience. Today the family is stronger because of this experience, and part of the Torah remains more vivid than ever in the memory of Daniel and his parents. Additionally, four other dogs, two of whom are farmers, remind them that even though Thor was unique, happiness returns.

This issue has sparked many debates around the world, reaching different conclusions. Animal lovers will always bet on it because yes. Meanwhile, the most skeptical will always be skeptical about the existence of a dog's smile. With My animals, as their lovers, we believe that not only do dogs smile, but their smile is visible on their face. They convey emotions and feelings through it.

You see, for fifteen years, I have dreamed about Smile.jpg or every night. I know this sounds stupid, but it's true. Never before have my nightmares been so vivid and realistic. In them I can neither move nor speak, I can only observe the scene from this terrible image. I see a hand beckoning to me, I see He speaks to me.

Can dogs smile?

A cold shiver chilled me to the bone.

Attached to the letter was a file called, naturally, smile.jpg. I downloaded it, assuming it was fake. And I wasn’t completely sure about this whole story with Mary, maybe she was just mentally unbalanced. After all, how can a simple image called smile.jpg have such an impact?

And if this is absurd, then why does this legend still exist? What if I downloaded the real image that Mary saw, and what if appears in my dreams and demands that I distribute the image? Will I, like Mary, fight this until I finally die? Or will I just spread it? And who will I forward it to? If I were to write an article about smile.jpg, I would include this image as evidence. And anyone who read this article, who showed interest, would be affected.