Sentences with coordinating link examples. What is coordinating and subordinating type of connection?

Non-union and allied connection

between parts of a complex sentence

Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Lyceum No. 1”, Chamzinka, Republic of Mordovia

  • continue preparing for the OGE in Russian in 9th grade;
  • systematize knowledge about non-union and allied (coordinating and subordinating) connections between parts of a complex sentence;
  • practice the skill of performing a task of this type

Assignment on this topic

in KIMs it is formulated

in the following way:

Among the sentences... find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating (subordinating) connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

To complete this task,

try to compose

action algorithm

Execution algorithm

of this assignment

Determine the number of grammatical stems in a sentence

One grammatical

Two or more

grammar basics






Execution algorithm


Find a sentence in which

more than two grammatical stems

Establish the type of connection between simple sentences

as part of a complex

coordinating connection type:



independent, connected

conjunctions AND, YES (=AND), BUT,



subordinating connection: from

you can ask a question to the main clause; conjunctions and allied words: WHAT,


non-union connection: parts of a complex sentence are connected without conjunctions, in meaning

Non-union complex sentence

, .

(listing facts)

; .

(listing of facts, proposals are common, complicated)

Birds sing cheerfully and carefree , butterflies flutter.

Hazel bushes grew along the banks of the stream ; The swimsuit flowers bowed their yellow heads to the water.

: [ reason ].


Pavel didn't like autumn : she brought him suffering.

: [explanation].


After a while we hear : The lapwings scream at the top of their lungs.

: [ addition ]

(and saw, and heard, and felt)

[ → ] - [ ← ].


Chin followed him he suddenly left the service.

I looked up : The cloudless sky shone joyfully above me.

: [ addition ].

(like what)

[time, condition] - .

(when, if)

- [ output (so) ].

Suddenly Pavel felt : someone's fingers touch his arm.

The morning will come let's hit the road.

Called himself a milk mushroom get into the back.

The smoky sun is rising It will be a hot day.

The cheese fell out There was such a trick with him.

Compound sentence

, coordinating conjunction.

[ Two or three large drops of rain fell ] , And [ suddenly lightning flashed ] .

[ Only the oriole gi shouting ] , Yes [ cuckoos vying with each other to count down someone's unlived years ] .

That [ the sun shines dimly ] , That [ a black cloud hangs ] .

Not that [ it was getting light , not that [ it was getting dark ] .

Coordinating Conjunctions



And, yes(s), too, also; no no; both... and


A, but, yes (but), but, however, etc.

Or, either, then..., then..., not that..., not that...

Complex sentence

, ( subordinating conjunction...).

( Subordinating conjunction...) , .

[… , ( subordinating conjunction...) , … ] .

[ I'm back in town ] , (Where my childhood is over).

(If open the window) , [ the room will be filled with the aroma of summer flowers ].

[ Father, ( When returned from fishing) , boasted of an unprecedented catch ] .

Types of subordinate clauses .



Which? Whose?

Conjunctive words


Questions about oblique cases

What, how, to, as if, as if.

Which, which, which, whose, who, what, where

Demonstrative words

Meaningful questions

That, such, such, everyone, any

Who, what, whose, how, why, why, where, when, where, how much.

I live in a house that is located on the edge of the village [..noun], (which).

[He knew] (that the basis of everything is morality).

Adverbial clauses

Where? Where? Where?

[Never go back to where] you were happy. […where…).

When? How long? Since when? How long?


How? How much?

Mode of action and degree

(When I opened the window), [the room was filled with the aroma of flowers]. (When…), .

How? How? To what extent? To what extent?

[Gerasim grew up dumb and powerful], (like a tree grows on fertile soil). , (How …).

For what? For what purpose? For what?

[Uncle sang like this] (like the common people sing).

, (How …).

Under what condition

[One must love every task] (in order to do it well). , (to …).

Why? From what?

For what reason?

[Buy new phone], (if there is money).

, (If …).


[I didn’t come to school] (because I was sick).

, (because …).

What follows from this

Despite what? Against all odds?

[The weather was cold and windy], (so the snowdrifts were high). , (So).

[We went for a walk] (although it was raining).

Operating instructions

with training simulator

  • Each task has several answer options. You must choose the right one.

2. If you have chosen the correct answer, then when you click the mouse, a plus sign appears (correct).

3. If you choose the wrong answer, a minus (wrong) icon appears when you click the mouse.

4. Move to the next task by clicking the mouse.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

The rain flooded the forest; Boiling lakes formed at the edge of the forest where Gorbunov was located. The branches of the trees trembled under the weight of the water falling on them. In the darkened, distorted air, the German fortifications were no longer visible. But the enemy's shelling did not subside. Bluish, ghostly pillars of explosions darted in the dark depths of the downpour; flashes of fire ran across the field.

Test your knowledge

The guys crawled all over the island in search of unmelted snow. Seryozha managed to find in the crevices between the rocks the remains of last year’s snow, compacted like ice. Secretly from Petrovich, Seryozha was lowered down on a rope, he chopped the snow with an ax and sent it up in a bucket. Climbing the rocks was dangerous. Petrovich categorically forbade doing this, but the guys secretly brought buckets of last year’s snow to Ilyinichna. She kept grumbling and threatening to complain to the foreman, but she didn’t refuse the snow: she had to cook dinner.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–3, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

These remarks were enough for the hectic, sparkling thought of escaping from class to flash like lightning. (7) Our class was considered exemplary, there were eight excellent students in it, and there was something funny and piquant in the fact that it was we, respectable, exemplary children, who would amaze all the teachers with a strange, unusual trick, decorating the dull monotony of school everyday life with a bright flash of sensation. My heart sank with delight and anxiety, and although no one knew what our adventure would lead to, there was no turning back .

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find complex non-union sentences. Write the numbers of these sentences.

Before the war, I never had to return home after a long separation. But we didn’t have to leave for long. The very first time I left home for a pioneer camp, the second time I left for the front. But even those who returned home before the war after a long separation did not then experience what we are experiencing now. They returned bored - we are returning alive...

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Grandmother spent whole days sitting on the rubble under the split cherry tree. One cherry tree trunk has already dried up, the one that hugged and protected the house. The grandmother was waiting for her grandson and slowly, imperceptibly fell into a doze. (4) And she no longer heard the rustle of leaves above her head, or the chime of birds - the world went out and moved away from her with all its bustle. She only heard the roar of war and shuddered from this roar. And she thought: from under the roots of this clumsy cherry tree, which she once planted for some reason, it comes, from the very interior of the earth.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

On the bridge stood Captain Zamyatin, the head of the expedition and several members of the crew. With tense, concentrated faces, they looked at the sea and sky. Everyone understood that the ships were now passing through a particularly dangerous section of the Barents Sea: at any moment a submarine’s periscope could emerge from the depths, and a fascist plane could appear in the sky. This concentration of the sailors was transferred to the guys: they became more restrained. Dozens of eyes watched the surface of the restless sea, the gray, quickly moving clouds.

Test your knowledge

The guillemot's body is squat, its legs are moved far back, and its toes are connected by swimming membranes. On the ground it moves slowly and clumsily, and can only take off from cliffs and water. (3) She is an excellent swimmer, can dive to a depth of ten meters, and moves underwater with the help of her wings. Guillemot weighs up to two kilograms, its meat is edible. She places the only egg directly on the rocks; it is shaped in such a way that it does not roll off the rocks. A guillemot egg is equal in weight to two chicken eggs and is not inferior to them in nutritional value. Local industrialists also collect guillemot eggs to lure arctic foxes.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

The days are already unusually warm. There is a chill in the spring air. The taiga is majestic and calm, but this is only apparent calm: a huge amount of work is going on inside every tree, every bush. Day and night, the roots with all their lobes absorb moisture from the ground, abundantly filled with recently melted snow. The snow-white lambs on the talniks have already fluffed up, the earrings on the alder have turned yellow, although the roots still lie under the snow. There are no greenery or flowers on the tiny lawns yet, but even here there is tireless activity.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–7, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Thirty years have passed since then, but I still remember that incident with the book, when I accidentally destroyed the huge house of human faith. I hurt someone else and didn’t have the courage to correct the mistake. (25) And our life took a different road, where everyone is hurt and lonely, where there are no those who can raise the fallen. Pain became my inseparable companion. (….. She looks at me with the eyes of a lanky eighth grader and patiently reminds me: human life is short, so never regret what you can give, never take away what is asked of you.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–6, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer.

The girl called the dog to her:

Nipper, come to me! Well, good one, well, dear, go! Do you want some sugar? Well, go ahead!

But Kusaka didn’t go: she was afraid.

The old man smoothed out his long beard.

I want to help you. There is such a thing Magic word. I'll tell you this word. But remember: you need to say it in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. The old man leaned close to the boy’s ear and whispered something.

Test your knowledge

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, and he had different eyes: one of his own was yellow glass, and the other was a large white one made from a sewn button from a pillowcase. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka was looking at me with his with different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he was already giving up in advance. And I suddenly remembered how long ago I had never parted with this Mishka for a minute. I carried him with me everywhere, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and put him to bed, and rocked him to sleep, like a little brother. I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would have given my life for him then.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–10, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer.

- Wow! - said Mishka. - Where did you get it? Will you give it to me at home?

- No, I won’t give it: it’s a gift.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. It got even darker outside, and mom it still didn't work. Here Mishka says:

- So you won’t give me a dump truck?

And he handed me a box of matches. I took it, opened it and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if I was now holding a tiny star in my hands.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

“He didn’t want something, but they threatened and frightened him. (47.. Tanya! Look in the box!

“No,” Tanya said quietly. – The funeral is in place, there are photographs, but no letters.

Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes and listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. He faded away, died, died a second time, and now he is dead forever. Taking advantage of her blindness, the letters were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf...

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find complex sentences with non-conjunctive and conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connections between parts. Write the numbers of these sentences.

The crab was terribly large and flat, and if you looked closely, you could see bumps and spines on it, some kind of seams, jagged combs. If you dry it, it would probably make a wonderful souvenir! (4... The crab sat under the bed for a week. He kept sitting in the same place, near the foot of the bed, and when someone leaned over him, he put his jagged claw forward with menacing impotence. (6...) On the third day, about foam appeared on his whiskers, but when Zybin touched him, the crab pecked his finger painfully, until it bled.

at the lesson

Well done!

Solid knowledge:

you can work with the dough



There were many errors:

need to repeat the rule


Thank you

get to work!

  • Ivanova Yu.S. Russian language: help in preparing for the practical exam. – M.: Trigon, 2013.
  • Makarova B.A. Absolute spelling literacy in 30 days. – M.: AST Astrel, 2014.

3. Novikova L.I. A manual for preparing schoolchildren for centralized testing. – M.: Exam, 2014.

4. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements:

Material used


The purpose of the lesson: update and generalize the knowledge necessary for the creative development of students, previously obtained on the topic “Complex sentence”, in new conditions, develop the ability to substantiate the characteristics of a complex sentence with different types communications.


  1. Determine the types of connections between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence.
  2. Promote development speech culture students and their creative abilities.
  3. Develop the ability to work in a team, motivate to overcome intellectual difficulties.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, presentation, handout didactic material for group and individual work.

Methods: methods and techniques of interactive teaching, research, partial search, reproductive.

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Type of lesson: practical lesson


On the slide:

1. Stage of “Comprehension”. Slide 1.

pay attention to monitor . Let's read the statements of famous writers:

We need to wean ourselves off short phrase, it is appropriate only in moments of intense action.

Maksim Gorky

Short thoughts are good because they make you think.

Slide captions:

Thoughts of great writers We must unlearn short phrases; they are appropriate only in moments of intense action. Maxim Gorky L.N. Tolstoy Short thoughts are good because they make you think.

CONJUNCTIVE COMPOUNDS: parts are autonomous and connected by intonation and coordinating conjunctions CONJUNCTIVE COMPOUNDS: parts depend on each other; subordinating conjunctions and allied words COMPLEX UNIONLESS SENTENCE: parts are autonomous; intonation COMPLEX SENTENCES

Complex sentences with different types of communication

Combinations of types of connection composition and subordination composition and non-union connection composition and non-union connection composition, subordination and non-union connection.

ESSAY + SUBMISSION AS, And the damp wind rustled in the forests, and one could hear the streams rustling cheerfully and loudly. The damp wind rustled in the forests. It was audible. The streams roar cheerfully and loudly.

ESSAY + UNIONLESS CONNECTION Nettle burned my hands, my back ached, and my head was spinning. The nettle burned my hands. My back ached. My head was spinning. , AND,

SUBMISSION + NON-ALLIANCE CONNECTION WHEN SPRING CAME, THE SUN BEGAN TO SHINE BRIGHTER, LEAVES APPEARED ON THE TREES, FLOWERS BLOOMED IN THE MEADOWS. Spring has come. The sun began to shine brighter. Leaves appeared on the trees. Flowers bloomed in the meadows. , WHEN,

ESSAY + SUBMISSION + UNIONLESS CONNECTION The grass was ripening in the meadows, mowing began on some farms, and it was necessary to watch how the work went. The grasses were ripening in the meadows. Some farms have started mowing. I should have looked. Work was going on. HOW, AND,

Task 1 Write a sentence with different types of connections, using the terminology of your thematic group. Use facial expressions and gestures to depict the proposal.

Creative work Read the comic instructions and reduce them to one simple sentence.

Compiled by: Elena Valerievna Kuznetsova, GKSUVU for children and adolescents with deviant behavior “Special closed-type comprehensive school”

In which there is a subordinating or coordinating connection, they differ significantly from similar phrases and simple sentences. Further in the article we will consider the main differences between the mentioned structures.

General information

If we talk about phrases and simple sentences, then it is fair to note that the subordinating relationship can only appear in the first version, while the coordinating type is more often used in the second. In the latter case, the task of transformation into a common construction is performed, creating series of homogeneous terms. IN complex structures coordinating and subordinating connections do not have such sharp differences. This is due to the fact that the same statement can be formulated using conjunctions of both types.

First difference

The use of composition and subordination helps to identify the semantic relationships that exist in simple and complex formulations. At the same time, there is a difference in the very structure of the utterance. Thus, the coordinating connection does not create such clear boundaries. When using the second type of connection, parts of the utterance are highlighted, indicating the need to pay more attention to a certain fragment of the message.

Thus, we can say that those used in different options conjunctions differ in the way they reveal connections in expressions. In the case of a subordinate relationship, such types of relationships as concessional, conditional-effect and cause-and-effect take on an unambiguous form. Moreover, they are expressed by conjunctions “although”, “because”, “if”. A coordinating connection in a sentence allows you to use the same conjunction. It is represented by the connecting element “and”. But there are situations when the coordinating conjunctions “a” and “but,” which are usually considered contrastive, can give the statement a connotation of concession, condition, consequence, comparison and contrast. In expressions that have the form of an incentive, conjunctions can create a condition in the message, which in a subordinating clause is expressed by the elements “if (the particle “not” is allowed instead)... then.” Some interaction is found between composition and submission due to the fact that they cannot be considered absolutely opposite concepts.

Second difference

In complex constructions, coordinating connection is an important independent element. But in simple structures its task is to determine the relationships between members of a homogeneous sequence. In addition, a coordinating connection is included in a simple construction in order to enrich the statement with additional members. This is how it is transformed into a widespread one. In multi-part structures, coordinating communication is more important.

Third difference

If we compare subordination and composition with non-union, then the last two types of connection have much in common. This is explained by the semantic relationship within the structure. Thus, the coordinating connection reveals them in expression to a lesser extent. However, let's compare them in more detail. Coordinating communication is not only a syntactic, but also a lexical way of interaction. Thus, the relationships that arise between phrases do not have a specific meaning, but only receive a certain characteristic. Coordinating conjunctions can also be combined with subordinating and various lexical elements. In this case, various syntactic structures are created. As examples of a conjunction, we can cite various combinations of auxiliary parts of speech “and”, “here”, “a”, “well”, “therefore”, “therefore”, “means”. Subordinating conjunctions do not need additions, since they themselves can create clear boundaries for semantic segments.

Special cases

If a coordinating or non-union connection does not allow one to fully study the relationships that exist in these sentences, then it is necessary to turn to additional factors. They may be general structure statements, as well as introductory words, particles, various pronouns, phrases present in it. In addition, moods and tense forms can highlight individual parts and indicate their features. In allied constructions, the meaning of condition and consequence appears more noticeably when interaction occurs imperative mood in the first sentence (in the case of a complex formulation, this means its main part) and other moods or other forms of tense found in the second element (in the subordinate part).

Fourth difference

In complex sentences, the subordinating relationship is less multifaceted than in phrases and simple phrases. There are cases when part of the meaning complex design, formed from a set of simple ones, is not realized. This may be due to the fact that there is likely to be a contradiction in the meaning of the subordinating conjunction, as well as its complete change. An example would be the connector "when". It is used in subordinating clauses. Its main value is the time indicator. However, if the main part of the sentence describes any feelings, emotions or someone's state, then this union may turn from temporary into investigative. When something is evaluated in a subordinate clause, trying to determine importance or significance, the “when” element acquires the target meaning. In addition, this union may have a comparative meaning and carry an indication of inconsistency.

TOPIC: “Complex sentence with different types of connections.” 9th grade

Purpose: To give the concept of complex sentences with different types of connections and punctograms in them.

Knowledge control: Remember what complex sentences we have studied, types of connections in these sentences and coordinating, subordinating conjunctions.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Write coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

2. Test of knowledge. Name coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. What is the difference between conjunctions and allied words? What is called compound, complex and non-union proposals?

3.New topic: Complex sentences with different types of connections.

In a complex sentence consisting of several clauses, some of them can be connected using connecting conjunctions, others - using subordinating conjunctions or allied words, and others - without conjunctions. To correctly understand the meaning of such a complex sentence, you need to look at what parts it consists of, because two or even three sentences that are closely related in meaning can form one complex part.

Inscription on the board

1. [Only occasionally, (if a boat or something suspicious was spotted nearby), a bright beam of a searchlight slid across the water], but [after a minute or two it instantly disappeared], and [then darkness reigned again].

This is a complex sentence, with various types connections: coordinating and subordinating; consists of three parts connected by coordinating conjunctions “but”, “and”;

Part 1 in its structure is a special clause with subordinate conditions (the conjunction “if”), standing inside the main one; Part 2 and Part 3 are simple sentences.

[..,(if = - or - =), = - ], but [ - = ], and [ = - ].

2. [Slowly, in long zigzags, the caravan rose higher and higher along the white slope]; [it seemed] (that there would be no end to the rise).

This is a complex sentence with a non-union and a union connection, consists of two parts connected non-union connection;

Part 1 is a simple sentence;

2nd part of the IPP with an additional clause.

[ = - ]; [ = ], (which =).

In complex sentences with coordinating and subordinating connectionsmay be nearby coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. A comma is placed between them when after subordinate clause there is no second part of the double conjunction (how) or the conjunction “but”.

For example:

[ = - ]; [=],(which =).

In complex sentences with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions may appear side by side. A comma is placed between them when after the subordinate clause there is no second part of the double conjunction (that, so) or the conjunction but.

For example:

Thick clouds rushed across the gloomy sky, and although it was only the third hour of the day, it was dark.

[=-], and (although =-), but[=].

Thick clouds rushed across the gloomy sky, and although it was only the third hour of the day, it was dark.

And, (although...), .

III . Practical work.

- We carry out the exercise. 538.

Exercise. Write it downIIoffer and draw up diagrams.

[In the morning, in the sun, the trees were covered with luxurious frost], and [this continued for two hours], [then the frost disappeared], [the sun closed], and [the day passed quietly, thoughtfully, with a drop in the middle of the day and anomalous lunar twilight in the evening].

[ - = ], and [ = ], [ - = ], [ - = ], and [ - = ]

complicated by similar circumstances

This is a complex sentence with different types of connections, consists of two parts connected by a non-union connection;

Part 1 - in its structure, consists of 2 simple sentences connected by the coordinating conjunction “and”, therefore, this is a SSP, and the first sentence is two-part, the second sentence is one-part.

Part 2 - in its structure, consists of three simple sentences connected by a non-union and a conjunction connection, all three sentences are two-part, the latter is complicated by a homogeneous circumstance of the manner of action.

- Conclusion: The variety of syntactic structure is one of the manifestations of the richness and expressiveness of language and speech.

- We carry out the exercise. 539.

SPP → SPB → SP diff. → SPP → simple.

1. And lilies of the valley grow on the steep slope, where the ferns are dense, where the gloomy, bearded ones ate, where I once got lost.

2. That day was not entirely ordinary: I carried the first ten strawberries in my clenched fist to the delight of my little brother.

3. I carried the first ten strawberries and sang slowly, and the birds sang above me until they surrounded me with spruce trees.

4. I got scared, looked around, and my song stumbled, and the ferns were silent, and the spruce trees shook their heads.

5. And - not a path, not a trace!

IVD/Z Abstract; repetition of §202, 203, 205, 216.

Ex. 545.