Presentations for children 5 6 years old space. Lesson summary with a presentation for children of the senior group on the topic "space"

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Space is the same as the Universe. This is the space that we see around our Earth, with all the celestial bodies, various particles and radiation found in it. Slender system planets that revolve around the Sun, tailed comets, meteorites - all this is space.

do?is, then who lives there? But to find out, you need to fly to the planets. But how to do that? People have always wanted to know, is there life on other planets? And if there is, who lives there? But to find out, you need to fly to the planets. But how to do that?

The remarkable scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky developed the theory of the rocket, thought through its structure and how it would move.

Belka and Strelka, having gone into space flight, wrote their names in the history of world astronautics. Launched into space on August 19, 1960 aboard the prototype Vostok spacecraft, they became the first living creatures from planet Earth to stay in orbit for more than a day and return home safely

April 12, 1961 Soviet Union launched the Vostok spacecraft into Earth orbit. The flight duration was 1 hour 48 minutes. The first cosmonaut of the planet Earth, Yuri Gagarin, launched on the Vostok spacecraft

His smile flew around the entire globe And often remembering every now and then We ourselves sometimes live with this smile.

There is very little air in space and a common person will not be able to breathe in it. That is why the astronaut who flew into space was dressed in such a spacesuit. The suit is very warm and protects the astronaut from the cold even in space. In addition, a person can breathe in a spacesuit - it supplies the person with air.

The rocket rose higher and higher! Look! She's already above the clouds!

This is how astronauts see our planet.

The moon is a satellite of our planet.

The Sun is the most familiar astronomical object to all people. This is our star that gives us life. Because of it, during the day all other space objects become invisible. The sun gives off light and heat until it sets below the horizon. And only then does the sky become dark enough to see the rest of the stars.

Planets of the Solar System

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

presentation "Space"

The presentation "space" is intended to familiarize children of preparatory groups with the planets and constellations of the solar system. Can also be used for Cosmonautics Day...

Presentation "Space"

Clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about space; introduce the history of space development, the first cosmonaut; the structure of the solar system of planets (their size, position to the sun, some features)...

MBOU "Secondary School No. 11"

This mysterious space

Compiled by Olga Vladimirovna Rozloma

Hello guys!

I invite you today to go into space with me and see everything that astronauts see and find out what is there behind the clouds of our beloved planet. - But for this you need to close your eyes tightly and loudly - say loudly, let's go! Three four!

The first person to conquer space was a Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

He made his flight

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

And now it’s time for us to return to our beloved Earth. Did you like it in space? Let's remember what interesting things we saw?

What is the name of our planet? (Earth) - What shape does it have? (Shape of a ball) - What is the name of the Earth's satellite? (Moon) - How many planets are there in the solar system? (8) - Is the sun a planet or a star? (Star) - Which planet is the largest. (Jupiter) - The smallest? (Mercury) - What is the name of the profession of those who fly into space? (Cosmonaut) - Who was the first cosmonaut? (Gagarin). -Which planet has rings? (At Saturn) - Name the planets of the solar system? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

2. On an airship,

1. To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars.

Cosmic, obedient

To see the Milky Way

We are outrunning the wind

Need a powerful...

Let's rush to...

3. The rocket has a driver, a lover of weightlessness. In English: “astronaut”, And in Russian...

4. The very first in space, Flew at great speed. Brave Russian guy. Our cosmonaut...

5. Illumines the way at night, does not allow the stars to fall asleep. Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep, There is light in the sky for us...

6. Planet blue,

Beloved, dear.

She's yours, she's mine,

And it's called...

7. An object flies through the thickness of the Ice years in space. Its tail is a strip of light, And the object’s name is...

8. What do we see when we look through the window? A bright light shines upon us...

9. There is an object in the Universe, insidious, not simple, It devours stars Like a sandwich with caviar. Dangerously invisible And not visible to the eye, So dark and dark...

Methodological development of a lesson for six-year-old children on the topic "Space"

Space is interesting!

Dulina Natalya Aleksandrovna, deputy director, methodologist of MKU DO – DDT “Master”, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, Krasnoobsk settlement.
Description: methodological development classes on the topic “Space” for children six years old. This material will be useful for additional education teachers and preschool teachers.
The lesson in a playful way is aimed at expanding children’s understanding of the diversity of the world around them, outer space, and human space exploration.
Target: expanding children's knowledge about space, about the flight of the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
- consolidate children’s knowledge about space, about the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin;
- cultivate a sense of pride in the great achievements of your country;
- cultivate a sense of collectivism, the ability to interact in groups;
- develop thinking, perception, memory;
- expand lexicon children.
Equipment: multimedia presentation, screen, projector, laptop, recordings musical compositions on the topic “Space”, handouts (mosaic picture, pictures of objects on the topic “Space”).
Vocabulary work: astronaut, rocket, satellite, constellation, comet, spacesuit, sealing, weightlessness, lunar rover, telescope, Solar system.
Previous work: learning poems about space, getting to know the planets of the solar system, reading excerpts from the books by V. Sinitsyn “The First Cosmonaut”, V. Gorky, Yu. Avdeev “Cosmic ABC”.
Methods, techniques: gaming, visual, practical, verbal, artistic word.
Children sit at tables in groups. You can come up with names: rocket, star, astronauts, etc.
Progress of the lesson
A picture with the name of the activity is projected onto the screen.

Leading: Hello guys! You know that on April 12, 1961, an event occurred that opened the way for people into space. The holiday has been celebrated ever since. Which? (children's answers).
That's right, April 12 is World Aviation and Space Day. (Slide No. 2)

People have always dreamed of space, they were attracted by distant spaces, stars, they wanted to know if there was life on other planets, to visit the distances of space. (Slide No. 3)

Before sending to space trip humans, our scientists sent the dogs Belka and Strelka into space. This happened on August 19, 1960. They returned safely to earth. (Slide No. 4)

Today we are not surprised that spaceships launch from the earth, dockings of spacecraft take place in deep space, astronauts live and work at space stations for months, conduct various experiments, and go into outer space.
And 55 years ago, on April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with a person on board took to the skies for the first time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
Guys, who was the first astronaut to conquer space?
(children's answers - Yu.A. Gagarin) (Slide No. 5)

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first to open the road to space, orbit Earth in 108 minutes and successfully landed.
Yuri Gagarin's flight began with his famous phrase: "Go!" (Slide No. 6)

Child reading a poem
V. Stepanov
In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

Leading: When Yuri Gagarin saw our Earth from space, he exclaimed: “What beauty!”
Presenter's story accompanied by slides (Slide No. 7 -13)
Our Earth rotates in the vast expanses of the Universe.

She is one of the planets in the solar system.

The solar system is a collection of planets and their satellites - orbiting the brightest star - the Sun. There are only nine planets, they are all different.
Our planet Earth is a huge rock ball, most of its surface is covered with water.

The earth is surrounded by layers of air called the atmosphere.

Our planet is in constant motion: it rotates around its axis and around the Sun.

From Earth we can see millions of stars. They seem to us like small bright lights because they are very far away.

In reality, every star is a giant ball of gas, like the sun, that emits heat and light. The stars form various patterns that resemble shapes. These are constellations.

A person’s dream of going into space came true thanks to Soviet scientists led by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. (Slide No. 14)

He created a spaceship that was able to ascend into little-known and mysterious space. How could the rocket rise so high? I'll show you a simple example of how a rocket flies into space.
(The presenter inflates the balloon and clamps the hole with his fingers. And then unclenches his fingers, and the ball suddenly bursts upward).
Leading: This happens because air escapes from the balloon. When the air runs out, the ball will fall. Our ball flew like a rocket. He moved forward as long as there was air in him.
So the rocket flies into space. Only instead of air it has fuel. When burning, the fuel turns into gas and bursts back into flame. A rocket is made of several parts called stages, and each stage has its own fuel tank.
If the first stage runs out of fuel, it disappears, and the second stage engine immediately turns on and propels the rocket even faster and even higher. So only the third stage reaches space - the smallest and lightest.
When the rocket rises to the required height and its last stage separates, the spacecraft flies on its own. It becomes an artificial satellite of the Earth. (Slide No. 15-16)

We all know that astronauts, during their flights, protect their body with a spacesuit. Why do you think a spacesuit is needed? (children's answers)
Leading: An astronaut needs a spacesuit even when he is in spaceship. Everything is carefully checked before the flight. (Slide No. 17)

If the ship suddenly becomes depressurized or a meteorite hits it, the astronaut will have nothing to breathe. And the spacesuit has a large supply of air. The suit is also heated from the inside and is simply indispensable for performing work in outer space. In addition, the suit has radio communication in case the astronaut moves very far from the station while inspecting the ship.
On the slide we look at the spacesuit. (Slide No. 17)
Leading: What do you guys think, what should an astronaut be like? (children's answers)
An astronaut must be brave, decisive, collected. And his health must be very good: after all, during takeoff and landing he experiences severe overloads.
Do we want to be healthy like astronauts? So, we will do space exercises.
(To rhythmic music)
We boldly boarded the rocket,
(squat down)
They put the helmet on his head.
(clasp hands above head)
Start! And we're flying into space!
(stand up, stretch up)
We float in weightlessness.
(arms to the sides, circular movements of the body)
The path to the planet has been outlined.
(stretched arms forward)
They waved after the comet.
(we wave our hands above our heads)
We looked through the telescope.
(made binoculars from fists and looked into them)
Pressed the stop button.
(claps hands)
We deployed the rocket!
(turn the other way)
And they continued the flight.
(arms to the sides, swaying)
Space is calling us with it!
(waved hands).
Leading: Well done!
Child reading a poem(Slide No. 20)

How big and beautiful space is,
How many mysteries are hidden?
But only one who knows how to think
Solve any riddles.
Guys, now I’ll tell you some space riddles (Slide No. 21-28)
(for correct answers, teams receive pictures depicting space objects).
It's black as night
And there are countless stars there.
Planets and constellations
There is a lot in it.
What kind of place is this?
The question arises.
And everyone will answer:
“After all, this is... (space)»

He conquers space
The rocket is controlled.
Brave, brave astronaut
It's simply called... (astronaut)

He floats around the Earth
And it gives signals.
This is the eternal traveler
Entitled... (satellite)

From the Earth it flies up into the clouds,
Like a silver arrow.
Flies to other planets
Swiftly... (rocket)

When you're in space my friend,
Miracles are happening all around.
You're soaring - that's news,
After all, this is... (weightlessness)

A lonely fiery eye wanders.
Everywhere it happens
The look warms... (Sun)

Earth's satellite, planet.
Round and pale.
Shines brightly with a gentle light
From the dark sky... (moon)

What a wonderful car
Walking boldly on the moon?
Did everyone recognize her, children?
Well, of course, ... (lunar rover)

Leading: Who knows what a lunar rover is? (children's answers)
To study the surface of the Moon, our scientists came up with a special device called the Lunokhod. (Slide No. 29)

Lunokhod is a machine. It has 8 wheels so that you can move over bumps, holes and stones. The lunar rover was controlled from Earth through powerful antennas using a remote control. The same way they drive radio-controlled cars now. The lunar rover had a large lid on top, which was opened during the day when the Moon was illuminated by the Sun. On this cover there was a solar battery. This battery powered all the equipment on the lunar rover.
The lunar rover had 2 cameras with which it photographed the surface of the Moon; 25,000 photographs were taken!
Why do you need a lunar rover? (children's answers)
Leading: That's right, the lunar rover is needed to study the surface of the Moon
He studied the composition of its soil, looked for a place to land space rockets, and took photographs of lunar landscapes. He traveled more than 10 km on the Moon. Then his internal batteries died, and communication with him stopped.

Exercise: Fold the mosaic picture “Lunokhod” (Slide No. 30)

Each team puts together a picture. Music from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" is playing.
Leading: Guys, tell me, how can you study space while on earth?
(children's answers).
Using a telescope. What can you see through a telescope? (children's answers).
Constellations, comets, moon, planets. (Slide No. 31)

Let's remember the names of the planets of the solar system. (Slide No. 32)

Child reading a poem
A. Hight
All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Leading: Guys, do you know which planet is the hottest and why? (Mercury because this planet is closest to the Sun). (Slide No. 33)

We live on Earth and are called earthlings. Tell me, if we lived on Mercury, what would we be called? (Children's answers).
What if - on the planet farthest from the Sun - Pluto? (Children's answers). (Slide No. 34)

Game "Find the odd one out"(Slide No. 35-36)
The slides contain pictures. The children’s task is to find a picture that does not relate to the topic “Space” and name objects that correspond to the topic.
The first slide presents: planet,





On the second slide is a tanker’s helmet,

astronaut helmet,

lunar rover,


On the third slide there is an astronaut,




Slide captions:


Look at these babies - they look at the night sky with interest! There are so many beautiful stars there! Since ancient times, people have loved looking at the stars, and they were very interested in what they really were like!

And then one day they decided to fly into space! To the stars! To fly into space, people built a space rocket. An astronaut was put into the rocket - it was he who had to control the rocket and fly to the stars.

But the fact is that it is very, very cold in space. If you go into space without a special suit, you can instantly freeze and turn into ice. In addition, there is very little air in space and an ordinary person will not be able to breathe in it. That is why the astronaut who flew into space was dressed in such a spacesuit. The suit is very warm and protects the astronaut from the cold even in space. In addition, a person can breathe in a spacesuit - it supplies the person with air.

The very first cosmonaut to fly into space was Yuri Gagarin.

When the astronaut got into the rocket, the countdown began: “Five, four, three, two, one, START!” The rocket took off from the ground, fire bursting from its tail - its engine was working so hard. And the rocket flew high into the sky.

She rose higher and higher! Look! She's already above the clouds!

And then the rocket ended up in outer space! This is what the astronauts saw in space!

This is our planet Earth - we live on it. As you can see, it is round – it looks like a big ball. Our planet is very, very large. That's why we don't notice that it looks like a ball. But if you rise high, high above the earth, then from space we will see it like in this picture.

Look, blue spots on our planet it is water - seas and oceans. Green spots are green forests and meadows. Brown spots- these are mountains. Isn’t it really very beautiful, our planet? And this one small ball in the corner is our Moon!


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Slide captions:

The moon from space is also visible as a ball. The moon is much smaller than our planet Earth.

This is what the Moon looks like if you fly closer to it.

And this is how the astronauts saw our Sun. A huge glowing fireball. But the astronauts could not fly close to the Sun - because the Sun is very, very hot. If you get too close to it, you might even burn out.

Other stars that we see from Earth are also suns. They are just so far away from us that they seem like just small dots.

And the astronauts saw planets in space that revolved around the Sun.

Look, this picture shows all the planets that revolve around the Sun. Notice how huge our Sun is! It is larger than all the other planets combined! And our planet Earth - here it is - the third from the Sun - is very small compared to other planets.

In this picture you can see how different the size of the planets are and how big our Sun is. From Earth, the Sun does not seem so big to us because it is very far from us. In fact, that’s how huge it is!

All planets in the solar system revolve around the Sun in their orbit. On those planets that are very close to the Sun - it is very hot - hotter than in a hot frying pan! We couldn't have stayed there for even a second! And on the farthest planets - which are far from the Sun - on the contrary, it is very cold, because Sun rays they don't get there well.

That's how many interesting things astronauts can see in space! Now you know about all this too!

Anna Koryagina
Presentation “Mysterious Space”

Hello colleagues! I want to introduce you to my presentation on space theme. Target presentations: Expand children's understanding of space; lead to the understanding that development space-the key to solving many problems on Earth; tell children about Yuri Gagarin and other heroes space. Show solar system, celestial bodies, telescope. The children really like this topic and they enjoyed watching mine presentation and listened to me carefully. Telling children about space, do not be lazy to select interesting material, after such conversations the child will be interested in everything that happens in outer space, and even when he grows up, looking at the evening or night sky, he will remember your conversations and smile joyfully. After watching presentations It would be nice to sculpt, appliqué, and draw about what you saw. This way you will understand what the children remembered or what they liked best.

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