Presentation ppt vascular atherosclerosis problem and solution. The concept of atherosclerosis. Etiology and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Classification of atherosclerosis. Pathological anatomy of atherosclerosis. Complications of atherosclerosis. Risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis

“The Law of Communicating Vessels” - Write down the condition of the problem. Express the data for the condition in SI units. The pressure forces in the right and left knees are equal. Law of communicating vessels for liquids with different densities. Rice. 1. water gauge glass of a steam boiler. Communicating vessels. Compose the required number of equations connecting known and unknown quantities.

“Structure of the brain” - Topic: Structure and functions of the brain. Medulla. The central nervous system consists of two sections - the brain and spinal cord. Experiment No. 2 Observe the reflexes of the midbrain. The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system. At the center of the spinal cord is the central canal, located in the white matter.

“Movement of blood through the vessels” - Reasons for the movement of blood through the vessels. There are 5-8 in the veins of the limbs. After physical activity! Stroke is damage to the blood vessels of the brain. Why can't an excited person sleep? Determination of blood flow speed in the vessels of the nail bed thumb hands. Hypotension is a decrease in blood pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels.

“Biology of the brain” - Large ... divide the hemispheres into lobes: frontal, ..., occipital and .... History of brain research. Study the structure and functions of the brain. Which statements are true? Working with cards. Hippocrates (460-377 BC) Ancient Greek physician, “father of medicine.” Continue the sentence. Brain tomogram.

“Communicating vessels, grade 7” - Objectives of the work. Communicating vessels are vessels connected to each other at the bottom. What are communicating vessels? Teapots. A heterogeneous fluid is in equilibrium p1=p2. A homogeneous liquid is in equilibrium p1=p2 h1=h2. Use of communicating vessels. Laws of communicating vessels. Communicating vessels.

“Brain” - What parts does the brain consist of? Progress. Hemispheres big brain. Midbrain. Medulla. Where is the brain located? Structure and functions of the brain. Cerebellum. Bridge. Hemispheres of the brain. The subject's eyes must be closed. What is the mass of the human brain?

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Presentation on the topic: Atherosclerosis

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Atherosclerosis is a common chronic disease of elastic and muscular-elastic arteries (large and medium caliber), characterized by the infiltration of atherogenic apoprotein-B-containing lipoproteins into the vessel wall with subsequent development connective tissue, atheromatous plaques, organ and general circulatory disorders.

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RISK FACTORS: Socio-cultural: consumption of high-calorie foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, nervous stress. Internal factors risk: arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, impaired carbohydrate tolerance, obesity, family history, others.

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RISK FACTORS: Irreversible – age, male gender, genetic predisposition. Reversible – smoking, hypertension, obesity. Partially reversible – hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, low level HDL, low physical activity, stress.

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Pathological anatomy early atherosclerotic changes in the intima fatty lesions of the intima (fatty streak, lipofibrous plaque) fibrous plaque

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The main pathogenetic mechanisms of exacerbation of atherosclerosis: weakening of the fibrous membrane of the plaque and its rupture; disproportionately large lipid core; thrombus formation at the site of rupture of the plaque capsule or on an endothelial defect with severe stenosis; endothelial dysfunction (local and generalized); diffuse inflammatory reaction.

Presentation Atherosclerosis

Presentation subject: Biology

Topic: Atherosclerosis

Availability of a plan - lesson notes: No

The presentation has been prepared for a detailed study of the common chronic illness arteries of elastic and muscular-elastic type. Objectives of the presentation: To find out the main pathogenetic mechanisms of exacerbation of atherosclerosis.

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