Presentation of the vital activity of a cell, its division and growth. A visual teaching aid for biology lessons. Vital activity of the cell. Reproduction Cell division

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Slide captions:


Life processes of the cell Respiration Nutrition Growth Reproduction

Breathing Breathing is the most important physiological process, as a result of which the energy necessary for the life of the plant organism is released.

Food From external environment Nutrients are continuously supplied to the plant cell. This natural process, without which the life of the cell would be impossible. A living cell has the ability to selectively accumulate nutrients.

Movement of the cytoplasm Movement of the cytoplasm promotes the movement of nutrients and air in cells

Metabolism Metabolism in a cell is chemical process transformation of one substance into another.

Cell growth Growth is an increase in the volume, mass and size of a cell. Height plant cell occurs due to an increase in the vacuole.

Cell division Cell division is an increase in the number of cells. As a result of cell division and growth, all plant organs grow.

Stages of cell division An increase in the nucleus in size, chromosomes become clearly visible in it Self-duplication of chromosomes Divergence of chromosomes to different poles of the cell Division of the cytoplasm, organelles and membrane Formation of two new cells

Homework Paragraph No. 3 (questions after the paragraph)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentations for Chapter 1 “Cell” according to the program V, V, Pasechnik “Life Line” A total of 5 lessons: No. 3 Magnifying devices, No. 4 Chemical composition of the cell, No. 5 Structure of the cell, No. 6 Structure of the cell of the skin of onion scales, No. 7 Vital activity of the cell.

Presentations for the course: Biology “Life Line” by V.V. Pasechnik, for Chapter No. 1 “The cell is the basis of the structure and vital activity of organisms.” Author L.V. Gracheva, biology teacher of MAOU "Lyceum No. 36", Saratov....

Objective of the lesson: using knowledge about the cell, prove
that the cell has the characteristics of living

Life processes of a cell


Life processes of a cell


Life activity

- a set of processes,
occurring in a living organism,
serving to maintain it
and are manifestations of life.

Life is a collection of phenomena
occurring in organisms.

Basic life processes

Using the text of §8 of the textbook,
find the main processes
vital activity of the cell and fill
Process name
Its characteristics

Movement of the cytoplasm

moving to
substances and air

Movement of the cytoplasm

Cells are delivered to all parts
the substances it needs are removed
The cytoplasm can shrink again
straighten out.


From the external environment into the plant cell
nutrients are continuously supplied
This is a natural process, without
which cell vital activity
would be impossible.
A living cell has the ability to
selective accumulation


A series of complex inclusion processes
substances entering the cell into the composition
the body of the cell itself.
Water H2O
Carbon dioxide CO2

2. Breathing

- a complex process of chemical reactions,
giving energy.
Cells use oxygen to respire
and release carbon dioxide.


Breathing is the most important physiological
the process that results in
energy is released,
necessary for life
plant organism.


Metabolism in a cell is
chemical transformation process
some substances into others.

The entry of substances into and out of the cell

Entry of substances into the cell
and their exit from the cage
Substances move:
- inside one cell,
- from cell to cell,
- from one part of the plant to another.
The supply of substances depends on
permeability of membranes and cytoplasm.


- processes of formation of substances and their
splitting in the cell.

3. Cell growth

Growth is
increasing volume,
weight and size
Plant growth
cells occurs behind
increase account

Cell growth

- increase in size.

4. Reproduction Cell division

Cell division is an increase in the number
As a result of cell division and growth
all plant organs grow.

Today we will dive into the mystery of the life of the cage.

How do you understand the term life? (Life is a set of phenomena occurring in organisms)

Let's remember the processes that characterize life?

(cards are hung on the board: nutrition, reproduction, growth, development, respiration).

Today, we will try to prove that these processes are also characteristic of the cell.

Let's start by viewing the slide. You have to determine which of the listed processes what you see on the screen (cell respiration) may relate to. Presentation slide 3. Indicate on the diagram of the supporting outline the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide.

What else is needed for normal life? (Nutrition)

And in order to find out how this most important need is met, I propose to look at the results of the experiment. I took three carrots, describe what a carrot looks like. One of the carrots matches your description, but the other has wilted. I put the carrots that had wilted in a bottle of water. How do carrots change, explain why? Let's see how substances can enter the cell? (Presentation slide 4).

Due to the semi-permeability of the cell membrane, it regulates the flow of substances. (Note in your notes the flow of substances into the cell)

Nutrients move throughout the cell and unnecessary ones are removed using the cytoplasm (Presentation slide 6). Now write down in your notes the meaning of the movement of the cytoplasm. You know that there are a lot of cells in the body, and so, the cytoplasm of one living cell is not isolated, but is connected through the pores of neighboring cells, and all cells are interconnected.

But sometimes, the cells gradually wear out and die. And for the life of the organism to continue, it must produce new ones at the same rate at which old ones die. The rate of cell division is different (examples), but the principle of division is the same. Slide presentation7.

Division is a complex process that consists of successive stages. Division is preceded by nuclear fission. The nucleus enlarges, cylindrical bodies are clearly visible - chromosomes. They transmit hereditary characteristics from cell to cell. Chromosomes copy themselves, creating two identical parts. During division, parts of the chromosome move to different poles of the cell. In the nuclei of each new cell there are as many of them as in the mother cell. Each plant contains a certain number of chromosomes in its cells. A tomato has 24 of them, a potato has 48. The division of potato cells can be represented by a diagram.

Make a family of cell divisions. You have cut cards in envelope No. 2 (Appendix 3) of which you need to correctly arrange the stages, check on the screen. Presentation slide 8. Check how it should be. Set aside the assignment envelopes.

Look at the board to see which of the life processes we have not considered. Certainly.

And for this you will work independently in the textbook on page 45, figure 26.

Young cells contain many vacuoles in which they accumulate nutrients, gradually the vacuole increases to one large vacuole. Value -0 plant growth. Hence the name of the plant, that it constantly grows. (Presentation slide 9).

Planned results


Ability to maintain discipline in the classroom and treat the teacher and classmates with respect.


The ability to organize the implementation of teacher assignments and draw conclusions based on the results of the work.


Ability to perceive information by ear and answer teacher questions.


Ability to work with a textbook and find in it required material.

Close your eyes, relax your body,

Imagine - you are birds, suddenly you are birds!

Now you're swimming in the ocean like a dolphin,

Now you are picking ripe apples in the garden.

Left, right, looked around,

Open your eyes and get back to business!

And now, we will take another look at our mysterious cage. And for this we will read a fairy tale. Presentation slide 10

Students’ awareness of their educational activities, self-assessment of the results of their own and the entire class’s activities. Let's fill in the last column of our first table. What have you learned?

Was everything clear during the lesson?

Which part of the lesson did you find most interesting?

What part of the lesson was difficult?

How are you feeling after class?

Planned results


Self-esteem based on success. Adequate understanding of the reasons for success and failure in educational activities.


The ability to express your thoughts.


Reflection. Monitoring and evaluation of the process and results of activities.

Finish the notes, paste the division diagram, sketch the growth of the cell, prepare questions for step 9

The entry of substances into the cell. In the cells of an elodea leaf, under a microscope, you can see that green plastids (chloroplasts) smoothly move along with the cytoplasm in one direction along the cell membrane. By their movement one can judge the movement of the cytoplasm. This movement is constant, but sometimes difficult to detect. The movement of the cytoplasm promotes the movement of nutrients and air within the cells. The more active the vital activity of the cell, the greater the speed of movement of the cytoplasm.

Intercellular substance. Between the membranes of neighboring cells there is a special intercellular substance. If the intercellular substance is destroyed, the cells are separated. This happens when potato tubers are boiled. IN ripe fruits watermelons and tomatoes, crumbly apples, the cells are also easily separated Intercellular substance

Living cells breathe, eat, grow and reproduce. Substances necessary for the functioning of cells enter them through the cell membrane in the form of solutions from other cells and their intercellular spaces. The plant receives these substances from the air and soil. growth division


8. If you place a smoldering splinter in a test tube with carbon dioxide, it A) will go out B) will flash brightly C) will remain unchanged