Cool and funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gena. Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena are always funny Children's jokes about Cheburashka and Gena

Gena is cutting Cheburashka's hair.
- Cheburashka, do you need ears?
- Certainly.
- Take it!

An excited Cheburashka comes running to Gene, who is peacefully blowing soap bubbles from a tube:
- Gena, nightmare! Shapoklyak gave birth!
- So what?
- Like what? I drowned my own, but yours float!

If Cheburashka had spent the night not in a telephone booth, but in a transformer room, then the tale could have been much shorter.

Armenian radio asks:
— Is Cheburashka a boy or a girl?
- Of course it’s a girl! They say that a woman loves with her ears - surely such ears cannot go to waste?!

Crocodile Gena wakes up with a terrible hangover. My head is pounding and my mouth is dry. Gena calls Cheburashka:
- Cheburashechka! Cute, pretty! Give me some water, please!
- Yeah! Just like in the morning, Cheburashechka is so cute! And just like I got drunk yesterday, I’m a complete asshole!

Cheburashka was drafted into the army.
Two years later he returns. Gena asks:
- Who did you serve, Cheburashka?
- By radar.

Gena and Cheburashka are walking late in the evening:
- Gena, be careful, there are steps, stumps, stumps...
- Thank you, Chum-boom-burash-ka!

Karkusha and Cheburashka are sitting on a branch.
- Why did you fly further?
- Oh wait, now your ears will rest!

“Even the walls have ears,” the crocodile Gen Cheburashka reassured.

Cheburashka and Gena took out two joints. When we got home, Gena decided to take a bath first. Cheburashka sat, waited, waited, became completely sad and was sick of one joint. He immediately came to life, became cheerful, began to light a second smoke... Then Gena shouted to him from the bath:
- Cheburashka, bring a towel.
Cheburashka takes a towel, completely satisfied with himself, goes into the bathroom and a second later flies out of there screaming: “Damn, there’s a crocodile in there!”

The old woman Shapoklyak is walking down the street, and Cheburashka is walking towards her with a cow, a ball and a pipe. Shapoklyak asks:
- Cheburashka, where are you going with all this goodness?
- Yes, the crocodile Gena called and said, take the chick, a bubble and let's honk!

- Dad, who is Pokemon?
- This is Cheburashka, whose ears were bitten off by the crocodile Gena.

Cheburashka saw an ad: “We are making our ears smaller.”
He runs cheerfully to Gene and tells him:
- Gena, Gena, they will make my ears smaller, and they will be as small and beautiful as yours.
And Gena tells him:
-Cheburashka, don’t cut off your ears, otherwise you won’t have anything to wipe your snot with!

Gena and Cheburashka are riding a bicycle.
The cop catches up with them and says there’s a fine for speeding!
- Uncle, there is no money, do you want us to show you a trick instead of money?
- What trick?
- Do you want your dick to reach the ground?
- Want!
- Gen, bite off his legs!

- Gena, let me take the suitcase, and you take me!
- Persuaded, pervert.

In 1966. But Cheburashka and his friend Crocodile Gena became popular only three years after the release of a cartoon about their adventures on the country’s screens. The appearance of Genu once again confirmed the popularity and even some “universality” of the characters - after all, the jokes were very different: both for children and for adults, and naive, and obscene, and even with a clearly criminal flavor.

Children's jokes about Cheburashka and Gena

Most of the funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gena were born, of course, among children. Funny stories in which cartoon characters are the heroes are especially understandable to children.

One day Cheburashka and Kolobok took up boxing. Cheburashka says immediately:

C'mon, don't hit your ears!

Yeah,” Kolobok matched his tone, “and on the head!”

“Gena,” Cheburashka once said, “they sent us ten tangerines in a parcel.” In general, I divided it equally: I took eight for myself and left eight for you.

How is this possible? Does eight plus eight make ten?

I have no idea. I have already eaten my eight tangerines.

- They lie in vain, as if children have forgotten all good fairy tales, they only have Pokemon in their heads now. They conducted a survey - it showed that our Russian Cheburashka is in third place in popularity!

Well, yes! What did they ask?

Name your favorite Pokemon.

Dove and Cheburashka sit high, high on the mountain. The dove asks:

Wait, says Cheburashka. - My ears haven’t rested yet.

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are coming to visit. Gena holds a bouquet of flowers and a cake. The little ear sympathizes with him - it’s probably hard for a friend to carry.
- Gena! - he exclaimed. - What did I come up with! So it’s like this: bring everyone here, I’ll bring flowers and cake. And you take me in your arms.

Gena and Cheburashka once bought a piano and decided to bring it into Genin’s apartment. And the apartment is on the tenth floor, and the piano, of course, won’t fit into the elevator. So they began to bring in, Cheburashka asked:
- Oh, Gena, I’ll tell you such a funny thing now...
“Get off,” Gena puffs, “it’s not your time...
On the fifth floor:
- Gen, I am like that funny story I know. Do you want me to tell you?
- Go with your story!
Finally, we reached ten.
- Gen! Well, can you tell a story?
- Come on, come on, tell me!
- Oh, Gena, we made the wrong entrance...

For adults

Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena are also popular among the adult population of the country.

Gena Cheburashka tells something, tells it, and then asks:
-Can you even hear me?
“Gen,” he answers sadly, “look at me.” I have a choice?

Crocodile in thought:
- There’s something I keep looking at you and don’t understand, Cheburashechka. Should I congratulate you on March 8, or on February 23?

One day Cheburashka was offended by Gena and decided to scare him into hanging himself.
The Crocodile comes into the room - and there Cheburashka is standing on a stool with a noose around his neck.
“Come on, give it back, this is my stool!” - the Crocodile exclaimed and pulled it out from under Cheburashka’s feet.

“Oh, Cheburashka,” says Gena in admiration, “just look at how beautiful the girl is!”
- What are you doing? - he is surprised. - She's as scary as a crocodile!

...And the old woman Shapoklyak

In jokes about the Crocodile, Gena and Cheburashka are often mentioned as the main opponent of the glorious couple.

Shapoklyak once said to Gene and Cheburashka:
- Guys, do you want to become diplomats? Come with me!
“Listen,” the Crocodile asks his friend in a whisper. - Why did they bring us to the suitcase factory?

One day Cheburashka comes running, excited:
- Hey, Gena, who am I?
- Well, you... Charming little animal, furry, nimble, kind...
- But Shapoklyak said that I was a gasket with wings.

Cheburashka is walking down the street, leading a calf, in his hand he has a balloon and a pipe. Suddenly Shapoklyak meets him:
- Hey, Cheburakher, where are you going with all this junk?
- So Gena called and said, take the chick, a bubble and let's honk...

With other characters

Sometimes other interesting fairy-tale or completely ordinary characters “interfere” into jokes about Cheburashka and Gena.

One day Crocodile Gena got drunk and stayed overnight at Cheburashka’s. This is how Shrek was born...

They put Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka in prison. He keeps pestering his friend:

Gen, will they torture us?

I don't know, leave me alone!

And he is not far behind:

Gen, will they torture us?

Yes, they won’t, leave me alone!

Then a giraffe entered the cell. Cheburashka roared:

Oh, Gena, look what they did to the horse!

One day Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena climbed into the store. They scatter and poke around at whatever they can find.

Gena! - Cheburashka suddenly shouted. - Do you need boots?

Let's! Drag!

I can't, they're full of garbage.

So shake it out!

Oh, I can’t, Gena, he’s holding me by the ears!

Bagel, bagel! - the children shouted loudly. They did not understand that Cheburashka was mortally wounded.

I'm sure everyone has watched the cartoon about Cheburashka many times, but few people noticed the catch. . And he is.
And here it is:
1. Cheburashka met Gena after reading an advertisement on the fence. A lonely crocodile is looking for friends.
2. In the last episode of the cartoon, Gena taught Cheburashka to read.

Gena is cutting Cheburashka's hair.
- Cheburashka, do you need ears?
- Certainly.
- Take it!

Gena approaches Cheburashka and says:
- You know that Cheburashka...
- What?
- I just can’t decide what to congratulate you on: March 8 or February 23!?

Gena and Cheburashka are sitting in the cell.
Their cellmate asks them why you are sitting there.
For tricks, - Cheburashka answers.
- For what?
- Well, you want your dick to reach the ground.
- Want!
- Gena, bite off his legs.

Crocodile Gena:
- Cheburashechka, honey, run for a bottle...
- Well, how to run away - so dear, but how to drink - so get out, you big-eared mess.

Cheburashka calls Gene:
- Gena, the package has arrived. There are ten oranges in it. Eight for you and eight for me.
- Listen, Cheburashka, eight and eight - it’s not like ten will be?
- I don’t know anything, I’ve already eaten my eight.

Crocodile Gena and old woman Shapoklyak were traveling in a train carriage and looked at each other defiantly. Finally, Shapoklyak defiantly pulled out the book “Man is the King of Beasts” and, whistling, began leafing through it.
Gena grinned unkindly and took out the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food”...

Cheburashka, see what girl?
- Gena, she’s scarier than a crocodile!

Cheburashka, do you hear what I’m saying?
- Gena, look at me, of course I can hear...

Crocodile Gena comes to the pet store.
- Give me “Pedigree”, “Chappy”, bloodworms, food for turtles, for mice, also wrap up snails, more... .
- How many animals do you have???
- Just one thing, but I'm trying to understand what IT is...

Cheburashka, can you hear me?
- Gena, look at me, of course I hear you.

Gena, are raspberries red?
- Yes, Cheburashka!
- Are there any specks on it?
- How many times do I have to tell you? No!
- Damn, again ladybugs I'm full!

An excited Cheburashka comes running to Gene, who is peacefully blowing soap bubbles from a tube:
- Gena, nightmare! Shapoklyak gave birth!
- So what?
- Like what? I drowned my own, but yours floated out!

Crocodile Gena wanted to please women and came to the beauty salon.
He sees a makeup artist standing there.
- Dear makeup artist, could you make me beautiful?
Makeup artist walking away:
- Aaah! Talking crocdile!!!...

Girl, allow me to meet you?
- Go ahead!
- My name is Gena.
- Well, Gena, go, if they call you...

Summer. Hot. A man sits fishing and looks intently at the float; a crocodile swims past. Seeing a fisherman, he looks at him. A minute later he asks:
- What, man, isn’t he biting?
The man answers:
- No.
Crocodile, with hope in his voice:
- Maybe you can take a swim then?

One evening, Ksyusha Sobchak was walking through the zoo when a hungry crocodile rushed at her. And then he looked at her and thought that he was not that hungry... I looked again and realized that HE was not such a crocodile.....

A crocodile is swimming along the Nile and sees a monkey washing a banana skin on the shore.
- Monkey, what are you doing?
- Give me the steward, I’ll tell you.
Well, the crocodile thought, thought, thought, thought, but he himself was very interested.
“Well, okay,” he thinks, “I’ll give it to you.”
Gave. She answers him:
- I wash off the banana skin.
- Are you stupid or something?
- A fool is not a fool, but I have my thousand a day.

Cheburashka, can you hear me?
- It's not funny, Gen.

What can you say instead of hello:

I'm listening
Who is there?
On the line
What do you want?
At the Device
Speak up - they will help you
SHO Sho?
Embassy of Kenya
Torpedo boat base on the wire
The mental hospital is listening to you
Speak to the point!
President on the wire
By the pipe
House of Nervotics, we are listening to you!
Psychiatric dispensary, the crocodile Gena is listening to you
God is in touch))
Who are you, monster?
The Pentagon is in touch
Pig race, who will you bet on?
First, first, I'm second, do you hear, reception?!
Give me the address, we're already leaving
FSB, I'm listening to you
Central Moscow crematorium
Mental Hospital No. 5
Do you like pasta?
Hello, answering machine on vacation, the vacuum cleaner is talking to you!
Yes, yes!
What does a mortal need?

Advertisement in the supermarket:
- To the one who bought a box of oranges - Cheburashka as a gift.

Cheburashka, why did you wrap your ears with a scarf?
- They are transmitting a strong wind!

Dul strong wind, Cheburashka was brutally beaten with his ears.

Gena, run quickly to Shapoklyak, she gave birth, I drowned my own, but yours don’t drown!

They also took the crocodile.

- and what are you for?

A team of tax inspectors caught a bear.
- Come on, clubfoot, tell me - with what income did you buy the fur coat?
- A bear is silent - it means it’s hiding something. They took the bear.
They go further and see a crocodile trying to escape into the river. Grab him by the tail:
- Where does the money for a leather coat come from?
They also took the crocodile.
A bear and a crocodile are sitting in a cell, waiting for interrogation. Suddenly the door opens and a goose flies in, kind of pitiful, all plucked.
“Listen, goose, well, okay, they took us,” the bear and the crocodile were surprised,
- and what are you for?
- Yes, they demanded to explain how I fly south every year.

A team of tax inspectors caught a bear.
- Well, the clubfoot, tell me, with what income did you buy the fur coat?
A bear is silent - it means it is hiding something. They took the bear.
They go further and see a crocodile trying to escape into the river.
Grab him by the tail:
- Where does the money for a leather coat come from?
They also took the crocodile.
A bear and a crocodile are sitting in a cell, waiting for interrogation. Suddenly the door opens and a goose flies in, kind of pitiful, all plucked.
“Listen to the goose, okay, they took us,” the bear and the crocodile were surprised, “but why are you here?”
- Yes, they demanded to explain how I fly south every year.

In fact, Cheburashka is our Russian woman... Warm, soft, loves with her ears and lives with some crocodile all her life

Gena, Shapoklyak gave birth to seven children there!
- Not a damn thing! So what should I do?
- Well, I don’t know... I drowned my own people, but yours float!

Nowadays, even a crocodile, if he has a car, considers himself handsome.

The crocodile froze and pretended to be a log for 30 minutes when Valuev accidentally sat down on it to rest.

If a crocodile ate your enemy, this does not mean that he became your friend...

Crocodile - sitting on a tree and staring blankly at the landscape:
- Damn it, my parents told me not to eat drug addicts

Doctors learn from “Interns”, cops from “Glukhari”, and globally, we have built “capitalism” according to the 1979 Krokodil magazine.

He loves all people, regardless of skin color and religion.
Optimists will say that it is the Lord, pessimists - a crocodile.

Cheburashka walks through the wholesale market and shouts invitingly:
- And who wants a bag made of crocodile skin? Who needs a bag!

Dear girls, send us your photos! We will publish photos of beautiful girls in Playboy magazine, and others in Crocodile magazine.

A bow-legged, bald brunette, a bore and a loser, will meet with a dyed-haired blonde, scary as a crocodile. And I, a handsome young man, will meet with beautiful girl, and without your newspaper.

A journalist asks a native from Kenya:
- What dangerous predators do you have?
- We have a lion, a leopard, a hyena, a crocodile, and many poisonous snakes.
-Who are you most afraid of?
- Russian tourists! !

That awkward moment when a girl in the game “crocodile”, explaining the word “nut”, points to her butt, and they shout “fat”...

In Vdrabadan, a drunk woman comes home in the early morning. The husband, rubbing his computer-red eyes, asks:
- Well?
- Oh, Gena, the corporate party was a real success, if only you knew how the girls and I gave the country coal! . .
- Look, you’re not even lying...
- In terms of?
- Yes, I already saw it on YouTube...

Here I decided to get rid of my neighbor with the drill and wrote on the wall between the floors: “Gena, I’m pregnant” (his name is Gena), now he doesn’t drill, but it would be better if he drilled, because his wife has been screaming for the second day so much that the hammer drill is like flowers! . .

The wife says to her husband in the evening:
- Listen, yesterday I accidentally looked at the list of incoming and outgoing calls on your mobile, and who is Gena!? You didn’t tell me anything about him, but every second call is from him or to him?!
- Jealous fool, GENA is a WIFE!

And the foxes took matches, went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea.
For a long, long time the crocodile extinguished the blue sea.
Pies and pancakes and dried mushrooms... My question is stupid and flat:
- What did Korney Chukovsky smoke?

A man sits on the banks of the Nile and catches fish. The heat is terrible, stuffy, scorching, and even no fish are caught... A man sits for an hour, sits for two, and still no fish are caught. Suddenly a crocodile pops up and asks the man sympathetically:
- What, is it hot?
- Yes...
- Stuffy?
- Yes...
- (with hope...) Maybe then you’ll take a dip?

A young lieutenant stands up:

An older operative stands up:

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided that the old coat of arms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “shield and sword” was outdated and a new one needed to be developed. Since people at the top are no longer supposed to think, they lowered orders to the localities, like a competition to develop a new coat of arms.
The head of the department gathers the operators and asks who has any suggestions?
A young lieutenant stands up:
- A lion should be placed on the coat of arms, like the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a formidable force.
An older operative stands up:
“We need it,” says the eagle. An eagle from above immediately calculates everything...
The boss asks the old seasoned opera:
- Well, why are you Nikolaich silent?
- And I think it’s necessary for the coat of arms of Cheburashka: what kind of ears - I hear everything, what kind of eyes - I see everything, and the legs are short, short...

In Africa, a trial is taking place among the animals.
A crocodile robbed a monkey, the animals are thinking about how to punish it.
- Cut off his head! Cut off his head!
- No, cutting off the head is too cruel. Let's cut off his tail!
Animals:*Cheers of approval*
- Right, right! Cut off his tail! Yes, up to the neck!

Two new Russians with dogs are walking in the park. One has two pit bulls on a leash, the other has two dachshunds.
The first one asks:
- Really, bro, why are your dogs so frivolous?
- Come on, it really doesn’t get any cooler!
The first one lets his pit bulls off the leash, they rush towards the dachshunds.
Dachshunds are crap! - bite the pitas in half in one bite. First new Russian:
- It's really cool! How much do these cost?!
- Yes, six grand each.
- Well, nevermind! Why is it so expensive?
- Three pieces - a crocodile, three more - plastic surgery.

What cartoon characters are your favorite ones from childhood, which you will remember for the rest of your life? For me personally, this is Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena, whose adventures I still enjoy watching in free time. These funny characters are constantly in the spotlight not only in books, cartoons, but also on humorous portals.

Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena some of the coolest and most extraordinary. Sometimes old lady Shapoklyak and her Lariska join our characters, which makes jokes about Cheburashka and Gena even more fun.

- these are small, even short stories with a quick, funny ending. In terms of brevity and ridiculousness, only the short jokes of Stirlitz can compete with them. But if in the latter, most often one hero with several side characters makes people laugh, then in the jokes about Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena there are two of these characters. Accordingly, the degree of humor doubles.

Introduce jokes about Cheburashka and the crocodile without the first or second main character is almost impossible. Neither the crocodile Gena, nor even Cheburashka, the nature of whose origin is known for certain, looks alone. And when you add the same Shapoklyak, jokes about Cheburashka and Gena become much funnier. The old woman may not even appear in jokes about Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena. Just her mention is enough to give the joke an unexpected ending.

In funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gena, and in other jokes of a similar genre, Gena acts as a courageous and unshakable hero, and Cheburashka already plays the role of a vulnerable and quiet one. But sometimes funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gena end unpredictably.

We are already accustomed to the existing stereotypes, and if in funny jokes about Cheburashka something does not go according to the rules, it will first cause surprise, and then wild laughter. A striking example- an anecdote about the hundredth floor, when Cheburashka joked with Gena that this was the wrong entrance, when they had already been upstairs twice. If we take any Chukchi anecdote, we will not be able to observe such a picture, since this character is more predictable.

Do you want to find fresh jokes about Cheburashka and the crocodile, but don’t know where? wish every day read jokes about Cheburashka and enjoy the adventures of the main characters? Our amazing website will help you. Here you can find many funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gena, as well as some jokes from other sections involving the same characters.

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