Examples of amazing actions of an ordinary person. The most unusual actions of rich people. Syrian man stayed in abandoned Aleppo to take care of cats

Alcohol often provokes rash actions, sometimes such that, having sobered up, a person cannot understand what the motive was? We offer you 10 of the strangest acts committed “under the influence” - do not try to repeat this.

1. Shot himself while playing Russian roulette

A 34-year-old resident of Stavropol, having returned home fairly tipsy, decided demonstrate wife's own dexterity in handling weapons: taking out a traumatic pistol, the man cocked the bolt and, apparently for fun, put the weapon to his head and pulled the trigger.

There was only one thing the poor guy didn’t take into account - the “toy” turned out to be charged. A Stavropol resident with severe injuries was taken to the hospital, where doctors did everything to help the unlucky shooter, but in vain - unfortunately, they could not save him.

Further investigation showed that the man did not intend to take his own life, and there can be no talk of illegal possession of weapons here: the “trauma” was, according to all the rules, registered in his name. Law enforcement agencies are now finding out what could have prompted the man to commit such an extravagant act, which ended in tragedy.

2. Stole a trolleybus

Who said you can't drink and drive? If it's a trolleybus, then yes! A resident of Kirov, with the firm intention of getting home after gatherings with friends in the area of ​​​​Avitek Square, boarded trolleybus No. 1 standing at the final stop, however, although the doors were hospitably open, neither the conductor nor the driver was in the cabin.

After waiting a little, the Kirov resident took the initiative - he took the driver’s seat, grabbed the steering wheel and pressed the pedal. The car started moving, but the newly minted trainee could not go far: after a block, the pantographs were disconnected from the power line, and the “unit” froze, and the perplexed driver and conductor were already running behind it, who, as it later turned out, had only left their workplace for five minutes nearby store.

The hijacker was captured and handed over to the police, but due to his poor condition, the Kirov resident was able to give evidence only in the evening next day and was released on his own recognizance. Now a criminal case has been opened against him under the article “wrongful possession of a vehicle without the intent of theft” (up to five years in prison), however, perhaps the court will take into account that he just wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

3. He stole a sign from the door of the President’s public reception

IN New Year Amazing things always happen, one might even say miracles. So a resident of Tula, apparently feeling the atmosphere of the general holiday, decided to decorate his house with an unexpected souvenir and, properly “taking it to his chest,” the man came to watch the performance at the main Christmas tree Tula.

Apparently, he was not too interested in the show, because, succumbing to spontaneous temptation, the Tula resident suddenly entered the porch of the President’s public reception in the regional administration building, and tried to remove and take away with him a sign with the name of the institution - of course, the thief was immediately detained by law enforcement officers on duty nearby organs. It remains unknown whether he was going to give this to someone unusual gift or wanted to keep it for himself, but in any case, a case of hooliganism was opened against the Tula spree.

4. Stuck in the toilet

This case belongs more likely to the category not of strange actions, but of absurd coincidences.

At 17:20, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the city of Grodno (Belarus) received a call from an elderly woman, and rescuers immediately went to help.

As it turned out, a man born in 1969 (the caller’s son) came home “on edge,” and in the toilet, unable to stay on his feet, he fell into the gap between the toilet and the wall, and then... fell asleep. Waking up from sleep, the unwitting culprit of the commotion tried to get out, but found that he was stuck - his mother had to call qualified help. Upon arrival, the Ministry of Emergency Situations carefully and quickly freed the prisoner - fortunately, there were no injuries.

5. Dug up 34 rose bushes

One day, in one of the parks in Voronezh, located on Tchaikovsky Street, 34 bushes of perennial roses disappeared: the mysterious disappearance of flowers worth about 10 thousand rubles was discovered by an entrepreneur who took up the improvement of the park area, who filed a corresponding statement with the local police department.

The thief was quickly identified - he turned out to be a 32-year-old local resident, who admitted that she did not do this out of love for plants: having managed to dig up roses unnoticed, she planted them near a multi-storey building on Revolution Avenue, where she lived, and sold the bushes to raise funds for alcohol. It also turned out that before committing the offense, the citizen gave in a good deal - apparently, for courage.

6. Ride in an armored car

A curious incident happened in Cherepovets - attention local residents was attracted by an unusual vehicle near one of the city's restaurants: police officers who arrived at the scene found... an armored car in the parking lot.

The owner of the armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle (BRDM) turned out to be 39-year-old city dweller Evgeniy, who bought decommissioned armored vehicles from one of the military units.

In the process of “washing” such a successful deal, the Cherepovets resident decided to take a quick ride to the restaurant to continue the holiday. Of course, before the sale, all weapons and special equipment were removed from the BRDM, otherwise, who knows, suddenly the happy owner would decide to arrange a “ceremonial fireworks display.”

Any driving license Vehicle Evgeniy did not have them - he was deprived of them, but his mother said that her son was fond of collecting military equipment and, in addition to the BRDM, owned two tanks.

As a result, the fan of heavy combat vehicles was sent to a special detention center for eight days, and the BRDM was sent to an impound lot.

7. Spent the night on the Ferris Wheel

Ten residents of the city of Korkino, Chelyabinsk region, after drinking together alcoholic drinks It occurred to me to admire my native places from a bird's eye view: having entered the territory of the local amusement park late in the evening, funny company out of nine young men and a girl climbed the Ferris Wheel, but the way back was not so easy. At half past one in the morning they informed the emergency services about their difficult situation, after which a ladder truck was sent to their aid.

The car, however, was unable to get to the attraction, since access to the park was closed at night. As a result, the addicted extreme sports fans had to enjoy the panorama of Korkino until the morning, waiting for the park workers to arrive, after which the company was safely returned from “heaven” to earth.

8. Pretended to be a corpse

The following incident proves: “our” people, even if they take a taxi, will certainly not pay for it.

A 24-year-old tipsy guy from Temryuk, while in the Krasnodar Territory, in response to the taxi driver’s demands to pay for the fare, found an irrefutable argument - he pretended to be a corpse, completely not reacting to the driver’s justified claims, and he, having lost patience, dropped the “dead man” on the highway. Having walked some distance, the young man lay down to rest on the side of the road, where he was discovered by police called by motorists.

He told them about the reasons for what happened, after which he stated that he was also lying on the side of the road as a “dead man,” hoping that they would pick him up and take him home for free. He also reported the stolen mobile phone, but it later turned up in his bag.

9. Pretended to be a priest

An ordinary incident involving the detention of a drunk driver on one of the roads in the Perm Territory received an unexpected continuation - when the offender was taken to the police station, he suddenly fell to his knees and began to cross himself, reciting prayers.

Later, the man introduced himself as “Father Nikolai” and tried to convince law enforcement officers that he should be released since he is a clergyman. The “Holy Father” refused a medical examination, which is why it was necessary to bring in witnesses to document the alcoholic intoxication of the imaginary “father.”

He made a whole speech, claiming that “God’s people” were entitled to a discount on their actions, and threatening the police with eternal hellish torment and God’s punishment, however, the report was nevertheless drawn up, and the car went to wait for its owner in the impound lot.

10. Collided with a nuclear submarine

This is an incident from the category of “it’s good that it turned out okay”: the fishing seiner “Donets” in the waters of Avachinskaya Bay (near Kamchatka) was peacefully diverging on a collision course with another vessel, when a nuclear submarine suddenly appeared in its path. A collision occurred, the consequences of which for the strategic missile carrier “St. George the Victorious” were, frankly speaking, insignificant.

The nuclear-powered submarine cruise was in the roadstead and was on the surface, but the crew of the fishing vessel managed not to notice its side lights, while on the submarine, having discovered the approaching Donets, they tried to attract the attention of the fishermen with signal flares and even tried to contact the seiner by radio, but to no avail .

Later, when investigating the causes of a small accident, it was discovered that absolutely the entire crew of the seiner was drunk, and there was no one on the bridge at the time of the maneuvers - it was lucky that no one was injured in the “shipwreck”.

What people don't do to stand out. They do all sorts of things to make themselves seem better than others. Sometimes it just goes beyond reason. But what can we say about this? Let's take a look at some of the dumbest things people have done, at least some of them.

1. The Spaniard Angeles Duran declared herself the mistress of the sun, citing the fact that, according to the law, the Sun cannot belong to any State, but nothing is said there about ordinary people. Moreover, she went to a notary’s office and even drew up a document there. This document states that "Angeles Duran is the owner of the Sun, a star located at a distance of 149,600,000 from the Earth." But the most interesting thing is that she is going to take a tax on the use of the Sun from all people and even announced where the income will go - 50% to the State, 20% to the Pension Fund, 10% will be given to the hungry, 10% to Scientific research, and of course he will keep 10% for himself. So what? Good luck to her in this matter).

2. It's been going around the internet for a long time now legendary story about a guy who sold his kidney in order to buy a sword in the game. At the age of 27, American Simon Darnis sold his kidney in order to buy powerful weapons and other game assets for his character in the game World of Warcraft. Up to this point, he spent almost all of his salary on various gaming assets. Simon himself does not regret his action and believes that he did it for his own satisfaction, since thanks to this action he “improved” significantly. In general, it’s hard to even call the guy just a nerd or a gambling addict. This is already a mental illness.

3. One clerk from New York really wanted to visit his parents in Dallas, but he found it too expensive to buy a plane ticket. Then he decided to send himself to them by airmail! Sitting in a large box, he successfully flew from New York to Dallas in the cargo hold of the plane. The cargo was successfully accepted and brought to the parents' house, after which the driver saw eyes in the crack and thought that there was a corpse in the box. When McKinley climbed out of the box, the mother almost fainted, and the driver immediately called the police.

4. In 1989, the Soviet psychic E. Frenkel decided to prove to everyone that with the power of thought he could stop a train moving towards him without receiving any damage. He waited until the freight train came closer, then stood on the tracks, tensed, threw away his briefcase and... in general, a stupid and ridiculous death.

5. Iraqi terrorist Kai Rahayet sent a bomb by parcel, but the stupidity is that he did not stick the necessary stamps and the parcel was returned to him. When the package arrived back to him, he unpacked it without a second thought and blew himself up with his own bomb.

6. A teenager arrived at the hospital with a massive head injury. It turned out that he was “hit” on the head by a moving train. The teenager simply decided to test how close his head could be to a moving train before he removed it. Well, I didn’t make it a bit, but at least I stayed alive.

7. One man wanted to circumcise himself at home. He decided to use dry ice for anesthesia. But when he touched the head of his “equipment” with this piece of ice, naturally this ice stuck to him. To separate the dry ice from his loved one, this man decided to sprinkle boiling water on it.

8. American Aaron Siebers decided that he was tired of his boring and monotonous life and decided to “dilute it” a little. He took a utility knife and stabbed himself several times with it. After that, he immediately called the police and reported that he had been attacked by several skinheads near the parking lot. When the police looked at everything from the surveillance camera, there were no skinheads, and indeed no one at all, in this parking lot during this period of time. After this they took Aaron out to clean water and he confessed to everything. After this, he was charged with “Fraud” and “False Call”. This is how he diversified his life.

9. One man named Benny Flint was the victim of police pursuit. Thinking that they wanted to arrest him for drugs, he set up his own death and escaped from the police. He moved 600 kilometers from his home, changed his name and even started new family. In this way he lived for 20 years, until one day he learned that on the day when the police were chasing him, no one wanted to arrest him. The light on his car just didn’t work). This is how a man completely changed his life because of one unlit light bulb.

10. One man got his car stuck on the railroad tracks. To save his car, he got out of the car and ran towards the moving train, waving his arms vigorously. The train failed to stop in front of the man, resulting in instant death. But the car was almost undamaged.

The 16th-century astronomer Tycho Brahe, whose research helped Sir Isaac Newton create the theory of universal gravitation, died an untimely farewell due to the fact that he did not visit the toilet on time. In those days, leaving the table before the end of the feast meant causing a grave insult to the owner of the house. Being a polite man, Brahe did not dare ask permission to leave the table. His bladder burst, and after suffering for 11 days, the astronomer died.

Jean-Baptiste Lully, a 17th-century composer who wrote music commissioned by the French king, died from excess dedication to his work.

Once, during a rehearsal for another concert, he got so excited that, hitting his cane on the floor, he pierced his own leg and died from blood poisoning.

The great illusionist Harry Houdini died after a fan punched him in the stomach. Houdini allowed people to hit him, demonstrating the wonders of an impenetrable abs. He died in hospital from internal injuries.

The twelfth President of the United States, Zachary Taylor, ate a lot of ice cream after a ceremony on a particularly hot day on July 4, 1850, suffered from indigestion and died five days later, having been president for only 16 months.

Jack Daniel, the father of the famous Jack Daniel's whiskey, died of blood poisoning after suffering a leg injury: he broke his finger kicking his safe, to which he forgot the combination.

Vincent van Gogh painted for days, drank buckets of absinthe, cut himself left ear and painted a self-portrait in this form, and at the age of 37 he committed suicide. After his death, by the way, doctors published over 150 medical diagnoses that were given to the great painter during his lifetime.

While working, Gustave Flaubert groaned along with the characters he portrayed, cried and laughed, walked quickly around the office with long steps and loudly chanted words.

Honore de Balzac was afraid of getting married more than anything else in the world. Long years he was in love with Countess Evelina Ganskaya. Balzac resisted for another eight years, but still the Countess insisted on the wedding. The writer fell ill from fear and even wrote to his fiancée: they say, my health is such that you would rather accompany me to the cemetery than have time to try on my name. But the wedding took place. True, Honore was taken down the aisle in a chair, since he himself could not go.

The French artist Henri Matisse, before starting to paint, felt a strong desire to strangle someone.

Voltaire drank up to 50 cups of coffee a day.

Ivan Krylov had an inexplicable mania: he loved to look at fires and tried not to miss a single fire in St. Petersburg.

When the blues attacked Ivan Turgenev, he put a high cap on his head and put himself in a corner. And he stood there until the melancholy passed.

Anton Chekhov loved to say unusual compliments: “dog”, “actress”, “snake”, “crocodile of my soul”.

William Burroughs wanted to surprise the guests at one of the parties. The writer planned to repeat the act of the archer William Tell, who hit an apple standing on the head of his own son. Burroughs placed a glass on his wife Joan Vollmer's head and fired the gun. The wife died from a bullet in the head.

Ivan the Terrible personally rang the bells at the main belfry of the Alexandrovskaya Sloboda in the mornings and evenings. Thus, they say, he tried to drown out mental suffering.

Lord Byron became extremely irritated at the sight of a salt shaker.

Charles Dickens always washed down every 50 lines of what he wrote with a sip of hot water.

Johannes Brahms constantly polished his shoes unnecessarily “for inspiration.”

Isaac Newton once welded a pocket watch while holding an egg and looking at it.

Ludwig van Beethoven always went unshaven, believing that shaving hindered creative inspiration. And before sitting down to write music, the composer poured a bucket on his head cold water: this, in his opinion, should have greatly stimulated the brain.

Alexander Pushkin loved to shoot in the bathhouse. They say that in the village of Mikhailovskoye almost nothing authentic from the time of the poet has been really preserved, but the wall that Pushkin shot at surprisingly remained intact.

Fyodor Dostoevsky could not work without strong tea. When he wrote his novels at night, there was always a glass of tea on his desk, and a samovar was always kept hot in the dining room.

Johann Goethe worked only hermetically indoors, without the slightest access to fresh air.

Commander Alexander Suvorov was famous for his strange antics: his unusual daily routine - he went to bed at six o'clock in the evening and woke up at two o'clock in the morning, his unusual awakening - he wet himself cold water and loudly shouted “ku-ka-re-ku!”, an unusual bed for a commander - despite all ranks, he slept on hay. Preferring to wear old boots, he could easily go out to meet high officials in a sleeping cap and underwear.

He also gave the signal for the attack to his loved ones “ku-ka-re-ku!”, and, they say, after he was promoted to field marshal, he began jumping over chairs and saying: “And I jumped over this one, and over that one.” That!"

Suvorov was very fond of marrying his serfs, guided by a very peculiar principle - he lined them up in a row, selected those suitable in height, and then married 20 couples at a time.

Emperor Nicholas I did not like music and, as a punishment for officers, gave them a choice between the guardhouse and listening to Glinka's operas.

Emperor Nicholas I ordered that portraits of his ancestors be hung in the toilet. The Tsar Father justified his action by the fact that Hard time he is pleased to feel the support of his relatives. In addition, Nikolai Pavlovich moved his library to the outhouse.

Arthur Schopenhauer was famous for his excellent appetite and ate for two; if anyone made a remark to him on this score, he replied that he thought for both.

It was his custom to pay for two seats so that no one could join him at the table.

At dinner, he used to talk loudly to his poodle Atman and at the same time addressed him every time as “you” and “sir” if he behaved well, and “you” and “man” if he was the master of something upset.

Sigmund Freud hated music. He threw away his sister's piano and did not visit restaurants with an orchestra.

French writer Guy de Maupassant was one of those who was irritated by the Eiffel Tower. Nevertheless, he dined at her restaurant every day, explaining that this was the only place in Paris from where the tower was not visible.

Hunter Thompson arrived on the set before filming the film adaptation of his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The role of Raoul Duke was played by Johnny Depp. The writer, being able alcohol intoxication, personally cut the movie star’s hair, creating a huge bald spot on Depp’s head.

The third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, designed his own tombstone and wrote a text for it that did not indicate that he was president.

The sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, always wore a tall black top hat on his head, inside which he kept letters, financial papers, bills and notes.

The 20th century Chinese statesman and politician Mao Zedong never brushed his teeth. And when he said that it was unhygienic, he replied: “Have you ever seen a tiger brush his teeth?”

English footballer David Beckham can't stand clutter. The objects surrounding it must be carefully selected in color, shape and size, and their number must be a multiple of two.

In this news we will collect stories unique people who simply surprise with their actions.

1. Loving owner

This dog is 19 years old, her joints hurt - she cannot sleep. Poor only in warm water German Shepherd feels better. Therefore, the owner brings her into the lake in his arms and waits for the pain to ease and for the dog to get at least a little sleep.

2. John Ross / John Ross - Driver of one of the New York subway trains

He saved the life of a cat sitting on the rails, managing to notice the animal in time and brake. John Ross was leaving early in the morning on his usual route and when his train passed along the surface tracks near the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, John suddenly noticed a cat sitting on the rails in front with a bag of chips on its head.

John did not at all want to run over the animal, and the cat had no intention of running away as the train approached, although if she did not see it, she definitely heard the sound of the moving train. Then the man, in desperation, pressed the handbrake all the way and the train screeched to a halt just a couple of meters from the cat.

Coming out of the cabin, John Ross told the excited passengers that there was a traffic obstruction on the tracks, and he took out his cell phone, realizing that otherwise no one would believe him when he talked about the reason for the emergency braking. The cat was still sitting between the rails with a bag on her head. Maybe she was trying to get food out of a bag and it got stuck, or maybe cruel children were playing a joke on her. One way or another, John managed to take a photo of her before removing the bag from the animal's head.

According to the driver, the cat was quite alive and seemingly healthy, and he even stroked it before freeing it from the bag. After that, the cat looked around for a second, and then, with all its agility, rushed somewhere to the side and disappeared from sight.

You know, I don’t have a cat myself, I only have a small dog at home,” John complained at the end of the interview, talking about his next feat.

When John Ross was shown on TV and told about his action, everyone immediately remembered that this guy had just recently been nominated for the Hometown Heroes Transit Award for heroism in 2009. Then John managed to neutralize a former prisoner who attacked an old man with a knife in a subway car. John Ross chased the fleeing bandit and pinned him to the ground, holding him until the police arrived. Now the criminal is in prison, and the old man whom he attacked managed to recover from his wounds.

3. The guy saved two children at the cost of his life

The Honda flew onto the side of the road where the children were standing. 24-year-old Pavel managed to push the boy away and covered the girl with himself. He himself subsequently died. A guy who saved two children at the cost of his own life was buried in Sevastopol. The tragedy occurred on the outskirts of the city. The car flew onto the side of the road where people were standing. Children with serious injuries were hospitalized, their savior died in the hospital, TSN reports.

The DVR recorded a Honda that was overtaking at high speed. In a matter of seconds, the camera captured a column of dust on the side of the road and a man running, clutching his head. It was the Honda driver. “In agony, he screamed, called that he was going to jail, that he had shot down two people. He didn’t know that he even hit three people,” said an eyewitness to the accident.

Standing on the side of the road were 24-year-old Pavel, 8-year-old Diana and her classmate Artem. People were waiting for the minibus. Suddenly an out of control car flew straight at them. “The local Schumacher lost control at high speed. My son told me that his uncle managed to push him away,” says Artem’s dad Andrey Kostyukov. “Paul saved them. He was crossing the road and managed to throw Artemchik aside, but simply covered Dianochka with himself,” the girl’s mother said through tears. The doctors were unable to save Pavel himself. He didn't live to see his 25th birthday a month.

4. Juse Mojico is the most generous president

I still can’t believe that such people exist and that’s why they are on our list of “Incredible People.”

5. Sergei Nikolaevich Fokin - Saving animals as the meaning of life

Former dog handler Sergei Nikolaevich Fokin sold his apartment 12 years ago to create a special shelter for veteran dogs of special forces who have served their time.

Unfortunately, then the idea of ​​​​creating a shelter failed. But he did not give up and did not abandon his four-legged friends. To this day, Sergei Nikolaevich cannot pass by any dog ​​that needs human help, and tries to give it a chance to live.

The dog handler lives with hundreds of four-legged friends, and caring people and neighbors help him in maintaining the kennel in whatever way they can.

6. Larry DePrimo - New York City Cop

A New York police officer became an Internet “star” in a matter of days simply because he took pity on a homeless man and gave him winter shoes and warm socks. Tourist Jennifer Foster saw this story; she filmed the moment of handing over the gift to the tramp and described the incident she saw online. The story and photo later reached the police department and were published on their Facebook page.

Generous police officer Larry DePrimo decided to go to the nearest Skechers store and bought a pair of size 12 warm boots and two pairs for $75. wool socks. Then he returned to the homeless man, and, sitting down, placed a gift on his lap. “Let’s put them on you,” Deprimo suggested calmly. He helped the tramp put on his shoes, after which he stood up and walked on, not knowing that he was being filmed.

As Skechers store manager Jose Cano said, the tramp was surprised by the unexpected gesture of the law enforcement official. “He had an ear-to-ear smile on his face, as if he had been handed a million dollars,” he added. Cano gave the policeman a discount, lowering the price to $75, after finding out who the items were intended for. He still keeps the purchase receipt in his pocket in memory of this amazing incident.

Incredible facts

As a rule, celebrities for us ordinary people, is an ideal and example to follow. As a rule, they are impeccable in everything.

But do they have such an ideal character and behavior?

Unfortunately, some stars, so perfect in appearance, are far from perfect in everyday life. Many of them are endowed with vices that spoil their ideal screen image.

Here are 10 stars who have done some heinous things that have ruined their reputation:

Celebrities with disgusting behavior

1. Justin Bieber

Why do so many people love Justin Bieber so much?

Apparently because not everyone knows about his disgusting behavior. Obviously, his cute baby face is misleading.

Some time ago the guy's behavior was simply disgusting. Thanks to his not very adequate actions, he kept getting into news reports.

It is known that the guy was on antidepressants, abused drugs, alcohol, and was also seen in illegal car races that took place at 4 o’clock in the morning.

We can only hope that the young man has matured enough and will no longer return to the image of a rebellious teenager with disgusting behavior.

2. Sharon Stone

The star of the erotic thriller "Basic Instinct" is considered one of the smartest celebrities and one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood.

However, this does not prevent her from having a bad character.

The way she treats people and the way she behaves at times, in the opinion of others, does not at all suit a celebrity.

People close to the star and those who had the chance to work with her unanimously claim that Sharon Stone simply has a disgusting character, and she sometimes commits actions that do not fit with her status as a positive character.

3. Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer may be super talented and beautiful woman, however, no one has yet called her behavior exemplary.

On the contrary, everyone who knows J.Lo well personally declares that she is not very good man. Her behavior is called negative.

For example, Jennifer considers it beneath her dignity to talk with her colleagues on the set. She asks that all requests to her star person be conveyed exclusively through her assistant.

In addition, she does not consider it necessary, in principle, to communicate with her partners in the films in which she stars and generally behaves very arrogantly.

This young lady is so vain that she sincerely believes that she became famous solely due to her talent.

The girl does not comment on the fact that her own father brought her into the world of stars, luxury and fame.

But the girl’s behavior is a completely different story. Miley has repeatedly shocked the public with her inappropriate and sometimes disgusting behavior.

Remember the most harmless act of a girl - the famous selfie in the toilet. One can only hope that her rebellious behavior is already a thing of the past, and, having matured, Miley forgot about her antics.

5. Wilmer Valderrama

Handsome Wilmer dated many famous girls. His brides included Mandy Moore, Mischa Barton, Lindsay Lohan, Ashlee Simpson, Avril Lavigne, and Demi Lovato.

And everything would be fine, but in one of his interviews, the actor suddenly began to evaluate how good each of his passions is in bed on a 10-point scale.

Such a statement certainly doesn’t look good on the guy. The public was outraged by the ease with which Wilmer gave away the details intimate life many famous beauties.

One can only guess how an intelligent and well-mannered guy can talk about such things to the whole world, because this purely personal and intimate topic should remain exclusively between two partners.

6. Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes once shone in films for teenagers.

And, like most celebrities, she could not cope with the fame that befell her. The girl started using alcohol and drugs.

Later Amanda became interested plastic surgery, and then went completely off the rails. IN in social networks she spoke impartially about her colleagues and threw mud at other celebrities.

And then she shocked the public by wanting to set fire to someone’s house.

Celebrities with terrible behavior

7. Azealia Banks

American singer Azealia Banks is famous not so much for her music as for her scandalous behavior and disgusting antics.

She recently posted some truly shocking videos on the Internet. The girl publicly declared that she practices witchcraft.

In this video, Azealia allegedly sacrificed animals, namely chickens.

Our domestic stars are not lagging behind in their desire to shock and shock the public.

8. Nikita Dzhigurda

Actor and showman Nikita Dzhigurda can rightfully be considered the king of outrageousness. He continually surprised the public with strange antics. And a few years ago, he completely shocked everyone by posting a video of the birth of his wife, Marina Anisina, on the Internet.

The actor shot a provocative video from the hospital ward where Marina gave birth to her son. Behind the scenes, the voice of Nikita himself is heard, singing to his beloved a touching song about the birth of a person.

After which Dzhigurda posted a video on the Internet, where thousands of people were able to see in detail how one of the most mysterious moments in life took place - the birth of a little man.

Scandals with Philip Kirkorov

9. Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov holds the title of the most scandalous Russian pop star.

And this is not surprising.

The singer finds himself in scandalous situations every now and then. Either he insults the journalist, calling her unpleasant words, or he is being treated for a mental illness.

And just recently, the Internet exploded with a video in which the pop king was being pursued by his fan, demanding that he apologize for the insults that Kirkorov inflicted on her a few minutes ago in front of everyone.

10. Dana Borisova

Another celebrity who shocks the public is Dana Borisova.

The girl's name regularly appears in scandals related to drugs and alcohol addiction. Dana is either openly rude to her mother in various shows, or demands that she ex-husband returned her daughter. And then the TV presenter shocked the public by taking a huge dose medicines. Dana was saved and was sent for forced treatment abroad.

After several months of rehabilitation, the girl confidently declares that drugs and alcohol are a thing of the past, and that today she is absolutely healthy man, ready to put an end to the constant scandals and disgusting antics that drugs provoked.