Example of a cafe opening project. Business plan for opening a cafe from scratch. General cost estimate for project implementation

When choosing an industry in which to implement a successful business, many entrepreneurs give preference to the catering industry. This is quite reasonable.

Opening a cafe is a great way to start a business.

Such projects usually pay for themselves quickly and bring greater profits in the long term.

That is why all kinds of coffee shops, pizzerias, co-working centers, cafes are appearing at every turn.

Let's figure out what actions need to be taken to open a cafe so that it becomes popular. How to open a cafe? Let's compose sample business plan, but first let’s look at the features of this direction.

Why cafe

In Russia, the catering segment is considered quite free, despite the demand for such business.

This is because half of the establishments close within a year.

The situation can be explained by a lot of competition, an unsuccessful concept of establishments or low-quality services.

This is why it is so important to write a cafe business plan. Those who approach this responsibly manage to function successfully in the market.

Each new cafe has its own characteristics, which invariably attracts visitors, some of whom become regular customers.

There are plenty of reasons that make such a business in demand among newly minted entrepreneurs:

  • growth in the well-being of the population;
  • desire for a modern lifestyle;
  • the opportunity to communicate in a relaxed, comfortable environment;
  • development of office centers and shopping and entertainment complexes, whose employees need to eat;
  • interest in themed establishments;
  • the existence of lovers of culinary delights, as well as bachelors;
  • celebration of celebrations.

Planning as the basis for success

It is important to honestly assess your strengths and capabilities at the very beginning.

After all, in order to feed people, it will be necessary to obtain a number of permits (individual entrepreneurs, sanitary and epidemiological service, firefighters).

Subsequently, all standards and norms must be strictly observed. When “laying the foundation,” a competent and attentive approach is important, otherwise additional costs cannot be avoided.

Organizing a cafe should not be a consequence of yesterday’s “insight” of this idea. Any business needs to be calculated down to the smallest detail!

This is the secret of a successful business. The result begins to be formed with the planning of indicators: budget, volumes, timing of launch and implementation of the project.

The success of the enterprise rests on these three pillars. Think about how much capital investment you are willing to make in a cafe, how long will it function and how long will it take for the investment to pay off?

If you are able to answer these and a number of related questions, moreover, you understand the relationship between all processes, then your project to open a cafe will certainly generate significant income.

The level of service provision in a cafe is simplified compared to a restaurant, so there is no need to perform a super task.

Let us consider in detail which issues need to be given maximum attention.

Permits and required documentation

Organizing a cafe requires mandatory resolution of such legal issues:

  • business registration;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • collection of documents (lease agreement; permission to place a catering establishment in a specific premises; results of a medical examination by personnel);
  • licensing (for trading activities, sale of tobacco and alcohol products);
  • registration of cash registers;
  • concluding contracts for: garbage removal, fire inspection, fire alarm, panic button (security), deratization and disinfection, accounting support;
  • obtaining a conclusion from the SES (on the compliance of the selected premises with all sanitary standards);
  • obtaining permission to carry out activities from fire safety authorities;
  • signing contracts for the supply of products.

In any case, you will not be able to avoid the documentary component, so use all your efforts and connections to resolve the issues listed.

Planning to open your own cafe should be based solely on sanitary standards. Customizing the project to suit them is not the best solution.

All rules for catering establishments regarding compliance with sanitary standards are reflected in the provisions of “San Pin”. Following them is a sign of respect for the clients who provide your income.

Market and competition analysis

Analysis of the catering segment is very important. It will help you figure out which type of cafe is most in demand and which will be a new product. Initially, you need to define the following parameters:

  • the total number of the population and the share of youth and people of working age in it (they will form the main contingent);
  • average income level of residents;
  • breakdown of the number of cafes by niche;
  • territorial location of establishments;
  • supply and demand for services;
  • average check size.

By comparing all these parameters, you will be able to understand the trends inherent in the market, intelligently build a pricing policy, create a menu and select the concept of the establishment.

Then study the activities of similar establishments in your city, analyzing their pros and cons and target audience.

The shortcomings that competitors make are especially important.

Try to avoid them by improving your best practices and introducing your own ideas.

It is important to identify the factors that determine the attendance of an establishment in a particular place. If you have free funds, market analysis can be ordered from consulting agencies.

In this case, a professional assessment of the niche with detailed details and a forecast of industry trends is provided. If the prospects of your idea turn out to be illusory, such companies will select a more profitable project.

Choosing the type of establishment

The budget is planned based on a business plan, based on the type of cafe. Focus both on your own preferences and on the number of similar establishments.

Children's cafe - interior

Today the following cafes are considered promising on the market:

  • children's;
  • vegetarian;
  • Internet cafe;
  • with karaoke;
  • hookah bars;
  • sushi bars;
  • franchised;
  • fast foods (provide take-out food);
  • anti-cafe (you pay for the time of your stay, not the cost of the dishes on the menu);
  • thematic (literary, sports, musical, national style, etc.).

Whatever type of establishment you choose, take into account the specifics of establishments. For example, the presence of dishes “from the chef” and branded cutlery are characteristic of an elaborate restaurant style. Don’t chase luxury you don’t need, it will only lead to unnecessary expenses.

But bags of sugar, the packaging of which shows comics from your establishment, will be just right. You can also make napkins with a logo or name, a special uniform for staff, or a compliment from the establishment to regular customers.

Remember, “zest” is always welcome, and no matter where - in the menu, interior or service.

Selecting a location

If you are counting on a wide audience, make sure that the location of the cafe is convenient for people:

  • was in the first visibility zone;
  • conducive to relaxation (absence of nearby busy roads and noisy highways);
  • provided parking and transport access.

The location certainly affects the attendance of the establishment. You need to choose places with high traffic (central squares, walking areas, shopping and entertainment complexes, train stations and metro stations) or focus on the main idea.

The concept is an important factor in determining the location of the establishment. Understanding the target audience will help you choose the right area, street or shopping center. For example, youth cafes can be located near the main places of entertainment in the city, cafes for vegetarians can be located near centers of spiritual practices.

If your main focus is on business lunches, you should choose places near business centers in business districts of the city. In a residential area you can count on banquets, near transport hubs - on quick snacks.

Coffee shops are popular in the city center, because it is convenient to meet there to talk about some business for 15-20 minutes.

Features of the room and interior

The premises for the cafe can be bought, built or rented. When choosing, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • rent or cost;
  • room dimensions;
  • the presence of halls and utility rooms;
  • layout;
  • proximity to public transport stops;
  • distance from automobile and pedestrian traffic;
  • number of storeys (preferably the first);
  • availability of entrances and exits (preferably from the street);
  • “labyrinths” indoors;
  • window exit (great if the room is located at an intersection and the windows face 2 streets);
  • view from the window;
  • availability of ventilation systems;
  • compliance with the standard (firefighters, SES);
  • condition of the electrical wiring (what is the maximum load the room can withstand);
  • previous purpose of use of the premises;
  • the need for repair or restoration.

It is necessary to clearly understand how many halls and seats in them for guests will be needed to implement your idea on a full scale. The best option according to the law - area 280 m² / 50 seats.

In addition to the area of ​​the dining area, do not forget to calculate the dimensions of the kitchen, toilet rooms, storage areas, staff rooms, accounting, and management. The more accurately you draw a plan, the more understandable it will be for you and investors, and the greater the chances of bringing the project to life in its original form.

The interior design should correspond to the name of the cafe and reflect its concept. Come up with some kind of “trick” that will help attract customers and make the establishment recognizable in the market. Designers, decorators, florists, and marketers can help with this.

We can recommend a win-win trick that will attract the attention of guests - fresh flowers on the tables. It’s not that expensive, but it always “works.” For a themed cafe, the idea should be seen in absolutely everything: from paintings and musical accompaniment to the staff uniform and the names of dishes on the menu. This is a mandatory condition for such establishments.

Don't skimp on your budget to play with the idea. After all, it is this factor that allows you to inflate prices on the menu. Remember, in the right atmosphere the client loses the sense of time and reality, and a feeling of relaxation arises. This can compensate for shortcomings in cuisine and service.


The amount of expected costs for the purchase of equipment for the full operation of the cafe depends on the business plan, which sets out the list of dishes that you are going to offer to visitors.

Some products must be stored under certain conditions. This may require additional storage rooms. Others require special processing devices. Evaluate all the nuances of preparing dishes before adding them to the menu.

For a cafe, the standard set of equipment includes:

  • slabs;
  • cutting tables;
  • grill;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • combi oven;
  • washing equipment;
  • dishes;
  • kitchen equipment (mixers, coffee machine, slicers, microwave ovens, blenders, toasters, etc.).

Also calculate the amount of furniture, lamps, decorative elements, dishes, textiles, equipment and appliances required to decorate the room.

It is advisable to divide the estimate (calculated in the business plan) by type of goods (kitchen equipment, furniture, plumbing, interior elements). This will allow you to receive volume discounts when delivering products.


It is undesirable for a new establishment to risk its reputation from the first days by hiring unqualified staff. It is foolish to hope that employees will learn everything directly on the job.

Food that doesn’t taste good or doesn’t match its name will drive customers away from you once and for all. Unpolite and awkward staff do not contribute to popularity, dirty dishes, “stale” halls.

It is important that employees are:

  • cultural;
  • smiling;
  • professional;
  • healthy;
  • neat;
  • interchangeable.

For work small cafe No more than 10 employees working in shifts will be needed:

  • 2 cooks;
  • 2 waiters;
  • 2 washers;
  • 1 bartender-cashier;
  • 1 administrator;
  • 1 accountant;
  • 1 cleaning lady.

Making a menu

To work, you need a basic and banquet menu, developed taking into account the specialization of the establishment.

It is important to work out a meal plan:

  • dietary menu;
  • children's menu;
  • business lunches (set lunches);
  • compliments for guests;
  • alcohol card.

Try to avoid banal names of dishes. Introduce something unusual or change the names.

The breadth of assortment is welcome. However, it is worth observing moderation. Too much a large number of dishes on the menu indicate that they are prepared from semi-finished or stale products in violation of sanitary standards.

In addition, choose only trusted suppliers. Random purchases at low prices can turn into a big problem.

A standard full menu should contain up to 50 dishes and up to 50 items of various drinks. This is quite enough. It is better to update it every quarter, as well as for holidays (Halloween, Easter, New Year etc.).

Advertising and PR

An advertising campaign can be carried out one-time, but it is better to do it on an ongoing basis (in this case, you need to include these costs in the cafe business plan). When developing your marketing policy, consider two components of a successful campaign:

  • internal marketing (implies ensuring the maximum level of competence and loyalty of personnel);
  • external marketing (implies a number of activities to generate demand among potential customers). You can use:
  • billboards;
  • posters;
  • advertising brochures;
  • business cards;
  • discount flyers;
  • radio advertising.

Something can be distributed in shopping malls, office centers, crowded places. Not a bad option for partnerships. You place taxi business cards on your site; on the contrary, they advertise you. At the same time, mutual small discounts on each other’s services will have a double effect.

It is appropriate to create pages and groups on social networks, as well as place information about your cafe in thematic catalogs. Of course, if your budget allows, you can make your own website. But remember that it needs to be promoted. This is costly and quite difficult.

Therefore, it is better to postpone this until the cafe “unwinds”. Think about how to retain your customers. It may be worth introducing loyalty programs for regular customers.


The profitability of such establishments depends on:
  • scale of activity;
  • location of the object;
  • theme of the establishment;
  • working hours;
  • quality of the “cuisine”;
  • personnel qualifications;
  • pricing policy;
  • amenities and atmosphere;
  • volume of investments.

For example, nowadays fashionable Internet cafes and anti-cafes have a profitability of about 100%! But they are in demand only in megacities.

The children's cafe has a profitability of about 30%. Equipping a children's playground with animators and hiring a pastry chef can double the profitability of such an establishment.

Cafe business plan with calculations

Here is a brief example of a business plan for opening an Old City cafe.

Target: organizing a compact cafe or pastry shop.

Description of the project. Cafe "Old City" is located in the old part of the city (as reflected in the name) in a rented room with 1 hall (seats 40) and 1 kitchen area.

The premises previously operated as a café, so the cost of purchasing equipment will be reduced.

It is planned to open an establishment with the concept of national cuisine in a low price category.

The average price of a check is expected to be $5.5. Target audience: students, office center employees, tourists. Opening hours: 10-22 daily.

Market analysis. The place is popular for walking among residents and visitors of the city. There are quite a lot of similar establishments, with a similar concept - only one.

Competitive advantages will be obtained by extending the cafe’s opening hours by an hour, holding “dish of the day” promotions, and reducing prices by 5%.

Marketing policy. Large-scale advertising will be carried out one-time. Next, it is planned to advertise through social networks, sell booklets, discount coupons and business cards.

Equipment. Most of the equipment in the room is (in good condition). Need to purchase:

  • refrigerators – 2 pcs.;
  • microwave oven – 1 pc.;
  • bar counter – 1 piece;
  • production table – 1 pc.;
  • new tables for visitors – 10 pcs.;
  • chairs in the hall – 40 pcs.;
  • hangers – 2 pcs.

Staff. According to the plan, it is planned to hire 6 employees: administrator, cook, waiter, bartender, washer/cleaner, accountant (visiting).

Financial indicators. Costs will be:

  • rent – ​​2 thousand $/month;
  • purchase of products (including alcohol) – $3 thousand / month;
  • utility bills – 1 thousand $/month;
  • redecoration of the premises – $2 thousand;
  • furniture – $5 thousand;
  • equipment – ​​$7 thousand;
  • advertising – $1 thousand;
  • fund wages– 3 thousand $/month. (including deductions).

Investments in the amount of $40 thousand/month are expected. Projected net profit – 3-4.5 thousand $/month. The return on investment period is 1-1.5 years. The planned income is possible at 50% load. The profitability of the cafe is 30-40%.


Many of us visit cafes. Some want to have a snack, others want to celebrate a joyful event, others want to meet with friends, and others want to conduct business negotiations.

For city residents this is the norm of life, and for entrepreneurs it is an interesting and promising type of business.

Stylish cafe – opening

Organizing a cafe seems quite expensive, but the efforts and investments will be more than repaid if you approach this issue correctly and carefully.

The most important component is a detailed business plan with all the necessary calculations.

In this material I will tell you how to write restaurant business plan. However, most of the positions in a restaurant business plan are common to all catering establishments. Thus, after carefully studying this article, you will be able to draw up a business plan for a cafe, a business plan for a canteen, a business plan for a cafeteria, a business plan for a bar, a business plan for a children’s cafe, etc. on one's own!

How to write a business plan for a restaurant, cafe, bar

Opening any restaurant, cafe, bar (and, indeed, any catering establishment) begins with understanding the idea and careful planning. The restaurant owner must decide what target audience the restaurant will be aimed at, where it is best to locate the establishment, what the attendance will be and the size of the average check. Thus, even at the idea stage, the entrepreneur makes a preliminary restaurant business plan.

The restaurant business in general is characterized by fairly high competition. And yet, despite the saturation of the market, there is and always will be a demand for catering services. Especially in establishments with more affordable prices, which include inexpensive fast-food restaurants and cafes.

If we divide the market for inexpensive cafes into segments, then in each of them the picture of saturation changes somewhat. According to statistics, the most promising are considered to be Internet cafes, cafeterias, literary, children's and vegetarian cafes (a tribute to the fashion for healthy image life) cafe. There are not very many similar niche cafes yet, and their opening provides a chance to reach their audience fairly quickly. However, much depends on the specific city or even district in which it is planned to organize such a council establishment. In general, what should be done first, choosing a location or a cafe concept is a moot point. If you have a great idea, it can be difficult to find the right space and vice versa.

Perhaps it makes sense for a novice entrepreneur to turn to the services consulting companies. There you will be offered several options for purchasing or renting premises or (if necessary) land. If you want to purchase ready business, then such an opportunity can be provided. Specialists of the consulting company will carry out your order marketing research market, analyze the prospects of the chosen business idea or find a more profitable one, in accordance with your financial capabilities.

There you can also order a business plan for your future cafe. If it is necessary to attract additional funding, the development of a cafe business plan is carried out in two copies, which are slightly different from each other. One copy of the business plan is for the customer, and the second is for investors and credit institutions. Future owner The cafe receives a document containing information about the main stages of business organization, described in detail, as well as long-term and short-term planning for the future development of the enterprise. Investors, first of all, are interested in the efficiency of capital investments, guarantees of repayment of the loan on time with due interest and profitability of investments.

In principle, even the future business owner can draw up a business plan for a cafe for his own use. You can find and download ready business plan restaurant, regular cafe, children's cafe, Internet cafe or any other similar catering establishment on the Internet, including on our website. Only then will it need to be adjusted to suit your specific conditions. You can do this yourself or resort to the services of specialists.

How to write a business plan for a restaurant or cafe. Template and recommendations.

The main thing is to take into account the main key points and subtleties required for a business plan. A good business plan should contain detailed description both the project itself and its financial component.

For example, let's take business plan for a small cafe. These are the points you should include in your business plan.

Project Description
Opening of a small democratic cafe with 40 seats.

Providing quality catering services for middle-income visitors.

The main flow of visitors is during the lunch break and after work, in the evening. Serving both individual visitors and providing services for organizing small banquets and festive events.

Marketing and sales
Beautifully designed sign and showcases, original design. Advertising on the Internet, radio, television and in the press. Informing employees of nearby enterprises about the work of the establishment, carrying out promotions. Concluding long-term contracts with heads of organizations for corporate services for employees.

Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses from the inspection authorities.

Production part
Location. The area where several enterprises are located, characterized by good traffic. The area of ​​the premises is about 200 sq.m.

Number of employees: 12 people (cooks – 2, waiters – 4, bartenders – 2, administrators – 2, accountant – 1, support workers – 2, cleaner – 1).

Equipment: tables and chairs for the hall and utility rooms, bar counters, display cases, refrigeration units, stoves, ovens and other cooking equipment, Dishwasher, dishes, stereo system, TV.

The menu should include: salads, appetizers, first courses, hot meat dishes, side dishes, soft and alcoholic drinks, desserts.

Suppliers. Organizations involved in the sale of food products. They should offer quality goods at an affordable price and independently deliver it to customers.

Financial part
Upfront costs depend on the type of property ownership, the cost of renovations and the quality of equipment. It is also necessary to take into account: payroll, purchase of products, advertising. Registration of all permitting documents will also cost a certain amount, which should not be forgotten. The profitability of a business is directly characterized by traffic and check size. The payback period for investments is 1.5-2 years. For accurate financial calculations, it is better to contact specialists.

Business development prospects
Opening a summer cafe, installing a canopy near the establishment in the warm season and placing tables under it. To do this, you need to fill out a package of documents for opening a summer cafe.

Be sure to analyze the level of competition: how many similar cafes are nearby, what are their strengths and weaknesses, what needs to be done to get their customers to come to your cafe, and how to retain your own visitors.

To summarize, I want to say that in fact cafe business plan, like any other enterprise in the service sector, is not so difficult, especially using ready-made templates and developments. Well, don’t forget that you can always turn to specialists!

For a long time, we can observe that more and more new catering establishments are opening, be it cafes or restaurants. According to statistics, many of them close in the first year of existence.

The reasons may vary. This and poor quality services, and improper management. Therefore, it is important to draw up and approach this matter responsibly even at the planning stage. Let’s draw up a financial plan, but first we’ll look at the features inherent in this document.

Project Description

IN project description business plan indicates:

  • type of cafe, its location, address;
  • room area, number of seats;
  • determined full list equipment and inventory that needs to be purchased;
  • staff. When carrying out activities in 1 shift, you will need: an administrator, a cook, a waiter, a cleaner. With shifts, the number of personnel will be doubled.

If a business plan is drawn up to receive a grant, it is necessary to take into account the relevance and benefit to the population, socio-economic indicators, and the possibility of creating new jobs.

When drawing up a plan for investors, it is important to make accurate estimated calculations of costs, income, profitability and payback time of the project. Private investors are primarily interested in these components.

Market analysis and choice of cafe type

In preparation for the opening, you need to carry out market and competition analysis. It will help determine what type of cafe will be in demand in a particular city or area.

Wherein determine:

  • standard of living and income of the population;
  • number of residents (ratio of youth, working-age population and elderly);
  • division of cafes into categories;
  • location of such establishments;
  • demand for services of this kind.

Having carried out such an analysis, it will become possible to carry out pricing policy, determine the type of cafe, select a menu.

The next step will be analysis of competitors' activities. Having identified mistakes in the activities of competitors, the main thing is to prevent them from appearing at home. It is important to add some “zest”.

The costs of opening a cafe are determined type of establishment. Today the following are considered relevant and in demand:

  • children's cafes;
  • Internet cafe;
  • anti cafe;
  • sushi bars;
  • pancakes

The features of various types of cafes and examples of their opening are discussed in the following video:

The success of a cafe largely depends on its competent location. Focusing on a wide audience, you need to make sure that the establishment is located in a busy, densely populated area. Thus, today’s mega-popular Internet cafes and anti-cafes are unlikely to be particularly in demand in cities with small populations; they are most popular in megacities.

Important principles are considered:

  • convenient access roads and parking;
  • being “in plain sight”, near train stations, bus stops, and in shopping centers.

When opening, for example, a youth or children's cafe, it is advisable to make sure that it is located in the city center, park, near entertainment clubs, an institute, etc. Accordingly, the rental price will be much higher.

Providing such a service as a business lunch will be more in demand near business centers.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Menu development

To work, you need to develop a cafe menu. It is advisable to prepare the usual everyday and festive (banquet) items.

The menu should match the type of cafe.

What will attract visitors to the establishment is not only the quality of the prepared dishes, but also their names. It is recommended to avoid banal names. You can make some originality both in the description and name of the dishes.

When creating a menu, it is important to determine at this stage exactly where groceries will be purchased for their preparation, select responsible suppliers.

The classic menu includes no more than 40-50 dishes and 30-40 drinks. You can update the list of dishes for the holidays (New Year, Easter, March 8).

Financial plan

So, using an example, you can determine the volume of approximate investments, profitability and calculate profitability.

Target: opening of a children's cafe.

Description of the project. It was decided to open a children's cafe with 50 seats in a busy place in Kazanso with an average bill of 500 rubles per person. In addition to the hall there will be utility rooms and a kitchen.

The target audience: children, mothers or grandmothers, married couples with kids.

Schedule: from 9.00 to 21.00.

Market analysis: The premises for the cafe were chosen not far from a place where people relax - a park. There are catering establishments in this area of ​​the city, but there are no children's cafes among them.

Competitive advantages compared to other establishments: the presence of a bright design, a system of discounts for regular visitors, an entertainment program for children.

Marketing policy. It is planned to conduct an advertising campaign at the initial stage. Further attraction of customers is based on advertising in in social networks and distributing leaflets.

Equipment. Conclude contracts for the supply of production equipment and furniture:

Staff. At the initial stage, it is planned to hire: an administrator, 2 cooks, 4 waiters, 2 cleaners. Accounting services will be performed by a freelance accountant.

Calculation of profits and expenses

Opening costs will be:

  1. Rent of premises - 25,000 rubles/month.
  2. Renovation of the premises - 150,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of decorations and designer services - 150,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign - 20,000 rub.
  5. Purchase of furniture and equipment RUB 350,000.
  6. Salary per month - 180,000 rubles.
  7. Purchase of food: 100,000 rub.

Budget cafe: for opening a cafe there is own funds. Planned get a grant from the Ministry of Economy in the amount of 200,000 rubles under the program to support young entrepreneurs.

For a cafe to operate at break-even, the average bill should be at least 500-600 rubles. Then pay off business will be able to do so in a year.

Tips for starting such a business are outlined in this video:

Marketing plan

Events will help attract visitors advertising campaign. Here you can use both free and paid methods.

It is advisable to conduct such campaigns not only at the initial stage, but also regularly thereafter.

Let's introduce some ways to conduct an advertising campaign:

  1. posters;
  2. business cards;
  3. radio advertising;
  4. partner exchange (for example, a taxi driver can distribute business cards among his clients in exchange for advertising of his services by employees of a new cafe);
  5. create a page on social networks and advertise your services in this way.

It is also important to provide Additional services in the cafe price list. Holding fun children's parties, corporate events, and weddings will bring additional income. It would be good if a separate hall, prepared specifically for these celebrations, would be used for these purposes.

Sequence of actions to open this business

To organize a business, it is important to resolve legal issues at this stage:

IMPORTANT. When choosing a method for carrying out the activities of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to proceed from whether you plan to sell alcoholic beverages in a cafe, since only legal entities (LLC) can obtain permission to sell. For individual entrepreneurs no licenses are issued.

At selection of premises it is important to pay attention to:

  • rent price;
  • room layout, condition;
  • number of inputs and outputs;
  • availability of public transport stops, remoteness;
  • how the room was previously used;
  • Does it comply with fire and sanitary safety standards?

It is advisable, when choosing premises for a cafe, to give preference to those located on the first floors.

Cafe design very important. It must reflect its name and match the type. In this case, it is advisable to contact professional florists and designers. You should not save your budget, because with a competent approach to the design of the establishment, all investments will easily pay off.

Equipment costs depend on what kind of dishes you plan to prepare. They must be specified in the business plan. There must be equipment for both storing food and preparing it.

So, classic set of equipment can be called:

This list should also include the necessary furniture for the hall and utility rooms, plumbing fixtures, interior items, lamps, etc.).

In a business plan, it is preferable to divide the purchased equipment into categories.

It is no less responsible to approach the selection personnel. There is no need to hope that over time they will learn everything. It's better to hire professionals. Unqualified, rude staff and tasteless food are ready to deprive the cafe of visitors once and for all.

Creating a cafe is not easy and expensive, but with the right approach, the money invested can easily be returned back.

The restaurant business, just like a century ago, remains a highly profitable investment if you approach this business with all seriousness. This is evidenced by the global and all-Russian tendency to increase the number of such institutions by an average of 3%. And even the crisis, which affected all areas of the economy, only partially reduced the demand for such services. Restaurants with a good reputation are not left without their visitors. The decrease in the value of the average bill occurred only briefly, returning to the pre-crisis values ​​of 2013 within six months. But restaurants, which were not very “afloat” even before the economic situation of 2015-16, at this time closed completely due to lack of profit.

Such data suggests that great importance in all organizational activities should be given to a business plan before opening a restaurant. Only a competent project, including consideration of the production and financial components, and calculation of payback, will give an idea of ​​​​the prospects of such an idea and determine the steps necessary to achieve the goal.

It is difficult to create a ready-made restaurant business plan with calculations that would be suitable for any type of establishment. This can be done either by the owner himself or by a consultant who understands this issue in cooperation with the future owner. It will be sorted out here general example business plan for a restaurant, highlighting the most significant points and calculating payback.

Project implementation plan:

  • Determine the concept of the restaurant and its target audience;
  • Conduct marketing analysis market: main competitors, market capacity (how much maximum amount customers can be counted on), the availability of premises in the city or area suitable for your restaurant;
  • Compose detailed business restaurant plan, including the calculation of initial and future expenses, expected monthly revenue, determining the period when the enterprise will begin to make a profit and the payback time of the restaurant business project;
  • Based on the concept, decide what will be included in the list of dishes offered, and what additional services can be provided (especially with regard to entertainment);
  • Develop a pricing policy, the restaurant’s income level (low, medium or high);
  • Rent or build a building for a restaurant;
  • Decide in what style the guest room will be decorated;
  • Carry out repair work;
  • Complete all required documents;
  • Recruit staff and organize their training:
  • Agree with suppliers on regular purchases of ingredients for dishes;
  • Launch an advertising campaign.

Each of the points includes many subtleties and nuances, which should preferably be reflected in the restaurant’s individual business plan.


Let's start with the most basic thing - the concept; all subsequent steps will depend on its choice. This point is usually referred to as marketing plan restaurant, an example of which we will consider.

All catering establishments are divided into elite, middle class and budget. They have their own categories within them, for example, high-class establishments (fine-dinning), casual dinning, etc. Having decided what type your restaurant will belong to, it will be easier to choose its variety. It is also now fashionable to open themed establishments specializing in a certain cuisine, for example, Japanese, Italian or one type of dish, the most common of which are pizzerias. This is done to stand out among numerous competitors and find your audience. But such formats work well only in large cities; for small cities, a varied menu is suitable, say, European cuisine. We will focus on this option in our example of a restaurant business plan.

The target audience is people of average and slightly above average income. These could be employed professionals or small and medium-sized businesses.

Place for a restaurant.

When choosing a room, make sure that it is located in an area with a large flow of people; the ideal option is a crowded street or shopping mall, where there are no restaurants of a similar plan yet.

The premises for a restaurant can be rented or built independently. The second option is more expensive, but more profitable if there is sufficient investment of your own or there are no suitable areas in a particular city. We will rent the premises for our calculations. To calculate the suitable area, you need to estimate the number of seats and multiply by 5 m2. (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Let's say the establishment is small, with 30 seats. That is, the hall will require 150 m2, plus production premises - at least 100 m2. Additionally, we need more space in the hall to accommodate a small stage. In total, the required area for our restaurant will be 300 m2.

In accordance with the selected target audience, which prefers traditional interior design, the furnishing design will be classic. But there will be no dance floor in the restaurant.

Additional services.

In addition to catering, the establishment, according to a ready-made business plan, will hold corporate events and organize children's parties.

The highlight of the restaurant will be the performance of live classical music; two monitors will also be installed, where it is planned to show old films from world cinema without sound. In our restaurant we plan to have performances by dancers (like a variety show), we can organize fashion shows, and hold competitions on various topics (for example, singing).

Repair work.

According to SES standards, the room must have appropriate finishing, a ventilation and air conditioning system, a sewerage system, hot and cold water supply. All norms required by law can be found in the relevant service. Moreover, without carrying out all the necessary measures, the restaurant will not be able to obtain a sanitary passport, as well as permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the State Fire Service.

The range of repair work includes:

  • Architectural and design events:
  • Electrical;
  • Installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems, hot and cold water supply;
  • Sewerage installation;
  • Finishing work;
  • Installation of television, video surveillance, alarm.

Purchase of equipment and inventory.

To prepare dishes from the menu, you will need professional equipment, including stoves, refrigerators, display cases, cutting devices and other specific items, tableware and tea sets for clients, glasses for various drinks, serving items, cooking utensils and other kitchen and household equipment.

Additionally, you need two LCD TVs, video surveillance and alarm equipment, equipment for performing musical compositions (microphones, sound amplifiers, speakers, player, etc.)

Each of the listed equipment must be included in the restaurant business plan with calculations for the expense item.


The more elite the establishment is planned, the greater the responsibility for the selection of employees. The number of employees must include:

  • Administrator (this may also be the owner);
  • Chef;
  • Cooks;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Wardrobe attendant;
  • Waiters.

This is just the bare minimum. As the business develops, it is desirable to increase the number and narrow the specialization. For example, divide the cooking process into stages from preparation to ready meals and allocate separate hotel staff for each. It’s good if the chef has a deputy (sous chef).

When offering specific dishes, say from Japanese or Korean cuisine, it is recommended to provide a separate person who prepares exactly this type of food.

Registration of activities.

To get started, as in any business, you need to register entity LLC or individual entrepreneur and receive a document confirming that the establishment is included in the register.

The next step is to obtain a whole range of permits:

  • Coordination of a restaurant business project with Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service;
  • Obtaining a SES passport confirming compliance with all stated standards, a license to sell alcoholic beverages and documents for advertising signs.

If it is necessary to redevelop the premises, you will have to “negotiate” with local architecture, the State Border Service, the Housing Inspectorate and other authorities.


  • Production of signs and other advertising structures located near the establishment;
  • Development and printing of brochures with special menus, promotions and inverse offers, and, of course, contacts and directions.

Payback calculation.

Let's move directly to the financial part of our business plan. An example of a calculation for a restaurant will be presented below. But first, let’s define the main routes of commodity and cash flow.

There are only three links in the chain: suppliers, the restaurant itself and customers:

  • Suppliers organize the sale of their goods to the restaurant;
  • The cooks of the establishment prepare dishes from the received products; alcoholic drinks are either poured into glasses, or cocktails are additionally mixed from them;
  • Visitors place an order and pay with money that goes to the restaurant’s account;
  • Suppliers receive their money for shipped products by transfer from the restaurant.

This simple diagram shows well the principle of operation of a catering establishment.

You need to remember that opening a restaurant is not a quick process. It may take from six months to two or more years. It all depends on your knowledge and the knowledge of your lawyers. Let's calculate the planned initial costs:

  • Registration of activities – 300 thousand rubles;
  • Premises design and technical project – 50 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of premises and installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems, sewerage and other measures - 1 million rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment and inventory – 2 million rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture – 500 thousand rubles;
  • Purchasing food and alcoholic drinks– 100 thousand rubles;
  • Signboard – 20 thousand rubles.

Let's put all the data in a table, supplementing the initial investments with working capital for the first two quarters of business.

Current expenses. The main expenses of the enterprise are rent, staff salaries, utility costs, taxes, food and alcohol costs, advertising and other expenses. Others include the purchase of detergents, costs for garbage removal, deratization, disinfection, and bank services. When considering this expense item, one should not forget about the norms of operating losses.

Let's move on to determining revenue. There are 30 seats in our restaurant. Let's say that at first the hall will be occupied 100% at lunch (business lunch) from 12 to 15 o'clock and 50% in the evening from 18 to 22 o'clock; after six months, lunch will be 300%, and evening 100%. Our restaurant's markup is 200%.

Total revenue

By comparing the planned revenue and costs, we will determine the projected net profit.

According to our calculations, in order to launch our restaurant, in addition to the funds listed above for repairs and equipment, working capital in the amount of about 1.7 million rubles will be required. Free working capital will appear only six months after the restaurant is launched.

The payback in our calculations was 17 months.

A few secrets for those who want to get into the restaurant business.

No matter how promising a ready-made restaurant business plan with calculations may look, in each case it is necessary to consider the project separately. Start with an idea and analysis of the market situation, since the characteristics of a particular territory can play a significant role in obtaining the predicted profit.

For example, you can save a lot by not including bar drinks on the menu at all, presenting the restaurant concept as “alcohol-free.” Most likely, this will attract those who resolutely refuse such drinks, including many women, students and the elderly. On the other hand, you will lose the main contingent that prefers to drink a glass of wine with dinner.

It is important not to forget that all profits directly depend on how satisfied the client is. With the right “presentation”, the establishment in the first days and weeks of opening attracts many visitors who want to see what it’s all about. new restaurant. And based on their first impression, they will decide whether to become yours. regular customers and recommend the restaurant to friends or, on the contrary, spread “unflattering reviews” about it. Therefore, the level of service, regardless of the circumstances, should always be at its best, as well as the quality of the dishes themselves.

More often than not, it happens that satisfied visitors return to their favorite places quite quickly, that is, the demonstrated example of a restaurant business plan with calculations does not reflect the full picture, but only shows fairly roughly what the minimum and for how long can be expected. There are examples where such projects began to bring good profits in the first year.

Conclusion. The restaurant business can be a winning or losing business. You can’t open a restaurant based only on your own taste; the market sets its own priorities. Therefore, we remind you once again, study the market, see how your competitors work. When choosing a niche, do not skimp on finishing, equipment, or common areas. Remember the saying - the miser pays twice. In this business, if a client leaves not satisfied with the dirt in the toilet, then he will never return. Last, and probably no less important, is the staff. If your employees are gloomy and reluctant to accept orders, do not know the dishes that are on the menu, are unable to tell you everything deliciously and at the same time, smile friendly, do not treat the client as a long-awaited guest, then no expensive renovations and interior design will not return the client.