Social and environmental rehabilitation program. Measures for social and labor adaptation of disabled people at work. Solving personal problems

Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities is a system and process of restoring the ability of a person with developmental problems to engage in independent social and family activities. It includes the adaptation and adaptation of a disabled person to himself, his adaptation in society and in the environment.

Social rehabilitation includes two areas - social and household rehabilitation and social and environmental rehabilitation. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Social and everyday rehabilitation involves the acquisition or restoration by patients of self-care skills and activities in everyday life, lost as a result of illness, and adaptation to new living conditions.

Social and everyday rehabilitation includes social and everyday arrangement, social and everyday orientation, social and everyday adaptation.

Social welfare is an important component of social rehabilitation, reflecting the state of providing a disabled person with basic comfort in residential and auxiliary premises.

Adapting the home of a disabled person to its functionality and equipping the premises with special auxiliary devices to facilitate self-care are of great importance.

The disabled person must also be provided with individual technical means of rehabilitation and devices that facilitate movement, orientation, communication (prostheses, walkers, orthopedic shoes, typhotechnics, hearing aids, etc.).

It is important to provide disabled people with auxiliary devices that facilitate self-care, which are selected taking into account individual needs and impaired functions. These are devices for using an electric razor, a telephone handset, taps, for opening windows, lifting objects from the floor, for dressing, for getting up from a chair independently, devices for reading, etc.

Housing equipment and personal assistive devices must be appropriate to the type of defect, be harmless to health, functional, convenient and easy to use.

The tasks of social-environmental orientation include teaching a person to independently navigate the environment, correctly perceive and analyze its state, and adequately respond to changes occurring in it. During the orientation process, the disabled person is familiarized with objects and the environment for social purposes (in his own apartment or in a specialized institution).

It is of great importance to teach disabled people the skills of self-sufficiency in everyday life, personal safety, diet therapy, daily routine, use of medicines, auxiliary devices and technical devices.

Social adaptation has the ultimate goal of adapting a person to living conditions in his new status of “disabled person.” This process involves not only a specialist who helps a person with changed physical capabilities adapt to carrying out life activities in familiar conditions, but also a disabled person, who must independently strive to find ways to achieve a relatively independent lifestyle.

Social-environmental rehabilitation aims to create an optimal living environment for a disabled person outside his home, restoring the disabled person’s ability to live in society.

Social-environmental rehabilitation involves two processes - adapting the social environment to the specific capabilities of disabled people, eliminating obstacles to independent existence in the environment and in the industrial sphere, on the one hand, and training a disabled person to live in normal society and be integrated into society, on the other. With this approach, the process of socialization of the individual is fully realized, that is, the entry or return of a disabled person into society.

Social-environmental rehabilitation includes social-environmental orientation, social-environmental education and social-environmental adaptation.

During social-environmental orientation, the patient's orientation in the environment is carried out. This includes establishing relationships with people, getting to know the territory and the facilities located on it - shops, businesses, sports and recreational facilities, etc.

Social-environmental education is the process of teaching a disabled person the skills to use the environment, the skills to move in the environment, use transport, the ability to independently purchase products and things, and visit public places. This also includes teaching social independence, aimed at the ability to live independently, manage money, exercise civil rights, and participate in public activities. Of no small importance are training in the skills of recreation, leisure, physical education and sports, which includes the acquisition of knowledge and skills in various types of sports and leisure activities, training in the use of special technical means for this, information about the relevant institutions that carry out this type of rehabilitation.

For almost all disabled people, legal counseling is important, which should provide them with legal assistance in the field of social protection and rehabilitation.

It is also important to educate people with disabilities on family issues - in the field of sex education, raising children, the possibility of birth control, etc.

Social-environmental adaptation is the process and result of a subject’s adaptation to the objects of life and mastering the skills of independent life support and the use of civil rights.

The social rehabilitation program within the framework of the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person includes:

    information and consultation on issues of social and everyday rehabilitation of disabled people;

    teaching disabled people self-care;

    adaptation training for the family of a disabled person;

    training a disabled person in the use of technical means of rehabilitation;

    organizing the life of a disabled person at home;

    providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation;

    personal safety training for disabled people;

    teaching disabled people social skills;

    teaching disabled people social communication;

    teaching disabled people social independence;

    providing assistance in solving personal problems;

    legal advice;

    training in skills for recreation, leisure, physical education and sports (Appendix No. 3).

Thus, social rehabilitation is a very important type of rehabilitation for people with disabilities. It is with the help of this type of rehabilitation that a disabled person acquires new skills for orientation in the environment and society and adaptation to his position as a person with disabilities. In social service institutions, social rehabilitation of disabled people is carried out through the provision of social services. However, it should be noted that the activities of these institutions in the area of ​​social rehabilitation are not yet effective enough.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of November 24. 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and national standards of the Russian Federation: GOST R 52143-2003, GOST R 52876-2007, GOST R 53059-2008, GOST R 53349-2009, GOST R 53872-2010, GOST R 53874-2010, SR services for disabled people include:

Social and environmental rehabilitation services.
- services for social and pedagogical rehabilitation.
- services for socio-psychological rehabilitation.
- sociocultural rehabilitation services.
- services for social and everyday adaptation.
- physical education and health activities and sports.

The essence of rehabilitation of a disabled person - not only (or not so much) restoration of health, but restoration (or creation) of opportunities for social functioning in the state of health that a disabled person has after recovery.

Her target - restoration of the social status of a disabled person, his achievement of material independence and his social adaptation.

Social rehabilitation of disabled people(hereinafter referred to as SR) is a set of measures (rehabilitation services) aimed at eliminating or possibly fully compensating for the disabilities of a disabled person caused by health problems with persistent impairment of the functions of his body, providing him with an optimal regime of social and family activities in specific social and environmental conditions conditions.

The main goal of social rehabilitation– restoration of the disabled person’s abilities for independent family, household and social activities, i.e. restoration of social status (restoration of a person as an individual, including physiological, physical, psychological and social functions).

Social rehabilitation of a disabled person is carried out in two ways: main directions: and domestic,,


1. Social and household rehabilitation includes

1.1 social and everyday orientation,

1.2 social and everyday education,

1.3 social and everyday adaptation,

1.4 social and living arrangements.

1.1Social and everyday orientation - this is the process of familiarizing a disabled person with objects and surroundings for social and everyday purposes. This process involves a specialist who orients the disabled person in social and everyday problems, reveals the prospect of his abilities to carry out life activities, and shows the need to make certain efforts. In the process of social and everyday orientation, a new quality is achieved - the social and everyday orientation of a disabled person.

Social and everyday orientation(SBO) refers to a complex of knowledge and skills directly related to the organization of one’s own behavior and communication with other people in various social and everyday situations. In its general sense, social and everyday orientation presupposes the ability to independently structure one’s behavior in all life situations outside the framework of educational or professional (work) activities.

Classes in the social and everyday orientation course are aimed at:

1. Accumulation of socio-emotional experience, systematization of the inner world, regulation of behavior.

2.Development of interpersonal skills.

3. Expanding the teenager’s role repertoire and positive programming of his future.

Social adaptation is training the client in self-service and measures to arrange the client’s living space in accordance with his existing disabilities.

It is aimed at restoring the client’s lost household skills or acquiring new ones, restoring his motor activity with the help of assistive technical means.

Social and everyday orientation, taking into account the characteristics of a particular defect, carries out its activities in the following areas:

1. Diagnosis of the client’s ability to perform self-service actions.

2. Restoring or replacing the client’s lost function by conducting individual lessons with him aimed at developing fine motor skills.

3.Development of the client’s social and everyday skills during the rehabilitation period (training in self-service, use of household appliances).

4. Selection and training of the client in the use of technical means of rehabilitation, taking into account the limitations of his life activity (chair - strollers, canes, handrails, walkers, orthotic systems, etc.).

5. Providing technical rehabilitation equipment to clients for rental from a social rental point created at the department.

1.2 Social education is intended to teach a disabled person household skills lost as a result of a physical or sensory defect, and also, possibly, as a result of severe mental illness.

In the technology of teaching social and everyday skills, different options are possible, depending on the degree of disability, on the one hand, and real (financial, organizational) opportunities, on the other:

  • the possibility of training or retraining disabled people in the use of ordinary (standard) household equipment and kitchen utensils due to the preserved functional abilities;
  • training disabled people in the use of adapted, converted devices, objects equipped with basic attachments, levers, etc.;
  • training disabled people in the use of new special adaptive technical means that meet their needs.

The implementation of these provisions will vary depending on the location of the anatomical defect and the severity of functional impairments, taking into account the compliance of ergonomic requirements with the physical and psychophysiological capabilities of the disabled person.

1.3 The main goal of social and domestic rehabilitation is social and everyday adaptation. Social adaptation is the process of adaptation of a disabled person in the status of a person with a health defect to the conditions of the nearest society. This is the process by which a disabled person acquires the ability to perform movements and purposeful self-care actions.

In some cases, during adaptation, the possibilities of adapting a disabled person to everyday objects, conditions, and household equipment are used based on the rehabilitation potential using basic devices. In other cases, special auxiliary devices are required that provide not only social adaptation, but also a relatively independent lifestyle. The adaptation of a disabled person in specific social and living conditions is the result of interaction between a disabled person and a rehabilitation specialist or social teacher.

Social adaptation of disabled people is implemented in three categories of housing: specially equipped apartments, specially equipped modified houses with a range of social services, and boarding houses for general and psychoneurological profiles.

1.4 Social and household device is an important component of social and domestic rehabilitation.

For people with disabilities with impaired musculoskeletal function, special equipment, various auxiliary devices that ensure everyday independence, and a special apartment layout that allows movement in a wheelchair or using a walker are of particular importance.

In relation to people with disabilities, the creation of conditions that facilitate accessibility to the use of household appliances is of particular importance; the presence of special devices that provide the possibility of self-service, and devices that facilitate independent eating and the use of cutlery; equipment for reading, handicrafts, for independent rising from a chair, bed, devices for lifting objects from the floor, etc.

2. Social and environmental rehabilitation includes:

1.1 social-environmental orientation,

1.2 social and environmental education,

1.3 social and environmental adaptation.

2.1 Social-environmental orientation– the process of developing the ability of an elderly person, a disabled person, to navigate the environment: residential, urban planning, educational, industrial.

2.2 Social and environmental education is the process of teaching a disabled person the skills to use auxiliary environmental devices to carry out life activities. This process includes training in the use of ramps and handrails, combining them with the skills of using individual mobility aids.

During social-environmental training, along with the needs of a disabled person, the ergonomic requirements for the psychophysical status of a disabled person are taken into account. (Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that comprehensively studies a person or a group of people in the specific conditions of his/their activities in order to optimize the means, conditions and process of activity.)

2.3 Social and environmental adaptation necessary for persons with mobility impairments

In the course of social-environmental learning, it is achieved social-environmental adaptation as a result of the adaptation of a disabled person to the objects of life through the use of assistive devices and a barrier-free urban environment. The result of the social and environmental adaptation of a disabled person is the adaptation of the disabled person in the living environment accessible to him.

Social and environmental adaptation is extremely necessary for disabled people with impaired ability to motor activity, which arises due to the absence of a limb and its distal parts, the absence or impairment of voluntary mobility of the limbs, due to impaired muscle strength of the lower extremities.

In accordance with these motor disorders, there are also restrictions on life activity: decreased ability to move; decreased ability to walk; decreased ability to climb obstacles or climb stairs; decreased ability to maintain a posture; decreased ability to use hands; decreased ability to lift; decreased ability to hold, the ability to fix an object while holding it; decreased reaching ability, the ability to reach out and reach for objects.

Social and environmental adaptation of disabled people has specific features depending on the nature of their living environment.

In residential premises, the possibility of unhindered movement of a disabled person is ensured by eliminating thresholds between rooms and when exiting to the balcony, and installing horizontal wall handrails to facilitate movement.

For disabled people using wheelchairs, there is a wide elevator doorway, a ramp when exiting the entrance, railings and handrails when exiting the stairs.

The urban planning environment provides for the elimination of architectural and construction barriers for people with disabilities with impaired musculoskeletal function. A favorable (without architectural and construction barriers) urban planning environment for a disabled person is: low curb stones, ramps in underground passages equipped with handrails, traffic islands on busy highways.

If the functions of the lower extremities are impaired to a moderately severe degree of functional disorder, the disabled person uses a support cane, with severe impairment - crutches, and with significant severity - a wheelchair.

In accordance with these requirements, the need to adapt transport to the needs of people with disabilities is determined:

  • a person with a cane needs low steps when entering (exiting) a vehicle;
  • To ensure accessibility of using transport, a person with crutches needs to equip the vehicle with special low steps when entering/exiting, and a comfortable place in the cabin with the ability to fix crutches;
  • a disabled person in a wheelchair must be provided with a special lift to enter (exit) public transport, and a special platform must be equipped in the interior of a bus or trolleybus with a wheelchair lock.

In the production environment, for the purpose of social and environmental rehabilitation of disabled people, a compact arrangement of production and auxiliary premises is provided, indicating the path of movement, the location of workshops where disabled people work closest to the entrance, compliance with traffic safety along the path of disabled people, specially equipped workplaces that allow a disabled person with the least energy expenditure to carry out the production process and produce products. The production environment provides for special adaptation of disabled people, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, the location of workshops, etc.

The main place in the rehabilitation impact is occupied by teaching a disabled person to live with a disability; formation of the image of a new “I” and a new forced way of life. Social rehabilitation of disabled people in its broadest sense includes the need to teach them social communication skills, social independence, leisure skills, participation in sports events, learning the ability to solve personal problems (start a family, raise children, etc.). It is important for a disabled person to know their rights and benefits guaranteed by the state.

The essence and content of social rehabilitation of a disabled person are directly related to social integration, which represents the process of preparation and readiness of a disabled person to enter society, on the one hand, and the readiness of society to accept a disabled person, on the other.

3.Vocational rehabilitation is a system of measures aimed at preparing a person for professional activity, restoring or obtaining professional working capacity through adaptation, readaptation, training, retraining or retraining with possible subsequent employment and the necessary social support, taking into account the personal inclinations and wishes of the person.

The purpose of vocational rehabilitation is the achievement of material independence and self-sufficiency by a disabled person.

Professional rehabilitation of disabled people - This is a multidisciplinary set of measures aimed at restoring the working capacity of a disabled person in working conditions accessible to him due to health reasons:

1.At his previous workplace.

2. At a new workplace in the same specialty.

3.Vocational training taking into account previous professional skills.

4.Professional training for a new specialty.

5. Adaptation of a disabled person to such work activity, which was not essential for his material self-sufficiency, but was considered as humanitarian assistance.

Related information.


State Autonomous Institution "Yurga Psychoneurological Boarding School".
on social and environmental rehabilitation or habilitation, socio-cultural rehabilitation or habilitation, social and everyday adaptation Yurga 2016

Explanatory note
The program was developed for recipients of social services at the State Institution KO "Yurga Psychoneurological Boarding School". Rehabilitation and adaptation of disabled citizens is the strategic basis of social policy regarding disabled people in the Russian Federation. It is considered as a system and process of restoring broken connections between the individual and society, ways of interaction between a disabled person and society, it is considered as a system for organizing the entire life of a social institution, its capacity, location, layout, environment, organization of leisure and employment, social and medical care, the degree of contacts depends on the state of physical and psychological health of a disabled citizen. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, adopted in 1995, for the first time declared the need to create and develop a state service for social examination and a state service for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. A social institution is the main link of the state service for the rehabilitation of disabled people, carrying out the process of rehabilitation of disabled people in accordance with rehabilitation programs (health program “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, “Program for social and environmental rehabilitation or habilitation, socio-cultural rehabilitation or habilitation, social and everyday adaptation ", aimed at partial restoration of abilities for independent social and everyday activities. The institution of the State Autonomous Institution KO "Yurginsky Psychoneurological Boarding School" provides services for social rehabilitation or habilitation of disabled citizens, ensuring their high quality, meeting rehabilitation standards. Citizens living in inpatient conditions of social services - these are elderly people and disabled people suffering from chronic diseases, representing a unique community of people forced to unite by similar living conditions. The life reality of recipients of social services is characterized by the following features:  monotonous lifestyle  limited connections with the outside world  poverty of impressions  overcrowding, lack of life space  dependence on personnel  limited employment opportunities The main qualities of rehabilitation work are the provision of social-environmental, social-household, socio-cultural services to recipients of social services. This statement indicates the provision of social and living conditions,
availability of cultural and hygienic supplies, technical equipment (television equipment, household appliances), the state of information about the quality of social services provided, the procedure and rules for the provision of services, the presence of a control system over the activities of the institution from the outside and inside. The development of technology for the work of the department of social rehabilitation or habilitation of recipients of social services is an integral part of the work to ensure the quality of rehabilitation services, to better meet the needs of recipients of social services. The program covers the technologies of work of specialists, employees, educators on issues of social-environmental and social-household rehabilitation and adaptation. Social rehabilitation or habilitation is a set of measures aimed at adapting to society and overcoming the pathological conditions of people with disabilities and including the process of restoring the abilities of a disabled person to partial social and everyday activities.
Social and everyday adaptation
– this is a system and process for determining optimal modes of social and everyday activities of disabled citizens in specific social-environmental and social-living conditions and adaptation of disabled people to them.
Social – environmental orientation –
the system and process of determining the structure of the most developed functions of a disabled person for the purpose of subsequent selection on this basis of the type of social activity. The list of main activities in the field of social rehabilitation of disabled people is determined by the “Approximate Regulations on the Individual Rehabilitation Program for Disabled Persons” (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1995 No. 14).
Activities for social and everyday adaptation include:
- informing and consulting a disabled person on issues of social-environmental and social-household rehabilitation and adaptation; - “adaptive” training of a disabled person on issues of movement of the immediate environment; - training a disabled person in personal care (self-service), personal safety, mastering social skills; - providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and training in their use.
Activities for social and environmental orientation include:
- communication training; - social independence (independence); - skills in recreation, leisure, physical education and sports; - use of labor opportunities and training in available professional skills; - assistance in solving personal problems. The technology of work of the department of social rehabilitation or habilitation is one of the types of social technologies. At the same time, under
Social technologies mean a set of techniques, methods and influences that must be used to achieve set goals in the process of social development, to solve certain social problems. The department of social rehabilitation or habilitation carries out a comprehensive system of measures for the social rehabilitation of disabled citizens to eliminate or compensate, through various social measures and technical means, restrictions in ensuring their life activity and partial integration into society. The main objectives of rehabilitation work are: – to activate the needs of a disabled citizen in various types of social assistance; – to specify the services and technical means provided to a disabled citizen within the framework of a targeted Individual Rehabilitation Program (IRP). In accordance with these tasks, the following functions are assigned: – individual approach to each individual; – development and implementation of new modern methods and means of social rehabilitation of disabled people, based on the achievements of science, technology and advanced experience in the field of social rehabilitation or habilitation of disabled people in providing advisory and organizational assistance on issues of social rehabilitation of recipients of social services; – interaction with other institutions involved in the social rehabilitation of disabled people.
Rehabilitation of social adaptation
includes adaptive training in self-service: rooms for social and everyday adaptation - ironing, laundry, designated areas in which elements of the “residential” module are located, equipped with technical means of rehabilitation (halls with soft sofas, television equipment, computer science room); socio-environmental orientation (rooms for individual and group psychotherapy (sensory room, psychologist’s office), sociocultural rehabilitation rooms (leisure room, assembly hall, library, video library), specialized rooms monitoring the state of health and measures to restore impaired functions of a citizen – disabled person, correction and control over the implementation of an individual rehabilitation program. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation work is to reduce the level of anxiety, form adequate self-esteem, relieve some psychological symptoms, etc., summing up the results of pedagogical correction (training social skills, correcting inadequate professional intentions, adaptive teaching of creative process, etc.), partial joint solution with a psychologist on personal and emotional problems, socio-cultural rehabilitation of a disabled person, partial rehabilitation of a disabled person using physical education methods
and sports, providing rehabilitation services to ensure social independence (independence), social communication, and solving personal problems.
The procedure for organizing the rehabilitation of disabled citizens:
– rehabilitation of disabled citizens is carried out only if they wish; – work is carried out on the basis of the IPR (hereinafter referred to as the program).
Rights and responsibilities of disabled people undergoing rehabilitation:
– a disabled citizen has the right to refuse one or another type of activity, form, volume, timing of rehabilitation or habilitation measures. – is obliged to provide specialists and educators with reliable and comprehensive information (within their capabilities). necessary for the development, organization and implementation of rehabilitation, as well as carry out the actions prescribed by the rehabilitation program.
program is that through planned activities the individual qualities of a person, his skills and abilities are formed. A distinctive feature of the program is the integration of types and means of planned rehabilitation activities on the issues of social and environmental rehabilitation or habilitation, social rehabilitation or habilitation, sociocultural rehabilitation or habilitation, social and everyday adaptation.
program consists of acquiring personal life experience by recipients of social services, reflecting their pressing problems related to health, sanitary and hygienic, cultural, social norms and values ​​(involving clients in the active social life of the institution: participation in creative activities, collective socio-cultural events, acquisition of partial social and professional skills).
Purpose of the program
– development of a system of rehabilitation or habilitation measures in the form of assistance, support, organization of social services provided to recipients of social services to overcome or mitigate life difficulties, maintain their social status and full functioning, partial adaptation in society, aimed at partial compensation of lost functions. To achieve this goal, the institution provides a number of material, household, environmental, socio-cultural services:  provision of living space, premises for organizing rehabilitation activities, cultural and consumer services;  provision and use of furniture in accordance with approved standards;  provision of soft equipment (clothing, shoes, bed linen, bedding) in accordance with approved standards;
 catering, including dietary;  organization of social rehabilitation or habilitation;  ensuring the safety of personal belongings and valuables;  ensuring sanitary and hygienic requirements in residential premises and public places;  organization of physical education and recreational activities;  organization of cultural and mass work, leisure activities. Recipients of social services are given the most comprehensive information possible about the life of the institution, explanations on everyday issues, issues of constant medical monitoring of the health of the recipient of social services, and the possibility of maintaining connections and meetings between the recipient of social services and relatives. At the same time, a necessary condition for all personnel to work with disabled citizens is a kind, sensitive and tolerant attitude.

Adaptive training:

To form elements of generalized social and everyday knowledge. Contribute to the training of disabled people in self-care, partial social independence (independence), social communication, movement, orientation. Create adaptive conditions to familiarize recipients of social services with professions, their characteristics, and labor opportunities.
To promote the formation of positive attitudes towards the development of other abilities of the recipient of social services, the process of mastering relatively stable conditions of the social environment to accept methods of culture of social behavior and action.
Create motivation for health.

Promote the development of a variety of vital cognitive skills, increasing the level of personal self-esteem, creative self-expression, developing communication skills, and developing an active life position.
1. Cultivate a desire to overcome life’s difficulties.
The program is designed
for 3 years: from March 01, 2016 to March 01, 2019 and is presented in six sections: provision of premises for organizing rehabilitation, medical, events, cultural and consumer services
formation of cultural and hygienic skills, introduction to social rehabilitation or habilitation as a form of healthy lifestyle for each recipient of social services, organization of the correct culture of communication and behavior in micro and macro society, organization of rehabilitation activities by means of culture, organization of rehabilitation activities by means of physical culture and sports.
The program of social and environmental rehabilitation or habilitation, socio-cultural rehabilitation or habilitation, social rehabilitation or habilitation, social and everyday adaptation is implemented by: guard nurses, orderlies, orderlies, educators, social workers, cooks, managers. warehouse, sister is the owner. Control is carried out by the deputy. Director for General Affairs, Deputy medical director, senior nurse. All specialists carry out current and reporting documentation.
The following teaching methods are used:
 Verbal (conversation, story, explanation)  Visual (showing, personal example)  Practical (practical guidance, repetition, personal example)
Methods based on the level of practical

activities of recipients of social services:
 Explanatory – illustrative – recipients of social services perceive and assimilate ready-made information;  Reproductive – recipients of social services reproduce acquired knowledge;  Partially – search – participation of recipients of social services in the search, solving the task together with the employees of the institution;  Investigative – solving a problem independently.
When determining the content of activities, take into account

the following principles:
 relevance  systematic and consistent (continuity)  positive orientation  taking into account age and individual characteristics of the individual  accessibility and feasibility  complexity
Expected Result:
By the end of the training, recipients of social services will partially master social skills and knowledge:  Master the necessary safety rules in the process of practical activities (master the rules for using electrical household appliances);  They will master the necessary rules of basic life safety (TB, traffic rules).
The program is designed in accordance with:
 The Constitution of the Russian Federation;  Federal Law of December 28, 2013. No. 442-FZ “On the fundamentals of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation”;  Law of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 1992 No. 3185-1 “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision”
(Gazette of the Council of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 1992, No. 33, Art. 1913);  Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;  Law on the protection of consumer rights dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1;  Charter of a social institution;  Local acts regulating the activities of the Institution. The program content is implemented both through educational and correctional work of educators, specialists, social workers with recipients of social services, as well as through integration into other types of activities based on individual and differentiated approaches, taking into account the interests, inclinations, and capabilities of the recipient of social services. The duration of adaptive training is set as the maximum permissible norm for disabled citizens and is no more than 40 minutes. The content of the program is aimed at partial compensation for the lost functions of recipients of social services. The joint activities of the institution’s employees, specialists and the recipient of social services are carried out in the first half of the day according to the services provided by the IPR:  Adaptive training of the recipient of social services on issues of movement, orientation, communication, control over one’s behavior, social and environmental rehabilitation or habilitation is at least 20 times per month;  Social and everyday adaptation (adaptive training of a disabled person on self-care and everyday activities) - as needed and can be at least 10 times a month;  Sociocultural rehabilitation or habilitation is at least 4 times a month;  Social rehabilitation or habilitation activities - unskilled types of light physical labor that do not require special knowledge (auxiliary types of work, cleaning the territory of the institution) and is at least 12 times a month;  Correctional and educational work - at least 2 times a month;  Information and consultation on rehabilitation issues is carried out as necessary;  Consulting on issues of social and pedagogical rehabilitation - at least 1 time per month; The annual plan is based on 48 weeks and does not exceed the maximum permissible volume of the total load; it rationally distributes the time allocated for mastering this program of the Institution “Social rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled citizen.”
Conceptual basis of the program

Section 1.

Providing premises for organizing rehabilitation,

therapeutic, activities, events

cultural and consumer services
Providing living space of at least 4 square meters per person, premises for organizing rehabilitation and medical activities, cultural and consumer services (there is an assembly hall, a leisure room, group work, a psychologist’s office, a room for rituals, a hairdresser, laundry, physio room, doctor's office, dining room, wardrobe, buffet). Mastering the skills of social and everyday orientation facilitates the social and psychological adaptation of recipients of social services to modern living conditions. An important role is played by developing the skills and abilities of recipients of social services to use communications, transport, shops (capable), and medical care. To develop knowledge, skills and abilities in social and everyday orientation and adaptation, various methods and techniques are used: explanation, demonstration, excursions, etc. 1. Provision and use of furniture (in accordance with approved standards). 2. Providing soft equipment (clothes, shoes, underwear, bedding) (in accordance with approved standards). 3. Following a daily routine. 4. Catering (in accordance with the standards approved by the Department of Social Protection of the Kemerovo Region). 5. Organization of the provision of transport as necessary (the vehicle must be registered with the State Inspectorate for Road Safety and technically sound). 6. Social and everyday orientation.
Section 2.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills
Training in the rules of self-care and personal hygiene: 1. Care for teeth and proper oral care. 2. Hygiene culture: body cleanliness and skin freshness, care for feet and hands, hair and nails. 3. Following a daily routine. 4. Nutrition, sleep. 5. Hygiene of clothing and shoes.
Forms of work

1. Conversations: “Be friends with water”, “How to keep a beautiful smile?”, “Why does a person need skin?”, “Care for the eyes”, “Care for the ears”, “Care for the hands”, “Working tools”, “Care” about the skin”, “I take care of my health, I will help myself”, “What is order?”, “Body harmony”. 2. Hours of communication: “Your appearance”, “What am I wearing?”, “Healthy food”, “Eat for your health!”, “Sleep is the best medicine.” 3. Lessons - workshops: “How to dress neatly and beautifully”, “How to decorate your room comfortably?”, “Cleaning up the room”, “Learning to set the table.” 4. Publication of health bulletins on the topics: “Sun, air and water are our best friends”, “Cleanliness is the key to health”, “Order comes first”, “5 rules of hygiene”, etc.
Section 3.

Social rehabilitation or habilitation as a form of healthy lifestyle

life of every recipient of social services
Social rehabilitation or habilitation is carried out individually, based on the recommendations of the IPR for at least 4 hours, taking into account physical abilities, inclinations and preferences, is safe, feasible, non-tiring, carried out under control with respect to work and rest. Helps to acquire new communication connections and feel satisfaction from work processes. 1. Involvement in various types of work: household work, work on the territory, carrying out work assignments in the dining room, in the bedroom, self-service. Methods of social rehabilitation or habilitation:  General strengthening  Restorative  Indicative
General strengthening
social rehabilitation or habilitation can begin at the earliest stages of rehabilitation for disabled citizens with severe disabilities. Its main task is to distract attention from the thought of one’s illness, as well as to increase the vital activity of the body with a corresponding improvement in functions.
social rehabilitation or habilitation is carried out mainly during the adaptation period of rehabilitation, when adaptation to living conditions occurs in accordance with the degree of restoration and compensation of functions. Restorative social rehabilitation or habilitation includes training of affected functions and the use of replacement functions to facilitate the performance of a particular operation.

social rehabilitation or habilitation is carried out when a persistent defect has already formed. Based on the identification of inclinations, a clear medical condition and its defect, recipients of social services are involved in targeted adaptive training for any type of work. During the classes, the ability to perform certain operations and their functionality are carefully checked.
Forms of work
1. Involvement in providing all possible assistance in the department to restore order in your room. 2. Involvement in removing waste from premises. 3. Involvement in cleaning the territory of the boarding school. 4. Self-service (washing personal small items) taking into account health status and doctor’s prescriptions. 5. Care of clothes and shoes. 6. Activities to familiarize recipients of social services with professions, their characteristics, and labor opportunities.
Section 4.

Organizing the right culture of communication and behavior

in micro and macro society
Compliance with internal labor regulations, rules of living in a boarding school: 1. Safety and life rules. 2. Traffic rules. 3. Rules of conduct in public places. 4. Rules of communication culture (training and games simulating various life situations (visiting friends, discos, cafes, laundry, etc.). 5. Rules of the hostel. 6. Behavior with employees and other disabled citizens. 7. Self-management ( social independence trainings are aimed at developing independent living skills: managing money, exercising civil rights, participating in public activities, etc.; consumer skills training, safety training, temporary skills training, street sign training, etc.).
Forms of work
1. Hours of communication: “Learn to look at yourself from the outside”, “Road rules must be followed”, “How to behave in public places”, “What is respect, mutual assistance, friendship?”, “Rules of good manners”, “Dangers” who are lying in wait for us on the street."
2. Game situations: “Know the rules of movement like a multiplication table”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Caring for loved ones”. 3. Conversations, debates: “What is a healthy lifestyle?”, “Bad words”, “Be able to restrain yourself”, “Feelings and actions”, “Respect for elders and friends”, “What are traditions?”, “Holidays in our “home”, “I know how to help others.” 4. Workshops: “Making a purchase.” 5. Excursions to the city’s museums: “Museum of Children’s Fine Arts of Siberia and the Far East”, “Museum of Local Lore”. 6. Issue of health bulletins: “Safe behavior while walking”, “Walk carefully, watch the street”, etc.
Section 5.

Organization of rehabilitation activities

through cultural means
Cultural-mass work influences the social rehabilitation or habilitation of recipients of social services, promotes intellectual and cognitive development, broadening their horizons. Creative associations of interests, conversations, games, entertainment, appropriate for age and general condition, contribute to maintaining physical independence and physical activity. All planned activities support the active lifestyle of each recipient of social services, develop their ability for creative perception, enrich them emotionally, cultivate strong-willed qualities, and create conditions for the realization of their ability to self-regulation. Conducting leisure activities helps to increase the self-esteem of recipients of social services, the possibility of their adaptation to living conditions by creating conditions for the realization of personal abilities and opportunities: 1. Socio-cultural events (concert programs, game programs, sports programs, quizzes, game discos, etc.); 2. Vernissages of exhibitions of fine art by recipients of social services; 3. Classes at the “computer literacy school”; 4. Classes in creative associations of interest; 5. Social partnership (volunteer movement).
Forms of work
1. Themed holidays; 2. Entertainment - games, sports programs; 3. Quizzes; 4. Film lectures;
5. Brain - ring; 6. Karaoke; 7. Games – quizzes; 8. Excursions; 9. Concert programs.
Section 6.

Organization of rehabilitation activities using physical

culture and sports
Physical education and health activities affect the physical condition of disabled citizens, improving existing and acquiring new motor skills. Activities are held in the first half of the day in compliance with daily and monthly traditions: 1. Daily morning exercises; 2. Health days (2 times a year).
Forms of work
1. Health days; 2. Outdoor games; 3. Small Paralympic Games; 4. Publication of health bulletins: Prevention of colds “Take care of your health”, “Smoking is evil”, “Beware of ticks”, “FLU”, “Be able to say: “No!”, “Tuberculosis”, etc.
Expected result of the program implementation
 Specialists will receive monitoring studies on the implementation of the IPR for each recipient of social services.  Employees will monitor the assessment of the intensity of activity of recipients of social services in the rehabilitation process.  Educators will receive an analysis of independent life activity and social and environmental diagnostics of recipients of social services, including assessment of needs and testing to provide technical means of rehabilitation, conducting social and everyday diagnostics, determining needs and training the recipient of social services in skills of everyday activities in specific social and living conditions and adaptation to them recipients of social services, training in life skills, including personal care (appearance, hygiene, clothing, diet, health care, dental care, etc.) and personal safety (safety in the “home” - use of electricity, sink for washing , flights of stairs, etc.).
 Recipients of social services through training in social skills, elements of social behavior (visiting shops, managing money, using transport, etc. - for those capable), adaptive training in independent skills, independent orientation - preparation for an independent lifestyle (training in the use of household appliances: iron, television equipment, electric heating devices) will develop skills of an independent lifestyle (independent) with the help of repeated exercises, individual solutions to adaptation issues.  Partial socialization of the recipient of social services will allow him to master socially significant norms, values, and behavioral stereotypes when mastering various forms of social interaction.  The acquisition of knowledge, skills, behavioral stereotypes, value orientations, and standards by recipients of social services will ensure their full participation in generally accepted forms of social interaction.  This adaptive training will provide assistance to the recipient of social services in compensating for psychological changes (when a congenital or acquired defect occupies a central place in the formation and development of personality), in the formation of positive attitudes towards the development of other abilities, which will compensate for the disability.  Adaptive training will help the recipient of social services master standard patterns of behavior and interaction, so that the recipient of social services can master the environment and fully exist in it.  Through various forms of adaptive counseling and the organization of social participation of the recipient of social services, this work will help prepare the recipient of social services to adequately respond to the demands of the environment and actively influence it.  Socialization of people who become disabled in adulthood (26-60 years old) requires a reassessment of previously acquired experience, mastering the skills and concepts necessary in connection with impaired health and limitation of life activity; the formation of new life support mechanisms, socialization, and communication. For disabled people aged 16-25 years, the presence of a disability can aggravate the difficulties of life support and communication that exist at this age, which can cause personality changes, social isolation and lead to antisocial behavior. Thus, the socialization program for people with disabilities of this age will help direct personal actions towards overcoming existing limitations in life and finding ways to realize their own capabilities. For elderly disabled people (over the age of 60), this socialization program will help to understand the set of social roles and options for cultural forms of activity. Thus, recipients of social services will experience the joy of communication, strengthen their sense of self-confidence, partially master the skills of self-care, behavior in everyday life and public places,
self-control, adequate communication skills, social rehabilitation or habilitation skills and other methods of social and everyday adaptation. Note: The timing, forms and methods of training for each recipient of social services are individual. During each current year, adjustments and changes are possible in the program.
Annex 1



February 2017







Anufriev E.

Aryshev D.

Afanasyev V.

Belichenko A.

Belyakov A.

Bodashev A.

Veselov A.

Vlasov S.

Golyshkin R.

Gotovtsev A.

Gulevich A.

Gusakov O.

Derzhalov I.

Kambolin V.

Kongorenko S.

Kopeikin I.

Kostromin N.

Lazarev A.

Lopukhov A.

Lukyanov V.

Makienok G.

Miroshin R.

Mityaev I.





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Ovchinnikov N.

Ogly A.

Severgin I.

Sigalov A.

Sidelnikov G.

Solonin R.

Stepanov A.

Tyukavkin D.

Ushakov A.

Frolochkin Yu.

Chursin A.

Schiller A.

Schmendel P.

Shchepetkov A.

Poyarkov S.

Faskhutdinov S.

Novoselov V.

Golovanov M.

Beloglazov A.

Educator: ___________________

State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow PSYCHONEUROLOGICAL BOARDING No. 16




on social, domestic and labor adaptation for persons with disabilities

"Your world"


on social, domestic and labor adaptation for persons with disabilities

"Your world"


"Your world"

Full program name

Program for social, domestic and labor adaptation for persons with disabilities “Your World”

Naumochkina O.A. – teacher of State Budgetary Institution PNI No. 16



Legal address of the institution

Moscow, Sadovniki st., 15



Form of conduct

Formation of groups of clients in need of additional education, group classes, tests, conversations, excursions, business games

Purpose of the program

Practical preparation of clients for independent living through increasing the general level of development of residents, developing in them knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to social and psychological adaptation and their integration into society.

Program Specialization

Social adaptation in society of persons with disabilities

Implementation deadlines

3 years

Venue of the program

State budgetary institution of Moscow Psychoneurological boarding school No. 16

Total number of program participants

50 people

Conditions for participation in the program

Participants in the program can be boarding school clients between the ages of 18 and 40 who are motivated to change their lives and restore their social status.

Structure of the work program for SB&TA

provides the following sections:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Main content of the subject, practical work
  3. Goals, methods and forms of work
  4. Program content
  5. Requirements for the level of training of students
  6. Planning classes according to the SBiTA program “Your World”
  7. Application


The modern world is rapidly changing its face, so the emerging trend of new approaches to education also contributes to the creation of new educational and correctional programs for social, everyday and labor adaptation in psychoneurological boarding schools. The work program for social, domestic and labor adaptation is a comprehensive document that includes the following sections: an explanatory note, the content of the topics of the rehabilitation course, thematic plan, requirements for the level of training of clients for each section of the program. The program is built taking into account the principles of consistency, science, and accessibility.

The program is intended for persons with disabilities and is designed taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of clients, their level of knowledge and skills, and local conditions. The material is arranged according to the principle of increasing complexity and increasing the volume of information.

Number of hours per week:

1 year of study - 1 hour,

2nd year of study – 2 hours,

3rd year of study – 2 hours.

The total number of hours per year is 35 hours, 68 hours, 68 hours respectively.

Social adaptation is a socialization mechanism that allows boarding school clients with intellectual disabilities to take an active part in feasible work in public life, to join social and cultural life in society.

Thus, the formation of social and everyday competence is carried out during classes on social and everyday adaptation, during which students gain knowledge about various spheres of human life and activity, acquire practical skills that allow them to successfully adapt to everyday life and the social environment. This process is carried out over a long period of time and requires special efforts, patience and perseverance on the part of both people with disabilities themselves and the educators and medical staff who provide them with assistance and support. The course of social, everyday and labor adaptation is integrative, because contains information from a number of sciences and areas of human life and therefore should have its logical continuation in the system of non-boarding school work. The joint activities of educators and medical staff make it possible to achieve the desired results. During the classes, it is necessary to find the right tone of communication with residents, speak in an accessible language, but not avoid scientific terminology necessary for studying a specific topic, show sincere interest in the personality of the resident, empathize and rejoice with him.

When conducting classes on social, everyday and work adaptation, the main emphasis is on the personal attitude of each teacher to the material being studied. It has been noticed that the acquired knowledge, supported by emotion (joy, the significance of one’s own opinion), goes much deeper and is consolidated for a long time.

Purpose of the program: The main goal of social training classes is to help students gain life experience by engaging in a variety of activities, and to develop in students a sufficient level of independence when choosing socially acceptable ways out of extreme and ordinary problem situations. As well as social adaptation of people with disabilities and their integration into society. This goal is achieved through the organization of classroom and independent work of students, as well as through practical work and excursions.

The work program for SB&TA implementsmission of the boarding school: “Understand. Accept. To fall in love. Develop and teach"and implements it in classes on social, everyday and labor adaptation.

The purpose of the course on social, household and work adaptation:practical preparation of boarding school residents for independent life and work in modern economic conditions, for their inclusion in the unfamiliar world of production and business human relations.

This work program is designed taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of clients with intellectual disabilities.

Personal resultsThe course studies are:

  1. Formation of personal qualities: hard work, accuracy, patience, perseverance;
  2. Fostering elements of work culture: organization of work, economical and careful attitude to products, equipment and the use of electricity, strict adherence to safety regulations;
  3. Instilling the desire and desire to prepare high-quality and healthy food, a creative attitude to household work;
  4. Development of artistic taste, smell, touch, dexterity, speed, spatial orientation;
  5. Development of all cognitive processes (memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech)

The program is implemented through the following teaching methods and techniques:

practical exercises and assignments of various forms, visual supports, demonstration of teaching aids and samples, technological maps, practical work, comparison and comparison of student work and product samples, analysis and synthesis. Classes must be conducted in the SBA office, which is adapted and has all the necessary equipment to implement this program.

The thematic planning of the course includes: classes studying new material, combined, generalizing classes, tests, practical work, excursions.

The main content lines are lined uptaking into account the age and psychophysical characteristics of the development of students, the level of their knowledge and skills. The program material is arranged according to the principle of increasing complexity and increasing the volume of information. Consistent study of topics provides the opportunity to systematically develop and improve in clients with disabilities the skills they need in self-care, housekeeping, orientation in the environment, as well as practically become familiar with the enterprises, organizations and institutions to which they will have to contact on various issues, starting an independent life . Of great importance are the sections aimed at developing the skills to use the services of consumer services, trade, communications, transport, and medical care. In addition, these classes should contribute to the assimilation of moral and ethical standards of behavior, the development of communication skills with people, the development of the artistic taste of clients, etc. Each section of the program includes basic theoretical information and practical work.

Program objectives:

  • Formation of skills to navigate the surrounding society at the everyday level.
  • Formation of knowledge, skills and habits of household work.
  • Formation of an idea of ​​cleanliness and order in the premises, on the territory of the boarding house.
  • Formation of ideas and knowledge about the norms of cultural behavior, accumulation of relevant experience.
  • Formation of social behavior, the ability to communicate adequately, seek help, and observe accepted rules of decency.
  • Forming among residents the awareness that the main value of life is human health, for which he himself is responsible.
  • Development and correction of cognitive functions, emotional and volitional spheres.
  • Nurturing positive personality traits.
  • Increasing the overall level of development of residents.
  • Development of skills necessary for boarding school residents to carry out their life activities in an independent manner.
  • Formation of skills and abilities to freely navigate the modern labor market.

As a result of training in the proposed program, clients will develop the following competencies: social, everyday and communicative. Mastering the program involves a combination of classroom lessons based on interactive forms of mastering educational content, independent work focused on incorporating the mastered theoretical material into real practice to solve specific problems in everyday life. The process of mastering the program is recorded in the process of conducting role-playing games, excursions, general lessons, and practical work.

Program principles:

  • Educational and developmental orientation of the lesson program.
  • Scientific and accessible training.
  • Systematic and consistent training.
  • The connection between learning and life.
  • The principle of correction in teaching.
  • The principle of visibility.
  • Consciousness and activity of residents.
  • Individual and differentiated approach.
  • Strength of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • The principle of practical orientation of training.

Forms of work:

  • Corrective and developmental classes (individual, collective, group).
  • Excursions.
  • Practical work.
  • Simulation of a real situation.
  • Joint activities (holidays, competitions and entertainment).
  • Labor activity.

Working methods:

  • Practical methods(didactic games, exercises, assignments, independent work).
  • Visual methods (natural objects: clothes, shoes, dishes; real objects: premises, institution; dummies, toys, images: subject, plot).
  • Verbal methods (story, explanation, conversation).

The program consists of 11 sections:






6. "TRADE"



9. "FOOD"

10. “OBZH”


In each section, the topic of classes on social, everyday and labor adaptation is given, the content of practical work and exercises is determined.

Basic general requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities
Residents should know:

  1. Your name and surname, the names of those around you, the name of the city, the address of residence, the sequence of performing morning and evening toilets, the frequency and rules of brushing your teeth, ears, washing your hair, rules for protecting your eyesight when reading and watching television, rules for a girl’s personal hygiene, rules for caring for personal hygiene items, types of cosmetics, names of personal items and their purpose, rules for caring for facial skin and hair. Parts of the human body and organs, rules for caring for the skin of hands, feet and nails, the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol on the body and compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, requirements for posture when walking, standing and sitting.
  2. Types of clothing and footwear, their purposes, rules for caring for clothing and footwear.
  3. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the food preparation process, rules for setting the table for breakfast, rules for brewing tea, rules for using a knife, stove, electric kettle.
  4. Rules of behavior when meeting and parting, forms of making requests, questions, rules of behavior at the table. Rules of conduct in entertainment and cultural and educational institutions, rules of conduct when visiting.
  5. Types of residential premises in the city and the countryside and their differences, postal address of your home - boarding school.
  6. Basic vehicles, types of vehicles (special, cargo, passenger, city, railway, suburban, intercity), procedure for purchasing tickets, rules for riding a bicycle, rules of behavior in transport. Basic traffic rules.
  7. The main types of stores, their purpose, types of departments in grocery stores and rules for purchasing goods in them.
  8. Basic means of communication, types of postal items.
  9. Types of medical care, medical institutions, functions of primary medical specialists, methods of calling a doctor at home, the main composition of a home first aid kit, types of first aid.

Residents must be able to:

  1. Perform morning and evening toilets in a certain sequence, comb your hair and choose a hairstyle, wash your hands, cut your fingernails and care for the skin of your hands, select cosmetics for hand skin care, select cosmetics for personal care.
  2. Select clothes, hats, shoes for the season, dry wet clothes and clean clothes, prepare clothes and shoes for seasonal storage.
  3. Set the table taking into account a specific menu, use printed instructions for various household chemicals, and create a menu.
  4. Monitor your posture, gait and gestures, behave correctly when meeting and parting with peers (boys and girls), adults (acquaintances and strangers) in various situations, behave tactfully at the table while eating (use cutlery, napkins, carefully Eating).
  5. Clean living quarters, carry out dry and wet cleaning, clean carpets, bookshelves, radiators, care for the floor using household chemicals, care for indoor plants.
  6. Follow the rules of behavior in public transport (rules of boarding, buying a ticket, behavior in the cabin and when going out, follow the rules of the road.
  7. Choose products, pay for your purchase, follow the rules of behavior in the store.
  8. Write addresses on the envelope.
  9. Call a doctor at home, buy medicine at the pharmacy, use a thermometer, treat wounds and apply bandages.

Requirements for knowledge, skills, and abilities by section

  1. Personal hygiene.

Residents must know:

  • rules for hardening the body;
  • techniques for wiping and washing feet; nail cutting;
  • rules for maintaining personal hygiene during physical exercise and hiking;

About the dangers of drugs and toxic substances.

Residents must be able to:

  • harden your body;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, at school, during hikes, excursions;
  • Refuse the temptation to try drugs and toxic substances.
  1. Culture of behavior

Residents must know:

  • rules of conduct in entertainment and cultural and educational institutions;
  • ways of conducting conversations with elders and peers.

Residents must be able to:

Behave culturally in the theater, club, museum halls, reading room;

Behave tactfully and politely when talking with elders and peers.

  1. Clothes and shoes

Residents must know:

  • sanitary and hygienic requirements and rules for safe work with piercing and cutting tools, electric heating devices and household chemicals;
  • rules for washing items made from cotton fabrics.

Residents must be able to:

  • sew on buttons, hooks, loops, buttons, hangers;
  • sew up clothes along a torn seam;
  • hem dresses, trousers, shirts;

Select detergents for washing.

  1. Housing

Residents must know:

  • hygienic requirements for living quarters;
  • rules and sequence of dry wet cleaning;
  • rules for using an electric vacuum cleaner;
  • sanitary and hygienic requirements and safety rules when working with household electrical appliances.

Residents must be able to:

Carry out dry and wet cleaning of the premises;

Clean carpets, bookshelves, radiators with an electric vacuum cleaner;

  • clean furniture;
  • Follow the rules for safe work with electrical appliances and chemicals.
  1. Transport

Residents must know:

  • intercity transport;
  • the cost of travel on all types of city transport (the cost of a one-time, single ticket);
  • procedure for purchasing tickets and coupons;
  • composting of coupons.

Residents must be able to:

  • choose the most rational routes when moving around the city;
  • navigate the commuter train schedule;
  • determine direction and zones.
  1. Trade

Residents must know:

  • types of industrial goods stores, their purpose and departments;
  • rules of behavior in the store and communication with store employees;
  • rules for purchasing goods;
  • the cost of the most necessary goods (clothing, shoes, dishes and others,
  • frequently used items).

Residents must be able to:

  • select the desired product;
  • find out the warranty period for its use;
  • pay, check receipt and change;
  • keep the receipt during the warranty period for the product;
  • return goods that do not meet the buyer's wishes.
  1. Means of communication

Residents must know:

List of items sent by postal parcel;

  • maximum weight of postal items;
  • types and methods of packaging;
  • types of postal items.

Residents must be able to:

  • fill out the form for sending a parcel or parcel;
  • make an inventory of the items being sent;

Pack the parcel or parcel in solid packaging;

Determine the cost of postage.

  1. Health care

Residents must know:

  • ways to call a doctor at home;
  • measures to prevent helminthic diseases;
  • functions of primary medical specialists;
  • the main composition of a home first aid kit: disinfectants and dressings, a thermometer, mustard plasters, pipettes, tweezers, etc., instructions for the use of medicines that make up a home first aid kit;
  • about the possible harm of self-medication.

Residents must be able to:

  • sign up for an appointment with the doctor;
  • call a doctor at home;
  • in emergency cases, ambulance doctors;

Buy medicine at the pharmacy.

  1. Nutrition

Residents must know:

Ways to select benign products;

Cooking porridge, brewing tea, boiling eggs;

Methods of storing food and prepared food;

Rules for creating a recipe.

Residents must be able to:

  • use heating devices and strictly follow safety rules;
  • prepare porridge, boil potatoes, brew tea, strictly observing safety rules;
  • create a recipe for a dish;
  • wash, clean the dishes.

Residents must know:

- dangers threatening humans, their patterns

manifestations and ways to protect against them.

Residents must be able to:

- providing first aid to the victim;

Use personal protective equipment

  1. Career guidance

Residents must know:

Types of institutions and scope of their activities.

Residents must be able to:

Freely navigate the labor market;

Communication skills with employers.

Classroom forms of organizing classes:

lecture-conversation, involving direct contact between the teacher and the students. The use of this type of lecture will allow you to attract the attention of teachers to the most important issues of the topic, determine the content and pace of presentation of educational material, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of clients, and will also allow you to determine the degree to which they have mastered the previous material;

lecture with analysis of specific situations,involving discussion of specific life situations during the lecture;

practical lessons,which enable residents to use theoretical knowledge in practical activities. Active participation in practical work leads to systematization and deepening of knowledge, to the development of skills and abilities.

educational role-playing games- a synthetic form of organizing the joint activity of a teacher and students, is a multicomponent model containing several types of activities that are fundamentally important for the development of boarding school clients: problem-searching, thinking, communicative, imitation-role (social modeling).

Most sections of the program are studied from years 1 to 3 of study. This is due to the peculiarity of the dynamics of the nervous processes of students and allows the teacher, observing the principles of systematicity and consistency in teaching, when communicating new material, to use the experience of students as a basis for expanding their knowledge, improving their existing skills and abilities and forming new ones.

Expected positive results

For students:

  • obtaining deep knowledge, practical skills, effective skills necessary for a full life in society;
  • correction and compensation for deficiencies in family and public education;
  • psychological support and protection;
  • the ability to make informed choices and be responsible for one’s actions;
  • awareness of oneself as a patriotic citizen with signs of tolerance in the worldview;
  • independence of thinking, ability to predict situations;
  • reducing anxiety levels, developing effective methods of self-regulation;
  • ability to act in stressful and unusual situations;
  • acquisition of communication skills, the joy of communication;
  • maintaining physical and mental health;
  • adaptation in modern society, orientation in society, everyday life, and the labor market.

For the teacher:

  • increasing the general intellectual and professional level;
  • self-realization of personal capabilities;
  • formation of critical thinking.

For society:

  • reducing the social distance between healthy people and disabled people

Prospects for further development of the program

The program provides for its further development - the expansion of the socio-cultural space of people with disabilities, the development and implementation of an extensive program of social design.

Planning classes for the program Social, everyday and labor adaptation “Your World”

1 year of study


Topic name

Number of hours

Welcome to the Academy of Good Wizards. Conversation about the content and significance of the subject “Social, everyday and labor adaptation.”

Personal hygiene

Lessons from Moidodyr. Rules of purity (expansion of knowledge).

Posture - slender back.

Hair care. Hairstyles.

Clothes and shoes

Types of clothing and hats, their purpose.

Types of shoes, their purpose, shoe care.

Rules for choosing shoes and clothing.


How should you eat? Cooking tips from the Know-It-All. Products of plant and animal origin, their diversity and importance for human health.

Golden rules of nutrition and cooking. Advice from Dr. Aibolit.


Brewing tea. Forest teas.

Making sandwiches.

What can you cook from stale bread? Toast.

Table setting for breakfast.

Culture of behavior

School of good manners. What is the secret of magic words?

Behavior in a public place.

Behavior at home, in a cafe, in a dining room


Reading range: books, newspapers, magazines. Home library.

Music. Great composers. Home audio collections.

Hobbies. Passion is a step towards a future profession.

Excursion to the Zhostovo Museum

life safety fundamentals

Urban Security Lessons

Caution - fire! Fire safety rules.


Types of residential premises in the city, village.

Rules for cleaning the room. Lessons from Cinderella.

Rational arrangement of furniture in the room. Interior.


Is it possible to live to be a hundred years old? What do you need for this?


Types of transport. Rules of behavior in transport.


Food and department stores. Their purpose. Behavior in the store.

Excursion to a grocery store.

Human and nature

Rules for the procurement of wild medicinal and edible plants.

Ecological raid into nature


2nd year of study


Topic name

Number of hours

Personal hygiene

Hand and foot care.

Hardening rules.

Useful and bad habits.

Dwelling, estate

Daily and regular cleaning. Vacuum cleaner.

Arranging your own corner or room. Organization of working and sleeping places. Sleep hygiene.

Indoor floriculture. Rules for caring for indoor plants.

Our yard. Autumn work on the site.

Ecology of home


Food preparation hygiene. The role and place of dinner in the daily diet. Primary processing of vegetables. Boiling potatoes.

Creating a dinner menu. Table setting for dinner.

Human nutrition. Steamed vegetables

Festive dishes and their preparation

Excursion to catering establishments


Minor clothing repairs. Sewing buttons, hangers, hooks.

Repair of a torn seam. Seam “forward needle”.

Hemming the bottom of the product. Blind seam.

Washing and ironing of colored cotton and silk fabrics.

Caring for seasonal clothing and shoes.

Means of communication

Telephone. Phone book. Terms of use.

A culture of speech. Helpline.

Family. The world of relationships.

Family composition. Family relationships. Family relationships.

Organization of family holidays.

life safety fundamentals

Fundamentals of human life safety

Providing first aid for bruises and abrasions

A pedestrian. Pedestrian safety

Safe behavior in everyday situations

Excursion by public transport






Excursion to the museum




Health and its main laws.


Friends of your health. Where are you going? (test)


Balanced diet


Cleansing the body (fasting, fasting, bath, etc.)


Culture of behavior


The city and us. Street discipline.


Behavior in the cinema, theater, club, museum, library.


Visiting a museum, cinema, theater


A culture of speech. How to write a letter, a congratulation on a postcard, an invitation?


How to learn good manners?


Nature and man


Nature and man.


Spring work on flower beds, lawns, and in the yard. Planting seedlings of annual flower crops, bulbs, tubers.


Caring for seedlings.


Planting trees and shrubs on the territory of the boarding school.




3rd year of study


Topic name

Number of hours

Clothes and shoes


Fashion is a mirror of the past, present, future (history of fashion).


Fashion style. Upgrade (replacement of small parts). Choosing clothes when purchasing. Excursion to the clothing store


Hygienic requirements for shoes and clothing.


Rules for choosing shoes and clothing (size, taking into account individual characteristics, nature of activity).


Working with washed linen (repair, ironing, storage).


Excursion to the clothing and footwear store




Basics of modern etiquette.


Hospitality rules.




A culture of speech. Lexicon. Sense of humor.



Excursion to the temple.




The role and place of lunch in the daily diet.


Preparing first courses.


Salads are the basis of nutrition. Making salads.


Creating a lunch menu. Table setting for dinner.




Types of furniture and care for it.


Excursion to a furniture store.


General cleaning of living quarters.


Control of harmful insects and rodents.


Arrangement of the kitchen and bathroom. Household chemicals for the kitchen and bathroom. Kitchen and bathroom care.


Arrangement of living room and hallway rooms.




Why is marriage registered? Wedding. Birth of a family. Its functions.


Family microclimate. Life and family budget.


Home maintenance. Payment of living space and utilities.


Expenses associated with home work and personal farming.


Saving. Their purpose. Storing money in a savings bank. Types of deposits. Credit. State insurance.


Excursion to Sberbank


About the most secret


What is a complex and how to deal with it?


Relationships with parents.


Self-esteem. Responsibility for yourself.


Means of communication


Basic means of communication (mail, telegraph, telephone). Types of postal and telegraph services.


Rules for the design of postal and telegraph forms, receipts, compilation of telegram texts.




How to beat a cold? Prevention of colds and flu. Home first aid kit. Thermometer.


How does traditional medicine treat? Pharmacy in the forest, vegetable garden, garden...


Caring for patients at home.


Your invisible enemies (smoking, alcohol, drugs).


Nature and man


Rules for replanting indoor plants. Feeding. Pest and disease control.


Ecological raids “Look around in alarm” in the field, to the seashore.


Wild edible plants in our diet.


life safety fundamentals


Factors and stresses of survival in natural conditions.


How to avoid getting into an extreme situation.


First aid equipment.


Fire prevention in everyday life.


Career guidance


Study tours to enterprises


Visiting the center for the purpose of receiving professional advice in choosing professions and types of work, taking into account personal qualities.





Organization of social, everyday and labor adaptation

To conduct theoretical and practical classes on social, everyday and labor adaptation, it is necessary to have 2 rooms with a total area of ​​at least 48 sq.m.

The room for theoretical work should be equipped with a chalkboard, display cases for displaying items on the topics: “Personal Hygiene”, “Home Hygiene”, “Hygiene of Clothes and Shoes”, “Health”, “Family”. A stand of the “Kaleidoscope of Useful Tips” type can be set up, consisting of pockets with folders, each of which contains additional material on the sections of the program being studied or the interests of students. For example, “Your right”, “Beauty and health”, “To you, future parents”, “Career guidance”, “Handicraft”, “Home craftsman”, “Livestock breeders, gardeners, gardeners”, “World of hobbies”, “Interior”, “Home hygiene”, etc.

A special room with an area of ​​24 m2 is provided for conducting classes in Home Economics. The main attention should be paid to the rational arrangement of work tables in order to ensure freedom of movement during work and ease of passage for students and teachers between tables. If you have transformable furniture and special equipment for cooking classes, both sewing and culinary units can be placed in one room of this size. The Home Economics room hosts classes on cooking and caring for clothes (laundry). The room must meet general hygienic requirements and, in addition, have an exhaust pipe and ventilation. It is recommended to cover the floor of the kitchen-laboratory with linoleum. Particular attention should be paid to natural lighting in workplaces. The light should fall from the left side or in front of the workers. For a Home Economics office with 15 workstations, an area of ​​24 m is required2 . In the Home Economics office, work tables, a teacher’s demonstration table, cabinets for storing food, dishes, table linen, a dishwasher, and a sink are installed; two-burner gas or electric stoves for cooking; wall clock, first aid kit. There should be a designated area for storing rags. Sink - cast iron or enameled steel. It is convenient to hang a device for drying dishes above the sink, and under the sink there is a cabinet for storing a trash can and various cleaning items. The trash can must have a tight lid.

The Home Economics office provides space for a refrigerator.

The social adaptation room should have many indoor plants and pieces of furniture for various purposes.

  • TV with multimedia input.
  • PC
  • There should be a large carpet on the floor for conducting practical classes on the topic “Housing”, as well as for learning sets of exercises on the topics “Health” and “Personal Hygiene”.

Means of education

  1. Technical and electronic means of training and monitoring the knowledge of residents.
  2. Handout and didactic material.
  3. Printed manuals.
  4. Multimedia aids.

Social and everyday adaptation presupposes the formation of the individual’s readiness for everyday and work activities and the development of independence with orientation in time and space (orientation on the ground, knowledge of the infrastructure of a metropolis, city, rural settlement).

Social adaptation is facilitated by the creation of the necessary conditions for the independent existence of a disabled person. The living environment for a disabled person is of enormous importance, since in it he spends most, if not all, of his life.

Social and living conditions constitute an important component of social and living rehabilitation, reflecting the state of providing a disabled person with basic comfort in residential and auxiliary premises. Providing a comfortable and safe living environment is currently receiving special attention from government agencies. Legislation for disabled people provides for an increase in sanitary standards for living space and its architectural and planning changes.

The social and living arrangements for disabled people are carried out not only in individually equipped apartments, but also in specially equipped modified houses with a range of social and living services or in specialized boarding houses. When constructing or reconstructing a room intended for a disabled person, it is necessary to take into account the aesthetic appearance and interior, which create a feeling of psychological comfort and convenience; comply with standards for space and equipment with technical rehabilitation equipment and assistive care devices.

Adapting the home of a disabled person to its functionality and equipping the premises with special auxiliary devices to facilitate self-care are of great importance. An individual approach to a disabled person and creative solutions on the part of nursing staff in the manufacture of various devices that simplify self-service are important here. The disabled person must also be provided with individual technical means of rehabilitation and devices that facilitate movement, orientation, and communication.

It is also important to train and educate family members of a disabled person on various issues: the nature of the disease that a disabled person has, emerging limitations in life, associated socio-psychological and physiological problems, types and forms of social assistance for disabled people, types of technical means of rehabilitation and features of their operation . Relatives and persons providing assistance to a disabled person must be trained to use technical means, especially those designed to facilitate the care of a disabled person.

Social and everyday adaptation consists of the following elements: self-service, independent movement, work activity, readiness to work with household appliances and communications.

Self-care presupposes the autonomy of the individual in organizing a balanced diet, the ability to perform daily household activities, the development of personal hygiene skills, and the ability to plan one’s daily routine, fully combining work activity and rest.

Independence of movement is the autonomy of the individual when moving in space, knowledge of the purpose of vehicles to achieve their goals within the framework of everyday, social, professional activities, orientation on the terrain, knowledge of the general patterns of organizing the infrastructure of any settlement.

Inclusion in labor activity involves the development of readiness and internal motivation for professional activity with the aim of self-sufficiency and economic independence. Forming the ability to work involves creating conditions in the family, social service institution, ensuring the acquisition of social experience, encouraging the individual’s activity in mastering skills that ensure the client’s subsequent self-realization and success in future professional activities. The client must be able to realize the personal and social significance of his work, which also ensures the achievement of self-realization. A person who finds himself in a difficult life situation must invest his own resources in order to ensure his life. Without activating the client's resources, socio-economic assistance of any kind leads to dependency.

The client’s social and everyday adaptability, formed in this way, presupposes the development of his ability to autonomously organize provision for himself and his family, socio-economic independence from government institutions, readiness to change his life, professional activities in accordance with changing aesthetic, cognitive needs and self-actualization needs.

The sequence of formation of social and everyday adaptability is determined by the following stages.

First stage. Conducting social diagnostics. A social work specialist determines the client’s level of readiness for work, self-care, and socio-economic independence.

Second phase. Accompanying the client to achieve autonomy in organizing everyday life. At this stage, there is development or recovery after the loss of sanitary and hygienic skills, development of motor skills, and the ability to coordinate one’s movements.

Third stage. Accompanying the client to achieve autonomy when moving in space. The social work specialist continues to promote self-care and personal hygiene skills through individual and group activities.

Fourth stage. Accompanying the client to achieve his autonomy in his work. In accordance with the client’s internal motivation, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions in a social service institution or through cooperation with industrial, agricultural and other enterprises and firms. Labor activity ensures the client’s self-realization, presupposes results and contributes to a feeling of joy from the work performed. Depending on the degree of employment and type of work activity, payment for his work is possible.

The priority forms of social adaptation are workshops organized in the conditions of a social service institution, as well as excursions. They need to be organized in such a way that clients not only observe certain objects, but are also able to perform certain actions themselves, seeing the personal example of a social work specialist and the people around them.

Thus, to summarize, we can say that social and everyday adaptation has the ultimate goal of adapting a person to living conditions in his new status of “disabled person.” This process involves not only a specialist who helps a person with changed physical capabilities adapt to carrying out life activities in familiar conditions, but also a disabled person, who must independently strive to find ways to achieve a relatively independent lifestyle. Social adaptation is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the client. When constructing workshops, the specialist is based on the existing level of development of the client’s ability to autonomously organize provision for himself and his family, the ability to carry out daily household activities, independently organize his daily routine, and also gain work experience.