Five simple ways to help homeless animals survive the winter. Helping animals in winter Plan how to help animals in winter

Decreased immunity, increased drowsiness, lack of vitamins - these phenomena are typical for many of our smaller brothers during the cold season. How to help animals in winter? This question is asked not only by dog ​​or cat owners. If your son found a stray animal on the street and brought it into the house, you should also know how you can help animals in winter.

Caring for homeless animals

Every day you can see a dirty, frozen and hungry cat or dog warming themselves on a hatch or pipe of a heating main. Often such a “gift” is brought home by a child from a walk.

You don't have to be a veterinarian to know how to help animals in winter. In this situation, it would be useful to take care of your own health and the health of your family.

It is necessary to examine the animal. Signs of the disease may be:

  • damage to skin or fur;
  • bald spots;
  • discharge from the eyes and ears;
  • bloated belly.

If this occurs, then a trip to the clinic cannot be avoided.

Symptoms such as lethargy, loose stool, sneezing, require a detailed examination. Often stray animals have a fungus, the presence of which can only be determined by a doctor. It would be useful to measure the temperature, which in a healthy individual is 38-39 degrees. How to help animals in winter if a cat or dog has a high or low temperature? You definitely need to go to the clinic. Reduced temperature may indicate exhaustion.

Fleas will definitely be found on the animal. For such cases, we have a variety of tools that quickly and efficiently solve the problem. As a rule, these are sprays that are sprayed onto the animal’s withers, or special impregnated collars.

How to help animals in winter if they are homeless? Of course, shelter. However, this is not always possible. This means that the best option is to start looking for an owner for a cat or dog. Submit an ad in the media with an offer to give it to good hands, contact your friends who live in the private sector.

Do you suspect that the animal has escaped from its owner? Look through the advertisements in the newspaper. While walking on the street, pay attention to the notice boards, perhaps someone is looking for their pet.

As a last resort, you can place the animal in a shelter that specializes in finding owners. Under no circumstances should you let your dog or cat go outside again. The animal will lose the chance to find its owner and after a while it will end up in the same deplorable state.

Give a helping hand

How to help animals in winter, since it is impossible to warm them all? Most The best way- feed. Think about it, after all, buying chicken bones or small fish will not hit the family budget, but may save someone's life.

“You are responsible for those you have tamed...”

If you want to start pet, the question of how to help animals in winter must be studied in advance.

Your pet will require proper nutrition and vitamins. Heating in apartments and houses leads to the fact that animals begin to shed heavily. Regular walks and balanced diet can ease this unpleasant process. Vitamin A, biotin, taurine and saturated fatty acid- excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency.

After walking, be sure to wash the animal’s paws, since the sidewalk sprinkles contain a chemical reagent that can cause burns.

With the onset of cold weather, domestic hamsters, chinchillas and Guinea pigs start stocking up on food. Regular inspection and cleaning of the cage will keep your pets clean. In winter, sprouted grains, vitamins and herbs are added to the food of rodents.

Even the fish in winter period require increased attention. This is due to decreased daylight hours and colder weather. A decrease in room temperature by 5-7 degrees can kill the fish, and lack of lighting makes them lethargic.

In cold weather, poultry shed heavily, refuse to eat, and do not tolerate lack of lighting well. Include minerals, amino acids, and multivitamins in your birds' diet, and place the cage close to the lamp.

In reptiles, a complex restructuring of the entire body occurs during the winter. Turtles and frogs, lizards and snakes all hibernate, slow down their metabolism, virtually stop eating and reduce their mobility. To prepare such a pet for hibernation, it is necessary to gradually reduce the daylight hours in the terrarium, bringing it to 4 hours a day. During this period, turtles are fed once every four to five days, lizards and snakes - once a month.

How to help animals and birds in winter

If the winter is not snowy or frosty, birds that are sedentary and winter in the forests are able to take care of themselves. When particularly difficult weather conditions arise, they need to be fed: a third of the daily ration for birds is already salvation.

Nomadic birds not accustomed to feeders, such as the bullfinch, thrush, goldfinch, bunting, fly in search of their main food. These are the fruits of trees and shrubs, weeds. Helping such birds in winter is simple: do not completely collect the fruits from the trees in the fall, leave the berries on the branches.

There is an opinion that city birds are able to feed themselves in the cold. This is wrong. In winter, when there is no natural food, junk food is not the best option. And here, by the way, there will be feeders, wooden or plastic, placed in parks, squares and just in the yard.

What foods should you not give to birds?

Salty food is dangerous, since the peculiarity of the excretory system in birds is such that excess salt causes poisoning in them. Fried foods are strictly prohibited, since such products change the structure of the birds’ liver. Black bread causes bloating and fermentation. Cleaned millet or grain should not be given either; oxidation of fats on the surface of the grains leads to the birds getting sick.

Feeding wild forest animals

Gamekeepers know best how to help wild animals in winter. For deer and roe deer, forest and meadow hay, grain, silage, root crops, and acorns are placed in the feeder. Hang branches from trees such as willow, aspen, and birch. They are harvested from May to June. Wormwood is added to each such broom.

Moose ignore feeders, so feed for them is piled up. Deer are also fed with branches of deciduous trees. The favorite delicacy of wild boars is roots and acorns. During the cold season, food is under snow and ice. How do people help animals in winter? Potatoes and corn cobs are poured in one place in the fall, then the animals get used to the feeding place. Elks, roe deer and deer need mineral nutrition. In case of shortage table salt the animal loses strength, its metabolism deteriorates, and its horns and fur grow poorly. Salt licks are made for them in a stump by cutting out a funnel.

As you can see, helping animals during the cold season is not at all difficult.

In winter, for many animals living in wildlife or in the city, but in street conditions, a difficult and hungry time begins. It often becomes difficult for them to obtain food, and as a result they are in danger of dying from starvation. How to help animals in winter time? Regular feeding and care from people who care about animals will help them survive the cold season.

Birds: how to help animals in winter?

Some species of birds living within the city limits - near us - suffer the most in winter. While wild animals living in forests and fields usually stock up for the winter (and can also eat berries left on branches, seeds in cones and tree bark), then birds living in the city cannot eat properly.

For example, the same pigeons with sparrows, tits and bullfinches cannot feed in garbage dumps. This food does not fit the type as they are not omnivores like crows. As a result, they die more often, especially when the attics are closed tightly (or houses without attics at all), and they have nowhere to stay warm. These animals have rapid heat exchange, and as long as they are full, they feel good. And as soon as they get hungry, they begin to lose their strength and freeze.

How to help animals in winter? Best help There will be regular feeding of the birds. It is necessary to hang feeders, but not on trunks, but on branches - not far from the windows. Since hungry birds are carried away by food and do not notice the danger, they can become prey, for example, for the same cat. It’s better to feed them with seeds (raw, unsalted), dried berries, bread crumbs (white only); if funds allow, you can purchase a grain mixture in the store.

Wild animals

When talking about how to help animals in winter, it is necessary to tell that special hunting grounds are created for wild animals, where foresters carry out work according to plan, and hay, branches, even salt in the stone are used for feeding. Mammals cannot live without these products. Therefore, foresters feed them until it gets warm, because in spring the snow is densest, and it is much more difficult for the animals to find food under it.

In winter forests, it becomes especially difficult for large animals when crust appears - a hard crust on melted snow. Their legs can fall through, the crust hurts them, cuts them with its sharp edge, and they can no longer run away from predators. Therefore, forest rangers feed moose, deer and bison with bread, grain, and sprinkle salt on stumps for nutrition.

How to help animals in winter: grade 2

And there are also pets that need human help. And it is very important to inquire about the fate of those pets who accidentally found themselves in difficult street conditions during this cold season. We are talking about completely lost pets. It’s not easy for them, since they are most accustomed to warmth and constant feeding.

In general, how to help animals in winter is taught in detail to children in second grade during lessons on the world around them. And this is true, because only from childhood can you instill in children a reverent attitude towards nature.

Thus, students are advised, if they find, for example, a dog shivering in the cold on the street, to try to find its owner through the media, advertisements and the Internet, photographing and posting pictures of the animal with a detailed description of it. It would also be a good idea to first feed and warm the poor fellow.

Each of us has more than once encountered dirty, hungry animals on the street. We bypass these unfortunate creatures, blaming anyone for what is happening - first of all, the state, which does not monitor their reproduction. But few of us have wondered how people help animals and who is really to blame for the current situation.

There are many known cases of dogs attacking people. Where do these adult individuals come from, maddened by hunger and cold, gathered in flocks for the sake of survival and so hating people? Aren't these the same ones? former pets, which were once tamed by us - people? And we are left to the mercy of fate.

These cases are the rule rather than the exception. But the exceptions that appear in news reports from time to time are truly terrifying. Rare, exotic species of animals, acquired for their own entertainment and thrown into an environment unfavorable for them, are doomed to death. This can only be compared to how a mother throws a helpless child into a garbage can. There is no justification for such actions; they are inhumane, immoral and, as a rule, unpunished.

But it’s one thing to condemn someone for inhumane actions, it’s another thing to do at least something yourself to solve the problem of how to help homeless animals. You can feed homeless cats and dogs, as compassionate old ladies often do, or you can join a volunteer organization: volunteers help animals consciously, in an organized manner, and at the same time completely free of charge.

How people help animals in winter

Of course, assistance to animals is required in any season, in any weather conditions, but in winter it is especially necessary. Defenseless creatures without housing cannot independently provide themselves with a warm kennel, and the entrance to basements is often blocked for obvious reasons: uncontrolled reproduction of animals leads to an increase in the population of fleas and damage to the thermal insulation of pipes (which serve as scratching posts for cats). How to help animals in winter without harming people - this issue is dealt with by volunteers who place dogs and cats in pet shelters.

How to help animals in winter if you are not a member of the volunteer movement? Make sure there are bird feeders in your yard so that basements are not blocked when stray cats or dogs are likely to be in them. Of course, this will not save them from the cold, but they will not die of hunger while locked up.

If you are concerned about how to help animals in winter, the answer lies on the surface: shelter them. If you do not have this opportunity, give the animal to a shelter or find a new owner for it yourself (through social networks, through advertisements or through friends).

How can you help animals without seeking help from shelters?

Many of us are convinced that the state should decide how to help the animal world. It is government organizations that must control the timely capture and sterilization of abandoned pets. However, the state cannot be responsible for the fact that animals end up on the street; the owners themselves are primarily responsible for this. Remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Let's help the animals on our own: for example, let's try to find the owners of lost pets, not abandoned ones. This is not so difficult, since domesticated, tame animals run away from their owners for random reasons and... therefore, not so far away. Take a photo of the puppy or cat you find, post a notice on poles - there is a high probability that they are already looking for him.

People help homeless animals just by posting their photos on their social network page. Often such advertisements attract the attention, if not of shelter volunteers, then simply good people, who are not indifferent to the fate of four-legged animals.

If you are concerned about what devices help animals, take a look at the following list:

  • bandage or cotton wool - having these with you medical products, you can easily help the animal, for example, bandage its wound, wipe dirty areas - ears, eyes;
  • it is necessary to help animals that have a bleeding wound - for example, a cut; it can be treated using a gentle antiseptic- Chlorhexidine;
  • purchase a special comb for animal hair - both dogs and cats simply love to be combed, this way you will make the fur look well-groomed appearance, get rid of tangles, and at the same time attract potential owners to them.

Let's do a good deed - help animals together

If you cannot shelter a four-legged animal or do not have the opportunity to take it to a shelter, you can always donate funds to charities that purposefully redirect financial assistance to shelters.

The “Help Animals” project from various charitable centers is aimed at attracting the attention of the state, the public and individual citizens to this problem. Irresponsibility for leaving four-legged animals in dangerous situations, without supervision, gives a free hand to unscrupulous breeders who get rid of unsold puppies, or to owners who have “played enough” with the animal. Imposing a heavy fine would certainly reduce the number of stray dogs. Think about it.

There are many different ways to help animals. Sometimes it’s enough to repost a post from a specialized group in social network, place an ad on a thematic website or on the doors of the nearest pet store - and the unfortunate pet will find a caring and loving owner.

If the same thought has been spinning in your head for years: “I want to help animals!” - but you didn’t find the strength or opportunity to implement it, it’s time to think about whether it’s really that difficult. Don't waste time: the sooner you make a gesture of goodwill in support of helpless four-legged animals, the sooner you will feel like a real person.

According to Russian scientists, nine out of ten tits die in the winter months, not from cold, but from hunger. The bird's body is designed in such a way that it is able to maintain body temperature even in thirty-degree frost, but for this it needs food.

What to feed titmouses

Alas, today in rare yards you can see “canteens” for birds. Very few townspeople hang feeders on balconies and outside windows, depriving themselves of a free tit circus with signature numbers - sideways hopping and upside down somersaults. Birds are now fed only by compassionate pensioners and conscientious young people. Most children prefer communication with television and computers to communicating with living nature, but parents don’t have time to feel sorry for and feed the birds - they have more important problems...

It is clear that when money is at the forefront and people are constantly thinking about how to earn it, the feeling of compassion becomes dull and fades into the background. But children must be taught goodness at all times. Making a bird feeder is a couple of trifles, and it will benefit not only the birds, but also the child, says ecologist Olga Avvakumova.

It is better to make feeders with sides and a roof, and the distance from the floor to the ceiling should be small so that crows and jackdaws cannot get into the feeder. The simplest feeder is a juice box with a hole made in it. Even better - adapt it to a feeder plastic bottle. It is advisable to feed insectivorous tits with pieces of meat and unsalted lard or butter- salt is toxic to them. Pumpkin, melon, watermelon, and sunflower seeds are also suitable as food for tits. Nowadays they even sell special “bird seeds” in the markets; they are of lower quality and are quite inexpensive.

But you shouldn’t pour cereals into feeders for tits, this is not suitable food for them. Sparrows also need to be fed with seeds and bread crumbs.

It is also necessary to take care of such nomadic birds as rooks. Unlike crows and jackdaws, rooks cannot feed in garbage dumps because they are afraid of people. Suitable food for rooks is bread and grain; you need to sprinkle it under the feeder of other birds, directly on the ground.

How to help homeless cats and dogs

In addition to birds, homeless animals - dogs and cats - are also suffering from the frost. Dogs tolerate cold better, but for cats, a temperature of minus 15 degrees is already critical.

No matter how anyone treats homeless animals, in these terrible cold weather they are worth taking pity on and feeding. At a minimum, warm porridge with fat or special dry food is suitable for smaller brothers. Canned sprat mixed with pasta or porridge is an inexpensive, acceptable pet food. You also need to take into account that you cannot feed spoiled food to animals.

And even more so, you shouldn’t throw your annoying pets out onto the street, as some unlucky “animal lovers” do. For animals raised at home, being on the street now means certain death.

FIVE SIMPLE WAYS TO HELP HOMELESS ANIMALS SURVIVE THE WINTER It’s not at all difficult to alleviate the plight of animals thrown into the street - all you need is a drop of kindness. They huddle close to the warm pipes, crouch to the ground, or stand guard with pitiful eyes near the shops: “Well, man, share some of the yummy food from the bag. You don’t need much: a small sausage is already happiness.” How many times has my heart sank at the sight of homeless animals on the street - especially in winter, when the unfortunate animals are tormented not only by hunger, but also by cold. How many times have you brushed aside this feeling of pity and compassion? “I’m in a hurry to get things done, there’s no time to bother with you, Murka.” But it’s not difficult to alleviate the lot of our little brothers. Volunteer of the animal aid society of the city of Balakovo, veterinarian Olga Fadeeva helped us compile a list of the most simple steps, which will help make the life of homeless animals a little better. The most important thing for homeless animals in winter is hot food. “Cats, if they have normal hot food, easily adapt to the cold,” says Olga Fadeeva. - You've probably noticed that in winter they become fluffier and rounder - the fact is that they grow additional undercoat. But for this they need to be fed properly. There is nothing complicated about this: sausage, hot porridge, hot milk will do. You can even buy the cheapest dry food and fill it with hot water- we sometimes do this at the shelter. After all, after feeding, a cat or dog will definitely want to drink, and any water other than hot water will quickly freeze in winter. By the way, pay attention that the water or milk is hot, but not boiling - otherwise the animals will get burned.

The second important point is shelter. Most the best option for a cat - open the basement for it in the winter. For a dog, set up a kennel under the protection of the walls of the house. - In our yard for a long time There is a dog living - there is a kennel for it under the low balcony of the first floor,” explains Olga. - It is clear that not everyone will agree to have a dog living under their balcony. Then you should look for a place for a kennel somewhere in the back of the yard. In such homemade shelters, we place low wooden pallets at the base - these are usually used in markets, for example, for watermelons. They are raised above the ground by 10-15 centimeters: on the one hand, the cold is not transmitted from the ground, and on the other hand, there is ventilation, nothing rots in the kennel. A box is placed on top; in extreme cases, you can use a regular cardboard box from under a large household appliances, but then it is important to cover it tightly with oilcloth so that moisture does not penetrate. Good idea Use floor insulation and linoleum in such a kennel. It is worth putting straw inside, if there is none - old fur coats or other warm clothes.

Sometimes animals need help to cope not only with cold and hunger, but also with cruel people. There are different cases: yard dogs are poisoned, cats are abused... - Here you need to remember that in our country there is a law on “Cruelty to Animals”. Yes, it is rarely used, but still: if you want to protect a dog or cat from cruelty, the truth is on your side, notes the veterinarian. - Although it all depends on the environment. In my yard, polite conversations with neighbors helped: we gave our dog’s puppies to good hands a long time ago, she herself was sterilized, and for several years she has been living quietly in her booth under the balcony, guarding the yard. And in the winter we let cats into the basement - now there are three “guests” there and grandmothers bring them hot food in the morning and evening. In the neighboring yard there was a different story: people placed cardboard houses for cats - houses were broken. They bet again. And so many times - until persistence won. Now the cats are spending the winter quietly in their houses, they have warmed up, eaten enough food, and grown an undercoat.

The best thing you can do is to give an unfortunate dog or cat a home, warmth, family, and your love. There will be no end to the creature’s gratitude and devotion, believe me. - If you decide to take an animal home from the street, the first thing you need to do is take it to veterinary clinic, check for lichen,” explains Olga. - Important point: If you have adopted a kitten or puppy, you should not bathe it until checked by a veterinarian. If he has shingles, it will spread all over his body. For the same reason, you cannot bring a foundling into the apartment before checking if there are other animals at home. If the veterinary clinic is closed that day, you will have to find a temporary shelter for the new pet. When you are sure that the animal does not have deprivation, you can start making flea drops.

Another simple way to make the life of homeless animals a little easier is to help shelters: The most important thing we need in winter (and at any time of the year) is food for pets, says Olga. “No shelter will ever refuse her.” Not necessarily meat or dry food: in winter, for example, we need cereals from which we can make hot porridge. BY THE WAY Don't forget about the birds