Five mysterious secrets of Antarctica. Monsters of Antarctica

Antarctica is truly full of mysteries. Some are inside. Like the non-freezing Lake Vostok, which Russian scientists recently reached from the Antarctic station of the same name - they drilled through the ice to a depth of 3768 meters, reaching the surface of the water.

Captivated by ice

Work that lasted more than 20 years was successfully completed. Antarctic Lake Vostok, the existence of which scientists almost knew for sure, turned out to be at a depth of 3768 meters. This is exactly the thickness of ice that was eventually drilled. And the well reached water.

Representatives of world science are delighted. The discovery of Lake Vostok, above which the Soviet and now Russian Antarctic station of the same name is located, is considered one of the most outstanding in the last hundred years. After all, the water in the lake has not been in contact with the surrounding earthly world for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years. Perhaps organisms that existed at that distant time were preserved alive in it. Scientists can't wait to start exploring them. But we will have to wait until December next year, when weather conditions in the drilling area become more bearable. It's bitterly cold there now.

The Lost Expedition

The victory of Russian specialists over the ice thickness was preceded by mystical events. The alarm was sounded by American professor John Priscu, a microbiologist from the University of Montana, who was in contact with the drillers. He couldn't get in touch with them for several days. Fans of the anomalous have already begun to worry: did something happen at the station in the spirit of science fiction thrillers, in which scientists find some evil alien creatures in Antarctica? But it worked out. It turned out that the Russian specialists did not respond because they were very busy - they were in a hurry to finish drilling.

By the way, it is no accident that fantastic analogies emerge in connection with Lake Vostok. It is essentially extraterrestrial. Such lakes and even entire seas-oceans, according to scientists, can exist, for example, on the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter under many kilometers of ice.

"Flying saucer" at the bottom?

As studies show, the depth of Lake Vostok in some places reaches a kilometer, the length is almost 300 kilometers, the width is 50. And there is evidence that water surface has... a slope: the southern part is higher than the northern. Which is quite puzzling.

Ufologists are also counting on their “jackpot”. After all, a strong magnetic anomaly was discovered on the western side of the lake. Enthusiasts are not shy about suggesting that there lies a huge alien ship. It would be good to check this out.

Soviet specialists, together with American and French colleagues, began drilling to reach the lake in 1989. By 1996, they managed to reach 3539 meters. Ice samples from this depth showed that it is at least 420 thousand years old. This means the lake is even older.

In 1999, work was stopped when more than a hundred meters remained to the lake. And they were resumed in the 21st century.

Success like this could have been celebrated earlier, but in 2008 the drill broke. It was removed with great difficulty.

The 57th Russian Antarctic Expedition reached the surface of the lake in 2012. As the researchers assure, the drilling technology is such that nothing threatens the lake’s ecosystem. That is, our life will not penetrate into it.


Other mysteries are located right on the surface of the polar continent. Enthusiasts now remember them with interest. On the occasion of.

At the end of 2010, when drilling at the Vostok station was in full swing, and there were still several tens of meters to go to the surface of the lake, Joseph Skipper, a well-known virtual archaeologist from the United States, announced his “discovery.” He usually “digs” on Mars and the Moon, looking at photographs transmitted from there by spacecraft and posted on the official websites of NASA and other space agencies. He finds a lot of surprising things - things that sharply fall out of traditional ideas.

The researcher's collection contains objects similar to bones and skulls of humanoids. And those that (with a stretch, of course) can be mistaken for the remains of their - humanoids - civilized activity. These are boards, logs, sculptures sticking out of the Martian sand. And even something similar to the ruins of fortress walls. By the way, the press spoke in detail about these extraterrestrial artifacts.

This time the archaeologist became interested in the Earth - specifically Antarctica. And he discovered there a hole inside the continent, a “flying saucer” and non-freezing lakes located on the surface.

I followed Skipper's footsteps and found all the objects he indicated. Their coordinates are known, they are clearly visible on satellite images of the ice continent posted on the Google Earth website.

Like on Mars

Antarctica is not much different from Mars. Just more oxygen. And the cold is the same. In some places the temperature drops to minus 90 degrees Celsius. There is only one fundamental difference - there are people in Antarctica, but not yet on Mars. But this does not mean that the ice continent has been explored much better than the Red Planet. There are plenty of mysteries here and there.

We don't know if there is life on Mars. We do not know what is hidden under the many kilometers of Antarctic ice. And there is only a vague idea of ​​what is happening on its surface. Surprisingly, there are more high-resolution images of Mars than Antarctica. You can examine the details of its relief in detail only on a narrow strip in the area of ​​Queen Mary's Land, where surprises were found. It wouldn't be a bad idea to look at other places. Especially those that have long been legendary.

Hitler hid there

It is known that the Nazis were very interested in Antarctica. A number of expeditions were sent there. And they even staked out a vast territory in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land, calling it New Swabia. There - in 1939 - on the coast, the Germans discovered an amazing area of ​​​​about 40 square kilometers, free of ice. With a relatively mild climate, with numerous ice-free lakes. It was called the Schirmacher Oasis - after the German pioneer pilot. Subsequently, the Soviet polar station Novolazarevskaya was located here.

By official version, The Third Reich went to Antarctica to build bases there to guard its whaling fleets. But there are much more interesting assumptions. Although it’s hard to even call them science fiction. A bunch of mysticism.

In short, the story is this. Allegedly, during expeditions to Tibet, the Nazis learned that there was something inside Antarctica. Some vast and warm cavities. And in them there is something left either from aliens, or from an ancient highly developed civilization that once lived there. At the same time, a separate story claimed that Antarctica was once Atlantis.

As a result, allegedly already at the end of the 30s of the last century, German submarines found a secret passage in the ice. And they got inside - into these same cavities.

According to one legend, a living Hitler was delivered there - inside the ice continent - in 1945, along with a living Eva Braun. Allegedly, he arrived in a submarine, accompanied by a large escort - a whole squadron of huge submarines (8 pieces) called the "Fuhrer's Convoy". And he lived until 1971. And according to some sources, right up to 1985.

The authors of Antarctic myths also place the “flying saucers” of the Third Reich under the ice, rumors about which are permeated in numerous books, films, television shows and the Internet. They say that the Nazis also hid these devices inside. Then they improved and are still in operation, starting from mines in Antarctica. And UFOs are those very “plates”.

Strange oddities

It’s difficult to take stories about polar aliens and Germans any seriously. But... What to do with the hole, the "plate" and the lakes discovered by Joseph Skipper? One thing fits very well with the other. Unless, of course, the objects are what they look like.

Why can't a hole in the mountains be the entrance to the underground world of Antarctica? By the way, UFOs can fly out of it, from the hole. And the “plate” can be real. Even alien. Looks icy. And as if exposed as a result of either global warming, or weathering.

Well, the lakes are evidence that Antarctica can be penetrated by internal warm cavities. Which warm the oases. Like the Schirmacher oasis - far from the only one on the icy continent.

By the way, Lake Vostok is not free from tales. A strong magnetic anomaly was discovered on its western side. This - scientific fact. But the nature of the anomaly has not yet been determined. Which gives ufologists the right, at least temporarily, to claim that there lies a massive metal object. Specifically, a huge alien ship. Maybe crashed. Maybe it was abandoned millions of years ago, when there was no ice over the lake. Maybe it was operational and just parked.

Unfortunately, the magnetic anomaly is located far from the well - at the opposite end of the lake. And it is unlikely that it will be solved soon. If it ever works out.

Well, the most rabid conspiracy theorists, without embarrassment, assure that those same Germans were the first to reach Lake Vostok in some cunning way. And they hid archives there, either treasures or secret archives of the Third Reich.


The lakes of Antarctica are connected into a single network

It is already known that Lake Vostok is far from the only one in Antarctica. There are more than a hundred of these. The East is simply the largest of the open ones. Now researchers suggest that all these lakes, hidden under a layer of ice, communicate with each other.

The existence of an extensive network of subglacial rivers and canals was recently reported by British scientists - Duncan Wingham from University College London and colleagues - by publishing a corresponding article in the authoritative scientific journal Nature. Their conclusions are based on data obtained from satellites.

Wingham assures that the subglacial channels are as deep as the Thames.

Laugh and laugh, but the discovery of British scientists does not at all contradict the most delusional versions of hidden Antarctic life. On the contrary, it reinforces them. After all, a network of canals located at a depth of about 4 kilometers under skinny ice, can connect one cavity to another. Serve as a kind of roads that in some place may have access to the ocean. Or entrance.


Was the continent green

The area of ​​Antarctica is about 14 million square kilometers. Almost the entire continent is covered with ice. In some places its thickness reaches 5 kilometers. And what is underneath is known only about an insignificant part of the surface.

A team of scientists from China, Japan and Great Britain spent 4 years driving powerful all-terrain vehicles through the harshest region of Antarctica - over the Gamburtsev Mountains. And they scanned it with radars. The result was a surface relief map covering an area of ​​about 900 square kilometers.

And it turned out that the continent was once free of ice. Even 34 million years ago, there were mountains and plains with flowering meadows. Just like in the European Alps now.

But something happened. Researchers have found a place from which a small glacier, located on the highest peak (about 2400 meters), began to grow. Gradually it covered the entire Antarctica. Hid several lakes under a layer of ice.

Martin Seigert from the University of Edinburgh, who took part in the expedition, is confident that frozen plants are still preserved in the valleys of the Antarctic Alps. Even small trees. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to reach them. But you can try, for example, through the same drilling.

About 200 years ago, Mikhail Lazarev and Thaddeus Bellingshausen set off on a Russian expedition and eventually reached the sixth continent of the earth. This was the last of the Great Geographical Discoveries.

It would seem that the mainland is not particularly interesting: everything is normal, ice, penguins, snow. But truly great interest in Antarctica arose only at the beginning of the last century. This happened quite serious reasons, because Terra Incognita provided earthlings with some mysteries that many generations of scientists will still struggle with.

Antarctica is still the only land not divided between states. Dozens of research bases have been built on its territory. In total, they employ several thousand people.

Previously, some lakes were discovered right under the glaciers of Antarctica. Among them there was one lake of gigantic size. It was even larger than Ladoga. This lake is located at great depth, but the USSR managed to build a station and drilling apparatus there. At first, scientists made their way into mysterious ice lakes, but then this action was stopped. Apparently, people became scared. Here I remember just one horror film made by Hollywood, where some infections fly out from under the ice, for which there is no cure. Such fear was easy to see when Antarctica was accepted as the birthplace of the disease SARS.

According to official information, this continent was discovered in January 1820. With this discovery, domestic sailors disgraced the British, who had previously claimed that there was nothing in the south and no one would go further than they did. However, the land there is quite miserable in appearance, because there is almost no life there: darkness, cold, only penguins and nothing more interesting.

Several years passed, and in the archives of Byzantium in Istanbul they found an interesting document, from which one of the greatest mysteries of human history was born. Moreover, it is still not solved. What was this find? It turns out that this is a map that was depicted on a piece of leather. The map shows the southern Atlantic Ocean, including western Africa, part of South America, and the coast of Antarctica.

The map is a map, but it was established that its author was, as it turned out, Admiral Piri Reis from Turkey, who lived in the first half of the 16th century. So this is all strange, because even the Southern Land was discovered only 300 years later, but here it is shown on the map. It is also strange that it also depicts South America, and in amazing detail.

Attention: it was even more surprising to see Antarctica without ice on the map, where mountains, rivers, and lakes are depicted. Of course, it can be assumed that this is just a fantasy, but later it was established that under the ice there is exactly the same relief as depicted by Piri Reis. What is also surprising is such a high accuracy of the map, which in reality could only be achieved in the second half of the last century.

How is this explained?

There is a version that modern people they know little about true history, namely about the Middle Ages and antiquity. Let’s say, according to the school curriculum, America was discovered by Columbus, and the Vikings managed to swim there before him, and this was about 5 centuries ago. There is also information that it was from America that some knightly orders, such as the Order of the Templars, drew their wealth. By the way, for some reason they disappeared a century before Columbus's expedition. And about Columbus there is another theory that he knew where he would sail. But we're talking about Antarctica here.

There is a logic in the fact that even before Lazarev and Bellingshausen, someone had already visited Antarctica. Let's say that this someone created the map that later reached Reis. In addition, it is worth noting that it is written right in its margins that for inaccuracies the blame should fall not on him, but on the sources to which he referred. And the sources are related to completely different times. The case even concerned the Macedonian era. Regarding this time, he had as many as 20 references.

It is worth noting that not only the admiral from Turkey celebrated the discovery of Antarctica. This was also done by the famous Mercator in the maps of 1538 and 1569. Also, Oronteus Finius's map of 1531 shows Antarctica without ice. Ptolemy pointed out the Southern Continent back in antiquity. And finally, it is worth remembering the 1737 map of Philippe Boicher.

Naturally, there are critics about all this. They make the point that the oldest potential civilizations, such as Atlantis, were not able to provide a map of Antarctica without ice, since it had been covered by it for millions of years.

However, this theory is Lately is increasingly doubtful, because, according to one version, the final icing of the Southern continent ended 5-6 thousand years ago. At that time, the now well-known civilizations arose: Egyptian and Sumerian. Perhaps Reis's primary sources belong to them.

New discoveries about Egypt showed that the people did not belong to a land civilization. Although they were not able to reach Antarctica, they may have been able to maintain contact with those who still knew Terra Incognita without ice. And the latter, perhaps, lived just in Antarctica?

In fact, one can put forward the assumption that the very south was precisely the ancestral home of humanity. From here it logically follows that the appearance of ice caused that civilization to perish. And those who managed to survive migrated to Africa and South America, and part of their knowledge reached Sumer, Egypt and the Incas.

We indicated above that Reis had references to ancient sources. Then the mysterious Terra Incognita appears in the maps. In this case, this can well be considered a confirmation of the existence of ancient civilizations.

There is also such an interesting version that the inhabitants of Atlantis actually lived in Antarctica, because, if you rely on Plato’s descriptions, everything fits.

Confirmation or refutation of this can only be done through painstaking excavations, but here the situation is difficult, since Antarctica is covered with ice one and a half kilometers thick. What lies beneath these ices?

Reis has many illogical moments on the map, so some enthusiasts claim that aliens have arrived on Earth before. After all, at that time there could not have been such precision that it could only be compared with the technologies of our previous century.


It is probably not for nothing that the Nazis, namely the German scientists of that time, who were to some extent associated with the occult, were so interested in Egypt, South America, Tibet and finally Antarctica.

Back in 1918, Hitler himself was accepted into the international order called Thule. It was named so in honor of a certain country of antiquity, which is the ancestral home of man.

The order was quite diverse in its interests, however, the greatest activity was shown towards the study of antiquity: all kinds of cults, mythology, magic and occult teachings. Let’s not touch on how zealously the Third Reich was interested in all this, but rather let’s return to the topic of Antarctica.

During Hitler’s time, there was also a certain occult-scientific service of the SS, called “Ananerbe”. She was involved in organizing all kinds of expeditions around the world. Her Tibetan research received widespread news. As for the Southern Continent, they were still less involved in it, but they did not miss the chance to unravel the secrets of the ancient Antarctic maps.

It is assumed that the first map was created by the Atlanteans, who were the distant ancestors of the Aryans. Considering that the ancients apparently witnessed the fact that the southern lands were not covered by glaciers, the Nazis became more interested in Antarctica, because perhaps it conceals traces of ancient civilizations.

There was also a version where it was described that at the Earth’s poles there are certain entrances to large cavities inside the planet.

In 1939, Luftwaffe aircraft explored a large area of ​​the southern continent, and part of this territory was then called New Swabia and marked with pennants. Nowadays this territory is called Queen Maud Land. There is a version that scientists from Germany were interested, in particular, in certain “oases”, areas without ice and even with the presence of some plant organisms.

Further, it is not entirely clear whether warm huge caves were discovered or what, but in the end, in 1942-1943, Germany had its own secret base in Antarctica, supplied with submarines. It is noteworthy that at the end of the war, American intelligence noticed that several transport submarines had disappeared from the fascist submarine fleet large sizes. They never established where they were. The question arises: maybe they managed to sail to New Swabia?

The base was also supplied with simple submarines. Two of these submarines were intercepted by the American military, and, perhaps, they simply surrendered on a voluntary basis. It was off the coast of Argentina. Subsequently, an American expedition to Antarctica was organized, led by Admiral Byrd. It is interesting that this expedition consisted of up to 5 thousand people, which included crew members of an aircraft carrier, combat ships, marine soldiers, etc. The question arises: did they destroy the Nazi base and seize technology, or did they simply find it and at the same time be attacked by an “unknown enemy”. The second option is more suitable, since the expedition was planned for quite a long time, and then suddenly was hastily interrupted, and the Americans suffered considerable losses. One of the expedition members even said that they were attacked by some “flying discs.” But details about this were never found out.

A decade later, Admiral Byrd visited Antarctica again, assembling a new expedition. As a result, he simply died for unknown reasons. In the same way, others died who tried to invade territories once explored by the Nazis.

Occasionally, UFOs have been spotted at one time or another in Antarctica by some observers. Thus, back in the late 1970s, the Japanese saw nine unidentified objects at once. There are also people who have been to the Southern Continent. They claim that there is a certain city where people live with great stature and blue eyes. Eyewitnesses added that these people were gathering new forces for the subsequent war.

Taken together, this whole story is quite dark, just like the theme of Antarctica. Apparently, all these secrets will not be solved anytime soon.

Hell's Gate

All kinds of ancient sources give us warnings that the exploration of Antarctica is a rather dangerous undertaking that can bring humanity serious problems. According to the authors of such sources, this is where the so-called “gates of hell” are located. From there, they say, the Devil himself is going to extend his power to the whole world.

Many myths tell very interesting things about this mysterious place. All these facts are accompanied by mystical coincidences, so you should not ignore the warnings of your ancestors.

Thus, in 1820, the last land unknown at that time was discovered by our navigators Lazarev and Bellingshausen. They were also born under the signs of Scorpio and Virgo, respectively. Astrologers consider these signs to be related to gods such as Pluto and Proserpina, who are considered the gods of hell.

The discovery of Antarctica also opened a very dark page in human history. Just after all this, two terrible world wars, genocides, epidemics, moral decline and many other terrible things took place. It is worth noting that it was in the 20th century that the first human wintering in Antarctica was carried out, and after reaching the South Pole, oddly enough, the first World War. Just a coincidence? It is quite possible that the Third World War will result from the division of the territories of Antarctica. The outbreak of such a war is possible in the near future, because it is possible that the riches of nature on Earth are countless.

Let us recall that back in the late 50s of the last century, 12 states (equal to the number of zodiac signs) signed an agreement concerning this mysterious continent - Antarctica. At the same time, people dared to encroach on space. But, as for Antarctica, ancient manuscripts warn us that human encroachments on the forbidden lands of the south will contribute to the release of poisonous fumes now unknown to anyone, which can simply kill people. There are also warnings that newborn children will be possessed by so-called “demons of the night.” It is known that there is a gigantic ozone hole right above Antarctica. Perhaps this is exactly what the ancient authors were talking about. They directly warned that there was also a danger of melting glaciers in the south, which could result in poisoning of the world's oceans. This is quite possible, since anything can be hidden in the ice of the continent, including bacteria and viruses unknown to mankind. And without them, it would be enough that, as a result of melting, the level of the world's oceans will rise by as much as 60 meters, and this will significantly change the entire world map.

In conclusion, we can also recall the current theory of the change of the earth's poles. In this case, according to this theory, Antarctica will act as the most suitable land for living creatures. But what secrets are hidden in its depths?

Researchers have always been interested in such a mysterious continent as Antarctica. Many years have passed since the discovery of this continent, but very little has been learned about it.

In March 2002, two twin NASA satellites were launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome under the GRACE program, which were supposed to measure the Earth's gravitational field. These data are used in climate studies, in the search for minerals and in the study of faults in the earth's crust and volcanic activity.

And while flying over Antarctica, satellites recorded an unexpected gravitational impulse. A powerful positive gravitational anomaly was discovered. It came from a huge subglacial space with a diameter of approximately 500 kilometers. Above him, the snow-covered plain of the Antarctic glacier, up to 4 thousand meters thick, stretched for thousands of kilometers.

An anomaly unique to Antarctica is located in an area called Wilkes Land. Here, in 2006, the research team of Ohio University professor Ralph von Frese identified the presence of a giant crater, two and a half times larger than the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan, created by the meteorite impact that is believed to have led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Using radar, a huge, extremely dense, presumably metallic mass, approximately 300 kilometers wide and 848 meters deep, was found in this crater. At first, there was an assumption that this “pancake” could be a concentration of magma that splashed out from the bowels of the earth. But this hypothesis was soon rejected. Then scientists started talking about the possibility of the remains of a huge asteroid lying under the ice of Antarctica. But how could the Earth survive a collision with such a monstrous mass?

Antarctic researchers are inclined to believe that there is some kind of cosmic body in Wilkes Land.

But today it is almost impossible to get through to it. To do this, it would be necessary to create a special station and import tons of equipment, which in terms of costs could approach the estimated cost of a manned flight to Mars. Moreover, scientists would have to survive at a winter temperature of minus 80 degrees.

Some say that this potentially dangerous anomaly should not be touched at all. And supporters of the theory of alien civilizations visiting Earth believe that hidden under the ice of Antarctica is a massive spaceship serving as a base for aliens, or even a portal to the “inner Earth.”

The mysterious Antarctic anomaly was remembered again at the end of December, after US Secretary of State John Kerry suddenly visited Antarctica. Rumors immediately appeared that Kerry allegedly visited a secret alien base located in a recently discovered pyramidal mountain.

In addition, in the new year at the Russian Vostok station they are going to resume research on the largest Antarctic Lake Vostok, located under the station, which has a depth of up to 1200 meters. This is a kind of Antarctic Baikal. There are plans to reach the lake again using new drilling technology.

Bacteria unknown to science have already been found in water samples from the lake where hot springs flow. But no less intriguing is the significant magnetic anomaly recorded by Columbia University scientists on the southeastern shore of the lake. It differs from the background indicators magnetic field by more than a thousand nanotesla.

Research participant Michael Stadinger suggested that this could be caused by very thin earth's crust in the area of ​​the lake, but his colleagues believed that the proximity of the hot interior of the earth, on the contrary, would heat the rocks and thereby reduce the level of the magnetic field.

As a result of scientific disputes, a theory arose about the presence of remains on the shore of the lake ancient city with its metal structures. They even began to talk about the fact that the legendary Atlantis was once located on the site of Antarctica.

American scientists who worked at NASA together with the outstanding German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun say that he was convinced that Hitler was right when he called Antarctica “Atlantis under the ice.” Perhaps it was this information, coming from captured Germans, that prompted the United States to undertake a still unparalleled operation to capture Antarctica in 1946.

In 1946-1947, the US Navy's Operation High Jump unfolded. A flotilla of 13 ships with 33 aircraft, including an aircraft carrier, set out to secure American control over most of Antarctica.

Perhaps the US command believed the myths that Germany could equip its secret base in the bowels of the continent and transport there some of the advanced military technologies. They say that American sailors were allegedly looking for camouflaged entrances to the subglacial world. By the way, at the tops of the peaks of a half-swept mountain range, caves with entrances resembling the profile of UFO saucers were noticed.

Some of the scientific data obtained during Antarctic research is not subject to disclosure. It is difficult to imagine the immensity of this gigantic uninhabited world with an area one and a half times larger than the United States, where just one unprotected breath of icy air burns the bronchi. Scientists suggest that there are unknown forces on this continent, which, for example, move the ice mass that stretches over thousands of kilometers, containing 70 percent of the earth's fresh water.

Despite the extreme cold, even this ice contains bacteria, although there are very few of them compared to normal sea ​​water- 300 per cubic meter. millimeter of ice. Scientists are also intrigued by the incomprehensible lights that appear over the icy desert. They were also observed by our researchers at the Vostok station.

It is not clear why the oldest Antarctic mountains on our planet still exist, almost entirely buried under ice and snow. The Gamburtsev Mountains have long outlived their geological time, according to geophysicist and professor at Columbia University Robin Bell.

Robin, for a long time who explored these mountains hidden under the ice, says that the Gamburtsev ridge, discovered by Soviet scientists, is between 900 million and a billion years old. These mountains had to fall apart. For example, the lifespan of the Alps will be only about 100 million years. There is only one not very convincing explanation: the mountains experienced rejuvenation during the tectonic cataclysms that tore apart the ancient continents.

Professor John Priscu from the University of Montana conducted field conditions Antarctica for 27 years and came to the conclusion that the Antarctic ice sheet behaves like a living organism. It is pierced by microscopic veins liquid water, serving as a refuge for amazing bacteria.

And ancient bacteria, 420 thousand years old, found in ice samples recovered from three-kilometer depths, amazingly quickly began to show signs of life. They began to grow in the meltwater. "We don't know if they were hibernating or if they were just living very slowly," Priscu said.

Biologists ask: why are the creatures that live in Antarctic waters so different from everyone else on the planet? Many of the usual inhabitants of the earth's seas and oceans are absent here. The ocean, located under the multi-meter ice cover bordering the continent, is almost unexplored.

However, the more science understands Antarctica, the more questions arise.

Antarctica is truly full of mysteries. Some are inside. Like the non-freezing Lake Vostok, which Russian scientists recently reached from the Antarctic station of the same name - they drilled through the ice to a depth of 3768 meters, reaching the surface of the water.

Other mysteries are located right on the surface of the polar continent. Enthusiasts now remember them with interest. On the occasion of.
At the end of 2010, when drilling at the Vostok station was in full swing, and there were still several tens of meters to go to the surface of the lake, Joseph Skipper, a well-known virtual archaeologist from the United States, announced his “discovery.” He usually “digs” on Mars and the Moon, looking at photographs transmitted from there by spacecraft and posted on the official websites of NASA and other space agencies. He finds a lot of surprising things - things that sharply fall out of traditional ideas.

The researcher's collection contains objects similar to bones and skulls of humanoids. And those that (with a stretch, of course) can be mistaken for the remains of their - humanoids - civilized activity. These are boards, logs, sculptures sticking out of the Martian sand. And even something similar to the ruins of fortress walls. Komsomolskaya Pravda, by the way, spoke in detail about these extraterrestrial artifacts.
This time the archaeologist became interested in the Earth - specifically Antarctica. And he discovered there a hole into the continent, a “flying saucer” and non-freezing lakes located on the surface.
I followed Skipper's footsteps and found all the objects he indicated. Their coordinates are known, they are clearly visible on satellite images of the ice continent posted on the Google Earth website.
Like on Mars
Antarctica is not much different from Mars. Just more oxygen. And the cold is the same. In some places the temperature drops to minus 90 degrees Celsius. There is only one fundamental difference - there are people in Antarctica, but not yet on Mars. But this does not mean that the ice continent has been explored much better than the Red Planet. There are plenty of mysteries here and there.
We don't know if there is life on Mars. We do not know what is hidden under the many kilometers of Antarctic ice. And there is only a vague idea of ​​what is happening on its surface. Surprisingly, there are more high-resolution images of Mars than Antarctica. You can examine the details of its relief in detail only on a narrow strip in the area of ​​Queen Mary's Land, where surprises were found. It wouldn't be a bad idea to look at other places. Especially those that have long been legendary.
Hitler hid there
It is known that the Nazis were very interested in Antarctica. A number of expeditions were sent there. And they even staked out a vast territory in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land, calling it New Swabia. There - in 1939 - on the coast, the Germans discovered an amazing area of ​​​​about 40 square kilometers, free of ice. With a relatively mild climate, with numerous ice-free lakes. It was called the Schirmacher Oasis - after the German pioneer pilot. Subsequently, the Soviet polar station Novolazarevskaya was located here.
According to the official version, the Third Reich went to Antarctica to build bases there to guard its whaling fleets. But there are much more interesting assumptions. Although it’s hard to even call them science fiction. A bunch of mysticism.
In short, the story is this. Allegedly, during expeditions to Tibet, the Nazis learned that there was something inside Antarctica. Some vast and warm cavities. And in them there is something left either from aliens, or from an ancient highly developed civilization that once lived there. At the same time, a separate story claimed that Antarctica was once Atlantis.
As a result, allegedly already at the end of the 30s of the last century, German submarines found a secret passage in the ice. And they got inside - into these same cavities.
Further, the legends diverge. According to one version, the Nazis built their cities under the ice, according to another, they conspired with the local inhabitants and settled in a free housing stock.
According to one legend, a living Hitler was delivered there - inside the ice continent - in 1945, along with a living Eva Braun. Allegedly, he sailed in a submarine, accompanied by a large escort - a whole squadron of huge submarines (8 pieces) called the “Fuhrer's Convoy”. And he lived until 1971. And according to some sources, right up to 1985.
The authors of Antarctic myths also place the “flying saucers” of the Third Reich under the ice, rumors about which are permeated in numerous books, films, television shows and the Internet. They say that the Nazis also hid these devices inside. Then they improved and are still in operation, starting from mines in Antarctica. And UFOs are those very “plates”.
Strange oddities
It’s difficult to take stories about polar aliens and Germans any seriously. But... What to do with the hole, the “plate” and the lakes discovered by Joseph Skipper? One “fits” with the other very well. Unless, of course, the objects are what they look like.
Why can't a hole in the mountains be the entrance to the underground world of Antarctica? By the way, UFOs can fly out of it, from the hole. And the “plate” can be real. Even alien. Looks icy. And as if exposed as a result of either global warming or weathering.
Well, the lakes are evidence that Antarctica can be penetrated by internal warm cavities. Which warm the oases. Like the Schirmacher oasis - far from the only one on the icy continent.
By the way, Lake Vostok is not free from tales. A strong magnetic anomaly was discovered on its western side. This is a scientific fact. But the nature of the anomaly has not yet been determined. Which gives ufologists the right, at least temporarily, to claim that there lies a massive metal object. Specifically, a huge alien ship. Maybe crashed. Maybe it was abandoned millions of years ago, when there was no ice over the lake. Maybe it was operational and just parked.
Unfortunately, the magnetic anomaly is located far from the well - at the opposite end of the lake. And it is unlikely that it will be solved soon. If it ever works out.
Well, the most rabid conspiracy theorists, without embarrassment, assure that those same Germans were the first to reach Lake Vostok in some cunning way. And they hid archives there, either treasures or secret archives of the Third Reich.
The lakes of Antarctica are connected into a single network
It is already known that Lake Vostok is far from the only one in Antarctica. There are more than a hundred of these. The East is simply the largest of the open ones. Now researchers suggest that all these lakes, hidden under a layer of ice, communicate with each other.
The existence of an extensive network of subglacial rivers and canals was recently reported by British scientists - Duncan Wingham from University College London and colleagues - by publishing a corresponding article in the authoritative scientific journal Nature. Their conclusions are based on data obtained from satellites.
Wingham assures that the subglacial channels are as deep as the Thames.
Laugh and laugh, but the discovery of British scientists does not at all contradict the most delusional versions of hidden Antarctic life. On the contrary, it reinforces them. After all, a network of channels located at a depth of about 4 kilometers under thin ice can connect one cavity to another. Serve as a kind of roads that in some place may have access to the ocean. Or entrance.
Was the continent green
The area of ​​Antarctica is about 14 million square kilometers. Almost the entire continent is covered with ice. In some places its thickness reaches 5 kilometers. And what is underneath is known only about an insignificant part of the surface.
A team of scientists from China, Japan and Great Britain spent 4 years driving powerful all-terrain vehicles through the harshest region of Antarctica - over the Gamburtsev Mountains. And they scanned it with radars. The result was a surface relief map covering an area of ​​about 900 square kilometers.
And it turned out that the continent was once free of ice. Even 34 million years ago, there were mountains and plains with flowering meadows. Just like in the European Alps now.
But something happened. Researchers have found a place from which a small glacier, located on the highest peak (about 2400 meters), began to grow. Gradually it covered the entire Antarctica. Hid several lakes under a layer of ice.
Martin Seigert from the University of Edinburgh, who took part in the expedition, is confident that frozen plants are still preserved in the valleys of the Antarctic Alps. Even small trees. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to reach them. But you can try, for example, through the same drilling.

Seven secrets and mysteries of Antarctica that amaze the imagination.

The ice of Antarctica hides big number secrets and riddles.

1. An ancient city was found in Antarctica.
An American television crew went missing 14 years ago, leaving behind video evidence of the existence of an ancient city in Antarctica. The California film crew disappeared after filming in 2002. According to archaeologist Jonathan Gray, the crew's video was not cleared to air by the US government after it was discovered. The video showed a massive archaeological excavation at a depth of 2 to 3 km under the ice. Many experts are convinced that an ancient settlement is hidden under the ice. In addition, the outlines of tall pyramidal structures are clearly visible from the ocean.

2. Mysterious structure. In 2012, an object measuring 14 by 4.5 miles was discovered in Antarctica, so huge that it can be seen on a map. A spot on the Google Earth map, which is clearly visible in the pictures, is mistaken for a secret research station hidden by the government, or a UFO base.

3. Crashed UFO . Proponents of the "conspiracy theory" claim to have found evidence of military Vehicle, “guarding” the UFO crash site in Antarctica. Something similar to tanks is “guarded” by a strange object measuring 62 by 12 meters.

4. Operation " High jump" . American naval military operation of 1946-1947, organized to create the Little America IV research base. The mission was carried out by 13 ships, 4,700 people and 33 aircraft. According to secret documents published in the 90s, the US Navy sent a military expedition not to establish a research base, but to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. During a US special operation, the Navy was attacked by flying saucers believed to have originated from Hitler's secret base built before and during World War II.

5-6. Hitler's secret base and underground structures in Antarctica. On Google maps Earth, you can find two large "inclusions" that are located near the coastline. Some argue that this is just a natural phenomenon, others argue that these are secret military bases. It is known that during the Second World War, there was a Nazi military base in Antarctica - it was founded between December 1938 and April 1939. It is assumed that the base not only tested new weapons, but also carried out secret developments based on extraterrestrial technologies. The base itself was a network of underground structures.

7. Giant Elusive Sea Creature off the coast of the continent. The object was discovered completely by accident; according to many, it may not be a living creature, but an underwater UFO. The total length of the strange object is about 25 meters.