Real scary stories on the highway. Meeting on the track. Ghost on the Road - a true story

“Many years ago I practiced what was called “meet and return.” One driver leaves from one city, and the other from another, and they meet halfway. We met in the parking lot, exchanged trailers and headed back. I have practiced such meetings several times already and noticed that I always arrive half an hour earlier than the other driver. One day I arrived at the parking lot just like always. Three in the morning, no one around. I stretched out on the seat and prepared to take a nap.

But suddenly, 10 minutes after I dozed off, I woke up from a dog barking. I tried to ignore it, but it only got louder and closer. After listening, I realized that the dog was right next to my car. “Either this dog is trying to warn me about something, or he just has nothing to do, he needs to throw something at her,” I thought.

I sat up and looked out the window. To my horror, I did not see the dog. A large man, about 35 years old, stood a few inches from the window and barked at me. He had crazy eyes, foam at the mouth - this scene was imprinted in my brain. Slowly, trying not to make sudden movements, I started the truck and slowly drove away. He started chasing me like an angry dog ​​would. Needless to say, I have never dozed off in a parking lot since then.”


"Thousand devils!"

“My mother works as a truck driver. This is her story. She was driving through Arizona and suddenly saw something that resembled leaves that the wind carries along the road. This puzzled her, because there were only pine trees growing around - this was in northern Arizona. But looking closer, she saw that they were real tarantulas—thousands of them. There were so many of them that the truck's wheels skidded on their bodies, and she had to slow down. At the stop, she asked her partner to fill up. He got angry because it was his time to rest, but he obediently got out of the car. And I saw spiders stuck to the wheels of the truck.”

Tall guy

“One day, a friend and I were driving through South Alabama and passed an old cemetery. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a truck pulled up behind us. It was very late, but even during the day you could rarely see a car on this highway, so it became a little scary. I accelerated, but the truck stayed right next to the bumper.

I pressed the gas pedal to the floor and was already racing at full speed along the narrow dirt road, and the truck was still not far behind. My friend, who knew the area well, said that there was a bend ahead that the truck simply could not fit into.

I turned the steering wheel to the side and suddenly among the trees I saw a very tall guy, covered with hair from head to toe. Before I had time to shout: “Have you seen this…” - my friend finished for me: “The hairy guy!”

We broke away from the truck and drove away, but I won’t be able to forget this story.”

Crime scene

“Once I was driving along a deserted two-lane road. I drove past the town of Amboy - a small, almost abandoned settlement with a dormant volcano. Lava on one side, salt on the other. Once upon a time, they say, there were many sectarians here.

I stopped there and took a photo of the sign just to prove to my friends that I was there. I got back into the car and drove further up the mountain. Once I reached the top I drove through a canyon with tall grass on both sides of the road. Suddenly I saw something on the road far ahead. As I got closer, I slowed down. A red Pontiac Fiero was blocking my way - it was standing right across the highway. A suitcase with scattered clothes lay nearby, and two bodies lay face down on the road, a man and a woman.

Everything was like in a horror movie - no signs of an accident, as if I was on stage. Something was very wrong. Not a drop of blood. I very carefully drove past the bodies without getting out of the car. Having driven a decent distance, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that a man and a woman had risen to their knees, and other people—several dozen people—came out of the grass. I stomped on the gas pedal. Sometimes real life can be scarier than a horror movie.”

An article about mystical incidents and inexplicable events on Russian roads. Ghosts, geopathogenic zones, etc. At the end of the article there is an interesting video about ghosts on the road.

The content of the article:

There are many mysterious, anomalous places in the world, most of which are in Russia. Of course, they are known, talked about and written about, so sensible people avoid them. But what to do if the mystical territory is a highway on which events that defy logic and terrible disasters occur? Is mysticism really reigning on Russian roads or is this just the speculation of tipsy drivers?

Are there roads of death?

The study of such paranormal places, along with other “places of power,” has been carried out for many years by researchers from different countries. It is obvious that a number of highways “cause” accidents, breakdowns and deaths many times more often than any other highways. Somewhere the phenomenon is more pronounced when drivers literally physically feel the oppressive atmosphere and observe strange phenomena. As a rule, scientists attribute this to tectonic faults and geopathogenic zones, which can be calculated by deformed trees, limp vegetation and numerous ravines. People perceive the energy of such a place, affecting pulse, blood pressure, reaction and vision. All this leads to fatal mistakes and accidents.

Shocking statistics confirm that in recent decades, as many people have died in road accidents as in the bloodiest wars. And what is the percentage of cases caused by anomalies?

Lytkarino ghosts

A section of a forest road near the village of Pekhorka has claimed over 40 human lives over the past couple of decades. Despite the fact that it has always been distinguished by perfectly laid asphalt and the absence of any bends, this arrow-smooth track terrifies drivers.

Eyewitnesses who survived the accidents claim that the cause of the disaster was sudden fog, loss of visibility and control, as well as images of people standing on or along the road. Another witness saw a string of lights hovering over crosses and tombstones erected in memory of the victims of the accident.

Unpleasant statistics and numerous newspaper articles attracted the attention of the then governor, who decided to take the situation into his own hands. He ordered the asphalt to be re-laid and the area equipped with several speed bumps. The results were not long in coming - mortality did not disappear at all, but it decreased significantly. But…

The scientific team examined 5-meter craters located near the highway, discovered by one of the local residents. Their approximate age was estimated to range from 150 to 1000 years, and the fragments found inside the pit, cleared of alluvial modern debris, turned out to be parts of some massive multi-ton body. Thus, researchers do not completely discount the mystical version. Inexplicable events may occur due to the fact that the route, by the will of fate, passes through a meteorite zone, whose influence has been felt for many centuries. Hence the climate anomalies, the loss of controllability, and even loss of vision.

Naro-Fominsk "Flying Dutchman"

In other countries, warning boards with the words “Anomalous zone” do not shock anyone, but the first and so far only one in Russia, available on the M-3 highway, causes an unpleasant shiver among drivers and passengers. Moreover, these billboards stretch long before the ill-fated three kilometers - from 66 to 69 - but also along them.

The traffic police does not comment in any way on sudden roll-offs of cargo trucks into ditch or terrible accidents when vehicles simply change lanes. But the most interesting thing is that everyone unanimously blames a certain white sedan for the incident, which materialized on the highway, as if out of nowhere.

Some blame the lack of lighting on the road for all the troubles, however, many accidents occurred during the daytime. Old-timers blame the builders who designed the popular route right above the ancient cemetery.

It is difficult to find out which story is genuine. But unique warnings about anomalies are not posted anywhere.

Geopathogenic Kazan

The beautiful ancient city is not saved by numerous traffic lights, underground passages, or widening of roads. For example, on the Mamadyshsky tract, accidents occur almost daily.

Located at the exit from Kazan, the highway, called “old Kazan” by local residents, passes through 30 thousand cars every day. The road is regularly widened, it ends at a convenient interchange, but bikers still crash on it, brakes on trucks fail, and all sorts of misfortunes attack other vehicles. For some reason, this particular path leads in the number of sudden breakdowns.

What is the mystery of the Mamadyshsky tract? Here the versions also diverge. On the one hand, it crosses the Knoxa River, whose bed, in all likelihood, is in contact with a geological fault.

The second version, naturally, is connected with the cemetery. The natives have no doubt that the ghosts of the Samosyrovsky churchyard are outraged by the disturbed peace and take revenge on motorists. Even worse, all evidence of UFOs necessarily involves the ill-fated road. Incomprehensible flying objects, similar to classic UFO spheres, circle over a number of villages, and then rush towards the same highway.

But the problems of Kazan residents do not end there. The Siberian Highway is no less dangerous for drivers and even pedestrians. The section from Iskra to Pionerskaya Street is notorious for traffic jams, accidents and terrible road capacity. This can all be blamed on technical features and poor driver culture. But when cars suddenly stop in the middle of the road or, conversely, the brakes of a tram fail, causing it to crash into traffic, there are no logical explanations for this.

This anomaly is not clear to either traffic police representatives or researchers. The latter are seriously planning to take up special instruments and explore every piece of the route, but for now they are simply calling for vigilance of all participants moving through the mystical territory.

But for Kazan pedestrians, the scariest place is crossing the railway tracks near the veterinary institute. Although you can cross the tracks in a matter of seconds, the road there is straight and level, the train is visible from afar, and yet people die here with enviable regularity.

Those pedestrians who manage to cross the cursed place without any problems complain of a feeling of disorientation that occurs in the immediate vicinity of the crossing. What influences people so much, causing them to get lost in space and even throw themselves under a train?

All that the researchers were able to find out about the anomaly is that it is linked to the 14th and 18th, which account for most of the incidents. What happened on the railway on these dates is not known, so scientists simply recommend looking for other routes on these days.

And finally, on Chistopolskaya Street, built on swamps, up to two dozen accidents happen a day, which among general statistics seems to be a monstrous figure. The road has recently been repaired and widened, and has a well-designed interchange, but the number of casualties is not decreasing. Kazan residents say that in ancient times the place for the construction of anything was chosen extremely carefully. Often a monk was invited, who, after special prayers, pointed out the correct area with good energy. Nowadays there is no choice, which is why such terrible anomalies happen due to houses, roads and other buildings built on negative plots of land.

Presidential Circuit

Among Muscovites, only old-timers are aware of the dead zone in the very center of the capital, where the head of state and his advisers pass almost every day.

On the section of Kutuzovsky Prospekt near the turn to Minskaya Street, regular accidents always end in death. Moreover, considering each specific case, investigators, eyewitnesses and doctors were horrified by the specifics of the incident:

  • a family of 5 people was driving a Niva to the center of Moscow when a Gazelle crashed into them from the oncoming lane. The culprit of the accident was driving a stolen car to the Moscow region and on the way accidentally hit a foreign car. She was “offended” and began to pursue the “Gazelle”, which at the same time crashed into the “ZIL” and, from the impact, flew towards that same “Niva”. Two family members died on the spot, the rest were seriously injured;
  • at 4 o’clock in the morning on an empty road, a foreign car suddenly lost control, collided with a “seven”, and it, in turn, “met” with a harvesting machine. As a result, with sober drivers on a straight section of road in the absence of ice and other obstacles, there were four victims.

And there are so many similar cases recorded that law enforcement officials turned to historians and scientists for explanations. They dug through a lot of archival data, but did not find information about burials or destroyed cemeteries. In Moscow, it was customary to bury people near churches or on monastery territory, and Tsar Peter I himself ordered that people should not be buried inside cities.

Only one fact can be somehow tied to the mysticism of Kutuzovsky Prospekt - once there were large slaughterhouses here. Maybe it is the animal blood soaked into the ground that causes the terrible events on the highway?

Ulyanovsk ruined valley

When inexplicable accidents began to occur on the Saransk-Ulyanovsk highway, caused by loss of orientation by drivers, sudden loss of vision and hearing, dizziness and stupor, archaeologists immediately confirmed the fact of an ancient burial. The archives speak of a Muslim cemetery, which until 1960 was bypassed and there were no roads even nearby. But in Soviet times, such a useless waste of precious territory was considered unreasonable, the cemetery was razed to the ground and a highway was paved.

After numerous accidents, the leadership of the local traffic police came to an unconventional decision - to consecrate the lost place. The abbot of the local temple drove along the entire road, sprinkling every meter with holy water and reciting prayers. Whether such a measure will help, time will tell.

Sakhalin Magnetic Road

The anomalies of such remote regions are not so widely known to the public, but they are no less frightening. Thus, drivers driving along the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Okhotskoye highway at some point begin to feel as if the wheels are sticking to the road. In violation of all laws of physics and sanity, cars suddenly slow down on a descent, and accelerate on an ascent.

Scientists who arrived at the scene took measurements and discovered an increased magnetic background, the origin of which cannot be determined without careful research.

How to protect motorists and pedestrians from mystical incidents? Should we develop special warning signs to increase vigilance in a dangerous area? Should clergy be involved to get rid of evil spirits? Or is it smarter to approach the construction of routes without laying them over the bones of deceased people? Should we fight the roads of death or simply accept the presence of mysticism on the highways of Russia? There are many questions, only time can give answers...

Video about ghosts on the road:

A few years ago, not far from my house, there was a fatal accident: a guy driving a brand new Volvo hit a six-year-old girl at a pedestrian crossing, who had escaped from her mother in a store and decided to cross the road. It was summer, in July, and many believe that the girl could have run after the butterfly. The driver was driving through the city at such a speed that he did not even have time to press the brakes when he saw the child. The body of the unfortunate little girl flew seven meters away, or even more, and the Volvo spun around after the accident, and the car ended up on the sidewalk, where, fortunately, there was no one except parked cars. They took the hit from the car and stopped it.

Thanks to the airbags and other bells and whistles, the driver was not injured, except for a few abrasions and a broken nose. The guy got out on his own without any help, and the first thing he did was walk around the car on unsteady legs and carefully inspect the damage - he didn’t care about the downed child. He didn’t even ask what happened to the girl, but calmly sat in the car and started calling someone. Meanwhile, eyewitnesses called an ambulance, and a young couple tried to give water to the mother howling over the child’s corpse...

Soon the doctors and the traffic police arrived, along with a couple of black expensive foreign cars. As it turned out, the guy was the son of a medium-sized, but very wealthy businessman. In general, he scolded his son - they wrote in the protocol that the guy did not exceed the speed limit, and the child’s mother was to blame for not being able to control her daughter. The Volvo driver won the case and began to live as if nothing had happened - to have fun and continue to fatten on his father’s money. He didn’t even offer condolences to the parents of the deceased.

But strange things began to happen at the scene of the accident: either a child’s crying or laughter would be heard, then at night a small cloud of white smoke would appear out of nowhere... Superstitious people crossed themselves, and realists attributed the sounds to hallucinations, and the white smoke to steam from supposedly located somewhere pipes with hot water, but nothing like this was observed before the accident.

A year later, one local grandmother said that she was walking her dog in the evening and saw the whitish, translucent silhouette of a girl squatting on the curb of the sidewalk. The grandmother crossed herself, and the ghost disappeared. Naturally, no one believed the old woman - everyone decided that her imagination was running wild, and that her eyesight was poor. This was the last case when the ghost of the deceased somehow manifested itself - all unusual phenomena stopped, and the people began to forget about the terrible incident. The superstitious said that the soul of the little sufferer had finally come to rest. But it turned out that this was not the case.

Exactly three years later, on the very day when the girl died, at this very intersection a pregnant woman crashed in exactly the same new Volvo of the same color and make. A saleswoman who worked at a 24-hour stall said that she saw how a passing car was suddenly enveloped in white smoke from the driver's door - because of this, the woman apparently jerked the steering wheel sharply, and the car flew into the far right lane and crashed into a parked tow truck. The sharp part of its body caused terrible wounds to the woman. When the ambulance arrived, both she and her unborn child were dead.

Later it turned out that it was the wife of the same guy who hit the girl. He, like the mother of that girl, sat on the sidewalk near the mangled car and did not cry - he howled.

The police thoroughly investigated this case, but they were unable to understand why the driver suddenly began to turn the steering wheel on a flat road - they recognized the incident as just another accident, of which there are thousands. People considered this a punishment from above and revenge for the dead child. Some were convinced that the girl’s mother had cast a spell on the driver’s entire family.

Be that as it may, the story continued: a month later the culprit of both tragedies was found by cemetery workers dead, lying on the grave of his wife. He had a syringe clutched in his hand, and he himself died from a drug overdose. Since he had not previously been seen using illegal substances, and he did not have the usual “drug addict’s tracks” on his hands, investigators considered his death a pre-planned suicide

From 5-06-2015, 01:02

Once I stayed until midnight visiting a friend who lives in the vicinity of the Losinoostrovskaya station, in the north-east of Moscow. My house is located near the Cherkizovskaya metro station, so the most convenient thing for me was to take the train, which will take me to the Yaroslavsky station, where I will board my subway line and quickly get to my house. The metro closes to entry at 1 am. I still had a whole hour of time, and it was only about fifteen minutes to go to the station. That’s why I wasn’t worried at all and walked with a calm step, whistling some simple melody under my breath, towards Losinoostrovskaya.

To my surprise, the station was empty. There were no cashiers, not even the security guard who usually stood near the turnstiles. Distressed that I would have to take the bus to the nearest metro station, which was not on the line I needed, I was about to turn around and go back, when I suddenly noticed that the machines where you could buy a ticket were working. "Great". I approached one of the machines. At first glance, everything looked normal, but what caught my attention was that there were several more stations that could be selected as a destination, which were usually not available. I’ve never heard of them at all: Dzerzhinskaya, Institute of the Way, Otradnoe, Slobodka and Beskudnikovo.

Two names were familiar to me. Otradnoye is the name of an area that was relatively close to here. But I don’t remember that there was a railway going through there. And Beskudnikovo is actually a station in a completely different direction, on Savelovsky. “What kind of jokes are these? Oh well, to hell with it”...

Deciding to ignore this nonsense, I took a ticket to the station, then went through the turnstile and found myself on the platform. For some reason, the electronic board showing the arrival time of the next train did not work. "What's wrong with this station? Why is there no one here? Why isn't the board working? What kind of a mess is this, really?" - mentally indignant. I had to look for a regular stand with a schedule. Luckily for me, he was hanging not too far from the exit to the platform. “I wonder when the next train will be?” I lowered my eyes to the lower right corner. The last train arrives at 00:16. I looked at my watch: it read 00:19. "What?! Are you kidding me?!" - I was furious at such sheer injustice. “Why the hell did I buy a ticket if the last train had already left?! Why were the machines working?! Where are these damn cashiers and security guards?! Damn!” With all my anger, I hit the stand with the schedule. “Sooo, calm down, I need to calm down”... I stepped aside and sat down on the nearest bench. “Maybe the train hasn’t arrived yet. Maybe it’s late and will arrive soon. And even if I did miss the last train, it’s okay. Just think, I spent forty rubles. It won’t be lost on me,” I said to myself. .

Having calmed down, I began to examine the station. There was not a single person anywhere on any of the three platforms. Absolutely. There was complete silence in the air. You couldn’t even hear cars, although there, on the other side of the railway, was the busy Yaroslavl highway. Even at night there were quite a lot of cars there. Why they were not heard, given that the station was absolutely silent, is a mystery. Another strange thing. There were a lot of them already in such a short time.

And then suddenly the silence was broken by the train whistle. I jumped up from the bench and walked to the edge of the platform. It was an electric train, traveling along my path! “Oh yes, it was not in vain that I stayed. She was late, as I thought.”

The train is already stopping near the platform. But she was somehow strange. Old, shabby, with dim lighting inside the carriage. "I wonder where they dug it up from?" - I thought. - “It seemed to me that such old stuff hasn’t been traveling around Moscow for a long time.” I didn’t really want to get into it, but I had no choice, so I had to go in.

I was greeted by an unusually narrow vestibule, the kind you can find in any old train. It was not pleasant for me to be in such a small room. In addition, there were no lights on here. So I hurried inside the carriage. To my surprise, all the benches were wooden. As far as I remembered, in all the old trains that were still in use, the benches were still covered with something soft, and in general they tried to look after the interior of the car. And here I felt like I was in a museum. Only everything was shabby and unkempt.

I went to the middle of the car and sat by the window, facing the direction in which the train was traveling. The unpleasant yellow dim light blinked occasionally. It was scary, to be honest, considering the train I was on. I forgot to say that there was no one but me in the carriage. However, it's hard to say whether it was a bad thing. On the contrary, it would be scarier if someone was sitting, for example, at the end of the carriage with their back to me.

It was completely dark outside the window. I can not see anything. You couldn't even see the light in the houses. Strange... Therefore, in order to somehow entertain myself, I took out my phone and headphones. I turned on my favorite song and sat down as comfortably as possible. Now even that flickering light couldn't stop me from getting lost in my thoughts.

But probably not even a minute had passed before I felt something was wrong... The train was turning to the right. “What the hell? This is a direct route,” I was surprised. I didn't like it, I didn't like it at all. If everything else could somehow be ignored, then this oddity really bothered me. "Where are we going? What the hell is going on here?!" I was no longer in the mood to listen to music. I tried to comprehend what was happening: “First, this desolation, machines with extra stations, a non-working scoreboard, then this junk on wheels, now this turn... Is this some kind of joke?”

The train began to slow down. A metallic voice was heard: “Dzerzhinskaya platform.” At first I was scared to death, jumped up and started looking around in search of the source of the sound. Realizing that it was a speakerphone, I calmed down a little, but only a little. Dzerzhinskaya... I already saw this name today. When I bought a ticket from the machine. Station unknown to me...

The train stopped. The doors opened. Outside the window there was still the same impenetrable darkness. Apparently there was no lighting on the platform. “But this is Moscow, not some wilderness!” I was even more frightened, but still did not dare to run out of the train. At least there was light here. "Maybe the next station will be more civilized?" I sat down in my seat again.

And then the doors closed, the train started moving and moved on. And I could no longer calm down. I was scared. And it would be fine if all the horror ended there. Nooo... Music was heard from behind, from the next carriage. Someone was playing the accordion. I felt a lump in my throat. My heart started beating faster and I began to feel chills. I moved to the bench that was opposite me to keep an eye on the door to the vestibule. The sound was getting closer. Apparently, the musician was on his way to my carriage. Then the door that led from the carriage to the accordion slammed. The second door slammed. The musician is already in the vestibule of my carriage. The sound is heard clearly. But no one is visible through the door. Suddenly the door opens... It just opens! Herself! There is no one in the vestibule. But there is sound! The sound of the button accordion is already in the carriage itself. And he's getting closer, he's moving towards me! Just sound! And nothing more...

It is difficult to describe how much fear I felt then. I hid in a corner and didn’t dare move even a little. I was very scared! I just watched the sound of the button accordion move along the aisle between the benches, approaching me. And the damn light kept blinking. God, I feel like I'm in some horror movie. What a damn train...

As soon as the sound caught up with me, the lights in the carriage went out. Yes, it went out, went out completely. And the sound stopped. Outside the window there was still the same impenetrable darkness. Only the sound of the wheels reminded me that I was traveling on an electric train. And suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder. Such an icy touch...

At this moment my fear reached its apogee. From such horror I screamed like mad. At the same moment, the lights in the carriage turned on. I could no longer stay here. God, how scary it was... I jumped up and rushed towards the head car, towards the driver. At the same time, the train began to slow down, and a metallic voice announced: “Institute of the Way Station.” Another familiar name. However, this is no longer surprising.

Having reached the vestibule, I decided that at this station I would get off anyway, even if not a single lamp was on. The train was still slowing down. I turned back to take one last look at this terrible carriage. God, I wish I hadn’t done this... In my place sat the ghostly silhouette of a man. He looked at me. Seeing me looking at him, the ghost began to smile at me and slowly wave his hand. I got a lump in my throat again, chills and wild fear again...

But then the train finally stopped. The doors opened and I, without even looking forward or at my feet, rushed away from this damn train. But instead of ending up on the platform, I fell down somewhere. It was painful. Although I apparently fell from not a very great height, I hit either the stones or the asphalt. Hit my whole body. The face was especially painful.

Trying to come to my senses, I lay on the ground for about another minute. Then I started to get up. To my surprise, I found myself in the middle of some kind of garage cooperative. There were only garages around me. And no railway. "What the hell is this?" I didn't understand anything.

We had to get out of here. Quickly finding a way out of the garages, I wandered out onto some street. It turned out to be an ordinary street in the middle of some quite ordinary residential area. “I don’t understand anything. What happened to me?” I was in some kind of prostration. The thoughts in my head were mixed into some kind of incomprehensible heap. "What to do next?" Suddenly a bus stop caught my attention. She was very close. "Great. Maybe the route of some bus will give me an idea of ​​where I am approximately?" I hurried to the stop. A sign with route numbers hung in place. “Okay, let’s see what we have here... Oh, route 176! It runs from the Los platform, which is the next one after Losinoostrovskaya, if you go from Moscow and to some place in the vicinity of the Sviblovo metro station.. "That means I'm somewhere else in these parts. But how the hell did I end up here?" Suddenly the sound of an approaching bus was heard. At first I was afraid that some shabby old monster would come again, but it turned out to be a brand new, good bus. There were a driver and several passengers inside. All are alive, not ghosts.

By bus I easily arrived at the already mentioned Sviblovo station. There I went down into the subway and calmly drove home, without any incidents.

But what I experienced did not give me peace of mind. I wanted to know what really happened to me. Maybe someone has already encountered something similar? First of all, I decided to search for the names of those stations unknown to me: Dzerzhinskaya, Institute of the Way, Otradny and Slobodka. Wow, I shuddered then...

It turns out that there used to be a railway that connected the Yaroslavl direction and Savelovskoe. Namely Losinoostrovskaya and Beskudnikovo stations. In general, this railway has quite a rich history, but the main thing is that all these stations, which I have already mentioned more than once, were located right on it. Moreover, this railway was dismantled back in 1987. In its place there are now houses and garages. And just the Institute Path station, where I got off, was located in the very place where the garage cooperative now stands, in the middle of which I found myself. Yes... What does this mean? Did I ride on a dead road? On a dead train?

Now I try to never stay that long and never take old and shabby trains. You never know where they can take...