Speech redundancy and insufficiency. Errors caused by redundancy and insufficiency of speech. Examples. Speech redundancy. Tautology, pleonasm

Persitsky dragged the reluctant Lapis into the next room. The spectators followed them. There on the wall hung a large newspaper clipping, surrounded by a mourning border.
- Did you write this essay in “The Captain's Bridge”?
- I wrote.
- This seems to be your first experience in prose? Congratulations! “The waves rolled over the pier and fell down like a swift jack...” Well, you were a friend to the “Captain’s Bridge”! “The Bridge” won’t forget you for a long time now, Lapis!
- What's the matter?
- The thing is... Do you know what a jack is?
- Well, of course I know, leave me alone...
- How do you imagine a jack? Describe in your own words.
- So... Falling, in a word.

We cited this excerpt from “The Twelve Chairs” in order to show: it is not enough to know many beautiful, expressive or smart words, you need to be able to use them correctly.

Lexical stylistics is a science that studies the lexical means of language and develops norms for their use.

We already briefly mentioned it in the third lesson, when we looked at functional styles. The selection of vocabulary when writing text is extremely important and challenging task. It depends on your goals, audience and functional style. In the third lesson, we described what vocabulary is inherent in a particular style and indicated what to mix different types vocabulary in one text is undesirable unless you want to achieve a special artistic effect in this way. In this lesson we will talk in more detail about the basic principles of lexical stylistics, which are useful for every author to know.

Meaning of the word and its connotations

Most important characteristic a word is its meaning. The meanings of words, along with other types of signs, are studied by semantics. In semantics, there are several approaches to defining meaning. We will not describe in detail the differences between them, we will only say that meaning can be understood as a set of objects, processes, phenomena, a concept, generally accepted rules for using a word, etc. No matter how the meaning is defined, it is important that it is fixed in the language, and we ourselves cannot arbitrarily change it. Therefore, if you are not one hundred percent sure of the meaning of a word, never be lazy to look in the dictionary, otherwise you risk becoming the Lyapis Trubetskoy described above.

Besides direct meaning, which is sometimes referred to as denotation, each word also has additional meanings, or connotations. They are designed to convey the attitude of the speaker or writing person to the subject of speech. Therefore, when choosing vocabulary, they also need to be taken into account. They will help you effectively explain your point or your attitude. At the same time, if you haven’t thought about the connotations, then the reader may have them and will form associations that are not the ones you wanted. To illustrate how connotations work, here are the following synonyms: respect, devotion, servility. Respect- a neutral term meaning a feeling of respect resulting from recognition of someone's merits, merits and achievements. Term devotion clearly carries positive connotations: a person devoted to someone not only respects him, but also will not leave him in Hard time. Servility but it has negative connotations: it is stupid, ostentatious respect, which has selfish goals behind it and manifests itself in flattery, servility, and servility.

Speech errors

Using a word without taking into account its meaning and connotations leads to speech errors. “The waves fell down like a swift jack” is a vivid example of a speech error. Lyapis Trubetskoy did not know the exact meaning of the word jack, and therefore inserted it into a completely inappropriate context. It is clear that this example is an exaggeration: most often people confuse words that sound similar ( addressee and addressee, incident and precedent) or value ( development and improvement, accompany and favor). Let us repeat once again that main way To eliminate such errors - check the meanings of words in the dictionary. This is also useful because dictionary entries most often contain common examples of the correct use of a word.

In addition to errors that directly stem from ignorance of the meaning of a word, there are the following types of speech errors: euphemism, anachronism, alogism, substitution of a concept, unjustified expansion or narrowing of a concept. Let's look at them in more detail.

Euphemism is a word or expression used to replace other words that are considered obscene or inappropriate. For example, instead of saying about a woman that she is pregnant or expecting a child, they say that she is in an interesting position. By and large, euphemism is not a mistake, but its inappropriate and overuse creates the effect of bad style.

Anachronism- violation of chronology when using words related to any era. For example, “Medieval peasants, dissatisfied with the conditions of their existence, organized rallies.” Word rally appeared much later, and its use in relation to medieval peasants is inappropriate.

Alogism is a comparison of incomparable concepts. For example, “The lexicon of literary texts is richer compared to other texts.” In this case, it turns out that the lexicon is compared with texts, although it can only be compared with another lexicon. Correct option: “The lexicon of literary texts is richer compared to the lexicon of other texts.”

Substitution of the concept- an error caused by replacing one concept with another: “The bookshelves were filled with boring titles.” It is clear that the titles cannot stand on the shelves; books were on them. It would be correct to say: “The bookshelves were filled with books with boring titles.”

Unjustified expansion or narrowing of a concept- This is an error that arises as a result of mixing generic categories. It has two varieties: the use of a generic concept instead of a specific one (“Twice a day we walk with our pet,” it’s correct to say with our dog) and, conversely, the use of a specific concept instead of a generic one (“School is important for the socialization of girls,” it must be said children, because boys also need socialization).

Lexical compatibility

Lexical compatibility- This is the ability of words to combine with each other. Understanding whether words go together or not is no less important than knowing their meaning. Words may not be combined for several reasons. Firstly, they may be incompatible in meaning: black Sun, cold fire, slowly take your time. Secondly, restrictions can be imposed by grammar: I go to breathe, my good. Finally, the combination of words is influenced by their lexical features: we can say best friends , but not best enemies.

Violation of lexical compatibility also leads to speech errors. Most often, errors occur for three reasons:

  1. Confusion in the use of synonyms. Not always synonyms can be included in the same phrases. Let's take, for example, synonyms long, long, long-lasting. We can tell a long day And long day, but not long day.
  2. Misuse polysemantic words. Often polysemantic words in one of their meanings are easily included in various word combinations, while in another meaning they can be combined only with a few words. For example, the word deep meaning “having great depth” easily combines with all words that fit the meaning: deep well, deep lake, deep river etc. However, in the meaning of “reached the limit, complete, perfect,” this word already has limited compatibility: one can say late at night, but not in the late afternoon, in deep old age, but not in deep childhood.
  3. Contamination, or mixing of seemingly similar phrases. Common examples of contamination are mixing of phrases play a role And matter, satisfy the requirements of And meet needs etc.

To avoid such mistakes, you must use the Russian Word Compatibility Dictionary.

Lexical deficiency and lexical redundancy

Lexical deficiency- this is the omission of words necessary to accurately express a thought. It is most typical for spoken language, but is also found in written texts. The result of lexical insufficiency is a comic effect or loss of meaning. To illustrate, at a dog show: “Dear participants, wipe your faces and get ready for the parade!” Obviously, the participants should not wipe their own muzzles, but the dogs' muzzles.

Lexical redundancy- unjustified verbosity. It is an indispensable attribute of bad style. There are several types of lexical redundancy:

  1. Idle talk, or pouring from empty to empty: "Walking on fresh air very helpful. Everyone should go for a walk: children, adults, old people. This good habit, which needs to be instilled from childhood. Do you need to go for a walk every day? Of course it is necessary." Such reasoning does not provide any informational value.
  2. Lyapalissiada- a statement of obvious truth: “Ten minutes before it was ready, the soup was not yet ready.”
  3. Pleonasm- the use of words that are close in meaning in one phrase: the main point, illogical paradox, foresee in advance. Often pleonasms arise from combining synonyms: “With this example he showed and illustrated his thought.”
  4. Tautology- this is a type of pleonasm that occurs when repeating words with the same root, in other words - butter. Vivid examples tautologies: tell a story, ask a question. Also tautological is the combination of a Russian word and a word of foreign origin that duplicates its meaning: interior interior, souvenirs, leading leader.

To avoid such mistakes, you just need to be careful. Always reread your text several times. Sometimes it is better to do this a few hours after finishing work on the text. This will help create the necessary distance: you will look at your text through the eyes of your reader.

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A careless attitude towards language can cause speech insufficiency - accidental omission of words necessary for the precise expression of a thought: The Directorate must strive to get rid of this indifference (missed); Oil paintings are placed in frames (missing written). Speech failure often occurs in oral speech when the speaker is in a hurry and does not monitor the correctness of the statement. Comic situations arise if the “speaker” addresses those present using a microphone. So, at a dog show you can hear appeals to the owners of purebred dogs:

Dear participants, sort out the breeds and get ready for the parade!

Comrade participants, carefully wipe off saliva from your muzzles to facilitate examination of the dental system!

Prizewinners, please come urgently for the award ceremony. Owners without muzzles will not be awarded.

From such calls from the administrator it follows that all these tests await not the dogs, but their owners, because it is to them that the speech is addressed. With speech insufficiency, ambiguity often arises; here are examples of such errors included in protocols and other business documents: Gr. Kalinovsky L.L. was driving down the street without a license plate; Set the day for the submission of insurance agents to the accounting department before the 10th day of each month; We will send the persons you are interested in by mail; Class teachers ensure the attendance of their parents.

Due to speech insufficiency, the grammatical and logical connections of words in a sentence are disrupted, its meaning is obscured. Omitting words can completely distort the author’s thought: To improve production indicators, it is necessary to unite all workers involved in economic issues (it is necessary: ​​to unite the efforts of all workers); Due to the cold in the room, we only do urgent fractures - a notice on the X-ray room door (this refers to urgent X-ray images of fractures).

Due to the omission of a word, various logical errors. Thus, the absence of the necessary link in the expression of thought leads to illogicality: The language of Sholokhov’s heroes differs sharply from the heroes of other writers (one can compare the language of Sholokhov’s heroes only with the language of the heroes of other writers); The conditions of the city are different from those of the village (it is permissible to compare the living conditions in the city only with the living conditions in the village).

Often, as a result of missing a word, a substitution of a concept occurs. For example: Patients who have not visited the outpatient clinic for three years are placed in the archive - we are talking about patient cards, and from the text it follows that “patients are submitted to the archive.” Such speech insufficiency gives rise to the comedy and absurdity of the statement [Kuibyshev river port produces men for permanent and temporary work as port workers (“Kr.”); She took second place in gymnastics among girls of the 2nd category (“Kr.”); The State Insurance Inspectorate invites you to Gosstrakh any Thursday for injury (announcement)].

Speech insufficiency, which arises as a result of the author’s stylistic negligence, can be easily corrected: you need to insert an accidentally missed word or phrase. For example:

1. Farmers strive to increase the number of sheep on their farm. 1. Farmers strive to increase the number of sheep on the farm.
2. The competition showed that strong checkers players on the hundred-square board appeared in our city. 2. The competition showed that strong checkers players appeared in our city, playing on a hundred-square board.
3. Isochrones - lines on geographical maps, passing through points earth's surface, in which one or another phenomenon occurs at the same moment. 3. Isochrones - lines on geographic maps passing through points corresponding to points on the earth's surface in which one or another natural phenomenon occurs at the same moment.

If the speaker “does not find the words” to correctly express the thought and constructs the sentence somehow, omitting certain links in the chain of logically related concepts, the phrase becomes insufficiently informative, chaotic, and the editor correcting such a statement has to work hard to achieve clarity. For example, in the manuscript of an article about the restoration of a printing enterprise we read: At first, equipment was installed in a format of half a printed sheet. Based on this “truncated” information, it is not easy to guess that when the printing plant resumed its work, equipment was initially installed only for the production of products in a half-sheet format. Insufficient information content of a sentence in which important words and phrases are omitted especially often leads to the absurdity of a statement, which could be observed in “stagnant times” when our newspapers published numerous reports about “victories and conquests” in the implementation of five-year plans. For example: On this shift, between 16 and 20 hours, the thousandth billion Soviet power engineers were produced. It is not easy to reconstruct the truth from such a message; in reality, we are talking about the fact that Soviet power engineers, working on the evening shift, gave the country a thousandth billion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

Speech insufficiency, as a common error, should be distinguished from ellipsis - a stylistic figure based on the deliberate omission of one or another member of a sentence to create special expressiveness. The most expressive are elliptical constructions without a predicate verb, conveying the dynamism of movement (I am for a candle, the candle is in the stove! I am for a book, that is to run and jump under the bed. - Chuk.). With ellipsis, there is no need to “restore” the missing members of the sentence, since the meaning of elliptical constructions is clear, and the introduction of clarifying words into them will deprive them of the expression, their inherent lightness. In case of speech insufficiency, on the contrary, restoration of missing words is necessary; without them, the sentence is stylistically unacceptable.

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Speech insufficiency, or omission of a necessary word, refers mainly to errors in oral speech: Oil paintings are placed in expensive frames (it should be said: painted in oil);
During her drawing lessons, N.I. Karpenko managed to instill beauty in her students (a sense of beauty). In such cases, you can guess which word is missing, and this does not affect the meaning of the statement. However, more often than not, speech impairment results in a distortion of the thoughts of the speaker or the author of an advertisement. Thus, omitting words creates absurdity in advertisements: Cockroaches. Success is 100% guaranteed: Medicine for the head, heart, kidneys; I am exchanging a two-room apartment with all amenities at the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station", Exchange of apartments in the Moscow region. Such speech errors should not be confused with the rhetorical figure of diminution by ellipsis, which is based on the omission of any speech units, most often the predicate. Elliptical constructions add dynamism to colloquial phrases (Who's going where, and I'm going on a date) reflect the swiftness of actions (I'm for a candle, a candle is in the stove [Chuk.]). Appeals and slogans built on this principle are expressive: Peace to the world! All the best for children.; Everything for the elections] Not a step back*, etc. These extremely short exclamations carry a charge of energy, but do not at all obscure the meaning of the speech, they are clear, effective, in contrast to phrases distorted by speech insufficiency, which often gives rise to the absurdity of the statement, like .for example, in the following cases: Security: men under 45 years old; Taking this medicine, you will lose weight by 100%; We reward good workers with a Board of Honor. Speech impairment often leads to logical errors in speech

Consequences of inaccurate word usage

Wrong choice of words and speech insufficiency often distort the meaning of a statement. So, the TV presenter addressed the audience with the words: Now I will read you a few calls (meaning messages or requests, comments from subscribers who called the studio). Speech insufficiency led to a substitution of the concept (calls are not read). This is a mistake that advertisement writers often make, surprising us with their lack of logic: Patients who have not visited an outpatient clinic for three years are archived. Apartment for rent with children. The sanitary and epidemiological station is preparing a reflected bait for employees.
The omission of a word, which became the reason for the absurdity of the statement, can also be found in newspaper publications, for example: In Canada, an unusual sheep was born to a farmer: In the first year of life, children go for walks only in their arms.
In other cases, the reason for the absurdity of a statement is the use of unnecessary words. Hospitable hosts treat us to an original selection national dishes(extra word selection): It’s bad when all the cinemas in the city show the same film title (the same film is shown).
The unjustified expansion or narrowing of the concept also makes our speech illogical: I arrived by public transport (by metro); These are wild places, impenetrable taiga, where not even a journalist (human) has set foot. Announcement: The parking lot is guarded by animals. When expanding the concept (the first and last examples), a generic name is used instead of a specific one, and this not only deprives speech of accuracy, but also leads to the loss of those specific information that make up the living fabric of speech, which gives it a clerical coloring.
Generic names often seem more significant to the speaker and create the impression of “importance” of the statement. Therefore, as one thoughtful critic noted, a person who wants to speak out “more cultured” sometimes does not dare to call a hat a hat, or a jacket a jacket, and instead utters strict words: headdress, outerwear... S.Ya. Marshak addressed his contemporaries with reproach... We called lunches and dinners food, and the room was living space for us.
Speech insufficiency can also become a cause of illogicality, i.e. Comparisons of incomparable concepts. So. in the essay about the life of flowers we read: The artist penetrated into internal state the soul of a flower, it is related human soul, giving good to people... Beautifully said, but... illogical. The mistake is that the state of the soul (flower) is compared with human soul— the illegality of the comparison is obvious. There are many similar examples: Let's compare the indicators of the first table with the seventh table: Compare our prices with competitors (New Year's sale at Eldorado); This year's figures are much better than last year. All these are nonsense.
The term “alogism” goes back to a Greek source, the particle a indicates negation: illogical - illogical (cf.: immoral, asymmetrical).
Let's analyze several sentences with logical errors. If you grow and plant potato seedlings correctly, you can get a potato harvest that is not inferior to the normal sowing method. It turns out that the harvest is “not inferior to the method of sowing,” that is, incomparable concepts are compared. Obviously, the speaker wanted to say. that from potato seedlings it is possible to grow a crop that is not inferior to the yield from the usual method of planting with tubers.
In the article. dedicated to the work of playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, there are such statements: The complex and original inner appearance of Katerina is reflected in her language, the brightest among all characters“Thunderstorms” (language turned out to be the protagonist); The poorest of this group of characters is the language of Barbara (same mistake).

A careless attitude towards language can cause speech failure - unmotivated omission of a word, which leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement: The Directorate must strive to get rid of this indifference (missed to get rid of); Oil paintings are placed in frames (missing written). Speech impairment often occurs in oral speech when the speaker is in a hurry and does not monitor the correctness of the statement. With speech insufficiency, ambiguity often arises; here are examples of such errors included in protocols and other business documents: Gr. Kalinovsky L.L. was driving down the street without a license plate; Set the day for the submission of insurance agents to the accounting department before the 10th day of each month; We will send the persons you are interested in by mail; Class teachers ensure the attendance of their parents.

Types of errors associated with speech impairment

In case of speech insufficiency, restoration of missing words is necessary; without them, the sentence is stylistically unacceptable.

4.Speech redundancy

The ability to find the exact words to name certain concepts helps to achieve brevity in the expression of thoughts, and, on the contrary, the author’s stylistic helplessness often leads to verbal redundancy - verbosity. Verbosity comes in various forms.

Speech redundancy can take the form of pleonasm. Pleonasm(from gr. pleonasmos - excess) is called use in speech that is close in meaning and therefore unnecessary words(the main essence, everyday routine, disappears uselessly, foreboding in advance, valuable treasures, dark darkness, etc.). Often pleonasms appear when combining the synonyms kissed and kissed; long and lasting; courageous and brave; only; nevertheless, however.

Pleonasm(semantic redundancy) occurs when the meaning of a word is duplicated by the words with which it is combined. These are widely known erroneous combinations, How timekeeping(instead of: timing), open vacancy(instead of: vacancy), memorable souvenir(instead of: souvenir), full house(instead of: full house), foothold(instead of: bridgehead), testing and approval of the method(instead of: testing the method), debuted for the first time(instead of: debuted or performed for the first time), in the month of May(instead of: in May), five rubles money(instead of: five rubles), save every minute of time(instead of: every minute).

The highlighted words in the following sentences are clearly superfluous: It was found that current prices are too high(non-existent prices can be neither overestimated nor underestimated); Illegal theft of state property(taking away cannot be legal); Successfully existing experience is exchanged(if you don’t have experience, then you can’t exchange it).

Often there are redundant pronouns in a sentence yours, yourself: Before his death, he wrote a will (they don’t write wills before someone else’s death); In his report... the scientist reported... (in someone else's report he could not have done this); It was these teams that met each other in the anniversary match (the particle -sia in the verb to meet has the meaning of mutual action; cf.: they made peace, quarreled, etc.).

Fixed in speech as valid combinations a monumental monument, reality, exhibits of an exhibition, a second-hand book, a young prodigy, minuscule little things, an interior, a leading leader, a break interval and some others, because in them definitions have ceased to be a simple repetition of the main feature already contained in the word being defined.

A type of pleonasm is tautology(from the gr. tauto - the same, logos - word). Tautology as a phenomenon of lexical stylistics can arise when repeating words with the same root(tell a story, multiply many times, ask a question, resume again).

Tautology, in contrast to pleonasm, where meanings and not words are repeated, is a repetition within a sentence of the same word, related words, homonyms. If pleonasm is a hidden redundancy, then tautology is open, obvious. So, the sentence needs to be edited:

However, repetition of cognate words should not always be considered a stylistic error. Several cognate words in a close context are stylistically justified if related words are the only carriers of the corresponding meanings and their cannot be replaced with synonyms(coach - train; elections, voters - choose; habit - get out of the habit; close - lid; cook - jam, etc.).

There are many tautological combinations in the language, the use of which is inevitable, since they use terminological vocabulary (dictionary foreign words, fifth link team leader, first brigade foreman, etc.). We have to put up with this, for example, word usage: investigative authorities... investigated; suffer from Graves' disease; the seam is cut by a cutting machine, etc.

Many etymologically related words in modern language lost word-formation connections (cf.: remove - raise - understand - hug - accept, song - rooster, morning - tomorrow). Such words, which have a common etymological root, do not form tautological phrases (black ink, red paint, white linen).

The tautology that arises when using abbreviations in scientific and official business styles does not require stylistic editing, for example: the SI system (i.e. the “International System system” (about physical units); BelNIISKh Institute (Belarusian Research Institute of Agriculture ).

There are tautological combinations of several types: combinations with a tautological epithet (And the new thing was not old, but new new and victorious. - Slutsky), with the tautological instrumental case (And suddenly there was a white birch tree alone in a gloomy spruce forest. - Soloukhin). Tautological combinations in the text stand out against the background of other words; this makes it possible, by resorting to tautology, to draw attention to particularly important concepts (So, lawlessness has been legalized; Less and less remains with nature unsolved mysteries). The tautology in the headlines of newspaper articles has an important semantic function (“The green shield asks for protection”; “Extremes of the Far North”, “Is it an accident?”).

Speech failure- This is a gap in the sentence of the required word. Speech insufficiency often gives rise to unclear statements and comedy, which is inappropriate in official business speech: Patients who have not visited the outpatient clinic for three years are included in the archive(in this case we are talking about patient cards); I hit him for taking out my older brother's bolt.(which bolt? where from?); It has now become fashionable to call for statements not to be allowed on the pages of the press and television that could incite ethnic hatred.(“television page”?). Omitting a required word can cause logical errors that lead to irrationality.

Alogism– this is a comparison of incomparable concepts, a violation of the logic of the statement: The defendant Ivanov continued to abuse alcoholic beverages together with the deceased Ivanova.(necessary: now deceased or now deceased).

Speech failure is opposed speech redundancy, or verbosity,- repeated transmission of the same thought. There are several types of speech redundancy.

1. Pleonasm(from Greek pleonasmos- “excess, excessiveness”) - the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore logically redundant: All guests received memorable souvenirs .

Souvenir- “a keepsake”, therefore memorable There is an extra word in this sentence. Pleonasms are combinations very huge, very beautiful, settled down to live, kicking, a loaf of bread, a crowd of people, rubles of money, the main point, 2 hours of time, white blonde, seminar classes(necessary: classes or seminars), look back, false accusation, dark shadows, near a dead corpse etc.

2. Tautology(from Greek tauto- "the same", logos– “word”) – repetition of words with the same root or identical morphemes : Business executives configured on business mood; The pilot was forced commit forced landing; Today in the country things were complicated situation. In some statements it is necessary to replace a tautological word with a synonym, in others it is necessary to completely remove it. In some cases, tautolgic combinations become normative; semantic redundancy is not felt in them: white linen, black ink, news message, reality.

In the above examples, we considered tautology as a speech defect, but this term, which has long been in wide use, is understood ambiguously. For example, in the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” by O.S. Akhmanova, tautology is considered only as unjustified redundancy, while in the “Brief Literary Encyclopedia” and the “Russian Language” encyclopedia, tautology is considered both a manifestation of speech redundancy and special reception expressiveness. Indeed, Slavic, including Russian, folk art replete with tautological forms of speech: cry to cry, grief to grieve, wondrous wonder, vanity of vanities, apparently and invisibly, alone, to live and live. They have become established as normative lexical units, the semantic redundancy of which is neutralized by their poetry and expressiveness. Many of these expressions have become stable combinations, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings: not hearing; small small less; friendship is friendship, and service is service.

Tautology in the language of writers, publicists, and speakers is usually determined by the context. This is not a mechanical repetition, not a simple duplication of an already named concept - it is a special stylistic device that has diverse semantic and emotional-expressive functions. Let us note the most important of them:

· strengthening the semantic significance and persuasiveness of a statement, highlighting one or another detail of the description: “ What a huge, centuries-old preparatory Job was needed in order to work out they look like that simple techniques research…” (Veresaev);

designation of duration or intensity of action : “We walked, walked, we need to think about lodging for the night”(Belov);

· emphasizing or clarifying the attribute of an object: “... the sun was setting when I approached Kislovodsk, exhausted on exhausted horses”(Lermontov);

· designation large quantity or masses of objects: “ And at that very moment through the streets couriers, couriers, couriers...can you imagine thirty-five thousand alone couriers ”(Gogol);

· drawing attention to works, newspaper articles, thanks to their titles, headlines: “ Wonderful miracle ", "When tranquility is troubling ”;

· increased emotionality, pathetic speech: “ Smoke smoking the road is beneath you, the bridges are thundering”(Gogol);

· creating puns that cause a comic impression: “ Let me you don't want that allow“- said Manilov with a smile”(Gogol);

· a means of connecting parts of the text in descriptions, reasoning, monologues, in journalistic and oratory speech and at the same time highlighting an important concept or whole thought: “ Suppose I challenge you to a duel , - Alexey Alexandrovich continued to himself, and, vividly imagining the night he would spend after the call, and the gun pointed at him, he shuddered and realized that he would never do this,suppose I challenge him to a duel. Let's put , they will teach me…” (L. Tolstoy).

So, tautology is a complex phenomenon, contradictory in content and diverse in structure. Its role in the language is determined by accepted usage, necessity in the context, as well as the individual taste and skill of the author. Unjustified repetition of words and forms is a drawback that reduces the culture of oral and written speech, while purposeful repetition is a means of semantic and emotional expressiveness.

3. Using extra words. Such words are superfluous in the text not because they are lexical meaning has already been repeated, but because they are simply not needed: Then About so you can smile, April 11 about it the bookstore “Druzhba” will take care of it.

4. Predicate splitting is the replacement of a verbal predicate with a synonymous verbal-nominal combination: fight - fight, clean - clean up. Such expressions are appropriate in an official business style, but not in everyday situations.