Homemade electronic cigarette from a pen. How to make liquid for electronic cigarettes or vape yourself. Homemade dressing recipes

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Electronic cigarette and how to make it

IN Lately Vaping electronic cigarettes has become very popular. People quit bad habit smoke tobacco products and switch to steam. You can buy a vaping device in vape shops, but some people cannot afford it due to the high cost of a ready-made vaping kit. Then people, in search of cheaper alternative options, are thinking about the question: how to do electronic cigarette at home? In this article we will try to understand this issue.

Operating principle of a mechanical box mod

If you are seriously thinking about assembling a vape with your own hands, you need to understand the basic principle of operation of electronic cigarettes, then use a little imagination, find or buy the necessary parts and assemble an electronic cigarette at home. The most accessible for self-made The device is a mechanical box mod. The principle of its operation is that the voltage of high-current batteries, by pressing a button, is transmitted to the coils of your atomizer. Mosfet is needed to reduce battery power loss and to preserve the contacts on the button.

This picture is a great diagram that shows what a DIY e-cigarette looks like from the inside. The main thing for this is to have 14 AWG Copper wire, a 510 connector, a mosfet, a button and a battery compartment. All these items can be purchased at a radio parts store or ordered online. The most expensive part of this design will be the purchase of two high-current batteries. 18650 format batteries of at least 20A will suit you. For example, Sony VTC5 or at least Samsung 25R.

You also need to understand that any mistake when creating this device can lead to a disastrous outcome, so you take full responsibility for your health.

We learned the operating principle of the “mechbox” and understood how to make a vape with our own hands. Now we need to figure out why we need an atomizer.

How does an atomizer work?

The atomizer is the main part of the electronic cigarette, as it is the device in which the liquid evaporates. The atomizer can be a drip, tank or bakodripka. The atomizer is equipped with coils made of Kanthal, nichrome or stainless steel wire. Cotton is inserted into the spiral and filled with e-liquid. When a button is pressed on the box mod, the circuit is closed and battery voltage is applied to the coils of your atomizer, heating them up. In this way, the liquid from the cotton evaporates, and thanks to the design of the atomizer, the vaper can inhale this vapor from the evaporation chamber. Special holes for blowing coils affect how free your tightening will be. A homemade version of the atomizer will take much more effort and nerves from you than creating a box mod, but this device is not very expensive, so it is much easier and more reliable to purchase it or order it on the Internet than to try to assemble it yourself.

Humanity has not yet figured out a way to get rid of nicotine addiction without subjecting your body to torment. There is a gentle option to refuse regular cigarettes– use an electronic analogue.

But their prices are quite high. Therefore, “craftsmen” continue to look for ways to make electronic cigarettes with their own hands.

If you have decided to make a smoking device yourself, then you should consider the simplest and most common option - from a cardboard tube.

The work steps in this case are as follows:

  1. Stock up on batteries and wire. For a cigarette, either 3 “D” or 4 “C” is best suited, it depends on the person’s preferences. It is very important to connect the batteries correctly and in series. This can be done with wire, which should be 3 centimeters longer than the total length of the batteries.
  2. Prepare the wire. To do this, you need to remove the insulating coating from it and level it.
  3. Make a contact spiral. Using a wire 5-8 centimeters long, make a spiral, the clamp of which (like a crocodile) is installed at the opposite end of the wire. The spiral must be flat.
  4. Connect the spiral. To do this, its end needs to be connected to the minuses of the battery and wrapped with electrical tape.
  5. Make a body. We need a cardboard tube cut along its entire length, adjusted to the size of the batteries. It should allow you to insert batteries without any effort, but also not leave a lot of extra space.
  6. We insert the batteries into the case. We insert a battery structure into the tube, the minus should be located at the curved end. Place the wire so that the clamp protrudes from the cardboard device.
  7. Make a cartridge. This stage requires great care and time. The plug can be made using a screw, electrical tape and metal. To do this, wrap the screw with insulating tape and cut out the shape of the letter “T” from the metal. Bend it around the plug.
  8. Assembling a cigarette. Connect the clamp to the outer edges of the cartridge outlet.

It begins to operate if the central terminal is connected to the “plus” side. If the cigarette does not work, check whether the contacts are in contact with each other - this may be the reason.

Electronic cigarette from a cartridge case

For such a cigarette, two types of sleeves are used - brass and plastic. Start work from the second.

For this:

  1. Boil the plastic sleeve for twenty minutes, then remove the part from the “skirt”. Drill two holes with a diameter of nine millimeters for the 510 connector in the sleeve skirt. Place them at the end and side (for the button).
  2. The button is attached inside using a soldering iron. Insert the connector into the end.
  3. The next step is to install a transistor, which is needed to protect the button from the strong effects of batteries. In order to reduce the size of the transistor, you need to grind off the plate attaching to the radiator. Solder a resistor with a resistance of eleven kOhms (a little more is possible, but this is the most optimal). Wrap with electrical tape and insert into the sleeve.
  4. The brass sleeve in this cigarette will play the role of a “plus”; a “minus” contact must be attached to it. To assemble it, attach a thick rubber circle to the wire that comes from the transistor, and then solder the wire to a contact spring attached to a plastic circle. After these steps, you need to insert the 18650 battery, it should be with the minus side facing up.
  5. Assembly does not require special efforts or fastenings, since the part with the button is easily put on the brass structure.

All that remains is to polish it, and you can start smoking.

Is it worth risking your health?

There are cases when amateur activities directly lead to a hospital bed. And there are a lot of them.

Therefore, those who want to make their own cigarette must be very careful and have experience in assembling electronic devices.

Incorrect assembly and operation can result in burns to the face, hands, and respiratory tract . To reduce the risk of burns, you need to buy liquid for cigarettes rather than make your own.

Among other things, and cause grievous bodily harm.

Let's sum it up

So, if you haven’t given up on making a vape device yourself, follow these tips:

  1. All materials for the device must be selected carefully.
  2. It is better to use purchased liquid.
  3. Pay special attention to assembly.

Our opinion is that it is better to spend money once on a branded vape than to spend a long time on treatment for the consequences of amateurish activities.

The operation of electronic cigarettes or vape is based on the principle of vaping, where a special liquid is used as a refill. Vaping mixtures are presented in stores in a large assortment, but they are often highly priced and do not always meet taste preferences steamer By experimenting with ingredients at home, you can create your own mixture that perfectly matches the characteristics.

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    Rules for preparing the filling

    Before you start making e-liquid, you need to determine which properties are important for the final product: smoke, throat hit, nicotine content or taste and aroma. Depending on this, a formula is selected, increasing or decreasing the amount of a particular substance. There are variations of classic proportions, but with some experience and knowledge, you can derive a ratio that is ideal in all respects.

    Vapor from vaping and electronic cigarettes, entering the body, acts directly on the mucous membranes. That is why, when producing liquid, it is necessary to comply with safety precautions and certain rules.

    • It is necessary to use only those components whose quality is confirmed by certificates. They should only be purchased in pharmacies and special, trusted stores, where, if problems arise, you can file a complaint about the quality of the product.
    • Note about high degree cleaning is required for containers with nicotine and propylene glycol.
    • Don't start with large volumes because every person has individual characteristics perception. It makes sense to try several variations of the mixture in small quantities. If the liquid is cooked in large quantities, it may not be to your taste and the ingredients will be wasted.
    • If the mixture will be stored for a long time, it is best to place it in the refrigerator.

    Main components of the liquid

    Making your own liquid for electronic cigarettes and vaping is based on maintaining the proportions of ingredients and additives that help improve the quality of taste or smoke. To create the ideal formula, you need to know what properties each component of the mixture has.

    To get a mixture similar to a store-bought one, you need to use a number of main components, trying not to greatly change their proportions in the composition. The main substances that make up the vaping liquid include:

    1. 1. Propylene glycol is a liquid food additive that is viscous and has a sweet taste that can enhance the taste of flavorings. It binds the components of the liquid and quickly penetrates the mucous membranes, that is, it is responsible for the delivery of nicotine and flavoring substances to the receptors. A liquid in which the percentage of this additive exceeds the other components is distinguished by its high strength, it is heavy and rich, gives a small amount of pair.
    2. 2. Glycerin is a transparent, viscous liquid, which is also used to bind other substances. It increases the amount of steam produced by the device and softens the taste of the final product. Liquid made from glycerin is lighter and sweeter. The ingredient can be purchased at the pharmacy, but the water content in the substance should not exceed 20%, otherwise the batch will turn out to be too liquid.
    3. 3. Distilled water - used as a solvent for the remaining components. Due to the absence of salts and gases in its composition, it does not distort the taste of the additives and dilutes the final product to the desired state. Without adding water, a burning and burning taste may occur due to poor wetting of the wick.
    4. 4. By adding nicotine to a self-mix, you can vary its degree of saturation, making both “zero” liquids free from it and full-fledged substitutes for strong cigarettes. For vaping, it is used in the form of an oily liquid with a pungent odor that easily dissolves in water. The dosage of this substance should be approached with special care, since pure form nicotine is a potent poison. To create e-liquid, you should choose not a natural, but a synthetic substance of well-known brands: “Johnson” - has practically no taste and has a moderate strength, “Merck” - has a taste of molasses or burnt sugar, Chinese nicotine produced in Shanghai has a pronounced aroma of ash, tobacco or cigars. When preparing a dressing with flavors, it is better to choose Johnson, since the flavors are perfectly revealed on its basis, without being burdened by additional notes. The other two options are also suitable for independent smoking, since their aroma is quite capable of replacing a classic cigarette.

    Synthetic substances produced by other brands do not have a consistent composition. Therefore, when using them, you can get both a good dressing and a low-quality product with equal probability.

    Additional substances

    Flavorings should be included as additions to vape refills. They do not affect the efficiency of the vaping process or the characteristics of the mixture, but will allow you to add variety. For the production of self-mixing it is necessary to use only nutritional supplements, safe for health and soluble in water.

    The tastes of aromatic additives can be different: berry, fruit, coffee and chocolate, spruce, tobacco, alcohol, as well as fancy combinations of flavors, depending only on the wishes of the manufacturer.

    If you have an allergy, you should not use tobacco flavoring - it is made from pepper, which is a strong allergen.

    Optional components that can significantly affect the quality and properties of the mixture include:

    • Qhit - this substance is used to enhance the astringency of the mixture; it is especially important in the production of nicotine-free liquids.
    • Bitter Wizard is used to add bitterness and characteristic traditional way smoking aroma.
    • MTS Vape Wizard is responsible for stabilizing flavor accents, enhancing weak flavors and softening overly strong ones.

    Traditional mixture formulas

    Before you start preparing the liquid, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic proportions used by experienced manufacturers. In many ways, the choice of composition depends on the requirements for the final product.

    Basic formulas allow beginners to simplify the task of making a mixture on initial stages. The composition can vary depending on the wishes of the steamer and be formed based on individual preferences. There are several classic proportions that can be used without fear:

    • Propylene glycol + glycerin: 60-65% by 30-35% or 70% by 30% - the classic proportion of electronic liquid, the “base”, which can be used unchanged or varied to suit your own tastes.
    • Propylene glycol + glycerin + water: 70% to 20% to 90% to 10% - the basic formula for tobacco mixtures, produces little smoke, eliminates all sweet flavors, slightly bitter.
    • Propylene glycol + water: 90% to 10% or 95% to 5% - practically no vaping, but gives a strong "throat hit", great for replacing the traditional method of smoking, layering tobacco flavors or highlighting good nicotine.
    • Glycerin + water: 80% to 20% - light and pleasant, soft, enveloping mixture, giving a lot of steam. It doesn't hit the throat and goes well with complex aromas.
    • The usual “zero” is made according to the following formula: 47% propylene glycol + 47% glycerin + 6% water.

    Special ones are popular among steamers. online calculators. They take into account the characteristics of the final mixture and, in accordance with them, select the required proportion of substances.

    Cooking steps

    The liquid production process consists of several stages. First you need to determine the best formula for yourself, and then follow the instructions, adjusting it as needed. To prepare the base, you need to select the appropriate formula and combine propylene glycol and glycerin according to the proportions. You can purchase a store-bought equivalent with a ready-made base; this will make the cooking process easier and avoid searching for missing components.

    First of all, it is necessary to prepare equipment for the process: a syringe for measuring volume, a glass container or a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid, possibly a screw one, that holds 15 ml of liquid. All work should be performed with gloves, this will protect your hands from exposure to substances.

    The preparation of the smoking mixture is carried out in stages:

    1. 1. Mix the liquid with distilled water.
    2. 2. Measure out the required amount of nicotine and dilute it according to the instructions and depending on the desired strength. Based on 100 ml of mixture: 0 ml – “zero”, that is, a nicotine-free mixture; 3 ml corresponds to super-light versions of classic cigarettes; 6 ml – identical to the content in light cigarettes; 12 ml – Blue or standard nicotine level; 18 ml – strong batch; 24 ml - super strong. Blends with more high content m substances are used only to dilute lighter ones; their individual consumption is dangerous to health. If the amount of nicotine is exceeded when mixing, this can be corrected by diluting the mixture with base. You can add menthol or cherry flavoring - this will not reduce the strength, but will soften the taste.
    3. 3. To get a flavorful liquid, you need to add flavoring additives. Their dosage is strictly individual and is calculated depending on the desired concentration and brand of the substance. You cannot replace food concentrates with essential oils- when burned, they decompose and have a harmful effect on the lungs and can burn the mucous membranes. Don't add too many flavors - they can spoil the mixture. Usually 5-15 drops of flavoring per 10 ml of finished base is enough. It is better to mix the liquid with a smaller amount of flavoring additives and then adjust the aroma as you use it. If the aroma is too strong, you can add menthol flavor or dilute the liquid with a base.
    4. 4. After all the components are mixed, the container must be tightly closed and shaken, or mixed well with a spoon. The finished product should stand in a dark place for at least 12 hours, or better yet, for 24 hours. Some ready-made bases, as well as flavors (for example, from Capella Flavors) require infusion for at least 20 days according to the instructions.
    5. 5. If necessary, you can correct the properties using additional ingredients, and shake the container well again. It is advisable to shake the container for 3-4 minutes until abundant bubbles form and acquire a whitish tint.

    Homemade dressing recipes

    There are both classic recipes, simulating traditional store-bought mixtures, as well as the most successful options from electronics lovers. All recipes can be repeated at home using a standard set of ingredients.

    A correctly reproduced recipe will provide the rich taste and properties of the resulting substance necessary for the steamer. Options are given without taking into account companies that produce flavorings. You can take any one that suits your taste:

    • Nicotine-free mixture “Rainbow Summer”. Base of glycerin, water and propylene glycol - 10 ml, melon flavors - 8 drops, strawberry - 6 drops, menthol - 4 drops. If desired, you can add lemon in the amount of 4-7 drops.
    • "Captain Black." Base without glycerin - 10 ml, flavorings: “Coffee” - 8 drops, “Amaretto” or “Liqueur” - 3 drops, “Chocolate” - 4 drops, “Tobacco” - 4 drops.
    • "Fresh." Base - 10 ml, flavors: “Ice” - 4 drops, “Citrus” - 8 drops.
    • "Bohemian Smoke" High glycerin base - 10 ml, flavors: Irish Cream - 0.6 ml, Vanilla - 1.5 ml, Strawberry - 2.4 ml.
    • "Birthday". Base - 10 ml, flavorings: “Apple Pie” - 5 drops, “Cotton Candy” - 4 drops, “Strawberries and Cream” or “Blueberry” - 3 drops.

    Using liquid for smoking that you prepare yourself allows you to save money. It cannot be created from scrap materials, but the initial kit costs very little, and the components included in the composition are easy to find on store shelves.

    The advantages include the possibility of a unique selection of flavors and adjustment of characteristics as desired. Having gained experience in the selection of aromas, you can create original liquids with a non-trivial disclosure, in no way inferior to branded products. Every vaper should try to create his own personal version of the liquid, which will solve the problem of finding the perfect refill.

Vaper's ABCs

IN modern world Smoking has become a real scourge of society. But fortunately, people have the opportunity to get rid of this bad habit without exposing your body to “torment.”

Electronic cigarettes are not only a great option to give up regular cigarettes. tobacco products, but also the opportunity to follow fashion. However, the cost of modern gadgets limits their use, because not everyone has money for branded devices. There is a way out of this situation - make a vape yourself.

Most vapers are confident that the vaping device they purchase is much cheaper than regularly purchasing regular cigarettes. But, given the huge markups of companies that sell such products, this is absolutely not the case. Therefore, many vapers prefer to make their own vape.

Of course, any vaper can go to a store or order any gadget they like on the Internet. However, experienced vapers believe that only a self-assembled device emphasizes their experience in this culture.

You can build such a neat box yourself.

Knowing how basic windings are implemented (types of spirals were discussed earlier) and what an electronic cigarette consists of, you can use it correctly and practically.

With the necessary knowledge on how to assemble a vaping device, this process does not seem so difficult. But at the same time, the person who will assemble the electronic cigarette must have some experience in such activities.

In this matter, it is extremely important to carefully select materials, as well as use the appropriate tools that will be suitable for creating a homemade vape. If you assemble the vaping device incorrectly, then during its operation you can get burns to the face, lungs, and respiratory tract.

Using the same principle, it will not be possible to create a liquid without proper knowledge in the field of chemistry. Therefore, if you do not have experience in this area, then it is better to use a purchased, high-quality vaping liquid. However, there are also craftsmen who, having the necessary reagents and aroma oils, create unique and pleasant mixtures for vaping.

If the vaper does not have the proper experience in such matters, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​making a vaping device yourself.

Cardboard vape? Are you seriously?

If you decide to assemble an electronic cigarette on your own, you can try making vaping devices from a cardboard tube.

Selection of battery and wire

Experts advise giving your preference to either the 3 Ds or the 4 Cs. Both options are great for DIY electronic cigarette assembly. It all depends on individual preferences and ease of use.

Having decided on the choice of battery, you need to connect and assemble them into a serial chain using electric wire. The length of the latter should be approximately 30 mm longer than the total length of the folded batteries.

Wire preparation

At this stage, it is necessary to remove the insulating coating from the wire using pliers.

If the wire is twisted, you need to straighten it with your hands.

Making a contact spiral

The production of a spiral is carried out using bare wires.

In this case, the clamp must be installed at the opposite end of the wire, while the wire itself is crimped with pliers.

Spiral connection

The spiral-twisted end is connected to the negatives of the battery and secured with electrical tape.

Case manufacturing

Electrical diagram of the cartomizer.

Due to the fact that our sample vaping device is budget-friendly, all the savings come from the body part of the device. It is made from a cardboard tube cut along the entire length.

Installing the battery into the body of the device

At this stage, you need to install the first battery into the resulting device, but this is done in such a way that the minus point is facing the bent end.

The wiring is installed in such a way that the clamp on top of the cardboard case protrudes slightly. All other batteries (and there are only 3 of them) are installed according to the same principle.

Cartridge re-twisting

The most difficult part in completing the task will be the creation of plugs through which the cartridge will be installed. In most cases, V2 cartridges are already equipped with a special connector. All that remains is to come up with something with the plug.

To do this, take a screw and simply wrap it with electrical tape. Having cut out the letter “T” from ordinary metal, we bend it around our “plug”.

Assembling a homemade cigarette

To finally prepare the device for vaping, you need to attach the clamp to the outer rings of the output of the installed cartridges. The E-cigarette is activated by connecting the central terminal in the cartridge and the plus of the battery from the very top.

If the cigarette is not used, then it is necessary to ensure that these contacts do not touch each other. Otherwise, the fibers that are inside the device may overheat, which will lead to quite disastrous consequences.

In addition, it is necessary to protect the homemade vaping device from short circuits. By following these tips, your homemade electronic cigarette will last a long time, and the vaper himself will be able to save money.

Electronics from a sleeve

Another option on how to make an electronic cigarette:

Now you know how to make an electronic cigarette with your own hands. We hope these tips will help you create your own unique vape. Good luck!

Today, vaping culture is becoming increasingly popular. Among the variety of devices for vaping, it is extremely difficult to give preference to any of them: these are small eGoshkas, multifunctional box mods, simple electronic cigarettes, mechanical mods, etc.

But at the same time, many vapers, both beginners and more experienced, practice making vape with their own hands. Firstly, it is cost-effective, and secondly, you can make your own exclusive vaping device. You will learn how to make a vape from this publication.

Homemade vape (electronic cigarette) is a real innovation among modern youth. Making a homemade vape is not easy. You need to use your brain a little and understand electronics or mechanics.

Of course, count on the fact that you will get a chic electronic cigarette High Quality, not worth it. For a moment, the electronics sold are developed by qualified engineers and designers. But at the same time, the implementation of such designs will bring a lot of pleasure to the vaper and will amuse his excitement.

In addition, a homemade mod will be able to provide vaping on the same principle as a purchased device. Moreover, originality will in no way affect the quality of soaring.

So, how to assemble a homemade vape on your own?

Step-by-step instructions for making an e-cigarette

The procedure for creating an electronic cigarette cannot be called complicated, but at the same time it requires from the master some knowledge, skills, patience, painstakingness and perseverance.

In this publication we offer you basic tips, which will help even novice vapers assemble a full-fledged electronic cigarette. Of course, we will not talk about how to turn electronics on a lathe.

We have selected for you the most primitive method of making a battery-powered vaping device, without a power supply, batteries or other accessories.

Of course, you won’t be able to assemble a homemade vape without even having a primitive kit for this. Therefore, first of all, you need to stock up on basic materials. To ensure that your e-cigarette is of the highest quality, give preference to “internals” that are of appropriate quality.

All necessary materials and tools can be obtained at home by digging in deposits with all sorts of things.

Well, for those who do not store such spare parts in their pantry or in a box with all sorts of necessities, you can purchase them in a specialized store. For example, electronic cartridges (regardless of whether it is a homemade mod or a purchased one) are purchased in the traditional form.

What is needed to create an e-cigarette?

To assemble a homemade vape you will need the following materials and tools:

  • scissors;
  • batteries - 4 pieces (if possible, it is better to take C or D, preferably good quality, for example, Duracell);
  • insulating tape;
  • a cardboard tube that will act as a housing for the electronics;
  • pliers;
  • screw;
  • glue or stapler;
  • crocodile clip;
  • the wire;
  • e-liquid cartridge.

Don’t skimp on consumables, because this will help you create a better and truly worthy electronic cigarette.

Manufacturing algorithm

The entire process of creating an e-cigarette consists of sequentially performing the following manipulations:

  1. We take 3 “D” batteries (or 4 “C”) and collect them in a certain sequence, plus and minus. The main thing is that the plus of the last battery is on top.
  2. Next you need to take a small piece of electronic wire (its length should be approximately 3 cm longer than the length of the folded batteries). We disconnect the wire with pliers, while removing the insulation from the edges. If the wiring is twisted (twisted), then it must be unbent manually.
  3. We expose the wire: on one side, by 5-7 cm, and on the other, by 2.5 cm. The edge where the wire is exposed the most must be bent in the form of a spiral. The “crocodile” is installed on the opposite side, and the resulting part is crimped with pliers. We attach the edge on which the spiral is made to the “-” pole of the upper battery and secure it with electrical tape.
  4. We will make the body from cardboard and the stronger it is, the better. You can use a ready-made cardboard tube: it is cut and fixed to a certain diametrical size (so that the batteries fit into it freely).
  5. We mark the length of the batteries, then bend the loop at the bottom of the wire and firmly attach it to the bend using glue or a staple. Upper part It is advisable to wrap the future e-cigarette case with an elastic band.
  6. Next, we place the batteries in the tube so that the minus wire, which is located on the batteries, is directed downwards from the bent end. After this, we fasten the wire in such a way that the “extra” piece protrudes from the tube. The clip is secured with an elastic band. The remaining batteries are installed according to a similar principle.
  7. We form a plug for the cartridge. To do this, take a regular screw and wrap it with electrical tape (this piece will become the central terminal). We cut out the letter “T” from a loose metal plate and bend it around the fixed screw.
  8. For the vape to start working, you just need to attach the clamp to the ring base of the cartridge.