The most interesting facts about hormones. Interesting facts about hormones. The endocrine system is disrupted due to osteoporosis

What are the consequences of excess or deficiency of hormones? It turns out that everything is not so simple. The slightest changes in hormonal levels lead to various consequences.

This manifests itself not only in the way a woman looks, but also affects her health. It is imperative to monitor your hormones; the correct balance is the key to good health, attractiveness and a strong nervous system!

1. Estrogen

This hormone is produced in the ovaries and is responsible for our femininity. Yes Yes! The fact that you have soft, round shapes and an easy-going character is his direct work. Among other things, estrogen accelerates cell renewal, prolongs youth, preserves the beauty of hair and skin elasticity, and protects blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.
May lead to excessive fullness in the abdomen and thighs. In addition, an excess of the hormone is fraught with the appearance of benign tumors.
Causes premature aging of the skin, early appearance of wrinkles, deterioration of hair condition and, what is most unpleasant, leads to unwanted hair growth on all conceivable and inconceivable areas of the body: on the face, on the chest, on the arms...

2. Testosterone

This hormone is produced in the adrenal glands. It is he who is to blame for the fact that you “stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” Testosterone makes a woman purposeful, persistent, capable of not only believing in a fairy tale, but also creating it with her own hands. The more testosterone you have in your body, the easier it is for you to do different sports, active games, and the faster you build muscle mass.
With an excess of testosterone, a woman turns from a gentle nymph into a furious and aggressive fury.

3. Oxytocin

A hormone responsible for our tenderness and affection. The surge of this hormone is familiar to all women in labor: it is after the birth of the baby that oxytocin is activated and the woman feels boundless tenderness and love for her baby.
It has been proven that oxytocin is produced in large quantities during emotional or physical stress and stress. That is why women, trying to get rid of problems, begin to check their children’s homework, prepare a four-course dinner for their husband, and do good deeds for others. And you keep thinking: why is she so kind today, right?

4. Thyroxine

An amazing hormone synthesized in the thyroid gland. Why amazing? What else can you call a hormone that is immediately responsible for your figure and mind?! By regulating metabolism, thyroxine is responsible for our slimness. If your thyroid is fine, don’t starve yourself – you still won’t get better. In addition, thyroxine is responsible for our intelligence and intelligence.
Excess thyroxine causes people to lose weight very quickly. Up to anemia. And disturbing thoughts begin to creep into your head, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, drowsiness, and memory impairment appear. If you notice these symptoms, go to the doctor to check your thyroid gland!
Leads to such negative consequences as rapid weight gain, fatigue, drowsiness, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and even problems with conception!

5. Norepinephrine

This is the hormone of a real woman! Norepinephrine is produced in a stressful situation in the adrenal glands. It is what dilates the blood vessels, covers the cheeks with blush, makes the eyes shiny, and the skin elastic and toned. Thanks to norepinephrine, you not only become irresistible, but it helps you face all the vicissitudes of fate with your head held high, instills a sense of confidence, and gives you the feeling that “there are no hopeless situations.” At such moments, you are full of determination and courage, you successfully solve all problems, while looking charming and sleeping soundly. Cute, isn't it?

6. Insulin

Enters the blood from the pancreas. Breaks down complex carbohydrates (including sweets), controls blood glucose levels, and gives us vital energy.
Some women are born with less active levels of insulin in their blood than others. Eating too much sweet or starchy foods can lead to diabetes. The risk of developing the disease increases if a close relative has diabetes.
Remember: you are unique, charming and inimitable! Share this article with your friends, perhaps it will give someone a reason to think about their health or encourage them to undergo a medical examination. Take care of your well-being and be healthy!

When it comes to hormones, most people remember stereotypes about women's vagaries associated with changes in hormonal levels.

But in fact, hormones also affect men. And without them, a person could not exist in principle. This review contains 15 little-known facts about the influence of hormones on human life.

1. The most common hormonal disease

Hormones and diabetes.

Diabetes is the most common endocrine (hormonal) disorder in the world. It affects about 8% of the population

2. Taste of urine as a way to make a diagnosis

Hormones, Hippocrates and urine.

In ancient Greece, Hippocrates diagnosed his patients with diabetes by tasting their urine. The urine of diabetics has a sweetish taste.

3. Hormones and alcohol

Alcohol impairs the body's production of antidiuretic hormone, which is responsible for the kidneys retaining water. This is why urination leads to dehydration when a person drinks alcohol.

4. Hormone producers
The endocrine glands, which produce the main eight hormones, are not the only organs that secrete hormones. For example, a woman's placenta produces estrogen and progesterone. And the stomach produces ghrelin (which causes hunger).

5. Vitamin D and testosterone

Scientists have found a positive correlation between vitamin D and testosterone. Roughly speaking, the more you sunbathe, the higher your testosterone levels will be.

6. Daily routine and hormones

Researchers have found that living without electronics for 1 week has a significant impact on the human body. The biological clock is re-adjusted, and the hormone melatonin (responsible for sleep) is synchronized with sunrise and sunset.

7. Hugs - hormones - health

Hugging has been found to release oxytocin, a hormone that reduces swelling and helps heal physical injuries. And researchers from the University of North Carolina found that hugging for 20 seconds leads to the release of oxytocin and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

8. Lack of sleep and health

A person can actually accumulate sleep deprivation. This means that if someone sleeps 10 hours in the last 3 days, their hormones have not yet recovered from the week when that person slept only 3 hours a night. This can ultimately lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease and other negative consequences.

9. Hormones and state of arousal

Women tend to stay aroused longer than men. This is because their nervous system and endocrine system remain “active” longer.

10. Women's tears

Researchers from the Weizmann Institute in Israel have found that the smell of women's tears reduces testosterone levels in men.

11. Love is like a drug

When a person falls in love, his brain produces the same hormones that are produced as if he were taking drugs (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin).

12. Insulin

Just one sleepless night can cause insulin resistance. This is one of the main causes of type 2 diabetes.

13. Birth control pills

Birth control pills taken in the morning the day after intercourse do not cause miscarriage. They simply prevent fertilization by disrupting ovulation.

14. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the only vitamin that is also a hormone. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a range of problems, including schizophrenia and depression.

15. Androgen insensitivity syndrome

Androgen insensitivity syndrome is a condition in which a man is genetically resistant to the effects of male hormones. This means that a man has the physical characteristics of a woman, but the genes of a man.

Few people think about how our body works. Did you know that hormones are essentially what controls our entire lives? Some of them are able to change mood, others - physical and mental abilities. We have selected information for you about hormones that everyone should know.

Lack of sleep will lead to diabetes over time

The thing is that chronic lack of sleep causes the body to reject insulin, which leads to diabetes.

Women's tears kill men's erections

Scientists have concluded that the male body reacts very unusually to female crying. It sharply reduces the level of testosterone in the blood, which leads to a decrease in erection.

Vitamin D is also a hormone

When discovered, it was mistakenly called a vitamin. We get it to a greater extent through the sun's rays, and a lack of a hormone called “vitamin D” leads to a decrease in energy levels and a weakened immune system.

Hormones can be produced in any part of the body

Almost every part of the human body is capable of producing hormones, including the bones.

Estrogen is not only produced in women

The male part of humanity also needs this hormone, only in much smaller quantities.

Strong love is like drug use

When you fall in love, your body begins to increase levels of the hormone dopamine, the production of which is stimulated by drugs. But there is a huge difference - in the first case, this production is safe for health.

The sun makes the strong part of humanity more courageous

In addition to saturating the body with vitamin D, the sun promotes the production of testosterone in the male body, which, of course, has a positive effect on his health.

Estrogen can cause cancer

Despite the fact that estrogen is a vital hormone, its excess can cause cancer.

Hugs can be medicine

When we hug a loved one, the body releases a hormone called oxytocin, which helps heal external wounds.

There is an interesting stereotype that women are extremely susceptible to the influence of hormones. Let's not deny that there really is such a connection. But, in truth, these biological substances affect men no less.

Hormones are responsible for literally everything: from the feeling of hunger to the acceleration of the heart rate when frightened. We could only live without them for a few days. However, the degree of influence of these biological substances on the body is underestimated. The truth is that hormones completely control our lives, and perhaps thanks to them, humanity did not become extinct.

Is it good or bad to depend heavily on the metabolic processes inherent in us by nature? We will clarify this and other points by offering you to familiarize yourself with 25 facts about the role of hormones in life.

Alarming statistics

More than 285 million people suffer from diabetes in the world

Diabetes is the most common disease in the United States. It affects 8% of the total population.

Oxytocin protects women after childbirth

Breastfeeding stimulates the production of oxytocin

During breastfeeding, the mother's body begins to produce oxytocin. It prevents bleeding of the uterus and causes its contractions, due to which it takes on the same size as before pregnancy.

Diabetes is a “sweet” disease

Hippocrates was the first to identify diseases by the state of urine

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates determined whether patients had diabetes by the level of sugar in their urine.

Stop! Alcohol!

Alcohol removes fluid from the body

Alcohol inhibits the production of antidiuretic hormone, which helps the kidneys retain water. Therefore, people who drink alcohol notice increased urination. Drinking alcohol in large doses can even lead to dehydration.

This simple “complex” organism...

Ghrelin is responsible for the feeling of hunger

The secretory functions of our body are not limited to the eight endocrine glands that produce hormones. For example, the female placenta produces estrogen and progesterone. And the stomach produces ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

"Sunny" hormone

Solar activity affects testosterone production

Scientists have discovered a relationship between vitamin D production and testosterone levels. The more time you spend in the sun, the more testosterone your body will produce.

How it all began

Hormones began to be fully studied at the dawn of the 20th century.

At the beginning of the 19th century, scientists realized that the activity of all organs is regulated at the chemical level. However, the term “hormone” itself arose only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Not life, but melodrama

We need to learn to forget all the bad things and move on!

Now you will understand why the worst and most traumatic moments in life are remembered best! It turns out that during times of stress, our tonsils produce a critical amount of adrenaline and cortisol. And this leads to an improvement in the function of remembering various experiences.

Nature laws

The most pleasant thing is to wake up in nature, along with the sun!

Researchers have found that spending a week on a camping trip without electronics can reset our body clock. The amount of melatonin hormone produced (responsible for sleep) is synchronized with the time of sunrise and sunset.

Our smaller brothers

Pets that heal

Hugging and stroking pets (such as cats) stimulate the production of oxytocin in humans. This hormone can relieve swelling and heal wounds faster.

Sleep under control

Lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems

The body regulates lack of sleep. This explains the incomprehensible, at first glance, lethargy - when a person sleeps 10 hours a day and does not get enough sleep! The reason is simple - last week he slept only 3 hours a day. And now his body simply “gets” the lack of a vital process.

By the way, lack of sleep impairs the functioning of the endocrine system. Hormonal imbalance can lead to obesity, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Dangerous experiment

Various methods were used to neutralize the dictator

During World War II, British spies tried to make Hitler less aggressive. For this purpose, they mixed the female hormone estrogen into the Fuhrer's food.

When everything is emotional...

It is more difficult for a woman to calm down after a quarrel than for a man

Women, as a rule, take longer to calm down after quarrels and stress. This is explained by the greater reactivity and lability of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Eyes - better than any solarium!

Sunglasses reduce melanin production

Without wearing sunglasses, you will be able to tan a lot more! The eyes sensing bright light tell the pituitary gland to release MSH, a melanocyte-stimulating hormone. And this, in turn, affects the increase in melanin production. The tan becomes more intense!

The main sedative

Women's tears are a slow-acting weapon

Scientists from the Weissman Institute in Israel have found that the smell of a woman's tears reduces testosterone levels in men.

Falling in love is like a drug

Intense love is like a drug

When a person falls in love, his brain produces the same amount of hormones (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin) as after using drugs.

Get enough sleep!

Make sure you get enough sleep if you don't want to get sick

Just one sleepless night can cause increased insulin resistance (immunity). Thus, chronic lack of sleep increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Space: to help your health

Growing insulin in space is a reality come true

In 1998, NASA conducted an experiment to grow the smallest insulin crystals in space. This discovery provided significant assistance to diabetics.

Not an easy question

Hormonal contraceptives are a blow to women's health

Are mini-pills an abortifacient? Their effect on the fetus has not been fully studied. Some claim that they only prevent fertilization by disrupting ovulation. But this mechanism of action has not been proven. The proportion of hormones in such pills is much higher than in other oral contraceptives, and this can lead to serious hormonal imbalance. Another important fact: using these birth control pills increases the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis.

Natural converter

The human body is a complex, interconnected system

The body knows how to convert testosterone into estrogen (for example, during an aromatherapy session). But our body cannot convert estrogen into testosterone.

Calm, just calm...

In the turbulent flow of life, do not forget to give your body rest.

Excessive events and communication, including on social networks, can cause depression, anxiety and other health problems. Constant stress, even positive stress, undermines the stability of the endocrine system. As a result, hormones such as insulin and dopamine begin to be produced incorrectly.

The healing power of hugs

Hugs from loved ones or friends have healing powers

Researchers from the University of North Carolina found that hugging for 20 seconds triggers the release of oxytocin and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Hormone and vitamin in one bottle

With the arrival of summer, pamper your body with a “sunshine” vitamin!

Vitamin D is the only one that is also a hormone. Its deficiency can lead to serious problems, including depression and schizophrenia.

Dangerous Syndrome

Disturbances in the hormonal system lead to abnormalities

There is something called androgen insensitivity syndrome. This means that a male person is genetically resistant to male hormones. With this pathology, a person has female characteristics in the presence of a genetically male composition.

Ant bites saved lives

Insect bites stimulate adrenaline production

One day Joan Murray's parachute did not open. Falling from a great height, she crashed into a huge anthill. Scientists believe that her heart did not stop thanks to the huge amount of adrenaline received along with the ant bites.

Based on the above facts, it becomes clear: hormones greatly influence a person. The function of these biological substances can be determined by our habits. Lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress. This will help strengthen the endocrine system. Then hormones will become your reliable helpers and protect you from many diseases.

The first hormone discovered was secretin, a substance that is produced in the small intestine when food reaches it from the stomach.
Secretin was discovered by English physiologists William Bayliss and Ernest Starling in 1905. They found that secretin is able to “travel” through the blood throughout the body and reach the pancreas, stimulating its work.

And in 1920, Canadians Frederick Banting and Charles Best isolated one of the most famous hormones, insulin, from the pancreas of animals.

Where are hormones produced?

The main part of hormones is produced in the endocrine glands: the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, the pancreas, the ovaries in women and the testes in men.

There are also hormone-producing cells in the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, placenta, thymus in the neck, and pineal gland in the brain.

What do hormones do?

Hormones cause changes in the functions of various organs according to the body's requirements.

Thus, they maintain the stability of the body, ensure its responses to external and internal stimuli, and also control the development and growth of tissues and reproductive functions.

The control center for overall coordination of hormone production is located in the hypothalamus, which is adjacent to the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.
Thyroid hormones determine the rate of chemical processes in the body.

Adrenal hormones prepare the body for stress—the “fight or flight” state.

Sex hormones - estrogen and testosterone - regulate reproductive functions.

How do hormones work?

Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands and circulate freely in the blood, waiting to be detected by so-called target cells.

Each such cell has a receptor that is activated only by a certain type of hormone, like a lock with a key. After receiving such a “key,” a certain process starts in the cell: for example, gene activation or energy production.

What hormones are there?

There are two types of hormones: steroids and peptides.

Steroids are produced by the adrenal glands and gonads from cholesterol. A typical adrenal hormone is the stress hormone cortisol, which activates all body systems in response to potential threats.

Other steroids determine the physical development of the body from puberty to old age, as well as reproductive cycles.

Peptide hormones mainly regulate metabolism. They consist of long chains of amino acids and for their secretion the body needs a supply of protein.

A typical example of peptide hormones is growth hormone, which helps the body burn fat and build muscle.

Another peptide hormone, insulin, triggers the process of converting sugar into energy.

What is the endocrine system?

The endocrine gland system works together with the nervous system to form the neuroendocrine system.

This means that chemical messages can be transmitted to the appropriate parts of the body either through nerve impulses, through the bloodstream using hormones, or both.

The body reacts to the action of hormones more slowly than to signals from nerve cells, but their effects last longer.

The most important

Hormones are a kind of “keys” that trigger certain processes in “lock cells”. These substances are produced in the endocrine glands and regulate almost all processes in the body - from fat burning to reproduction.