The most famous resorts of the Far East. Beach holidays in the Far East: resorts of the Primorsky Territory of Russia. Sanatorium "Sugar Key"

Mixed oriental culture, amazing virgin nature and the special atmosphere of the “end of the world” - all this can be found when going on a Far Eastern expedition. Every corner of this part of the country is beautiful, but several lifetimes are not enough to explore everything. We decided to make your preparations easier and have selected 10 must-see places.

This canyon, mesmerizing with its beauty, is visited by thousands of tourists every year, despite its inaccessibility. The Valley of Geysers is the only place in all of Eurasia where you can see fountains of boiling water and steam. The most powerful geyser in the valley releases a stream of steam 300 meters high. In addition, there are a huge number of waterfalls, lakes, hot springs and other natural beauties. An ecological trail has been laid out for tourists, which offers beautiful views, and if you’re lucky, you can see bears in their natural habitat. The valley is open to visits only with excursion groups.

The Russian Far East is good not only for its amazing nature, but also for its interesting cities. The port city of Vladivostok boasts the world's largest cable-stayed bridge, impressive views of the Pacific Ocean, and nationally famous crabs. The longest railway in Russia, the Trans-Siberian Railway, also ends in this city. But we, of course, recommend taking a plane. It is better to go to Vladivostok in August; this month the weather is the most pleasant there. While exploring the city, don't forget to look at the Amur Tiger monument, walk to the Star Lighthouse at sunset and stroll along the local embankment. If it seems that Vladivostok is too far away, and a route for the May holidays has not been invented, then there are options.

This harbor, which has gained fame as one of the most beautiful in the world, can be visited all year round thanks to its special feature - it does not freeze even in winter. In addition, it is so large that it can accommodate a vessel of any size. At the entrance to Avacha Bay there are the so-called “three brothers” - three rocks with an interesting history. They say that once a terrible endless storm broke out here, destroying the entire coast, and three brave brothers stood up to protect their people. The bad weather retreated, and the brothers turned into stones and still guard the harbor. The local rivers are famous for excellent fishing, and in the area you can find many marine animals, such as seals.

If you want to explore the entire Kamchatka region (it’s so beautiful and it’s so cheap!), but there’s no such opportunity, you can look at all its beauties in miniature. In Bystrinsky Park you can find all types of Kamchatka landscapes, forests and mountain ranges. Due to the unique nature, this park is included in the UNESCO natural heritage list. Tourists can explore this place as part of numerous excursions available all year round, or on their own. Here you can raft rivers, dog sled, climb a volcano, and hike through alpine meadows and deciduous forests.

This park is unique in that on its territory there is a training ground where the daily processes of mountain formation, the action of volcanoes and the development of animal and fish populations are recorded. There are many active volcanoes and they are also on the UNESCO list. The local nature is especially carefully protected from human encroachment, so getting into the park is not easy - you need a special permit, as well as mandatory adherence to all the rules of the reserve. A little more about.

The most anomalous place in the Far East - Death Valley - got its name not for the sake of a catchphrase; It’s really dangerous to be here because of the huge amount of poisonous gases. However, this disastrous place is located very close to the famous Valley of Geysers, and for a long time no one even suspected that such a danger was lurking literally nearby. Everything was discovered by chance, when local hunters were missing several dogs, and then found them dead and felt bad themselves. Fortunately, a few hours after a person leaves this area, the weakness passes, but the valley is still closed to visitors. However, there is a unique opportunity to look at it from above by booking a helicopter tour.

This volcano appeared more than forty thousand years ago, and as a result of the last eruption it formed a caldera - a bowl resulting from the collapse of the walls of the volcano’s crater. Now there are many rivers and streams, thermal springs and lakes with sulfurous water, the temperature of which reaches 40 degrees. Ancient microorganisms and even oil were found here. In the center of the caldera there is a helipad from which excursions to this amazing place begin. To get there, you need to get a special permit.

Nature sometimes creates unusual things, looking at which it is difficult to believe that there were no human intervention. One such object is the Steller Arch, located on Bering Island. It is 20.6 meters high and is made of solid stone; over many centuries, all soft rocks were washed away by water or destroyed by winds. The arch is named after the German scientist who devoted most of his life to studying the nature of the Far East. The best time to visit this place is, of course, summer, although in winter the snow-covered arch looks very mesmerizing.

On the huge plateau of the park there are 12 main volcanoes, among which is the highest active volcano in Eurasia, Klyuchevskoy. It reaches 4750 meters in height. The tops of the volcanoes are covered with ice, and almost all the rivers of the natural park originate from them. The park is home to rare animals such as bighorn sheep and wolverines and very rich vegetation. When going on a trip along the local trails, you need to be careful and be sure to have a satellite phone and a GPS navigation device with you. Some routes are designed specifically for professional climbers only. The best time to visit Klyuchevsky Park is from June to August.

Siberia can be called the youngest region of Russia, since its development began only about five hundred years ago, and ended only in the last century. These lands have witnessed the greatest events in Russian history, and therefore contain a lot of interesting sights. A huge territory covered with forests, rivers and mountains is one of the few places on the planet where untouched virgin nature has been preserved. And this is an absolute plus for all extreme hunters, desperate climbers, trekkers and kayakers. The region farthest from Moscow is the Far East. It is more than eight thousand kilometers away, and the time difference is as much as seven hours. But every traveler will be more than rewarded for a long flight. The Sea of ​​Japan with octopuses and squids, the ice-free Avacha Bay, black volcanic sand on the seashore, the Kuril and Sikhote-Alin nature reserves, volcanic hills - such amazing things are more expensive than the ordeal of a long road.

Want some adventure? There is nothing better than breaking free from a stuffy, dusty city. Think about Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, Baikal and the Sayan Mountains.

Untamed wilderness

The mountainous country of the Sayans is located in the south of Siberia. Western Sayan is a dark, flat and pointed ridge with steep slopes, separated by intermountain basins. The eastern one is distinguished by snow-capped, inaccessible peaks. And between them more than a dozen depressions rush down, including the most famous - Minusinsk with an incredible number of antiquities: burial grounds, fortress ruins, rock carvings, sculptures of “stone animals” - archaeologists piece by piece restored and still continue to restore the ancient history of this land.

Active recreation in the Sayan Mountains is popular due to the magnificent taiga landscapes with cedar, spruce and fir forests, rivers, lakes and an incredible number of waterfalls. Some of them reach a height of two hundred meters. In addition, the unique Sayano-Shushensky and Stolby nature reserves are located here.

Tours and hikes in the Eastern Sayan Mountains are simply a treasure for mountain tourists. Who among the climbers has not dreamed of conquering the peak of Munku-Sardyk, the peaks of Grandiozny, Topographers, Triangulators, and looking into the craters of the extinct volcanoes Peretolgin and Kropotkin. Despite the harsh climate, the vegetation of these places is rich and varied. Siberian cedar and edelweiss, thickets of round-leaved birch and the splendor of purple lilies, barberry and wild rosemary. Tours in the Eastern Sayan Mountains will reveal to you the unbridled expanses of pristine nature, forever frozen lava valleys, which over the years have become covered with colorful spots of moss and lichen, will give you the healing power of thermal and mineral springs, spiritual renewal in Buddhist religious places.

Pride of the Motherland

In Kamchatka, multipolar elements came together. The heat of volcanoes and mountain ice, the earth's surface and the surface of the water, winter and summer. In the most severe frosts, the hot springs are bordered by green grass, and in the hot summer the mountain peaks are covered with snow. This is probably why vacationing in Kamchatka gives you unprecedented vitality. The seething springs of the valley of geysers in Kamchatka with mud pots, waterfalls and lakes are known to many. But there is also Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Kuril Lake and much more. The volcanoes of Kamchatka compete with each other in beauty and grandeur. It is unlikely that you will ever see something like the Kronitsky volcano, crowned with a snow cap, unless you go on tours to Kamchatka. And of course, one cannot fail to mention the elite entertainment - fishing tours to Kamchatka. There are few places where you can find rivers that give such excitement and joy from owning a “dream fish.” Perhaps the only alternative to such a pastime is a vacation on Lake Baikal, where fishing can be no less impressive. The deepest, miraculous “well” of fresh water is home to about six dozen species of fish, including grayling, pike, perch and sorog. Tours to Lake Baikal are an experience like no other and another reason to be proud of your native country. Tourists who are accustomed to recharging their vitality in exotic Asian countries on their holidays are in for an unexpected insight: on the shores of the deepest lake you can do whatever your heart desires. In winter you can go skiing, skating, snowmobiling and dog sledding, and in summer you can sail on yachts, sunbathe and swim. For details about tours and prices on Lake Baikal, please contact our operators.

There are only four areas on earth where there are geysers. But Kamchatka is the only place unspoiled by highways, catering outlets and hotels. There are four lakes on earth, the depth of which exceeds a thousand kilometers. But Baikal is the only one of them that has existed for more than 15 thousand years. The global watershed runs through the basins of Africa, North and South America. But only from the Great Source, in Transbaikalia, does it diverge into three rivers - Lena, Yenisei and Amur, three seas - Laptev, Kara and Okhotsk, two oceans - the Arctic and the Pacific and our greatest lake. The list of unique objects in Siberia and the Far East goes on. But this will be a spoiler. Make discoveries yourself!

In a nutshell

The Far East seems to Europeans to be a real “end of the world”. Indeed, from Moscow to Vladivostok is more than 9 thousand km, the time difference with central Europe is 10 hours. In the Far East everything is surprising for Europeans. The nature is simply stunning, because in this corner of the planet the west and the east meet, the largest continent of the Earth - Eurasia - and the greatest ocean - the Pacific. Everything is concentrated here: the sea with sandy beaches, fabulous underwater landscapes, water areas for boat trips, taiga wilds, which have largely preserved their original appearance, mountain rivers, waterfalls. Caves, mighty trees covered with ivy on steep slopes, healing mineral springs. The hot healing waters of Kamchatka for many centuries healed the wounds of great travelers - the discoverers of this mysterious land of geysers and volcanoes. Suffice it to recall the footage from the film “Sannikov Land”, which depicted swimming in thermal springs. Plunging into the bliss of thermal waters, travelers noticed how quickly their strength was restored. In Kamchatka, hot water can also be found right next to the sea, where hot springs sometimes come out right in the surf and you can find yourself with one foot in hot water and the other in cool water. The nitrogen-siliceous thermal baths of Kamchatka, which, according to Japanese gerontologists, are a powerful geroprotector, can compete with similar resorts in the land of the rising sun. There are thermal waters even beyond the Arctic Circle - at the resort of Talaya in the Magadan region.

The basis of many resorts in the Far East is healing mud. They are formed at the bottom of reservoirs - sea estuaries and lakes and are used in the sanatoriums "Sadgorod", "Oceansky Military", "Primorye", "Okean" - the Vladivostok resort area; Sinegorsk Mineral Waters, Sakhalin, Gornyak - Sakhalin; In "Paratunka", In "Pearl of Kamchatka", In "Sputnik" - Kamchatka.

The Far East - the easternmost part of Russia - is famous not only for minerals and valuable furs, but also for monuments of material and artistic culture of the first millennium BC. These include excavations of ancient Eskimo settlements, burial grounds and the oldest rock paintings in Asia - petroglyphs. The Kamchatka Valley of Geysers is recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia. The capital of the Primorsky Territory is one of the most colorful and interesting cities in the Far East. The historical center of Vladivostok is unique: not a single building is architecturally the same as another: Gothic, German Baroque, Art Nouveau, Russian style coexist here with each other.

In the Far East, not only plants, but also animals are intricately mixed, adding exoticism to this magical land. Miraculous healing plants - ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, eleutherococcus grow and absorb the forces of nature only here. Rare species of animals and plants, an abundance of valuable fish, huge rookeries of walruses and seals, bird colonies, the beauty of the rocky shores of the Bering Strait, thermal healing springs - all this attracts lovers of eco-tourism.


The Far East is the most distant region of Russia to the east from Moscow. The area of ​​the region is 6215.9 thousand square meters. km (about 36% of the territory of the Russian Federation). Population: 6.8 million people. (about 4.7% of the population of the Russian Federation). The center of the Far East is the city of Khabarovsk. The Far East seems from Europe to be a real “end of the world”. The length of the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok is 9288.2 km and by this indicator it is the longest on the planet, crossing almost all of Eurasia by land. The time difference with central Europe is 10 hours. However, direct flights connect the main cities of the region - Vladivostok and Khabarovsk with Japan, South and North Korea, Thailand, and the USA. Tourist ships sail to Japan and the Republic of Korea. A railway was laid across the entire region - the Trans-Siberian Railway with branches to the border and the sea coast.

The Far Eastern Federal District includes 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Republic of Sakha, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Kamchatka, Magadan Region, Sakhalin Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Koryak Autonomous District, Chukotka Autonomous District) Territory 6,517,300 sq. km Population 7,538,000 Center Khabarovsk

The Far Eastern Federal District is characterized by the longest coastline - from the Arctic seas of the Arctic Ocean to the warm Sea of ​​Japan. The longest river in Russia is the Amur with its tributaries (Amur with Shilka and Onon - 4416 km), the Lena is slightly inferior to it (4400 km). The left bank of the Amur belongs to Russia, the right bank to China. The Amur is home to 85 species of fish; only the Mississippi and Amazon are richer in fish. The Amur has unique fishing opportunities.

A significant part of the region is formed by mountainous areas. The mountains in these places are unusual: low ridges with rounded dome-shaped peaks and gentle slopes stretch parallel to each other from southwest to northeast. There are no sharp peaks and ridges, abysses or sheer canyons. Such mountains are called hills. In the mountains of the southern part of the Primorsky Territory, special broad-leaved forests grow - the famous Ussuri taiga. Here are located two Russian natural sites included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List - the volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Central Sikhote-Alin (the Sikhote-Alin mountain range in the Primorsky Territory). Kamchatka belongs to a zone of active volcanic activity; 29 out of 300 volcanoes are active. The largest volcano in Eurasia is Klyuchevskaya Sopka (height 4750 m). The activity of volcanoes is associated with the formation of many minerals, as well as the manifestation of hydrogeothermal activity: the formation of fumaroles, geysers, and hot springs.

The nature of the region is unique and diverse - the tundra of Chukotka, the fire-breathing volcanoes of Kamchatka, as well as the extraordinary forests of Primorye (the famous Ussuri taiga, in which species of plants and animals of the North meet the species diversity of the subtropics). The symbols of the territory include the root of life - ginseng, the giant vegetation of Sakhalin Island, and the lotus growing on Lake Khanka (Primorsky Territory). In the Far East, not only plants, but also animals are intricately mixed, adding exoticism to this magical land. Here live such unique representatives of the animal world as the polar bear, sea otter - sea otter, Ussuri tiger and Ussuri leopard, sika deer, swamp and waterfowl, ungulates and fur-bearing animals. Sport hunting is one of the most popular types of recreation in the Far East.


The Far East is located in 4 time zones: GMT +9 – GMT +12.

Yakut time (GMT + 9 hours) is 6 hours ahead of Moscow time. This is the official time in the Amur region, Trans-Baikal region and in the western part of Yakutia, including Yakutsk.

Vladivostok time (GMT + 10 hours) is 7 hours ahead of Moscow time. This is the official time in the central part of Yakutia (including the New Siberian Islands), in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, in the Jewish Autonomous Region and on the island. Sakhalin.

Magadan time (GMT + 11) is 8 hours ahead of Moscow time. This is the official time in the eastern part of Yakutia, in the Magadan region and on the Kuril Islands.

Kamchatka time (GMT + 12) is 9 hours ahead of Moscow time. This is the official time in the Kamchatka Territory, as well as in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.


Climatic conditions change when moving from north to south, and also depend on proximity to the sea and on the shape and nature of the relief. The climate is harsh, in the northern part of the region it is subarctic, on the coasts it is marine, in the interior regions it is continental. The Far Eastern winter is frosty, dry, amazingly sunny, and therefore extremely beneficial for health. Due to the dry air, even severe frosts are easily tolerated. Summer is short, cool in the northern territories, hot and humid in the south. The second half of July, August and September are the best times to travel. In the Primorsky Territory and Sakhalin the climate is temperate, monsoon. Winter is dry and cold with clear weather. Spring is long, cool, with frequent temperature fluctuations. Summers are warm and humid, with maximum precipitation occurring in the summer months. Autumn is usually warm, dry, and clear. In summer, southerly winds from the Pacific Ocean predominate, and in winter, northerly winds, bringing cold but clear weather from continental regions. The Far Eastern region is located at the same latitudes as Sochi on the Black Sea coast of Russia, so the sun here is just as gentle and shines 180-200 days a year.

Natural healing factors

The basis of the natural healing resources of the Far East are favorable climatic conditions, mineral waters and reserves of sulfide silt mud.

The hot healing waters of the Kamchatka resort of Paratunka have healed the wounds of great travelers for many centuries - the discoverers of this mysterious land of geysers and volcanoes. Suffice it to recall the footage from the film “Sannikov Land”, which depicted swimming in thermal springs. Plunging into the bliss of thermal waters, travelers noticed how quickly their strength was restored. Only today, in the thermal springs of Kamchatka, tired skiers relieve tension after skiing on the slopes of Mount Goryachaya. The pool with thermal water is noticeable from afar, in the PARA clubs. The water temperature in the springs and hot waterfall is from 39 to 70 °C. In the Kuril Islands you can take sulfur baths at the foot of the Mendeleevsky volcano - hot springs are everywhere and some of them are tiled like a mini-pool. Hot water can also be found right near the sea - hot springs sometimes come out right in the surf - you can find yourself with one foot in hot water of 30-40 °C, and the other in cool water of 15 °C.

The first written mentions of a hot spring beyond the Arctic Circle are found in documents from the church archives of the village of Yamsk for 1905-1906. They say that the Talsky spring, 256 km northeast of Magadan, was discovered in 1868 by the merchant Afanasy Bushuev. An enterprising merchant who found the source, according to local residents, froze Tal water and sold it to the population as a healing agent. In the mid-50s. The Talaya resort was opened on hot (up to 98 °C) sources of nitrogen chloride-bicarbonate sodium waters.

Resorts and sanatoriums were built on deposits of carbon dioxide mineral waters: Shmakovka, Sinegorsk Mineral Waters, Sakhalin)

Nitrogen-siliceous thermal waters are the basis of the natural resources of the Kuldur resorts, Jewish Autonomous Region; Paratunka, sanatoriums “Pearl of Kamchatka”, sanatorium-preventorium “Sputnik”, Kamchatka; resort Talaya, Magadan region. The waters are effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, skin and gynecological diseases.

Therapeutic muds are various types of silt deposits that form at the bottom of reservoirs, sea estuaries and lakes. Silt sulfide mud (sanatoriums "Sadgorod", "Oceansky Military", "Primorye", "Okean" - Vladivostok resort area; "Sinegorsk Mineral Waters", "Sakhalin", "Gornyak" - Sakhalin ; “Paratunka”, “Pearl of Kamchatka”, “Sputnik” - Kamchatka) contain hydrogen sulfide, methane, carbon dioxide. Sapropel mud (sanatorium "TalayaV", Magadan region) has a high content of organic substances, but there is little salt.


Primorsky Krai

Most of the Far Eastern sanatoriums - over 40 - are located in the Primorsky Territory. They can simultaneously accommodate more than 6.5 thousand people.

The Shmakovka resort is located in the valley of the Ussuri River, in one of the most beautiful corners of the central part of Primorye. Natural healing factors: dry and warm summers, windless and sunny winters, rich vegetation and carbon dioxide mineral waters similar to Narzan. There are four sanatoriums in Shmakovka: ZhemchuzhinaV (400 beds), IzumrudnyV (500 beds), Shmakovsky military sanatorium FEB (500 beds) and the sanatorium named after. 50th anniversary of October (400 beds). The latter is a departmental health resort of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The rest of the seaside health resorts are mainly concentrated in the suburban area of ​​Vladivostok. Among them are well-known sanatoriums (Sadgorod, Amur Bay, Ocean Military, Primorye, etc.), as well as fairly young ones - former departmental boarding houses and rest homes that have created their own medical facilities (In “Sailor”, “Ocean”, “Stroitel”, etc.). The main healing factor of most Vladivostok sanatoriums is sea silt sulfide mud, mined from the bottom of Uglovoye Bay, on the shore of which the Sadgorod sanatorium is located with the only department for spinal patients in the Far East. Amursky Bay is considered the best cardiological sanatorium in the region with a department for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a heart attack. There is a similar department in the Ocean Military Sanatorium, not far from which, almost at the very shore of the sea, there is a former holiday home, and now the Pacific Ocean sanatorium, the only one in the Far East in which the main method of treatment is homeopathy.

Khabarovsk region

The main health resort of the Jewish Autonomous Region is the Kuldur balneotherapeutic resort, located on the spurs of the Lesser Khingan. These are the sanatoriums “Kuldur”, “Pearl of Khingan” (sanatorium of the “mother and child” type), the Kuldur military sanatorium and the youngest and most comfortable of the Kuldur health resorts - the sanatorium “Sanus”. According to its chemical composition, Kuldur waters are nitrogen, siliceous, slightly mineralized, hydrocarbonate-chloride, sodium alkaline with a high fluorine content. Radon water was found in one of the wells. Helps in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis and especially skin diseases: eczema and psoriasis.

Another of the famous health resorts of the Amur region is the UssuriV sanatorium, located 45 km from Khabarovsk in the area of ​​the Bolshekhehtsirsky Nature Reserve. The sanatorium operates all year round and simultaneously receives 400 patients with diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory and digestive organs, and gynecological diseases. In 1995, a department for improving the health of pregnant women was opened.

In the Amur region There is only a tuberculosis sanatorium in YukhtaV, since there is only one natural healing factor in the region - the continental climate.


The sanatorium-resort area of ​​Kamchatka is the region of Paratunka hot geothermal springs. The main therapeutic factors of Kamchatka sanatoriums: nitrogen, low-mineralized siliceous water of the Nizhneparatunsky deposit and sulfide mud. Specialization - treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, skin and gynecological diseases. Currently, the military sanatorium “ParatunkaV” and the sanatorium-preventoriums “Pearl of KamchatkaV” (FSS) and “SputnikV” of the sea trade port operate here. The sanatorium “NachikinskyV”, considered the best health resort in Kamchatka during the Soviet Union, is closed.


Resort resources of the Sakhalin region are represented mainly by mineral waters and medicinal silt mud. 22 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk there are unique Sinegorsk mineral springs of carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium water with a high arsenic content, similar to the carbon dioxide arsenic waters of Chvizhepse and Sochi. In the area of ​​the springs, in a picturesque valley sheltered from the sea winds, the leading sanatoriums of the region are located - Sinegorsk Mineral Waters (260 beds) and Sakhalin (150 beds). They have a modern medical facility.

22 km from Kholmsk, on the shore of the Tatar Strait, there is the ChaikaV sanatorium (205 beds), and in the vicinity of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk there is the GornyakV sanatorium (82 beds). Marine silt sulfide mud is used as a healing factor in both health resorts.

Magadan Region

The Talaya resort is the only sanatorium-resort establishment in Russia located beyond the Arctic Circle, in the permafrost zone. The climatic conditions of Talaya, despite their general severity, compare favorably with the surrounding areas. The number of hours of sunshine is 710. The wealth of the resort is hot, almost boiling (98 °C) low-mineralized nitrogen waters and silt mud.


Kamchatka Valley of Geysers is recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia. The Valley of Geysers is one of the most famous and attractive natural sites in Kamchatka. Hundreds of fountains of boiling water, gas, and mud come out of the ground, making an indelible impression. The Valley of Geysers is located on the territory of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve and overnight stays here are prohibited. The excursion takes 6 hours including a helicopter flight. During the flight, the helicopter flies over several volcanic craters, allowing tourists to take unique shots.

Kamchatka is a peninsula on the northeastern outskirts of Russia. This is a land of volcanoes, hot springs, boiling geysers, rushing rivers and thundering waterfalls. 29 of the 600 active volcanoes on the planet are located in Kamchatka. Tourists definitely try to visit the Valley of Geysers, whose fabulous appearance is given by cascades of waterfalls, mud pots, carpets of colorful algae and lichen, turquoise lakes and almost a hundred different geysers. The largest geyser, the Giant, shoots out a stream of up to 30 meters. More than 70 different tours are organized in Kamchatka - scientific, helicopter, river rafting, horseback riding and hiking trails, ski trekking, environmental, ornithological tours, ethnographic tours with visits to reindeer herds, reindeer and dog sled racing, sport hunting and fishing, cruises along the Avacha Buta, underwater sports. In the most picturesque places of Kamchatka, 17 base camps, 15 tourist shelters, 21 hunting camps, and 53 hunting lodges have been built. A network of hotels of different levels has been created in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yelizovo, and the Paratunskaya resort area.

On the territory of the Primorsky Territory, in the largest nature reserve - Sitohe-Alinsky - there are meteorite craters that have no equal in the world in terms of scale and degree of preservation. The reserve is home to about 40 tigers, approximately 150 gorals, and 100-120 sika deer. The main wealth of the region's reserve is the virgin Ussuri taiga.

50 km southeast of Vladivostok is located one of the most picturesque islands of the Peter the Great Gulf - Putyatin Island, famous for the RodnoeV estate of Alexei Startsev, the grandson of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev. This talented entrepreneur grew wonderful orchards on the island, built a porcelain factory, the products of which were known throughout the world, established tobacco and mulberry plantations, and created a stud farm. The island is also famous for its Lotus Lake.

The capital of the Primorsky Territory is one of the most colorful and interesting cities in the Far East. It is the closest European city to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The historical center of Vladivostok is unique: not a single building is architecturally the same as another: Gothic, German Baroque, Art Nouveau, Russian style coexist here with each other.

Vladivostok fortress- a unique monument of military-defensive architecture, which has no analogues in the world. This is the only Russian sea fortress that has survived in Russia since the 19th century and is included in the UNESCO list of unique historical monuments. Vladivostok officially became a fortress on August 30, 1889, but large-scale defensive work began here back in 1877-1878. By 1916, the Vladivostok fortress became the largest existing sea fortress in Russia. In it, on an area of ​​more than 400 square kilometers, about 130 different forts, fortifications, strong points and coastal batteries, equipped with 1 thousand 400 guns, were built. Fort No. 2 is the most powerful infantry fort in the world. All fortifications had visual and telephone communication with each other, and were equipped with ventilation and electricity. Many of the forts of the fortress are unknown even to the townspeople, since they have not yet been restored. Tourists usually visit the Nameless Battery in the center of Vladivostok. A museum dedicated to the naval history of the fortified city of Vladivostok, the development of its fortifications, and the history of Primorye was created on its territory.

Far East: descriptions for travelers and reviews from tourists. Resorts and hotels, maps and attractions of the Far East. Tours and trips to the Far East

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Regions of the Far East

What to see

It cannot be said that the Far East is a mega-destination for domestic tourism. The conditions are still not the most suitable: a long flight from the European part of Russia, a rather harsh climate and not too much focus on loitering guests. However, the Far Eastern land still has its fans. For a patriot who is not afraid of difficulties, the Far East can offer crazy natural beauty: just look at the expanses of Avacha Bay, the majestic silhouettes of hills and clouds over the tops of volcanoes, beaches with black volcanic sand, islets lost in the ocean, favored by migratory birds, and harsh rocky shores, mountain lakes and “sugar” caves.



In winter you can go skiing here (fortunately, the gentle and long slopes of the “home” mountains are conducive to this), and in summer you can walk along the seaside, mountains and valleys, and go fishing (fishing in the fertile river and sea depths of the Far East is deservedly considered one of the best in Russia ), go hunting or hiking, climb, raft down the river, and finally, just get away from the hustle and bustle and breathe in the healing air of the “end of the world.”

Treatment in the Far East

Another thing the Far East is famous for is its healing mineral springs. For example, in the Kamchatka Territory alone there are almost three hundred of them! The infrastructure surrounding the life-giving springs may be somewhat inferior to European ones, but the doctors work the best, and the extraordinary hospitality of the local residents will give you the most carefree mood, which, as we know, is the key to recovery.


As for cultural tourism, historical attractions here come in two extremes: either very ancient artifacts from the sites of primitive people, or more or less modern buildings and museum collections. However, the shortcomings of the historical “excursion” are more than made up for by natural diversity - from glaciers to volcanoes, from icy lakes to boiling geysers. A land of contrasts, in a word!