White shepherd puppy. Swiss Shepherd (photo): the snow-white dog is a loyal and intelligent friend. Character of the breed

The white shepherd did not immediately gain recognition in Europe, but over time it gained real popularity and won the hearts of people. Today the animal is highly valued for its intelligence and intelligence, reserved character, loyalty to people and openness. By purchasing a puppy of this breed, you can get not only a devoted friend, but also an assistant, a security guard and even a guide. How it came about this breed, what conditions are necessary for the animal, how to choose a puppy - we will answer these and other questions later in the article.

Description, photo, standard

Animals of this breed have well-developed muscles, are harmoniously built, and differ from the German species in having a denser build and a straight back. The head is strong, wedge-shaped, proportional to the body. The eyes are brown, slightly slanted, almond-shaped, beautifully outlined in black. Scissor bite. The ears are set high and point forward. The tail is saber-shaped, rounded at the tip, set low, but rises high when the animal moves.

The body is sinewy, powerful, with well-developed muscles. The limbs are strong, the front limbs are straight (slightly shorter than the hind limbs), the hind limbs have clear joint angles. The animal's movements are free and rhythmic.

Variations in color are not allowed, although in the United States there are individuals with dark colored tips of the ears and spine. The silent, snow-white animal vaguely resembles a polar wolf.

Description of the White Swiss Shepherd breed has its own standard characteristics.

  • Country of origin: United States of America, Switzerland.
  • Year of origin: 1991.
  • Adult height: from 55 to 65 cm.
  • Weight: from 25 to 40 kg.
  • Color: exclusively white.
  • Head: proportional to the body, clearly defined, wedge-shaped.
  • Frame: powerful, with well-developed muscles, chest set deep, back straight.
  • Eyes: different shades of brown, almond-shaped, slanted, with a black outline.
  • Ears: set high, facing forward, triangular in shape with rounded tips.
  • Coat type: long-haired and short-haired.
  • Lifespan: minimum 11, maximum 17 years.
  • Purpose: guard dog, working dog, companion dog.
According to the standard, slight deviations in the weight and height of dogs are allowed.


The long-haired variety is more common in Germany, Austria, and France. There is a thick, straight, extremely hard undercoat. The fur fits tightly to the body.

Important!Caring for a long-haired pet involves following the main rule - regular brushing. If you ignore this requirement, the animal’s long and beautiful fur will quickly get tangled and form tangles, which only scissors can save.

It is especially important to monitor your pet's fur during shedding periods. To properly care for your pet, you will need to purchase high-quality tools (a wooden comb with rare teeth, special shampoos and conditioners, antistatic agents). During snowy periods, you need to watch your paws - due to the long fur, the snow can bunch up into dense clumps between the tufts, which will cause the dog some discomfort.


Short-haired individuals are preferred in countries such as the USA and the Netherlands. They differ from long-haired representatives only in the length of the guard hair. Caring for pets with short hair is much easier, especially when the dog sheds - their hair does not tangle or form clumps. But it is also necessary to maintain the beauty of your pet with systematic combing and bathing.

Character traits

BShO (white Swiss shepherd) - this is what has collected in itself best qualities characteristics inherent in dogs: high intelligence, reliability, loyalty, sociability, helpfulness. Representatives of the breed love communication with people, are very attentive to human moods, are always ready to help, and are endlessly devoted to their owner and family.

Thanks to the high degree of responsibility and lively mind, Swiss Shepherds can be left alone with children and not worry: the animal will never harm the child, but on the contrary, will tenderly and patiently look after him. Snow-white shepherds show restraint with strangers, but at the same time they are not characterized by groundless anxiety or aggression. The animal shows such qualities only in case of a real threat from strangers or other animals. But with pets living under the same roof, he behaves extremely affectionately and tolerantly.

Did you know?If your choice falls on this one, keep in mind that animals are characterized by “talkativeness” - Swiss shepherds are endowed with a wide variety of vocal signals that they use to communicate with humans. The better the animal's mood, the more willing it will be to “tell” you about its feelings. For example, prolonged howling may indicate dissatisfaction or resentment.

These animals know their worth and do not tolerate disrespectful, rude, and even more so cruel treatment. At the same time, a competent dog can make a dog perfectly obedient, since by nature it is not characterized by aggression, disobedience, intemperance or passivity.

History of the breed

Shepherd dogs with a snow-white color were common in the United States and Canada, and gradually began to be recognized there as separate species. In the 1970s, representatives of the breed began to be transported across the Atlantic. The puppy, born in Switzerland in 1966, under the name Lobo, is today the progenitor of the whole - this is the first individual of this species to be registered in the Swiss stud book. Since that time, BShO began to be massively imported into Europe, and their popularity increased from year to year.

In 2003, the Canadian Shepherd was recognized by the FCI - Fédération Cynologique Internationale, but since then it has been called the “White Swiss Shepherd,” although in fact it is in no way connected with Switzerland and was previously called the American-Canadian Shepherd.

BShOs are descended from German Shepherds and differ from them in coat color, as well as a less aggressive and excitable disposition. The snow-white color made these animals ideal shepherd dogs: at dusk and at night, the shepherd could not confuse his animal with a dangerous wolf.

Did you know?Previously, the white color of the coat was considered a defect among German shepherds in Europe, which almost led to the complete extermination of animals of this color, which is why dogs with snow-white coats migrated overseas. And only many years later recognition, respect and love returned to them.

Choosing a puppy

White Swiss Shepherd puppies need to be purchased only from trusted breeders with many years of experience or in special nurseries: inquire about the reputation of the nursery or breeder, ask about participation in exhibitions, evaluate the competence and honesty of the seller - not all breeders are ready to openly talk about possible problems with the health or character of their pets.

When choosing a puppy, ask for the following documents:

  • certificates confirming vaccination;
  • pedigree (preferably up to the third generation);
  • certificates confirming the participation of the puppy’s parents in exhibitions and competitions.
You can also ask the seller to take a close look at the puppies’ mother - her character, behavior, and level of socialization have most likely been passed on to the puppies. A common test for puppies is the Campbell test, which allows you to determine the dog’s temperament, study the degree of aggressiveness, and willingness to obey. Take an interest in the results of such a study.

Of course, it is necessary to study the conditions in which the puppies and mother live. The cost of puppies varies from $200 to $500.

Where to place a Swiss Shepherd

The Swiss Shepherd is considered big dog, which means there must be enough space for its successful maintenance. In a small apartment, the animal will feel uncomfortable and disadvantaged. It is optimal to keep adult individuals outdoors in specially equipped

It is advisable to place the aviary in a place without a draft so that the sun's rays enter it, but there is also shade. The soil can be made of soil, sand with the addition of crushed stone and pebbles. There should be a booth in the enclosure, preferably a wooden one. Straw, sawdust and shavings, and hay can be used as flooring. The walls of the structure can be insulated with foam plastic or even made double. To make your pet feel as comfortable as possible, take care of the spacious dimensions of the home.

Important!The enclosure must be equipped with a water drain, but the booth must be waterproof with a reliable roof and floor covering!

Regular cleaning and disinfection of the enclosure and kennel are extremely important for the health of the shepherd dog.

Pet care

Snow-white animals are not particularly fastidious in their care: all procedures are quite standard and typical for representatives of the species. This includes combing the fur, hygiene of the eyes, ears and mouth, and bathing. However, special attention should be paid to the physical activity of pets - they must move a lot and often.


To maintain the beauty and health of a snow-white coat, it is necessary to comb it once a week. And during the molting period, pay closer attention to this process and comb out a little more often. The combing process is slightly different for short-haired and long-haired species:

  • For short hair, you can use a brush with thick combs, as well as a special glove for combing.
  • In long-haired representatives, the hairs sometimes become tangled and form mats. For combing, you need to purchase a brush with rare and frequent teeth, a special anti-tangle spray, as well as a brush made of natural bristles.
To consolidate the effect and remove the remnants of fallen fur, you can walk over the fur coat with wet palms.

Eyes, teeth, ears

Behind oral cavity white shepherd dogs need to be watched especially carefully - the appearance of plaque and tartar can provoke serious problems with teeth. Therefore, oral hygiene should be carried out at least once a week. For this purpose, you can purchase a regular nursery toothbrush and a special paste for dogs. Using vertical, “sweeping” movements, your pet’s teeth need to be cleaned of plaque and food debris.

Eye hygiene is quite simple and boils down to removing eye discharge using a soft damp cloth or cotton pad.

Ears need to be cleaned every month. To do this, you need to purchase it at a pharmacy or pet store. one of the means:

  • peroxide;
  • a special product for cleaning dogs' ears;
  • vegetable oil.
After wetting and squeezing out a piece of cotton wool, you need to carefully clean your pet’s ears so that liquid does not accidentally drip inside.

You should also pay attention to the animal's claws and paws - claws are trimmed every month. When performing the procedure, you need to carefully cut off the edge of the claw without damaging the blood vessels and nerve endings. The cut can be smoothed using a nail file.


Despite their snow-white color, Swiss Shepherds do not require frequent bathing to keep their coat nice and neat. Water procedures It is allowed to be carried out no more often than once every 6 months. For swimming you need to purchase a special shampoo, conditioner or balm. Lathering your pet can be done several times (depending on the degree of contamination of the animal); you also need to wash the dog’s paws, tail and belly especially thoroughly. The head is usually washed without shampoo and very carefully - water should not get into the animal’s ears.

After washing, you can apply an emollient and rinse again. For drying, use a hairdryer, soft towels or active games, but only indoors! To make the fur look more neat and well-groomed, you can simultaneously comb the dog while drying.

Physical activity

If you become the happy owner of a snow-white puppy, it is very important to take care of adequate, sufficient physical activity, otherwise the pet may release its energy, causing damage to your property! Provide the animal with constant employment, this could be:

  • Physical activity: running with weights or obstacles.
  • Exercises and tricks.
  • Help with housework: carrying heavy loads or guarding.
  • Outdoor games with a ball, stick or disc.
  • Long walks in nature.
This activity will preserve not only your pet’s excellent physical shape, but also its psychological health.

Important!If the owner fails to establish a trusting relationship with the pet and become a leader in his eyes, the animal may begin to “graze” the person.

When training a white shepherd, you need to show firmness, determination, and at the same time delicacy and gentleness. It is necessary to gain authority in the eyes of the dog and teach it discipline. In order for the puppy to better understand the rules in the house, it should be trained from the first days of its arrival in the family.

Don’t worry if you have other dogs living under the same roof - the Swiss Shepherd gets along well with these animals, but it’s not always possible to establish warm relationships with small pets.

What to feed your dog

The basis of the white shepherd's diet is high quality. As a supplement to your diet you can include:

  1. Porridge on water without salt, with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  2. Lean meat and offal (the content should be at least 50% of the daily diet).
  3. Vegetables.
  4. Dairy products.
The frequency depends on the age of the pet: small puppies require 3-4 meals a day, and adult animals need to be fed morning and evening, preferably at the same time in a place specially designated for the dog. The dog should also have a bowl of fresh water.

Important! Low-quality feed can lead to diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and even oncological diseases, and also significantly reduce the length and quality of life of the animal. Therefore, it is not recommended to skimp on your dog’s diet!

Health and vaccinations

Representatives generally have good health and remain active until old age (white shepherds are on average 15 years old). However, there are still some risks for animals, these include:

  • joint dysplasia (also other joint diseases);
  • eye diseases;
  • congenital heart failure;
  • hearing problems up to and including deafness.
However, animals can boast of balance and a strong psyche, restraint, and non-aggression.

An important condition good health is timely vaccination. The puppy is first vaccinated 4-6 weeks after birth against hepatitis and various types of enteritis. After a couple of weeks, the vaccination is repeated using the same drug. At the age of 3 months, you need to be vaccinated against distemper; this vaccine is repeated after changing the dentition (approximately six months). IN further procedure vaccinations are repeated annually.

In all cases, before vaccination, the animal must be treated against helminthic infestations. If the animal does not feel well, vaccination should be postponed until its physical condition is completely stabilized!

White Swiss Shepherds have proven themselves to be reliable helpers, loyal and sensitive friends, smart and cheerful companions. If you want to get all these qualities in one dog, take a closer look at the snow-white, charming puppies of this breed!

The beautiful legend that the White Swiss Shepherd breed appeared due to the artificial crossing of a shepherd with a white polar wolf is far from the truth, although the dog’s caution, its ability to move silently, and its agility do indeed give reason to assume a relationship with the white-furred inhabitant of the Arctic. In fact, the breed was formed as a result of the systematic breeding of a certain type of German shepherd, which had a white color.

In the German canine literature of the end of the century before last, shepherd dogs, the ancestors of German shepherds, whose distinctive feature was white, were often described. And the first “delegate” from German shepherds, who participated in the Hanover Dog Show in 1882, was a white male, whom the owners named Greif. Later, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who also had a white color, were demonstrated at dog exhibitions and championships held in Germany. By the way, the German shepherd with the great name Horand von Grafrath, officially registered under the first number in the pedigree book of this breed in 1899, also belonged to the Greif family. However, the color of the famous dog was yellow-gray.

Already by the beginning of the twentieth century, the German Shepherd was not considered an ordinary herding breed. Such remarkable qualities as strength, endurance, extraordinary intelligence, good trainability, and loyalty have brought this dog extreme popularity not only in Europe, but also overseas. Selection work was carried out very actively, the requirements for its service qualities and exterior grew, but until a certain time, no importance was attached to color, and white individuals were bred in the same way as others, without singling out in any way.

However, in the 30s, in their native land, Germany, white German shepherds found themselves in disgrace. The Nazis, who rose to the heights of power, established their manic control over such an area of ​​human interests as dog breeding. Gene white color they found him guilty for all the defects, defects, defects found in German shepherds. The verdict turned out to be “tenacious”, and even after the fall of the Hitler regime on the European continent, white shepherd dogs were rejected until the 60s.

Meanwhile, overseas, in the USA and Canada, breeders continued breeding white German Shepherds, proclaiming that “there is no bad color on a good dog.” Spectacular snow-white dogs became increasingly popular, often appearing on television and becoming pets of famous people, such as the Rockefellers.

Since the 60s, many North American kennel clubs began breeding white shepherds as the original breed, and over time their mating with shepherds of other colors was banned.

Over the next decade, the dogs, now called American-Canadian White Shepherds, began to return to Europe. The first of them settled in Switzerland, where the development of the breed continued. The status of the founder of the Swiss breeding line is given to the male Lobo, brought from the USA, born in 1966. He and his descendants are registered in the Swiss Stud Book (LOS). Over the next few decades, an impressive number of purebred white shepherd dogs spread across Europe, and in 2003, on the initiative of Switzerland, the American-Canadian white shepherd was accepted into its ranks by the international canine organization FCI, but it received a different species definition, namely, the white Swiss Shepherd. Around the same time, the breed began to gain popularity in Russia, but today it is not one of the most common.

Video: White Swiss Shepherd

Appearance of a White Swiss Shepherd

The appearance of the powerful and muscular White Swiss Shepherd is similar to that of an ordinary German Shepherd. They are almost identical in height, but the “Swiss” is built a little denser. Among the representatives of the breed there are long-haired individuals and those with medium-length hair. The former are distributed mainly in Germany, Austria, France, and the latter in Holland and the North American continent.


The dog has an elongated croup, slightly inclined towards the base of the tail, and a strong, straight back. The chest is powerful, of medium width, oval in shape, deep, reaching down to the elbows, its front part is expressive. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The sides and lower back are strong. The withers are clearly expressed.


Muscular, slightly elongated, no dewlap. The line of the neck, gently transitioning from the rather high-set head to the withers, is nobly curved.


The head of the Swiss Shepherd is proportional to the body, has straight, clean lines, and is wedge-shaped when viewed from above and from behind. The line of transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth, but the very place where they connect is clearly distinguishable. The powerful muzzle is elongated, slightly tapering towards the nose. The nose itself is medium in size, the preferred color of the earlobe is black, but a simply dark color is also acceptable.

Jaws, teeth, lips

The jaws are powerful, the teeth are located strictly perpendicular to them. Scissor bite. The lips are an intense black color and should be dry and pressed tightly together.


They stand straight, set high, slightly directed forward. Their shape is V-shaped, the tips are slightly rounded.


Small, slightly slanting, almond-shaped, color - from brown to dark brown, a black rim is welcome.


The forelimbs of the Swiss Shepherd are strong, lean, and their bones are not too heavy. When viewed from the front, they appear to be set quite wide apart. The shoulder and forearms are elongated, with powerful muscles. The pasterns are strong and set slightly obliquely.

The hind limbs are muscular. From behind they look straight and parallel. The thighs are of medium length and well-developed muscles. The shins, with solid bones, are also muscular. The hocks are of medium length, straight, lean.

Dog paws have oval shape, the rear ones are slightly longer than the front ones. The fingers are clenched tightly and almost curled into a ball. The pads are elastic, black. The same color is preferred for claws.


The White Swiss Shepherd moves powerfully, measuredly, consistently rearranging its limbs. The dog's lynx creeps, as if sneaking.


Richly covered with hair, has a saber shape. Set on quite high and reaching at least to the hock joint, tapering towards the end. When the dog is in a calm state, the tail hangs towards the floor, sometimes curving slightly in the lower third. In an animated animal, the tail rises vigorously, but does not exceed the top line.


The animal's coat is thick, tightly covering the body. Both dogs with medium-length hair and long-haired dogs have an abundant undercoat. The outer hair is straight and somewhat coarse. On the ears, muzzle, and forelimbs the hair is noticeably shorter than in the neck area and the back of the hind limbs. The neck of long-haired Swiss Shepherds is decorated with a spectacular mane, and their hind limbs are dressed in woolen “pants”. A slightly wavy coat is acceptable.


Only solid white color is recognized.

Breed defects

  • Light yellow or fawn tint of color (fawn) in the back area, at the base of the tail, at the tips of the ears.
  • Fragmentary lack of pigmentation on the nose, lips, and rims of the eyes.
  • Shortened, square-shaped body.
  • Drooping or semi-erect ears.
  • A curled or looped tail, a hook-shaped tail, positioned above the line of the back.
  • Lack of undercoat. Too soft, velvety coat, as well as curly coat.
  • Bulging eyes. One or both eyes blue color.
  • Excessive aggressiveness or, on the contrary, timidity, timidity.

Photo of a white Swiss Shepherd

Personality of the White Swiss Shepherd

The White Swiss Shepherd is dynamic, temperamental, active and, at the same time, distinguished by its balance. Its character is softer and more reserved than that of the German Shepherd, but, despite its good nature, in the event of a threat to its owners and home, it displays the same qualities as its more aggressive relatives. In fact, white shepherds have all the character traits that a service dog has: strength, tirelessness, excellent reaction, intelligence. They are often used as guard dogs, rescuers, guides, bodyguards. Temperamental and cheerful, they are partial to sports, adventure, travel, and simply love to swim and play ball.

Affectionate and playful, White Swiss Shepherds get along well with all family members, including pets, including cats. They treat children very carefully, and perceive their pranks with condescending understanding. When interacting with babies and animals smaller than itself, the shepherd often displays herding instincts and begins to “herd” them, diligently and vigilantly taking care of them. Dogs of this breed prefer not to come into contact with strangers, they do not clearly express their wariness towards them, and they remain distinctly aloof.

Gentle White Swiss Shepherds really need the attention of their owners, their affection, they also love to “talk” and have a penchant for “vocal exercises”. It is worth noting that the range of their vocal signals is very wide, and sometimes they produce entire arias, the tonality and volume of which depends on their state of mind: these can be whimpers, grunts, moans or calls.

Education and training

Raising and training Swiss Shepherds is a real pleasure. They understand and remember the owner’s commands instantly, and their lively intelligence and enthusiasm accelerate the acquisition of certain skills by the animals. Training requires consistency and consistency.

It is unacceptable to use brutal training methods in relation to white Swiss shepherds, and there is no need for this - the dogs are obedient from birth. Often the owners themselves do not want to scold and punish their pets, especially when they are at a tender age, representing cute snow-white angels. However, you should not forget that this is not a lapdog, but a future serious service dog in need of training.

It is important to remember that mistreatment and lack of socialization and training can cause aggression towards people and other animals. The owner of a White Swiss Shepherd will need calmness, consistency in actions and confidence in himself and his abilities.

Caring for a White Swiss Shepherd is not difficult. Even a dog’s thick coat, regardless of its length, can be kept in order without making excessive efforts. She will require special care during the molting period. During this time, the dog should be brushed at least twice a week, using sprays specially designed for removing hair. Short-haired animals are combed with a fine comb. It is advisable to first comb a long-haired pet with a sparse comb, then, if necessary, untangle or cut out tangles, then comb it with a fine-toothed comb, and finally treat it with a massage brush made of natural bristles. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to run it over the fur several times. with wet hands to remove remaining dead or combed hairs.

Once a week, your pet will need to brush its teeth using a toothpaste designed for dogs. The movements should be sweeping - from the base of the teeth to their edges. It is advisable to wipe your eyes with a damp cloth every day; your ears can be cleaned twice a month with a regular cotton swab. Shepherd dogs' nails are trimmed, as a rule, once every month to a month and a half; a nail clipper is used for this purpose. If you are not used to this tool, you can injure your claws. We advise you to contact a specialist in the first months and observe the procedure.

Frequent bathing of a White Swiss Shepherd is not recommended, regardless of the color of its coat. Typically, general washing occurs twice a year. However, after a walk in bad weather, the dog’s paws and belly should definitely be washed; it is also necessary to clean the contaminated areas of its coat - this can be conveniently done with dry shampoo.

Shepherds need regular exercise and should be taken for walks at least three times a day. The dog will be delighted if, during a walk, he gets the opportunity to run after a ball or stick, swim, catch a flying disc, and frolic in the company of his fellow breeders.

The White Swiss Shepherd has a good appetite and is not picky about food. You can feed her both natural products and ready-made food. It is advisable to treat your pet at the same time. Two to four month old puppies are fed 4 times a day, and by the age of six months they gradually switch to two meals a day.

Most of the diet of a dog eating natural foods should be meat - lamb or beef. It can be given raw or scalded with boiling water. IN small quantities The Swiss Shepherd's menu should include steamed vegetables, porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal - separately or assorted), low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, and sea fish. Twice a week you can offer your pet a boiled egg or a raw yolk. Beef liver is also a healthy food.

Dry food for a white Swiss shepherd needs to be selected. First, purchase a small bag of a specific food for this breed and check how much your pet likes it, and whether he has any allergies.

Health and Diseases of Swiss Shepherds

As has long been known, the white color of a dog does not at all mean that it is characterized by physiological pathologies. The White Swiss Shepherd, like the German one, is a very strong animal, characterized by good health. However, hereditary diseases are the same as those of her closest relatives, although such a common defect among the “Germans” as hip dysplasia is much less common among the “Swiss”. Other diseases common to breeds include:

  • eosinophilic panostitis - colloquially a growth disease, expressed in lameness and characteristic of animals 5-12 months old;
  • paresis of the pelvic limbs, manifested in limited motor ability;
  • intussusception is one of the forms of intestinal obstruction;
  • congenital heart failure.

Shepherds also have a predisposition to diabetes mellitus and various types of allergic reactions.

How to choose a puppy

The White Swiss Shepherd is a young breed and is not yet very popular in Russia. Many dishonest breeders take advantage of this and sell white puppies of unknown origin under the guise of white shepherd dogs. To buy a purebred cub of this breed, you need to contact specialized nurseries, which are found in almost all Russian cities with a population of over a million. They will be able to provide you with documents indicating the dog’s pedigree.

A healthy puppy should demonstrate activity, have shiny fur, curious eyes, and no discharge in the ears and corners of the eyes. Pay attention to eye color. They should be brown, not blue. Excessive thinness or a bloated tummy is a reason to be wary. Feel free to ask the White Swiss Shepherd breeder any questions - a professional who loves his job will answer each of them with enthusiasm.

Ask to be provided with the results of tests of your future pet's parents for the presence of genetic diseases, in particular for dysplasia hip joints. It would also be useful to observe the behavior of the puppy’s mother, who, as a rule, is with him in the kennel. The dog is unlikely to show affection towards you, but it should behave with restraint, showing neither aggression nor fearfulness.

Photos of White Swiss Shepherd puppies

How much does a White Swiss Shepherd cost?

The cost of a White Swiss Shepherd puppy depends on what class of pet you are interested in. Thoroughbred babies with a pet-class pedigree, aspiring only to become pets, can cost from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles in different cities of Russia. For a breed-class Swiss shepherd that can be used for breeding, you will have to pay from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles. The most expensive ones are show-class “Swiss” ones, which have an exhibition perspective. They cost from 40,000 rubles and above.

A puppy without a pedigree can be purchased for 15,000 rubles.

The White Swiss Shepherd (BSH) is an undesirable version of the classic, old-type dog that was once rejected by German breeders. German Shepherd. And the BShO has nothing to do with the real Swiss Shepherd - Sennenhund (Schweizer Sennenhund) and all its types. It is also known under the name American-Canadian White Shepherd, and this is its more correct definition.

In the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), the shepherd dog was admitted for registration only in 2002, under standard number 347, in Section I “SHEPHERD DOG”, as a herding and service dog.

How did it happen that dogs, known since 1882, received recognition only at the beginning of the 21st century and their “home port” is not Germany at all? To do this, you need to know the history of this breed, and it is closely related to the appearance of the German Shepherd.

The history of the white dog or almost everything about the BShO breed

The development of cities is always associated with the development of crime on any continent and in any country. During the era of enlightenment and infrastructure development of the 18th century, the German principalities were literally covered with a wave of new crimes. It was then that the question arose about creating a service dog to help the police.

The BShO breed standard was adopted by the FCI only in 2002

Philax Society

A voluntary cynological community "Philax" appeared, which set itself the goal of obtaining service dogs from local shepherd dogs from different regions of Germany. The basis was based on small, nimble working “shepherd dogs” from Thuringia, Bavaria and Saxony, and they were paired with bony, broad-chested shepherd dogs from Württemberg, with long powerful legs, erect ears and a zone-gray wolf color.

“Philax” even managed to organize several exhibitions, where it presented a new, still raw breed under the general name “German Police Service Dogs” (Büropolizei Schäferhunde Deutschland):

  • Hanover 1882 – gray and white males;
  • Hanover 1887 – males and females of zone gray and white;
  • Hamburger 1888 - overwhelmingly white dogs;
  • Kassel 1889 – all the “Germans” represented are the same white color.

Torn by internal disputes about what the breed should ultimately become, the Philax community did not last long, but it managed to sow positive seeds:

  1. Drew society's attention to the value of many qualities inherent in herding dogs.
  2. Developed a certain view on the required type of service police dog.
  3. The talent of a great dog handler was discovered in the retired cavalry captain Max von Stefanitz, whose life resulted in the creation.

German Shepherd

After the dissolution of Philax, Max Stefanitz acquired his own kennel in Grafrath, where he and his friend Arthur Mauer continued to try to create the desired type of police dog.

On April 3, 1889, as usual, they visited a dog show in Carlorue, where they noticed a zonal yellow-gray male, the size of a wolf, standing at the feet of the dejected owner. The despondency of the dog's owner was explained by the fact that they were not allowed into the ring, because... The judges were unable to determine the breed, although the owner once paid a lot of money for the puppy.

But friends immediately determined that this dog was the result of mixed blood of dogs from Saxony and Württemberg, and, most likely, the puppy was purchased from the Philax society.

The first of the first - Horand

Both friends knew a lot about shepherd dogs, and this representative was a perfect representative of the desired breed - strong, springy, free in movement, harmonious, in the type of a primitive wolf dog.

The owner explained that the dog is a working dog, he is more than satisfied with the quality of its work and added that the dog differs from other herding dogs in its endurance, intelligence, independence and obedience. Plus, despite the external resemblance to a wolf, the dog tends to be in human company more often. The gray-yellow shepherd's name was Hector Lynx Rain.

After some arguing with the owner, Max and Arthur bought Hector and settled him in Stefanitz's kennel, giving him the name Horand von Grafrath.

A few days later, a new society SV was registered - Gesellschaft Zucht Deutsche Schäferhunde (German Shepherd Breeding Society), where the first number in the stud book of pedigrees was Horand von Grafrath; information about parents: “UNKNOWN” - unknown.

From the moment Horand was registered, the search began for females similar in quality to the male for breeding the desired type. It turned out that the most suitable type would be the Old German Shepherd Dog Kuchhunde or the Old German Shepherd Spitz-Tiger (the common name in Southern Germany for all herding dogs of the marbled white and black color “merle”).

Unknown danger

Back in 1889, no one had yet imagined that in the homozygous state the white merle color gene, which gives a solid white color, when compacted in the genome, carries such dangers as:

  • various anomalies of eye development;
  • deformities or non-viability of fetuses;
  • partial or complete deafness;
  • blue pigmentation of the iris and nose or light inclusions;
  • oddness of eyes;
  • high degree of sterility.

Fortunately, females of other colors were also involved in mating, bringing in new blood using standard inbreeding for several specimens with strict selection, both in terms of external characteristics and working qualities.

Horand as a producer

Soon, a fairly diverse population began to take shape, like a mosaic, in the direction of the desired type of appearance and behavior.
The uniqueness lies in the fact that an excellent high-quality breed was bred from one male, possessing a perfect exterior appearance and excellent service qualities.

Judging by the history of origin, the “father of the breed” Horand von Grafrath himself was related to marbled and white herding shepherd dogs, so the transmission of the white gene to his descendants was inevitable. This is partly confirmed by the fact that many of his grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren have white markings on their different parts bodies.

Horand sired many puppies, 140 of which were included in the Society's studbook, but his most outstanding son was Hector von Schwaben.
Hector's sons Beowulf, Gates and Pilot became the founders of outstanding pedigree lines, where the white gene was present, which later played a very cruel joke on snow-white German shepherds.

By the beginning of the 20th century. The popularity of the German Shepherd, used not only in pastures, but also in the police and army, has increased so much that the fame of its endurance, obedience and intelligence has gone far beyond the borders of Germany.

Although the emphasis in breeding was primarily on working qualities, the white coat color still gave these dogs a special charm.

Snow-white, smart dogs quickly won the hearts and souls of private dog breeders, and many tailed police officers were sold to the countries of Great Britain, and from there brought to Canada and America.

BShO descended from old-type German Shepherds

Expulsion of the white dogs

Meanwhile, work on improving the German Shepherd in Germany continued. Color for a working dog was considered something of secondary importance; breeding work under the patronage of Max von Stephanitz was aimed at increasing the requirements for the breed and expanding its professional capabilities.

But in 1936, the greatest dog handler who closely monitored his brainchild - the German Shepherd - Max von Stefanitz died.

He had long ago realized that when 2 white shepherds are mated, only white puppies are born, but these offspring have too many health problems, and he made sure that the white shepherd was always paired with a normally colored male.

The descendants of such a pair carry the white gene in a latent state. The next mating between normally colored dogs in 90 cases out of 100 will definitely produce one or more white puppies in the litter, if at least one of the parents has a homozygous white gene. By crossing white offspring with normally colored individuals, we get all puppies of normal color. And such a cyclical breeding process should not be disrupted in order to preserve the health of the entire breed.

Left without a strict “look,” the newly minted breeders-improvers-amateurs-destroyers redoubled their efforts in obtaining the shepherd dogs that are in greatest demand - light-haired ones, violating all the rules of genetics.

The offspring they bred not only did not correspond to the title of “Perfection Itself,” but led to the degeneration of the breed as a whole.

When crossing two white shepherd dogs, the offspring were very often sick

Even during the life of Max von Stefanitz (1933), the All-German Cynological Society raised the issue of excluding dogs with the recessive white gene from further breeding, but then Stefanitz was able to defend them. After his death there was no one to do this.

Pragmatic Germans correctly associated degenerative tendencies with the presence of individuals with light or completely white hair. German breeders had no time to understand the intricacies of the “genealogical method of establishing the type of inheritance with the predicted probability of the appearance of certain characteristics of the future generation” (Mendel’s Laws of Heredity) - Germany was starting the World War.

Weak, prone to allergies, producing a large percentage of blind, deaf or non-viable puppies, white shepherd dogs of the “post-Stephanitz period” did not in any way meet the needs of the Wehrmacht army, and were mercilessly eliminated from breeding in Germany. Since that time, the paths of white and colored shepherds have completely diverged.

It must be said that the remaining individuals in the breeding still benefited from this split, acquiring the familiar external features and character of the black-and-red Old German Shepherd Dog today.

But distant interrupted kinship is a no-no and reminds of itself with “gray hair” on the muzzles and bodies of the BUT and small white “stars” on the chest.

Further breeding of BShO

In America and Canada, white shepherds were accepted with a bang; they tried to correct some behavioral problems directly related to health problems using an individual approach to each dog, believing that developmental deficiencies can be corrected with proper education.
White dogs were mostly in private hands; their upbringing and development were monitored by specially trained people, who would later be called “zoopsychologists.”

Only thanks to this approach to each individual was it possible to preserve most of the white stock. However, in order to preserve this livestock, animals with creases in the tail, blurred color, incomplete set of teeth, small size, unstable psyche and other defects incompatible with the concept of “German Shepherd” were allowed for breeding. The goal was to preserve the white fur of a dog that looked like BUT.

USA and Canada

By 1964, there were enough such animals in the USA to open the California club of white German shepherd lovers, but it soon had to be dissolved (1968) under the pressure of indignation from breeders in Germany, where BUT After the war, it was considered one of the national breeds of the country and white color was not included in the breed standard.

The Canadian Kennel Club acted more cunningly: it did not prohibit the color, but classified it as an undesirable defect, and later, in 1971, it created a separate club “White Shepherd” without reference to the word “German”.

Due to the fact that the German Shepherd standard did not include white color, the white shepherd was forbidden to be called German

In the same year, Americans joined them and the community received the name “American-Canadian White Shepherd” (ACWS).

The name "American-Canadian Shepherd White" became the official name for this breed and existed until 1998.
Under this name, dogs came to England, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland in the 70s.

How “American-Canadian” became “Swiss”

These countries favorably accepted the overseas dogs and recognized them as a separate breed, and Switzerland offered its assistance in smoothing out some of the rough edges associated with ill-conceived selection.

For this purpose, a snow-white male Lobo (born 1966) arrived from America to Switzerland, who is recognized as the progenitor of almost all white shepherd dogs in Switzerland - his descendants are listed in the stud books of many clubs in Europe and Switzerland. Descendants, but not himself. Why?

Lobo himself was of the correct build and had no developmental defects, but was too large and heavy to be considered a partner or service dog.

Switzerland proposed to work on Lobo's data to reduce it, resulting in a tireless, agile, maneuverable dog, moderate in nutrition and easily transported, both on its own and by any means of transport.

Lobo, weighing almost 60 kg with a height of 70 cm, had a hard time with field tests: he lost his paws on rocky ground, lost a lot of maneuverability on mountain slopes, quickly overheated, and refused to work due to rapid, hoarse breathing in the rarefied mountain air.

Such shortcomings in height and weight were eliminated by competent selection work by Swiss breeders, who managed to preserve and consolidate the best qualities inherited by American-Canadian shepherds from their German ancestors.

These are the dogs that are the most desirable type for the working group, these are the ones that Swiss breeders made the raw, unfinished type of American-Canadian Shepherds, and these are the shepherds that began to be registered in the Swiss Stud Book (1991) as White Swiss Shepherds (BSS).

BShO are not interbreed crosses! This is the product of long-term selection work, which led to the creation of an independent breed that carries the noble blood of the German Shepherd, although matings between BShO and NO have been prohibited since 2003.

BShO is an active dog that requires long walks several times a day


The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognized the name White Swiss Shepherd, rejecting claims to the breed by the Canadian Kennel Club, for 4 reasons:

  1. Switzerland has completed the formation of the breed.
  2. Switzerland has applied for recognition of a separate status for the breed.
  3. Switzerland has the largest population of dogs of the desired type.
  4. Canada is not a member of the FCI, therefore it is simply not ethical to approve a breed with the word “Canadian” for the FCI.

We must give credit to the breeders from Canada. The first copy of the BUT was registered in this country back in 1919. There is no information about coat color, but in 1922 the Association of German Shepherd was organized in Canada, and in 1959 - out of 200 registered in the breeding book of animals, 130 have “color-white”. The breeding program for white-haired shepherds almost completely coincided with the conservation program for these animals in the United States.

Moreover, the California club of white German shepherd lovers joined the “White Shepherd”, which helped preserve the dogs belonging to the American club.

Paying tribute to the efforts of Canadians, International Union Cynological Clubs (International Union Of Canine Clubs - UCI) recognizes two names at once and puts an equal sign between them:

  1. White Swiss Shepherd.
  2. American-Canadian white shepherd.

Standards, standards, standards...

In 1995, the standard, in force since 1991, underwent changes.

Today, the standard “Swiss Shepherd Breed Description” with the qualitative characteristics of the BShO looks like this:

  • the size and body of the shepherd dog reaches BUT standards, but can exceed them by 1.5-3 cm;
  • the same applies to the weight of an adult animal - from 25 kg.

The behavior and main characteristics of the BShO breed are in many ways similar to the breed data of the German Shepherd (old type); the exterior is also similar - the slope of the topline is less, it may be absent altogether, but the croup never extends beyond the highest point on the withers.

The White Shepherd received the name Swiss because it was Swiss breeders who made the greatest contribution to the development of the breed

Despite the fact that among representatives of white Swiss shepherds there are 2 variants of coat length (short-haired and long-haired), they can be called long-haired conditionally - the length of the blood hair is not allowed longer than 6.5 cm. The hair must be hard, straight, and equipped with a thick, dense undercoat. Long-haired dogs have a mane and feathering - a desirable feature of the breed.

Completely smooth-haired animals with hair length less than 1.5 cm are not allowed for breeding.

Opinions about the length of the coat are divided: in Europe they advocate for medium-long wool, in America the standard is a close-fitting coat.

The color is always the same and the only acceptable one is exclusively white with dark lobes, edging of the lips, eyes and eyelids. Super - all paw pads and nails are very dark, ideally black.

White Swiss is by no means an albino! She does not lack melanin in her blood, and the best proof is the presence of the obligatory dark pigmented areas on the dog’s body.

The behavior and character of the BShO are similar to the behavior and character of the IO. Ideally, the result is a shepherd dog that is moderately curious, attentive, without signs of pronounced aggression, but also cowardly behavior excluded.

The dog is indifferent and reserved towards strangers, but loyal and friendly to the owner and his family.

He learns all stages of training easily, playfully, but requires constant attention from the owner - he likes to play pranks during classes or “get into trouble.”

Some content features

White Swiss Shepherd puppies are more like a plush child's toy with a cat-like, affectionate demeanor, and often owners begin to treat them like decoration for the home. This is a global mistake!

White shepherds easily “switch on” to defend their “pack” in the event of a real threat (in their opinion) and make the decision to attack the aggressor on their own, often without “consulting” with the owner.

BShOs are highly trainable

The breed belongs to the working group, it is a serious working dog, in many cases competing in ZKS and K-9 with other famous breeds.

BShO, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises as he grows up, it is imperative to teach him to obey. And you need to achieve obedience through proper upbringing from the first days of purchasing a puppy.

Otherwise, you can get a shepherd dog, no, not aggressive towards the owner (“the Swiss” are softer in character than the “Germans”), but completely ignoring the demands of the family and the owner’s command.

From birth, white shepherds are oriented towards communicating with the human “pack”, but in raising and training the owner will need to show constant persistence, consistency and firm, but not rude, pressure on the puppy.

The Shepherd is very active and needs a lot of exercise and exercise while walking.

Another distinctive feature of BShO is his love of conversation. The dog willingly “talks” with the owner, with family members, almost constantly says something to himself, voicing his actions, when left alone he loudly complains about his fate, and during sexual heat he “whistles” incessantly.


If you want to purchase an American-Canadian White Shepherd, then it is important to determine exactly what such a dog is needed for.

If for show exhibitions, then be prepared that the snow-white beauty (beauty) can present an extremely unpleasant surprise in the form of a weak nervous system– nervousness, cowardice or aggression.

And you will have to put up with a cowardly shepherd dog next to you for 12-14 years, since this is the lifespan of the BShO.

If this suits you morally, then be prepared to pay about 30-50 thousand rubles for a puppy.

BShO gets along well with all family members, children and other pets

In addition, show-class dogs rarely have the qualities necessary to actually protect the territory and the owner. Demonstration sports performances with BShO have little in common with real protective qualities, which are based, first of all, on the instincts of the breadwinner and the protection of offspring. These qualities have been artificially exterminated in show dogs!

Moreover, this shepherd dog must be TAUGHT TO BITE - she loves people so much that without special training she cannot break this “taboo”.

Of course, a white handsome dog (beauty) is quite suitable for scaring off intruders from a car or along the perimeter of a site - they love to bark, but in a direct attack the dog will become confused if the owner is not nearby or the BShO has not completed a special course. training.

“Ein Hund, der seinen Schwanz schützt” - the Swiss themselves say about the shepherd dog - “A dog that protects its tail.”

The other side of the coin is that the owner does not have to fear for his children and other pets. The loving nature of the American-Canadian woman will not allow her to cause the slightest damage to her household. The shepherd will be happy to “graze” everyone who lives with her under the same roof, but even here you can’t count on protecting the “herd.”

In Canada and the States, this breed is used as a rescue and search breed (after training) with the same frequency as retrievers in Russia.

When choosing a companion and protector, a watchman and a family friend, you should pay attention to shepherd dogs from working breeding lines, where dogs are selected not only for their appearance, but also for their behavior.

Good dogs are not obtained after studying various training disciplines, their attitude to work must be embedded in genetic characteristics breeds

A good working BShO is a large, strong individual with a well-controlled type of desired behavior.

Puppies from working lines are cheaper - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the working qualities of the parents.

If you do not plan to participate in exhibitions, it is better to purchase a BShO working line

According to canine documents, the White Swiss Shepherd has German relatives. The breed is considered relatively young. The first immigrants appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century, performing shepherd duties, guarding herds and flocks.

They were not afraid when they saw a white dog. In the mid-30s, the bsho began to be considered a vice of the German “brother”; they were no longer allowed to participate in exhibitions, and their numbers sharply decreased.

Recognition has returned to animals, thanks to Canadians and Americans. There, the breeders were delighted with their originality. In the 60s it was introduced the new kind albinos. At the same time, dogs received an official name for the first time. A few years later, several representatives of the breed were imported to Switzerland.

By the way, in the world the breed is divided into two varieties. Bsho longhair gained popularity in France, Germany and Austria, and shorthair won the hearts of the Dutch and US residents.

What made this woman in demand was not only her appearance, but also her good ingenuity and intelligence. Several times the most famous rich people in the world, the Rockefellers, became the owner of dogs of this breed.

By the 80s, scientists proved that the albino gene is responsible only for color, but is not a physical deviation. From that moment on, the popularity of dogs increased sharply and has not subsided to this day.

The four-legged companion is devoted to his owners, polite to guests, good-natured and not at all aggressive. A dog shows anger in extremely rare cases and only in cases of threat.

The “Swiss” catches commands with lightning speed, is considered a record holder in terms of training, is distinguished by curiosity, and gets along well with kids. The dog is able to get along with any pets in the family.

Shorthaired Bsho

The only drawback, and not for every owner, will be the dog’s excessive sociability - it can just bark both on the street and at home. Sometimes the dog gives a voice, sensing danger.

Breed standard

Bsho in the photo looks strong and powerful dog medium in size with well-developed muscles. She is elegant and has a striking appearance. The somewhat rounded skull has a pronounced groove, and the head is generally dry and chiseled.

The nose is black, but lighter shades are also acceptable. The dry lips fit tightly together and the strong jaws are closed in a scissor bite. The teeth are straight and white.

The dog looks at the world with not too large almond-shaped eyes slanted eyes either brown or dark brown. The ears are set high, parallel and directed forward. They resemble a rectangle, and are slightly rounded at the ends.

The neck is of medium length, it is strong and harmoniously positioned in relation to the body. The powerful body is equipped with strong muscles with pronounced withers and a straight back.

The shepherd's chest is deep, oval, elongated, the stomach is tucked, and the sides are strong and slender. The Bsho has a bushy, saber-shaped tail that tapers to a point. It is low-slung and hangs either straight or slightly rounded at the tip.

The White Shepherd has strong, muscular legs, straight and widely set in front, and parallel and narrower in the back. The paws are oval, and the toes are tightly clenched and slightly curved. The paw pads are black, as are the claws.

Bsho skin has no folds and contains dark pigment. The Swiss dog's color can only be white, and the coat is of medium length. It is thick and fits tightly to the torso. A thick, coarse undercoat is required.

With a height at the withers of up to 66 cm, males weigh up to 40 kg. The height at the withers of females is up to 61 cm, and their weight is up to 34 kg. Minimal deviations in any direction are possible.

Disqualifying defects include various inversions of the eyelids, incorrect or completely absent pigmentation on the nose, lips and eyelids, as well as albinism. Blue eyes They look beautiful, but are not considered the breed standard, so they are also classified as defects.

Care and maintenance

Bsho – shepherd, which requires high-quality care for its fur coat, regardless of whether it has long or short hair. During the molting period, traces of the dog's presence are found everywhere he goes. To minimize spontaneous hair loss, you should comb your dog daily with both a comb and a brush.

The dog sheds twice a year. The rest of the time, you can comb the animal two to three times a week. This will be enough for good care in the absence of any problems with the coat.

Long-haired Bsho is demanding in terms of grooming

In slushy and dirty times, it is enough to wipe the fur on the paws and belly with a damp mitten. If this doesn’t help much, you can wash the stained areas, returning them to their former whiteness.

In the summer, your dog should wear an additional one, which will serve as an excellent prevention against fleas. In addition, it is important to keep your eyes and ears clean by wiping them with damp sponges from time to time.

As for the claws, they usually wear off on the asphalt. And in winter, you should resort to a file or nippers, which are sold in pet stores. Alternative option– contact a groomer.

The ideal conditions for keeping a pet are: country houses and cottages with large surrounding areas. The dog can have plenty of fun on it. But if this option is not possible, the dog will survive urban conditions. The main thing in this case is to walk your pet more often and for longer.


If food bsho organized correctly, its fur will be shiny and shiny, its skin will not peel, and the animal will have a good appetite. In addition, the “Swiss” has balanced diet the ribs will not stick out.

There is still debate among breeders about which food is better - natural or factory-made. Some people believe that mixed feeding is optimal. In favor natural food You can make arguments such as naturalness, absence of unknown ingredients in the composition, short shelf life.

However, the shelf life is also a disadvantage - after all, you have to cook it every day. And given that the dog is large, you will have to cook a lot. On top of that, the basis is products with animal protein, that is, meat. And meat is expensive by today's standards.

The White Shepherd must be provided with clean drinking water at all times.

True, if we are talking about premium food (and there is no point in feeding the dog anything else if the owner wants the pet to be healthy), then they will also cost a pretty penny. But on the other hand, he is a member of the family. This means that, along with others, she must receive her due and eat quality food.

Bsho puppies , like other breeds, they eat up to 5 times a day. With age, the number of feedings decreases, and the volume of portions increases. As a result, closer to a year, the dog eats twice a day, but in large portions. If we are talking about factory-made food, then the packaging usually contains information about doses.

The owner must balance natural products independently, not forgetting to add them to the food minerals and vitamins. In dry food, as a rule, these additives are already included in the product.

Food should not be too fatty, warm rather than hot, and the consistency should resemble homemade sour cream or cream soup. It is important to provide your pet with clean drinking water.

White Swiss Shepherd puppy Bsho

If the dog has not finished the contents in the bowl after a meal, you can leave the plate for 20 minutes and then remove it until the next feeding. Handouts from the host's table are prohibited. In summer, it is important to monitor the quality of food when it comes to natural products.

In between meals, you can give special bones from the pet store and raw cartilage. Fish and tubular bones, spices, ketchup and mayonnaise are prohibited.

The basis of the diet, as mentioned earlier, is meat - beef or lamb. You can give the pieces raw or scald them with boiling water. Boiled meat is harmful for dogs.

In second place are slightly stewed vegetables in the form of pieces or puree, followed by porridges - rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. You can mix cereals to get a mixture, and it is permissible to mix in different proportions.

From time to time it is allowed to give low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, once a week an egg is acceptable. Sea fish is also suitable, preferably hake, boiled and ground in a blender or through a meat grinder. The dog will be happy and beef liver.

Possible diseases

There is a well-established opinion that dog bsho has no health problems. With proper care and attention, the dog can live up to 15 years, delighting its owners with its appearance.

However, like any large dog, Swiss Shepherd being chased different types joint dysplasia (hip, elbow). Degenerative joint diseases are also possible.

The Shepherd is prone to allergies, including to food and fleas. Therefore, you should be more attentive to the contents of your pet’s bowl and control the quality of the fur coat. Some “Swiss” women have diseases related to the immune system and often suffer from colds and other ailments. There are animals with congenital diseases of the spine.

Four-legged pets are plagued by problems associated with growth, as well as lameness, which has medical name panosteitis. It usually goes away with the end of puppyhood, and it is most often large breeds that suffer from it.

It happens that white shepherds get inflamed bones. The causes of this disease are not fully understood, but breeders blame both genetics and poor quality nutrition.


In this beautiful breed They were brought in about 15 years ago, in 2003. Somewhere around the same time, in the early 2000s, dogs received international recognition. Our country immediately liked these dogs.

There are many bsho forums, on which whole layers of information were laid out on care, exchange of experience in growing and other interesting topics.

The dog won attention with its appearance, easy-going disposition and devotion. Therefore, today the animal is not rare and buy bsho possible in almost any million-plus city affordable prices.

However, the cost depends on the purpose of purchase, the gender of the dog, and its breed. After all, if you take a puppy from an unofficial breeder or at bird markets, then there is a high probability that along with the purchase of the puppy the owner will acquire a bouquet of diseases as a “bonus”.

In addition, unknown sellers usually do not have any documents for a purebred dog, and after some time it turns out that the breed is completely fictitious. In order not to indulge in thoughts of this kind and to minimize the risk, it makes sense to contact official breeders or a nursery.

There you can pick up a dog of either the pet class, which is used as a pet and has no special purpose, or the breed class. Dogs in this category can be bred. Show class - the elite of the breed.

Its representatives have an improved appearance, an ideal character, they can be bred and taken to exhibitions as a demonstration example. Interestingly, representatives of all three classes can appear in the same litter. At the same time, the upper class is born much less often than a pet or a breed.

Price bsho without a pedigree it starts at 15 thousand rubles, and for a shepherd dog with documents you will have to pay up to 35 thousand rubles. Show class is the most expensive type of “Swiss”, its cost starts from 40 thousand and does not have upper limit.