Sclerotic changes in the ovaries. What is sclerocystic ovary syndrome and how is it treated. Symptoms of sclerocystic ovary syndrome

Ovarian sclerocystosis refers to a gynecological, endocrine disease in which the formation of a large number of small cysts leads to an increase in the ovaries. An impenetrable membrane forms on the surface of the ovaries. Most often, two ovaries are reborn at once. Sclerocystosis leads not only to a violation of the structure, but also to serious problems with the functionality of the ovaries. A woman does not ovulate, it is also observed (there are more male sex hormones than female ones).

Is it possible to get pregnant with ovarian sclerocystosis? To preserve the reproductive function, a special operation is performed, in modern medicine there are several of them. Whether a woman recovers or not will depend on the individual characteristics of the female body. As statistics show, a woman with ovarian sclerocystosis is most often infertile.

Reasons for development

Until now, in clinical practice, there are no unambiguous reasons for the development of sclerocystosis. There are only theories. A common theory is that the secretion of a special hormone that is responsible for the stimulation or follicular production of luteinizing hormones is disrupted. It is this hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle in women.

Some researchers believe that the main cause of sclerocystosis is the increased productivity of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland. It is this hormone that is responsible for the number of follicles in the ovary, it must burst in the middle of the cycle and release the egg. When there is a lot of follicle-stimulating hormone, a large number of follicles with an immature egg begin to appear. They are filled with liquid and covered with a dense shell.

To date, the hereditary factor is significant in the diagnosis of sclerocystosis. It is important to find out the cause of the pathology in a timely manner, because it leads to a woman. Girls at puberty, as well as nulliparous women, are at risk of getting sick.


The disease can manifest itself for the first time, at any time. If sclerocystosis develops in girls, then there are problems with the menstrual cycle. It does not come at all or menstruation begins too late.

The main symptom in women is the absence of menstruation for a long time. Girls may bleed. Often a girl does not even know about such a pathology in herself, but when she begins to plan a pregnancy, she learns about sclerocystosis. First, the gynecologist can make a diagnosis - primary anovulatory infertility due to the lack of ovulation.

With ovarian sclerocystosis, it occurs, which is manifested by increased hair growth in places characteristic of men.

Quite often, a woman with sclerocystosis is overweight. In some women, a concomitant disease is fibrocystic mastopathy, in which the mammary glands are affected. The disease develops because a woman has a constantly high level of estrogen.

With sclerocystosis, androgens are produced in excess. A woman must be additionally assigned:

  • Lipidogram, with which you can learn about fat metabolism in the body.
  • Dyslipidemia shows whether cholesterol metabolism is disturbed or not.

Treatment methods

To date, there are several methods of treating the disease:

  • Conservative methods (reception of hormones).
  • Surgical methods are used as a last resort.

Finally, the doctor makes a diagnosis after questioning the patient, his interested in such questions :

  • At what age did the first menstruation occur?
  • There were failures in the menstrual cycle (delay more than 40 days).
  • Does the woman suffer from hirsutism.
  • Whether there were cases of pregnancy at a regular sexual life.

Also, the gynecologist pays attention when ovulation is constantly absent. After echography of the vagina, it can be seen that the ovaries are significantly enlarged. In the analyzes, the concentration of luteinizing hormone is increased. With the help of conservative methods of treatment, it is possible to restore the ovulatory cycle.

Recovery that comes with obesity

  • A woman should stick to a diet for a while. She will have to completely abandon the spicy, salty. Also, do not get carried away with liquid, no more than 2 liters of purified water. It is important to exercise daily.
  • Taking special drugs so that the tissues normally perceive insulin. One of the best is Metformin, use it for 6 months.
  • Medical stimulation of ovulation. Most often, Clomiphene is prescribed for 5 days. If the drug does not help, Menogon can be administered intravenously to a woman. An effective hormonal agent is Horagon.

After the completed course of hormonal therapy, the doctor will definitely prescribe a blood test, ultrasound. The dynamics can be traced with the help of biochemical blood tests.

If hormone therapy is ineffective, the woman needs surgery. In modern medicine, 2 types of surgery are used:

  • Laparotomy in which an incision is made in the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Laparoscopy consists in the fact that with the help of a laparoscopic instrument, a formation on the ovaries is removed through a small hole. During this operation, all information is displayed on the monitor, so the doctor can control the entire process.

Additionally, wedge-shaped resection can be used, with its help it is possible to reduce the volume of the ovarian stroma, restore the required level of hormones and the size of the organ.

Cauterization is a quick and gentle operation. With its help, the stroma is completely destroyed by acting on them with an electrode. Within a year, a woman can recover and become pregnant.

Thus, it is very important to diagnose ovarian sclerocystosis in a timely manner and start treatment in order to prevent the development of infertility.

Scleropolycystosis of the ovaries is a polyendocrine gynecological pathology in which menstrual irregularities occur, which is accompanied by the formation of multiple small cysts in the appendages. At the same time, each ovary is large in size and “overgrown” with a thick shell, which makes ovulation impossible.

Deviations are indicated not only by a change in the structure of paired organs, but also by a hormonal imbalance, which leads to anovulation and an increase in the amount of male sex hormones.

Views on the etiology of the disease are different. Previously, the leading opinion was that it was caused by disturbances in the circorial rhythm of the production of luliberin. Recently, another approach has been proposed, based on the theory of insulin resistance. It is believed that insufficient glucose processing leads to an increase in insulin concentration, as a result of which LH rises, and the ovaries increase in size.

Some scientists believe that the cause of sclerocystosis is excessive production of FSH by the anterior pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for the growth of the dominant follicle in the appendages, from which the egg is released at the time of ovulation. However, an increased amount of FSH leads to the appearance of many immature follicles.

The hereditary nature of the disease was established, which prompted the search for genetic defects responsible for a complex hormonal disorder. Modern science considers ovarian sclerocystosis as a multifactorial pathology, in the development of which the leading role is assigned to a genetic anomaly, leading to the launch of cytochrome P-450 and steroidogenesis in the appendages.

Other causes of pathology are:

  • chronic infectious diseases accompanied by neuroendocrine disorders;
  • difficult childbirth, multiple abortions, chronic pathologies in the field of gynecology;
  • obesity;
  • primary adrenal disease.

Factors that provoke sclerocystic ovaries are constant stressful situations. However, by themselves, nervous shocks do not lead to a change in the structure of the appendages. They provoke neuroendocrine shifts, which aggravates the existing disorders.

Symptoms of sclerocystic ovaries

Signs of the disease are often found in adolescence. The main manifestation of scleropolycystosis is a violation of the cycle according to the type of oligomenorrhea (when the intervals between menstruation are more than 40 days) or amenorrhea (with the complete absence of menstruation).

In 15% of women, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is observed, i.e., not caused by anatomical changes in the internal organs. In this case, spontaneous pregnancy is possible, but the likelihood that this will happen is low. In addition, there is a risk of miscarriage.

Other signs of ovarian sclerocystosis are:

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of "sclerocystosis of the ovaries" is made with the following deviations:

  • untimely start of the cycle;
  • irregular or absent periods;
  • hirsutism;
  • obesity;
  • primary infertility;
  • persistent anovulation;
  • excess ovaries of normal size (according to ultrasound);
  • the ratio of LH to FSH is more than 2.5.

To detect the disease are used:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • assessment of the hormonal background;
  • testing for insulin resistance;
  • tracking basal temperature;
  • diagnostic curettage;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • determination of the amount of 17-KS in the urine;
  • tracking ovulation by ultrasound;
  • CT, MRI, ;
  • dexamethasone test.

Treatment of sclerocystosis of the appendages

Therapeutic tactics is determined by the severity of the disease. If the patient is overweight, a diet and moderate exercise are recommended. Additionally, metformin and glitazones are often prescribed. The described activities increase the sensitivity of tissues to insulin and normalize the cycle. In addition, weight loss reduces the severity of endocrine abnormalities, since subcutaneous fat is considered the main site for the synthesis of extraovarian estrogen.

The basis of treatment is estrogen-gestagenic and antiandrogenic drugs. Ideally, therapy is carried out after normalization of weight.

Ovarian sclerocystosis does not always imply conservative treatment. Sometimes it does not give positive results, since ovulation is prevented by a dense sclerosed capsule of the appendage, the state of which hormonal drugs cannot affect. In this regard, some patients require surgery, in which part of the ovarian tissue is excised, which leads to a decrease in the production of male sex hormones and increases the production of FSH.

Previously, it was considered the main type of operation used for sclerocystic appendages. Today it is possible to carry out the following types of manipulations by laparotomy:

  • 2/3 paired organs;
  • a similar sparing operation with joint intact segments of the appendages;

Treatment with various folk remedies is usually not effective, but many women use a combination of a boron uterus and a red brush to normalize the cycle.

Sclerocystic ovary syndrome: complications

Since the disease leads to a reorganization of the hormonal system, a woman has an increased risk of developing arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, and serious cardiovascular disorders.

A decrease in glucose tolerance sometimes provokes acquired diabetes mellitus. Particularly susceptible to this pathology are patients with endocrine abnormalities, suffering from weight jumps.

Scleropolycystosis of the ovaries is not a precancerous pathology, but it increases the likelihood of developing a malignant tumor of the endometrium. In extremely rare cases, malignancy of the cystic tissue of the appendages occurs.

Sclerocystic ovaries and pregnancy

A woman suffering from pathology needs to normalize the cycle and recreate the normal thickness of the endometrium. For this purpose, ovulation inducers are used. If during therapy the growth of the dominant follicle is traced, then an ovulatory dose of the drug based on hCG is administered. After 2 days from the moment of injection, the egg matures.

In practice, conception sometimes occurs after the withdrawal of oral contraceptives. The appendages begin to work actively, and spontaneous ovulation occurs. However, the “cancellation effect” does not always work.

Scleropolycystic ovaries and desired pregnancy are compatible. The operation is performed with the ineffectiveness of hormonal stimulation, a thick ovarian capsule and patients older than 30 years. Pregnancy usually occurs within 3-5 cycles. Further, the excised shell of the appendage is restored, and conception becomes difficult.

If pregnancy does not occur, then IVF is used. Indications for it are also the presence of tubal infertility and the inability to conceive a child due to reproductive abnormalities in the health of a woman and her partner.

Ovarian sclerosis in women is an endocrine gynecological pathology, the treatment of which is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background and the functioning of the reproductive system. First of all, conservative therapy is carried out. The operation is carried out when it is ineffective.


Ovarian sclerocystosis is a pathology that is diagnosed in more than half of women suffering from endocrine infertility and problems with conception. The exact cause of the disease remains unexplored. The disease can occur in various forms, each of which requires an individual approach to therapy.

What is ovarian sclerocystosis

PCOS (sclerocystosis, polycystic or polycystic ovary syndrome) is a change in the structure and normal functioning of the ovaries, in which there is no maturation and release of the dominant follicle (ovulation).

With the disease, there is an increase in the number of polycystic ovaries and there is no dominant follicle. The altered ovaries increase in volume due to the growth of the stroma, their protein coat acquires a pearly hue. On the cut, they look like honeycombs with cavities of various diameters.

According to the results of various clinical studies, sclerocystic ovaries are primary (Stein-Leventhal disease) and secondary, which develop with neuroendocrine disorders.

In gynecology, sclerocystic ovary syndrome is clinically divided into three forms:

  1. Primary form (typical altered ovaries).
  2. Mixed (a combination of pathology of the ovaries and adrenal glands).
  3. Central form (violation of the work of the central departments and, as a result, secondary sclerocystosis).

The reasons

There is no clear single confirmed cause for the development of this condition. The primary form of sclerocystosis is associated with a genetic lack of enzymes. These enzymes block the conversion of androgens to estrogens. In this case, a violation of the enzyme system leads to hormonal imbalance, which causes characteristic changes.

The cause of the mixed form may be a change in the function of the adrenal cortex, where there is a violation of the synthesis of sex hormones.

In scleropolycystosis of the ovaries of central origin, the structures of the brain play a role. The reason for the violation of their work can be depression, an infectious factor, psychotrauma, abortion.


Clinical symptom complexes of sclerocystosis can be varied. A key symptom in any form are menstrual disorders, such as anovulation.

Anovulation is a disorder in which the normal maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle are disturbed, which is a necessary condition for the intended conception.

With a typical form, changes can be observed starting from the first menstruation, with other types of sclerocystosis, they appear later.

Other signs of the disease can be:

  • infertility;
  • instability of the menstrual cycle;
  • excessive hairiness;
  • obesity of varying degrees;
  • brittle nails, hair loss, stretch marks on the skin.

Each of the manifestations depends on the form of the disease and individually for different patients. In rare cases, active signs of virilization (male-type changes) are observed, such as a change in the timbre of the voice, an increase in the size of the clitoris, and a change in the figure as in the male.


The specialist begins the examination for sclerocystosis with a thorough collection of anamnestic data and examination. This allows you to set the time of onset of the disease. Manifestations of primary polycystic ovaries can be traced from the first menstruation in girls, which distinguishes them from the secondary process.

Clinically, sclerocystosis can be suspected when excessive hair growth or other signs of virilization appear in a girl, which can be different. When examined in a gynecological chair, a specialist may note a change in the size of the ovaries (decrease or increase).

The absence of changes in basal temperature, a negative ovulation test, and prolonged problems with conception make it possible to suspect the absence of ovulation.

Hardware diagnostics

One of the key methods for diagnosing sclerocystosis is ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This study is carried out in several ways using different sensors. Transabdominally (through the abdomen), a bilateral increase in the size of the ovaries can be detected, often with an underdeveloped uterus.

With transvaginal ultrasound, an increase in the size of the ovaries over 9-10 cm3 is noted. The overgrown stroma and underdeveloped follicles under the thickened capsule are determined.

In addition to ultrasound, a specialist can prescribe a pelveogram. It helps to detect abnormalities in the size of the uterus and ovaries.

In some situations, diagnostic laparoscopy is performed. This is an intervention that is carried out through a puncture in the anterior abdominal wall. With the disease, there is a thickening and smoothness of the ovarian capsule, an increase in their size. With this procedure, it is possible to perform a biopsy followed by a histological revision.

Laboratory research

Among laboratory tests, the following are considered mandatory for sclerocystosis:

  1. Blood test for hormones. Determine the level of testosterone, FSH, LH and other gonadotropic hormones. It used to be thought that certain levels of hormone changes could be considered a diagnostic criterion for PCOS. But recently, cases have been diagnosed when hormonal indicators are normal, but the clinical picture and signs make it possible to diagnose sclerocystosis.
  2. Diagnosis of metabolic disorders: blood test for sugar, triglycerides.

To identify the cause, additional endometrial scrapings and a colpocytogram may be prescribed. They measure basal temperature and ovulation tests to confirm its absence.

The final diagnosis is made after a comprehensive comprehensive examination, which takes place with the involvement of specialists of various profiles (endocrinologist, neurologist, gynecologist).

Treatment of ovarian sclerocystosis

The principles of treatment depend on the symptoms, clinic and age of the patient. The main factor for women of reproductive age is infertility. In this case, the goal of treatment is to restore normal menstrual function. In parallel, they are engaged in the correction of the prevailing symptoms (eliminate obesity, get rid of excess hair). Medical, non-pharmacological and surgical methods of treatment are used.


At this stage, obesity is corrected with the help of diet therapy and dosed physical activity. At the same time, the use of physiotherapy, such as massage, baths, reflexology, gives a good effect.

A full-time psychologist should work with such patients to eliminate the psychosomatic component of the disease.


Operative methods of treatment are used after or against the background of ongoing conservative therapy. Endoscopic accesses are chosen so as not to additionally injure the pelvic organs and not cause adhesion formation processes. With sclerocystosis use:

  1. Resection of hormone-secreting tissues of polycystic ovaries.
  2. Decortication (removal of the dense protein layer of the ovaries).
  3. Removal of individual cysts with a laser (laser vaporization).
  4. Making notches on the follicles to facilitate the release of the egg from the follicle.

The volume of surgical intervention is determined by the attending physician, after a thorough diagnosis individually for each case.
drug treatment is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background. For this purpose, hormonal contraceptives, as well as drugs with pronounced antiandrogenic properties, can be selected.

To correct metabolic disorders, drugs are prescribed that increase the uptake of insulin by target cells.

Conservative therapy is carried out according to the scheme proposed by the specialist for three months. If there is no effect from the treatment (ovulation does not occur), then the woman is offered surgical intervention.

Against the background of ongoing drug treatment, it is important to control the hormonal background and ovarian function in order to avoid their hyperstimulation.


With timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis for life is favorable. Drug therapy and surgery increase a woman's chances of eliminating infertility (60% of women manage to become pregnant and give birth to a child on their own).

The detection of any severe form of polycystic ovaries is a risk factor for malignant neoplasms of the endometrium. In such situations, the patient is offered an active treatment strategy (curettage, hysteroscopy), even if there are no complaints and clinical manifestations of the disease.

Is it possible to get pregnant with ovarian sclerocystosis

The key topic is ovarian sclerocystosis and pregnancy. It is important to understand that in the absence of competent therapy, the probability of becoming pregnant on its own exists, but it is very low.

Conservative therapy significantly increases a woman's chance of conceiving a child. In other cases, a combination of surgery and medication gives a positive effect.

Ovarian sclerocystosis is not a sentence. Each case is unique, but early diagnosis and therapy at the first signs of the disease give a significantly higher result and allow a woman to enjoy the happiness of motherhood in the future.

Ovarian sclerocystosis syndrome is a gynecological disease in which small (up to 1 cm) cystic formations form, while the ovaries themselves increase in size, and compacted protein shells appear on their surface.

This pathology has another name - Stein-Leventhal syndrome, in addition, it is also called polycystic ovaries. With this syndrome, several small small follicles can be observed on the periphery of the ovary, arranged in the form of a necklace, while the central part of the organ remains free and looks like sclerosed. Ovarian sclerocystosis syndrome accounts for 3-5% of all known gynecological pathologies, while in almost 30% it causes persistent female infertility, as it is accompanied by ovarian dysfunction, manifested in the absence or irregularity of ovulation (anovulation or oligoovulation), as well as increased secretion of androgens and estrogen. In addition, with this syndrome, there are disturbances in the work of the pancreas, the pituitary gland of the adrenal cortex and the hypothalamus.

The main symptoms of sclerocystosis are irregular menstruation, as well as their complete absence. In cases where menstrual bleeding does occur, they can be either very scarce or, on the contrary, very profuse, in most cases painful. A woman significantly gains weight, and the bulk of body fat is concentrated in the abdominal cavity and the figure takes on the shape of an apple. In addition, there are hirsutism (excessive growth of terminal hair) and in some cases masculinization (accumulation of secondary sexual characteristics characteristic of the male sex), male pattern baldness, oily skin, acne, seborrhea, stretch marks appear on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and wrinkles and small folds on the skin. During sleep, breathing stops, due to which the woman often wakes up, pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands are possible, the general condition of the patient can be described as depressive, the woman is in a state of increased irritability, nervousness, aggressiveness, although drowsiness, apathy are also possible and lethargy.

There is no doubt that ovarian sclerocystosis, the symptoms of which are listed above, is a rather dangerous syndrome that can lead to the development of pathologies such as breast cancer, hyperplasia or endometrial cancer, type II diabetes mellitus or insulin resistance, obesity, thrombosis, high blood pressure. pressure, dyslipidemia, as well as cardiovascular diseases (heart attack and stroke).

The exact causes of the development of ovarian sclerocystosis syndrome are still unclear. Possible causes include excessive production of the hormone insulin, which in turn somehow stimulates the production of androgens and estrogens. In addition, it is believed that there is also a genetic factor.

Due to the fact that oligoovulation or anovulation is observed with ovarian sclerocystosis, many women experience problems conceiving a child. In addition, a number of studies indicate that even in cases where conception occurs, with polycystic disease, there is a high probability of miscarriage, fetal fading, premature birth, and miscarriage. In addition, pregnancy proceeds with many complications, such as hypertension, gestational diabetes, placental insufficiency, etc. However, practice shows that with the right therapy, a woman can not only conceive a child naturally, but also endure the entire pregnancy without problems, so it is doubtful that with such a syndrome as ovarian sclerocystosis, treatment is necessary, especially when a woman is planning a pregnancy.

Since quite often hormone therapy is ineffective due to the high strength of the membranes covering the surface of the ovaries, the main treatment for sclerocystosis today is surgery. As a rule, a partial resection of the ovary is performed by laparoscopy, dissecting the thickened protein shell, which is a serious obstacle to ovulation, and that part of the ovary in which abnormal hormone synthesis occurs is also removed. Other methods of surgical intervention include decapsulation of the ovaries, as well as laser or diathermocoagulation. As a result of the manipulations, the likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly, especially in the first six months or a year, while the woman is prescribed special hormonal therapy, the purpose of which is to help the egg mature. In addition, a woman needs to get rid of excess weight, for which she is recommended to follow a diet and play sports. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to get pregnant with sclerocystosis, if hormone therapy does not help, is one - to trust the surgeons. It should also be borne in mind that over time, the protein coat of the ovaries overgrows again, which nullifies all attempts to become pregnant. Purely theoretically, repeated operations are possible, however, as a rule, they turn out to be less effective. Well, in general, the treatment for this syndrome is symptomatic and depends, first of all, on the goals that the woman sets for the doctor.

Since overweight is very often observed in ovarian sclerocyst, patients need to carefully monitor their diet. The diet should have a lot of vegetable fiber, but complex carbohydrates, like animal fats, on the contrary, should be avoided. Even losing 10% of excess weight can contribute to the resumption of menstruation.

Of course, ovarian sclerocystosis and pregnancy are quite compatible things, but timely therapy will help to avoid many unwanted complications, because when it comes to the life and health of the unborn child, the risk is absolutely unjustified.

Reading 7 min. Views 801 Published on 11.07.2018

Ovarian sclerocystosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases that occurs as a result of disruption of the endocrine system. It is a compaction of the uterine appendages, the formation of small cysts in their cavity and the absence of ovulation. Based on medical statistics, 13% of women of childbearing age and more than 70% of women who have experienced menopause are susceptible to sclerocystosis. Very often (in 70% of all cases) female representatives who cannot conceive a child for a long time suffer from this particular pathology.

Therapeutic measures should be started immediately in order to increase the likelihood of a complete cure and the possibility of becoming pregnant in the future. In order to identify the presence of the disease in time, we will try to understand in detail what it is, how the disease manifests itself, is diagnosed and why it appears.

About pathology

Ovarian sclerocystosis is a gynecological disease that occurs due to disruption of the endocrine system. As a result of the development of such a pathology, a large number of miniature cystic tumors are formed in the ovarian cavity, which do not exceed 2 centimeters in diameter. Due to the progression of sclerocystosis, the uterine appendages increase in size, and their protein coat thickens significantly, which prevents the onset of the ovulation period, including conception.

The main reasons for the formation of cysts in the uterine appendages is a condition such as hyperandrogenism (increased amount of male hormones) together with hypoestrogenism (insufficient estrogen production). If, in this condition, a girl has hyperinsulinemic insulin resistance, then symptoms of sclerocystic polyendocrine syndrome (PCOS) often appear. That is why treatment should include the stabilization of both the reproductive and endocrine systems.

Unfortunately, in our time, medical specialists can very rarely completely cure such a chronic disease. But innovative means can eliminate unpleasant symptoms, stop the progression of the pathology and provoke the onset of ovulation. In this way, a sick woman can conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

Causes and risk factors

Scleropolycystic ovaries most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition to pathology;
  • The presence of an infectious disease of a chronic nature;
  • Previously experienced complicated childbirth, miscarriages, artificial termination of pregnancy, inappropriate surgical interventions in the pelvic organs;
  • Increased or, conversely, a reduced amount of hormonal elements;
  • Pathological changes in the adrenal glands;
  • Malfunctions of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland caused by various factors.

There are also some factors in which the likelihood of cysts in the ovarian cavity increases:

  • Excess weight;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • Work with chemical vapors;
  • Constant stress, depression.


First of all, after visiting the hospital, the doctor conducts a gynecological examination, interviewing the patient and palpation of the affected organs.

  • Blood test for hormones;
  • Testing for insulin resistance;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • radiographic picture;
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy.

In order to determine the condition and performance of the endometrial layer, doctors may prescribe a diagnostic curettage procedure, hysteroscopy or biopsy.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes the most appropriate method of therapy.

Symptoms of education

The main symptom of ovarian sclerocystosis is the violation of the menstrual cycle and the prolonged inability to conceive a child. A woman observes frequent delays in menstruation, the rules can also be too scarce and short. Also, girls often experience intermenstrual bleeding from the vaginal cavity and discharge that has an unnatural color, texture and smell.

Basic signs of pathology:

  • Unnatural perception of insulin;
  • The appearance of acne on the face, problems with the skin: the development of allergies, rashes all over the body, peeling of the skin;
  • Pain that manifests itself during the ovulation period;
  • Change in body constitution: breast reduction, the appearance of the abdomen. The figure takes on a masculine appearance;
  • Increased hairiness of the male type: the appearance of hair on the areola of the nipples, face, around the navel and back;
  • Sudden and unreasonable weight gain.

Also, the symptoms of the disease and hormonal imbalance can be manifested by a change in the timbre of the voice, increased irritability and a general deterioration in the patient's condition.

It is very important to contact a medical institution in a timely manner to prescribe treatment, because the consequences can be extremely unpleasant.


Ovarian sclerocystosis is divided into two types:

  • Congenital;
  • Acquired.

Often, the disease occurs after puberty in a girl or in a woman who has not become pregnant for a long time.

Also, the disease can be manifested by enlarged or polycystic ovaries, as well as reduced and wrinkled appendages. In both situations, they are covered with a thickened, pathological membrane, and cystic neoplasms progress in the cavity.

Complications and consequences

Although the syndrome of sclerocystic ovaries is not fraught with transformation into an oncological disease, however, the presence of such a pathology, as well as a violation of hormonal and reproductive functions, increases the likelihood of developing malignant neoplasms.

Due to the fact that the disease adversely affects the level of hormones, the following pathological conditions can develop in the body:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • Incorrect perception of insulin, which leads to the development of diabetes;
  • Endometriosis (pathological thickening and growth of the protective layer of the uterus);
  • Other disorders in the pelvic organs.

In addition to the conditions described above, the disease, with inappropriate treatment, can develop to such a stage when it will no longer be possible to save the ovaries. They will have to be excised along with abdominal neoplasms during surgery. Such manipulations lead to incurable infertility.

How to treat sclerocystosis

Therapy of sclerocystosis can be carried out both conservatively and surgically. The choice of treatment tactics is made exclusively by a qualified doctor. It depends on the severity of the disease, the symptoms and the damage to the ovarian function.

Medical treatment

First of all, if the woman's body weight exceeds the norm, then the doctor makes every effort to stabilize the patient's weight. To do this, with the help of a nutritionist and endocrinologist, the girl is prescribed a special diet, during which she excludes harmful foods from her diet and eats balanced meals 4-5 times a day. Also in such situations, physical exercises with a trainer are assigned. The specialist composes the training so that the reproductive organs are not loaded, but the body is always in good shape.

To reduce body weight and body resistance to insulin, pharmacological preparations may be prescribed, which include metformin and glitazone. Other medications may also be prescribed, but this possibility is agreed with the endocrinologist and nutritionist.

Proper nutrition, physical activity and taking medications helps to improve the functioning of the endocrine system. This is due to the fact that in the fatty layers a large amount of extra-ovarian sex hormones - estrogens - is produced. Weight loss has a positive effect on the work of the pituitary gland.

The main method of treatment is prescribed after a decrease in the body weight of a woman. Then the results will be most positive. The doctor needs to prescribe hormonal drugs to the patient, which will help reduce the amount of one hormonal element and provoke an accelerated synthesis of the second. The most commonly used anti-androgenic and estrogen-progestin drugs.

Unfortunately, drug therapy does not always end positively. This is due to the fact that the cells necessary for fertilization are not able to get out of the ovarian cavity due to an overly thickened, overgrown membrane. Hormone therapy does not provoke the depletion of the overgrown protein layer. Then they resort to the operation.

Surgical treatment

Surgical operations that are aimed at excising neoplasms and reducing the density of the protein membrane of the ovaries can be performed both by abdominal (complete dissection of the abdomen) and in a low-traumatic way (using a special tool, the doctor makes a hole and performs the necessary manipulations). The choice of method depends entirely on the stage of the disease.

Whenever possible, doctors, of course, resort to laparoscopic ovarian surgery, in which their integrity and functioning is preserved. After undergoing rehabilitation, the girl will be able to conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

In more advanced situations, abdominal intervention is performed. During such an operation, adhesions can form and the uterine appendages can be significantly affected. Such violations lead to inhibition of ovarian performance and subsequent infertility.

Possibility of pregnancy

Many women are interested in whether there is a possibility of pregnancy with sclerocystosis.

Self-pregnancy with such a disease is almost impossible. But in the event that a sick girl strives to become a mother, then the doctors direct all their efforts towards the realization of this dream. First of all, with the help of medications, the menstrual cycle and the thickness of the endometrial layer are regulated. Next, drugs that cause the ovulation period are used. During therapy, the doctor carefully monitors whether a dominant follicle is present in the ovaries. If it was found, then the woman is injected with a special agent, and after two days, a mature egg is observed, ready for fertilization.

Conception is also possible after complete therapy of sclerocystosis, if the integrity of the uterine appendages is preserved. Therefore, in order to have children in the future, you should contact the gynecological office for a consultation at the first deviations.