Help form 076 y. Sanatorium-resort card for children. What is the card for?

The status of a military member provides a number of benefits in the field of social security. One of these privileges is the opportunity to Spa treatment in specialized medical institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This right extends not only to the soldier himself, but also to members of his family (close relatives, including children). With the onset of summer, the number of people wishing to spend a vacation and improve their health, send children to health resorts for recovery increases. For the first time faced with the need to draw up documents for a sanatorium vacation, a child does not always know necessary information about how a card is issued for a child, in what medical institution you should contact what documents you need to have on hand so that the registration procedure does not take much time.

Features of sanatorium-and-spa services for military personnel

The creation of specialized medical institutions for military personnel has a long history. The first military sanatoriums for the disabled, veterans and pensioners in Soviet period time began to be created immediately after the revolution of 1917, when a civil war was going on in the country. The devastation and hunger that prevailed at that time in the country undermined the health of military personnel no less than participation in hostilities. Their families also suffered no less. Through the efforts of the People's Commissar for Military Affairs L. Trotsky, not only a combat-ready Red Army was created, but also a system of benefits that singled out military personnel into a special caste. By the end time civil war the families of the commanding staff already enjoyed significant benefits compared to most civilian population. In the People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs, a special Sanitary Directorate was created, which was in charge of, among other things, sanatorium-and-spa treatment for military personnel and their families. The system of specialized military sanatoriums that developed almost 100 years ago, despite all the ups and downs and transformations of the state, has survived to the present. At present, the access of military family members to sanatorium-resort organization is carried out on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2011 No. 333 "The order of sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

This order defines the categories of citizens who are provided with vouchers to specialized sanatoriums of the ministry, the amount of benefits for free or partially paid rest, commercial services that citizens (including children) who are not members of military families can use.

Grounds for issuing a health resort card for a child

Before proceeding with the issuance of a card for a child you need to get a ticket to a military sanatorium . It should be remembered that the right to free ticket only children of military personnel serving under the contract, officers and military pensioners use it. Family members of conscripts and civilian personnel do not enjoy such benefits. They can get a ticket to a military sanatorium only by decision of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Civil Servants of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation within the quotas established by an intersectoral agreement.

Persons entitled to receive a voucher for a family member (child) must submit an application to the appropriate sanatorium no later than 60 days before the planned arrival of the child for sanatorium treatment. The application is being considered within 30 days. This application must be accompanied by a certificate of form No. 070 / y, approved by order of the Ministry of Medical and social development November 22, 2004 No. 256. (Changes and additions dated December 15, 2014 No. 834n).

What is the card for?

A voucher to a sanatorium is the main document giving the right to stay in a health-improving institution for the period specified in it and to provide medical health-improving services. But it does not define the scope of these services. The order of sanatorium treatment, the list of health procedures, the duration of treatment are not indicated.

All clarifying details, as well as determining the possibility of sanatorium treatment of a child due to his health, are contained in the sanatorium-resort card, in the form 076 / y, issued for children. The certificate is issued so that the doctors of the sanatorium and service staff had objective information about the health status of a small patient. About what methods of treatment used in the sanatorium can be dangerous or harmful to his health.

Where is a card issued for a child

Until recently, members of the families of servicemen and military pensioners were served in polyclinics of military districts. A consistent series of reorganization of the activities of the RF Ministry of Defense has led to a significant reduction in their number. Many family members were transferred to civilian medical facilities. Children of servicemen are served almost everywhere in district children's polyclinics, with the exception of remote garrisons where there are no corresponding civilian polyclinics.

To issue a card for a child, parents must contact the clinic at the place of residence, in which the child is under the supervision of a pediatrician. It takes about one week to complete this document in a civilian clinic. This is due to the need for laboratory research, and in necessary cases– consultations with narrow specialists in which the child is observed (under treatment).

If the card is issued for a child aged 4 to 6 years, then he must go to the sanatorium with an accompanying person. It is also necessary to issue a similar sanatorium card for him, only in form 072 / y (adult).

In some cases, documents can be issued in a commercial (paid) clinic that has the appropriate license and laboratories for laboratory research. This saves a lot of time, but reverse side. The full course of examinations required for issuing a card is quite expensive.

The content of the health resort card

The map includes 2 parts. The first one is filled in by the pediatrician and contains information for the doctors of the health institution, the second one is a tear-off coupon, which is filled in by the employees of the sanatorium at the end of the course of treatment in the sanatorium and returned to the pediatrician who sent the child to the sanatorium. It is filed into the patient's outpatient card.

Map design algorithm

To pass a set of examinations required for issuing a card to a medical institution (polyclinic), you must provide the original permit to the sanatorium. The voucher number is entered in column P26 in the first part of the health resort card.

Insurance medical policy. Its details are also entered into the card (clause 7).

If you have on hand (when applying for a card in a commercial medical institution), a vaccination certificate filled in and certified by the doctor of the clinic containing information on the dates of vaccinations against:

  • Poliomyelitis;
  • rubella;
  • parotitis;
  • diphtheria;
  • Tetanus;
  • Corey;
  • Other vaccinations carried out.

If the child attends preschool or school, this information is filled in by the paramedic / nurse of the kindergarten or school.

When applying for a health resort card in a polyclinic, it is not required to provide information about past diseases. But if it is issued in a commercial medical institution, then an extract from the district clinic certified by the head doctor is required. outpatient card child (form 122).

Special instructions from the attending pediatrician on contraindications for spa treatment or the use of certain types of wellness procedures.

For disabled children, a certificate of disability and a SNILS number are provided in accordance with clauses 9 and 10.

Analyzes and laboratory studies

During the period of registration of the document, the child must pass the following tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Analysis of feces or peranal scraping for eggs of worms;
  • General urine analysis;

The test results are only valid for 10 days. Therefore, they should not be submitted beforehand. Considering that the action of the health resort card itself is also limited to 10 days. It should be issued no earlier than a week before departure to the place of rest. The result of the analyzes is entered in part 1 of the map.

For which diseases the card is not issued

Not all children can undergo sanatorium rehabilitation at the request of their parents. The doctor may refuse to issue it if the child suffers from:

  • Any diseases in the acute stage;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • mental illness;
  • contagious skin diseases, pediculosis or helminthic invasion- until complete recovery and re-testing;

Had direct contact, before going to the sanatorium, with patients:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • chickenpox;
  • Epidemic mumps (mumps);
  • Viral hepatitis.

A card is not issued to children living in areas where quarantine has been declared due to especially dangerous infectious diseases: plague, typhus cholera or typhoid fever, anthrax, tularemia.

Challenging the refusal to issue a health resort card

Sometimes doctors, not wanting to take risks, refuse to issue a card to a child on the basis that he has a chronic disease in remission. If the parents do not agree with the conclusion of the district pediatrician, they can appeal his decision and demand the appointment of a medical commission. The conclusions of the commission should contain an updated diagnosis. Additionally, it is indicated in which area the child can undergo sanatorium treatment, the season in which it will be safe, which methods of sanatorium treatment should be excluded, and the recommended diet.

A sanatorium-resort card for children is issued by the attending physician upon presentation to patients of a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, which can also be provided on an outpatient basis (hereinafter referred to as sanatorium-resort treatment).

The form of the sanatorium-resort card consists of:

Sanatorium-resort card;

Return ticket.

The sanatorium-resort card is filled in by the attending physicians of medical institutions providing outpatient care for children.

The darkened field of the sanatorium card (clauses 8 - 11) is filled in and marked with the letter "L" in the organizational and methodological office only for children from among citizens who are entitled to receive a set social services.

On the title page of the health resort card, the full name of the medical institution is affixed in accordance with the registration document.

The number of the sanatorium-resort card is an individual registration number of the sanatorium-resort card, established by the medical institution.

Last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, address of permanent residence in the Russian Federation are filled in in accordance with the identity document of the citizen.

In paragraph "N of the history of development (disease)" the registration number of this document, established by the medical institution, is indicated.

In the paragraph "Identification number in the compulsory medical insurance system" under the compulsory medical insurance policy, the identification number is indicated in accordance with the form of the submitted policy, where twelve characters are determined for the series and number of the policy.

The item "Benefit Code" is filled in in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance". The list of categories of citizens entitled to receive a set of social services, indicating the codes, is given on the back of the certificate for obtaining a ticket. The specified item is filled in by putting zeros up to the first significant digit.

Example: if a citizen who has the right to receive a set of social services belongs to the second category, "002" is entered in the item "Benefit Code".

In the paragraph "Document certifying the right to receive a set of social services" an entry is made according to the details of the submitted document (number, series, date).

In the paragraph "Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS)" the insurance number of an individual personal account is indicated according to a document certifying the right to receive a set of social services.

The item "Accompaniment" is filled in if the patient is a disabled child.

The items "Educational institution" and "Place of work of parents" are filled in according to the words of the person accompanying the child.

Items "Anamnesis", "Heredity", "Prophylactic vaccinations", "Anamnesis of the present disease", "Have you used sanatorium-and-spa treatment before", "Name of previously visited sanatorium-resort organization, date of visit", "Data of clinical, laboratory, radiological and other studies (dates)" are filled in based on the history of the development (illness) of the child and other medical documentation.

The item "Diagnosis" is filled in in accordance with ICD-10 according to the medical documentation on the forms, stages, nature of the course of diseases.

The subparagraph "Disease for which treatment is sent to a sanatorium" indicates the diagnosis of the disease, for the treatment of which the patient is sent to a sanatorium.

The sanatorium card is certified by the signatures of the attending physician, the head of the department or the chairman of the VC and the round seal of the medical institution.

The return ticket is filled out by the attending physician health resort organization for presentation to the medical institution that issued the sanatorium card.

On the title page of the return coupon, the full name of the sanatorium and resort organization is affixed in accordance with the registration document.

The surname, name, patronymic of the child are filled in in accordance with the document proving the identity of the citizen, recognized in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The item "Diagnosis upon discharge from the sanatorium" is filled in in accordance with ICD-10 according to the medical documentation of the sanatorium-resort organization on the forms, stages, nature of the course of the disease.

The subparagraph "Main disease or disease causing disability" indicates the diagnosis of the underlying disease, and for disabled children, the diagnosis of the disease that causes disability.

In the subparagraph "Concomitant diseases" diagnoses of concomitant diseases are indicated.

In the paragraph "Treatment carried out" the information of the sanatorium book is indicated. If the types of treatment or the number of procedures did not meet the relevant recommended standard of spa care, the attending physician makes a note indicating the reasons in the paragraph "Reasons for deviation from the standard of spa care".

The paragraph "Epicrisis" indicates information about the treatment received by the patient in a sanatorium-resort organization and his condition at the time of discharge based on the data of the sanatorium book, medical documentation and the patient's objective condition.

The items "Results of treatment", "Presence of exacerbations that required cancellation of procedures" and "Recommendations for further treatment" are filled in based on the data specified in the item "Epicrisis".

If there is contact with infectious patients during their stay in a sanatorium-resort organization, a mark is made in the item "Contacts with patients with infectious diseases" indicating the date and diagnosis of the disease.

The item "Past intercurrent diseases and exacerbation of the underlying and concomitant diseases" is filled in on the basis of medical records.

The return coupon is certified by the signatures of the attending physician, the head physician and the round seal of the sanatorium-resort organization.

Comments to the record Sanatorium resort card for children (form 076/y-04) disabled

A sanatorium card for children is necessary so that their health in the sanatorium improves, and does not deteriorate! The sanatorium-resort card for children reflects all indications and contraindications for treatment in sanatorium-resort conditions. In order for the spa treatment to benefit the health of the child, it must take into account all the indications and contraindications. This allows you to evaluate a special document - a health resort card for children (form 076 / y-04).

According to Order No. 256 dated November 22, 2004 “On the procedure medical selection and referring patients to sanatorium-and-spa treatment”, section II - “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of children to sanatorium-and-spa treatment”, the need to refer a child to sanatorium-and-spa treatment is determined by the attending physician and the head of the department of the medical institution, and children with the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, by the attending physician and VC of a medical institution at the place of residence with the obligatory execution of a certificate for obtaining a ticket for a child (to be provided at the place of demand) and a sanatorium card for children in the form No. 076 /y-04 (hereinafter referred to as the sanatorium card for children).

Health resort card for children (Form 076/y-04) filled in for children aged 4 to 17 years, taking into account indications and contraindications for the implementation of sanatorium treatment, the profile of the sanatorium, its climatic and natural features.

Referral of children to sanatorium treatment is carried out in the same manner as for adult patients.

When sending a child to a sanatorium-resort treatment, the following documents must be presented:

  • sanatorium ticket;
  • health resort card for children (form 076/y-04);
  • compulsory medical insurance policy (compulsory health insurance policy);
  • analysis of feces for enterobiasis;
  • the conclusion of a dermatologist about the absence of contagious skin diseases;
  • a certificate from a pediatrician or an epidemiologist about the absence of contacts of the child with infectious patients at the place of residence, in kindergarten or school in the last 21 days.

Before sending a child to a spa treatment, the attending physician organizes a complete clinical and laboratory examination depending on the nature of the disease, as well as the rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection, antihelminthic or antigiardia treatment. In the absence of contraindications for the implementation of sanatorium treatment for the child, a medical certificate of form No. If parents or authorized adults are sent to a sanatorium for children as accompanying persons together with children, then when determining the profile of a sanatorium-resort organization (SKO), not only the child’s illness should be taken into account, but also the absence of contraindications (negative impact of natural and climatic factors) for sanatorium - spa treatment for persons accompanying the child.

At the end of the sanatorium-resort treatment, the child is issued a return coupon of the sanatorium-resort card for presentation to the medical institution that issued the sanatorium-resort card, as well as a sanatorium book with data on the treatment performed in the North Kazakhstan region, its results and effectiveness, and other medical advice. This documentation is issued to parents or other persons accompanying the child.

Such standard kit medical measures helps to correctly choose the profile of the CSE, protect the health of the child from the effects of contraindicated natural and climatic factors of the CCO, exclude the appointment of the wrong resort pediatrics for the child ( improper treatment in North Kazakhstan) and limit the threat of the spread of infections and epidemics carried by people arriving in North Kazakhstan from different regions of our country, near and far abroad.

Sanatorium and resort card for children (form 076 / y-04)- should reflect objective information about the state of health of the child, about the data of analyzes and the results of any previous treatment (outpatient, inpatient), about the data of laboratory, functional, radiological and other studies, as well as all indications and contraindications for the implementation of sanatorium treatment.

Short list medical contraindications, excluding the referral of children to sanatorium-and-spa treatment, includes:

1. All diseases in the acute period.

2. Transferred infectious diseases before the end of the isolation period.

3. Bacillus carrying diphtheria and intestinal infectious diseases.

4. Somatic diseases requiring treatment in a hospital.

6. Amyloidosis of internal organs.

7. Convulsive seizures and their equivalents, mental retardation(except for specialized sanatoriums for children with cerebral palsy), pathological personality development with severe behavioral disorders and social adaptation.

8. The presence of concomitant diseases in children that are contraindicated for this resort or sanatorium.

9. Patients requiring individual constant care.

10. Malignant neoplasms, pernicious anemia, leukemia (except for specialized sanatoriums).

11. Mental illness.

12. Tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs (special instructions apply).

Sanatorium-resort treatment of children is one of the stages of pediatric care, which provides for the continuity and continuity of treatment at different stages of the pediatric service - a polyclinic, a hospital, a sanatorium. Considering latest achievements clinical and resort pediatrics, as well as modern ideas about the mechanisms therapeutic effect physical and resort factors on the children's body, currently a list of indications and contraindications for the implementation of sanatorium treatment of children, taking into account their age features greatly expanded.

Children's balneology uses the achievements of experimental and clinical balneology for adults and takes into account age, anatomical, physiological, functional and other features child's body. Questions of sanatorium-and-spa treatment of children are acquired by all greater value due to increased frequency allergic diseases, functional changes in the nervous and cardio - vascular systems, and adverse influence long drug therapy(at chronic diseases) on the child's body.

Several modes of sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation of children have been developed:

  • sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation of groups of children during school holidays;
  • rehabilitation treatment of children with training in specially organized year-round schools (more often in basic subjects);
  • sanatorium treatment of preschoolers in groups without parents with a stay in a kindergarten;
  • family rehabilitation on trips "Mother and Child"; kursovka treatment on an outpatient basis.

To organize a vacation for a child, associated with high-quality treatment or with the process of healing the body, it is enough just to purchase a ticket to a sanatorium for the child. In the Russian Federation, there are currently, both children's sanatoriums of a specialized nature, and children's sanatorium-resort institutions that operate within the framework of other institutions (for example, children's camps, hospitals or sanatoriums for adults). The trip of a child to a sanatorium and the organization of appropriate rest and treatment of a child is an event that requires pre-training. Moreover, this preparation is a concern not only and, one might say, not even, how much of a child, how much of his parents.

We will dwell in more detail on one of the components of the preliminary preparation for a child's trip to a sanatorium and resort institution, namely, on documents. The main document required for registration for a child who is going to a sanatorium in the near future is a sanatorium card. Immediately, we note specifically that the health resort card for children differs from the health resort card for adults. These are different medical certificates, different forms, despite the fact that general purpose these documents are basically the same. A health resort card for children is a medical certificate 076/y, and a health resort card for adults is a completely independent medical certificate 072/y.

A voucher to a children's sanatorium-resort institution is possible on the basis of a benefit provided for a child or for one of his parents or guardians, it is also possible to purchase a voucher on a general basis with full or partial (trade union) payment for the cost of sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation child. Regardless of how the voucher to the sanatorium for children was obtained, the availability of a medical certificate to the sanatorium for children remains mandatory. And this does not mean any medical certificates, but specifically a sanatorium card for children - a medical certificate 076 / y. This document, it must be said, directly relates to the process of sanatorium treatment of a child, and the process of summarizing its results, and assessing the child's health, as well as a number of other aspects.

The health resort card is an official document, and form 076 / y is a specific example of filling out and processing this document for a child. Medical certificates in our country traditionally have legal force and value only if they are correctly filled out, that is, they correspond to the declared official model.

Medical certificate 076 / y, as already mentioned, should already be ready by the time the child checks into the sanatorium. Parents should ensure that this document is prepared in advance. Form 076 / y must be ready no earlier than ten days before arrival. This is dictated by the fact that the official period of validity of a medical certificate to a sanatorium for children is exactly ten days from the date of issue. It would be ideal to ensure the preparation of a medical certificate to the sanatorium for children about a week before the immediate start of the sanatorium treatment.

Registration of a child's sanatorium card can be done, in fact, in any medical institution. However, it is best to do this in the district children's clinic. In this case, the health resort card will be issued free of charge. Another thing is that sometimes the citizens of our country prefer more comfortable conditions for medical care than those that are usually offered in public medical institutions. This pushes parents to apply to private commercial clinics in order to obtain a child's health resort card. Finally, the registration of a child's sanatorium card can also be done in a sanatorium. True, this is practiced, it is worth emphasizing, not always.

Next we are in in general terms we denote the purpose that medical certificates of form 076 / y have. So, why is a medical certificate for a children's sanatorium specifically used in practice? The child's health resort card is the main and, by and large, the only evidence that he has no contraindications to staying in a health resort, combined with a source for displaying detailed data on the child's health and recommendations for organizing a child's health resort treatment (or health improvement program). ).

Undoubtedly, one of the main types of data reflected in the medical certificate form 076 / y is an indication of the main diagnosis of the child. It is characteristic that the official registration of a child's sanatorium card does not imply a mandatory indication of the diagnosis in verbal form. This does not mean that you can not indicate the main diagnosis at all, especially if it is clearly established. This only means that the diagnosis within the medical certificate form 076 / y can be indicated in the form of a special code. Numerical and alphabetic codes of childhood diseases in our country are approved at the federal level. Thus, if the child's parents wish, the diagnosis can not be demonstrated clearly and clearly - by writing it in words. You can simply write down code that a non-specialist will simply not understand.

A medical certificate for a children's sanatorium, a sanatorium card for children of the form 076 / y, traditionally consists of two parts. One of them directly reflects all the information data mentioned above. The other part, called a tear-off coupon, has a slightly different purpose. The tear-off coupon should become, as expected, a reflection of the rationale and course of the child's sanatorium treatment. This part of the medical certificate to a sanatorium for children is called a tear-off coupon in the sense that it really should be further (at the end of the child's sanatorium treatment) separated from the main form and attached to the child's outpatient card. Plus, it is important that the medical certificate to the sanatorium for children can be examined at any time by the child's parents, doctors and other interested parties.

A medical certificate for a children's sanatorium is issued by a pediatrician after the child undergoes a comprehensive medical examination. This survey is quite versatile. However, its main goal is to find out if the child has any contraindications. Contraindications to sanatorium treatment for a child can be various diseases(For example, acute infections, inflammation, tuberculosis, heart disease, AIDS and HIV, as well as some others), certain conditions ( rehabilitation period special type, prosthetics, etc.), trauma. There may be other contraindications. In particular, contraindications may affect the child's stay in a certain sanatorium, in a certain area, etc. Often, a contraindication to the sanatorium treatment of a child on a general basis is a developmental delay, an illness suffered in childhood, psychological inferiority, etc.

When a medical certificate is issued for a children's sanatorium, the child is not only examined by doctors, but also blood, urine, and feces are analyzed. With this document, the health insurance policy of the child is usually submitted to the sanatorium, a vaccination card (more precisely and more specifically, a certificate preventive vaccinations), a copy of his birth certificate and, in fact, the voucher itself. Therefore, the parents of the child will have to think about all these documents in advance.

Let us also pay attention separately to the fact that the children's health resort card can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also indirectly. So, in particular, this document can be submitted as a replacement for a medical certificate for a children's camp. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the child's sanatorium card is valid only for three months, counting from the date of issue of the certificate. The preparation of a resort card is unlikely to take more than a few days (maximum one or one and a half working weeks). In addition, if the child's parents wish and some of their efforts, it is quite possible to limit one or two days.

The doctor who is directly related to the issuance of a medical certificate form 076 / y is, of course, a children's district pediatrician. It is at the district police officer in the district children's clinic at the place of residence of the child that it is easiest to prepare the document we are considering. In this case, everything will take place in the official standard way, according to the tradition adopted in our country and in accordance with the rules currently in force under Russian law. However, no one limits anyone in the ability to choose other options.

Very often features medical examination child in the framework of preparing a children's health resort card for him are determined by the type of health resort institution the child is sent to. The profile of the sanatorium, the proposed treatment program for the child, the duration of the sanatorium treatment, as well as many other factors play a role. However, one can also speak with confidence about a kind of average minimum, which concerns the medical examination of absolutely all children when applying for a sanatorium-and-spa card form 076 / y.

This, as we have already said, is a consultation of a pediatrician. This holding general analysis blood, as well as a urine test, a fecal test for worms and enterobiasis, an electrocardiogram of a child, plus this is also the conclusion of a dermatologist. The pediatrician analyzes, among other things, the data recorded in the child's outpatient medical record. It turns out that the analysis of the contents of an outpatient medical record from a polyclinic or from a first-aid post when educational institution, which the child constantly goes to, is also one of the components of the child's medical examination for the purpose of issuing a health resort card.

In some cases, before going to the sanatorium, the child is required to undergo additional or routine vaccination. Parents now, in contrast to the Soviet era, differently perceive this kind of requirements on the part of employees of sanatorium-and-spa institutions. The positions of both sides are, by and large, clear. However, in general, it can be argued that there are significantly fewer organizational problems for those children who have fully completed the necessary planned and additional vaccinations when preparing a resort card.

The value of the medical certificate form 076 / y is very, very large, if we do not forget that the sanatorium card for children is, first of all, a document about health, and about the health of the child. Negligent attitude to this document creates an additional risk for the child, which is completely unacceptable in our society!

Let's talk about the need for health resort cards and all the nuances of obtaining this certificate. After all, vacations, travel and trips can be very different. Sometimes this is a flight to warmer climes for the winter, closer to the ocean. Sometimes - the way to the ski resort in order to conquer the next snowy peak. And there are also different types tourism. And one of the most important is wellness!

A trip to a specialized sanatorium to a resort can be indispensable in the treatment or rehabilitation of the most various diseases, as well as an obligatory element of prevention.

I have no right to bypass this topic, and therefore I wanted to tell you how to get a health resort card, which is necessary document on such a trip, regardless of whether you are traveling on a tour or on your own.


What is a health resort card

A spa card (often simply referred to as form 072) is a card that you need to get at your clinic, at the place of residence, having assured your doctor before you go to the resort.

This card prescribes your diagnosis and series basic surveys so that upon arrival, the spa doctor does not waste time on examination and can immediately prescribe treatment. This is extremely convenient, and also from a financial point of view. Examinations in sanatoriums are always more expensive, take from 1 to 3 days, and are sometimes carried out on outdated equipment (this is especially true for old sanatoriums from the times of the USSR).

After the treatment, before leaving home, the spa doctor will make notes about the procedures performed, how your body reacted to them and recommendations.

It is worth noting that data on diseases in the Russian Federation and Belarus are entered in accordance with the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) in the form of codes, and therefore there should be no problems with parsing handwriting or during treatment in sanatoriums in another country. In Ukraine, ICD10 codes are often not indicated. Therefore, if you are going abroad, indicate this to the person who will fill out the card so that he issues it according to international standards.

Is it possible to do without it

If you are driving "savage", but are going to undergo procedures, drink mineral water and so on. as prescribed by a doctor - I strongly recommend getting this very card. Otherwise, a conscientious doctor will have to listen to your entire picture of the disease, starting from birth, study the tests that you bring ... An unscrupulous doctor will simply prescribe standard procedures that can harm if there are contraindications.

If you are traveling on a voucher to a sanatorium, then without a sanatorium card you will not be seen by a doctor and you will not be able to receive your procedures. Possible option and refusal to settle.

Sometimes you can get a card already in the sanatorium. However, please note that this will take you several days and is not always possible. The availability of such an opportunity should be clarified on the official website of the sanatorium where you are going to go, or by phone. Such a service is paid in most cases, and whether you want to buy it on the spot or calmly arrange it in advance is up to you.

How to issue a card

In Ukraine and Russia, obtaining a spa card is very similar, they have similar procedures and even the same numbers of forms. The fact is that little has changed there since the time of unified legislation in the days of the USSR.

In the Republic of Belarus, everything is a little more interesting. For foreign citizens there is a sanatorium card, but for citizens of Belarus there is a separate document. The form has the name 1 honey / y-10 "Extract from medical documents." That is, citizens of the Republic of Belarus can receive both a sanatorium card and an extract. It depends on various factors. Usually, doctors prefer not to bother themselves and you by issuing a card that is familiar to everyone in form 072.

The health resort card must be received no later than 10 days before the trip and no earlier than 2 months.


IN Russian Federation sanatorium - resort card is a completed form 072 / y-04. You can download the form for free on our website. In Ukraine, this is form 072 / o (we take it). Citizens of Belarus can download their version of the form 072-y here, or the same certificate 1 honey / y-10. All files are in PDF format, so you should have no problem printing these documents yourself, if the need arises, right on your home printer.

You need to contact your local clinic or your doctor. It is enough to have a passport, a medical card and a ticket to the sanatorium with you.

To get help, you need to pass tests. The statute of limitations for each is no more than 1 month.

Here is a list of the main tests you will need:

  • General blood analysis
  • General urine analysis
  • Blood sugar test
  • Fluorography or chest x-ray
  • Echocardiogram

It is worth noting that if there are grounds, the doctor may ask you to undergo additional examinations, for example, an ultrasound scan, a blood test for hormones, etc.

In addition, you will need to visit a number of specialists. If you have gone through any of them during the previous 12 months, then you need to repeat it only at your own request.

  1. A narrow specialist in the direction in which the resort specializes (for example, a gastroenterologist or neuropathologist)
  2. Gynecologist (for women)
  3. General practitioner or family doctor (mandatory before issuing a CCM!)

Based on the results of these examinations, the head physician of the hospital fills out the first part of the sanatorium card.

For children

Children's sanatorium - resort card is only slightly different from an adult one and is issued in a children's clinic by a pediatrician. You need to issue it for children aged 0 to 17 years old inclusive, who go to a sanatorium to a resort or to a children's camp. This process is preceded by a similar set of examinations as in adults.

  • In Russia, a children's health resort card is a form 076 / y-04, the form of which you can download.
  • Citizens of Ukraine under 17 need a form 076 / o and it is.
  • Children and Belarus do not have their own version of the certificate; an adult version is filled out for them.

I wish you a pleasant holiday and successful treatment! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

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Form Approved:

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia N 834n dated 12/15/2014

The health resort card for children (standard form 076 / y) is filled out for children aged 4 to 17 years for health resort treatment.

Such a card is issued if the child is sent to medical indications for treatment in sanatoriums located both in Russia and abroad.

The health resort card is issued by the attending physician medical institution in which the child passes permanent treatment(in the clinic at the place of residence). To fill out this card, you must first provide a doctor sanatorium voucher. You will also need an insurance medical policy and a medical record of the patient. In some cases, parents are required to provide a certificate from the medical institution where the child was hospital treatment. The attending physician prescribes the necessary examination and procedures, as a result of which the sanatorium-resort card will be filled out. It will testify that the child has no contraindications for undergoing sanatorium treatment.

The form of the card consists of two parts: the main and tear-off. The main part contains the doctor's notes about the patient's state of health before leaving for the sanatorium. A tear-off is a coupon that is filled out directly in a sanatorium after undergoing medical and recreational procedures, it must be returned to the clinic that issued this card. The card is valid for two months from the date of issue.

The attending physician, on the basis of a medical card, additional certificates, tests and examination results, writes out a sanatorium card. Enters into it data about the child, the diagnosis of the disease, comorbidities whether the child is an eligible patient social benefit, prescribed treatment and result given treatment. The document is signed by the doctor, the head of the clinic or the chairman of the medical commission, and is also certified by the seal of the medical institution. The return ticket is issued by the doctor of the sanatorium, which describes the treatment, wellness procedures, results and recommendations.

The child's sanatorium-resort card must be filled out very accurately and reliably, since pediatric medical care in sanatoriums ensures the continuity of children's recovery in the early stages of their development.