Stimulation of ovulation: why do they give an hCG injection? Chorionic gonadotropin: instructions for using the drug in injections to stimulate ovulation and maintain pregnancy. Do hCG injections help maintain pregnancy?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy (specific pregnancy hormone). The hormone is produced by the chorion, the outer membrane of the embryo, immediately after its implantation into the wall of the uterus. HCG is necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. It provokes the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum until the placenta can independently produce this hormone.

HCG allows you to detect pregnancy as early as 6-7 days after conception, although home research methods (test strips) can give a false positive result in such a short period of time.

During pregnancy, hCG levels increase significantly and increase every day. In the first weeks of pregnancy it can be about 200 mU/ml, and by the 7th week it will increase to 200 thousand mU/ml. The number of fetuses also affects the level of hCG: it will increase in proportion to their number. That is, if two fetuses are developing, then by the 7th week the hCG level will not be 200 thousand, but 400 thousand mIU/ml.

This intense growth of the hormone continues until the 12th week of pregnancy. Then the level gradually begins to decline. However, if the decline occurs early, this may be a warning sign. A decrease in hCG may be associated with a threatened miscarriage, fading pregnancy, or an ectopic pregnancy. In this regard, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor to monitor the status of pregnancy.

Superovulation after hCG injection

Superovulation is one of the necessary stages of IVF. Normally, a woman produces one egg per menstrual cycle. Sometimes, very rarely, there may be more of them, resulting in twins or triplets. The maturation of more than one egg in the natural cycle is an uncontrolled process and cannot be used in in vitro fertilization.

For IVF, several eggs are used: among them, the highest quality ones are selected, which after fertilization are transplanted into the woman’s body. For transfer, 2 cultured embryos are usually used to increase the success of the IVF procedure. The effectiveness of one IVF procedure is 30-40%. Therefore, transferring more than one embryo increases the chances of implantation. For example, the efficiency of natural fertilization is about 20% in each menstrual cycle. However, IVF is often not recommended. Firstly, during the IVF process, a woman undergoes hormonal therapy, which should be carried out no more than once every 3-4 months. Secondly, IVF is an expensive procedure that takes time to repeat for many couples. In any case, repeating IVF is an individual matter and will depend on the woman’s condition.

Stimulation of superovulation begins with the administration of gonadotropic drugs for the growth and development of follicles with eggs. The duration of use of the drugs is approximately 10 days from the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle. The dose and timing of drug administration are determined strictly individually by the attending physician.

Observation of the growth and development of follicles occurs using ultrasound. When the follicles become the size necessary for ovulation (about 20-25 mm), an hCG injection is prescribed. The hCG injection serves as a kind of “trigger” for ovulation, while preventing the regression of follicles and the formation of follicular cysts.

After an hCG injection, ovulation occurs approximately 24-36 hours later, and is monitored using ultrasound. Next, the woman undergoes a puncture of the ovaries to collect germ cells. On the same day, the man donates sperm.

Among male and female germ cells, the highest quality and most viable ones are selected. The cells are placed on a special nutrient medium that is maximally adapted to the natural environment of the fallopian tubes where they will connect. The resulting zygotes continue to be cultured in the incubator until the blastocyst phase. Next, the highest quality embryos are transplanted into the uterine cavity, where they are implanted into its walls and continue to develop.

The IVF procedure is performed at the IVF Center clinic in Smolensk. The clinic’s specialists have extensive experience in treating infertility of various etiologies.

HCG injection after pregnancy using IVF

After the embryos are transferred into the woman's uterine cavity, she is given an HCG injection. This is necessary to maintain the intrauterine development of the child. When the level of this hormone increases in a woman’s body after an injection of hCG, the body “thinks” that pregnancy has occurred and begins to produce progesterone, which is very important for pregnancy. Since during in vitro fertilization the female body does not produce the required amount of pregnancy hormones, it needs to be “helped” with hormones from the outside. This happens until the female body itself begins to produce the required amount of hormones.

In addition to the hCG injection, a woman may be prescribed progesterone (also to support pregnancy). The hCG injection is usually given intramuscularly, and progesterone is taken orally in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories.

The first check of IVF results occurs 14 days after embryo transfer. By this time, the hCG level should increase significantly. The value of hCG can also indicate the fertility of pregnancy: the level of hCG increases in proportion to the number of fetuses.

The final confirmation of pregnancy, its location and the number of fetuses is carried out using ultrasound. HCG and progesterone support can last up to 12 weeks or more as prescribed by your doctor.

HCG injection during natural pregnancy

HCG during natural pregnancy can be prescribed in case of ovulation disorders and to support an already existing pregnancy. If ovulation is disrupted or absent (anovulation), pregnancy, accordingly, cannot occur. In the absence of maturation of full-fledged eggs in the ovaries, women stimulate ovulation with hormonal drugs. The goal of hormonal therapy is the formation in the female body of eggs that are capable of fertilization.

There are many hormonal drugs for ovarian stimulation, but you should not prescribe them yourself or on the advice of friends or relatives. The name, dosage of drugs and course duration are strictly prescribed by the attending physician. Otherwise, you may get a completely different result than you expected. Especially in cases where the cause of ovulation disorders has not been established.

Before prescribing hormonal therapy, a woman undergoes a hormone test. Based on the blood results for thyroid hormones, male hormones (testosterone, dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate, androstenedione), prolactin, the issue of starting hormonal therapy is decided. If the level of these hormones is not normal, then stimulation of ovulation is postponed until they normalize. Perhaps, natural ovulation will be restored.

Also, to determine the causes of ovulation disorders, a woman is prescribed an ultrasound examination. The first ultrasound is performed on days 8-10 of the cycle with a duration of 28 days. Then ultrasound is done every 2-3 days. As a result of such a study, deviations in the process of egg maturation are revealed. And based on the results, treatment is prescribed, if necessary.

If the cause of anovulation is failure to open the follicle, then the woman is given an injection of hCG, which stimulates the ovulation process. After an HCG injection, ovulation occurs within 24-36 hours. Ovulation is confirmed by ultrasound. The couple can then engage in sexual intercourse to conceive a child. The frequency of sexual intercourse will depend on the man’s spermogram. If the indicators are normal, then it is enough to have sexual intercourse every other day. You can also do it every day, starting from the date of the hCG injection until the onset of pregnancy in this menstrual cycle.

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin. Without it it is impossible to bear a child. It is this indicator that indicates the presence of pregnancy. By the way, when a woman takes a pregnancy test, what does the second strip show? To an increased level of hCG, which is required during pregnancy. But, unfortunately, the treasured second stripe may never appear for some. Therefore, the girl decides to stimulate ovulation, which will lead to the release of the egg and its speedy fertilization. One of the methods of stimulating pregnancy is an injection of hCG. The article will discuss this injection and its effect on the female body.


Why is an HCG injection given?

According to the latest statistics, only 50% of women can become pregnant in the first three months after starting planning. About 75% percent become pregnant within six months and as many as 90% of women receive the coveted stripes within a year. As you can see, if a woman really wants to get pregnant in the near future, then she needs to stimulate the ovulation process.

So, for pregnancy to occur, three things must happen in the body:

  1. Ovulation;
  2. Fertilization;
  3. Securing the fertilized egg.

As soon as the third stage occurs, the body immediately begins to produce hCG, the pregnancy hormone. If pregnancy does not occur, the doctor prescribes an hCG injection to the woman. In what cases does the doctor approve of stimulating ovulation with this injection?

  • The woman rarely ovulates;
  • Within 12 months. a couple cannot get pregnant on their own;
  • Over the age of 35, if pregnancy has not occurred within six months.

In order to accelerate the growth of follicles and the release of eggs from them, an injection of hCG is prescribed.

When should an HCG injection be given?

This injection is prescribed if ovulation has not occurred. From the first phase of the cycle, the doctor monitors the growth of follicles and at the same time prescribes estrogens to the woman for additional stimulation. Afterwards, when the follicle has reached a size of 25 mm in diameter, the doctor prescribes the administration of a drug containing hCG. After administration of the drug, ovulation will occur in 2-3 days. The best time to conceive is 2-3 days after the injection.

This injection should be given at the following points in the body:

  • Lack of luteinizing hormones, which are controlled by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  • With polycystic ovary syndrome, anovulation occurs.
  • Hyperandrogenism is a phenomenon in which a large number of male hormones develop in the female body, and, as a result, there are not enough female hormones.
  • Early ovarian failure syndrome, in which follicle maturation is not observed.
  • Another reason to get an HCG injection is to prepare for IVF.

Whether a woman should stimulate the ovulation process will be determined exclusively by a female doctor after a series of specific studies.

Is preliminary preparation necessary before the injection?

It is important to understand that after the injection the woman will most likely become pregnant. Therefore, it would be wise to start preparing several months in advance. Pay attention to your diet. It should be balanced and rich in vitamins. In addition, a woman should get enough sleep and take enough folic acid.

Immediately before the hCG injection itself, you need to undergo some examinations.

  • Check whether there is an individual intolerance to this drug;
  • obtain a statement from a therapist stating that the woman is able to bear a child;
  • do blood tests for the presence of sex hormones;
  • undergo a course of estrogen stimulation in advance;
  • get tested for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • vaginal smear to check for cleanliness and the presence of STDs;
  • diagnose the fallopian tubes and make sure they are passable;
  • undergo a hysteroscope examination;
  • undergo an ultrasound examination of the female organs and mammary glands;
  • make sure there is no cancer;
  • take a sexual partner compatibility test;
  • and what is most important is that the partner submits sperm for quality. After all, if a man is infertile, then it’s not worth wasting time on stimulating ovulation.

After all these tests, analyzes and checks, the doctor prescribes a drug that is suitable specifically for your case. The hCG injection has different dosages.

If a woman does become pregnant, then in some cases she is also given an injection of hCG. For what? To maintain an existing pregnancy. After all, this hormone has a positive effect to eliminate the risk of miscarriage.

Where to buy? Cost of the drug?

This solution can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. Usually it is released strictly according to the prescription with the specified dosage. After all, if you inject it without the correct dosage, and without any prescription at all, the consequences can be very serious. A woman can get an ectopic pregnancy, or her hormonal levels will become so disrupted that she will no longer be able to have children.

The price depends on the pharmacy, brand and manufacturer of the drug. The average price in Russia is 1000-1500 rubles per dose of hCG.

So, injection of hCG is an excellent way to stimulate ovulation and get a quick pregnancy. However, it is important to remember that without prior testing and consultation with a gynecologist, this drug can cause irreparable harm.

During a normal monthly female cycle, a biologically active substance such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to be synthesized in a woman’s body only after conception. But sometimes hCG injections are prescribed not only to pregnant women, but also to those women who need to stimulate ovulation.

As you know, in order for an egg to be fertilized, it must be released from the follicle, which bursts during ovulation. Unfortunately, for some girls this process is disrupted. Their ovaries do not produce eggs. Either the mature follicle does not burst and the egg does not come out. Therefore, their menstrual cycle is defined by experts as anovulatory.

What to do if the long-awaited ovulation does not occur? In such cases, doctors may suggest that patients stimulate the process of egg release by intramuscular injection of human chorionic gonadotropin. Naturally, the specialist must first find out the reasons for the possible disruption of the normal menstrual cycle and try to eliminate them.

One of the most effective methods for stimulating ovulation is an injection of hCG, which promotes the maturation of the follicle and allows it to successfully burst, giving the woman the opportunity to experience all the joys of motherhood.

HCG injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • to stimulate the release of an egg from the ovary;
  • to prevent the formation of a cyst at the site of a follicle that did not burst and began to regress;
  • to preserve the functionality of the corpus luteum;
  • artificial insemination;
  • to reduce the risk of miscarriage and maintain pregnancy.

Basic principles of the procedure

Injections to stimulate ovulation based on human chorionic gonadotropin are available in the form of a solution or components for its preparation. According to the instructions for use, the drug must be injected intramuscularly in the abdominal area using an insulin syringe. Naturally, only a doctor can give an injection. And only an obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe adequate dosages and correctly determine the time of the procedure. Only in this case will the injection be as effective and safe as possible.

“Pregnil”, “Menogon”, “Humagon”, “Ovidrel” and many others are used as an injection drug. Their action is aimed at stimulating ovarian function by increasing the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. Recommendations for the use of these dosage forms are given exclusively by the attending physician during the examination of the patient, taking into account all the characteristics of the body and the state of her hormonal sphere.

As a rule, in case of disturbances in the normal ovulation process, a single injection of hCG 5000-10000 subunits is prescribed. During IVF, women need to receive an injection of 10,000 units of hCG, which is also prescribed once after stimulating follicle growth. In gynecological practice, doctors most often use an injection of hCG 5000 units, since it is optimally safe for the expectant mother.

Important nuances

Those who have been helped by an hCG injection to get pregnant know that successful conception is impossible without strict adherence to all the recommendations of the attending physician. It is a competent specialist who will help you figure out whether a woman with an anovulatory cycle really needs the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin. He will also answer the question of how long after an unsuccessful injection you can try again. When to take an ovulation and pregnancy test and much more.

In any case, women need to remember:

  • Chorionic gonadotropin preparations should be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient and clarification of all the characteristics of her body;
  • it is necessary to strictly observe the timing of the administration of hCG and do an ultrasound on time;
  • the technique does not guarantee 100% results;
  • not all forms of anovulatory disorders are equally sensitive to treatment with hCG drugs;
  • ovulation should be monitored using ultrasound, since the test is not a sufficiently informative diagnostic method;
  • For successful conception, you need not only a full-fledged egg, but also high-quality sperm, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, both partners should be examined for infertility.

What to do if hCG is low during pregnancy?

Possible risk of miscarriage

If during testing it turns out that the concentration of this substance is low, the hormone is administered by injection to preserve the embryo. The fact is that this substance controls the release of progestins and estrogens into the blood. If there are more or less of these hormones, there is a risk of miscarriage. In addition, human chorionic gonadotropin is prescribed for insufficiency of the corpus luteum, which supplies the fertilized egg with useful substances.

An increased concentration of hCG indicates:

  • about multiple pregnancy;
  • about maternal diabetes;
  • about taking progestins;
  • about Down syndrome in the fetus;
  • about an incorrectly determined gestational age.

Therefore, if you are taking Duphaston or Utrozhestan when there is a threat of miscarriage, tell the laboratory about it. Usually, it is not the concentration of hCG itself that is analyzed, but its relationship to AFP and estriol. Based on the data obtained, a diagram of the risk of genetic defects in the fetus is constructed, since an increased level of the hormone is an indication for the analysis of amniotic fluid, which is collected by puncturing the mother’s abdomen. This increases the risk of infection and miscarriage.

Do hCG injections help maintain pregnancy?

Please tell me what dose of hCG was injected during storage?

I have 6 weeks. I am being seen at a miscarriage center.

My doctor prescribed injecting 1000 units of hCG 2 times a week in case of bleeding. But the other day I had to go to see another doctor, because... mine is on vacation (thank God there is no mess, I went on another issue).

I injected 2000 units at my own risk. the day before yesterday, and the remaining 3000 units. I plan to inject it tomorrow so that the level of hCG in the blood does not fluctuate too much.

But I’m very worried about this, maybe I shouldn’t have disobeyed the doctor?

What dose is usually prescribed?

when I was in conservancy, they injected me 2000, then at home 1000

yes, they injected me not twice every week, but according to some scheme... I don’t remember now... it turned out to be three times every day, it seems

I was injected with 1000 units 2 times a week.

I was also injected with 1000 units 2 times a week.

At first they injected 1500, then 5000

Damn it, she gave me a dose. And my doctor will only be there on August 31st.

In general, I’ll inject not 3000, 2000 tomorrow. At least 4000 units. it will be a week, not 5000!

How long has this case been going on?

Oops, 5000 is still possible.

I am also being seen at the Miscarriage Center. HCG injected 1000 units 2 times a week.

I’ve never heard of the fact that this thing can be injected once. Everyone was given a course of injections - up to 10 weeks.

A girl I know was injected with 5,000 units. 1 time per week.

You should probably call the center, explain the situation and ask how to proceed.

1500 2 times a week 2 weeks

5000 also 2 times a week 1 week

I was injected until the 14th week

There is no point in calling the center, neither Pluzhnikova nor Nikologorskaya. Ivanova prescribed this for me.

Thank you very much to everyone for responding. By the way, I tried to find information by searching on the internet, but it didn’t work out :(.

I was injected with 1000 units at a time of 6-7 weeks. After the first injection, I felt really bad - my temperature rose and I felt like I had the onset of the flu. After the second, everything happened again and I gave up on this matter, since the body doesn’t like it, then it’s not necessary.

But I haven’t heard about 5000 units. Maybe it’s worth consulting with another specialist?

After these injections, I began to feel terribly toxic, but they tried to stop it, and I had to inject again. By the way, then they sent me to take an AFP and hCG test, the hCG level was off the charts, they scared me terribly, and they said that they had no data and that it should be off the charts if hCG treatment was carried out. But everything is fine, so if anything happens, don’t be alarmed.

I am now receiving injections of 500 units 2 times a week. Surely they couldn't have mixed up the order? 9 weeks, injected from 7.

HCG injections to maintain pregnancy

Such a pregnancy, expected in many families, can turn into irreparable grief if the problems that arise during its course are not approached competently. You should never give up and let everything take its course: you need to look for a way out of the current situation. Poor tests of gonadotropin levels during pregnancy means that you need to inject hCG. If you start treatment on time and follow the doctor’s instructions, everything will definitely end well. Read about this in the article.

In order to understand what hCG injections are, which are given to maintain pregnancy, and why it needs to be supported with injections, let’s take a short excursion into the study of the physiology of the female body.

Approximately once every four weeks (menstrual cycle), representatives of the fair sex who are capable of conceiving children ovulate, i.e., the formation of an egg. It travels from the ovary first to the abdominal cavity, and from there to the fallopian tube. It is there that when it meets a sperm, fertilization occurs.

The embryo formed in this way moves to its place of residence for the next nine months - in the uterus - and attaches to its wall. Several membranes are formed around it, the upper one is called the chorion. From the very first minute of its formation, this membrane begins to produce a special protein, which in medicine is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

The main function of hCG is to maintain the optimal process of gestation through the synthesis of progesterone. The latter, in turn, is designed to prevent the uterus from contracting.

If a deficiency of the hormone testerone occurs in the body, the fetus may not take root, i.e., there is a threat of spontaneous abortion. To prevent this, hCG injections are prescribed during early pregnancy.

The level of gonadotropin must be sufficient to maximize the performance of the task assigned to it. Its indicator grows very quickly, especially in the first stages of pregnancy. If for some reason the growth rate of the level of this hormone lags behind the norm, they resort to replenishing its reserves artificially - hCG injections are given to preserve the endangered pregnancy. This method prevents such serious violations as:

  • frozen or ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage;
  • insufficient development of the fetus, its death;
  • placental insufficiency.

When injections are prescribed in a timely manner, the level of hCG increases, which means that the pregnancy continues and proceeds without incident. These injections are hormonal drugs, the main component of which is gonadotropin. These include:

  • Horagon,
  • Khoriogonin,
  • Humegon,
  • Pregnil et al.

The type of drug and its dosage are selected only by the doctor depending on many individual indicators, the main one of which is the level of hCG and the dynamics of its growth.

If the dose is insufficient, the desired effect will not occur. An overdose is no less dangerous - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may develop.

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What is the price for an hCG injection?

The key to successfully conceiving a child, normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby is the optimal concentration of hormones in a woman’s body. If for some reason the balance of sex hormones and pregnancy hormones is disturbed, then it is very difficult to bear a child or even impossible to get pregnant. If a woman is diagnosed with a disorder in the production of hormones, they are introduced into the body to normalize the hormonal balance.

What is an HCG injection?

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropic hormone. This is the most important pregnancy hormone. Its production increases from the first days of pregnancy and remains at a high level until childbirth. The role of hCG is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy; it stimulates the production of the hormone progesterone (the main hormone that supports pregnancy).

HCG affects the preservation of the corpus luteum of pregnancy (which produces progesterone until the placenta has formed). Then the placenta takes on this role. HCG then plays an important role in the development and maintenance of the placenta in a healthy state.

The basis of the pregnancy test is the determination of the metabolites of this hormone in the urine. Also, the level of hCG can indicate the course of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, the presence of fetal abnormalities, pregnancy complications, and multiple pregnancies.

The hCG drug (injections) is obtained from the urine of pregnant women. The pharmaceutical industry produces the medicine in the form of an injection solution.

The drug exists under different trade names and in different dosages and is administered intramuscularly. The dose of the medicine and the course are prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the indications.

In the pharmacy you can find hCG in the following doses:

Trade names of hCG:

  • Chorionic gonadotropin
  • Ecostimulin
  • Horagon
  • Decayed
  • Gonabion
  • Antelobin
  • Khoriogonin
  • Entromon
  • Folutein

Prices for hCG injections are different everywhere, depending on the manufacturer, dose and number of ampoules in the package. On average, the cost of the drug is about 1000-1200 rubles. Of course, you can look in pharmacies where it is cheaper, but the problem is that this drug is very difficult to find. It belongs to the category of scarce. It is sold only in large pharmacy chains, which means that the price for the hCG injection will be appropriate.

The pharmacy will not sell you this drug without a doctor’s prescription, so do not forget to remind the doctor about this, otherwise you will have to run to him again for a formal piece of paper.

Indications and contraindications for hCG injection

Indications for treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin:

  • For the treatment of anovulatory menstrual cycle, when the follicle matures, but does not ovulate, which leads to infertility.
  • In case of deficiency of corpus luteum hormones (progesterone).
  • When treated with assisted reproduction methods, hCG injections are given to accelerate ovulation after stimulating follicular growth with estrogen-containing drugs.
  • Habitual miscarriage.
  • Threat of miscarriage.
  • Late puberty in girls.
  • Menstrual irregularities.

Prescribed to boys and men with pathological conditions such as underdevelopment of the external genitalia, testicles, secondary sexual characteristics, and pituitary dwarfism.

Contraindications to the use of hCG:

  • Hormone-producing tumors of the gonads.
  • Active inflammatory diseases of the internal and external genital organs.
  • Hypersensitivity to hCG.
  • Ovarian cancer.
  • Adrenal insufficiency.
  • Decreased production of thyroid hormones.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Hyperprolactinemia syndrome.

HCG injection and pregnancy

Human chorionic gonadotropin is produced in a woman’s body throughout pregnancy. Based on the determination of its presence and concentration, one can judge the presence of pregnancy, determine an ectopic pregnancy, and draw conclusions about possible disorders during pregnancy.

The main function of hCG is to control the production of estrogens and progesterone, it causes the body to produce more progesterone and less estrogens, due to which the pregnancy continues and the fetus develops.

HCG injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • In case of corpus luteum phase deficiency. In such cases, if a woman becomes pregnant, injections are administered no later than 8 weeks to 14 weeks (from this moment progesterone is produced by the placenta, not the corpus luteum).
  • For the formation and proper development of the placenta itself. if, according to ultrasound data, a delay in its development is diagnosed.
  • HCG injections are prescribed at the pregnancy planning stage to stimulate ovulation and maintain the luteal phase to increase the chances of conception and egg implantation.
  • As a stage in supporting pregnancy during IVF (in vitro fertilization).

The drug chorionic gonadotropin can be injected only according to the strict indications of an obstetrician-gynecologist, and it is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen. This will increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.

Who was helped by hCG injections to maintain pregnancy?

And they didn’t see the yolk sac. And based on all this, hCG injections were prescribed.

I read the annotation on them, somehow I didn’t really like that they were prescribed to me without analyzing hormones.

Whoever had it like this, please write:008:

Well, that's probably why. They don't want a repeat.

I had a previous frozen one, this time there was a threat, the hematoma was formed due to a detachment, it was getting worse.

I trusted the doctor and didn’t want to take any risks. They said it was necessary - inject.

But my husband injected me with papaverine 2 times a day, Actovegin droppers for a week, my butt was a complete bruise. She cried, but endured the injections.

If you don’t know how to inject yourself, or your husband doesn’t know how, you can go to Helix (they are now in every district), to a clinic, etc.

Is this some kind of analogue of hCG?

Is it painful or expensive? :)

I think that then the hCG analysis is uninformative. I had an ultrasound.

This analogue of progesterone has rotted away, I took tests for hormones, very often with problems with B it is progesterone that is missing, but I had a corpus luteum cyst, i.e. there was too much progesterone.

A hCG injection is an injection of hormonal drugs such as Menogon, Horagon, Pregnil, Choriogonin and others. Their active ingredient is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which helps restore ovulation.

An injection of hCG with the introduction of these hormonal drugs helps stimulate the ovulation process. These drugs enhance the hormonal activity of the corpus luteum through the administration of hCG. To stimulate ovulation, the dosage of the hCG hormone is 5000-10000 IU. If the doctor plans to continue the pregnancy, the dosage should be 1000-3000 IU. In each specific case, the dosage is selected individually, taking into account the concentration of hormones in the body, the size of the follicle, and so on.

HCG includes two subunits - alpha and beta. The beta subunit is the basis of the pregnancy test. In the first weeks of pregnancy, beta hCG begins to be produced in the female body, and in weeks 7-11 its concentration increases several thousand times.

The main factor influencing a woman's ability to become pregnant is ovulation. This is the process of the release of an egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube due to the rupture of a mature follicle for its further fertilization and transportation through the reproductive tract. Situations often arise when the follicle does not rupture.

The hormone gonadotropin is responsible for conception and the normal course of pregnancy. It stimulates ovulation in women and promotes the hormonal activity of the corpus luteum until the egg attaches to the uterus.

In cases where ovulation for some reason does not occur in the female body, hormonal stimulation is carried out using an injection. This procedure is prescribed to women whose ovaries do not produce full-fledged eggs.


The procedure is effective in eliminating the following conditions in a woman’s body:

1. Dysmenorrhea – a pathological condition characterized by severe pain during menstruation. Other symptoms may also occur: dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, bloating, fainting and others. 2. Ovarian dysfunction. 3. Anovulatory infertility. 4. Threat of spontaneous miscarriage. 5. Deficiency of the corpus luteum. 6. Incorrect formation of the placenta. 7. The inability of the female body to bear fruit. 8. Preparation for IVF.

This procedure can be used in assisted reproductive techniques as an additional means.

Men are prescribed for:

1. Hypogenitalism - a significant decrease in the functions of the gonads and their underdevelopment. 2. Pituitary dwarfism (dwarfism) – retarded growth and development. 3. Sexual infantilism – a delay in the development of the body, manifested in the underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system. 4. Genetic disorders.


The use of human chorionic gonadotropin injections is contraindicated for:

1. Early menopause. 2. During lactation. 3. When a tumor process occurs in the ovaries and pituitary gland. 4. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. 5. Thrombophlebitis. 6. Hyperthyroidism. 7. Individual intolerance to the drug. 8. Diseases of the adrenal glands.

HCG injection for anovulation

The following factors can lead to anovulation:

  • hypothalamic dysfunction;
  • neoplasms of the pituitary gland;
  • stress;
  • disruption of blood supply to the brain;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • genital injuries;
  • premature menopause;
  • obesity;
  • anorexia;
  • liver diseases;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • some medications.

Before you start stimulating ovulation, it is necessary to establish the true reason for its absence. For this, patients are prescribed a series of tests and ultrasound. Regular measurement of basal temperature is also necessary. The results of the research will make it possible to determine the need for the procedure. In some cases, normalizing, for example, the level of thyroid hormones can contribute to the natural process of restoring ovulation. Regular ultrasounds should be performed to monitor the development of follicles.

The initial ultrasound is done 8-10 days after the end of menstruation. Then every 2-3 days until the fact of ovulation or the next menstruation is established. Based on the research results, you can prescribe an injection of hCG, which stimulates the ovulation process and prevents the formation of follicular cysts.

As a rule, after the injection, ovulation occurs within 24-36 hours. It is confirmed using ultrasound results. In some cases, ovulation may take a longer time to occur or may not occur at all.

After confirmation of ovulation, injections of utrozhestan or progesterone are given, which further “maintain” the corpus luteum.

When stimulating ovulation, the doctor, based on spermogram indicators, determines the frequency and timing of sexual intercourse and insemination.

After an hCG injection, a pregnancy test is performed no earlier than two weeks after ovulation. Test results before this period may give false positive results.

HCG injection during pregnancy

During pregnancy, this procedure is prescribed in cases of low levels of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body in order to further maintain pregnancy. Low concentrations of the hormone may be due to early pregnancy. In this case, before prescribing the injection, the doctor directs the patient to take tests again to confirm low hormone levels.

Pregnancy after an HCG injection

After the hCG injection has been performed, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test no earlier than two weeks later. If you take an hCG test earlier than 2 weeks, the result may be false positive. Therefore, after an injection of hCG, the level of this hormone should be determined over time. Starting from the moment of conception, the level of this hormonal substance increases by 2 times every few days. Maximum hCG levels are detected at the end of the first trimester. After this, its level begins to gradually decrease.

If the hormone concentration in the blood is 20% or more below normal, this may indicate a number of serious disorders in the body:

  • chronic placental insufficiency - dysfunction of the placenta, leading to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus and a possible delay in its development;
  • ectopic pregnancy developing outside the uterus - in the fallopian tube (99% of cases), abdominal cavity, ovaries. Such a pregnancy poses a great threat to a woman’s life;
  • frozen pregnancy - cessation of fetal development and further death;
  • threat of miscarriage.

Side effects

Side effects may include:

  • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - a condition of the female body characterized by an overly strong reaction of the ovaries to the drug;
  • hydrothorax - the process of fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity;
  • ascites is a disease characterized by the accumulation of large volumes of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • thromboembolism is an acute blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus that breaks away from its place of formation and subsequently enters the bloodstream. This process often ends in ischemic infarction;
  • cyst formation.


There are standard dosages for human chorionic gonadotropin injections:

  • in order to stimulate ovulation, human chorionic gonadotropin 5000 or 10000 IU is prescribed once;
  • in case of stimulation of the corpus luteum, human chorionic gonadotropin 1500 or 5000 IU is used;
  • To stimulate superovulation during reproductive activities, human chorionic gonadotropin is prescribed 10,000 IU once. After 34-36 hours, the egg is collected;
  • in case of habitual miscarriage or threat of miscarriage, a woman is prescribed an hCG injection to maintain pregnancy, starting the course no later than the 8th week of pregnancy and continuing to administer it until the 14th week inclusive. At the first injection, human chorionic gonadotropin 10,000 IU is administered. Then continue injections of the drug twice a week at a dosage of 5000 IU;
  • This procedure gives good results in cases of delayed puberty in boys. Treatment involves injections of human chorionic gonadotropin at a dosage of 3000-5000 IU per week for three months;
  • for delayed sexual development in men, hCG injections are prescribed in dosages of 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 IU per day for 1.5-3 months;
  • for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, human chorionic gonadotropin 1500-6000 IU is used as treatment once a week in combination with menotropins;
  • in the case of cryptorchidism, boys under 6 years of age are prescribed human chorionic gonadotropin 500-1000 IU for six weeks, two injections per week. Children over 6 years old are injected with the drug at a dosage of 1500 IU.

The drugs are administered to the patient intramuscularly. This procedure can be done in special medical institutions, or independently, if the woman has the skills to do intramuscular injections correctly. This need often arises in patients due to a long course of treatment.

The doctor determines the dosage of the drug individually for each patient.

In the pharmacy you can find the drug in the following dosages:

  • human chorionic gonadotropin 500 units;
  • hCG 1000 units;
  • hCG 1500 units;
  • hCG 5000 units;
  • HCG 10000 units.

It is produced in the form of an injection solution.

Also often called pregnancy hormone. It begins to be actively produced in a woman’s body after conception and supports the normal development of pregnancy.

In a woman’s body outside of pregnancy, as well as in a man’s body, the hCG hormone is absent or present in very small quantities. There are a number of hCG drugs that help stimulate ovulation and maintain pregnancy in the early stages.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is responsible for the successful course of pregnancy. With hormonal imbalances, the body cannot cope with production in sufficient quantities, which leads to early miscarriages or infertility.

HCG is responsible for the production of other sex hormones: estrogen and. It is on this hormone that the production, as well as the normal development and implantation of the embryo, depends.

Experts involved in pregnancy issues recommend an injection of hCG 5000 in cases where ovulation does not occur on its own. For infertility, the doctor will recommend injections of drugs containing human chorionic gonadotropin in a dosage of 5,000 to 10,000 units. The dosage is selected individually. During pregnancy, as a rule, the dosage is lower (1000-2000). This is the optimal dose that helps maintain pregnancy and avoid ovarian hyperfunction.

A couple of weeks after conception, the level of hCG in a woman’s blood should increase. It is hCG that is the most reliable evidence of pregnancy.

Insufficient hCG levels at the beginning of pregnancy may indicate an unfavorable pregnancy, early miscarriages, or an ectopic pregnancy.

The hormone reaches its maximum level at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, and then begins to gradually decrease.To determine the day of injection for infertility, a woman needs to be examined and receive a diagnosis of infertility.

First, she donates blood, determines hormone levels, and then every 2-3 days, starting from about the 8th day of the cycle, does so to monitor the maturation of the corpus luteum.

Useful video - Blood test for hCG:

If the examination shows that there is no ovulation, the doctor will prescribe a course of hCG injections. They are done on days 5-21 of the cycle, depending on the body of a particular woman. After the injection, the woman is still checked by a doctor to monitor her body's response to the hormone injection.

Injection appointment and contraindications

Hormonal injections can only be given with the permission of a doctor. HCG injections without consulting a gynecologist can be dangerous. After a thorough examination, the doctor will prescribe the dosage of the drug and schedule the day of the injection.

An HCG injection is prescribed in the following cases.

  • Anovulation. The reasons for the lack of ovulation can be very different: from serious hormonal disorders to simple stress. Before deciding on hormonal injections, you need to identify the reasons, take the procedure and go through it several times. An HCG injection is recommended only if there is a proven deficiency of this hormone. If problems with conception are associated with hormones or treatment with other drugs, then the treatment will be different.
  • Insufficiency of the corpus luteum. In this case, conception can occur, but the body cannot cope with the load after implantation of the fetus. An hCG injection is prescribed during the period when the placenta has not formed.
  • Habitual miscarriage. In case of a habitual miscarriage, an hCG injection can be prescribed both at the preparation stage and during pregnancy. The dosage and time of injection are determined individually.
  • Preparing for IVF. Before the in vitro fertilization procedure, both partners undergo examination and preparation. An HCG injection increases the chances of successful IVF.
  • For improvement . In some cases, hCG injections can also be given to men. If the spermogram is not sufficient for IVF or conventional conception, using hCG can improve the quality of sperm and increase the possibility of conception.

Preparations containing hCG have a number of contraindications. They should not be prescribed to people with hormone-dependent tumors and those with individual intolerance to the drug. You cannot give hCG injections to increase muscle mass and enhance production, as well as in the absence of indications for women. An overdose can lead to the formation of cysts and other disorders.

HCG injection during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman registers and constantly donates blood, including blood levels. Levels of this hormone should double every few days during the first trimester of pregnancy.

The first level of hCG in the blood, as a rule, does not indicate anything, so the norm is very wide. The doctor will look at the indicator of this hormone over time.

If your hCG level is not rising enough, your doctor may prescribe an hCG injection:

  • Placental insufficiency. Placental insufficiency rarely occurs in the early stages, since at this time the placenta is not yet sufficiently developed. However, this phenomenon is often chronic and occurs every pregnancy. If a woman has already had problems with the placenta in previous pregnancies, the doctor may prescribe an hCG injection in the early stages.
  • Threat of miscarriage due to hormonal imbalance. If pregnancy is confirmed, an ultrasound shows that the fetus is alive, but the hormone level is stubbornly not growing, the doctor may recommend stimulating its growth in the form of an injection of hCG to prevent miscarriage.
  • Delayed fetal development. In the initial stages of pregnancy, this is not yet visible enough, but the doctor may notice that the fetus is developing more slowly. it will show a low hCG level.
  • Habitual miscarriage. If a woman has a history of several miscarriages, she needs to be examined at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. However, women are not always examined in advance. Women with recurrent miscarriage are carefully observed and donate blood several times. If its level is insufficient, an injection is prescribed.

Before prescribing an hCG injection, you need to undergo an examination. Unfortunately, the situation cannot always be solved with an injection, since a low level of hCG can be a sign of fetal death, frozen pregnancy, or ectopic pregnancy. Hormonal stimulation in this case will be useless.