Bitch udder treatment with antibiotics. Hidradenitis: treatment of inflammation. Hidradenitis suppurativa - causes

Inguinal hidradenitis, as well as axillary hidradenitis, develops quite often due to the location of many sweat glands in the designated area. Purulent cones of hidradenitis ripen in the groin according to the same scenario as in the armpits. The reasons for the appearance are usually:

  • poor hygiene
  • heavy sweating
  • sloppy shaving
  • ingrown hairs
  • hormonal imbalances
  • wearing tight synthetic panties

IMPORTANT: Hidradenitis inguinalis often takes on chronic, recurrent forms. Due to the “intimacy” of the disease, not everyone goes to the doctor, wasting precious time and contributing to the further development and spread of hidradenitis.

Hidradenitis inguinalis is one of the most painful. It is very difficult to independently carry out proper treatment and skin care in this delicate area. In most cases, the only way to get rid of hidradenitis inguinalis is through surgery.

Hidradenitis: classifications

There are acute suppurative and chronic hidradenitis.

It is also common to distinguish between bilateral and unilateral hidradenitis (the second is much more common). With it, the sweat glands are involved in the pathological process on only one side.

Therapy at the initial stage of development of hidradenitis

It is better not to start hidradenitis

At the initial stage of development, hidradenitis is characterized by subcutaneous thickening, causing a painful sensation. If the disease is recognized in time and measures are taken, the node may resolve. To do this, it is necessary to treat the affected area according to the following scheme:

  • the hair is carefully removed with small scissors.
  • to relieve inflammation and disinfect the affected area, you need to apply a tincture of calendula in alcohol or a solution of salicylic acid to the skin a couple of times a day;
  • 1-2 times a day, lotions (a swab moistened with chlorophyllipt) must be applied to the affected area;

Hidradenitis symptoms

Hidradenitis is easy to recognize even at the very beginning of development (in the infiltration stage). A small round lump appears on the skin of the affected area, which can be easily felt when pressed and causes discomfort.

After a few days, the lump increases in size and changes color to dark pink. The pain noticeably intensifies.

At the stage of infiltration (initial development), you can notice the appearance of small nodules that are dense to the touch. Hidradenitis under the armpit or in the groin area, which is out of sight, will manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms: itching, pain when pressed.

  • Immediately after the appearance, the nodule will rapidly increase in size and take on a pear-shaped shape. The size of the inflammatory lesion reaches 1.5 - 3 cm.

The hidradenitis ganglion is tightly adherent to the skin, which in the convex area becomes red-violet. As inflammation develops, the nodules merge with each other. Painful sensations appear not only when touched, but also at rest.

The maturation process of hidradenitis is necessarily accompanied by:

  1. General malaise;
  2. Fatigue;
  3. Painful itching sensations around the inflammation;
  4. Increased body temperature.


As a rule, diagnosing hidradenitis is not particularly difficult. Due to the very peculiar localization of the inflammatory process, as well as the picture characteristic of the disease, the specialist, first of all, performs a thorough examination.

Hidradenitis differs from boils in the complete absence of a necrotic core. It is also important to distinguish hidradenitis from colliquative tuberculosis.

With colliquative tuberculosis, the course of the disease is longer, and the disease begins with damage to the lymph nodes; the person does not feel pain.

Recognizing the disease is not difficult for an experienced doctor. To clarify the severity of intoxication, you can take a general blood test, which will reveal neutrophilic leukocytosis and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

It will be useful to analyze the released pus for sensitivity to antibiotics, especially if taken before the start of antibacterial therapy. In the future, he will help you choose the right drug for relapse of hidradenitis.

In advanced chronic forms, accompanied by numerous lesions interconnected by tracts, ultrasound diagnostics of soft tissues is performed, which makes it possible to “examine” the structure of the subcutaneous tissue and optimize surgical intervention.

Rice. 11. The photo shows an enlarged lymph node in the armpit (left) and a boil (right).

To prescribe adequate treatment for hidradenitis, a method of differential diagnosis should be used with a furuncle, carbuncle, lymphadenitis and felinosis in the early stages of the disease, and lymphogranuloma venereum, donovaz, scrofuloderma and actinomycosis in the later stages of the disease.

Diagnosing hidradenitis is not difficult. A clear clinical picture and identification of the pathogen in pus culture confirm the diagnosis.

As a rule, making a diagnosis of hidradenitis (ICD-10 code - L73. 2) does not cause difficulties.

The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, medical history and the results of external examination and palpation. Nodules with hidradenitis differ from boils and carbuncles in the absence of a characteristic purulent-necrotic core.

A laboratory test of the patient's blood reveals leukocytosis and an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which indicates the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process.

Local treatment

How to treat hidradenitis? The disease will not go away on its own, so medical intervention is required. Problems with the sweat center and skin are dealt with by a surgeon and a dermatologist.

It is forbidden to squeeze pus out of nodules on your own. This can cause the spread of infection and, as a result, serious complications.

If inflammation is detected, first aid must be provided:

  1. Carefully remove hair from neighboring areas.
  2. Avoid moisture, so don't take a bath. You can take a shower, but the sore spot must be covered with an adhesive bandage.
  3. Warm the nodules every hour with a warm towel.
  4. Warm up inflammation with a blue lamp for 5 minutes 3 times a day.
  5. Wipe the nodes and surrounding skin with alcohol several times a day.

These measures will help you heal faster and prevent pus from going deeper into the body.

Hidradenitis itself is not contagious. However, the infection that comes out along with the purulent contents can be transmitted. Therefore, you should not touch personal hygiene items and the patient’s clothing.

If you have hidradenitis, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will prescribe conservative treatment, including medications and traditional medicine. In advanced cases, only surgical intervention will help.


Medicines have the most intense and targeted effect. Fixed assets include:

Antibiotics for hidradenitis are prescribed for severe inflammation. The disease seriously affects the body, and such medications prevent the spread of infection and the occurrence of complications.

Antibiotics that can be prescribed include macrolides, Erythromycin, and Tetracycline. If an elevated temperature is observed, antipyretic medications (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol) are prescribed.

Surgical intervention

Hidradenitis with persistent purulent discharge can only be cured with surgery.

If the lump is opened, and the installation of drainage does not bring results due to the appearance of many small abscesses at the site of infiltration, then the surgeon makes a deep incision to healthy tissue.

When the wound heals, antibiotics and physical therapy are prescribed. This way relapses can be excluded. The physiotherapeutic course includes the following methods:

  • photochemotherapy (increases the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria);
  • quartz;
  • IF therapy (relieves pain in the armpits);
  • magnetic laser therapy (has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect).

Treatment of hidradenitis must occur under the close supervision of a specialist. As a rule, to treat the disease, the doctor prescribes therapy using antibiotics, nitrofurans, and sulfonamides.

Autohemotherapy is also used. If the patient exhibits recurrent forms of hidradenitis, then specific immunotherapy is used for treatment, and drugs that have a general strengthening effect are prescribed.

Ichthyol lozenge has been successfully used as a means for local therapy of hidradenitis. During the period when pus is released from the nodes, it should be changed twice a day. At this time, UHF, dry heat, ultraviolet irradiation, and exposure to sunlight are used for treatment.

Hidradenitis can be treated either independently or through surgery. If the disease is in the initial stages of development, even self-medication can give good results.

To do this, you can use folk remedies or medications. Treatment should begin immediately after detection of a lump.

The following ointments can help you quickly get rid of hidradenitis at home:

Treatment of hidradenitis should be strictly individual. At the infiltration stage, symptomatic therapy is sufficient.

At the stage of abscess formation, surgical treatment is used. Antibiotics and pathogenetic therapy agents speed up recovery.

Treatment of recurrent (chronic) forms of hidradenitis includes the use of specific and nonspecific agents that increase the body's defenses.

Treatment of hidradenitis at the infiltration stage

  • The hair in the armpit is shaved.
  • The skin is treated with a solution of 70% ethyl alcohol twice a day.

Aniline dyes are used: fucorcin solution (Castellani liquid), brilliant green solution (zelenka).

  • Keratoplasty agents are used. Drugs in this group have the property of drying out tissues. By taking away water, they help slow down the processes of fermentation and decay in deep inflammatory infiltrates. The use of 20% Ichthyol ointment or pure Ichthyol is indicated. An “ichthyol cake” is applied to the affected surface twice a day (the applied ointment is covered with a thin layer of cotton wool).
  • Acceleration of resolution of the inflammatory infiltrate is achieved by introducing the glucorticoid Triamcinolone into the lesion at a dose of 3-5 mg/ml and injecting with antibiotics.
  • During the period of boil maturation, physiotherapy (UHF therapy, dry heat) is indicated.

Rice. 12. The photo shows the consequences of hidradenitis in the groin.

Treatment of hidradenitis at the abscess stage

Hydradenitis under the armpit, which occurs without complications, can be treated at home. The doctor must monitor the progress of therapy.

How to treat hidradenitis? Procedures are required to prevent the infectious process from spreading to healthy neighboring areas:

  1. An abscess located anywhere is recommended to be treated with boric or salicylic acid twice a day. You can use calendula tincture.
  2. Apply cotton wool soaked in a solution based on iodine and Dimexide. You can simply make an iodine grid.
  3. It is allowed to apply a gauze bandage soaked in antiseptics. The bandage is fixed with adhesive tape. As it dries, new medicine is applied. The duration of the procedure is about three hours. Dioxidin, alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt, tincture of calendula. All these solutions should be diluted with water before use.
  4. Ointments Levomekol, Clindamycin, Levosin, Ichthyol cream will help reduce the signs of the disease.

Hidradenitis under the armpit or in other parts of the body is successfully treated with physiotherapeutic procedures: photo-chemotherapy, x-ray therapy, quartz, magnetic laser therapy, electrophoresis.

If hidradenitis is localized in an accessible place, then every hour it is useful to apply a towel heated with an iron to the inflamed area or warm it in the sun. Dry heat improves blood circulation and resolves seals.

Prevention will help avoid worsening the condition:

  1. You can only take a shower. The affected area is sealed with a bandage.
  2. Towels and underwear should be washed and changed every day.
  3. You should not wear tight clothes, especially those made of synthetic fabrics.
  4. After a shower, you can treat the nodes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Do not shave the affected areas.

Treatment with antibiotics

In most cases, hidradenitis is painful and periodically worsens. The disease does not go away on its own; drug or surgical treatment is necessary.

In the first few days after the infection is detected, you can warm the affected areas of the skin with dry heat every 4-5 hours. You can do it this way:

  • Heat a terry towel with an iron, apply it to the knots that appear and hold until the towel cools down. Repeat 2-3 times in a row several times a day.
  • Warm the skin with blue light, perform 2 times a day for 5-7 minutes.
  • For hidradenitis under the armpit or near the navel, you can warm the skin with solar heat, best in the morning and evening for 20-30 minutes.

With hidradenitis, it is very important to prevent the infection from spreading to neighboring sweat glands. To do this, you need to cut the hair in adjacent areas, avoid getting wet (refuse to take a bath, wash in the shower, covering the affected skin with an adhesive plaster), wipe the nodules and the skin around them with camphor alcohol.

Treatment of hidradenitis with antibiotics

Treatment of hidradenitis should mainly occur under the close supervision of a specialist. Basically, therapy using nitrofurans, antibiotics, and sulfonamides is prescribed to treat the disease.

Autohemotherapy can also be used. When a patient develops forms of recurrent hidradenitis, immunotherapy can be used to treat it and medications can be prescribed that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Ichthyol ointment has been successfully used as a drug for local treatment of hidradenitis. During the period of pus discharge from the nodes, Ichthyol lozenge is used twice a day.

At the same time, dry heat, UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, as well as walks in the fresh air are used for complex treatment.

The success of therapy largely depends on at what stage the patient discovers a node in the groin area or hidradenitis under the arm. Treatment of hidradenitis must begin from the moment of the first lumps under the skin.

For ease of manipulation, the hair in the affected area is cut off (shaving is prohibited, as this can aggravate the course of the purulent process).

The node and the surrounding area are treated with an antiseptic, which will reduce pain (the possibility of an allergy to a particular substance must be taken into account):

  • Iodine 5%;
  • Salicylic acid 2%;
  • Brilliant green 3%;
  • Ethyl alcohol 96%.

Preparations for topical use

Antibacterial agents are used to treat hidradenitis. Usually these are doxycycline and erythromycin, but other options are possible. Only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug and its dosage after reviewing the test results.

Ointment is used for disinfection

How to treat hidradenitis at home?

Treatment of hidradenitis with folk remedies is possible only at the beginning of the disease. Note that alternative medicine is effective only in combination with conservative treatment.

Before using any product, you should consult your doctor. There are products for external use and oral administration. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

External treatment

Complications of hidradenitis

Complications of the disease are:

  • Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.
  • On the side of hidradenitis, lymphedema sometimes develops - swelling of the soft tissues of the upper limb on the side of hidradenitis.
  • When inflammation spreads to the subcutaneous tissue, phlegmon develops.

Rice. 8. The photo shows the consequences of hidradenitis in the armpit - hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Rice. 9. At the site of inflammation, ugly, retracted scars often form.

Rice. 10. The photo shows inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, as a result of a boil, carbuncle, abscess or hidradenitis.

If, with hidradenitis, the process was started and an abscess formed, which was not opened in a timely manner, complications such as lymphadenitis, phlegmon and sepsis are possible. Blood poisoning often causes death.

Note: Remember that with such a serious disease as hidradenitis, treatment at home can lead to the development of serious complications.


It is much easier to prevent the disease than to wonder how to treat hidradenitis.

Disease prevention is of great importance:

With hidradenitis, nutrition plays an important role. The diet should consist of foods rich in iron, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6.

Regular prevention of hidradenitis improves the activity of the sweat glands and the general condition of the body.

Hidradenitis, which appears in the armpit, brings many problems. Treatment of the disease must begin at the first stages. The doctor will select the correct treatment regimen.

Traditional medicine can only complement basic treatment. To treat hidradenitis at home, you can use medications and alternative medicine.

The main principle of preventing hidradenitis is considered to be adherence to generally accepted rules of hygiene. Thus, a person’s clothing must necessarily correspond to the temperature and humidity of the air. You should not constantly wear clothes that are too tight.

Prevention of hidradenitis consists of following the rules of hygiene, taking care of the skin of the axillary and groin areas, treating diabetes mellitus, and strengthening the immune system.

With chronic hidradenitis, it is useful to sometimes expose the affected area to sunlight, in other words, to allow the skin of the armpits to tan a little.

The patient must have his own towel and his own clothing in contact with the body (for example, a robe or T-shirt).

With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Hidradenitis is easier to prevent than to treat. Those who are already familiar with purulent inflammation of the sweat glands and its consequences should be especially careful. The main preventive measures for the disease are:

  • maintaining personal hygiene
  • careful selection of cosmetics or complete refusal of cosmetics
  • control blood sugar levels, exclude staphylococcal infection
  • careful hair removal in “risk areas”: armpits, groin, stomach and chest
  • treating the armpits with alcohol during periods of heavy sweating
  • preventing dust and dirt from coming into contact with sweaty skin

An important condition for preventing the development of hidradenitis is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and strengthening of general immunity, as well as treatment of secondary infections, and extreme caution when depilating. In addition, it is recommended to use deodorants as little as possible.

If hidradenitis has opened and pus with blood comes out, you must be especially careful to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Contact of exudate with the skin is extremely undesirable, as the pathogenic bacteria present in it can cause inflammation of the sweat glands located near the lesion.

Nutrition for hidradenitis

In a set of procedures aimed at treating hidradenitis, adherence to a specially designed diet is very important. Immediately after the onset of the disease, it is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, all spicy foods, and spicy seasonings for the next three months.

You should eat sweets in limited quantities. Quitting smoking is also very important.

Patients are recommended to take multivitamins, eat foods containing large amounts of phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, A, C, E. In addition, it is recommended to take products that have the ability to increase the defenses of the human body.

These are sea buckthorn oil, tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, and dry brewer's yeast preparations.

In order to prevent exacerbations, patients suffering from hidradenitis must completely exclude alcohol and hot spices from their diet. It is advisable to limit the amount of sweets and flour consumed.

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Hidradenitis (ICD 10 L73.2 hidradenitis suppurativa) is an inflammation of the sweat glands that most often occurs in the groin or armpit. Also, this disease can affect areas of the skin that are localized:

  • around the anus;
  • around the nipples;
  • on the labia of women;
  • near the navel;
  • on the scalp;
  • on the scrotum in men.

Hidradenitis is popularly called udder knot. This disease occurs with equal probability in both men and women. Hidradenitis does not affect older people because the activity of the sweat glands decreases with age. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the summer, when the air temperature is quite high and the person sweats a lot.

Stages of hidradenitis:
  • infiltration stage;
  • stage of suppuration;
  • the abscess has formed and may rupture.

Inflammation of the sweat glands with hidradenitis is most often provoked by the activity of streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria. They enter the body through excretory ducts in the skin.

Classification of hidradenitis:
  • hidradenitis suppurativa;
  • axillary hidradenitis;
  • hidradenitis inguinalis;
  • chronic hidradenitis;
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa.

Causes of hidradenitis

The main reasons for the development of hidradenitis, regardless of the location of inflammation:

  • decreased body resistance;
  • hyperactivity of sweat glands;
  • frequent skin injury;
  • ignoring personal hygiene standards;
  • as a consequence of dermatoses, which are accompanied by severe itching;
  • immunosuppressive conditions;
  • diabetes.

The causes of hidradenitis under the arm are poor personal hygiene, microtrauma and cuts from a razor. The provoking factor may be the use of low-quality depilatory products. Deodorant can also cause hidradenitis if used very frequently.

Hidradenitis suppurativa - causes

The causes of hidradenitis, which is accompanied by the accumulation of pus inside the sweat gland, are considered to be non-compliance with hygiene rules and untimely treatment of this disease. If you do not pay attention to it when a small swelling appears, over time the skin in this area begins to become more inflamed. The resulting pimple grows rapidly in size and can reach 15-20 mm in diameter.

Gradually, the swelling softens and pus begins to flow from its center. When hidradenitis breaks out, severe pain occurs as an open wound forms. This process can take 7-10 days. With proper treatment of hidradenitis, after opening the formation, a scar forms in its place.

Hidradenitis – initial stage

At the initial stage of hidradenitis, some discomfort and tingling is felt under the armpit or in the groin. If you examine the skin, you can clearly see a small red pimple. In the initial stage of the disease, only one sweat gland is affected, and as hidradenitis develops, neighboring ducts may become inflamed.

This problem is characterized by the accumulation of secretions in a skin pore or near the hair follicle. Under these conditions, which are quite favorable for various bacteria, an inflammatory process develops.

Recurrent hidradenitis

Chronic or recurrent hidradenitis is characterized by the appearance of extensive inflammation of the sweat glands, which lasts for a long time. This form of the disease is considered the most complex. It requires careful diagnosis and treatment. It is important to identify the reasons that provoked such a long-term inflammatory process in the body.

An abscess is a common complication of recurrent hidradenitis, which can appear without timely comprehensive treatment.

Hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa of the armpit or other area of ​​skin occurs due to blockage and rupture of the hair follicle. The disease is characterized by the formation of an inflammatory process that affects the sweat glands.

Another name for this form of hidradenitis is acne inversus. This disease affects a person after puberty. Its peculiarity is the combination of inflammation of the sweat glands with various forms of acne. Hidradenitis can sometimes appear on the face or neck.

The causes of this skin condition are considered to be wearing uncomfortable clothes that rub the skin. Also a provoking factor is obesity and increased sweating.

Hidradenitis in the groin

Hidradenitis in the groin area occurs from tight and uncomfortable underwear, which can chafe. Microtraumas and diaper rash that form on the skin become entry points for infection. Hidradenitis in the intimate area can occur from frequent use of razors. Also, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules is directly related to this disease.

Hidradenitis in the groin in women appears in places where the apocrine glands are localized. It is characterized by the formation of dense nodes that cause pain.

Hidradenitis on the labia is accompanied by the formation of small formations protruding above the skin. Over time, they begin to increase in size and reach a diameter of 1-2 cm. In this case, the problem area of ​​the skin acquires a bluish tint. Hidradenitis on the labia is diagnosed by a gynecologist after conducting appropriate tests. This disease is characterized by simultaneous damage to several sweat glands.

When a diagnosis of hidradenitis in the groin is made, treatment should begin immediately. If you do nothing after a while, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is affected.

Hidradenitis in men can manifest as painful lumps on the scrotum.

Hidradenitis under the armpit

Axillary hidradenitis in the infiltration stage is accompanied by inflammation of the sweat glands mainly on one side. In this case, small dense nodules are formed, which upon palpation cause a painful sensation. Over time, the discomfort increases as the formations increase in size and begin to fester.

In some cases, hidradenitis of the mammary gland may occur. In this case, nodules appear near the nipples. Hidradenitis is especially dangerous during pregnancy or hidradenitis during breastfeeding. Without effective treatment, this condition can harm not only the mother, but also the child. The inflammatory process in a woman’s body can cause other more dangerous conditions.

Which doctor should I contact for hidradenitis?

Hidradenitis is a rather dangerous disease, since in severe cases it can cause sepsis. Therefore, when you identify the first symptoms, you need to contact a dermatologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment. In most cases, antibiotics are used, which are harmful to pathogenic bacteria.

If hidradenitis has reached the suppuration stage, its treatment can only be done surgically. In this case, you need to contact a regular surgeon.

If hidradenitis appears in children, you should definitely contact a pediatrician, who will examine the baby and prescribe specific treatment. It is also important to rule out other diseases that have similar symptoms.

Also keep in mind that hidradenitis is not contagious. The only exception is for hair removal products, which can only be used by one person.


The clinical picture of hidradenitis, as a rule, unfolds with certain dynamics and is characterized by the similarity of symptoms in different people. It is very important to note that if any of the symptoms described below appear, a person should immediately contact a medical facility to receive professional medical care.

Clinical picture of hidradenitis

Hidradenitis predominantly affects the sweat glands of one armpit and is considered unilateral. This is one of the features of the manifestation of the clinical picture.

In the initial stage of development of the disease (infiltration stage), dense nodules of small diameter appear in the skin, which can be easily felt under the skin. Moreover, their appearance is accompanied by a feeling of itching and minor pain, which increases with pressure on the nodules. The skin over the changed sweat glands becomes hyperemic. Pain appears in the armpit when moving the arm.

The nodules grow quickly and reach a diameter of 1.5–2 cm, adhere to the skin and to each other. They are visible on the skin in the form of pear-shaped bumps with considerable height. At the same time, in appearance they resemble a dog’s nipples, which is reflected in the trivial name of the disease – “bitch udder”. The skin over them becomes purplish-red, swollen and acquires a shine, which is associated with its tension. The pain increases and now manifests itself not only when moving the limb or pressing on the nodules, but also at rest. With further progression of hidradenitis, the nodules merge with each other and form large, painful conglomerates, externally creating the illusion of general inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, which can introduce difficulties in the process of differential diagnosis of the disease. This stage of the development of the disease is called the stage of maturation of hidradenitis, and, in addition to local symptoms, it is manifested by increased body temperature, general weakness, muscle stiffness and soreness, headache and other symptoms of malaise.

If left untreated, the disease progresses. Purulent inflammation begins in the subcutaneous nodules, which is accompanied by their melting and the release of pus from under the skin. The pus is thick (similar in consistency to sour cream) and very often contains bloody impurities. At this stage of development of the disease, the skin at the site of the lesion becomes soft to the touch, with a doughy consistency, which is due to the presence of purulent foci underneath. At this stage of development of hidradenitis, it must be differentiated from a boil in the axillary region; this can be helped by the fact of the absence of a purulent core, which is observed in 100% of cases with the latter disease. After opening the festering node, the patient’s condition improves: the temperature decreases and the symptoms of intoxication disappear. Visually, ulcers form in place of the former nodes, characterized by a long healing process. After them, a retracted scar remains on the skin.

As the disease progresses, regional axillary lymph nodes are involved in the process, which is manifested by symptoms of lymphadenitis: enlarged and painful lymph nodes, the inability to move the limb due to pain.

As a rule, the development cycle of hidradenitis is two weeks, but at the same time, fresh purulent foci can be added to the already scarring nodes, which makes the disease potentially long-lasting and dangerous to human health. In this case, hidradenitis takes a chronic course with frequent and severe relapses, which requires certain adjustments in treatment. With such a prolonged course, comedones remain on the skin (fistula tracts connected to the surface of the skin by many holes).

Symptoms of complications of hidradenitis

With further progression of hidradenitis, the tissues surrounding the sweat glands may melt, which can manifest itself in a wide variety of symptoms depending on the affected structure. Very often, the disease becomes diffuse and is accompanied by the development of phlegmon (unlimited purulent inflammation), which is clinically accompanied by the development of severe intoxication syndrome (temperature rise to 40 ° C, headache, weakness) and the inability to make any movements of the affected upper limb. Another typical complication of hidradenitis is damage to the trunks of the brachial plexus, which is manifested by pain in the limb, a burning sensation along the nerves, and muscle weakness. The development of complications requires immediate hospitalization and the beginning of intensive treatment in a hospital.

It is very important to pay great attention to the prevention of hidradenitis and prevent the development of this disease.


A doctor can prescribe treatment for any disease only after conducting a visual examination, the patient undergoing additional instrumental examinations and obtaining laboratory test results. For a pathology such as hidradenitis, diagnosis includes the following parameters:

  • general blood analysis;
  • sowing of discharge;
  • immunogram.

An important factor is the differential diagnosis of the disease. While the clinical manifestations seem obvious to the patient, and he is in a hurry to begin treatment; an experienced qualified specialist will scrupulously study the presented data so as not to confuse hidradenitis with pathologies such as

  • tuberculosis of the lymph nodes of the armpit;
  • furunculosis;
  • carbuncle;
  • abscess;
  • phlegmon;
  • lymphadenitis.

If clear signs are found indicating that hidradenitis is developing, diagnosis should be carried out in a medical institution. The attending physician will issue a referral for the necessary tests and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Laboratory and instrumental research methods for hidradenitis

It must be remembered that the doctor signs not only the treatment plan, but also the types of diagnostics. The patient cannot choose his preferred research methods, add certain points or refuse to undergo examinations. As mentioned above, many diseases present with symptoms similar to those of hidradenitis. But similar manifestations do not mean that the treatment will be similar. Therefore, incorrect diagnosis of the pathology will, at best, lead to a protracted course of the disease, and at worst, to the development of numerous complications. In order to accurately diagnose hidradenitis, five main examination methods are used.

Study of the clinical picture of the disease. This point should be treated with special care. External manifestations can either prompt you to make a correct diagnosis with obvious manifestations or confuse you with blurred symptoms. Upon examination, the doctor will reveal a bluish-red tint and swelling of the skin of the affected area, and upon palpation, dense painful formations in the form of nodes are determined. A distinctive feature of hidradenitis from other pathologies is the absence of a necrotic core.

Assessment of the general condition of the patient's body. Patients may complain of deterioration in health, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy to the outside world, headaches and dizziness, increased sweating. These signs are relative and can be a manifestation of many diseases. However, in a comprehensive examination, you should take into account all the details and pay attention to any little things.

General blood analysis. A general blood test shows signs of inflammation: an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and an increased number of leukocytes.

Culture of wound discharge. Treatment of hidradenitis is not possible without antibacterial therapy. Therefore, it is advisable to culture the discharge from the wound to determine sensitivity to these drugs. This measure will help you choose exactly the medicine that will successfully eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

Immunogram. There are cases when prolonged and chronic hidradenitis is observed; diagnosis in such a situation is supplemented by a study of the body's defenses. If the assumption of a weakened immune system is confirmed, treatment is expanded by introducing immunomodulators.

Timely and high-quality diagnosis is an important step towards correct and adequate treatment.


The treatment method for hidradenitis depends on the stage of the disease. If there is a slight swelling that has not yet had time to fester, you can get rid of the problem quite easily at home using external remedies - antibiotic ointments and antiseptic solutions.

At an early stage of the disease, treatment with folk remedies is allowed, which is aimed at reducing inflammation and destroying pathogenic microorganisms on the skin. Various methods of physiotherapy also show positive results.

Effective treatment for hidradenitis involves antibacterial therapy with antibiotics. Immunostimulating agents are also indicated, especially if relapses of the disease occur.

If the formations on the skin fester, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. Does it hurt to cut out hidradenitis? No, because this operation is performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the extent of skin damage. After removal of hidradenitis, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the surgeon and dermatologist in order to prevent recurrent outbreaks of the disease. Also, for better healing of an open wound after surgery, local external therapy is indicated.

Can hidradenitis resolve? Of course yes, if treatment occurs in a timely manner and the correct medications are used, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to get rid of hidradenitis at the initial stage?

How to treat hidradenitis under the armpit or on any other part of the body if only small lumps have formed on the skin:

  • antibacterial therapy – used for 8-10 days depending on the patient’s condition;
  • antihistamines - used in case of severe itching;
  • immunostimulating agents that are aimed at normalizing the body’s protective functions;
  • specific immunotherapy - in cases of frequent relapses of the disease, when the cause of inflammation is staphylococcus;
  • corticosteroids - used in the form of injections that reduce the inflammatory process;
  • external use of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions;
  • physiotherapy and dry compresses.

If you follow the instructions of doctors and use an integrated approach to solving the problem, hidradenitis will resolve within 10-14 days.

How to treat hidradenitis - personal hygiene and skin care

How to cure hidradenitis quickly and without surgery? To do this, you need not only to take the medications prescribed by your doctor, but also to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and care for inflamed areas of the skin.

First of all, use nail scissors to cut off the hairs that are located near the swelling. Also, wipe your skin with antiseptics 4-5 times a day to prevent the spread of infection to neighboring sweat glands. If large areas of skin are affected, ointments or injections with antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed.

For the first days after swelling appears, apply gauze bandages to them, which must be soaked in antiseptics. You cannot seal the top with adhesive tape, which can create a greenhouse effect and worsen the situation. The use of wet compresses is also prohibited. This will only accelerate the suppuration of tumors.

Treatment of hidradenitis under the arm is best supplemented with dry compresses. To do this, apply a warm cloth to the affected areas of the skin or expose your hand to direct sunlight for 20-30 minutes daily.

During a hidradenitis flare-up, it is not recommended to take a bath, which can cause the disease to spread to other areas of the skin. It is best to wash in the shower. At the same time, apply a bactericidal patch to the inflamed swelling. Also, during treatment, refrain from shaving, so as not to provoke new outbreaks of the disease in other areas of the skin and slow down the healing process.

Hidradenitis suppurativa - treatment

When suppuration develops in areas with swelling, all treatment comes down to the use of various means that will help it mature, after which the hidradenitis is opened. To do this, it is best to use special ointments that are applied in a thick layer to the skin. This must be done until the abscess opens.

In parallel with external agents, you need to continue using antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs prescribed by your doctor.

When pus discharge appears in the middle of the compaction, you must definitely contact a surgeon who will remove hidradenitis. You cannot open an abscess on your own. This can cause blood infection, which can have serious consequences.

Hidradenitis - surgical treatment

Surgery for hidradenitis is a necessary measure that will help eliminate abscesses and prevent the spread of the disease to other areas of the skin.

Depending on the nature of the disease, surgical intervention can take place according to the following schemes:

  • the appearance of one abscess for the first time - the operation takes place under local anesthesia and lasts no more than 30 minutes. The surgeon opens the abscess, removes all the pus, and then treats the wound with antiseptics and antibiotic solutions;
  • the formation of hidradenitis several times in the same place - during the operation the entire inflamed sweat gland is removed;
  • hidradenitis, which is accompanied by the formation of a large number of abscesses - the operation takes place in two stages under general anesthesia. This procedure is indicated in the most severe cases, which requires a long recovery period and strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment of hidradenitis in an intimate area, including surgery, follows the same scheme that is used for other localization of abscesses.

Physiotherapy for hidradenitis

Physiotherapy is used in conjunction with other methods of treating hidradenitis, which includes:

  • UHF therapy – helps reduce the inflammatory process and eliminate abscesses;
  • UVR therapy – destroys bacteria on the skin and increases resistance to infections;
  • SMV therapy – improves blood microcirculation and eliminates inflammation;
  • X-ray therapy - used to destroy the sweat gland, which is constantly inflamed.

Prevention of hidradenitis

An important point is careful adherence to hygiene standards:

  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics, which should be loose and not rub anywhere;
  • Do not use antiperspirants daily. It is best to choose a powder with a bactericidal effect;
  • change clothes and underwear every day, especially in summer;
  • try not to shave with a razor. It is preferable to use laser hair removal or cut the hair short;
  • shower daily;
  • once a week for hygiene procedures, use antibacterial soap;
  • For intimate hygiene, use special gels that contain lactic acid.

To prevent the formation of abscesses and inflammation that are characteristic of hidradenitis, you need to systematically strengthen the immune system, monitor your weight and promptly treat other infectious diseases.


The choice of means and methods of treating hidradenitis largely depends on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. Thus, in the early stages of the disease, dermatologists often prescribe medication treatment to their patients.

Surgery is performed only if treatment of hidradenitis with ointments and tablets for a long time has not brought any results.

As a rule, the conservative approach is to treat hidradenitis with antibiotics. They can be used both internally and externally in the form of various ointments, creams, sprays, etc. However, no matter what form the medicine is in, only a doctor can prescribe it. This is due to the fact that antibiotics for hidradenitis can cause addiction in the body, which in the future can negatively affect the effectiveness of therapy.

Good results in treating the disease are also shown by ointments that have the ability to draw purulent contents out.

However, any medications must be prescribed by a specialist in the appropriate field. Only he knows which antibiotics for hidradenitis and ointments should be prescribed to a particular patient.

Vishnevsky ointment

Doctors have ambivalent views on the use of Vishnevsky ointment, because sometimes it speeds up the process of pus production.

This product contains tar, camphor and castor oil. These components of the medicine have a mild irritating and warming effect.

After applying the product to the affected area, it warms up and the blood supply in it improves. All this leads to the rapid development of the inflammatory process.

This means that Vishnevsky ointment for hidradenitis is prescribed only if the pathology has already entered the suppuration phase. In this situation, the essence of its use is to speed up the process of opening the abscess. That is, ointment for hidradenitis is used not to suppress, but to intensify the inflammatory process.

However, it is still not advisable to use this medicine in the initial stages of the disease. This is why it is so important that Vishnevsky ointment for hidradenitis is prescribed by a specialist.

A contraindication to the use of the medicine is an allergy to the components of the medicine.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment is another effective remedy for hidradenitis. It, like Vishnevsky’s ointment, speeds up the opening process.

The remedy has shown the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of sluggish hidradenitis, in which the inflammatory process is weak, but long-lasting. As a rule, ichthyol ointment for hidradenitis is prescribed in combination with antibacterial drugs for oral administration.

Contraindications to the use of this medicine include hypersensitivity to the components of the medicine, pregnancy and lactation, and age under 12 years.


Levomekol is an ointment that has antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. It contains levomethicin (an antibiotic) and methyluracil. It is worth noting that in severe cases of the disease, the doctor may prescribe levomethicin in tablet form orally.

Since levomekol is a product created on the basis of several drugs, it can therefore replace several drugs.

Levomecithin contained in the drug has a detrimental effect on staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and many other bacteria. At the same time, methyluracil accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. In addition, it effectively simulates local immunity, thanks to which the body eliminates the infection faster.

For the same reason, Levomekol is able to fight not only bacterial but also viral infections.

Levomekol for hidradenitis is a relatively safe ointment. The only contraindication to its use is the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the product.

However, only a doctor should prescribe the ointment, since in some cases it can cause side effects, including swelling, rash, itching and redness of the skin.

If these symptoms occur, the patient should consult a doctor as soon as possible. When changing the drug, the side effects disappear within a few days.


Erythromycin for hidradenitis can be prescribed in different forms, both in tablets and as an ointment. The choice of the form of the drug and the scheme of its use in this case is made by the doctor, based on the degree of the disease and the nature of its course.

This antibiotic can affect both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Unlike antibiotics of the penicillin group, erythromycin ointment for hidradenitis is much more easily tolerated by patients.

Erythromycin stops protein synthesis by pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to their death and a decrease in the inflammatory process.

Unfortunately, erythromycin (in any form), like most medications, has its contraindications. Thus, this remedy is not recommended to be used if the patient has intolerance to the components of the drug or severe liver disease. Pregnant women and children should consult a doctor before using the drug.

Among the side effects of the drug, patients sometimes report dizziness, swelling, migraines and difficulty breathing.


Dimexide is a drug for external use that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and mild analgesic effects.

Dimexide has a low price and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Its main function is to conduct other drugs into the deeper layers of tissue, that is, it acts as a conductor.

However, this product can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, since if used incorrectly, it can cause a chemical burn or introduce toxic substances into the body along with beneficial substances.

Pregnant women and patients with liver and kidney diseases should avoid using dimexide for hidradenitis.

Among the side effects of the drug, patients often note nausea, allergic reactions, breathing problems and burning.

As a rule, the doctor selects individually for the patient the medications that need to be used with dimexide to achieve the best results. To do this, the patient must independently make various mash-ups and ointments containing dimexide. It is important not to self-medicate. Only a doctor knows exactly what to apply for hidradenitis to his patient.


Amoxicillin is an oral antibiotic. It effectively fights pathogenic bacteria - the causative agents of hidradenitis.

Its absorption in the stomach occurs within 15-30 minutes after administration. It reaches its greatest activity after 2 hours, and its duration of action is 8 hours.

Side effects of amoxicillin include allergies, disorders of the digestive system, and damage to the central nervous system.

Folk remedies

In addition to the official approach in the treatment of hidradenitis, traditional medicine is also effective. But it is worth remembering that this inflammatory process is a serious illness, so the selection of a folk remedy should be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

Disinfection of aloe

Treatment of hidradenitis at home is effective when using the leaves of this houseplant.

For the procedure, perennial aloe is used, which must be washed with water before use, and the thorns are removed. A cut leaf is applied to the site of inflammation for 20 minutes several times a day. The medicinal juice of the plant draws out pus and promotes rapid healing of inflammation.

Compresses made from blackberry, plantain and white cabbage leaves are also suitable for cleansing an abscess.

Onion treatment

Baked onions are effective for purulent rashes. The vegetable is cut into half rings and baked in the oven until golden brown. Then the product is applied to the sore spot, fixed with sterile cotton wool and bandaged with a bandage.

Treatment must be continued until the abscess breaks through.

Honey and propolis

Alternative treatment for hidradenitis involves the use of honey and propolis in the absence of allergies.

If there are no special contraindications, then bee glue and honey are mixed, and there should be a little more propolis in the medicinal composition. Wheat flour is added to the folk remedy. The resulting cake must be applied to the diseased area, secured with an adhesive plaster.

Sour cream and rye flour

For a compress for hidradenitis, fatty sour cream and flour are used. The resulting mass should be dense; it is important that the substance does not slip from the attachment site.

Eggs, honey and flour are also used for the compress. All components are mixed into a homogeneous composition and applied to the site of inflammation for several hours.

Adhesive tape is also needed to secure the flour tortilla.

Herbal remedies

To completely cure the disease, it is effective to take medications internally. In this case, herbal medicine comes to the rescue.

Calendula tincture is also suitable for treating an inflamed area. A little water is added to the solution before use.

To accelerate the maturation of the abscess, an infusion of wormwood paniculata is used. The boiled product is cooled, the diseased areas are lubricated with the medicine.

For hidradenitis, a herbal mixture of eucalyptus and plantain leaves, calendula and elderberry flowers is effective. All plants are taken in the same proportions. One glass of raw materials is crushed and filled with water, the mixture is brought to a boil over low heat.

The medicine is taken several times a day after infusion in a dark place. For taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the broth. This folk remedy for hidradenitis has anti-inflammatory properties and improves immunity.

To heal a ruptured abscess

To make the wound heal faster, wash the sore spot with chamomile or sage infusion. This will not only reduce inflammation, but also relieve pain.

It is strictly contraindicated to squeeze out an abscess. This can lead not only to redness and expansion of the inflammatory area, but also to blood poisoning (sepsis). This condition is life-threatening and requires urgent hospitalization.

Although folk remedies have a certain therapeutic effect, a conservative approach is not a panacea for hidradenitis. For inflammation, surgical intervention is often indicated, so you cannot prescribe treatment yourself. Letting the disease progress is also not an option, since hidradenitis can progress to the stage of severe suppuration.

The information is for reference only and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.

Hidradenitis is a formation in the form of a nodular compaction caused by a serious inflammatory process.

In order not to confuse it with an ordinary boil, it is necessary to examine the lump. It should be bluish in color.

The disease brings a lot of discomfort and pain, so it should not be neglected. Treating hidradenitis under the arm at home will help avoid surgery.

Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands that occurs in the armpits, near the genitals and anus, and around the nipples.

The disease is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It enters the sweat glands in two ways - through microtrauma or through the lymph of other infectious foci in the body.

The most common cause of hidradenitis in the armpits is considered to be minor injuries that occur after using a razor.

Another cause of hidradenitis is excessive sweating.. Skin that is kept wet for a long time promotes the activity of pathogenic microflora.

Contributing factors include excess weight, weakened immunity, endocrine diseases, hormonal disorders and poor personal hygiene.

At the beginning of hidradenitis, small, dense bumps are observed that are slightly painful and itchy. Then they increase in volume and acquire a pear-shaped shape.

The so-called “nipples” appear at the extreme pole, which is why the disease is popularly known as “bitch udder.”

Also, the skin in this part becomes red-blue. The pain intensifies and swelling appears.

Hidradenitis is characterized by the merging of several tubercles into one and their opening on their own. From there, thick white pus is released, sometimes mixed with blood.

The disease is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • elevated temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache.

As a rule, the disease lasts 10-15 days. Very often, hidradenitis takes on a chronic form. People aged 30-40 are at risk.

Hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat gland

The main reason for the development of the disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.. Immediately there is a restructuring of the endocrine system. Such changes provoke the development of skin dysbiosis and the progression of hidradenitis.

A pregnant woman's body becomes vulnerable to various infections. As a result, the existing chronic process worsens, and new pathologies may develop.

With the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Even if small nodules don’t bother you at all, you shouldn’t hesitate. As hidradenitis progresses, the potential threat to the fetus increases.

Diagnosis, complications, impact on pregnancy and prevention of hidradenitis

How to treat hidradenitis? The disease will not go away on its own, so medical intervention is required. Problems with the sweat center and skin are dealt with by a surgeon and a dermatologist.

It is forbidden to squeeze pus out of nodules on your own. This can cause the spread of infection and, as a result, serious complications.

If inflammation is detected, first aid must be provided:

  1. Carefully remove hair from neighboring areas.
  2. Avoid moisture, so don't take a bath. You can take a shower, but the sore spot must be covered with an adhesive bandage.
  3. Warm the nodules every hour with a warm towel.
  4. Warm up inflammation with a blue lamp for 5 minutes 3 times a day.
  5. Wipe the nodes and surrounding skin with alcohol several times a day.

These measures will help you heal faster and prevent pus from going deeper into the body.

Hidradenitis itself is not contagious. However, the infection that comes out along with the purulent contents can be transmitted. Therefore, you should not touch personal hygiene items and the patient’s clothing.

If you have hidradenitis, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will prescribe conservative treatment, including medications and traditional medicine. In advanced cases, only surgical intervention will help.


Medicines have the most intense and targeted effect. Fixed assets include:

Antibiotics for hidradenitis are prescribed for severe inflammation. The disease seriously affects the body, and such medications prevent the spread of infection and the occurrence of complications.

Antibiotics that can be prescribed are macrolides, Erythromycin, Tetracycline. If an elevated temperature is observed, antipyretic medications (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol) are prescribed.

Hidradenitis with persistent purulent discharge can only be cured with surgery.

If the lump is opened, and the installation of drainage does not bring results due to the appearance of many small abscesses at the site of infiltration, then the surgeon makes a deep incision to healthy tissue.

When the wound heals, antibiotics and physical therapy are prescribed. This way relapses can be excluded. The physiotherapeutic course includes the following methods:

  • photochemotherapy (increases the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria);
  • quartz;
  • IF therapy (relieves pain in the armpits);
  • magnetic laser therapy (has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect).

Traditional medicine against hidradenitis

Treatment of hidradenitis with folk remedies is possible only at the beginning of the disease. Note that alternative medicine is effective only in combination with conservative treatment.

Before using any product, you should consult your doctor. There are products for external use and oral administration. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

External treatment consists of preparing healing mixtures, ointments, lozenges, lotions and compresses. The most effective recipes:

Treatment of hidradenitis under the arm: dry heat and compresses

Decoctions and infusions are well suited for oral administration. The following recipes have proven to be effective:

Treatment of hidradenitis with traditional medicine has many contraindications. Before using any technique, you should consult a dermatologist or herbalist.

It is much easier to prevent the disease than to wonder how to treat hidradenitis.

Disease prevention is of great importance:

Nutrition plays an important role in hidradenitis. The diet should consist of foods rich in iron, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6.

Regular prevention of hidradenitis improves the activity of the sweat glands and the general condition of the body.

Hidradenitis, which appears in the armpit, brings many problems. Treatment of the disease must begin at the first stages. The doctor will select the correct treatment regimen.

Traditional medicine can only complement basic treatment. To treat hidradenitis at home, you can use medications and alternative medicine.

Please note that the abscess should not be squeezed out. He must break through on his own. Self-squeezing can lead to serious complications (sepsis, infection of human internal organs with pus). These complications can, in turn, lead to death.

Simultaneously with the treatment of hidradenitis, it is necessary to eliminate other foci of infection (sore teeth, cholecystitis, inflamed appendages, obsessive otitis media).

Hidradenitis is an inflammatory process of the sweat glands caused by bacteria. Drugs such as antibiotics for hidradenitis help stop the development of pathogenic microflora and avoid an increase in the affected area. In difficult cases, doctors resort to surgery, but more than half of the patients are treated with medications.

Provoking factors

Hidradenitis belongs to a group of diseases caused by pyogenic microflora. Doctors give the leading role to the following reasons:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • cuts from shaving and epilation, itchy dermatoses, irritation due to excessive sweating;
  • use of hygiene products that violate the PH of the skin;
  • changes in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • decreased immunity due to stress, heavy physical activity, diseases with increased sweating;
  • clogged pores due to the use of powders and deodorants;
  • structural features of apocrine glands.

Hidradenitis does not affect children and the elderly, since the function of their sweat glands is reduced.

In addition, a decrease in general and local protective function also causes a purulent inflammatory process. The reasons for changes are HIV, cancer, foci of indolent infection, and surgical interventions. Taking medications that suppress the immune system cannot be excluded from the list. Frequent and unreasonable use of hygiene products with a pronounced bactericidal effect is the path to the appearance of hidradenitis.

Symptoms of the disease

Hidradenitis most often begins to develop under the armpit, in the groin area, in the area of ​​the mammary glands in women; less often, the problem appears on the neck and face. In places of accumulation, a compaction is formed. In the early stages, the patient discovers a small formation up to 2-3 mm in diameter under the skin, which over time increases to the size of a hazelnut. The second stage is characterized by the appearance of pain and a change in skin color in the affected area to blue-red. The last phase is characterized by the release of pus and develops quickly.

Why do you need antibiotics for hidradenitis?

Antibiotics act on protein synthesis in the cell, therefore there is no reproduction.

Antibacterial therapy is used to treat hidradenitis. The drugs help stop the spread of infection. The appointment is carried out according to a scheme specially developed by the doctor, which is based on the individual characteristics of the patient. The scheme includes drugs with effects on different types of organisms. This allows you to effectively fight pathogenic microflora.

General rules of antibiotic therapy

Antibacterial agents are used at the initial stage of the disease. Hidradenitis is treated with antibiotics for 7-10 days. However, the choice of medication depends on the general clinical picture, the degree of damage to the skin and sweat glands, as well as the type of microorganism that causes it. To clarify the reasons, the doctor prescribes a set of examinations, and then prescribes the appropriate medications in tablets or injection solutions.

List of drugs

Microorganisms that cause hidradenitis are resistant to penicillin antibiotics.

Antibiotics for the treatment of hidradenitis are presented in the table:

Antibiotic groupDrug nameReception schemeAction
Tetracyclines"Doxycycline"Initial dosage: 200 mg, then reduced to 100 mgPrevents the spread and reproduction of pathogens by blocking protein synthesis in cells
Cephalosporins"Cephalexin"Take 0.5-2 g every 12 hours for 7-14 daysDestroys the cell membranes of microorganisms
Macrolipids"Erythromycin"Take 1-2 tablets 1-2 times a day. The course is 7-10 daysBlocks the proliferation of staphylococci and streptococci, creates protection for healthy cells
Lincosamides"Clindamycin"Lotions and treatment of affected areas with a 2% solutionPrevents the proliferation and promotes the death of microorganisms
Fluoroquinolones"Tsiprolet"You need to take the medicine 0.75 g 2 times a dayDelays the production of 2 vital enzymes of microbial cells and disrupts the synthesis of their DNA

The medications listed in the table are only a part of the medications known to doctors. Effective treatment of hidradenitis is carried out after a thorough examination and identification of the type of pathogenic microbe. In addition, it is recommended to study the sensitivity of bacteria to the action of different groups of antibiotics. The regimen and dosage of these and other medications is determined by the doctor. It is necessary to influence the body in a comprehensive manner, increasing immunity and reducing the amount of pathogenic flora.

This article contains information about such a pathology as hidradenitis: a general description of the definition, symptoms, main causes, possible complications, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Hidradenitis is a purulent-pathological process that occurs in the main glands that produce sweat. The most common lesion is the sweat glands located in the armpits. It is possible that it will appear near the navel, anus, groin, etc. With hidradenitis, there is a risk of developing severe complications, such as sepsis or chronic abscess.

The pathology does not occur in children and elderly people. This is due to the fact that the work of the glands begins during puberty and ends in old age. Patients who present with infiltrates caused by hidradenitis are adolescents and adult women. According to statistics, the number of women with this problem is 86%. Often pathology occurs due to disrupted hormonal levels, menopause and puberty.

Causes of hidradenitis

Pathology refers to purulent skin lesions (pyoderma). The main causative agent is most often a spherical gram-positive bacterium - Staphylococcus aureus. The bacterium directly enters the sweat-secreting glands through the excretory channels or due to any damage to the integrity of the skin. Damage appears after shaving or with severe itching (dermatitis, eczema, etc.). Maceration (separation of cells in tissues) or oozing (separation of serous fluid through damaged epidermis) can lead to a noticeable decrease in the protective function of the skin, therefore increasing the likelihood of penetration of harmful bacteria.

The main causes of hidradenitis include:

  • Changing the pH level of sweat;
  • Neglect of hygiene rules;
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes, obesity, etc.);
  • Chronic inflammation.

Very often, hidradenitis manifests itself as a unilateral lesion, but it is possible that it is bilateral. The infiltration stage (beginning of development) is caused by the appearance in the skin of small pear-shaped nodules that are dense to the touch. With weak pressure on the formations, severe itching and pain can occur. The nodules tend to grow rapidly and reach 2 centimeters in size. The formations protrude significantly above the skin, so they are somewhat similar to nipples. At the site of nodule formation, the skin color changes and acquires a red-violet hue, swelling and severe pain appear.

Gradually, some nodes may merge, forming an infiltrate of dense consistency.

Over time, the center of the nodules softens, and after opening, thick pus is released. Fragments of blood may be observed in the discharged purulent masses. The main distinguishing feature of the infiltrate from other skin neoplasms is the necrotic core, which is absent in hidradenitis. The node is opened 2 weeks after the first appearance, and thanks to the operation, the patient’s condition improves significantly. A small ulcer forms at the site of the opening, which heals over time, but after complete healing, a noticeable scar remains.

The entire development period takes at least two weeks. Hidradenitis can be recurrent, protracted and chronic, so multiple exacerbations cannot be ruled out. They usually arise due to delayed or ineffective treatment and due to pre-existing diseases that reduce immunity.

Complications of hidradenitis

Complications appear in patients with weak immunity or lack of effective and proper treatment of concomitant diseases. If the main purulent focus is not drained, the inflammatory process will spread to nearby soft tissues. This leads to abscesses and the development of diffuse purulent inflammation of the connective tissue - phlegmon. At a severe stage, a purulent infection can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body through the blood, resulting in sepsis.

Diagnosis of hidradenitis

For diagnosis, a general blood test is prescribed, which shows the main signs of the inflammatory process: a high level of leukocytes and an acceleration of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). In order to carry out adequate therapy with antibiotics, bacterial culture is done to identify sensitivity to the intended drugs. If the patient has a recurrent or protracted form of hidradenitis, then a full examination of the immune system is prescribed - an immunogram. The main goal of diagnosis is the correct differentiation of hidradenitis from other skin neoplasms.

Treatment of hidradenitis

To treat pathology, specially developed methods are used that effectively cope with the identified problem. Before starting treatment, it is worth clarifying which doctor to contact. First you need to consult a dermatologist. If necessary, contact other specialists.

People who have this problem need to follow an individually selected diet. For three months, you should abstain from too spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, seasonings and excessive amounts of sweets. On the contrary, the diet should contain fortified foods with a sufficient content of healthy vitamins: citrus fruits, berries, nuts, vegetables, fruits, etc. Aloe juice, tinctures of Eleutherococcus or ginseng are also useful. The diet must be drawn up by a nutritionist and strictly followed.

Treatment of affected skin

To prevent future spread of infection, the affected area of ​​skin should be wiped with alcohol solutions 3-4 times throughout the day. You can use dimexide and solutions based on camphor or salicylic acid. Plain water favors the spread of infection and the proliferation of harmful bacteria, so it is better to take water procedures in the form of a shower, after covering the affected area with a tight bandage.

For 5 days, barely damp alcohol dressings should be applied to the affected skin. You should not use dressings with ointments applied, as they may cause maceration, which can promote the spread of inflammation to other nearby glands.

At the infiltration stage, therapy can be carried out using conservative methods. Hair is cut off in the very center of the affected area and around it. Afterwards, the damaged skin is treated with antiseptics:

  • Three percent solution of boric acid;
  • Ethyl alcohol;
  • Furacilin;
  • Iodine.

If the infiltrate is large in size and affected area with ongoing severe pain, then you can inject novocaine into the painful area. At the initial stage, the infiltrate is without pus, so Vishnevsky ointment is used to accelerate the maturation of suppuration.

Treatment of hidradenitis with medications

Basic therapy involves treating pyoderma with the use of antibiotics (erythromycin, vibramycin, climycin, doxycycline, eryfluid, dalacin, etc.). Antibiotics help suppress the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria that cause disease. It is important to remember that they should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Recurrences of hidradenitis require immunostimulating therapy. If, after a full examination, it is confirmed that the pathology is staphylococcal in nature, then special immunotherapy is required. To strengthen the immune system, the attending physician prescribes multivitamin preparations for oral administration.

Surgical methods for treating hidradenitis

Urgent surgical intervention is required when hidradenitis is fully mature. Classic drainage and opening will not give a positive result, since the infiltrate has multiple microabscesses located in the affected area, they mature and produce new pus. During the autopsy, a large incision is made, which passes through the infiltrate itself and reaches healthy intact tissue. After complete removal of pus, all infiltrated fatty tissue is removed.

For frequent and prolonged relapses, radical surgical treatment can be used. The surgical intervention is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. At the first stage, the main lesion is opened and the inflamed tissue is removed. For speedy healing, therapy is necessary, which involves taking antibiotics. After neutralization of inflammation, the 2nd stage of surgical treatment begins;
  2. At the second stage, complete or partial removal of subcutaneous tissue is performed. To close the defect, autodermoplasty is performed (reconstruction of the damaged area using the patient’s skin).

Carrying out one operation is not advisable, since after that the wound may begin to fester and not heal for a long time, subsequently a scar will form. To achieve speedy healing, you need to undergo complex therapy and follow all recommendations.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapy uses specially developed techniques prescribed by a physiotherapist. The most common are:

  • UHF therapy. It is used for chronic inflammatory processes in the skin. The basis of the procedure is the effect of a certain electromagnetic field on the body;
  • SMV therapy. Centimeter or similar waves are used as therapy. The goal of centimeter therapy is the prevention and rehabilitation of skin diseases;
  • Local CFO therapy. Ultraviolet rays have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal and regenerating effect, vitamin D is produced and the immune response is stimulated.

However, physiotherapeutic procedures are not recommended in all cases, especially in the first stages of the disease. After the operation, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, and ultraviolet radiation therapy are performed. If the patient has a recurrent or protracted stage, then it is necessary to treat with ultrasound therapy or electrophoresis. In case of multiple relapses, radiotherapy is possible to destroy the sweat glands.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you should definitely contact experienced specialists. If there is insufficient or no treatment for hidradenitis, severe complications may develop.