Tactical system for working with personnel. Software Development Process Overview

Graduate work

Development of a user support information system based on 1C: Enterprise


In this diploma project, an information system for user support was developed based on 1C: Enterprise.

The subject area was analyzed and logical models of information processes and procedures in the information system were formalized. An analysis of existing functions and approaches to their implementation was carried out.

Using this system will improve the efficiency of the user support department in general and the enterprise in particular.

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Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ....................

System engineering part

1 Characteristics of the informatization object

2 Purpose and tasks of interaction between system divisions

3 Statement of the design problem

4 Review of existing systems

5 Review and analysis of materials

6 IP project development

6.1 Description of the main functions of the system

6.2 Description of the existing process

Special part

1 Development of the system database structure

2 IS development

3 Implementation and testing of IS

3.1 IS implementation

3.2 IC testing

4 Program manuals

4.1 Administrator's Guide

4.2 Operator's manual

Organizational and economic part

1 Calculation of costs for creating IP

2 Project effectiveness assessment

Labor protection and life safety

1 List of possible occupational hazards and hazards

2 Measures and devices that protect against the specified hazards and dangers

2.1 Radiation protection measures

2.2 Radiation protection measures

2.3 Noise protection measures

2.4 Requirements for air quality and microclimate

2.5 Lighting measures

2.6 Measures to normalize ergonomic factors

2.7 Organization of work and rest schedule


List of sources used

List of sheets of graphic material

Appendix A. Printed reports of the developed system


In modern conditions of production development in Russia, automation of the user support process at an enterprise is one of the important competitive advantages of any company.

Important areas for improving the user support process at this time include:

1) Introducing the ability for users to independently report faults without calling the support department;

2) Ensuring ease of use of the system for both PC users and user support engineers;

) Ensuring transparency of the system, the user should see the status of his application;

) Ensuring timely execution of user requests by support department engineers;

5) Ensure division of work between engineers to complete

) Each of them will have a specific type of work, which will speed up the overall speed of processing applications.

The goal of the project is to develop a user support information system taking into account the above requirements.

subject area model information system

1. System engineering part

1.1 Characteristics of the informatization object

The user support department interacts with all PC users in the enterprise, accepts requests from them and helps resolve the user’s technical (PC is broken, office equipment is out of order, cartridge has run out, etc.) and software (restore the OS, set up mail, install and configure the necessary PC, etc.) character.

1.2 Purpose, tasks and interactions of system units

The information system being developed is intended to manage the activities of the user support department at the enterprise, providing it in a form convenient for the user and engineers.

1) Creation of an application by the user.

If any malfunction is detected in the PC, office equipment, software bug, etc. the user creates a request to the support department or calls the call center and describes his problem (in this case, specialists from the call center make the necessary request themselves).

) Consideration of the application.

When an application is received, the application receiving engineer reviews it, determines the possible type of fault and redirects it to another engineer who deals with this type of application.

) Clarification of the application.

The technician who received the request tries to solve the user’s problem remotely or with access to the user. If the problem detected is different from the type of tickets that technician is working on, then he forwards the ticket to the engineer who performs that type of tickets. For example, if swollen capacitors are discovered on the motherboard, the engineer who configures the PC in the field passes the request and the PC to the engineer who deals with the hardware.

) Execution and closing of the application.

The application is completed, if necessary, the material support department issues the necessary spare parts, after which the equipment, together with the application, goes back to the user, then the application is closed.

) Deleting an application.

After closing the application after some time, if there are no complaints from the user, the application is deleted.

A general view of the support department’s interaction with users and within itself is presented in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Interaction of the support department with users.

There is a direct exchange of information between all departments of the support department:

1) Users - call center:

The call center receives information about equipment malfunctions, the need to replace something (for example, a printer cartridge) and user problems;

Users are provided with information about the execution of requests by the support department.

) Call center - remote support department:

The remote support department receives information about user requests that, in the opinion of the call center specialists, can be resolved remotely (set up something, help, etc.);

) Call center - local support department:

The local support department receives information about user requests that cannot be resolved remotely (connect equipment, diagnose a malfunction, change spare parts);

Information about completed applications is transmitted to the call center.

4) Remote support department - local support department:

The field support department is provided with information about requests that cannot be completed remotely, and these requests themselves (for example, when setting up the network, it turned off);

The remote support department receives information about requests that can be completed remotely, and these requests themselves (for example, after connecting and setting up a printer on one PC, the request is sent for setting up printing on neighboring PCs over the network).

) Field Support - Technical Department:

Those. the department receives information about user requests that require work with hardware (resoldering capacitors, assembling system units, repairing monitors, etc.) and transfers equipment to these requests;

The local support department receives information about the execution of requests and repaired and assembled equipment for these requests.

) Field support department - logistics department:

The material support department receives information on components, cartridges, etc., necessary to fulfill requests (for example, issue a memory card to replace a burnt one);

Information on applications and components, cartridges, etc. is transmitted to the local support department. on these requests.

) Remote support department - users:

Users are provided with information on requests and assistance is provided in solving their problems (for example, setting the home page in the browser to <#"600287.files/image002.jpg">

Figure 1.2 - Basic components of OMNITRACKER

The following basic components included in the OMNITRACKER platform allow you to customize and extend OMNITRACKER:

) OMNITRACKER Email Gateway

Supports automated, throttling-based processing of outgoing and incoming mail and integrates the mail server using standard mail protocols.


Provides direct access to the OMNITRACKER database via common web browsers.


Includes PC-based telecommunications (telephony) systems with TAPI support. CTI: Computer Telephony Integration - Integration with computer telephony

) OMNITRACKER Interface Gateway

Contains functions for integrating third-party systems kak, naprimer, SAP, network management systems and many others.

) OMNITRACKER Scanning Gateway

Inventories IT network components with WMI support and automatically stores the results in the OMNITRACKER database.

) OMNITRACKER Mobile Gateway

Solution for offline data processing in mobile systems (PDA) and their synchronization with the central OMNITRACKER database.


Offers an intuitive and multifunctional route planner, for example for the operational management of external personnel and maintenance specialists. Part of the OMNITRACKER GIS Gateways is access to a Geographic Information System ("GIS") with built-in geographic maps


Allows you to instantly receive a structured overview of reports and statistics.

Other advantages of OMNITRACKER:

) Multichannel - multichannel system. For example, one single OMNITRACKER system can provide technical support services simultaneously for different client companies. At the same time, the system guarantees data security.

) Ability to integrate

Thanks to its open and high-performance interfaces, OMNITRACKER can be easily and flexibly integrated into existing IT infrastructures. Thus, OMNITRACKER, without additional programming costs, allows data exchange in a wide variety of formats, for example:

Databases (via ODBC interfaces)

Import data from directory services (LDAP, ADSI, NDS)

In addition, thanks to the built-in programmable COM automation interface, OMNITRACKER can be very easily integrated into almost all systems on the market, such as Microsoft Backoffice.

) Analysis and statistics

Comprehensive analysis and statistics in a wide variety of presentation formats (tables, bar, pie and line charts, Gantt charts, funnel charts) can be created directly in OMNITRACKER.

An example of a working OMNITRACKER complex:

Figure 1.3 - Example of a working OMNITRACKER complex

Figure 1.4 - Example of a working OMNITRACKER complex

1.5 Review and analysis of materials

To develop and implement an IP project, a set of technical literature is required. All literature necessary for design can be divided into the following groups:

Literature on programming;

Technical documentation for equipment and software products;

This group includes documents regulating the functioning and construction information systems, acting on. This literature addresses the following issues:

General requirements for IS functionality in an enterprise;

Ensuring information security of IP;

Delineation of areas of responsibility.

Also, in addition to official publications, literature with general recommendations for the development of information systems is needed.

) Literature on programming.

These sources of information are necessary to resolve issues related to the practical implementation of the system on accepted programming platforms (1C, SQL, etc.). This literature should be selected based on the development tools and programming languages ​​used.

) Technical documentation for equipment and software products.

This documentation is required for:

Studying the capabilities and functionality of software products;

Resolving issues related to software configuration.

Documentation of this type is usually distributed along with the software product, or on a separate disk, in the form of a set of electronic documents. The composition of this documentation is determined based on the set of software tools used.

1.6 Development of an information system project

1.6.1 Description of the main functions of the system

The User Support Department includes the following structural units:

1) Call center;

2) Remote support department;

) Field support department;

) Technical department;

) Material support department.

The call center implements the following functions:

Receiving calls from users;

Creating requests and transferring them to other departments;

Closing completed applications and deleting them from the system;

Registration of new users and removal of those who left.

The remote support department implements the following functions:

Helping users (for example, suggesting why mail with a 2GB file attached is not sent).

Remote work with the user’s equipment (installation, configuration of programs, changing system settings, etc.).

The Field Support Department performs the following functions:

Installing and configuring the user's equipment or configuring the system directly on site (for example, connecting a new PC and configuring it to work on the network).

Replacement of components or cartridges on site.

If repairs are not possible, transfer equipment to the technical department for repairs. The technical department implements the following functions:

Repairing damaged equipment (for example, resoldering capacitors on the motherboard);

Assembling and setting up new equipment (for example, assembling a PC, installing the OS and configuring it, reflash the printer to work with non-original cartridges);

Refilling cartridges.

The material support department implements the following functions:

Distribution of components, spare parts and consumables.

Issue of new equipment.

Decommissioning of old equipment. A diagram of options for using the system with its main functions is presented in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5 - UML use case diagram

1.6.2 Description of the existing process

The user support process includes several stages:

1) The user creates a request or calls the call center;

) The call center processes the created requests or creates them after the user calls and transfers the requests to the necessary departments

) When transferring an application to the remote support department, it fulfills the application and transfers it to the call center for closure; if it is impossible to complete, it transfers the application to the local support department;

) The local support department processes the request and transfers it to the call center for closure. The field support department can request the necessary components and consumables from the logistics department or forward the request (and the equipment along with it) to the technical department.

) The technical department carries out maintenance of equipment according to requests, after which it transfers the equipment to the field support department (which returns the equipment to the user). The technical department can request the necessary spare parts, consumables, and equipment from the material support department.

) The material support department issues components, consumables, equipment to the technical department and field support department according to requests and writes off old equipment.

) After completing the application, it is returned to the call center, which transmits information about the application to the user and closes it.

In graphical form, these stages of user support are presented in the UML activity diagram (Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6 - UML activity diagram

2. Special part

2.1 Development of the system database structure

The main units of the structure of the 1C: Enterprise system are directories and documents.

A directory is an aggregate data type, a tool for working with lists of homogeneous data elements. The name and structure of each specific directory are determined when it is created in the configurator. Any directory has two details that are created automatically - “Code” and “Name”. Directory details can be periodic, i.e. have date-related values. When changing the value of a periodic attribute, the old value is saved, while the new value begins to take effect from the specified date, the old one - until the specified date. The system being developed has 7 directories: “Users”, “Engineers”, “Departments”, “Type of Equipment”, “Equipment”, “Type of Condition” and “Requests”.

Let's take a closer look at each of the reference books.

1) The “Users” directory is designed to store information about users and consists of the following fields (Figure 2.1):

Full name (type - string);

Location(type - string);

Phone (type - string).

Figure 2.1 - “Users” directory form

2) The “Engineers” directory is intended to store information about support engineers (Figure 2.2). It consists of fields:

Full name (type - string);

Position (type - string);

Department (type - Directory.Departments).

Figure 2.2 - Form of the “Engineers” reference book

2) The “Departments” directory is intended for storing information about departments and contains the following fields (Figure 2.3):

Department(type - string);

Decryption (type - string).

Figure 2.3 - Form of the directory “Departments”

3) The “Type of Equipment” directory is intended to store information about the types of computer equipment being serviced (Figure 2.4). It includes the following fields:

Title (type - string);

Description (type - string).

Figure 2.4 - Form of the “Type of Equipment” reference book

4) The “Equipment” directory is intended to store information about the computer equipment being serviced and contains the following fields (Figure 2.5):

Title (type - string);

Equipment type (type - Directory.TechniqueType);

User (type - Directory.Users).

Figure 2.5 - Form “Technique” Directory

The “State Type” directory is intended to store information about the possible types of state of requests (in work, completed, etc.) (Figure 2.6). Contains the following fields:

Title (type - string);

Description (type - string).

Figure 2.6 - Form of the directory “Condition Type”

5) The “Requests” directory is the main directory and is intended to store information about user requests to the support department (Figure 2.7). It contains the following fields:

Description of the problem (type - string);

State (type - Directory.StateType);

Created (type - date);

Closed (type - date);

User (type - Directory.Users);

Equipment (type - Directory. Equipment);

Engineer (type - Directory.Engineers);

Solution (type - string).

Figure 2.7 - “Buyers” directory form

Documents in the 1C: Enterprise system are used to enter, view and correct information about ongoing business transactions. Any document has three mandatory details: “DataDoc”, “VremyaDok”, “DocNumber”. Date and time are the most important characteristics of documents, as they allow you to establish a strict time sequence of transactions.

The document may contain a tabular section. In this case, a table will be present in the dialog for entering document details. To view the tabular part, use general techniques working with the tabular part of the form. The document table cells are the same details as the header details, and they are entered in accordance with the rules

The system being developed has 5 documents: “User Registration”, “Engineer Registration”, “Equipment Registration”, “Creating an Application”, “Closing an Application”.

Let's look at the structure of each of them.

1) The “User Registration” document is intended for registering a new user in the system (Figure 2.8). It contains the following details:

Full name (type - string);

Location(type - string);

Phone (type - string).

Figure 2.8 - Document “User Registration”

The “Engineer Registration” document is intended for registering a new support engineer in the system (Figure 2.9). It contains the following details:

Full name (type - string);

Position (type - number);

Department (type - Directory.Departments).

Figure 2.9 - Document “Registration of engineer”

2) The “Equipment Registration” document is intended for registering new computer equipment in the system (Figure 2.10). It contains the following details:

Title (type - string);

Equipment type (type - Directory.TechniqueType);

User (type - Directory.Users).

Figure 2.10 - Document “Registration of equipment”

Document “Application creation” for creating new requests from users. (Figure 2.11). The document consists of the following details:

Description of the problem (type - string);

User (type - Directory.Users);

Equipment (type - Directory. Equipment);

Engineer (type - Directory.Engineers).

Figure 2.11 - Document “Creation Application”

3) The “Closing Application” document is intended to close the application after it has been completed. (Figure 2.12). The document consists of the following details:

Application (type - Directory. Applications);

Figure 2.12 - Document “Closing Application”

One of the main elements of the 1C:Enterprise system configuration is reports. They are designed to provide summary information about the data stored in the system. Designing a report often involves creating a printable form, the template of which is specified on the Table tab. The report, like other configuration elements, can have a form on which some initial data for generating the report is specified

This system has 3 main reports (Appendix A):

1) “Engineers” - displays data on the number of completed applications according to the application directory for the selected period for the selected engineer. Has a printed form;

2) “Users” - displays data on the number of applications created according to the application directory for the selected period for the selected user. Has a printed form;

) “Equipment” - displays data on the number of applications created according to the application directory for the selected period for the selected equipment. Has a printed form.

2.2 Information system development

The built-in programming language 1C:Enterprise is a programming language that is used in the 1C:Enterprise family of programs. This language is a pre-compiled high-level domain-specific language. The language execution environment is the 1C:Enterprise software platform. The visual development environment (“Configurator”) is an integral part of the 1C:Enterprise software package. The platform provides a fixed set of base classes focused on solving typical problems of the application area: reference book, document, document log, enumeration, report, register, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the “Engineers” report. When creating a report form, the AtOpen() procedure is automatically generated in the form module, intended for opening.

Procedure OnOpen()

//automatically selects the report time interval when opening



End of Procedure

The report is in printed form. The printed form is completely generated using the built-in 1C language, which gives greater flexibility to the program. For this case, it is carried out as follows (Appendix A):

Procedure Generate()

Applications = CreateObject("Directory. Applications");


Tab = CreateObject("Table");



quo=0; //variable counts the number of elements displayed

While Applications.GetElement()=1 Loop

// while there is another element to receive


// temporary variable for short

If TE.Engineer=CurrentEngineer Then

// search for the selected engineer

If TE.Created>=Start Then

// search search by request creation date

If TE.Closed<=Конец Тогда

// search search by order closing date















End of Procedure

All other documents and reports are generated according to the same principle.

Let's look at document processing using the example of the document “Creation Application”:

Procedure ProcessingConduct()

DirectoryRequests = CreateObject("Directory.Requests");


DirectoryRequests.Name = Description;

DirectoryRequests.Technique = Technique;

DirectoryRequests.User = User;

DirectoryRequests.Engineer = Engineer;

DirectoryRequests.Decision = "Transferred to the executor";

DirectoryRequests.Created = DateDoc;


End of Procedure

Other documents are processed in the same way.

Creating an information system presupposes the presence of a sufficient number of users working with it. Depending on their position, qualifications and responsibility, the 1C: Enterprise system contains developed administration tools designed to solve various problems. The user list is used to authorize the user when he logs into the system. A password can be set for each user to log into the system. The password is used to confirm user rights to work in the 1C:Enterprise system.

The information system being developed requires the following list of users (Figure 2.13):

Administrator (has full access rights to the entire system);

Call center engineer (can edit documents and directories other than official ones (Type of Equipment, Type of Condition, Departments);

Engineer (can edit and create requests).

Figure 2.13 - System users

2.3 IS implementation and testing

2.3.1 IS implementation

The effectiveness of automation of enterprise activities, along with the correct design and creation of the system, depends on the method of its implementation in the organizational structure of the company. This is due to psychological factors - there is usually resistance from employees to the creation and use of the system. In addition, the implementation of the system can last from 6 months to 2-3 years. During such a period, changes in external and internal factors affecting the operation of the enterprise may occur. Therefore, management’s expectations regarding the results of the system’s operation may not be met (since they will already have time to change).

The implementation of a system for managing design and technological data flows will facilitate the activities of employees in terms of maintaining and maintaining databases, creating documents and reports.

The use of this system contributes to high-quality work, reducing the labor intensity of accounting and analysis of information.

2.3.2 IC testing

Testing is the stage of acceptance of the system into operation and aims to verify the correctness and reliability of information flows within the system, the configuration of the main functional components, as well as the absence of errors in the formation and processing of data. Testing is carried out according to a pre-agreed and approved procedure.

The purpose of testing is to confirm the implementation of the required functionality of the system.

The results of testing the software product are shown below in Figures 2.14 - 2.19.

Figure 2.15 - Implementation of access to the “Requests” directory

Figure 2.16 - Implementation of the printed form of the “Application” directory

Figure 2.17 - Implementation of the form for creating a directory element “Requests”

Figure 2.18 - Implementation of the “Engineers” report form.

Figure 2.19 - Result of the “Engineers” report.

The “Users” and “Techniques” reports are given in Appendix A.

As a result of testing the software product, it was concluded that it worked correctly and error-free.

2.4 Program manuals

Dialogue between a person and a computer is the work of an interactive system in which the user and the program exchange questions and answers: the user using the keyboard, the program using the display screen on which information is displayed. When organizing a dialogue between a person and a computer, the main emphasis is on developing software, application of information services and interface design. As the number of people coming into contact with computers has rapidly increased, there has been a need to develop user-friendly software, i.e. providing a convenient and natural way for the user to interact, protection against errors and developed tools for hints and interactive documentation.

2.4.1 Administrator Guide

The developed software product runs under Windows 2000\XP\Vista\7. To work with the database, you must have 1C.Enterprise 7.7 installed on your computer. The software product consists of a set of executable files stored in the “User Support” folder. To initialize, you need to perform a number of actions:

Launch 1C.Enterprise;

Add an information base stored in the “User Support” folder (Figure 2.20);

Figure 2.20 - Adding an infobase

Run if necessary through the Configurator for debugging or making changes to the settings.

2.4.2 Operator's manual

The program runs in 1C.Enterprise mode. To start working with the program, you must select a user category and enter the appropriate password (Figure 2.14), after which a program window will appear on the screen with an available set of menu and toolbar functions (Figure 2.21). There are corresponding menus for quick access to reference books, documents and reports.

Figure 2.21 - Set of functions and toolbar

3. Organizational and economic part

To determine the effectiveness of using a software product, it is necessary to calculate the following indicators:

1) The complexity of developing a software product;

2) Salaries of performers;

) Cost of the software product;

) Economic effect;

) Payback period.

3.1 Calculation of costs for creating IP

To determine the labor intensity of work, it is necessary to identify the stages of all main types of work and distribute them among the performers.

List of main operations performed by the IS developer:

Research of the subject area and search of relevant literature;

Statement of the problem, formulation of requirements for the system being developed;

System design;

Configuration development and writing software modules;

System debugging and testing;

Preparation of accompanying documentation.

As part of the diploma project, two months are allocated for the creation of IP, which, with a five-day working week, is 44 working days. The performers are the leading software engineer and the 1st category software engineer (Table 3.1).

The total labor intensity of IS development is determined by the following formula:

TP=S8·ti·Ri·KVN·S, person/hour, (1)

where 8 is the average length of a working day for a 40-hour work week in hours; - the duration of the i-th job in days; - the total number of performers performing the i-th job;

KVN - coefficient of fulfillment of standards; - number of work shifts.

Table 3.1 - Data on the work performed, its duration and performers, as well as data on the complexity of the work

Job title

Qualification of performers

Number of performers

Duration of work, days

Labor intensity of work, person/hour

Statement of the problem, determination of requirements

Data analysis, justification of requirements for the information system

Search technical literature

Domain Research

Analysis of similar systems

Logical structure development

Creation and modification of software modules

Debugging the program

Testing the program

Writing documentation


Let us accept KVN = 1, since it is planned that the standards will be 100% met. Since software engineers usually work one shift, let's take S=1.

Taking into account the accepted indicators, formula (1) will take the form:

TP=å8·ti·Ri, person/h (2)

Let's calculate the labor intensity of each job and enter the results in Table 3.1.

Thus, the total labor intensity of developing the information system was 288 people/hour.

To calculate the salaries of performers, information about the daily rate of performers is required, obtained on the basis of the monthly salary.

The following categories of workers are participating in this project:

Leading software engineer - 25,000 rubles/month;

Software engineer 1st category - 15,000 rubles/month.

The performer's daily rate (Sdn) is calculated by dividing the monthly salary (MS) by the average number of working days in the month:

Sdn=Ohm/22, (rub/day)(3)

Hence, the daily rate of a leading software engineer is 1,136 rubles per day, and a 1st category software engineer is 682 rubles per day.

Now, knowing the labor intensity of the work, the qualifications of the performers and their daily rates, we can determine the wages of the performers:


where k is the number of performers;

SDN - daily rate of the performer (rubles per day);

tri - duration of the i-th job.

Table 3.2 - Salaries of performers

Performer qualifications

Number of performers

Daily rate, rub/day

Hourly rate, rub./hour

Duration of work, days

Salaries of performers, rub.

Lead Software Engineer

Software engineer 1st category

Thus, the total cost of wages for all performers amounted to 34,318 rubles.

The cost of goods/works/services is a valuation of the natural resources, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, fixed assets of labor resources used in the production of goods/works/services, as well as other costs for its production and sale (for the preparation and development of production ; for contributions to the state social insurance fund and to the pension fund; for contributions to compulsory health insurance; for payment of regular and additional vacations, etc.).

To determine the cost of the system, we will prepare a cost estimate and summarize it in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 - System cost calculation


Amount, rub.


1. Basic salary of performers

Total of Table 3.1 and Table 3.2

3. Social insurance contributions

30.2% of (item 1+item 2)

4. Energy costs

See note 3.1

5. Cost of Internet provider services

See note 3.2

6. Equipment depreciation

See note 3.3

7. Overhead

50% of salary (item 1 + item 2)

Note 3.1 The cost of consumed electricity is calculated from the following parameters:

Duration of development tools: 41 days with an average working day of 8 hours;

Cost of 1 kW/h: 4 rubles.

Power consumption: 500W.

Total, 41∙8∙4∙0.5 =656 rubles.

Note 3.2 The cost of Internet provider services is calculated from the following parameters:

Subscription fee 350 rubles per month.

Total, 350*2=700 rubles.

Note 3.3 Equipment depreciation is calculated based on the following parameters:

Cost of development tools: 20,000 rubles;



To develop the system, you need to work on a computer for 41 days (see Table 3.1).

Therefore, Development = (5000/365) * 41 = 561.6

Social insurance contributions include payments to the Federal Budget, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the federal and territorial compulsory health insurance fund.

Explicit examples of overhead costs include computers for administration, management salaries, and property taxes on company buildings. This also includes production overhead, administrative overhead, sales overhead and others.

Overhead costs arise in connection with the organization, maintenance and management of production. They consist of general production and general business expenses.

Production maintenance and management costs include costs for the maintenance and operation of machinery and equipment, general production and general business expenses.

The costs of managing an organization include: salaries of the organization's management staff; travel expenses for the maintenance of fire, paramilitary and security guards; other expenses (office, postal and telegraphic, etc.); deductions for the maintenance of higher organizations.

General business expenses include the costs of maintaining other general plant (non-administrative and managerial) personnel; depreciation of fixed assets; expenses for the maintenance and current repairs of buildings, structures and equipment of a general plant nature; expenses for testing, experiments, research, maintenance of general plant laboratories, expenses for invention and technical improvements; expenses for safety precautions, industrial sanitation, etc.; costs of training and organizing the recruitment of labor.

Overhead costs also include taxes, fees and other mandatory deductions and expenses.

Factory overhead costs include costs associated with losses from downtime, damage to materials and products during storage in warehouses; shortage of materials and products in warehouses; allowances minus.

Thus, the cost of developing and implementing an automated workstation for an information system operator amounted to 69,942.7 rubles.

3.2 Project effectiveness assessment

The main indicator that determines the economic feasibility of implementing the developed system is the annual economic effect. Since the functions performed by the system were previously performed without the use of special software, the savings in operating costs (EE, rub.) in this case will be:

EE=ZST - ZN, (5)

where FTA is the cost of solving the problem without using a special software product (in rubles);

ZN - costs of solving a problem using the developed IS (in rubles).

Before the introduction of an automated workstation (AWS), user requests were kept in paper form. Naturally, as work progresses, errors, inaccuracies, and shortcomings constantly arise. Almost all reporting is duplicated, so filling it out takes a lot of time from employees. Automation of the activities of support department employees will significantly reduce the time required to register related documentation, prepare reports, search for the necessary information, provide ample opportunities for analysis and forecasting, avoid unnecessary errors and inaccuracies in documents, and, therefore, increase employee productivity several times . The use of automated workplaces allows you to increase the productivity of beauty salon workers by 2-4 times, and, most importantly, significantly reduce the time required to complete the most labor-intensive and routine operations, which are the main sources of errors. However, in practice, due to the fact that staff may resist implementation new system, the implementation of the system in the first stages will lead to a slight increase in labor productivity, and sometimes to its decrease. This effect will be observed throughout the training of personnel to work with the system.

Taking into account the above, we assume that the introduction of an information system will reduce the time required to complete operations by 3 times. Reducing employee working hours primarily means reducing wage costs.

Let the work be performed by 2 employees with a monthly salary of 15,000 rubles. The operating time of computer equipment for a year (we assume that the average number of working days in a month is 22) is 2112 hours (the annual fund of equipment operating time with a single-shift operating mode and an 8-hour working day). Based on this, you can determine energy costs and depreciation charges per year.

The total costs that arise when a department employee works without using specialized software and using the system are shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 - Costs when working without software and using the system


Using the system

Without using the system


1. Basic salary

2. Additional salary

3. Social insurance contributions

30.2% of (item 1+item 2)

4. Electricity costs (when working on a computer)

See note 3.5

5. Depreciation charges

See note 3.4

6. Overhead

Note 3.4 Depreciation charges are calculated based on the following parameters:

Cost of development tools: 40,000 rubles;

Period of use until complete update: 4 years.

Thus, Agod=40000/4=10000,

Depreciation rate: At=10000/40000*100%=25%

Note 3.5 The cost of consumed electricity is calculated from the following parameters:

Duration of development tools: 2112 hours;

Cost of 1 kW/h: 4 rubles.

Power consumption: 500W (each PC).

Total, 2112∙4 = 8448 rubles. Thus, the savings when using the developed software product are:

EE = 695592 - 250312 = 445280 (rubles).

The payback period (O, years) is calculated using the formula:

O= ZR / EE0 (6)

The values ​​of CP (system development costs) and EE were calculated above. Let's substitute them into the formula and get the cost recovery value:

О = 69942.7/ 445280 = 0.16 years.

The payback period was approximately 2 months. A project with a payback period of no more than a year is usually considered cost-effective, so the system being developed is effective in terms of this indicator.

4. Labor protection and life safety

4.1 List of possible occupational hazards and hazards created by the developed product

When working with a personal computer, the user is exposed to various types of influences that affect his health, to one degree or another, depending on the intensity of the influence of the harmful factor. These factors include:

Risk of injury due to increased voltage in the electrical network (220 V);

Possibility of fire;

Electromagnetic radiation for the magnetic component from 4 to 70 mGauss (MPL 4 mGauss according to SanPin instructions 2.2.4/, for the electrical component from 2.5 to 25 V/m (MPL 10V/m according to SanPin instructions No. 2152 -90 clause 6.6);

X-ray radiation 0.03-0.07 µR/h (MPL 0.05 µR/h according to SanPin instructions 2.2.4/;

Ultraviolet radiation 7-15 W/sq.m (MPL 10 W/sq.m according to SanPin instructions 2.2.4/;

Electrostatic field 300-320 V/cm (PDU 300V/cm according to SanPin instructions 2.2.4/;

Constant monotonous noise in the room where printers, etc. are located. (PDL 50 dB according to SanPin instructions 2.2.4/

There are also a number of possible unfavorable factors that relate to the organization of the workplace and the work process of operators, such as:

Uncomfortable microclimate;

Insufficient lighting;

Non-ergonomic pieces of furniture and interior design;

Monotony of work;

Physical inactivity.

Prolonged exposure of a person to a number of these adverse factors significantly reduces the operator’s performance and can lead to occupational health problems, so it is necessary to take measures to reduce adverse effects.

4.2 Measures and devices to protect consumers from hazards and hazards

4.2.1 Measures to protect against electric shock and fire

The design of the computer ensures electrical safety for the person working on it. However, a computer is an electrical device that runs on 220 V AC power, and in a monitor the voltage supplied to the kinescope reaches several tens of kilovolts.

To prevent the possibility of electric shock, fire, and failure of the computer itself, the following precautions must be observed when operating and maintaining the computer:

It is forbidden to disassemble the monitor and try to troubleshoot problems yourself (life-threatening high voltages on the elements of the monitor circuit remain for a long time after the power supply is turned off);

It is prohibited to remove the cover of the system unit and perform any operations inside the case until the system unit is completely disconnected from the power supply;

It is prohibited to disconnect and connect connectors of connecting cables while the computer is running;

It is recommended to use grounding, but it is prohibited to use water and gas pipes, radiators and other steam heating components as grounding (it is necessary to use a special grounding wire that is connected to a common grounding system);

The AC outlets that power your computer must match the power cords on the computer.

4.2.2 Radiation protection measures

To prevent harmful effects of the electromagnetic field, the operator must also maintain a distance of at least 0.5 m from the cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor.

The design of the video display terminal of a personal computer must ensure the minimum power of the exposure dose of x-ray radiation (at any point at a distance of 0.05 m from the screen and body of the video display terminal, at any position of the control devices, the power of x-ray radiation should not exceed 100 μR/h).

It is recommended to install protective filters of the Total Shield class on monitors, which provide almost complete protection from all harmful effects of the monitor in the electromagnetic spectrum and reduce glare from the cathode ray tube, as well as increase the readability of characters. To prevent harmful effects of electrostatic fields, the shield must be grounded.

Recently, in addition to protective filters, safety glasses with special lenses have also been used.

To attenuate ultraviolet and radioactive radiation, it is necessary to use modern monitors, where the radiation is suppressed by introducing special impurities into the glass from which the CRT is made.

If more than one computer is used in a room, then it should be taken into account that the user of one computer may be affected by radiation from other computers, primarily from the side and also the rear wall of the display. Considering that radiation from the side of the display screen can be protected by using special filters, it is necessary that the user be placed at a distance of at least 1000 mm from the side and rear walls of other displays.

To neutralize the increased level of luminous flux pulsation when selecting computer equipment, preference should be given to monitors with low radiation levels that meet the MPR 1990:8, MPR 1990:10, TCO 99, TCO 01 standards and increased visual characteristics, anti-reflective and antistatic coatings. When using the monitor for a long time, you should reduce the brightness

When selecting a monitor, it is recommended to choose monitors with high frame rates. When working in graphic modes, it is possible to change the frame rate from 60 to 120 Hz at different resolution modes. According to the TCO 95 standard, frequencies of 75 and 85 Hz are considered optimal. For graphic work, resolution modes of 800x600, 1280x728, 1600x1200 are recommended. Maximum scan rates can be achieved at a resolution of 800x600. You should also not neglect more expensive monitors with anti-glare and anti-static coating.

The safest monitor for your eyes is an LCD monitor. The use of monitors with a diagonal of less than 14¢¢, as well as monochrome displays, is not recommended.

4.2.3 Noise protection measures

When performing work on a computer, the noise level should not exceed 50 dB. Noisy equipment (printers, etc.), the noise levels of which exceed the standardized ones, must be located outside the computer room. The noise level in rooms can be reduced by using materials with a maximum sound absorption coefficient in the frequency range 63-8000 Hz for room decoration. Additional sound absorption is provided by plain curtains made of thick fabric, hung in a fold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the fence. The width of the curtain should be 2 times the width of the window.

Noise protection implies protection from all vibrations: external, from the system unit, monitor, printer, cooling devices. Noise protection can be implemented in two ways:

The use of silent devices (for example, replacing dot matrix printers with inkjet or laser ones). Working with dot matrix printers with covering covers;

Installation of uninterruptible power supplies, system units on dampers or any other shock-absorbing pads.

4.2.4 Requirements for air quality and microclimate

To maintain optimal performance of a computer operator during his work, measures must be included to bring hazardous environmental factors (temperature, air dust, illumination, etc.) to the parameters of sanitary standards.

To create a favorable microclimate, the room must be well heated and ventilated; it is recommended to ventilate it regularly, which will improve the quality of the air, including the aeroionic regime. The microclimate is characterized by the level of temperature and humidity of the air, the speed of its movement, and others. It is known that high temperature negatively affects a number of psychophysiological functions and human reliability. When the temperature increases to 30°C, the performance of the computer operator decreases. Exposure to high temperatures combined with high humidity can lead to profuse sweating (loss of mineral salts), increased heart rate and increased breathing. A decrease in temperature leads to hypothermia.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no various types of pollution in the air. The most favorable indoor air temperature when working with a computer is 19-21°C, relative air humidity is 55-62%.

Methods for reducing the adverse effects of, first of all, the industrial microclimate are carried out by a set of technological, sanitary-technical, organizational and medical-preventive measures: ventilation, thermal insulation of the surfaces of thermal radiation sources, replacement of old equipment with more modern ones, use of collective protective equipment, etc.

To maintain microclimate parameters at the level necessary to ensure comfort and vital activity, ventilation of the premises where a person carries out his activities is used. Optimal microclimate parameters are provided by air conditioning systems, and acceptable parameters are provided by conventional ventilation and heating systems.

The ventilation system is a set of devices that provide air exchange in the room, i.e. removal of polluted, heated, humid air from the room and supply of fresh, clean air to the room. According to the area of ​​action, ventilation can be general exchange, in which air exchange covers the entire room, and local, when air exchange is carried out in a limited area of ​​the room. Based on the method of air movement, natural and mechanical ventilation systems are distinguished.

For constant air exchange required by the conditions for maintaining indoor air purity, organized ventilation, or aeration, is necessary. Aeration is the organized natural general ventilation of rooms as a result of the entry and removal of air through opening transoms of windows and doors. Air exchange in the room is regulated by varying degrees of opening of the transoms (depending on the outside temperature, wind speed and direction).

Ventilation, by which air is supplied to or removed from rooms through systems of ventilation ducts, using special mechanical stimuli, is called mechanical ventilation.

To create optimal meteorological conditions, first of all, the most advanced type of ventilation - air conditioning - is used in industrial premises. When air conditioning, the air temperature, its relative humidity and the rate of supply to the premises are automatically regulated depending on the time of year, external meteorological conditions and the nature of the technological process in the room. In some cases, special treatment can be carried out: ionization, deodorization, ozonation, etc. Air conditioning is much more expensive than ventilation, but provides the best conditions for human life and activity.

4.2.5 Lighting measures

Rational lighting of premises is one of the most important factors on which the effectiveness of a person’s work depends.

Good lighting is essential for most operator tasks. In order to plan an efficient lighting system, the specifics of the job for which the lighting system is being created, the speed and accuracy with which the job must be performed, the duration of its completion, and various changes in the conditions of the work operations are taken into account.

The premises must have natural and artificial lighting. The orientation of window openings to the north or northeast is desirable. Window openings should have adjustable blinds or curtains that allow the window openings to be completely covered. Curtains should be chosen in one color, in harmony with the color of the walls, made of thick fabric and twice the width of the window opening. Workplaces in relation to light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, predominantly from the left. To eliminate glare on the screen, as well as excessive differences in illumination in the field of view, it is necessary to remove the screens from bright daylight.

Workplaces should be located at a distance of at least 1.5 m from walls with window openings, and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from walls without window openings (Figure 4.3).

To illuminate documents, it is allowed to install local lighting lamps, which should not create glare on the surface of the screen and increase its illumination to a level of more than 300 lux. Direct glare from light sources should be limited.

Figure 4.3 - Layout of the computer relative to the window openings

As light sources for artificial lighting, it is necessary to use predominantly LB type fluorescent lamps. It is allowed to use incandescent lamps in local lighting fixtures. In order to avoid glare, it is necessary to remove light sources (lamps, natural sunlight), as well as reflective surfaces (for example, the surface of shiny polished tables, light-colored furniture panels) from the operator’s field of vision. With electric lighting, the above requirements can be satisfied if the following conditions are met: the lighting must be indirect, for which it is necessary to avoid areas of excessive illumination on the ceiling. In this case, the illumination should be uniform, the ceiling should be flat, matte and uniform.

In large rooms, it is necessary to install rows of lamps parallel to the windows in order to be able to turn on and off certain rows of lamps depending on the level of natural light.

4.2.6 Measures to normalize ergonomic factors

Area per one workplace should be approximately 6.2 m, and the volume should be at least 20.0 cubic meters.

The design of the desktop should ensure optimal placement of the equipment used on the working surface, taking into account its quantity and design features (display, PC, keyboard, copy holder for documents, etc.), the nature of the work being performed, as well as the ability to perform labor operations within reach. The surface of the table should be smooth, without depressions. The height of the working surface of the table should be adjusted within 680-800mm; if this is not possible, the height of the working surface is 725 mm. The work desk must have legroom of at least 620mm in height, at least 550mm in width, at least 450mm in depth at knee level and at least 65Ohm in legroom.

The design of the work chair (chair) should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture when working, allow you to change the posture in order to reduce the static tension of the muscles of the cervicobrachial region and back to prevent the development of fatigue. The work chair (chair) must be lift-and-swivel and adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation. The surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (armchair) should be semi-soft, with a non-electrifying and breathable coating, ensuring easy cleaning from dirt. The width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm; adjustable surface height within 400-500 mm and tilt angles forward up to 150 and back up to 50; the height of the supporting surface of the back of the chair (armchair) is 300+/-20 mm, width - not less than 380 mm; the backrest tilt angle in the vertical plane is from 0 to 30 degrees (Figure 4.4).

Figure 4.4 - Diagram of the computer operator’s workplace

The footrest must have a minimum width of the supporting surface of 400 mm; minimum depth of the supporting surface 300 mm, inclination of the supporting surface to the horizontal 10 or adjustable 0-15. The edge of the supporting surface must be adjustable in height within 40 - 150 mm from the floor.

If the adjustment is not arbitrary, then it should have three positions. The supporting surface should not be slippery and the stand should be firmly in contact with the floor.

4.2.7 Organization of work and rest schedule

The monotony of the work process is an important psychophysiological factor that has a significant impact on the performance and fatigue of a computer operator.

The state of monotony is caused by the actual or apparent monotony of the work performed. In order to reduce the negative impact of monotony, it is advisable to use alternating operations of meaningful text and numerical data (changing the content of work), alternating text editing and data entry (changing the content and pace of work), and the like.

Work and rest regimes when working with a PC depend on the category of work activity. All work with a PC is divided into three categories:

Occasional reading and entering information into a PC or working in dialogue mode (no more than 2 hours per 8-hour shift).

Reading information with a preliminary request of no more than 40 thousand characters or entering information no more than 30 thousand characters or creative work in dialogue mode no more than 4 hours per 8-hour shift.

Reading information with a preliminary request of more than 40 thousand characters or entering information of more than 30 thousand characters or creative work in dialogue mode for more than 4 hours in an 8-hour shift.

The time of regulated breaks for a work shift should be taken depending on the category of work activity with a PC, as well as the duration of the shift.

The duration of continuous work with a PC without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

The duration of the lunch break is determined by the current labor legislation and the internal labor regulations of the enterprise (organization, institution).

For an 8-hour work shift, it is advisable to set regulated breaks:

For category 2 of work with a computer, 2 hours from the start of the shift and 2 hours after a lunch break lasting 15 minutes each or lasting 10 minutes after every hour of work;

With a 12-hour work shift, regulated breaks are established for the first 8 hours of work, similar to breaks during an 8-hour work shift, and during the last 4 hours of work, regardless of the category and type of work, every hour lasting 5-10 minutes.

When working with a PC on the night shift, regardless of the type and category of work, the duration of regulated breaks increases by 60 minutes.

In cases where visual discomfort and other unfavorable subjective sensations occur in those working with PCs, despite compliance with sanitary, hygienic, ergonomic requirements, work and rest schedules, an individual approach should be used in limiting the time they work with the computer and correcting the duration of breaks for rest or taking.

By applying the considered rules for working with a computer and precautions during work, you can significantly increase the comfort of working with a computer, reduce injuries and minimize harm to health.


In the process of completing the diploma project, an automated workstation was developed and implemented for document management in the user support department. The thesis project examines all possible functions for managing the user support department as a whole, and outlines the advantages of implementing such a system. The main methods and existing methods of automating the activities of the user support department are considered.

The analysis of the construction of an automated workstation was carried out taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of existing analogue systems.

The developed system implements the following functions:

Maintaining an information base;

Work planning;

Generating various types of reports.

The advantages of the information system include ease of use, accessible interface and efficiency.

The created system can be implemented in the user support department, which will reduce the labor intensity of accounting, insure against arithmetic errors, and comprehensively analyze statistical information.

List of sources used

1) Official website of the OMNITRACKER complex [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"600287.files/image030.jpg">

Figure 1 - Engineers report

Figure 2 - User report

Figure 3 - Technical report

Human resource management systems have undergone global changes in the last decade. Today, personnel management is less and less based on administrative methods of work and increasingly focused on conscious personnel policy. It is the carefully developed personnel policy of the organization that is the basis for effective work with personnel. In each organization, the procedure for working with personnel is regulated in its own way. However, there is certain rules and regulations according to which personnel work will be organized.

Why is a personnel management system being formed?

The establishment of a personnel management system is impossible without defining a goal. In addition, you need to clearly understand the principles by which it is formed. The main tasks in creating a personnel management system are usually the following:

  1. provide the organization with qualified personnel)
  2. provide the employee with comfortable working conditions so that his work is as effective as possible)
  3. create an objective and high-quality system of motivation and remuneration)
  4. increase employee satisfaction with work results)
  5. provide each employee with opportunities for professional growth and development)
  6. to create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team)
  7. improve existing and introduce more effective methods of personnel assessment)
  8. motivate the HR department to develop the company's organizational strategy.

An effective personnel management system is based on the following principles:

  1. efficiency in the selection and placement of personnel)
  2. fairness of remuneration and motivation)
  3. career and professional growth of an employee in accordance with the needs, abilities and results of his work, depending on the capabilities and needs of the organization itself)
  4. providing assistance in solving personal problems of the employee.

Thus, the personnel management system is formed on the basis of the principles that determine its effectiveness, as well as the quality of its work as a whole.

What does HR work consist of?

Work with the team is usually concentrated in the HR department. If the organization has a personnel manager, then the development and determination of the main directions in personnel work is part of his task. At the same time, the strategy must be understandable to the head of the organization and approved by him. If there is no HR director, it is advisable to assign supervision of the HR department directly to the manager.

  • Personnel records management. This section includes personnel registration support for all natural movements of employees in the organization:
  1. hiring, dismissal and transfer)
  2. registration of business trips, vacations (study, annual, maternity leave))
  3. registration of sick leave)
  4. accounting of employees of the organization.
  • Analytical work. Various types of personnel analysis, usually according to specified criteria:
  1. reporting)
  2. carrying out assessment procedures)
  3. studying the effectiveness of each specific employee in various job positions
  4. drawing up various plans for working with personnel.
  • Personnel training work:
  1. planned training)
  2. organization of training in specialized training centers)
  3. organization of trainings of various types.
  • Work to provide the company with qualified personnel:
  1. recruitment and selection of personnel)
  2. placement of employees by position)
  3. conducting adaptation of personnel and supporting them at each stage.
  • Formation of the organization's personnel policy. In working with personnel, this point is decisive. Personnel policy is formed jointly with the head of the organization and line managers.

In each specific organization, these areas can be expanded and supplemented, depending on the specifics of the organization’s work and its needs. The content of work with organization management personnel should be planned in two types: short-term and long-term.

Development of a HR plan

The personnel plan is the basis of the personnel management system. After all, an effective personnel policy is possible only if there are well-designed plans and programs. These documents describe in detail the entire cycle of working with personnel. As a rule, two plans are drawn up: operational and strategic.

Operational plan

Current personnel work is consolidated here. It can be compiled for different periods depending on the goals and needs of the organization (from a month to one year). It can also be compiled with an emphasis on a particular process, or in general for each of the areas of work with personnel.

For example, an operational plan may contain planning:

  • needs for specialists,
  • personnel adaptation,
  • staff reductions for a certain period of time,
  • expenses for recruiting and maintaining employees,
  • training of personnel in various fields,
  • careers of employees in the organization,
  • formation of a personnel reserve,
  • personnel movements,
  • promoting the values ​​of the organization and building work with personnel on their basis.

Strategic plan

Its goal is to formulate the overall personnel policy of the organization. It is usually drawn up for 5 years. Its content is determined primarily by the presence of a strategic plan for the development of the organization as a whole. Depending on the goals set, the content of work with personnel there is determined taking into account the future.

Both operational and strategic plans of an organization for working with personnel can change, be supplemented and adjusted. First of all, it depends on the influence of internal and external factors, as well as from changes in the direction of the organization as a whole.

Documents regulating work with personnel

Regulations are normative documents that establish the goals, content and procedure for performing individual operations, and also determine the work of the organization in a strategic aspect.

Regulatory documents are developed in the organization as it develops and expands. For very small companies, they are, as a rule, not needed, but for large companies they are simply necessary, since without them it is impossible to systematize and organize effective personnel work.

The personnel management system is especially effective if its regulations comply with the organization’s standards and are aimed at achieving its goals.

Personnel work is based on the following regulatory documents.

Regulations on working with personnel.

A fundamental document establishing the distribution of functions in the company relative to each division. It contains the goals, objectives, functions, and share of responsibility of each participant in this work process, and also defines the relationships between departments.

Internal labor regulations

Mandatory local document, which is developed for the following purposes:

  • formation and maintenance of labor discipline at the proper level)
  • effective organization of the labor process)
  • rational distribution of time for work and rest)
  • ensuring high quality of work.

Job description

This document is necessary to clearly regulate the employee’s work activities and contains the following points:

  • scroll job responsibilities employee)
  • determination of the employee’s area of ​​responsibility)
  • the order of employee relationships with various departments)
  • procedure for replacing an absent employee.

The presence of job descriptions in an organization allows you to evenly distribute the load on the organization’s personnel and qualitatively control the activities of both an individual employee and the team as a whole.

Staffing table

This document contains information about the number of staff in the organization. The official salary and, if any, a bonus to it are also stated here.

Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve in the organization

This document is applicable in large organizations that form a personnel reserve based on strategic development plans. This may include candidates both from the company’s internal resources and from the external labor market.

Regulations on the stages of personnel adaptation

A document that defines the directions for social, psychological and professional adaptation of personnel. High-quality implementation of a personnel adaptation system significantly reduces staff turnover and improves the quality of work for newcomers.

Regulations on recruitment and selection of personnel

This document establishes the procedure for recruiting and selecting specialists. It also establishes deadlines for the completion of each operation and responsibilities between all participants in this process.

This list is far from complete and, depending on the needs of the organization, it can be supplemented with other local documents that will determine the procedure for work in one of the areas of personnel activities.

Competent personnel policy is a way to resolve conflicts

It is known from scientific theory that any systemic formation is periodically subject to a state of instability. Simply put, sooner or later in any organization tensions accumulate in employee relations. The result is the emergence of conflicts. During this period, work efficiency decreases and planned indicators deteriorate.

Conflict resolution is traditionally associated with the field of psychology. However, properly structured work with personnel can play a significant role in this process. In this case, the most important is the initial stage, that is, the selection of a candidate and its preliminary analysis. The goal is a situation in which employees with psychological compatibility work in the same department. Thus, the importance of personnel work is difficult to overestimate.

Personnel policy is the basis of an effective personnel management system

The purpose of the organization’s personnel policy is to provide the organization with personnel who meet the requirements in a timely manner. The personnel policy of an organization is influenced by various factors, under the influence of which it can be adjusted or completely changed. These factors are divided into:

  1. External. These include labor legislation, relations with trade unions, the economic situation in the country and the labor market.
  2. Internal. These include the goals and objectives of the organization, territorial location, technologies used, internal culture of the organization, moral and psychological climate in the team.

The main directions in the formation of personnel policy are the following:

  • recruitment)
  • wage system)
  • training)
  • formation of personnel procedures)
  • social relations.

Regulation of personnel policy, depending on the size of the organization, can be enshrined in the form of local documents or exist in the form of unwritten rules established by the manager.

In any case, it is not enough to develop a personnel policy. To obtain an effect, it is necessary to introduce it into the organization’s activities as efficiently as possible. The mechanism for its implementation is based on the development of plans and standards, administrative, organizational, economic and social measures that are aimed at solving various personnel problems of the organization, as well as meeting its personnel needs.

Thus, an effective system for working with personnel can be built through the integrated use of all elements of this complex process. Only in this case can we guarantee the order and clarity of work with company personnel.

1 Human Resource Management Concepts

2 Personnel policy

3 Recruitment

4 Personnel assessment

5 Personnel placement

6 Personnel adaptation

7 Staff training

Organization of work with personnel

1 Philosophy of the organization

2 Personnel structure

3 Management regulation

4 Scientific organization of labor

5 Leadership Essentials

6 Team formation

Motivation, pay and performance

2 Staff remuneration

4 Communications and etiquette

Used Books


1. Personnel management system

1 Human resource management concept

The labor market is a set of socio-economic relations between the state, employers and workers regarding the purchase and sale of labor, training of workers and their use in the production process.

The labor market is a set of socio-economic relations regarding the hiring, training and use of labor resources.

Labor resources are understood as the population of both sexes of working age, with the exception of non-working war and labor invalids and persons receiving an old-age pension on preferential terms, as well as persons of disabled age employed in the economy.

The concept of “personnel” unites the components of the organization’s workforce (performing production or management operations and engaged in the processing of objects of labor using labor tools).

Let's consider the relationship between the subsystems of work with personnel and the regulatory documents of the organization (Fig. 1). The data is presented using the example of the logistics company Vector LLC. In the figure, the documents used are highlighted in green, in yellow - to one degree or another, and in red - absent.

2. Personnel policy

Personnel policy determines the general line and fundamental principles in working with personnel for the long term and is expressed in the form of administrative and moral standards of behavior for employees at the enterprise.

Leadership style refers to the ways in which a leader interacts with his subordinates. There are: authoritarian, democratic, liberal and mixed styles.

Rice. 1. Interrelation of subsystems of work with personnel with regulatory documents of the organization.

Characterizing the type of leadership at the enterprise in question, we can classify it as an authoritarian style. This is manifested in the following: The leader always makes decisions alone, is an adherent of formal strict discipline and strict routines, and considers punishment the main method of stimulation.

Let's consider the basic principles of working with personnel used in the organization in question (Table 1.)

Table 1. Principles of working with personnel.

PrincipleDescriptionFlexibilityThe control system easily adapts to the changing goals of the control object and its operating conditions Decentralization Rational autonomy is ensured structural divisions with division of rights and responsibilitiesCollegialityManagers work closely with each other, participating in the development of the most important decisionsRotationThe temporary departure of individual employees does not interrupt the work of the organization, each employee can perform the functions of other employees of his level SpecializationThere are separate divisions specializing in performing homogeneous management functionsFair remunerationBased on payment based on the results of individual and collective labor with reimbursement of the cost of labor.

3 Recruitment

Personnel selection is the process of selecting suitable candidates for vacant jobs based on the existing personnel reserve at the labor exchange and at the enterprise.

Professional personnel selection includes the following stages: creation of a personnel commission, formation of job requirements, announcement of a competition in the media, assessment of the psychological stability of candidates, comprehensive assessment of candidates by rating and formation of a final list, conclusion of a personnel commission on the selection of a candidate for a vacant position. position, approval of the position, conclusion of an employment contract, registration and submission of the candidate’s personnel documents to the HR department.

The decisive factor when hiring is currently an interview with a potential candidate for a vacant position. There are several interview methods: British, German, American, Chinese method.

At the enterprise in question, interviews with potential candidates take place in two stages, which makes it possible to more accurately determine and evaluate the capabilities and abilities of each candidate. At the first stage, the British method is applied - i.e. personal conversation between members of the personnel commission and the applicant. Based on the results of the first stage, a number of suitable candidates to fill the vacant position are determined. At the second stage of the interview, the Chinese method is used: all successful candidates are sent a series of tasks related to the position held, which must be solved. Next, the commission reviews and evaluates the completed tasks, determining the most suitable candidate, with whom an employment contract is subsequently concluded.

An important role for the reliable functioning of the enterprise is played by the formation of a personnel reserve - this is part of the personnel undergoing systematic training to occupy related jobs of higher qualifications.

Analysis of the situation “Trust but verify.”

The main conclusion of the situation under consideration is contained in the name itself. You cannot build relationships in a team on trust alone; there must always be clear control on the part of management over the activities of the staff, no matter how close the relationships within the team are.

In my opinion, the director of the company in this situation should do the following: first, try to resolve financial issues with Sergei peacefully. If Sergei refuses to give the money, then the director probably has only one way to return the money, since the facts of theft are obvious and confirmed by the audit, he can recover the money from Sergei in court.

As for personnel decisions, I would proceed as follows: Sergei should be fired under the article, legal adviser Maria, secretary Natalya and bodyguard Evgeniy should be offered to resign of their own free will, and the deputy. Director Vladimir and chief accountant Irina apply disciplinary sanctions.

To prevent such situations, the accounting department of an enterprise must strictly follow the established rules for working with documents, and also not sign blank forms and strictly check and control all the figures indicated in the documents.

1.4 Personnel assessment

Personnel assessment is carried out to determine the employee’s suitability for a vacant or occupied workplace, and can be performed in three ways: assessing the employee’s potential, assessing the employee’s individual contribution and personnel certification.

The main assessment methods include: source research, interviewing, questionnaires, sociological surveys, observation, testing, expert assessments, critical incidents, business games, case studies, rankings, exams and others.

At the enterprise in question, personnel assessment methods are used in the form of an exam and a business game. The employee is presented with a number of specific production situations to analyze and develop actions to resolve these situations. Thus, the professional knowledge and skills of the employee are tested, and also developed optimal options actions in the situations under consideration.

Certification is a form of comprehensive personnel assessment, based on the results of which decisions are made on further career growth, relocation or dismissal of an employee.

Of the widely known methods for certifying management personnel, the most appropriate is a complex method, which is based on a combination of original methods: brainstorming, questioning, comparative analysis, sociological survey and expert assessments.

Based on the results of filling out the “Certification” questionnaire, a calculated score was received - 135 points. This assessment shows fairly good professional qualities of the person being certified and confirms suitability for the position held, or the employee can be transferred to an equivalent position.

1.5 Personnel placement

Personnel placement ensures effective replacement of jobs based on the results of a comprehensive assessment, planned career path, conditions and remuneration of personnel.

There are four main career models:

“springboard” - an employee’s life path consists of a long climb up the career ladder with a gradual increase in his potential, experience and qualifications;

“ladder” - each step in a career represents a specific position that the employee holds for a fixed period of time, but not more than 5 years; after occupying the highest position, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins;

“snake” - provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another by appointment, occupying each position for a short time (1-2 years);

“Crossroads” - involves, after a certain fixed or variable period of work, a manager or specialist undergoing a comprehensive assessment (certification), based on the results of which a decision is made on promotion, transfer or demotion.

Career planning consists of selecting standard career models for various stages of an employee’s life path and connecting them with the improvement of personal qualifications and the strategic interests of the organization in personnel development.

Table 2 shows the career plan.

Table 2. Career plan.

PositionAgeMethod of holding the positionAdvanced trainingdispatcher20-25AppointmentTraining at an institute in a higher education programLogistics manager25-30Appointment2-month courses in LogisticsHead of the Logistics Department30-35Appointment2-month advanced training coursesDeputy director of an enterprise35-40Competitive replacement2-year MBA programDirector of an enterprise40-50Election or appointment2 -x weekly annual training at the Institute of Management Deputy Director of the enterprise 50-55 Appointment Monthly courses at the Institute of Management Director's consultant 55-60 Appointment Monthly courses at the Institute of Management

Analysis of the situation “Conflict”

Analyzing the presented situation, we can say that the director of the research institute acted in the only possible way. When there is an alternative - to increase salaries for employees, but at the same time jeopardize the further activities of the organization or to direct all efforts to preserve the organization, then the choice is obvious. A mistake was made earlier when an unsecured salary increase was promised. A leader must always weigh his promises against the capabilities of the organization, not only based on the results of previous periods, but also in the future. He must see and assess the situation in perspective; this is where the talent of a leader lies.

1.6 Personnel adaptation

Personnel adaptation is the process of adapting the team to changing external and internal environment organizations.

Adaptation of an employee is the adaptation of an individual to the workplace and work collective.

One of the most interesting types of adaptation is the adaptation of young specialists. There are two main forms of adaptation for young professionals: mentoring and consulting.

Mentoring is a process in which one person (mentor) is responsible for the promotion and development of another person (newcomer or mentee) outside the normal manager-subordinate relationship. Character traits mentors include: strong motivation to help others develop, significant and recognized experience in skills, ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the mentee and formulate actions to develop or correct them, knowledge of the interests, abilities and desires of their subordinates, trust in subordinates and expectations the same from them.

Counseling - individualized advice to an individual employee and providing him with the opportunity to find ways to solve a problem or reduce his anxiety due to problems in areas that are significant to him. Counseling requires the leader to pay attention, understand, analyze, interpret and respond in order to make the learning process successful for both the newcomer and the counselee.

It seems to me that the best form of adaptation of young specialists for the organization in question is mentoring. The use of this method would contribute to a more flexible entry of a new employee into the scope of his duties, would allow him to avoid many “pitfalls” and production errors “due to inexperience”, and also an informal relationship with a mentor would allow him to integrate more smoothly into the team.

7 Staff training

Education is one of the most important subsystems social sphere state, ensuring the process of obtaining systematized knowledge, skills and abilities by a person with the aim of their effective use in professional activities. Training of workers and employees includes four main types:

vocational training - there are primary, secondary and higher (training period from 1 to 6 years):

advanced training - carried out at professional courses, at management schools, advanced training faculties (duration from 1 day to 6 months);

retraining of personnel - carried out in educational institutions where employees acquire a second specialty (period from 6 to 24 months);

postgraduate professional education - carried out to obtain higher professional or scientific qualifications in graduate school or doctoral studies (duration of study 2 - 4 years).

.Make sure you have a license to provide educational services.

.View prospectus educational institution, curriculum program.

.Check the availability and condition of the training base.

.Meet the teaching staff.

.Find out if there are handouts (books, textbooks, manuals).

.Find out what educational document graduates receive (diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate).

.Define full price training.

.Create a pivot table for several educational institutions and choose the best option.

The first chapter examined the system of working with personnel, in particular, the concept of personnel management, elements of personnel policy, methods of assessment, adaptation and training of personnel were considered, and a career plan was developed

2. Organization of work with personnel

1 Philosophy of the organization

The philosophy of an organization is a set of intra-company principles and rules for the relationship between workers and employees, a unique system of values ​​and beliefs, perceived voluntarily or in the process of education by all personnel of the organization. This is a kind of “moral code of conduct in the organization.”

The goal of the organization is to provide high-quality cargo delivery services by car. The criteria for achieving the goal are:

maximizing profits from all types of activities,

reduction in the cost of work and services,

improving the quality of services,

maximizing income and living standards of employees.

Declaration of employee rights. Each person is guaranteed the following rights: personal and civil rights of an employee, social rights, the right to labor protection, the right to fair remuneration, the right to leave, the right to protect one’s interests, rights and freedoms, the right to education.

Promotions and prohibitions.

The organization encourages employee initiative aimed at: saving material, energy and information resources, improving the quality of work and services, improving qualifications and increasing the professional knowledge and skills of employees.

The organization prohibits: disclosure of information constituting a trade secret, consumption of drinks in work time and appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Working conditions. The organization provides each employee with comfortable working conditions in an office equipped with modern furniture and equipment, free access to a computer and office equipment, and use of a company telephone.

Salary. The organization has adopted a time-based bonus system of remuneration, which consists of the following elements: basic salary, remuneration for the final result achieved, bonus for main results, financial assistance.

Social benefits. The list of social benefits used in the organization includes: partial compensation for food expenses during the working day, payment of travel and entertainment expenses, gifts for anniversaries, payment of expenses in the event of a wedding or the birth of a child.

Social guarantees. Each employee is guaranteed the following social rights: annual paid leave of 28 calendar days, payment of sick leave in case of temporary disability or injury in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

2 Personnel structure

Organizational structure is the composition and subordination of interconnected management units. It is presented in the form of a diagram reflecting a set of structural divisions and administrative connections between them.

The organizational structure of Vector LLC is shown in Fig. 2.

The functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual divisions.

The role structure of a team characterizes the division of team members into creative, communication and behavioral roles.

Social structure characterizes labor collective by social indicators (gender, age, profession and qualifications, nationality, education, etc.).

The staffing structure determines the composition of the unit and the list of positions, the size of official salaries and the wage fund.

Rice. 2. Organizational structure of Vector LLC

Let's develop a matrix for the distribution of management functions among the organization's divisions (Table 3).

Table 3. Matrix of distribution of management functions.

Function nameDirectorStart. logistics department sales departmentCh. accountantManagement of enterprise development strategyTSRPIPISIOrganization of a management systemCRSISIManagement of financial and accounting TsSISIRPIMarketing managementTSURPITransport managementTSRPIUSUservice quality managementTSRPIUSUforeign economic activity managementTSURPIS

3 Management regulation

Regulations are a set of rules that determine the procedure for the activities of a government body, enterprise, institution and organization, as well as the procedure for holding meetings and conferences.

Internal labor regulations regulate the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, working and rest hours, the main responsibilities of employees and administration, incentive and penalty measures, as well as issues of disclosure of official and commercial information.

The regulations on structural divisions determine the purpose and place of the division in the enterprise, the main functions and tasks of management, the rights, responsibilities and forms of incentives for the division's employees.

A job description is the main document regulating the appointment and place of an employee in the management system, his functional responsibilities, rights, responsibilities and forms of incentives.

1.The dispatcher belongs to the category of specialists.

2.A person who has a secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the operational regulation of the management (production) process for at least 3 years, including at least 1 year at this enterprise, is appointed to the position of dispatcher.

.Appointment to the position of dispatcher and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the enterprise.

.The dispatcher must know:

1. Regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues of production planning and operational production management.

2. Organization of production planning and dispatching at the enterprise.

3. Computer technology, communications and communications.

4. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management.

5. Internal labor regulations.

6. Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5.The dispatcher reports directly to the head of the logistics department.

II. Dispatcher responsibilities:

1.Using computer technology, communications and communications, carries out operational regulation of transportation and other types of core activities of the enterprise or its divisions in accordance with production programs, calendar plans and daily shift assignments.

2.Takes measures to prevent and eliminate violations, involving, if necessary, the relevant services of the enterprise.

.Maintains a dispatch log, draws up reports and other technical documentation on the progress of production. . Manager rights:

1.Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

2.Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for management's consideration.

.Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform his job duties. . Responsibility

1.For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

.For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

An employment contract is an agreement between the administration and the hired employee. It contains the procedure for hiring, organization of work and rest time, characteristics of business and moral qualities, payment and incentives for work, social benefits and guarantees, the procedure for extending and terminating the contract.

4 Scientific organization of labor

A workplace is a spatial zone equipped with technical means where the labor activity of employees jointly performing work or operations takes place.

Organization of the workplace is a set of measures to equip the workplace with means and objects of labor and their placement in a certain order.

The work area is a part of the workplace space, limited by the extreme points of reach of the worker’s arms and legs with a shift of one or two steps from the conditional center of the workplace.

Workplace layout - layout of employees, furniture and technical means in room.

The passport (standard design) of the workplace includes the following sections: purpose and general characteristics, layout of the workplace, furniture, equipment and technical means, functional responsibilities (main elements of work), methods and techniques of work, remuneration, organization of service, regulatory documentation, workload of the worker places (standardization), labor protection and safety precautions.

Since the workplace passport is a fairly voluminous document, and many of its provisions are reflected in sufficient detail in other sections of the work, we will present here only the main provisions of the developed document relating to equipment and technical means.

The dispatcher's workplace includes a comfortable office chair and a computer desk equipped with a modern computer with Internet access, laser printers and a landline telephone. In addition to a landline telephone, the dispatcher's workplace has the following means of communication: mobile phone, as well as electronic communication channels via the Internet (icq, skype).

Target planning is setting life goals, developing criteria for achieving them and drawing up work plans for the organization as a whole and for individual employees.

The manager’s personal work technique involves the use of labor mechanization tools: a calendar, an “organizer,” a time manager (TM), an electronic notebook (EDB), and a computer system.

Labor standard is an established measure of labor costs for the manufacture or production of a unit of product.

Depending on the research methods used, all standardization methods are divided into four main groups.

The microelement rationing method is based on dividing management work into very small labor operations and timing the time spent.

The method of analytical standardization is based on the division of management work into elements of the structure of working time costs and timing of time costs.

The statistical standardization method consists of collecting data on labor costs or the number of personnel for a set of similar organizations and deriving standards using statistical methods.

The expert standardization method is based on expert assessments of labor costs for groups of identical management tasks and basic organizations.

5 Leadership Essentials

Leadership is a key tool for improving the efficiency of production management and is considered as a specific set of qualities, styles and types of behavior of leaders and approaches to solving situations. Leadership is built on management relationships of the “leader-follower” and “boss-subordinate” type and is a specific method of management influence based on a combination of power, production interests and encouraging people to achieve common goals.

Management is the process of influencing groups of people in order to effectively coordinate their actions in production. Leadership does not replace management and does not exist outside of it, but complements management in cases where traditional methods management does not give high results and does not allow you to effectively achieve your goal.

A manager is a person who directs the work of others and is personally responsible for its results. The leader inspires people and instills enthusiasm in employees, conveying to them his vision of the future, helping them adapt to the new and go through the stage of change.

The theory of leadership qualities (“great people”, “charisma”) is based on the possibility of defining a universal set of leadership qualities (physiological, psychological, intellectual and personal), which make it possible to form groups of followers to solve problematic problems. This theory is based on the deification of leaders, but it does not explain the success of leaders with different sets of qualities.

The concept of leadership behavior states that the effectiveness of a leader is determined by the manner of behavior in achieving results and the style of leadership in relation to subordinates, the ability to psychologically influence people to achieve goals and depends on the leader's orientation towards the work or person.

Situational leadership - leadership behavior can vary depending on different situations. The situational approach to the study of leadership examines the interaction of various situational variables in order to discover the cause-and-effect relationship in the leadership relationship that allows one to predict the leader's possible behavior and the consequences of that behavior.

Working with a “difficult” leader requires knowledge of the types of leaders, their strengths and weaknesses, technology for dealing with various types of “difficult” leaders, as well as methods for adapting subordinates.

2.6 Team formation

A social group is a relatively stable set of people with common interests, values ​​and norms of behavior, developing within the framework of a historically defined society. There are large, medium and small social groups.

In management theory, it is customary to divide groups into formal and informal. A significant difference between a formal group is that it is always created on the initiative of the administration and is included as a division in the organizational structure and staffing table of the enterprise. Informal groups are freely formed small social groups of people who enter into regular interaction based on interests to achieve certain goals.

The most important signs of people joining informal groups: belonging, help, protection, communication, sympathy.

A team is an average social group that unites people engaged in solving specific problems, based on common goals, principles of cooperation, a combination of individual and group interests, and working in the same enterprise.

There are seven stages of team development: grinding in, “palace” coup, effectiveness, efficiency, mastery, aging, death.

Creation effective team inevitably involves the need to determine the relationship between the elements of homogeneity and diversity in the team. At the same time, you need to be able to combine obviously incompatible things.

The effective work of the team is limited by the discrepancy between the leader and the team, unqualified and undeveloped employees, poor socio-psychological climate, unclear goals and work criteria, and low performance of the team.

We examined the theoretical foundations of organizing work with personnel, including: the philosophy of the organization, the structure and regulation of management, the scientific organization of work, the basics of leadership and team building, a matrix for the distribution of management functions and a job description for a dispatcher were developed.

3. Motivation, payment and efficiency

1 Motivation and needs of personnel

Motivation is generally understood as the process of motivating a person to act in order to achieve goals. The motivation process includes 4 stages:

the emergence of a need;

developing a strategy and finding ways to meet needs;

determination of tactics of activity and step-by-step implementation of actions;

satisfying a need and receiving material or spiritual reward.

Needs are the need for something objectively necessary to maintain the vital functions and development of the organism, personality, or social group.

Incentives are of great importance in satisfying needs - this is the motivation for action or the reason for human behavior. There are four main forms of incentives: coercion, material incentives, moral encouragement, and self-affirmation.

A brief analysis of the main foreign theories of motivation, as well as the possibility of their application in the organization under consideration, is presented in Table. 4.

Table 4. Analysis of foreign theories of motivation.

Elements of the theory of motivation Brief description Recommendations for use in a basic organization. Theory H In human motives, biological needs predominate, a person tries to avoid work and not take responsibility. Constant control by management is required. This concept is not applicable in the organization since the contingent of personnel does not meet the criteria described in theory. This theory can be used in assembly line production. HC Theory: People’s motives are dominated by social needs; a person can perceive work as a source of satisfaction or punishment, depending on the working conditions; he is ready to take responsibility and strives for this. This theory is poorly applicable in modern Russian conditions, since it is designed primarily for the advanced creatively active part of society, which is currently not large. Theory Z The motives of people combine social and biological needs, people prefer to work in a group and have stable performance goals for a long period. Historically, the enterprise used elements of this theory of motivation. However, recently, due to the difficult economic situation and a change of owners, all previously developed and applied motivation programs are being abandoned. Which, in my opinion, is a rash decision and will negatively affect the organization’s work in the future. Maslow’s theory identifies 5 groups of needs: physiological, safety, belonging social group, recognition and respect, self-expression. A person’s advancement from need to need comes from the bottom up. The organization applies elements of this theory of motivation, but with a greater bias towards satisfying the primary needs of personnel. In my opinion, this is not entirely correct; more attention should be paid to the development of secondary needs. Adams' theory of justice Until people begin to believe that they are receiving fair remuneration, they will reduce the intensity of work. The enterprise uses elements of this theory in the form of keeping secret the amounts of remuneration received by employees . However, this is ineffective, since it arouses additional suspicions in people, often out of nowhere.

From the point of view of personnel management, the social typology of a person’s personality, which is based on three components, is of great importance:

I want - reflects the material and moral needs of the individual, the internal motivation of a person and is the driving force in all spheres of human activity.

I know - characterizes a person’s mental potential in the form of accumulated hypotheses, models, and theory schemes.

I can - shows a person’s rational experience in the form of a set of skills and techniques.

In relation to the organization under consideration, we can say that the organization’s management belongs to the “I want, I know, I can” category. If we consider ordinary employees, then two types of personality will probably prevail here: “I want, I know, I can’t” and “I want, I don’t know, I can.”

The quality of working life is the most important condition for the growth of labor productivity, based on the growth of material needs and the concept of comprehensive personal development.

The quality of working life includes the following groups of indicators: work collective, remuneration, workplace, management of the organization, career, social guarantees and social benefits.

2 Staff remuneration

Wages mean the price of labor power, corresponding to the cost of consumer goods and services that ensure the reproduction of labor power, satisfying the material and spiritual needs of the worker and his family members.

In the modern theory of labor organization, the following main remuneration systems are distinguished:

The tariff system is a set of standards with the help of which the wages of various categories of personnel are regulated. The components of the tariff system are tariff rates, qualification categories, official salaries, qualification categories, ETSC, KSDS.

The tariff-free system is a flexible wage system based on the use of coefficients qualification level, taking into account the profession, qualifications, experience of the employee and, most importantly, his contribution to the final results of production. In fact, there is a rejection of constant labor standards and a rigid tariff system.

Piece-rate wages - provides for wages based on the actual volume of work performed in natural meters (units of finished products) and established wage standards (rates) per unit of finished products. There are several types: individual, collective, direct piecework, piecework-bonus, piecework-chord, chord-bonus.

Time-based wages are used in cases where it is not possible to normalize labor costs or wages are calculated based on the number of hours worked and the qualifications of the employee, determined using the tariff rate or official salary. There are: individual, collective, direct time-based, time-based bonus and salary-bonus forms of remuneration.

Labor bonuses are an additional form of personnel remuneration, along with wages, paid in the event that the enterprise as a whole and its specific division achieve planned results.

The total amount of wages for time-based payment consists of three main components:

The basic salary includes the established official salary, calculated from the actual time worked.

Additional wages contain various additional payments and compensations for unfavorable working conditions, combination of professions, class, academic degree, title, etc.

The bonus for the main results of economic activity is paid upon achieving certain final results: growth in production volumes, availability of balance sheet and net profit, etc.

Main normative document The organization that regulates the forms, systems, standards and wage rates for the main categories of managers, specialists, employees and workers is the Regulation on Remuneration.

The wage regulations developed for the base organization are presented in Appendix 1.

The regulations on remuneration include main sections by type and form of payment (tariff, time-based, piece-rate, bonus) and categories of workers.

The regulations on remuneration are regulated by state laws (Tax Codes of the Russian Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation), regional characteristics in payment and the economic capabilities of the organization (revenue, wage fund, profit).

Analysis of the “Percentage of Remuneration” situation.

The presented case describes a conflict situation that arose at the enterprise as a result of the inflated, unreasonable ambitions of one of the organization’s employees (Vladimir). Vladimir, who had achieved significant success in his work and was appointed commercial director, demanded additional remuneration for himself for the development and implementation of a program for the development of the enterprise’s commercial activities. Essentially, the implementation of these activities is the direct job responsibilities of the commercial director, for which he receives his remuneration. In my opinion, there is elementary greed of the employee at work here. No matter how much he receives, these amounts will always not be enough for him and he will demand more. In my opinion, the director did the right thing. You cannot follow the lead of such an employee, even with very valuable ideas, because this will lead the situation to a dead end and as a result everyone will be dissatisfied. The only expedient way to resolve this conflict was the dismissal of this employee, since on the one hand, Vladimir did not do his job properly, and the director could not satisfy his inflated ambitions.

3 Personnel management methods

Management methods are ways of implementing management influences on personnel to achieve production management goals. There are administrative, economic, sociological and psychological methods, which differ in the ways they influence people.

Administrative methods are based on power, discipline and penalties, known in history as the “whip method”. There are five main methods of administrative influence: organizational influence, administrative influence, disciplinary liability and penalties, financial liability and penalties, administrative liability and penalties.

Administrative management methods are a powerful lever for achieving set goals in cases where it is necessary to subordinate the team and direct it to solve specific management problems. The ideal condition for their effectiveness is a high level of management regulation and labor discipline, when management influences are implemented by lower levels of management without significant distortion.

However, the unpreparedness of the director corps to work in market economic conditions, the lack of a clear strategy for the development of the organization and modern marketing, as well as the low level of corporate culture led to the emergence of a negative administrative impact on the team and a decrease in the overall effect of the use of administrative methods.

Economic methods are a way of implementing control actions on personnel based on the use of economic laws, known as the “carrot method”. Economic methods include: planned economic management, economic accounting, wages, labor, market pricing, securities, tax system, forms of ownership, phases of social reproduction, factors of production.

Sociological methods are based on ways to motivate social influence on people through the “opinion of the collective.” Highlight following methods: social planning, sociological research methods, personal qualities, morality, partnership, competition, communication, negotiations, conflict.

Psychological methods are based on knowledge of human psychology, his inner mental world and are known as the “method of persuasion.” In the process of specifically solving management problems, it is very useful to organize effective communications and use a combination of various methods management, which allow you to take into account “other people’s mistakes” and provide ways to solve economic and personnel tasks. The main elements of psychological methods include: psychological planning, branches of psychology, personality types, temperament, character traits, personality orientation, intellectual abilities, methods of cognition, psychological images, methods of psychological influence, behavior, feelings, emotions and stress.

The main feature of psychological methods is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the internal potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.

3.4 Communications and etiquette

Communication is a way of communicating and transmitting information from person to person in the form of oral and written messages, body language and parameters of speech. People communicate through verbal and nonverbal communications.

Verbal communications are realized through oral and written messages. Nonverbal is the language of communication understood by all people through body movements, facial expressions, posture and pupils.

Negotiation is a process of exchanging opinions to reach an agreement on a certain problem (concluding a contract, obtaining investments, hiring personnel). Negotiations include three main stages: preparation of negotiations, negotiation process and analysis of results.

The negotiation process can be significantly facilitated by good knowledge of negotiation techniques, which include:

exclusion of negative assessment,



remark during the conversation,

active listening,




further development of thoughts,

description of your emotional state,

description of the partner’s emotional state,

summing up intermediate results.

Secular etiquette is the generally accepted rules of behavior of people in society. It includes rules for dating and introductions, behavior at home, on the street and in the living room, recommendations for clothing, behavior at the table, and small talk.

A presentation is a formal presentation of a person or organization to the general public. There are different types of presentations - personal and organizational. To carry out the presentation, a business and cultural program is developed and presentation documents are prepared.

5 Staff efficiency

IN economic theory efficiency is determined based on the goals set as a function of the results achieved and the resources spent on it. The economic efficiency indicator is calculated as the ratio of the savings obtained to the costs of its creation.

The efficiency of an organization using the BOERO method is calculated as the ratio of the actually achieved criterion indicators to the basic values ​​of the final performance results, correlated with each other using weighting coefficients and incentive functions with a standard efficiency value of 100 points.

Indicators of economic efficiency (final results), quality and productivity of labor, and social efficiency of personnel activities are taken as criteria for personnel performance.

CTV evaluates the individual contribution of an employee to the results achieved over a certain period of time based on the comparison of achievements and omissions in work relative to the standard value of the coefficient for good work, equal to one.

The KTV assessment methodology allows you to objectively distribute the bonus fund (bonuses) and additional wages (remunerations) based on quantification achieved labor results for a specific period of time.

Tables 5 and 6 present the calculation of the distribution of the cable TV premium for the Logistics department of the organization in question.

Table 5. Distribution of bonuses among employees of the logistics department in proportion to salaries and cable TV.

Position Salary, rub. Employee's cable TV Amount of points Share of bonus Bonus, rub. Total earnings, rub. Head of department 250001.3325000.321030035300 Logistician 150001.1165000.32520020200 Logistician 150000.8120000.3238001880 0Coordinator manager130001130000,32410017100Dispatcher100001,2120000,32380013800Dispatcher100000,660000,32180011800Total880006,0920000,3229000121000

Table 6. Distribution of bonuses among employees of the logistics department in proportion to KTV.

Position Salary, rub. Employee's payroll average bonus, rub. Bonus, rub. Total earnings, rub. Head of department 250001.34833628331283 Logistician 150001.14833531620316 Logistician 150000.84833386618866 Manager-coordinator 130001483 3483317833Dispatcher100001,24833579915799Dispatcher100000,64833289912899Total880006,0483329000121000

As can be seen from the tables, the use of different approaches to calculating premiums gives slightly different results. So in the first case, workers with high salaries find themselves in a more advantageous position, while the second calculation method is beneficial for workers with low salaries.

We reviewed the theoretical foundations of motivation, remuneration and efficiency, in particular: motivation and needs of personnel, remuneration of personnel, personnel management methods, communications and etiquette, personnel efficiency, developed regulations on the remuneration of the organization and options for distributing bonuses among the organization's employees.

Used Books

1. Egorshin A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management. Tutorial for universities. M: INFRA-M, 2006.

Organizational personnel management. Textbook / edited by A.Ya. Kibanova. M: INFRA-M, 2004.

Woodcock M. Uninhibited manager. M: Delo, 1994.

Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel Management. Tutorial. M: Academy, 2003.

management personnel labor leadership

Annex 1


General provisions

1. This Regulation on remuneration (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) regulates issues related to the remuneration of employees of Vector LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company, employer), including the concept of remuneration, types of remuneration, rules for bonuses to employees Companies.

2. These Regulations apply to all employees of the Company with the exception of the General Director of the Company, as well as...

3. General control in the Company over the calculation of wages and bonuses for employees is exercised by the Director of the Company. The Company's chief accountant is directly responsible for organizing the calculation of wages and bonuses for employees.

4. Every month, no later than the date of payment of wages, the employee is presented with a payslip, which must reflect the components of wages, the amount and grounds for deductions made, and the total amount of money to be paid. The fact that the employee’s signature is on the pay slip also indicates that the employee has received a pay slip.

5. The Company establishes the following forms of remuneration:

5.1. Salary calculated in the manner described in section 2 of these Regulations.

5.2. Remuneration for work in conditions deviating from normal conditions, described in section 3 of these Regulations.

5.3. Premiums calculated in the manner described in section 4 of these Regulations.

5.4. Other payments that may be established by other local acts of the Company, a collective agreement, or an employment contract with a specific employee.

Employees' wages

1. The Company establishes piece-rate and time-based wages.

2. To receive a time-based portion of remuneration, an employee must fulfill the following labor standards during the working hours established by the Company.

3. The rates of the time-based part of wages for certain categories of employees are established in the Company’s staffing table, approved by the Director of the Company.

4. Deductions are made from the employee’s salary as provided for by current labor legislation.

5. Salaries are paid monthly by paying an advance and the main part of the salary. Salaries are paid exclusively in cash.

6. The advance is paid no later than the 25th day of the month for which wages are calculated.

7. The main part of the salary is paid no later than the 7th day of the month following the month for which the salary is calculated. When issuing the main part of the salary, a payslip is issued, drawn up in the form given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

8. Salaries are paid in the Company’s accounting department by an accountant-cashier.

Rules for remuneration in conditions deviating from normal conditions.

1. When performing work in conditions deviating from normal, employees are paid in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation, and (or) paid time off is provided, if this is provided for by labor legislation.

2. Conditions deviating from normal include work under the following conditions:

2.1. In special conditions (workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful, dangerous and other special working conditions, in areas with special climatic conditions).

2.2. In other cases of performing work under conditions deviating from normal.

2.3. When performing work of various qualifications.

2.4. When combining professions and performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee.

2.5. Outside normal working hours.

2.6. On weekends and non-working holidays.

2.7. At night time.

2.8. Failure to comply with labor standards (job duties).

2.9. When manufacturing products that turn out to be defective.

2.10. When idle.

2.11. When developing new industries (products).

Bonus payments to employees for key performance results

1. The Company establishes the following types of bonuses:

1.1. Bonus based on monthly performance results.

1.2. Bonus based on work results for the year.

1.3. Other bonuses that may be paid to certain categories of employees on the basis of an order from the director of the Company on the recommendation of the immediate superior of this employee(head of department).

2. The procedure for paying bonuses based on the results of work for the month.

2.1. The bonus amount ranges from 50 to 300% of the employee’s salary accrued for this month.

2.2. Bonuses are given to employees directly involved in the production of goods (performance of work, provision of services), as well as their immediate supervisors: director, his deputies, accounting staff and other employees of the Company not directly involved in the production of goods (performance of work, provision of services), the right they do not have a bonus at the end of the month.

2.3. The bonus is paid simultaneously with the payment of the main part of the salary.

This Regulation comes into force from the moment it is signed.


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Areas of work of the Personnel Department

1. Goals of the Personnel Department

1.1. Attracting and placing personnel.

1.2. Development and self-realization of personnel.

1.3. Improving the staff motivation system.

1.4. Implementation of social programs.

1.5. Correct registration of relations with employees and external


2. Objectives of the Personnel Department:

2.1. Personnel selection.

2.2. Personnel adaptation.

2.3. Development of an effective system of tangible and intangible


2.4. Personnel monitoring

2.5. Training.

2.6. Formation of reserve.

2.7. Development of corporate culture

2.8. Documentation support for enterprise activities

Local regulatory documents;

Personnel records management.

3. Personnel search and selection system

Personnel search is carried out in two modes:

3.1. Constant mode of labor market marketing.

The personnel service monitors labor market conditions for in-demand specialties in terms of supply and demand, and wages. Estimates of these indicators are used to adjust official salaries for key job positions in the Company, formulate “price offers” for newly recruited specialists, as well as estimate the costs of finding personnel for complex and scarce vacancies.

A database is maintained of persons who come to the attention of the Company's personnel service. If a candidate with valuable capabilities for the Company becomes available, a decision may be made to open a vacancy specifically for her.

At the same time, the sources of candidates are monitored and their effectiveness is assessed.

3.2. Mode of targeted search for candidates for open vacancies.

Targeted search begins after approval General Director the Company's staffing plan.

In accordance with the complexity of each vacancy and the urgency of filling, search channels are selected and activated.

3.3. In some cases, employees may be hired without going through the selection procedure on the personal recommendation of one of the managers. If such an employee does not pass the probationary period or works unsatisfactorily, the manager who recommended him bears responsibility.

4. Personnel adaptation system

Adaptation of a new employee takes place in two directions:

4.1. Onboarding a new employee specialist.

Adaptation of a new employee occurs during a probationary period, set from 1 to 3 months (depending on the complexity of the work). During this period, the new employee must:

Completely master the area of ​​work

Acquire missing skills and knowledge

Establish all necessary contacts with other employees and divisions of the Company

Demonstrate a level of business skills appropriate for the position.

New employee onboarding management:

4.1.1. For each hired employee, an adaptation plan is drawn up, containing a specific list of tasks for the period of entry into the position and the timing of their implementation.

4.1.2. The plan is signed by the immediate supervisor and employee, and is put under control by the personnel service.

4.1.3. The HR service monitors the implementation of adaptation plans and informs the Company management about the results.

4.1.4. After the end of the adaptation period, the personnel service draws up the relevant documents based on the results of the probationary period and submits them to the accounting department.

4.2. Onboarding a new employee employee of the Company.

Adaptation of a new employee as an employee of the Company is carried out by an employee of the HR service. The HR manager introduces the new employee to the basic norms and rules of conduct in the Company, explains the procedure and terms for paying salaries, and ensures that they receive a permanent pass and access to mobile communications.

The HR service develops a booklet (a guide for newcomers) containing information about the Company. The booklet is issued to each new employee of the Company.

5. System of material and non-material motivation

Currently, the use of the same type of material motivation system for various categories of specialists is considered insufficiently effective. The ideal option is to match the motivation system to the individual motivational structure.

5.1. The HR service analyzes the existing system of material motivation, and also constantly monitors the level of satisfaction of the Company's employees with the existing payment system.

5.2. The HR service conducts research into the motivational structure of employees to optimize the remuneration system.

5.3. The HR service is developing a system of non-material motivation.

The non-material motivation system includes a social package (loans, health insurance, sanatorium-resort treatment, sporting events) and measures for moral stimulation of employees (Roll of Honor, gratitude from management, congratulations on holidays, etc.).

6. Personnel monitoring

Personnel monitoring is carried out constantly in several areas: staff turnover, reasons for dismissal of employees, satisfaction with work, workplace, payment system, changes being carried out.

6.1. Personnel turnover control is carried out monthly in all branches of the Company.

6.2. Monitoring job satisfaction, as well as various components of the work process, is carried out several times during the year, as well as after the introduction of new systems of material and moral incentives (to receive feedback).

6.3. Monitoring the reasons for dismissal of employees is carried out constantly in all branches by personnel department employees.

6.4. The monitoring department monitors the dynamics of all satisfaction indicators in order to adequately respond to certain manifestations of employee dissatisfaction.

7. Personnel training and reserve formation

The work of training personnel and forming a reserve includes several blocks that are logically interconnected:

7.1. Creation of an optimal system for business evaluation of employees, the results of which are used to plan the careers of the most highly rated employees.

7.2. Planning and management of personnel careers - formation of a personnel reserve for promotion to leadership positions, creation of a system for adaptation to positions, development of young employees with leadership potential.

7.3. Formation and development of the Company’s personnel training system.

The HR department is closely involved in staff training:

Compiles a list of key positions of the Company,

Develops criteria for business evaluation of personnel,

Based on the assessment results, it compiles lists of employees subject to

inclusion in the reserve of management personnel,

Analyzes training needs,

Organizes the learning process,

Develops systems of criteria for training effectiveness,

Forms a database of proposed educational programs,

Manages the process of internal and external employee training.

8. Development of corporate culture

Activities for the formation and development of corporate culture have already been considered in other blocks. First of all, this is the process of adaptation of a new employee (providing information about the standards adopted by the Company), monitoring satisfaction with the socio-psychological climate in the team, as well as carrying out activities to morally stimulate employees.

The function of the personnel service should be to carry out large-scale explanatory work prior to any innovations.

In addition, the participation of the personnel service in the development of a set of unified branded image materials (standard greetings and telephone responses from secretaries, protocol anniversary events, etc.) seems essential.

9. Documentation support for the Company’s activities

The main strategic goal is to maintain a balance between compliance with the requirements of labor legislation and the interests of the Company.