Training sessions for the visually impaired. Social adaptation training for people with disabilities. Exercise “Pass in a circle”

Entry first day

Psychological training

What it is?

This is communication with people in a similar life situation, sharing experiences, experiences, achievements and successes, fears and doubts. This is new information, new skills, new experience.

The group turns out to be a microscope, a society in miniature, reflecting the entire outside world.

Why do I need it?

If you are raising a child with developmental disabilities, it means you are a strong person, but sometimes even strong people need help. The group helps you look at your situation from the outside; See your child, your loved ones with different eyes, break the existing stereotypes that prevent you from living your life in harmony with yourself and others.

What else does a person receive in the group besides support?

The group promotes personal growth of participants. In a group, a person inevitably engages in self-exploration, turning to his inner world and finding answers to the questions that are the most important in life: Who am I? What am I? What is my place in the world? Special exercises enable a person to trace his life path, analyze his past and present, and plan further steps in life.

How does this happen?

We meet 3 times a week, the meeting lasts about two hours. Each meeting is dedicated to a specific topic. The forms of work can be different: discussion, psychological game, discussion, elements of music therapy and visual arts are used.
We are glad to see you in our group.

1 “Communication training”

Exercise 1. “Let’s get to know each other”

Target: give parents the opportunity to get to know each other, promote unity of the parent team.

Equipment and inventory: scissors, markers, colored paper, pins.

Introductory word. “Today we will all “live” together the communication workshop “Let’s get to know each other!” You are encouraged to work and communicate in a group, independently. I will answer your questions and complete tasks with you. So, let's begin!

Instructions: Trace and cut out your palm from a sheet of any color, write your name in the center of the cut-out palm in any font using felt-tip pens. How would you like to be addressed from today, and you would feel comfortable with this form (it turns out to be a “business card” of each workshop participant).

Tell us something about yourself that will interest others.

Exercise 2. “Wonderful bag”

Target: formation of positive attitudes towards one’s family.

Equipment: a bag with various small items.

The psychologist walks in a circle with a bag containing various small objects. Each participant puts his hand into the bag and, without looking into it, takes any object. After everyone receives one item, the psychologist explains the rules of the game.

Psychologist. You have the subject in your hands. Find similarities between them and your family. I got a plastic ball. The ball is round. There are no corners in it, which means there are no acute unsolvable problems. Our family always gathers around a table as round as this ball. This is what unites the ball and our family.

Exercise 3. “Palms”

Target: Using tactile sensations

Calm music sounds quietly. The psychologist asks everyone present to close their eyes and place their hands on their knees, palms up. One person comes up to any other, puts his palms on his palms and sits in his place, and he continues the exercise, etc. The exercise is performed silently for 5-7 minutes.

Bottom line: It is very important for children to feel the touch and attention of adults. When the palms of one person touch the palms of another, contact between two people occurs, and there is no third; no one can interfere with the contact between the parent and the child - neither the second parent, nor the grandmother, nor other children. Therefore, it is necessary to behave this way with our children with special needs.

Exercise 4. “The Ideal Parent”

Target: Reflection on your own feelings and the feelings of the child.

By choice, one parent is the “parent” and the other is the “child.” Since the “ideal parent” is such a huge thing, he should be on a pedestal. The “parent” stands on a chair. Any situation can be played out. For example, a child comes home having lost his replacement shoes. A dialogue between “parent” and “child” begins. The group and the leader not only follow their conversation, but also pay attention to non-verbal signs: posture, gestures, body movements, facial expressions. After finishing the exercise, the participants in the dialogue answer the question: “What did everyone feel while in their role?”, “What experiences did you experience?”, “What did you think?” Discussion.

Exercise 5 "Teremok" The events in the game unfold in the same way as in the fairy tale “Teremok”, only the participants offer five of their positive qualities in order to be allowed into the tower. At the same time, each time the group approves of the named quality with the words “Oh, what a great fellow you are!” Reflection. After the whole group gets into the tower, everyone stands in a circle, holds hands, closes their eyes and mentally shares their qualities with the rest of the participants.

Exercise 6."The Connecting Thread"

Goal: rallying the team of parents, positive completion of the training, reflection

Materials: ball of thread.

Procedure: the presenter throws a ball of thread to one of the participants, keeping the end of the ball for himself, and says what he loves, what he dreams of and what he wishes for the participant to whom he handed the ball. Another participant catches the ball, winds the thread around his finger and continues the game further. When all participants have completed this exercise, all members of the group are tied together by the threads of the ball. Ask participants what they think this connecting thread resembles and what associations it evokes. Then invite participants to close their eyes and, holding their end of the thread, think that this group is a single whole, and everyone in the group is valuable and important.

Exercise 7. “Applause”

We did a good job with you. And in conclusion, I suggest imagining a smile on one palm and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be tightly united in applause.

2 The art of being happy

Target: formation of a positive attitude towards yourself and your child through creative inclusion.


    Search for internal resources.

    Gaining positive experience.

Dear parents, I am glad to welcome you today!

Our day will be dedicated to your child and the child that still lives in every adult. And I want to ask one question, do you remember your childhood? What kind of child were you? As a child, did you dream of a fairy-tale life full of magic and wonders?

Now I will make you an offer that you simply cannot refuse! I invite you to let HAPPINESS into your life!!! From this moment you become the Creator, the creator of your happiness. The assistant is inside, just hear it

Imagine your life in the form of a nesting doll. During your lifetime, everyone is given a blank that you have to paint. You have a full palette of colors in your hands. You can make your matryoshka black and white, gray or one color. And you can use many different colors in the most unimaginable combinations. This is your nesting doll - your life, and you are the Creator!

(nesting dolls for coloring).

Psychologist: Each of us LOVES and UNDERSTANDS our child. This ACCEPTANCE finds its expression in our facial reaction to the child’s actions, in our gestures, in our thoughts, in our words addressed to the child,

Exercise “What is hidden in my child’s name” (“The Mystery of the Name”)

Parents are asked to name their child and describe him or her by the first letter of the name. For example: Zhenya is cheerful.

Exercise “Immersion in childhood”

Leading. Sit comfortably, place your feet on the floor so that they feel well supported, lean your back on the back of the chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is smooth and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to childhood - to the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three or four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. Look at what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You are having fun, you are walking down the street, and a loved one is next to you. Look who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run happily forward, but not far, wait for your loved one and take his hand again. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different person, a stranger to you. You turn around and see your loved one standing behind you and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, you will open your eyes.


Did you manage to plunge back into your childhood?

Did you feel a reliable shoulder accompanying you in childhood?

What does “a reliable shoulder” mean to you?

How did you feel when you lost support?

What did you want to do?

Art therapy

Group drawing “Together we are happiness.”

Today we will draw a group portrait of a family. In this joint drawing, you need to symbolically depict the harmonious unification of the feelings of all family members. Each participant begins to make his own drawing, then, at my signal, the drawings are transferred to the neighbor on the right. Each participant makes his own contribution to the drawing received from the neighbor on the left: he corrects something, completes the drawing. Then again, at my signal, the drawing is transferred to the neighbor on the right to continue creating a collective image of a harmonious family. Drawings are exchanged several times until each is completed. Discussion:

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, and love.

Exercise “Sun of Love”

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper and writes the child’s name in the center. With every ray of sunshine, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants show their “sun of love” and read out what they wrote.

Psychologist: I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child how you appreciated his qualities - give your child warmth, affection and attention.

Musical relaxation

Subject"A stream is a full-flowing river." Musical accompaniment: V. Kalinnikov excerpts from the first symphony.

“I am a small stream. I can barely make my way out of the ground. My murmur is barely audible. I'm almost invisible among the grass. And the grass is thick, it rises above me and makes noise like a dense, dense forest...

But I run quickly, meandering across the field, and little by little I become wider and stronger... Energy is already beginning to bubble within me. I happily jump from stone to stone and skip forward. And you can’t keep up with me anymore. I fly forward rapidly, enjoying my strength. Yes, of course, so I became a river: strong, fast, brave, sweeping away all obstacles in its path. I don't care. I can do everything. I am strong and full of water. I'm full of energy. My strength is in my mind. I become calmer and more confident. Now I flow calmly and powerfully. Nothing will stop me on my way. And I will do what I have to do in my life. I will do what is destined for me, what I was born for.

Everyone comes into this world to become happy! I want to be happy! I'M HAPPY! I'M HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!

Summing up the work. Reflection.

What did you like most about our work, what did you not like?

What feelings accompanied you during the entire cycle of classes?

Did you manage to touch your happiness, and perhaps even touch it? It turns out how little an adult needs to be happy, just allow his inner child to be, hear him and give his love. Thank you for your participation!

No. 3" Interaction training with autistic children»

Goal: to familiarize and train parents on effective communication with their child and models of confident behavior.


Good evening dear parents. And I hope he is really kind...

The tradition of greeting each other when meeting arose long before our days. And our meeting today will not be an exception.

I suggest you greet each other and be positive.

Hello mothers of boys, mothers of boys say “Hello.”

Hello mothers of girls, mothers of girls say “Hello.”

Hello dads of boys, dads of boys say “Hello.”

Hello, dads of girls, dads of girls, say “Hello.”

The birth of a child is a joy in the home, whoever agrees say loudly “yes”

The child is the hope and future of the parents, whoever agrees say loudly “yes”

Children are the pride of parents, whoever agrees say loudly “yes”

Whoever has the most wonderful child, shout out loud “I have”

Whoever has a child born in the spring, shout “freckle”

Whose child was born in winter, shout “snowflake”

For those whose child was born in the fall, shout “rain”

Whoever has a child born in the summer, shout “rainbow”

Whoever answered all the questions, clap your hands. You have completed the task.

Love and take care of your children!!!

Autism is expressed in a decrease in the child’s contacts with adults and peers, and manifests itself in his “immersion” in his own world. The intellectual development of such children proceeds differently. In the formation of early childhood autism syndrome, a significant role is played by the disruption of effective communication between the child and the mother. A child with autism may often experience visual and hearing impairments. The main clinical signs of autism are:

    Communication difficulties

    Adverse reactions to sensory stimuli

    Speech developmental disorders

    Stereotypical behavior

    Social interaction

Autistic children are often afraid of everything new. That is why any rearrangement in the house, change of clothes, new form of work can provoke a child’s hysterics. The desire for “rituals”, for stereotypical behavior and movements is a kind of defense of an autistic child who sees a threat in the environment. The presence of specific fears can be explained by the fact that autistic children do not perceive objects holistically, but on the basis of individual signs

Working with autistic children requires patience. It can take quite a long time to master the skill of fastening buttons. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the acquired skill will not be lost at some stage of the child’s development (this may be due to both a lack of motivation and the difficulty of retrieving information from long-term memory. Working with parents of an autistic child is very specific, since the behavior such a child cannot always be explained from the point of view of logic. His actions sometimes lead to confusion not only around him, but even close people. Family reading can also be very effective when interacting with autistic children. In this case, repeated, slow, careful, expressive reading, during which the child, with the help of an adult, gets acquainted with literary images of heroes, realizes the logic of events and circumstances.Repeated rereading of the same works and repeated explanations from parents help the child learn to better understand himself and others, and the stereotypes that have formed in thanks to the repetition of “educational” reading, they reduce the child’s anxiety and increase his self-confidence. Parents can also use the method of joint drawing, during which they also actively describe in words everything they draw, patiently explain to the child the drawing sequence, and name each detail. Such work contributes to the development of perception, imagination, and teaches him to interact with adults. Many parents underestimate the importance of maintaining a daily routine for an autistic child. And this is one of the most important conditions for a child’s successful adaptation so that he feels safe. Moreover, it is desirable that the main regime points are not only spoken out and observed by adults, but also depicted in the form of pictograms understandable to the child in a place convenient for him.

I suggest trying some methods:

    « Mittens» Helps to establish mutual understanding with a partner and develop the ability to establish contact with others. The presenter distributes mittens to the players. Everyone must find their match. Then the couple sits down at the table and, without words, using three pencils of different colors, colors their mittens identically as quickly as possible. (Was it easy to agree with your partner?)

    « Dinosaur Hunt» Learn to interact with others not only verbally, but also non-verbally, to help develop the ability to detect the slightest changes in the facial expressions of a communication partner, which is necessary when working with autistic children. A group of participants stands in a circle. The leader goes out of the circle, stands with his back to the group and counts to 10. At this time, the participants pass each other a toy dinosaur. At the end of the count, the one who has the animal, stretching his arms forward, covers it with his palms. The rest of the participants repeat the same gesture. The driver's task is to find who is holding the dinosaur.

What feelings did you experience?

What did you want to do?

    « Wonderful pouch» Development of kinesthetic sensations, perception of color, shape, ability to cooperate with an adult. Geometric shapes are placed in a magic bag. The child feels for the figure, names it, takes it out, draws the same figure on a piece of paper, compares it with the original, paints it the same color.

Basic rules for raising autistic children:

    Maintaining the child's daily routine. Create and write your child’s daily routine and hang it in a visible place.

    Form stereotypes of child behavior in various situations. Perform various daily procedures and routines in a strict, established once and for all sequence: dressing, feeding, getting ready for bed, etc.; For this, you can set aside a special place for folding clothes, and they should always be folded in the same sequence. In the bathroom, you can lay out your washing supplies in front of the mirror. In a corner for activities or games, you can hang a diagram of the location of toys or objects on the table and in the table.

    Teach your child to use operation cards, diagrams, etc. You can choose a number of games to develop your skills in reading operational cards.

    Try to ensure that your child gets vivid impressions from works of art.. Organize listening to records with your child, watching television programs, trips to the circus, museum, etc.

Psychologist: Often, parents, when making comments to their children in life-threatening situations, use the wrong tactics. Instead of telling the child what to do, parents tell him what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of an adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example, what will a child do when he says: “Don’t go near the TV!”).

The appeal to the child should be positive, i.e. assume reactive action rather than inaction.

Exercise “Non-childish prohibitions”

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. All the others come up to him one by one and tell him what they forbid him to do - what the participants most often tell their child. In this case, the part of the body that was affected by the ban is tied with nylon tape. For example: “Don't shout!” - the mouth is tied, “Don’t run” - the legs are tied, etc.

After all participants have spoken, the person sitting is asked to stand up. Since he cannot get up, he needs to be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied and lifts the ban, that is, he says what can be done. Thus, the essence of the ban remains. For example: “Don’t shout - speak calmly.”


Reflection of a participant playing the role of a child:

How did you feel when your “parents” constrained and limited your freedom?

Which part of your body did you feel most restricted in movement?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand up?

What did you want to untie first?

How are you feeling now?

Reflection of participants playing the role of an adult:

How did you feel when you saw an immobilized child?

What did you want to do?

Is it easy to find words to reformulate the ban?

What feelings are you experiencing now?

Musical relaxation

Subject "Mother and Child". Musical accompaniment: “AveMaria” by F. Schubert, instrumental arrangement by R. Clayderman and D. Last. Psychologist:

“Mother and child are an eternal theme in literature, painting, music, and art in general. A woman who has not yet become a mother, but who has already given birth to a future life, perceives the world differently. She feels it as if for two. Remember how you felt your baby's first movements. Remember how you listened to them and rejoiced at each new push. A woman who carries new life within herself looks at the world with two pairs of eyes, breathes, feels, touches and comprehends the surroundings both for herself and for her future baby. Remember what transformations happened to you at that time.

A woman has been waiting for 9 long months for the birth of her little miracle, her happy continuation in life. Remember how you were gradually filled with happiness in anticipation of this miracle.

And finally, the moment comes when HE appears into the world, long awaited, but already dearly loved, flesh of flesh, blood of blood, her BABY. Remember the bliss into which your entire being was immersed after the birth of your child. After pain and possible tears, HAPPINESS came.

HE WAS BORN!!! Remember how happy you were then. Smile at your baby. Smile. Take him in your arms. Press it to your chest. Wiggle it. HE IS YOURS, ONLY YOURS, FOREVER YOURS. YOUR LOVE FOR HIM IS ALL-POWERFUL AND LIMITLESS!!!

Take a deep breath... Open your eyes.”

In the 1970s in the GDR, under the leadership of M. Vorverg, a method was developed that he called socio-psychological training. Training with this name appeared in our country.

Trainings in our country began with communication training. Communication training is the basic program for almost any other training. When other programs were developed (self-confidence training, negotiation training, sales training, team building training, conflict-free behavior training and others), socio-psychological training formed the basis of these programs. Therefore, the name SPT is often used to refer to other training programs built on the principles of SPT.

If we turn to the “Big Explanatory Psychological Dictionary” compiled by Arthur Reber, the following definition of training is given: “Training in general is any training program or set of procedures designed so that as a result of their implementation a final product is obtained in the form of an organism capable of some a specific response(s) or participation in some complex, skill-requiring activity.” This is a very broad definition that covers any learning, including non-human learning. The main idea of ​​this definition is that training is training, developing skills and abilities.

Another definition of training was given by Yu.N. Emelyanov: “Training is a group of methods for developing the ability to learn and master any complex type of activity, in particular communication.”

I.V. Bachkov offers the following working definition of training: “A set of active methods of practical psychology that are used to develop skills of self-knowledge and self-development.”

In the “Psychological Dictionary” (1990), socio-psychological training is defined as “an area of ​​practical psychology focused on the use of active methods of group psychological work with the aim of developing competence in communication.”

This definition further narrows the scope of the concept of training, reducing it to communication training. Very often the name “social-psychological training” is used as a synonym for communication training, business communication training, partner communication training, etc.

Social work with disabled people in social service institutions is implemented in accordance with the socio-technological approach. It is characterized by the following sequence of actions of a specialist providing social services: “goal-means-result”. In the process of the activity of a social work specialist, the set goal is achieved, aimed at overcoming the difficult life situation of the client, the client himself, as an object of social work, changes, social resources are used, new opportunities for society are opened in the process of providing social rehabilitation services. The socio-technological approach, according to V.N. Ivanova, V.I. Patrushev, involves taking into account the diversity of internal and external connections of social phenomena, as well as a focus on the development of a person as an individual, on creating for each person the opportunity to realize their own potential.

Innovation in the process of providing social services to a disabled person occurs when a social work specialist organizes joint activities to resolve the difficult life situation of a citizen with disabilities. In the process of joint activity with a specialist, a disabled person transforms him from an object of social work into a subject. The client’s subjective position during the provision of social services allows him to actively become a participant in this process, invest his personal resources, and be creative in the process of providing assistance, since he does all this, first of all, for himself. He learns to take part of the responsibility for the future result of resolving his difficult life situation. The process of development and implementation of innovations is now characteristic of the following general technologies of social work with disabled people: social rehabilitation, social therapy, social adaptation, social prevention, etc. Let us dwell in more detail on the technology of social adaptation in working with disabled people.

Social adaptation as a technological process allows a disabled person to be included in a small group and living environment, and facilitates his assimilation of established norms, relationships, and patterns of behavior. A person with a disability is in search of a social environment that is favorable for his self-realization and the discovery of resources. In this case, the immediate environment of a person with disabilities (family, club association, activists of a public organization, friends) is a small group, which is divided into formal and informal. The first are created according to developed regulations to carry out public, socially protective, state-sanctioned activities. These could be public organizations of citizens with disabilities, clubs, associations of families raising a child with disabilities, studios, etc. Informal small groups arise spontaneously under the influence of the common interests of disabled and healthy citizens, their joint activities and have a spontaneous organizational structure. These associations include communities of friends, educational and professional colleagues, etc.

For the successful social adaptation of young disabled people, groups of socio-psychological assistance to persons with disabilities are being created at state rehabilitation centers.

In the process of group work, various innovative technologies of social work are introduced, namely animation therapy, aesthetic therapy, artistic and aesthetic education through theatrical activities, etc. Social adaptation and rehabilitation of children and young people with disabilities is implemented through the production of theatrical plays and performances, with the direct participation of members of the association and their parents. After the first classes, a study is conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey of young disabled people attending the groups.

The result of social adaptation of a disabled person is the emergence of a feeling of satisfaction with life, relationships with close circles, increased creative activity, achievement of success in communication and joint activities of a small group and living environment.

The use of technologies for social adaptation of a citizen with disabilities allows him to feel free in a small group and be involved in various types of activities. This allows a disabled person to enrich his inner world with the help of new values ​​and social norms, and to use social experience when organizing activities in a small group.

The technology of social adaptation of disabled people can be implemented through such forms as games, social training, excursions, and conversations. A game as a form of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person imitates the real social environment in which a disabled person may actually find himself. In the process of social adaptation of citizens with disabilities, various types of business games are widely used: simulation games, “business theater”, etc.

In general, in the implementation of gaming technologies that contribute to the social adaptation of a disabled person, several stages can be distinguished:

Stage I. Formation of a group and development of a game plot script. The size of the group depends on the severity of the consequences of disability and the nature of the participants’ problems, and, as a rule, consists of 2-5 people. The composition of the group is also determined by the strategy for selecting participants; it can be heterogeneous, that is, include participants with varying degrees of disability. Where the conditions of a social service institution allow, it is recommended to select participants with a similar life problem (for example, the same disability group, illness); in this case, a social work specialist, as an innovator, will have a clear focus in the choice of game forms and exercises.

Stage II. Carrying out the game. The introductory part of the lesson includes greeting and introducing disabled people to the plan for a set of games and exercises. The social work specialist meets the participants and is the first to greet everyone in a friendly, friendly manner. Then he plans the joint work, informs those gathered about the order, content and sequence of games and exercises. Next, game exercises are carried out in accordance with the scenario, where each of the participants can show their resources, potential and creativity.

Stage III. Summing up the results of the game, when there is an analysis and generalization of the social skills that the participants have acquired.

Thus, the following conditions contribute to the successful implementation of the technology of social adaptation of a person with disabilities: firstly, the environment of a person with disabilities contributes to the realization of his needs and the development of individuality; secondly, when the organizational culture of a small group is built on the manifestation of friendly support, respect, responsibility, and interest in each person; thirdly, the disabled person’s environment recognizes and gives a positive assessment of the results he achieves; fourthly, it ensures the participation of a citizen with disabilities in the social and cultural life of a small group and in the living environment.

Republic of Mari-El, Yoshkar-Ola RSU Republican Center for Social and Psychological Assistance to the Population
M. A. Efimova

Many unemployed citizens, after losing their job, initially experience a feeling of loss of self-esteem, complete confusion and a state of shock. They do not accept the current situation, asking the question: “Why did this happen to me?”
The life of an unemployed disabled person changes its usual course, a lot of free time and a lot of small worries appear. Sharply reduced communication forces each conversation to worry and change your mind, to look for the secret meaning in every word spoken. Constantly doing household chores does not provide food for the mind and heart.
But, most importantly, a person stops believing in his own strengths, doubts that he is really still capable of something and can do something.
Purpose of the training:
- promoting personal growth of training participants;
- providing psychological support in a stressful situation associated with job loss.
1. Contribute to increasing the self-esteem of participants;
2. Intensify the search for resource states of the unemployed;
3. Set participants up for a positive attitude towards life;
4. Create a positive emotional mood in the group;
5. Increase the adaptation abilities of participants to everyday life;
6. Contribute to the reduction of fatigue, negative emotional states and their manifestations associated with the work and life of unemployed disabled people.
Duration of the lesson is 2 hours.
Methodological equipment:
- badges (according to the number of participants);
- markers, paints, felt-tip pens, pencils;
- A4 paper;
- flip chart;
- colored paper;
- record player;
- CD with music for relaxation.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Rules for working in a group:
- sincerity (each participant says what he thinks, experiences, and not what others want);
- equivalence (all participants are equal, their feelings are valuable for everyone);
- “I” (speaking in the 1st person - “I think...”, “I feel”);
- “Stop” (if you do not want to participate in the exercise or talk about your feelings, the participant can refuse, but this rule cannot be abused!);
- activity (the success of the meeting depends on the activity of everyone);
- goodwill (only positive assessments are given, it is advisable to avoid reproaches “You...”, “You...”);
- listening to others (respect the speaker, do not interrupt);
- confidentiality (only what is happening “here and now” is subject to discussion; nothing about the feelings of others is taken out the door).
2. Getting to know each other.
Business cards:
A) name, with 1 of your positive qualities written next to it; on the back - 1 negative quality.
B) discuss (in a circle in order), reframe: transfer from a negative to a positive quality, the whole group helps.
3. Exercise “Finish the phrase: “My life motto...”
(the phrase ends with a saying, a verse from a song, a quote, a poem). Take turns in a circle.
4. Fill out the forms:

1. I want and I have 2. I want, but I don’t have
3. I don’t want, but I have 4. I don’t want and I don’t have

1- read, give applause to the reader;
2- draw up (talk about) an action plan for the implementation of the plan;
3- continue the phrase: “But I have...”
4- reading the paragraph from the words: “I am very glad that...”.
5. Exercise in reflection, search for meaning.
Parable "The Happy Man's Shirt"
The caliph lay dying, drowning in his silk pillows. The khakims, the doctors of his country, stood around him, and everyone agreed that only one thing could save the caliph - the shirt of a happy man, which would have to be placed under the caliph's head. The messengers, like a swarm of bees, scattered everywhere and looked for a happy person in every city, but everyone they asked about happiness had only worries and grief. Finally, the messengers, having almost lost hope, met a shepherd who, singing cheerfully, was tending his flock. "Are you happy?" - they asked him. “I don’t know anyone who would be happier than me,” the shepherd answered with a laugh.
“Then give us your shirt!” - the messengers exclaimed. “I don’t have it,” said the shepherd. This strange news that the only happy person whom the messengers met did not have a shirt made the Caliph think very hard. For three days and three nights he did not allow anyone to come to him. And on the fourth day he ordered his silk pillows and precious stones to be distributed to the people, and, as the legend says, from that day on the caliph became healthy and happy again.
6. Drawing “I am in an association” (to music).
- were you able to express what you intended in the drawing?
- why did you choose this particular image?
- what feelings did you experience while drawing?
7. Discussion. Methods of self-regulation.
-physical activity -change in life positions.
8. Meditation “Blue House”
Close your eyes. Feel the support underneath you.
Pay attention to your breathing, watch how you inhale and exhale.
Let your imagination see the rich red color. It could be a flower or an object.
Imagine the color orange, bright orange - it could be an orange or something else. Now you imagine the color yellow, bright as the sun.
Green color - green like young greenery.
Blue color - sky blue.
Blue color.
Here you see a blue house, with a blue roof, blue windows, blue doors, you approach the blue porch, open the blue door, go inside and see that everything inside is also blue. Walk around the house, look around it.
And now you come to the purple niche, there is a purple bed, lie down on it and answer the following questions:
Who am I?
Why did I come into this world?
What am I living for?
What do I give to this world or am I ready to give?
What does the world give me?
Hear the answer to these questions.
Having received answers to your questions, you get out of bed and move on. You approach the yellow door, open it and see a chair standing in the middle of the room. You come and sit in it, what is it like? Feel it.
On the opposite wall there is a large window, huge, covering the entire wall, look through it and there you will see the “Place of Peace”.
What is it like? What colour? What shape? Look at it, feel the colors, smells of the place of rest, hear the sounds. Stay there (pause 1 minute).
Now we go back into the room and on the other wall, you see a screen on which a movie is scrolling. This is a film about your life. Look at him. What have you achieved, what goals have you achieved?
Jump into the movie. Do you like it there? If you don't like it, jump back out.
Rewrite the script, change it. (Pause 1 minute).
Now go back to the room. Take a break from your movie, you can watch it whenever you want.
And now you leave the room and enter another. It has everything you need to be a sculptor. Stay here, work. Make a sculpture of yourself. You begin to sculpt your image. What kind of material is this? How did the statue turn out? Mobile or not? What was particularly successful and what was not? Look what kind of face you made? Touch it. Your sculpture is ready. How successful were you? Light it up, it doesn’t matter, if something doesn’t work out, you can come and redo it or finish it.
Now you are leaving this room. You walk along a blue corridor, open a blue door, see a bright blue sky, walk along green grass, a bright yellow sun is shining.
Imagine the color orange.
Bright red color.
You are here and now.
9. Exercise “The framework through which we look at the world.”
Goal: to help a person compare his views on the world with other (opposite) views; help a person realize how his views on the world affect his perception of life in general; bring a person to the idea of ​​the possibility of consciously choosing his attitude to life; strengthen faith in the possibility of productive relationships with people.
Necessary equipment:
For a psychologist: two large cardboard frames, and large sheets of paper of various colors, two large photographs (sad and happy).
Pessimistic statements are pre-written on one of the frames, and optimistic ones on the other.
Psychologist: (addresses the participants). Here are two large photographs. I will show you these photos against the background of different colored sheets of paper so that you can determine how the color of the frame affects your mood.
When we look at the world, we also use multi-colored frames, only our thoughts become such frames. Sometimes we look at the world through a frame of black thoughts (shows a frame with pessimistic phrases and invites us to remember the moments when participants looked at the world through a similar frame), sometimes through a frame of bright and joyful thoughts, for example, such (shows a frame with optimistic phrases, and asks to remember periods of life when participants perceived their surroundings through such a framework).
Questions to consider:
- How do you feel when you look at the world through a pessimistic frame? Through the optimistic?
- What can you achieve if you look at the world through an optimistic frame?
9. Reflection.
- What new did you learn today?
- What will you use in life?
- What changes occurred during the lesson?
10. Farewell. Exercise “Wish”.
Each participant writes a wish on a beautiful piece of paper, folds the piece of paper and puts it in a box. All wishes are mixed, and then everyone takes out one wish, and thus it turns out that all group members have exchanged wishes.


1. Bezdenezhnykh I.V. Job search technology: A manual for teachers of educational institutions. - Kirov: Publishing House of the Kirov Regional IUU, 2003.
2. To help the unemployed. - Yoshkar-Ola: Federal Service for Labor and Employment, 2004.
3. Pezeshkian N. Trader and parrot. Eastern stories and psychotherapy. - M.: Genesis, 2004.
4. Collection of educational materials for the course “Job Search Technology”. - Kirov: Educational and Methodological Center of the Federal Social Protection Service, 1999.
Chistyakova S.N. Didactic material for the course “Your professional career” M. 2000.

Social-psychological training (SPT) allows you to model the basic processes of communication. In the domestic literature, types of training were associated with the functions of communication: perceptual, communicative, interactive. The effectiveness of training is due to the fact that it is an active method of acquiring social knowledge and skills in the process of purposefully organized interaction. It should also be taken into account that communication contains three components: cognitive , emotional, behavioral. The possibilities of socio-psychological training are related to the fact that it is a controlled model of a social system.

Socio-psychological training allows you to build new models through the analysis and synthesis of several social systems that are the object of study and influence, which can be expressed by the following diagram:

Figure 3 - Simulation in the interaction group

SPT is an experimental laboratory within which diagnostics and correction of behavior patterns are carried out. But this does not mean that the training group demonstrates artificial relationships in laboratory conditions. Real people participate in the work of SPT; they actualize real patterns of behavior, which is the object of study. This situation can be described in the form of the following diagram:

Figure 4 - Interaction in the training group

Each SPT participant brings his own personal constructs to the group, which are manifested in current patterns of behavior. Of course, these patterns of behavior are limited by the norms of group work, the goals and objectives of SPT. These restrictions are necessary to prevent traumatic effects, as well as to achieve the goals.

Work in the group takes place at two levels: 1) work with the individual; 2) work with a group. Working with an individual during SBT involves an interpersonal and personal orientation. In this direction, the main attention is directed to the study of the self-concept as a set of a person’s ideas about himself and attitudes towards himself. Cognition of one’s own self-concept is the content and result of SPT.

Self-knowledge in the training group is associated with self-disclosure. The self-disclosure mechanism is described quite fully by the Jogari Window model:

I know about myself

I don't know about myself

They know about me


They don't know about me



Figure 5 - Jagari Window

“Arena” (1) is an open area, that zone of our Self, which the person himself knows about and other people know about.

“Blind spot” (2) are those areas of personality that are hidden from me, but they are known to others (some habits, etc.).

“Appearance” (3) is a hidden area that the subject himself is aware of, but others are not aware of. There may be some unresolved problems in this area that have not previously been discussed with others.

“The unknown” (4) is what is hidden from the subject himself and those around him. Here are the hidden reserves of the personality (134).

In the training group, all work is aimed at expanding the open area (“arena”) at the expense of other areas. Feedback becomes an important point; it helps to correct the self-image and behavior patterns. Feedback is possible only in an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. Effective feedback should come in the form of an emotional reaction rather than a judgmental criticism. The corrective influence of feedback increases in a close-knit group. Because of this, a second level of work is necessary - work with the group.

Working with a group involves creating friendly relationships. An atmosphere of sincerity promotes self-disclosure, which becomes a condition for effective corrective influence from group processes. The group context of work is important due to the fact that the group becomes a mediating link in the correction of interpersonal relationships. In a group it is possible to create relationships that form readiness for communication situations; a number of relationships can be transferred to the sphere of practical implementation. Group work provides the opportunity to obtain additional information about one's own personality. A group as a social model conveys the values ​​and norms of a certain socio-cultural community. Reactions from the group help the individual manage interpersonal conflicts.

Group forms of work help the individual to better study intergroup processes and their impact on the behavior of other subjects. The group context develops the ability to act in a group and facilitates the study of group dynamics.

Social and psychological training pursues two main goals: 1) self-awareness and self-improvement of the individual; 2) development of communicative competence. Communicative competence includes a number of provisions: the ability to describe behavior, communication of feelings, listening ability, competition.

Describing behavior involves developing the ability to characterize patterns of behavior without evaluation or criticism, without attributing motives for the behavior of another. A non-judgmental description of behavior is the basis for adequate interpersonal interaction and the ability to manage conflict communication.

Communication of feelings means developing the ability to express one's feelings regarding one's own actions and the actions of others. It is necessary to develop the ability to express one’s feelings through non-verbal and verbal means. At the same time, the means of external expression must correspond to the verbal ones.

The effectiveness of socio-psychological training as a method of corrective influence is manifested in the fact that it is possible to implement three levels of influence on the adaptive reserves of the individual - instrumental, semantic, existential.

The instrumental level is the impact on the role style of the individual, the individual way of presenting one’s own self. The group context of work facilitates the development of social skills. Group processes are the basis for expanding the role repertoire of an individual. Within the group, communication with others increases and new models of cooperation develop. This level of influence forms the external position of the subject of communication, which manifests itself in patterns of verbal and nonverbal behavior. In a group, the search for new strategies and behaviors is more effective. Members of the training group develop adequate skills to respond to conflicts.

The semantic level of influence on the individual’s adaptive reserves forms the skills of social analysis. We identify feelings and relationships that interfere with effective communication and conflict resolution. This level allows you to construct conceptual models and relationships, and conducts role analysis. Group members acquire the skills to identify the meaning of a communication situation. This aspect is important because situations are created by people to express some meaning. People use various symbols to convey the meaning of their actions. In communication situations there is a specific goal, motives, without awareness of which it is impossible to understand the meaning of behavior. Without awareness of meaning, people's behavior will remain maladaptive.

We have compiled a socio-psychological training program aimed at communication skills. The goals of this training are to equip yourself with a system of concepts and ideas necessary for the psychological analysis of your personality, as well as knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses in interaction with other people. In addition, this training helps to relieve intrapersonal conflicts and develop skills in organizing emotional communication and emotional regulation.


(lesson duration - 2 hours)


In the lives of most people, communication processes occupy up to 70% of the time.

Communication is the process of two-way exchange of ideas and information leading to mutual understanding.

What are the main characteristics inherent in the communication process?

a) mutual exchange of information and views. Assessments, judgments;

b) mutual perception, as a result of which an idea of ​​each other is formed and mutual understanding is achieved;

c) mutual control of actions through communication;

d) mutual psychological influence on each other;

2. Functions:

a) informational - mutual exchange of information;

b) expressive - mutual understanding of experiences and emotional states;

c) regulatory - mutual influence in order to influence the nature of activity, actions, mutual emotional states, relationships with each other;

1. External side - the actually observed behavior of the communicators; internal - subjective perception of the situation, emotional reactions.

2. Communication manner:

a) tone of address;

b) behavior;

c) position (attitude towards partners).

Any age is characterized by the need to know oneself and the world around us. The need for communication is increasing, but at the same time, people of different generations have difficulties in this area. First of all, they need help in understanding their inner world, in understanding and accepting others, in realizing their difficulties in communication.

Our program is aimed, first of all, at personal development, at developing effective communication skills, and mastering interpersonal interaction skills.

In psychology, there is a diagram known as the “Jogari window”: - behavior, feelings, motives;

What others see in a person and not what he himself, he does not realize;

The subject is aware, but others are not aware;

That which is beyond the limits of consciousness and the individual himself.

By expressing personally significant feelings and thoughts and receiving feedback, you will be able to see yourself from the outside, learn to understand yourself better and understand why you act this way and not otherwise, realize what you can do, and understand that your life depends on how you perceive it.


(duration - 4 hours)

“HOW OTHERS SEE ME” (non-verbal means of communication)

1. Formation of conceptual ideas about non-verbal means of communication;

2. Developing the skills to read the state of another by non-verbal manifestations.

Lesson structure:

1. Game "Don't drop it."

The group stands in a circle, the participants throw the ball to each other, each time naming what object it represents (for example: a vase, a book, etc.). The one who catches the ball must depict how he would catch this object, according to its weight, fragility, etc.

2. Information.

Less than 10% of the impression we receive from another person is determined by verbal communication, that is, the words that he speaks. Its elements are:

b) eye contact;

c) facial expression;

d) gestures, body movements;

e) space separating speakers.

3. “Facial expressions and gestures.”

Everyone splits into pairs. Each of the pair receives a note with a task, for example, “write a letter”, “walk over the abyss on a swinging bridge”, “rearrange the furniture”, etc. The person who received the note must convey these tasks to his partner with gestures and facial expressions. The second must fulfill what he understands in front of everyone. What is written in the note is compared with what was done. During the discussion, it becomes clear how difficult it was for each participant to carry out what was written.

4. "Discussion".

The group is divided into “triples”, in which one is “deaf-mute” (i.e., only sees and shows), the second is deaf and paralytic (i.e., only speaks and sees), the third is blind and mute (i.e. .only hears and shows). Each trio is given a situation: agree on a meeting place, a gift for the birthday boy, etc. The situation is played out one by one in front of the whole group.

During the discussion, it becomes clear what difficulties the participants experienced. Which of the “troika” was easier to understand, and who was easier to explain to partners.


(duration - 6 hours)


Development of ways and techniques of interaction with other people, the ability to regulate the communication process;

Formation of skills for diagnosing and overcoming communication difficulties.

Lesson structure:

1. Procedure “Conflict”.

2. Participants are divided into 3 people. The distribution of roles is as follows: one is the leader, and two are the conflicting parties, whom the leader called to resolve the conflict. The goal of the leader is to smooth out the conflict as much as possible, to extinguish it. The goal of those in conflict is to bring the conflict out and win this dispute.

When analyzing, you should understand what the essence of the conflict is, separate the cause from the cause, find out the true state of affairs, and assess the situation.

3. “Open Conflict” procedure.

Two participants of the game come to the center. They are given a simple task. It is necessary to verbally force your opponent to perform any physical actions, and the installation is given not in a closed, but in an open form. There is an open conflict. Rivals directly, by the onslaught of their will, force each other to perform certain actions. The simplest actions should be offered: leave the room, take off your glasses, unbutton your jacket, etc. The one who achieves his goal wins. Next, participants may be asked to use other tactics of behavior in a conflict situation.

4. Informing:

Immature, superficial judgments;

Stereotypically biased generalizations;

Unreasonable interruptions.

5. Testing: Thomas test.


(duration - 6 hours)


1. develop the ability to act adequately and effectively in various psychological states;

2. develop the ability to identify the strengths of your personality and build on them.

Lesson structure:

1. Procedure “Fixation of “I”

2. The task - to shout “I” loudly is offered to everyone in turn, if it is difficult for one, then it is offered to the whole group. At first, everyone can shout together, then, at the leader’s signal, everyone falls silent, except for one, who continues to shout “I” loudly.

3. “Persuasion” procedure.

Group members are asked to take turns going out (on stage, podium or in the center of the circle) and saying phrases. The group analyzes who was more confident and why they spoke more convincingly.

Suggested phrases:

“I think everyone heard me”;

“I want everything to be exactly like this”;

“I am confident that I can cope with this task,” etc.

4. Procedure “How do you deal with mistakes.”

Describe your usual, everyday behavior (course of action) in specific situations in your life.

How do you react if you yourself make a mistake?

What is your reaction if someone else makes a mistake (for example, a friend, a colleague, an employee, a child...)?

5. Testing: test “Check your self-confidence.”

6. Information.

7. “Approval” procedure.

Each group member is encouraged to set themselves up for an optimistic and productive life in the future. Your attitudes should reflect your life goals and desire to improve yourself. You must write down on a piece of paper at least 10 phrases about what you want in the future, who you can become after overcoming life’s difficulties. Record for 10 minutes.

For example:

I'm talented.

I am sociable and relaxed.

I am successful in everything I do...etc.

Now you need to choose the statements that are most important to you. Focusing on these statements, imagine them vividly and figuratively. To do this, close your eyes and repeat one of these statements to yourself for 2-3 minutes. Visualize your statement in a vivid, concrete, visual image in your mind's eye. Open your eyes and exchange impressions.


1. Write down the 5 most pleasant events that happened in your life.

2. Write down 5 major troubles that happened in your life.


(duration - 4 hours)


1. Procedure “My problems”.

The facilitator invites group members to name examples of when in their lives the following appeared and when they managed to cope with:

Manipulating others in order to gain their favor and love;

Inability to take care of another person and/or oneself;

The difficulty of mentally putting oneself in the place of another, understanding his interests, recognizing his rights, etc.

In a group discussion at the end of the exercise, it is advisable to discuss whether it has become easier to understand your problems and find a way to solve them.

2. Information.

3. Game "Crocodile".

The presenter says that many people are afraid of seeming funny or absurd to others, and asks the participants who knows this feeling. The following game is offered as a means of eliminating this fear. The group is divided into two teams. The first team guesses a certain word or phrase (you can use the names of objects that are often found in everyday life), the second team delegates its participant (preferably if voluntarily), to whom the guessed word is told. The latter must depict this word only with the help of gestures and facial expressions, and his team should try to understand what was said.

Teams of group members think of words in turns. After most of the participants have played the role of the portrayer, you can discuss your own feelings that arose when you had to portray something.

4. Exercise “Own space”.

One of the group members (“the protagonist”) voluntarily stands in the center of the circle. The presenter invites him to imagine himself as a “luminary”, at a different distance from which the rest of the group members - the “planets” - are located. The protagonist, turning to face the group members, asks them to stand at different distances from him - so that the next group member moves away from him at a distance corresponding to the imaginary distance in interpersonal relationships. After the group arrangement is completed, the facilitator asks the protagonist how comfortable the space he has created is and whether he would like to make any changes.


(duration - 6 hours)


Goal: awareness of the motives of interpersonal relationships. Expression of feelings.

1. Procedure “Motives for our actions.”

Presenter: “Our actions towards other people are caused by different motivating forces. We do something for other people because we sympathize with them, love them, and because “that’s how it’s supposed to be,” that’s what’s accepted in society. It is important to understand what motivates us in a particular case. For example, fear, the fear of punishment is sometimes realized by us one way or another, sometimes we do something, maybe without realizing why, or maybe thinking that it is with the best intentions, but at the core it is still the same fear. Remember two times - one when you did something for another person because you were afraid of his or someone else's anger, condemnation, punishment, although you did not realize it at the time, and the other when you did something for another for the same reason, but at the same time, fully understanding why you are doing it.”

Group members, having written down examples from life, share them. Then the presenter asks you to remember two offenses in the same way. Dictated by the desire to follow the social norm, “to be like everyone else,” “to keep a low profile.”

Discussion: What was more difficult to accomplish, was it difficult to talk about it, etc.

2. “Hot spot” procedure.

The facilitator invites the teenagers to find out what other group members think about them. He recommends speaking about each other in approximately the following form: “When you do or say such and such, such and such feelings arise in me, and it seems to me that it could be such and such.” Only the experience gained during classes is used. The definitions “like”, “good”, “bad” should be avoided.

One of the participants, if desired, sits in the center of the circle. After everyone has spoken, the teenager briefly tells what he experienced when they talked about him. Participants take turns speaking, but sit in the “hot seat” only if they wish.

In the discussion, participants share their impressions of how their feelings towards each other have changed after this exercise.

3. Exercise “Meditation”.

The facilitator asks the participants to sit back and relax, perhaps. Using relaxation techniques. Speaking quietly and slowly, the facilitator asks the participants to imagine that they are walking through the forest. Trees rustle on both sides of the forest road. They come out into a clearing, in the middle of which grows an old thick tree, under which a sage sits. He needs to ask a question and then, after waiting patiently, get an answer. Participants are encouraged to ask about any problem in their relationships with other people. After this, you need to mentally walk around the tree. A tear-off calendar hangs on the back of the barrel. “What number is on it? How is it connected to the people around you and to you?”

After the exercise, the participants share with each other what question they asked the sage and what answer they received.

4. Discussion.

Participants try to answer questions about what causes the discrepancies between the ideas of what you would like to be, and how others see you, with who you really are. Would these discrepancies be greater if this activity was administered at the beginning of the group, and why?

TASK No. 7

(duration - 6 hours)


1. help each participant comprehend life crises;

2. practice setting up to accept them

3. develop emotional stability.

1. Discussion of the difficulties of self-realization:

What are the difficulties of self-realization for me?

How do I feel about this?

What prevents me from self-actualization?

You can ask clarifying questions like: What do you mean? What manifestations do you mean?

Methods of brainstorming, unfinished sentences, and associative approaches are used. Reflection on the difficulties of self-realization helps to understand the difficulties and crisis changes that affect the life path of an individual and deprive him of the opportunity for self-realization. What caused these difficulties (failure to take into account personal and situational parameters, lack of involvement in the situation, insufficiently developed self-esteem, self-worth, self-doubt, selfish tendencies, etc.)?

2. Exercise “My ideals.”

The presenter invites the group participants to highlight different, fairly large periods in their lives and try to remember which of the people living in the past were for teenagers, whom they wanted to be like - in something or in everything. These can be not only relatives and friends, acquaintances, friends, etc., but also fictional characters - characters from books, films, plays, and historical figures (writers, artists, politicians, etc.), and living celebrities. Why are they attractive? Did they help you in your life or maybe hinder you in some way?

3. Information

Each individual goes through his own life path in his own way, comprehends it in his own way and resolves the life situations encountered on his way. The degree of self-realization, satisfaction with himself and his life depends on how he lives his life’s journey.

A crisis means that the existing order is collapsing, and a new, perhaps more perfect, order is taking its place. Life is a school, and crisis situations are the most important lessons, during which experiences and pain are experienced. This is a temporary condition. It is necessary to accept crises in order to step through the old order into a new one, in order to be free even in difficult situations.

4. Procedure “Awareness of life crises.”

Remember three crises you have experienced in your life (or three situations that caused you strong feelings). Draw this situation on paper, expressing the feelings you experienced. Draw as best you can. Arrange these pictures in chronological order, in accordance with the chronology of events that took place.

Look at the drawings and feel the continuity of flow in them. Each of these events can be seen as a phase of your development and in each crisis feel a new vital impulse, like an emerging new personality trait that is making its way.

Realize what position in life you adhere to in crisis situations:

idealization of reality;


challenge everything;





Become also aware of how you meet your crises. Have you tried to delay or ignore them? Did you cling to old habits? Did you complain to anyone? Or were they courageous in the face of crises? Was there a difference in the experience of crises?

Determine the life position in which you are now, currently, in the professional or personal (family) sphere of self-realization.

The purpose of this procedure:

Awareness by each group member of the need to achieve the last three positions (awareness, determination and conviction). A position of conviction leads to a desire to improve something in the current state of affairs, as well as acceptance of oneself and the people around them with their shortcomings and “imperfections”;

Each training participant is aware of the need to take the path of self-improvement, and to do this, strengthen their will, increase their efficiency, and systematically work on themselves.


(duration - 6 hours)


Goal: understanding the qualitative changes that have occurred in the group.

1. Procedure “Tie the thread”.

All group members pass a ball of thread to each other in a circle, accompanying it with statements beginning with words like: “I am grateful to you for that...”, etc. When the ball of thread returns to the one who started, group members should pull the thread, close their eyes and plunge into a state that promotes acceptance of themselves, other people, and the world around them.

At the end of the classes, it is advisable to schedule individual meetings for those who would like to discuss their next steps with the psychologist leading the training.

2. “I am grateful to you for…”.



For mothers of a special child.

This training is for those who, by the will of Fate, have a “special” child in their families. Such families face many problems associated not only with its development, but also with family relationships, as well as with public opinion. At this training we will learn to help our child, cope with personal difficulties, and try to find peace and harmony in the soul.

  1. Acquaintance. (with a candle, each participant talks about herself, how she feels.)

2 . Thematic questionnaire:“What I like and what I don’t like about my child.

The psychologist asks parents to reveal in more detail their understanding of the characteristics of relationships with their problem children. Then the selected properties of children and attitudes towards them are discussed.

3. Musical relaxation

Theme: "Mother and Child". Musical accompaniment: “Ave Maria” by F. Schubert, instrumental arrangement by R. Clayderman and D. Last. Psychologist:

“Mother and child are an eternal theme in literature, painting, music, and art in general. A woman who has not yet become a mother, but who has already given birth to a future life, perceives the world differently. She feels it likefor two. Remember how you felt your baby's first movements. Remember how you listened to them and rejoiced at each new push. A woman who carries a new life within herself looks at the world with two pairs of eyes, breathes, feels, touches and comprehends the surroundings both for herself and for her future baby. Remember what transformations happened to you at that time.

A woman has been waiting for 9 long months for the birth of her little miracle, her happy continuation in life. Remember how you were gradually filled with happiness in anticipation of this miracle.

And finally, the moment comes when HE appears into the world, long awaited, but already dearly loved, flesh of flesh, blood of blood, her BABY. Remember the bliss into which your entire being was immersed after the birth of your child. After pain and possible tears, HAPPINESS came.

HE WAS BORN!!! Remember how happy you were then. Smile at your baby. Smile. Take him in your arms. Press it to your chest. Wiggle it. HE IS YOURS, ONLY YOURS, FOREVER YOURS. YOUR LOVE FOR HIM IS ALL-POWERFUL AND LIMITLESS!!!

Take a deep breath... Open your eyes.”

4. Main part

Art therapy. Drawing on a theme"My child. How I imagined him before birth and how he is now.” Psychologist:

“Remember your feelings with which you were expecting your child. Draw them with paints. Don't be afraid of the imperfections of your technology. The main thing for you is to improve sensations and feelings.

How do you see your child now? Do not try to convey in the drawing all the problems that are associated in your mind With him. Whatever he is, he is still a CHILD, your child. He needs your love and care. And these feelings have always been BEAUTIFUL at all times of human existence. I wish you success on this path and start...”

6. Musical relaxation

Subject "A stream is a full-flowing river."Musical accompaniment: V. Kalinnikov excerpts from the first symphony.

“I am a small stream. I can barely make my way out of the ground. My murmur is barely audible. I'm almost invisible among the grass. And the grass is thick, it rises above me and makes noise like a dense, dense forest...

But I run quickly, meandering across the field, and little by little I become wider and stronger... Energy is already beginning to bubble within me. I happily jump from stone to stone and skip forward. And you can’t keep up with me anymore. I fly forward rapidly, enjoying my strength. Yes, of course, so I became a river: strong, fast, brave, sweeping away all obstacles in its path. I don't care. I can do everything. I am strong and full of water. I'm full of energy. My strength is in my mind. I become calmer and more confident. Now I flow calmly and powerfully. Nothing will stop me on my way. And I will do what I have to do in my life. I will do what is destined for me, what I was born for.

Everyone comes into this world to become happy! I want to be happy! I'M HAPPY! I'M HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!

Charging your positive thinking"EXACTLY TODAY"

Say this text to yourself every morning. Stimulate yourself to take action. Don't forget to tell yourself encouraging words. Think of courage and happiness, strength and peace. I wish you success.

1. TodayI will have a calm day and I will be happy. Happiness is the internal state of every person. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances. My happiness lies within me. Every person is as happy as he wants to be.

2. TodayI will join the life that surrounds me and will not try to adapt it to my desires. I will accept my child, my family, my work and the circumstances of my life as they are and will try to fully comply with them.

3. TodayI will take care of my health. I will do exercises, take care of my body, and avoid unhealthy habits and thoughts.

4. TodayI will pay attention to my overall development. I'll do something useful. I will not be lazy and will make my mind work.

5. TodayI will continue my moral self-improvement. I will be useful and necessary to my child, family, and myself.

6. TodayI will be friendly to everyone. I will look my best, be gracious and generous with praise. I will not find fault with people and try to correct them.

7. TodayI will live only with the problems of today. I won't strive decide immediately my child's health problem.

8. TodayI will outline a program of my affairs that I want to implement. This program will save me from haste and indecisiveness even if I cannot follow it exactly.

9. TodayI will spend half an hour in peace and solitude, completely relaxing.

10. TodayI will not be afraid of life and my own happiness. I will love and believe that those I love love and believe me.

If you want to develop a mindset that will bring you peace and happiness, follow these rules:

2. Never think about those people who are unpleasant to you. Do not remember events that are unpleasant to you.

3. The only way to find happiness is not to wait for gratitude, but to do good for the sake of your own joy.

4. Count your successes, not your troubles.

5. Don't imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself.