Caring for a Scottish kitten. Nutrition for a Scottish fold and straight-eared Scottish kitten or cat Scottish cats care

The Scottish Fold, or Scottish Fold, is a unique breed not only in appearance, but also in character. Hanging flattened ears became a calling card. A charming plush creature with a friendly and calm disposition will become a devoted friend for any person. At the same time, the Scots are unpretentious in care and nutrition. This breed is quite ancient, its roots go back to China. They began to work closely with lop ears in Scotland much later, but they never achieved ideal results. True thoroughbred representatives are officially recognized in America.

Description of the breed

The unusual external characteristics of Scottish Scottish Folds are due to a gene mutation. You can recognize a cat by its folded forward and drooping ears that fit snugly to the head. Large almond-shaped eyes stand out no less brightly and expressively. The color varies, but always matches the coat color. This image makes them similar to owls.

The breed description standard takes into account all the smallest details, namely:

  • The body is proportional, developed, muscular, the chest is wide. The weight of an adult cat reaches 10 kg. Compared to a cat, a cat looks more compact.
  • The limbs are short, strong, with dense rounded pads.
  • The tail is of medium length, with a rounded tip.
  • The head is large, round, slightly flattened. The mustache pads are plump. The forehead is wide, protruding forward. The nose is thick and small.
  • The ears are oval, wide, narrowed. They hang down and are in close contact with the skull. The ears are closed. There is a slight pubescence inside. They are located at a distance of 5–7 cm in kittens, and 10 cm in adults.
  • The coat is short, thick, with visible undercoat. The colors are different, they are distinguished: plain, lightened, patterned, tortoiseshell and chinchilla.

Defects in the breed include: pathologies in the development of the spine and tail, different numbers of toes, irregularly shaped ears, and clearly defined brow ridges.

The Scottish Fold kitten differs from its parents in that until the age of one month there is no clear understanding of its breed. All of them are born with drooping ears, but in some they straighten out later. Then the kitten is classified as a Scottish Straight breed.

Chocolate Briton - photo, description and character

Character and style of behavior

Scottish Fold cats are considered ideal pets that are easy to care for at home. They are endowed with indestructible calm and self-control, friendly and welcoming towards all household inhabitants. They easily adapt to any conditions and get along with other animals. They completely lack aggression in behavior, which is important for families with children.

Scottish Folds are quite intelligent and intellectually developed by nature. They understand everything perfectly, quickly respond to commands and remember them for the future. They quickly get accustomed to the tray and scratching post.

The breed belongs to the category of intellectuals and leads a measured lifestyle. Climbing on eaves, sofas and damaging property is not typical for them. They feel comfortable next to their owner, and are not particularly annoying and do not require increased attention to themselves. They cannot tolerate being held on their knees by force. Along with peace of mind, I don’t mind having fun and running around once again. They tend to stand on their hind legs in a fit of interest in something and remain in this position for quite a long time.

Nuances of care

Caring for these pets includes activities such as bathing, brushing, feeding, and nail trimming. When content you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • It is not recommended to bathe Scots unless absolutely necessary. This should be done only if the wool is heavily soiled, for prevention - 3-4 times a year. You cannot lower a cat into a full container. A towel is spread at the bottom of the bath, and water is poured over the top of the cat, avoiding getting it on the head. A special shampoo is used. The optimal water temperature is 35–37 °C. Cotton balls are placed in the animal's ears to prevent water from getting inside.
  • Nails are trimmed 1-2 times a month if living in an apartment. If the house is private, with free access to the street, there is no need for pruning.
  • Kittens are taught to be groomed from an early age. A furminator is used as a tool. This procedure is performed regularly, since the cat can lick off the tangled tangles. Once inside, they cause disruption of the digestive system.
  • The ears of Folds get more dirty than those of straight-eared cats. For cleaning, use cotton swabs dipped in soapy water. The eyes are wiped with a solution of boric acid.

Be sure to purchase a design for sharpening claws and allocate a convenient place for the tray. Due to their intelligence, Scottish Folds immediately understand where to relieve themselves and will not damage the furniture.


A kitten's diet is different from that of an adult cat. Until the age of two months, the babies are mother-fed, then they move to a new owner. Here all responsibility falls on him. Feeding recommendations are as follows:

  • Between 2 and 4 months, kittens are fed up to 5 times a day in small portions.
  • From 4 to 8 months they are switched to three meals a day.
  • From 8 months, it is enough to feed Folds twice a day. But more is acceptable if the animal needs it for some reason (illness, weakened immune system).

The list of permitted products includes: milk porridge without oil, boiled milk, fermented milk products, boiled meat and minced meat, chicken, turkey, low-fat sea fish, offal, boiled carrots and beets, boiled chicken yolk, industrial food of at least premium class. It is not recommended to mix natural food and prepared food. Folds should not be given: smoked meats, pickles, pork, raw eggs, bony river fish.

Fresh drinking water must be freely available. It is better not to add sour cream and cream, as their increased fat content can negatively affect the liver.

Be careful with potash fertilizers. It is believed that excess potassium and phosphorus negatively affect the proper fit of the ears.

It is preferable to cook oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridges. Before serving, the meat is cut into small pieces, and the vegetables are grated and flavored with vegetable oil. Fish is allowed, but only sea fish and after removing the bones. There should be a separate bowl for each dish. It is important not to overfeed your pet, as this causes obesity and poor health.


The difference between fold and straight kittens is visible only after 6 weeks

Puberty in Folds occurs later than usual, at approximately 7–8 months. You can mate animals that are at least 1–1.2 years old. A Scottish breed with erect ears (Scottish Straight) is selected as a partner. This combination eliminates the occurrence of bone pathologies in the offspring. Breeding with the British is excluded, since breed standards vary greatly.

Cats are selected according to certain characteristics. All vaccinations are required. Visually assess the condition of the animal: clean ears and eyes, a mobile and undeformed tail, a lively look, clean and soft fur, appropriate body proportions.

On the 2nd - 3rd day of the second heat (the first one is skipped), the cat is taken to visit the cat and left for the required time. As soon as mating has occurred and the potential groom has lost interest in his partner, the cat can be taken home. Pregnancy in Scottish Folds lasts 60–65 days, but the period can drag on for 7–10 days. The resulting litter cannot be immediately diagnosed as belonging to the breed. Only by 6 weeks the ears are formed, and it becomes clear how many straights and folds there are in the litter.

Characteristic diseases

These animals have good immunity and good health. But there are some diseases to which they are prone:

  • Osteochondrodysplasia is a pathology of skeletal formation and deformation of the limbs. Obvious signs are: partial ossification of the tail and paws, impaired gait and a too short tail.
  • Hemophilia - reduced blood clotting. Any wound, even minor, can lead to significant blood loss.

The condition of the pet largely depends on care, living conditions and nutrition. If you treat a cat with care and love, it will live up to 15-20 years. Scottish Folds are vaccinated according to schedule and the necessary preventive measures are taken. The vaccination schedule is drawn up after visiting the veterinarian.

Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold kittens are considered very unpretentious pets to keep. In addition, they have a wonderful character. The main care for the Scottish Fold is to regularly trim the nails, comb out and keep the coat clean. It is necessary to provide these cats with “their place” where they can sharpen their claws.

If the Scottishfold has short hair, it is enough to groom it once a week. Since such pets do not have long hair, such a procedure should not cause difficulties, especially since they will gladly succumb to it due to their calm nature. You can see what a cat of this breed looks like in the next photo.

The Scottish Fold breed is incredibly popular all over the world. The reason lies in the cute appearance and calm nature of these pets.

Pet in the house

When taking on the responsibility of keeping a furry pet, you must be extremely careful. At the very beginning of its stay in a new place, the kitten may be a little scared. This is due to the fact that the new environment will be unusual for him. How quickly the kitten gets used to its new owner and environment depends on the first hours of its stay. In order for this process to go as smoothly as possible, it is necessary to take care of preparing the area for the new home inhabitant. You need to determine the place where the kitten will feed, where there will be a rest area with personal toys and, of course, a place where the tray will be placed.

To facilitate the process of adaptation to a new place, you need to not interfere with the kitten’s settling in where he liked it. Since Scottish Fold kittens are very sociable, you can interest him in a toy or game, thus helping him get comfortable. In addition, during the game he will begin to get used to the new owner, and the feeling of fear will pass by itself. Experts do not recommend leaving your pet alone in the room; it is better to take it with you at first.

It is likely that the kitten will become restless during the first night as it searches for its mother, from whom it has been separated. Therefore, you must be prepared to listen to the plaintive cry of a small pet at night. Don't scold him if this happens. At the same time, there is no need to pick him up either. It will be enough to extend your palm and gently communicate with him. If certain difficulties arise, the advice of veterinarians will help to cope with them.

Immediately after moving to a new home, the cat may show anxiety, but with proper attention and care it quickly goes away.

Features of caring for a lop-eared pet

Basic care for a Scottish Fold kitten is as follows:

During the process of toilet training, you should not scold or punish your cat; everyone should understand that this takes time and patience. Much will depend on the attentiveness of the owner. If the kitten starts running around the room, settling down and meowing, then you need to immediately take him to the toilet and wait until he relieves himself. After which it is very advisable to praise and caress the little cat.

Almost any tray for the “Scot” will do, but it is better to take one that is large enough, with concave edges. This will prevent the litter from scattering, and the older cat will have room to turn around.

Catering for a kitten

First of all, you need to determine what kind of nutrition the cat will have. This can be ready-made industrial food or homemade food. If the choice falls on ready-made food, then you will need to alternate it with dairy products. Do not overuse ready-made food to avoid kidney problems.

A Scottish kitten's diet must include cereals, vegetables and fruits. In this case, vegetables should predominate. They will love a salad with beets, carrots, herbs and butter. For fruits, finely chopped pears or apples are suitable; you will have to avoid citrus fruits.

This cat's diet must include vegetables and cereals, since they contain components essential for the animal's health.

As for carbohydrates, almost all types of grains will do. But just don't mix them. An excellent option for a small cat would be ground buckwheat. Dairy products can be diluted with porridge, wheat grains, and cottage cheese. It is allowed to give cheese products - Adyghe or Dutch - pre-grated. It is better not to introduce boiled eggs into the diet of a small cat; raw protein is added to porridge, and the yolk to cottage cheese. Thus, the nutrition of a lop-eared pet must be properly selected so that it ensures the cat’s full development.

Scottish fold cat: care and feeding

There is hardly a person who would not be delighted with emotion while watching a Scottish cat. The flattened ears and thick undercoat immediately catch the eye; these cats are unusual both in character and in appearance. To purchase a worthy specimen, it is better to visit a Scottish Fold cattery, they will tell you the options, and there is no chance of purchasing a kitten with deviations.

Features of the breed's exterior and interior

To know how to care for a cat, you need to learn its external features, habits and, so to speak, its interior - its inner world. The external features of fold-eared cats are small flat ears, a medium tapered tail, large eyes and a fluffy thick undercoat. The color of Scottish Folds can be completely different - ash, beige, cream, white, and even saffron milk caps are found. They can also be plain, marbled, striped, unevenly colored, whatever you like.

A larger selection of colors will, of course, be provided at the nursery. In fact, caring for a Scottish Fold cat is quite simple, the hair does not fall out in clumps, and scratching is kept to a minimum. As for the cat's character, there is no reason to doubt its friendly disposition. This is a phlegmatic cat, calmly reacting to everything that happens.

Sometimes it may seem that she is in another dimension, this is normal, and you should not be afraid of such behavior, she is not sick, she just doesn’t care. Occasionally, a Scottish Fold cat can stand on its hind legs to watch the birds from the window, as well as pets scurrying around, following them with a greedy gaze. Read about similar cats in the article “British Fold: history of appearance and distinctive features.”

What to do before the kitten comes home?

Any animal needs care, and Scottish Fold cats are no exception. Care and maintenance for them should always be at a high level, especially at a young age. Before the kitten comes into the house, you need to take care of all safety measures, arrange a tray, a place to eat and the kitten’s own space where he can play, sharpen his claws and sleep.

The owner needs to purchase a scratching post, a tray, a house, bowls, a brush, vitamins, and food.

You can buy all this at a veterinary store, and you can also find out what to feed your Scottish Fold cat so that there are no problems with digestion and hair. You can contact a veterinary clinic, they will advise you on what food to buy for a cat of this breed.

Where to start education

The development of a Scottish kitten and its proper upbringing is another point that needs to be given special attention. This pet will quickly get used to the new environment and find a common language with all members of your family, including children. Even with other pets, this “teddy bear” gets along without problems. But as soon as a kitten appears in your home, you must immediately indicate what it is prohibited from doing, otherwise it will be very difficult to achieve mutual understanding later.

  • products must be well cooked and thoroughly chopped;
  • It is recommended to include porridge in every meal and mix it with meat products;
  • by-products are allowed only in small quantities and if thoroughly cleaned;
  • greens and seasonings are completely excluded;
  • You can combine dry or wet food with natural food in equal proportions throughout the day.

What to pay attention to

It is worth carefully monitoring not only the diet, but also the number of servings, since feeding Scottish Straight cats requires a clear dosage. This is due to the fact that this breed is prone to obesity and a Scottish cat cannot always control its appetite, when it is not really full, and when it has overeaten. However, if a Scottish cat leaves food on the plate, you should not immediately contact a veterinarian, because you can adjust the portion size based on the mood and activity of the Scottish cat.

Up to a year, it is recommended to structure the diet in such a way that it is divided into three to four meals, and for adult cats, 2 feedings during the day will be optimal. A prerequisite must be the availability of clean, boiled water.

There are foods that are strictly not allowed for feeding cats:

  • potatoes and any dishes made from them;
  • greens and grass grown on the windowsill or purchased in special stores;
  • pasta and food with spices and herbs;
  • fatty meats such as pork;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat content.

Such simple procedures will help eliminate infection and eye diseases that are typical for representatives of this breed. You need to clean the eye by wiping it from the outer corner and towards the nose.

In this case, it is necessary to avoid strong pressure. A peculiarity of Scottish cats is that their eyes are very watery due to the fact that they have a narrowed shape, so it is necessary to regularly clean the tear ducts. Under no circumstances should you allow non-transparent tears to appear., as this is the main sign of eye infection. In this case, you should definitely contact a veterinarian and follow all his recommendations in order to ensure a quick recovery.

Wool and its care

To care for the fur, special combs and brushes are used, which must be used to comb the cat regularly. This procedure is required due to the fact that the fur of Scottish kittens and adult cats is quite matted, and the cat cannot always clean it completely on its own. This procedure is mandatory for both short-haired and long-haired representatives of this breed. With regular brushing, the cat will shed less and its coat will look much more beautiful. There are several types of brushes:

  • with a wide comb and fine teeth;
  • natural and artificial;
  • basic and decorative.

As additional care for the coat, you can use special lotions that make the coat easier to comb and make it more well-groomed. If your cat has peeling skin, you definitely need to choose special products that will help eliminate it, as this indicates general skin diseases.

Such bathing allows not only to prevent the appearance of hairballs in the stomach, but also allows you to make the cat more well-groomed, prevent the appearance of dandruff and fleas, and also prepare it before an exhibition or festival. You need to accustom your kitten to bathing as early as possible so that he is not afraid of water and water procedures do not become stressful for him.

Ear and dental care

The British Straight-eared kitten also requires careful ear hygiene and regular dental care. Such procedures involve cleaning the ears using a special cotton swab, which is soaked in liquid purchased from a veterinary clinic. Considering the peculiarity of the structure of the ears, a scrupulous attitude to their hygiene is required, which consists of carefully turning out the ear cartilage and cleaning the ear canal.

Also, regular hygiene will prevent ear mites from entering the ear or clogging the ear canal.

Examination and cleaning of teeth should also become a mandatory procedure, since identifying or forming plaque on teeth at an early age will allow them to be quickly eliminated almost painlessly. Your cat's teeth should be white and her gums an even pink color. Inflammation or swelling of any type is not allowed.

By following these basic rules on how to care for a Scottish cat, you can provide your pet with a well-groomed appearance and good health.

How to properly care for a Scottish Fold cat?

How to care for a Scottish fold cat? Lack of care does not affect her as quickly and clearly as on long-haired cats. However, it also requires constant care from its owners.

This breed is considered one of the best options for business people who spend 24 hours a day at work. She easily tolerates the long absence of her owners and gladly accepts affection when they have time to communicate with the cat. But everything that has been said in no way means that owners can abandon their pet, limiting themselves to feeding and changing the tray. Proper care of a Scottish Fold cat includes:

It is best to accustom a cat to all these procedures from childhood. In this case, she will perceive them completely calmly, and you will not have problems caring for your pet.

Ear cleaning

Broken small ears are an undoubted advantage of the Scottish Fold. At the same time, their shape increases the risk of various diseases, ranging from ear mites to deafness. To prevent this from happening, your ears need to be cleaned at least twice a month (and preferably weekly).
For this procedure, which is not very pleasant for a cat, you will need:

  • Cotton swabs or swabs.
  • Ear cleaning lotion (for example, “Bars” or “EAR-CARE”).
  • Thick cloth to wrap the animal in if it resists.

Carefully turn the ear outward so that the ear canal is easily accessible. Wipe the ear with a cotton pad soaked in lotion, then wipe dry with a clean swab. Be careful with cotton swabs and do not press them too hard against your ear. And most importantly, do not insert them deep, otherwise you risk damaging your eardrum.

If you notice that your cat is frequently scratching its ears or shaking its head, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible. This behavior is the first sign of ear mites, and it is very difficult to cope with this problem without the help of a specialist.

Eye hygiene

These animals require special eye care. Some Scottish Folds suffer from increased lacrimation. Discharge accumulates near the eyelids and settles on the fur.

For rinsing, you can use special veterinary products, for example, “Diamond Eyes” liquid, or you can get by with weak tea leaves or ordinary boiled water. Wet a cotton pad and gently move it from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. If it was not possible to remove all the mucus that appeared the first time, change the disk and repeat the procedure from the beginning. Remember: use a clean swab for each wipe.


Caring for the Scottish Fold's coat is quite simple. Moreover, these animals are very clean, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time taking care of your pet’s fur.

As a rule, Scottish Fold cats have short, plush-like fur to the touch. One brushing per week is enough for them. Long-haired representatives of this breed are much less common and need to be brushed every few days.

To comb your Scottish Fold, it is better to purchase two different combs:

  • Comb with long but sparse teeth. It is needed to comb the undercoat and remove fallen hairs.
  • A brush with thick bristles that you will use to smooth the top layer of cat hair.

Caring for a Scottish Fold cat requires a serious approach. First of all, you should learn to keep the animal clean and give it high-quality food. What to feed your cat so that it sheds less, and what other care recommendations should be followed - read about all this further.

Animal hygiene

Caring for a Scottish straight-eared cat, like a fold-eared cat, is not particularly difficult. However, the animal can be exposed to various diseases, which means your main goal is to protect your pet from any risks. This is why cat hygiene is of great importance.

Experts are mostly inclined to believe that the most important thing is to keep the animal clean before it receives basic vaccinations against various infections. The thing is that it is during this period that your four-legged pet is most exposed to dangerous ailments. However, in the future you will need to worry about the cat’s complete hygiene.

Video “Features of Scottish cats”

In this video, an expert will talk about the characteristics of the breed and proper care.

Grooming and bathing

You need to properly care for a fold-eared cat at home, so you need to follow basic recommendations. First of all, try to brush your pet’s coat at least once a week. His fur is usually matted, so thanks to this procedure it will not lose its aesthetic appearance.

If desired, before handling the Furminator comb, apply a special lotion to the cat’s skin, which is necessary for less problematic coat care. Use this product, and your Scots coat will shed less often.

Nutritional Features

What to feed fold-eared cats is another question that owners of such pets are forced to face. This is not to say that these pets are too picky when it comes to feeding. However, it is undesirable to let the nutrition process take its course. That is why it is worth studying the types of feeding Scots in advance in order to give preference to the optimal one.

Types of food

Before feeding domestic Scottish cats, you need to choose one of the types of daily diet. Scots owners may prefer natural food, industrial food, or a mix of both. The main advantages of these types of nutrition include the following:

  • natural products are the most beneficial for cats. Lean meat, boiled vegetables, cereals, herbs, fish products - all this can be safely offered to your furry pet. It’s not difficult to stick to such a diet, and you’ll save a lot of money;
  • The use of dry or wet industrial food does not require any effort from the owner of a Scottish cat. All you have to do is open the jar and pour its contents into the cat's container. Royal Canin is considered popular for Scottish fold cats;
  • mixed feeding is considered the most diverse. However, experts are convinced that such a diet complicates the digestive processes in the animal’s body.

Food for straight-eared or fold-eared cats must be selected wisely. In this case, the pet will develop to its fullest.

Feeding mode

It is recommended to feed small kittens up to six times a day. When your furry pet is about 4-6 months old, it’s time to switch him to 4 feedings a day. As soon as your cat reaches one year of age, feel free to start giving her food twice a day.

The Scottish Fold kitten (Scottish Fold) has a charming appearance, good health and a pleasant character. The pet quickly gets used to its new home and gets along with other animals without problems. In order for the baby to feel great and delight the owner every day, you need to provide him with proper care, create an ideal diet and not refuse to communicate.

First day in a new house

Prepare everything you need before bringing your kitten home

Typically, Scottish Fold kittens are ready to leave their mother at the age of 2-3 months. At this time, their ears take on the desired shape, all breed characteristics become visible not only to a professional, but also to an ordinary amateur.

When preparing for the arrival of a kitten in your home, find out in advance what it ate from its previous owners., what toilet filler you are used to. Responsible breeders supply customers with a small portion of food so that the baby feels more confident in a new place. Check the kitten's feeding schedule and habits.

Before you buy a kitten, buy everything you need for it. The baby will need:

  • spacious carrying;
  • bowls for food and water made of earthenware or stainless steel;
  • litter tray;
  • cat bed or house;
  • bedding or pillow;
  • toys;
  • small veterinary first aid kit.

It is better to come to pick up your animal with a comfortable carrier. Buy a large carrier made of durable plastic; it will be useful for subsequent visits to the veterinarian and trips to the country. It is desirable that it has a firmly locked door, a comfortable handle, and numerous holes for ventilation. The bottom must be stable so that the carrier with the kitten does not tip over.

Organize a secluded place for your baby to sleep. You can ask the breeder for a rag from the cat's nest. The familiar smell will help the animal calm down and get comfortable in a new place.

Ears, eyes and fur: getting the baby in order

It is important to keep an eye on your kitten's ears and eyes.

Touching folded ears are the calling card of a true Scot. It is important to ensure that they are always clean. At least once a week, wipe your ears with cotton swabs dipped in a special lotion. Do not use hydrogen peroxide, oil or alcohol.

Wipe your ears carefully, without penetrating the ear canal with the chopsticks. Do not twist or pull the ears to avoid causing pain to the kitten. Healthy ears do not have any discharge, perhaps a small amount of yellowish wax. If you find brown crusts, consult a doctor. Most likely, your pet has become infected with ear mites. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will need to clean out all the discharge 2-3 times a day, and then instill special drops into the ear canal. The treatment takes a long time; the shape of the ears complicates the cleaning process.

Itching, gurgling, and fluid discharge from the ears may indicate an inflammatory process that requires an urgent visit to the veterinarian. Do not try to diagnose it yourself; improper treatment will cause harm to your pet.

The kitten's eyes are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in disinfectant lotion. If the kitten constantly rubs its muzzle with its paw, its eyes become festered and watery, consult a doctor. The cause of suppuration can be an injury to the eye or a foreign body trapped in it. Infectious diseases that require long-term treatment are also very dangerous: blepharitis, purulent keratitis.

Scottish kittens are not necessary, even contraindicated

Scottish Fold kittens do not require special coat care. It can be combed with a fine-toothed comb to remove loose hairs. It is enough to brush the kitten 1-2 times a week. A silicone mitten for smooth-haired cats will also help remove hair during shedding. It is not recommended to wash kittens; they can take care of their fur on their own. A bath is needed no more than 1-2 times a year and only if the cat gets very dirty. When washing, special shampoos for cats are used. Products intended for humans are not suitable, they can cause dandruff and the pet's fur will become dull and disheveled.

Shampoo for cats not only gently washes the coat, but also slightly tints it. For white cats, a bluish product is suitable, giving the hairs a snowy shine. Shampoo for black or gray cats removes unsightly reddish undertones. These products are absolutely safe for animals.

Sharp, thin kitten claws are needed for small animals. They give a straight cut without splitting the claw. During a cat manicure, only the very tip of the claw is removed. If you accidentally cut off excess, cauterize the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. Declawing kittens is not recommended., overhead silicone caps will not suit them either.

If the kitten eats dry food, special dental care will not be needed. Hard small granules remove plaque well, teeth and gums are strengthened. Professional removal of tartar is indicated for older animals; this procedure is done in the clinic under anesthesia.

Photo. cat house

Scottish fold kittens love comfort. Give them a comfortable basket in which you can put a soft pillow in a replaceable pillowcase. In the cold season, the kitten will appreciate the hammock bed, which is attached to the radiator. The resting place should be located in a secluded corner where there are no drafts or opening doors. Scottish Folds love to play, but get tired quickly. When the kitten is resting, no one should disturb him.

Very comfortable. Kittens will enjoy complexes that include multi-tiered houses, observation areas, posts for claw points, and hanging toys. The most practical option is a plywood house trimmed with faux fur. If the kitten tears the cover, it can be easily replaced.

A board wrapped with ropes is suitable as a scratching post.. Scottish Folds are happy to sharpen their claws on ordinary untreated wood. Even kittens who get regular manicures need a place for a claw point.

Provide the animal with toys: balls made of fabric or latex, mice made of faux fur. Kittens enjoy playing with feather pendants or simple paper balls. Remove dangling wires and cords to prevent your pet from testing them.

Rules for visiting the toilet

Use silica gel as a filler

Scottish Folds are very clean and... The kitten needs a container with low sides to make it easier to climb into. When the pet grows up, the tray can be changed to a larger and taller one.

Silica gel is preferred as a toilet filler.. Scottish fold cats dig the rustling litter with abandon, and it completely absorbs unpleasant odors. Wood pellets will also work, but they will have to be replaced more often. Clay-based clumping litter can stick to fur and end up in the stomach when licked off. It is not advisable to use such a backfill for small kittens.

A purebred kitten purchased from a nursery most often already has the necessary toilet skills. If the baby is not yet accustomed to the tray, you need to urgently start raising him. The container with the filler is installed in a secluded place where the kitten should have unhindered access. After sleeping and eating, put your pet in the tray. To attract, you can put a piece of paper soaked in kitten urine. Usually a smart Scottish Fold quickly understands what is wanted from him. Monitor the kitten for several days, putting it in the tray at the slightest attempt to make a puddle in the wrong place. In a few days, the toilet rules will be firmly internalized.

If the kitten refuses the litter box, try moving the litter box to a different location or changing the litter.

Diet features

Feed your kittens premium and super premium food

Scottish Folds love to eat. At the same time, they are not capricious and happily eat everything offered. Breeders recommend feeding kittens with balanced ready-made food. Babies up to 4 weeks can be fed with baby pate; after reaching the age of one month, dry food is introduced into the diet. Products and are preferred; they contain a minimal amount of carbohydrates and a lot of complete animal protein. The finished complexes are enriched with taurine, vitamins and microelements.

An ideal diet allows for alternating dry food and canned food. Clean water should always be freely available and changed daily. Giving milk is not recommended; Scottish kittens are prone to stomach upset. From time to time, you can offer your pet sprouted wheat or oats. Fresh grass helps remove undigested hairballs from the stomach.

You should not give your kitten food from your own table. Sometimes your baby can be treated to freeze-dried treats purchased at a pet store. As a tasty supplement, you can offer your pet boiled meat or fish, offal, vegetables or fresh bread. Sweets, smoked foods, and chicken bones are strictly prohibited.

Features of education

Scottish Fold kittens have a calm temperament, they are intelligent and very friendly.. The kitten quickly gets used to the owner and his family members and does not conflict with other pets.

Scottish Folds need companionship. You need to play and talk with the kitten every day, often repeating its name. The more time you spend with your pet, the more affectionate it will be. Without proper attention, Scottish cats become overly phlegmatic and unsociable.

From the first days you need to stop unwanted behavior. The kitten should not climb into bed or onto the dining table, or inspect shopping bags and closets. A firm “No” will let the child know that such behavior is undesirable. A guilty kitten should not be scolded or beaten; it will become cowardly and aggressive. With calm and consistent behavior you can achieve perfect obedience from the animal.

Kittens need to be vaccinated, this can be done from three months of age.

Scottish cats have good health and strong immunity. The only difficulty is the problem with a hard tail, which is transmitted at the genetic level. The mutation of the ears perpetuated problems with the last vertebrae. The defect is noticeable in the first weeks after birth. Painful, compacted areas appear on the kitten's tail; in severe cases, paralysis and death are possible. But if the kitten does not have hard tail syndrome, nothing threatens its health.

Some veterinarians believe that Scottish Folds may have, but there is no confirmation of this thesis. It is recommended to visit a veterinarian once a year for a health check. If you suspect illness, you should also show your pet to a specialist.

The kitten receives its first vaccination at three months of age.. Usually he is given an imported or domestic polyvalent vaccine that protects against calicivirus infection, viral rhinotracheitis, and chlamydia. The vaccination is given twice, with a three-week break, and then repeated annually. Adult cats also receive an annual rabies vaccination. For kittens, vaccination against is recommended; it is given at the age of 3 to 6 months. Vaccination records must be included in the animal’s veterinary passport.

It is necessary before vaccinations. Special sweet suspensions that do not increase salivation are suitable for kittens. You can also use drugs intended for children. It is important to strictly follow the dosage, since an excess of the drug can cause severe poisoning.

The first time the procedure is performed at one month of age. Subsequently, deworming should be carried out every four months; for cats walking outside, it should be done at least every three months. Before giving your pet anti-worm medication, make sure the kitten is completely healthy.

The article was approved by felinologist Elena Shabaeva

In this publication we will look at what and how much to feed a Scottish kitten, and what food is suitable for Scottish kittens. Moreover, contrary to the opinion that if you have a Scottish Fold cat (Scottish Fold or Highland Fold), you need to feed it differently than a straight-eared cat (Scottish Straight and Highland Straight) so that its ears do not stand up, in fact In fact, the same diet is suitable for both varieties of the Scottish breed. Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kittens are at a developmental stage, so the question of what to feed is very important.


Basic rules for feeding kittens: how to feed a Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kitten

The kitten's diet must be balanced, because... otherwise, he will face problems with stool, vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal development.

Nutrition should be limited to a time frame: small straight-eared and fold-eared kittens are fed 5-6 times a day, adolescents - 3-4 times a day, adult cats - 2 times a day (morning and evening).

The kitten should have its own bowls that cannot be washed with chemicals. Bowls should be placed in a quiet place where nothing disturbs the kitten: if the animal is nervous while eating, this will negatively affect its health.

It is also important to know what to feed your Scottish kitten. The kitten should have constant access to water, also in a quiet, protected place. The water should be changed every day. It is advisable to choose a container large enough, because... cats love larger “ponds”. And they are especially fond of running water: to imitate it, you can buy a special cat fountain, but do not allow them to drink from the tap: it contains harmful chlorinated water. The bowl of water should not be placed in the same place as the food: cats like to drink away from the place of feeding, which is dictated by wild instincts - water near food can become infected with poisons.

The kitten should eat often and in small portions, because... otherwise, the body will have difficulty digesting what is eaten, and this will lead to hiccups, vomiting and other consequences. Of course, the cat doesn’t mind eating 200 grams at a time, allotted for a day, but the owner must monitor the quantity limit: put in a bowl as much as the kitten can eat at one time, without reserve.

Additionally, vitamins are included in the kittens' diet. Read more about them in a separate article.

Homemade food for your Scottish kitten

Breeders have been arguing about what is best to feed a Scottish kitten, natural food or factory-made food, probably since factories began producing ready-made food. We will not give an answer to this question, because everything depends not only on the benefits or harm that certain products give the body, but also on your wallet and the availability of free time. Although, of course, if you have time, opportunity and you properly balance your diet, there is nothing better than natural nutrition. At the same time, you may nothave enough time for it.

Natural nutrition (popularly called “natural”) - this is not food from the master’s table, as many people think. This is a separate food prepared according to cat rules. It includes such products.

What can and should be fed to kittens - Scottish Fold and Straight-eared

Meat Meat (poultry, rabbit, beef) is the basis of the menu: its share should reach 90% of the daily diet. We give the meat not fatty, raw (it must be frozen in the freezer for at least 3 days). Meat contains many useful elements that a kitten needs: protein, amino acids, etc. When cooked, many elements are destroyed. However, boiled meat is allowed for those kittens who are currently transitioning from ready-made food to natural food and cannot yet fully digest the raw product.
By-products Offal (heart, stomachs, liver, kidneys, etc.) are also the basis of the diet and are included in the 90% of the meat and bone component of the menu. The heart contains the amino acid taurine, which helps the functioning of the organs of vision, digestion and heart, in the liver (it is given once every 1-2 weeks or a little every day as part of mixes) - vitamins necessary for wool, bones, and vision organs and digestion. Although veterinarians argue about the liver: after all, it is a filter in which poisons settle. Therefore, it is advisable that the liver be taken from a more or less environmentally friendly animal, for example, a turkey.
Bones Small kittens should not eat whole bones, especially the tubular bones of birds, because... they can injure the digestive tract. But kittens need calcium, which is contained in the bones. Therefore, you can take chicken necks and heads, grind them in a meat grinder and serve along with the meat. If this is not possible, you need to add fermented milk products, crushed egg shells and calcium supplements to your diet.
Fish Fish should not be the main dish in a cat's diet. It can be given to cats only from a certain age (about 5 months) and no more than once a week. The fact is that urolithiasis often develops from a large amount of fish in the diet. You can serve the fish in the form of boiled pieces, separated from the bones. Low-fat varieties of fish such as hake, catfish, sawfish, tuna, etc. are good for cats (but not more than once a week).
Cottage cheese Cottage cheese, only good, not sour, fresh and from a trusted manufacturer, is very useful for kittens. First of all, calcium, which is necessary for the skeletal system. Secondly, it is protein - a universal building material. At the same time, this part of the diet is not mandatory. Cottage cheese for Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kittens is rather a supplement.
Cheese Non-fat, non-salty and non-spicy types of cheese are suitable for cats. Cheese contains protein and calcium for growth.
Dairy Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, but not milk), in addition to cottage cheese, are necessary for cats, because help with the digestive system and contain proteins. All of them should be low fat.
Eggs The yolk contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It can be boiled (no more than 5 minutes) and crumbled into a bowl or served raw. But it’s better not to offer chicken protein, because... it is bad for the coat. If you feed your kitten quail eggs, then you can give both the white and the yolk, and it is most beneficial to eat them raw. First you need to rinse the egg with boiling water to wash away infections and dirt. Eggs are served 1-2 times a week.
Vegetables Vegetables (beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, etc.) can be a frequent guest in a kitten's bowl. Most vegetables are not digested by the cat's digestive system, but they contain fiber, which helps to forget about constipation. In addition, the cat’s body absorbs the vitamins contained in vegetables. Both fresh and boiled vegetables are suitable. The second option is more friendly to the stomach, especially when it comes to carrots and beets. But fresh vegetables contain more vitamins. The ideal option is steamed vegetables.
Greenery Many kittens love parsley, dill and other types of greens. And special grass for cats, consisting mainly of wheat and oats, is useful with many vitamins and microelements. Plant it on the windowsill - your pet will appreciate it and, perhaps, even stop bothering indoor plants.
Oils Unrefined vegetable oils from flax, olives, sea buckthorn, rice, grapes and hemp are useful for kittens, but rarely and in small quantities - a few drops at a time and not every day. Sunflower oil is not recommended in any case: sunflower absorbs the entire contents of the soil more strongly than any other plant, including poisons. In addition, refined oils are harmful. Although it is worth noting that any vegetable fats are practically not absorbed by the cat’s body, so it is better for them to prefer animals.

Natural cat food differs from human food in that it is not salted or flavored with spices. That is, it should be fresh. Lightly salted foods are occasionally allowed.

Meat is served either raw (preferably) or boiled, but in no case fried, dried or pickled.

You also need to understand that you cannot save money on a cat, that is, it is inappropriate to give spoiled and weathered food. Domestic purebred cats are very sensitive to food and may suffer from stomach upsets. Slightly spoiled food can only be fed to street cats that are accustomed to it. And then, it’s better to have pity on them too.

The food you serve should not be cold or hot: bring it to room temperature, maybe a little warmer.

What should you not feed lop-eared and straight-eared kittens?

What Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kittens enjoy eating does not always coincide with what is good for them. Learn the list of do's and don'ts.

Sweet It is not allowed in any quantities. If a cat asks for sweets, this means that he is interested in something else in the product, because cats do not have receptors that recognize sweet taste. Don't buy into your cat's requests: he can develop diabetes very quickly.
Salty We don’t add salt to kitten food at all. We also don’t serve salty products from the store. Salty foods can cause kidney and bladder problems in cats, which Scots are already prone to.
Spicy Kittens should not have spices at all. They upset digestion.
Onion garlic Likewise, garlic and onions can cause serious problems.
Chocolate Even if chocolate is not sweet, as it should be according to the classics, it is still under no circumstances allowed for a cat: for an animal it is poison.
Coffee Likewise, coffee is poisonous to cats. If your cat asks for coffee, he may be attracted to the milk you add to the drink.
Milk Kittens are supposed to eat fermented milk, but milk, which contains lactose, causes gas and indigestion in cats older than 3 months. Owners often don’t notice this, but in fact the animals don’t feel well after drinking milk. If you really want to feed your kitten milk, pay attention to goat milk or special ready-made milk formulas for kittens. After 3 months, cats do not need milk at all.
Marinades Kittens cannot eat anything marinated, not just meat. This applies to any conservation.
Smoked Just remember that it is poison.
Bold Excessively fatty and fried foods, no matter whether it is meat or not, are prohibited. The kitten's pancreas cannot withstand such nutrition. Even sour cream for a Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold kitten may be too fatty a food, so nutritionists do not recommend it.
Fatty pork Pork with hanging pieces of lard is not allowed for cats. But sometimes a small piece of the lean part is allowed.
Canned food Any canned product is always generously supplied with salt, spices and preservatives. This in itself is harmful even for humans, not to mention the digestive and urinary system of a kitten, which is much worse adapted to such food than ours.
Citrus As a rule, cats cannot tolerate lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits. But there are exceptions. Citrus fruits contain pungent essential oils that attack cats' keen sense of smell. Plus, eating them can cause indigestion.
Fruits The digestive system of cats is not adapted to eating fruits and berries, so they can cause stomach upset.
Mushrooms Mushrooms are too heavy a food. In addition, they can cause poisoning.
Potato Potatoes are pure starch, which is very difficult to digest and is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body. Recently, cat nutritionists have allowed the consumption of only a few grams of potatoes per day.
Beans Peas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes are prohibited because... This is too heavy food for a kitten, plus they cause fermentation.
Flour All flour products, including bread, are harmful to kittens and have no nutritional value for them. Instead, it is better to purchase special yeast for cats in the form of a supplement.

Feeding with prepared food involves the use of mixtures created at the factory in the form of pastes, pieces of jelly, canned food and dry pads. Typically, such mixtures contain everything that is included in natural food, but it is specially processed for long-term storage. Draw your own conclusions. But in any case, you cannot feed cheap mass-market food such as Whiskas, Kitiket, etc. According to veterinarians, cheap cat food is made from who knows what, so consuming it will lead to illness. Veterinarians recommend only super-premium and holistic food.

Supporters of ready-made feeds put forward the main arguments in favor of such nutrition that, firstly, the substances in the feed are already balanced, and, secondly, such nutrition is easier for the owners: buy it, take it out, pour it in.

Please note that it is not advisable to mix natural food and ready-made food - choose one. And the brand of food should also always be the same. Otherwise, it is very difficult to create a balanced menu, because... Each food has its own characteristics.

If dry pads are on the menu, the cat will need increased consumption of fresh water. Buy your cat a special fountain to encourage him to drink more.

What to feed a kitten: breakdown by age

If you are feeding a kitten with food, then everything is simple: choose the food in accordance with the age indicated on the package, serve it in the quantity specified in the instructions, and as many times as required by age. But it is worth noting that the food contains many ingredients and if your cat has sensitive digestion and reacts negatively to some components of the food (vomiting, diarrhea), then it is difficult to figure out what kind of product it is. For such cases, natural nutrition is recommended.

Those who are planning to feed their cat natural food will have to study the issue. It will be difficult at first, as you need several meals a day. Once the kitten becomes a teenager, that is, reaches 5 months, everything will become much easier.

Feeding raw meat is preferable for felines because... in nature they feed on it. This diet is considered more balanced, because... Boiled meat already lacks many essential elements. The main thing is that the meat is of high quality, from a factory where infection with worms is minimized and where they are not addicted to chemicals.

A kitten should consume approximately 10% of its body weight per day. This is the average. It is not customary for kittens to limit their food: they should eat as much as they want.

For those who want to feed their cat natural food, but have little time for it, breeders advise making preparations. Mix meat, offal (heart, neck, kidneys - if your cat doesn’t like kidneys because of the specific smell, in which case you can do without kidneys, a little liver - if there is too much liver, the cat may swear), herbs, vegetables (if it contains carrots, its need to be pre-cooked), raw quail egg, chopped kelp or other additive. Place this mixture in portions in bags and freeze in the freezer. Then take out one bag at a time and bring to room temperature. The mix is ​​ready: you can serve the healthy dish to your cat.

What to feed a kitten up to 1 month and a month old Scottish fold and straight-eared kitten

At the age of up to 3 weeks - 1 month, kittens are fed by the mother: up to 2 weeks - 10 times a day, including at night, at 1 month - 8 times a day. Next, complementary foods are introduced, but the kittens feed on their mother’s milk for up to 2.5 months, so they cannot be weaned from her before this period. At this time, the mother cat has a difficult task: her body is exhausted and therefore the best thing the owner can do is to feed the mother intensively and in a balanced manner. But this is a topic for a separate article. Complementary feeding directly to kittens begins at about 1 month.

It happens that kittens do not have a mother for some reason. Then a person has to feed them. This is a difficult and painstaking task: in the first week you need to feed every 2 hours, that is, you will have to take time off from work. In addition, without mother's milk, kittens do not receive her antibodies and resistance to infections. Therefore, if possible, it is better to place the kittens with another nursing cat (a healthy, clean cat with all vaccinations; a street mother will not do): usually she does not refuse to shelter foundlings.

Did you know that sometimes cats even feed animals of other species? For example, one caring mother fed the hedgehogs given to her.

But it happens that there is no such possibility. Then you need to feed the kittens at the rate of 30 ml of food per 100 grams of kitten weight in the first week, 38 ml per 100 grams of kitten weight in two weeks, 48 ​​ml per 100 grams of kitten weight in the third week, 48-53 ml per 100 grams of weight in four weeks. weeks We are talking about milk (cream) or special factory milk mixture for kittens. The mixture can be poured into the mouth through a bottle with a nipple, a pipette or a syringe without a needle: be careful so that the kitten does not choke. This mixture can be purchased at a pet store.

Why is cow's milk worse than mother's milk or ready-made formula? The water content in cat milk is 70%, fat content - no more than 11%, proteins - 11%, lactose - 3%. At first glance, cow's milk is very similar in composition to cat's milk, which contains 88% water, 3.2% protein, 3.25% fat, 5.2% lactose. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, D, calcium, magnesium and potassium. But there is a significant difference in the amount of lactose: in cow's milk it is 5.2%, in cat's milk it is only 3%, that is, almost half as much. And the kitten’s digestive system has difficulty accepting large amounts of lactose.

At about 4 weeks, kittens can begin to be weaned off milk if they are drinking formula. Milk is gradually stopped being given to the kitten and solid food is introduced into the diet. Complementary food for Scottish kittens should be mushy, preferably crushed using a blender.

Sometimes it is necessary to introduce complementary foods up to 1 month, because... The cat has little milk. You can guess that kittens are malnourished by the way they squeak all the time and try to cling to the cat's chest and your fingers.

You need to start with one type of complementary food and only when the kitten has mastered it well, start introducing another. For example, we start with one type of meat. It should be finely chopped or blended into a paste. It is also good to start complementary feeding with fermented milk products (ryazhenka, cottage cheese), but not with kefir, because it is too heavy for babies.

EXPERT COMMENT: felinologist and nursery owner Zhanna Korsunskaya

Kittens are able to eat the same food as their mother from the age of three weeks. However, this does not mean the end of breastfeeding: the cat will feed the children for quite a long time. As kittens grow, the share of main food increases, and the share of mother's milk decreases until it disappears. Don’t be afraid that the pieces in mom’s bowl are too big or that there are bones: the kitten won’t start with the difficult ones in any case. He will choose what he likes, what he can bite off, chew, and swallow. The lack of essential substances at this age is compensated by mother's milk. Therefore, there is no need for complementary feeding - lightweight, crushed, fortified food for kittens. If the mother's diet is balanced, then it is absolutely suitable for children. If the cub has not yet begun to be interested in the mother’s food, but is as well-fed and active as its brothers, there is no reason to worry. And under no circumstances should you try to force feed. When the time comes, the kitten itself will begin to eat from its mother’s bowl and over time will completely switch to a meat diet.

What to feed a two-month-old Scottish kitten (1-2 months)

The menu for a 2-month-old Scottish kitten includes eating 7 times a day. At this age, ideally, kittens still receive their mother's milk, but are already happy to eat complementary foods. At 1.5 months, a kitten requires about 120 grams of food per day, including mother's milk, which still remains the basis of the diet.

The food of a Scottish kitten at 2 months can be natural or factory-made. If you plan to feed your kitten with ready-made food, then this is done starting from 1-1.5 months. To do this, you need to purchase special products for kittens according to their age. If it is dry food, then it must be soaked first, because the kitten is not able to digest such solid food. Or buy canned kitten wet food. However, it is advisable to start complementary feeding with meat.

But soup for Scottish kittens is not a relevant food. Starting from a very early age, kittens can already consume minced meat and small pieces of meat. The consistency of soup is not necessary for normal digestion.