Smart animals, Zoshchenko for children. m zoshchenko children's stories. stories for children. Smart animals: Relatively smart cat - Mikhail Zoshchenko Smart animals read

Mikhail Zoshchenko

Stories for children

© Zoshchenko M. M., heirs, 2009

© Andreev A. S., illustrations, 2011

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2014

Smart animals

They say that elephants and monkeys are very smart animals. But other animals are not stupid either. Look what smart animals I saw.

Smart goose

One goose was walking in the yard and found a dry crust of bread.

So the goose began to peck at this crust with its beak in order to break it and eat it. But the crust was very dry. And the goose could not break it. But the goose didn’t dare swallow the whole crust right away, because it probably wouldn’t be good for the goose’s health.

Then I wanted to break this crust so that it would be easier for the goose to eat. But the goose did not allow me to touch its crust. He probably thought that I wanted to eat it myself.

Then I stepped aside and watched what would happen next.

Suddenly the goose takes this crust with its beak and goes to the puddle. He puts this crust in the puddle. The crust is made soft in water. And then the goose eats it with pleasure.

It was a smart goose. But the fact that he didn't let me break the crust shows that he wasn't all that smart. Not exactly a fool, but he was still a little behind in his mental development.

Smart chicken

One hen was walking in the yard with chickens. She has nine little chicks.

Suddenly a shaggy dog ​​came running from somewhere.

This dog crept up to the chickens and grabbed one.

Then all the other chickens got scared and scattered.

Kura was also very scared at first and ran. But then she looks - what a scandal: the dog is holding her little chicken in its teeth.

And he probably dreams of eating it.

Then the chicken boldly ran up to the dog. She jumped up a little and gave the dog a painful peck right in the eye.

The dog even opened his mouth in surprise.

And she released the chicken. And he immediately ran away quickly. And the dog looked to see who pecked her in the eye. And, seeing the chicken, she became angry and rushed at it. But then the owner ran up, grabbed the dog by the collar and took it away with him.

And the chicken, as if nothing had happened, collected all her chickens, counted them and began to walk around the yard again.

It was a very smart chicken.

Stupid thief and smart pig

Our owner had a pig at his dacha.

And the owner locked this piglet in the barn at night so that no one would steal it.

But one thief still wanted to steal this pig.

He broke the lock at night and made his way into the barn.

And piglets always squeal very loudly when they are picked up. Therefore, the thief took the blanket with him.

And just as the pig wanted to squeal, the thief quickly wrapped him in a blanket and quietly walked out of the barn with him.

Here is a piglet squealing and floundering in a blanket. But the owners don’t hear his screams because it was a thick blanket. And the thief wrapped the pig very tightly.

Suddenly the thief feels that the pig is no longer moving in the blanket. And he stopped screaming.

And lies without any movement.

The thief thinks:

“I may have wrapped the blanket around him really tight. And maybe the poor little pig suffocated there.”

The thief quickly unfolded the blanket to see what was wrong with the piglet, and the piglet jumped out of his hands, squealed, and rushed to the side.

Then the owners came running. The thief was captured.

Thief says:

- Oh, what a pig this cunning piglet is. He probably pretended to be dead on purpose so that I would let him out. Or maybe he fainted from fear.

The owner says to the thief:

- No, my pig didn’t faint, but he deliberately pretended to be dead so that you would untie the blanket. This is a very smart pig, thanks to which we caught the thief.

Very smart horse

Besides the goose, chicken and pig, I saw a lot of smart animals. And I’ll tell you about this later.

In the meantime, I need to say a few words about smart horses.

Dogs eat boiled meat.

Cats drink milk and eat birds. Cows eat grass. Bulls also eat grass and gore people. Tigers, those cheeky animals, eat raw meat. Monkeys eat nuts and apples. Chickens peck crumbs and various debris.

Tell me, please, what does the horse eat?

The horse eats the same healthy food that children eat.

Horses eat oats. And oats are oatmeal and rolled oats.

And children eat oatmeal and rolled oats and thanks to this they become strong, healthy and brave.

No, horses are not stupid for eating oats.

Horses are very smart animals because they eat such a healthy baby food. In addition, horses love sugar, which also shows that they are not stupid.

Smart bird

One boy was walking in the forest and found a nest.

And in the nest sat tiny naked chicks. And they squeaked.

They were probably waiting for their mother to fly in and feed them worms and flies.

The boy was glad that he had found such nice chicks, and wanted to take one to bring him home.

As soon as he extended his hand to the chicks, suddenly some feathered bird fell from the tree like a stone at his feet.

She fell and lies in the grass.

The boy wanted to grab this bird, but it jumped a little, hopped on the ground and ran away to the side.

Then the boy ran after her. “Probably,” he thinks, “this bird hurt its wing, and that’s why it can’t fly.”

As soon as the boy approached this bird, it jumped again, jumped on the ground and again ran away a little.

The boy follows her again. The bird flew up a little and sat down in the grass again.

Then the boy took off his hat and wanted to cover the bird with this hat.

As soon as he ran up to her, she suddenly took off and flew away.

The boy was really angry with this bird.

And he quickly went back to take at least one chick.

And suddenly the boy sees that he has lost the place where the nest was, and cannot find it.

Then the boy realized that this bird had deliberately fallen from the tree and was deliberately running on the ground in order to take the boy away from its nest.

So the boy never found the chick.

He picked a few wild strawberries, ate them and went home.

Clever dog

I had a big dog. Her name was Jim.

It was a very expensive dog. It cost three hundred rubles.

And in the summer, when I was living at the dacha, some thieves stole this dog from me. They lured her with meat and took her away with them.

So I searched and searched for this dog and couldn’t find it anywhere.

And then one day I came to the city to my city apartment. And I’m sitting there, grieving that I lost such a wonderful dog.

Suddenly I heard someone on the stairs call.

I open the door. And you can imagine - my dog ​​is sitting on the platform in front of me.

And some top tenant says to me:

- Oh, what a smart dog you have - she just called herself. She nuzzled the electric bell and called for you to open the door for her.

They say that elephants and monkeys are very smart animals. But other animals are not stupid either. Look what smart animals I saw.

Smart goose

One goose was walking in the yard and found a dry crust of bread.

So the goose began to peck at this crust with its beak in order to break it and eat it. But the crust was very dry. And the goose could not break it. But the goose didn’t dare swallow the whole crust right away, because it probably wouldn’t be good for the goose’s health.

Then I wanted to break this crust so that it would be easier for the goose to eat. But the goose did not allow me to touch its crust. He probably thought that I wanted to eat it myself.

Then I stepped aside and watched what would happen next.

Suddenly the goose takes this crust with its beak and goes to the puddle. He puts this crust in the puddle. The crust is made soft in water. And then the goose eats it with pleasure.

It was a smart goose. But the fact that he didn't let me break the crust shows that he wasn't all that smart. Not exactly a fool, but he was still a little behind in his mental development.

Smart chicken

One hen was walking in the yard with chickens. She has nine little chicks.

Suddenly a shaggy dog ​​came running from somewhere.

This dog crept up to the chickens and grabbed one.

Then all the other chickens got scared and scattered.

Kura was also very scared at first and ran. But then she looks - what a scandal: the dog is holding her little chicken in its teeth.

And he probably dreams of eating it.

Then the chicken boldly ran up to the dog. She jumped up a little and gave the dog a painful peck right in the eye.

The dog even opened his mouth in surprise.

And she released the chicken. And he immediately ran away quickly. And the dog looked to see who pecked her in the eye. And, seeing the chicken, she became angry and rushed at it. But then the owner ran up, grabbed the dog by the collar and took it away with him.

And the chicken, as if nothing had happened, collected all her chickens, counted them and began to walk around the yard again.

It was a very smart chicken.

Stupid thief and smart pig

Our owner had a pig at his dacha.

And the owner locked this piglet in the barn at night so that no one would steal it.

But one thief still wanted to steal this pig.

He broke the lock at night and made his way into the barn.

And piglets always squeal very loudly when they are picked up. Therefore, the thief took the blanket with him.

And just as the pig wanted to squeal, the thief quickly wrapped him in a blanket and quietly walked out of the barn with him.

Here is a piglet squealing and floundering in a blanket. But the owners don’t hear his screams because it was a thick blanket. And the thief wrapped the pig very tightly.

Suddenly the thief feels that the pig is no longer moving in the blanket. And he stopped screaming.

And lies without any movement.

The thief thinks:

“I may have wrapped the blanket around him really tight. And maybe the poor little pig suffocated there.”

The thief quickly unfolded the blanket to see what was wrong with the piglet, and the piglet jumped out of his hands, squealed, and rushed to the side.

Then the owners came running. The thief was captured.

Thief says:

- Oh, what a pig this cunning piglet is. He probably pretended to be dead on purpose so that I would let him out. Or maybe he fainted from fear.

The owner says to the thief:

- No, my pig didn’t faint, but he deliberately pretended to be dead so that you would untie the blanket. This is a very smart pig, thanks to which we caught the thief.

Very smart horse

Besides the goose, chicken and pig, I saw a lot of smart animals. And I’ll tell you about this later.

In the meantime, I need to say a few words about smart horses.

Dogs eat boiled meat.

Cats drink milk and eat birds. Cows eat grass. Bulls also eat grass and gore people. Tigers, those cheeky animals, eat raw meat. Monkeys eat nuts and apples. Chickens peck crumbs and various debris.

Tell me, please, what does the horse eat?

The horse eats the same healthy food that children eat.

Horses eat oats. And oats are oatmeal and rolled oats.

And children eat oatmeal and rolled oats and thanks to this they become strong, healthy and brave.

No, horses are not stupid for eating oats.

Horses are very smart animals because they eat such a healthy baby food. In addition, horses love sugar, which also shows that they are not stupid.

Smart bird

One boy was walking in the forest and found a nest.

And in the nest sat tiny naked chicks. And they squeaked.

They were probably waiting for their mother to fly in and feed them worms and flies.

The boy was glad that he had found such nice chicks, and wanted to take one to bring him home.

As soon as he extended his hand to the chicks, suddenly some feathered bird fell from the tree like a stone at his feet.

She fell and lies in the grass.

The boy wanted to grab this bird, but it jumped a little, hopped on the ground and ran away to the side.

Then the boy ran after her. “Probably,” he thinks, “this bird hurt its wing, and that’s why it can’t fly.”

As soon as the boy approached this bird, it jumped again, jumped on the ground and again ran away a little. Smart dog

I had a big dog. Her name was Jim.

It was a very expensive dog. It cost three hundred rubles.

And in the summer, when I was living at the dacha, some thieves stole this dog from me. They lured her with meat and took her away with them.

So I searched and searched for this dog and couldn’t find it anywhere.

And then one day I came to the city to my city apartment. And I’m sitting there, grieving that I lost such a wonderful dog.

Suddenly I heard someone on the stairs call.

I open the door. And you can imagine - my dog ​​is sitting on the platform in front of me.

And some top tenant says to me:

- Oh, what a smart dog you have - she just called herself. She nuzzled the electric bell and called for you to open the door for her.

Zoshchenko: smart monkeys: Smart animals

Story: Very smart monkeys

A very interesting incident happened in the zoological garden.

One man began to tease the monkeys who were sitting in a cage.

He deliberately pulled out a piece of candy from his pocket and handed it to one monkey. She wanted to take it, but the man didn’t give it to her and hid the candy again.

Then he again held out the candy and again didn’t give it to me. And in addition, he hit the monkey on the paw quite hard.

The monkey got angry - why did they hit it? She stuck her paw out of the cage and at one moment grabbed the hat from the man’s head.

And she began to crush this hat, trample it and tear it with her teeth.

So the man started screaming and calling for the watchman. And at that moment another monkey grabbed the man by the jacket from behind and did not let go.

Then the man raised a terrible cry. Firstly, he was scared, secondly, he felt sorry for his hat, and thirdly, he was afraid that the monkey would tear his jacket. And fourthly, he had to go to lunch, but here they wouldn’t let him in.

So he began to scream, and the third monkey stretched out its furry paw from the cage and began to grab him by the hair and nose.

At this point the man was so frightened that he actually screamed in fear.

The watchman came running.

Watchman says:

“Hurry up, take off your jacket and run to the side, otherwise the monkeys will scratch your face or tear off your nose.”

So the man unbuttoned his jacket and instantly jumped out of it.

And the monkey, who was holding him from behind, pulled the jacket into the cage and began to tear it with his teeth. The watchman wants to take this jacket away from her, but she won’t give it back. But then she found candy in her pocket and began to eat it.

Then the other monkeys, seeing the candies, rushed to them and began to eat them too.

Finally, the watchman used a stick to pull the horribly torn hat and torn jacket out of the cage and handed them to the man.

The watchman told him:

“It’s your own fault, why you teased the monkeys.” Also be grateful that they didn’t tear your nose off. Otherwise, without a nose, we’d go to dinner!

So a man put on a torn jacket and a torn and dirty hat and in such a funny manner, to the general laughter of people, he went home to have dinner.

You have read a story for children - Very Smart Monkeys - by Mikhail M Zoshchenko, from the series of children's stories: Smart Animals.

They say that elephants and monkeys are very smart animals. But other animals are not stupid either. Look what smart animals I saw.

1. Smart goose

One goose was walking in the yard and found a dry crust of bread.

So the goose began to peck at this crust with its beak in order to break it and eat it. But the crust was very dry. And the goose could not break it. But the goose didn’t dare swallow the whole crust right away, because it probably wouldn’t be good for the goose’s health.

Then I wanted to break this crust so that it would be easier for the goose to eat. But the goose did not allow me to touch its crust. He probably thought that I wanted to eat it myself.

Then I stepped aside and watched what would happen next.

Suddenly the goose takes this crust with its beak and goes to the puddle.

He puts this crust in the puddle. The crust is made soft in water. And then the goose eats it with pleasure.

It was a smart goose. But the fact that he didn't let me break the crust shows that he wasn't all that smart. Not exactly a fool, but he was still a little behind in his mental development.

2. Smart chicken

One hen was walking in the yard with chickens. She has nine little chicks.

Suddenly a shaggy dog ​​came running from somewhere.

This dog crept up to the chickens and grabbed one.

Then all the other chickens got scared and scattered.

Kura was also very scared at first and ran. But then she looks - what a scandal: the dog is holding her little chicken in its teeth. And he probably dreams of eating it.

Then the chicken boldly ran up to the dog. She jumped up a little and gave the dog a painful peck right in the eye. The dog even opened his mouth in surprise. And she released the chicken. And he immediately ran away quickly. And the dog looked to see who pecked her in the eye. And, seeing the chicken, she became angry and rushed at it. But then the owner ran up, grabbed the dog by the collar and took it away with him.

And the chicken, as if nothing had happened, collected all her chickens, counted them and began to walk around the yard again.

It was a very smart chicken.

3. Stupid thief and smart pig

Our owner had a pig at his dacha. And the owner locked this piglet in the barn at night so that no one would steal it.

But one thief still wanted to steal this pig.

He broke the lock at night and made his way into the barn.

And piglets always squeal very loudly when they are picked up. Therefore, the thief took the blanket with him.

And just as the pig wanted to squeal, the thief quickly wrapped him in a blanket and quietly walked out of the barn with him.

Here is a piglet squealing and floundering in a blanket. But the owners don’t hear his screams because it was a thick blanket. And the thief wrapped the pig very tightly.

Suddenly the thief feels that the pig is no longer moving in the blanket. And he stopped screaming. And lies without any movement.

The thief thinks:

“I may have wrapped the blanket around him really tight. And maybe the poor little pig suffocated there.”

The thief quickly unfolded the blanket to see what was wrong with the piglet, and the piglet jumped out of his hands, squealed, and rushed to the side.

Then the owners came running. The thief was captured.

Thief says:

- Oh, what a pig this cunning piglet is. He probably pretended to be dead on purpose so that I would let him out. Or maybe he fainted from fear.

The owner says to the thief:

- No, my pig didn’t faint, but he deliberately pretended to be dead so that you would untie the blanket. This is a very smart pig, thanks to which we caught the thief.

4. Very smart horse

Besides the goose, chicken and pig, I saw a lot of smart animals. And I’ll tell you about this later.

In the meantime, I need to say a few words about smart horses.

Dogs eat boiled meat. Cats drink milk and eat birds. Cows eat grass. Bulls also eat grass and gore people. Tigers, those cheeky animals, eat raw meat. Monkeys eat nuts and apples. Chickens peck crumbs and various debris.

Tell me, please, what does the horse eat?

The horse eats the same healthy food that children eat.

Horses eat oats. And oats are oatmeal and rolled oats. And children eat oatmeal and rolled oats and thanks to this they become strong, healthy and brave.

No, horses are not stupid for eating oats.

Horses are very smart animals because they eat such a healthy baby food. In addition, horses love sugar, which also shows that they are not stupid.

5. Smart bird

One boy was walking in the forest and found a nest. And in the nest sat tiny naked chicks. And they squeaked. They were probably waiting for their mother to fly in and feed them worms and flies.

The boy was glad that he had found such nice chicks, and wanted to take one to bring him home.

As soon as he extended his hand to the chicks, suddenly some feathered bird fell from the tree like a stone at his feet.

She fell and lies in the grass.

The boy wanted to grab this bird, but it jumped a little, hopped on the ground and ran away to the side.

Then the boy ran after her. “Probably,” he thinks, “this bird hurt its wing, and that’s why it can’t fly.”

As soon as the boy approached this bird, it jumped again, jumped on the ground and again ran away a little.

The boy follows her again. The bird flew up a little and sat down in the grass again.

Then the boy took off his hat and wanted to cover the bird with this hat.

As soon as he ran up to her, she suddenly took off and flew away.

The boy was really angry with this bird. And he quickly went back to take at least one chick.

And suddenly the boy sees that he has lost the place where the nest was, and cannot find it.

Then the boy realized that this bird had deliberately fallen from the tree and was deliberately running on the ground in order to take the boy away from its nest.

So the boy never found the chicks.

He picked a few wild strawberries, ate them and went home.

6. Smart dog

I had a big dog. Her name was Jim.

It was a very expensive dog. It cost three hundred rubles.

And in the summer, when I was living at the dacha, some thieves stole this dog from me. They lured her with meat and took her away with them.

So I searched and searched for this dog and couldn’t find it anywhere.

And then one day I came to the city to my city apartment. And I’m sitting there, grieving that I lost such a wonderful dog.

Suddenly I heard someone on the stairs call.

I open the door. And you can imagine - my dog ​​is sitting in front of me on the platform.

And some top tenant says to me:

- Oh, what a smart dog you have - she just called herself. She nuzzled the electric bell and called for you to open the door for her.

It's a shame that dogs can't talk. Otherwise she would have told who stole it and how she got into the city. The thieves probably brought it by train to Leningrad and wanted to sell it there. But she ran away from them and probably ran through the streets for a long time until she found her familiar house, where she lived in the winter.

Then she climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. She lay at our door. Then she saw that no one opened it for her, so she took it and called.

Oh, I was very happy that my dog ​​was found, I kissed her and bought her a big piece of meat.

7. Relatively smart cat

One housewife left on business and forgot that she had a cat in the kitchen.

And the cat had three kittens that had to be fed all the time.

Our cat got hungry and started looking for something to eat.

And there was no food in the kitchen.

Then the cat went out into the corridor. But she didn’t find anything good in the corridor either.

Then the cat approached one room and felt through the door that there was something pleasant smelling there. And so the cat began to open this door with its paw.

And in this room there lived an aunt who was terribly afraid of thieves.

And here this woman sits by the window, eats pies and trembles with fear. And suddenly she sees that the door to her room is quietly opening.

The aunt, frightened, says:

- Oh, who's there?

But no one answers.

The aunt thought they were thieves, opened the window and jumped out into the yard. And it’s good that she, the fool, lived on the first floor, otherwise she probably would have broken her leg or something. And then she only hurt herself a little and bloodied her nose.

So my aunt ran to call the janitor, and meanwhile our cat opened the door with her paw, found four pies on the window, gobbled them up and went back to the kitchen to her kittens.

The janitor comes with his aunt. And he sees that there is no one in the apartment.

The janitor got angry with the aunt - why did she call him in vain, scolded her and left.

And the aunt sat down by the window and wanted to start making pies again. And suddenly he sees: there are no pies.

The aunt thought that she herself had eaten them and forgot out of fear. And then she went to bed hungry.

And in the morning the owner arrived and began to carefully feed the cat.

8. Very smart monkeys

A very interesting incident happened in the zoological garden.

One man began to tease the monkeys who were sitting in a cage.

He deliberately pulled out a piece of candy from his pocket and handed it to one monkey. She wanted to take it, but the man didn’t give it to her and hid the candy again.

Then he again held out the candy and again didn’t give it to me. And in addition, he hit the monkey on the paw quite hard.

The monkey got angry - why did they hit it? She stuck her paw out of the cage and at one moment grabbed the hat from the man’s head.

And she began to crush this hat, trample it and tear it with her teeth.

So the man started screaming and calling for the watchman. And at that moment another monkey grabbed the man by the jacket from behind and did not let go.

Then the man raised a terrible cry. Firstly, he was scared, secondly, he felt sorry for his hat, and thirdly, he was afraid that the monkey would tear his jacket. And fourthly, he had to go to lunch, but here they wouldn’t let him in.

So he began to scream, and the third monkey stretched out its furry paw from the cage and began to grab him by the hair and nose.

At this point the man was so frightened that he actually screamed in fear.

The watchman came running.

Watchman says:

“Hurry up, take off your jacket and run to the side, otherwise the monkeys will scratch your face or tear off your nose.”

So the man unbuttoned his jacket and instantly jumped out of it.

And the monkey, who was holding him from behind, pulled the jacket into the cage and began to tear it with his teeth. The watchman wants to take this jacket away from her, but she won’t give it back. But then she found candy in her pocket and began to eat it.

Then the other monkeys, seeing the candies, rushed to them and began to eat them too.

Finally, the watchman used a stick to pull the horribly torn hat and torn jacket out of the cage and handed them to the man.

The watchman told him:

“It’s your own fault, why you teased the monkeys.” Also be grateful that they didn’t tear your nose off. Otherwise, without a nose, we’d go to dinner!

So a man put on a torn jacket and a torn and dirty hat and in such a funny manner, to the general laughter of people, he went home to have dinner.

Smart Dog (story)

They say that elephants and monkeys are very smart animals. But other animals are not stupid either.

Look what smart animals I saw.

I had a big dog. Her name was Jim.

It was a very expensive dog. It cost three hundred rubles.

And in the summer, when I was living at the dacha, some thieves stole this dog from me. They lured her with meat and took her away with them.

So I searched and searched for this dog and couldn’t find it anywhere.

And then one day I came to the city to my city apartment. And I’m sitting there, grieving that I lost such a wonderful dog.

Suddenly I heard someone on the stairs call.

I open the door. And you can imagine - my dog ​​is sitting on the platform in front of me.

And some top tenant says to me:

- Oh, what a smart dog you have - she just called herself. She nuzzled the electric bell and called for you to open the door for her.

It's a shame that dogs can't talk.

Otherwise she would have told who stole it and how she got into the city. The thieves probably brought it by train to Leningrad and wanted to sell it there. But she ran away from them and probably ran through the streets for a long time until she found her familiar house, where she lived in the winter.

Then she climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. She lay at our door. Then she saw that no one opened it for her, so she took it and called.

Oh, I was very happy that my dog ​​was found, I kissed her and bought her a big piece of meat.

Story by Mikhail Zoshchenko. Illustrations.