Ultrasound of the urinary system in women. Preparing for an ultrasound of the bladder. Why is it so important to drink plenty of water for echography?

Today, ultrasound examination occupies a leading position in the diagnosis of bladder diseases. The procedure is completely safe and painless, which is why both patients and doctors often prefer it to other methods. Ultrasound of the bladder is the first instrumental examination to which a patient will be sent who has contacted a urologist with complaints of pain in the suprapubic region and urinary disorders.

What is bladder ultrasound: advantages and disadvantages

Ultrasound examination is the visualization of ultrasonic waves reflected from internal organs and tissues with different densities and absorbed by them. Such diagnostics are absolutely harmless, since during the procedure 99.9% of the time the ultrasound sensor operates in receiving mode and only a few seconds it emits radiation.

Ultrasound examination of the bladder is one of the most common diagnostic methods

The good thing about this technique is that it does not require the introduction of any instruments or medications into the body. The study can be carried out on patients of any age: from newborns to the very elderly.

An undoubted advantage in comparison with catheterization of the bladder, radionuclide and urographic methods is the ultrasonic method for calculating the volume of residual urine after spontaneous urination.

Types of access to the bladder for ultrasound examination:

  • Transabdominal - standard ultrasound through the skin of the lower abdomen. This is the simplest and most common method; it is most comfortable for the patient.

    Transabdominal ultrasound is better tolerated by patients than other types

  • Transvaginal - a sensor on which a condom is placed is inserted into the vagina. It is used in women to detail the condition of the genitourinary organs.

    Transvaginal ultrasound allows you to examine in detail not only the bladder, but also the female internal genital organs

  • Transrectal - examination through the rectum. It is more often used in men, but sometimes serves as an alternative to vaginal ultrasound in girls who have not yet had sexual intercourse, but need a detailed examination.

    Transrectal ultrasound of the bladder is most often used in men

  • Transurethral - a special ultra-thin sensor is placed in the urethra. Used when necessary to distinguish diseases of the bladder from pathologies of the urethra or other nearby organs. This method also allows you to examine the neck of the organ in detail. This examination is used very rarely due to its pain and complexity.

    Transurethral ultrasound is becoming a valuable aid in assessing the extent of bladder tumors

The only drawback of the method is the low information content in identifying tumor processes in the bladder. Unfortunately, neoplasms of this organ do not have a specific ultrasound picture. Therefore, their diagnosis is not limited to ultrasound examination and requires in-depth research.

Indications and contraindications for ultrasound examination

Indications for examination of the bladder using ultrasound:

  • suspicion of stones, sand or foreign bodies in the bladder;
  • diverticulosis of the organ walls;
  • acute or chronic inflammatory processes;
  • blood in the urine (micro- or macrohematuria);
  • congenital malformations of the structure and development of the bladder, for example, duplication of the organ;
  • obstruction to the outflow of urine at the vesicoureteral or cervical-urethral junction;
  • cystic formations and tumors;
  • traumatic disruption of the integrity of the bladder.

Quite often, doctors offer women an ultrasound examination with an intravaginal probe, which allows them to assess the condition of not only the bladder, but also the pelvic organs - the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. It is known that cystitis is often combined with gynecological problems. It is not forbidden to do an ultrasound even for pregnant and lactating women.

Ultrasound of the bladder is so safe that it can be performed on pregnant women

Often girls are worried about the possibility of conducting an ultrasound examination of the bladder during menstruation. Doctors believe that menstruation will not affect the results of the examination in any way and is not a hindrance to it, so you can plan the procedure for any day of the cycle.

In the case when a woman is prescribed a transvaginal ultrasound of the bladder, it is naturally better to perform it outside of menstruation, unless there are compelling urgent reasons for diagnosis.

The main problem when performing research on children is ensuring the immobility of the small patient. The child will feel safe if his mother is with him during the examination. Affectionate speech or interesting toys will help the baby remain calm during the procedure.

The main difficulty when performing an ultrasound on a baby will be ensuring the correct position of the baby, as well as the required fullness of his bladder.

The method has almost no contraindications. Only transrectal ultrasound has them, which is done mainly for men to detect the connection between bladder pathologies and prostate diseases. Examination by this method is contraindicated if:

  • hemorrhoids, tumors, fissures and other diseases of the rectum;
  • allergies to the material from which the condom is made, which is placed on the sensor;
  • cicatricial narrowing of the rectum.

During a transrectal examination, the ultrasound probe is located closer to the bladder and prostate gland, which allows you to clearly see tumors and abscesses at an early stage of development, small cysts, suspensions or sand. The diameter of the instrument inserted into the rectum is 0.8–1.4 cm, so the procedure does not cause any pain to the patient. However, this type of ultrasound is psychologically very unpleasant for many men, so they most often ask for only an abdominal ultrasound examination.

Patients should be aware that ultrasound through the abdominal wall can be difficult or even impossible if the patient is obese, with injuries to the skin of the suprapubic abdominal area and with severe urinary incontinence or cystitis, when the patient is unable to accumulate a sufficient volume of urine in the bladder.

Preparing for an ultrasound examination of the bladder

An ultrasound examination will give the doctor maximum information if the bladder is full. To do this, you need to either drink 1–1.5 liters of still water (tea, compote, juice) in small portions an hour and a half before the procedure, or not urinate for several hours in order to experience a natural urge to urinate before the start of the study. If the need to empty the bladder ahead of time is unbearable, then to relieve the tension of the locking sphincters, it is allowed to partially release urine from it. But shortly before the procedure, you should drink a little liquid again to fill the organ with urine.

You can eat on the day of the ultrasound. However, before performing a transrectal examination, care must be taken to ensure that the lower intestine is empty. On the eve of the procedure, it is necessary to avoid eating food that causes increased gas formation in the digestive tract, since flatulence may interfere with the examination. These are the following products:

  • peas and beans;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bakery products;
  • milk;
  • beer.

You can take activated charcoal during the day before the ultrasound to reduce fermentation in the intestines.

Video: how to prepare for an ultrasound of the bladder

How is ultrasound performed?

By the time a classic (transabdominal) examination is performed, there must be at least 150–200 ml of urine in the bladder of an adult (at the same time the patient experiences the first urge to urinate), otherwise the examination will not be possible. An ultrasound is performed with the patient lying on his back with the lower abdomen exposed. To ensure close contact of the sensor with the skin, the healthcare worker applies a special gel to it and, moving the device over the suprapubic area, performs an examination. If necessary, the ultrasound specialist will ask the patient to turn onto his stomach or side.

Looking at the monitor, the diagnostician dictates the readings to the nurse, and she writes them down in the patient’s chart. During the study, several ultrasound echograms of the bladder are taken in anteroposterior and lateral projections, which are attached to a description of the condition of the organ.

Then the patient gets up, goes to the toilet and empties the bladder, after which the ultrasound procedure is repeated. Using this method, you can find out whether there is urine left in the organ after urination, and if so, how much (calculate the volume of residual urine). This value is one of the mandatory indicators for making a correct diagnosis for many urological disorders accompanied by obstruction (blockage) of the urinary tract.

If you need to determine the fullness and intensity of the blood supply to the bladder, then in addition to a simple ultrasound, Doppler sonography is performed, during which a color scanogram is taken.

Doppler ultrasound images show color images of the blood vessels of bladder tumors

Other types of ultrasound examination are performed in exactly the same way, differing from the transabdominal one only in the way the sensor is inserted (into the vagina, into the rectum or into the urethra). The result of the study - a description along with all the photographs - is given to the patient for further interpretation by the attending physician.

Decoding the results

Based on the results of the examination, the attending physician assesses the condition of the bladder and makes a final diagnosis.

Normal indicators

Normally, this organ on transverse and longitudinal photographs looks like an echo-negative symmetrical formation of a round shape and with clear contours. It should not contain any foreign echo structures (inclusions).

A normal bladder on ultrasound images is symmetrical and does not have any foreign inclusions

The wall of a healthy bladder has a thickness not exceeding 4–5 mm. If this value is greater, then this indicates an inflammatory process or hypertrophy of the detrusor (the muscle that pushes urine out). Uneven contours of the organ indicate a neurogenic bladder. Based on the results of ultrasound, it is assessed whether the physiological volume of the bladder is normal.

By physiological we mean the volume of the organ, calculated during an ultrasound examination of the patient at the time of the first urge to urinate. In adults, it appears when there is about 200 ml of urine in the bladder, and in children it is calculated using the formula: 146 + 6.1 * child’s age.

Video: what a healthy bladder looks like on ultrasound

Normally, the empty bladder does not contain residual urine. Its presence may be a sign of prostate adenoma or some other obstruction to the outflow of urine at the level of the bladder neck or urethra. In a healthy person, the rate of movement of urinary fluid is about 13 cm per second.

The presence of residual urine in the bladder after urination is an alarming symptom indicating a prostate adenoma or another disturbance in the outflow of urine

Bladder stones

Such a study is very informative for stones in the bladder. Urolithiasis is diagnosed by ultrasound in almost all cases. Stones measuring 4 mm or more appear on the echogram as a dense formation with a shadow behind it in the lumen of the organ. An important diagnostic indicator is the displacement of the stone when the patient turns over from his back to his stomach or side. Based on this, it is possible to differentiate a calculus from a tumor.

Unlike a tumor, a bladder stone moves when the patient’s body position changes


Diverticula are pocket-like protrusions of the bladder wall. They are also characterized by a specific ultrasound picture.

This is what different types of diverticula look like on an ultrasound scan:


A defect of the ureter, represented by a cyst-like protrusion of its wall into the lumen of the bladder, is called ureterocele. It can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. On ultrasound, a ureterocele looks like an anechoic round formation in the cavity of the bladder, which alternately increases and decreases depending on the release of urine into the organ.

Ultrasound in the projection of the orifice of the ureter reveals an anechoic cyst-like round inclusion - ureterocele, which either decreases or increases depending on the ureteral discharge

Video: ureterocele of the bladder on ultrasound


In case of mechanical violations of the integrity of the bladder, ultrasound can visualize the flow of urine and blood into the peri-vesical space in case of extraperitoneal injuries or into the abdominal cavity in case of intraperitoneal injuries. The first of these injuries are ruptures of the organ along its anterior or anterolateral wall, and the second - along the posterior or upper wall.

Ultrasound acts as the main method of monitoring during surgery when providing assistance to a victim with a ruptured bladder.

On the ultrasound image, the arrow indicates the accumulation of urine in the peri-vesical tissue due to extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder


The presence of echogenic fine suspensions in the bladder may be a sign of cystitis or crystallization of urine, which is a harbinger of urolithiasis. Flakes and sediment indicate inflammation. Sand from salt particles can form directly in this organ due to a violation of the outflow of urine from it, or go down there from the upper urinary tract.

The presence of suspensions, flakes and sediment on the ultrasound picture of the bladder may indicate cystitis

Blood in the bladder may also appear suspended. A patient whose ultrasound has detected foreign small inclusions in the organ in question is sent to the laboratory for urine tests to determine their composition and concentration.

With gross hematuria, fine suspensions may be observed in the bladder

Video: suspensions visible on ultrasound in the bladder with cystitis


Ultrasound examination is not decisive in identifying bladder tumors. When the tumor grows into the muscle layer, a violation of the symmetry of the organ is observed. On echograms, such a neoplasm has a clear, uneven surface and a wide base. In especially severe cases, it grows beyond the wall of the bladder. The degree of organ deformation depends on the size and stage of the tumor. As the tumor grows, a defect in the filling of the bladder becomes noticeable on the echogram.

In the presence of formations that do not grow into the muscular wall of the organ, it is symmetrical, without residual urine and with smooth contours. Such tumors are visualized as a clearly defined volumetric inclusion, often with a thin stalk.

Photo gallery: types of bladder tumors on ultrasound sonograms

On the left is a pedunculated papilloma of the bladder, on the right is a papilloma with uneven edges This is what bladder neck cancer looks like on an ultrasonogram with lateral (a) and anterior (b) ultrasound scanning The sonogram on the left shows cancer of the right wall of the bladder with germination of all its layers; on the right - malignant tumors of the anterior and posterior walls on the lateral section A clearly defined mass formation with slight echogenicity is visible on the posterior wall of the bladder

This is a test that should be done prophylactically at least every three years (preferably several times a year). This procedure allows you to assess the condition of internal organs, recognize even minor disorders and changes in their structure. Find out why you need to prepare for an ultrasound and kidneys, and how an ultrasound examination of the peritoneum is performed.

What organs does ultrasound examination of the peritoneum diagnose?

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity can detect abnormalities and changes in the structure of organs, as well as diagnose the presence of excess fluid in the peritoneum. Organs that can be studied through ultrasound examination of the peritoneal area are:

  • kidneys;
  • bladder;
  • liver;
  • prostate;
  • spleen;
  • aorta and other large vessels;
  • uterus and appendages;
  • bladder;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder.

Ultrasound of the peritoneum: indications for performing

The indication for this study is any painful symptoms in the peritoneal cavity. The doctor may prescribe this examination for you if he suspects you have stones in the liver, adrenal glands, bile ducts, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, large vessels of the abdominal cavity, pelvic organs, also the bladder, in women - reproductive organs, and in men - prostate gland.

Symptoms that should force you to perform an ultrasound examination of internal organs are:

  • acute or chronic abdominal pain;
  • palpation of formations in the peritoneal cavity;
  • change in abdominal circumference;
  • vomiting and/or diarrhea that accompanies you for a long time;
  • bleeding from the intestinal tract or stomach, urinary and genital tracts;
  • difficulty urinating and defecating;
  • body weight loss;
  • fever of unknown cause;
  • abdominal injury.

Ultrasound of the peritoneum: preparation for the study

If you have a referral for this study, then kidney disease means eliminating certain foods. A few days before the test, you should limit your consumption of foods that cause excessive gas formation, because they can distort the resulting ultrasound image. On the day of the examination, it is better to come on an empty stomach. If you go for an ultrasound after lunch, eat an easily digestible breakfast.

You should not smoke immediately before the test because smoke may distort the images. An hour or an hour and a half before entering the diagnostic doctor’s office, drink still mineral water or tea (1 liter), since a full bladder is required during the examination (you should feel the urge). Improper preparation for and kidneys can lead to distorted results. In this case, the doctor may reschedule the test for another day.

Factors influencing ultrasound of the peritoneal area

Preparation for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys includes taking laxatives the day before the diagnosis. For the study to be plausible, doctors recommend cleansing the intestines and getting rid of flatulence using medications available in pharmacies. This makes the research easier.

Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys in adults implies that the patient must fulfill certain conditions so that the image of the organs obtained on the monitor screen is readable. If food, liquid and gas accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, then some organs, as a rule, cannot be visualized.

Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, and bladder includes using fluid as an acoustic window. You should also keep in mind that you need to drink slowly so as not to swallow too much air, since the space it creates makes it difficult to read the image from the device screen.

Ultrasound of the peritoneum during pregnancy

Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys in pregnant women does not differ from the preparation of the rest of the category of patients. The recommendations are, accordingly, the same. On the eve of the examination, you should not eat raw fruits and vegetables, especially legumes. Avoid heavy meals. Eat in small portions. You should not eat anything 6 hours before the test. If performed in the morning, it is better to come on an empty stomach. If the research time falls on lunch time or after it, you can have a light snack.

Ultrasound of the peritoneal cavity in children

Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys in children, as a rule, depends on the age of the little patient. When a child is under 3 years of age, no special preparation is required for diagnosis. If you need to feed your baby during the study, make sure you have a bottle of still water on hand.

To examine the age category of children from 3 to 10 years, the following conditions must be met:

  • if possible, do not urinate before the examination;
  • do not give your child food several hours before the ultrasound;
  • the day before the test and on the day of the procedure, you can give the child a capsule of a product that has the effect of removing intestinal gases.

For children over 10 years of age, on the day preceding the study:

  • Avoid foods that cause excess gas, such as carbonated drinks, fresh vegetables and fruits, bran, oatmeal, cream or fresh bread.
  • In patients with a tendency to flatulence, it is necessary to use a maximum of 3 times, after meals, 2 capsules of a product that reduces gas formation.

On the day of the study you must:

How is the research conducted?

As mentioned above, a very important factor for conducting high-quality diagnostics is preparation for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys. The procedure algorithm is as follows:

Upon entering the ultrasound room, the patient undresses, bares his stomach and lies down on a couch located next to the ultrasound machine. Sometimes during the examination there is also a need to change position (from the back to the side), since the kidneys are better visualized from a certain angle. The doctor then coats the skin and head of the transducer with a conductive gel, which prevents ultrasound waves from being reflected from the surface of the peritoneum.

During the examination, the patient must listen to the doctor's commands, which usually relate to the depth of diaphragmatic breathing. An ultrasound examination can last from 5 minutes to an hour, depending on the organ being diagnosed.

What does the research result include?

The description of each study must contain: the date, name, surname and age of the patient, the name of the equipment used for the study, and then the results of the diagnosis and conclusions.

A description of the study results provides information about all organs of the peritoneal cavity (liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, spleen, kidneys, large vessels, bladder). During an ultrasound examination, each organ is always assessed, and together a comprehensive assessment of all internal organs as a whole should be made.

Ultrasound of the bladder (UB) is a painless, non-invasive, informative examination method. That is why they resort to it if any pathology associated with this organ is suspected. Preparation for an ultrasound examination of the bladder is almost the most important component in the examination. Together with the study of MP, visualization of the kidneys and urinary ducts is mandatory. The MP is, in a sense, a window through which visualization of the prostate gland can be done.


Indications for the study

  • Pain in the pelvic area.
  • Rare or, conversely, frequent urination.
  • Recurrent cystitis in adults.
  • Acute infection in children.
  • The appearance of blood in the urine.
  • Urinary retention.
  • Education.
  • Suspicion of prostate pathology (applies to men).
  • Suspicion of cancer.
  • Any kidney diseases (will allow you to make a complex diagnosis).

Preparing for the study

If the patient is not properly prepared, the doctor will not be able to conduct the examination correctly. The bladder is a hollow organ; it collapses when unfilled, and it will be simply impossible to see anything or measure it on an ultrasound. Follow the directions of the doctor who is referring you for the procedure. A specialist may refer you for an ultrasound of the kidneys, since these two organs are closely related.

Training for adults

1.5 hours before ultrasound of the bladder you need to drink up to 1 liter of water

The purpose of training for both women and men is to fill the MP. To do this, you need to urinate an hour and a half before the ultrasound, and then gradually drink a liter of water (on average, 4–5 glasses). If the urge to urinate occurs, they do not void, but wait for the examination. Due to the fact that the journey to the clinic or hospital where an ultrasound is scheduled can take more than an hour, and there is quite a possibility of a queue there, and you will not be seen quickly, many people take water with them and drink it while waiting in line to see the doctor. Preparation for an ultrasound of the bladder in women and men is fundamentally no different.

Preparation for children

Preparing children is complicated due to the fact that it is difficult for a child to drink just water; children often refuse to do this. We need to explain to him what this is for. One and a half to two hours before the examination, the child must urinate. Instead of water, you can give him tea or compote, but in no case milk or carbonated water (these drinks cause gas formation, which will later make it difficult for the ultrasound doctor to visualize the bladder). How much water should I give my child before an ultrasound? The amount of liquid a child should drink is 5-10 ml per kilogram of his weight. It is not necessary to feed newborns. Children under two years old should be given at least half a glass to drink (from a pacifier), from three to seven years old - a glass, from seven to eleven years old - one and a half glasses, and teenagers - a full two.

General points

When preparing, you need to maintain a balance, because if you don’t drink enough water, you won’t be able to fill your bladder, and the doctor won’t be able to adequately assess the parameters needed during the study. If, on the contrary, you drink too much, then the doctor will diagnose a pathology that actually does not exist (dilation of the renal pelvis or residual urine) or you simply will not wait until the examination. If you suffer from bloating, then two days before the test, remove milk, cabbage, citrus fruits, nuts, bread and bakery products, and onions from your diet.

It is necessary to prepare for an ultrasound of the bladder, otherwise the results of the study will be distorted! The success of the ultrasound depends on how much water you drink! Pay due attention to preparing for the procedure.

How is the research going?

The patient usually lies on his back, however, sometimes the doctor needs to turn him into an inclined position. The patient should be relaxed and breathe calmly. The doctor applies a gel to the lower abdomen and begins the examination. After examining the bladder in a full state, the patient should urinate and then the doctor will examine the empty bladder. On average, the procedure is quick (takes 15 to 20 minutes). In addition to the bladder itself, the doctor scans the kidneys and ureters. Ultrasound can be both external and internal. Internal ultrasound is performed for special indications, so your doctor will inform you about this before ordering the study.

Ultrasound examination of the bladder

What might be the results?

A doctor filled with MP sees an anechoic formation emerging from the pelvis. The norm is when the internal contour of the organ is smooth and the cross sections are symmetrical. The wall thickness is individual, depending on the fullness, but it should be the same throughout. The wall thickness when filled is about 4 mm. After the examination, the patient needs to urinate. The norm is when there is no residue; if there is residual urine, then its volume should be measured. After examining the bladder, the kidneys and ureters are visualized.

Diseases of the bladder and its structures detected by ultrasound

Ultrasound shows the following signs that play a role in determining pathology and making a diagnosis:

  • Changes in wall thickness.
  • Detection of trabecularity.
  • Asymmetry.
  • Presence of internal cysts.
  • Tumor structures in the bladder cavity or at its base.

Bladder tumor

A very thick trabecular wall is determined by:

  1. External obstruction by the posterior urethral valve or in the presence of a urogenital diaphragm in children.
  2. Neurogenic MP (accompanied by ureterohydronephrosis).

Urination disorder

Local wall thickening is checked especially carefully in order to exclude cancer.

Causes of local thickening:

Echogenic formations associated with the wall:

  • Stones “soldered” to the mucosa.
  • Cyst "urethrocele".
  • Polyp on a leg.
  • Prostate enlargement in men.
  • Enlarged uterus in women.

Mobile echogenic formations in the cavity:

  • Stones.
  • Foreign bodies.
  • Thrombus (blood clot).
  • Air.

An enlarged or overstretched MP shows:

Normal and enlarged prostate

  • Strictures or stones of the urethra in men.
  • Trauma to the urethra in women.

Small MP:

  • Cystitis (because of this, the patient cannot hold urine for a long time).
  • Damage or fibrosis of the wall (bladder volume decreases).
  • Cancer. Radiation therapy and surgical treatment.
  • A rare infiltrating cancer. This cancer makes the bladder asymmetrical, which can be seen on ultrasound.

Availability of the study

An ultrasound costs from 700 to 900 rubles, depending on the clinic and the city where you live. The price may seem high to many patients, but ultrasound detects so many diseases that this method is simply irreplaceable if you want to have a healthy bladder. If an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys was prescribed to you by the attending physician of the budget clinic to which you are attached, then the examination will be done free of charge. Today, an ultrasound machine is available in every medical institution. It is more logical to conduct the study in conjunction with ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract, because this will allow us to evaluate the pathology of the excretory system, as well as the prostate gland in men as a whole.

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Ultrasound of the bladder in women: how to prepare

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the bladder in women

Ultrasound of the bladder is considered a classic examination method. The procedure is used to identify pathologies and anomalies of the genitourinary system. It is worth noting that ultrasound is a highly informative diagnostic method. This examination method is also required to monitor the prescribed treatment and evaluate its effectiveness. The main advantage of ultrasound is the ability to detect the slightest changes in the pelvic organs.

When is an ultrasound performed?

The procedure has no contraindications: it is 100% safe. It can be prescribed to pregnant women and very young children. Ultrasound of the bladder is indicated for various ailments:

  • If the doctor suspects cystitis, he prescribes a comprehensive diagnosis (a gynecological examination is required). Ultrasound can detect cystitis at an early stage. This pathology is common among women, but men are also susceptible to it.
  • Ultrasound of the bladder in women is prescribed to analyze the effectiveness of therapy (for example, in acute or chronic cystitis).
  • If blood clots are detected in the urine, you should contact a gynecologist and nephrologist. Specialists will prescribe an ultrasound. Drops of blood in urine may indicate the development of cystitis and urolithiasis. Ultrasound allows you to identify the cause of a specific pathology. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor will determine the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.
  • An ultrasound of the bladder is indicated if the doctor suspects a tumor in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • This examination method allows you to identify the causes of incomplete emptying of the bladder. A woman may go to the toilet frequently, but she will feel as if her bladder has not removed all the urine.

Types of ultrasound

There are several types of pelvic ultrasound:

  • Abdominal ultrasound. During the procedure, the doctor determines the condition of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity.
  • Internal ultrasound, you need to insert a sensor into the urethra.
  • A transvaginal examination involves inserting a probe through the vagina. This procedure is recognized as one of the most effective. Transvaginal ultrasound can detect abnormalities in the uterus and ovaries.
  • If the outflow of urine is disrupted, the doctor advises performing an ultrasound. As a result of the procedure, the amount of residual urine is determined. Two procedures are required. First, the organs of the genitourinary system are examined with a full bladder. Then the diagnosis is carried out on an empty bladder. Normally, the amount of residual urine does not exceed 50 ml.

Preparing for the examination

If the bladder is full, the doctor is able to display the highest quality image on the screen. To identify inflammatory pathologies, it is necessary to analyze how the volume and size of organs has changed. Based on the changes, one can judge the disease. So, in order to more accurately determine what the patient is sick with, you should:

  1. 60 minutes before the start of the procedure you need to drink 1.5 liters of water (it should not be carbonated). You can drink compote, clarified apple juice. Some women increase the amount of fluid they consume: it all depends on the characteristics of the body.
  2. If you know that the ultrasound is scheduled for a specific time, you need to wait to urinate: the bladder will fill naturally. You may need to take diuretics, drugs with a diuretic effect.
  3. If you can't stand it, try to empty your bladder halfway. However, not everyone copes with this task. If you have completely emptied your bladder, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water.
  4. Before performing a rectal ultrasound, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines: if necessary, the doctor prescribes laxatives.
  5. 2 days before an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys, you need to avoid foods that contribute to gas formation.
  6. It is worth excluding dairy dishes from the diet; I eat with the addition of peas, beans, and corn.
  7. Porridges and salads with white cabbage are not recommended.
  8. 7 days before the ultrasound, you should give up alcohol.
  9. 3 days before the procedure you need to stop smoking.

Interpretation of ultrasound

The interpretation is carried out by a urologist or specialist who performed the diagnostic procedure. Doctors compare the results obtained with the norm. Symptoms that worry a woman are taken into account:

  • The bladder has a symmetrical outline: if the organ is healthy, its contours are smooth. Normally, the bladder should not have too thick walls: the approximate thickness is 0.4 cm. Accordingly, if the indicators deviate from the norm, pathology can be judged.
  • If the amount of residual urine exceeds 50 ml, inflammation of the bladder, tumor formation, or urolithiasis can be assumed.
  • The presence of cystitis is indicated by sediment in the bladder. Up to a certain point, the walls of the bladder remain normal, then they can become thicker. If acute cystitis begins to progress, the walls of the bladder thicken and the contours become uneven.
  • Ultrasound can detect chronic cystitis. With this pathology, the doctor sees not only thickening of the walls of the bladder, but also a characteristic sediment. Blood clots adhere to the surface of the mucous membrane.

As we have already said, ultrasound is a safe, highly informative procedure. When the doctor conducts the examination, the patient should be in a calm position. If you get nervous and turn from side to side, the results may be unreliable.

You can also learn about preparing for an ultrasound of the bladder from this video.


Ultrasound of the bladder

Ultrasound examination (US) of the bladder is widely used in the diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system. This examination method is quite informative, has no contraindications and is completely safe, therefore it is allowed for use even in children.

Types of ultrasound diagnostics of the bladder

There are several ways to perform an ultrasound examination of the bladder. The choice of method is determined by the attending physician depending on the preliminary diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the bladder

this is the most popular way. It is suitable for both men, women (including pregnant women), and children.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the bladder is performed through the anterior abdominal wall using an external probe.

A mandatory requirement for conducting an examination using this method is a full bladder. Diagnostics allows you to assess the condition of the bladder as a whole: determine its shape, size, location, structure and the presence of pathologies.

Transrectal ultrasound of the bladder (TRUS)

performed through the rectum for women with an intact hymen, patients who have contraindications for transabdominal ultrasound and men (to identify the connection between prostate disease and the condition of the bladder). A special rectal sensor is used for the study;

Transvaginal ultrasound of the bladder (TVUS)

It is considered by many experts to be the most informative diagnostic method due to the absence of a layer of fatty tissue between the vagina and bladder.

In addition, TVUS is used as an alternative method (if there are contraindications to transabdominal ultrasound) and is performed on an empty bladder using a vaginal probe;

Transurethral ultrasound of the bladder (TUUS)

a type of diagnosis in which a sensor is inserted into the urethra to identify the connection between the pathology of the bladder and urethra.

Using TUUS, specialists determine the degree of damage to the urethra and surrounding tissues. This method is highly informative, but rarely used, as it requires special drug preparation of the patient (use of anesthesia). In addition, during transurethral ultrasound there is a risk of damaging the urethra.

Indications for ultrasound of the bladder

Which doctor prescribes the test and why?

A urologist usually prescribes an ultrasound of the bladder as part of a comprehensive examination of the pelvic organs. Indications for diagnosis are:

  • frequent and/or painful urination;
  • various impurities in the urine (sediment, blood);
  • acute urinary retention;
  • suspicion of urolithiasis;
  • sharp nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Real-time ultrasound imaging is used in the following surgical procedures:

  • removal of bladder tumors;
  • cystolithotomy (crushing and removal of stones);
  • transurethral resection of the prostate (endoscopic removal of adenoma through the bladder);
  • surgical intervention on the ureters and urethra.

For bladder tumors, ultrasound is performed dynamically before and after treatment. Also, regular ultrasound examination is necessary to detect metastases in the bladder due to cancerous lesions of neighboring organs (uterus, prostate, kidneys).

Ultrasound of the bladder plays an important role in the differential diagnosis of other diseases that are clinically similar to pathology of the urinary tract, for example:


Contraindications to ultrasound of the bladder depend on the method of diagnosis.

Transabdominal method (through the abdominal wall):

  • urinary incontinence (ultrasound is performed only on a full bladder);
  • excess weight (a thick subcutaneous fat layer makes scanning difficult and reduces the diagnostic information);
  • skin lesions in the lower abdomen (pyoderma, herpes, wounds, burns, infectious lesions due to syphilis and HIV);
  • bladder defects (sutures and scars on the bladder wall).

Transrectal method (through the rectum):

  • inflammatory bowel diseases in the acute stage (fissures, hemorrhoids, dysentery, Crohn's disease, etc.);
  • absence of the rectum (as a result of surgery and replacement of this organ with an artificial anostomy to remove feces);
  • narrowing (stricture) and obstruction of the rectum;
  • intolerance to latex (medical rubber).

Transvaginal method (through the vagina):

  • allergy to latex;
  • the presence of a hymen;
  • pregnancy more than 12 weeks;
  • genital infections.

Transurethral method (through the urethra)

  • intolerance to medicinal painkillers;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urethra.

Preparing for an ultrasound

Preparation for a bladder ultrasound also varies depending on the method of examination.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the bladder is performed with a full bladder and empty bowel.

Bladder preparation:

  • 2-3 hours before the procedure you need to drink about 1 liter of liquid and not urinate. Immediately before the test, the patient is given a diuretic tablet to speed up the formation of urine by the kidneys.

Bowel preparation:

  • for 1-2 days before the examination, people suffering from flatulence and constipation must follow a diet that limits foods that stimulate gas formation in the intestines (raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, dairy products, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, sweet baked goods and black bread);
  • on the eve of the procedure, the intestines need to be cleansed by administering microenemas or glycerin suppositories;
  • To reduce the amount of gases, you can take activated carbon.

Preparation for transrectal ultrasound of the bladder involves emptying the rectum, which is carried out on the eve of the procedure by taking laxatives, administering a glycerin suppository or a cleansing enema.

Transvaginal ultrasound of the bladder does not require filling it and can be performed on any day of the menstrual cycle. The only recommendation for this type of study is that the intestines be cleared of feces and gases (in order to increase information content).

Transurethral ultrasound of the bladder is performed under local anesthesia, therefore, in order to avoid negative reactions of the body to the drug, you should:

  • during the day before the procedure, completely eliminate alcohol intake, since its interaction with medications is unpredictable;
  • on the day of the examination, in the morning, limit yourself to a light breakfast and do not smoke 1-2 hours before the ultrasound, because food and nicotine against the background of the action of the anesthetic can cause nausea;
  • inform the doctor about the presence of cardiovascular and renal pathologies, diseases of the respiratory system, allergies to medications, alcohol abuse, and constant use of vital medications.

Note: filling the bladder is not required only in one case - when performing a transvaginal ultrasound in women. For all other research methods, the bubble must be full.


The most common of all types of bladder ultrasound is the transabdominal (external) method. The doctor treats the head of the sensor with a special gel (to improve the transmission of ultrasonic waves) and scans the abdominal area above the pubis and below the navel. Other methods are used to clarify the results of an external examination.

In any case, the diagnostic method is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the gender and individual characteristics of the patient, age, diagnosis, concomitant diseases and other factors.

Ultrasound of the bladder in women

In women, an ultrasound of the bladder can also be performed transvaginally or transrectally (for virgins) in which the condition of the uterus and its appendages is additionally examined.

These types of studies allow us to obtain the most complete picture of the condition of the female genitourinary organs.

Ultrasound of the bladder in men

In addition to standard external ultrasound in men, pathologies of the bladder and prostate can be diagnosed using the transrectal method. If there is a suspicion of problems with the prostate, then during an ultrasound of the bladder in men, residual urine is calculated. For this procedure, the patient is asked to urinate and then undergoes an examination that measures the remaining amount of fluid in the bladder.

Transurethral ultrasound is performed equally for both men and women.

Ultrasound of the bladder in a child

For children, ultrasound diagnostics are performed only transabdominally. The procedure is no different from an adult ultrasound.

Ultrasound of the bladder during pregnancy

Pregnant women up to 12 weeks can be examined using ultrasound using the vaginal and rectal method. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound is performed only transabdominally.

Ultrasound results

The bladder is a hollow muscular organ that can be easily diagnosed by ultrasound if it is full.

The main parameters of the bladder, which carry important information for specialists, are:

  • form;
  • size (volume);
  • structure;
  • wall thickness and smoothness;
  • degree of filling and emptying;
  • the nature of the contents of the bubble;
  • amount of residual urine.

Decoding these indicators allows the doctor to assess the condition of the bladder and, with a careful analysis of the clinical picture, make the correct diagnosis.

Norms for ultrasound of the bladder

  • depends on the level of its fullness and the condition of the surrounding organs. On transverse photographs it is a round organ, on longitudinal photographs it is ovoid. The contours of the bubble are clear and even. In women, the shape of the bladder is influenced by the presence of pregnancy and the number of births. Unlike the male bladder, the female one is more compressed at the top and expanded at the sides. These factors must be taken into account when interpreting the ultrasound.


  • Normally echo negative. The older the patient, the higher the echogenicity (due to chronic inflammatory diseases).
  • the average bladder capacity in women is 250-550 ml,
  • for men – 350-750 ml.

Bladder walls

  • they should be the same thickness over the entire surface: from 2 to 4 mm (depending on the degree of fullness). If local thickening/thinning of the wall is observed in one or more areas, then this phenomenon is considered a pathology.

Residual urine

  • It is mandatory to measure it during ultrasound of the bladder. Normally, the amount of residual urine should not be more than 50 ml.

Interpretation of an ultrasound of the bladder can reveal serious pathologies, the treatment of which should be immediate:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • neoplasms, including cancerous tumors;
  • stones in the bladder (urolithiasis);
  • presence of foreign bodies;
  • various vascular pathologies;
  • vesicoureteral reflux (backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureters);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • congenital anomalies of bladder development in children and acquired ones in adults;
  • hyperactivity (increased functionality) of the bladder;
  • enuresis (urinary incontinence);
  • diverticula of the bladder (protrusion of the wall with the formation of a sac-like reservoir for urine).

Where is an ultrasound of the bladder performed?

You can undergo a bladder diagnosis using ultrasound examination in any medical institution, but it is best to go to a specialized one that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases.


Ultrasound of the bladder: indications, contraindications, how it is done

Home » Ultrasound of the genitourinary system »

In addition to examining the internal organs of the genitourinary area, a specialist doctor can perform a procedure that will show the amount of residual urine in the bladder. A similar procedure is performed on the male population to clarify the condition of the prostate.

Such questions inevitably arise in a person when the attending physician refers him to an ultrasound scan of the bladder.

Training for women

How to prepare for an ultrasound examination of the genitourinary area for women? What is the norm for such a study will be written below.

The main requirement of the specialist who conducts this examination is the complete filling of this organ. Therefore, if such a procedure is scheduled for the morning, then it is better for the woman not to go to the toilet after getting out of bed.

If the patient is not able to endure that much, then 60–90 minutes before the start of the examination she needs to drink about 1500–2000 ml of water, compote, or any still drink. You can also get up to go to the toilet around 4 a.m. and then not empty your bladder until the end of the examination.

Very often, an ultrasound of the bladder in women is performed through the vagina. In this case, before the procedure, you should toilet the intimate area. This type of ultrasound is most often performed in cases where it is necessary to examine various organs of the genitourinary area.

If you are prone to flatulence, and in order to avoid the occurrence of excess gases in the digestive tract, a day or two before an ultrasound scan of the urinary system, you should not eat foods that can cause increased gas formation. Also, you should not drink any water with gases: mineral water, lemonade, etc.

Training for men

Preparing men for an ultrasound of the bladder is not much different from preparing women. One of the requirements for the male part of the population is that the bladder be full. In this case, men need to prepare in the same way as women.

However, there are cases when it is problematic to check this organ using an abdominal ultrasound using an abdominal method (due to cirrhosis of the liver, the presence of a tumor in the abdominal cavity, etc.). Then such an examination is carried out through the anus, about which the patient is warned in advance by the attending physician.

In this case, in the evening, the day before the ultrasound of the bladder, it is necessary to clear the intestines of feces. Here you can simply drink any laxative 4 – 5 hours before bedtime. And in the morning, a mandatory procedure will be an enema, which will finally cleanse the intestines. And if this examination is carried out in the morning, then breakfast should be cancelled.

Usually, along with a bladder check, men undergo a prostate examination to determine the level of residual urine. There is no need to prepare in advance for this procedure.

How is an ultrasound of the bladder performed?

  1. Typically, a similar procedure is performed from the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. This type of procedure causes the least inconvenience to the patient.
  2. Also, such an ultrasound can be performed through the urinary canal.
  3. In some cases, it is necessary to examine the organ through the anus.

The first method of examination is most often performed. And the rest are done either to clarify the diagnosis, which was shown by an abdominal examination, or if the first method cannot be applied (due to a malignant tumor in the abdominal cavity or for other indications).

In women, this examination can be performed through the vagina. In this case, all organs of the genitourinary system are examined, and not just the full bladder.

The type of examination is indicated in the direction of the attending doctor. Typically, an ultrasound scan of the bladder is performed in a lying position (on the side or on the back). Sometimes the patient needs to stand up so that the specialist can better examine the organ to see if there are any pathologies in it.

Usually, women undergo an ultrasound of the genitourinary area immediately in order to immediately check all these internal organs and diagnose (or exclude) a number of diseases that can develop there asymptomatically.

In men, in addition to the bladder, it is often necessary to check the prostate gland. It is this organ that begins to malfunction in mature men (and often in young people). Therefore, it is so important to diagnose diseases of this gland in a timely manner.

Typically, such an ultrasound is performed in men to determine the amount of residual urine. To do this, the man is sent to empty his bladder, and then they check how much fluid is left in this organ.

There are no other differences in performing ultrasound of this organ between the male and female parts of the population.


Typically, this procedure is prescribed for those patients who complain of:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the urge to empty the bladder occurs too often;
  • possible presence of kidney stones;
  • blood clots are found in the urine;
  • urination is difficult;
  • the likelihood of developing cystitis, etc.

In women, the internal organs of the genitourinary tract are additionally examined, and in men, the prostate gland and, in particular, the prostate are examined.


It is very difficult to carry out such an examination for those patients who suffer from urinary incontinence - after all, this procedure must be carried out with a full organ. This may be a partial contraindication to the procedure.

It is also difficult to conduct such a study for those patients who suffer from extra pounds. In this case, part of the abdomen must be moved away from the sensor in order to obtain the most reliable image of the bladder.


The ultrasound of the bladder is interpreted by the same specialist who does it.

Typically the following indicators should be normal:

  • The shape of this organ should be round in transverse photographs, and egg-shaped in longitudinal photographs. Its contours should normally have clear and even outlines.
  • The echogenicity of the bladder structure depends on the age of the patient. The older generation most often has chronic diseases that increase this indicator.

Average volume:

  • In women it ranges from 300 to 550 ml
  • For men – from 350 to 750 ml
  • The thickness of the walls of this organ should be about 3 mm (if there are thickenings, then this is already a sign of the disease)
  • The amount of residual urine is normally no more than 50 ml

Deciphering this examination very often reveals serious changes that need to be treated urgently in order to prevent the development of a chronic form of the disease.


Ultrasound examination of the bladder in women

Ultrasound of a woman's bladder

This diagnostic is used when examining the genitourinary system in people of all ages.

It can be prescribed to newborns and the elderly.

The ultrasound procedure of this organ has many indications for examination; there are no contraindications. But it requires preparation. But first things first

Who needs this ultrasound?

Diagnostics is prescribed if:

  • the color of urine has permanently changed;
  • there is a feeling of discomfort or pain when urinating;
  • frequent desire to urinate;
  • little urine per act;
  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen;
  • air bubbles in urine;
  • sediment or flakes that can be seen with the naked eye;
  • blood in urine;
  • discomfort in the urethral cavity.

What does it show?

Such a study helps to identify many pathologies of this organ. Among them:

  • tumors;
  • “rock” formations or sand;
  • inflammation of the organ mucosa;
  • diverticulum formation;
  • anomalies and pathologies of the urethra;
  • presence of foreign bodies inside;
  • abnormalities in the development or function of the organ or its ureters;
  • return of urine to the ureters.

Ultrasound with Doppler

Ultrasound machine with color Doppler

This research method allows for the following assessment of the flow of urine through the excretory tract of the genitourinary system:

  • where the flow is directed;
  • what shape is the flow;
  • Is it flowing symmetrically?

Analysis of the results allows us to conclude how free the ureter is for the flow of urine. If the flow is insufficient, then you can see what is in the way: a stone, swelling or tumor. When examining an organ for cystic reflux, such a study is simply irreplaceable.

How to prepare?

The most important thing when preparing for an examination is to fill your bladder with urine. This is the basis for preparation.

You can fill the bubble using the following methods:

  1. Approximately 1 hour before the start of the study, you need to drink about a liter of still water or other liquid. You should not empty your bladder before the procedure. But it happens that it is very difficult to endure. Then the doctor suggests urinating. And then again drink about three glasses of liquid. Sometimes the doctor suggests not drinking liquid, but waiting for the organ to fill naturally.
  2. If the doctor has prescribed the procedure for the morning, it is easier to prepare for the examination. You can simply not empty your bladder before the procedure. And in order to survive until it, it is best to wake up at three in the morning, empty your bladder, and then wait until the procedure in the morning.

Various factors can interfere with the correct ultrasound procedure of the genitourinary system, for example, the intestines, if they are filled with gases. Therefore, people who suffer from constipation or flatulence pathology need to follow a diet, i.e. exclude products that provoke fermentation of gases. A filled bladder allows the ultrasound machine to “examine” in women not only this organ, but also the outline of the urethra, but also the organs located behind its walls: the uterus and ovaries.

How is an organ ultrasound performed?

Ultrasound diagnostics can be carried out in different ways:

  • transabdominal (externally through the wall of the abdominal cavity);
  • transvaginally;
  • transrectally;
  • intracavitary.

If ultrasound is performed using the first method, it is done like this. The patient removes clothing from her stomach and lies face up on the couch. The doctor applies the gel to the skin above the blister. This gel sometimes causes an unpleasant feeling of cold. The doctor moves the sensor across the abdomen, and it scans the organs, displaying information on the monitor screen. The research procedure lasts no more than a third of an hour. If the doctor suspects any abnormalities in the organ, he may suggest emptying the urine, and then conducting a re-examination to determine the remaining urine.

But it happens that there is a need for a transvaginal examination. In this study, a different sensor is used. A condom is put on it and inserted into the vagina. With this method of procedure, the bladder should also be filled.

The third method is used mainly in studies of men. For women, the first two methods are enough.

In special patient cases, intracavitary ultrasound is required. In this case, a thin sensor is inserted into the bladder through the base of the urethra, which makes it possible to examine the walls of the organ.

Interpretation of ultrasound results

The treating urologist interprets the examination results. But he does this not only on the basis of comparing digital “ultrasound” data with normal indicators. He also evaluates the symptoms that led to the appointment. The organ has an oval symmetrical shape and clearly defined boundary lines. Nothing can be inside it. The thickness of the walls of the urethra itself and the urethra should have the following indicators: 0.3-0.5 cm. The speed of urine movement through the canal is approximately 13-15 cm/s.

For a more detailed assessment of the bladder neck, organ walls and the entire urinary system in general, it is better to conduct an intravesical study. For this purpose, after the examination with a full bladder, the patient needs to urinate and then repeat the ultrasound procedure. Normally, 50 ml of urine should remain. If there is more urine left, the doctor needs to carefully examine everything around the organ. Because such

Inflammation of the organ on ultrasound: acute cystitis

Identified even at an early stage. During an ultrasound examination, the walls of the urethra are thickened, and there is an accumulation of various tissue residues or salt crystals. So to speak, there is sediment in the bubble.

Other pathologies

  1. Thickening of the wall in girls sometimes means obstruction of the urethra by its valve.
  2. Neurogenic pathologies of the bladder.
  3. Polyps in the organ or on the walls of the urethra.
  4. Stones in the bladder or other organs of the genitourinary system of women.

Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to see accumulations of various sediments in time. Thanks to this, many complications can be avoided.

Ultrasound of the bladder is an important part of diagnosis, which is regularly used in modern medicine. It is with the help of this study that it is possible to determine whether there are any disturbances in the functioning of the bladder, whether there are changes in its structure and size. Based on the data obtained, the doctor can make a final diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the bladder: main indications for performing

Such a study can be prescribed for completely different reasons:

  • It is prescribed to patients who have consulted a doctor with various types of urination disorders, for example, increased urge to urinate, blood levels in the urine, etc.
  • In addition, ultrasound of the bladder is an integral part of the diagnosis for those patients who consult a doctor with complaints of symptoms of kidney and urethral diseases.
  • The study is prescribed to men with possible diseases of the prostate gland.
  • Women may also be sent for ultrasound diagnostics if ovarian diseases are suspected.

In addition, an ultrasound is mandatory in cases where the patient’s test results indicate the possibility of developing any disease of the genitourinary system.

Ultrasound of the bladder: preparation

The results largely depend on proper preparation. In order to achieve maximum visibility, the bladder needs to be filled - its volume should be at least 250 - 350 milliliters. This state can be achieved in two ways:

  • Two hours before the test, the patient is recommended to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid without emptying the bladder.
  • There is also a physiological way to fill the bladder - the patient must refrain from urinating for 4 to 6 hours before the diagnosis.

If the bladder is not filled enough, the doctor will not be able to clearly analyze the size and structure of the organ. In such cases, the patient is usually asked to wait, or drink some more fluid.

How is an ultrasound of the bladder performed?

The ultrasound diagnostic procedure is quite simple and takes no more than 10 - 15 minutes. The patient receives the results of the study immediately after the examination. In most cases, ultrasound of the bladder is performed using the transabdominal method. First, a contact gel is applied to the patient’s abdomen, after which the organ is scanned with a special device through the anterior abdominal wall.

In some cases, transrectal diagnosis is performed. In this case, a special probe is inserted into the person, which scans the organ through the walls of the rectum.

It is worth noting that the ultrasound diagnostic procedure is completely safe for human health. Moreover, it is painless. The patient can only complain of discomfort associated with a full bladder.

Ultrasound of the bladder: what can be found out?

First, the doctor must examine the organ, determine its size and shape, and also examine the structure and thickness of the wall. It is also very important to find out the exact location of the bladder relative to other organs.

In addition, during the study it is possible to determine the presence of any tumors or neoplasms. Ultrasound also makes it possible to see and measure the size of kidney stones. The ureters are examined in the same way and checked for dilations.

With help, it becomes possible to notice any other changes in the structure and functions of the genitourinary system.

The ultrasound results must be delivered to the attending physician - they will allow him to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment regimen.