Including maintaining tone. Maintain muscle tone. How to keep your back toned

Choosing the perfect workout is not an easy task, even for professionals. It is important to understand here that yoga and Pilates help develop flexibility (but do not help you lose weight), strength training is great for building muscle (but, again, does not get rid of extra pounds), and dance classes help you get rid of excess fat (but definitely do not pump up your muscles). press).

Try to describe your dream workout. If you are not a fitness model, then most likely you do not need mountains of muscles and, as a result, hard work with weights. But a slender and toned body is quite good. This material contains everything you need to know about toning workouts, which promise not only to work your muscles, but also to burn as many calories as you need.

There are no toning workouts

Let's start with the fact that there are no “tonic” workouts (oh, horror!). “The concept of ‘toning exercises’ simply doesn’t exist in science,” sports physician Polly DeMille explains to Wellandgood. “The term is just used as a shorthand for what happens to your body when you are, as they say, in shape.”

Experts say that to tone the whole body, it is necessary to consistently get rid of the fat layer and work on the muscles all the time, but do this not very intensively, but rather little by little. The need for toning training to appear in the schedule of fitness clubs is explained, in turn, by the fact that many women come to trainers with the request: “I don’t want to do strength exercises so as not to turn into a “jock,” but I want to work out problem areas to look great."

“Muscles grow by contracting and then returning to their original position,” fitness expert Brynn Putnam comments to the publication. “So no matter what type of training you choose, whether you lift heavy or light weights, whether you do it fast or slow, they still get bigger.” In other words, if you play sports, the muscles will grow in any case, and you need to come to terms with this.

Why do muscles grow fast or slow?

If your muscles are still growing, whether you do swimming, yoga or lifting weights, why do some people become solid muscle mass after just six months of regular training, while others remain the same, but a little more toned? There are many reasons. These include, for example, the initial weight of the person, the characteristics of muscle tissue and its reaction to physical activity, and age (which, by the way, affects the speed of relief formation more than anything else).

Genetics has no less influence on the results of training. In particular, it determines the structure of muscle fibers, on which, if not everything, then a lot related to sports depends. In addition, in any body there is a fat layer laid down by nature. Its size also varies from person to person, and the thinner it is, the faster the much-coveted abs will be visible on your body.

What is toning training really?

Ultimately, experts agree that the workout that will keep your body toned is the one you enjoy most. The psychological moment here is perhaps of the greatest importance. And then, even if you don’t let go of the dumbbells, without a special nutrition system and “feeding” in the form of protein shakes or bars, the muscles will not grow enough to turn you into a bodybuilder.

As for toning training, when tested, it turns out to be the same, which allows you to get optimal fitness results at minimal cost.

In every decade of your life, there are easy ways to maintain your shape, weight, and metabolism.
No one promises that the battle will be easy. According to nutritionists, each of us gains between 20 and 55 years of age from 10 to 15 kg of excess weight. But! If you pay attention to age requirements, the harsh struggle will become easier.

FROM 25 TO 35

Replace fat mass with muscle mass.

Metabolism at this age is still quite good, and muscle mass exceeds fat mass.


  • Remember that muscles help you burn calories. While you have age-appropriate enthusiasm, introduce a healthy habit - going to the gym. Combine strength training, which will help build muscle, with cardio. Three times a week, five minutes of strength training and fifteen minutes of cardio exercises, and your physical activity will increase by more than 20 percent, and muscle strength by more than 25.
  • Walk to work where possible. And not with a waddle, but with an active step. The more you walk, the more active your metabolism is, which means that calories are burned faster, more, and most importantly, longer. This is easy to check: check your temperature. If you still feel hot some time after exercise, your body is still burning calories.
  • Even if you seem to be thin, do not think that you can not exercise. You won’t notice how fat will come to you - but not on your thighs and stomach, but around your internal organs and under the skin.
  • It is at this age that you need to develop the habit of regular meals and learn to stick to a schedule. Regular nutrition allows metabolism to remain at the same level for a long time.
  • Aim for 2,400 calories a day: Eat 25-30% of your calories at breakfast, about 40% at lunch, and 25-30% at dinner.
    Don't torture yourself with diets. Often, when following diets, women lose the wrong weight. They lose muscle and bone mass and water, but they still have the same amount of fat.

FROM 35 TO 45

Exercise wisely and without excessive stress.

Most likely, at this age you no longer experience sudden changes in weight; it is quite stable, give or take a couple of kilos. This is due to the loss of muscle and bone mass that begins around the age of thirty-five, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a natural stabilization of weight. Of course, it’s difficult to find time for the gym when you have a family, a job, and no energy left for anything. Therefore, the priority is proper nutrition so that you have enough energy for everything.


  • Replace intense exercises with long-term and regular ones. It's better to walk more than to kill yourself on the treadmill.
  • If your workouts are short (well, you can’t afford an hour in the gym!), then create a program of short but regular exercises. Did you go out with your dog? Walk quickly. Are you making soup? Jump on the stove. It sounds funny, but it works!
  • To compensate for your slowed metabolism, do strength exercises three times a week for twenty minutes. With their help, you burn eight to ten calories per minute, but plus you also build muscle, which also burns extra calories.
  • Bring the whole family with you. Isn't it okay to sit together in front of the TV or laptop? And, as you know, it’s fun to walk through the open spaces together. Walk, run, ride bikes. This is both useful and strengthens relationships.
    Stress is not good for either the soul or the body - stress hormones stimulate the growth of fat cells in the abdominal area. These deposits, unfortunately, are not only unsightly, but also dangerous for various chronic diseases (diabetes and high blood pressure). So try not to stress.
  • Replace Snickers with salad. A 500 calorie bar will give you simple sugar, quick satiety and a feeling of hunger in half an hour. A 500-calorie salad will take two hours for the body to digest. Is the difference clear?
  • Enter afternoon snacks. Yes, yes, just like in kindergarten! An afternoon snack of cottage cheese, carrots, and a glass of kefir will reduce the likelihood of overeating in the evening. The main thing is not to overdo it with the portion size and carry buns and chocolates. Try to switch to separate meals.

FROM 45 TO 60

Maintain a good metabolic rate.

Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to do physical exercise. Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program.


  • To reduce the risk of osteoporosis (and this risk is high in menopausal women), you need to do aerobics. Remember the exercises that were shown on TV and buy yourself bright leggings, after all! Don't forget strength exercises either. All together - half an hour three times a week.
  • There is no point in running on asphalt paths; there is no need for unnecessary tension on the ligaments, muscles, spine and joints. Walk briskly for at least twenty minutes a day. Great workout for the heart muscle.
  • Small meals are just what the doctor ordered, because it becomes difficult for the body to digest large volumes of food. Divide your lunch into two parts and eat the second when you are hungry. There is no need to remind you that food should contain as few sweeteners and flavoring additives as possible, right?
    Remember soybeans! Believe it or not, soy products can help during menopause. They reduce symptoms such as hot flashes and sweating. In addition, soy contains a lot of calcium in a form convenient for absorption by the body. Another benefit of soy is that by frying it, you will eat less meat, which means that your body will receive less saturated fat, which increases cholesterol levels in the blood. Thus, you reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks by half.

More articles on health


Health 03/17/2015

Dear readers, today we will talk to you about how to keep yourself fit and toned with the help of simple physical exercises performed at home. Probably, many of you understand that without feasible physical activity it is difficult to talk about good physical shape. We can make our own choices. Some will be close to going to the gym, some will choose the pool, walking, others will do something else of their own. But we need to move. I think you will all agree with this.

If we are talking about home fitness classes, then here you can find both pros and cons. The positive thing is that you can build your own schedule, choose exercises to your liking, be among like-minded people, etc.

The negative points include the fact that there is no qualified specialist nearby with timely advice; household members (if they are at home at the time) can distract you or simply laugh at your hobby. I hope that they will still be wise. Today’s article was prepared jointly with the resource I give the floor to my guests.

Good afternoon everyone. We invite you to a conversation about home fitness classes. How to keep yourself in good shape?

There is a certain type of people for whom working out at home is much more pleasant than going to a fitness club. The reasons may be different:

  • a person does not like the company of others like him, preferring loneliness;
  • shyness of one’s external imperfect appearance;
  • unwillingness to adapt to the instructors’ work schedule;
  • inability to leave home (small children, sick people, etc.)

Of course, a person who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and look great will find every opportunity to exercise, including at home.

If you are determined to start practicing at home, then a few useful tips will not hurt you:

  1. It is better if you study while you are at home alone.
  2. It is advisable to carry out “events” to increase vitality and muscle tone in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Clothes and shoes for classes should be well selected in size and material composition (cotton, stretch).
  4. The presence of musical accompaniment will only add to the effectiveness of the exercises performed.
  5. You should not exercise on a full or empty stomach, preferably 1-2 hours after eating.
  6. Don't schedule your workouts later than 3 hours before bed.

So, when you have read, and most importantly, fulfilled all the wishes stated above, you can begin classes.

Turn on rhythmic music (but not too loud), straighten your back and start with a warm-up. Walk or run with a brisk, confident step (if your apartment allows this) for 5-10 minutes around the apartment or on site, thereby starting the “mechanism” of including the body in the training process. Warm-up is necessary in order to prepare the body for stress, to prevent injuries and enhance the effect of exercise.

You can come up with your own set of exercises and do it every day, or just dance for half an hour in front of the mirror, but it’s better to trust the experts and conduct a balanced workout with health benefits.

Here is an approximate minimum complex for a beginner level of training.

Fitness classes at home. Set of exercises

It is very good because it contains only 5 exercises that can be repeated according to the principle of circuit training. A remarkable result can be obtained by arming yourself with small dumbbells (up to 1.5 kg). You can easily find the necessary dumbbells or barbells for your home on this resource. If you are not yet ready for such purchases, then use regular plastic bottles filled with water first.

1. Squats

Feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hands with dumbbells on the belt. Do 10 squats (to a right angle at the knee). The abs are tense, the back is straight. If you want to increase the load, raise your arms and dumbbells up with each squat.
This exercise helps strengthen the legs, buttocks, back, and shoulders.

2. Push-ups

This exercise trains the arms and chest, and in a more complicated version, the buttocks are also included in the work.

Every person knows how to do push-ups, but how to do it correctly to achieve the best results? Place your hands parallel, strictly under your shoulders, tighten your abs, try to keep your entire body in one line (without lifting your buttocks upward and without arching your back with your stomach down).

5 push-ups is quite suitable for beginners. If you do not consider yourself one of those, simply increase the number or complicate the exercise itself - when doing push-ups, lift one leg at a time low up, remaining supported by 3 points (the hands of two hands, the toe of one foot).

If you can’t cope with even the simplest option, then you can try the easiest way - when doing push-ups, move the support to your knees instead of your socks.

3. “Wide” squat – plie

The back, shoulder, thigh, calf, and gluteal parts are very actively involved in this exercise. Feet in a position “wider than shoulder width” with toes outward – starting position. Place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of your thighs. Do a deep squat (until your thighs are parallel to the floor), spread your arms to the sides (also parallel to the floor). 10-15 repetitions will tone your muscles.

A more complicated version - with arms raised above the head.

4. Lunges

Biceps, buttocks, and the front of the thigh are the “points” of influence in this exercise.

From a standing position straight, arms with dumbbells below, palms facing forward, alternately lunge forward with your right and left legs. 10 shallow lunges are enough.

When performing a lunge with your right hand, bend your left at the elbow, point the dumbbells towards your shoulder, and switch arms/legs.

For a strengthening effect, add 4-5 springing movements in the lunge for each leg.

5. "Scissors"

The “press action”, familiar to many from school years. Lying on your back (lower back pressed tightly to the floor), perform alternating movements up and down with straight legs (5-10 times). It is better if your feet do not touch the floor.

You can change the load to a lesser extent (if it is still difficult for you) by reducing the number of repetitions or bending your knees, and a more complicated option is to add “scissors” with your hands to the leg movements (opposite – right hand/left leg and vice versa).

One repetition of each exercise without stopping is 1 repetition, which can be completed with three to five minutes of easy running in place. For the first week of classes (if you have no prior sports training), this will be enough. Gradually increase the number of repetitions of these five simple exercises to 3-4, and the results will not be slow to appear!!!

We have two main muscles, which work automatically throughout our lives - these are myocardium And aperturesA . The task of the first is to ensure heart contractions (in other words, to pump blood), and the second is to make inhalation and exhalation possible. We can control almost all the other muscles (there are about 600 of them, and their mass after 20 years makes up about 45% of our body). But how willingly and actively do we do this?

Main secret

Diseases of the cardiovascular system confidently lead the list of modern ailments. And the cause of all troubles is hemodynamic disturbance, i.e., the passage of a certain amount of blood per unit of time through the systemic and pulmonary circulation. The muscle division is responsible for this entire complex process. Each muscle is a mini-pump, a kind of small heart. And the more actively these mini-pumps work, the easier life is for the heart and diaphragm.

Experts say that those people who did not maintain their muscles in working condition (did not care about good muscle tone) already by the age of 60 lose more than half of their muscle tissue, resulting in their own bouquet of serious diseases.

Why does it hurt?

At first glance, this may seem strange, but there is a universal answer to this question, which can concern any organ: the muscles are to blame. Impaired blood flow, poor joint mobility, problems with the spine - all this is in one way or another connected with the work of the muscles, or rather, with their passivity.

The human body can be roughly divided into three floors: first floor- feet, legs, pelvis; second- stomach, chest, back; third floor- shoulders, neck, head.

Keep your tone up!

A good remedy for maintaining muscle tone - massage. Ideally, it is performed by a specialist.

But you can also massage various muscle groups yourself using massagers: rollers, rollers, hard mittens and even a regular terry towel. By the way, you can do self-massage every day.

Interestingly, with active work of the lower extremities, myocardial tension is relieved. This is not necessarily running (there are contraindications for it). A good alternative to running is squatting (to hip level). Start with ten repetitions, gradually increasing the load. A gymnastic stick will help you maintain your balance: place one end of it near your toes, and hold on to the other with your hands.

Home exercise for the heart - connecting the second floor (abdominal muscles and diaphragm). Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and shins lying on the sofa, buttocks touching the sofa. Palms cover ears. As you exhale, slowly lift your upper back, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. Start with ten repetitions, gradually (every other day) increasing the load to five approaches.

The third floor of the body needs movement no less than the first and second. Activate this zone with exercises with a gymnastic stick, as well as turns and tilts of the head. Do it smoothly, without sudden movements.

Move more!

Provide work for your muscles, every day. And you will immediately feel more energetic! Walking is considered a universal physical activity, in which almost all muscle groups are involved. An effective exercise is the arm pull-up - this way you will provide stress to the muscles of the shoulder girdle and decompression (stretch) of the spinal column.

You can develop your muscular system at any age, with any physical fitness, and get excellent results. Remember: muscle cells can regenerate throughout their lives. The condition for turning on a muscle cell is contraction and relaxation. You can successfully manage this process: regulate the load, speed, intensity. Move with joy and pleasure!

Do you want to make your body stronger, faster and healthier? Toning your body doesn't just mean losing weight; when your body is toned, you have more energy, your mind is clearer and your self-confidence increases because you are in better shape. Get started now!


Part 1

Healthy eating habits

    Eat more vegetables than you think you need. You've heard that you should eat your vegetables; now it's time to heed this advice. Vegetables provide your body with essential vitamins, they aid digestion, provide extra moisture, and are nutritious without containing many calories. If your meals consist mainly of vegetables, this will help you tone up faster.

    Feed your body with fruits. Fresh fruit is another great way to get the nutrients, water, and fiber your body needs to stay healthy. Make sure you get several servings a day, choosing seasonal fruits whenever possible.

    Choose lean proteins. To achieve muscle tone, you will need to feed your body plenty of lean proteins. Protein can come from animal sources, but is also found in vegetables, legumes and nuts.

    • Eat plenty of fish. Fish contains all the protein you need as well as essential fatty acids that will help you keep your body strong and lean.
    • Eat beans and tofu. If you're a vegetarian, try chickpeas, black beans, fava beans and other legumes to get all the protein you need. Tofu is another healthy option.
    • Eat red meat in moderation. Steak, hamburgers, bacon and other beef and pork products can be enjoyed from time to time, but they should not form the main part of your daily diet if you want to tone your body.
  1. Don't forget about fats and grains. A balanced diet also includes healthy fats, which promote organ and skin health, while grains provide fiber and essential minerals.

    • Choose whole grains such as oats, barley, buckwheat and quinoa rather than processed flour.
    • Nuts, avocado, olive oil, grapeseed oil and other healthy fats are important components of a healthy diet.
  2. Drink water as often as possible. Water helps your body flush out toxins and maintain hydration, both of which lead to a healthy appearance. Try drinking 8 or more glasses a day, more if you exercise.

    • Try not to drink too much alcohol. It causes water retention and has other negative effects that cause bloating rather than tone.
    • Choose water over soda, juice or milk. Pure water contains no calories and is healthier for your body than any other drink.

    Part 2

    Exercises to improve muscle tone

    Part 3

    Detoxifications that will get you in shape
    1. Do yoga. Yoga tones the muscles, but also removes toxins from the body. Stored toxins can lead to water retention and weight gain, so it's important to get rid of them if you want to tone your body.

      Try fasting. No matter how healthy your diet may be, environmental toxins can build up in your body and begin to cause health problems. Fasting is a great way to get rid of toxins and cleanse your digestive system. This will lead to increased energy and tone.

    2. Try using a dry brush. This ancient exfoliation technique helps improve blood circulation in your skin and helps your body rid itself of toxins. After a few weeks of daily scrub, your skin will be toned and healthy looking. This technique is also believed to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

      • Buy a body brush with natural bristles. Start with your feet, rubbing with firm strokes towards your hips, always moving towards your heart. Continue rubbing your torso, back and arms.
    3. Detoxify your mind. When you experience stress, your body produces hormones that cause weight gain and decreased tone. Try to reduce your stress levels as much as possible using the following methods:

      • Get enough sleep. Your body and mind need time to recover from your workday. Lack of sleep has been shown to lead to weight gain.
      • Take your time. If you try to squeeze workouts into your busy schedule, it will be more difficult for you to achieve the desired tone. If possible, give up some activities so you can have more time to focus on your health.
      • Spend time outside. Instead of relaxing in front of the TV, go for a walk and get some fresh air. Being in nature is good for both your mind and body.