Is the dream from April 19-20 prophetic? Fulfillment of dreams according to the dates of the month. Is it a long sleep? How detailed was he?

We all dream. Most of them are pleasant, and we want them to come true, some we cannot remember the next morning, some are extremely unpleasant and scary, and we are afraid of their fulfillment.

Scientists say that sleep is a process when our brain “sorts out” all the information received during the day, when our thoughts, fears, hopes and experiences merge into one picture and appear before us in vivid images. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that many dreams that we see on certain days come true. When do we see prophetic dreams?

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

Most often we dream in the morning, so the day we wake up is the day we dream, not the day before.

IN Monday dreams come true for those born on this day.

The dream we saw in Tuesday, may fulfill in a week or two, but the probability of this is 50/50.

Friday dream is a warning about the future, and may to some extent be prophetic.

Fulfillment of a dream on the night of Saturday possible, but not necessary.

Sunday dream may come true, but you can’t tell anyone about it. If a child told you what he dreamed about, keep it secret, otherwise the dream will not come true.

According to the lunar calendar

Dreams relate to astrology (the science of fortune telling by the stars), therefore, to interpret dreams, it is customary to use a calendar (there are 30 days in a lunar month).

IN third lunar day you can see rare, special dreams that come true in the near future.

Sixth lunar day sets a condition for the realization of a dream: you must be balanced, calm, not irritated or angry. A dream can carry very important information, or it can mean nothing, but it will come true if you fulfill the “condition”.

The number seven has magical properties, so dreams in seventh lunar day are prophetic, come true very quickly, but you cannot tell anyone about them.

On the next one, eighth, day dream is also prophetic. On this day, dreams are connected with your desires or even with your destiny, so you need to be very careful about such dreams.

Ninth lunar day can give good, favorable dreams that can come true, or can give nightmares about which you shouldn’t worry - they won’t come true.

IN tenth day everything is the other way around: everything bad and scary in dreams comes true, but the good things don’t.

The special day is twelfth: It is on this lunar day that dreams can give a hint on how to act in certain situations. Also, the dream will definitely come true.

IN fifteenth day you need to pay attention to which Moon is waxing or waning. If it is growing, then dreams will come true very soon, but you need to be able to solve them - they give a hint as to what problems and tasks need to be solved first.

IN twentieth lunar day dreams are special, you can even “order” them: if you are tormented by some very important question, you can get the answer to it in a dream that day. This is how dreams come true.

Twenty-second day - day of wisdom. On this day you can see and receive extremely important information. Dreams come true.

IN twenty third day dreams are incomprehensible, mostly the worst comes true.

Twenty seventh day gives prophetic dreams, although the dreams are confusing and complex, so you need to understand them, but they reveal the essence of your immediate environment.

Twenty eighth day It also gives prophetic dreams-clues that speak of upcoming difficulties and obstacles. The way to get rid of this is to pay a price: losing money.

Fantastic dreams occur in thirtieth lunar day, but their essence is true and truthful, so they come true.

According to the regular calendar

Sometimes there is no way to find out what lunar day it is today, but it is important to know whether the dream is prophetic or not. To do this, you can use the regular calendar that we use every day. For our convenience, astrologers have studied dreams using this calendar, so the information is very reliable.

IN first day of the month we see dreams that foreshadow personal troubles, thus being prophetic.

Dreams second day come true very quickly and exactly as we see them.

Dreams of the next one third, days may come true, but not necessarily.

Number five is not inferior to the number seven in magical power, therefore dreams of the fifth number are prophetic and can begin to come true even on this very day.

Dreams tenth day Usually they promise difficulties and small problems. Come true within 20 days.

Day of the devil's dozen thirteenth, affects a person’s love relationships and is performed within 2 weeks.

Dreams the next day fourteenth, are executed exactly to the smallest detail within the next month.

IN sixteenth day I have dreams that quickly become reality.

Fulfillment of dreams seen in seventeenth day, you have to wait a whole year, but it will definitely come true.

Sleep on nineteenth day will come true in three years, even if during this time you have forgotten it.

Sleep twenty third day promises trouble, but it comes true in the near future.

Dream of the next day on twenty-fourth, comes true within 2 weeks and brings only positive changes in life.

IN twenty fifth day we see prophetic dreams that quickly come true.

On other days, dreams are not prophetic, and sometimes they are empty and unimportant.

Study your dream carefully, in great detail. To do this, use dream books, but listen to your intuition - it will tell you more than a dream book: books are often wrong, intuition almost never.

For a complete picture, study carefully which day of the week, on which day according to the lunar and ordinary calendar you saw this or that dream, and by comparing the data received, you will receive a complete image of your near future.

How to determine that a dream will come true?

There is no exact answer to this question, but there are beacon questions, the answers to which will help you understand how real what you dreamed is, how close it is to the truth and, accordingly, whether the dream can come true.

1. How well do I remember the dream?

Important dreams, which are what prophetic dreams are, are well etched in the memory. Even if not completely, only a small part, but this part should be clearly before your eyes, as if in reality.

2. How complete is the dream?

Prophetic dreams always have a logical conclusion, unless you suddenly wake up. A prophetic dream can be compared to a film: there is a beginning, some action, a climax and a logical end. If at least one thing is missing, then this dream is not prophetic.

3. Is it long sleep? How detailed was it?

“Brevity is the sister of talent,” said A.P. Chekhov. It’s the same with dreams: prophetic dreams are simple, short and concise.

4. What colors are around me?

People rarely see dreams in black and white, more often in color, so it is difficult to determine from the colors how real the dream is. The brighter, more saturated the colors, the greater the likelihood that the dream is prophetic.

5. How old am I in the dream? More or less than my real age?

If in a dream you are younger than your real self, then the dream is not prophetic. If you are older or your real age, the dream may turn out to be prophetic.

6. Is this situation possible in my everyday life?

7. Is it possible to implement the solution to the issue or problem that you dreamed of?

8. Does the information received in a dream contribute to my inner growth?

If the answers to these two questions are “yes,” then the dream may come true. Prophetic dreams are usually as close as possible to the real situation, so something supernatural in a dream will not come true in reality.

9. How logical are all the events and actions in a dream?

If the logic is clearly broken, the dream is chaotic, there are contradictions, then the dream is not realized. If the logic can be traced and the cause-and-effect relationship is not broken, the dream may turn out to be prophetic.

10. What time is it in your dream?

Often in dreams you can find out the exact time or exact date: you read, saw or heard somewhere. Sometimes, instead of the exact time, other information is given - the time of year. This is also a symbol of the feasibility of the dream.

11. Where does the dream take place?

A prophetic dream is one in which the place of what is happening is quite real: you yourself have been there more than once or it is a foreign city, but with natural landscapes.

12. Did I feel something?

We perceive information with all our receptors: auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, temperature. In prophetic dreams, smells and sounds are most pronounced, and sometimes you can feel the taste of something. Ordinary dreams are replete with only visual images.

13. Are there many round and spherical things around me?

The ball is the most ideal figure in the Universe. Round shapes and spherical objects are found literally everywhere in our everyday life. It’s the same in dreams: if there are a lot of round objects (watches, plates, etc.), then the dream is realistic and may turn out to be prophetic.

14. What was the first thing I felt when I woke up?

The very first sensations are very important, because the brain has not yet processed the information, and intuition already tells whether the dream will come true or not. Usually people feel some kind of anxiety and wariness when they have a prophetic dream, even if it does not bode well.

Answer these questions as honestly and thoughtfully as possible. If possible, write down the answers in a notebook - from them you can remember the dream and then, after careful reflection, determine the degree to which the dream is realized in the current conditions. And by comparing the answers you receive and the day you had the dream, you can determine with 80% confidence whether the dream is prophetic or not. But, unfortunately, no one can give a guarantee.

It was, is and will probably always be - people will believe in superstitions, predictions and the like. For example, dreams. Their meanings have always interested many people, why and why they dream of something, what to expect, whether the dream will come true, and whether there are certain days when dreams come true. Let's talk about this.

Will the dream come true

People have come up with various signs regarding when dreams come true and when they don’t. For example, they say that you need to tell a dream in the first half of the day if you want it not to come true. Or write the dream on paper and burn it, then it won’t come true. Various phrases have even been invented to protect yourself from evil dreams. For example: where there is night, there is sleep; good dream rise again, bad dream crack in half, etc.

Certain lunar and calendar days, according to some, also determine whether sleep should be expected in reality or not.

Numbers: when dreams come true

We are talking about the days of the month, no matter what, only the number is taken into account.

  1. The fulfillment of a dream, which also foretells good events.
  2. Empty, meaningless dreams that will not come true.
  3. The dream of this day promises quick implementation in life.
  4. Most likely the dream will come true, but you will have to wait.
  5. The dreams are good, but their fulfillment is not clear. Perhaps yes, perhaps no.
  6. Like the 4th, the dream may come true, but not soon.
  7. Happy dreams of this day should not be told to anyone for them to come true.
  8. Dreams lead to the fulfillment of desires in reality.
  9. Whatever dream you have (good or bad), it is possible to fulfill it, but it will lead to trouble. Be prepared.
  10. Dreams of this number will not come true.
  11. Within 11 days, wait for the dream to come true, and it will only bring joy.
  12. Dreams come true quite quickly.
  13. Dreams can lead to trouble, but you are prepared.
  14. A bad dream of this number foreshadows troubles in real life.
  15. Dreams will come true very soon. If your sleep is not good, protect yourself using one of the methods indicated above.
  16. The meaninglessness of dreams in reality.
  17. Success awaits you within 20 days, associated, of course, with the fulfillment of the dream in reality.
  18. The prophetic nature of dreams will manifest itself in profits and new things that should be expected in reality.
  19. And dreams of this number may manifest themselves in family troubles.
  20. The number foreshadows the imminent fulfillment of a dream.
  21. Dreams will come true, but not soon. By the way, they lead to a rich life.
  22. Any dream of this number warns of danger. But this is only a warning, everything is in your power.
  23. Very quick fulfillment of the dream.
  24. Also, soon things will come true and bring joy.
  25. A false dream.
  26. Sleep of fun, pleasure.
  27. Dreams have no meaning, they are meaningless.
  28. Within a month, dreams may come true and bring some difficulties.
  29. The dream will not come true.
  30. The nature of the dream is fantastic, that is, there is no need to wait for its fulfillment.
  31. Another half month and the dream will come true. Moreover, it will attract good luck in the love sphere.

In addition to the number when dreams come true or not, we can say that there is a similar version for the days of the week. You can even match the date and day of the week.

Days of the week when dreams come true

Let's describe it as the night from one day of the week to the next.

Sunday Monday. Usually dreams rarely come true. They are mainly associated with family troubles and everyday problems.

Monday Tuesday. Dreams rarely come true. Usually this is simply a reflection of a person’s desires and aspirations, that is, rather his reality, his thoughts were reflected in a dream, and not vice versa.

Tuesday Wednesday. Dreams rarely come true; they are usually meaningless. If they come true, it will be after a significant period of time.

Wednesday Thursday. You can often expect a prophetic dream. Their focus is mainly of a professional nature, related to human work.

Thursday Friday. Many have heard that dreams come true on Friday. Basically, dreams of this night are associated with the emotional, internal state of a person, his feelings.

Friday Saturday. Usually these dreams reflect immediate events in the life of a person and his family.

Saturday Sunday. Dreams come true very quickly and are usually associated with very close people.

Do all dreams necessarily serve as predictions for the future? And if they report the future, on what days of the week do dreams come true?

Dreams by day of the week: meaning Night from Sunday to Monday

Monday, ruled by the Moon, is considered a difficult day. Dreams that occurred on the night from Sunday to Monday, regardless of the content, resonate with your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday affairs, family and relatives, home, small children, as well as women, including your mother. A short dream, not rich in content, is considered good - you will be in a positive mood, embody restraint and composure, there will be little fuss. But if Monday's sleep was intense and long, and there was water in it, you will need to do a large amount of daily housework.

Monday Tuesday

Fiery Mars, which generates aspirations and gives impetus to action, patronizes Tuesday. Dreams seen on this day reflect your personal desires and aspirations. Being a masculine planet, Mars is also considered the planet of warriors, so Tuesday’s dreams will tell about familiar men, scandals and wars, upcoming or past. Sharp objects seen in a dream indicate your readiness for active action. A vivid dream means that you are now filled to the brim with vitality. If Tuesday’s dream turned out to be calm, it means that you have directed your energy in a certain direction, you will easily and quickly cope with any difficulties that arise on the path to success, and there are no scandals in your life in the near future. If the dream is unpleasant, then it speaks of the advantage of selfish desires and high self-esteem.

Tuesday Wednesday

The environment is ruled by the mediating planet Mercury. A rich Wednesday dream, rich in plots and action, speaks of your sociability. It’s pleasant and easy to communicate with you; soon you will make new friends with whom you will have fun and well. They will be able to teach you a lot in an unobtrusive manner. If you had a calm, spare dream, or even one filled with uninteresting situations, you will soon experience a lack of information, and no one will be able to help you. Airy Mercury usually gives varied, light and, most often, unmemorable dreams. But if you still remember the dream, when you decipher it you will receive information about those with whom you often communicate (acquaintances, friends, acquaintances, relatives).

Wednesday Thursday

The social planet Jupiter rules over Thursday. Dreams on this day will tell you about future prospects, work, your bosses, sponsors, mentors and patrons. If you dreamed of ancestors or pictures of bygone times, in life you will have to study the profession of your parents and continue their work. Thursday's dreams will also talk about activities that can bring success, and about solving issues related to public and social life. If in a dream you saw yourself as a participant in a major event, this is a good sign. Such a dream means that you will soon achieve success in social activities, you will quickly advance up the career ladder, and your superiors will treat you well.

Thursday Friday

Friday is the day of the planet Venus. Dreams of this particular day of the week reflect our feelings and, as is commonly believed, often come true, being associated with our strong desire to fulfill something. Dreams will tell you about the timing and methods of bringing what you want into reality. The scenes of these dreams are related to personal life, financial situation and creativity. If in a dream you receive money or acquire something, it means that your feelings will be satisfied, and soon you will not be able to limit yourself in anything. Dreams in which we lose or cannot get something indicate that our personal life will be boring, we will soon have to reduce our needs, and material support will be meager.

Friday Saturday

Saturday is the day of the planet of trials, fate and fate - Saturn. He limits us by dictating laws, so Saturday's dreams will tell us what we need to give up, what we should limit ourselves to, what rules we should obey. Often these dreams talk about the prospects for the implementation of plans, the sequence and connection of upcoming events. If the dream is colorful, it means that much of what you planned is being realized, and you will not face any serious restrictions. A black and white, gloomy dream, in which high walls, obstacles or crosses appear, suggests that plans will come to fruition only after hard work and nothing will come easy in the near future. Saturday's dream can tell about the fate - yours or other people.

Saturday Sunday

Sunday is the day of the Sun, associated with impulses of inspiration, love and creativity. Dreams that occurred on the night from Saturday to Sunday tell us about what can make us happy and bring positive emotions into our lives. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you may dream of situations or people who fill our life with light, saturate it with interesting things or, conversely, darken your joy. A beautiful dream calls for active creative activity and suggests that you will soon have new ideas, as well as interesting acquaintances with extraordinary abilities. A dream can be a harbinger of future strong love or help you discover a talent that has remained hidden to you until now.

On what days do dreams come true?

Every dream will definitely be reflected in reality. But when? Dreams come true on certain days of the week. How to find out on what day the dream will come true?

You can get an answer to this question by turning to astrology, in particular to the seven-pointed star of magicians. It brings together the seven planets, showing the relationship between them. The fact that Monday’s dream will come true on Thursday or Friday (maybe even simultaneously) is indicated by two straight lines running from Monday’s patroness, the Moon, to Jupiter, which rules Thursday, and to Venus, associated with Friday. On Saturday or Friday we should expect the dream of Tuesday - Mars - to come true. Wednesday dreams come true on Saturday, the day of Saturn, or Sunday, the day of the Sun, since two straight lines from Mercury are directed towards them.

The easiest way is to add 4 days to the day on which the dream occurred, thereby obtaining a kind of dream realization table. If you had a dream on Monday, it will come true on Thursday. If it's on Tuesday, it will come true on Friday. If on Wednesday, it will come true on Saturday. The dream from Thursday to Friday comes true on the last day of the week, Sunday. If you had a dream on Friday, it will come true on Monday, etc.

There is something mysterious, magical in the concept of a prophetic dream, something that forces a person to immediately begin to unravel such a phenomenon. Despite the level of skepticism, people believe in the veracity of a lucid dream, because the phenomena in a prophetic dream are displayed as in real life. And most importantly, in such dreams there is a clue to the entire human essence.

What are prophetic dreams? The most important prophetic dreams in the entire history of mankind

Surely, every inhabitant of the planet has had a dream in his life, which later came true. Such dreams are popularly called prophetic. They wrote about the power and significance of prophetic phenomena in the Bible, historical chronicles, and conveyed their meaning to other people. The human mind prefers to think that a prophetic dream is a message from the Higher Mind, a life hint, an insight that instills confidence in one’s abilities and helps to move on. Throughout the history of mankind, several mysterious and significant dreams can be identified:

1. Joseph's Dream prophesied the birth of Jesus. In a dream, an angel appeared to him and ordered him to take Mary to his house, because she was pregnant with the holy spirit and was carrying the son of God. Joseph fulfilled all the wishes of the angel and after a while they had a son, who was named Jesus.

2. Hecuba's Dream prophesied the fall of Troy. In a dream, a woman saw that she had given birth to a torch that would burn the entire city. The newborn baby Paris was abandoned in the mountains so that the dream would not come true. Paris survived and, as a grown man, returned to the city, where they remembered him and accepted him as their own blood. Paris kidnapped the beautiful Helen, as a result of which a war broke out and the city was burned.

3. Abraham Lincoln's Dream predicted death. 10 days before his death, Lincoln had a dream: in the White House there was a coffin covered with the national flag, people were burying the president. Unfortunately, the prophetic dream had a direct meaning and came true.

4. Dreams about discoveries. Many famous people were able to complete their undertakings outside: Mendeleev dreamed of a table, the writer Dante - “The Divine Comedy”, E. Howe - a sewing machine, D. Tartini made a deal with the devil in a dream and wrote “The Devil’s Sonata”, mathematician A. Turing saw in a dream I created a circuit diagram and created a computer.

A prophetic dream must come true; it is important to interpret it correctly.

Many dreams of great people actually came true, since in the past enough attention was paid to prophetic dreams. Advisors at the court, the Magi, helped interpret dreams and warned of impending sorrow or joy.

When do you have prophetic dreams?">

How to determine when you have prophetic dreams?

Some people do not reveal their true interests in dreams, trying to appear indifferent to interpretation and decoding. But even the bravest pessimist will shudder after a prophetic dream. There are several criteria to help determine when do you have prophetic dreams:

  • dream clarity. Basically, dreams are chaotic, have several stages, events quickly jump from one to another, without much meaning. A prophetic dream is a small “investment” in the main one; it is distinguished by clarity and specificity of actions. Maybe this is how nature works, but “special” dreams pass like a movie in the human head. When watching, nothing interferes, no extraneous thoughts, which helps the sleeper better remember the dream in the morning, and perhaps for the rest of his life;
  • inner feelings. Clear visions at the time of sleep evoke special feelings in a person: awe, excitement, surprise, insight. The soul feels that it was chosen to see this event in a dream in order to make the right decision in the future. Astrologers believe that the higher mind prefers to speak with the human only on “night journeys.” Depending on current or upcoming events, you can determine whether a prophetic dream is true or not.
  • A prophetic dream is a solution to existing or upcoming problems, events, sent to a person in order to warn and prepare spiritually.

  • harbingers of truthfulness. If you were unable to remember the dream or pay enough attention to it, harbingers of its veracity may soon appear. Indirectly or directly, life events will resemble a dream, and then there will be no doubt that it is prophetic. Thus, 80% of pregnant women claim that in anticipation of this good news they caught fish in their dreams.

Depending on the lunar phase and day of the week, they are determined days when dreams are prophetic. But this does not give reason to doubt the veracity of prophetic dreams if, according to the calendar, the moment is not the most favorable. Astrologers have compiled a clear calendar for when a dream can be true:

  • Monday - there is a high probability that the dream is prophetic;
  • Tuesday - the dream will come true in the next 7-10 days, after the specified time has passed its meaning no longer matters;
  • Wednesday - the dream can be prophetic and will come true within a day, after 24 hours it will partially come true;
  • Thursday - dreams always come true;
  • Friday - love dreams are prophetic, revealing feelings from an unexpected side;
  • Saturday - only morning dreams come true;
  • resurrection - partial fulfillment of dreams.

A prophetic dream will certainly come true if a person was born on the day of the week when he dreamed about it.

As mentioned earlier, ancient nations believed in the truth of dreams and therefore often performed rituals that helped to see a true dream. Of course, in today's world, sacrifice is regarded as a crime, but no one is talking about radical measures. It is enough to follow a few simple principles of psychological preparation for sleep:

  • The principle of pure thought helps meditation. It is worth mentioning that dreams reflect human emotions, thoughts and desires. In other words, a person wants to see a prophetic dream, which means he must clear himself of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the exciting object;
  • the principle of correctly formulating a desire will set all priorities. When a person turns to his subconscious or the Higher mind, he wants one thing - to see the answer to his question in a dream, as happened in the case of many great people. Even scientists do not deny the materiality of thoughts, which indicates the possibility of independently forming and causing a prophetic dream;
  • principle of adherence to the algorithm. The algorithm in this case will involve several simple actions: induce a prophetic dream on the waxing moon; take a relaxing bath; light sandalwood incense in the bedroom; sleep alone.
  • principle of correct interpretation. It is very important not only to see a clear dream, but to remember it and interpret it correctly. To do this, you don’t need a dream book at all, but knowledge of yourself: who a person is, who surrounds him, what events are coming.

Compliance with the principles can cause a prophetic dream, but it is not a fact that you will definitely have a dream.

Having a true desire to get in touch with the Higher Mind, it is recommended to read prophetic dream spell, absolutely safe, not associated with magic.

Conspiracy 1. I will lie down God’s servant (name) on the Zion Mountains to sleep. There are three angels in my head: one sees, the second hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth. Amen.

Conspiracy 2. From Thursday to Friday I will go to bed and ask the Mother of God: let me dream something that is destined to come true.

Both conspiracies are read in absolute calm and solitude. You should not practice mirrors, candles and black magic, since even the most notorious realists see the supernatural not only in dreams, but also in reality.

How to remember a prophetic dream

The nature of sleep is this: during the occurrence of dreams, feelings dominate, the mind rests. That is why it is quite difficult for a person to remember the actions that happened to him in a dream. Sometimes it even seems like you didn’t dream anything at all.

Memory is switched off at the moment of deep sleep, but if the dream was clear and well remembered, it means that it is truly prophetic and carries direct or hidden implications.

Dreams sent from above are viewed as if in reality - one of the secrets that is not subject to interpretation. Another case is when a person tries to deliberately induce a “special” dream, where he expects to see a solution to pressing issues. There are several ways to remember a dream:

  • keep records. For this purpose, it is worth keeping a pen, diary or voice recorder near your sleeping place. During night awakenings, the dream is remembered clearly, and the feelings experienced in the dream seem real. It is at this moment that it is worth quickly writing everything down on paper, because if you fall asleep again, it is already difficult to remember the previous dream;
  • the right attitude. Before falling asleep, it is recommended to clear your thoughts, focus on current events and set the goal of remembering your next trip to the sleepy kingdom. Psychologists are sure that if a person leads a correct, measured life, his sleep is so clear and understandable.
  • traditional methods. Psychics advise opening the window at night so that the soul can safely “fly” outside the room walls. The centuries-old science of witchcraft suggests fumigating a room with sandalwood incense, which helps to see and remember a dream.

How to interpret a prophetic dream?

First of all, after an exciting dream, a person opens a thick dream book in order to find an explanation for his visions, but the multifaceted interpretations only confuse. Usually clear visions come at a time when help is needed or serious changes are coming.

The most important thing is to understand that a dream reflects a person’s internal experiences and can only be interpreted based on current events and an understanding of his personality in general.

In the Bible it was believed that a dream could be sent by both God and the Evil One, and it was up to the person to follow the predictions or not. There are often cases when dead people or one’s own funeral appears in a dream, which does not at all mean about imminent death. Therefore, before you panic, you need to analyze yourself and try to find a positive meaning in a secret dream.

A prophetic dream can occur either at will or unexpectedly. Natural (true) dreams are given to a person from above and most often carry a direct meaning. You should not be afraid of such dreams; you need to learn how to interpret them correctly.

Correct perception of “special” dreams is the path to controlling your destiny.

A prophetic dream can bring both good news and bad, but in any case it will serve as a warning for a person, most likely even for a chosen person.

Video: Prophetic dreams

Many people have pondered the mystery of dreams for many years. After all, it is in a dream that each of us can travel into the past, see those who have not been around for a long time, contemplate amazing pictures from the future and unusual distortions of reality.
Often those dreams come true that are very significant for a person on an intuitive level. In this case, it is necessary to decipher and interpret such a message even more carefully.

The information we receive during a night's rest can expand the boundaries of our consciousness. Often, in pictures from dreams, this or that message from the Universe is veiled, which you can try to unravel. Dreams tend to come true or pass without a trace when morning comes, and this depends on a certain system of rhythms to which prophetic dreams are subject.
The interpretation of dreams and their possibility of translating into real life are influenced by the day of the week, the day of the month, they are influenced by the phase of the Moon and even the dates of major holidays. To understand the mystery of dreams, it is necessary to take into account the factors discussed below.

What dreams come true

Dreams come true depending on the day of the week. The interpretation of such dreams is influenced by their emotional coloring, so it is important for the dreamer to remember what sensations he experienced in the dream, what mood he was in.

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

The plot of dreams is very dependent on the psycho-emotional state of a person. If the dreamer's nerves are in a tense state, it means that he will be visited by dreams that have a strange or unpleasant coloring. Prophetic dreams are guaranteed only to people born on this day.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

People with a creative personality should pay attention to such dreams. They are able to reveal their potential and give impetus to the development of new abilities. Dreams come true during the first ten days. If the dream does not come true during this period, then the dream can be considered meaningless.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

Dreams on this night are usually distinguished by their chaotic nature, the speed of development of events and many incidents. They can only partially come true.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

Most prophetic dreams occur on this day. Such dreams need to be remembered, because they may well become fateful.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

If a person has highly developed intuition, then he may well have a prophetic dream. But such visions will relate mainly to the sphere of feelings and emotions.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

Dreams can predict the near future of the person who saw them, or events that will soon await his loved ones.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Such dreams may well come true within a few hours after waking up. The nature of the execution is influenced by the emotional component of the dream.

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

To better understand on which days prophetic dreams occur, you need to turn to the help of a regular calendar. It is he who is able to answer the question: did a person have a fateful dream or an empty one?

1, 5, 11, 17, 28, 31 numbers, dreams are made that tend to come true in the shortest possible time.
13, 14, 25 Numbers dreams warn of possible negative events and problems.
7, 20 number, a person may have a dream that should be kept secret. Then it may well come true.
2, 16, 26, 30 On the dates of every month we see dreams that are not destined to come true in real life. Such dreams are empty and meaningless.

Lunar calendar and prophetic dreams

The lunar calendar will help to more correctly determine the extent to which dreams can come true.

The fundamental factors in the interpretation of dreams are the phase and position of the Moon. Even dreams with absolutely identical plots can have different meanings, which depend on the lunar day.

There is an opinion that prophetic dreams can be seen on days when the Moon is in conflict with the Sun, passing through a conjunction, opposition or square. Such a conflict of planets is intertwined with the dreamer’s internal conflict and is reflected in dreams.

Night visions during the waxing moon can tell you which area of ​​your personal life you should pay attention to and what aspects need to be changed. Such dreams come true very quickly, and the human subconscious helps this, providing a step towards something new.
The waning moon contributes to the completion of processes begun before. Night dreams at this time can take the dreamer into the past and help sum up his work.

Calendar holiday dates - when dreams come true

Prophetic dreams are also influenced by Fridays, which are followed by special calendar dates. During the year you can count twelve such holidays:

  • the eve of the Nativity of Christ;
  • the eve of Epiphany;
  • first week of Great Lent;
  • before the Annunciation;
  • before Palm Sunday;
  • Easter Eve;
  • the threshold of the Trinity;
  • the antecedent of the Nativity of John the Baptist;
  • Elijah the Prophet;
  • Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • before Demyanov's Day;
  • night before the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael.

Dream time - when dreams come true

The interpretation of dreams is also influenced by the time of day:

  • daytime dreams are given to us in order to simply process the information that consciousness has received over a certain period of time; we should not look for hidden meaning in such dreams;
  • evening and night dreams are usually empty, not carrying any special semantic load, so attempts to interpret them will turn out to be meaningless and groundless;
  • dreams seen in the morning often turn out to be prophetic, because during this period a person’s soul is “free”, and his brain is able to easily accept information received from above.

Experts in the interpretation of night dreams have identified another interesting pattern: the more detailed a person remembers a dream, the more details and symbols are stored in memory, the higher the likelihood that such a dream will soon come true.