Lady's vitamins. Lady's formula is more than a multivitamin. Terms and conditions of storage

Menopause is a very difficult time for a woman. After 45, she suddenly begins to feel like an old, sick and useless old woman. She needs to immediately go to the gynecologist, consult with him and start fighting these new phenomena in life.

Many gynecologists are convinced that menopause can only be treated with hormonal drugs. At the same time, modern pharmacology offers a number of non-hormonal drugs that perfectly help women during menopause.

Even those ladies who have no contraindications to hormonal treatment do not want to undergo it, because... it can result in many negative side effects, which will then also have to be treated. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Some simply find a middle ground and combine hormones with biological additives, thus easing the burden on their body and achieving the desired result - easing the process of decline of reproductive function.

Lady's formula for menopause: what is it?

Lady's formula for menopause is an excellent remedy that contains many vitamins and dietary supplements that effectively help a woman's body during menopause. Today, pharmacies offer two types of this drug:

  1. Menopause Day Night,
  2. Menopause Strengthened Formula.

Any lady who has entered menopause will be able to choose the appropriate option for herself, naturally, after consulting a doctor. Try this new pharmacology, and you will certainly feel its positive effect.


Lady’s formula menopause is an effective vitamin complex with microelements and dietary supplements that will help women get rid of painful symptoms that occur during pauses in menstruation and subsequent menopause.

So, let's take a closer look at the two types of Ledis formula for menopause:

  1. Menopause The enhanced formula contains many vitamins, microelements, as well as extracts of various medicinal plants. Together, these ingredients have a positive effect on the female body.
  2. Menopause Day-Night contains exclusively extracts of medicinal plants that help improve sleep, relieve nervous tension (Night), increase vitality (Day), etc.

Those. in the second version of Ladys formula menopause there are two options for tablets. Some should be taken in the morning to feel energetic all day, and others in the evening to get a good night's sleep.

Effect of the drug

The main advantage of this product is that all its components are of natural origin, which means it will not cause any harm to a woman’s body, which is so fragile and weakened during menopause.

There is not a single hormone in the Ledis formula for menopause. The tablets have a hormone-like effect. They can be used for a long time, and they will effectively relieve painful symptoms without signs of addiction to the body.

Lady's formula menopause The enhanced formula together with Lady's formula menopause Day and night is an excellent replacement for hormones for those who, due to health conditions, body characteristics, or in other cases, simply cannot take them.

This unique drug contains active elements that help speed up metabolic processes in the female body and normalize hormonal balance, which, in fact, frees the woman from the symptoms typical of menopause.

Thanks to the natural medicinal components, Ledis formula tablets for menopause perfectly prevent and effectively combat pressure surges, most often occurring during menopause. The drug helps overcome the constant apathy and fatigue from which a woman suffers so much at this time, adds vigor and strength, which is enough for the whole day, and prevents lethargy and apathy, which can develop into dangerous depression.

As a result of using Lady’s formula menopause Day Night or Enhanced formula during menopause, the vascular system is normalized, and hot flashes and significant jumps in blood pressure inherent in menopause stop.

Constant use of these pills has a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state of a woman, who gradually stops being nervous and irritated for no reason. Her sweating decreases and her sleep also normalizes. With long-term or constant use of Ledis vitamins, the formula significantly improves and eliminates female vaginal dryness.

This drug can prevent the development of osteoporosis, as well as strengthen the entire skeleton. In addition, the ligaments are noticeably strengthened. All this prevents bone fractures, muscle rupture and strain, etc.

As a result of the positive effects of vitamins and other components of the Ledis formula, during menopause a woman’s immunity is noticeably strengthened, incl. this also applies to the protection of her reproductive organs and systems.

Composition of the drug

Lady's formula for menopause Strengthened formula and Lady's formula Day and night for menopause have different compositions. At the same time, as mentioned above, the Menopause Strengthened formula is more complete.

This drug contains B vitamins, a number of microelements and extracts of a number of plants and even mushrooms, including black cohosh, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Menopause Day and night is taken when the symptoms of menopause are not so pronounced, and a woman only needs plant extracts to significantly improve her condition and normalize hormonal levels.

The choice is only up to the woman who feels her condition like no one else, but only after consulting a doctor. We advise you to start small: Menopause Day and night, and leave Menopause Strengthened Formula for later.

Action of components

The action of the Menopause Day-Night complex differs significantly from the Menopause Strengthened formula. To correctly determine which tablets you need, we will tell you how their components act on the body:

  • B vitamins help strengthen the nervous system, stabilize the psychological and emotional state of a person.
  • Pantothenic acid influences the metabolic processes of fat cells in the body, reducing a person’s weight and improving the condition of his blood vessels and heart.
  • Vitamin E has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, eliminates dryness of the vaginal mucosa, and reduces sweating.
  • Selenium protects the body from the emergence and development of cancerous tumors, and also protects the human heart from the development of myocardial infarction.
  • Mn has a beneficial effect on all tissues of the body, increasing their tone, and also relieves inflammatory processes and removes harmful substances.
  • Mg improves the general condition and functioning of the circulatory system, prevents cramps and reduces headaches.
  • takes an active part in the work of the heart and blood vessels, helping to reduce and stop hot flashes.
  • Maitake mushroom extract has a positive effect on blood vessels, cleaning them from cholesterol and expanding and lowering blood pressure.
  • Klopovnik normalizes the nervous system and the level of hormones in the blood - two main problems during menopause.
  • Cohosh has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body and prevents osteoporosis.
  • Clover extract strengthens the human immune system, has an effective preventive effect on the body to prevent cancer.
  • Vitex has a positive effect on the activity of the pituitary gland and hormonal levels in the body as a whole.

The use of folic acid during menopause

It is worth noting the ideal combination of components of Lady's formula, which greatly increases the effectiveness of this product. Each of the elements, interacting together, increases its strength by an order of magnitude.


Lady's formula in its two versions: Menopause Day-Night and Menopause Strengthened formula is taken for:

  • the appearance of pronounced symptoms characteristic of menopause;
  • the emergence of a high risk of developing diseases associated with menopause (atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, osteoporosis, stroke, etc.);
  • the onset of a pause in the menstrual cycle too early, which may indicate pathologies in the woman’s reproductive organs;
  • removal of the ovaries as a result of surgery as an additional means;
  • high risk of having a stroke.

Important! Lady's menopause formula is widely used by patients of both sexes, instead of hormone therapy for a number of serious diseases. Just remember that this is not a panacea for all diseases, and be sure to consult your doctor.


It is necessary to know under what circumstances this wonderful remedy may not help, but only harm a woman’s body. This is important because Any medicine under certain circumstances can bring not benefit, but real harm.

As mentioned above, the Ledis formula Day-Night and Ledis Enhanced formula tablets contain exclusively natural substances, so there are no special contraindications for this product.

The only limitation today is the intolerance or high sensitivity of a particular person to this drug or its individual ingredients. This means that in exceptional cases, a person taking Ledis formula may experience negative side symptoms. Most often, these are allergies to one or another component, which may look like rashes on the skin or peeling. If the drug is discontinued, all these symptoms go away quite quickly without any outside help.

Instructions for use

Lady’s formula tablets menopause Strengthened formula are taken once a day in the morning and washed down with warm water. The course of treatment is 3 months on the recommendation of a doctor, further extension of the course is also after consultation with him.

In some cases, if there are severe symptoms, the doctor prescribes a dosage of 2 tablets per day, morning and evening. The second tablet is best taken during the evening meal, also with warm water.

Lady’s formula menopause Day-Night tablets are taken twice a day. The first time in the morning immediately after waking up, and the second time late in the evening, before going to bed. In both cases, wash them down with warm water.

Important! Remember that if you take this remedy regularly, a woman will feel a real positive effect only after a month. Do not expect immediate results until the body has accumulated enough nutrients.

If painful menopausal symptoms do not go away after a week, this does not mean that the Ledis formula is not effective. This means that you need time and a little patience.

Therapeutic diet while taking the drug

While taking the drug, you should follow a sufficient diet. First of all, exclude chocolate from your menu, and also limit fatty and protein foods. Protein helps remove calcium (Ca) from the body, i.e. development of osteoporosis.

It is not recommended to indulge in salty and spicy dishes, because... salt, pepper and other spices contribute to an increase in the volume of excess fluid in the body, consequently, increased sweating, and disruption of thermoregulation in general.

It is recommended to eat foods and dishes containing a lot of carbohydrates and calcium (cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, beans, parsley, etc.). Regular intake of calcium, incl. in tablets, will significantly strengthen the skeletal system.

Natural biocomplex for enriching the body with nutrients and strengthening women's health

Pharmachologic effect:

  • Increases the body's protective functions
  • Increases vitality and improves well-being
  • Prevents the development of female diseases
  • Improves the metabolism of the female body
  • Eliminates side effects of hormonal contraception

Indications for use:

  • Decreased protective functions of the body, increased fatigue, decreased energy
  • Increased mental and physical stress
  • Complex therapy, prevention of diseases associated with impaired metabolism of female sex hormones (mastopathy, uterine fibroids, endometriosis)


Individual intolerance to components. Persons with thyroid disease and taking other iodine preparations are advised to consult a doctor before use.

Directions for use and dosage: take 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals.

Duration of admission: at least 1 month. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Release form: capsules 880 mg.

Storage conditions: out of the reach of children, in a dry place at room temperature.

Manufacturer country: USA.

The expiration date is indicated on the packaging.

We also recommend that you pay attention to other biocomplexes of the PharmaMed® company Lady's formula® line: Antistress™ Strengthened Formula; Personal Monthly System™ Strengthened Formula; Menopause™ Strengthened Formula; Menopause Day Night™; For Hair, Skin and Nails™ Strengthened Formula; Ageless Skin™; Hyaluron™.

Do you need to take vitamins if you eat well?

It is a traditional misconception that all the necessary vitamins can be obtained from modern foods. According to studies, with a carefully balanced diet, the deficiency of many vitamins can reach 30%. Therefore, it is very important to obtain the necessary vitamins and microelements from an additional source. Created taking into account the characteristics of the female body, the natural biocomplex More than a multivitamin™ is immunity, energy, youth.

Is it true that vitamins and minerals need to be taken separately, otherwise they destroy each other?

This is one of the most common misconceptions, which has neither scientific nor practical confirmation. The processes of interaction between vitamins and minerals are not only safe, but also extremely necessary for our body. For example, iron cannot be absorbed without ascorbic acid, calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D3, and vitamin B1 cannot be absorbed without magnesium.

Modern technologies for the production of multicomponent vitamin-mineral complexes are very complex and expensive. Not all companies can use such technologies.

The production conditions for PharmaMed biocomplexes strictly comply with the highest international quality standards in the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, the vitamins and minerals that make up our multicomponent biocomplexes are not destroyed and retain their beneficial properties for at least three years.

Do I need to increase the dosage of vitamins and microelements to strengthen the immune system and increase energy?

By creating a natural biocomplex with extracts of medicinal plants, Lady's formula® More than a multivitamin™ certainly took into account the rhythm of life of a modern woman. The effectiveness of Lady's formula® More than a multivitamin™ is due to its unique composition. In addition to vitamins and minerals, this biocomplex includes extracts of medicinal plants that stimulate the vital functions of the body. As a result, the vitamin-mineral biocomplex More than a Multivitamin™ enriches the body with essential nutrients, strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, prevents the development of women's diseases, increases the body's resistance to infections and helps cope with increased mental and physical stress.

Is it possible to take Lady's formula® More than a multivitamin™ during antibiotic treatment?

Treatment with antibacterial drugs does not exclude taking the biocomplex More than a multivitamin™. In order for the biocomplex to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to take it at least 2 hours after taking antibiotics.

How long can I take Lady's formula® More than a multivitamin™?

Our body needs vitamins and microelements all year round, so we need to take vitamin-mineral complexes constantly, regardless of the quality of nutrition and the season. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate taking the biocomplex Lady's formula® More than a multivitamin™ with other biocomplexes Antistress™ Strengthened Formula, Woman 30 Plus™ Strengthened Formula, Woman 40 Plus™ throughout the year.

Is it possible to combine the More Than Multivitamins™ biocomplex with taking medications that improve the condition of hair and nails?

Biocomplex More than a multivitamin™ you can combine with taking the natural biocomplex For Hair, Skin and Nails™ Strengthened Formula.

Biocomplex Lady's formula® More than multivitamins™ is produced in the USA in accordance with the international quality standard for pharmaceutical production and is certified according to the Russian State Standard system, which guarantees high quality and safety

More Than a Multivitamin™ Lady's Formula is available in oral capsule form. The composition includes vitamin A, D3, E, C, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), choline, inositol, para-aminobenzoic acid, folic acid, biotin, betaine, Ca, Mg, K, Zn , Fe, Mn, I, Cu, Cr, Br, Mo, Se, boron, quercetin, rutin, echinacea, ginkgo biloba, ground thistle, wild yam, dong quai.

The product is released in the form of tablets weighing 1000 mg. (15 pieces in a blister, in a package there are 4 blisters and instructions for use of Lady's formula Vitamins for hair, skin and nails).

The dietary supplement contains: ribonucleic acid (RNA), L-cysteine, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid, choline bitartrate, a mixture of d-alpha-tocopherols, niacinamide, folic acid, beta-carotene, thiamine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride , biotin, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, vitamin D (derived from fish liver), betaine hydrochloride, inositol, zinc gluconate, iron amino chelate complex, copper gluconate, manganese amino chelate complex, rutin, selenium amino chelate complex, citrus flavonoids, burdock root extract, herbal extract horsetail, kelp algae extract, croscarmellose sodium E468 (emulsifier), magnesium stearate E470 (stabilizer), calcium phosphate.

1 tablet contains:

  • vitamins: A (beta carotene) – 1666.7 International Units (IU); E (d-alpha tocopherol) – 5 IU; B 1 (thiamine hydrochloride) – 1.7 mg; B 2 (riboflavin) – 1.7 mg; B 3 (niacin) – 8.3 mg; B 4 (choline) – 25 mg; B 5 (pantothenic acid) – 5 mg; B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) – 1.7 mg; B 7 (biotin) – 0.050 mg; B 8 (inositol) – 10 mg; B 9 (folic acid) – 0.0667 mg; B 10 (PABA) – 8.3 mg; B 12 (cyanocobalamin) – 0.00267 mg; C (ascorbic acid) – 20 mg; D 3 – 33.3 IU; P (rutin) – 4.17 mg;
  • minerals: calcium – 100 mg, phosphorus – 77 mg, magnesium – 33.3 mg, zinc – 5 mg, manganese – 1.7 mg, iron – 1 mg, copper – 0.33 mg, iodine – 0.0377 mg , selenium – 0.00417 mg;
  • L-cysteine ​​HCL – 10 mg;
  • RNA – 10 mg;
  • naringin, hesperidin (citrus bioflavonoids) – 8.3 mg;
  • betaine hydrochloride – 8.3 mg;
  • gelatin – 25 mg.

The composition of Ledis Formula preparations is varied. They include vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients. The complex has more than 10 items in its line, which differ in their indications for use. All Lady's Formula vitamins are intended only for women. Before use, we strongly recommend that you carefully read the instructions for use.

Let's take a closer look at the types of Lady's Formula products, their cost and indications for use.

Capsules2 caps.
vitamin A (beta-carotene)9900 IU
vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol)400 IU
Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol succinate)25 IU
vitamin C50 mg
vitamin B 14 mg
vitamin B 24 mg
niacinamide25 mg
pantothenic acid10 mg
vitamin B 64 mg
vitamin B 124 mcg
choline50 mg
inositol25 mg
PABC25 mg
folic acid400 mcg
biotin100 mcg
betaine20 mg
calcium (carbonate)200 mg
magnesium100 mg
potassium (phosphate)50 mg
zinc15 mg
iron (fumarate)25 mg
manganese4 mg
copper0.5 mg
iodine (potassium iodide)150 mcg
chromium (polynicotinate)100 mcg
boron100 mcg
molybdenum50 mcg
selenium50 mcg
quercetin25 mg
routine25 mg
echinacea25 mg
ginkgo biloba25 mg
milk thistle20 mg
wild yam20 mg
dong quai20 mg

15 pcs in blister; There are 4 blisters in a box.

Some facts

At the age of thirty, women need to take vitamin complexes. They help maintain reproductive function and help maintain youthful and fresh skin. The women's vitamin complex is designed specifically for the female body, taking into account its physiological characteristics.

More than a multivitamin™ Lady’s formula is a vitamin complex that helps a woman maintain the health and beauty of her body. The product increases the activity of the whole organism, improves metabolic processes.

Component Properties

More than a multivitamin™ Lady’s formula belongs to the group of vitamin preparations. The medicine has a variety of effects on the body. The drug has an immunomodulatory, restorative, anti-inflammatory, healing, rejuvenating effect. It is a means of preventing cardiac, vascular, immune, and inflammatory diseases.

B vitamins help normalize metabolic processes and improve the functioning of the nervous system. They also take part in the formation of blood cells and immunity. The regularity of menstruation depends on the level of these vitamins. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is responsible for strengthening the body and for the normal functioning of the immune system.

It helps to absorb iron in the body. Vitamin E is responsible for the good functioning of the genital organs and reproductive function. It helps maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin and promotes good regeneration of damaged skin. Calcium is required for the formation of teeth and the skeletal system; during pregnancy, a woman consumes minerals from the body's depot.

To avoid destruction of enamel and joints, it is necessary to periodically replenish the mineral deficiency. Zinc helps maintain healthy hormonal balance. It strengthens the immune system and supports optimal metabolism. Magnesium improves the functioning of the nervous system. It is especially important during periods of stress or increased performance.

Thistle extract improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It constricts peripheral blood vessels and improves diuresis. In addition, the plant has a bactericidal effect, can reduce the intensity of bleeding, and eliminates cough during colds. Vitamin D3 is required by the female body to improve the condition of hair and skin.

It also improves the absorption of beta-carotene. After ingestion, the medicine undergoes transformation. Organic substances go through stages of metabolism. Each substance goes through a certain stage, the absorption rate of each compound is different. The maximum concentration of most of the substance occurs after sixty minutes.

The medicine binds to plasma proteins. It is excreted from the body through the digestive system and through the excretory system in the form of final breakdown products. During drug therapy, it is allowed to drive a car, since the drug does not have a negative effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

The action is due to the effects of the vitamins, minerals and extracts of medicinal plants included in the composition.

Lady's formula Vitamins for hair, skin and nails is a vitamin and mineral complex enhanced with extracts of medicinal plants. Biologically active substances included in the product help increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, improve the structure and appearance of hair and nails, and stimulate their growth.

Lady's formula Vitamins for hair, skin and nails helps increase the effectiveness of other simultaneously used skin, hair and nail care products, and also provides protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.


Individual intolerance to components.

Indications More than multivitamins™ Lady's formula - treatment of vitamin deficiencies, with increased fatigue at work and at home, with increased mental and physical stress, during intense sports and during correction of body weight. Prescribed to patients with insufficient intake of vitamins from food or with an increased need for them (during menstruation, after illness). The medicine is indicated for women during acute respiratory viral infections to maintain immunity. Prescribed for patients over eighteen years of age.

Contraindications More than multivitamins™ Lady's formula: increased sensitization to the constituent components, the presence of an allergic reaction to organic substances (including previously identified allergies), liver or kidney pathology, diseases of the digestive system with impaired absorption of nutrients.

  • intolerance to certain components and hypersensitivity to them;
  • pregnancy and lactation (exception: Ledis Formula Prenal Optima complex).
  • age up to 12 years.

Lady's formula Vitamins for hair, skin and nails is recommended for use as a biologically active food supplement, an additional source of vitamins A, C, D, E and group B, minerals (magnesium, silicon, iron, selenium, etc.), containing amino acids and bioflavonoids, for the following diseases/conditions:

  • hypovitaminosis, accompanied by peeling of the skin, hair loss/thinning, brittleness/separation of nails;
  • hair loss caused by stress, past illnesses and surgeries, skin diseases, lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet, as well as the use of aggressive balms, shampoos and other low-quality hair care products;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails and hair during the period after pregnancy, childbirth, lactation;
  • erosions, dermatitis, skin cracks, other diseases of the skin, hair and nails (as part of complex therapy);
  • thinning/thinning of hair during menopause and postmenopause;
  • burns and frostbite (as part of complex therapy);
  • unbalanced diet, therapeutic fasting, long-term adherence to low-calorie diets.

The drug is contraindicated if you have hypersensitivity to any of its components.

Lady's formula Vitamins for hair, skin and nails, instructions for use: method and dosage

Orally, during meals, adults - 1 capsule. 2 times a day. Duration of treatment - 1 month. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

The drug is used orally.

Adults should take 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals.

Duration of treatment – ​​30 days. After 14 days, the course can be repeated.

Data not provided by the manufacturer.

Available without a prescription.


  • good tolerance (there were no allergies or discomfort in the stomach, as happens with some vitamins)


  • I didn't notice any effect
  • nails are still peeling

My friend’s husband took several courses of these vitamins and hair began to grow on his bald spot! Since I witnessed this phenomenon, and also having fallen for the numerous good reviews about Ladis Formula “Strengthened Formula,” I bought this nice box at the pharmacy. In addition, some friends also spoke positively about these vitamins - their nails became stronger, pimples on their face disappeared, and their facial skin became more even.

Actually, my problem, which I tried to solve with the help of Ladis “enhanced formula” for hair, skin and nails, is that my nails are peeling after even a single use of nail polish.

I took the course, i.e. 30 days - 2 tablets a day for a month, and never painted my nails, giving them the opportunity to recover. However, the vitamins did not live up to my expectations. (The nails will continue to peel off. You may need to take several courses.

I once bought children’s vitamins for my daughter; they came with a free sample of Lady’s Formula for hair, skin and nails of 15 tablets, designed for 5 days. I just have minor problems with my skin, it peels due to the dry air in the apartment. I didn’t even think that I would have to write this review, since you usually don’t see results in 5 days, but the effect simply shocked me after 4 days of taking it.

The composition is no different from most vitamins; on the packaging you will see a description of the vitamins and minerals needed for the body in Lady's Formula. I liked that there is folic acid, since we are planning to have a second child in the near future, and they advise us to start drinking more folic acid before pregnancy.

Application of Lady's Formula. Vitamins are quite large in size, elongated in shape. But they are swallowed easily, do not stick or get stuck in the throat. According to the instructions, you need to use them three times a day. I prefer vitamins that need to be used once a day, there is less chance of missing them administration There is no unpleasant aftertaste, nausea or headache after administration.

Effect. I thought that in the worst case scenario, after taking this remedy, nothing would happen. But no, I started to experience onycholysis, which is the detachment of the nail from the nail bed. I didn’t have any prerequisites for this disease, I don’t work with chemicals, I didn’t hit my finger, I haven’t used nail polishes or gel polishes lately, so I associate the appearance of detachment with this dietary supplement.

Of course, such a result is an individual reaction, but I cannot give a positive rating after such a consequence of taking it. Price Lady's Formula for hair, nails and skin. Prices on the Internet vary for this dietary supplement, but on average - 1000 rubles for 60 tablets (for 20 days of use). I got them for free as part of a promotion, it would be better not to get them.


  • absolutely not


  • neither nails, nor hair, nor skin, does not help at all
  • are very expensive
  • One package is missing for the course.

I read reviews about these vitamins and bought myself, there are 60 tablets in a pack, but you need to drink 3 times a day with meals, that is, one pack is not enough, I drank 3 times a day, took it to work, carried it in my purse, never I missed it. I drank it for exactly 1 month, no results. Then I repeated the course of treatment two weeks later, I really hoped and expected that my hair would stop falling out, but there were still no results.

I really regretted it, I wasted my money and time, I hope not my health. Who writes these positive reviews? I want to look these people in the eyes. This is probably written by the distributors of these vitamins for sales volume, but I was fooled.

People who suffer from hair loss take these vitamins out of desperation, hoping for a miracle.

I wish with all my heart to the distributors or promoters (or whatever they call you) who sell these vitamins, that you all go bald!


  • Did not find


  • Invalid

I had a problem with my hair, after washing in the bathroom there was an incredible amount of hair left, the comb showed the same result, I thought that I needed to do something.

Still not knowing about the different sites where they write reviews, I went to the pharmacy and, trusting the pharmacist, asked to recommend vitamins for hair loss. So I bought this ladies formula. I took 1 tablet, as stated in the instructions, with meals, 3 times a day. There are 60 tablets in a pack, which will usually last for 20 days.

I'll tell you about my impressions:

  • This drug did not stop hair loss.
  • My nails haven't stopped peeling.
  • The elasticity and firmness of the skin did not increase.

In a word, I am very disappointed!

I didn’t notice any changes in the state of my body, everything remained at the same level. Everything that the manufacturer recommended was not fulfilled even by one percent. Although its cost is not exactly cheap, the drug costs around -680.

For many years I trusted Alphabet vitamins, later I tried Alphabet Cosmetic and was satisfied. But my soul demanded experiments and I decided to try Lady`s formula vitamins, since a work colleague highly praised them. I bought Lady`s formula for hair, skin, nails, and paid 430 rubles (60 tablets) for it at the pharmacy. I note that I had to run after them, because not every pharmacy had them.

They recommend taking 3 tablets a day, they all have the same composition (alarming! I immediately remember the incompatibility of some vitamins!), are quite large in size (it’s difficult for me to swallow them), and I’m not pleased with the nasty aftertaste.

Okay, I started the “experiment”. After 3 days, acne appeared. Please note the fact that acne is an EXTREMELY RARE PHENOMENON for me. Here I felt all the torment that many teenagers went through. My face was just covered in acne. The hair became lifeless, weakened and fell out with terrible force.

My nails started peeling even more! In general, it's CREEPY. The state of health during the reception of Lady`s formula was not good. What’s interesting is that some time after stopping taking it, everything returned to normal. So I won’t recommend these vitamins. I’m returning to my favorite Alphabet, it’s also cheaper. I wish you good health, don’t get sick!

I took ladys formula for women’s health, I didn’t notice how I gained 3 kg (((with the same healthy diet and rhythm of life as usual. The body became somehow inflated and swollen, especially in the abdominal area, cellulite worsened greatly and that’s all this is in about 2 weeks, and in the midst of spring, when activity increases and kilograms go off. It’s very disappointing, I went through all the possible reasons in my head - it turned out that only ladys formula can be to blame!!! (

Neutral reviews

I also drank Lady Formula for 1 month.


  • Nails are very strong
  • Hair has stopped falling leaves
  • The skin glows from the inside, as after injections with hyaluronic acid, not a single pimple throughout the body
  • I have gained weight and they greatly increase my appetite.

As a result, the thought crept in: do they contain hormones to enhance the effect?


  • They help


  • Expensive

After pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, my hair began to deteriorate and fall out. Plus, I always dye my hair, which also ruins it. Shampoos didn't help much, and I don't really believe that shampoo can restore hair. They don't grow from the ends. So I decided to take some vitamins. I chose Lady's formula for hair, skin and nails "Strengthened Formula", on the advice of my sister. Now I’ve been drinking for almost two months, I haven’t really noticed the effect yet, and my hair hasn’t had time to grow back yet. But my skin and nails have become much better. The skin became smooth, and the nails stopped peeling and grew faster. I hope I will also notice the effect with my hair. Of course it's a bit expensive.

Previously, in the autumn-spring period, my hair began to noticeably fall out, my nails began to peel and became brittle. Apparently there was a lack of vitamins. I bought this complex for myself. After a month of taking it there were improvements. My hair stopped falling out so much.

Hello girls! I share with you my impressions of Lady's formula vitamins.

There are 60 tablets in a package. That is, 4 plates, each with 15 pieces. It is recommended to take 3 tablets per day with meals. I don’t really like this, because drinking while eating is basically undesirable. And I don't do that. But for the sake of vitamins... I had to endure 20 days. The vitamins are very large in size, it’s a little difficult for me to swallow them, so I either break them or put them closer to the base of my tongue. Their taste is grassy, ​​quite tolerable. If anyone is interested in the box, I’ll post photos from all sides. Now about the result itself.

Two weeks later, a lot of pimples appeared on my face, and nothing had changed for the better with my complexion. The general condition of the skin has somehow become worse. Not critical, but still not the same. Some kind of dirty shade appeared. I took it for two weeks, then left the country for a week, forgot the vitamins at home, and lo and behold, all the acne went away, the skin cleared up, the complexion became even and beautiful. I won’t attribute hair loss here, I’ll refer to autumn shedding. BUT, either from the vitamin, or from my shampoo, or from the light hand of the hairdresser, or from the day on which I had my hair cut, my hair grew almost 5 cm in 2 weeks. Therefore, I don’t know what to give credit to. But my nails have strengthened and grown quite a bit. They didn't peel, but they broke.

I didn’t notice any increase in energy or apathy. In general, vitamins did not help me. But this is just for me, and only he knows how your body will behave.

Positive reviews

It's no secret that the beauty of skin, hair and nails starts from within. If the body lacks vitamins and microelements, this affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. I have been taking vitamins from this brand for a long time. Usually in winter and spring I notice that there is a lot of hair left on the comb and immediately go to the pharmacy for proven vitamins. I take courses 2 times a year. The vitamins are very good. The capsules are quite large in size, I take them with plenty of water.

During use, the condition of the skin and nails improves, and hair loss is reduced. The result can be felt only after 3 weeks, not earlier. We need a cumulative effect.

However, I want to warn you that unwanted hair, such as facial hair, can also begin to grow. I have 3 hairs on my chin that weren’t there before. I associated this with taking vitamins, since at that time I was taking them for a long time. But this does not mean that this happens to everyone. The price is not small, about 800 rubles, but in my opinion they are worth it.

The composition is very rich, which includes 32 components:

  • Vitamins A, C, groups B, D, E
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • silicon
  • selenium
  • iron and other minerals
  • amino acids and plant extracts: horsetail, burdock
  • citrus bioflavonoids.

The manufacturer recommends taking 3 capsules per day. Some girls develop acne after taking these vitamins. This occurs due to an overdose of B vitamins. That is why I take 2 capsules a day, and not 3. The dietary supplement is worthy of attention. I will continue taking this this spring.

This is the second time I have taken Ladys formula for hair, skin and nails. I drank a package in the spring and am now finishing it. They strengthen my hair very well and I had no problems with my nails. But I’ll say about the hair that the hair, despite the fact that it’s dyed, looks healthy and falls out no more than it should.


  • excellent composition
  • the first hair vitamins that helped me!


  • the packaging is not enough for a month's course

Hair, in my opinion, is one of the main decorations of a woman. Alas, but not mine. By nature - thin and soft. They fall out when they are young. Short haircuts are the only solution to the problem. If I don't cut my hair on time, the ends split. And then biochemistry pretty much ruined the hair. So I started solving my hair problem seriously. I started with different shampoos, no, even earlier, two years ago I took a course of vitamins Special Dragee Merz, to no avail. In the summer I took Vitamins Revalid for more than a month, it seemed to be a good drug, but I didn’t feel any results. And I started choosing vitamins further, I didn’t despair. I remembered that I saw very good pharmaceutical vitamins for hair “Lady’s Formula” in the window. And she asked me to order them especially for myself.

What I liked about them. Exactly the composition, all the vitamins, macro and microelements, including calcium, phosphorus with vitamin D, what if I have a deficiency of them? And in low doses. The nails are also brittle. And other components, including cysteine ​​and medicinal plant extracts, which are actively involved in hair formation, affect the lifespan of the hair follicle.

They ordered me vitamins at the lowest price; a package cost me 500 rubles. (Average price out of 700).

They also have a drawback: they must be taken 3 times a day. There is such a concept in pharmacy - compliance. That is, how the patient will comply with the recommendations for taking the drug. Taking it 3 times a day is not convenient. You will definitely forget, you will miss some. Therefore, vitamins that are taken once a day are more popular. Only if you really want it to help, will you follow the recommendations completely. I immediately decided for myself that I would take them twice a day. Firstly, the dosage of several vitamins in them is large (Fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, accumulate in the body, and in these vitamins their dosage is high, and before that I also drank Revalid and Aevit for a long time). Secondly, if you take them three a day, the package will only last for twenty days, but it is recommended to drink them for a month). I drank them for a month. In the morning and in the evening. The tablets are large but easy to swallow. You can see from the tablet itself that it contains natural ingredients.

These vitamins are dietary supplements. But dietary supplements are American, and Americans approach their health at a much higher level than ours. In parallel with taking vitamins, I sometimes made a hair mask with vitamins, and switched completely to the burdock hair care series. And I started by cutting off the biochemistry and the hair itself remained healthy.

The result is generally positive. Hair stopped falling out en masse, only within normal limits. My nails became a little stronger. Previously, one nail on the thumb of my right hand kept breaking. Now it has become stronger and I was even able to grow it back. The vitamins are good. I generally liked the PharmaMed series. And after taking a break of 10 days, I drink other vitamins in this series, also “Lady’s Formula.” I feel that the body needs it.

In general, it turns out that if you drink these vitamins according to the regimen for a month, you need one and a half packs, it’s expensive, then take three packs for a two-month course. Three times a day. Drink for a month, 10 days break, and another month. This scheme is effective, but expensive. Now, if they ask me which vitamins are the best for hair, I recommend to everyone PharmaMed Lady’s formula for hair, skin and nails “Strengthened formula.

Yes, normal vitamins. Nowadays, it’s rare that anyone’s skin, hair and nails are in order. Some cannot afford to eat normally, others have no time to take care of themselves, but everyone wants to look beautiful. So you can take a course of these Ledis vitamins. It definitely won’t be worse - after all, in my opinion, the composition contains only natural substances. I drank them a year ago, in the autumn-winter period. And you know, I was satisfied. My hair became stronger and no longer looked like a washcloth, and my nails stopped peeling and began to grow better. So if you decide to buy, then take it and don’t hesitate!

Women go through menopause painfully. This is due not only to the fading of the functions of the reproductive system.

It is also morally difficult to come to terms with this condition. Many people become depressed.

Modern medicine has tools that make it easier to survive this stage.

For example, hormone therapy, taking special vitamin complexes and preparations based on phytoestrogens. Among vitamins, Lady's Formula for menopause is extremely popular.

Lady's Formula preparations

Lady’s Formula vitamins were developed by Canadian specialists from the pharmaceutical company Farmamed specifically for women. The range of drugs is varied. There is a complex for preserving youth, beauty and health, as well as for combating the symptoms of menopause. Despite the fact that Lady’s Formula is a dietary supplement, it is recommended to take it only after consultation with your doctor.

Vitamin composition

Long-term laboratory experiments allowed us to select the most balanced and useful composition. There are only seven vitamins contained in the preparation. The most important substances for a woman’s body were selected. This made it possible not to load the product with unnecessary ingredients.

Vitamin composition of the drug:

  1. Thiamine (B1);
  2. Riboflavin (B2);
  3. Nicotinic acid (B3);
  4. Calcium pantothenate (B5);
  5. Pyridoxine (B6);
  6. Folic acid (B9);
  7. Tocopherol (E).

The importance of folic acid for a woman’s body is difficult to overestimate. This is especially known to pregnant women and young mothers.

Vitamin B9 is no less important during menopause. It allows the body to go through the adaptation period more easily. The vitamin helps normalize the process of cell division, improves immunity, and normalizes the secretion of estrogen.

Thiamine, nicotinic acid and riboflavin are necessary for normal hemoglobin synthesis, healthy mucous membranes and skin, and vision. Vitamin B5 regulates the production of red blood cells and promotes wound healing.

This vitamin also improves the functioning of those parts of the nervous system that are responsible for the psycho-emotional sphere. This is especially important for women during menopause.

The normal functioning of the human reproductive system is impossible without vitamin E. This applies not only to women, but also to men. As part of various supplements, tocopherol is indicated for the treatment and prevention of menopause in both sexes.

Useful microelements

Lady's Formula vitamins contain four essential microelements - manganese, magnesium, boron and selenium. A deficiency of even one of the listed substances can lead to significant disruptions in the body. And also to premature aging.

Selenium provides elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Besides this, he successfully fights excess weight, affecting the process of carbohydrate metabolism. Selenium takes part in the production of thyroid hormones and protects the body from the development of cancer.

Manganese regulates levels blood glucose. Thanks to this, it is an excellent remedy for the prevention of diabetes. Prevents the growth of cholesterol plaques and regulates the production of estrogen. More recently, scientists have discovered that manganese can successfully restore nerve cells. This is especially important during menopause for hot-tempered women.

Boron is necessary not only to humans, but also to animals and plants. Without it, mammals get sick and plants don't bloom. Boron maintains normal levels of sex hormones and fights arthrosis and arthritis.

Magnesium is capable normalize the body's condition during premenstrual syndrome. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Fights chronic fatigue and migraines.

Plant extracts

Women's vitamins, in addition to minerals and vitamins, contain healing plant extracts. Most of them are rich in phytoestrogens. These plant substances are similar in structure to female sex hormones. But unlike steroid hormones, phytoestrogens do not cause unwanted reactions.

Included in Lady's Formula includes extracts of the following plants:

  • maitaki mushroom;
  • Peruvian bedbug;
  • black cohosh;
  • red clover;
  • Vitex sacred.

Maitake extract has antitumor and antioxidant properties. It is a distant relative of chaga, a unique birch mushroom.

Maitake fruiting body extract is especially useful for women who undergo hormone therapy during menopause. Taking hormonal drugs increases the risk of developing tumors, especially tumors of the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands. And the fungus prevents the development of cancer.

Meadow clover contains substances that successfully resist the development of arterial hypertension, migraine and tachycardia. Peruvian bedbug increases libido, moisturizes the vaginal walls and strengthens its muscles. In addition, it has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

Cohosh has been cultivated for pharmacological purposes for almost 200 years. Most often it is used to treat gynecological pathologies.

Vitex sacred, thanks to natural estrogens, successfully fights hot flashes, improves a woman’s psychological state, and fights depression.

PharmaMed products

More than 10 different vitamin complexes are produced by the Pharmamed concern. Lady's Formula are drugs intended for women of all ages. While taking the complex, you must stop using any other dietary supplements.

Patients taking tetracycline drugs, diuretics, and sulfonamide antibiotics should take vitamins three hours after taking medications. Otherwise, adverse reactions may develop.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are only allowed to take a drug called Prenatal Optima.

Children under 12 years of age are prohibited from using dietary supplements.

The drug is available in tablets that are taken once a day with meals. The biocomplex should be drunk for a month. The optimal course is three months.

Relief of menopause symptoms

Two drugs are designed to alleviate the symptoms of menopause - these are “Menopause. Strengthened formula" and "Menopause. Day Night". The “Day-Night” drug is suitable for women who are at the peak of their career. It not only relieves menopausal symptoms, but also increases daytime performance and improves night sleep.

"Enhanced Lady's Formula" during menopause eliminates vaginal dryness and burning. Increases libido. Relieves tension and promotes emotional release.

Stress management

Lady’s Formula Antistress complex is prescribed for chronic fatigue syndrome, irritability and sleep disorders. The product increases stress resistance and combats changes in appetite. Suppresses aggression.

The composition of the Antistress complex is supplemented with extracts of such medicinal herbs as St. John's wort, passionflower, hops and valerian. When starting to take the pill, it is recommended to take it in the morning. After a week, change the time of administration and take the tablets at night.

More than vitamins

The complex with the self-explanatory name “More than vitamins” is prescribed by gynecologists to women whose sex hormones are disrupted. For example, with mastopathy. This remedy normalizes the menstrual cycle and metabolism.

Prescribed for women with increased physical activity. Quickly restores the body after illnesses. Improves well-being.

Healthy nails, hair and bones

Women with weak nails and hair can strengthen them with Lady's Formula "Healthy Nails and Hair". The drug prevents nail splitting and fights split ends. Additionally, silicon has been added to the product. According to the instructions, you need to take three capsules per day. The course lasts two to three months.

Lady's Formula with added calcium and vitamin D is an excellent remedy against osteoporosis. The complex normalizes mineral metabolism. Strengthens teeth and bones. The drug is taken twice a day for a month.

Young skin

The product slows down the aging process, prevents the development of age spots and wrinkles.

Increases skin elasticity and firmness.

"Hyaluron Forte" is an even more powerful tool in the fight for youth. Its unique composition includes hyaluronic acid, collagen and vitamin C. The components of the drug moisturize and nourish the skin from the inside. Strengthens the oval of the face and creates a lifting effect.

Health of the expectant mother

According to recent studies, more than 80% of pregnant women lack essential vitamins and minerals. This problem can be solved with the help of the drug "Prenatal Optima".

The composition of the complex is enriched:

  • iodine;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin D;
  • beta-carotene.

Taking the drug will help ensure the full development of the fetus. It will prevent the development of complications and reduce the risk of birth defects in the child.

It will also strengthen collagen fibers in the skin, which will prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

General restorative drugs

The Ledis Formula series of general strengthening drugs includes: “Woman 30 plus”, “Woman 40 plus” and “Energy-Tonic”. These biocomplexes were developed to preserve youth and increase energy. For example, “Energo-Tonic” is recommended for active women with excessive physical activity. The drug will increase energy, increase stamina and libido.

The “Woman 30 Plus” biocomplex strengthens the immune system, increases energy, and also successfully fights the manifestations of cellulite.

Vitamins “Woman 40 Plus” » prevents age-related changes and activates metabolism. Citrus flavonoids and vitamin C strengthen the immune system.

A huge range of products from the Lady’s Formula line allows you to choose a product to solve a specific problem.

The cost of packaging depends on what the product is intended for. For example, the biocomplex “Menopause. Day-Night" is the cheapest in the line. Its price is 488 rubles. The most expensive is Hyaluron Forte; you will have to pay 2,300 rubles for the package.