Moon rise. Moonrise Special thanks to Cherith Baldry

Erin Hunter

"Moon rise"

Special thanks to Cherith Baldry

One after another, the cats sneaked into the cave. Their fur was stained with mud, their eyes wide with fear, reflecting the cold moonlight seeping through a crack in the roof. Huddled into a ball, they crawled, almost without lifting their bellies from the ground, and restlessly looked around, as if they were afraid of something lurking in the darkness.

Dim moonlight flickered in the pools of water on the stone floor of the cave, snatching out of the darkness thickets of pointed stones that grew from the ground or hung from the arch. Some blocks connected in the middle, forming narrow trunks of sparkling white stone. A cold wind whistled between the stone trees and ruffled the cat's fur. It smelled fresh and damp, and the sound of falling water could be heard from afar.

A cat stepped out from behind a pointed rock. His body was long, with thin, muscular legs, and his fur was covered in dirt and stuck together in icicles, making the cat seem like he was carved from stone. “Welcome,” he rasped. - Moonlight touched the water. According to the laws of the Clan of Endless Hunting, the time for Conversation has come.

One of the cats crawled forward and bowed its head in front of the mud-covered speaker.

Have you seen the sign, Kamenskaz? Has the Endless Hunt Clan spoken to you?

Another cat shouted from behind him:

Is there finally some hope?!

Stonespeak lowered his head.

I saw the words of the Clan of Endless Hunt in the reflection of moonlight on the rock, in the shadows of the stones, I heard their will in the sound of drops falling from the vault,” he paused and looked around at those gathered. “Yes,” he continued. - They said there was hope.

A faint whisper, like the rustling of leaves in the wind, flew around the crowd of cats. It seemed that their eyes became even larger, their ears perked up. The cat, who was the first to step forward, asked hesitantly:

So you know what will save us from this nightmare?

Yes, Utes,” answered Stone-Tale. - The Clan of Endless Hunt promised that a cat would come - a silver cat not of our kind, who would save us from Sharptooth forever.

There was a pause, and then someone from the back rows asked:

Someone else's cat? Not from the Falling Water Clan?

It turns out that’s true,” someone else replied.

“I heard a prophecy about strangers,” drawled Utes, “but we have never seen them in our lives.” When will this silver cat come?! - he exclaimed with agony in his voice, and the other cats echoed his cry.

Yes, when? Is it true?!

Stonespeak waved his tail, calling them to silence.

Yes, it’s true,” he rumbled. “The Endless Hunt Clan has never lied to us. I saw the shine of silver fur in the reflection of moonlight on the surface of the water.

But when?! - Utes did not let up. The Clan of the Endless Hunt did not reveal this to me,” Stonetale admitted. “I don’t know when or where the silver cat will come from, but now we know that he will come.”

He threw his head back to the roof of the cave, and his eyes flashed like two small moons.

Until then, cats of my clan, we can only wait.

Hurricane opened his eyes and blinked, trying to remember where he was. He lay curled up in a ball, but for some reason not on the usual bed of reeds, but on dry, brittle fern. An earthen vault, dotted with intertwined roots, hung over his head, and a dull, measured rumble could be heard from outside. At first this sound puzzled the Hurricane, but then he remembered that very close by, a place-where-there-is-no-sun was endlessly splashing on the edge of the land. Thinking about how he and Brambleclaw almost drowned in salt water the day before, Hurricane winced and spat, suppressing the nausea rising in his throat. The acrid taste of salt still burned my throat. The hurricane was not afraid of water - the river cats, the only ones of all the tribes, calmly swam in the river flowing through the forest - but this burning, salty moisture, pulling to the bottom and pushing to the surface, turned out to be too dangerous even for the river warrior.

Now he remembered everything from the very beginning: from the very day when StarClan sent one cat from each of the four Clans on a long, dangerous journey in order to listen to Midnight's prophecy. They had to go through unfamiliar lands, pass the nests of Twolegs, fight dogs and rats, and at the end of the journey make an incredible discovery - Midnight turned out to be a badger.

Cold crept into Hurricane's paws when Midnight's terrible prophecy surfaced in his memory. The Bipeds will destroy the forest to build a new Thunderpath; all tribes will have to be expelled, and the chosen ones of the Star Tribe will have to warn their fellow tribesmen and lead them to new lands.

Hurricane sat down and looked around the cave. Faint light seeped from the tunnel leading to the top of the cliff, and from there came a faint whiff of salty air. The badger was not visible. Next to Hurricane, with her nose buried in her gray tail, his sister Swallow was sleeping. Lying next to her was Ryzhinka, a fierce warrior from the Shadow Tribe. Hurricane was relieved to note that she was sleeping peacefully, which meant that the wound she received in the fight with the rats began to torment her less. Apparently, the healing herbs from Midnight's reserves stopped the infection and helped Ryzhinka fall asleep. At the opposite wall of the cave, a little away from the others, slept Grachik, a squire from the Wind Tribe; his dark gray fur peeked out ever so slightly from a pile of dry ferns. Near the entrance to the cave, Ryzhinka’s brother, Brambleclaw, stretched out, and next to him, curled up in a ball, Squirrelpaw snorted. At the sight of the ThunderClan warriors sleeping nearby, Hurricane involuntarily tensed, suppressing a fit of jealousy. He and Squirrel belonged to different tribes, and he knew very well that he had no right to treat her that way, despite all her courage and indomitable good spirits. Let her stay with Brambleclaw, he will be a much better friend to her!

Hurricane knew that he had to wake up his comrades, because they had a long way back. But he still hesitated. “Let them sleep a little more,” he decided. “We will need a lot of strength to withstand what lies ahead.” Shaking off the skin from the stuck pieces of fern, he walked along the sandy floor of the cave and left the tunnel. A strong wind ruffled his fur as he stepped onto the rough grass. During the night he had completely dried out after yesterday's swim, and besides, sleep had refreshed him. Hurricane looked around: the edge of the cliff was visible ahead, and right under his paws stretched an endless desert of shimmering water, reflecting the faint light of the dawn.

Hurricane opened his mouth and sucked in the air, looking for the scent of game, but then a sharp badger smell hit his nostrils. Midnight sat at the very top of the cliff, her small sparkling eyes directed towards the stars. In the sky behind her, over the far edge of the wasteland, a strip of pink light flared up, foreshadowing the imminent sunrise. Hurricane came closer, bowed his head respectfully and sat down next to him.

“Good morning, gray warrior,” Midnight purred in greeting. - Did you sleep well?

Yes, thank you, Midnight. - Hurricane was still a little uncomfortable because he was talking to the badger so easily. At home, badgers have long been considered the worst enemies of forest tribes.

However, Midnight was no ordinary badger. She is clearer than any forest cat (except perhaps

Here is an e-book posted by the author, whose name is Hunter Erin. In the library site you can download for free or read online the e-book Hunter Erin - Warrior Cats - 18. Sunrise.

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Erin Hunter
Warrior Cats: Sunrise
With gratitude dedicated to Minn and Steve Whitmann
Special thanks to Cherith Baldry

Transparent moonlight flooded the stone ravine, but if the clearing was as light as day, shadows lurked behind the bushes and under the rocks - long and menacing, like the extended claws of a cat. Bending over Sooty's motionless body, Leafpool licked him one last time, and the dead cat's dark gray fur gradually turned silver in the pale glow of the moon.
Sparrow helped his mentor, carefully stroking Coal's tail against the fur so that it would dry quickly.
Leafpool raised her head and turned her gaze to the icy glow of the warrior ancestors.
- May StarClan light your path, Sooty! - she said barely audibly, and then the cold night heard the words that healers from ancient times pronounce over the bodies of their dead fellow tribesmen: “May your hunt be easy, your running fast, and your shelter reliable.”
But this time the traditional words, which promised the deceased a long and happy life in the heavenly cat army, not only did not calm Leafpool, but, on the contrary, dug into her skin with sharp claws. The healer couldn't help but think about the neat, mortal wound on Sooty's throat. The teeth marks were small for a dog, too clean for a fox and too sharp for a badger. Only a cat could leave them.
But what kind of cat was this? Who and why could hate Coal so much as to decide to commit cold-blooded murder, without the slightest trace of a struggle? What happened on the bank of the cold stream? Was this a fair border skirmish or a clash over stolen game?
“Who could it be - a Wind warrior, a random wanderer? Please, StarClan, let me know!
But what scared Leafpool most of all was the thought that the killer could be one of the Storm Warriors. To tell the truth, Coal was not a sugar by character, he was stubborn and unrestrained in his tongue, but this did not prevent him from remaining a loyal and noble warrior who enjoyed the respect of the entire tribe. Which of the Thundercats could have had a reason for such a terrible crime?
Bending over the motionless body, Leafpool began to clean off the dirt that had stuck to Sooty's paws. Suddenly, something light and fluffy tickled her nose and, bending down, the healer saw a piece of fur stuck between the dead man’s claws.
"No! This can't be true! - Bending lower, Leafpool sniffed the find. - Great Star Tribe! I know this smell!”
Leafpool's eyes darkened. She tried to convince herself that the piece of fur could have belonged to one of the cats that had taken Sooty's body from the stream and taken it to camp, but would she really be fooled?
Firstly, the piece of fur was too strongly saturated with the smell of river water, which means it could not be torn out of the skin of a dry cat, and secondly, Coal’s dead claws could no longer catch anything. Lethargic and lifeless, they had lost all grip and could have passed through the fur of any cat without harm.
This tuft of wool belonged to Sooty's killer.
Trembling all over, Leafpool carefully pulled out the hairs and took them to her tent. Here, with shaking paws, she wrapped the terrible find in a piece of paper and hid it in the farthest part of the pantry, behind bundles of medicinal herbs. The truth about Coal's death must not come out!
Can mental pain really be that bad? And how can you stay alive when your heart is torn to shreds?
“Is it really all my fault?”

With a menacing growl, Yellowfang pounced on Bluestar and pressed her paws into the lush grass of the heavenly hunting grounds.
- It's all your fault! - she growled. - It's all because of you! Nothing would have happened if you had allowed ThunderClan to reveal this vile secret!
Blue Star flailed her paws in despair, but was unable to cope with the former healer.
-Are you crazy? - she hissed menacingly. -Have you forgotten that I am your leader?
But Yellowfang seemed to have forgotten all respect for the former leader. Their common past crumbled into dust before a terrible future that threatened the tribe that she had long considered hers.
- Your secret has turned into a worm that has settled in a juicy apple! - Yellowfang growled, flashing her yellow fangs right next to Bluestar’s ear. - ThunderClan is rotting from the inside! How much more blood must be shed before the truth comes out?
- How do you know there will be blood? - Blue Star exclaimed indignantly, struggling to free herself.
- Yes, this is clear to a blind rabbit, not only to me! The truth will come out anyway. Remember that Midnight told Saul everything. And we both know that very soon Sol will return to ThunderClan.
Gathering the strength of a true warrior, Blue Star hit Yellowfang with her head in the chest and with difficulty wriggled out from under her paws. Yellowfang jumped to the side and shook off her tousled fur.
Having risen, Blue Star stood motionless for several moments, coming to her senses and regaining her breathing.
- What's the point of fighting? - She asked, still slightly out of breath. - The evil has already happened, and no matter what you say, I have nothing to do with it!
Yellowfang snorted contemptuously.
- It's all Midnight's fault! - Blue Star continued. - How could she betray us? I believed that she cared about the forest warriors, and she...
- What does Midnight have to do with it? - Yellowfang yelled, fluffing her fur again belligerently. - The betrayal began much earlier - with that long-standing deception and secret that you so stubbornly guarded all these long months! Thanks to you, ThunderClan is mired in lies. If these cats are truly as powerful as the prophecy says, they will be able to handle the truth. Or do you think we got them wrong?
- No! - Blue Star cried furiously. - Judge for yourself, who else could these Three be? “Understand, I didn’t want to lie,” she added sadly and shouted: “But when could I tell them the truth?” And How? They were so happy. Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw were good parents to them. How could I ruin their lives? I just didn't see the point in it! What good would this truth bring them?
“We’ll find out soon,” Yellowfang answered gloomily. - No secrets can be kept forever. - Whipping her tail on her sides, the old woman walked away, but suddenly stopped and looked at Blue Star over her shoulder: - But if these three don’t have the strength to cope with the truth, it means that with your own paws you destroyed the tribe that you love so much...
Chapter I
Dry ferns rustled under Lionblaze's paws as he walked quietly through the forest. A dark, empty sky hung above the tops of the bare trees. The cold breath of horror lifted the fur on the back of his neck, and Lionblaze could not control his trembling.
"This forest has never seen the light of StarClan."
He walked, skirting bushes and thickets of ferns, but not once did he smell the sound or smell of other cats.
"Enough for me! - Lionblaze twitched his tail in annoyance, unhooking it from the blackberry lash spreading along the ground. Panicked, he frantically turned his head, peering into the darkness between the trunks. “What if I never get out of here?”
- Are you looking for me, kitten?
Lionblaze jumped in surprise and turned around sharply.
- Tigerstar!
A huge warrior stood near the blackberry thickets. His striped fur glowed with a strange glow that reminded Lionblaze of the glow of rotten insects.
- Do you miss training? - Tigerstar chuckled, slowly approaching the young Thunderstorm warrior. - You missed a lot, baby. You should have come to me a long time ago!
- No no need! - Lionblaze blurted out. “I shouldn’t have come here at all, and you should teach me.” Blackberry is not my father! It turns out I'm not your relative!
Tigerstar blinked, but did not express surprise, he did not even move his ears. His amber eyes narrowed into narrow, glowing slits and peered expectantly at Lionblaze.
- Did you... did you know? - Lionblaze gasped. The ghostly forest swayed and spun before his eyes.
“It turns out that Belka was not the only one who deceived me!”
- How could I not know? - Tigerstar chuckled. - But it doesn’t matter. You still wanted to learn from me, right?
- But…
“Blood isn’t everything,” Tigerstar growled and parted his lips, revealing strong white fangs. - Do not believe? Ask Firestar!
Blind rage clouded Lionblaze's vision, and the fur on the back of his neck stood on end.
- Firestar is the best warrior in the world!
- What are you talking about? - Tigerstar hissed and grinned unkindly. - What a pity that he is no longer your relative either! Maybe you shouldn’t waste your energy protecting a stranger’s cat?
Lionblaze silently stared at the ghostly glowing warrior.
“I wonder if he knows who my real father is?”
“You knew from the very beginning that I didn’t have Firestar’s blood in me!” - the Thunder Warrior growled. - But he allowed me to believe these lies. You didn't tell me the truth!
- And what from this? - Tigerstar chuckled.
Lionblaze was overcome with rage and despair.
Jumping high, he rushed at Tigerstar, crashed into him with his head and shoulders, and with a frantic screech began to tear the striped fur of his enemy with his claws. But the familiar red fog of rage that captivated Lionblaze’s consciousness played a bad joke on him this time. Every now and then he missed, so that his formidable claws barely touched Tigerstar's skin.
But Tigerstar, as always, was collected and full of strength. Relaxing his muscles, he fell onto his side and deftly caught Lionblaze under his paw. Taken by surprise, the young warrior fell to the ground with a flourish and lost consciousness for a moment. This was enough for Tigerstar to stand with all his paws on his chest and pin Lionblaze to the ground.
- You began to forget my lessons, kitten! - The ghostly warrior grinned mockingly. “You can see for yourself that you don’t have enough practice.”
Lionblaze took a deep breath into his lungs and stood up with a jerk. Tigerstar easily jumped to the side and took a stance, flashing his amber eyes militantly.
- Now I’ll show you who lacks practice here! - Lionblaze panted passionately.
Suppressing his anger, he concentrated - and at that very moment all his fighting skills returned to him. When Tigerstar jumped, Lionblaze was already ready and, taking off from his place, ducked under the enemy’s unprotected belly. Before Tigerstar had time to touch the ground with his paws, Lionblaze turned around, struck him forcefully on the stomach with his hind paws several times, and jumped to the side.
Tigerstar turned around with a satisfied purr.
- That’s how it’s better! - he said in a deep voice with the same mockery. - After all, I know how to make warriors out of kittens!
And before Lionblaze could come up with an answer, Tigerstar ran from his side and immediately combed his claws down his back.
Lionblaze winced in pain, and scarlet streams of blood splashed onto his golden fur. He was seized with mortal horror.
“What will happen if he kills me? Then will I die for real or only in a dream?”
When Lionblaze's consciousness cleared, Tigerstar was already very close. The young cat managed to jump back and raised his paw to strike, but his claws slid across the skin of the ghostly warrior without causing him any harm.
“Too slow,” Tigerstar roared. “You need to practice more, especially now that you know that this stupid prophecy has nothing to do with you.” You are no longer our “blood of blood” Firestar, right?
Lionblaze understood that the huge warrior was deliberately trying to anger him.
“I won't listen to him. I have to win, and for this I need to keep my cool.”
Taking off from the ground again, he easily somersaulted in the air, as Tigerstar had once taught him, and landed neatly on the broad back of his opponent. Gripping his claws tightly into the thick striped fur, Lionblaze sank his teeth into his enemy's neck.
Tigerstar tried to relax and fall, crushing his opponent, but this time Lionblaze was ready for this. He twisted out from under the limp body of his enemy and struck Tigerstar in the stomach with his hind paws.
“Are you really thinking of catching me twice with one trick?” - he hissed.
Tigerstar tried to get up, but blood poured out in a stream from a deep wound on his stomach. Staggering, he fell heavily to one side and twitched his paws. Lionblaze placed one paw on the chest of the defeated enemy, and brought the other, with claws extended, to his throat.
The striped warrior looked up, and fear flashed in them for a moment.
- Do you really think you can kill me? - he growled. - You won't succeed!
“No,” Lionblaze answered, retracting his claws and taking a step to the side. - Is it possible to kill someone who has long become carrion?
With these words he turned and walked away. His fur stood on end, and his muscles were tense to the limit, awaiting Tigerstar's new attack. But behind Lionblaze everything remained quiet, and in complete silence he walked further and further into the dark forest.
His head was spinning, his thoughts were confused. He defeated Tigerstar himself!
“Maybe I have special powers after all? But is this possible if I am not one of the Three?
Lionblaze froze, looking at the intertwining roots, thickets of bushes and close rows of bare trunks.

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Erin Hunter WARRIORS

The Power of Three

Book six: Sunrise

Per. from English V. A. Maksimova / Art. L. X. Nasyrov. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2010. - 352 p. - (Warrior cats).

The mysterious death of one of the ThunderClan warriors quarreled among the tribesmen, although the main secret remained unsolved.

Sparrow intends to find out who his real parents are, but to get to the bottom of the truth, he will have to turn over a whole mountain of lies and omissions.

Hollyleaf is outraged by the non-compliance with the Military Law and has become so distraught that she has erased from her heart even the one she previously admired.

Lionblaze witnesses an event that will destroy everything he has ever believed in.

In the cruel time of the Bare Trees, a new danger awakens, and another Storm Warrior may disappear forever.

With gratitude dedicated to Minn and Steve Whitmann

Special thanks to Cherith Baldry

Transparent moonlight flooded the stone ravine, but if the clearing was as light as day, shadows lurked behind the bushes and under the rocks - long and menacing, like the extended claws of a cat. Bending over Sooty's motionless body, Leafpool licked him one last time, and the dead cat's dark gray fur gradually turned silver in the pale glow of the moon.

Sparrow helped his mentor, carefully stroking Coal's tail against the fur so that it would dry quickly.

Leafpool raised her head and turned her gaze to the icy glow of the warrior ancestors.

May StarClan light your path, Sooty! - she said barely audibly, and then the cold night heard the words that healers from ancient times pronounce over the bodies of their dead fellow tribesmen: “May your hunt be easy, your running fast, and your shelter reliable.”

But this time the traditional words, which promised the deceased a long and happy life in the heavenly cat army, not only did not calm Leafpool, but, on the contrary, dug into her skin with sharp claws. The healer couldn't help but think about the neat, mortal wound on Sooty's throat. The teeth marks were small for a dog, too clean for a fox and too sharp for a badger. Only a cat could leave them.

But what kind of cat was this? Who and why could hate Coal so much as to decide to commit cold-blooded murder, without the slightest trace of a struggle? What happened on the bank of the cold stream? Was this a fair border skirmish or a clash over stolen game?

“Who could it be - a Wind warrior, a random wanderer? Please, StarClan, let me know!

But what scared Leafpool most of all was the thought that the killer could be one of the Storm Warriors. To tell the truth, Coal was not a sugar by character, he was stubborn and unrestrained in his tongue, but this did not prevent him from remaining a loyal and noble warrior who enjoyed the respect of the entire tribe. Which of the Thundercats could have had a reason for such a terrible crime?

Bending over the motionless body, Leafpool began to clean off the dirt that had stuck to Sooty's paws. Suddenly, something light and fluffy tickled her nose and, bending down, the healer saw a piece of fur stuck between the dead man’s claws.

"No! This can't be true! - Bending lower, Leafpool sniffed the find. - Great Star Tribe! I know this smell!”

Leafpool's eyes darkened. She tried to convince herself that the piece of fur could have belonged to one of the cats that had taken Sooty's body from the stream and taken it to camp, but would she really be fooled?

Firstly, the piece of fur was too strongly saturated with the smell of river water, which means it could not be torn out of the skin of a dry cat, and secondly, Coal’s dead claws could no longer catch anything. Lethargic and lifeless, they had lost all grip and could have passed through the fur of any cat without harm.

This tuft of wool belonged to Sooty's killer.

Trembling all over, Leafpool carefully pulled out the hairs and took them to her tent. Here, with shaking paws, she wrapped the terrible find in a piece of paper and hid it in the farthest part of the pantry, behind bundles of medicinal herbs. The truth about Coal's death must not come out!

Can mental pain really be that bad? And how can you stay alive when your heart is torn to shreds?

“Is it really all my fault?”

With a menacing growl, Yellowfang pounced on Bluestar and pressed her paws into the lush grass of the heavenly hunting grounds.

It's all your fault! - she growled. - It's all because of you! Nothing would have happened if you had allowed ThunderClan to reveal this vile secret!

Blue Star flailed her paws in despair, but was unable to cope with the former healer.

Are you crazy? - she hissed menacingly. -Have you forgotten that I am your leader?

But Yellowfang seemed to have forgotten all respect for the former leader. Their common past crumbled into dust before a terrible future that threatened the tribe that she had long considered hers.

Your secret has turned into a worm that has settled in a juicy apple! - Yellowfang growled, flashing her yellow fangs right next to Bluestar’s ear. - ThunderClan is rotting from the inside! How much more blood must be shed before the truth comes out?

How do you know there will be blood? - Blue Star exclaimed indignantly, struggling to free herself.

Yes, this is clear to a blind rabbit, not only to me! The truth will come out anyway. Remember what Midnight told Saul All. And we both know that very soon Sol will return to ThunderClan.

Gathering the strength of a true warrior, Blue Star hit Yellowfang with her head in the chest and with difficulty wriggled out from under her paws. Yellowfang jumped to the side and shook off her tousled fur.

Having risen, Blue Star stood motionless for several moments, coming to her senses and regaining her breathing.

What's the point of fighting? - She asked, still slightly out of breath. - The evil has already happened, and no matter what you say, I have nothing to do with it!

Yellowfang snorted contemptuously.

It's all Midnight's fault! - Blue Star continued. - How could she betray us? I believed that she cared about the forest warriors, and she...

What does Midnight have to do with it? - Yellowfang yelled, fluffing her fur again belligerently. - The betrayal began much earlier - with that long-standing deception and secret that you so stubbornly guarded all these long months! Thanks to you, ThunderClan is mired in lies. If these cats are truly as powerful as the prophecy says, they will be able to handle the truth. Or do you think we got them wrong?

No! - Blue Star cried furiously. - Judge for yourself, who else could these Three be? Understand, I didn’t want to lie,” she added sadly and shouted: “But When Could I tell them the truth? AND How? They were so happy. Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw were good parents to them. How could I ruin their lives? I just didn't see the point in it! What good would this truth bring them?

“We’ll find out soon,” Yellowfang answered gloomily. - No secrets can be kept forever. - Whipping her tail on her sides, the old woman walked away, but suddenly stopped and looked at Blue Star over her shoulder: - But if these three do not have the strength to cope with the truth, it means that with your own paws you have destroyed the tribe that you love so much...

Through the passage leading to the filthy place, Lionblaze quietly slipped out of the camp and, rounding the ravine, climbed out onto the rock, where he, Sparrow and Hollyleaf almost burned alive during a forest fire. Blackened grass and piles of charred branches still reminded of the terrible events of that distant night. Lionblaze shuddered, remembering the dancing flames and the insane hatred that burned in Sooty's eyes.
The almost full moon hung in the dark blue frosty sky, surrounded by coldly sparkling stars. That night not a single cloud obscured the starlight. “So you approve of my plan, Star Ancestors?”
The plan was born in Lionblaze's head the moment he realized that the prophecy was still in force, but it took him a whole day to properly think through all the details.
“However, I will still do it as I planned.”
Looking down, Lionblaze saw his camp and the hawthorn bush where the Stormcats were holding Sol. Berezovik sat nearby and looked intently at the lower branches of the bush. Thick thorny branches prevented Lionblaze from seeing Sol, but the scent of the loner could be felt even above.
“Great,” Lionblaze whispered to himself. - Forward!
Slowly and carefully, he began to descend the slope of the ravine, carefully checking every ledge with his paw. He was afraid not so much of falling as of carelessly throwing a stone or tripping, so that he would have to desperately cling with his claws and give away his presence. Once Lionblaze froze in fear, his back touching a bush growing on the stones, and after some time a whole rain of sand fell from under his paw into the clearing. Fortunately, both times Berezovik didn’t even turn his head.
“Did he really fall asleep at his post?”
It seemed to him that a whole month had passed before the descent ended, and he silently landed on the ground near the bush. Lionblaze's paws were trembling. Casting a quick glance at Berezovik, he ducked under the branches that bent to the ground.
In the dim light filtering through the densely intertwined thorny branches, he saw Sol sleeping peacefully on a bed of moss, his tail covering his nose.
Lionblaze crawled closer to him and gently poked him with his paw. Sol's eyes opened, and a shadow of amazement flashed in their amber depths. Sol opened his mouth, but Lionblaze hastily covered his mouth with his tail.
- Quiet!
Sol nodded, and Lionblaze retracted his tail.
- Sorry, Lionblaze. “It seemed to me that you mistook me for a snake,” the loner whispered barely audibly. - How can I help you?
- I... I need to talk to you. - Now that he found himself nose to nose with the ThunderClan prisoner, everything turned out to be much more complicated. The plan, of course, is wonderful, but it’s not so easy to say out loud what you plan to say! “I learned that our real mother is not the cat who pretended to be her, and I need to know how this might affect the prophecy.”
“Okay,” Sol answered, still quietly. Having sat down, he began to lick himself. “But first, you’ll have to help me get out of here.”
- I... I can't! - He was so shocked that he almost forgot to speak quietly.
- As much as you can. Were you able to descend from the ravine wall unnoticed? Show me the way, that's all. I didn't kill Ember, Lionblaze, and you know it.
“But ThunderClan is sure that no one but you could have done this,” Lionblaze objected.
He himself did not know what to believe. He had not forgotten that Sol had promised to help them understand and fulfill the prophecy, and he knew that now he could not do without the help of this cat, however, if he released it alone, he would betray his tribe.
- Why should I help someone who doesn’t want to help me? - Sol looked intently at Lionblaze with his deep amber eyes and, raising his paw, began to wash himself.
Lionblaze stared at him in despair.
“I can’t force him to tell me the truth, but I can’t let him out either!”
“Okay,” he sighed. - I'm leaving. I can't help you escape because it will cause too much trouble.
- You? - Sol clarified.
“To my Clan,” Lionblaze hissed. He understood perfectly well the dangers of Sol’s disappearance!
The neighboring tribes will think that they have intimidated the Thundercats with their threats and will despise them! Lionblaze sprawled on the ground, preparing to slip out from under the branches unnoticed.
- Wait! Don't you want to know who your father is?
Lionblaze froze and looked over his shoulder.
- Do you know who?
“Of course,” Sol nodded, stroking his ear with his paw.
- And who? - Lionblaze asked barely audibly.
Sol's eyes sparkled with open mockery.
“Nothing comes for free, Lionblaze.” I will only tell you the truth when you get me out of here.
- How can I believe you? - Lionblaze blurted out much louder than he should have. The next moment he froze in fear when he heard a rustling sound outside.
- Hey, Sol! - the voice of Berezovik rang out. - Are you okay?
Sol paused, moving his mustache. Burning shivers of fear ran through Lionblaze's skin, and he held his breath, waiting for discovery.
"Firestar will skin me and throw it to the crows!"
- Sol? - Berezovik’s seriously excited voice was heard again.
“Everything is all right, Berezovik,” the loner slowly responded. - Just talking to myself.
- Ah... Well, okay then. Good night.
Lionblaze heard Birchfall lie back down in his seat and catch his breath. His fur was still crackling from his recent fear.
- You asked how you can trust me? - Sol said leisurely. He was clearly mocking Lionblaze and enjoying it. - No way. But knowledge is power, my friend. It so happens that now I know much more than any of the warrior cats.
“Okay,” Lionblaze said slowly. - I'll show you how to get out of here. But for this you will promise to reveal to me the name of my father and advise me what to do with the prophecy.
Sol nodded.
- I give you my word.
“I wish I knew what it’s worth - your word!”
“Follow me,” Lionblaze whispered. - Put your paws where I put them, trail after trail. The climb is hard, but if we are spotted it will be much harder.
He got out from under the bush and began to climb up. Sol did not lag behind him a single step. The climb seemed endless, and Lionblaze simply couldn’t believe how no one had noticed the two cats crawling along the sheer wall, bathed in the silvery light of the almost full moon. However, he never heard the menacing screams of the warriors behind him, and safely jumped to the top of the cliff.
Out of breath, Sol with difficulty pulled himself over the edge of the rock, climbed out onto a flat surface and swung his tail, calling Lionblaze aside. He stopped a few tails from the edge.
- Well? - Lionblaze barked. - You are free. Now it's your turn to fulfill your part of the deal.
“Not here,” Sol shook his head. - It's too dangerous here. Besides, I'm afraid that downstairs they might notice your absence. You must return to your tent.
- But you promised!
“And I will keep my promise,” Sol tilted the tips of his ears towards the territory of the Shadow Tribe. - I will wait for you in the Abandoned Nest of Twolegs, near the border with the Shadow Tribe. As soon as you can, come there with your sister and brother.
“Okay,” Lionblaze nodded, although his stomach was seething with disappointment. - But don’t you dare deceive me!
Sol waved his tail nonchalantly.
- I'll be waiting.
With these words, he turned around and walked towards the border with the Shadow Tribe.
Lionblaze watched him go while the figure alone- | Yuchka did not hide in the ferns. Then he returned to the tunnel leading from the filthy place, and returned to the camp the same way he came out of it.
“I did the right thing! Hollyleaf said, but we must find out our father's name. But what’s even more important is that only Sol can help us figure out the prophecy!”
- Firestar! Firestar! - Lionblaze was awakened by Berezovik’s wild squeal. The awakened warriors restlessly jumped up from their seats and rushed to the exit.
- What's happened? Attack? - Yarolika bristled. - Berezovik is scared of something! “She was the first to jump out of the tent, and Whitetail got out after her.
- Firestar! - a new cry from Berezovik was heard very close by.
- Is he crazy? - Smoke grumbled, shaking off the moss that had stuck to his fur. - There is no peace in this camp, they don’t let you sleep!
The warriors, one after another, climbed out, loudly asking what was the matter. Unlike them, Lionblaze knew perfectly well what had Birchfall so excited, but decided to pretend to be as confused as the others. Shivering from the cold, he left the warm tent into the gray pre-dawn twilight. Thick shadows lay under the walls of the ravine, and the clearing glistened with frost.
Firestar was already running down the scree. Berezovik rushed to him.
- Firestar! - the young warrior blurted out. - Sol escaped!
Firestar perked up his ears. Having rounded the out of breath Berezovik, he rushed to the hawthorn bush and stuck his head under the branches. The Stormcats surrounded the leader, and even Lionblaze moved into the crowd, taking advantage of the general commotion to leave a fresh trail at the foot of the wall, from where he and Sol began their climb up.
- Escaped? - Brambleclaw shouted as Firestar pulled his head out from under the bush.
Firestar nodded.
- Yes, there are footprints on the rock! - Hazelnut exclaimed and, stretching out her paws, pointed to several pebbles that had fallen from above. - He escaped this way!
“Well, for the better,” Whitetail grumbled, lashing himself with his tail. - We still couldn’t keep him in our camp forever!
The cats hummed approvingly, and outright relief flashed in many of their glances.
- You're not going to chase him, are you? - Sandstorm asked Firestar. “He already caused us enough trouble, but we still couldn’t punish him.”
- He's a killer! - Longpaw shouted. “It’s a pity he didn’t break his neck climbing that rock!”
“That’s it,” Thornypaw nodded, glancing sideways at Firestar, who was deep in thought. - He was probably afraid that we would find out the truth anyway, so he ran away! It turns out that we finally scared him!
Firestar walked away from Sol's tent and looked around at the cats gathered around him.
“You’re right,” he said. “Let’s hope that Sol learned a good lesson and never dares to come into the territory of the warrior cats again.” Brambleclaw, double your patrols, at least until we're sure Saul has gotten his paws out of our territory.
“It will be done,” the herald nodded.
- What will we tell the neighbors? - Graystripe asked alarmedly. “If they find out that Sol has escaped, they will think that we don’t know how to guard our prisoners.” Besides, they might think that we were afraid of their threats and rushed to get rid of Sol!
Firestar wiggled his ears thoughtfully.
“I will tell them that we expelled Sol from our territory, making him promise never to cross our border again.”
- But this is not true! - Sandstorm exclaimed in confusion. - Are we really going to lie to other tribes, and even at the Council?
- You'd think they always tell us the truth! - Whitetail bared his teeth.
“I think Sandstorm is right,” Brightheart noted cautiously, glancing displeasedly at her friend. - What if Sol never left and is still wandering around our territory? We will look good in the eyes of our neighbors if the truth is revealed!
Firestar thought for a few moments, looking intently at the ground, and then raised his head again.
- We will do as I said! - he decided. - It will be better for ThunderClan. We must show that we are strong and follow the military law. Let our neighbors know that we will not allow anyone to interfere in our affairs. And to do this, we must make sure that Sol does not roam our territory!
As the cats dispersed and Brambleclaw began to gather the patrolmen, Lionblaze noticed Hollyleaf standing at the very edge of the clearing. Her green eyes flashed lightning, but their expression remained impenetrable.
Slipping between Sandstorm and Hazelfur, Lionblaze approached his sister and whispered:
- I have to tell you something.
But Hollyleaf didn't seem to hear him.
- He escaped! - she growled, retracting and releasing her claws again.
Lionblaze didn’t understand whether she was happy or angry about this, but don’t ask about it here, in the middle of the camp!
-Where is Sparrow? - he asked.
- How do I know? - Hollyleaf twitched her ears.
“I’ll find him,” Lionblaze nodded. - Slowly get out into the forest, meet me in the clearing for training. Don't argue, okay? - he asked, seeing Hollyleaf open her mouth. - Believe me, this is very important.
Hollyleaf rolled her eyes, but obediently walked towards the exit, trying to stay in the shadows. Making sure that she had moved away, Lionblaze hurried to the healers' tent, but halfway there he saw Sparrow running towards him.
- What's that noise? - asked the brother.
- Sol escaped.
- Is it true? - Sparrow’s sightless eyes widened in amazement, he moved his mustache, sniffing. - What a time!
“We need to talk,” Lionblaze hissed, looking warily at the clearing, where the cats had already begun to disperse on patrol. - We run into the forest. Hollyleaf will be waiting for us in the training clearing.
Fortunately, Sparrow did not argue.
“I’ll tell Leafpool that I’m going to get the yarrow.” “We’re just running out of supplies, and Purdy’s paws still haven’t healed,” he muttered, running away.
Realizing that two cats were much more noticeable than one, Lionblaze did not wait for his brother, but joined the tail of the departing patrol led by Sandstorm. Going out into the forest, he quietly fell behind, pretending to splinter his paw. As soon as the patrolmen were out of sight, Lionblaze rushed towards the clearing at full speed.
Hollyleaf was sitting in a hollow under the roots of a tree.
- Well? - she snapped when she saw Lionblaze.
- Let's wait for Sparrow.
Soon the rustling of grass was heard, and Lionblaze smelled his brother. The ferns parted, and Sparrow appeared in the clearing.
- Well, now will you tell us what’s the matter? - Hollyleaf hissed.
Lionblaze briefly told them everything that happened that night.
“He said that he would hide in the Abandoned Nest of Twolegs, where he lived before,” he finished. - Let's go, he will tell us who our father is, and how...
- Do you have bees in your head? - Hollyleaf growled, shaking her tail threateningly. - Did you help the ThunderClan prisoner escape? But this is contrary to military law! Have you thought what Firestar will do to you if he finds out?
“He won’t know,” Lionblaze answered firmly. “I thought you wanted to know the truth about our father as much as I do.” Now we have this opportunity. Are you coming with me or not?
Sparrow hesitantly shifted from paw to paw, but still nodded.
- Let's go. - He nudged Hollyleaf with his nose. - Okay, nothing can be fixed here. You yourself understand that we have no choice. We can't eat half-truths all our lives, and this is our only chance to find out everything.
The sun appeared above the treetops as the three young cats reached the edge of ShadowClan territory and stepped into an unfamiliar forest. The last time they were here was so long ago that
Lionblaze had already forgotten the way, but Sol's scent led them forward.
“Looks like he went straight to the Twoleg nest. Perhaps he decided to keep his word after all.”
Soon dilapidated stone walls appeared ahead, buried in thickets of frost-blackened fireweed, ferns and thistles. Here the smell of Sol became even stronger. Lionblaze was the first to approach the entrance and look inside. Grass grew thickly in the cracks of the stone floor, and the corners of the nest were covered with thick cobwebs.
- Sol? Are you here?
“Good morning,” said a voice just above Lionblaze’s head. Looking up, he saw Sol sitting on a half-collapsed wall, almost completely hidden by a thicket of holly growing outside.
The loner rose to his feet and easily jumped down.
“Good morning,” he repeated. - I see you have arrived...
- We came to find out the truth! - Hollyleaf shouted, speaking from behind Lionblaze. - Tell us what you know.
Sol lowered his eyelids thoughtfully.
- You see, this won't help you. If you are the three from the prophecy, then what does it matter who your father is?
“It has meaning for us,” Hollyleaf muttered.
“Wait a minute,” Lionblaze interrupted her. - I think Saul is right. Of course, I want to know the truth about my father, but the prophecy is much more important!
“We need to know,” Sparrow objected. - The father's name is more important!
Cold mockery flashed across Sol's amber eyes, and Lionblaze realized that the loner was openly enjoying his power over them. Perhaps he is simply mocking them, knowing full well that they still will not be able to take him back to the tribe. But Sol knew who they were from the very beginning, and he offered to help them...
- Do you want to lose the chance to fulfill the prophecy? - he asked in despair, turning to his sister and brother. - But Sol knows so much... Remember, he even knew that the sun would disappear!
But Hollyleaf and Jayfeather said nothing. Jayfeather stubbornly clenched his teeth, and Hollyleaf tensed her muscles, as if she was ready to rush at Sol and snatch the truth from him with her claws.
"No! So he won’t tell us anything at all!”
Sol's amber gaze settled on Hollyleaf, but not a single hair on his skin stood on end at the sight of the cat about to pounce.
“Think about what I can give you,” he said ingratiatingly. - This is much more than knowing your parents! Real power requires completely different knowledge. Trust me and I will teach you what the true power of the stars is in your paws!
Hollyleaf hissed fiercely and fell to the floor.
- No! - Lionblaze howled. He jumped on his sister, grabbed her by the scruff of the neck with his teeth and dragged her outside, not paying attention to her indignant screams and scratching. - Are you completely mouse-headed? - he growled when they found themselves near a fern bush. - If you make Saul angry, he will never tell us anything!

But why do we need it? - Sparrow asked, joining them. His voice was calm and reasonable. -Who said that to fulfill the prophecy we need an assistant? Why should we submit to a stranger whom we cannot trust? Can Sol be stronger than us?
- But we have not yet received the power of the stars, as you will not understand! - Lionblaze shouted in despair. - Let him teach us what he knows! What's the harm in that? And then, he promised to tell us who our father is!
Only now did he finally understand that they had come here in vain. Hollyleaf and Jayfeather were not prepared to treat Sol wisely. They probably, like everyone else, think he's Sooty's killer! Well, now all they have to do is come back empty-mouthed...
Turning around, he looked at the nest and saw Sol standing at the entrance.
“You are not ready to listen to me yet,” the loner rumbled. - Come when the time comes. I'll be waiting for you here.

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Erin Hunter
Warrior Cats: Sunrise
With gratitude dedicated to Minn and Steve Whitmann
Special thanks to Cherith Baldry

Transparent moonlight flooded the stone ravine, but if the clearing was as light as day, shadows lurked behind the bushes and under the rocks - long and menacing, like the extended claws of a cat. Bending over Sooty's motionless body, Leafpool licked him one last time, and the dead cat's dark gray fur gradually turned silver in the pale glow of the moon.
Sparrow helped his mentor, carefully stroking Coal's tail against the fur so that it would dry quickly.
Leafpool raised her head and turned her gaze to the icy glow of the warrior ancestors.
- May StarClan light your path, Sooty! - she said barely audibly, and then the cold night heard the words that healers from ancient times pronounce over the bodies of their dead fellow tribesmen: “May your hunt be easy, your running fast, and your shelter reliable.”
But this time the traditional words, which promised the deceased a long and happy life in the heavenly cat army, not only did not calm Leafpool, but, on the contrary, dug into her skin with sharp claws. The healer couldn't help but think about the neat, mortal wound on Sooty's throat. The teeth marks were small for a dog, too clean for a fox and too sharp for a badger. Only a cat could leave them.
But what kind of cat was this? Who and why could hate Coal so much as to decide to commit cold-blooded murder, without the slightest trace of a struggle? What happened on the bank of the cold stream? Was this a fair border skirmish or a clash over stolen game?
“Who could it be - a Wind warrior, a random wanderer? Please, StarClan, let me know!
But what scared Leafpool most of all was the thought that the killer could be one of the Storm Warriors. To tell the truth, Coal was not a sugar by character, he was stubborn and unrestrained in his tongue, but this did not prevent him from remaining a loyal and noble warrior who enjoyed the respect of the entire tribe. Which of the Thundercats could have had a reason for such a terrible crime?
Bending over the motionless body, Leafpool began to clean off the dirt that had stuck to Sooty's paws. Suddenly, something light and fluffy tickled her nose and, bending down, the healer saw a piece of fur stuck between the dead man’s claws.
"No! This can't be true! - Bending lower, Leafpool sniffed the find. - Great Star Tribe! I know this smell!”
Leafpool's eyes darkened. She tried to convince herself that the piece of fur could have belonged to one of the cats that had taken Sooty's body from the stream and taken it to camp, but would she really be fooled?
Firstly, the piece of fur was too strongly saturated with the smell of river water, which means it could not be torn out of the skin of a dry cat, and secondly, Coal’s dead claws could no longer catch anything. Lethargic and lifeless, they had lost all grip and could have passed through the fur of any cat without harm.
This tuft of wool belonged to Sooty's killer.
Trembling all over, Leafpool carefully pulled out the hairs and took them to her tent. Here, with shaking paws, she wrapped the terrible find in a piece of paper and hid it in the farthest part of the pantry, behind bundles of medicinal herbs. The truth about Coal's death must not come out!
Can mental pain really be that bad? And how can you stay alive when your heart is torn to shreds?
“Is it really all my fault?”

With a menacing growl, Yellowfang pounced on Bluestar and pressed her paws into the lush grass of the heavenly hunting grounds.
- It's all your fault! - she growled. - It's all because of you! Nothing would have happened if you had allowed ThunderClan to reveal this vile secret!
Blue Star flailed her paws in despair, but was unable to cope with the former healer.
-Are you crazy? - she hissed menacingly. -Have you forgotten that I am your leader?
But Yellowfang seemed to have forgotten all respect for the former leader. Their common past crumbled into dust before a terrible future that threatened the tribe that she had long considered hers.
- Your secret has turned into a worm that has settled in a juicy apple! - Yellowfang growled, flashing her yellow fangs right next to Bluestar’s ear. - ThunderClan is rotting from the inside! How much more blood must be shed before the truth comes out?
- How do you know there will be blood? - Blue Star exclaimed indignantly, struggling to free herself.
- Yes, this is clear to a blind rabbit, not only to me! The truth will come out anyway. Remember that Midnight told Saul everything. And we both know that very soon Sol will return to ThunderClan.
Gathering the strength of a true warrior, Blue Star hit Yellowfang with her head in the chest and with difficulty wriggled out from under her paws. Yellowfang jumped to the side and shook off her tousled fur.
Having risen, Blue Star stood motionless for several moments, coming to her senses and regaining her breathing.
- What's the point of fighting? - She asked, still slightly out of breath. - The evil has already happened, and no matter what you say, I have nothing to do with it!
Yellowfang snorted contemptuously.
- It's all Midnight's fault! - Blue Star continued. - How could she betray us? I believed that she cared about the forest warriors, and she...
- What does Midnight have to do with it? - Yellowfang yelled, fluffing her fur again belligerently. - The betrayal began much earlier - with that long-standing deception and secret that you so stubbornly guarded all these long months! Thanks to you, ThunderClan is mired in lies. If these cats are truly as powerful as the prophecy says, they will be able to handle the truth. Or do you think we got them wrong?
- No! - Blue Star cried furiously. - Judge for yourself, who else could these Three be? “Understand, I didn’t want to lie,” she added sadly and shouted: “But when could I tell them the truth?” And How? They were so happy. Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw were good parents to them. How could I ruin their lives? I just didn't see the point in it! What good would this truth bring them?
“We’ll find out soon,” Yellowfang answered gloomily. - No secrets can be kept forever. - Whipping her tail on her sides, the old woman walked away, but suddenly stopped and looked at Blue Star over her shoulder: - But if these three don’t have the strength to cope with the truth, it means that with your own paws you destroyed the tribe that you love so much...
Chapter I
Dry ferns rustled under Lionblaze's paws as he walked quietly through the forest. A dark, empty sky hung above the tops of the bare trees. The cold breath of horror lifted the fur on the back of his neck, and Lionblaze could not control his trembling.
"This forest has never seen the light of StarClan."
He walked, skirting bushes and thickets of ferns, but not once did he smell the sound or smell of other cats.
"Enough for me! - Lionblaze twitched his tail in annoyance, unhooking it from the blackberry lash spreading along the ground. Panicked, he frantically turned his head, peering into the darkness between the trunks. “What if I never get out of here?”
- Are you looking for me, kitten?
Lionblaze jumped in surprise and turned around sharply.
- Tigerstar!
A huge warrior stood near the blackberry thickets. His striped fur glowed with a strange glow that reminded Lionblaze of the glow of rotten insects.
- Do you miss training? - Tigerstar chuckled, slowly approaching the young Thunderstorm warrior. - You missed a lot, baby. You should have come to me a long time ago!
- No no need! - Lionblaze blurted out. “I shouldn’t have come here at all, and you should teach me.” Blackberry is not my father! It turns out I'm not your relative!
Tigerstar blinked, but did not express surprise, he did not even move his ears. His amber eyes narrowed into narrow, glowing slits and peered expectantly at Lionblaze.
- Did you... did you know? - Lionblaze gasped. The ghostly forest swayed and spun before his eyes.
“It turns out that Belka was not the only one who deceived me!”
- How could I not know? - Tigerstar chuckled. - But it doesn’t matter. You still wanted to learn from me, right?
- But…
“Blood isn’t everything,” Tigerstar growled and parted his lips, revealing strong white fangs. - Do not believe? Ask Firestar!
Blind rage clouded Lionblaze's vision, and the fur on the back of his neck stood on end.
- Firestar is the best warrior in the world!
- What are you talking about? - Tigerstar hissed and grinned unkindly. - What a pity that he is no longer your relative either! Maybe you shouldn’t waste your energy protecting a stranger’s cat?
Lionblaze silently stared at the ghostly glowing warrior.
“I wonder if he knows who my real father is?”
“You knew from the very beginning that I didn’t have Firestar’s blood in me!” - the Thunder Warrior growled. - But he allowed me to believe these lies. You didn't tell me the truth!
- And what from this? - Tigerstar chuckled.
Lionblaze was overcome with rage and despair.
Jumping high, he rushed at Tigerstar, crashed into him with his head and shoulders, and with a frantic screech began to tear the striped fur of his enemy with his claws. But the familiar red fog of rage that captivated Lionblaze’s consciousness played a bad joke on him this time. Every now and then he missed, so that his formidable claws barely touched Tigerstar's skin.
But Tigerstar, as always, was collected and full of strength. Relaxing his muscles, he fell onto his side and deftly caught Lionblaze under his paw. Taken by surprise, the young warrior fell to the ground with a flourish and lost consciousness for a moment. This was enough for Tigerstar to stand with all his paws on his chest and pin Lionblaze to the ground.
- You began to forget my lessons, kitten! - The ghostly warrior grinned mockingly. “You can see for yourself that you don’t have enough practice.”
Lionblaze took a deep breath into his lungs and stood up with a jerk. Tigerstar easily jumped to the side and took a stance, flashing his amber eyes militantly.
- Now I’ll show you who lacks practice here! - Lionblaze panted passionately.
Suppressing his anger, he concentrated - and at that very moment all his fighting skills returned to him. When Tigerstar jumped, Lionblaze was already ready and, taking off from his place, ducked under the enemy’s unprotected belly. Before Tigerstar had time to touch the ground with his paws, Lionblaze turned around, struck him forcefully on the stomach with his hind paws several times, and jumped to the side.
Tigerstar turned around with a satisfied purr.
- That’s how it’s better! - he said in a deep voice with the same mockery. - After all, I know how to make warriors out of kittens!
And before Lionblaze could come up with an answer, Tigerstar ran from his side and immediately combed his claws down his back.
Lionblaze winced in pain, and scarlet streams of blood splashed onto his golden fur. He was seized with mortal horror.
“What will happen if he kills me? Then will I die for real or only in a dream?”
When Lionblaze's consciousness cleared, Tigerstar was already very close. The young cat managed to jump back and raised his paw to strike, but his claws slid across the skin of the ghostly warrior without causing him any harm.
“Too slow,” Tigerstar roared. “You need to practice more, especially now that you know that this stupid prophecy has nothing to do with you.” You are no longer our “blood of blood” Firestar, right?
Lionblaze understood that the huge warrior was deliberately trying to anger him.
“I won't listen to him. I have to win, and for this I need to keep my cool.”
Taking off from the ground again, he easily somersaulted in the air, as Tigerstar had once taught him, and landed neatly on the broad back of his opponent. Gripping his claws tightly into the thick striped fur, Lionblaze sank his teeth into his enemy's neck.
Tigerstar tried to relax and fall, crushing his opponent, but this time Lionblaze was ready for this. He twisted out from under the limp body of his enemy and struck Tigerstar in the stomach with his hind paws.
“Are you really thinking of catching me twice with one trick?” - he hissed.
Tigerstar tried to get up, but blood poured out in a stream from a deep wound on his stomach. Staggering, he fell heavily to one side and twitched his paws. Lionblaze placed one paw on the chest of the defeated enemy, and brought the other, with claws extended, to his throat.
The striped warrior looked up, and fear flashed in them for a moment.
- Do you really think you can kill me? - he growled. - You won't succeed!
“No,” Lionblaze answered, retracting his claws and taking a step to the side. - Is it possible to kill someone who has long become carrion?
With these words he turned and walked away. His fur stood on end, and his muscles were tense to the limit, awaiting Tigerstar's new attack. But behind Lionblaze everything remained quiet, and in complete silence he walked further and further into the dark forest.
His head was spinning, his thoughts were confused. He defeated Tigerstar himself!
“Maybe I have special powers after all? But is this possible if I am not one of the Three?
Lionblaze froze, looking at the intertwining roots, thickets of bushes and close rows of bare trunks.
“Do I want to know who my real parents are? Maybe it’s better to leave everything as it is?”
Let his fellow tribesmen continue to accept him for who he considered himself to be all this time, let everything go on as before... He will remain a loyal warrior of ThunderClan, and will continue to improve his fighting skills.
“After all, I am already the best warrior of the tribe! And I know that I can be great - the strongest warrior in the whole forest."
“Ember is dead,” Lionblaze said out loud, and an ominous echo carried his words into the thicket of the dark forest.
“A squirrel will never reveal its secret to others. She knows that the Storm Warriors will not forgive her for such a long deception. But if that’s the case, why not leave everything as it is?”
Lionblaze was awakened by the sun. This morning he slept late: almost all the warriors had long since left the tent, and only in the far corner was the dark gray fur of Mousewhisker, who was sleeping off after a night patrol.
Yawning widely, Lionblaze stretched and muttered:
“Thank StarClan I wasn’t sent on dawn patrol!”
When he tried to stand up, every muscle of his body howled in protest: it seemed that everything from the top of his head to the tip of his tail had turned into one continuous pain. On one side the golden fur was caked with blood.
“At least no one noticed!”
Lionblaze lowered his head and began to hastily lick the sore spot.
This means that he never dreamed of the fight with Tigerstar - otherwise how can he explain all these scratches, aching muscles and insane fatigue in his body? And also this wound, so deep and bloody that it is impossible to imagine that it was left by the claws of a ghost. No, it's better not to think about it.
“What difference does it make whether he is a ghost or not if I never return to that forest again? Tigerstar is finished!”
After licking himself, Lionblaze felt much better. He carefully fluffed the fur and covered the wound on his side as best he could. And then he heard the excited voices of cats, but those talking were so far away that he could not make out a word.

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