Sayings quotes about love life. Short sayings about Life. Additional quotes about Love and about Love

Love is a magical feeling that arises from nowhere and leads to nowhere... Quoting it, we want it, we awaken and desire it, enthusiastically delving into the soulful lines of Love...

Love is a feeling that can elevate and inspire anyone who lets it into their heart.

This unique opportunity given to living beings. Famous minds of mankind tried to understand its true essence, passing on to their descendants in their own words the results collected over entire lives.

Many writers, philosophers and poets strong feeling is associated not with passion or tenderness, but with pain. They had to endure unrequited emotions or other troubles that follow love.

Somerset Maugham calls it "pain and anguish, shame, delight, heaven and hell, the feeling of being more tense than usual, and unspeakable longing, freedom and slavery, peace and anxiety." He managed to accurately convey the absurdity and illogicality of sensations.

The great Paulo Coelho says the following: “Love is confusion and melancholy, sleepless nights when you are tormented by the question of whether you are doing the right thing.” He believes that “true love consists of unbearable ecstasy and agony.”

Robert Lembke once put it succinctly and precisely. He called the most important feeling on Earth a serious illness that puts two people to bed at once.

John Green was a positive person and saw even in pain positive side. In one of his novels he wrote: “True love is born in difficult times. And only after going through trials - pain and suffering - can one truly appreciate the happiness given.”

Beautiful and wise quotes about Love

The wisdom accumulated over the years is expressed by great people in quotes. They leave their knowledge to others, trying to fit it into just a few sentences.

For example, Anna Parvati addresses her lover like this: “Look: I love and choose only you, even when we are at a crazy distance from each other. They say that you have to fight for feelings. Fight your doubts, pride, fears. And I fight for you."

A very unusual dialogue is located on the pages of the famous “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, written by Oscar Wilde:

"I like her, but I'm not in love with her."

And she’s in love with you, but she doesn’t like you.”

These seemingly insignificant lines have an incredible message for all of humanity; they contain a wise conclusion and even advice, you just have to read between the lines.

Short quotes about Love at a distance

Feelings at a distance are tested for authenticity and only grow stronger if they turn out to be real.

Joseph Brodsky expressed this thought most succinctly: “He who knows how to love, knows how to wait.”

Marc Levy gave something to think about when he said, “Imagine how much it must be to love, to endlessly imagine the person you love next to you.” Honore de Balzac speaks wonderfully and briefly about the time spent with the object of her desire: “For lovers, one hour contains a whole life.”

And it’s true – lovers don’t notice the clock! But not when they are apart. It is difficult to experience separation, so the meeting after it can be called the most important miracle and the most desired blessing in the world.

About happiness and love for a guy in quotes

True love still brings happiness. Those minutes when this happens are worth every consequence, even the most negative ones. It's not for nothing that so many couples were killed because of their love affairs - they took risks, but the time spent together allowed them to die happy.

Orhan Pamuk expressed his emotions with one a simple sentence: “Happiness is being close to the person you love.” IN in social networks the expression also wanders: “I want children from you, and this expresses my love.”

There are many sayings about warmth and happiness. All of them are striking in their sincerity and accuracy, so it is quite difficult to choose a few of them to give the correct examples.

Quotes of great men

Every person has experienced such a romantic feeling. This also applies to the greatest minds of humanity, who left behind unique quotes:

“Keep love in your heart. Life without it is like a garden without sunlight, where the flowers are dead.” Oscar Wilde.

“True love does not tolerate strangers.” Erich Maria Remarque.

“Love is like mercury: you can only hold it in open palm, and without squeezing your hand." Parker Dorothy.

The most popular quote belongs to a true connoisseur of love and a genius in literature - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

It sounds like this: “Loving does not mean looking into each other’s eyes, loving means looking in the same direction together.” And this cannot be refuted.

Quotes about Love in English with translation

If you decide to get a tattoo in the form of a phrase about love on English language, you should first find out its translation and make sure that the spelling and punctuation of what is written is correct.

Among the famous quotes, it sounds simple and amazing: “There’s nothing that burn like you,” which translates: “Nothing burns like you.” Mahatma Gandhi's saying "Where there is love, there is life" is often found in English version translation - “Where there love, there is life.”

No less popular is the quote by Gibran Khalil: “Life without love like a tree without fruit and blossom,” the translation of which is: “Life without love is like a tree without fruit and color.” This phrase is often tattooed on the arm, tailbone, or any other place where such a long sentence will fit, even in small print.

Emily Dickinson once said two short sentences that remain relevant to this day. She said that “Love is everything. And that’s all we know about her.”

We know only one thing for sure - this is a mysterious and all-consuming feeling that allows us to live, and not exist, to find meaning in the fact that we wander the earth, and also, when inspired, to leave behind masterpieces for our descendants.

Additional quotes about Love and about Love

Quotes about love and life

Love! You are life, just as life is always love. Igor Severyanin

To love means to live the life of the one you love. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

There is only one happiness in life - to love and be loved. George Sand

Only strong love can make up for those minor misunderstandings that arise when living together. Theodore Dreiser

The more we love, the larger, fuller and more joyful our life becomes. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

In life, selfless love is more common than true friendship. Jean de La Bruyère

Only by her, only by love does life hold and move. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Take away the love of goodness from our hearts, and you will take away all the charm of life. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime. Oscar Wilde

We must love life more than the meaning of life. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

There is so much to know, so little to live, and life without knowledge is not life. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

The Greek sage Themistocles, who lived 107 years, said that he was sorry to lose his life at a time when he had just begun to be smart. Hieronymus of Stridonsky

Idle people are dead throughout their long lives. Thomas Fuller

One friend in a lifetime is a lot; two is a plurality; three is hardly possible. Henry Brooks Adams

Where there is no life, there is no idea; where there is no infinite variety, there is no life. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Fear of life is much more common than fear of death. Etienne Rey

He who does not value life is unworthy of it. Leonardo da Vinci

I was amazed at how helpless our mind, our reason, our heart turn out to be when we need to make the slightest change, untie one knot, which life itself then unravels with incomprehensible ease. Marcel Proust

If you are away for a short time, I am ready to wait for you all my life. Oscar Wilde

Most people either flee death as the greatest of evils, or crave it as a rest from the evils of life. But the sage does not shy away from life and is not afraid of non-life, because life does not bother him, and non-life does not seem evil. Epicurus

In the life of mankind there is a continuity of thought stretching across centuries. Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov

Life is truly beautiful only when there is tragedy in it. Theodore Dreiser

No one can say that I have not achieved success in life. For more than sixty years I managed to get enough food for myself without being eaten. Logan Pearsall Smith

One can tolerate the chaotic turmoil of a young man's life; Old people are suited to a calm, orderly life: it’s too late to strain one’s strength, it’s a shame to achieve honors. Gaius Pliny Caecilius (younger)

I am convinced that every person's life should be filled with constant and unexpected stimuli that will encourage him to stay true to himself every day. high level. Booker Taliaferro Washington

The ship of life succumbs to all winds and storms if it does not have labor ballast. Stendhal

Like the fruit of a tree, life is sweetest just before it begins to fade. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Life always teaches much more than the best of best books. A book is only a tool and a manual. It is not life that needs to be tested by books, that is, theories, but just the opposite. The advice “read more” is not suitable for all people. Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin

The greatest benefit we can get from life is to spend our life doing something that will outlive us. William James

We bring to your attention beautiful quotes and sayings with meaning about love.

Over time, this article will be updated with new quotes and sayings.

And we will be very grateful if you share other quotes that are interesting to you in the comments.

In the meantime, sit back and study this news.

Beautiful quotes with meaning, short

1. Your beloved is not the one you will die without. And the one without which there is no need to live.

2. Dying for love is easy. It's hard to find a love worth dying for.

3. Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune.

4. That heart will not learn to love that is tired of hating.

5. Women fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. That's why women wear makeup and men lie.

6. Even if love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it.

7. “Well, it seems to me that better relationship- those that are the latter and often rooted in friendship. One day you will look at a person and see something more than you saw the day before. It was like a switch had been flipped somewhere. A man who was just a friend suddenly became the only person, who you could ever imagine yourself with.” (Gillian Anderson)

8. “I once read that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand, and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love.” (Brian Andreas) "People from History"

9. “If you live to be a hundred years old, then I would like to live the same, only minus one day. Then I’ll hardly ever be forced to live without you.” (A. A. Milne)

10. “Love is a crazy, crazy, beautiful thing. So when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest to begin as soon as possible.” (Unknown)

Beautiful quotes with meaning about love

11. Love brings suffering even to the gods.

12. I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE. But love came and said simply - I can’t read...

13. Too many people are designed in such a way that they easily get used to being the object of love and do not value enough the feeling in which they are too confident.

14. True love is limitless. It's like life or death. When you are ready to die, when you part, because the feelings are so pure, so strong.

15. By loving, you can forgive all sins, but not the sin committed against love.

16. Men declare their love before they feel it; women - after they have experienced it.

17. “How much trouble is there in an old door? Depends on how loud you closed it. How many slices are there in bread? Depends on how thin you cut it. How much good a day? Depends on how well you live. How much love is inside your soulmate? Depends on how much you give it.” (Shel Silverstein)

18. “You need to dance like no one is watching.
To love so that you will never be hurt.
Sing like no one is listening to you.
And live as if it were heaven on earth.”
(William W. Purkey)

19. “I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me: “I love you.” There is an African proverb: “Be careful when a naked man offers you his shirt.” (Maya Angelou)

20. Love is two solitudes that greet each other, touch and protect each other.

Beautiful words and quotes that will make life better

21. Love is when you are not compared to anyone, because they know that there is no one better than you.

22. Loved ones are not compared, they are simply loved.

23. Love is the desire to make your loved one happy.

24. If you are in love, then you will do everything to give happiness and not cause pain.

25. It only takes a few seconds to say “I love you,” but it takes a lifetime to show how much you love you!

26. You can talk about love without experiencing this feeling, so the main thing is not words, but actions.

27. Love is when, despite the distance, you trust your loved one.

28. You can be close to your loved one and not trust him, or you can be at a distance and be confident in him.

29. Love is when he sees her in the morning, sleepy, without makeup, in pajamas and still thinks that she is the most beautiful...

30. Well-groomed, beautiful, with makeup and hair - such a girl is for everyone, but without makeup and with natural beauty - such a girl is only for her beloved.

Quotes about love with meaning

31. There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman you don’t love.

32. Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

33. If we judged love by its consequences, then we would hate it more than hatred.

34. Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...

35. You always need to know what pain you cause to the one you love. To think a hundred times before doing it.

36. Love is like a butterfly: squeeze it too hard and crush it, let it go and it will fly away.

37. I know that you are burning in the flame of love, but I am not afraid to play with fire... Touching each other, we lose our heads...

38. I realized that your love is the best melody I have ever heard in my life.

39. The same thing happened with love as with ghosts: since they stopped believing in them, they no longer show themselves to anyone.

40. I will name the first summer rain by your name, and I will wait for you under it until you come. To touch your lips with a gentle breeze and dissolve in a billion endless minutes...

The main thing in life is to find: yourself, yours and yours...

“Before you judge me, take my shoes and walk my path, taste my tears, feel my pain, stumble upon every stone I stumbled over... And only after that say that you know how to live correctly...” Adele

Indifference is the only cure for madness and despair. Dean Koontz

Manage to love one so much that you can pass by a thousand better ones and not look back.

Turn a big scandal into a small one, a small one into nothing.

The secret of family happiness: a woman should make it pleasant for a man to come home, and a man should make it pleasant for a woman to meet him.

A couple who lives happily shows care for each other. They are not afraid to show their feelings in public. They can easily forgive each other for ridiculous mistakes and respect each other’s interests.

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

Relationships are like a ship. If you can't withstand a small storm, there's no point in sailing to the open sea.

It's not hard to kill love in yourself, it's hard to kill memories.

Love has already come to me once. When I feel that she is about to show up again, I will urgently run somewhere far away.
Agatha Christie "Darkness of Night"

I don’t scold my wife and will never leave her. It’s because she became bad with me, but I took her to be good! Mayakovsky

Best relationship advice: Never tell anyone about it.

Darling, am I your only one?
- Of course, Darling! I just can’t stand the second one like this!

I cannot indifferently watch how people’s destinies intersect and diverge, due to stupidity, cowardice, due to the inability to open up and explain themselves. Catherine Pancol, "A Man at a Distance"

We are always replaced by others. Vladimir Vysotsky

Why didn't you call?
-I missed you.
“That’s what I thought, if you don’t call, it means you’re bored.” Rinat Valiullin

Love a woman the way you made her. Or make it the way you like.

Looking back, you realize how many unnecessary words were said to the wrong people.

The best alarm clock is a kiss from your beloved girl.

I no longer want to spend all night walking, I don’t need noisy companies, I just want to be next to you, take care of you and cook breakfast..

He who does not understand your silence will hardly understand your words. Elbert Green Hubbard

A woman can be happy, completely satisfied with one man, because she does not look at his body, she is interested in his spiritual qualities. She falls in love not with someone who has perfectly developed muscles, but with someone who has charisma, something inexplicable, but incredibly attractive, with someone whose secret she wants to know. A woman wants her chosen one to be not just a man, she wants him to be an adventure on the path to achieving awareness.

Love is normal for those who can cope with mental overload. Charles Bukowski

I am calm only in two cases: when she is with me and when she is at home.

When he says: “I don’t love you anymore,” you understand that this is the end and he will now leave forever. And you stand rooted to the spot and look at the floor, and there are thousands of words in your head, and from this whole stream of thoughts you can only squeeze out: “Go away.” That's all. It’s just that at this moment the pain is stronger than any words.

Is height or weight really important when there is something special, something attractive about a person? Oleg Roy "Three colors"

People always love more those who are completely unsuitable for them. This is especially true for women. Yukio Mishima "Forbidden Pleasures"

Only those who do not cheat have the right to be jealous.

They love not for something, but in spite of it. A. Vasiliev

Today I felt like I missed you. But then I remembered that you are a fool, and everything immediately became normal.

Those girls who never throw themselves at your neck catch your eye.

The worst crime is to play with a girl's heart when you know that she loves you.

While you are breaking down... they confess their love to her, offer to meet her, find out her phone number... and you break down, break down further...

Often people don’t even suspect how those who smile and laugh merrily during the day cry at night...

Whoever you meet at your life path- thank him for his participation in your destiny. Whether it was an episode or for life, no person comes into the life of another by accident.

I will appreciate not the one who will say that all bad things will pass, but the one who will say: “I’m nearby, we can handle it...

If you didn’t love, it means you didn’t live and didn’t breathe. Vladimir Vysotsky

If you love a person for who he is, then you love him. If you are trying to change it radically, then you love yourself. @Augustine Aurelius

It’s easy to say I love, but not everyone can feel it.

Don't look for reasons to hate, look for reasons to love...

I recognize friendship by the absence of disappointments, true love by the inability to be offended. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints. Stendhal

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved. Erich Osterfeld

How do you know that he loves you? -he knows the worst about me, but continues to hold my hand...

Hidden in every separation new meeting. Elchin Safarli. You were promised to me

People think that they will only fall in love when they find the perfect man or woman. Nonsense! You will never find them because the perfect woman and the perfect man do not exist. And if they exist, then they don’t care about your love. Osho

More than love, the only thing that excites us is money. Benjamin Disraeli

Love is always precious, no matter where it comes from. The heart that beats when you appear, the eyes that cry when you leave, are gifts so rare, so sweet, so valuable that they cannot be neglected. Guy de Maupassant

It’s so hard with you, but it’s not easier without you.

Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. K. Colton

When people do not agree on the main thing, they diverge over trifles.

When you love, new fears are born that you didn’t even suspect about before. EM. Remarque "A time to live and a time to die"

A man's love is expressed in three forms: he publicly declares his rights to you, protects and provides. Steve Harvey

Travel only with those you love. Ernest Hemingway

We love those who don’t love us, and we destroy those who are in love with us. Love is a complicated thing!!!

I breathe, and that means I love!
I love, and that means I live! Vysotsky

Avoid those who love you if you cannot answer them in kind.

The funny thing about a relationship where one loves and the other doesn't care... is that one day they switch places.

I don't like when people compare me to someone. I'm not satisfied? Rest!

It is easier for a woman to fall in love than to confess her love. And it’s easier for a man to confess than to fall in love.

Lying is the end of trust. The end of trust is the end of love. Don't lie to your loved ones. Sergey Rudenko

Sometimes you can fall in love at first sight, but you can fall in love deeply only after going through difficult trials together. Alexey Alekseevich Ignatiev

Don't check on your friends and loved ones. They still won't pass the test. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Be with the one you love, not with the one they advised you to be with

When you miss a person, the first impulse is to replace them with other people. An endless string of novels. At worst - books, chocolate, whiskey. But this is not a replacement, as we think, but an insignificant self-deception. Sooner or later you will understand that you cannot replace the past, and you don’t need to do this. Better take it off old clothes, no matter how beloved it may be, and put on a new one.

People love each other. I love the smell of the concealer.

Love cannot stand ruthless analysis. If you constantly check it, take it apart piece by piece, compare it, hold it up to the light, it will wither and gradually die. S. Lauren

If a person says that there was no love and there will be no love, this means that he had love, but unrequited

If no one loves you, rest assured, it is your fault. F. Dowbridge