Nuclear reactions: simple and clear. Nuclear reaction

First I would like to remember my...
And then the recording. When we know the potential of an atom and have a nanohole, we can have an almost perpetual motion machine that supplies us with energy.

cold nuclear fusion in cells (G. N. Petrakovich)

As follows from the author’s published hypothesis about cellular bioenergy, a vortex electromagnetic field (EMF) is generated in the “power stations” of the cell - mitochondria - the highest frequency and shortest wavelength of all fields in nature. Instruments for measuring such fields have not yet been created. Recently, in the USA, using laser technology, a setup was created with which it was possible to generate and measure EMF with a frequency of 1012 sec, while in the mitochondria of a living cell, according to preliminary calculations, EMF is generated with a frequency of at least 1028 sec.

The generation of EMF in mitochondria occurs in hemes (four iron atoms interconnected by atomic bonds with reversibly changing valency Fe2+ Fe3+) due to the “jump” of an electron from divalent to trivalent iron. In the generated EMF, protons are retained and accelerated - heavy positively charged elementary particles, which, like electrons, are formed from atomic hydrogen during its ionization in mitochondria.

The high-frequency EMFs generated in each heme of cytochromes are coherent, so they add up (“merge”) with each other by synchronizing with the inevitable resonance effect, which significantly increases the voltage of the newly formed field.

The addition of coherent EMFs with synchronization and an indispensable resonance effect occurs not only in mitochondria, but also in the cell space - the cytoplasm, and far beyond the cells and even the entire living organism, and in all cases protons are retained and accelerated in them. The energy of the fields aimed at “merging” from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm is the force that “throws” protons from the mitochondria into the space of the cell at enormous speed, while their movement turns out to be unidirectional - in contrast to the Brownian movement of all other ions in the cell, at a speed thousands of times higher than the speed of other ions in the cell.

But how do protons in a cell manage to overcome the Coulomb barrier and penetrate the nuclei of atoms?

It turns out that the whole point is in the nature of the EMF generated in the subject - in its frequency and wavelength. Heme - four iron atoms interconnected by atomic bonds - is a unit of the iron atomic lattice in the form of a tetrahedron (“milk carton”), the wavelength of the EMF generated in it is equal to half the distance between the nearest atoms in the iron atomic lattice - such a wave is free, as in waveguide, will pass through any atomic lattice, including metal, and the high frequency will save energy from unnecessary consumption. In this case, the EMF, which has the same nature with the electromagnetic forces of Coulomb resistance in the nuclei of atoms, will change the vectoriality of these forces, directed equally in all directions from the nucleus, towards the movement of the EMF - under these conditions, protons accelerated in this field are given the opportunity freely penetrate into the nuclei of target atoms and, already inside these nuclei, influence with their energy the short-range forces of attraction between particles that make up the nucleus. This could be ?-decay, in which the number of protons increases and the number of neutrons in the nucleus decreases - thereby changing the atomic number, that is, a new chemical element with new qualities is obtained. And this is nuclear fusion. This could be a?+ decay, in which the number of neutrons increases and the number of protons in the nucleus can decrease - and this is the formation of isotopes of a chemical element or even nuclear fission.

But the most a large number of energy is released during ?-decay, in which ?-particles, which are two protons and two neutrons tightly bound together - the nuclei of helium atoms, are ejected from the "captivity" of the nucleus at enormous speed. These positively charged particles, having a double proton charge, fall into the incoming EMF and are carried away by it away from the nucleus, while not only not losing their initially high speed in it, but also continuing to accelerate in it.

Unlike a nuclear explosion with a “cold thermonuclear”, no critical mass accumulates in the reaction zone, decay or synthesis can immediately stop, no radiation is observed, since ?-particles outside the EMF immediately turn into helium atoms, and protons into molecular hydrogen, water or peroxide.

At the same time, the body is capable of creating the chemical elements it needs from other chemical elements, neutralize substances harmful to it.

In the zone where the “cold thermonuclear reaction” occurs, holograms are also formed, reflecting the interaction of protons with the nuclei of target atoms; ultimately, these holograms are carried undistorted by the EMF into the noosphere and become the basis of the energy-information field of the noosphere.

A person is capable of arbitrarily, with the help of electromagnetic lenses, the role of which in a living organism is played by piezocrystal molecules, to focus the energy of protons and especially ?-particles into powerful beams, while demonstrating amazing phenomena: lifting and moving incredible weights along the surface, walking on hot stones and coals, levitation and much more, equally impressive.

Petrakovich G.N. Biofield without secrets: a critical analysis of the theory of cellular bioenergy and the author’s hypothesis // Russian Thought, 1992. -N2.- P.66-71.

Petrakovich G.N. Nuclear reactions in a living cell: new ideas about the bioenergetics of the cell in addition to those published earlier // Russian Thought, 1993.-N3-12.-P.66-73.

Nefedov E.I., Protopopov A.A., Sementsov A.N., Yashin A.A. Interaction of physical fields with living matter. -T ula, 1995. -180s.

Petrakovich G.N. Bioenergy fields and molecules-piezocrystals in a living organism // Bulletin of new medical technologies, 1994. -T.1. -N2. -P.29-31.

The first nuclear reaction on earth occurred in Africa about two billion years ago. Scientists suggest that then, in the course of geological processes, a kind of nuclear installation with a capacity of 100 kilowatts was created, which pulsated every three hours for 150 thousand years.

Traces of the existence of these natural nuclear reactors were discovered in the Oklo region of the African state of Gabon in 1972. Scientists discovered that the uranium in the uranium ore discovered there was undergoing a nuclear chain reaction. This released large amounts of energy in the form of heat, a similar principle used in modern nuclear reactors.

At the same time, it remains a mystery why the nuclear reaction in Africa did not lead to an explosion. Nuclear power plants use a nuclear reaction moderator. Scientists believe that in natural conditions The water from mountain streams became such a reaction slower. Water slows down the movement of neutrons and thus stops the nuclear reaction. The reactor cools down for a while, but then, under the influence of neutron energy, the water heats up again, boils, and the nuclear reaction continues.

Alex Meshik and his colleagues at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, discovered large quantities of xenon, a product of the fission of an atomic nucleus, in an aluminum phosphate mineral near Oklo Rocks. Xenon is a gas, but during the cooling of a natural nuclear reactor, some of it was preserved frozen in aluminum phosphate. Scientists measure the amount of xenon in order to calculate how long the heating and cooling periods of a nuclear reactor were.

Modern nuclear reactors produce radioactive xenon and the related inert gas krypton, but both of these gases escape into the atmosphere. Only under natural conditions are these gases retained within the crystalline structure of the phosphate. “Maybe this will help us learn how to contain these gases in nuclear reactors,” says Alex Meshik.

Nuclear reactions occur constantly on stars. Moreover, thermonuclear reactions - one of the types of nuclear reactions - are the main source of energy on stars. However, nuclear reactions in stars are slower than we think, and, as a result, the stars themselves, as well as the galaxies and the entire universe, are a little older than is commonly believed - this follows from the latest astrophysical experiments in the Italian Gran Sasso mountains.

Most of the energy emitted by our stars is the energy released when four hydrogen nuclei fuse inside them to form lithium nuclei. And the resulting lithium nuclei are involved in the so-called carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle. The rate of this cycle is determined by the slowest of the reactions involved, the one that leads to the formation of oxygen nuclei as a result of the fusion of nitrogen nuclei with a proton. It is not difficult to achieve such a merger artificially, scientists say. The difficulty is to do this at the same energy level that occurs in stars. And this level is relatively low, it provides only a few reactions per day, thanks to which life exists, at least on our planet - otherwise (with the rapid interaction of a proton with nitrogen) the Sun would have spent its energy long ago, leaving the entire system in the cold darkness In simulated underground experiments, it was found that the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle is two times slower than expected, therefore the age of the oldest star clusters, which is used to judge the age of the universe, is increasing. And if, according to previous calculations, the universe was 13 billion years old, now it is no less than 14 billion, says Eugenio Coccia, director of the Gran Sasso laboratories.

They are divided into 2 classes: thermonuclear reactions and reactions under the influence of nuclear active particles and nuclear fission. The first require a temperature of ~ several million degrees for their implementation and occur only in the interior of stars or during explosions of H-bombs. The latter occur in the atmosphere and lithosphere due to cosmic irradiation and due to nuclear active particles in the upper shells of the Earth. Fast cosmic particles (average energy ~2 10 9 eV), entering the Earth's atmosphere, often cause complete splitting of atmospheric atoms (N, O) into lighter nuclear fragments, including neutrons. The rate of formation of the latter reaches a value of 2.6 neutrons (cm -2 sec -1). Neutrons interact predominantly with atmospheric N, ensuring the constant formation of radioactive isotopes carbon C 14 (T 1/2 = 5568 years) and tritium H 3 (T 1/2 = 12.26 years) according to the following reactions N 14 + P= C 14 + H 1; N 14+ n= C 12 + H 3. The annual production of radiocarbon in the earth's atmosphere is about 10 kg. The formation of radioactive Be 7 and Cl 39 in the atmosphere was also noted. Nuclear reactions in the lithosphere occur mainly due to α-particles and neutrons arising from the decay of long-lived radioactive elements (mainly U and Th). It should be noted the accumulation of He 3 in some minerals containing Li (see. Helium isotopes in geology), formation of individual neon isotopes in euxenite, monazite and other minerals according to the reactions: O 18 + He 4 = Ne 21 + P; Fe 19 + He = Na 22 + P; Na 22 → Ne 22. Formation of argon isotopes in radioactive minerals by reactions: Cl 35 + He = Ar 38 + n; Cl 35 + He = K 38 + H 1; K 38 → Ar 38. During spontaneous and neutron-induced fission of uranium, the formation of heavy isotopes of krypton and xenon is observed (see Xenon method for determining absolute age). In lithospheric masses, the artificial splitting of atomic nuclei causes the accumulation of certain isotopes in an amount of 10 -9 -10 -12% of the mass of the mass.

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§ 3.13 Nuclear reactions and mass defect

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§ 3.13 Nuclear reactions and mass defect All changes in nature that occur are of such a state that as much of something is taken away from one body, so much is added to another. So, if a little matter is lost somewhere, it will multiply in another place... This universal natural

1. Reactions are possible in the presence of high temperatures and high electromagnetic fields

2. The passage of processes due to neutrons, which do not require large magnetic fields and high temperatures

Nucleosynthesis. The phenomenon of nucleosynthesis was studied by a scientist Burbidge.

At the moment of the formation of the Universe there was mixture of electron particles.

Due to the interaction of protons and neutrons, hydrogen And helium, and in the following proportions: 2/3 – N, 1/3 – He.

All other elements were formed from hydrogen.

The sun consists of helium and hydrogen (10-20 million ºС).

There are hotter stars (more than 150 million ºС). In the depths of these planets formed carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and magnesium.

Other elements were created in supernova explosions (uranium and heavier ones).

Throughout the Universe, helium and hydrogen are the most common (3/4 hydrogen and 1/4 helium).

○ The most common elements on Earth:

§7 “Wave-particle (dual) theory”

In 1900 M. Planck put forward a theory: absolutely black body also emits energy, but emits it in portions (quanta).

● Electron-magnetic field quantum is photon.

Wave nature of the photon:

- diffraction(deviation of light from a straight direction, or the ability to bend around obstacles)

- interference(wave interaction in which waves can overlap each other and either enhance or cancel each other)


2.Intensity decreases


Corpuscular nature of the photon:

Photo effect– the phenomenon of emission of electrons by a substance under the influence of electromagnetic radiation.

Stoletov studied the laws of the photocell.

An explanation of the photoelectric effect has been given Einstein within the framework of corpuscular theory.

A photon hitting an electron transfers part of its energy.

Compton effect– if X-ray radiation is directed at a substance, it is scattered by the electrons of the substance. This scattered radiation will have a longer wavelength than the incident radiation. The difference depends on the scattering angle.

E =

h – bar

υ – radiation frequency

●Photon – wave packet.

Mathematically, the wave-particle duality is expressed in L. de Broglie's equation:

λ = h / (m · v) = h / P

P– impulse

This dualism is a universal theory; it can be distributed to all types of matter.



m e = 9.1 10 -28 Gv ~ 10 8 cm/sλ ~ 10 -8 cm

flying ball

m= 50 gv~ 25 cm/sλ ~ 10 -32 cm

1) The Uncertainty Principle[IN. Heisenberg] – it is impossible to simultaneously accurately determine the coordinate of a particle and its momentum.

q · ∆ ph / 2

q uncertainty of any coordinate

p momentum uncertainty

E · ∆ th / 2

E particle energy

t uncertainty of time

2) The principle of complementarity[N. Bohr] - obtaining experimental information about some quantities that describe a microobject is inevitably associated with the loss of information about other quantities, additional to the first.

3) Principle of causality(a consequence of the uncertainty principle) – a principle of classical physics. There is a cause-and-effect relationship between natural phenomena. The principle of causality does not apply to objects of the microworld.

4) Identity principle– it is impossible to experimentally study identical microparticles.

5) Principle of correspondence- any more general theory, being a development of the classical theory, does not completely reject it, but indicates the boundaries of its application.

6) Superposition principle– the resulting effect is the sum of the effects caused by each phenomenon separately.

Schrödinger equation– the basic equation of quantum mechanics.

Wave function[Ψ] is a function of both coordinates and time.

E = E kin. + U

U potential energy

E kin . = (m v 2 ) / 2 = p 2 / 2m

E=p 2 / 2m + U

E Ψ = ( p 2 / 2 m + U ) · Ψ

2 · d · v) shows where and in what state the corresponding particle is located.

Nuclear reactions - transformations atomic nuclei when interacting with other nuclei,elementary particlesor quanta. This definition delimits the actual nuclear reactions and processes of spontaneous transformation of nuclei during radioactive decay (see.Radioactivity), although in both cases we are talking about the formation of new nuclei.
reactions carried out under the influence of flying, or bombarding, particles ( neutrons n, protons p, deuterons d, electrons e, atomic nuclei various. elements) or quanta with which heavier nuclei contained in the target are irradiated. Based on the energies of the bombarding particles, nuclear nuclei are conventionally distinguished reactions at low (< 1 МэВ), средних (1-100 МэВ) и высоких (>100 MeV) energies. They delimit districts on light nuclei ( mass number target nuclei A< 50), ядрах ср. массы (50 < А < 100) и тяжелых ядрах (А > 100).
reaction can occur if the two particles involved in it approach at a distance less than the diameter of the nucleus (about 10 -13 cm), i.e., at the distance at which the intranuclear forces interact. between the constituent nucleons of the nucleus. If both participants in the nuclear reactions Since the particles - both the bombarding particle and the target nucleus - are positively charged, the approach of the particles is prevented by the repulsive force of the two positive particles. charges, and the bombarding particle must overcome the so-called. Coulomb potential barrier. The height of this barrier depends on the charge of the bombarding particle and the charge of the target nucleus. For kernels that meet atoms from Wed. values atomic number , and bombarding particles with charge +1, the barrier height is about 10 MeV. If in a nuclear reactions particles that do not have a charge ( neutrons ), there is no Coulomb potential barrier, and nuclear reactions can occur with the participation of particles having thermal energy (i.e., energy corresponding to thermal vibrations atoms ).
The possibility of nuclear
reactions not as a result of bombardment of target nuclei by incident particles, but due to the extremely close approach of nuclei (i.e., approach at distances comparable to the diameter of the nucleus) located in the solid matrix or on the surface solid (e.g. involving nuclei deuterium gas atoms , dissolved in palladium ); so far (1995) reliable data on the implementation of such nuclear reactions ("cold thermonuclear fusion") no.
reactions subject to the same general laws of nature as ordinary chemistry. reactions (law of conservation of massand energy, conservation of charge, momentum). In addition, during nuclear reactions There are also some specific laws that do not appear in chemistry. reactions, for example, the law of conservation of baryon charge (baryons are heavyelementary particles).
Write nuclear
reactions possible as shown in the example of the transformation of Pu nuclei into Ku nuclei when irradiating a plutonium target with nuclei not she :

From this record it is clear that the sums of charges on the left and right (94 + 10 = 104) and the sums mass numbers (242 + 22 = 259 + 5) are equal to each other. Because the chemical symbol element clearly indicates its atomic number (nuclear charge), then when writing nuclear reactions Particle charge values ​​are usually not indicated. More often nuclear reactions write shorter. Yes, nuclear radionuclide formation reaction 14 C when irradiating 14 N nuclei neutrons written as follows: 14 N(n, p) 14 C.
In parentheses indicate first the bombarding particle or quantum, then, separated by commas, the resulting light particles or quantum. In accordance with this recording method, (n, p), (d, p), (n, 2n) and other nuclear
reactions .
When the same particles collide, nuclear
reactions can go in different ways. For example, when irradiating an aluminum target neutrons traces may leak. nuclear reactions : 27 А1(n,) 28 А1, 27 А1(n, n) 27 А1, 27 А1(n, 2n) 26 А1, 27 А1(n, p) 27 Mg, 27 Al(n,) 24 Na, etc. The collection of colliding particles is called the entrance channel of the nuclear reactions , and particles born as a result of nuclear reactions , form an output channel.
reactions can occur with the release and absorption of energy Q. If we write nuclear energy in general terms reaction as A(a, b)B, then for such a nuclear reactions energy is equal to: Q = [(M A + M a) - (M b + M b)] x c 2, where M is the mass participating in the nuclear reactions particles; c is the speed of light. In practice, it is more convenient to use the values mass defects delta M (see Atomic nucleus ), then the expression for calculating Q has the form: and for reasons of convenience, it is usually expressed in kiloelectronvolts (keV, 1 amu = 931501.59 keV = 1.492443 x 10 -7 kJ).
The change in energy that accompanies nuclear
reaction , can be 10 6 times or more higher than the energy released or absorbed during chemical reactions. reactions. Therefore, during nuclear reactions a change in the masses of interacting nuclei becomes noticeable: the energy released or absorbed is equal to the difference in the sums of the masses of particles before and after the nuclear reactions . The possibility of releasing huge amounts of energy when carrying out nuclear reactions underlies nuclear energy . Study of the relationships between the energies of particles participating in nuclear reactions , as well as the relationships between the angles at which the particles generated are scattered, constitute a branch of nuclear physics - the kinematics of nuclear reactions.
Mechanisms of nuclear reactions .
The nature of the interaction of the incident particle with the target nucleus depends on the individual properties of the interacting particles and the energy of the incident particle. An incident particle can enter and exit the target core only by changing its trajectory. This phenomenon is called. elastic interaction (or elastic scattering). In the above example with the participation of 27 A1 nuclei, it corresponds to nuclear reaction 27 A1(p, p) 27 A1. A nucleon of a bombarding particle, having entered a nucleus, can collide with a nucleon of the nucleus. If in this case the energy of one or both nucleons turns out to be greater than the energy needed to escape from the nucleus, then both of them (or at least one of them) will leave the nucleus. This is the so-called direct process. The time during which it occurs corresponds to the time during which the bombarding particle passes through the space occupied by the target nucleus. It is estimated to be about 10 -22 s. The direct process is possible at high energies of the bombarding particle.
At medium and low energies of the bombarding particle, its excess energy is redistributed among many nucleons of the nucleus. This happens in 10 -15 -10 -16 s. This time corresponds to the lifetime of the so-called compound nucleus of a nuclear system formed during a nuclear
reactions as a result of the merger of an incident particle with a target nucleus. During this period, the excess energy received by the compound nucleus from the incident particle is redistributed. It can concentrate on one or several nucleons included in the compound nucleus. As a result, the compound nucleus emits, for example, a deuteron d, triton t or a particle.
If the energy introduced into the compound nucleus by the incident particle turns out to be less than the height of the potential barrier that a light particle escaping from the compound nucleus must overcome, then in this case the compound nucleus emits a quantum (radiative capture). As a result of the decay of a compound nucleus, a relatively heavy new nucleus is formed, which can end up both in the main and in
excited state. In the latter case, a gradual transition of the excited nucleus to the ground state will occur.

Effective cross section of nuclear reactions .

Unlike most chemical reactions, in which starting substances taken in stoichiometric quantities react with each other completely, nuclear reaction causes only a small fraction of all bombarding particles falling on the target. This is explained by the fact that the nucleus occupies a negligible part of the volume atom , so the probability of an incident particle passing through the target encountering a nucleus atom very small. The Coulomb potential barrier between the incident particle and the nucleus (if they have the same charge) also prevents nuclear reactions . For quantities. characteristics of the probability of nuclear reactions use the concept of effective section a. It characterizes the probability of the transition of two colliding particles to a certain final state and is equal to the ratio of the number of such transitions per unit time to the number of bombarding particles passing per unit time through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of their movement. The effective cross-section has the dimension of area and is comparable in order of magnitude to the cross-sectional area atomic nuclei (about 10 -28 m2). Previously, a non-system unit of effective section was used - barn (1 barn = 10 -28 m 2).
Real values for various nuclear
reactions vary widely (from 10 -49 to 10 -22 m2). The value depends on the nature of the bombarding particle, its energy, and, especially to a large extent, on the properties of the irradiated nucleus. In case of nuclear irradiation neutrons with varying energy neutrons one can observe the so-called resonant capture neutrons , which is characterized by a resonant cross section. Resonant capture is observed when the kinetic energy neutron is close to the energy of one of the stationary states of the compound nucleus. The cross section corresponding to the resonant capture of a bombarding particle can exceed the non-resonant cross section by several orders of magnitude.
If a bombarding particle is capable of causing a nuclear
reactions through several channels, then the sum of the effective cross sections of various processes occurring with a given irradiated nucleus is often called the total cross section.
Effective cross sections of nuclear
reactions for different kernels isotopes k.-l. elements are often very different from each other. Therefore, when using the mixture isotopes for the implementation of nuclear reactions it is necessary to take into account the effective cross sections for each nuclide taking into account its prevalence in the mixture isotopes
Nuclear outputs reactions
Nuclear Reaction Yields -number ratio acts of nuclear reactions to the number of particles falling per unit area (1 cm 2) of the target usually does not exceed 10 -6 -10 -3. For thin targets (simplistically, a target can be called thin if, when passing through it, the flow of bombarding particles does not noticeably weaken), the nuclear yield reactions is proportional to the number of particles falling on 1 cm 2 of the target surface, the number of nuclei contained in 1 cm 2 of the target, as well as the value of the effective cross section of the nuclear reactions . Even when using such a powerful source of incident particles as a nuclear reactor, within 1 hour it is usually possible to obtain when carrying out nuclear reactions under the influence of neutrons no more than a few mg atoms containing new kernels. Usually the mass of a substance obtained in one or another nuclear reactions , significantly less.

Bombarding particles.
To implement nuclear reactions use neutrons n, protons p, deuterons d, tritons t, particles, heavy ions (12 C, 22 Ne, 40 Ar, etc.), electrons e and quanta. Sources neutrons (see Neutron sources) during nuclear reactions serve: mixtures of metal Be and a suitable emitter, for example. 226 Ra (so-called ampoule sources), neutron generators, nuclear reactors. Because in most cases nuclear reactions are higher for neutrons with low energies (thermal neutrons ), then before directing the flow neutrons at the target, they are usually slowed down using paraffin, graphite and other materials. In case of slow neutrons basic. process for almost all nuclei - radiation capture - nuclear reaction type because the Coulomb barrier of the nucleus prevents the escape protons and particles. Under the influence neutron fission chain reactions .
When used as bombarding particles
protons , deuterons, etc., flow carrying a positive charge, the bombarding particle is accelerated to high energies (from tens of MeV to hundreds of GeV) using various accelerators. This is necessary so that a charged particle can overcome the Coulomb potential barrier and enter the irradiated nucleus. When irradiating targets with positively charged particles, max. nuclear outputs reactions are achieved using deuterons. This is due to the fact that the binding energy proton and neutron in the deuteron is relatively small, and accordingly, the distance between proton and neutron .
When deuterons are used as bombarding particles, only one nucleon often penetrates into the irradiated nucleus -
proton or neutron , the second nucleon of the deuteron nucleus flies further, usually in the same direction as the incident deuteron. High effective cross sections can be achieved when conducting nuclear reactions between deuterons and light nuclei at relatively low energies of incident particles (1-10 MeV). Therefore nuclear reactions with the participation of deuterons can be carried out not only by using deuterons accelerated at an accelerator, but also by heating a mixture of interacting nuclei to a temperature of about 10 7 K. Such nuclear reactions called thermonuclear. Under natural conditions, they occur only in the interior of stars. On Earth thermonuclear reactions involving deuterium, deuterium and tritium, deuterium and lithium etc. carried out with explosions thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs.
For particles, the Coulomb barrier for heavy nuclei reaches ~25 MeV. Equally probable nuclear
reactions and Nuclear Products reactions usually radioactive, for nuclear reactions - usually stable kernels.
For the synthesis of new superheavy chemicals. elements are important nuclear
reactions , occurring with the participation of heavy particles accelerated in accelerators ions (22 Ne, 40 Ar, etc.). For example, on nuclear reactions m.b. synthesis carried out fermia. For nuclear reactions with heavy ions typical big number output channels. For example, when bombarding 232 Th nuclei ions 40 Ar produces Ca, Ar, S, Si, Mg, Ne nuclei.
To implement nuclear
reactions under the influence of quanta, high-energy quanta (tens of MeV) are suitable. Quanta with lower energies experience only elastic scattering from nuclei. Nuclear flowing under the influence of incident quanta reactions called photonuclear, these reactions reach 10 30 m 2.
electrons have a charge opposite to the charge of the nuclei, penetration electrons into the nucleus is possible only in cases where nuclei are irradiated using electrons , the energy of which exceeds tens of MeV. To obtain such electrons betatrons and other accelerators are used.
Nuclear research
reactions provide a variety of information about the internal structure of nuclei. Nuclear reactions involving neutrons make it possible to obtain a huge amount of energy in nuclear reactors. As a result of nuclear fission reactions driven by neutrons a large number of different radionuclides , which can be used, in particular in chemistry like isotope tracers. In some cases nuclear reactions allow you to receivelabeled compounds. Nuclear reactions are the basis activation analysis. Using nuclear reactions synthesis of artificial chemicals has been carried out. elements ( technetium, promethium, transuranic elements, transactinoids).

History of the discovery of fission of uranium nuclei

The fission of uranium nuclei was discovered in 1938 by German scientists O. Hahn and F. Strassmann. They managed to establish that when uranium nuclei are bombarded with neutrons, elements of the middle part of the periodic table are formed: barium, krypton, etc. The correct interpretation of this fact was given by the Austrian physicist L. Meitner and English physicist O. Frisch. They explained the appearance of these elements by the decay of uranium nuclei that captured a neutron into two approximately equal parts. This phenomenon is called nuclear fission, and the resulting nuclei are called fission fragments.

Droplet model of the nucleus

This fission reaction can be explained based on the droplet model of the nucleus. In this model, the core is considered as a drop of electrically charged incompressible fluid. In addition to the nuclear forces acting between all nucleons of the nucleus, protons experience additional electrostatic repulsion, as a result of which they are located at the periphery of the nucleus. In the unexcited state, the electrostatic repulsion forces are compensated, so the nucleus has a spherical shape (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

After a nucleus captures a neutron, an intermediate nucleus is formed, which is in an excited state. In this case, the neutron energy is evenly distributed among all nucleons, and the intermediate nucleus itself is deformed and begins to vibrate. If the excitation is small, then the nucleus (Fig. 1, b), freeing itself from excess energy by emitting ? -quantum or neutron, returns to a stable state. If the excitation energy is sufficiently high, then the deformation of the core during vibrations can be so great that a waist is formed in it (Fig. 1, c), similar to the waist between two parts of a bifurcating drop of liquid. Nuclear forces acting in a narrow waist can no longer withstand the significant Coulomb force of repulsion of parts of the nucleus. The waist breaks, and the core breaks up into two “fragments” (Fig. 1, d), which fly off in opposite directions.
Currently, about 100 different isotopes with mass numbers from about 90 to 145 are known, resulting from the fission of this nucleus. Two typical reactions divisions of this nucleus have the form:
Note that nuclear fission initiated by a neutron produces new neutrons that can cause fission reactions in other nuclei. The fission products of uranium-235 nuclei can also be other isotopes of barium, xenon, strontium, rubidium, etc.
When the nuclei of heavy atoms () are fissioned, very large energy is released - about 200 MeV during the fission of each nucleus. About 80% of this energy is released as kinetic energy of fragments; the remaining 20% ​​comes from the energy of radioactive radiation from fragments and the kinetic energy of prompt neutrons.
An estimate of the energy released during nuclear fission can be made using the specific binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus. Specific binding energy of nucleons in nuclei with mass number A? 240 is of the order of 7.6 MeV/nucleon, while in nuclei with mass numbers A= 90 – 145 specific energy is approximately 8.5 MeV/nucleon. Consequently, the fission of a uranium nucleus releases energy of the order of 0.9 MeV/nucleon, or approximately 210 MeV per uranium atom. The complete fission of all nuclei contained in 1 g of uranium releases the same energy as the combustion of 3 tons of coal or 2.5 tons of oil.

Nuclear chain reaction

Nuclear chain reaction - a sequence of singlenuclear reactions , each of which is caused by a particle that appeared as a reaction product at the previous step in the sequence. An example of a nuclear chain reaction is the chain reactionnuclear fission heavy elements, in which the main number of fission events is initiatedneutrons , obtained from nuclear fission in the previous generation.

When a uranium-235 nucleus fissions, which is caused by a collision with a neutron, 2 or 3 neutrons are released. Under favorable conditions, these neutrons can hit other uranium nuclei and cause them to fission. At this stage, from 4 to 9 neutrons will appear, capable of causing new decays of uranium nuclei, etc. Such an avalanche-like process is called a chain reaction. A diagram of the development of a chain reaction of fission of uranium nuclei is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3

Uranium occurs in nature in the form of two isotopes: (99.3%) and (0.7%). When bombarded by neutrons, the nuclei of both isotopes can split into two fragments. In this case, the fission reaction occurs most intensely with slow (thermal) neutrons, while nuclei enter into a fission reaction only with fast neutrons with an energy of the order of 1 MeV. Otherwise, the excitation energy of the formed nuclei
turns out to be insufficient for fission, and then nuclear reactions occur instead of fission:
Uranium isotope ? -radioactive, half-life 23 minutes. The neptunium isotope is also radioactive, with a half-life of about 2 days.

The plutonium isotope is relatively stable, with a half-life of 24,000 years. The most important property plutonium is that it fissions under the influence of neutrons in the same way as. Therefore, with the help a chain reaction can be carried out.
The scheme discussed above chain reaction represents an ideal case. In real conditions, not all neutrons produced during fission participate in the fission of other nuclei. Some of them are captured by the non-fissile nuclei of foreign atoms, others fly out of the uranium (neutron leakage).
Therefore, a chain reaction of fission of heavy nuclei does not always occur and not for any mass of uranium.

Neutron multiplication factor

The development of a chain reaction is characterized by the so-called neutron multiplication factor TO, which is measured by the ratio of the number N i neutrons causing fission of the nuclei of a substance at one of the stages of the reaction, to the number N i-1 neutrons that caused fission at the previous stage of the reaction:
The multiplication coefficient depends on a number of factors, in particular on the nature and quantity of the fissile substance, and on the geometric shape of the volume it occupies. The same amount of a given substance has different meanings TO. TO maximum if the substance has a spherical shape, since in this case the loss of prompt neutrons through the surface will be minimal.
The mass of fissile material in which the chain reaction occurs with a multiplication factor TO= 1 is called critical mass. In small pieces of uranium, most neutrons fly out without hitting any nucleus.
The value of the critical mass is determined by the geometry of the physical system, its structure and external environment. So, for a ball of pure uranium, the critical mass is 47 kg (a ball with a diameter of 17 cm). The critical mass of uranium can be reduced many times by using so-called neutron moderators. The fact is that neutrons produced during the decay of uranium nuclei have too high speeds, and the probability of capturing slow neutrons by uranium-235 nuclei is hundreds of times greater than fast ones. The best neutron moderator is heavy water D 2 O. When interacting with neutrons, ordinary water itself turns into heavy water.
Graphite, whose nuclei do not absorb neutrons, is also a good moderator. During elastic interaction with deuterium or carbon nuclei, neutrons are slowed down to thermal speeds.
The use of neutron moderators and a special beryllium shell, which reflects neutrons, makes it possible to reduce the critical mass to 250 g.
At the multiplication rate TO= 1 the number of fissioning nuclei is maintained at a constant level. This mode is provided in nuclear reactors.
If the mass of nuclear fuel is less than the critical mass, then the multiplication factor TO < 1; каждое новое поколение вызывает все меньшее и меньшее число делений, и реакция без внешнего источника нейтронов быстро затухает.
If the mass of nuclear fuel is greater than the critical mass, then the multiplication factor TO> 1 and each new generation of neutrons causes everything larger number divisions. The chain reaction grows like an avalanche and has the character of an explosion, accompanied by a huge release of energy and an increase in the ambient temperature to several million degrees. This kind of chain reaction occurs when an atomic bomb explodes.
Nuclear reactor

A nuclear reactor is a device in which controllednuclear chain reaction , accompanied by the release of energy. The first nuclear reactor was built in December 1942 in the USA under the leadership of E.Fermi . In Europe, the first nuclear reactor was launched in December 1946 in Moscow under the leadership of I.V.Kurchatova . By 1978, there were already about a thousand nuclear reactors operating in the world. various types. The components of any nuclear reactor are:core With nuclear fuel , usually surrounded by a neutron reflector,coolant , chain reaction control system, radiation protection, remote control system. The main characteristic of a nuclear reactor is its power. Power at 1 Meth corresponds to a chain reaction in which 3 10 16 acts of fission into 1 occur sec.

In the core of a nuclear reactor there is nuclear fuel, a chain reaction of nuclear fission occurs and energy is released. State Nuclear reactor is characterized by an effective coefficient Kef neutron multiplication or reactivity r:

R = (K? - 1)/K eff. (1)

If TO ef > 1, then the chain reaction increases over time, the nuclear reactor is in a supercritical state and its reactivity r > 0; If TO ef < 1 , then the reaction dies out, the reactor is subcritical, r< 0; при TO ? = 1, r = 0, the reactor is in a critical state, a stationary process is in progress and the number of fissions is constant over time. To initiate a chain reaction when starting a nuclear reactor, a neutron source (a mixture of Ra and Be, 252 Cf) is usually introduced into the core etc.), although this is not necessary, since spontaneous fission of nuclei uranium and cosmic rays provide a sufficient number of initial neutrons for the development of a chain reaction at TO ef > 1.

Most nuclear reactors use 235 U as a fissile substance. . If the core, other than nuclear fuel (natural or enriched Uranus), contains a neutron moderator (graphite, water and other substances containing light nuclei, seeNeutron moderation ), then the main part of divisions occurs under the influencethermal neutrons (thermal reactor ). Natural gas can be used in a thermal neutron nuclear reactor Uranus , not enriched 235 U (these were the first nuclear reactors). If there is no moderator in the core, then the bulk of fissions is caused by fast neutrons with energy x n > 10 kev(fast reactor ). Intermediate neutron reactors with energies of 1-1000 are also possible ev.

By design, nuclear reactors are divided into heterogeneous reactors , in which nuclear fuel is distributed discretely in the core in the form of blocks, between which there is a neutron moderator, andhomogeneous reactors , in which the nuclear fuel and moderator are a homogeneous mixture (solution or suspension). Blocks with nuclear fuel in a heterogeneous nuclear reactor are calledfuel elements (fuel rods) form a regular lattice; the volume per fuel rod is called a cell. Based on the nature of their use, nuclear reactors are divided into power reactors andresearch reactors . Often one nuclear reactor performs several functions .

In Criticality Conditions, a Nuclear Reactor has the form:

TO ef = K ? ? P = 1, (1)

Where 1 - P is the probability of neutron release (leakage) from the core of the Nuclear Reactor, TO ? - the neutron multiplication factor in an infinitely large core, determined for thermal nuclear reactors by the so-called “four factor formula”:

TO? =neju. (2)

Here n is the average number of secondary (fast) neutrons produced during fission of the 235 U nucleus thermal neutrons, e is the multiplication factor for fast neutrons (increase in the number of neutrons due to fission of nuclei, mainly nuclei 238 U , fast neutrons); j is the probability that a neutron will not be captured by a nucleus 238 U during the slowdown process, u is the probability that a thermal neutron will cause fission. The value h = n/(l + a) is often used, where a is the ratio of the radiation capture cross section s p to the fission cross section s d.

Condition (1) determines the size of the Nuclear Reactor. For example, for a nuclear reactor made of natural uranium and graphite n = 2.4. e » 1.03, eju » 0.44, from where TO? =1.08. This means that for TO ? > 1 necessary P<0,93, что соответствует (как показывает теория Ядерного реактора) размерам активной зоны Ядерный реактор ~ 5-10 m. The volume of a modern nuclear power reactor reaches hundreds m 3 and is determined mainly by heat removal capabilities, and not by criticality conditions. The volume of the active zone of a Nuclear Reactor in a critical state is called the critical volume of the Nuclear Reactor, and the mass of fissile material is called the critical mass. A nuclear reactor with fuel in the form of solutions of salts of pure fissile isotopes in water and with a water neutron reflector have the lowest critical mass. For 235 U this mass is 0.8 kg, For 239 Pu - 0,5 kg. 251 has the smallest critical mass Cf (theoretically 10 g). Critical parameters of a graphite nuclear reactor with natural uranium: mass of uranium 45 T, graphite volume 450 m 3 . To reduce neutron leakage, the core is given a spherical or nearly spherical shape, for example, a cylinder with a height on the order of the diameter or a cube (the smallest surface-to-volume ratio).

The value of n is known for thermal neutrons with an accuracy of 0.3% (Table 1). As the energy x n of the neutron that caused fission increases, n increases according to the law: n = n t + 0.15x n (x n in Mev), where n t corresponds to fission by thermal neutrons.

Table 1. - Values ​​n and h) for thermal neutrons (according to data for 1977)

233 U


239 Pu

241 Pu

n 2.479




h 2.283




The value (e-1) is usually only a few %, however, the role of fast neutron multiplication is significant, since for large nuclear reactors ( TO ? - 1) << 1 (графитовые Ядерный реактор с естественным
uranium, in which a chain reaction was first carried out would have been impossible to create if fission had not existed with fast neutrons).

The maximum possible value of J is achieved in a nuclear reactor, which contains only fissile nuclei. Power Nuclear reactors use weakly enriched

Uranus (concentration 235 U ~ 3-5%), and 238 U cores absorb a significant portion of neutrons. Thus, for a natural mixture of isotopes uranium maximum nJ value = 1.32. The absorption of neutrons in the moderator and structural materials usually does not exceed 5-20% of the absorption of all isotopes of nuclear fuel. Of the moderators, heavy water has the lowest absorption of neutrons, and of structural materials - Al and Zr .

Probability of resonant capture of neutrons by nuclei 238

U during the slowdown process (1-j) decreases significantly in heterogeneous nuclear reactors. The decrease in (1-j) is due to the fact that the number of neutrons with energy close to resonance sharply decreases inside the fuel block and only the outer layer of the block participates in resonant absorption. The heterogeneous structure of the Nuclear Reactor makes it possible to carry out a chain process on a natural uranium . It reduces the value of O, but this loss in reactivity is significantly less than the gain due to a decrease in resonant absorption.

To calculate thermal nuclear reactors, it is necessary to determine the spectrum of thermal neutrons. If the absorption of neutrons is very weak and the neutron manages to collide with the moderator nuclei many times before absorption, then thermodynamic equilibrium (neutron thermalization) is established between the moderating medium and the neutron gas, and the spectrum of thermal neutrons is described

Maxwell distribution . In reality, the absorption of neutrons in the core of a nuclear reactor is quite high. This leads to a deviation from the Maxwell distribution - the average energy of neutrons is greater than the average energy of the molecules of the medium. The thermalization process is influenced by the movements of nuclei, chemical bonds of atoms and etc.

Burnout and reproduction of nuclear fuel.

During the operation of a nuclear reactor, a change in the composition of the fuel occurs due to the accumulation of fission fragments in it and the formationtransuranic elements , mainly isotopes Pu . The effect of fission fragments on the reactivity of a nuclear reactor is called poisoning (for radioactive fragments) and slagging (for stable ones). Poisoning is caused mainly by 135 Xe which has the largest neutron absorption cross section (2.6 10 6 barn). Its half-life T 1/2 = 9.2 hours, the fission yield is 6-7%. Main part 135 Xe is formed as a result of the decay of 135 ] (Shopping center = 6,8 h). When poisoned, Cef changes by 1-3%. Large absorption cross section 135 Xe and the presence of intermediate isotope 135 I lead to two important phenomena: 1) to an increase in concentration 135 Xe and, consequently, to a decrease in the reactivity of the Nuclear Reactor after its shutdown or reduction in power (“iodine pit”). This forces an additional reserve of reactivity in the regulatory bodies or makes short-term stops and power fluctuations impossible. Depth and duration iodine wells depend on the neutron flux Ф: at Ф = 5·10 13 neutron/cm 2? sec duration iodine pits ~ 30 h, and the depth is 2 times greater than the stationary change TO ef caused by poisoning 135 Xe . 2) Due to poisoning, spatiotemporal oscillations of the neutron flux F, and therefore the power of the Nuclear Reactor, can occur. These oscillations occur when F> 10 13 neutrons/cm 2? sec and large sizes of the Nuclear Reactor. Oscillation periods ~ 10 h.

The number of different stable fragments resulting from nuclear fission is large. There are fragments with large and small absorption cross sections compared to the absorption cross section of the fissile isotope. The concentration of the former reaches saturation during the first few days of operation of the Nuclear Reactor (mainly 149 Sm , changing Keff by 1%). The concentration of the latter and the negative reactivity they introduce increase linearly with time.

The formation of transuranium elements in a nuclear reactor occurs according to the following schemes:

Here 3 means neutron capture, the number under the arrow is the half-life.

Accumulation of 239 Pu (nuclear fuel) at the beginning of the operation of a nuclear reactor occurs linearly in time, and the faster (with a fixed burnup of 235 U ), the less enrichment uranium. Then the concentration is 239 Pu tends to a constant value, which does not depend on the degree of enrichment, but is determined by the ratio of neutron capture cross sections 238 U and 239 Pu . Characteristic time to establish equilibrium concentration 239 Pu ~ 3/ F years (F in units 10 13 neutrons/ cm 2 ?sec). Isotopes 240 Pu, 241 Pu reach equilibrium concentration only when the fuel is re-burned in a nuclear reactor after regeneration of nuclear fuel.

Nuclear fuel burnup is characterized by the total energy released in a nuclear reactor per 1 T fuel. For nuclear reactors operating on natural uranium, maximum burnup ~ 10 GW?day/t(heavy water nuclear reactors). In a nuclear reactor with weakly enriched uranium (2-3% 235 U ) burnout ~ 20-30 is achieved GW-day/t. In a fast neutron nuclear reactor - up to 100 GW-day/t. Burnout 1 GW-day/t corresponds to the combustion of 0.1% nuclear fuel.

When nuclear fuel burns out, the reactivity of a nuclear reactor decreases (in a nuclear reactor using natural uranium at small burnups there is some increase in reactivity). Replacement of burnt fuel can be carried out immediately from the entire core or gradually along the fuel rods so that the core contains fuel rods of all ages - a continuous overload mode (intermediate options are possible). In the first case, a nuclear reactor with fresh fuel has excess reactivity that must be compensated. In the second case, such compensation is needed only during initial startup, before entering continuous overload mode. Continuous reloading makes it possible to increase the burnup depth, since the reactivity of a nuclear reactor is determined by the average concentrations of fissile nuclides (fuel elements with a minimum concentration of fissile nuclides are unloaded). Table 2 shows the composition of the recovered nuclear fuel (in kg) Vpressurized water reactor power 3 Gvt. The entire core is unloaded simultaneously after the Nuclear Reactor has been operating for 3 years and "excerpts" 3 years(F = 3?10 13 neutron/cm 2?sec). Starting roster: 238 U - 77350, 235 U - 2630, 234 U - 20.

Table 2. - Composition of the unloaded fuel, kg
