How to get rid of dimples after acne. Pimples after acne (holes) - how to remove on the face, in the middle, photos, remedies, dimples from blackheads. Each type of atrophic scar requires treatment

It is true what they say, the face is the mirror of the soul, and you want it to always have a blooming appearance. But this does not always work out. And the reason for this is the dimples that remain from acne.

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

In adolescence during puberty, as a rule, almost all adolescents develop redness, blisters and other rashes on the skin of the face. They mature, burst and leave scars behind, because the defect site is overgrown not with connective tissue, but with scar tissue. And if you still press on the rash! Then the traces from them will not pass and will bring a lot of trouble to a person. But what to do if there are already scars? *How to get rid of acne pits* forever? Is it possible? Certainly.

Traditional methods

In folk medicine, a lot is said about *dimples after acne and how to get rid* of them. Grandmother's methods are the most popular, accessible, and inexpensive. These recipes are easy to use at home, using what you always have on hand:

  • oatmeal scrub with kefir. 5 tbsp. pour 100 grams of coarse oatmeal. kefir Keep on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. It is recommended to do it 2 times every 7 days;
  • coffee peeling Take the grounds left after brewing coffee, add 1 tbsp. sunflower oil. Distribute the mixture on the face and massage the skin from the nose to the ears. After 5 minutes, wash off. Do it once a week. This procedure will cleanse the face of keratinized epithelium, stimulating metabolic processes in tissues, speed up regeneration, and make pits less noticeable.
  • white clay mask. Dilute 50 gr. clay with warm water. Add 10 drops of rose oil to the prepared paste. Apply to problem areas. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off. This procedure should be carried out 2 times every 14 days for about 3 months.
  • mask of overripe tomatoes. Apply mashed tomato pulp to your face. Keep for 20 minutes. Useful as a tonic after peeling.

Creams and ointments smooth out dimples well:

  • contractubex – stimulates collagen production, removes shallow skin defects;
  • dermatix - contains silicone and silicon dioxide. Used to prevent scars of any complexity;
  • Mederma – effective for keloid scars.

These drugs cope with the disease in the initial stage, when the scars are fresh. It is better for them to be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Cosmetological methods

There are situations when the entire face is covered with deep pockmarked pits. Traditional recipes have been 100% tried, but to no avail. Then you need to contact a good specialist: a dermatologist, cosmetologist, aesthetic surgeon. Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment:

  • chemical peeling - the procedure is carried out using glycolic, trichloroacetic, salicylic acids. Scar tissue is exfoliated and the formation of new cells is stimulated. It is good to repeat peeling once every 2 weeks;
  • laser resurfacing – removes hypertrophic scars. A painful procedure, the rehabilitation period is 2 weeks. The required course to consolidate the result is 5 procedures with an interval of 3 months;
  • phenol peeling - made on the basis of phenol, which deeply cleanses the skin, reducing and removing acne dimples. Even from one session the effect is visible. There is no hint of scars left on the face;
  • microdermabrasion is a method of hardware mechanical impact on the pits. The protruding areas are cut off layer by layer and the scar is gradually leveled to the level of the skin;
  • mesotherapy - puncturing injections of collagen, hyaluronic acid, completely corrects skin defects.

Treatment is expensive. The minimum price is from 3,500 rubles and depends on the degree of the disease and the status of the beauty salon.

Finally, the face is in order: smooth skin pleases the eye. But we must not forget that acne can reappear.

To prevent this from happening, you need to establish a healthy diet. Drink fruit juices, vegetable salads, fermented milk products, drink clean water, at least 2 liters per day.

Then the body, saturated with vitamins and microelements, will be able to resist any skin rashes.

Scars and pits on the face form after severe forms of acne. Sometimes pits form in place of small pustules and papules. The pit appears if connective tissue has not grown in place of the areas of skin destroyed by inflammation. When the connective tissue grows, a scar is formed. The pit is an atrophic scar. The pits do not go away on their own. They will take a long time to heal.

Types of atrophic scars (pits)

  • chipped . Most often these are shallow, less often deep, pits with converging walls. Without treatment, such scars can enlarge and turn into fibrotic scars with non-converging walls. This phase of scarring is practically untreatable;
  • rectangular scars, most often appear at the site of an unsuccessfully squeezed pimple;

Depending on the type of scars, it is prescribed.

Pits on the face after acne: what to do and how to get rid of them

  • Rounded, deep scars are treated with incisions. After the incision, the diseased tissues are replaced with new ones. In the salon you can fill the wound with hyaluronic acid.

  • Rounded, medium-sized scars can be treated surgically or with a laser.

  • Rectangular pits are treated with chemical reconstruction using triacetic acid.

  • Chipped deep pits are treated depending on their width and depth. Triacetic acid, collagen injections, and fat taken from parts of the patient's body are used.

  • Large pores are often confused with acne pits. In this case, a peeling or dermabrasion procedure is sufficient. In severe cases, a dermatologist may prescribe laser resurfacing.

If a person suffers from acne, several types of pits form on his face. Therefore, only a specialist can prescribe treatment, no independence! Find out the experience of a practicing doctor using a new one.

How to prevent pitting on your face after acne

  • You need to eat a lot of foods containing. Vitamins are found in legumes, cereals, carrots, and soybeans.

  • Acne-prone skin needs to be protected. It is necessary to prevent skin damage and inflammation. , cleansing tonics, gentle cotton pads for wiping, lotions with salicylic acid will help keep the skin in perfect condition.

  • If so, they need to be treated immediately. Then pits on the face after acne will not appear.

How to remove pits on the face after acne, and how to quickly get the effect

  • Laser resurfacing. Currently considered the best method for removing acne pits. The laser only affects diseased areas of the skin. If the hole is small, then even a single procedure will help. Laser treatment will take no more than an hour and a half and is absolutely painless. If the patient has good immunity, the healing process of the hole will take no more than 2 weeks.

  • Collagen injections. Collagen fills the hole and it becomes invisible. After six months, the procedure will have to be repeated.

  • Injection of your own adipose tissue into the fossa. The effect of the procedure lasts 18 months.

  • "Kvotlan" with regular use will help make the pits less noticeable.

  • “Kontraktubeks”, “Mederma” reduce the depth of the fossa in six months.

Traditional methods of dealing with pits on the face

  • Compresses, honey and alcohol. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The compress is applied to problem areas for 40 minutes for 20 days.

  • Constant use will not only improve the overall condition of the skin, but will also help make the pits less deep. The mineral composition of clay stimulates the production of your own collagen.

  • Compresses with tomato juice.

  • Rosehip oil mixed with almond oil, tea tree and orange oil is applied pointwise to each pit. The course is at least three months.

  • St. John's wort tincture. Cleansing your face twice a day will help restore inflamed skin.

  • Compresses with ozokerite or paraffin. Melt the wax, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to your face. The application is done 2 times a day, for at least three weeks. Thermal effects normalize blood microcirculation and stimulate healing processes.

  • Mix nutmeg with milk and honey in equal proportions. Rub the mixture into the hole. Wash off after 30 minutes. Honey stimulates healing, nutmeg improves blood circulation.

Everything must be tested for allergenicity before use. If there is any discomfort (burning, itching, redness), they should not be used.

Pits on the face after acne are difficult to cure. Therefore, it is easier to prevent their occurrence. Daily skin care and proper acne treatment will prevent pits and scars from appearing.

How to remove acne marks? There is an opinion that marks and wounds caused by acne cannot be removed. This is wrong. There are many techniques that allow you to cleanse your skin and restore it to its original attractive appearance. Pimples, in general, cause a lot of trouble: they spoil your mood and make you feel complex. When acne is detected in large quantities, a person loses confidence and becomes more withdrawn. Do not despair! Acne marks on the face can be removed in different ways. Let's consider home and salon ones. Be sure to listen to the advice, and you will quickly overcome unpleasant “dimples”

Scar classification

Let's find out how scars form. When the body fights inflammation, granulation tissue grows near the pimple. As a result of this reaction, the wound shrinks, and collagen and elastin are formed at the site of the contracted pimple. The restoration of the epidermis after a pimple occurs slowly, so we see problematic depressions on the face.

Types of scars

There are a few. The first is atrophic. These are small depressions of rectangular and oval shape. They are not very noticeable and have a flesh-colored tint. In other situations, the pits have a rounded shape. Another type - physiological scars. They are almost invisible and heal quickly.

Keloid scars are problematic. They provoke pain and are similar to hypertrophic physical. Keloid scars practically do not form on the face. Hypertrophic pits have a convex shape and look like pinkish dense pits. Such pits appear due to the fact that a large amount of scar tissue forms in a particular place. Remember: there are many methods for dealing with problematic cavities.

How to get rid of acne marks? You can always go to the salon. Experienced cosmetologists will offer the latest or “classic” options for procedures. The latter includes mechanical peeling. Home remedies are not harsh. They quickly remove scars and are gentle on the face. The peculiarity of home methods is that they are based on the use of natural products that do not cause allergies.

Chemical peeling

Helps get rid of difficult pits. The peculiarity of the technique is that it is painless. To treat the skin, the master uses a special acid that helps saturate the skin with microcomponents. Peeling can be superficial, medium, deep. This peeling heals scars well.

The legendary beauty Vivien Leigh said: “There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful.” We undertake to assert that this is not enough for beauty. The skin of the face and body requires proper care. And this is already a whole art.

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For you and only for you, there is the Doctor Eskin website with a thousand and one skin care tips!

A happy woman brightens the world

The Doctor Eskin website team has set a goal: to answer all questions about skin care. To do this, we sift through megabytes of information from the Internet. In search of miraculous recipes, we open the notebooks of beauties of the last century. We listen to the advice of recognized Sexy. And we give this useful information to you!

Doctor Eskin is a veritable encyclopedia of skin care tips. Experts (dermatologists, cosmetologists, homeopaths) and simply experienced ladies share recipes that help make the skin of the face and body clean and fresh. Please note that you no longer need to waste your personal time searching for suitable recipes in books and the Internet.

Go through the sections and see that Doctor Eskin is an amazing site:

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Each section of the site specializes in a specific topic.

“Skin types” helps you determine your skin type: dry, oily, combination? This is very important in order to understand the problem and solve it competently. Tests and articles in this section help even inexperienced girls find out their skin type.

“Face and Body Skin Care” knows everything about daily beauty procedures:

  • How to care for young skin of the face and body.
  • How to maintain fading beauty and look younger than your peers.
  • How to remove swelling, bruises, bags under the eyes.
  • Seasonal care - how to look good at any time of the year.
  • Section "Pregnancy" for expectant and nursing mothers.
  • How to do depilation on the face and body.

Both young girls and experienced women worry equally strongly if a rash appears on the skin. Pimples, freckles, moles, warts can really ruin your mood. The section “Problem skin” will relieve tears and despair and tell you:

  • How to cleanse the skin of your face and body correctly.
  • How to treat skin inflammation (pimples, acne, blackheads).
  • What to do, if

Good day everyone! My name is Maria, I'm 38 years old. Even though I am a dermatologist with many years of experience, this does not guarantee me protection from skin diseases. I have helped more than one patient get rid of acne. This also applies to myself.

From an early age, my skin was exposed to various formations, which I tried to cope with without much knowledge at that time. Perhaps this is the reason I chose this profession. The fact is that I managed to get rid of acne, but the consequences from them did not give me peace.

The inflamed seals left dimples on the skin, which for the girl was akin to a disaster. What have I not tried! The remedies were either ineffective or brought absolutely no results. I locked myself in the house, didn’t go for walks, and there was no talk of dating.

Causes of pitting after acne

At the last stage of pimple maturation, harmful substances come out, which opens the pore. A hole remains in its place, which heals over time. This may not happen in several cases:

  • non-compliance with hygiene rules for facial care;
  • independent and inept squeezing of acne;
  • if the inflammatory process has covered a large area of ​​the face;
  • when the skin is too sensitive and thin.

The situation is aggravated in the case of removal of an internal pimple.

Inexpensive products to combat acne pits

When you don’t have money for salon treatments, you can try products that will definitely be affordable and will allow you to remove dimples from rashes at home. Self-treatment will take more time, but if you don’t give up and carry out the procedures regularly, then it is quite possible to achieve the desired result. So, here are examples of the main economically inexpensive ways to treat the consequences of acne on the face:

  1. Essential oils. Apply to the affected areas or add a few drops to cosmetic products (masks or lotions). Rosemary, tea tree, frankincense, myrrh and geranium oils are considered especially effective for smoothing the surface of the skin and eliminating pits.
  2. Badyaga. Pharmaceutical product, sold in powder and gel form. The drug exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, smoothes the skin and increases blood flow in the area of ​​application.
  3. Salicylic acid. Areas with acne are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in the solution. This method works well on newly formed and shallow pits.
  4. Honey and cinnamon. A mask is prepared from these ingredients. To do this, the products are taken in equal parts, mixed and applied to the facial skin for 20 minutes. The mask ensures skin regeneration by renewing the top layer.

Such methods will eliminate pits and bumps on the skin, even out the complexion and texture of the skin.

Medicinal treatments

To treat scars and acne scars, special medicinal ointments and gels are used. In most cases, the composition of such drugs is also suitable for getting rid of dimples on the face. Such products can be used at home and at any convenient time. They are also quite affordable financially.

Medicines need to be used for a long time, but they act faster than products prepared from natural products. To treat acne pits, you can purchase the following medications at the pharmacy:

  • Mederma. The product is available in gel form. Used to get rid of fresh pits. The gel is designed to smooth the skin and eliminate various defects on it.
  • Clofibraze. The cream increases blood flow at the site of use and restores water balance in the affected areas of the face. Acts by disinfecting the skin.
  • Kvotlan. The inlet form is cream or gel. Used to eliminate rashes and their consequences. It is recommended to use when a pimple appears to reduce the risk of pitting after it matures.
  • Contractubex. Gel. Used to prevent acne pitting. The drug is applied to the pimple before it breaks out.

When dimples on the face were formed long before the start of treatment, then it is better to use several drugs in combination for faster and more effective treatment.

What to do if nothing helps?

If time has been lost and the pits on the skin have been left for too long without care and treatment, then it will be very difficult to achieve a positive result using only pharmaceutical ointments or masks made from natural products.

In this case, you will have to forget about financial expenses and contact an experienced dermatologist or cosmetologist. Specialized centers offer the following procedures to eliminate pits that remain after rashes:

  1. Chemical peeling– the doctor, using preparations that contain acids, performs facial skin peeling.
  2. Laser resurfacing– in case of shallow pits, only one procedure can be performed. The final result will be noticeable after 14 days.
  3. Collagen injections– carried out when acne leaves deep pits on the skin of the face.
  4. Dermabrasion– using special cleaning products, the cosmetologist removes the top layer of healed tissue in the area of ​​the previous formation.

A specialist at the medical center will help you select the necessary procedure depending on the degree of skin damage.

Preventing acne pitting

Despite the fact that I was able to get rid of the consequences of acne, preventing such formations has become a daily ritual for me. To avoid problems with the skin on your face, you should first remember about personal hygiene.

Washing gels, lotions and tonics should be carefully selected depending on the skin type and ensure that they do not contain harmful substances and allergens. Every day I check my face for acne. If you detect their occurrence in time, then serious consequences can be avoided.

If pits do form, immediately begin treating them with traditional or modern medicine, combining several procedures for a quick and reliable result.


Acne dimples cause difficulties during treatment and take a lot of effort and time, but the result will justify these efforts. Take care of your skin to always remain beautiful and well-groomed.

Thank you all for your attention!