Candle spell - attracting a loved one. Love spell on a red candle - a love spell for your beloved on snake skin. Nuances of performing rituals

For a person to live, four elements are necessary: ​​earth, air, water and fire. Life is impossible without any element. We live on Earth, breathe air, drink water and are 70% water, warm ourselves with fire, and cook food with it. Since ancient times, people have revered and worshiped them. Each of them can be a blessing and bring destruction. The man endowed them magical properties. Maybe he didn’t, but that’s how it is.

How is the fire of a church candle different?

In all religions, in all magical rituals, fire is given special significance. Fire gives light, cleanses, burns away negativity, inspires hope, warms not only the body, but also the soul. The symbol of fire is a candle. According to the definition of the Orthodox Saint Seraphim of Sarov, the candle symbolizes three Christian shrines commanded to us by the Lord - faith, hope, love. Beeswax, the base of the candle, is a sign of Faith. The wick is a sign of Hope. The flame is an unquenchable, all-warming Love.

Since the advent of Christianity, when sacrifice to Higher powers was prohibited, a gift to God has been presented in the form of a candle. As a token of gratitude for the gift of faith, help and participation in personal life person. It is an integral attribute of Christianity.

What is the power of a church candle. In her light. While in the temple, she absorbs and carries all the positive energy of the prayers and rituals held in the church. The main material used for its manufacture is beeswax. It has colossal healing powers. The wick is also made from natural materials. Previously, flax or hemp (hemp) fibers were used, but now cotton threads are mainly used.

When the wax melts and the wick burns, all useful components, together with beneficial energy, rush out, purifying the air, filling it with life-giving components. Fire enhances beneficial energy. By lighting a candle, we release it into space.

Red candles are also in demand in Christianity. Since red is the color of blood, a symbol of life and love, they are mainly used for Easter. The color red represents the blood of Christ shed for the atonement of our sins, eternal life- the resurrection from the dead and the all-encompassing love of the Lord for all things.

Modern candles that you can buy in stores contain basically artificial materials created during chemical processing. And they do not have the healing effect that church candles have. They are not sanctified and have not absorbed positive energy. With the help of artificial colors they are betrayed different colors. But they can still be used for rituals, having first read a prayer on them and, as it were, charged them with positivity.

The use of church candles in magic

In white magic, all rituals are performed using church candles. No one magic ritual cannot be done without them. The flame cleanses not only space, but also the human aura, saturating it with life-giving energy. Burns negative energy, destroys damage, heals the soul and instills hope in a person.

These are rituals aimed at cleansing the room from dark energies and entities generated by our and others’ negative thoughts and emotions. To cleanse the human energy field. Conspiracies to remove damage, love spells and health. A very effective result is obtained when carrying out a love spell on a candle.

The meaning of color in magic

Color also plays an important role in magic. The use of multi-colored candles enhances the power of the ritual. In traditional magic, candles of white, black, red and green flowers. The meaning of other colors came to us from Eastern rites, so we will not consider them, but will decipher the meaning of the first four.

  • White color symbolizes purity and light, therefore, in rituals of purification, protection, and white candles can be used in any ritual. Candles in white, light colors are always solemn and beautiful. It is pleasant to use them in a love spell on a candle.
  • Black color is anti-light, envy, hatred, anger, mourning. Used to cast a curse, damage, cause harm to health, for contact with the dead, etc. Used to cleanse negative emotions.
  • The color red represents love and life. He is chosen to perform rituals to improve fate, health, family relationships and love spells for a candle, deliverance from evil.
  • Green color brings life, wealth and prosperity. It is used in rituals to attract good luck, money, and also for health.

Magic rituals performed with a candle

When performing rituals using a candle, primarily aimed at cleansing from dark forces, it is necessary to pay attention to its behavior. If the flame is even and bright, then there is no negative or it is present in small quantity. If, when burning, the flame becomes small and it seems that it is about to go out, then it is necessary to read any prayer in order to increase its positive energy, fighting dark forces. If, when burning, a candle makes a characteristic sound, a crackling sound, this means the presence of negativity and it burns it.

We have already said that candles are present in all magical rituals. Let's look at some of them. But first, let’s remind you how to get ready for the ritual:

  • Let us repeat that before starting the ceremony with a candle, you need to take a church one.
  • If you use a store-bought one or one you made yourself, then you need to prepare it and speak it. This can be done through prayer.
  • Get ready for the event.
  • Sit in silence. Think about something good, positive, just light a candle and look at it for at least three minutes without stopping, recharge yourself with positive energy.
  • You cannot perform the ritual in an excited, depressed state, or in a bad mood. This will not give a positive result.
  • Perform the ritual on the desired lunar day.

Cleansing a room with a church candle

Our negative thoughts, fears, quarrels, scandals, resentments and envy generate negative energy and give rise to invisible entities that feed on our positive energy. All negativity accumulates in corners and hidden places, where it grows and multiplies.

First, before cleaning, open all the vents and windows so that negative energy can freely come out. Open the doors of all cabinets and mezzanines.

Take a candle. Light it up. Call on the Most Holy Trinity, the Lord or the Mother of God for help. If you don’t believe in God, call on Higher powers for help. Cross the front door with it. Starting from the door, clockwise, go around all the rooms in the room around the perimeter, including the kitchen, bathroom, toilet. At the same time, read any prayer, preferably to the one you asked to help. Stop in every corner, near every open door closet, near the pulled out chest of drawers, cross them with a candle.

Pay special attention to ventilation openings and hoods; this is where the heaviest negativity accumulates and lives. Finish your tour at front door. Open it and cross the opening with a candle. Without ceasing, read the prayer. Close the door. Baptize her again. If the candle does not burn out, then leave it near the threshold to burn out.

After this, read a prayer of thanks to the Most Holy Trinity, the Lord or the Mother of God. Thank your Higher Powers.

We carry out cleaning three times a month.

Love spell for a candle

Love spells on a candle are carried out on a growing or full moon. The most strong conspiracies love candles are made on a full moon. The full moon lasts for three days. Love spells on a candle come in black and white. In white magic, love spells are simpler. They use icons and holy water. You can make love spells for a candle yourself. It is important to follow the order of the ritual.

This love spell on a candle is done by the wife so that the husband will love and not look to the left. Or the person you want to be your husband. It is held on the waxing moon. When casting a candle spell for love, remember that its strength depends on your mood, on your faith.

To carry out a candle spell for love, you will need icons of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, three church candles in candlesticks, a white tablecloth or napkin, preferably new ones. Usually, to enhance the effect, it is done love plot on the red candle:

  • We place icons on a table covered with a white tablecloth.
  • We place the candles in a triangle. One between the icons, the other two further away.
  • We light the candles and say a love spell on the candle:

“Lord, I call on you to help. And to you, most holy mother of God, I appeal. I lit the fire of three candles to bewitch my dear one, to draw the servant of God (name) to me. May his love for me, God's servant (name), be strong and hot, like the flame of three candles lit by my hand. Amen".

Then we take two candles and twist them, saying at least three times:

“I twist the candles, I twist our destinies forever.”

We light the twisted candles and let them burn out until the end. At the same time we say the words nine times:

“I do not light candles, but love in the soul of God’s servant (name) for me, God’s servant (name) forever. Amen".

After the ceremony, let us thank the Lord and Holy Mother of God for your help. Remove everything.

When performing rituals, it is imperative to let the candle burn out. Otherwise, it will be a refusal of the plan.

Removing negativity with a candle

There are hard days. Depressed mood. There is a heaviness in my soul. When you come home, light a candle. Sit intently at its flame for at least three minutes. If you have any troubles, just try to talk it out in front of the candle. You can do it mentally. At the same time, imagine how everything black and unpleasant comes out of you and burns in flames. Imagine how it writhes and evaporates. Do this for as long as possible until you feel relief.

Then, looking at the flame, imagine how a beautiful red flower or a golden thread (anything that makes you feel good) is born from it, floating towards you. Dream about something good. Thank the candle and let it burn to the end.

After this you will feel relief and amazing lightness. The main thing is not to suppress negativity, not to throw it out on your loved ones. Because he will still make himself felt by illness and troubles. It will stay in your house and continue to ruin your life. Burn it with a candle and charge yourself with its good energy.

The most Full description in all the details - a candle plot with consequences for attracting with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A candle love spell is one of the most popular ways to evoke feelings in your chosen one using love magic. Twisted church candles are most often used. Let's talk about the rules and methods of such a magical ritual.

What candles are suitable for the ritual?

Why is a candle love spell so powerful? The fact is that the wax from which candles are made is an excellent conductor of energy. And fire is a powerful element that enhances the magical effect of the ritual several times.

It is important to use the “correct” candles for the ritual:

  • They must be made of wax. Paraffin and other candles are not suitable
  • Buy candles at a church store. The most the right time- Friday, first half of the day
  • It’s great if you can find red candles - they have the most powerful energy

It is better to buy candles with a reserve.

Love spell rules

There are still some rules that must be followed for the ritual to work properly:

  1. The love spell is done at night. The best time is after midnight
  2. All other light sources in the room must be extinguished.
  3. Nobody should disturb you. Make sure that no household members or pets will enter the room during the ritual.
  4. The room should be perfectly clean. Clutter creates interference, prevents the “correct” energy from circulating
  5. You must sincerely and unconditionally believe that the love spell will work. Doubts prevent love magic from showing its power
  6. No one should know about your intention to perform the ceremony. Keep your actions secret
  7. Your intentions must be good - do not try to bewitch a person out of resentment, revenge or anger. Negative emotions will certainly create unpleasant consequences for the soul of the chosen one and yours
  8. Cast a love spell on a waxing moon or a new moon. At that time lunar energy aimed at creation

Follow all these rules strictly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

When does a love spell not work?

A love spell on twisted candles is quite powerful. But in some cases it does not help to bewitch a loved one. What reasons can hinder the action of love magic:

  • Someone has already bewitched your chosen one. In such cases, you first need to do the lapel ritual. Please note that you must know exactly who cast the spell on the man before you
  • The man already has feelings for someone else. If this is true and strong love, magic will be powerless
  • The person being bewitched has very strong positive energy. It can become a serious barrier through which no love spell can penetrate

In other cases, the love spell should work.

Love spell on two candles

This is the most popular way to bewitch your chosen one. Making a love spell is quite simple. You will need:

  • Two wax church candles. Preferably white or any other you like
  • Pink plain tablecloth. It must be new, purchased specifically for the love spell.
  • Foil. You can buy regular food foil
  • Candle stands. It is best if they are also new and made of metal
  • Safety pin. Also new

Prepare everything you need, wait until midnight on the night of the waxing Moon and get ready to cast a love spell. Place a tablecloth on the table and use a red chalk to draw a heart in the center.

Place two candles in a stand in the center of the heart and light them.

Clearly pronounce the words of the love spell:

There is no need to extinguish the candles - wait until they burn out naturally. Collect the melted wax and carefully place it on the foil while it is still liquid. Wait until it hardens completely and use a pin to scratch the names: yours and the one you want to bewitch.

After the ceremony, hide all used items in a secluded place. Make sure that no one accidentally discovers the cache. The love spell will take effect within three days.

Strong love spell on two twisted candles

About this love spell on two twisted church candles, those who made it leave good feedback. It is believed that this is one of the most powerful rituals of love magic.

You will need two wax church candles purchased from the church. Take each of the candles in turn in your hands and say the words of the love spell:

After this, you need to light the candles and wait until the wax softens a little and becomes plastic. Then twist the candles together. These are preparatory manipulations before the ritual itself.

For forty days, at the same time, you must light twisted candles and mentally imagine the image of the person you are trying to bewitch. Try to do this quickly so that there is enough wax for the entire period.

After forty days, only cinders will remain from the candles, and the love spell will be considered completed and will come into force.

Keep in mind that this love spell is very powerful - it will tie your chosen one to you forever. If you are not ready for such a long relationship, it is better to use other methods.

Watch a video about a love spell on twisted candles:

The “whitest” love spell

If you're afraid negative consequences that may happen to you and your chosen one as a result of a love spell, refuse traditional methods love magic.

The usual female tricks will help you “bewitch” a man:

  • Always look good: clean hair, neat manicure, eyelashes made up, eyebrows plucked, at least
  • Don't focus on your chosen one: fill your life interesting events, people, hobbies
  • Don't be intrusive, let the man take the initiative
  • He needs to see that other men also like you - surround yourself with fans

If you become a bright, interesting person, with many things to do and hobbies, then a man will certainly pay attention to you. And if not, someone else will appear, and a love spell will not be required.

Love spell using candles

A love spell on a candle is the most powerful magical ritual; fire is considered a powerful element that inspires fear, awe, and admiration. Controlling the flame is given only to strong individuals.

Magicians often have to resort to the use of candles, especially when love is at stake. Those who want to bewitch a person create a love candle on their own, or, if they lack experience, turn to a specialist for help.

It is ideal to carry out a love spell using small candles one centimeter wide and 5-15 high. It is advisable to purchase a red candle.

Adherents of magic claim that working with decorative candles is impossible; this also applies to candles that are painted only on top. There are a number of rituals that will require the purchase of special church candles that have greater power. A candle love spell is often performed using a candle made from animal fat, which makes the spell more powerful.

Before you start, think carefully, because a love spell can have a strong influence on your lover. It is very difficult to remove the consequences of a love spell. It is important to understand that unrequited love causes less harm to the relationship between the customer and the lover than the situation when a man is next to you, chained under the influence of a spell, against his own will.

Types of love spells using candles

There is far more than one love spell on a candle; most have similar features and have approximately the same effect. Choose one you like and you won’t go wrong. The most important thing to understand is that the effect practically does not depend on the method of the love spell; the customer has the greatest influence. The more understandable, transparent, strong, positive the intention is, the higher the chance that the effect will be achieved in as soon as possible, the first time.

Having the slightest doubt about the advisability of carrying out the ritual, they do not begin it at all, since sometimes only a professional can remove the consequences. Rituals differ in type, number of candles, and number of repetitions of the procedure.

The simplest rituals

You can perform a love spell on a candle yourself in the following way. Take two red candles, scratch your lover's name on one, and your own on the other. Place them in a candlestick, then light them one by one. Concentrate as much as possible on the goal of the love spell, uniting destinies, love, goodness. You need to vividly imagine images of yourself, your soulmate, and mutual love. Say the love spell text:

Burn one candle with the flame of another and vice versa, allowing the wax to soften as much as possible, but not melt.

After you feel that the ritual can be completed, press the candles together. The stronger the pressing effect, the better. Now keep the symbol of your love, and if it seems to you that the ritual has weakened, pour fire over the candles again.

The ritual is performed with one candle. On a full moon, at night, light it, strip naked, light a candle, hold it in front of you. Now carry it along your body several times, thinking about love and repeating the spell.

The remaining candle stub should be given to your lover to hold under any pretext. For example, quietly place a cinder in a man's pocket, in a table, bedroom, or other frequently visited place. A love spell on a church candle cannot be carried out remotely; the cinder must be given to the man; if the procedure is physically impossible, use the mail.

Possible consequences of the ritual

It is important to understand that a love spell on a candle is not a toy; it allows you to have a strong influence on your lover. If you are not sure that you want to forever connect your life with this man, then you should not start the procedure.

Moreover, by influencing the consciousness of your loved one, you can disrupt the usual course of things.

As a result, the love of your life may become an uncomplaining servant who will dream of fulfilling your every whim. A man may become quiet, thoughtful, too calm, and refuse to do the work he used to do. He will grow cold towards other people, he may lose goals and even the meaning of existence and dreams. It is quite possible that you will not be able to love him like this, and then the consequences of your “work” will need to be decided by professional magicians.

Options for removing a love spell

The love of your life may unexpectedly leave your family by getting carried away new woman, even if he lived with you for many years. This behavior may well be caused by a love spell. A love spell on a candle, or rather its consequences, is quite difficult to remove; ideally, you will need the help of a professional magician.

To maximize the chance of removing the spell, you better purchase the appropriate potion from a specialist.

But even then, incredible importance rests on your intention. As you know, most love spells require updating, so by limiting the possible contact between your loved one and the person who ordered the love spell, you can remove the effect of magic.

How to read a candle spell

Is there a more mysterious and mystical thing than a candle? In magic, it is not just a source of light, it is an indispensable tool for most witchcraft rituals. Let's consider how a candle spell is read, and what role it plays in magical rituals.

Candle spell

Candles and magic

The magical essence of candles has been known for a long time, because these small lights are the “link” between the magician and great power fire. The candle itself is an energy boost, thanks to which the goal of the ritual is achieved. The use of a candle as a magical ingredient is quite wide; it is used for:

  1. Predictions. A candle, like a sponge, is able to “absorb” information and transmit it. Not only the flame, but also candle wax has these qualities.
  2. Conspiracies. In this case, candles are used as an “amplifier” of the ritual and protection of the magician. A volt doll, sculpted from candle wax, creates an invisible connection between the figurine itself and the person it represents.
  3. Removing damage, evil eye, curses. IN similar rituals the candle functions as a “destroyer” of negative influences.
  4. The fulfiller of wishes. Being the main “ingredient” of rituals for the fulfillment of desires, when it burns, it gives energy, thanks to which the wish comes true.

There are two types of candles - wax candles, made from natural wax, and chemical candles, which are based on various artificial ingredients. Magic, like any ancient science, “does not approve” of everything “unnatural”, so in witchcraft rituals it is better to use natural wax candles. This does not mean that chemical candles are absolutely unsuitable for magical “manipulations”; they are simply energetically weaker compared to natural ones. One more important element the candle is its color. So:

  1. White color, which is essentially yellow for natural candles, is considered neutral and is suitable for all witchcraft rituals.
  2. Black is the color of destruction, which is why a black candle is often used in rituals aimed at getting rid of something or someone.
  3. Purple color can speed up the action of the ritual.
  4. Red color is a symbol of passion and love, so it is usually used in love rituals of love magic.
  5. Blue color is used in healing rituals.
  6. Green color “attracts” money and material values.
  7. Blue color activates human creativity.
  8. A yellow candle is used to force the victim to submit to someone else's will. Also, fortune tellers and predictors often work with a yellow candle, looking into a person’s future.
  9. Orange color is used if you need to solve problems related to various property issues.
  10. Pink color “awakens” beauty and attractiveness.
  11. Brown color is used in rituals aimed at harmonizing family and interpersonal relationships.
  12. Gray color calms and helps to concentrate, so it is often used during meditation.

One candle spell

To return your husband or rekindle love in the heart of the “object of passion”, you can cast a love spell on a white or red candle. In addition to this “ingredient” you will need three new needles and a photograph of a man. Choose one of the nights of the lunar waxing and make sure that no one can interfere with you. Cover the table with a red tablecloth and place a lit candle in the center. Place a photo of your lover and a needle in front of the candle.

Now you need to concentrate and make a “challenge” to the man. Take his photo in your hands and look closely at the guy in the eyes. Imagine him next to you, feel his warmth and smell. When “contact” has been established, take the first needle and stick it into the middle of the forehead of the man shown in the photograph and say:

“As this needle enters, so thoughts about the Servant of God (your name) enter your mind.”

Then take the next needle and stick it directly into the victim’s heart, continuing to read the plot:

“As this needle digs in, so will love for the Servant of God (your name) dig into your heart.”

And finally, stick the last third needle into the man’s genital area and say:

“As this needle pierces, so will the desire for the Servant of God (your name) pierce into your loins.”

Then take a burning candle and circle it three times around the charmed photo, making clockwise movements, while not forgetting to read the spell:

“My word is true, and my desire is strong. What is wished for will come true. Amen".

Spell for two candles

If your loved one has lost interest in you or simply doesn’t notice you, it’s time to make a love spell using two candles. To carry it out you will need two thin white or red candles, a candlestick and a ritual knife. If you do not have a ritual knife, you can use a new knife with a black handle. Wait until the Moon begins to wax and choose a night that is convenient for you. Once the clock strikes twelve, you can begin to act.

On one candle, scratch the name of your loved one with a ritual knife, and on the second, your name. Then intertwine the candles with each other and say the words of a powerful spell with which you can win the heart of a man:

“I’m not weaving wedding candles, I’m connecting the fate of the Servant of God (name of the man) with the fate of the Servant of God (name of the woman).”

“I don’t light wedding candles, I ignite the fire of love in the heart of the Servant of God (name of the man) for the Servant of God (name of the woman).”

After this, place the twisted candles on the candlestick and, perceiving them as one burning candle, say:

“The candle burns and burns, but the love of the Servant of God (man’s name) for the Servant of God (woman’s name) burns forever. Let it be so".

There is no need to extinguish twisted candles - let them burn as long as they need to burn out to the end, and in the morning their remains should be taken out of the house and buried under a young tree.

Three candles spell

There is another love spell with which you can arrange your “affairs of the heart.” This ritual involves three white candles that will need to be purchased for its implementation. You will also need one red candle, a full-length photograph of the victim and a white tablecloth. The spell for three candles is read on the full moon, between twelve and three o'clock in the morning.

In the room where the ceremony will be held, there should be a table, which you will need to cover with a white tablecloth or a piece of white fabric. Three white candles should be placed in the center of the table. They should stand in the shape of a triangle with an acute angle to the north. Place a photograph of a man in the center of the triangle. The head of the person shown in the photo should be in front of the vertex of the triangle.

When all preparations are completed, light the candles, starting with the bottom right. In this case, you need to use ordinary matches. Light the red candle from the lower left candle. When the fire flares up and the wax begins to melt, drop a few drops on the area between the eyebrows of the man shown in the photo and read a powerful spell:

“Your thoughts are about me, your mind is obedient to my will, your longing for love is in your soul.”

“I fill your heart with passion, I conjure you to love me alone.”

And finally, you drip into the man’s groin area and pronounce the final words of a strong love spell:

“I inflame your loins with lust, I command you to desire me alone. Amen".

Then set the enchanted photograph on fire from the flame of the top candle, and when it burns out, collect the resulting ashes. We extinguish the red candle and leave the white candles burning until the morning. In the morning, we take the remains of the candles and ashes out of the house and bury them in the ground or throw them into the river.

Receive your gift "Effects

Candle magic is popular all over the world. Sorcerers

Real magic help. Highest Black Magic. Love spell,

Conspiracies for a church candle

In addition to love spells, there are other rituals that use candles. These are rituals aimed at cleansing the house of evil and removing damage, rituals for money, luck, health, and so on. For many of them, it is recommended to buy candles in the church. The fact is that conspiracies read on a consecrated church candle have greater power, and therefore work better.

Home cleansing

With the help of a consecrated church candle, you can “clean” your home from evil and damage. This is done as follows. Light a church candle and take it to right hand, having previously protected yourself from contact of melted wax with your skin. Slowly, step by step, go through all the rooms in the house. Wherein Special attention Pay attention to far corners and hard-to-reach places.

As you walk around the room, you need to repeat the following words:

“I burn everything bad with a candle, and attract good things into the house.”

If you see that in some place in the apartment the candle has begun to smoke heavily, this means that a large clot of negative energy has gathered there or you need to look for a lining in this place. To remove all this, you need to sprinkle the “problem” area with blessed water, and find and destroy the planted item. At the end of the cleansing ritual, in order to avoid negative consequences for yourself, be sure to throw away the candle wax, take a shower and say your prayers.

Spell for well-being in the home

So that all your household members are alive and well, and all their affairs are always successful, buy a candle in church and bring it home. At home, place it in the kitchen and light it every time you cook. While cooking, place a lit candle on the table and say:

“The sun rose red and entered the clear sky. A bird flies in that sky, proclaiming grace to us. As soon as she flaps her wing, prosperity will come to the house. As she waves to others, happiness will enter our lives. The bird will start a song - grief will go away from us.”

Ritual to attract money

With the help of a church candle you can attract wealth into your home. Go to the temple and buy a candle of any size. In this case, do not take the change, but leave it as a gift to the church. At home, take a coin of any denomination and place a lit candle on it. Then, looking continuously at the fire, you need to say three times:

“I light a candle - I attract money to myself. My candle burns brightly - wealth is pouring in to me. I look at the fire without interruption - I command the money to multiply. As I planned, so it will come true.”

After the recitation, extinguish the candles and take them out of the house, and put the charmed coin in your wallet and never be separated from it.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

Everyone knows that candles are a fairly popular magical tool for making wishes come true. In this regard, consider a ritual with the help of which you can achieve your plans, or at least get closer to cherished goal. To carry it out you will need a church candle, a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Light a candle and write your wish on paper.

The text of the note should be something like this: “I want that...”. And then describe what you want to achieve. At the end add: “My wish will come true.” Then burn your notes in a candle fire and collect the ashes.

Next, you deal with the ashes depending on the text of your desire. If you want to achieve something, then the ashes need to be scattered to the wind, and if you get rid of them, then they must be destroyed by burying them in the ground or throwing them into a river. There is no need to extinguish the candle - let it burn out to the end, and then take it out of the house. As for the time of the ritual, if you acquire something, then the Month should be growing, and if you get rid of something, it should be waning.

A love spell on candles will help you get reciprocity

Candle love magic does not require complex ingredients and almost impossible actions. It's simple and effective. It is best to do any love spell with candles, because electric lighting is not the best conductor for magic, and the natural elements have great power. Candles can enhance any magical ritual precisely because of the power of living fire.

Love spells on candles

Love is associated with passionate manifestations and fire. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most powerful magical rituals aimed at inspiring feelings include the use of candles. A love spell on candles works quickly, the tamed element of fire really inspires strong feelings. And just finding your love, if there is no one in mind, helps.

To find someone worthy young man with the involvement of magical powers (the consequences in this case will only be favorable, because no direct influence to the will of a potential partner) you can do the following love spell on a candle:

  • Take the red candle.
  • From the base of the wick on it, cut out the following phrase with something sharp: "I(date of your birth) met my beloved".
  • A long line is drawn from the wick under the inscription.
  • On the reverse side there is a clockwise spiral.
  • Next, draw a cross at the bottom of the candle, completely covering it.
  • Light a candle while it burns and imagine the image of a potential lover.
  • Put out the fire with your fingers.

Such a simple love spell on a candle will work if there really is no one in sight. In other cases, it is better to use directed rituals, having first clearly understood whether you need it. A love magic ritual is fraught with consequences for both people. Violent magic, imposing the will of others, takes a lot of strength, requires a clear study of the details of the rituals, as well as a strong directed message from the performer of the ritual. Such rituals apply equally to representatives of both sexes.

It’s rare for a love spell to be completed without candles. Elemental magic is the main assistant of any practicing magician, and fire is one of the most accessible, but at the same time difficult to control elements. It is extremely difficult to predict how such magic will behave.

Ritual for two candles

To make a love spell using two candles, you will need:

  • Take two red candles, write your name on one, and the object on the second.
  • Light both at once.
  • Repeat the spell nine times, read it with firm confidence.
  • In the process, burn the candles against each other with fire, softening the wax. Having finished reading the plot, extinguish them also against each other, and then sharply connect and compress, gluing them together.
  • Store the connected candles in a secluded place.

If the love of the chosen one begins to fade, it will be possible to feed it - take out the red connected candles from the secret place, and douse them with fire again. This love spell on candles is long lasting and is designed for... long term relationship with the object of the ritual. Long-term relationships tied to magical powers must be nourished so that the effect is maintained and the person does not experience outright discomfort due to suppressed will. The magic of fire is strong, the flame can read information about the person performing the ritual, and thanks to this, strengthen the message.

It is also important not to forget that without a clear message, the ritual will not work, regardless of whether you perform a love spell without candles or with them. Lack of belief in the magical power of flame, as well as higher power in general - a guarantee of a previously disrupted ritual. You need to read any conspiracies without relying on specific words, but endowing them with your inner strength and confidence that everything will work out the way you want.

Using church candles

Thin blessed church candles have long been used in white magic. It is safest to use them when performing a love ritual, so the return will be less. But it is not recommended to use them without faith in a higher power - either nothing will come of it, or the consequences will be unpleasant. A love spell on church candles is done by twisting two pieces into one. Their shape and flexibility make twisted candles a breeze to make.

Church candles are bought only in churches, where they are already lit. It is recommended to pray before performing the ceremony. Not for formality, but putting all your desires into getting rid of love problems, with hope in God. Then the candles twisted into one are taken and a simple conspiracy is read about how they are intertwined like the destinies of two people. The main thing here, again, is not the words themselves, but the message.

After reading the plot, the twisted church candles are set on fire at the same time. They start talking again and put it out with their fingers. Then they are removed to a secluded place and stored. After the ceremony, you should start reading the prayer again. It is enough to read “Our Father” several times, always sincerely.

Any love spell on a candle is strong. If nothing happens after the ritual, you can try again, but the likelihood that something will work is low. Mystical forces may be against the proposed union; nothing can be done about it.

Simple candle love spell

You can try to make a love spell using candles without any spells with additional actions. To do this, you need to take one red candle, carve your lover’s name on it and light it at midnight. Think while the candle is burning about your lover, concentrate on him and your likely happy future. The brighter the ideas, the higher the likelihood of success of a love spell on a candle.

When the candle burns out, you need to collect the wax from it and hide it in a secluded place. The ritual is tied to an energy message and does not require anything other than mental images. But its efficiency, thanks to clean energy, is high. Such a love spell on a candle will only work for people who are confident in their abilities.

Possible consequences of candle magic

When making a love spell on a candle, it is important to remember that:

  • Elemental magic is very strong, weak individuals cannot cope with it.
  • You need to understand that rituals with church candles can also have consequences; love spells cannot do without echoes of black magic, even those that are considered white.
  • Instilled feelings are difficult to reverse; if you find someone else after completing the ritual, you will ruin the person’s life.
  • For the ritualist himself, the ritual can turn into a karmic series of failures in life. Regardless of whether you perform a love spell without candles or with them.
  • The target's behavior may change, especially if he is strong by nature and morally resistant. Personality can simply break.

To mitigate the consequences, after the ceremony it is recommended to go to church, pray and light candles for your lover or beloved. A love spell ritual without candles also requires such cleansing. You also need to remember that where you can do without magic, it is better to do without it, and resort to love spells only in extreme cases.

A candle is not just a magical attribute. This is a symbol of movement. Just as a flame stretches upward, growing from a wax or paraffin base, so human thoughts from the realm of the unmanifested fall into the realm of the realized. Candle spells always work. And this is the most effective type of magic that can be practiced at home.

What candles to take

Half the success - right choice tools. Anyone who doesn’t want to make a mistake should listen to the following advice:

  1. Church candles have strong energy and are used in the most powerful rituals. When a matter of life and death is at stake, they should be preferred. The spell for a red church candle will be especially powerful (it is traditionally lit between Easter and Ascension).
  2. Ordinary candles do not have an initial charge, which means they behave more obediently and restrainedly. They perceive the energy message verbally expressed by the sorcerer, and then bring it to life.

Regular candles can handle most tasks. You just need to choose the color:

  • a green candle is lit to improve your financial situation;
  • a blue candle gives health, strength of body and spirit;
  • a yellow candle promotes happiness and luck;
  • a red candle is associated with passionate love and sensual affection;
  • a pink candle helps to achieve romance in a relationship;
  • a black candle absorbs negativity and copes with both cleansing the biofield and causing damage;
  • white candles are recommended for all light rituals, regardless of their purpose.

It is advisable to use candles made of wax rather than paraffin. They capture information better and allow the spell to unfold as fully as possible.

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Candle spells for love

Fire burns away obstacles that interfere with relationships. The most powerful candle spells for love are read during the waxing or full moon. You definitely need to believe in your feelings and not doubt the result.

An effective spell for two candles that connects destinies. Buy two wax candles. One is scratched given name, on the other - the name of the object. Place the candles in for a few minutes hot water so that they become pliable. They carefully twist them into a “pigtail”, symbolically connecting themselves and their loved one. The wicks are lit.

Looking at the twisted candles, they say:

The wax body was smoldering, the flames around it were burning. And that body is our love, which lives my blood with (name), which unites our hearts, which will lead us to the crown. Burn, flame, flame, warm the waxy body. So that I can come together with (name) forever, so that our paths interlock into one, so that our paths do not diverge, so that our destinies do not separate.

The text is said until the candles burn out. Their remains are wrapped in light cloth and stored in a hidden place.

An ancient candle spell for a man's love. For your loved one to be faithful, religious holiday buy a candle in church. They silently carry it home, where they light it and say:

A candle is burning from the church, and a river runs in the distance. That river doesn’t carry water, but guards people’s destinies. The fire in that river flares up, and love appears in (name)’s heart. Yes, love is not for a stone, not for melancholy, but for the way I am, for me.

The fire is blown out, the cinder is hidden behind the icons. If you cast the spell on a red candle, the effect will be maximum.

A candle spell for a man to fall in love and ask him to marry. At midnight a pink or red candle is lit. Call up the image of a man in your mind and say:

Wherever (name) walked or wandered, the great God brought him back to me, placed him on the threshold in front of me, and truly made him love me. So that (name) would suffer from passion for me, so that he would suffer from longing for me, so that he would call me to marry day and night, so that he would call me his wife.

The candle is allowed to go out on its own. They don't say a word until the morning.

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Candle spells for health

Anyone who wants to improve their health will benefit from white magic. The candle fire will destroy the energy program of the disease and return your health to normal.

Blue candle spell to stay healthy. Waiting for the full moon phase. They place a lit blue candle on their photograph and say, according to the number of years they have lived:

I look at the candle, but I don’t remain silent, but I make speeches, so that I don’t lead them to harm, but to strong and sculpted health, so that my body becomes stronger, so that the blood in my veins does not become lazy, so that the bile does not come together in lumps, so that my heart has time don't stop before.

The candle is blown out and hidden. No one should touch or see it, otherwise it will break the spell.

A conspiracy to get rid of all diseases. They work during the waning moon. They light a black candle and, peering into the flame, repeat monotonously:

A black candle is a coal-filled stove where souls do not groan, but sores burn out. Leprosy and evil eyes are burning, weakness of the eyes and fatigue of the legs, heaviness of the head and incoherence of thoughts. Let everything that torments the body go into the oven, let it leave me with a black candle, turn into dust, turn into coal.

They don't stop while the candle is burning. The flame will go out when the diseases end.

Candle spells for money and luck

Lucky is not the one who waits for luck, but the one who does something for it. Candle spells for good luck and money are a good way to improve your life. They perform rituals for the growth of the Moon.

A spell for a candle so that good luck will always accompany you. They pick up a lit yellow candle. Gently squeeze it with your palms and say:

I am not afraid of fire, I am not ashamed of the flame, but I will generously pray for my luck. So that luck follows me, so that fate loves me, so that my life is protected, so that I have a lot of happiness. The candle burns and turns yellow, luck takes pity on me, sticks to me, hugs me.

The fire is blown out. The cinder is kept as an amulet.

A spell for money on a green candle will help, if not to get rich, then at least to ease the financial burden.

They sit in front of the window. Light a green candle and repeat seven times:

He who seeks is lucky; he who asks will find the money. I walk around the world with a candle, I light the way with fire, I welcome all kinds of money. My meeting with her is good and quick, pleasing to all spirits and gods, dear to the Sun, happy to the Moon.

The candle stub is placed in the wallet. He will play the role of a talisman to attract finance.

Conspiracies for brisk trade

Success in trading is almost always ensured by magic. Since ancient times, merchants have used powerful candle spells to use money and attract buyers in order to make good money and quickly sell goods. This is also true today. Cast a spell on the full moon.

Light a yellow, white or green candle. Read the text thirteen times quickly:

A sparrow flew, with a thousand sons. Each sparrow sang a song for a hundred seas. That song is not about girls or women, not about herons or toads. And that song is about trade, quick and simple, so that my goods will not suffer stagnation. So that they would be grabbed and dismantled, so that they would leave me the money.

The candle is blown out and the cinder is kept with you during trading.

Conspiracy to make profits good

Banknotes and coins will come in a powerful stream if you read a candle plot for money once a month. The text is:

A fat merchant was walking, his servant was carrying a golden casket. The money was kept in that chest and was never transferred. That merchant passed by me, and the servant came to me. He left the casket with me and placed it against the wall. This is how my money is now kept, it is never transferred. The goods are sold at high prices, and everyone needs them.

The color of the candle can be any, although the standard preference is green or yellow.

Weight loss conspiracies

Using a candle flame you can get rid of excess weight. Rituals do not replace the need proper nutrition and sports, but significantly speed up the process.

A candle spell for the waning moon to lose weight is carried out as follows. Light a light candle. They peer into the flame and say nine times:

The sage sat on the threshold, looking at the nine girls. The first girl came to me, took the fat from my sides and left. The second girl came to me, I got a waist. The third girl looked at me and scared everyone away from her face. The fourth girl walked on tiptoe, and behind her the trouble left her stomach. The fifth girl smiled at me, my swan neck woke up. The sixth girl looked at me, my whole body became thin. The seventh girl danced around me, protecting me from new fat. The eighth girl sang a song to me so that I would never dare to get fat again. The ninth girl hugged me so that I could accept my new position with love.

The cinder is thrown into a jar of fat, which is then buried under a tree. They do not eat flour for a day, as it can prevent the spell from gaining a foothold in the biofield.

The most effective conspiracy with candles for weight loss

They work with a black candle. Light it and say:

It’s not the blackness of the candles, but the fullness of my body. I light a candle and remove the fat from my body. Let the plumpness go into the forests, embrace animals, meet mermaids, but not return to me. Let fatness be a curse on the one who calls me fat. Let it go to the one who mocks my body. That's why the candle burns, that's why the flame smokes!

The magic of candles helps to achieve results that a person did not even dare to dream about. The main thing is to believe and remain calm. The rituals will definitely give the desired effect.

How can you bewitch a man yourself using wax candles? There are many such magical rituals and love spells. I’ll tell you how you can choose a ritual that suits the situation and capabilities of the performer. Therefore, today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the magic of candles, and about the unrealized icy passion that destroys the magician - the performer, and can destroy the victim.

Is it difficult to bewitch a guy yourself using candles?

Passion is the energy of two people who met and, having exchanged sexual tension, separated. Passion can give birth to romance novels of different durations, she is capable of being reborn into the love of her life. But, one way or another, this feeling is only a prophet of love.

Unfortunately, situations are all too common when one person experiences passion by directing it to an object that cannot offer release to this attraction. And then, the unburned passion at the limit of contact between the two is sublimated by the bearer of this. And so, passion, unnoticed by its owner, becomes a heavy burden, an incorrect pointer that leads a person into a dead end. But there are also ways to discharge. How can you do it at home? bewitch your beloved guy through a candle? Let's talk about this further.

Effective love spells on candles - real magical help

Unfulfilled passion thickens, becomes a mania, an obsession. When, after a breakup with his beloved, a man long time craves and seeks a meeting in the hope that she still loves and will understand everything - this is that same dead passion. In this form, attraction to another person can pose a real threat to the bearer of this feeling, as well as to its object. This interferes with life and becomes an obstacle to new relationships.

Even a simple spell for a guy’s love, read over a candle, will help move things from the point of glaciation, and change something in life. Under certain circumstances this is possible. But, this magical action will only be the first step to the feelings of a loved one.

In this material, I, Sergey Artgrom, will give several examples of how to bewitch a man with a candle, using other components of candle rituals to successfully influence the guy being bewitched.

A strong spell for true love on fire - to bewitch a guy from a distance

Love magic allows you to realize untapped resources of attraction, mania, and painful lust in many ways. For example, love candle spell, which is one of the husband's remote love spells. Here is a simple magic ritual on how to perform home plot on the candle fire.

Prepare for a love ceremony:

  • matches
  • 2 red candles
  • knife with white handle
  • photo of someone you like
  • scrap of canvas
  • red wool threads

Bewitch a guy during the period of lunar growth. In the evening, maybe at sunset. You need good clear visualization and the right message. If your visualization skills are unsatisfactory, when reading a love plot, look at the guy’s photo.

Light the candles and read the home plot for a guy’s love through two candles:

“I light the holy fire, I call the soul of the slave (name) to me, I call. Let the scarlet flame, the flame of passion in (name)’s soul burn for me (name), let (name) strive for fornication with me. Let him turn to me, screw around, screw around, until love is sweet, let (name) not detach himself from me. Amen".

Leave the candles to burn out. The next morning, wrap the flotsam in a piece of unpainted canvas and bandage it with red woolen threads, and keep charmed candles among your things. In essence, this is a white conspiracy to attract a guy’s love for candles, which is carried out without the intervention of a Christian egregor, but works on the personal power of the person performing the effective love spell. If necessary, a person can tear it apart and burn this connecting link - a charmed bundle. After which it is recommended to cleanse yourself and the victim, finally ending the connection with the bewitched guy.

The love magic of candles affects men and women equally well, and therefore the same witchcraft rituals can be performed for lovers of both sexes.

Magic with a church candle - a white spell for love

Even in the most difficult situation, love magic can help. Both black magic and white magic - both systems are effective, the only question is what Forces you have established contact with. White conspiracy A church candle for a guy’s love is made at home, on the waxing moon, in the evening. If you want to bewitch your beloved man with a candle, choose any men's day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If you want to bewitch a girl’s love, I recommend doing the ceremony on Friday.

For a love spell on a church candle you need to prepare:

  • a large white wax candle purchased from church
  • piece of rye bread
  • white fabric
  • white wool thread

Divide the candle into 3 equal parts, bury 2 of them under your two patron trees, and melt the rest of the candle and add it to the wax Rye bread. Make 2 candles from the resulting mixture and light them. When the wax begins to melt, drip the melted wax alternately from one candle to another, and vice versa.

At the same time, the love plot for the church candle should be read in a whisper three times:

“There are two mighty oak trees standing on the mountain. The crowns intertwined, the roots intertwined, the trunks intertwined. Just as they hold each other and don’t fall, so (name) will love me (name), hold on to me, cling to me forever and ever. She will glow with love, moan with passion for me, shed tears without me, and live in happiness with me. Fire is love, and bread is the heart. Just as oak trees stand and don’t fall, so (name) loves me, cares for me, doesn’t look at others, doesn’t think about others. The Lord is father, and the church is mother. My words have been given power. Amen".

You should repeat this action and read this easy plot, acting through a candle on your beloved guy, until the candles are mixed. Then let them burn. Wrap whatever remains of the candles in a white natural rag, bandage it and hide it away from prying eyes.

Love spell on a red candle - love spell for your beloved on snake skin

This magical love ritual is suitable for binding both men and women. However, practicing magicians are still more inclined to believe that this method is better. This candle spell for your beloved girl shows quite quick and effective results. Do it yourself on the full moon or on the new moon.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

In order to bewitch a girl’s love with the help of candles you will need:

  • old snake skin
  • red candle (a black candle will also work)
  • mirror (for a love spell, women take a round mirror; if you need to bind a man, use a square or rectangular one)
  • black matter
  • cup of water
  • cup with red wine
  • sacrificial chicken (to cast a love spell on a man you need a rooster)
  • saucer

This effective way to bewitch, the magician performs in the nude. This is quite symbolic. When the magician-performer appears naked before the Forces, thereby showing his absolute trust, the strength of the spell with the help of a love candle increases, the strong spell becomes even more effective.

Cover the table with black cloth. Professional witches have a special ritual cloth. If you don’t have one, black natural fabric without a pattern will do the job. Place water and wine on the table. Cut off the head of the chicken, and also, along with other components of the love ritual for your girlfriend, place this head on the table on a saucer. Draw a triangle on the material with chalk, place a mirror in the center, and place a working candle on the mirror.

Cut the snake skin so that the length matches the length of the candle. Then put the snake skin on the candle. Before reading a home plot with a red candle for a woman’s love, you need to drink wine first, then water. Light a candle and hold a chicken head over the flame.

Probably the most effective and powerful conspiracies are those cast into a candle flame.

Unlike charmed salt and eggs, the candles used for the ritual are not taken out of the house, and they are not subject to any other magical actions. You just need to regularly read the necessary candle spells. After reciting, they are extinguished until the next ritual. It must be remembered: candles used for magical rituals should no longer be used for any purposes. Of course, if you light them at dinner, this will only enhance the effect of the candles. But, in no case should you light them unnecessarily, just like that, or for domestic purposes. How prohibited to avoid loss magical power use fortune telling cards for playing, so ritual candles must be used strictly for their intended purpose, for magic or witchcraft.

Usually a candle spell is cast at midnight or after midnight. It is necessary that the house be dark, and nothing should interfere or distract from the ceremony. To perform the rituals, you will need three candles, which are placed in a vertical straight line in the direction from the person pronouncing the magic words to the center of the table.

When reading candle spells, you need to concentrate your gaze on the nearest flame. To strengthen magical influence It is worth lighting seven candles, which must be placed at an acute angle directed towards the center of the table. In this case, the gaze stops at the farthest one, located in the center.

They use various love spells and spells with candles.

In order for there to be prosperity in the house, you can cast a money candle.

You must make your own wax or paraffin product. To do this, buy seven large household candles, which are grated on a grater with large cells. The remaining wicks can be discarded. The resulting paraffin mass must be placed in a metal container, which is lowered into a water bath. While the wax is melting, you need to twist a cord for a new wick from linen thread. When the wax melts, you need to lower the thread into it and immediately remove it. You should wait until the paraffin on the wick dries. And at this time you can begin to cast candle spells.

The text is as follows: “Lord Jesus Christ, giver of light! Fulfill my request and grant me, according to my prayer, exude into my heart a single drop of your grace, and may the flame of your love flare up in my heart, like fire, and, like thistles and thorns, may it girdle away evil thoughts! Early in the morning I, the servant of God (my own name), will get up, turn to the light, go to the seven roads, light a candle, and call on God. Today the candle is burning, the Lord is sitting in heaven. The fire has gone out, but Christ is with us, the light shines from the light forever. And you, my golden goodness, shine like that, don’t disappear from me. I will pray to God and ask the Lord: Be merciful to me, O Lord and my judge, do not cast me away from your face, but with your omnipotent hand turn me to you and guide me on the path of true peace, so that from now on I will make the beginning of my salvation. Amen".

Having finished reading, you need to dip the wick in wax again, pull it out and, while it dries, read the candle spells again. These steps should be repeated until a new product is obtained from the melted paraffin. The created magical thing must be lit and read before the icon every morning a short prayer: “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” Having completed the spell, you need to cross yourself and put out the fire. For as long as the resulting product is used, so much money will arrive. Usually a simple household candle lasts for a year, and then you can make a new one.

It is worth considering that you may not be able to make a wax product the first time, so before pronouncing the spell, it is better to practice.