Golden Khokhloma. Quiz “What do we know about folk crafts

Global holiday The fourteenth international, ringing, elegant Khokhloma festival died down with fireworks. Any number of the best and most beautiful epithets can be selected for this event, and they will all be appropriate. Festival XIV was good, and all good things, as we know, come to an end very quickly. And now, hot on our heels, we will try to remember everything, of which there was a lot, and it was surprisingly diverse. “And we have a festival here” The weather, as expected, could not scare those wishing to join the main Semyonov event, and by ten o’clock on Saturday morning people began to flock to the central square along the adjacent streets. There is nothing to say about the number of cars - from scooters to huge buses in all possible parking lots - there was a sea of ​​them. The fragrant barbecue smoke and the sounds of music lured even the so-called transit passengers from the station, who had never heard of our festival, but by the will of fate found themselves in the thick of the festive events. “What’s going on here?” - they asked the all-knowing taxi drivers, and they proudly answered: “And we have a festival here! Walk along this street and you will see everything for yourself.” And they walked, mesmerized by the power of the beauty of the festive city. It is likely that many of them stayed with us until the evening or even for two days, which they hardly regretted. And what to regret if each guest was greeted as if he were the most important and long-awaited. Everything here was like in a good fairy tale. Numerous smart peddlers vying with each other offered to refresh themselves with homemade treats. You could easily and naturally change your travel suit for a full ball gown. Barbers, or, better said, skilled masters of hairdressing, worked in a specially equipped tent. Vika Krylova, a student at the Semenovsky Industrial and Art College, hardly expected that a huge line would line up at her pavilion for a beautiful hairstyle. But over the course of two festival days, she was finally convinced of the correctness of her professional choice and filled my hand with quality. Some came to her several times for beautiful braided hairstyles, since Vika unmistakably chose the most popular hair styling option on these Russian national days. With their hair styled in braids, fabulously prettier women aged from three to infinity could calmly and confidently walk onto a real podium to demonstrate costumes in the Khokhloma style. The more determined ones found the courage to put on a real royal robe and, sitting on a painted throne, capture their royal persona in a photo. Many people also wanted to take a photo near the festival symbol – the globe-ball. By the way, the current main symbol had many meanings - it spoke about the upcoming World Cup, reminded that Khokhloma had conquered the whole world... And some Semenovites, either jokingly or seriously, told their out-of-town guests that our festival had now become global. Our neighbors from Bor came to visit the festival and brought with them the whole “Raspberry Ridge”, that is, a small demonstration mini-version of their very popular country club. Borchan residents launched a real gastronomic show “Semyonovsky Bazaar” on the square. The surprisingly familiar voice of the presenter aroused genuine interest. She turned out to be the cook of the entire Nizhny Novgorod region, Elena Kalashnik, and she expressed suspicion that the Semyonovites knew some magical secret of influencing the weather. When they drove to our city, it rained all the way, but here not a drop fell. Therefore, with double passion for her signature: “Hello, dear hostesses and respected hosts,” the cook of the Volga television company attracted people to participate in the gastronomic show. Since this show was shown, as befits a favorite TV show, with a repeat, a lot of guests took part in it over Saturday and Sunday. Everyone wanted to taste raspberry jam cooked over an open fire, cut vegetables to make okroshka and refresh themselves with lemonade made from... cucumbers. And on Sunday, Governor Valery Shantsev became an honorary and skillful participant in the culinary show. He masterfully cut cucumbers and, under the guidance of the chief cook, marinated them in a super-fast way, and then hospitably treated everyone. The festival is a celebration of agelessness, here everyone is equally interested and happy. Children stopped with pleasure near the craftsmen, watching how, in skillful hands, a nondescript piece of iron turned into a delightful rose, and a piece of wood in the hands of a carver into an elegant ladle. Genuine delight shone in the children’s eyes when they heard the sounds of the harp, because it was so unusual, simple and beautiful. Guslar from Vladimirsky Sergei Balakin is our regular festival guest and an amazing folk performer. He is also an unsurpassed master of making gusli. Adult festival-goers enjoyed taking part with children in numerous interactive entertainments “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, arranged by creative and imaginative kindergarten workers. This is where you completely forgot about age. And Baba Yaga from “The Fairy Tale” took on the role so organically and inimitably that she could well have become the winner in the competition of these fairy-tale villains. Entertaining and educational work in museums went on non-stop and, of course, as always, the festival city of Khokhloma opened its gates widely and hospitably. For two days life within the walls of this city was in full swing. It is simply not possible to talk about all the events held in Khokhloma, since they all deserve a separate discussion. Only once a year, distinguished guests led by the Nizhny Novgorod governor visited the festival on Sunday. The first place they visited was a new music school in an old building near the market. This visit was not announced in the festival program, but, nevertheless, became significant, since the “go-ahead” for the opening of the school for the new academic year the governor gave finally and irrevocably. In September, our young already recognized and aspiring virtuosos will come to new school. To say that the school is good is to say nothing. The school is amazing! Both outside and inside. Elegant, classic interior, decorated in pastel colors. Impeccably selected lamps and chandeliers. Graceful stucco, columns and pilasters. Small comfortable stairs. I couldn’t even believe that people were talking about demolishing this old building. And the amazing acoustics of the old house were duly appreciated by the distinguished guests, who listened to the welcoming speeches of the school students. Vanya Chesnokov's playing of the button accordion made the hearts of the guests worry, and evoked genuine emotions on the governor's face. After consulting, the influential guests agreed that they would certainly help purchase a new button accordion for the school, as well as a white piano and, as Oleg Sorokin promised, a balalaika. Finally, the governor told an anecdote on the topic, and good mood the entire group of guests moved towards the epicenter of the festival. From the high podium, that is, from the main city stage, distinguished guests congratulated all festival participants on the next holiday and awarded especially distinguished citizens Letters of gratitude and Certificates of Honor. And then the artists took their place on the stage and vied with each other to delight the people with their “Commonwealth of Talents”. The weather was beautiful, summer remembered us and seemed to be trying to apologize for its previous bad behavior. This, by the way, was very beneficial to the participants of the fun sports competitions “Khokhloma Fun”. The athletes ran along the Semenov – Pokrovskoye route and received well-deserved prizes from Khokhloma Painting JSC. And in the “Open Ring” boxers fought for the palm. The miracle city with carousels, trampolines, various attractions, horses and trains did not let the children get bored, and forced parents to open their wallets with sighs every now and then. Well, okay,” they said, waving their hand, “you can allow it once a year.” Moreover, many, especially the enterprising ones, have long included a special item “for the festival” in the family budget and scrupulously set aside funds for it. It will be necessary for others to take this example into account, so that the fifteenth anniversary - does not take anyone by surprise. Photo by Alexander YURIEV


We brought clay from a distant hillock.

Well, let's get to work, miracle masters!

I'll make a horse, I'll pet it

And I’ll put a sitter with fringe on his back.

Let's mold, dry - and into the oven!

And then we'll write it down,

We will bake toys

The stove is glowing with heat.

And in the oven there are no rolls,

And don’t put Easter cakes in the oven,

Not crumpets, not cheesecakes,

And there are toys in the oven!

Behind the icy water

Waterbearer - young lady

Like a swan floats

Carries red buckets

Slowly on the yoke.

Look how good she is

This girl is beautiful:

Tight black braid

Scarlet cheeks are burning,

Amazing outfit:

The kokoshnik sits proudly,

Like a swan floats

Sings a quiet song.

There is a corner in Russia,

Where smoke comes from the pipes,

That's why the village

It's called Dymkovo.

Who ever got there -

Will never forget

If he remembers, he will smile.

Famous village

Bright clay toy:

Motley figures:

Murkami cats,

Painted roosters,

Chickens, turkeys,

Playful lambs

Golden-maned horses.

Amuses, caresses the eye

Variegated rainbow pattern:

Cells, rings, curls,

Snakes, ribbons and dots.

Just a peek -

To everyone's surprise!

Here is a smart turkey,

He's all so good

At the big turkey

All sides are painted.

Surprised everyone with the outfit

He spread his wings importantly.

Look, bushy tail

He is not at all simple -

Just like a sunny flower.

And the tall comb

A red mountain of grief, -

Like a king's crown.

The turkey is fabulously beautiful

And pompous, proud.

Looks down on everyone around

An important bird is the turkey.


You guys don't know

Why and why
Very often called

Golden Khokhloma?

Are they covered in gold?

Does it have trees and houses?

Maybe they shine everywhere there

Golden towers?

Wooden, carved,

Painted Khokhloma!

Amazing dishes -

That's what she's famous for.

This subtle one, this marvelous one

Golden curl!

Once you see it, you won't forget it,

And I would like to, but I couldn’t!

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There is grass and flowers there

Amazingly beautiful.

They shine like gold

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,
Here everyone is golden.

Such beauty people

They call it Khokhloma. (V. Bokov)

Khokhloma, Khokhloma!

The whole people were driven crazy!

Bright, radiant, golden patterns!

It's a freezing winter,

Snowflakes are swirling in a wild wind,

And the golden Khokhloma

Reminds us of summer.

Rook: flowering tail-stern,

The nose is a rooster's head.

Khokhloma floats through the forest,

Painted very cleverly.

The barrel is very sunny,

There are flowers and strawberries on it.

Semenovskaya Khokhloma

All golden and red.

There is no twilight in the saucers,

Not darkness in vases and salt shakers.

Reminds me of Khokhloma

Dear, dear side! (N. Glazkov)

Like the firebird sorceress,

Doesn't go out of my mind


Golden Khokhloma.

And rich and beautiful,

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, cups and ladles -

Bunches of fiery mountain ash,

Sunny summer poppies

And meadow daisies.

I absorbed everything like a memory:

Dawn of red rays

And patterned ornament

Ancient Suzdal brocade.

The leaves turn red without thinning

From the breath of winter.

We enter the kingdom of Berendey,

Into the world of magical Khokholoma. (P. Sinyavsky)


Porcelain teapots,

Candlesticks, clocks,

Animals and birds

Unprecedented beauty.

Village in the Moscow region

Now she's famous.

Everyone knows

Its name is Gzhel!

Residents of Gzhel are proud

Heavenly blue,

You will not meet in the world

Such beauty!

In the quiet Moscow region

The Gzhelochka River runs.

Along this river

The village is standing.

Willow thickets run along the river.

Craftsmen live in that village.

They make painted dishes,

Blue and white work miracles. (P. Sinyavsky)

They are burned in the oven,

They will become famous throughout the world

Gzhel crafts:

Cats, mice, squirrels...

Under the brush of a magical craftswoman

Flocks come to life

Multi-colored birds.

Magic flowers wave their petals,

Gzhel paintings

Wonderful beauty!

What could be more beautiful than Gzhel,

Her porcelain products -

And teapots, and samovars, mugs,

And dishes, the funniest toys,

Painted stucco crafts,

Pots, wonderful cups?

With our own hands

We prepared them ourselves! (N. Kutuzova)


We were sculpted by masters,

It's time to paint us.

Horses, ladies, lambs -

Everyone is tall and slim

Blue-red stripes

They are visible on our sides.

Tell us where from

Did this miracle appear?

Who invented these colors?

As if taken from a fairy tale?

That chest is not easy:

It contains painted goods.

Toys are hidden here -

Funny toys.

Whistles - cockerels,

Clay bunnies,

Black horses,

Painted manes, -

Everyone likes it

Clay fun!

People buy drying

And for a wonderful toy
They look for a long time without breathing -

How good it is!

I am a handsome rooster!

Made for the parade!

Feathers - fluff! Feathers - fluff!

The comb is what you need!

The eyes are slits!

The eyes are sharp!

Chicken feathers!

Oh you spurs!

Cock spurs!

I am a bugler!

I am a bugler!

I magnify the sun!

The eyes are slits!

Admire it! Admire it!

For colored feathers! (G. Lagzdyn)


Cheerful sisters,

Naughty young ladies!

Nice, rosy cheeks,

There are flowers on the aprons!

Clap your hands:

Zagorsk nesting dolls!

Eight wooden dolls,

Chubby and ruddy,

In multi-colored sundresses

They live on our table,

Everyone is called matryoshka.

Semyonov nesting dolls.

At Semyonov's nesting dolls

Polka dot sundresses,

Multi-colored handkerchiefs,

Rosy cheeks.

Veselushki, laughter,

Wooden girlfriends,

They love to play hide and seek

And sing and dance.

I can't get enough of the look

If they line up in a row,

And they will hide in each other -

You see your older girlfriend.

Pretty, simple-minded,

So smiling and welcoming

Our Russian nesting dolls

And a little mysterious.

Who visited us

And I didn’t see the nesting dolls,

That and Mother Russia

I haven’t fully figured it out yet.

Take a quick look -
The cheeks are turning pink,
A colorful handkerchief
Floral dress
Chubby babes -
Russian nesting dolls.
Just a little scared
Everyone runs into a circle,
Hiding in each other
Smart girlfriends.
T. Lisenkova

They gave me a matryoshka doll.
I made a mistake:
Broke in half -
I wonder what's there?
There's another nesting doll,
Smiles, little fool;
Although it’s a pity to break it,
I'll look into it further.


I don’t know who made the nesting doll.
But I know that hundreds of years
Together with Vanka-Vstanka, as if alive,
The doll conquers the white light.

Where did he get the paints, the skilled craftsman,
In noisy fields, in fairy forest?
Created an image of irrepressible passion,
True Russian beauty.

The dawn brought a blush to her cheeks,
The blue of the sky splashed into her eyes
And, starting a unique dance,
He must have said cheerfully:

“Well, oh, now walk around the world,
Have fun, honest people.”
And the nesting doll across the planet
It's still going strong.

He stands proudly, majestically,
With a daring smile on his face,
And her fame flies around the world
About an unknown master creator.


Knock-knock, click-click,

Bear, man, fox and wolf,

Wooden Toys

And bears and old ladies

Sometimes they sit, sometimes they knock.

The kids will make everyone laugh.

The squirrel is not waving its tail -

Swings a hammer.

Why, as if it were a sin,

Isn't the nut still cracking?

They don't give millet to chickens

And they peck at the block.

There will be bunnies near the dancers

Chickens are chattering with their beaks.

Behind the big-eared hare

The bear started running;

He runs with a balalaika,

And the ground beneath him trembles.


Lion from Kargopol.

There is a toy in Kargopol

Very old. animal

Small, there are spots on the cheeks,

There is no shorter than his legs.

Painted bright white everywhere:

Legs, tail and back.

Neck boldly with black ribbon

Circled by the master.

And the head is yellow!

He wanted to produce a lion!

There's just something in this face

There is something human.

And an animal from an old fairy tale,

Without being scared, without threatening,

With an expression of warm affection

He looks quietly into our eyes.


Gorodets painting - how could we not know it?
There are hot horses here, well done.
There are such bouquets here that it is impossible to describe.
The stories here are like nothing in a fairy tale.
Look at the painting - the richness of the colors beckons.
Gorodets painting pleases our souls.

Through roses and bathing

Gorodetsky's horse gallops,

And everything is painted with flowers -

How beautiful he is!

Gorodets board.

The board was unpainted

Ordinary, unsightly.

And she became decorated

And festively dressed.

A board in the hands of a craftsman

Played with the pattern

Garland of roses

Decorated around the edge

This young lady is beautiful

Walking along Gorodets

And apparently he really likes it

A dashing fellow.

Well done on the horse

Shows off on horseback

The cap is brand new,

Underdress on it.

Ah, dear province

In the stories of Gorodets!

To be proud of her talents,

Which has no end!

I'll buy this board

I won't skimp on the price.

Oh, with a Gorodets rose

I'm having fun with my heart!

There is an ancient city on the Volga,
Under the name Gorodets.
Famous throughout Russia
The creator with his painting.

Bouquets are blooming,

Bright colors of grief,

It’s a miracle – birds flutter there,

As if calling us to a fairy tale.

If you look at the tablets,

You will see miracles!

Gorodets patterns

The hand came out subtly!

The Gorodets horse is running,

The whole earth is shaking under him!

Bright birds fly

And the water lilies are blooming!


P. Sinyavsky.

“Zhostovo brushes”

On a Zhostovo tray
In the mirror surface of varnish
Rye copper ears,
Steppe blush poppy.

Crimson of late leaves.
Forest snowdrop first...
And Zhostovo brushes
More tender than light willow.

Souvenir from Zhostovo.

Here is a Zhostovo black elegant tray

With a bouquet of lilies, peonies and roses.

The summer sun sparkles in it,

It sparkles with a golden border around the edge.

To make the tray round and smooth,

At first the tinsmith worked on the mold

And I primed it with putty for a long time,

And I filled the surface with varnish more than once.

For the artist to apply the painting on metal,

The background on it should be black or scarlet

And the most delicate colors of the garden and meadows.

Here the painter's brush went in a circle.

Waltzes deftly and spins quickly,

The paint lays down with elastic strokes.

And then they scattered across the black varnish

Peonies, daisies, roses and poppies.

The artist does not like repetitions in his work,

The master has many beautiful patterns.

And no matter how similar the bouquets are to them,

And in Zhostovo you won’t meet such people twice.

When it's snowing and frosty outside,

The tray is strewn with fresh flowers.

Look with a smile at the wonderful bouquet,

And it seems that summer is sending its greetings to us.


P. Sinyavsky

The stars splash in the twinkling distances,
The snow glows, even if you hold it in the palm of your hand.
Fabulous Palekh, mysterious Palekh
Rides on a troika in the colors of dawn.
The colors came to life and sank into the soul,
The world listened to the Russian tune.

How many magicians did Palekh raise?
How many wonders he has eclipsed with his beauty.
The spring sun is kept in a box,
An ancient secret never fades.
The brushes fly up like the wings of a Firebird.
Palekh paints a portrait of Russia.

Mikhail Guskov
Steam and smoke billows,
Ask a question:
"What is this, the Firebird
Or a steam locomotive?"
Golden miracle
The days of the past are a gift.
Tea machine -
Tula samovar!
There is no reason to be sad
Add water!
From such a car
Drinking Russian tea.
It's not an easy matter
Create steam in it -
What is it,
Tula samovar?!
So that the conversation flows,
There was a feast going on,
At the table, neighbors,
Keep the peace.
And put it on the table
golden ball,
Drink tea and praise
Tula samovar.

Target . Development of creative abilities through familiarization with the motifs of folk ornaments.

Tasks :

1. Educational

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about Russian folk arts and crafts.

2. Distinguish between types of folk arts and crafts.

3. Know some information about the fishery, characteristic features, traditions.

4. Distinguish and name familiar folk toys (Dymka), their characteristics, objects of various crafts with floral patterns (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Gzhel).

1. Strengthen the ability to draw geometric (circles, ovals, stripes, dots) and plant patterns: grass, flowers, berries, etc.

2. See a variety of materials (wood, clay, tin, porcelain, etc.).

3. Highlight means of expression: elements of the pattern, their color, combinations, coloring, alternation.

2. Developmental.

1. Arouse children’s interest in studying the history of Russia and Russian folk art.

2. Develop imagination, fantasy and creative perception through independent activity.

3. Develop creativity.

3. Educational.

1. Cultivate a love for beauty, for folk arts and crafts.

2. Learn to work independently.

3. Receive an emotional response to the work done.


Dymkovo toys, folk crafts: Gzhel dishes, Khokhloma dishes, Zhostovo trays, Gorodets - boards, nesting dolls.

Preliminary work.

Club classes based on folk paintings for 4 years.

Independent work.

Art classes (modelling, appliqué, drawing).


Gouache of different colors

Brush No. 3

Palette, spoons

Silhouette of Dymkovo toys, Zhostovo trays, Gorodets boards, Gzhel plates, Khokhloma dishes

Progress of the lesson.

Children stand around the teacher.


Guys, today we are doing an unusual lesson.

You and I are going on an excursion to the exhibition hall, where we will see the works of folk craftsmen. Look, toys and dishes are collected here. They are not simple, they were made by Russian craftsmen from Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel, Khokhloma and Zhostovo.

Look! These are the things nowadays

They came to visit us,

To tell us secrets

Ancient, wonderful beauty.

To introduce us to the world of Russia

The world of legends and goodness

To say what is in Russia

Miracle - people are masters!

But guess what kind of masters these are, you can guess for yourself.

Guess the riddle.

Makes a riddle.

Fun red clay

Circles, stripes on it,

Goats and lambs are funny,

A herd of colorful horses,

Nurses and water bearers,

And the riders and the children

Dogs, hussars and fish

Well, call me.

(Dymkovo toy)


What is Haze?

The toy is made of clay, it is made by craftsmen, then fired in a kiln. All figures are covered with white paint and begin to be painted with geometric patterns (wavy lines, wide and thin stripes, circles, ovals, peas, a combination of small and large elements). This toy is from Vyatka.


Many fabulous places in Russia

Russia has countless cities.

Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,

But it won’t be more dear than here.

Near Vyatka itself Dymkovo-village

A cheerful corner surrounded by forests.

The evenings are long in winter,

And they sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted

Snow-white, like birch trees,

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

Gzhel makes a riddle.

Blue and white dishes

Tell me, where are you from?

Apparently she came from afar

And blossomed with flowers:

Blue, blue,

Tender, beautiful.



What is Gzhel?

Gzhel is a dish made of thin white porcelain, which is painted with blue floral patterns.

After painting, the products are covered with glaze and fired in a kiln. The dishes become shiny.


Blue birds across the white sky

A sea of ​​blue flowers,

Jugs and mugs –

Fact or fable?

The product of golden hands.

The blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes;

Like drops in the spring.

Affection, care, warmth and patience,

Russian ringing Gzhel.

Gorodets asks a riddle.

The boards are made from linden,

And spinning wheels and horses

Painted with flowers.

It's like half-shaks.

There are horsemen galloping dashingly,

Firebirds fly high.

And the dots are black and white.

They sparkle in the sun.

There are daisies and kupavkas here,

Like drops of dew

Roses bloom here

Amazingly beautiful.



Tell me what it is

Gorodets painting?

Wood painting. The main motif is a flower (roses, rosanas, daisies, daisies), shimmering with a “live.” The background is not painted, it has the color of wood.

Finished products are varnished.


There is an ancient city on the Volga

By name - Gorodets

Famous throughout Russia

The creator with his painting.

Bouquets are blooming,

Bright colors of grief.

It’s a miracle – birds flutter there,

As if calling us to a fairy tale.

If you look at the tablets,

You will see miracles!

Gorodets patterns

The hand came out subtly!

Khokhloma makes a riddle.

Various spoons and ladles

Take your time to take a look.

There is grass and flowers

Amazingly beautiful.

They shine like gold

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves

Here everyone is golden.

Such beauty people

They call...



What is Khokhloma?

Khokhloma products are made from linden, birch, alder, aspen: spoons, pots, bowls, furniture, etc.

First, they are dried, coated with aluminum powder and painted with bright colors with a floral pattern (curls - stems, grass, flowers, berries, leaves). After painting, they are varnished and placed in an oven, where the heat turns silver objects into gold. Hence Khokhloma is called golden.


Khokhloma painting –

Groves-coppices, silk splashes

Sunny honey golden foliage.

Khokhloma painting is like witchcraft,

She asks for a fairy-tale song herself.

And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences

Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all.

Which painting have I not mentioned yet?

Zhostovo painting. This is a painting on iron.

Zhostovo trays are famous.

Iron trays are coated with black paint and then painted different colors. The flowers are large in the center, and smaller at the edges. Each tray is different.

The background can be blue or green.


Well done. All the paintings were remembered. There is a workshop next to the exhibition hall, where you can become a painting master for a while. Everything you need for work is on the tables. Masters, you can get to work.

♫ The children are working. The teacher walks by, looks, encourages, advises.Children work to quiet Russian music. At the end of the lesson, the masters' products are exhibited at the exhibition stand. Children, together with the teacher, look at them and admire them.

Today it is very important that children not only create works of folk art themselves, but also know about the origin of this art, about the history of the development of folk crafts. Khokhloma is an incomparable beauty. Shimmering gold, cinnabar flame, depth of black background. Khokhloma sings to man about an ageless and beautiful world.

In our kindergarten a lot of attention is paid to this...

This is how we got acquainted with Khokhloma:


learning while playing

Today, in our country and abroad, everyone knows that the birthplace of the fiery Khokhloma is the Gorky region. Talented hereditary fire painting masters live here, and the only vocational art school in the world is located here. Khokhloma painting.

The city of Semenov: the birthplace of Khokhloma painting

There are two monuments on the territory of the Khokhloma Painting factory. One - to the legendary Semyon the Spooner, the founding father of the craft. The second is to Georgy Matveev, the founder of the painting school. In 1916, Georgy Petrovich came to Semenov and created a school of artistic woodworking. And then he united local artels into one large team. From them the Khokhloma Painting factory grew.

The factory has two workshops. The first is where they make wooden utensils for painting. Mostly men work there; they turn wooden nesting dolls, cups, bowls, saucers and similar products on machines.

Only women work in the artistic painting workshop. They paint exclusive items and have the right to put their personal signature on them.

Initially, Khokhloma dishes were made at monasteries and intended for the royal court. Later, she became beloved and popular among the common people.

Khokhloma products are made from linden. Before use, the wood is first kept in the open air for at least a year. First, the shapes of the products are turned from linden on a lathe. They are dried and then covered with a liquid layer of local fatty clay. Products become similar to clay. This is done so that the wood does not absorb oil. Then the products are lubricated linseed oil and dry, then cover with drying oil three to four times. The last time it is not dried completely, but so that the aluminum powder sticks, which replaces the expensive silver and tin that were used before. Aluminum makes products shiny, like metal. Now the blanks can be painted.

Paint products with oil paints. And the brushes for the master’s work are made from the tail of a squirrel. These brushes can be used to make very thin and wide strokes. Khokhloma patterns are applied with a brush without first drawing the ornament with a pencil. Each time the craftsmen create marvelous patterns, never repeating exactly the previous pattern. The famous Khokhloma master Stepan Pavlovich Veselov told his students: “Learn from the old people, and from nature, and write your own patterns that are close to your heart. This will be real creativity.”

Khokhloma painting with a golden background combines red and black colors. Sometimes they are complemented by green, brown, yellow and orange. But the background is the main thing.

After painting, the products are varnished and then hardened in ovens. Influenced high temperature the varnish turns yellow, and the aluminum layer under the varnish has a golden sheen. And before our eyes, the wooden product became precious, golden.

Khokhloma dishes are not only beautiful, but also durable. According to Khokhloma masters, she is not afraid of “neither heat nor cold.”

Today's Khokhloma, one might say, has received a rebirth. Artists not only preserved the best painting traditions, but also developed them, enriching them with new techniques.

The legend of "Khokhloma"

More recently, in the villages of the Gorky region one could hear the legend about how “Khokhloma” came to the Volga land and where it got its fiery colors.

In ancient times, there lived a master icon painter in Moscow. The king highly valued his skill and generously rewarded him for his work. The master loved his craft, but most of all he loved his free life, and therefore one day he secretly left the royal court and moved to the deep Kerzhen forests.

He built himself a hut and began to do the same thing. He dreamed of an art that would become familiar to everyone, like a simple Russian song, and so that the beauty of his native land would be reflected in it. This is how the first Khokhloma cups appeared, decorated with lush flowers and thin branches.

The fame of the great master spread throughout the land. People came from everywhere to admire his skill. Many people built huts here and settled nearby.

Finally, the master’s fame reached the formidable sovereign, and he ordered a detachment of archers to find the fugitive and bring him. But popular rumor flew faster than the archers’ feet. The master learned about his misfortune, gathered his fellow villagers and revealed to them the secrets of his craft. And in the morning, when the royal envoys entered the village, everyone saw the miracle artist’s hut burning with a bright flame. The hut burned down, and no matter how hard they looked for the master himself, he was nowhere to be found. Only its colors remained on the ground, which seemed to have absorbed both the heat of the flame and the blackness of the ashes.

The master disappeared, but his skill did not disappear, and Khokhlov’s colors still burn with a bright flame, reminding everyone of the happiness of freedom, and of the heat of love for people, and of the thirst for beauty. Apparently, the master’s brush was not a simple one - a brush made of sun rays.

Such is the legend. Like any legend, there is a lot of fiction in it, but its truth is that great skill and great art are preserved only when they are passed from hand to hand, from teacher to student.

Poems and riddles about KHOKHLOMA

The branch smoothly bent and curled into a ring.

Next to the three-fingered leaf, the strawberry is scarlet in color.

She shone, stood up, and filled herself with sweet juice.

And the grass is like a fringe. What is this? ... (Khokhloma)

Khokhloma painting - a scattering of scarlet berries.

Groves-coppices, silk splashes

Sunny honey golden foliage.

Outside the window, snowstorms and frosts are crackling,

And in the hut the craftswomen sit at their palettes.

Not a flower, not a blade of grass

In the gray winter forest,

Only dry blades of grass are blown by the wind.

The flame licks the wood and the heat from the stove,

Like a summer clearing

Bloomed in their eyes.

The brush is bathed in paint,

Here I snuggled once,

And a golden curl flashed on the dishes.

The titmouse will chirp loudly

Behind frozen glass,

The brush paints eyelashes

Next to that curl.

And dry blades of grass under a cheerful brushstroke

Turned into blades of grass

The tendril curls at a crawl.

The colors shine so bright

Golden Khokhloma,

What's in her warm rays

We are warming up.

(P. Sinyavsky “Khokhloma”.)

Khokhloma, Khokhloma!

The whole people were driven crazy!

Bright, radiant, golden patterns!

It's a freezing winter,

Snowflakes are swirling in a wild wind,

And the golden Khokhloma

Reminds us of summer.

Rook: flowering tail - stern,

The nose is a rooster's head.

Floating through the Khokhloma forest,

Painted very cleverly.

The barrel is very sunny,

There are flowers and strawberries on it.

Semenovskaya Khokhloma

All golden-red.

There is no twilight in the saucers,

Not darkness in vases and salt shakers;

Reminds me of Khokhloma

Dear, dear side!

(N. Glazkov)

And a physical education session (maybe it will be useful to someone)

Our miracle is wonderful! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides)

We draw Khokhloma (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)

Unprecedented beauty! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides).

Let's draw grass (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)

Sunny paint (raise your arms up, lower your arms down through your sides)

Rowan berries (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)

Scarlet paint (raise your arms up, lower your arms down through your sides)

Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma (hands on the belt, body turns right - left)

What a wonderful miracle! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides).



"Fair, fair, wide fair"


TEACHER: Popova T.B.

Target. Summarize children's knowledge about Russian folk crafts, consolidate the ability to identify the main means of expressiveness of products of various crafts, know the characteristic features of these crafts, cultivate national pride in the skill of the Russian people, and an aesthetic attitude towards folk applied art. Strengthen the ability to independently paint blank silhouettes of various handicrafts.

Material. Handicrafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Bogorodskaya and Dymkovo toys, etc.); riddle poems about folk crafts, folk music (recorded), blank silhouettes of folk crafts, gouache, palette, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of entertainment

In the center of the hall there is a table-“counter”, on which handicrafts are laid out. The teacher and children are dressed in folk costumes. Quiet music is playing.


Hey kids!

Come quickly!

Buy, choose -

Among spoons and horses,

Among the painted cups,

Among the carved sleighs -

Whatever your heart desires.

All products are good!

Children. The toys are good, the dishes are good, but here’s the problem: we spent all the money on honey gingerbread and sugar candies. What to do here? How can we be here?


Well, let's take it in order.

I'll tell you riddles.

Who will find the answer sooner?

He will take the toy.

Who will find a pair for a toy,

No wonder he will try!

The presenter asks riddles. The first child to answer correctly takes a toy or household utensil from the table. The child who found the corresponding product on the “counter” also receives a gift.


Riddles about folk crafts.

Knock-knock, click-click,

Wooden Toys:

And bears and old ladies -

Sometimes they sit, sometimes they hurry,

The kids will make everyone laugh.

(Bogorodskaya carving.)

Snow white dishes,

Tell me: where are you from?

Apparently she came from the North

And blossomed with flowers:

Blue, blue,

Tender, beautiful.


Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There is grass and flowers there

They grow of unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sunlit.


Merry white clay,

Circles, stripes on it.

Goats and lambs are funny,

A herd of colorful horses,

Nurses and water bearers,

And the riders and the children,

Dogs, hussars, and fish.

Well, call me!


Round, iron,

Useful on the farm.

Black, yellow, red,

Amazingly beautiful!

(Zhostovo trays.)

We were blinded by the masters,

It's time to paint us.

Horses, ladies, lambs -

Everyone is tall and slim.

Blue-red stripes

They are visible on our sides.

(Filimonovskaya toy.)

Friends of different heights

Everyone looks alike.

(Matryoshka dolls.)

The boards are made from linden,

And spinning wheels and horses...

Painted with flowers,

It's like half-shaks.

There are horsemen galloping dashingly,

Firebirds fly high.

And the dots are black and white

They sparkle in the sun.


Barrels, piggy banks,

Matryoshka dolls, mushrooms -

They are not small

Yes, and not great.

Whistles, plates

In bright colors

And the sun and the river,

And a house in the bushes.

Free painting:

The rose hips are blooming,

And the apples are ripening

And the grass grows...

Are drawn with ink

There are flowers on the stems,

And bright colors

Juicy and simple.


The bobbins are jumping:


The handkerchief suddenly appeared

And a collar of white thread

(Vologda lace.)

Red roses on a black background,

They tied the girls' heads,

(Pavlo Posad shawls.)

At the end of the lesson, children are offered a task: to paint any blank silhouette at their request with folk craft painting.


Riddles about folk crafts

These figures are very heavy:

Girls, boys, horse sculptures.

There are also candlesticks and carved dishes.

Well, guess: where are these from?

(Kasli casting,)

Knock-knock, click-click,

A bear, a man, a goat and a wolf...

Wooden Toys:

And bears and old ladies -

Sometimes they sit, sometimes they hurry,

The kids will make everyone laugh.

(Bogorodskaya carving.)

Snow white dishes,

Tell me: where are you from?

Apparently she came from the North

And blossomed with flowers:

Blue, blue,

Tender, beautiful.


Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There is grass and flowers there

They grow of unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sunlit.


Merry white clay,

Circles, stripes on it.

Goats and lambs are funny,

A herd of colorful horses,

Nurses and water bearers,

And the riders and the children,

Dogs, hussars, and fish.

Well, call me!


Round, iron,

Useful on the farm.

Black, yellow, red,

Amazingly beautiful!

(Zhostovo trays.)

We were blinded by the masters,

It's time to paint us.

Horses, ladies, lambs -

Everyone is tall and slim.

Blue-red stripes

They are visible on our sides.

(Filimonovskaya toy.)

Friends of different heights

Everyone looks alike.

One two three four five...

(Matryoshka dolls.)

Iron plate,

It shows a simple landscape:

Birches and rowan trees,

Mountains of a distant ridge.

(Zlatoust engraving.)

The boards are made from linden,

And spinning wheels and horses...

Painted with flowers,

It's like half-shaks.

There are horsemen galloping dashingly,

Firebirds fly high.

And the dots are black and white

They sparkle in the sun.


Barrels, piggy banks,

Matryoshka dolls, mushrooms -

They are not small

Yes, and not great.

Whistles, plates

In bright colors

And the sun and the river,

And a house in the bushes.

Free painting:

The rose hips are blooming,

And the apples are ripening

And the grass grows...

Are drawn with ink

There are flowers on the stems,

And bright colors

Juicy and simple.


The bobbins are jumping:


The handkerchief suddenly appeared

And a collar of white thread

Beautifully done. Take a look!

(Vologda lace.)

Red roses on a black background,

Lilies, poppies, daisies, snowdrops...

They tied the girls' heads,

Cunning eyes, gentle faces.

(Pavlo Posad shawls.)