9 shocking inhumane photographs in history. Shocking post-mortem photographs that will make you shudder. Matthew Brady. Dead Federals on the Battlefield

30 of the most shocking and touching photographs ever taken.

All over the World and at all times there have always been wars, political upheavals and natural disasters. And this article is dedicated to exactly that. We offer you a selection of 30 of the most shocking photographs that shocked the world. All these photographs are simple proof of what happened. And only thanks to the courage of a few photojournalists and war photographers, today we can witness war crimes in order to prevent them from happening again in the future.

We want peace and prosperity throughout the World!

Robert Capa. Death of an anarchist policeman.

This photo was taken by Robert Capa on September 5th, 1936. The man in the picture is anarchist policeman Federico Borel García.

Dorothea Lange. Immigrant mother.

Photo taken by Dorothea Lange. Just listen to what she says about this photo: “I saw her and walked up to the hungry and desperate mother, and it was like a magnetic attraction. I don't remember how I explained my presence and my camera to her, but I do remember, but I remember that she didn't tell me anything. I took 5 pictures, getting closer and closer from one angle. I didn't ask her name or her biography. She simply told me that she was 32 years old, and that she and her children survived by eating frozen vegetables from the field and birds that her children brought. She just sold the tires from her car just to buy food. She was sitting outside the tent with the kids crowding around her, and she seemed to know that my photographs could help her, and so she helped me. It was a kind of exchange"

Kevin Carter. Crawling child.

Kevin Carter was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for this photograph. The photo was taken at a local feeding center in Sudan. And later the photographer was subject to severe criticism from the public for not helping the child.

He later became seriously depressed and committed suicide, leaving the following note: “I’m depressed... without a phone... money for rent... money for alimony... money for debts... money! I'm haunted by terrible memories of murders, corpses, anger and pain... starving or injured children, madmen and murderers... I decided to join Ken [recently deceased colleague Ken Oosterbroek] if I was lucky."

Nick Utom. Naked girl

The photograph was taken by Nick Uth, who won a Pulitzer Prize for it. This photo was taken during the Vietnam War in 1972. The girl runs to the camera to survive

Eddie Adams. Execution in Saigon.

Another photo showing the cruelty of the Vietnam War and the cruelty of people during the war

Richard Drew. 9/11 Falling man.

Photo by photojournalist Richard Drew taken during the September 11th terrorist attack in New York. This person has not been identified. Many people jumped out of windows to escape the smoke and fire.

Oded Balilti. Barricade protection.

Photo by Oded Balilty. This dynamic, Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph shows a heroic woman fighting alone against everyone.

Mike Wells. Uganda.

The photograph by Mike Wells shows the hand of a Ugandan boy holding the hand of a missionary. This image strikes us as a reminder of the injustice in this world.

Carol Goosey. The plight of refugees from Kosovo.

Photo by Carol Guzi. The photo shows two-year-old refugee Agim Shala, who was handed over to his grandparents in Albania and later in the UAE.

John Filo. Shooting at the University of Kent.

Photo of John Philo taken May 4, 1970. The Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph depicts the moment of death of fourteen-year-old Jeffrey Mueller, who was shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard.

Peter Leibing. Hans Conrad Schumann's jump in West Berlin.

Photo by Peter Leibing. This photograph was later included in UNESCO's Memory of the World program as part of a collection of documents about the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Jameson Nachtwey. Reflection on the Rwandan genocide.

Photo by Jameson Nachtwey. The photograph shows the genocide that occurred in Rwanda. This man was a Hutu who was brutally tortured in one of the concentration camps.

Last appearance of Allende.

Photo by Luis Orlando Lagos. The photo shows the democratic South American President Allende. This was the last photograph of Allende; the author at first remained unknown.

Elliott Erwitt. White.

Photo by Elliott Erwitt. Symbolizes the racial isolation of Africans who face discrimination.

Raghu Rai. Bhopal - gas tragedy.

A photograph of Raghu Rai, who later began working with Henri-Cartier-Bresson. The photo was taken after the chemical disaster in Bhopal in 1984.

Don McCullin. Biafra 1969.

Photo by Don McCullin. It was in Biafra that the three-year war claimed the lives of more than a million people. He was shocked to see 900 children living in one camp, on the verge of death.

Torture and ill-treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

The brutal acts committed by US Army soldiers, along with other government agencies, became known to the whole world after the publication of this photo.

Malcolm W. Brown. Self-immolation of a monk.

The photograph shows monk Thich Quang Duc allegedly setting himself on fire. This is due to the growth of Catholic influence in Vietnam. The monk burned motionless and silent.

Lawrence H. Beutler. Lynchings of young blacks.

Photo taken by Lawrence Beutler in 1930. Based on a lie, two black men were hanged for raping a white girl. The photo was used to demonstrate white diplomacy.

Matthew Brady. Dead Federals on the battlefield.

Pictured: Dead Federals on the Gettysburg battlefield in Pennsylvania, circa 1860s.

Stuart Franklin. Tiananmen Square 1989.

Photo by Stuart Franklin. At first the photographer himself did not believe that it was so symbolic, but then it became just that.

Charles Moore. Civil Rights Movement. Fire hose.

Photo by Charles Moore. The photograph arose from a discussion between black boys and officers. The photo was taken during the time of Martin Luther King.

Lewis W. Hine. Crusher boys.

Photo by American photographer Lewis Hine. It shows the use of child labor and the harsh lives of people in the mines located in southern Pennsylvania.

Fredi Alborta. Chegevara's corpse.

Photo by Freddy Albort. Revolutionary man Che Guevara. The photo bears a striking resemblance to the picture of Jesus being taken down from the cross. This photo is also a call to adopt the motto “Che Life”.

Travis Alexander
This last photo Mesa (Arizona) resident Travis Alexander, taken minutes before Jodi Arias killed him. Travis was taking a shower, and at that moment Jodie decided to take a photo of him. They were fooling around like children. Jodie then took the photo you see above and minutes later brutally dealt with her lover.
Travis' body was found in the shower by his friends. This happened on June 9, 2008. The young man received about three dozen stab wounds. Jodi Arias first slit his throat, and then fired a control shot in the head.

Dead Man's Shot
A photographer for the Venezuelan newspaper El Mundo Jorge Aguirre was working to film a demonstration on the streets of the country's capital, Caracas. A passing motorcyclist shot and killed him. The photographer managed to take his last photo.
The photo shows the killer and the cartridge case. Using this photograph, the police were able to track down the criminal - he turned out to be a former policeman. The demonstration that day was held to protest against violence and rising crime in the country.

Lightning strike
Two seconds after Mary McQuicken photographed her brothers Michael and Sean atop Moro Rock in California's Sequoia National Park, they were struck by lightning. Of the three traveling through the Sierra Nevada in August 1975, only Michael (right) survived.

Mad elephant
A rampaging elephant entered a village in the Indian state of Assam, killing three people and injuring seven others. According to eyewitnesses, the forest giant was attracted by the smell of homemade beer. The elephant just went crazy. In a few seconds, the amateur photographer will be trampled and mixed with the ground.

The tragedies of the 20th century - hundreds of them... blood, pain and suffering - this is what revolutions, world wars, political upheavals and monstrous incidents brought with them. And all of them, as a rule, are carefully photographed and recorded...
UPD The second part has been added, don't miss it.

And this terrible list opens with photographs from aboard the infamous Titanic...

TRAGEDY OF THE TITANIC. More than eighty years have passed since the moment when, on the frosty night of April 14-15, 1912, south of the island of Newfoundland, the giant Titanic, the largest and most luxurious ship of the beginning of the century, sank after colliding with a drifting iceberg. 1,500 passengers and crew died. And although there were enough terrible tragedies in the 20th century, interest in the fate of this ship does not wane even today. Here is a photograph of the ship three days before departure...

Unfortunately, we will have to come to terms with the fact that the complete truth about the sinking of the Titanic will never be known. Despite two investigations carried out immediately after the floating palace was swallowed up by the waves, many details remained unclear. The ship sets off on its fateful voyage...

As soon as Captain Smith was informed that the last ladder had been removed and secured, the pilot got down to business. At the pier, the mooring lines were released, securing the bow and stern to the powerful shore bollards. Then the tugs got to work. The long hull of the Titanic, centimeter by centimeter, began to move away from the pier... A retouched photograph of the Titanic's departure...

The complex sailing maneuvers were watched by hundreds of passengers on the Titanic's promenade decks and thousands of people on shore. Farewell...

And then something happened that could have ended very sadly. The New York steamship was in the harbor. At that moment, when the Titanic passed by, the bows of both ships were on the same line, the six steel cables with which the New York was moored were stretched and a strong crack was heard, similar to shots from a revolver, and the ends of the cables whistled in the air and fell onto the embankment into a frightened, fleeing crowd...

Of course, there are no photographs of the sinking Titanic. But. There are quite a lot of photographs taken from the rescue ship Carpathia. They managed to lift more than 100 people on board - all those who survived on five boats... "Carpathia"...

Killer iceberg...

Boat No. 12 is one of those that managed to reach the side of the Carpathia...

Saved. On board the Carpathia...

Newsboys. Terrible news...

HOLODOMOR. This terrible word is used to describe the mass death of the population of the Ukrainian SSR from famine in 1932-1933... In the USSR, the scale of the tragedy that occurred and its real causes were simply hidden... But witnesses recall that the streets of cities and villages were littered with the corpses of the dead, swollen from hunger of people...

During these terrible years, at least 4,500,000 people died in Ukraine...

Hospitals and morgues could not cope with their responsibilities...

Improvised cemeteries stretched for tens of kilometers on the outskirts of the city...

Foreign journalists took photographs out of Ukraine at the risk of their own lives. And yet, something leaked to the press...

THE LAST AIRSHIP DISASTER. On May 6, 1937, the German aircraft Hidenburg exploded and burned - at that time the world's largest airship, its length was about 248 m, its diameter was more than 40 m. It was built in the 30s as a symbol of Hitler's new Germany... A photograph of that time from the archives of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper..

He could fly 15 thousand km at maximum speed- 135 km/h. On two floors of the passenger compartment there were 26 double cabins, bars, a reading room, a restaurant, galleries, and kitchens. The ticket cost over $800. "Hidenburg" was destroyed by fire while approaching the mooring mast in Lakehurst (New Jersey, USA), completing a flight from Frankfurt (Germany)...

32 seconds after the explosion, the airship, more than 2 times the length of a football field, resembled a fantastic charred skeleton of curved metal. This disaster claimed 36 human lives...

The explosion was heard fifteen miles away. Thanks to the courage and self-control of the captain, the crew and 62 passengers were saved. The fire is directly related to the use of hydrogen, the only carrier gas Germany had available since the United States refused to supply helium in commercial quantities. There was also a version of the terrorist attack - in the early 1970s, information appeared that Nazi enemy Erich Spehl, one of the team members, had planted a time mine...

PEARL HARBOR. The most famous US naval base on the Hawaiian Islands. On December 7, 1941, during World War II, Japanese carrier aircraft launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and disabled the main forces of the American Pacific Fleet. On December 8, the United States and Great Britain declared war on Japan...

The sun rose over Pearl Harbor that day in all its usual tropical glory. It was Sunday and the fleet was "home". The officers and sailors thought about the upcoming day of rest. As always on Sundays, the wake-up call was given late. At that moment, when the sounds of the bugle died down, unknown planes appeared in the sky. Without any delay, they began dropping bombs and torpedoes...

50 bombers, 40 torpedo bombers and 81 dive bombers attacked the ships of the Pacific Fleet anchored in Pearl Harbor...

When the last Japanese planes left, Navy and Marine Corps casualties stood at 2,835, with 2,086 officers and men killed or mortally wounded. The army's losses amounted to 600 people, of whom 194 were killed and 364 wounded. In addition to damage to ships and hangars, 92 navy aircraft were destroyed and 31 aircraft were damaged, and the army lost 96 aircraft...


The Great Patriotic War ended on May 9, 1945. But the war did not end there. It lasted until September 2, 1945. And there were fights. And there were victories. And there were victims. And there were tragedies. And the worst of them is the atomic bombing of Japanese cities...

The area of ​​the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 was about 26 square meters. miles, of which only 7 were completely built up. There were no clearly designated commercial, industrial and residential areas. 75% of the population lived in a densely built area in the city center...

On August 6, at about 8 o'clock in the morning, two B-29 bombers appeared over Hiroshima. People continued to work without entering the shelter and looked at enemy planes. When the bombers reached the city center, one of them dropped a small parachute, after which the planes flew away. At 8:15 a.m. there was a deafening explosion that seemed to tear apart heaven and earth in an instant...

A blinding flash and a terrible roar of explosion - after which the entire city was covered with huge clouds of smoke. Among the smoke, dust and debris, one after another flashed wooden houses, until the end of the day the city was engulfed in smoke and flames. And when the flames finally subsided, the whole city was nothing but ruins. Charred and burned corpses were piled up everywhere, many of them frozen in the position in which the explosion had caught them. The tram, of which only one skeleton remained, was filled with corpses holding on to the belts...

A single bomb with a capacity of 20 thousand tons of TNT, which exploded at an altitude of 600 meters above the city, instantly destroyed 60 percent of the city to the ground. Of the 306,545 residents of Hiroshima, 176,987 people were affected by the explosion. 92,133 people were killed or missing, 9,428 people were seriously injured and 27,997 people were slightly injured. In an effort to reduce their responsibility, the Americans underestimated the number of casualties as much as possible - the number of killed and wounded military personnel was not taken into account when calculating losses. Many died from radiation sickness. There was nothing left of those who were near the epicenter - the explosion literally evaporated people...


The largest extermination camp, it was called a death factory, a death conveyor, a death machine. In fact, in Polish Silesia, on several thousand hectares, the most monstrous state in the world was built with a population of several million people, of whom less than three thousand survived, with its own value system, economy, government, hierarchy, rulers, executioners, victims and heroes. The inscription above the entrance to the Auschwitz concentration camp read: “Work makes you free.” Entrance to Hell...

“You were brought here not to a sanatorium, but to a German concentration camp. Remember, there is only one way out from here - through the crematorium pipe.” This is how the voice of Deputy Commandant Frach spoke through the loudspeakers...

The engineers were given a task: a crematorium was needed, because otherwise there would be too many problems with the bodies of the dead. The engineers calculated: three furnaces, coal, loading 24 hours a day. They gave the answer: 340 people can be burned. The engineering management thanked them, but set new task- increase production capacity...

Two tons of human hair is what they didn’t have time to use. The camp supplied them at 50 pfennigs per kilogram. Industrialists took it willingly - they got inexpensive, durable fabric and ropes...

The gold hordes from the glasses were neatly stacked in a special room...

The main entrance... People were brought in carriages...

Up to six people slept on the bunks. In winter, many people had incontinence. And all this flowed from the upper bunks to the lower ones. And going to the toilet at night was a nightmare. The guards beat people because they had instructions: the latrine must be clean...

At the same time, the Germans were experimenting with gas. It was served through holes in the ceiling. People didn't know where they were going. They were told that it was for sanitation. The SS men checked whether the prisoners were alive or not. They took a nail and poked it into the body... The road to the gas chamber...


They took their anger out on the Russians. There were twelve thousand of them, maybe sixty people remained. For example, they had this punishment: in the barracks they opened the doors on one side and the other, but it was winter, and the prisoners had to stand naked. The guards also watered them cold water from a hose...

They prepared soup for the prisoners, of course, without fat and meat. When they carried a full cauldron, the stew spilled. People licked the ground if a drop fell. The SS men also beat me for this...

Kids show hands with numbers...

Soviet soldiers Auschwitz was liberated on January 27, 1945. Less than seven thousand people remained there. The Germans destroyed all five crematoria and gas chambers, and took away most of the prisoners. Those who remained said themselves: we are no longer people after what we experienced here...

DEATH OF GOEBBELS. During the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops, the main ideologist of fascism, Joseph Goebbels, took poison, having first poisoned his family - his wife and six children. The corpses, according to his dying order, were burned. Here is a photograph showing the corpse of a criminal. The photo was taken in the Imperial Chancellery building on May 2, 1945 by Major Vasily Krupennikov. On the back of the photo, Vasily wrote: “We covered Goebbels’s sensitive spot with a handkerchief, it was very unpleasant to look at it”...

TSAR BOMB, "IVAN", "KUZKA'S MOTHER". A thermonuclear device developed at CCCP in the mid-50s by a group of physicists led by Academician I.V. Kurchatov

The development team included Andrei Sakharov, Viktor Adamsky, Yuri Babaev, Yuri Trunov and Yuri Smirnov.

The original version of the bomb, weighing 40 tons, was rejected by the designers as too heavy. Then nuclear scientists promised to reduce its weight to 20 tons, and aircraft manufacturers proposed a program for corresponding modification of Tu-16 and Tu-95 bombers. The new nuclear device, according to the tradition adopted in the USSR, received the code designation “Vanya” or “Ivan”, and the Tu-95 chosen as the carrier was named Tu-95V.

The results of the explosion of the charge, which received the name Tsar Bomba in the West, were impressive - the nuclear “mushroom” of the explosion rose to a height of 64 kilometers, shock wave resulting from the explosion, circled the globe three times, and ionization of the atmosphere caused radio interference hundreds of kilometers from the test site for one hour...

The test of the world's most powerful thermonuclear device took place on October 30, 1961, during the XXII Congress of the CPSU. The bomb exploded within the nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya at an altitude of 4,500 meters. The power of the explosion was about 50 megatons of TNT. No casualties or damage were officially reported...

The number of proposed clues to this incident is confidently moving towards infinity. What is known for certain?..

On November 22, the president, along with his wife and Texas Governor John Connally, were driving from the Dallas airport to the city center. As the motorcade moved through the business district of the city, the president was greeted by more than 200 thousand people. At some point, the car slowed down, and that’s when shots rang out.

The bullets hit JFK in the head and throat. The President fell into the arms of his wife, and the next shot seriously wounded the Governor of Texas in the back.

This 40-second recording, made on a simple video camera by someone from Dallas, has become the most famous recording in the world. Immediately after the shots were fired, the car rushed to the clinic, where 14 surgeons fought for Kennedy’s life...

But, despite all their efforts, he died 35 minutes later...
45 minutes after the assassination attempt, the suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, was detained. But he, too, was mysteriously killed - 2 days later he was put to death by nightclub owner Jack Ruby. Well, US Vice President Lyndon Johnson became the new president of the country. By the way, he was traveling in another car of the same motorcade...

The VIETNAM WAR began in August 1964 with an incident in the Gulf of Tonkin, during which coast guard ships of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam fired on American destroyers providing fire support to government forces of South Vietnam in their fight against guerrillas.

To defend South Vietnam, the United States deployed an army of half a million across the ocean, equipped with all types of modern weapons, except nuclear...

American soldiers fought fiercely in the impenetrable jungle against pro-communist guerrillas (Viet Cong)...

In huge areas, they destroyed thick foliage that hid the elusive enemy with pesticides, mercilessly bombed partisan areas and the territory of North Vietnam - everything was in vain...

Subsequently, hostilities covered the territory not only of Vietnam itself, but also of neighboring Laos and Cambodia...

50 thousand Americans died; Many times more Vietnamese were killed. By the beginning of 1968, the war had reached a dead end; peace negotiations began in May 1968, which lasted more than four years... On January 27, 1973, the US administration agreed to sign an agreement on the conditions for the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam. The war, which the United States thought would be a cakewalk, turned out to be America's nightmare. The post-war crisis continued in the United States for more than 10 years. It’s hard to say how it would have ended if the Afghan crisis had not turned up…

In the second half of the 20th century, humanity learned two terrible phrases - “world terrorism” and “man-made disaster”... Since the 60s of the last century, cosmodromes and factories, trains and planes, houses and nuclear reactors have been blowing up one after another in this world ...

BAIKONUR, OCTOBER 24, 1960. "Nedelin's catastrophe." Explosion of the R-16 intercontinental ballistic missile during testing at the cosmodrome...

The explosion and resulting fire killed more than 90 people, including the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces... According to unofficial data, there were 165...

The designer, academician M.K. Yangel, who was absent for a short time before the start, miraculously survived...

The disaster was kept secret until the end of the 90s...

However, much less tragic events were also classified then. Interestingly, there are still rumors circulating at Baikonur to this day that Soviet Union even before Gagarin he sent people into space. But since these attempts ended in the death of the astronauts, they were kept secret...

And the monument to the dead turned out to be very modest...

BLOODY TUESDAY IN MUNICH. On September 5, 1972, at the XX Olympics, the most monstrous tragedy in the history of sports competitions occurred. At 3:30 in the morning, 8 heavily armed terrorists belonging to the Palestine Liberation Organization militant group Black September burst into one of the houses of the Olympic Village. They managed to take 11 members of the Israeli sports delegation hostage. The security of the Olympic Village simply did not notice the terrorists...

Having climbed through the metal mesh enclosing the athletes' dormitory, the terrorists unpack their weapons and enter entrance No. 1 of building 31. A few seconds later, they persistently knock on the door of the room in which the Israeli classical wrestling judge Yosef Gutfreund is located. Gutfreund is famous for his heroic physique and Herculean strength. Seeing suspicious people, he leans his whole body on the door and detains the criminals for a few seconds...

One of the terrorists orders one of the hostages to show the rooms in which the rest of the Israelis live. He refuses, and the terrorist fires a burst of Kalashnikov at him. Thus, he saves the lives of shooters, fencers, a race walker and a swimmer...

Still, 12 Israelis were captured by the terrorists. Demands were put forward - the immediate release of 234 terrorists from Israeli prisons and 16 from prisons Western Europe...Negotiations were conducted until late in the evening...

The bodies of all eleven dead athletes were sent to Israel. During unsuccessful operation Two German citizens also died: a policeman and the pilot of one of the helicopters. In the homeland of the victims, in addition to relatives, the funeral ceremony was attended by the head of government Golda Meir, all ministers, members of the Knesset, members of the sports delegation who left the Olympics, thousands of Israeli citizens...

CHERNOBYL DISASTER. On April 26, 1986, 187 control and protection system rods entered the core to shut down the reactor. Chain reaction should have been interrupted. However, after 3 seconds, alarm signals were registered for exceeding the reactor power and increasing pressure. And after another 4 seconds - a dull explosion that shook the entire building. The emergency protection rods stopped before they were even halfway...

Sparkling clumps began to fly out from the roof of the fourth power unit, as if from the mouth of a volcano. They rose high up. It looked like fireworks. The clumps scattered into multi-colored sparks and fell in different places...

A black fireball soared up, forming a cloud that stretched horizontally into a black cloud and went to the side, spreading death, disease and misfortune in the form of small, small drops..

And at this time people were still working inside. There is no roof, part of the wall is destroyed... The lights went out, the phone went off. Floors are collapsing. The floor is shaking. The premises are filled with either steam, fog, or dust. Sparks flash short circuit. Radiation monitoring devices are off the charts. Hot radioactive water is flowing everywhere...

After the largest man-made disaster in world history, pine trees like these were born in the Zone...

...such animals...

...and these are the children...

These photographs were taken for one of the secret reports to the Central Committee of the USSR Politburo...

Now almost all houses in the Zone look like this...

THE EARTHQUAKE OF 1988 THAT DESTROYED THE CITY OF SPITAK. Also in Armenia, the cities of Leninakan, Stepanavan, Kirovakan were destroyed. 58 villages in the north-west of the republic were reduced to ruins, almost 400 villages were partially destroyed.

From fraternal union republics 450 mine rescuers arrived in Armenia. 6.5 thousand military personnel, 25 teams of military doctors, and 400 units of army equipment are participating in rescue operations in the disaster zone.

Tens of thousands of people died, 514 thousand people were left homeless. The loss of national wealth amounted to 8.8 billion rubles.

Over the past 80 years, this is the most powerful earthquake in the Caucasus...

On March 1, 1995, FAMOUS TV JOURNALIST VLAD LISTYEV was KILLED at the entrance of his house.

Murder general director ORT and just a popular person was a shock for millions of people. He was so loved and popular that even the then head of state Boris Yeltsin, abandoning everything, rushed to Ostankino to apologize to the television crew. The investigation began almost immediately, sketches of the alleged killers were made and published, but the hot pursuit did not produce results.

Over the past 11 years, the wording of the Prosecutor General's Office messages has remained almost unchanged. Only the volume of investigation materials has changed: this year there are already more than 200 volumes.

CAPTURE OF BUDENNOVSK. On June 14, 1995, detachments of Chechen militants under the command of Shamil Basayev entered Budennovsk and took about 1,500 hostages. The terrorists, having made the cessation of hostilities and the start of negotiations in Chechnya a condition for the release of the hostages, gained a foothold in the city hospital.

On June 17, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB made several attempts to storm the hospital. During these operations, both the terrorists and the attackers were killed and wounded, but the hostages suffered the most (from the attackers’ fire) - up to 30 people died and many were wounded. During the assault, the terrorists forced the hostages, including women, to stand at the windows and shout to the Russian servicemen: “Don’t shoot!”

After the failure of the assault on June 18, through the mediation of S.A. Kovalev, negotiations began between Prime Minister Chernomyrdin and Basayev, during which it was possible to reach an agreement on the release of the hostages. The conditions for their release were: the cessation of hostilities on the territory of Chechnya and the resolution of controversial issues through negotiations. A detachment of militants traveled on buses provided by the federal side to the mountainous Chechen village of Zandak. At the same time, 120 hostages who volunteered to accompany the terrorists were used as “human shields”. In total, as a result of this terrorist action in Budennovsk, 105 civilians were killed, including 18 women, 17 men over 55 years old, a boy and a girl under 16 years old. 11 police officers and at least 14 military personnel were also killed.

THE MURDER OF YITZHAK RABIN. Every Israeli knows the name of the killer of the Israeli prime minister. Yigal Yigal Amir is a member of the underground ultra-ultra-right nationalist organization "Eyal" (Lions of Judah).

The murder took place on November 4, 1995 in Tel Aviv, the evening after thousands of people demonstrated in support of the peace process. Yitzhak Rabin, wounded in the back by two bullets, was taken to the nearby Ihillov hospital in the back seat of a government limousine.

By 11 p.m., Rabin's personal secretary reported that the prime minister had been fatally shot.

The aging leader of the Workers' Party, Yitzhak Rabin, whose policies were subject to severe criticism, was instantly canonized. It is now customary in Israel to name squares, streets and educational institutions after him...

HOUSE EXPLOSIONS IN MOSCOW AND VOLGODONSK IN 1999. A series of terrorist attacks in Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999 claimed the lives of more than 300 people. The explosions occurred in a situation where fighting was taking place in Dagestan between federal troops and invading armed separatist detachments from Chechnya, led by Shamil Basayev...

Explosion on Guryanov Street. On September 8, 1999, at 11:58 p.m., an explosion occurred in the basement of a 9-story residential building 19 on Guryanova Street (Pechatniki district) in the southeast of Moscow. The building was partially destroyed, one section of the residential building collapsed. Rescuers worked on the ruins of a residential building for several days...

According to official data, the explosion killed 109 people and injured 160 people. As explosives experts established, an explosive device with a capacity of 300-400 kg of TNT went off in the basement of the house. The blast wave deformed the structures of neighboring house 19. A few days later, houses 17 and 19 were destroyed by explosives experts, the residents were relocated to other houses...

There have been speculations in the media that this terrorist attack. A day of mourning for those killed in the explosion was set for September 13. On the same day, a sketch of a man who allegedly rented a basement in a residential building was shown on television...

Explosion on Kashirskoye Highway. On September 13, at 5 a.m., a new explosion occurred on Kashirskoye Highway in an 8-story residential building number 6/3. As a result of the explosion, the house was completely destroyed, almost all the residents in the residential building - 124 people - were killed, 9 people were injured and rescuers pulled them out of the rubble, and 119 families were affected. Due to the fact that the house was made of brick, almost all the inhabitants who were in it during the explosion died...

On the same day, September 13, in the Maryino area, supplies of explosives were found in sugar bags, sufficient to destroy several more residential buildings. A state of emergency was not declared, but unprecedented security measures were taken in Moscow and other cities, and all attics and basements were checked. Residents of residential buildings spontaneously organized round-the-clock watches for several months...

On September 16, a few days after the explosions in Moscow, at 5.40 am the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region, was rocked by a terrible explosion. Near the police department building and next to the 9-story residential building A GAZ-53 van filled with explosives exploded on Gagarin Street, 35. A crater with a diameter of 15 m and a depth of 3 m formed in the courtyard of the house. 437 people lived in 144 apartments of the panel building - 18 people died.

TRAGEDY IN THE TRANSITION ON PUSHKIN SQUARE. Another powerful explosion occurred in Moscow. The explosive device was planted by two young Caucasians...

They allegedly approached commercial booth number 40 and asked to sell them goods for US dollars. The seller refused, then the young people asked the seller to look after the bag while they went to exchange dollars for rubles. Literally a few minutes after they left, a homemade explosive device lying in the bag with a capacity of 400 grams to 1.5 kg of TNT went off...

According to witnesses who were in the passage at that moment, a strong bang was heard first, bright flash, then a blast wave rolled through the tunnel and heavy smoke poured out. People began to run out. Those who were closer to the epicenter had numerous burns and wounds, and blood was pouring out. The explosion was so strong that it literally tore the clothes off the victims...

As a result of the explosion, 7 people died, 93 appealed for medical care. Of these, 59 people were taken to city hospitals, 34 refused hospitalization. Among the victims were three children...

THE DEATH OF "KURSK". On August 12, 2000, a tragedy broke out in the Barants Sea, riveting hundreds of millions of people to their television screens

For several days, Russian and British naval forces tried to rescue 118 crew members of the nuclear submarine from underwater captivity.

However, all efforts were in vain...

As the investigation later established, the tragedy was caused by the explosion of the so-called “thick torpedo” in the torpedo compartment. All submariners on board died.

TRAGEDY AT DUBROVKA. On October 23, 2002, at 21:15, armed people in camouflage burst into the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka, on Melnikov Street (formerly the Palace of Culture of the State Bearing Plant). At that time, the musical “Nord-Ost” was playing at the cultural center; there were more than 700 people in the hall. The terrorists declared all people - spectators and theater workers - hostages and began to mine the building...

At 10 o'clock in the evening it became known that the theater building was captured by a detachment of Chechen militants led by Movsar Barayev, among the terrorists there were women, all of them were hung with explosives...

On October 24, at a quarter past midnight, the first attempt was made to establish contact with the terrorists: State Duma deputy from Chechnya Aslambek Aslakhanov entered the center building. At half past midnight, several shots were heard in the building. The hostages who managed to contact by mobile phones with television companies, they ask not to start the assault: “These people say that for every one of their own killed or wounded they will kill 10 hostages”...

On October 26, at five hours and 30 minutes, three explosions and several machine gun bursts were heard near the Palace of Culture building. At about six o'clock the special forces began the assault, during which nerve gas was used. At half past seven in the morning, an official representative of the FSB reported that the Theater Center was under the control of the special services, Movsar Barayev and most of the terrorists had been destroyed...

At 7:25 a.m., Russian Presidential Assistant Sergei Yastrzhembsky officially announced that the operation to free the hostages was completed. The number of neutralized terrorists in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka alone amounted to 50 people - 18 women and 32 men. Three terrorists detained...

On November 7, 2002, the Moscow prosecutor's office published a list of citizens who died as a result of the actions of terrorists who seized the theater center on Dubrovka. It included 128 people: 120 Russians and 8 citizens from near and far abroad countries. Five hostages received gunshot wounds as a result of the militants' actions. The four dead hostages could not be identified for a long time, and their names were not included in the lists of health authorities...

SEPTEMBER 11 – WAR WITHOUT RULES. America has never known such a tragedy... The worst nightmares have come true... Manhattan, 8 hours 44 minutes in the morning on September 11, 2001, a minute before the tragedy.

At 8.45 the first kamikaze plane crashed into one of the World War II towers. shopping center. The footage shows how the second one flies up...

One of the towers, 110 floors high, was rammed right through...

An explosion and immediately a strong fire. The last person to answer the phone from the upper floors shouted "We are dying!"

A series of powerful explosions took place along the perimeter of the Twin Towers...

The fire burst out. The top of the building “falls” into the base...

The two tallest buildings of the World Trade Center collapsed after standing for less than an hour...

The streets of Manhattan south of Colon Street are shrouded in such dense smoke that rescuers cannot get there...

BESLAN - A BITTER LESSON. At approximately 8 a.m. on September 1, 2004, near the village of Khurikau, on the border of the Mozdok and Pravoberezhny regions of North Ossetia, approximately 60 km from Beslan, armed people stopped a local district police officer, a police major, and put him in their car. According to preliminary data, it was with the help of the ID of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the militants in a GAZ-66 and two cars freely passed several checkpoints on the way to Beslan...

During the ceremonial assembly on the occasion of September 1, they broke into the territory of school No. 1. In total, according to the education committee of the Beslan administration, 895 students and 59 teachers and technical staff of the school were present at the line. The number of parents who came to see their children off to school is unknown...

Having opened indiscriminate fire in the air, the militants ordered everyone present to enter the school building, but the majority - mostly high school students and adults - were able to simply run away. Those who could not do this - primary school students and their parents and some teachers - were driven into the gym by the bandits...

Then everything happened as in nightmare... An explosion was recorded inside the school. Data on the number of hostages is still scattered. Based on lists compiled by relatives and parents of students, it was established that there could be 132 children in the school. In total, according to unconfirmed data, the militants managed to capture from 300 to 400 people...

Information appears that the gym is mined... Bodies are burning in the gym, they are being poured from fire hoses. Strong explosions inside the school occur with some persistent frequency. Meanwhile, the crowd slowly but surely begins to approach the building. Soldiers of the internal troops are trying to get in their way. “Better let me in,” one of the men says calmly. And they retreat. People want to go to the gym and see with their own eyes how many people were killed there...

The hostages are shot, they die from dehydration and suffocation...

This is what the gym looked like after the assault...

Sad results: in Beslan they say that about six hundred people were saved. No one denies that there were at least a thousand hostages - so the total number of victims is about 400 people. There is still no exact data - many are missing...

At the end of December 2004, the strongest earthquake and tsunami in the last 40 years occurred in six countries in Southeast Asia.

The first and most powerful earthquake occurred on December 26 at about 03:00 in the Indian Ocean. Literally a few minutes later, a destructive tsunami wave reached land - first of all, the island of Sumatra (Indonesia), and then Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives /

Eyewitnesses described how, in absolutely sunny, windless weather, the water suddenly began to recede from the beach, and then a six-meter wave formed. Those who were able to escape in these few minutes were saved. Tons of water swept away everything in its path: people, cars and even entire hotels

The number of victims reached 400 thousand people. About 100 thousand more have not yet been found or identified.

The largest number of victims - more than 10 thousand - was registered in Indonesia, off the coast of which there was an epicenter measuring 9 points on the Richter scale.

Then hundreds of settlements were flooded and wiped off the face of the earth.

Seismologists call the December events exceptional. According to them, no more than five such earthquakes have been recorded over the past century.

This region of South-East Asia still cannot recover from the terrible destruction.


1. Hackettstown, New Jersey. 6-year-old Ryan Albertson, who suffers from spina bifida, and his father Kelly. Ryan's grandfather, James Albertson, was in the Army during the Vietnam War and was exposed to Agent Orange. Ryan does not receive any benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

2. Afghanistan, 1996. At the grave of a brother killed by the Taliban.

3. Afghanistan, 1996 - landmine victims learn to walk on prosthetic legs at the INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS clinic

4. Afghanistan, 1996. Ruins of Kabul after the civil war

5. Zimbabwe, 2000. Shelter for HIV-infected people dying of tuberculosis

6. South Africa, 2000. Grandmother with grandson. His parents died of AIDS

7. Afghanistan, 1986. Last prayer before the attack on Soviet troops

8. El Salvador, 1984. Civil war

9. Romania, 1980. Hospice for terminally ill children

10. Romania, 1980. Hospice for terminally ill children

11. Bosnia, 1993. Wounded soldier

12. Bosnia, 1993. Soldiers' cemetery on the football field

13. Sudan, 1993. Famine...

14. Somalia, 1993. Famine...

15. Somalia, 1992. A woman carries her son who died of starvation to a mass grave.

16. Kosovo, 1999. A rocket killed a man at this site

17. USA, 1994. Prisoner

18. Pakistan, 2001. Clinic for heroin addicts

19. Rwanda, 1994. Genocide survivor

20. Zaire, 1994. Refugees from Rwanda who died of cholera are buried in mass graves

21. Chechnya, 1996. Ruins of Grozny

22. Chechnya, 1996. Chechen in the basement

In the 1960s, US troops sprayed Agent Orange on the Mekong Delta. chemical preparation, surpassing napalm in destructive power. 30 years after the end of the Vietnam War, Agent Orange continues to poison the water and runs in the blood of a third generation of people.
23. Indonesia, 1998. A disabled beggar washes children

24. Cam Lo city, Quang Tri province. Phat Thi Ho bathes his 14 year old son Bui Quang Qu

25. Nguyen Tan, 24, with his father, Nguyen Tan Quang (foreground)

26. Dallas, Texas. Eric Ramsey, 35, suffers from hydrocephalus (water on the brain), deformities of the hand and foot. He is also missing part of his brain. Eric's father was a Marine during the Vietnam War, was badly wounded by an anti-personnel mine and was exposed to Agent Orange. Eric receives some kind of benefit from the Department of Veterans Affairs, but only for his injury, without taking into account his exposure to Agent Orange.

27. A boy watches TV at Tu Du Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.

28. City of Highland Lake, New Jersey. Pictured are Michael Zimak, 23, and his mother Doreen. Mike suffers from spina bifida. Michael's father was a pilot during the Vietnam War and may have been exposed to Agent Orange. Michael receives benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs due to his diagnosis (spina bifida).
officially recognized as a consequence of exposure to Agent Orange.

A story you can see with your own eyes...

This photo was published in LIFE magazine in November 1990, and it changed the way Americans think about AIDS. A dying man is supported by his father and family.

Until 1870, bison were exterminated very actively. Animals were on the verge of extinction. The image clearly demonstrates how many individuals were killed in a short period.

The Finns did not like Russian invasions of their territory. They decided to use this frozen body of a Soviet soldier to demoralize the advancing troops.

In 1922 they taught swimming without pools.

In 1972, a woman caught fire without visible reasons. Her body was almost completely burned.

The nanny and the baby escaped the fire and climbed out onto the fire escape. A couple of seconds and they would have been saved. Unfortunately, the stairs collapsed. Only the baby was saved by landing on the nanny's body.

7. What could go wrong?

In 1937, if residents of a metropolis wanted to let their baby go Fresh air, they put him in a cage like this. Really, what could be wrong with her?

8. Truly scary photo

It was made in a cemetery. And discovering the “mysterious guest” was very difficult.

9. Giant Monster Grasshopper

This is a real photograph taken in 1937. And the grasshopper is also real.

10. Stake-pierced vampire heart

August Delarange was a vampire who killed more than 40 people. In 1912 they killed him and, just in case, even tore out his heart.

11. KKKLand

There was no Disneyland then, and the happiest place (but only for whites) was considered to be KKKLand in Canon, Colorado.

P.S. This, of course, is not the real name of the park.

12. Bomb scars

A Hiroshima nuclear bomb victim shows his scars six years after the tragedy.

13. How do you like this gun?

This weapon can kill 50 ducks with one shot. Unfortunately, it has been banned since 1860.

14. Terrible human essence

Türkiye is responsible for the Armenian genocide in 1915. The photo shows how a Turk teases hungry, exhausted Armenian children with a piece of bread.

15. Wreck of the Hindeburg

Airships are only good in movies and pictures. In real life, they turned out to be quite dangerous. And the Hindeburg crash in New Jersey is another confirmation of this.

16. Booze Tower

This tower was found shortly after Prohibition began. What they did to her can be considered a crime against drinking people - they burned the cache to the ground ((

17. Photographer on the 69th floor

This is Charles Ebbets, who directed the legendary Breakfast on the Top of a Skyscraper. This photo shows him right after he took the photo.

German soldiers shoot a communist in Munich. Most likely, the photo is staged. And judging by how bravely the communist stands, he was created for the purpose of promoting communism.

19. Boy and his dead brother

Heartbreaking photo of a boy bringing his little brother to be cremated.

Colonel Biddle was so dexterous and strong that he managed to disarm all the cadets who pointed bayonets at him.

21. Hitler and the frostbitten soldier

The photo was taken in early 1940. A soldier with frostbite tries to greet the Fuhrer.

Soviet cosmonaut Komarov lost control of his spacecraft and fell to Earth. He managed to re-enter the atmosphere. But only to fall to Earth again in 1967.

23. Pyroclastic flow

Before the eruption, Volcano Pinatubo in the Philippines released a huge pyroclastic flow, from which the truck is trying to escape.

24. Bill Gates and CD

In 1994, Bill Gates demonstrated how effective it is to store information on CDs. For comparison, one CD will contain more information than the stacks of papers under the Bill.

25. Out of order

A British guard collapsed in the heat during a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II.

26. Punishment of the criminal

In 1968, a Viet Cong criminal was shot and killed by a Saigon policeman. Anti-war activists used this photo for their own purposes. But they did not tell the full story that the gunned-down attacker killed many government officials and their families.

27. Madame Tussauds figures after the fire

Exhibits at Madame Tussauds were damaged by fire in 1930.

4 children for sale

Turn inside

It was difficult for this woman and her husband to support their family. Therefore, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, they sold their children. The kids were unlucky to find normal homes; some were beaten. But the mother never regretted what she had done, and even when the children found her, she admitted that she had never loved them. She later gave birth to four more children.

29. Verdict in the Harvey Milk case

When the court found Dan White guilty of only the manslaughter of Milk, people (particularly members of the gay community) rebelled. This is a photo of the protest that immediately followed the announcement of the verdict.

30. Martin Luther King and his son remove the burned cross from the yard

Someone set fire to a cross in the courtyard of the house. Martin and his son remove the burnt particles from the yard.

This is how he left her on the eve of his death.

32. Unknown Beatle

Jimmy Nicole filled in for Ringo Starr when he was ill. In the picture he is sitting at Melbourne airport and is about to go on to his quiet life.

33. A German soldier buries a British soldier

A German buries an unknown Englishman who died in the Egyptian desert.

34. Mental hospital of the early 20th century

There are such abandoned buildings all over the United States.

35. First of the Surfers

Legendary surfer Buzzy Trent prepares to take on his 12-meter wave.

36. Look what a vehicle

It looks unusual, but drives pretty well.

37. Space Invaders Championship

National championship in Atari in 1980.

38. The first chimpanzee to return from space

A happy monkey holds a newspaper after successfully returning from space.

39. Nuclear test near Vegas

A mother and child watch a nuclear weapons test 75 km from their home.

40. Loneliness in Montana

Before online dating sites appeared, wives were looked for like this.

A Soviet soldier holds Hitler's head after the capture of Berlin in 1945.

42. Queen Elizabeth II and Marilyn Monroe.

They met at the premiere in London. Both were 30 years old at the time.

43. Earth

Michael Collins took the picture and it became... the only person on Earth, not included in this photo.

44. Girl with a doll during the Second World War in London

Sits on the ruins of a house destroyed by bombing (1940).

45. Baby with a teddy bear during World War II

46. ​​The original Rushmore plan

How the national memorial was built.

47. Amiens Cathedral during World War II

Inside the cathedral.

48. Dear Hitler, letter to Gandhi

Letter sent in 1939.

49. "Bitch of Buchenwald"

Ilse Koch was nicknamed the “Buchenwald bitch” for her excessive cruelty. It is known that her purse and lamp were made from human skin.

51. Last public execution in America

The last time public punishment took place was in 1936.

52. Rations for prisoners

Prisoners receive their food rations at Andersonville in 1864.

Ann Hodges was the only person who came into contact with the meteorite and survived. After the “meeting” she only had a bruise.

54. Presidential pitch

President George W. Bush pitches to open a 1991 Texas Rangers game in Texas.

55. Adventurer

Annie Edison Taylor managed to cross Niagara Falls while in a wooden barrel.

56. James Bond signs an autograph on a coconut

Sean Connery signs a coconut for a Jamaican girl.

57. First World War of Position

The photo was taken by a British person.

An experimental aircraft created and tested in the Soviet Union in the 30s.

59. Japanese assassination attempt

Attack of 17-year-old Yamaguchi on socialist Asanuma in Tokyo in 1960.

60. Moving from/to the suburbs

61. Soldier's ingenuity

Soldiers peel onions in gas masks.

62. Reunion for the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.

63. Leaving Alcatraz

The last prisoners leave the walls of Alcatraz.

64. Cuban Missile Crisis Briefing

65. Shooting training

The German military went through this before the First World War.

The day after his death.

67. Sarcophagus of Tut

The biggest treasure archaeologists have ever found.

68. Young Arnold Schwarzenegger

First bodybuilding competition.

69. Human ashes in a concentration camp

Soviet soldiers discovered such a mountain on the territory of a concentration camp in 1944.

70. Concussion

The face of a madman is a sign of shell shock.

72. Famous mime

The photographer took the pictures by accident in 1974. Only 30 years later did he realize that he had captured a young Robin Williams in the photo.

Dick Winters at Hitler's residence.

74. Famous people

President Clinton with young professional Monica Lewinsky.

75. New form?

76. Twain and Tesla

In Tesla's laboratory.

77. Safety first

Telephone cables connecting over 5,000 telephone lines in Stockholm.

78. Rescuer on duty

79. Limbo

This photo cannot be explained.

80. Machu Picchu discovered!

The first photograph of the discovered city of Machu Picchu.

81. The first dog in Space

Laika in her space capsule. No one was sure of her return. The dog died in orbit.

I'm just a sad clown

83. Giant Bass

The fish weighed 192 kg.

84. General "Sideburns"

General Burnside was the first to introduce this term and the fashion for sideburns.

And Christopher Robin.

86. Evidence of German cannibalism

Artifacts recovered from an ancient German city. Their age is more than 7 thousand years. The skulls have been opened and apparently prepared for use.

87. The pool is closed for cleaning

At the bottom is a real dead body.

88. Cold War Deadlock

German and Soviet tanks at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin.

89. Eagle 5

A WWII bomber is one of the few color photographs taken during this period.

90. Consequences of the bombing in London

91. Bloodsucker

Presumably, Loana died due to drinking her own blood.

92. Pray

The disembodied head of the first demon-possessed monk was kept as a relic.