Abortion during lactation. Medication (pharmacological) abortion from A to Z Termination of pregnancy during lactation

Dear Colleagues!

As early as 6 weeks after birth, 15% of non-breastfeeding and 5% of breastfeeding women experience ovulation. The earliest ovulation was recorded at the 4th week after birth. Only complete exclusive breastfeeding (lactation amenorrhea method - LAM) reduces the likelihood of pregnancy in the first 6 months after birth (assuming no menstruation). The Pearl index in this case is 2 (for comparison: when using condoms it is 14, “mini-pill” is 5). If, after using MLA for 6 months after childbirth, a woman continues to have amenorrhea, and she continues to breastfeed before each complementary feeding, then it is possible to extend MLA to 9-12 months (Pearl index in these cases is 3-6). However, breastfeeding women do not always comply with the requirements of the MLA, which leads to unwanted pregnancy.
An analysis of Internet resources has shown that the issue of termination of pregnancy during lactation is not so rare. Due to the spread of medical abortion a common question is the possibility of continuing breastfeeding against the background of termination of pregnancy by this method. At the same time, there is unanimity in the answers to this question on the sites medical organizations No.

Question from a patient on the forum:

My baby is 10 months old! I want to have a medical abortion. Is it still possible sometimes to break the conditions and breastfeed the baby! How might this affect his health? Thank you in advance!
Answer 1:
When undergoing a medical abortion, breastfeeding should be stopped for 14 days after using Mifegin. We do not have any information about what will happen to the child if this rule is violated. If the rules for using the drug say that breastfeeding should be temporarily avoided, this is probably due to the fact that the drug will have an adverse effect on the child’s health.
Answer 2:
When performing a medical abortion during lactation, from breastfeeding must be abandoned (for at least 3 days).
The “dispersion” of opinions on the part of practicing doctors is due to the fact that the instructions for drugs of different brands indicate different periods recommended for stopping breastfeeding - from 3 to 14 days, which is confirmed by the data of our study, which showed that only 13% of respondents were aware about the peculiarities of the pharmacokinetics of mifepristone and misoprostol in lactating women and the possibility of stopping breastfeeding for only 4-6 hours. Others would advise their patients to stop breastfeeding for 10-14 days. It is interesting to note that 23% of doctors would advise taking a break for 3 days (as indicated in the instructions for miropriston), without taking into account the 7 days of break recommended for the drug misoprostol (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The total number of votes received when answering a question posed during an interactive lecture " Recovery period: complications, treatment, prevention" by voting using remote controls in different regions (n=470) (data from G.B. Dicke, 2012)

In this regard, we conducted an analysis of the literature on this issue, the purpose of which was to determine the most optimal tactics when a mother breastfeeds a child during a medical abortion. Below are recommendations from the most authoritative sources.

Scientific researchVogelD. et al. (Switzerland, Germany, 2004):

The aim of the study was to compare the concentrations in milk and blood plasma after a single postpartum administration of 200 mg misoprostol and 250 mg methylergometrine for uterine contractions. It has been shown that the level of misoprostol in mother's milk increases to an average of 3.6 (7.6 ± 2.8) pg\mL within an hour (1.1 ± 0.2) and decreases very quickly, reaching almost zero values ​​after 5 hours - 0.20 pg\mL (Fig. 2), while the half-life was half that of methylergometrine (1.1±0.3 hours; median 0.6 hours versus 2.33±0.3 hours ; median 1.9 hours; P≤.003, respectively). Milk/plasma concentration ratios for misoprostol were 3-fold lower than those for methylergometrine at 1 and 2 hours (P≤0.0001 and P≤0.0015, respectively).

Rice. 2. Concentration of misoprostol acid in milk after taking 200 mcg of misoprostol once orally, pg/ml
Source: Vogel D, Burkhardt T, Rentsch K et al. Misoprostol versus methylergometrine: pharmacokinetics in human milk. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004, 191:2168-2173

RecommendationsICMA(UK, 2004):

There is some evidence that mifepristone is excreted in breast milk, but little evidence regarding the effect on adrenal function in infants, suggesting that the amount of mifepristone that enters the baby's body is unlikely to cause harm.
Since misoprostol levels decrease rapidly, it is recommended that misoprostol be taken immediately after feeding and the next feeding resumed after a four-hour break in the case of oral misoprostol and slightly later (6 hours) after vaginal administration.
However, if a woman is concerned that the drugs may be excreted in breast milk, she may not breastfeed for 24 hours after using mifepristone/misoprostol or misoprostol alone.

  • 1. Hill NC, Selinger M, Ferguson J et al. The placental transfer of mifepristone during the second trimester and its influence upon maternal and fetal steroid concentrations. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1990, 97:406-411.
  • 2. Vogel D, Burkhardt T, Rentsch K et al. Misoprostol versus methylergometrine: pharmacokinetics in human milk. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004, 191:2168-2173.
Source: http://icma.org/en/icma/home
WHO recommendations (Geneva, 2007):

Mifepristone may pass into breast milk. When studying the effects of mifepristone on endocrine system the fetus showed an increase in the levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol. Clinical significance these changes are not known.
It also passes into breast milk fairly quickly after use. a small amount of misoprostol, however, whether this affects the child’s condition or not is not known. The serum concentration of misoprostol decreases rapidly when taken orally, so it is recommended to take misoprostol orally immediately after breastfeeding, and the next feeding after 4 hours. When administered intravaginally, the serum concentration of misoprostol remains high longer, so feeding should be done after 6 hours or later. Unfortunately, the available data do not allow precise recommendations on the optimal timing of misoprostol administration during breastfeeding.
Source: Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Abortion. Based on the results of the international consensus conference on medical abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, November 1-5, 2004. Belladio, Italy. - WHO, Geneva, 2007. - 33 p.

Misoprostol is rapidly metabolized in the mother's blood into misoprostolic acid, which is biologically active and is excreted in breast milk. There are no published reports of negative effects of misoprostol on infants of mothers taking misoprostol.
Source: Medication Guide by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.LAB-0061-16.0 RevisedDecember 2010. ReferenceID: 2881258. http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda

Scientific researchSäävI., FialaC.ssoavt. (Sweden, 2010):

The levels of mifepristone in breast milk obtained from 12 women undergoing medical abortion were studied. Milk samples were collected during the first 7 days after administration of either 200 mg (n = 2) or 600 mg (n = 10) mifepristone. In addition, serum samples were collected on day 3 (n = 4). Mifepristone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. The highest concentrations of mifepristone were found in the first sample within the first 12 hours after dosing, and ranged from undetectable (<0,013 мкмоль/л) до 0,913 мкмоль/л. После этого, отмечалось снижение концентрации мифепристона до неопределяемых значений в течение 7 дней. Самый низкий уровень мифепристона в молоке был получен после приема дозы 200 мг. Соотношение концентраций молоко:сыворотка колебалось от <0,013:1 до 0,042:1 на 3 день (n = 4). Расчетная относительная доза для ребенка (RID) составила 1,5 % на самом высоком уровне. Выводы: уровни мифепристона, определяемые в молоке, являются низкими, особенно при использовании дозы 200 мг. Грудное вскармливание может быть безопасно продолжено без перерывов во время медикаментозного аборта.

Abortion during breastfeeding is not uncommon. Contrary to popular belief that pregnancy cannot occur during breastfeeding, this is confirmed by an isolated case in gynecology. In this case, the woman is rarely ready for a new pregnancy; she has to have an abortion during lactation.

Occurs one and a half months after the birth of the baby. In most cases, this applies to women who are not breastfeeding. There were cases of egg release in the fourth week after birth during lactation. The period of breastfeeding for 6 weeks protects against unwanted pregnancy by only 98%.

It is possible if the woman does not use protection. Doctors do not recommend giving birth, since the body has not had time to recover. Repeatedly carrying a child will seriously damage your health, especially if a caesarean section was performed. In the latter case, giving birth is allowed no earlier than after 3 years. In case of unplanned pregnancy, doctors insist on abortion to preserve health.

Reason #1

The cause of pregnancy may be the frequency of feeding. When putting a baby to the breast 5-6 times a day, with an amount of milk consumed of 150-180 ml per feeding, the risk of becoming pregnant is higher than for those women whose children eat a smaller volume, even if they are fed more often.

Reason #2

The likelihood of conception increases if the mother follows an hourly feeding schedule. You should not wait 3-4 or more hours between feedings if your baby asks to eat. The optimal interval time is 2 hours.

Reason #3

With the introduction of complementary foods, usually at 4 months, the mother begins to breastfeed less frequently, and by 7-8 months the baby is completely switched to baby food. In such cases, the likelihood of conception increases.

Abortion during lactation

The method of abortion during breastfeeding is selected for the patient depending on factors. Experts take into account:

  • timing of pregnancy;
  • the mother's desire to continue lactation;
  • previous method of childbirth.

The patient can stop feeding for a few days while expressing milk, or continue feeding after a few hours. It all depends on the specific situation, which a woman should discuss with her doctor.


Abortion with medication is the use of drugs that cause the embryo to be rejected from the uterine cavity. The procedure requires a fee; in order to undergo it, the patient must be no more than two weeks late in her period, and up to five weeks pregnant. Mostly products containing mifepristone are used. There is no information about the effect of the substance on lactation and the baby’s body through feeding.

According to official sources, mifepristone enters the patient's blood in low doses and is quickly eliminated, which is not a reason to stop feeding.

The second most popular substance is misoprostol. It enters milk in minimal portions and is quickly excreted from it.

The third substance is gemeprost. Similar to the previous two, but is eliminated from the body within a day, and not after 5-6 hours. To be completely sure that the drugs will not harm the baby, doctors recommend starting feeding a few days after a medical abortion, usually 3-14 days.

Mini abortion

A vacuum abortion is performed using a machine that sucks out the fertilized egg attached to the uterus. The method is the most gentle for the patient, but is carried out only in the early stages. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. It takes place using local anesthesia. Lidocaine and propofol are used, which enter the milk in small quantities and are removed after a couple of expressions. This type of abortion involves stopping breastfeeding for several hours.

It is extremely rare, but possible, that a woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Then the breastfeeding will have to be stopped while taking the medications.


Instrumental abortion is performed by widening the cervical canal and scraping the walls of the uterus with a special instrument - curettage. The procedure is carried out until the 12th week of pregnancy. For medical reasons or rape - up to 22 weeks. This type of abortion is mainly used when the deadlines for more gentle methods have been missed. The operation has consequences in the form of perforation of the uterine walls, infertility, etc. Their appearance depends on the timing of pregnancy and the doctor.

Surgery may have a psychological impact that will affect lactation.

Mother's condition after abortion

During abortions, the patient does not feel anything, except for mild discomfort when the cervix opens. After recovering from anesthesia, you may feel pain in the lower abdomen due to uterine contractions. Nausea and dizziness should also not be a cause for concern. To normalize the condition, a woman needs to lie down for at least an hour. The doctor may place a cold compress on the abdomen to help the uterus contract better. If this does not happen, the patient may be given oxytocin.

To check how the procedure went, the woman needs to have an ultrasound. If embryonic remains are detected, a mandatory surgical abortion is performed. After vacuum and surgical abortions, antibiotics may be prescribed. Drugs are prescribed to destroy microorganisms that can enter the wounded surface of the uterus and cause infection.

After vacuum aspiration and surgery, the woman bleeds from the vagina for some time. On average, this period lasts from 5 to 15 days; normal periods after an instrumental abortion can occur in 28-35 days.

After the procedures, the patient may experience dangerous bleeding and other complications. If a woman observes the following signs, she should consult a doctor:

  • bleeding from the vagina did not start immediately after the abortion, but a few days later;
  • weak or heavy bleeding;
  • lack of blood;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • discharge mixed with pus, too red or having a strong odor.

Artificial termination of pregnancy also has psychological consequences on the patient. After an abortion, a woman needs moral support from family and friends.

Features of breastfeeding after medical abortion

After honey abortion breastfeeding needs some adjustment. After taking the first pill, the woman should not feed the baby. If you want to maintain lactation in the same volume, the mother needs to express her breasts with the same frequency with which the baby fed.

Approximately on the fifth day, when the ultrasound is ready, you can continue to breastfeed the baby.

Caused by a change in the taste of milk due to pregnancy or subsequent miscarriage, insufficient pumping. This happens rarely; in general, the lactation period is completely restored.

Features of breastfeeding after surgical abortion

Termination of pregnancy using a surgical method is not a reason to stop lactation, except during the removal of general anesthesia from the body (about 6 hours). After this time, the mother needs to express the milk well, after which she can begin normal feeding.

How to return GW if you had to suspend it?

Abortion during breastfeeding causes hormonal changes. Because of this, the taste of milk and its quantity often change. Some relactation methods:

  • Frequent application. The frequency of latching the baby to the breast is at least once every 3 hours.
  • Skin contact. This method involves frequent presence of the baby next to the mother, free access to the breast so that the baby can take it himself if desired.
  • Good nutrition, plenty of fluids. To produce milk, a woman needs to eat right. A diet is not required during this period, but it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods.
  • Massage. Milk production is promoted by a light massage of the chest and interscapular area.
  • Night applications. It is at night that the mother’s body produces prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, so night feedings are useful.

If possible, avoid pacifiers. They satisfy the sucking reflex, the baby is less drawn to the breast. You should not stop feeding, even if the child refuses natural nutrition. Until he starts drinking milk, the woman needs to pump so that the milk does not disappear.

Abortion is unpleasant for any woman psychologically and physically. To avoid consequences, it is important to choose reliable methods of contraception and not rely on chance.

Despite the fact that most medical experts indicate the impossibility of re-conception during lactation, the number of cases of pregnancy during breastfeeding continues to rise steadily.

If a young mother does not plan to have a child at this stage of her life, then the question arises about the possibility of a mechanical or medical abortion. The method of surgical and tablet abortion has a number of characteristic features that must be taken into account before using one of the methods.

Medical abortion

The choice of method for terminating an unwanted pregnancy directly depends on the following factors:

  • Gestational age;
  • The desire of the young mother to continue natural feeding;
  • Methods of delivery (natural birth or cesarean section).

This type of abortion involves the use of a special group of drugs that promote the rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. In most cases, medications containing Mifepristone are used. During clinical studies, no information was obtained regarding the effect of this group of drugs on lactation and the body of a newborn baby through breast milk.

Official sources indicate that when using the drug with Mifepristone, the active substance enters the bloodstream of the young mother in a minimal amount, which allows breastfeeding to be continued. Another common drug for tablet abortion is Misoprostol. This chemical compound passes into breast milk in small portions, which are quickly eliminated from it.

If a woman used this drug to terminate a pregnancy, then she should refrain from putting the baby to the breast for 5-6 hours. If Gimeprost is the drug for medical abortion, then when using it, the period of abstinence from breastfeeding is at least 24 hours. This period is enough for the active substance of the drug to completely drain from the woman’s body.

The duration of a medical abortion cycle is from 1.5 to 3 days. In order to protect your child from the entry of potent chemical compounds into his body, it is important for a young mother to refrain from breastfeeding for 3 days.

Surgical abortion

This method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy does not lose its popularity. Despite the high risk of complications. The outcome of a mechanical or surgical abortion directly depends on the duration of pregnancy and the competence of the doctor.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the presence of indications and contraindications, the pregnant woman is given local or general anesthesia. If local anesthesia was used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, the woman may not interrupt breastfeeding. When using general anesthesia, natural feeding can be continued after the anesthetic wears off.

How to feed after a medical abortion

If a pregnant woman, with the assistance of a medical specialist, prefers a tablet type of intervention, then she needs to familiarize herself with the rules of breastfeeding a newborn baby. These rules include:

  • After taking medications for abortion, you should refrain from feeding your newborn with breast milk. If a young mother plans to maintain lactation, then she needs to regularly. The expressed product is not suitable for feeding a baby, so it is disposed of;
  • On the 5th day after rejection of the fertilized egg, the young mother can continue natural feeding. It is important to remember that the fact of a pill abortion must be confirmed by an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity. If a newborn baby expresses dissatisfaction while applying to the mother's breast, then this phenomenon indicates a change in the taste of breast milk. To solve this problem, it is enough to repeat the pumping procedure 2-3 times, and then reattach the baby to the breast.

To avoid negative consequences and interruption of lactation, most obstetricians and gynecologists are inclined to perform the so-called vacuum abortion technique. This method is acceptable for use in early pregnancy. After performing this procedure, there is no need to interrupt lactation and a long period of recovery of the female body.

Have an unplanned pregnancy and are you breastfeeding?

Medical abortion may be considered as one of the options for terminating a pregnancy. However, many patients are afraid to carry out interruptions because of this factor.

The choice of method for getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy while breastfeeding depends on many factors:

  • from the desire to continue breastfeeding,
  • on whether a caesarean section was performed during the last birth,
  • from the duration of pregnancy.

On average it takes 2-3 days. In the first hours after taking the first drug, which blocks the local action of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, the concentration of this substance in the blood remains at its peak.

It is during the first day that the chemical compounds of this product reach their maximum value; they also enter breast milk. At the stage of taking the second drug, which contains prostaglandins, which stimulate the contractility of the muscle fibers of the uterus, chemicals from this drug are released into breast milk through the blood.

Effect of pharmaceutical products. abortion for lactation

Pharmacological agents used to perform a medical abortion in a clinic that has all the necessary documents for their use to terminate an unwanted pregnancy pass into breast milk and, if ingested by the baby, can provoke allergies or other toxic damage.

Taking these medications does not affect the amount of milk produced. After the removal of residual substances from the breakdown of drugs for medical abortion (4-5 days), the concentration of these drugs is negligible and cannot harm the child.

Feeding regimen for medical abortion

If a woman, together with a gynecologist, has chosen a pharmacological method of terminating pregnancy, then it is necessary to adjust breastfeeding.

After taking the first pills, you cannot breastfeed the baby, but at the same time, if a woman wants to maintain lactation at the same volume, she must regularly express milk. Expressed milk is not suitable for feeding a baby, but it is necessary to pump with the same frequency and regularity as if a child were doing it. With this mode of pumping, milk production will remain the same.

On the fifth day, after a miscarriage has occurred, which is confirmed by an ultrasound protocol, you can continue breastfeeding the baby. Mothers should know that if a child refuses to breastfeed, this may be caused by a change in his taste due to the very fact of pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage, or poor-quality pumping.

In most cases, breastfeeding is fully restored and continues. When breastfeeding is resumed, there is no need to do breast milk tests; its indicators remain normal.

Due to the temporary interruption of breastfeeding, and the inconvenience associated with it, the choice of terminating an unwanted pregnancy early in nursing mothers often opts for the vacuum method.

It is desirable, but sometimes the prevailing circumstances do not give the right to choose and you have to go for an interruption. If for some reason or indication a woman decides not to carry the pregnancy to term, then an abortion is best done in the earliest stages. Until the delay is no more than 10-14 days, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy medically, that is, using special pills.

Medical abortion: the essence of the method

Medicinal termination of an unplanned pregnancy occurs strictly before the 15-20th day of missed menstruation, and preferably as early as possible. The advantage of the method is the absence of surgical manipulations in the uterine cavity, which is much easier for the patient to tolerate physically and mentally.

How does a medical abortion occur? After examining the woman on the chair and setting the exact one, the doctor, based on the body weight and individual characteristics of the patient’s body, gives her 2 tablets to take orally. After 24-36 hours, the woman should take 2 more tablets. The first dose of the drug affects the production of the hormone progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone. While taking the pills, the production of progesterone stops, nutrients do not enter the uterine cavity and the fertilized egg dies inside the mother’s body. The second dose of the drug causes contractions of the uterus, which leads to the expulsion of the fertilized egg and its membranes from the body through menstrual-like bleeding.

Medical abortion is most suitable for young girls who have never given birth, as well as for young mothers who have had a caesarean section in the recent past. Of course, abortion, even with the help of pills, always poses a threat to a woman’s body, but nulliparous patients, as well as mothers after a cesarean section, should not be manipulated in the uterus with surgical instruments or vacuum suction. Such actions can injure the uterine mucosa, which in nulliparous women will lead to inflammatory processes and infertility in the future, and in women after cesarean section to possible damage to the scar and further massive internal bleeding.

Any woman who decides to have an abortion is reluctant to go to the doctor, especially young girls who are afraid of moralizing and condemnation. Having learned about the possibility of terminating a pregnancy with abortion pills, many patients decide to do everything at home, without going to the doctor. You absolutely cannot do this:

  • Firstly, the dose of the drug is selected by the doctor strictly individually - some need more medicine, others much less.
  • Secondly, the body can react unpredictably to taking the drug, which is fraught with complications from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Thirdly, not all women are suitable for medical termination, which can cause incomplete abortion and the development of purulent inflammatory processes and peritonitis. Abortion pills are taken only under the supervision of a doctor; after about 5 hours, the specialist can send the woman home and recommend that she come for an examination after 2 days.

Medical abortion: choice of drug

There are not so many drugs for medical abortion; they are all analogues of Mifepristone and have many names:

  • Mifeprex;
  • Miropriston;
  • Mifegin.

The drugs are a progesterone antagonist, that is, they block the production of this hormone and increase the sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins - substances that enhance the contractile function of muscle fibers. Mifepristone must be taken in combination with prostaglandins (20-30 hours after Mifepristone tablets), since it is thanks to these substances that the fertilized egg, along with the membranes, is expelled from the uterine cavity.

There are also drugs for emergency postcoital contraception, but their action is based on preventing pregnancy through hormonal imbalance. Drugs in this group are not suitable for terminating an existing pregnancy.

Pros and cons of pharmabort

Termination of pregnancy at any stage does not leave its mark on the female body, however, if we compare pharmabortion with other types of removal of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity, we can highlight a number of pros and cons of the procedure.

The advantages of medical abortion are:

  • Minimal risk of complications such as bleeding and damage to the uterine mucosa;
  • Does not develop;
  • Possibility of implementation for nulliparous women and young mothers after cesarean section;
  • Psychological aspect - pharmaabortion is perceived more easily by patients;
  • Outpatient mode - a few hours after taking the first dose of tablets, the patient can go home, whereas after surgical removal of the embryo from the uterus, the woman needs to stay in the hospital for several days.

Disadvantages of medical abortion:

  • Incomplete removal of membranes - occurs when the dose of the drug is incorrectly calculated or abortive pills are used during pregnancy over 4-5 weeks;
  • Continuation of pregnancy - occurs extremely rarely, only in 2% of cases;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug - nausea, vomiting, disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body.

Pain after medical abortion

After abortion with the help of pills, the body needs time for the reproductive system and endocrine glands to restore their function. After taking pills with an abortifacient effect, the patient may experience pain in various locations:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen- caused by contraction of the uterus and expulsion of the fertilized egg and membranes from the body. If abdominal pain is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and discharge of pus from the vagina, you should immediately seek help;
  • Pain in the mammary glands- during pregnancy, a woman’s mammary glands become highly sensitive, increase in size, become hard and painful. After taking abortion pills, reverse changes and restructuring occur in the body, so chest pain will persist for some time. As a rule, with the onset of menstruation, all unpleasant phenomena disappear;
  • Pain in the ovaries- abortion pills cause serious hormonal changes in the body and the organs of the reproductive system, in particular the ovaries, are the first to respond to changes. Pain in the ovarian area after taking abortion pills is caused by an increase in their size and increased inhibition of the production of the pregnancy hormone.

Painkillers and No-Spa during and after medical abortion

Abdominal pain after taking abortifacient pills resembles pain during menstruation. It is highly undesirable to take No-shpa or other drugs with antispasmodic and analgesic effects to reduce pain. Although these pills relieve spasms, they also negatively affect the contractility of the uterus, and this can lead to incomplete removal of the membranes from the body. You can reduce pain in the lower abdomen after a medical abortion by lying on your stomach. In this position, the clots leave the uterus faster and more efficiently, which in itself reduces pain. If the pain is excessively strong and the woman cannot tolerate it, you should consult a gynecologist for advice; perhaps the dose of the medicine was incorrect.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a pharmacological abortion?

Pharmacological abortion creates a situation in the body similar to a spontaneous miscarriage. Over the next 28-35 days, the body recovers and menstruation begins. If a woman has sex during this period and does not use contraception, then a new pregnancy is highly likely. In order not to risk your health and not be faced with a difficult choice again, you should carefully protect yourself in the next 3-6 months after a medical abortion.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after pharmaabortion?

After taking abortifacient pills, a woman should not drink alcohol, as alcohol can negatively affect the pharmacological effect of the drug. Combining Mifepristone tablets with alcohol is fraught with incomplete abortion and the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Sex after pharmacological abortion

After taking abortifacient pills, a woman, as after any other type of termination of pregnancy, should abstain from intimate relationships for the first 14 days. Once the discharge stops and the doctor confirms that there are no particles of membranes left in the uterus, the couple can resume sexual relations, but contraception should be used to avoid another unplanned pregnancy.

Breastfeeding after pharmacological abortion

If a woman is forced to undergo a pharmaceutical abortion during lactation, then after taking abortion pills the child cannot continue to breastfeed. The active ingredients of the pills can penetrate through breast milk into the child’s body, and since studies on the safety of the drug for children have not been conducted, medical termination of pregnancy and continued feeding of the child incompatible.