Angels speak in numbers. Angelic numerology. Numerology of Guardian Angels - number combinations

Angelic numerology talks about the meaning of numbers that repeat in your life: on a watch, car license plates, anywhere. The easiest way to understand which numbers have the maximum impact on your life is by looking at the clock - during the day a person often looks at the dial. Pay attention to what time you see there most often.

What does angel numerology tell us?

Important rules:

  • Only mirror or are messages from angels. If you accidentally look at the dial and see the time with different numbers (for example, 14:57), you should not look for the secret meaning
  • Do not try to deceive the Angels and specifically look at the clock at “favorable” times. In this case, the prediction will not only not come true, but may also turn into something negative for you
  • The more often you notice same numbers, the stronger the prediction will be

Advice: If you see an angelic combination of numbers on your watch, immediately make a note in your notepad. Develop the habit of writing down all the signs of the Angels during the day so that in the evening you can contact an interpreter and decipher the forecast.

Decoding Angel Messages

Look for a suitable angelic message in the list and see its meaning:

  • 00:00 - you have extremely overestimated the importance of some of your desires. Try to mentally “let go” of the dream and imagine that it has already come true. Only then is there a chance that the wish will come true.
  • 01:01 - expect good news from a loved one.
  • 01:10 - complete old tasks before starting new ones. Don't try to push yourself too hard.
  • 01:11 - today is a very good day. Everything you do will end favorably and beneficially for you.
  • 02:02 - a long-awaited meeting with a loved one is coming after a long separation.
  • 02:20 - a dangerous and unfavorable day. Someone is up to something bad, you better not leave the house.
  • 02:22 - secrets should not become apparent. Keep your mouth shut and don't talk in vain.
  • 03:03 - your loneliness will soon end. Look around - your chosen one has been around for a long time.
  • 03:30 - your partner is a dishonest, greedy person with whom there will never be true love.
  • 03:33 - stop being sad, think about the positive, and the dark streak will end.
  • 04:04 - helpful advice, which you desperately needed, will be given by a stranger.
  • 05:05 - someone is planning something bad against you, be vigilant.
  • 05:50 - be careful with fire, there is a risk of burns
  • 06:06 - you will make a pleasant and useful acquaintance. Perhaps the new person will become a close friend over time.
  • 07:07 - help in a difficult situation will come from an unexpected quarter from an unfamiliar person.
  • 08:08 - career growth is just around the corner.
  • 09:09 - be careful with finances, there is a risk of losing money
  • 10:10 - the time has come for drastic changes, start changing your life - no one will do this for you.
  • 10:01 - meet a foreigner who will later become important person in your life.
  • 11:01 - health problems will arise, take care of yourself.
  • 11:11 - a close friend will turn out to be a traitor.
  • 11:21 - don’t hang your nose, difficulties are temporary.
  • 12:12 - events will develop extremely well in the coming week, take advantage of favorable circumstances.
  • 12.21 - ask a friend for help.
  • 13:13 - enemy machinations are being woven against you.
  • 13:31 - abstract from imposed goals: you need to understand what exactly you dream about.
  • 14:11 - your health is at risk, go to the doctor immediately if you want to live.
  • 14:14 - true love will come into your life.
  • 14:41 - conflict and discord in relations with the chosen one.
  • 15:15 - listen to the opinions of others.
  • 15:51 - there is not enough creativity in your life.
  • 16:16 - go on a trip, you need it.
  • 17:17 - you will lose valuable jewelry.
  • 18:18 - try not to travel by car or public transport, it is dangerous for you today.
  • 19:19 - changes that at first glance are negative will ultimately turn out for the better
  • 20:02 - you are under threat of dismissal and financial problems.
  • 20:20 - parting with a close friend.
  • 21:11 - the day will be extremely successful
  • 21:21 on the clock promises a bright sexual adventure.
  • 22:22 - it's time to let go of the relationship, it weighs you down and will never make you happy.
  • 23:23 - sudden profit. Perhaps you will find a large amount of money.
  • 23:32 - danger threatens your loved ones.

The mystical properties of numbers were known to our ancestors. They attached great importance not only to the numbers themselves, but also to their combinations. Ancient astrologers argued that, knowing the date and time of a person’s birth, it is possible to compile full map, which will reflect key events in his life. And the philosophers of antiquity believed that the meanings of the combinations of numbers that make up the date of birth of a child would have a serious impact on his character and fate. Interestingly, in our age of high technology, these statements have found scientific confirmation. And now few people doubt such a science as numerology. Experts in this field say that every person is accompanied throughout his life by certain group numbers They are converted into dates, apartment and house numbers, telephone numbers and cars. For someone who has certain knowledge, it is clear that these signs are important and should be taken as a certain hint. Particular attention should be paid to constantly repeating numbers. Almost all people meet them from time to time, but often they begin to figure out the essence of what is happening too late and miss an important sign. Do you also constantly see 11:11 on the clock? Or are you literally haunted by another combination of numbers? Then our article will be very useful to you, because we will tell you what exactly these digital tips mean and how to use them correctly.

The meaning of one in numerology

Before understanding what 11:11 means, it is necessary to turn to numerology and consider from its point of view a unit to which experts in this field attach great importance.

The number one is considered very powerful and carries enormous energy potential. After all, it is with 1 that something new begins, it is a symbol of creation, an impetus and a message at the same time.

From the point of view of the Universe, unit is the origin and energy in pure form. Numerologists often endow this number with a masculine character, because it is precisely this kind of energy that a man needs to achieve success in life and make all his dreams come true. At the same time, experts in numerology claim that one can strengthen and personal qualities person. Sometimes they advise their clients to surround themselves with certain combinations of numbers in different periods life. And it is the number one that should become the companion of that person who is in an active period and spends a lot of energy on the embodiment of his ideas.

It is interesting that philosophers have their own view of the unit. They always mention that all numbers are divisible by one, which strongly ties them together. This can be projected onto the collective human mind, because we are all connected to each other at the energy level, and if desired, any unit can access the information contained in the general field of the Universe.

If you always come across a unit or its repeating combinations in life, for example 1111, you can easily find the answer to this riddle in numerology. Experts say that this sign symbolizes serious changes in life. The number one should make a person turn to his thoughts and hidden desires. With the advent of one, it becomes clear that the time has come to act and bring to life everything that was previously postponed until later. At the same time, the number 1 requires determination, independence and courage from a person. It indicates the opening of an energy gate through which all your thoughts will pass and be transformed into life. At the same time, a person must carefully monitor what he thinks, because focusing on fears will project exactly them into life.

It is noteworthy that in sacred sciences it is believed that repeating numbers come exclusively to initiates. After all, only a pure mind, free from fears and base passions, can use this hint from higher powers correctly and, with the help of its efforts, make the world a little better.

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that one is not a simple number, but the key to everything new. Moreover, what character the changes that come into life will have depends only on the individual himself and the level of his development. But what does 1111 mean in sacred sciences and numerology? What does this combination convey, which greatly enhances the original meaning of the unit? How should a person react to this sign? Today we will try to figure this out.

Repeating units: important sign or coincidence

It is worth saying right away that the numbers 11 and 22 in numerology have truly karmic meaning. Moreover, it is these combinations that are considered the most important, although a person should pay attention to any repeating numbers in his life. It has been proven that as soon as the clue is deciphered and certain conclusions are drawn, the digital signs will change or disappear altogether. They should not be considered as something terrible; rather, on the contrary, thanks to such combinations, higher powers speak to a person. They guide him and advise him only Right way which will lead to achieving the goal.

If you often come across, for example, such combinations as 11 hours 11 minutes, the number eleven in license plates, or three units in combination with other numbers, then you should look at your life from a different angle and heed the call of higher powers. However, keep in mind that each combination has its own meaning, which we will tell you about in the following sections of the article.

What does 11 mean?

11 is interpreted in such a multifaceted way that even experienced numerologists cannot always give a complete and detailed answer to this question. They have to turn not only to scientific information, but also to the knowledge of the ancients, as well as various mystical movements.

If we consider the two units from a scientific point of view, we can say that they sometimes carry absolutely polar characteristics: sensitivity and arrogance, fearlessness and the desire to avoid conflicts, creative development and degradation. This enumeration can be continued indefinitely, because numerologists claim that all control numbers have similar paradoxical characteristics. These include one and nine, beginning and end, as they are positioned. If, for example, all other numbers carry a certain set of qualities, then managers are characterized by a combination of the entire studied range of characteristics and personality traits.

The number eleven is considered karmic; its appearance in life signals that a person has reached high level development and can begin to work on oneself, the result of which will be a rise above material shackles and traps. At this moment, the soul matures, it begins to manifest the gift of foresight, clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities. This even more accurately determines the correct life direction of the individual.

The number eleven appeared quite often in ancient mystical teachings. In Rome, for example, the goddess Proserpine was considered his patron. She was simultaneously the deity of the underworld and fertility. This highlights the contradictory meaning of the number. The Egyptians believed that 11 belonged to the great goddess Nut. It was from her that the stars and gods were born, and she herself was responsible for ensuring that the souls of the dead received according to their earthly merits. She raised some to heaven, and did not allow others to rise from the dark kingdom. It is interesting that this duality is also emphasized in Kabbalistic teaching. Thanks to two units, according to this science, you can become the owner of all the secrets of the universe or plunge into the darkest of worlds.

Three units: deciphering the clue

If you often see different places number 111, then you should first of all remember the time period when this happens. It is possible that the clue lies precisely in the time of the appearance of the sign, and not in the sign itself. Think about it, perhaps during this period an important call awaits you or a person whom you have not noticed before, but it is he who will play in the future important role in your life.

If three units are repeated in different time, then pay attention to your thoughts. You should completely change your way of thinking and generate only positive images. Otherwise, all the fears and negativity that has been lurking in your soul for the time being will burst into your life. Attention to your own thoughts and their clear control will lead to serious positive changes in your destiny.

Four units: mystical sign

We are always surrounded by numbers. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not have a passport, medical insurance, birth certificate and bank card. But all these are numbers that accompany our every step in life. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them and reacting to frequently repeated combinations. For example, if the combination 11:11 on the clock begins to haunt you, then you should immediately put everything aside and try to decipher this mystical sign. Rest assured, this is very important for your future life. What does 11:11 mean in numerology?

There are several opinions on this matter, but first we will look at the most common answer. Numerologists believe that four units are a symbol of insight and insight. Consider that at this moment higher powers are carefully watching you and transforming all your hidden desires. That is, keep in mind that everything that happens in the future will be a direct consequence of your thoughts. So be prepared to face yourself.

However, everything that we have said is just one look at the meaning of numbers in a person’s life. Some experts argue that repeating numbers are not just clues, but a kind of alphabet of the angelic language. It contains very deep meaning, which is worth understanding if you want to move on the right path. What does 11:11 mean in the language of angels? We will definitely tell you about this.

Angelic language

Since ancient times, people have believed that light creatures protect, protect and guide them. They constantly communicate with human souls, but we cannot hear them. The fact is that the angelic language is inaccessible to the human ear, so even the cry of these creatures cannot be heard and understood by us. Therefore, people are given numbers as clues and life beacons, each of which has its own meaning.

However, some people still try to communicate with angels in their own language, which for a long time was lost. The Enochian, or angelic, language has been known to mankind since ancient times. People could only write on it, so numerous inscriptions on temples, clay tablets and texts in magic books that could not be deciphered have survived to this day.

Two English researchers, John Dee and Edward Kelly, made a great contribution to the study and systematization of the Enochian language. They lived more than five hundred years ago and took part in numerous excavations. As a result, they managed to piece together twenty-one letters of the angelic alphabet, which, to human eyes, are more like symbols.

Interestingly, this language is considered more ancient than Sanskrit, which today is officially recognized as the ancestor of many languages ​​on the planet. While working on compiling the alphabet, an angel appeared to one of the researchers. The bright creature thanked the man for his work and tried to teach him the phonetics of Enochian. However, it turned out to be too complicated for people, and besides, every word carries such powerful energy that its unreasonable and uncontrolled use can lead to the most dire consequences.

Since the angels did not stop guiding people to their life path, angelic numerology was invented for communication. It helps to correctly interpret the signs sent from above and follow them. According to this science, the most interesting number is one and its combinations with other numbers.

Angelic numerology

In ordinary numerology and mystical teachings, one is given great importance. It is not surprising that angels also determine by this number the most important messages sent to people. They can be deciphered as follows:

  • Unit. This sign from the angels can definitely be considered happy. Number 1 contains initial success, creative energy and becomes an assistant in business. It shows that a person is doing everything right and should continue his activities. However, you should not be distracted and relax, because it is so easy to lose sight of your guiding star.
  • A combination of two or three units. Such combinations are often found on watches or become the number of an office, office or apartment. You should not be afraid of this sign; it means support from above. The angels want to tell you that your intentions and thoughts must be realized. They are correct and will definitely lead to success, but it is necessary to move forward. And the Universe, for its part, will assist you in your business.
  • 11:11 in angelic numerology. If you are constantly haunted by a combination formed from four units, then it means that the time to think has passed. You need to act urgently, because now is the most favorable moment for this. Typically, creative people hesitate for a very long time whether to publish a novel or take a painting to an exhibition. They always think that the creation is not perfect enough and it is worth continuing to work on it. However, the four ones symbol should get them into action. They will definitely lead to success, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for it.

It is interesting that, in addition to the combinations already described, the angels can send you a unit in combination with other numbers. They also have their meaning.

Combinations of numbers with one

What does 12:12 mean (we have already discussed 11:11 in the previous sections of the article) and other combinations with two? According to angel numerology, these combinations mean that you are a person who is fulfilling your life purpose. If success has not yet come to you, then there is no need to worry. You will definitely achieve your goal, because every step you take is under the protection of higher powers.

One and three mean help from above. This sign often appears when a person does not know exactly what to do in life. The angels send him a hint, which indicates that the person already knows all the answers to the questions and will receive the support of higher powers on the difficult path.

The combination of one and four indicates that the time has come for the fulfillment of desires. When you see this combination, feel free to make a guess about the most secret thing that lurks in your soul. However, do not forget that the desire must be formulated clearly and correctly.

Combinations with a five mean that you can change your life. You are subject to almost any changes, the Universe is ready to adapt to you and will be subject to the power of thought. But your intentions must be exclusively good, otherwise evil will destroy you first.

The combination of six and one is often called the “rescue phone.” These numbers may appear at the most difficult moment of your life, in which case you simply must ask a higher power for support. Be sure that they will definitely help you.

Seven with one indicates a quick successful completion of affairs. If you are already exhausted and ready to retreat, then pull yourself together - there is just a little time left, and the long-awaited success will be in your hands.

One and eight is a sign that a certain phase of your life is ending. Moreover, its result cannot be changed, this is your fate, and it must be accepted without complaining.

If you constantly see combinations of one and nine, then it’s time to see the results of your labors. The angels want to show you everything that hard work has achieved. Accept it and enjoy your situation.

Numerology: number 11 in date of birth

We think that after reading our article you have no doubt about the strong influence numbers have on our lives. We have already mentioned that the unit in the date of birth can be a very significant symbol. It is especially strong if you were born in the 11th year, 11th month and 11th day. In this case, you definitely need to find out what these number combinations bring into your life. Knowledge will help you set priorities correctly and cope with your shortcomings.

The significance of the birth number 11 in numerology is difficult to exaggerate. It endows a person with a lot of talent, fearlessness, ambition and activity. These people can achieve almost unprecedented heights in life, but the number eleven is insidious. It often gives a person illusions, makes him degrade and ultimately deprives him of his sanity.

People living under this number strive to be in the lead in everything. People listen to them, and they can always give good advice. Eleven gives its owner the ability to control and lead a crowd. However, such people are often completely unpredictable. They can be very friendly, but in one second they withdraw into themselves and completely stop communicating with others.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born under the number eleven

If this number is present in your date of birth, then know that you are initially destined for a higher spiritual level than other people. You are amazingly charismatic and firmly believe in your great mission. You are ready to boldly move forward and can bring absolutely any idea to life.

However, we should not forget about the negative vibrations of this number. It predetermines a very elusive, almost invisible border between self-destruction and spiritual growth. People of eleven very subtly sense the presence of otherworldly forces and experience sacred horror in front of them.

Angels are always there. These kind creatures never sleep and always try to help us. warn and protect. At least once, everyone has encountered an amazing coincidence of numbers that suddenly take on the same meaning.

When the hours and minutes suddenly show the same thing, it seems like a special symbol, revealed especially for us. Especially if the situation repeats itself again and again. How to decipher these mysterious signs?

The mystery of numbers and the laws of the Universe: lifting the veil

Numbers are divine symbols that capture vibrations of the universe and striving towards each other in an eternal whirlpool. One strives for two, from two a three is born, and then the process is reset and begins again.

In order to correctly read a sign on a watch from a group of numbers, you first need to learn how to read primary messages each number.

  • 1 – beginning, loneliness, searching for a way;
  • 2 – love, polarity, interconnection;
  • 3 – fate, creativity, evolution;
  • 4 – basic processes of the universe, disclosure of the world, support;
  • 5 – experience, new facets of being, lightness;
  • 6 – hope, symmetry, intuition;
  • 7 – harmony, goodness, heavenly road;
  • 8 – infinity, wisdom, peace;
  • 9 – awareness, success, completion.

It is important to understand that each number contains powerful processes occurring in the manifested world. When you receive a sign consisting of several numbers, the meaning of the numbers in the group increases many times over and opens up new facets for you.

Let's consider the special messages from the angels shown to us on the dial.

The clock says 11:11 – time for creative insight

This is a special time when your angel sees that you it's time to take action. The Road of Destiny can lead you to the success you dream of. But the angel asks you to look deep into yourself and sincerely answer the questions. Is that what I'm doing? Am I happy in my activities? Is there a place for creativity in my life?

Even if you feel like you're reaching your full potential, you may be a little off track. Try to abandon the word “need” and listen to the inner “want”. The angel tells you that only true desire can lead a person to the right path.

It's 12:12 on the clock - it's time to wake up!

This number refers to special, so-called “magical” phenomena and indicates spiritual search and work on oneself. 12 is the number of apostles, fairy sisters and months of the year. If we add these two numbers together, we will see great symbol of the trinity of all things: the Holy Trinity, three norns, three-dimensional space. Still don't get the connection? The angel urgently asks you to listen to your soul. Are you living a spiritual life? What do you truly believe in and what do you strive for? How do you see your spiritual path development?

The angel reminds you of the trinity of body, soul and spirit and advises you to think about the relationship between these concepts.

The clock says 13:13 - time for love

In the legends of many peoples, this number is one of the most unpopular. All sorts of horrors are attributed to him, from devilish machinations to the most ominous omens. However, numerologists unanimously claim that 13:13 is a completely different symbol and means love.

The angel sends this sign at those fateful moments when our relationships can change. Lonely people can find their happiness. People who are married or long term relationship, should devote as much time as possible to each other. The angel warns that you may have become distant and asks you be a little romantic.

If you have been thinking about having children, now is the time to start making your dreams come true.

The clock says 19:19 - dark time before dawn

In this amazing number, numbers are intertwined, symbolizing at the same time beginning and the end. The number 19 is like a moonless period when the world is dark, but we know for sure that the month will soon be reborn.

The angel tells you that now a temporary period of stagnation and inaction is coming in your life. The old is already gone, and the new is just beginning to form in the depths of the universe.

Your angel is asking you to let go of your thoughts and just wait. It's good to be calm during this period finish what you started, spend time with loved ones and just relax.

Welcome to the house - consider the remaining meanings

If the numbers occupy identical positions, your guardian brings you good news or at least wise wish!

  • 00:00, 01:01, 03:03, 21:21 - a great time to start new things - your efforts will not be in vain,
  • 02:02, 08:08, 15:15, 20:20 – don’t be shy in expressing your feelings, your loved ones will reciprocate your feelings,
  • 04:04, 14:14, 17:17, 22:22 – happening now natural processes , which you cannot influence in any way, you must learn to accept everything that happens with wisdom,
  • 05:05, 06:06 09:09, 18:18 – you are now in the final turn of the next round of life, summarize and be ready for changes in yourself,
  • 07:07, 10:10, 16:16, 23:23 – very lucky sign, all roads are open to you!

Messages from Angels - Warning from Above

But what to do if the numbers on the clock are a mirror image of each other? Most likely, you made a mistake somewhere and lost sight of something important. Your angel sends you visible sign so that you have a chance to correct your mistakes and prevent an unpleasant situation from developing.

  • 12:21 – angels advise not to waste your strength on insignificant matters,
  • 13:31 – show wisdom in choosing friends,
  • 14:41 – be careful in words, deeds and finances,
  • 15:51 – it’s better to refrain from spontaneous decisions for a while,
  • 20:02 – your loved ones feel sad or offended, be sure to spend time with your family,
  • 21:12 – guardian angel worries that you have chosen the wrong path,
  • 23:32 – be sure to check your health, God protects those who are careful.

Remember that the wisdom of God and the Universe is limitless, and angels are always ready to come to your aid. Be sensitive, learn to heed their warnings, and then the world will become brighter and sparkle with new colors.

Throughout our lives, we are accompanied by Angels who take care of us, warn us of dangers, and give advice in difficult situations. Unable to convey their messages in the form familiar to us, Guardian Angels try to speak to us using various signs, clues and numbers.

That is why constantly occurring combinations of numbers can be unique and predict positive or negative events in the future. As stated, Angelic numerology teaches us to understand these signals, and, by correctly deciphering them, obtain the necessary information.

If you often come across certain combinations of numbers (for example, on license plates of passing cars, in a telephone number you need to call, numbers on a public transport ticket, etc.), enter this combination of numbers in the form below and find out what the message is conveyed to you by the Guardian Angels, which they want to warn you about.

Enter the number:

111 – Angels advise you to carefully monitor your thoughts and think only about the good, about what you would like to see in your life, and not about some possible negative events or phenomena. Now ample opportunities are opening up for you, and all your thoughts are materializing, manifesting themselves in record time. real life. 111 is a bright flash light. These numbers mean that the universe has photographed your thoughts and is transforming them into tangible forms. Do you like the thoughts that the universe photographed? If not, correct them.

222 – By showing these numbers, the Angels say that your recently emerged ideas will soon begin to come true. Keep developing them and soon you will be able to see evidence of this. Keep working hard, keep holding positive thoughts, keep setting yourself up for good luck and happiness.

333 – When you often see numbers with the digits 3 around you, this indicates that there are people next to you, wanting to show with their invisible presence that you can count on their help, support and love.

444 – Don’t worry or worry – the Angels are constantly with you, assuring you of their love, support and help.

555 – Be prepared for an important life change. It should not be seen as "positive" or "negative" because any change is just a natural part of life. Perhaps the upcoming event is the answer to your thoughts and dreams, so there is no need to worry or worry.

666 – Now there is no harmony in your thoughts - you are too concentrated on the material sphere. The angels ask you to keep yourself in balance between the spiritual and material, to focus on developing the spirit and remember that as a result, your material and emotional needs will be met.

777 – This is a very positive sign, meaning that your deepest desire is coming true. The angels applaud you - you have entered a period of good fortune and luck!

888 – These numbers indicate that a certain stage in your life is ending. This could be a period of some kind of emotional coloring, or a certain phase in a relationship, or the end of some project or business.

999 – Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal life.

000 – A reminder that some situation has come full circle in its development.

1 and 2 combinations such as 121 or 112– Your thoughts are like seeds that begin to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of your desires coming true. This means that everything will move in the direction you want. Keep believing!

Combinations 1 and 3 such as 133 or 113– The Ascended Masters are working with you on your thoughts. In many ways they act as mentors, teaching you ancient wisdom. They send you energy to keep you from getting discouraged and encouragement to keep you focused on your soul's true goals. The Ascended Masters always teach that all creation begins at the level of thought. Ask them to help you choose the right one for what you want.

Combinations of 1 and 4, such as 114 or 144– The angels are telling you that now you need to watch your thoughts. You definitely need to make a wish, since you are at a point that will materialize your thoughts into reality, into material forms.

Combinations of 1 and 5 such as 115 or 551– Your thoughts create changes in your life. Continue to direct your thoughts in the chosen direction. If the coming changes are undesirable, you can stop or change them by changing your thoughts.

Combinations of 1 and 6, such as 116 or 661– Keep your thoughts elevated and avoid worries associated with the material world.

Combinations of 1 and 7, such as 117 or 771– You are doing everything right, continue moving in this direction. Add positive emotions to your thoughts, such as a feeling of gratitude for the gifts you have received in your life.

Combinations of 1 and 8, such as 118 or 881– You are approaching the end of an important phase of your life. If you are tired of some events in your life, be glad that they will soon be replaced with something better.

Combinations of 1 and 9, such as 119 or 991– New opportunities have opened up for you as a result of your thoughts. You have the opportunity to look at your thoughts and meet your own creations. Let the old go because it will be replaced by the new according to your desires.

Combinations of 1 and 0, such as 100 or 110– The solution you are looking for comes from your thoughts. Ask the Angels to support you during your transition.

2 and 3 combinations such as 223 or 323– The Ascended Masters are telling you that they share your excitement and know that everything is happening in the best way for you now. Your future is already guaranteed to be filled with the happiness you seek. Enjoy this new phase of your life!

Combinations of 2 and 4, such as 224 or 244– This is a sign that you are receiving help from above in achieving what you want. This is the time when you need to know that you are not alone - Angels are now constantly with you.

Combinations of 2 and 5, such as 255 or 225– Your intentions are pure and strong, so expect change to come even faster than you might have expected. Don't miss the moment when your wishes come true.

Combinations of 2 and 6 such as 266 or 262– A new purchase or acquisition awaits you.

Combinations of 2 and 7, such as 277 or 272– These numbers mean good news.

Combinations of 2 and 8, such as 288 or 282– Listen very carefully to your intuition now, because it will tell you steps that will provide you with constant abundance.

Combinations of 2 and 9, such as 299 or 292– If you have recently experienced a loss (of a job, a loved one, etc.), expect that it will be compensated in the very near future. Everything works for your good, despite the fact that it may have just recently seemed to you that God had abandoned you. Don't worry! Feel the energy of life moving forward. You have not been punished by your recent losses; on the contrary, the Universe is preparing you for something new.

Combinations of 2 and 0, such as 200 or 202– You will soon enter a wonderful new phase of your life. Sometimes certain factors must come together for the desired result to be achieved. As long as you keep your faith, nothing can stop you from achieving your desire.

3 and 4 combinations such as 334 or 344– Now you can get a lot of help. The Ascended Masters and Angels are with you to help, guide and support you. Reach out to them the same way they reach out to you.

Combinations of 3 and 5 such as 353 or 335– The Ascended Masters want to prepare you for a big change in life that is inevitable. They want you to know that they are holding your hand and that everything will be okay. Accept the change and look for the positive in it.

Combinations of 3 and 6 such as 363 or 336– Your Ascended Masters are helping you get what you need to fulfill your life purpose. Whether it's money for training, or conditions for your work, the Masters work to give it to you. They want you to know that you deserve help so you can give something to others.

Combinations of 3 and 7 such as 377 or 373– The Universe approves of the path you have chosen. You deserve happiness.

Combinations of 3 and 8, such as 338 or 383– Continue on your chosen path.

Combinations of 3 and 9, such as 393 or 339– Let go of things in your life that are not whole or that have served their purpose. Don't hold on to what's outdated out of fear. Try to maintain a positive perspective about yourself and your future, because this is what creates what you actually experience.

Combinations of 3 and 0, such as 300 or 330– Have you recently ignored any instructions? If so, you may be struggling right now. This number combination is a heavenly method of alerting you to do your part in the co-creation process. You need to listen and follow your Higher Leadership in taking certain actions.

Combinations of 4 and 5, for example 455 or 445– In the upcoming life changes, you can count on the help of your Guardian Angels.

Combinations of 4 and 6, for example 446 or 466– Right now you are too focused on the material sphere. Your Angels are asking you to convey your concerns to them so that they can help you. Balance your aspirations between the spiritual and the material, and know that your resources are truly limitless.

Combinations of 4 and 7, for example 477 or 447– The angels congratulate you and tell you to continue moving in the same direction as before. Your thoughts have a great positive effect.

Combinations of 4 and 8, for example 488 or 448– Some stage of your life is ending. The angels are sending you this sign to let you know that when things get slow, they are there for you and will guide you to what is best for your desires and goals.

Combinations of 4 and 9, for example 494 or 449– It’s time for you to let go of the situation that has ended. The angels remind you that when one door closes, another one will definitely open. Angels will help you open new doors and heal from the pain that accompanies the period in which you are currently living.

Combinations of 4 and 0, for example 440 or 400“The angels want you to know that you are very, very loved.” They ask you to feel and realize this love because it will answer many of your questions and solve any problems.

Combinations of 5 and 6, for example 556 or 566– A sign of big changes in the material sphere. Perhaps you will purchase real estate, a new house, a new car, or receive a large sum of money.

Combinations of 5 and 7, for example 577 or 575– You are on the threshold of some change that will enrich you either physically, or emotionally, or intellectually. You will soon see evidence of how the change will impact your life and those around you.

Combinations of 5 and 8, for example 588 or 558– This combination of numbers symbolizes that you are right before the start of important changes in your life.

Combinations of 5 and 9, for example 599 or 595– For something new to happen, you need to let go of the old. This combination of numbers advises you to let go of the past with love and gratitude, because it has already fulfilled its vital function. The new is standing on your doorstep, waiting for you to let it in.

Combinations of 5 and 0, for example 500 or 550– An important message that tells you that your life changes are already happening in the right order.

Combinations of 6 and 7, such as 667 or 677– Recognition that your thoughts and work are appreciated. You have successfully balanced the spiritual and material, and you take care of the mind, body and spirit. Keep up the great work!

Combinations of 6 and 8, such as 668 or 688– You have to part with something material, for example, sell some property. If you didn't plan for it, then you can change the course of events by changing your thoughts. If this step is included in your plans, take this sign as a signal that everything will work out well.

Combinations of 6 and 9, such as 669 or 699– If you have an idea for any material acquisition, then it is better to abandon it now. This number combination asks you to let go of such thoughts. It is also a message that something in your life will be replaced by something better.

Combinations of 6 and 0, such as 600 or 660– This message concerns your material sphere of life. The angels ask you to focus less on earthly desires. This doesn't mean you have to live in poverty - you are being asked to try to approach problems in a more spiritual way.

Combinations of 7 and 8, for example 778 or 788– If you had a feeling that some part of your life, for example, work or relationships, then this is confirmation that your feelings are correct. This combination of numbers foreshadows upcoming positive changes, including the end of a tense situation. Hang in there, your life is about to get easier.

Combinations of 7 and 9, for example 779 or 799– You discard old parts of your life that no longer suit you. This combination of numbers welcomes your decision.

Combinations of 7 and 0, for example 700 or 770– You are helping yourself and many other people by moving in the right direction.

Combinations of 8 and 9, such as 889 or 899– This combination of numbers is a message that you are going through a chain of events where many parts of your life are slowing down and stopping. Don't worry - this is necessary for a new start.

Combinations of 8 and 0, such as 800 or 808– Everything that happens to you happens in accordance with the will Higher powers regarding you.

Combinations of 9 and 0, such as 900 or 909– This message indicates that the part of your life that has just ended was guided from above. Nothing was actually truly lost.

People rarely notice obvious warnings about danger, attributing many established signs to superstition, and brush aside messages from above. However, everyone has Guardian Angels who tirelessly try to protect a person from negativity. These patrons give clues about the future in every possible way.

Most in an accessible way is the transmission of a message by signs, symbols and numbers. You can say a lot with them, because looking at the watch at a certain moment only seems random. In fact, this heavenly patron makes it possible to see the clue and decipher its meaning. Angelic numerology accompanies people every day by the hour.

What combinations are there?

There are three types of explicit messages from Angels using numbers on the clock:

  • equivalent hours and minutes;
  • mirror reflection;
  • triple repetition of one digit.

If, upon accidentally looking at a watch, a person sees an interesting combination, it is necessary to decipher its meaning in order to understand the message of the patron. It is worth listening to the warning from above, because heavenly protectors are called upon to protect their charges, so they will not give hints in vain.

Equivalent numbers

The same numbers on the clock are rare, such messages are warnings about something, their meanings are as follows:

  • 00:00 - a good start to business, it’s worth taking on any job offered, starting relationships, making long-planned trips. All endeavors will definitely bring desired results, but you shouldn’t hesitate, because another good moment won’t come soon.
  • 01:01 - an unexpected event will happen soon, which will make you very happy, but do not delude yourself, the good news will be overshadowed by an annoying obstacle. If an important event is planned for the day, it is better to postpone it, otherwise an unforeseen change in circumstances will ruin the outcome of the matter.
  • 02:02 - a pleasant date awaits a person, the proposal will come from someone he knows and will be quite unexpected. But you shouldn’t refuse, the Guardian Angel sees that this meeting can be the key to a happy future.
  • 03:03 - such a hint directly indicates immediate love, this feeling will suddenly seize a person and turn his head. The heavenly assistant warns that you should not give yourself entirely to love passion, the ardor will soon fade, and the consequences of rash actions will reverberate in life for a long time as minor troubles.
  • 04:04 - The angel is trying to reason with him, to make the person take a different look at the current situation. If important decisions have recently been made, it is worth reconsidering them, since the heavenly assistant sees a bad outcome in the current situation.
  • 05:05 - very important warning. With this combination, the defender shows that the person has enemies lurking in his immediate environment who are planning intrigues. It is necessary to look around, pay attention to the behavior of friends, acquaintances, colleagues or relatives; some of them are being hypocritical and will subsequently try to harm. The angel warns that now it is possible to identify this person and prevent the negative consequences of his activities.
  • 06:06 - this combination indicates a new round in life. The patron suggests that now is the time for change. If the relationship with your loved one has dragged on, a wedding is coming. A promotion at work or dismissal is possible, which will lead to the best. For those who have grandiose plans, the Angel points out the need to implement them at the present time.
  • 07:07 - with this sign the Guardian warns of upcoming problems in the government house. Planned appeals to government agencies should be postponed until better times, since unforeseen obstacles await a person everywhere. It is necessary to behave very carefully, because this warning also indicates possible clashes with the law, criminal and administrative prosecution.
  • 08:08 is a favorable period for career growth and increased financial profit. The heavenly assistant suggests that in the near future it is worth contacting management with a question about a promotion or salary.
  • 09:09 - warning about financial losses. On this day you need to behave very carefully and manage your money carefully. Theft and fraud are possible, so you should be more vigilant. There is no need to make large purchases, they will not bring joy.
  • 10:10 - the period of failure ends. The angel shows a good path, you can safely do things that seemed unpromising in Lately. The obstacles that came along the way are over, there is no need to worry about minor obstacles, everything will turn out well.
  • 11:11 - difficult work lies ahead in the near future, but all things will turn out very well. It is worth paying attention to the goals; with this combination the Angel is trying to inform the person that, despite the successful outcome, the direction of activity needs to be changed.
  • 12:12 is a smile of luck. Today a person will be very lucky if he chooses the right line of behavior. On this day you can try your luck in the lottery, heavenly forces send their favor in gambling, you need to place bets based on intuition, the Guardian Angel will definitely push you to the right choice.
  • 13:13 - strict warning. This combination on the watch warns of possible problems in a love relationship. On this day, you need to behave more restrained with your loved ones; any careless word will provoke a long quarrel. Lonely people can fall in love, but this feeling will not bring joy, relationships with the object of passion will not be successful. Therefore, it is better to refrain from new acquaintances and romantic encounters.
  • 14:14 - you can’t sit at home on this day. The angel suggests that today a fateful meeting with the other half is coming. Sudden love will turn into long and happy relationship, so you shouldn’t be lazy, you should definitely take advantage of this chance, go to a restaurant or to a party, to a crowded place where heavenly forces can push a person with his destiny.
  • 15:15 - you need to listen to the opinions of others. The Guardian sees that a person’s behavior, actions and deeds need to be corrected, so today he will definitely bring him together with people who will suggest the right solutions in any matter. You shouldn’t stubbornly defend your point of view; someone else’s opinion on this day will be more correct.
  • 16:16 - with this combination the Angel suggests that it is time for a person to rest, to go on a trip with a good friend or acquaintance. The trip will be very exciting, will bring satisfaction and leave an unforgettable impression.
  • 17:17 - financial warning. With this sign, the defender advises to beware of financial losses. You should not enter into dubious deals or make thoughtless purchases. Large sums of money on this day should be hidden away from prying eyes; someone will definitely not be able to resist and will try to rob a person or take possession of his property by deception.
  • 18:18 - The Guardian warns of danger. During this period you should be careful emergency situations and refrain from traveling in any form of transport. It is necessary to limit any risks, avoid sports and other types of exercise, since the possibility of physical injury is very high.
  • 19:19 - with this combination the patron is trying to show a person that a period of stagnation is coming in life. It is necessary to complete unfinished tasks as soon as possible so that they do not get stuck at this stage. It is not recommended to start anything in the near future; processes are unlikely to go in the right direction. The Guardian suggests it's time for a rethink life values, you need to relax and engage in internal improvement of your personality.
  • 20:20 - warning about conflicts and quarrels. The defender suggests that major disagreements with loved ones are coming. To minimize the negative consequences, in the coming days it is better to refrain from discussing any problems or resolving pressing issues related to family matters. Any serious conversation will turn into a major scandal, so don’t tempt fate. A person just needs to wait out this period, postponing conversations until later.
  • 21:21 - a period of adventures and romantic adventures. The Guardian Angel warns about the need to stop drinking alcohol, otherwise a person risks waking up in bed with a stranger.
  • 22:22 is a sign of a fateful meeting. The coming days will be full of various events, so the patron suggests that you need to take a close look at your new acquaintances. Some of these people may turn out to be your life partner; it is important not to overlook your person in the crowd.
  • 23:23 - warning about the appearance of an opponent. Love relationship cracked, an insidious opponent or rival has crept into the harmonious world of a person and will try to destroy it. You should not try to keep your loved one, everything will end as it should be. There is no need to be upset about the loss of a loved one; a new relationship is already looming on the horizon, so the failed love will soon be replaced by another, happier and more durable one.

Combinations containing the same combination of four digits, in addition to general meaning, give a person the opportunity to ask the Angel for anything. If the patron's eyes turn to the watch at such a moment, it means he is ready to help the ward, so you can make any wish. The Guardian will make every effort to help fulfill his plans.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Mirror reflection

If the numbers on the clock are mirrored, this should be considered as a hint from above. Thus, the Guardian Angel gives a hint about what is bothering the person. If an important meeting is coming up or some event is haunting you at the moment when the numbers on the clock are seen in a mirror image, it means that the heavenly assistant is trying to communicate the following:

  • 01:10 - all efforts are useless. Any attempts to correct the situation or change something will be futile. If a person asked a question to which one could get a definite answer, then with this combination the Guardian Angel communicates a firm “no.”
  • 02:20 - warning about the need to restrain your emotions. The defender is trying to suggest that only with a cool mind can the current problem be solved. Any display of emotion will lead to negative consequences.
  • 03:30 is the answer to questions of a love nature. If there are doubts about the reciprocity of the chosen one’s feelings, then they are not groundless. The angel reports that one can hardly expect reciprocal love from the object of passion.
  • 04:40 - with this combination the patron shows the need to discard hopes for luck. The upcoming event will have positive result, only if a person makes incredible efforts. If these numbers are seen on the clock before the exam, this is how the Angel says that you need to study all the tickets, any unlearned topic will definitely come up in the questions.
  • 05:50 is a hint about the need to change plans. Under no circumstances should you make forays into nature in the coming days; you should be wary of bodies of water and sources of electricity. During this period, the likelihood of fires and natural disasters is high. If you are planning tasks related to the operation of electrical appliances, you should not count on their timely completion; a power outage will disrupt all deadlines.
  • 10:01 - the patron hints at the need to seek help from an influential man. We need to give up hopes of solving problems on our own; now is a very bad time for this. But with the intervention of third parties, everything will work out perfectly. Therefore, you should not be zealous in demonstrating leadership; only through the efforts of others will things bring positive results.
  • 12:21 - this combination promises a meeting with a colleague. A new friend or girlfriend will help you cope with the current troubles in life. There is no need to push away the help of an outsider, even if it seems that it is not required. The person who appears in life is sent from above, so you need to make every effort to strengthen and develop relationships with him.
  • 13:31 - a lucky coincidence. Fate favors man in everything. If current thoughts are occupied with some question, then the Guardian Angel answers it with a confident “yes”. All things will work out, success and prosperity are outlined by heavenly forces for the near future, so you should not be afraid of obstacles, nothing can overshadow this period.
  • 14:41 - love troubles. If a person was wondering about the relationship with the chosen one, then with this combination the patron indicates the need to break off the relationship. Nothing good will come of the current love affair, so you shouldn’t waste time and energy on maintaining it; the time has come to break up and open your heart to new love.
  • 15:51 is a good combination, with its help the heavenly Angel is trying to show a person the favor of the Almighty. In the coming days, you can meet a life partner, find a great job, or win a prize in the lottery. Whatever question a person asked before noticing this time on the clock, the Angel’s answer is positive.
  • 20:02 - bad sign. The Guardian shakes his head negatively in response to any questions. This is a warning about quarrels and losses; it is advisable to limit contacts with others in terms of communication and meetings; solving complex problems must be postponed until better times.
  • 21:12 - changes are coming. This is an important stage in life; a defender warns a person against rash actions and tries to stop him from doing something. If we accept now wrong decision, then the consequences will bring trouble for a long time, so you should carefully weigh your options to avoid hasty conclusions.
  • 23:32 - The Guardian Angel spreads his hands to the sides in confusion; there is no definite answer to the questions tormenting a person. The outcome of any case will depend only on strangers. You should not be active and try to fix something; all actions in the coming days will be useless.

There is no need to be upset if the Guardian Angel's hint is disappointing. After all, the intercessor has already noticed that failure has crept up on a person in the material world, so he makes every effort to correct the situation.

Triple repeat

Combinations with three times repeating numbers indicate a person’s shortcomings. Thus, the heavenly Guardian tries to point out mistakes, suggests that you need to change your behavior so that trouble does not happen. You need to pay attention to such signs and find the meaning of what the Angel is trying to say. If at the current moment in time three identical numbers are noticed on the clock, then in any combination the decoding will be as follows:

  • 000 - showing the time on the clock containing three zeros in digital terms, the Guardian Angel gives a hint that it is necessary to be alone. Noisy companies and regular events turned a person away from his true purpose. Waste of precious time prevents you from really studying important matters. It is impossible to continue life in the usual rhythm; this sign indicates an urgent need to take a vacation and go to a secluded place in order to be able to rethink one’s actions, otherwise the opening prospects and opportunities that heaven is generously ready to bestow on a person during the current period will be missed.
  • 111 is a call to action. The patron with this combination of numbers is trying to push the person, to bring him out of a depressed, apathetic state. You can’t hide from life’s adversities, it’s time to act and win. Three ones mean start successful enterprise, so it’s worth taking advantage of this moment and implementing grandiose plans that have been shelved. The Guardian Angel will make sure that nothing darkens the path to the top.
  • 222 - a warning about excessive narcissism. The angel indicates that the person has become arrogant and it is time for him to reconsider his self-esteem. Those around you begin to feel dissatisfied when being around such a smug person, so they will soon begin to move away. In order not to lose friends and loved ones, you need to come down from the top of your unreasonable position, become simpler and kinder in communicating with people.
  • 333 - with this combination the patron indicates the wrong direction in life; a person needs to reveal his talents, realize creative dreams and projects. The Almighty has endowed the ward with bright ideas, so it is necessary to realize one’s potential, and not vegetate behind performing routine tasks and solving everyday problems. You should listen to yourself, understand your purpose and bring something useful into the world in a spiritual, and not just material, way.
  • 444 - with these numbers the Guardian Angel expresses dissatisfaction with the behavior of the ward. This combination clearly shows that the person has become too pessimistic and aggressive. The time has come to reconsider your position, see the beauty and grace of the surrounding space, look at your loved ones and acquaintances with a new look, notice good features in them and look to the future with hope and desire to change something for the better. All good goals during this period will have powerful support heavenly powers. If a person changes, eradicates negative traits in himself, then his life will shine with new colors, and this is exactly what the Angel is trying to push him to do.
  • 555 - the predominance of fives means a person’s lack of confidence in his own abilities. The Guardian is trying to help cope with this quality. During this period, it is necessary to remember the accumulated experience; it is this that will give the necessary strength and confidence for any actions. The heavenly messenger tries to push a person to the right decision, but points out that it can be made without doubt, since in the surrounding space there are no preconditions for mistakes and failures.

There is no need to look for messages where there are none. Watch readings that do not have the listed combinations should not be considered as celestial signs.

It would be a mistake to look at your watch and wait for the appropriate time, because the Guardian Angel gives you clues only at unexpected moments, i.e., only a random glance can be considered as a clue.

There is no need to deceive yourself. If the Angel’s message turned out to be unpleasant, some people at such moments check the accuracy of the time, and if their own clocks run ahead or lag behind, then they become convinced that the defender’s hint is erroneous. This is not so, the Guardian Angel prompts a person to view time in accordance with what is displayed on the clock available to the eye, and not on the global one.

If you regularly write down the combinations of numbers you notice, and check their meanings at a convenient moment, life will become much easier, since Guardian Angels protect everyone and try to warn in a timely manner about all turns of fate. Using their tips, you can find out the outcome of events in advance, and very often change your future for the better.