Arguments in favor of increasing wages. How to justify a salary increase

Company management often “puzzles” the HR department with a variety of urgent tasks, which lead to an increase in document flow. For example, they require an increase in size wages. And personnel officers usually don’t like him because he has to write a lot of “paperwork.” In addition, when carrying out this operation, it is necessary to take into account not only the procedure for drawing up and processing all documents, but also other important details that will be discussed in the article. Let's take a closer look at the issues that arise if management orders a salary increase.

First, let's look at ways to increase wages. The components of the latter are indicated in Art. 129 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Based on this, we conclude that an increase in wages is possible, firstly, by increasing the tariff rate, salary (official salary), as well as the base salary (basic official salary) and base rate wages (parts 3-5 of article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Secondly, it may be necessary to establish or increase compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in areas affected radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments, part 1 of Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thirdly, the employer can establish or increase the amount of previously established incentive payments (additional payments and incentive allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments, Part 1 of Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The most labor-intensive in terms of document flow is the first method of increasing wages. But here, too, options are possible, which depend on whether the increase in salaries will affect all employees or only part of them (a department or only one or two employees).

We are increasing wages for all employees

The option when wages change for all employees of the organization by an equal quantitative expression (in percentage) is possible, for example, in the case of an increase in salaries due to indexation.

Let us recall that Art. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges employers to annually carry out wage indexation, which represents an increase in the real content of wages due to growth consumer prices for goods and services.

Document fragment

Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Ensuring an increase in the level of real wages.

As you can see, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires employers to establish the procedure for wage indexation in a collective agreement, agreement or local regulatory act, for example, the Regulations on wages, bonuses, etc.

The frequency of indexation and its size are not established by law. Most often, the employer conducts it annually, but he can choose a semi-annual, quarterly or annual frequency. The organization also chooses the date of the event independently. This could be the beginning of the calendar year, the end financial year, when the results of the enterprise are summed up, or any other convenient date or dates.

Most often, tariff rates or official salaries are increased by a certain factor. If we talk about establishing a specific size of the increase coefficient, then it can be determined depending on various factors, such as the consumer price index, the rate of inflation, the increase in the cost of living of the working population, etc.

By the way, it should be borne in mind here: if a company is subject to an industry agreement and has not refused to join in writing, then when establishing the procedure and amount of indexation it should take into account its norms (Article 48 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example 1. Excerpt from the Regulations on Remuneration


6.1. Wage indexation is the order of its increase in connection with the increase in consumer prices for consumer goods and services.

6.2. The employer annually, before November 1 of each calendar year, indexes wages in order to increase the level of its real content.

6.3. Indexation is carried out by increasing the official salaries of Employees by the actual growth of the consumer price index in the Russian Federation based on data published by the State Statistics Committee of Russia on the website

6.4. The calculation of the salary, taking into account indexation, is determined by the following formula: salary amount (in rubles) x coefficient, which corresponds to the actual growth of the consumer price index in the Russian Federation.

6.5. Wages, calculated taking into account the indexation coefficient, are paid to Employees starting from November 1 of each calendar year on the basis of an order general director.


In practice, the following situation has developed: due to the fact that the indexation procedure is not established by law, and the provisions of Art. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are vague, many employers do not implement it at all or implement it irregularly. At the same time, the position of both the inspection bodies and the courts is clear: the employer is obliged to carry out indexation (see, for example, letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated April 19, 2010 N 1073-6-1 and the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2010 N 913 -O-O).

Arbitrage practice. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in its ruling dated June 17, 2010 N 913-О-О, considered the complaint of Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia LLC, challenging the constitutionality of Art. 134 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the applicant, the wording of this norm is vague, which is why it is understood differently in law enforcement practice: either as obliging employers who are not financed from the state budget to independently establish the procedure for indexing wages, or as granting them such a right, but not obliging carry out such regulation.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, having studied the applicant’s materials, did not find any grounds for accepting the complaint for consideration, noting that wage indexation should be provided to all persons working under an employment contract, regardless of their form of ownership, etc.


I came across an interesting practice regarding liability for failure to index wages in an organization. If a company does not carry out indexation and the organization’s documents do not provide for its procedure, inspectors will hold it accountable under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thus, the organization is fined in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. or suspend its activities for up to 90 days, and the head of the company (or other responsible executive) are fined from 1000 to 5000 rubles. or disqualified if he has previously been punished for a similar violation.

It’s another matter if the indexation procedure is prescribed in a local regulatory act, but wages have not been increased. In this case, in addition to the specified liability, the head of the organization is fined 3,000-5,000 rubles. according to Part 1 of Art. 5.31 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. But the most important thing is that the organization is issued an order to pay employees the unpaid amount that they would be entitled to as a result of indexation. In some cases, State Tax Inspectors also require payment of interest for each day of delay in the amount of no less than 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

If the local regulations of the organization do not provide for the procedure for carrying out indexation, and the management decided to carry it out, then appropriate additions should either be made to the norms in force in the organization, or separate acts should be adopted (for example, Regulations on Indexation). In any case, a link to new standards or a document regulating the rules for wage indexation must be included in (Example 2).

Example 2. Sample of an additional agreement to an employment contract with a provision for wage indexation

Additional Agreement No. 1
to the employment contract dated December 17, 2012 N 84/12


Limited Liability Company "Stencils Indyukova" represented by General Director Veniamin Ferapontovich Indyukov, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer" or "Company", on the one hand, and Mikhail Alekseevich Kruglov, hereinafter referred to as the "Employee", on the other hand the other parties have entered into this additional agreement to the employment contract dated December 17, 2012 N 84/12 (hereinafter referred to as the employment contract) on the following:

1. Starting from November 1, 2013, the employee’s salary is annually indexed to the actual growth of the consumer price index in the manner prescribed by Section 6 of the Regulations on Remuneration of Indyukova Stencils LLC, approved by Order of the Employer dated October 7, 2013 N 16/ok.

2. This additional agreement to the employment contract comes into force on November 1, 2013.

3. This supplementary agreement to the employment contract is an integral part of the employment contract, drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one of which is kept by the Employer and the other by the Employee.

4. Addresses and details of the Parties:

With the Regulations on the remuneration of workers at LLC "Stencils Indyukova"





Indyukov V.F. Indyukov Kruglov M.A. Kruglov

─────────────────────── ──────────

(signature) (signature)

A copy of the additional agreement to the employment contract in hand



For your information. By the way, some organizations do not index wages for all employees. In this case, such an increase will not be indexation, since, as we noted earlier, indexation implies an increase in wages for all employees, and in equal percentage terms.

Above, we examined a situation where the indexing rules were not provided for by the organization’s local regulations and were not referenced in the employment contract with the employee. If all this exists, then the first step in increasing the official salary will be the issuance of an order on wage indexation. It should mention the local regulatory act, according to which there is an increase in workers' compensation, as well as the requirement to make appropriate changes to the staffing table (Example 3).

Example 3. Sample order for wage indexation

(Indyukova Stencils LLC)



N 24/ok


About wage indexation

In order to ensure an increase in the level of real wages in accordance with Art. 130 and 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

I order:

1. Increase the wages of all employees of Indyukova Stencils LLC on November 1, 2013 by the amount of the actual increase in the consumer price index in the manner prescribed by Section 6 of the Regulations on Remuneration of Indyukova Stencils LLC, approved by order of Indyukova Stencils LLC dated 10/07/2013 N 16/approx.

2. Head of the HR Department O.D. Trushina prepare appropriate changes to the staffing table of Indyukova Stencils LLC by October 23, 2013.

3. Chief accountant K.A. Sudzyanyan calculate wages taking into account indexation starting from 01.11.2013.

4. Entrust control over the execution of this order to Deputy General Director A.N. Indyukova.

It is also possible that the salary of all employees is increased not due to indexation. Most likely, in this case, the order to increase wages will affect not only the salaries of employees, but will also change the existing remuneration system in the organization. Then, when publishing it, the opinion of the representative body of workers should be taken into account (Part 4 of Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By the way, changes to the staffing table will also be required if the increase in wages for all employees is not due to indexation. In other words, issuing an order to amend the staffing table will be the basis for increasing official salaries. There are two options here: either by order to approve the staffing table in a new edition (see Example 4 on page 40), or by order to make changes to the current staffing table (see Example 7 on page 46). The first option is more convenient if the salaries of most or all employees change, the second - if for a small group. Since in the case under consideration, official salaries change for all employees of the company, it is advisable to choose the first option, drawing up a new edition of the document as an appendix to the order.

Example 4. Sample order for approval of the staffing table in the new edition

Limited Liability Company "Indyukova Stencils"

(Indyukova Stencils LLC)



N 25/ok


On approval of the staffing table in the new edition

In order to ensure an increase in the level of real wages in accordance with Art. 130 and 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in order to comply with the order of Indyukova Stencils LLC dated October 16, 2013 N 24/ok

I order:

1. Starting from November 1, 2013, introduce changes to the staffing table approved by the order of Indyukova Stencils LLC dated December 29, 2009 N 104/ok, approving it in a new edition in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of the order to the head of the personnel department, O.D. Trushina.

General Director V.F. Indyukov Turkeys

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Chief accountant Sudzyanyan K.A. Sudzianyan 10/24/2013

Head of HR Department Trushina O.D. Trushina 10/24/2013

Do not forget to indicate in the order the date on which the staffing schedule in the new edition begins to operate.

In addition, please note that the order to change the staffing table must indicate staffing units, and not the names of specific employees. To indicate the reason for changing the staffing table, it is enough to use standard wording, for example, “in order to improve organizational structure", "increasing the real content of wages", etc.

After issuing the order, the HR department will have to prepare additional agreements to employment contracts on changing the terms of remuneration (see Example 5 on page 41, in which the additional agreement changes the current provisions of the employment contract, and Example 2 on page 37, where new norms and it is stated that the corresponding clause of the employment contract regulating the amount of salary will be set out in a new edition).

Example 5. Sample of an additional agreement to an employment contract on changing the mandatory conditions of the employment contract

Additional Agreement No. 1
to the employment contract dated April 1, 2013 N 15/13


Limited Liability Company "Stencils Indyukova" represented by General Director Veniamin Ferapontovich Indyukov, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer" or "Company", on the one hand, and Valentina Olegovna Sukholistova, hereinafter referred to as the "Employee", on the other hand the other parties have entered into this additional agreement to the employment contract dated 04/01/2013 N 15/13 (hereinafter referred to as the employment contract) on the following:

1. Clause 1.6 of the employment contract should be stated as follows:

"1.6. The employee is set a monthly salary in the amount of 21,500 (Twenty-one thousand five hundred) rubles. 00 kopecks."

2. Clause 3.4 of the employment contract should be stated as follows:

"3.4. Pay wages in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of employees of Indyukova Stencils LLC, approved by order of Indyukova Stencils LLC dated 10/07/2013 N 16/ok."

3. This additional agreement to the employment contract comes into force on November 1, 2013.

4. This additional agreement is an integral part of the employment contract, drawn up and signed in two copies having equal legal force, one of which is kept by the Employer, the other by the Employee.

5. Addresses and details of the Parties:

6. Signatures of the Parties:


Indyukov V.F. Indyukov Sukholistova V.O. Sukholistova

────────────── ────────────

(signature) (signature)

Printing LLC "Indyukova Stencils"

A copy of this additional agreement to the employment contract

received in my hands:

Let us recall that according to para. 5 hours 2 tbsp. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the terms of remuneration (including the amount of the tariff rate or salary (official salary) of the employee, additional payments, allowances and incentive payments) are mandatory for inclusion in the employment contract. And any change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties - both for worsening and for improvement - is possible only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, which should be concluded in writing. Art. speaks about this. 72 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For your information. If the increase was not due to indexation and if local regulations or other acts contain rules regarding wages, and current changes somehow affect them, then changes should be made to these documents. These may be the above-mentioned Regulations on remuneration, Regulations on bonuses, a collective agreement, etc. And the method of making changes depends on exactly how these documents were adopted. Also, do not forget that such changes should be familiarized to all employees under a personal signature.

Note that if a company carries out wage indexation, then one order to carry it out is sufficient (see Example 3 on page 38), without personal orders. If the increase occurred for other reasons, then their necessity depends on the document flow procedure established in the company (the preparation of such orders is usually required by the accounting department, since on their basis it makes accruals for new salaries). Usually, employees are signed with an “additional notice” and are introduced to the orders under their personal signature at the same time.

If a company has a lot of employees, then, on the one hand, making separate orders is quite labor-intensive; on the other hand, if the order is uniform, then upon signing employees will be able to find out the salaries of their colleagues, because they will all be listed in one order. And this may not be advisable.

We do not increase wages for all employees

Often, salaries are increased only for part of the employees or even for one who has especially distinguished himself. When increasing salaries for individual employees, do not forget about the requirements of Art. 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the prohibition of discrimination.

Document fragment

Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Pay according to work

Moreover, in Part 2 of Art. 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that no one can be limited in labor rights and freedoms or receive any advantages depending on gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership or non-membership of public associations or any social groups, as well as from other circumstances not related to the employee’s business qualities.

Thus, when deciding to increase earnings, you should remain solely within the limits of the employee’s qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, and the quantity and quality of labor expended.

Arbitrage practice. A laid-off worker filed a lawsuit against her former employer, MUP Teploset. Among other things, she demanded the recovery of unpaid full size wages. According to her, she was fired on the initiative of the defendant under paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the reduction of the organization’s staff on March 15, 2010 from the position of “economist”. A month earlier, in February 2010, an order was issued to increase workers' wages by an average of 15%, but their wages were not increased. In this regard, she asked the court to recover from the municipal unitary enterprise "Teploset" in her favor the unpaid amounts of money, taking into account the increase in official salaries at the enterprise.

The representative of the defendant during the meeting explained that by order of 02/09/2010, the company actually established official salaries from 02/01/2010, providing for an increase in wages for administrative and managerial personnel by an average of 2000-3000 rubles. At the same time, there was no salary increase for the position of “economist”. According to Art. 129 and 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages are remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed. That is, from these standards it follows that the employer has established the correspondence of the qualifications, conditions, complexity of the work, the quantity and quality of the labor expended of a particular employee with a certain remuneration and has not found any grounds for increasing the economist’s wages. From this order it can be seen that the wages of not only the economist, but also the chief engineer were not increased. The rest of the employees received unequal increases. In other words, it was not discrimination in the world of work that took place, but a systematic approach to establishing fair remuneration for work.

On the issue under consideration, the court found that by order of the director dated 02/09/2010, it was decided to establish official salaries from 02/01/2010, which were increased for all employees compared to 2009, except for the official salaries of the economist and chief engineer, which remained the same. Moreover, the defendant’s collective agreement stipulates that the director of the enterprise approves official salaries and tariff rates on one's own. Therefore, the court did not establish any violations of the current labor legislation in the adoption of the contested order, and the plaintiff did not provide evidence to the contrary. In this regard, the employer’s decision not to increase the employee’s salary, made by the manager vested with the right to make such decisions, cannot be considered as violating the employee’s right to receive salary. In this regard, the court refused to satisfy these claims (decision of the Zheleznovodsk City Court of the Stavropol Territory dated May 17, 2010 No. 2-315/10).

It will be interesting to compare this case with another in which the court found discrimination in establishing and changing wage conditions.

Arbitrage practice. An employee-driver filed a lawsuit against the employer of the Municipal Health Institution "City maternity hospital" with a demand to recover underpaid wages from the defendant. According to him, in violation of the current labor legislation, incentive payments were underpaid to him. Payment of the intensity factor for the period from June to December 2010 was made in the minimum amount, from January 2011 to the day of dismissal (02/21/2011) the intensity factor was not paid at all. By the decision of the Oktyabrsky Court of 04/26/2011 his dismissal was declared illegal, he was reinstated in his previous position, but discrimination against him continued.

The representative of the defendant explained that the existing remuneration system in the institution provides for incentive payments, which include payments for intensity and high performance results. The plaintiff was assigned a car in which, if necessary, he had to transport newborn children, women, and consultant doctors in accordance with the instructions for operating the cars. Since such a need did not always arise, the assigned vehicle traveled only a short distance, the driver often could not leave all day, and accordingly, the intensity of his work was minimal or absent altogether. Therefore, he was given a minimum intensity factor or no intensity factor at all.

The court, having considered the case, satisfied the plaintiff's demands. He concluded that there was discrimination in the setting and changing of wage conditions. The plaintiff, like other drivers, was hired by the defendant as a driver with a basic salary established. However, in violation of Art. 57, 72 and 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in the employment contract with the employee, the condition of remuneration for the intensity and high results of work was not stipulated by the employer. Although they are provided for by the Regulations on the Industrial Remuneration System and the Regulations on Remuneration of the Defendant’s Employees.

On the assigned vehicle, the plaintiff could only perform the work that was specified in the operating instructions for the machines. Since the load on the drivers working on one or another machine was initially different, no matter how much he wanted, the employee could not work harder than he was assigned. Additional responsibilities were assigned to drivers unevenly. And the presence of a conflict with the employer contributed to the fact that the plaintiff’s work volume did not increase and the machine was idle. He could not drive more kilometers if his performance of his labor function directly depended on whether the transportation of newborn children and women was required at all during the reporting period, in contrast to the daily transportation of tests and the chief doctor, which was carried out by other drivers. Therefore, the court considered that the employer should have defined intensity criteria for the employee in the employment contract based on the nature of his work, so that the employee knew exactly how hard he should try, given the opportunity to travel only 20 km a day, and for which he can receive an intensity factor, or the employer should have provided the employee with equal access to perform job duties. The court concluded that the employer did not have the right to reduce the size or to deprive the employee of the intensity factor (decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Ulan-Ude dated June 1, 2011).

Therefore, the employer should not forget about the possibility of accusing him of discrimination.

Single salary increases are usually the initiative of immediate superiors. A proposal to increase the employee’s salary (memorandum) is written to the manager, in which the head of the department (another structural unit) asks to consider the possibility of increasing wages for a specific employee or all employees of a department (other structural unit) with justification for the need for such an increase. For example, in connection with “analysis of department indicators”, “report on work done”, “amount of work performed”, etc. (Example 6).

Example 6. Sample proposal for a salary increase for an employee

07.10.2013 N 241

On salary increases

Dear Stanislav Grigorievich!

In connection with the increase in sales volume, in order to provide financial incentives for employees and further increase the efficiency of the department, I propose to increase official salaries from November 1, 2013:

- sales department managers - 2000 (Two thousand) rubles 00 kopecks;

- senior managers of the sales department - 3000 (Three thousand) rubles 00 kopecks;

- administrators - for 3500 (Three thousand five hundred) rubles 00 kopecks.

Attached is the report and analysis of the sales department performance indicators for the first half of 2013.

After the submission has been endorsed and approved, you can prepare (see Example 7 on page 46) an additional agreement to the employment contract (samples can be found in Example 2 on page 37 and Example 5 on page 41). Both documents must be agreed on the time of entry into force of changes to the employment contract and the moment of entry into force of changes made to the staffing table.

Example 7. Sample order for changes to the staffing table

Limited Liability Company "Mascarpone"

(Mascarpone LLC)



About changes to the staffing table

Based on an analysis of the performance indicators of the sales department for the first half of 2013, in order to provide financial incentives for employees and further improve the efficiency of the department

I order:

1. Make the following changes to the staffing table, approved by order of Mascarpone LLC dated 04/11/2011 N 08/ks: establish official salaries for sales department employees:

- head of department - 40,000 (Forty thousand) rubles;

- administrator - 29,000 (twenty-nine thousand) rubles;

— senior manager — 20,000 (Twenty thousand) rubles;

- manager - 15,000 (Fifteen thousand) rubles.

2. Enact changes to the staffing table from 11/01/2013.

3. Head of the HR Department Kustitskaya Zh.E. by October 25, 2013, prepare appropriate additional agreements to the employment contracts of sales department employees.

4. Chief accountant U.A. Morkovkin calculate wages taking into account changes in the staffing table starting from 01.11.2013.

General Director Besfamilny S.G. Familyless

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Chief accountant Morkovkin U.A. Morkovkin 10/19/2013

Head of HR Department Kustitskaya Zh.E. Kustitskaya 10/18/2013

And finally, do not forget about “nominal” orders to change wages for each employee (see Example 8 on page 47) or a single order affecting all employees whose official salaries have changed. Let us remind you that the order must list the names and salary amounts; accordingly, all persons indicated in the text of the order will have to be familiarized with it. But not all employees need to be familiarized with the order to make changes to the staffing table, but only those who are responsible for documenting changes in the terms of employment contracts determined by the parties.

Example 8


On increasing the salary of Zaitseva A.K.

Based on the order of the General Director of Mascarpone LLC dated October 18, 2013 No. 19/ls “On making changes to the staffing table” and the additional agreement dated October 19, 2013 No. 1 to the employment contract dated January 7, 2013 No. 37 with A.K. Zaitseva.

I order:

1. Establish a salary for the administrator of the sales department, Antonina Konstantinovna Zaitseva, in the amount of 29,000 (Twenty-nine thousand) rubles from 01.11.2013.

2. Chief accountant U.A. Morkovkin ensure timely payment of the official salary specified in paragraph 1 of this order and other amounts calculated on the basis of it.

Reasons: presentation of the head of the sales department Pushkareva E.V. dated 10/07/2013 N 241, order to amend the staffing table dated 10/18/2013 N 19/l.s.

General Director Besfamilny S.G. Familyless

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Chief accountant Morkovkin U.A. Morkovkin 10/19/2013

Sales Department Administrator A.K. Zaitseva Zaitseva 10/18/2013

Please note: if you need to increase the salary of only one employee among other similar positions and want to minimize the risk of being accused of discrimination, this can be done with a regular bonus, or you can increase the permanent part of your earnings by promoting the employee in position, or you can introduce additional categories for a specific position . But in the latter case, the job descriptions will have to explain how different categories for the same position differ (for example, manager, lead manager and general manager). Then do not forget that the issued order will affect not only the amount of the salary, but also the labor function of the employee.

Increasing the minimum wage

Salary increases for not all employees may also be required when the minimum wage is raised. Let us remind you that according to Part 3 of Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the monthly salary of an employee who has fully worked the standard working hours during this period and fulfilled labor standards (labor duties) cannot be lower than the minimum wage. Moreover, in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a regional agreement on the minimum wage can establish its own minimum wage (Part 1, Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For your information. Minimum size wages at the federal level are set at 5,205 rubles. and is valid from 01/01/2013 (Article 1 Federal Law dated June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ).

In Moscow, as of July 1, 2013, the minimum wage is 12,200 rubles. (agreement between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations dated December 12, 2012).

In the Moscow region, as of May 1, 2013, the minimum wage is 10,000 rubles. (agreement between the Government of the Moscow Region, the Moscow Regional Association of Trade Union Organizations and employers' associations of the Moscow Region dated 04/02/2013 N 10).

Thus, if for some employees of your enterprise the salary is set based on the minimum wage, then if it increases, the salary will have to be increased. By the way, if an organization refused to join the agreement on the regional minimum wage, then it is not obliged to be guided by it and can remain within the framework established at the federal level.

Do I need to notify an employee about an upcoming salary increase?

On some personnel forums you can find the opinion that the employer must notify the employee in writing about a salary increase at least two months in advance. The situation seems strange. What employee in his right mind would refuse a salary increase or challenge it? Nevertheless, adherents of this position believe that the terms of remuneration are specified in the employment contract. Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires the employer to notify the employee of upcoming changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties (in particular, the amount of wages), as well as the reasons that necessitated such changes, in writing no later than two months in advance, unless otherwise provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And if the employee refuses, then he should be offered another job available to the employer (both a vacant position or work that matches the employee’s qualifications, and a vacant lower position or lower-paid job), which the employee can perform taking into account his state of health. If no such work is found or the employee refuses the proposed work, the employment contract is terminated in accordance with clause 7 of Part 1 of Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Let us note that labor inspectors also adhere to a similar position.

In our opinion, it all depends on the reasons for the increase in wages. Indeed, conditions on remuneration, including additional payments, allowances and incentive payments are mandatory for inclusion in an employment contract (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, in Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, including transfer to another job, are allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, with the exception of cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Now let's turn to Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes that if, for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of production, other reasons), the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be preserved, they are allowed to change according to initiative of the employer, with the exception of changes in the employee’s labor function.

In this case, the employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing no later than two months in advance of the upcoming changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, as well as the reasons that necessitated such changes.

There are three points to pay attention to here. First, the reasons for changes in working conditions must be organizational or technological. Secondly, the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be preserved. Thirdly, changes occur unilaterally. All three points do not affect our situation. Otherwise, a two-month notice cannot be avoided.


Alina Khokhlova, senior legal consultant of a consulting company

Separately, I would like to dwell on the timing of preparing documents when you draw them up in advance (from the new year) and you need to comply with a two-month warning period (for example, not only wages change, but also working conditions). So, first, by order, you make changes to the staffing table and notify employees. This must be done no later than November 1, 2013. On the eve of the holidays (December 26-27), call the employees to your place and sign additional agreements with them to the employment contract, familiarize them with personalized orders for salary increases against signature. Please note that if any employees go on vacation for this period, then documents must be signed with them in advance.

Why should you do it this way and not do everything on one day, November 1st? By signing additional agreements to employment contracts two months in advance, you can do “double” work. Indeed, in this case, some of the employees may quit or change their minds, and you will have to re-issue the documents.

How can you do otherwise if salary increases are regular and there is no desire to deal with all this paperwork every time, introduce employees, etc.? You can receive an increase in the form of a bonus based on the results of work for a month, six months, or at other intervals. Then the HR department will be able to avoid numerous orders (on salary increases, changes in staffing) and additional agreements to employment contracts. But do not forget that the payment of bonuses must be stipulated in local regulations.

For your information. In the case of an increase or establishment of incentive and compensation payments, the document flow is the simplest. First, you need to check whether there is a provision for such payment in a local regulatory act (for example, Regulations on bonuses or wages). If not, then appropriate changes should be made. Moreover, these changes require the same approval as in the case of the adoption of similar acts. Then amendments should be made to employment contracts with employees, indicating that the listed acts are in force in the new edition. Based on the results, an order is issued that the employee is paid wages taking into account the specified payment.

Below, in a schematic order, we show the sequence of document acceptance and the step-by-step actions of the HR department employees.


(if there is no local regulation establishing the indexing procedure)

Introducing changes to the Regulations on remuneration or drawing up a new act

(for example, Indexation Regulations)

Order on wage indexation

Order to amend the staffing table

(on approval of the staffing table in the new edition)

Additional agreement to the employment contract

Scheme 1. Increase in wages in case of indexation

Increase in salaries for all employees

Order to amend the staffing table

Additional agreements to the employment contract

(if necessary)

Single order/individual orders on new wages

Scheme 2. Increase in wages for all employees

Increase in wages for individual employees

(if necessary)

Idea of ​​salary increase

(if the increase affects local regulations)

Amendments to the Regulations on remuneration or other documents

Order to amend the staffing table

Additional agreement to the employment contract

Order to increase wages

Scheme 3. Increase in wages for individual employees

So, if there was a general increase in salaries, it is appropriate to enter only the percentage or coefficient by which payments need to be indexed. The date of payments according to the new rules will be the date of drawing up the order to increase the salary. If, after the date of issuance of the order, the employer pays employees their remuneration at the old tariffs, justifying this by the fact that the order was issued in the middle of the month and will only take effect from the next month - this is an illegal action and the employee can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. Also, all documents drawn up during the salary increase process must be signed by both parties (employer and subordinates). This will be the evidence base for resolving possible labor conflicts.

Salary increase - how to justify it, how to formalize it

Common mistakes in statements

  • Destination. The most common mistake when drawing up a memo for a salary increase is incorrect identification of the addressee. Even if the employee believes that the amount in the payroll is not comparable with the efforts he expended and the results achieved, then he needs to correctly plan the route for considering his request.
  • Not within the manager's competence. It would not be entirely correct to demand additional payment from your immediate superior if resolving these issues is not within his competence.
    But at the same time, you shouldn’t “jump over your head” and write a complaint to the general director. Most Right way– draw the attention of the head of your department to the financial discrepancy and invite him to petition for its review to higher authorities.
  • Argumentation.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

You will need

  • - notification;
  • - order form T-5;
  • - additional agreement;
  • - notification to the accounting department.

Instruction 1 According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, inflation and rising prices for retail goods can serve as justification for increasing wages. In this case, it is enough to indicate that wages have been increased in accordance with Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 2 If an employee graduated from a higher educational institution, took retraining or retraining courses, and gained extensive experience working in his specialty, then this can be written in the justification. 3 If wages are increased in accordance with Article 134 for all employees of your enterprise, then you are obliged to issue an order, issuing it for each employee separately.

Justification for increasing wages example


Increasing employee earnings is painstaking work for the HR department. Each such procedure significantly increases the organization’s document flow. The reasons for the salary increase are recorded in Art. 129 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on this article, you can increase wages in the following ways:
  • increase in tariff rate;
  • an increase in the base salary (as specified in the employment contract).

In addition, rates and interest rates may also increase. compensation payments, additional payments, allowances and other additional funds. Full list additional material resources are presented in Art. 129 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also in Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer can independently increase the amount of payments to subordinates (including allowances and additional payments) on his own initiative.

How to justify a salary increase

Operating companies, guided only by their own benefit, without worthy competition, set speculative prices. Despite the various measures taken by the Russian government to control them, and the death of agricultural crops in a number of areas due to the abnormal drought of 2010, citizens were forced to feel rising prices. 4. It is easy to explain the increase in prices by the activities of ordinary speculators.

Having formed trading networks, they dictate prices and are not going to lower them, as required by typical economic laws. Unscrupulous businessmen are expecting further inflation shocks and are planning inflated revenues. An agricultural producer in such a situation is faced with obvious infringement of his interests from trade. Unreasonable and unmotivated trade markups lead to an unfair division of revenue between the manufacturer, processor and seller.

How to talk to your boss about a salary increase

Sign the agreement and give it to the employee to sign. 4. Issue an order to change the staffing table. Here, indicate the reason that led to these actions: indicate what exactly is subject to change; indicate the effective date of the order. Based on the order, change the staffing table. 5.


Make changes to the employee’s personal card and add information to the personal file. If an employee’s job responsibilities have changed due to a change in salary (say, they have become larger), draw up job description and give it for signature. A job that a person likes, but is poorly paid, deprives him of a number of advantages compared to the one where the wages are considered high.

On the contrary, the high salary that a worker receives at a job he doesn’t like gives him physical autonomy, but makes him miserable.

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For example, ask for a one-time incentive if you can demonstrate savings of a certain amount in monetary terms for the company over the past year, or ask for a salary increase if this moment are working to implement a program aimed at saving a certain amount of money for the company in the future. Getting a one-time incentive certainly won't hurt, but a salary increase is usually more attractive from a long-term perspective, as it means an increase in base compensation. Preparation Take the time to prepare to advertise your achievements. Build up arguments in favor of your own financial incentives.
Preparation involves the following.

  • Making a list of your responsibilities. Management may not know about your participation in some important activities.

We do not increase salaries for all employees

The rise in prices for products and services in the current conditions is partly explained by the monopolization of markets in certain industries and dependence on imports. Operating companies, guided only by their own benefit, without decent competition, set speculative prices. Despite various measures taken Russian government to control them, and the loss of agricultural crops in a number of areas due to the abnormal drought of 2010 made citizens feel rising prices. 4


It is easy to explain the increase in prices by the activities of ordinary speculators. Having formed trading networks, they dictate prices and are not going to lower them, as required by normal economic laws. Unscrupulous businessmen expect further inflation shocks and plan inflated profits. An agricultural producer in such a situation faces a clear infringement of his interests from trade.

On the other hand, if you exceeded expectations, be sure to highlight this fact.

  • Provide a brief written rationale for the salary increase or one-time incentive. The document must be no more than one page in length. Focus on your positive contributions to the business, not on the number of hours you work or listing your job responsibilities.

    Pay special attention to correct spelling and style. Lack of literacy can cause people to not take you seriously.

Presentation When presenting your request, be clear about the amount of raise or incentive requested and how management expects you to value your value. Show your confidence and be concise. You can send a written justification to your manager in advance to allow time for consideration.
The applicant himself needs to justify his ability to perform advanced functions (attach a document on advanced training, receipt of an academic degree or specialized education at a university, a patent for an invention or a certificate of training in the specified field) Long and conscientious work in the company Obviously not a very strong argument, since valuable employees, as a rule, receive promotions and salary increases from their superiors on a regular basis. If a long-term employee does not receive the attention of management, then perhaps the lack of penalties is evidence of normal discipline, and not the value of personal achievements.

Do you want to know how to ask your boss for a salary increase so that he can’t refuse you? Then read on.

No matter how good your manager is, he does not think day and night about raising your salary. This is an extra expense for him, so your job is to make him think that you are worth the money you are asking for. You actually have to sell yourself to the company a second time, and that's not easy. Let's talk about how to correctly ask for a salary increase from your boss.

The best option would not be when you, counting on inspiration and catching your boss in the corridor, stun him with this great idea. Most likely, he will refuse you. Let's take a scientific approach.


In addition to your personal and professional qualities, the most compelling arguments in a conversation can be two: expansion of job responsibilities and the amount of work exceeding the standard workload.

What arguments should you avoid?

  1. Your salary is below the market average. You can take a risk and hint to your boss that other companies will pay you more, but then be prepared for the boss to suggest that you look for such a company. This argument can only be used in one case: if you have been working in a company for many years and have never had your salary increased, while in the market the salaries of your colleagues have increased noticeably.
  2. Training. Yes, developing professional skills is a good thing, but we must not forget that it is part of your job. The manager cares about quality and deadlines, not the way you achieve results. Therefore, if you use the acquired skills to perform the same work as before, then the clause about advanced training is more suitable for a resume than for a confidential conversation with your superiors.
  3. Great experience. If you have been working in the same company for years, and there are not enough stars in the sky, the conclusion is that your position in the labor market is low. This means that your loyalty may be a plus for the recruiter, but not for your manager.
  4. Invitation to a competing company. It is extremely unwise to inform your manager that a competitor has made an offer to you. Firstly, the manager will understand that you have “sharpened your skis,” and secondly, he may perceive this information as blackmail. Guess who might be the first to get laid off?

Wrong motives

In an effort to explain your motives to your manager, it is undesirable to use the following arguments:

1. “Sidorov has the same position, but the salary is higher.”

If the employee you are referring to is overworked, the boss may wonder if he is overpaying you.

2. “I took out a mortgage, but have nothing to pay.”

Firstly, you did not consult with your boss when you took out the loan. Secondly, he may advise you to live within your means.

3. Refer to inflation and rising prices.

How to build a conversation?

The main thing you should understand for yourself is that asking for a raise means negotiating with a person whose interests do not coincide with yours, therefore, the question of how to ask for a salary increase from your boss is quite serious. And you need to prepare for a conversation no less responsibly than for negotiations with a major client.

The first thing you should do is gather information. Try to find out how salary increases occur in your company, namely: is annual indexation practiced or, perhaps, salaries are increased depending on length of service and the like. Talk to your colleagues about how to ask for a raise from your boss, examples from their personal experience may be useful to you.

In addition, you need to find out who influences the increase in your salary, your immediate boss or his supervisor. In this case, you will have to enlist the support of your boss and rely on his skill as a negotiator.

Everything has its place and time

Now about how to ask your boss for a salary increase on time. Take your time and place to talk seriously. It is believed that the best time to raise such issues is on Friday, after lunch break. At this time, the level of complacency of management usually goes through the roof.

This is, of course, a joke. Well, but seriously, feel out how things are going in the company. If the results of the last quarter leave much to be desired or your department did not fulfill the plan, asking for a raise at such a moment is the height of imprudence.

The boss's mood is also important. If in the morning there were three punishments and two dismissals, it is better to wait it out, otherwise you risk running into rudeness.

Developing a conversation script

Write a conversation script. It is clear that it is impossible to predict all scenarios, but it is necessary to think through the main ones. Write down all the possible objections with which your boss will try to change the course of the negotiations and prepare counterarguments for them.

Most likely, you guess that in response to your proposal, the boss will not throw himself on your chest with an enthusiastic cry: “How come I didn’t guess it myself?!”

Most likely, this will be an evasive answer, the purpose of which is to delay time. Perhaps your boss is the type of person who prefers to think things through before making a decision. Perhaps the decision depends not only on him and he cannot resolve the issue on his own. In any case, you need specifics, “yes” or “no,” so clarify when you can come to him for an answer.

What's next?

Suppose, after thinking everything over, your manager refuses you. Think about how you will act in this case: will you try to return to the conversation later, leave everything as it is, or look for happiness elsewhere?

Typical situations

Let's look at the situation using specific examples.

First example. How to ask your boss for a salary increase if you do not influence the company's performance.

An ordinary employee performing normal routine work. An experienced specialist, and very good specialist. The specifics of his work are such that he does not have a special impact on the financial performance of the organization. How to ask your boss for a salary increase in this case and what arguments to give?

Each specialist has tasks that characterize the success of his work. These can be personal results or the results of the entire department. Use this information to your advantage as an argument in negotiations.

If your salary has not been increased for several years, you have every right to demand an increase.

Second example. How to ask your boss for a salary increase if the range of responsibilities is blurred.

The employee has been burdened with a lot of other people’s responsibilities, he is what is called “dragging,” but thanks to his skills, experience and intelligence he manages to do it all during the working day. What arguments to use even if the length of the working day has not changed.

Unfortunately, the situation is typical. An employee loaded with someone else’s functionality, which is also not officially formalized, essentially has no rights, because It’s as if this additional work doesn’t exist.

In this situation, it would be ideal to think about how to ask your boss for a salary increase at the stage of assigning responsibilities, but if the moment is missed, you need to try to secure the support of management, especially since most often the boss knows very well how busy the person is and appreciates it .

Now imagine that you don't have the opportunity to talk to your manager face to face. For example, as often happens, you are in different cities or you do not feel confident when meeting him and are afraid that shyness will not allow you to convincingly prove your position.

Third example. How to ask for a raise if you can’t meet in person.

Let's talk about how to ask your boss for a salary increase in a letter. This option has both undeniable advantages and serious disadvantages.

The main disadvantages are the lack of eye contact, the ability to see the interlocutor’s reaction and influence it during the conversation.

However, if you take the matter seriously, all these disadvantages are compensated by undeniable advantages. And the first of them is the opportunity to think through the argument and use it to the fullest without the risk of losing sight, forgetting or confusing anything. In addition, there is no danger of arriving at the wrong moment, because... No one reads email if they are swamped with work.

Moreover, you will save your nerves, because after the letter is sent, nothing will depend on you and you will just need to wait for an answer. Needless to say, how important preparation is in this case.

Start with gratitude. But only sincerely, you probably have something to thank for the person who hired you and, perhaps, spent a lot of effort and time on your training or adaptation.
You can move on to the main thing - the reasons why your salary should be increased. List all your achievements and be sure to write how this influenced the work of the department or company as a whole.

You can do this in the form of tables or graphs. The main thing is for the manager to see that thanks to you, the success rates of the business have really increased. Please note that all the taboos in argumentation mentioned above also apply to letters.

In conclusion, it would be useful to mention your desire for professional growth and the opportunity to develop in the company. This will create a favorable impression on your boss and he will not think that you only care about money.

Now a few words about how to ask for a salary increase from your boss over the phone. The same rules apply here as in personal negotiations. Write a conversation script, in this case you can put it in front of you and peek into it as needed. And don't forget to arrange a call in advance.

And now a little information about what kind of bosses are, perhaps it will entertain you and help you prepare.

Fake Democrat

As a rule, he tries not to interfere with the work of his subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action, which makes him very similar to a true democrat. But don’t relax, such a boss, as a rule, does not explain what he really wants, and no matter what you do, it will turn out in the end that this is not what he wanted at all.

If a subordinate is suspicious and unsure of himself, such a boss can become a real punishment for him, and work will turn into a source of constant stress.

How to behave? The first and easiest option is to change your boss and find a new job. True, in this case there is a risk that the next leader will turn out to be even worse than the previous one.

Second, more complex, but also the most reliable - strengthen nervous system, increase your self-esteem, work on yourself.

Man of moods

Just yesterday he was the standard of an ideal boss, but today he throws lightning bolts of reprimands, curses dirty and looks for something to find fault with. But the storm will pass and he will greet tomorrow morning in a state of melancholic calm.

Such antics from management do not contribute to the establishment of a favorable psychological environment in the team. And this only harms the work process, since he evaluates the work of his subordinates not by their abilities and results, but depending on his mood.

How to behave? A person of mood is not yet the worst option for a leader, and all that can be done is to abstract yourself in moments of outbursts, do not get excited, do not argue, but calmly listen, take into account and forgive.

Energetic vampire

IN ordinary life he is an erudite, witty intellectual. He opens a conversation with a subordinate in a quiet voice, gradually increasing the pace and volume of speech, then he gets the hang of it and begins to scold the employee, not allowing him to get a word in.

After a conversation with such a boss, subordinates usually experience a breakdown and emptiness. But the boss is transformed, his mood rises, his cheeks turn pink, and a sparkle appears in his eyes.

How to behave? The first and main rule is not to give in to provocation. Under no circumstances reciprocate the vampire's feelings, don't get excited and don't scream. This is exactly what he expects from you. Your weapon is calm and poise. As a result, he will break his teeth on you and leave you behind, they don’t like hard food.

Simple techniques will help make the task easier. “Close yourself”, just clasp your fingers, this will help save your energy potential. And at the most tense moment, just lightly bite the tip of your tongue seven times. Rest assured, it helps.

Ideal boss

If you get it, you're lucky. This leadership style distinguishes people who are smart, tactful, fair and competent, with a good sense of humor. It’s a pleasure to work under his wing; he helps every employee reach their potential and provides everyone with decent remuneration.

How to behave? Work, improve and appreciate what you have.

We can only hope that you understand how to correctly ask for a salary increase from your boss. We wish you personal and career growth!

Such a list can be useful if you are asking for a salary increase or promotion.

  • Collecting information about achievements. A list of responsibilities may be of interest only in certain cases. Reflect on your achievements, their positive consequences and significance. It is not easy to remember all the events of the past year, so it is useful to keep a journal of achievements and update it regularly. The ability to demonstrate a measurable contribution to the company will make your argument more convincing.
  • Balance your responsibilities and achievements with the company's goals. If it turns out that you have not met any of management's expectations, try to correct the situation to remove possible blocking factors.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

When analyzing, you should also evaluate the quality of maintaining payroll records for bonuses and services. financial assistance, payment of one-time remunerations, as well as other documentation related to remuneration. The results of the analysis of such indicators allow us to draw a conclusion about the validity of the employer’s labor costs, quality working life personnel and the efficiency of its use, about the rationality of constructing wage systems, about the optimal distribution of newly created value between labor and capital, about the wage intensity of manufactured products, about the effectiveness of the mechanism for regulating wages. Constant analysis of labor costs maintains high competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise, creates conditions for personnel development, and therefore, of course, should be carried out by the relevant services of the enterprise or organization.


The Advantages of a Highly Paying Job People are often faced with a choice between a job that pays well but is unsatisfying and a job that they enjoy but is poorly paid. Undoubtedly, the physical comfort that high wages provide has many advantages. A person who receives a high salary feels more free and independent from life circumstances.


He is more likely to improve the data that surrounds him. For example, it is easier for people with high incomes to solve the acute housing problem than for those whose wages allow them to spend only a subsistence minimum. In pursuit of physical security, people tend to fall into workaholism.

It turns out that a person becomes dependent on a job that promises financial autonomy.

How to justify a salary increase

In general, the process takes place in several stages:

  1. Showing initiative. The employee himself may hint about a desire to qualitatively improve his financial situation, or the head of his department will decide to improve the situation.
  2. Actually drawing up a memo and sending it to a higher-ranking manager or functionary who has the right to make such decisions.
  3. Registration of an internal message in the journals of incoming correspondence or sending it by mail.
  4. Reviewing the proposal and preparing a response.
  5. Consent is usually expressed in the form of an order to increase wages and change the staffing table.

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It is desirable that the author’s position be supported by actual results or references to legislative and local acts. Here are just the most popular: Reason for the salary increase Justification for the salary increase in the memo Inflation or other unfavorable financial processes nationwide An attempt to simply write “look at the prices” in an appeal is evidence of incompetence and a superficial approach to document preparation. It is better to refer to official data from RosStat or conduct a mini-research and provide your list of products whose prices have risen sharply recently.
Indirectly, this right is confirmed by Art. 135 TK.

We do not increase salaries for all employees

Ensure that those making key incentive decisions are aware of you and your activities. Send progress reports to management, provide positive feedback on your work, organize presentations and generally do not go into the shadows.

  • Take advantage of every opportunity. Taking initiative and demonstrating your need to the company can not only help you earn rewards, but also improve your career prospects.

    Remember that managers make incentive decisions primarily based on assessing an employee's long-term potential.

  • Set measurable goals to have an objective basis for receiving a raise or bonus. If you don't have measurable goals, start setting them now.

Online magazine for an accountant Online magazine for an accountant Sample memo on salary increase What it should look like memo about increasing wages and under what conditions is it formalized and approved? About this - in our review + a sample of this document. Our civil investigation Our civil investigation We are in Bulgaria! Civil investigation of crimes, scams and deceptions in public life and economics, materials on trials. Ask for a salary increase! Correct arguments Ask for a salary increase! Correct arguments MaxNina » March 30, 2011, 1:53 pm All managers without exception do not like to talk about this topic.

Justification for increasing wages example


If the justification for an increase in wages needs to be issued under Article No. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with rising prices, the order is issued for the entire employee separately. The document indicates the reason that wages have been increased due to inflation and the indexation percentage. For this reason, an increase in the monetary table of contents may not be formalized by notifying the employee, but may be carried out unilaterally and everyone should be made aware of this fact.


In all cases, an order of the unified form T-5 is issued. The order specifies from what day of the month and year the salary will increase, the employee’s full name, position, and the number of the structural unit. If, at the same time as the monetary table of contents increases, the position or job responsibilities change, this is also indicated in the order.

Justification for increasing wages example

It is quite easy to justify rising prices in an era of global financial collapse and serious changes in the economies of many countries. Instructions 1. Please note that any weak or progressing economy is subject to both external and internal influences. Even without experiencing serious pressure from global economic collapses, it is not able to fully provide a decent life for its citizens. It is worth noting that Russia’s economic growth is disproportionately dependent on the volume of exports of energy resources and raw materials, which is a disadvantage of the Russian economy. But a country is not only an economy, but also a politics, a real the legislative framework and the executive branch. 2.

Justification for salary increase sample


The Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Mechanical Engineers Trade Union of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 approved Recommendations on the procedure for developing, negotiating and concluding collective agreements in the primary trade union organizations of Rosprofmash “Collective negotiations”, which, in particular, contains an approximate list of information requested from the employer during collective negotiations. When carrying out the analysis, the appropriate information base is used. This includes forms of statistical and accounting reporting, approved standards for the formation of funds for wages, including cost elements, market wage rates for key positions, and other planning and reporting documents.

The analysis involves the use staffing tables, provisions on remuneration, bonuses and social benefits, one-time remuneration, etc.
OFFICIAL NOTE During the period of work as a mechanic from 03/12/2013 to the present, I. A. Ivanov has proven himself to be a responsible and efficient worker, possessing all the skills necessary to work in this position. Last year Ivanov I.A. completed advanced training courses and improved his professional level, mastered working with additional equipment. He is currently the only employee with the skills and qualifications required to operate the newly upgraded WPC production line. In the team, Ivanov I.A. is respected by colleagues and management. In communication he is characterized as a reserved, tactful person, always ready to help. He has no complaints about his work; based on the results of the inspection carried out in July of this year, no violations were identified.

Answer the question: what kind of manager likes to talk about salary increases? That’s right, all managers without exception do not like this topic. There is always a sea of ​​arguments: « We have now difficult period « , “I will definitely think about it, but not now” . Meanwhile, all this begins to negatively affect work.

Now let's think

Let's imagine the following situation. You have been working in the company for a long time, you are valued, loved and respected... but only in words, which, alas, do not add weight to your wallet. Or, on the contrary, you have recently worked, but have already demonstrated brilliant results and do not want management to get into the habit of talking instead of rewarding them for achievements « Great, keep it up» , using exclusively non-material motivation, which, given the constant rise in cost of life, cannot be encouraging. There may be many reasons, but the situation is the same: you are faced with the need to ask for a salary increase, but natural modesty or the inability to conduct such conversations, as well as the fear of refusal or the boss’s anger, are preventing you from achieving your goal. What to do?

Let's try to use a universal mechanism.

What to ask for?

The most important thing that the applicant should have (besides personal charm and professional skills) is compelling arguments for which he should suddenly be paid more than before.

  • True and conditionally true arguments

There are two main reasons for requests for an increase that do not cause controversy among HR market experts: this is “ increase in the volume of work" And " expansion of job responsibilities". These are the most winning options when you can get what you want. The controversial arguments are the following.

  • Salary below market level

In principle, you can appeal to the fact that the market will give you more. But be prepared to immediately go to this market and go if this remark is not to the taste of your manager. In addition, you need to take into account that when you applied for a job at the company, you agreed to this salary and knew what you were getting into.

Conclusion: the argument is not suitable for all cases, but, for example, for those when you joined a company a long time ago, since then the salaries of specialists of your qualifications have increased in the market, but in your company they have not.

  • Upgrading your qualifications

Of course, the very fact that you knew how to use two office applications, and now you can work fluently in four, or that instead of translating texts with a dictionary, you learned to produce a high-quality literary translation without a dictionary, is highly commendable. But, by and large, management doesn’t care at all how you perform the work assigned to you. The main thing is that it is done on time.

Conclusion: if you use new skills and knowledge to perform the same job responsibilities, then keep in mind that advanced training is more likely to decorate your resume, rather than a monologue about a salary increase addressed to management.

  • Extensive work experience in the company

Loyalty is a wonderful quality, but... you have been sitting in a company for years, in the same position, which is not key, and you have only asked for an increase now? Apparently, you are not particularly popular on the labor market, why would a company pay you more? Be happy with what you have.

Conclusion : Definitely, long-term work experience in one company will give you additional points in the eyes of HR specialists if you decide to change jobs.

  • Offer from competitors

Another company is ready to make an offer to you, but you want to stay with your home company? This approach can work, however, firstly, your boss may regard it as blackmail, and secondly, the boss will know that you are already looking to the left.

Conclusion: who will be fired from the company at the first hint of crisis?

  • Invalid Arguments

It would be extremely unwise to base a conversation about a salary increase based on one of the following reasons.

  • “Ivanov works in the same position as me, but earns 10,000 more.”

- So he does three times more than you. Based on this, your salary can also be cut!

  • “I took out a car loan, but I have nothing to pay back.”

— But I don’t have enough for a bungalow in Goa! Maybe you can lend me some?

  • “There is inflation in the country...”

- But with this - to the Ministry of Finance. If you increase the wages of all company employees every year, you can launch a business around the world!

How to ask?

Asking for a salary increase is a negotiation, and like any negotiation, it requires business problem setting, preliminary preparation And mastery of equipment. So what should you do before the big conversation?

  • Scout the situation

You need to find out what the company's salary increase practices are. Perhaps it is indexed once a year to all employees, then your individual manifesto may not be understood. Or the company accepts bonuses not for achievements, but for length of service, and you haven’t worked that long yet. And so on. You also need to understand who is responsible for salary increases - your immediate boss or your boss’s boss? In the latter case, you will most likely have to convey the request through your line manager and rely on the boss's negotiating skills.

The main thing is not to start talking about a raise on Monday when you arrive at work and on Friday five minutes before the end of the working day. But seriously, you should choose the right moment, when everything is good in the company with a profit, some project has been implemented, for which you are also credited, positive result, to which you are also involved. An extremely bad time to ask for an increase would be, for example, when the company is undergoing an audit, some major event is coming, or costs are being optimized.

  • Prepare arguments and responses to objections

The arguments have been discussed above. Answering objections is a tool in the arsenal of a sales specialist who always knows how to respond to a statement potential client from the category " your product is too expensive" or " Why should I buy a new phone model right now, my old one is still working"? Consider possible options for developing the dialogue and the boss’s objections. How will you respond if he says that the company has no money now or suggests postponing the conversation until later?

  • Prepare escape routes

A cheerful “yes” is not the answer you are most likely to hear from a manager. Rather, these will be variations on the theme “yes, but...”,« May be" or " not in currently " Be prepared for rejection and don't take it as a personal failure. Perhaps your boss was not prepared for the demands you made, and when he thinks about them, he will give a more desirable answer. Do not put pressure on the manager, demanding an immediate decision. Give him time. Your task is to get a specific answer, yes or no, and its rationale. If the manager is not ready to answer immediately, you should delicately tell him that you will come for an answer later and set a date for a follow-up meeting. You should be firm in this matter! Otherwise, you may never get specifics.

  • Think over a plan for further action

It is needed in case, after all the days taken for reflection, the final answer sounds like “no.” A negative result is also a result. Having received it and listened to your boss’s arguments, you will be able to understand how best to proceed in the future - try to return to the conversation next time and get your way, or look for happiness elsewhere.


Now let’s look at two popular cases when an employee aims to ask for a raise.

Case 1. An employee performs routine work. He knows his job and does it well, but due to the peculiarities of his position work activity does not imply the achievement of significant results. How to motivate the request for an increase in this case?