Aspects of the planets in August. What to watch in the sky in August. The most interesting astronomical events of August

The main influence in 2016 will be from Saturn, which will spend the entire period in the sign of Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces, retrograde Uranus, Jupiter in Virgo, Mars in Sagittarius, as well as Venus moving directly. Great opportunities will open up for those involved in intellectual work in 2016. This will be facilitated by Saturn, which will be in the sign of Sagittarius from January to December. The path to the top is unlikely to be easy, but the most persistent will receive rewards that they never dared to dream of. The period is also good for getting an education. Everything we learn under the auspices of Saturn will certainly be useful in the future. From March 25 to August 12, during the retrograde motion of Saturn, you should not quit your job or, on the contrary, get a job. It is unlikely that you will be able to leave without a scandal or join a new team. However, find a good place and to conclude a cooperation agreement for the future, retrograde Saturn will definitely help.

Neptune in 2016

Thanks to Neptune in the sign of Pisces, the spiritual development. Everyone will have to think about the truth of values ​​and ultimately at least partially rethink life path. With the right effort, we can better understand ourselves, strengthen our will and learn to interact (with the world calmly and harmoniously. The Sun, which will connect with Neptune on February 28, will add to our self-confidence. Those who, for some reason, do not dare to take a serious step, are quite will be able to overcome themselves in the first half of March. Also, the described astrological phenomenon will have the most positive effect on intuition and the ability to predict the future. Listen to your inner voice and do not be afraid to act contrary to logic.

Uranus retrograde in 2016

The source of great ideas will be Uranus retrograde. Throughout the second half of the year, or more precisely, from July 29 to December 28, he will push us towards vigorous creative activity. Everyone will have the opportunity to realize their abilities, and it is very important to use this opportunity one hundred percent. Open up to the world, stop thinking in clichés and under no circumstances be afraid to seem overly extravagant. To those who manage to follow this advice from the stars, Uranus will make a generous gift at the end of the year. Having formed an aspect with Saturn on December 25, it will contribute to the full implementation of the most daring ideas and will show how you can make good money in a business that initially did not look profitable.

Jupiter in 2016

Until September 9, Jupiter will remain in the sign of the realistic Virgo. In this position, the planet will patronize those who do not have their head in the clouds, move step by step towards their goal, treat material values ​​with care, in particular money, and strive for excellence in everything. It is absolutely not worth taking risks in business and embarking on love adventures during the period described. Most likely, such actions will lead not to success, but to disappointment.

Mars in 2016

When Mars is in Sagittarius, namely in the periods from March 7 to May 27 and from August 3 to September 27, in order to avoid quarrels, it is necessary to especially monitor what and how we say, and not impose our opinions on others. The aspect of the Sun and Mars, which will form on March 26, will set many in an authoritarian mood. You will want to give instructions and harshly punish for non-compliance. Try to restrain such impulses. Remember that benevolent behavior will allow you to achieve your goal much faster. The greatest difficulties in communication are expected when Mercury retrograde, that is, from April 28 to May 22 and from August 30 to September 22. At this time, you should not conduct serious negotiations, declare your love, or have common affairs with dubious individuals.

Venus in 2016

Throughout 2016, Venus will move directly. This suggests that love relationship will begin with ease, and partings will be painless. The greatest strength Venus will be in the signs of Sagittarius, Taurus and Scorpio. Venus in Sagittarius (January 1-23 and October 19 - November 12) will teach you to forgive your own and other people’s mistakes, sincerely talk about feelings, and choose the very gifts for your loved ones that will help strengthen relationships. Venus in Taurus (May 1-24) will make attachments stronger. You'll feel more in love than ever before, and you'll be sure your partner feels the same. Use this favorable period to discuss your future together. Venus in Scorpio (September 24 - October 18) will become capricious. Partners will begin to find fault with each other, be secretive and at the same time fiercely jealous. At the same time, the fervor of love will intensify as never before - turn aggression into passion!

There is probably no person on our planet who does not like star showers. Sometimes they are so beautiful that they simply fascinate with their beauty. This is exactly the astronomical phenomenon that awaits us in August.

2016, like any other, has a constant schedule of meteor showers, since our planet follows the same cosmic route every year. In addition to planets, there are a huge number of celestial bodies in space, among which asteroids can be distinguished. The passage of our planet through the asteroid belts is no less important for astrological forecasts and horoscopes than the state of the stars. It is important to take into account the energy of an astronomical event, and not its physical meaning.

Perseids starfall in 2016

In mid-August, our planet always passes through the Perseid meteor shower. It is quite powerful, as more than 60 meteors burn up in the Earth's atmosphere almost every year during periods of peak activity. The stream was named after the constellation Perseus, from which cosmic particles appear. By the way, these particles are the product of a comet, which moves in its own special orbit, leaving us “messages”. The comet itself flies near our planet only once every 135 years. These particles are made up of ice and dust. Their speed is phenomenal - up to 200 thousand kilometers per second. This has a positive effect on visibility, since pieces of the comet entering the Earth's atmosphere cause powerful flares.

In general, the Earth usually enters the Perseids by the 20th of July, and exits by the 23rd or 25th of August. The peak of activity usually occurs on August 12-13. In 2016, people will be able to see the first shooting stars from July 18th. On August 12, 2016, the shower will reach 100 meteors per hour, which is significant compared to other known star showers. Almost two “stars” per minute are enough to enjoy the show. Naturally, this requires clear skies and distance from the city, because even 10 km from the city visibility is much better.

Longest meteor showers, as usual, will be observed in northern latitudes. There the visibility is better and the sky is clearer. We are lucky that we are in the northern hemisphere, since the Perseids are almost invisible in the southern hemisphere.

Astrological forecasts for star shower

The Perseids are the first meteor shower discovered to be the product of a comet. It is also one of the first meteor showers, discovered by astronomers and Chinese sages back in the early first century AD.

In ancient times, people had a great desire to explain everything that was happening around them, and they turned, first of all, to the stars and space. It was then that the first major astrological teachings arose, telling us that any meteor shower is incredibly important for making astrological forecasts. It was customary to perform rituals on the waning moon during starfalls.

The Perseids, like other meteor showers associated with the activity of comets, carry warnings for all Zodiac Signs and people in general. The fact is that astrologers have never associated comets with anything positive. They always bring us uncertainty and make us impulsive. The same applies to the meteor showers they cause. That's why from the end of July to the end of August 2016, each of us will be a little sharper than usual. At the moments of greatest activity on August 12-13, 2016, people may experience strange sensations of the presence of a UFO. The flashes, which will appear on average twice a minute, are not associated with aliens, although many eyewitnesses claim to have seen alien ships in the air. This happened in 1992, 1993 and 1997. During these years, the Perseids were very active, so many are skeptical about people's opinions about aliens visiting Earth.

Clairvoyants and psychics say that meteor showers are a time when you can create protective talismans against the evil eye, curses and bad luck. Bright flashes drive away evil spirits. This is the time when even at night evil hides from our eyes. Traditional healers During such periods, they cleanse themselves from negative energy, performing rituals of cleansing from the evil eye, from generic negative programs and curses. In terms of energy, such periods are very strong - you can feel the power of the Universe, which gives us time to correct our mistakes.

Many also predict the future during the Perseids and other similar astrological events. In 2016, the best time for fortune telling for the future will be the period from August 5 to August 12. Try to predict future events by looking behind the curtain before the play begins. We wish you good luck and beautiful star rain. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.08.2016 07:00

Mercury rules the environment. This planet has a number of features that anyone interested in...

August 2016 will be a bright month, marked by the transition of Mars into Sagittarius, a lunar eclipse and the activation of the Axis of Disasters.

It will be a little hot in August, since in the first half of the month Mars joins the Sun in the sign of Leo, moving into fire sign Sagittarius.

There, in the sign of Sagittarius, in August 2016 there is also the strict planet Saturn, which slows down in the first half of the month, emerging from retrograde movement.

In the second half of the month, the emphasis shifts from the creative and bright sign of Leo to the sign of Virgo, where Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be located, putting us in a serious mood.

All August strict Saturn is in conjunction with the star Antares - the guardian of the west, thereby emphasizing the Axis of catastrophes.

The axis of catastrophes is two powerful stars in our starry sky, Aldebaran and Antares, located almost exactly opposite each other. They are called the guardians of the East (Aldebaran) and the West (Antares).

Aldebaran is associated with spring and the beginning of all things. Antares - with autumn and completion, ending.

The action of these stars is associated with each other, so they began to be called the axis. A historical events and the destinies of people associated with the Aldebaran-Antares axis gave the name to this axis - “Axis of Catastrophes”.

  • The first days of August are suitable for creative self-expression, help to gather thoughts together and outline clear plans and goals. Moreover, these ideas and plans can receive support from superiors and people older than you.
  • Unexpected cash receipts and ideas may come, the implementation of which will help you improve or improve your financial situation.
  • This position of Mars may bring echoes of the events of spring 2016; be careful, as unfinished issues and problems during that period may emerge.
  • The entire period of Mars passing through the sign of Sagittarius stimulates grandiose projects and big plans. So this month is a good time to start planning those important things that you would like to solve before the end of 2016.
  • It’s good to make ambitious and bold plans and prepare a Wish Card.
  • During the passage of Mars through the sign of Sagittarius, issues related to the expansion of business and spheres of influence will be discussed and emphasized in society. This does not mean that all ideas and projects will be realized, but the beginning will be laid for many of them.

from 5 to 8 August 2016- Venus in square with Mars, Mercury in square with Saturn and in opposition with Neptune.

  • Be careful: during this period, irritability and temper increases. It is very easy to find reasons for dissatisfaction, as in personal life as well as in business relationships. Those who are involved in finances at work should be especially careful, as shortcomings and mistakes often occur at this time.
  • It is not recommended to enter into contracts for the purchase/sale of real estate or long-term partnership agreements during this period.
  • Virgo is the sign of the fall of Venus, in which the planet of love and material wealth feels out of place. This may manifest itself as excessive criticism in matters of love and relationships, but on the other hand, it is a rational and clear approach to business. Acquaintances go well based on common intellectual interests, a rational and critical approach.
  • If Venus is in the sign of Virgo in your horoscope, then this will be especially special for you. good period for establishing business contacts, for cooperation with people of art.
  • These days, things that have remained unfinished, that you haven’t gotten around to, may come up and require your attention.
  • Favorable days for resolving issues with loans, taxes, insurance.

from 13 to 15 August 2016- Venus square Saturn, opposite Neptune

  • Try not to schedule emotionally significant meetings during this period; you should not try to sort things out with loved ones, as everything can end in conflicts and troubles.
  • Be careful: during this period it is easy to fall under the influence of illusions and suggestions. Beware of scammers, check your documents carefully, and don’t trust rumors.
  • The period of Saturn retrograde is left behind, which forced us to look back into the past and solve problems, get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. This was especially true in areas related to the sign of Sagittarius, such as education, international relations, tourism, media, jurisprudence, ideology and others.
  • Saturn will continue to limit, test and test the strength of these areas, but it will be a little easier.
  • If your house of money in your horoscope is located in the sign of Sagittarius, a difficult period of restrictions in the monetary sphere continues for you.


  • This aspect helps a person focus on a specific goal and achieve it. During this period, we become more serious, patient and restrained. A good time for long-term planning.
  • These days, all sensations become more intense, so personal relationships become more passionate and emotionally intense. In the business sphere, this is a good period to promote new projects and resolve conflicts.

August 18, 2016- penumbral lunar eclipse at 12:22:55 Moscow time at 25°51" 41" Aquarius

  • On the day of the eclipse, you should not start anything important; it is better to postpone all matters until another day and do routine tasks.
  • Be careful, as eclipses in the sign of Aquarius can bring problems with technical devices, bad weather. It is also not recommended to go to crowded places on the day of the eclipse.
  • The lunar eclipse will have the greatest impact on people significant points natal chart which are in the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

from 20 to 26 August 2016- Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Mars conjunct Saturn on the star Antares

  • This is the period when new ideas and prospects for their implementation or for expanding an existing business appear.
  • It is beneficial to use this time for something that has been put off for a long time, as the strength and opportunity to complete almost any task appears. However, this time is best suited for finishing some important matter, task, or milestone in life, since the star Antares is associated with the autumn equinox, the decay and completion of the cycle.
  • The transition of the Sun into the sign of Virgo increases efficiency, hard work, responsibility and helps to tune in to a serious mood.
  • When the Sun passes through the sign of Virgo, discipline increases, and it is easier for people to follow rules and instructions. Therefore, if you were planning to do something important and time-consuming, you can schedule it specifically for this period.

from 24 to 29 August 2016- Mars square Neptune, Venus conjunct Jupiter

  • Be careful, as the tense aspect of Mars and Neptune can lead to agreements breaking down for unknown reasons, plans being upset, and the situation generally getting out of control.
  • In general, this period brings optimism and good mood, despite the difficulties and obstacles in business.
  • This tense aspect operates at the level of society as a whole. Feels like a blur social norms and the rules that hold society together. Faith and spiritual ideals can be questioned and criticized.
  • The general background of these days is favorable. It is easy to establish personal and business connections, and it is favorable to engage in social activities.
  • The likelihood of receiving unexpected financial support from loved ones increases. Trips taken these days may turn out to be successful.

from August 30, 2016- Mercury at 29°4"41"Virgo becomes retrograde, Venus moves into the sign of Libra

  • During the retrograde period of a planet, special caution is required in affairs and plans related to the themes of this planet.

Other influences of the month

In astrological forecast, I do not touch upon such a factor as the influence of the Moon, which can also be important and strong. You can subscribe to the daily calendar lunar days or read it directly on the site.

Have a successful month!

With respect and good luck,

Retrograde planets in August 2016 – (R)

Background aspects of the month:

Saturn conjunct the star Antares all month

Square: Saturn-Neptune all month until mid-November

Periods of ineffectiveness of the Moon

During periods when the Moon has already made its last major aspect, but has not yet moved into the next sign, you should avoid launching new projects and any other things designed for the future and development. These are the so-called “Moon without course” or periods of ineffectiveness of the Moon. The best strategy at this time is to do nothing, leave everything as it is until the Moon enters the next sign. You can learn more about how you can use this time to your advantage here. See the Moon Without a Course schedule for 2016 here. And below is a table for the month - the dates and times of the periods of the “Moon without a course”:

02.08.2016 00:45 – 02.08.2016 01:13

04.08.2016 04:14 – 04.08.2016 07:35

06.08.2016 03:21 – 06.08.2016 16:58

08.08.2016 17:42 – 09.08.2016 04:53

11.08.2016 05:23 – 11.08.2016 17:25

13.08.2016 17:38 – 14.08.2016 04:12

16.08.2016 02:46 – 16.08.2016 11:53

18.08.2016 09:28 – 18.08.2016 16:35

20.08.2016 12:22 – 20.08.2016 19:20

22.08.2016 11:49 – 22.08.2016 21:20

24.08.2016 19:39 – 24.08.2016 23:41

27.08.2016 00:31 – 27.08.2016 03:07

29.08.2016 06:24 – 29.08.2016 08:13

31.08.2016 04:21 – 31.08.2016 15:23

Main astro events of the month:

All aspects of the month, including the ingressions of the Moon and its aspects, see the link here.

Time everywhere in Greenwich is GMT, for Kiev +3, for Moscow +3.

Background aspects and specifics of the month

“Sooner or later everything will become clear, everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful pattern, like lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right.” Lewis Carroll - "Alice in Wonderland."

Aspects of this year are becoming “more and more wonderful” from month to month, as Alice said. This August promises to be hot. This is a period of intense energy background and contradictory combinations. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time for the end of some trends and the emergence of new ones - in politics, economics, and international relations. August is the last phase of the retrograde history of Mars - on August 22 it comes out of the loop, and on August 13 Saturn turns to directness. A planetary conjunction is always the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one, and this August is rich in conjunctions with a plus and minus sign.

I'll start with the pros and cons.

Jupiter will be in conjunction with Mercury from August 13 to the second week of September, and in last decade August in conjunction with Venus. The triple conjunction of Mercury with benefactor planets provides new opportunities, favorable circumstances, important and useful acquaintances, new promising ones, chances to establish important relationships, and find a solution to some problems that have become a stumbling block in recent weeks or months. And this is a plus. But there will be another group - a united “coalition” of conflicters, which will introduce significant dissonance into this planetary splendor.

An important background aspect for August 2016 will be the conjunction of Mars and Saturn with the star Antares in the tenth degree of Sagittarius. Making a reversal, Saturn will hang in this degree and conjunction for the entire month - and this is a minus. Antares has a bad reputation. And the conjunction of two “sworn friends” Mars and Saturn with Antares is an explosive trio. Antares has a warlike and malevolent character. This star is one of the poles of the “axis of catastrophes”, the second pole is the star Aldebaran, both of a malicious nature. The influence of the “axis of catastrophes” is associated with the use of weapons, fire, all kinds of surprises and belligerence. If one pole is activated, the entire axis is turned on. This is a tension zone in the Zodiac. If the “axis of catastrophes” is activated by planets of a harmful nature, local cataclysms may occur: accidents, earthquakes, military actions, high-profile political assassinations. Activation of Antares releases destructive energies, provokes anger, its activity is an alarming omen.

And the duet of Mars and Saturn is already a warlike aspect, this connection increases the degree of tension in society, provokes violent scenarios in the development of political conflicts, increases the number of accidents - in traditional astrology these are two “pests”. It’s not that they are always harmful - no, - each of them has its own constructive arsenal, without which progress and the basic structures of life are impossible. But, acting in the opposite way, in conjunction they create problematic situations - when Mars presses on the gas, Saturn applies the brake. Blocking desires and the ability to act as you want, associated with this aspect, leads to irritation, anger and all sorts of conflicts. This is especially noticeable during the period of the exact aspect - in the second half of August. People or circumstances may stand in the way of achieving the desired goal; in business there will be a feeling that we are breaking through barriers. Similar “effects” will be felt during August and in the first half of September, as the conjunction of Mars and Saturn will be inscribed in the chart solar eclipse September 01.

Such planetary energies are accentuated during periods of aggravation in international and political relations, escalation of military actions. They are associated with the likelihood of new military conflicts, growing intolerance and manifestations of extremism, including religious ones. In one of its extreme manifestations, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius activates the theme of war for an idea in a narrow-minded understanding - a “crusade” against infidels, for one’s ideology without respect for other opinions.

The likelihood of public protests, clashes and unrest in countries with unstable political and economic situations is increasing. The likelihood of high-profile terrorist attacks and high-profile murders remains high. In the events of this period, the involvement of the army and police increases.

At this time, the number of road traffic accidents, accidents, catastrophes, and fires will increase. This is also a period of increased injury rates. Since the aspect falls on Olympic Games, there is a risk that during competitions athletes may experience injuries more often than the statistical norm. Scandals and revelations in the world of sports are likely.

Another complicating aspect of August will be the converging square of Neptune and Saturn, which will become exact on September 10 and will be active throughout August. Mercury, Venus and the Sun will alternately activate this aspect, completing the tau squares. This transit gives rise to situations where familiar landmarks are lost, the familiar coordinate system may turn out to be untenable and situations may go beyond our control. This can manifest itself in contacts, agreements and connections, during the tau square with Mercury (04-09 August), in relationships and financial sector– during a tau square with Venus (August 11-16), in demoralization, doubt or inability to pursue a chosen goal, as a result of social or other external factors– during a tau square with the Sun (August 25-September 9). Therefore, what is needed now is flexibility and resilience to see the opportunities in change.

A counterweight to the uncertainty and instability of August is the stellium with the North Node in Virgo. You need to be attentive to details in business and contracts - carefully prepare and negotiate the nuances, follow practical solutions, and not general plans. Take nothing for granted. This time is more favorable for poets, artists and musicians, but not in the sense of social results and success, but in the sense of creative fruitfulness.

By the end of the month, Mercury will slow down before its retrograde on August 30 and on September 1, we will have a solar eclipse at 09°21′ Virgo with a rather complex planetary relationship: the degree of the eclipse will be in tau square with Mars-Saturn-Neptune on retro-Mercury.

From the second half of August to the last week of September, topics and issues that came to the fore or created problems in the first half of the year may receive a new turn. Issues related to border crossings may be considered and new rules may be introduced. After the spring adjustment, the price of oil will continue its downward trend. In the second half of August and the first half of September, we can expect a new wave of economic and political instability, bankruptcies, high-profile resignations, and layoffs.

At the same time, in August, the union of favorable planets - Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, will strive for cooperation and reconciliation. From August 13, Mercury will approach Jupiter, and in the last ten days of August Venus will join them. This connection brings joy in love, promotes successful financial circumstances and decisions, topics of education, medicine, and legal issues. And there is reason to believe that the effect of the Mercury/Venus/Jupiter triple conjunction will reduce the tense energies of Mars and Saturn, creating mitigating circumstances in conflicts and problems, and promoting a more positive outlook on things. True, Venus and Jupiter can also show their negative side– excessiveness, exaggeration and inflated expectations.

What else is interesting about this triple combination of benefactors? From August 17 to September 1, the union of Jupiter with Mercury will not have major aspects with other planets, not counting rare contacts with the fast-running Moon. Only on August 20-22, there will be an indirect trine with Pluto through Venus joining them. And from August 23, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter will approach each other without contacting others. At the same time, the active-aggressive group - Mars/Saturn, Neptune and the Sun - will enter the problematic tau square mentioned above.

Translating from astrological into Russian - for many difficult situations August and early September there will be the possibility of a favorable outcome or resolution, albeit through concessions and compromises. But these possibilities must be consciously included. Planets without aspects in the mundane chart are possibilities that no one strictly controls, which means that they do not prevent their manifestation, but also do not direct them to their use. These are energies and chances that need to be consciously harnessed.

The conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury “in the mine” is benevolence and wisdom, which stand on the sidelines, observing ideological and military battles, not having a direct impact on those involved, but only indirectly. This connection makes it possible to use new ideas, to find solutions that could not be applied before due to limiting circumstances or lack of timeliness. This is an opportunity to come to a solution acceptable to everyone in old disputes and wars, to include the forces of reconciliation, a favorable chance to turn the course of international events in a constructive direction. New ideas and plans can be put forward, consolidated decisions on important international issues can be developed, which will make it possible to “put the genie of war back into the bottle” or find a civilized solution to European problems. Finalization of these ideas and preparation for implementation can begin in September-October. But for all this you need to lower your aspirations, set achievable goals, think realistically and act pragmatically - don’t forget, the connection is in Virgo. 🙂 However, against the background of a rather complex solar eclipse on September 01 with conflicting aspects, it will not be easy to include constructive forces.

About the periods and aspects of August in more detail

August 01-02. The beginning of this August is the end of the lunar cycle. Finish what you started, sum up the past period, make plans. But don’t start important things from which you expect development and growth. August 01 Venus is in trine with Uranus, and the Sun is in trine with Saturn. The beginning of the month will provide a chance to strengthen relationships with loved ones; interesting ideas may come up in work and creativity. These are good days for resolving issues with official authorities, for establishing relationships with parents, with those who are older in age or position. In the first week of August, creative initiatives and ideas may receive support from superiors.

02 August By nightfall there will be a new moon at 10°58′ Leo. The new moon forms a trine to Saturn, and just before the new moon, Mars enters Sagittarius. From August 3, you can schedule the start of new projects. This is a fruitful time for people of creative professions, for endeavors in the field of art, design, artistic and social activities, legal affairs, presentations, exhibitions. At the same time, the desire for external effects and insufficient preparation may not lead the endeavor to the desired result. The more effort and persistence in implementing your plans, the higher the chances of success. Take this into account when planning new things. This is especially important in the first week of August.

05 August Venus enters Virgo and there will be a stellium in this sign on September 9th. The energy of the rational Virgo reduces the emotional level, at this time careful preparation and pragmatism are required to implement plans. In business, plan carefully and work out every detail. In Virgo, Venus is more rational and less sensual. At this time, people become more cautious, demanding, and are not inclined to rush into the abyss of feelings, and the formal side of relationships is especially significant. Passion is not welcome, especially when dating or in business communication. Little things, formal signs of attention or inattention, can mean more than at other times, and overly ardent confessions can be met with caution. At this time, both romantic and business partners need practical confirmation of our reliability, rather than emotional assurances of eternal love or friendship. If you need to interest a person, you should be patient, show restrained persistence, but not rush things. As Stirlitz said: “restraint is the other side of swiftness.”

August 04-08 Mercury, in square to Saturn and in opposition to Neptune, will complete the tau square, exact aspects on August 06 and 07. And on August 7, Venus has a square with Mars. These days, it is better to reduce business contacts and not negotiate; words may be misinterpreted and it is unlikely that an agreement will be reached. There are likely to be delays and obstacles in obtaining information, processing documents, and delivering goods and cargo. You may encounter fraud, forgery, and deceit. You should not trust new people; new business and romantic acquaintances are unfavorable. You need to use only verified sources of information, do not draw conclusions and do not make important decisions. These are days of emotional imbalance, quarrels with loved ones, unwise purchases, losses or deceptions or bad news are likely. When traveling, especially on August 6-07, difficulties and obstacles are likely. People are more likely to fixate on the negative and lose sight of the good. Therefore, it is better not to sort things out; the truth will not be achieved in different ways, and the relationship can be ruined. Relationships may end due to mistrust or because one of the partners is not committed.

From the second week of August and as the last week of the month approaches, difficulties may arise for which the necessary leverage will not be available. In your work, you will more often have to be guided by the desires and instructions of others, even if you work for yourself. The best tactic is to accept it. You should find your own rhythm in work so as not to overexert yourself and at the same time complete the work efficiently and on time. During this time, informal relationships with colleagues may develop, an office romance or acquaintance through work is possible. However, this period, with the exception of last days month is a good time to take care of your health, start preventive treatment, undergo an examination or spa treatment.

August 09-11. August 10, first quarter of the Moon at 18°32′ Scorpio and trine Mercury with Pluto. Now, in the beginnings of the month, something unaccounted for may appear and refinement will be required. At this time you can get Additional information and move things forward, taking into account new circumstances. These are good days to get to the root of the problem and solve it. Working with information and negotiating are favorable, but you need to refrain from the desire to unnecessarily control your partner and impose your opinion.

August 11-15 Venus makes a tau square to Saturn/Mars and Neptune, exact aspects on August 13th and 14th. Financial difficulties and losses are likely. Impracticality regarding finances. It is better not to make important purchases or make financial decisions. These are emotionally difficult days, pessimism or self-deception will prevent you from correctly assessing people and circumstances, and nervousness can lead to quarrels. Relationships may experience problems, dissatisfaction, conflicts and separations. You need to be careful with new romantic acquaintances; starting a new relationship will bring problems and disappointments.

August 15-24. From the evening of August 15 to August 24 is the most productive period. Mercury is in conjunction with Jupiter, exact aspect on August 22. This is the time to meet new people, offer your ideas, present your achievements, solve financial and legal difficulties, strengthen contacts and connections. But in parallel, Mars will move closer to Saturn, which I wrote about in more detail in the first section. At this time, public and political situation will affect business, problems and conflicts that were previously restrained by the patience of partners may appear in personal relationships. Projects initiated at this conjunction will require a lot of energy and endurance, will develop slowly and the result will come later than expected. Which aspects will appear more for each individual person - positive or problematic - depends on the personal chart.

August 15-18 Sun trine Uranus, exact aspect August 16th. A favorable aspect for making extraordinary decisions. People will more easily deviate from the pattern, and circumstances will facilitate innovation. On such days it is easier to get permission for something. New topics will find support, new interesting business and friendly connections are possible, and an exchange of opinions can bring unexpected solutions. Meetings with friends and like-minded people will be interesting and useful. Days can be effective for business and commercial activity, establishing relationships with management and influential people. New developments and the use of new technologies can open up additional work opportunities. Good days For public speaking, briefings, for a constructive exchange of views. This favorable time to start studying scientific and technical disciplines, mastering new computer programs and non-traditional knowledge.

August 17-19 Venus trine Pluto, exact aspect August 18th. The energy of this aspect enhances emotions. New acquaintances can be very exciting and attractive, the feelings will be bright, but it is better to wait until passions have subsided before making long-term commitments. These are days of intense experiences - both positive and negative. The full moon enhances the emotional background, but highlights what was hidden or missed.

August 18 – full moon at 25°52′ Aquarius can bring changes in relationships, in public relations or joint projects. At this time, you can find friends, join some kind of group, or decide to leave the group or stop some kind of joint project, since now something that has long lost its meaning may end. This is an indicative period - it will become clear what changes are needed in order for the projects started to continue. Make the necessary amendments to plans, adjust tasks and goals for the future.

The full moon on August 18 is considered in some publications to be a lunar eclipse, but in fact it is not. Let me explain why. Eclipses occur when new moons and full moons coincide with the axis of the Lunar nodes. For a solar eclipse, orb the conjunction of the new moon with Nodes 18°31′. But for full moons there are fewer orb connections with the Nodes. So that on the full moon there are conditions for lunar eclipse, the distance to the Nodes should not exceed 12°15′. And the full moon on August 18 will be 16° away from the Nodes. There will be no eclipse this August. But thank God, 🙂 especially with such aspects. September eclipses will be enough for us.

August 20-September 09 tau square: Sun-Mars/Saturn-Neptune. On August 24 there is an exact conjunction of Mars with Saturn, on August 26 there is an exact square Mars-Neptune. This time brings challenges that require overcoming obstacles and acting in constraining circumstances. There may be a lack of faith in the result, and it is difficult to maintain optimism. To solve emerging problems, you need to concentrate all your strength and will in one direction. Better to use traditional ways solutions, since new paths will not provide desired result. Don't take on risky projects. Things can turn out according to Murphy's Law - "events left to themselves tend to go from bad to worse." Therefore, it is important to carefully prepare each step and try to control the execution process at each specific stage. Physical and psychological stress may increase. When communicating, do not give vent to irritation, avoid meaningless disputes. Conflicts are possible due to divergent views on life, on national or religious grounds, disputes can be ideological. What is needed now is endurance and patience. This can be a difficult period for those who have personal planets or angles at 07°-12° Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

This is a time of increased accidents and the likelihood of fires. Therefore, vigilance and caution are needed to prevent similar situations due to one's own negligence. This is also a period of increased injury rates. Difficulties are likely on long trips and travels. You need to be careful in transport, when driving, it is better not to go to dangerous trips and places. You should not respond to provocations from aggressive individuals. On the plus side, the Mars-Saturn conjunction promotes courageous and persistent people, enhances the organizing spirit, concentration of forces, and can play a constructive role in overcoming difficulties and making decisions.

In parallel, from August 20 to September 3, a favorable aspect will develop - the conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. August 28 Venus conjunct Jupiter, August 29 Mercury conjunct Venus. This is a period of romantic and business acquaintances, making useful connections, and new cooperation. It allows you to take advantage of contacts and connections with people who have influence and opportunity or are simply willing to lend a helping hand, because at that time they are able and willing to do so for you. This is the time to “catch” interesting ideas that can open up new perspectives, and from August 29 these may be old topics and ideas that will now look more attractive than before. This is a favorable aspect for those who have personal planets or angles at 23°-30° Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn, as well as Cancer or Scorpio in their natal natal chart.

August 30, on the eve of the solar eclipse, Mercury will go retrograde at 29°03′ Virgo. From August 29, you need to give preference to old connections and old acquaintances, they will be more useful than new ones. This time interesting ideas and proposals, but it is better to postpone the launch of new business projects and important changes until after September 22 and October, since the influence of “undercurrents” will now be strong. This is an unfavorable time to start new projects. It's better to focus on current tasks. At the end of August, miscalculations are likely due to reluctance to take into account all factors or inflated expectations. We need pragmatism in assessing circumstances and opportunities. The information that will arrive at the end of August may be important, but you should not rush into decisions; circumstances will appear later that will turn the situation around in a new way. This is especially important to remember from August 28th. At this time, wrong decisions are very likely, and wrong steps will be irreversible and have far-reaching consequences. Don't forget - an eclipse is upon us. 🙂

Good luck, friends, with any transits!

Starfall is not just an important and interesting event for those who love space, but also for lovers of romance. When will the starfall occur in 2016? In August it will fall on the 11th-15th, but the peak will be on the 12th-13th. That is, on the night of August 13th. On this night alone, about 100 meteors will fall in 1 hour!
It will not be difficult to spot the starfall. If you have already seen 1 meteor, continue looking at the same location. And this is one place - the constellation Perseus. This is where the name came from - the Perseid starfall.

But some meteors may still go unnoticed. Because there was a supermoon on the 11th. At this time, the moon has become impressive in size and although it has already passed, it may interfere with seeing all the meteors.
How to find the constellation Perseus and what time is best to start watching the starfall in August? Many people are interested in this, because in order not to miss the starfall from August 12 to 13, 2016, the time is definitely worth taking into account. You don't need any additional devices for this. Best time observations - second half of the night. That is, from approximately 12 o'clock at night until the morning. It is at this time that the constellation is high above the horizon and can be easily seen.
Where is the best place to watch a starfall? This can be any open place. If you live on a high floor, then this can be done from the balcony. And if you live in Moscow, then when there is a starfall in 2016 in August, many will go to watch it on Vorobyovy Gory.

The constellation Perseus is not difficult to find. Its border runs next to the constellation Cassiopeia on the eastern side and with the constellation Auriga on the western side.

How to make a wish on a falling star so that it comes true?

Many people know that if you make a wish on a falling star, it will come true. But it's important to do it right. There are 2 ways.
1. Quantitative method. Take your age. For example, you are 18 years old. 1+8=9. 9 is the number of shooting stars you need to see to make a wish. Did you see? Now sit down, relax and mentally think about what you want. In a word - dream.
2. Speed ​​method. You need to quickly say your wish while the star is falling. The method requires concentration. But since there will be many stars falling, the chances of success are high.