Our smaller brothers presentation. "our little brothers" creative project, presentation, report. Schoolchildren wrote about animals with great sympathy for them

    Today we will talk about the animal world, we will learn new things about them, repeat what we already know, and share our knowledge and observations.

    Who do we mean by the general name “our little brothers” and why? (All living things that surround us: domestic animals, wild animals, insects, birds, sea animals. Man is intelligent, can speak and think, therefore nature is the elder brother.)

    Among animals there are many true friends of man (dolphins, cats, dogs). Any small and large animal brings benefits to nature, considerable help to humans, in addition, they evoke in us joyful feelings, emotions, admiration, and entertain us (circus, zoo).

    So let us also return good for good, repay love for love.

    Our motto will be the lines: “I want you, the animals of my land,

    People took care of you for your help!”

    Now we will watch the presentation, solve riddles, and complete tasks about animals.

    First task: WHO IS HE? (slides 3, 4,5). In what natural zone of our country can these animals be found? (bear, hedgehog, owl, in the forest).

    Now let's remember who was who in childhood? What are the young animals of these animals called? (duck, goat, horse, cat and others) (slide 6).

    The new task will be more difficult, it is called: Do you know? You must answer questions on slide 7 (lions, 1.6 km, scorpio, elephant, in China)

    The next task must be answered briefly: YES or NO. (slide 8) (no - several km, yes, yes, no - 45cm, yes).

    And now riddles about animals: (slides 9.10.11)

    1) Through the trees, through the bushes,

    The red ball jumps on its own.

He collects nuts

And he stores mushrooms. (squirrel)

2) The red-haired cheat, deceives cleverly,

Mice and the naughty hare are afraid of her.

Even though she lives in the forest, she’s from the village

steals chickens. (fox).

3) This is a huge cat. Her yellowish-smoky skin

painted with dark transverse stripes. (tiger)

Now let’s do some physical education:

We'll rest a little;

Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

Ahead from behind a bush,

The red fox is watching.

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

Hands to the sides, forward,

The bunny is waiting at the edge of the forest.

The bunny was jumping under the bush,

He invited us to his house.

Hands down, on the waist, up,

We are running away from everyone.

Let's quickly run to class,

Let's play now.

    Task: choose the correct answer. (slides 13, 14, 15, 16, 17), answers:

    1-B, 2-B, 3-B, 4-B, 5-A.

    A new game“Find 11 animals. You need to connect the letters in a straight line (horizontally, vertically, forward, backward). (Slide 18) Checking (slide 19). That's right, you can find more than 12 of them here. Thanks to the most attentive.

    Who will tell me about their pets? Who has a dog, cat, guinea pig or rabbits? (Tells about his pets. (slide 20).

    If you're not tired yet, let's solve a crossword puzzle about animals. (slides 21 and 22). A crossword puzzle solved by a student (slide 23).

    And in conclusion, I want to say that you know a lot about animals, love and care for them. I’ll end with R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Request.”

    « Birds, roses and animals in the soul people are watching,

    You have pity on them, people, don’t kill the beast,

    After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,

    And a sea without fish is not a sea,

    And a land without animals is not a land!”

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"Presentation. Quiz "About our little brothers"..ppt"

Quiz on the world around us. (Animals and birds) ON THE TOPIC:

Kharchenko A.V.

Who was who?

Do you know? Yes or no?

Riddles about animals.

Choose the correct answer.

Riddles about birds

Sleeps in winter

Sometimes white

Afraid of bees


like a fish

like raspberries

Loves meat

Hunts mice

He has a good

hearing and smell

Night Hunter

Sleeping in a hole

In winter it is located in


With sharp claws

Lives in a hollow

delicacy –

Who was who?

  • Bear
  • Pig
  • Chicken
  • Squirrel
  • Horse
  • Cat
  • Dog








Do you know?

1.Which of the cats live in pride groups?

2. At what distance does the white shark “hear” its prey?

3. Which arthropod does not lay eggs?

4.Which mammal has the longest gestation period?

5. Where do pandas live?

Yes or no.

1.Can the melodic song of a blue whale be heard within a radius of 200 km?

2. Is there a butterfly whose wings curl into the shape of a cigar?

3. Does the possum play dead to escape its enemy?

4. Can a giraffe's tongue exceed 10 cm?

5.Grevy's zebra named after the French president?

Riddles about animals:

1. Through the trees, through the bushes, the red ball jumps on its own. He collects nuts and stores mushrooms.

A red-haired cheat, she deceives cleverly.

Mice and the naughty bunny are afraid of her.

Even though she lives in the forest herself, she steals chickens from the village.

This is a huge cat. Its yellowish-smoky skin is painted with dark transverse stripes.

Choose the correct answer:

On which island are there lemurs?

A) Mauritius.

B) Madagascar.

2. Which bear is the largest?

B) Grizzly.

Which of these cats is not found in Asia?

B) Leopard.

Termite is:

B) Caterpillar.

Which mammal dives the deepest?

A) Sperm whale.

B) Elephant seal.

B) Weddell seal.

Natalia Smertina
Short-term project “Our smaller friends”

Relevance of the topic.

Pets are very important in a person’s life, they are the basis of good relationships and provide the opportunity to be good-natured. Whether we like it or not, relationships with pets have already become part of our life: public, family. Children are exposed to pets from an early age, learn about their affection, love, learn to take care of them, but it is very important to teach children how to treat them with care. Communication with animals, if it occurs uncontrollably, can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the developing personality of the child. A pet in a family is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care of him, look after him, he develops moral, volitional and labor qualities. First of all, the child does not know what can be done and what cannot be done, what is harmful for the animal and what is beneficial. In addition, in close contact with an animal, the baby will definitely want to satisfy his curiosity and involve him in the game. Without adult supervision and guidance, such communication can be harmful and even dangerous for both the animal and the child.

Communication with brothers our smaller ones brings us the sea positive emotions. Today, a huge number of residents of large cities, living in a busy rhythm and experiencing constant stress, are increasingly getting pets. It turns out that four-legged Friends not only bring joy, but are also good for our health!

Research by foreign scientists has established that owners of cats, dogs, and parrots live 4-5 years longer than other people. Pets can alleviate any disease, and some can be completely cured. For several years now, the world has been actively developing "animal-assisted therapy"- the science of healing with animals. In the USA and Europe, special clinics are opening where furry doctors provide treatment. Animal-assisted therapists work in nursing homes, children's hospitals, rehabilitation centers and even the US Army, and are sold in UK pharmacies "medicinal" white cats.

How do pets affect us? Special studies have shown that when a person pets an animal, the pulse rate and blood pressure decrease, the tension of contracted muscles decreases, general muscle relaxation occurs, and digestion improves. It turns out that cats and dogs are bioenergetics. They clearly distinguish the negative energy that comes from the diseased organ. The fluffy psychic accurately finds the sore spot, cuddles up to it, purrs and warms it. According to another study, a room with pets is significantly less bacteria!

Anyone can become a doctor for a person four-legged friend, regardless appearance and breeds. The main thing is that you love him and take care of him. Then in return for your love he will reward you many times.

Passport project

Name project« Our smaller friends»

Developer project Smertina Natalya Nikolaevna

Participants project Pupils preparatory group, parents of pupils, teacher.

Implementation base project Budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Omsk

"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 394"

Type project Educational, group

Target project: create conditions for the development of cognitive, communicative and creative abilities of children in the process of preparing and conducting pedagogical project« Our smaller friends» .

Tasks project:

1. Expand children’s knowledge about pets; enrich lexicon on this topic « Our smaller friends: a pet» ; develop safety skills and learn the rules of behavior when communicating with animals.

2. Teach children to observe animals; encourage expression of emotions; develop speech, creativity, and the ability to care for animals.

3. Promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child.

4. Organize cooperation with parents in the implementation process project through the design of a photo exhibition of family photographs "My furry pet" and creating a presentation « Our smaller friends» .

5. Foster a caring attitude towards animals, instill a desire to take care of them.

Practical significance project Creation multimedia presentation, which can be used directly educational activities on cognitive development in preschool.

The project can be implemented in preschool educational institutions various types.

Preliminary work Introductory consultation with parents about project.

Informing parents about the beginning of work on this topic (introductory consultation, questionnaire).

Create a development Wednesday: select materials, toys, attributes for gaming and theatrical activities, didactic games, illustration material, fiction.

Select material for productive activities.

Draw up a long-term action plan.


Children understand how to care for pets.

Instilling in children love and respect for animals.

Enriching children's knowledge about the animal world of their immediate environment.

Expected result at the level adults:

Parents' desire to have a pet.

Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of raising children's caring attitude towards animals.

Active participation of parents in the affairs of the group and kindergarten.

Expected results at the level teachers:

Increasing pedagogical literacy in matters of educating children to respect animals.

Replenishment of the pedagogical piggy bank.

Characteristics of the main activities project

Stage 1 of implementation project

Defining a theme project.

Search and analysis of the problem.

Based on the study of the problem, setting goals and objectives.

Search for information: selection of literature, illustrations, postcards, development of notes for direct educational activities, preparation of material for visual activities.

Stage 2 of implementation project

Social-communicative development:

Conversation about home animals: "How I take care of my pet";

- thematic classes: "Pets at our house", “About my beloved kitten”.

Reading stories, poems (S. Marshak "Mustachioed - Striped", "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "The Tale of smart mouse» ; V. Charushin "Cat", "Dog"; G. Oster "Kitten named Woof"; N. Nosov "Living Hat"; N. Zabolotsky “How the mice fought with the cat”; V. Suteev "Three kittens");

Reading riddles, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, memorizing poetry;

- didactic games:

“Who lives where?”, “Where, whose house?”, “Is the animal domestic or wild?” "Guess who's hiding?" "Guess what's changed?" "The Fourth Wheel"; "Family"; "Big small", “Who is screaming?”, “Who eats what?”, "One-many", "Find Your Mom".

- outdoor games:

"Sparrows and the cat", "Mousetrap", "Angry dog", "Swan geese", "Shaggy Dog", "Cat and Mice";

Artistic and aesthetic development:



- design: "dog", "Cat house", “Teremok for pets.

Cognitive development :

Design of a book exhibition;

Looking at paintings "Cat with kittens", "Dog with puppies" (story based on pictures);

Write stories about your pet;

Listening and learning songs about cats and dogs. (“Grey Kitty”, music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by N. Naydenova; "Dog" M. Rauchwerger);

Exhibition of drawings;

Create presentations about your pet.

Stage 3 of implementation project

Setting up a photo exhibition of family photos "My furry pet".

Child's project"My favorite pet" (children's performance with stories about pets).

Exhibition design creative works children (artistic and aesthetic activity).

Multimedia presentation of family photos « Our smaller friends» (work on presentation).

Forms of work on project:

Working with a camera (practical help from parents, working with ICT (educator);

Reading specialized literature, learning poems;

design of a photo exhibition and exhibition of children's creative works.

Activities of a teacher: organization of activities for educational fields "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"; organization of a photo exhibition and exhibition of creative works of children in preschool educational institutions; creating a multimedia presentation.

Participants' activities project: collecting photos from the family archive about pets (parents-children).

4 Final stage

Presentation (ICT) « Our smaller friends» on the basis of a preschool educational institution.

Forms of protection:


Further work: publication in the media.

Cats of Egypt When and where cats first appeared in people's homes, no one knows. In Egypt, however, they believe that it was the ancient Egyptians who were the first to domesticate these cute creatures, love them and treat them as deities. No one knows when and where cats first appeared in people's homes. In Egypt, however, they believe that it was the ancient Egyptians who were the first to domesticate these cute creatures, love them and treat them as deities. They gave way to these mysterious creatures. In case of fire they were the first to be taken out. The death penalty was imposed for accidentally killing a cat. They gave way to these mysterious creatures. In case of fire they were the first to be taken out. The death penalty was imposed for accidentally killing a cat. When a cat died in the house, it was a great grief; people trimmed their eyebrows as a sign of great sadness. When a cat died in the house, it was a great grief; people trimmed their eyebrows as a sign of great sadness.

How cats influenced the history of Egypt Because of their admiration for cats, the ancient Egyptians sometimes even suffered military defeats. Because of their admiration for cats, the ancient Egyptians sometimes even suffered military defeats. In 525 BC, the Persian king went to war against the pharaoh. In 525 BC, the Persian king went to war against the pharaoh. The Egyptians fought selflessly. The Persians then used a trick. They got the cats and put them in front of them. The Egyptians fought selflessly. The Persians then used a trick. They got the cats and put them in front of them. Afraid of killing the sacred animal, the Egyptians stopped sending arrows. The battle is over complete defeat Egyptians Afraid of killing the sacred animal, the Egyptians stopped sending arrows. The battle ended in complete defeat for the Egyptians.

The Gloomy Middle Ages The Middle Ages turned out to be gloomy for cats. All cats were declared to be tools of the devil. The Middle Ages turned out to be dark for cats. All cats were declared to be tools of the devil. Wordless creatures were burned, drowned, thrown from high towers. Wordless creatures were burned, drowned, thrown from high towers. There has never been such atrocity in Rus'. There has never been such atrocity in Rus'.

WHY DO CATS HAVE WASTERS? The cat has whiskers that help it complete its entire hunting journey. The cat has whiskers that help it complete its entire hunting journey. When a cat sneaks up on its prey, its whiskers help it learn more about what is happening around it. When a cat sneaks up on its prey, its whiskers help it learn more about what is happening around it. The long hairs of a cat's whiskers are very important when other senses cannot provide information. The long hairs of a cat's whiskers are very important when other senses cannot provide information.

The fairytale kingdom of cats The island of Malta is a real paradise for cats. Everywhere they lie blissfully on parapets and on park benches. Drivers slow down when cats cross the street. The island of Malta is a real paradise for cats. Everywhere they lie blissfully on parapets and on park benches. Drivers slow down when cats cross the street. Everywhere under palm trees and ficus trees, in cozy city gardens there are bowls of food. Everywhere under palm trees and ficus trees, in cozy city gardens there are bowls of food. Love for cats has become a feature in Malta national character. The love of cats has become a national character trait in Malta.

Dog is man's friend Even in ancient times, dogs were domesticated by people. Even in ancient times, dogs were domesticated by people. Currently there are many different breeds, they are all interesting, each does its job. Nowadays there are many different breeds, they are all interesting, each does its own job.

NURSE DOGS Thousands of lives were saved by ambulance dogs during the war, searching for the wounded on the battlefield and taking them from the front line. In 1944 there were 60 thousand in our army service dogs! They destroyed 300 enemy tanks, discovered 4 million mines, and carried out 680 thousand wounded.

“Study of animals” - Zoology (according to classification criteria). Comparison Historical comparison. Main taxa: Species Genus Family Order Class Phylum Subtype Kingdom. Experiment Modeling Hypothesis and theory. Observation Description Some of the most amazing marine inhabitants are deep-sea fish. Hunting techniques were passed on to descendants. The nature of animal movement. Features of keeping animals.

“Classification of animals” - Herbivores. Insects. Goal: generalize and systematize knowledge about the structure and diversity of animals; identify the feeding habits of animals. - found out - thought about it - was surprised. Omnivores. Subject. “STRUCTURE AND DIVERSITY OF ANIMALS.” Animals. Problem: “What does an animal’s nutrition depend on?” The world 3rd grade Program “Planet of Knowledge”.

“Animals 1st grade” - Mosquito. Owl. Swan. Goat. Ladybug. Butterfly. Pike. Perch. Rhinoceros beetle. Fly. Duck. Fox. Squirrel. Wolf. Crucian carp. Horse. Bear. Grasshopper. Cat and dog. Parrot. Hare. Panda. Sheep. Dragonfly. Bee. Rooster. Bumblebee. Tiger. Turkey. Rabbit. Raccoon. Cow.

“Names of animals” - Moose, kick. Octopus. Heron. KLEST - “to bite”, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Horse -. Warbler swallow. A snail is a hive, a home, a refuge. Rhinoceros. Oatmeal. Crow. Titmouse. Why are animals named this way? Pelican. Cuckoo (cuckoo, kukavitsa, kuko). Sparrow. SQUIRREL (white). Shrew. Beluga. Wagtail.

“Pets” - What animal can be called a pet? Which pet is important to you? Why does man domesticate animals? After completing the project, students will be able to: Pets (Mammals Class). Project goals: Stages of work on the project: Selecting a topic Collecting material Creating a project Protecting the project. How are domestic animals different from wild animals?