Husband's ex-wife interpretation of the dream book. Why do you dream about your husband's ex-girlfriend?

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming ex wife husband? In dream you can dream of anything, even something that would seem to never touch real life.Strong inner experiences do not give rest even at night. They are embodied in this kind of dream and visions. A jealous nature torments not only its own beloved a person with constant suspicions, reproaches, but first of all she poisons her own life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    For what dreaming ex wifedream book Miller. Interpreters dreams unanimous in opinion: dream with ex- wife indicates that past problems do not let you go, continue to torment you, demanding resolution. But if man dreamed about it a woman who walks past him without looking back is a sign that the past is gone forever. Read more

  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    To find out why dreaming happy pregnant woman spouse, you should contact For women interpreter. The dream book reports that resumption of relationships and even remarriage is possible. Reunion is unlikely only if you dreamed about it pregnant wife next to another a man. Treason. Woke up “in a cold sweat” because in dream saw yours once beloved woman in the arms of another men? Be We are sure that feelings for this woman have not cooled down yet. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: Wife beloved men. Good afternoon With your permission, I will write a brief background before the description sleep so that you was content is clearer sleep. I've been dating for two years married a man, whom I love and who loves me. to the entry: Why dreaming fish man. to the entry: Dream Interpretation dreamed about it former boy. to the entry: Why dream cut hair. to the entry: Had a dream that she gave birth to a girl. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Therefore, she can often dream traumatic dreams. So, dreamed wife your his wife beloved know exactly about his connection with you and can spouse lover was in dream was cheerful and And finally, are you confident in your man and his love for you? If yes, then you can take a risk... Read more

    Dream Interpretation ""

    I dreamed about it wife beloved men. Had a dream that she came to talk. She behaved like a boss...such a tone...behavior... Was he is nearby...behaved like a servant.. I told him to sit down, he sat down.. And recently he told me that he still loves me.... although I have had another relationship for a long time, but when I see him or something about him I recognize everything and dreams thoughts about him. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If dreamed about it wife lover, it is quite possible that she began to suspect that something was wrong in her family. Perhaps you are the one become the first suspect, so beware. If wife lover in dream talks to you peacefully and calmly, rather If dreaming dream, What wife lover stands aside or minds his own business, but you do not come into contact with her in any way, this may be a hidden hint that right now the moment has come when you There is a chance to take your beloved man from his family. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "amg96"

    if you dreamed about it legal spouse your lover, he should quickly make a choice. Such a dream suggests that you are the main suspect, and even if you wife don’t know yet, then your friends beloved they know exactly about his connection with you and can tell her everything. Dream Interpretation ex girl or wife in dream. Dreams O former love partners are a mental projection of their thoughts and memories of the dreamer. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it ex wife my husband, she talked to him very lively and cheerfully, she constantly recalled the past and called him with her, and I, away from them, nursed a one-year-old child bathed, sat on the potty ( in dream This was their child, but her child is actually from a completely different person). Dreaming that somewhere there is a cemetery and mine Darling man gives his hand several times ex wife that I even seemed to be jealous. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.jofo"

    Also dream this one can predict for you the resumption of a relationship with the woman who dreamed about it. attentive Be co sleep, in which your ex died spouse. This promises extremely important changes in your life. If man dreaming wife ex with a new boyfriend can forget, and similar ones often dreams dream from Friday to Saturday. woman Which one doesn't like be beloved? Often girlfriends former They don’t want to let go of those who once loved them. They begin. men call, write or otherwise remind about yourself. Read more

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    I dreamed about it ex wife my men. We've never met her and I don't know what she looks like. But according to my description from sleep, man confirmed that this is exactly what she looks like. In dream I tried to get to know her/introduce myself, but she didn’t was not interested. That There is she showed no interest in me at all. Trying to leave the room in dream, I couldn’t find my shoes and woke up. Tell me how to interpret dream? (dream color. I rarely see dreams, almost never).Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    I dreamed about it wife lover, driving him away - this woman will big trouble. If wife lover in dream looked smiling, talking calmly and sweetly, for her he former, and she doesn't mind cheating. Seeing a sick woman lying on the sofa in a battered robe with a stain or a nightie promises trouble for both of you, and man who cheated on her. It's a good sign to see wife beloved setting the table, preparing food, feeding the baby...Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Yes, sister wives in dream symbolizes the need for communication and understanding. I dreamed about it quarrel with a relative of your rug - you should not discuss personal relationships with others wife.In some cases, the girl intuitively feels that wife beloved men discovered a secret affair, and is now trying with all her might to get rid of her rival. Had a dream, What wife lover filed for divorce - There is real opportunity take away the desired one man.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in your dream was plot and action, dream worth deciphering. After all, he just wouldn’t dreamed about it. Any more or less perfect action in dream reflects the upcoming event in reality. Rings donated husband in dream mean union, alliance (if the ring was golden and whole). Pregnant husband Maybe will dream in case he has another relationship planned or emerging. A man with a child - this is a direct indication of his close relationship with someone (if this child in dream not yours).Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    In a dream dreamed about it my friend and wife mongo beloved person! In dream wife walked naked with her child.C wife and the child was a stranger man and dissuaded me from going somewhere else! IN DREAM WE DID NOT COMMUNICATE WITH HER, BUT SHE TRIED TO PUSH ME MORE THAN ONCE. In dream I talked to wife his beloved men. Talk was calm on her part, but I didn’t really want to talk to her. This was second dream per night.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed about it ex Love, ex beloved or a girl, ex wife or lover - nostalgia, longing, desire to renew the relationship. This kind of dreams they talk about what feelings are for Former still haven't died out for you. Your memory takes you back to events again and again days gone by, Sending an image Former beloved.I dreamed about it ex neighbor or friend (for men) - interest. Perhaps, not so long ago you met a woman who vaguely resembles an old acquaintance, which provoked a similar dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Darling man in dream dreaming By anyone occasion. The thing is that the mental world of dreams best reflects our feelings and thoughts. If a stranger or strangers in such dream were pleasant, that's all will safely. Any help in dream from men- a more open symbol of good luck, the implementation of plans. For example, if in dream you man saves or regrets, it means to you explicitly or implicitly will assistance was provided in a difficult and important matter for you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Dream Interpretation ex wife husband. (0 votes, rating 0 out of 5 no ratings) 5.In our online dream book You can find out not only what it means ex wife husband in dream, but also look at the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking dream books Vanga and Nostradamus, download dream book Miller - perhaps it is in him that you will find the meaning sleep « ex wife husband".Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    Eat and another category is when in dream dreamed about it a person for whom you feel something special. To this category dreams can be attributed dream, in which dreaming ex wife.If in dream you're just next to yours ex wife- this means that you have coped with the pain of separation, and everything is in the past. If in dream yours ex spouse with someone else a man- that means it’s time for you to forget about her and build your life, because the best is always ahead. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See in dream, What Darling man prepares - for profit; happiness and peace in the family. Dreams In which you see husband or Beloved in a home environment, Husband calm and busy with creative work (Cooking), They always predict what will happen in your relationship in reality will peace, mutual understanding and tranquility reign. Had a dream, What man gives you a ring I dreamed about it man with a ring - get a marriage proposal. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Hug man relative - guests will come to you, at home will holiday, a son hugs - happiness in the family, a father hugs - bitter news. Darling man hugs and kisses you in dream– if everything is good in your relationship, then this period will last for a long time. See in dream Man- If you dreamed about it man, which means you are in for some fun. If you see in dream stranger man, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. See in dream myself a man means getting into some spicy situation...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed about it former beloved, Former Darling Human, I dreamed about it former husband or former man- you will again experience the pain of parting. You could not completely forget about him and cross out the person you saw from your current life. I dreamed about it former boy or guy Former young man or former spouse in dream- to a real meeting with what you saw. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "zfera"

    I dreamed about it wife lover: the meaning of the dream. Together with him - this dream threatens to See in dream wife lover, signals dream book that missus beloved This promises you a surprise, and it is not at all will related to this a man, and...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Female dream book. For what dreaming Darling man? if you dreaming that you fight or swear - your relationship will strong. See in dream beloved giving you warm clothes - to spiritual relationships. If Darling appeared before you in dream with fire in his hands - he passionately loves you in reality. Why dreaming Darling man dreamed about it girl. If Darling man extends his hand to you in dream- this is a good sign. Such dream indicates that your relationship will trusting and strong, Darling man V any minute...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    Women often dream their former husbands, guys or beloved. Eat there are many options for interpreting this sleep. It all depends on where you are dreamed about it what you said, how you behaved, and most importantly, in what mood you woke up. See in dream your his former husband, lover or the guy has changed. If in real life your former man, for example, thin, but in dream you see him suddenly plump, then this is a very bad sign, which could mean some kind of trouble. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    To you dreaming, What husband And wife in dream, What husband And wife loved ones person. Husband And wife as if they were exchanging combs, combing each other's hair - dream promises you happiness. A lot men in dream see is a sign that you are not you will find a place for yourself. If a woman will dream young man looks pleasant and starts talking to her, then soon changes will await her personal life.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    To you dreaming, What husband And wife fight among themselves - complete harmony will be established in your married life. You see in dream, What husband And wife they show mercy, do something nice for each other - you are expected to part with loved ones person.If you will dream If you were bitten by a cat or dog, then be afraid of betrayal or quarrels with a loved one. If in dream you are bitten by a person whom you knew before, then you will haunt difficult memories. Read more

    Dream interpretation "read-and-grow"

    Man you are thrown into daydreams. In dream lover and husband are in the same company. I dreamed about it spouse lover. Such dreams signal that the image wife lover has penetrated very deeply into your subconscious, you often think about this woman, and that’s why you see such dreams. If spouse lover was in dream in a good mood if she was cheerful and healthy, this means that in reality everything will work out in the best way for both of you. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.jofo"

    (468 comments) dreamed about it Darling, see in dream Darling dream book.Dream Interpretation man married- most likely you have will where on the road you will meet a person. Dream Interpretation wife guy former- apparently you have will Changes will occur in life that will lead to long-standing connections and old acquaintances. Dream Interpretation wife friend - such where dream dreaming someone else's wife has two meanings: in the near future after sleep you can receive news about your friend or from someone else. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed about it wife former husband- to the news; gossip around your good name. Ruslan, dream just talks about your love and fear of losing beloved wife.If man dreamed about it own wife, this leads to discord in the family, to the streak not.. ¬ yet.

Dream interpretation wife ex-husband

If you dreamed about your ex-husband’s wife, then the first thing they will tell you is that your feelings for your ex-husband have not yet completely cooled down.

If the dreamer is more interested in deep meaning dream, then the interpreters will be happy to help.

An unpleasant dream about your ex's spouse

The dream book says that a sleeping woman may still have regrets about what happened in the past. Of course, they will be on a subconscious level, and you do not notice or do not want to notice them while you are awake.

The main thing is that you have a real chance to start life again, open your heart to new feelings, stop clinging to the past.

Listen to Gustav Miller

Ex's new woman

What does he think? this dream book, your ex-husband's new wife is a sign that you will soon meet a new person. The acquaintance will be completely unexpected, but pleasant. As a result, you have a chance to create a happy family.

If you dreamed that your ex’s wife is talking to you, it is possible that you will have a conflict with this person, from which you will only take away negativity.

If a woman in a dream quarrels with her new passion ex-man, then in reality she should be extremely careful. She can survive betrayal by a person she completely trusts.

To see the marriage ceremony of an ex and a new woman means dramatic changes related to your personal life are coming.

Predictions of other interpreters

In general, of course, the meaning of the vision is that soon you will be able to enter into new connection. But to get something new, you have to say goodbye to the old.

It’s incredibly difficult for you to do this, but you must forgive and let go of your ex, so you will do better for yourself, first of all.

Feeling jealous of a new passion in a dream

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

The psychologist believed that the dream indicates that your mental trauma is too deep. If you dreamed of your ex-husband’s new wife, and in the dream you did not experience the best feelings, then you are still far from rehabilitation.

You will transfer all your negative experiences into future relationships. Thus, they are already doomed to failure.

It is also possible that the ex-husband is not entirely comfortable right now. He's thinking about getting back with you. But pride and fear of rejection hold him back.

The main thing Freud pointed out was troubles in the intimate sphere. If you don't do anything, your new partner will be disappointed in you.

Vanga's prediction

The Bulgarian seer said that a husband’s new wife in a dream is a reflection of a woman’s inner fears. Unfortunately, due to divorce and quarrels with her ex-husband, the dreamer has low self-esteem and has lost faith in herself.

Dreaming of a dead woman

Sleeping woman experiences heartache when she remembers the past, and at the same time she can’t help but think about him. It seems to her that the future will be bleak, and best years left behind.

According to this dream book, the wife of her ex-husband dying in a dream is a positive sign. It's not bad if your ex-husband also dies. The dream interpreter believes that you have finally begun to forget the past, get rid of it, and only a bright future awaits you.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

According to this dream book, the husband’s ex, who tenderly kisses and hugs him, dreams of the resumption of an old conflict.

If you dreamed that you got into a fight with her, then you are used to the fact that you always get what you want. The interpreter advises to correct yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to build new holistic relationships.

Everything depends on you

Fight with your ex's new wife in a dream

We often see various symbols in our dreams. They are designed to show us our mistakes and warn us about what will happen in the future.

Are you interested in what your ex-husband’s new wife dreams about? Then the interpreters will answer as follows: such a vision is not prophetic and does not promise any changes in the future.

This dream could mean the following:

  • you remember everything that happened to you in the past;
  • higher powers are pointing out to you that you are doing wrong, making the same mistake, and the Universe will punish you until you realize what is wrong in your actions.

Seeing a pretty person in a dream

The second assumption will be true if the female psyche is constantly traumatized by such visions.

According to the dream book, your ex's new wife may mean fear of loneliness. You are afraid that you will never meet your soulmate again.

If the wife of her ex-husband is seen by a woman who has already found a new love, then such a vision can predict the beginning of difficult period for a couple. Soon the trust between you will disappear, you will stop communicating normally, and you will move away from each other.

Heed the predictions

It is believed that if such a vision visits a woman who is not at all interested in the personal life of her ex, then it can be prophetic in nature.

What, in this case, can the dream promise:

  • a new one awaits the dreamer, interesting meeting with a person who may well become her destiny;
  • New horizons open up before a sleeping woman, a new stage in life begins.

If the dream was unpleasant for you, then the interpreter advises you to forget about it as soon as possible. When you get up in the morning, don’t start telling anyone about it, it’s better to drink water, look out the window, think about something good. Remember that your past life is in the past.

Today we have prepared Full description topics: sleep " ex-wife husband": why do you dream and full interpretation from different points of view.

Why do you dream about your husband's ex-wife? Some dream books claim that this is a reflection of the dreamer’s experiences and fears in real life. Others insist that such a dream predicts certain events that will soon occur. The details of the picture you saw, which are important to remember, will help you understand this riddle.

Why do you dream about your husband’s ex-wife: Miller’s dream book

What answer to this question does the dream book compiled by Miller give? Why do you dream about your husband's ex-wife? German psychologist Gustav suggests that the dream foreshadows a fateful meeting that will soon occur in reality. A conversation with your ex-spouse can predict a clash with this woman, which may have unpleasant consequences.

What does it mean if in her dreams the dreamer quarrels with her husband’s ex? This story should be taken as a warning. A person whom the mistress of the dream trusts can betray her by stabbing her in the back. The wedding of a husband and his ex is dreamed of when radical changes are about to occur in a lady’s life. Perhaps they will be connected with her family.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about your husband’s ex-wife if in the dream he shows affection for her? It is possible that the spouse is threatened with unpleasant consequences of his breakup with his ex. Kisses of the other half with the ex-wife dream of exacerbating an old conflict; a dream of sexual contact has a similar meaning.

A quarrel, a fight between a partner and his ex-wife - such a plot hints that the other half has possessive habits that are already bothering or will soon begin to bother the dreamer. Oddly enough, when a child is born, one dreams of the death of a woman to whom her husband was once married.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about your husband's ex-wife? The Bulgarian seer considers such a dream to be a reflection of a woman’s inner fears. It is possible that she simply cannot part with past life, although the memories of her are painful for her. Dreams of a bright future will not come true until the owner of the dream says goodbye to her past.

Have a good night's sleep the fortuneteller Vanga believes the one in which the lady to whom her husband was once married dies. A frightening dream indicates that the past has ceased to bother the dreamer, she is ready to take a confident step into a bright future.

Freud's Dream Book

Why does the current wife dream of her husband’s ex-wife, if we rely on Freud’s interpretation? The famous psychologist believes that this dream indicates that the dreamer suspects her other half of infidelity. Unfortunately, her suspicions may be justified. There is a high probability that the husband will soon have or has already flared up an affair with someone from his inner circle.

Also, such a plot may hint that the spouse has a desire to return to the relationship with his ex, that he is making attempts to achieve this. It is possible that he will succeed. In addition, a dream can predict the emergence of problems in relationships with a partner, in intimate life. Interestingly, the root of the problem, according to Sigmund Freud, is hidden in the past.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

If you rely on Juno’s dream book, why do you dream about your husband’s ex-wife? Seeing this woman in a dream means you will soon encounter troubles in reality. The sleeper is most likely to face problems in her personal life.

However similar dream can also predict future troubles in the business sphere. Those women who are involved in business should especially pay attention to this dream. In the coming days, you should be wary of concluding new deals and not trust offers from unverified people. Also, Juno’s dream book associates such dreams with blackmail, the victim of which could be the owner of the dream or one of her household members.

With baby

Why do you dream about your husband’s ex-wife with a child? The interpretation of the dream depends on whether the other half really has children from a previous marriage. If so, then such a plot may hint that his relationship with the mother of his child needs to be resolved. It can also warn that there are unresolved issues in the past that need to be addressed.

Why does a real wife dream of her husband’s ex-wife with a child, if in reality this child does not exist? The woman fears that her husband may return to his former family. The future will show whether these fears are justified.

Emotions are important

It will be easier for a woman to understand the meaning of a dream if she remembers the emotions experienced during it. If your mood was neutral or good, you should not rush to declare these dreams prophetic. It is possible that the dream merely reflects the internal experiences of the sleeping woman. Including those that have nothing to do with the ex-wife of the other half. It's time to put an end to unfinished business and allow yourself to enjoy a quiet life.

What to do if, while watching a dream, its owner experienced anxiety, fear, what could this mean? In this case, in real life, a woman may face problems in the family. The atmosphere in the house will deteriorate for some time, family members will become mired in conflicts. It is advisable to try to prevent this, otherwise the relationship between household members will deteriorate for a long time. It is interesting that the husband’s ex-wife in a dream may have absolutely nothing to do with these problems.

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A husband's ex-wife in a dream often has an unfavorable meaning. The dream book, explaining why she is dreaming, indicates: difficulties in relationships with her spouse and conflicts lie ahead. Gossip, unpleasant surprises, and business difficulties are possible.

Encroachments, machinations of a rival

Did you dream about your significant other's ex-wife? The dream indicates: the woman will remind you of herself in reality. You should be careful to stop her attacks on your man in time.

Seeing her in a dream means: your ex is going to plot. You need to clearly define your position and make it clear: the dreamer is not going to put up with this.

Why do you dream about your husband’s previous wife smoking? The dream book warns: the sleeping woman may find herself in a stupid position when those around her begin to laugh at her.

Incompleteness of relationships

Did you dream about your husband's ex-wife? Perhaps their relationship can still continue - regardless of whether they are dating or not.

Do you constantly see her in your dreams? The spouse cannot forget some things or memories that united them. We need to surround him with warmth and care, organize an event that will bring a lot of positive things (according to the husband’s tastes, of course, and not the dreamer’s love for candlelight dinner). This will connect him with the image of his current wife.

Family conflicts, a trick from a friend

Has your husband’s former lover made it a rule to constantly appear in your night dreams? The dream book indicates: family conflicts may begin.

Did you have a dream about a quarrel with his ex-companion? There may be a catch, a nuisance from a person who, it would seem, is not capable of this.

Seeing this woman in a dream means: she will spread gossip and slander, so you need to worry about protecting your reputation in advance.

Strengthening relationships, getting help

Why do you dream about your husband’s drunken ex-wife? The dream book promises: in reality the relationship with him will strengthen.

Did she help in the dream? The dreamer will soon need help, which will be provided by a person from whom she does not expect. In return, you need to help someone else.

Did you dream that your husband’s ex-wife died? The dream book states: this is a good omen. The sleeping woman will leave worries about the past behind and gain confidence in the strength of her relationship with her companion.

What was this woman doing?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the details:

  • made a scandal - considers you a homewrecker and scolds you behind your back;
  • talked calmly - doesn’t hold a grudge, wants to maintain relationships;
  • hugged your spouse - I would like to return;
  • demanded something - the husband did not fulfill all his obligations or promises to her.

Miller's Dream Book: remorse

Why does a woman in her second marriage dream about her husband’s ex-wife? The vision indicates a feeling of sleeping guilt for the fact that their union is not very happy for the spouse.

Difficulties in business, unpleasant surprises

For a dreamer doing business, such a vision in a dream promises difficulties in business. You need to be careful when concluding new deals and not unconditionally trust untested partners.

If the ex-wife was with the child, she will soon present a surprise and unpleasantly surprise you. Therefore, prepare in advance for possible surprises.

Alphabetical index of the dream book:

The main message from past relationships is an unforgotten, not let go of the past. It doesn’t matter whether the husband maintains contact with his ex-wife or not, he still hasn’t let her go from his heart.

According to Freud

Young ladies often worry: why is my husband’s ex-wife dreaming? Freud says the following about this fact. In some cases, this may indicate the appearance of a new partner in your husband's life. And most likely from people he already knew. This may also indicate that the husband is seeking to renew his relationship with his ex-wife and is likely to be successful in this. In other cases, the dream may indicate that problems await you in your personal or intimate life. The cause of these problems should be sought in your past.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book states: my husband's ex-wife is dreaming on the eve of some fateful meeting. If you had a chance to talk with her, she will probably make herself known soon in life, and not with herself. the best side. But a quarrel in a dream with your husband’s ex-wife warns of a possible trick from a person who, in your opinion, is incapable of this. If you dreamed that your husband and his ex got married, changes await you in your personal life.

According to Vanga

What did my husband’s ex-wife dream about in accordance with the dream book of the Bulgarian seer? Only that you hold the past in your heart and cannot let it go, although you try in every possible way not to remember it. You dream of a bright and new future, but you secretly remember and hold on to the past. That's why good sign there will be the death of your husband’s ex-wife in your dream - this indicates that the past is left behind, and only new things await you ahead.

According to Juno

A dream where my husband’s ex-wife appears does not bode well, even if they parted amicably and maintained an amicable relationship. Its appearance threatens your personal life. It is also recommended to be especially selective in your approach to business partners and beware of possible blackmailers.

According to Tsvetkov

If in a dream you see that your husband shows warm feelings towards his ex-wife, he will soon be overtaken by the consequences of breaking up their relationship. If they kissed or even loved each other, a conflict will soon break out with new strength. If they quarreled or fought, your husband may soon begin to show possessive tendencies. When your husband's ex-wife dies in your dream, your relationship with him will soon end with a wedding or a child.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

The past remains with us forever in the form of memories. It often happens that during dreams we see people with whom in the present we have already lost connections and ended relationships.

It is quite natural that after such a dream the question arises: what is the interpretation of this dream, why was it possible to see this particular person?

One of the most controversial figures from the past seen during sleep is the figure of the ex-wife.

IN various dream books such a dream is given different interpretation, from alarming and warning to neutral and positive.

My husband's ex-wife

If in a dream you saw your ex-wife, then this dream is evidence of your anxiety, rivalry, albeit not obvious, but which is still present in your real life. The details of this dream play a significant role. If you dreamed of your ex-wife in a disturbing dream, then in reality you should be prepared for family troubles. Problems in the family will not necessarily arise because of your husband’s ex-wife, but you will have to worry. If the dream with the participation of your husband’s ex-wife is neutral, does not upset or disturb you much, then in reality it is worth working on let go of the past, close all unfinished matters and focus on the present.

Why does the current wife dream about her husband’s ex-wife?

A dream with such a plot is a reflection of worries about family well-being, worries about the fate of the family, and in reality foreshadows a showdown and defending one’s interests in the family circle.

My boyfriend's ex-wife

A dream with such a plot is also an interpretation of your feelings about rivalry with this woman (the subject of rivalry will not necessarily be a man, it can be either finances or and the attention of someone significant to you).

Ex-wife with child

Dream interpreters advise giving special importance to dreams in which you see children, because a child a pure soul and the dream with his participation is prophetic. Child - symbol of the future, a harbinger of events that will happen to you in reality in the near future.

If in reality your husband has a child from a previous marriage, then this dream indicates unresolved issues from the past.

If in reality there is no child from a previous marriage, but in a dream he is present, then the dream is a harbinger that the relationship between the former spouses may resume. It won't necessarily happen love affair, but it is possible that common interests, joint affairs and plans.

Pregnant ex-wife

Such a dream, which a man had, is evidence that his ex-wife still has some questions, complaints, unspoken grievances.

A woman's dream about her ex-pregnant wife indicates impending changes in the family. What kind of changes these are - positive or not - are evidenced by the details of the dream and your general feeling from the dream. If a dream involving your ex-pregnant wife did not alarm you, then in reality you should expect changes for the better. An anxious dream predicts troubles, including those related to finances.

The ex-wife is back or wants to come back

A dream in which your ex-wife wants to return indicates interference in your family life by some outside force. It will not necessarily be the appearance of a certain person, unexpected separation possible.

Ex-wife with another man

A dream in which you happened to see your ex-wife in the company of another man has two meanings:

  • You ready to let go of the past, complete all matters from the past;
  • You should expect troubles from your immediate circle, from those people whom you have known for a long time, but are not related to them by blood.

Which interpretation is closer to you can be understood by analyzing the details of the dream.

Intuition warns you about impending troubles if the sensations after sleep remain alarming and vague.

Ex-wife in a wedding dress

A wedding dress seen in a dream is a symbol of impending changes in family life. To see a woman in a dream wedding dress- it means that in reality it will happen feel the changes in your family. For a man, a dream in which he saw his ex-wife in a wedding dress is significant - it means that his past has not yet let him go, some things remain unresolved in the past important questions, which haunt him in the present.

Ex-wife is crying

A dream with tears is a warning dream about what will happen in reality. be vigilant to avoid future troubles. A reason for worry will appear in reality, and it will be connected with people whom you have known for a long time, with whom you have had to go through quite a lot, i.e. these people are important in your life.

It helps you

A dream with such a plot serves as a harbinger that in reality you will may need help and you will receive it from a person you didn’t even expect. This will be help that is worth accepting and not forgetting to thank, for example, by helping someone else.

Gives something

A past that does not let go, and doubts about the future - these secret experiences are indicated by a dream in which a former beloved woman gives or gives something to you. The object that is given away or given is also symbolic. An item associated with the house reflects your doubts about family life. An item related to work indicates doubts about the business area of ​​your life.

Asks you for something

After seeing such a dream, be prepared for the fact that in reality you will have to part with something material for a prosperous future. There will be a loss that will sadden you, but over time it will turn out that it happened for good.

Threatens in a dream

This dream is a reflection of your guilt in relation to a woman with whom you once had a warm relationship. You remember the injustice on your part towards this woman, and latently this depresses you, leading you to dark thoughts in reality.

Ex-wife dreamed of being dead

This dream sends you to the past, which you have not yet been able to part with, but the time comes when everything worries about the past will leave you, you will turn this page of life.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a man’s dream you happen to see his ex-wife walking away, not talking, or demonstrating her reluctance to engage in dialogue, then this dream indicates that the past leaves you, but you are not ready to come to terms with it yet.

For a woman who sees her husband’s ex-wife in a dream, the dream is a harbinger of experiences related to family, home, and inner circle of relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

In the interpretation of the Bulgarian seer, a dream with the participation of an ex-wife for men serves as a harbinger of anxiety and worries about loved ones.

For women, such a dream serves as a warning that they need to close their debts from the past, resolve unresolved issues and move forward.

Freud's Dream Book

For men to see in a dream their ex-wife, with whom they were once intimate relationships, - such a dream serves as evidence of certain problems in the intimate sphere in the present. Present there is dissatisfaction, although this has not been a problem in the past.

A woman who saw her husband's ex-passion in a dream puzzled by her attractiveness, there is some doubt about your feminine charm, and these doubts leave an imprint on your intimate life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Ghost ex-love appearing in a dream warns that in reality you have doubts about your choice life path. It is possible that there are doubts about the correct choice of a companion or life partner.

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The main message from past relationships is an unforgotten, not let go of the past. It doesn’t matter whether the husband maintains contact with his ex-wife or not, he still hasn’t let her go from his heart.

According to Freud

Young ladies often worry: why is my husband’s ex-wife dreaming? Freud says the following about this fact. In some cases, this may indicate the appearance of a new partner in your husband's life. And most likely from people he already knew. This may also indicate that the husband is seeking to renew his relationship with his ex-wife and is likely to be successful in this. In other cases, the dream may indicate that problems await you in your personal or intimate life. The cause of these problems should be sought in your past.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book states: my husband's ex-wife is dreaming on the eve of some fateful meeting. If you happen to talk to her, she will probably make herself known in real life, and not from the best side. But a quarrel in a dream with your husband’s ex-wife warns of a possible trick from a person who, in your opinion, is incapable of this. If you dreamed that your husband and his ex got married, changes await you in your personal life.

According to Vanga

What did my husband’s ex-wife dream about in accordance with the dream book of the Bulgarian seer? Only that you hold the past in your heart and cannot let it go, although you try in every possible way not to remember it. You dream of a bright and new future, but you secretly remember and hold on to the past. Therefore, the death of your husband’s ex-wife in your dream will be a good sign - this indicates that the past is left behind, and only new things await you ahead.

According to Juno

A dream where my husband’s ex-wife appears does not bode well, even if they parted amicably and maintained an amicable relationship. Its appearance threatens your personal life. It is also recommended to be especially selective in your approach to business partners and beware of possible blackmailers.

According to Tsvetkov

If in a dream you see that your husband shows warm feelings towards his ex-wife, he will soon be overtaken by the consequences of breaking up their relationship. If they kissed or even loved each other, the conflict will soon flare up with renewed vigor. If they quarreled or fought, your husband may soon begin to show possessive tendencies. When your husband's ex-wife dies in your dream, your relationship with him will soon end with a wedding or a child.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

In a dream, we can see ourselves in love, joyful, or sad and disappointed. We can see ourselves next to many people. But why do you dream about your ex-wife? What does such a dream mean?

Why do you dream about your ex-wife - basic interpretation

If a man dreamed of his ex-wife, he should think about whether his feelings for her have cooled down? Perhaps he needs her help and support. To fully interpret a dream, you need to take into account all its details:

· Under what circumstances did you meet your ex-wife;

· Who else appeared in your dream;

· Have you communicated with your ex-wife;

· Did she give you anything?

· What emotions visited you at that moment.

If in a dream you see your ex-wife preparing food for you, you should be wary. Do you have any unresolved issues with her? Have you discussed everything with her? Was your breakup easy? The dream book often indicates that if a person is dreaming, he may be thinking about you at that moment, or often remembered you in the middle of the day.

If you dream that you meet your ex-wife in the middle of the street, such a dream can really predict a long-awaited meeting for you. Why long-awaited? Most likely, you also have something to tell her.

It happens that people disagree, but friendly feelings between them remain. Especially if the couple had children together. If you dream that you are having dinner with your ex-partner, and this dinner is romantic, such a dream foreshadows pleasant moments in your life.

You may meet someone from your old acquaintances in reality, you may meet a former lover or someone important to you. The main thing is not to refuse the proposed meetings in reality. Now is the time when such meetings are primarily useful for you.

A dream in which you meet your ex-wife at the station suggests that the trip you have planned will not be successful. You will most likely waste a lot of nerves and not get desired result. If you see in a dream how your ex-wife sees you off on the road, such a dream is even more alarming.

If you have unresolved issues with this woman in reality, you better think about whether it’s worth sharing your plans with her. strangers. Such a dream may also indicate that you are telling too many people that you are going to go somewhere.

A dream in which your ex-wife quarrels with you indicates empty squabbles and scandals in reality. If you have not had any scandals or squabbles in your life with your wife, such a dream suggests that you will lose your reputation in the person of a very important person for you.

If you have a dream in which you are trying to catch up with your ex-wife, he advises you not to dive into the past and not analyze it. Too often, instead of living in the present and building the future, you plunge into memories. You can even analyze some events based on past experiences. The dream book warns you against doing the same thing.

If you dream that you are hugging your ex-wife, such a dream may mean that she will soon need help. Soon you will have to either agree to help her or refuse her. But the dream book advises to lend a helping hand. Otherwise, you will regret for a long time that you did not help.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife? What could a dream mean in which you are walking with your ex-wife? Such a dream may mean that you will soon have some troubles at work. At first you won’t attach much importance to them, but in the end you will create problems for yourself. The dream book advises you to be more attentive to everything that will happen in your life. Don't miss the opportunity to make new acquaintances and new communication.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife if she makes your bed? Such a dream may mean that troubles await you in your personal life. If you dream that your ex-woman is embroidering, such a dream means that someone will spread gossip about you. This gossip will affect your relationship specifically. The dream book advises not to worry about this, but to clearly decide for yourself whether you need this relationship.

If you need a relationship, don’t pay attention to words. Better take care of yourself, your current soulmate, try to organize a holiday for each other. Try to become closer and be useful to each other.

A dream in which your ex-wife gives birth to your child speaks of your health problems. Chronic diseases will worsen. It’s time for you to think about whether you are leading the right lifestyle, otherwise illnesses will overcome you one after another.

Why do you dream about the grave of your ex-wife - such a dream means that you just can’t come to terms with the breakup of your relationship. You might no longer have feelings for ex-woman, but you still experience some dissatisfaction, limitations in your current life because of these unsaid things.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that a man can dream of an ex-wife as a symbol of unrealized sexual fantasies. Such a dream may also indicate the presence of resentment and painful memories in reality. A man, most likely, cannot say goodbye to the image of his ex-wife. He transfers it to his new women.

This means that he compares his new women to his ex-wife. If the ex-wife in your dream is beautiful and friendly, even flirts with you, such a dream could mean a romantic date, a fleeting romance. The new woman will also become close to you, but this romance will not last long.

A dream in which you hold your ex-wife's hand speaks of the need for care and affection. You lack support in life, lack mutual understanding and intimacy. There is no need to look back and look for them in the past. It's better to build new strong ones healthy relationships based on mutual love and devotion.

Why do you dream of an ex-wife who is sick? Such a dream means that troubles await you in financial sector. You won’t even be able to understand why they started and when they will end. The dream book advises you to stick to the golden mean in making important decisions. You should not promise anything to anyone if you are not confident in yourself. Otherwise, you will have even bigger financial problems.

If a woman dreams of her husband’s ex-wife, such a dream means that there will be a crisis in the relationship with the man. The woman was not open and caring enough. She wasn't loving enough. She tried to live only for herself and now problems may begin in her relationship.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that meeting your ex-wife in a dream does not bode well. Most likely, this woman holds a grudge against you and wishes you harm, because you feel it - she appears to you in a dream.

If your ex-wife screams at you in a dream, remember the reason why this is happening. Perhaps this happened in a dream because of your inattention to her? Then it is important to pay attention in reality new woman so as not to lose it. If your ex-wife fights with you because financial issues- such a dream should be interpreted in two ways.

If she demands money from you in a dream, you did not help her in Hard time and now someone will turn away from you in reality. Likewise, he will not lend you a helping hand. If your ex-wife scolds you because of an offense, you should be very demanding about your words and actions. You can undeservedly offend someone, even insult them. Try to control your emotions.

If you hit your ex-wife in a dream, expect trouble at work. Life will also hit you hard and you will lose your previous financial position. You should not relax if in a dream you and your ex-wife are hugging - such a dream promises you communication with two personal people.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife according to other dream books?

Grishina’s dream book says that the ex-wife dreams of troubles and worries. This person could remember you with anger, and you felt it. If you see her rocking your child in her arms, you should take your health seriously. A dream in which she strokes your head means that one of your friends is spreading rumors about you.

Aesop's dream book says that an ex-wife in a dream is a messenger of negative changes and experiences. You experience some kind of connection with her, constantly returning to the past and trying to replay the events of the past. Understand whether you did the right thing and whether you should continue to do so. Leave the past to the past and move on boldly. Try not to look back, do not analyze yourself, live simply.