What does the name Zarina mean? The meaning of the unusual female name Sarina

A person’s name is a specific letter code that predetermines his fate. The origin and meaning of the name Zarina is very fascinating. This article will tell you about this beautiful female name.

Where is the name Zarina popular?

According to Western research, the name is popular in many countries. Girls are especially often called by this name in African and Arab countries, as well as in countries speaking Hindi, Persian and Swahili.

Choosing a name for a child

The first thing you should know if you're considering the name Zarina for your baby is that in most of the world, Zarina is a girl's name.

When deciding to name your child, it is recommended to pay attention to the special meaning and history of this name, as it will play a big role in his life. The child will hear it every day. Choosing a name is a very important and interesting process, since it is the very first gift you give to a baby. Many people believe that a name can influence success in life, choice of work, as well as career advancement. career ladder And personal life. Therefore, people often choose more respectable names because they believe that the name signifies a reflection of the child's personality.

During the selection process, it is necessary to comprehensively study the meaning of the name and its origin.

How does this name affect a child?

Girls named Zarina usually have a difficult character. Despite the fact that Zarina is a smart, kind and sociable girl, she is quite capricious. It's also worth saying that she doesn't create well friendly relations, although she has many friends. Zarina is characterized by vindictiveness. Girls with this beautiful name can be cunning. To summarize, we can say that Zarina is a very contradictory girl. The meaning of the name Zarina contains inner rod and resilience, as well as creative inclinations.

A girl with this name usually studies well. Zarina has excellent abilities in mathematics, literature and history. Zarina may have a rather difficult relationship with her teachers, but she tries not to quarrel once again with the people on whom she depends. The choice of this name for a girl, according to esotericists, is very successful, regardless of the child’s nationality. It is necessary to note Zarina’s excellent memory. She learns without much effort necessary information. This ability will help her out many times in life.

Zarina's health is average. She may be prone to obesity. This problem may affect her at an early age. Therefore, the girl needs to learn to stick to a diet and play sports and gymnastics. It is advisable to do everything related to health under the supervision of specialists and not to do it yourself.

Scythian version of origin

Many researchers call the Scythian version one of the versions of the origin of this name. According to this theory, the ruler of the Sakas (Scythians) in the seventh century BC had the name Zarina. This ancient eastern tribe given name meant "golden". The name of this queen is mentioned in his works by the famous Greek historian Herodotus.

Different meanings of the name Zarina

Some scientists believe that the name Zarina has Armenian roots, but a number of researchers are sure that it could come from the ancient Slavic names Zarya, Zarnava. IN Armenian language the name is used in the form Zara, which means the patroness of the fire temple.

Some scholars believe that this name is of Arabic origin, and it is translated as “morning dawn” or “morning dawn.”

The main meaning of the name Zarina among Muslims is “golden”, according to Persian sources. You should be aware that many names may have different meanings V different countries, so you should be careful when making such an important choice. According to another theory, the name Zarina is of African origin.

This name is not very common in Europe. However, it is quite popular among Muslim peoples, in particular among Turkic, Caucasian, and Arab peoples. In the Christian tradition, it is not customary to call girls this name, since there is no corresponding church saint and it is not listed in the Saints.

Love relationship

The name Zarina leaves an imprint on both the character and fate of the girl: because of the meaning of the name, they are quite interesting and extraordinary. Difficult relationships with the opposite sex await her. Due to her difficult character, the girl is often aggressive, hot-tempered and unable to control her emotions. In order to create a strong relationship, she needs an experienced and intelligent man nearby who will not scold her for her impulsiveness and will truly love her unrestrained character.

Zarina loves children and is ready to become a mother without hesitation. But everyday routine is not for her temperament. She does not seek to start a family early precisely for this reason. Zarina values ​​wealth and prosperity, so she tries to choose a person as her wife who will provide her with a decent existence.

By developing her creative abilities, Zarina receives a feeling of deep inner satisfaction. She is filled with joy from the relationships that life gives her. She is a generous person and wants to be useful to others. If her loved ones do not appreciate her care and good attitude, may be depressed for a long time.

Zarina begins to attract the male sex early. A girl with this name is a magnet for men. But she rarely falls in love, and basically all her romances with men end in a quarrel and breakup. If she learns to take control of her emotions, she will find happiness. Thus, the meaning of the name Zarina has a rather large influence on character and destiny.

Number and flower, which are talismans

The number that is magical for Zarina is two. It defines its owner as an unstable and rather temperamental girl. She touches everything around with her energy and inner glow, but sometimes it is quite problematic for her to manage emotions. Flower plants that serve as her mascots are poppies, water lilies and beautiful roses. The most successful color for Zarina is crimson, as well as light beige.

Characteristics of Zarina

Zarina is quite biased in her attitude towards the people around her. She thinks that if she managed to achieve something significant, then her close people and friends will be able to do the same. She can flare up and allow herself to start a quarrel in front of strangers. She loves arguments and discussions.

Such a complex character is formed in her with early age. Only the wise decisions of her parents can help her achieve a decent level of self-development. Zarina can even quarrel with loved ones over trifles. Relatives and faithful friends she may be understood and forgiven, but other people will not be happy with this state of affairs.

Emotional disharmony prevents girls with this name from building full life. She can often hesitate in choosing not only a specialty, a loved one, or close friends. She may have doubts even when making small decisions.

Zarina is an excellent manager. She is less capable of acting as a simple office worker. At work, she influences the entire work team and skillfully uses this. In all endeavors he shows perseverance and demonstrates high ability to work.

If Zarina does not develop her creativity, she may reach nervous breakdown, which will have a very negative impact on her condition. If it happens nervous exhaustion, still a girl for a long time will have to restore your psychological condition. A woman with this name often depends on the past. The experience of the past years has a strong impact on her. She rarely forgives insults. Of course, this is a rather negative trait of her character. The meaning of the name Zarina is eastern countries implies that any beautiful phenomenon has reverse side which must be accepted.

In this beautiful and rare name are clearly expressed positive traits and some disadvantages. Their combination and level of expression completely depend on the personality of the woman herself.

An unusual name makes this girl stand out from the crowd. And not only the name: Zarina’s character is also suitable for royalty. This can cause certain difficulties in life: both difficulties in communication and disappointment from reality not meeting high expectations. The key to success for Zarina is consistent work on her character and self-control.

Origin of the name

A girl named Zarina has the right to be proud of the origin of her name. The works of Greek historians mention a warrior queen of the nomadic Saka tribe named Zarnia or Zaranea. It is not for nothing that this name is associated with the word “dawn”: in oriental languages the root "zar" means "golden", "luminous" or "sun-like".

In Slavic languages ​​there are similar names Zaryana and Zoryana, which have one more meaning besides the above - “star”. In addition to the official appeal, Everyday life the following forms can be used:

  • Zara;
  • Zarinushka;
  • Zarinka;
  • Rina;
  • Zarqa;
  • Dawn.

Transliteration of the name Zarina is Zarina. It is not very common in Western culture, so it will sound exotic to European ears.

The name Zarina is associated with the golden dawn

Table: name Zarina in other languages

Combination with patronymic

Of course, the name Zarina looks and sounds most organically together with patronymics formed from names of similar origin:

  • Zarina Timurovna;
  • Zarina Karimovna;
  • Zarina Faritovna;
  • Zarina Ilnurovna;
  • Zarina Bakhtiyarovna.

However, the name will be combined with more familiar patronymics, the main thing is that the consonance is maintained:

  • Zarina Igorevna;
  • Zarina Vladimirovna;
  • Zarina Kirillovna;
  • Zarina Danilovna;
  • Zarina Andreevna;
  • Zarina Arkadyevna;
  • Zarina Ignatievna.

Nickname options

You can choose many interesting nicknames for the name Zarina. You can take as a basis various shapes name:

  • Zara;
  • Zarine;
  • Zarania;
  • Zarinea;
  • Zorya.

Based on the name Zarina, you can come up with a beautiful nickname for social networks

Under what name should I baptize?

The name Zarina is not mentioned in the calendar. Often girls are baptized under, based on the association with gold. However, nothing prevents you from choosing a name or Zoya, as well as any other church name based on your preferences.

Characteristics and influence of the name

“Gold” leaves its mark on Zarina’s character: from childhood she grows up proud and capricious, as if guessing on a subconscious level about the meaning of her name. If parents indulge all her whims and caprices, then there is a great chance of raising a very selfish young lady. Little Zarina needs to learn self-control and self-control - playing sports or any other activity that requires discipline and regularity can help her with this.

Professions, business and career

Thanks to her innate leadership qualities, after starting her career, Zarina quickly reaches a leadership position. It’s hard for her to work for someone else, but on the contrary, Zarina gives out orders with ease. She understands well how to organize work and establish the production process. At the same time, Zarina must find harmony between the desire for power and the ability to remain sensitive to the needs of others.

Zarina is a born leader

Love, sexuality, marriage

Due to Zarina's personality traits, it can be difficult to find a suitable partner. She is used to leading, not being followed, and continues to play the role of leader in a couple. Zarina will be frankly bored with a weak man, and it will be difficult to get along with a strong but hot-tempered man. Her husband must be calm and self-confident in order to tolerate the impulses of this strong woman to command in the family. And Zarina, in turn, must learn attentiveness and tenderness. Then an ideal atmosphere will reign in her house.

Table: compatibility with other names

Table: characters corresponding to the name

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters of the name

Each letter of the name has a specific meaning:

  • Z - it is believed that this letter makes the character more suspicious and compliant, but this cannot be said from Zarina;
  • A - as the first letter of the alphabet personifies the desire for strength and power;
  • P - gives character firmness and determination;
  • And - unlike the previous letter, on the contrary, it promotes the manifestation of softness and creative qualities;
  • N - indicates perseverance and an analytical mind.

Zarina's totem animal is the albatross

Table: influence of the zodiac sign on the name Zarina

Zodiac sign Description
AriesVery obnoxious, but unusually smart and talented.
TaurusAble to work hard to achieve his goal.
TwinsHe easily manipulates fans and always eludes a showdown.
CancerShe may give up her career in favor of her family if she feels sufficiently protected.
a lionAn ideal leader with the manners of a queen.
VirgoHe strives to realize his large-scale ambitions and works stubbornly for this.
ScalesShe is not without artistic qualities and an innate sense of style.
ScorpionShe will remind you for a long time if you hurt her feelings in any way.
SagittariusHe always defends his point of view in disputes to the bitter end.
CapricornShe is very prudent and logical in her actions.
AquariusDespite his careerism, he finds time for frequent meetings with friends.
FishAlways strives to look good and attract attention.

Zarina in history

The name Zarina is more common in the east, which is why among the famous bearers of this name there are so many women from Asian countries:

  • Zarina Mukhitdinova (1989) - Russian actress originally from Uzbekistan;
  • Zareen Khan (1987) - Indian actress;
  • Zarina Hashmi (1937) is a well-known artist from India in the United States;
  • Zarina Balok (1934–2005) – cultural activist from Pakistan;
  • Zarina Diyas (1993) - Kazakh tennis player;
  • Zarina Gizikova (1985) - Russian gymnast, European champion in 2002;
  • Zarina Wahab (1959) - Indian actress;
  • Zarina Nizomiddinova (1989) - Uzbek film star, daughter of one of the founders of the famous ensemble “Yalla” in the USSR;
  • Zarina Zabriskie is an American writer originally from Russia.

Photo gallery: famous women named Zarina

Russian actress Zarina Mukhitdinova was born in Uzbekistan
Indian actress Zarin Khan is also a popular fashion model. Zarina Hashmi, a well-known artist from India in the United States, is a devotee of abstract art. Tennis player Zarina Diyas was born in Kazakhstan, lives in the Czech Republic, and trains in China. Zarina Wahab is known in her homeland for many films. Actress from Uzbekistan Zarina Nizomitdinova is the daughter of one of the founders of the ensemble "Yalla" Zarina Zabriskie was born in St. Petersburg, but became famous as a writer in the USA

The name Zarina in art

The poet Konstantin Balmont dedicated an entire poem to the legendary queen of the Saka tribe Zarina:

In Sanskrit Tamara - Water,
The Massagetian wonder-queen Tomiris is the Daughter of the Ocean,
And the mistress of the Saki steppes is Zarina, Zarya,
What always
Reliable above the swell of fog,
I am strong with a trustworthy will,
Although it shines tenderly, while burning,
How the snow shines on the peaks, the flowers, and the stones, and the foam,
How it shone, shines, and will shine,
Moonstone, Elena,
Lunar Hellenic dream, and Trojan, and ours, until the end of days,
Fatal Seal
Those who are in love with happiness,
Those in whom Agni, Fire, creation, luminous, colorful dream,
Those whose thoughts are the vastness of the seas,
Fatal Seal
For my singing, fiery, splashing, eternal thought.

Konstantin Balmont

Collection “Firebird. Slavic flute", 1907

In modern cinema, there is also a character named Zarina - this is a fairy from the world of Peter Pan, created by the Disney studio. She appeared in the cartoon "Fairies of the Pirate Island".

A character named Zarina appears in the cartoon about Peter Pan.

Rhyme for the name Zarina

Ideally, only other names rhyme with the name Zarina - Marina, Irina.

If you want to dedicate a poem to a girl named Zarina, you will have to abandon the full rhyme. Try the following options:

  • causeless;
  • deep;
  • innocent;
  • heroine;
  • feather bed;
  • ballerina;
  • tangerine;
  • margarine;
  • showcase.

When Zarina realizes the need to consider others and stops bringing her ego to the fore, positive changes come in her life. She manages to direct her energy in the right and safe direction for others, and uses her leadership qualities where wise leadership and a sober mind are required. By constantly adhering to this line of behavior, Zarina will ensure a pleasant and comfortable life for herself.

The name Zarina means “beauty of dawn”, “dawn”, “golden”, “ Sunbeam", "with gold jewelry."

Origin of the name

Zarina is a female name that has several versions of origin. According to one of them, the name Zarina refers to Slavic names and means “dawn”, “beauty of dawn”. According to another version, the origin of the name Zarina is associated with the Ossetian word, which is translated as “golden”, “red sun”, “sun ray”. In the Tatar language, the name Zarina means “with gold jewelry.”

Characteristics of the name


As a child, Zara is often a capricious child with a complex character. At the same time, the girl is very smart and easily learns new information. She is sociable, loves noisy companies of her peers, in which she tries to stand out.


Zarina maintains fortitude and composure in any situation. She is not influenced by others and has her own opinion on everything. The girl’s straightforwardness and perseverance often become the cause of her conflicts with others, which, however, does not prevent her from realizing her plans.

Usually has well-developed intuition. This helps her see the essence of problems without being deceived by visible trifles.

Zarina can be a very impulsive, peculiar girl. All her actions are prudent and thoughtful. If it is beneficial for her, she can skillfully pretend and lie.

At the same time, in relationships with family and friends, Zarina often shows selflessness. Good family relationships are very important to her, for which she is ready to sacrifice a lot.

Zarina is often spoken of as a person you can rely on. She is reliable in relationships, tries never to let people down and keep her promises.


Zarina is often a good leader. She knows how to influence the people around her and her work colleagues, which is why she often occupies a leadership position. The profession of a teacher is suitable for her, medical worker, researcher.

Personal life

As a rule, for Zarina, family is more important than career. She usually gets married late, and immediately tries to become a leader in family relationships. However, a harmonious marriage is possible if only Zarina’s husband is a strong-willed enough person and can take the reins of power into his own hands. The girl will make a very good wife and housewife. She will be happy to furnish the house and delight her loved ones with delicious dinners. At the same time, she will not tolerate outside interference in the affairs of her family.

Name compatibility

The name Zarina successfully combines with the patronymics Aleksandrovna, Vladimirovna, Sergeevna, Vasilyevna, Khalitovna, Maratovna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Yaroslav, Ilya, Ivan, Dmitry, Victor, Ramil, Shamil.

Name day

Zarina’s Orthodox name days do not exist

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Zarina: Zarina Gizikova, Zarina Mehta, Zarina Khan, Zarina the queen of the Sakas.

The name Zarina has both Slavic, Tatar and Ossetian roots of origin. From the Old Slavonic language this name means “beauty of the dawn.” From the Tatar language the meaning of the name Zarina is “a girl with gold jewelry and patterns.”

    Name day: Zarina does not celebrate her name day.

    Planet Neptune.

    Stone: topaz, aquamarine.

    Element: water.


A girl, girl, woman named Zarina is a person of complex character, with frequent attacks whims. The owners of this name easily get along with people, are smart, multifaceted, and have a rich inner world. When the most difficult situations in life Zarina will not search simple solutions and ways out of problems. Possessing an analytical mind, fortitude and faith in the best, Zarina always maintains composure.

Study, career, hobbies

What does the name Zarina mean? A woman named Zarina can become a good leader, because she cannot act as a subordinate. When taking on any work, any project, Zarina shows diligence and attracts everyone to its implementation, because she has the ability to influence those around her, manipulate them and skillfully uses this. It is difficult to influence a woman named Zarina when solving any issue. She is extremely straightforward and does not like unnecessary and empty conversations. Such a lady can be called persistent and proud, striving to realize all her intended goals. The secret of the name Zarina says that a girl with that name usually chooses pedagogy or medicine as a profession.

Family relationships

What does the name Zarina mean for family relationships? In this area of ​​life, the owner of this name tries to take a leadership position. Zarina vigilantly protects her man and family nest from the encroachments of her rivals and from the intrusions of outsiders. She likes to constantly complicate everything, because she is not inclined to a monotonous life and loves variety. Zarina gets married quite late and, despite her character as a leader, she tries to be flexible in the family.

This is an amorous, flighty and fickle person. Zarina’s husband must be strong, who can withstand any whims of his beloved, only in this way their marriage will be strong as a rock.

The home of the owner of this name is always clean and prosperous. Although the girl is a sociable person, the secret of the name Zarina is that she is a person who loves to visit; she is in no hurry to invite guests and does it extremely rarely.

Relationships with others

The secret of the name Zarina for girls born in winter hides the development of a conflicted and rather hot-tempered person. Often shows stubbornness. This is a prudent person who thinks everything through in advance. In old age, “winter” Zarina has high self-esteem, is a selfish and arrogant person.

Summer Zarina is a dreamy girl, cheerful and romantic, although a little impulsive.

From an early age, Zarina has the adventurous ability to masterfully lie and pretend all the time. This character trait incomprehensibly combines a certain naivety and openness of nature. Despite the flaws inherent in her character, Zarina is loved and respected and considered an authority. She is quite reliable and you can count on her. The meaning of the name Zarina characterizes this girl as follows: in all, even the smallest and simplest matters, she strives to delve into the very essence. Her judgments are always dogmatic, and in life she is helped by well-developed intuition, the desire for convenience and comfort, a critical mindset, courage and self-confidence. Thanks to this, Zarina often achieves success in life.

Famous people:

Zarina or Zarineya is the queen of the ancient Sakas, an ardent female warrior. Zarina Gizikova – rhythmic gymnast, European Champion.

The ancient name Zarina endows its bearer with a certain energy and conceals special information.


There is no consensus regarding the origin of the name Zarina. It is equally popular among Ossetians, Iranians and Slavs. Therefore, there are several versions of the meaning and origin of the name Zarina. According to the Slavic version, the name Zarina means “morning dawn” or “dawn”. The Ossetian people have a different interpretation - “rays of the morning sun” or “fiery sun”. According to the Arabic version, the meaning of the name is “golden”, “sunny”. There is also a Persian version of the appearance of the name, according to which it is translated as “golden-haired.” The Jewish people have their own version of this name, which sounds like Sarah (Zara) and its translation in this case is “princess”.


From early childhood, parents of little Zarina can notice how capricious and demanding their child is growing. The baby’s head constantly has a desire to get something right here and now. But we can say that for a little girl, in the meaning of the name Zarina, these character traits are compensated by activity, cheerfulness and curiosity. Thanks to the meaning of the name, Zarina's school is very good at studying. The girl is often the teachers' favorite. She easily masters various subjects. If the topic is interesting to her, then she will master it on her own and do assignments in advance. The baby really likes to constantly learn something new; she is naturally endowed with a lively mind.

Initiative and determination are noticeable to everyone around her, which is why she is often a class commander or prefect. As a child, a girl will be happy to attend various educational clubs, especially those where she can show artistry, mobility, and many other talents. Belongs to that category of children who are very multifaceted. She can do dancing, sports, singing or something else with equal success. But the main thing for her is to regularly receive praise and see that she really succeeds. Both at school and in the company of friends, Zarina always remains the center of attention. This means that a girl named Zarina remains both a public and an unspoken leader everywhere and in everything. Her natural sociability, goodwill and kindness help her in this, which attracts the attention of other children. Her peers sincerely want to be friends with her. This girl will not be left alone with herself; she constantly wants to be in company.

Business and career

Zarina Khan

Few people know that the name Zarina means born to become a leader. This girl naturally knows how to command and loves to do it. Therefore, it is not difficult for her to very quickly climb up the career ladder and occupy a leadership position. She manages to build wonderful career and achieve your goals very quickly. It is very easy for a naturally sociable girl to win the respect of her colleagues and win over management. Also great value Hard work also plays a role in this. However, it is very difficult for a woman to accept criticism addressed to her

The meaning of the name Zarina suggests that this girl can become a good teacher or worker in the medical industry. She is not the kind of person who strives to gain wealth. He treats money thriftily, knows how to save and save. This allows Zarina to always have money in reserve without needing anything. In business, fate also prepared great success for Zarina. However, she needs to show all her perseverance to develop her own business. A girl needs to learn to plan all her actions, as well as predict events, so as not to burn out. Yes, the girl is used to taking everything into her own hands, but she doesn’t want to be responsible for all actions and actions.

Thanks to Zarina’s strong character and the meaning of the name, fate may turn out that the girl will become a successful journalist, management, and will be able to realize herself in the performing arts and trade. But Zarina chooses extremely diverse hobbies for herself. Sometimes she enjoys spending the evening reading books, which she literally absorbs in immense quantities. Or she may be very happy to go on a visit or to a party and recharge there positive emotions. Although she rarely gathers guests at her home. She likes long trips somewhere abroad.

Personal life

“Red sun” - that’s what the name Zarina means. This girl will experience certain difficulties in life when choosing a future husband. The woman does not strive to get married as soon as possible. This usually happens at a more mature age, since she takes a long time to choose a partner who will suit her. The meaning of the name Zarina encourages the girl to choose experienced partners for herself. Often these are prominent and strong-willed men who will be able to curb such a leader in everything as Zarina. Morally weak men simply cannot cope with such a girl’s temperament, her pressure, so their relationship ends unsuccessfully. Zarina can find her happiness only with a person who is successful both financially and morally. It is with him that she can feel like a real woman, tender and weak. Men should know what the name Zarina means: dislike for experiments in bed.

The meaning of the name Zarina suggests that this woman, although she will marry late, will try to take on the role of leader in family relationships at any age. If this happens, then there will never be harmony in such a family. Her husband must have a certain power over his wife and restrain her constantly. Zarina will get used to such a person for a very long time and will go through many quarrels and scandals. But if in the end there is a compromise, and the spouses learn to give in to each other, then over time there will be a real idyll in the family.

By nature, the owner of the name Zarina is a wonderful mother, wife and housewife. She enjoys arranging her home, preparing delicious food and making her family happy with it. She really doesn’t like it when someone else starts interfering in her life and giving advice. This causes her real anger, even if her husband makes the remark. She needs a truly understanding man who can curb her difficult character and understand that monotony and monotony are not for this girl.


Based on the meaning of her name, Zarina has a slightly biased attitude towards other people. As soon as she achieves even a little success in her endeavors, she immediately puts an imaginary crown on her head. She believes that other people can just as easily achieve the same. This girl often allows herself to quarrel and conflict when strangers. We can say that various disputes and discussions are her path. She simply loves to participate in them. This difficult character has been formed in her since childhood. Only good advice, the guidance and upbringing of her parents will allow her to become a full-fledged person with an excellent level of self-development.

Amethyst talisman

Friendship for Zarina is one of the most important concepts in life. This means that the bearer of the name Zarina is not capable of deception or betrayal, she always tries to keep her promises, protects her family and friends, and is ready to offer them her help. Zarina is always surrounded by close friends, whom she dotes on. However, she manages to quarrel with them too. Needless to say about her loved ones with whom she quarrels over various trifles. However loving people and friends have long known that the girl has a difficult character, they understand and forgive her. But unfamiliar people do not agree to put up with this state of affairs. Emotional disharmony is what the name Zarina means, which often prevents her from building a fulfilling personal life. She may make impulsive decisions regarding her career, but then doubt it for a long time. She approaches the choice of a life partner and friends in the same way. Even any small situations cause her long hesitation in making decisions.

Not everyone knows what the name Zarina means: excessive arrogance and ambition. Sometimes these qualities greatly interfere with communication with others and even loved ones. The name of this girl is patronized by the planet Jupiter, the zodiac constellation suitable for her is Sagittarius, her talisman stone will be amethyst, and her totem animal will be the robin.


Good compatibility of the name Zarina with Ivan, Ilya, Dmitry, Yaroslav, Ramil, Victor, Shamil, Nikolai, Alexander, Maxim, Roman, Sergey, Denis, Igor, Makar, Semyon, Ruslan, Georgy, Vladimir, Andrey.

The name Zarina has poor compatibility with Leo, Svyatoslav, Evgeny, Mikhail. In such relationships there will always be misunderstandings and quarrels.