What is the apn protocol in the phone. Correct apn settings for Yota

Almost anyone who has ever used a mobile phone has encountered a situation where they need to access the Internet, since today absolutely all cellular operators offer such services when purchasing a SIM card. Typically, all access settings are automated or already specified by the operator in the card parameters, but sometimes you have to set some options yourself. And here some owners of mobile equipment begin to have problems due to a fairly large number of parameters that need to be set, among which one of the main ones is APN. What is APN, almost few people think about it and simply enter necessary information, not particularly understanding the theoretical part. Therefore, it is worthwhile to describe this parameter and the values ​​​​set for it in more detail.

What is an Access Point Name in a general sense?

And to begin with, without delving into the intricacies of the settings for now, let's look at what this term represents. As a rule, the full name or an abbreviation derived from it is called an access point. In general, this is true, but only partly, because if we translate the main phrase from in English, we get the “access point name” (well, or name). But such a translation does not fully reflect the essence of the term. By and large, speaking about what an APN access point is, we can say that it is a certain identifier of the network through which access to the Internet is made. It goes without saying that this terminology can also be found in computer technology, but most often it is applied to mobile networks.

What is APN in mobile communications?

With mobile networks everything is simple. When setting the necessary parameters on a mobile device, a specific Internet resource of the mobile operator (server) with the prefix “internet” at the beginning (for example, internet.beeline.ru) is usually indicated in the APN access point field.

However, it should be clearly understood that such an address is not a site that can be opened in a regular web browser. This is, if you like, a kind of gateway or gate through which you gain access to the World Wide Web. Thus, if you do not specify or incorrectly specify such an identifier for the Internet network of the mobile operator, acting in this case as a provider, access to the Internet will be impossible (and only when using the operator’s network and not a modem).

Do I need to configure APN myself?

What is APN, we figured it out a little. But to set up access you need to set enough a large number of all kinds of options. What to do in this situation and what values ​​to set for each of them? All owners of mobile equipment can immediately be reassured.

In theory, the first time you connect (sometimes every subsequent time), when you insert a SIM card into the phone slot, the operator’s technical support service sends you a so-called Push message (or SMS message) with automated settings, including access point name. For the first type of notifications, there is no need to configure access, since the main parameters are automatically registered in the phone. The second type of messages is more designed for cases when you have some problems accessing Internet content, or access is blocked (impossible). This is where you have to check the settings manually and enter the correct data.

Note: most SIM cards with prepaid services for using the services of operators have Internet settings already pre-installed, so the user usually does not need to make any changes to them.

How to perform manual setup: preliminary steps

Now let's look at a few prerequisites that must be met in order not only to correctly install all options, but also to obtain a guaranteed Internet connection. The first and most important thing is that using the mobile operator’s network to access the Internet, an additional fee is charged for such a service (unless a certain traffic limit allocated for a month is not included in the cost of using the package). So first, at least check your balance.

The second condition is the activation of data transfer, which usually applies to smartphones (in older mobile phones it could just be a function of internet access or something else). It’s just when you turn on data transfer that the same message about the additional fee appears.

Main settings

What is an APN is clear. It's time to move on to practical access settings. In modern smartphones and tablets that can work with SIM cards, you can find quite a lot of various parameters, but you don’t need to enter data for all of them. You can limit yourself only to those sent by the operator. You can also find the required options directly on the mobile provider’s website.

First, the name of the connection itself is set (not to be confused with the name of the access point), then the APN identifier, user name, password, authentication type and, if necessary, the type of protocol used (usually IPv4) are entered. Port values ​​are usually not specified, but if they are needed, port 80 is most often used. In some cases, a proxy profile may be involved, but it is better to clarify this information directly with customer support. Next, all that remains is to save the configured profile and activate it, setting it as the default one, which is sometimes necessary if you have several SIM cards from different operators.

Bottom line

If we summarize all of the above, using just one sentence and without going into a technical description of the technical side of the issue, we can note that APN in the sense of the access point name is solely the name of the operator’s resource, preceded by the word internet.

APN Yota is an access point that works like everything else using APN technology, however, when using it there are a number of features associated with bypassing the restrictions of the Yota network.

It’s worth noting right away that the APN access point in (Android) is usually configured automatically, so a new subscriber to a mobile operator does not need to perform any additional actions. At the same time, for some reason, automatic configuration may not occur.

Setting it up in iOS

In most cases, after inserting into the slot and rebooting the device, the new SIM card is quickly automatically registered on the network, as indicated by the mobile operator icon on the display. APN settings have characteristics.

In the case of gadgets running under iOS control, you must first enable data transfer on the mobile network, and then wait for the connection to be established. Then you need to open a web browser and go to any site, from where you will be redirected to the profile registration page. You must register your profile and only then start configuring the access point.

Setting up the APN of the Yota access point in iOS gadgets is done as follows:

    • Go to the “Settings” section.
    • Select the following items: “Cellular Communications” > “Cellular Data”.

    • Then, with your own hands, in the free column “APN access point” we indicate the data of the telecom operator - internet.yota.

  • All other free fields should be left untouched - you do not need to enter anything in them.
    Finally, we need to tick two functions – supl and default.
  • After all the manipulations, the gadget should be rebooted.
  • Configuring the APN access point for the Iota Internet is completed. After rebooting the device, you can select a tariff plan and start using the service.

Setting it up in Android

The setup principle here is largely similar:

    • Go to the “Settings” menu.
    • We select sequentially the items “ Wireless network» > “More” > “Mobile network”.
    • We see the “Access Point (APN)” field and make exactly the same entry as in the case of iOS.

    • The remaining fields should be left blank.
    • Reboot the device.
    • This completes the settings for the Eta access point on Android.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from your phone?

Today, owners of smartphones and tablets that run Android OS cannot share the Internet. Distributing Wi-Fi Yota from a phone is prohibited at the software level. The company states that for distribution you need to use .

Of course, distributing Wi-Fi via Yota is possible if special applications are installed and root rights are obtained. But for inexperienced users these manipulations are too complex.

This article will talk about a small trick that a certain virtual OpCoS can resort to in order to deceive its subscribers in the process of providing packet data services. Our focus will be on the process of selecting and using an Access Point Name.
As we remember from the article GPRS from the inside. Part 2, APN is used during the PDP Context activation procedure and is intended to determine the service requested by the subscriber.

Services provided by the mobile operator's packet network resources can be:

  • Mobile internet
  • Intranet VPN access
  • LAN over GPRS
  • PTT
  • SMS over GPRS*
    * - for providing shipping services short messages APN is not used and there is no need to activate PDP Context, it is enough to carry out the GPRS Attach procedure.
Let's take a closer look at the mechanisms for selecting and using APN(en) - Access Point Name in a GPRS session. Let's start with the limitations, APN NOT must:
  • end with ".gprs"*
  • have special characters in the name (? % # $ *)**
  • be less than 1 character and more than 63 characters*
  • start with combinations of character sequences: LAC, RAC, SGSN, RNC
  • start with operator code (see below)
* - this limitation applies to the so-called Network ID (see below)
** - only alphanumeric sequences of characters are used: “A… Z”, “a… z”, “0… 9”, as well as the characters “. -”

The APN must also begin with an alphanumeric character sequence and is not case sensitive on the SGNS side.

Functionally APN is intended to determine the IP address of the GGSN, which will provide the service requested by the subscriber when activating the PDP context"a.
Optional APN consists of two parts - network identifier (mandatory part) and operator identifier (optional part):

  • the network identifier determines the IP address of the GGSN or several GGSNs and, to a first approximation, determines the type of network to which the GGSN has an outlet;
  • operator identifier represents the parameters of the operator network in which the serving GGSN is located and consists of MNC and MCC (for example, mnc009.mcc255.gprs - some operator, Ukraine - which is also called GOI), if this data is not in the APN name, then for subscribers of the SGSN operator’s home network will add the so-called Default APN Operator Identifier, specified in SGSN for the subscriber’s home network, the so-called HPLMN *;
    * - for a mobile network subscriber, there is the concept of a home network, i.e. network in which the tariffs specified in the contract for the provision of network services will apply, but there is also the concept of a guest or roaming network in which tariffs will apply in accordance with the roaming agreement between operators. In this case, there will be only one home network for the subscriber, but there may be several guest networks.
The operator ID can be added to the APN in various ways:
  • Received from the subscriber when PDP Context is activated (registered in the APN itself).
  • Generated from the subscriber's IMSI if the guest user is roaming and requests access to his home network.
  • Obtained from the GOI parameter, which is registered on the SGSN for the network to which the subscriber belongs
The full APN name (including the operator ID) is used to resolve the IP address of the GGSN that will serve the specified APN. On the side of the local DNS operator, the APN will be “decrypted” from right to left, i.e. the service area of ​​the gprs domain is determined, then the service area of ​​the mcc255 domain, etc. Before activating PDP Context, SGSN receives a user profile from HLR. In the user profile, the APN parameter can indicate the APNs allowed for use by the subscriber, or the “*” icon can be indicated, which allows the use of any of the existing APNs in the operator’s network. If a profile contains a list of several allowed APNs, then the first APN in the list has higher priority than the rest - see examples.

For each PLMN, be it Home PLMN or Visitor PLMN, most vendors allow you to register on SGSN the so-called Default APN Operator Identifier, which is automatically substituted as the Network Identifier, i.e. actually replacing the APN requested by the subscriber, but only if the subscriber made a mistake in writing the APN, or specified an APN that does not exist in the operator’s network. The main idea of ​​using the DEFAPN parameter is aimed at reducing the number of unsuccessful attempts to activate PDP Context"a, if subscribers made a mistake, i.e. You specified the wrong APN in the connection settings. The use of the DEFAPN parameter is optional and does not affect the overall functionality, i.e. The operator may not purchase licenses to use this functionality. In addition to the DEFAPN settings, usually a mandatory setting on the SGSN"e is permission to overwrite the requested APN, as well as separate settings for replacing the requested APN for roaming subscribers.

But what prevents the operator from using additional functionality to his advantage... :)

The scenarios for the development of events are almost the same for both roaming subscribers and subscribers located in their home network, the only difference is that the parameters for replacing the requested APN must be specified for the PLMN to which the user belongs (i.e., either HPLMN or VPLMN) therefore, all of the following is equally applicable to both scenarios of a subscriber being in a roaming network (VPLMN) and in a home network (HPLMN).

  1. Smart subscriber
    Given: the subscriber specified in the phone settings an existing APN (for example, opsos.com.ua), to which he is allowed access. His profile on HLR contains a list of APNs allowed to him (for example, in this order - internet, opsos.com.ua, mms.opsos.com.ua).
    • DEFAPN Activated Override of Requested APN Permitted
      The subscriber is in his home network:
      to the requested APN SGSN will add the GOI specified for HPLMN (i.e. for our virtual operator this is mnc009.mcc255.gprs), according full name APN - opsos.com.ua.mnc009.mcc255.gprs will resolve the IP address of the GGSN that will serve the GPRS session. PDP Context for the subscriber will be successfully activated according to the APN specified by him (in our case it will be opsos.com.ua), the tariffs for using packet transmission will correspond to the tariffs of the opsos.com.ua access point.
      The subscriber is in the guest network:
      in the guest network, SGSN will add the home network GOI to the specified APN name, based on information from the IMSI, send a request to the DNS server and receive the GGSN IP address in the operator’s home network, then redirect the PDP Context to the subscriber’s home network, i.e. When roaming, subscribers use the roaming SGSN, but all traffic passes through their “home” GGSN. Tariffs for using packet transmission will correspond to the roaming tariffs of the opsos.com.ua access point for the subscriber.
    • DEFAPN NOT Activated Override of Requested APN NOT Permitted
      Further developments of events are almost similar for both roaming subscribers and subscribers in their home network (HPLMN), so we will not consider the two scenarios, but will only point out the main differences.
      In this scenario, nothing will change, the subscriber will be able to activate PDP Context using APN - opsos.com.ua, tariffs for using packet services will correspond to the tariffs of the opsos.com.ua access point.
  2. Typical subscriber
    Given: the subscriber specified an existing APN in the settings, for example - internet (or any other APN existing in the operator’s network), while in the subscriber’s settings on HLR (in his profile) “*” is indicated in the APN parameter.
    • DEFAPN Activated Override of Requested APN Permitted
      The subscriber will be able to activate PDP Context using the APN specified by him - internet, the tariffs for using packet transmission services will correspond to the tariffs of the internet access point, because The DEFAPN parameter does not participate in any way in activating the subscriber context.
    • DEFAPN NOT Activated Override of Requested APN NOT Permitted
      The subscriber will be able to activate PDP Context using the APN specified by him - internet, the tariffs for using packet transmission services will correspond to the tariffs of the internet access point.
  3. Almost smart subscriber
    Given: the subscriber specified in the phone settings NOT existing APN (for example, mega.fast.internet), or the subscriber will specify in the settings an existing APN, but which will not be present in the list of allowed APNs in the subscriber's profile with HLR "a. In his profile on HLR, the list of APNs allowed for him is indicated (for example , in this order - internet, opsos.com.ua, mms.opsos.com.ua).
    • DEFAPN Activated Override of Requested APN Permitted
      In this case, because on the SGSN side, the subscriber profile with HLR will be received, the first APN in the list will be determined and the PDP Context will be activated using this first APN.
      There is a small nuance here, because... the subscriber does not have the right to somehow interfere with changing his profile, that is, it is likely that the first APN in the list of APNs allowed for him will be an APN whose usage rates will turn out to be not very low.
    • DEFAPN NOT Activated Override of Requested APN NOT Permitted
      In this case, the user will receive a Reject to activate PDP Context"a and will not be able to use the requested service until he specifies one of the APNs specified in his profile with HLR"a.
  4. "Gifted" subscriber + little trick(read LOYALTY) operator
    Given: the subscriber hears the word APN for the first time (or indicated a non-existent APN / made a mistake when entering an existing APN), in his HLR profile “*” is set instead of APN.
    • DEFAPN Activated Override of Requested APN Permitted
      Let’s say that in the default settings of SGSN for subscribers of the PLMN to which the subscriber belongs, for example, DEFAPN - expensive.net is installed with the “cheapest” (let’s say, packet data transfer under APN expensive.net is the most expensive tariff in the operator’s network) tariffs for using packet data transfer . In this case, because If the subscriber did not specify the “correct” APN, then his requested APN will be replaced with the one specified in DEFAPN, i.e. - expensive.net.
      Here another “nuance” appears: if a subscriber connects to the network under the specified conditions, then he will pay for services according to the “ceiling” itself, i.e. at the expensive.net rate.
    • DEFAPN NOT Activated Override of Requested APN NOT Permitted
      In this event scenario, the subscriber will receive a Reject to activate the PDP Context and will not be able to use packet data services.
Actually, with the help of such small tricks, our virtual cellular operator can deceive its subscribers.

Conclusion: Always control the settings and parameters that are transmitted in any communication, including when using GPRS/EDGE services in mobile operator networks, because very often there are messages on the network about dissatisfaction with data services and high usage bills mobile communications, and getting some kind of sane answer from the operator is sometimes very, very difficult.

Z.Y.: During the writing of this article, not a single cellular subscriber was harmed, because... in our country all operators are “honest” and fluffy :-)

A little helper:

APN- Access Point Name
GGSN- Gateway GPRS Support Node
GOI– GGSN Operator Identifier
GPRS- General Packet Radio Service
HLR- Home Location Register
IMSI– International Mobile Subscriber Identity
L.A.C.- Location Area Code
MCC- Mobile Country Code
MNC- Mobile Network Code
PDN- Packet Data Networks
PDP- Packet Data Protocol
PLMN- Public Land Mobile Network
RAC- Routing Area Code
R.N.C.- Radio Network Controller
SGSN- Serving GPRS Support Node

An access point is a very useful thing, but it should not be confused with a router. There are some differences between them, although they perform very similar functions.

Access point - what is it

An access point (APN) is a device through which other devices gain access to the Internet. Let's say you have wired Internet, and you need to connect several devices to it - a computer, a telephone and a TV. APN will come to the rescue: by connecting an Internet cable to it, you will distribute the Internet to all devices via a W-Fi network.

Differences between APN and router

A standard router does the same job - it takes the Internet from one source and distributes it to many devices. But, firstly, this was not always the case: initially, routers divided the Internet from one cable into several wires, each of which could be connected to one device. This possibility remains in modern routers: on the rear panel there is one input for a WAN cable that supplies the Internet, and several inputs for wires that will lead the Internet to some device. But after some time, routers learned to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, so the difference between them and APN decreased, but still remained.

The router has an input for WAN and LAN cable

Secondly, the router can do more than APN. The access point only receives information and sends it out, the router is the same, but can also:

  • route (redistribute) traffic between several network levels. That's why it is sometimes called a router;
  • issue an individual number to each connected device (assign an IP), which helps manage the amount of traffic allocated to a particular device. For example, thanks to this you can limit maximum speed one device so that another gets higher priority;
  • guarantees greater security, as it has a built-in firewall;
  • may have even more settings, the availability of which depends on the router model.

There are also differences in the usage process, listed in table format.

Table: router differences from APN

By connecting the router first to the provider's cable and configuring it once, you do not have to separately configure each computer or laptop connected after it in your home/office networkThe device located on the network after the access point will need to make settings from the provider.
You can easily organize a home network: the router will act as a dhcp server, distribute IP addresses within the network, you only need to connect the devices to the configured router - it will do the rest itself.You will have to tinker with your home network settings, including, possibly, obtaining additional IP addresses from your provider.
The router has firewall functionality and a built-in firewall, which means it provides improved network protection.The access point does not have any security functionality other than simple traffic encryption.
If you need high connection speed for some tasks, you can always connect your computer to the router using network cable and get the maximum speed provided by your provider.Most access points do not have a wired data transfer interface to end devices, and the wireless connection speed is not suitable for all tasks.
For the operation of some highly specialized programs/interfaces, it may be necessary to configure port forwarding on the router, since the internal IP address of the devices is not accessible “from the outside”, from the router’s subnet.The access point transparently broadcasts traffic, and for some highly specialized tasks this is good. The IP address of the end device is accessible from the outside without additional settings.

What to choose - APN or router

Based on all the differences described above, we can conclude: it is better, because it is easier, to use a router. APN is convenient in offices and organizations; it is recommended to use a router in home and private premises, as it is easy to both configure and reconfigure in the future, it is safer, has more settings and provides the ability to distribute the Internet via cable, which ensures the fastest and most stable distribution Internet.

The last factor is very important: APN distributes the Internet only via Wi-Fi, and many desktop computers cannot receive a Wi-Fi signal. Of course, you can purchase additional equipment for your computer, but if your goal is comfort at home, use a router.

But APNs are sometimes used for another purpose: increasing the range of the router. Let's say you have a router that distributes the Internet to several rooms, but its signal does not reach the farthest one, and there is no way to rearrange it. In this case, the router synchronizes with the APN, which increases the signal strength. Many companies produce both routers and access points, so their compatibility is ensured.

What to look for when purchasing an APN

If you still decide to purchase an APN, then pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • maximum number of connected devices - shows how many devices the APN can simultaneously service. Of course, if APN is installed at home, where 2-4 devices will connect to it, then this parameter is not important, but for organizations in which the number of devices exceeds a hundred, this is important;
  • what is used to control it, is there any special software from the manufacturer;
  • maximum and minimum data transfer speed;
  • encryption method, WPA or WPA2 is recommended, a more outdated method is WEP;
  • frequency range - also affects connection speed, compatibility, range, and the ability of the signal to bypass physical barriers.

Select a device based on price/quality ratio. Ask your salesperson to tell you which APN is best for your needs.

APN setup

In most cases, the access point is configured automatically as soon as it gains access to the Internet. But in the future you can reconfigure it by following these steps:

  1. Some companies provide a special program that allows you to manage APN. But in most cases, a local website is provided, launched through a browser. You can find out which method is used in your case in the instructions. We will consider the second option - to enter the site, usually, but not always, the address or is used. To log in you will need a username and password, this is used by default. Login information can also be found in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website.

    Enter your password and login to log in

  2. The interface of points from different manufacturers differs, but the general logic remains the same: find the “Network setup” or “Quick setup” section and go to it.

    Go to the “Quick setup” section

  3. In it you can select a network, a name for it, set a password for the connection, select an encryption method and signal strength. There are also more detailed settings here (standard, frequency, VMM), which should not be touched if you do not know what they affect.

    We change all the necessary settings of the access point

APN via device

Most modern devices are capable of performing APN functions - distributing mobile or wired Internet via Wi-Fi networks other devices. The speed and range are sometimes lower than in a separate base station, but the capabilities should be sufficient for temporary Internet distribution. Please note that when distributing mobile Internet, traffic is sometimes limited or paid for in a different, often more expensive, plan.


  1. Open your device settings.

    Open Android settings

  2. Go to the "More" section.

    Open the “More” section

  3. Open the “Access Point” subsection.

    Open the “Access Point” section

  4. Select the distribution method: Wi-Fi network, cable or Bluetooth. Activate one of them. Done, the second device connected using the selected method has gained access to the Internet.

    Activate one of the access point modes


If the Modem Mode tab is missing, follow these steps:

Table: network settings for popular operators


This method is suitable for users of laptops running Windows 7. In other versions of the system, it is also possible to create an APN, but the steps will be slightly different. It will not be possible to distribute the Internet from a personal computer without additional equipment, since PCs as standard do not know how to receive and transmit a Wi-Fi network.

  1. Click on the network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and go to the network control center.

Yota is a telecom operator that is radically different from others. This is manifested not only in advertising or design: the user can make almost all settings in the application, without leaving home. Favorable tariffs and unlimited Internet will appeal to young people. And communication without roaming throughout the vast territory of Russia will be convenient for people whose work requires frequent business trips. However, problems may arise at first. For example, in the Yota Internet APN settings. This article will help you deal with them.

Yota - the mobile operator of the future

Yota really does provide unlimited Internet at a fairly affordable price. The quality of the network connection differs from other operators only in speed. The named operator makes the Internet available in different places RF. So, you can now enjoy it while staying outside the city.

Another nice feature of Yota is the lack of roaming. If the user has moved to another city, prices for communication services remain the same. Unfortunately, this feature is only available for thirty days in a new region. Next, the operator offers to change the tariff.

All operations with your SIM card can be easily carried out in the application. The option of tariff and other manipulations is available there.

However, not everything is so rosy. Yota has disadvantages that stop many people from buying their SIM card:

  1. Limited coverage area.
  2. Working with the application. For many users it does not function and is “buggy”, and in general not everyone is ready to spend time studying it.
  3. The phone will not be able to distribute the Internet. In addition, problems arise in Yota - APN settings. Sometimes you have to configure the SIM card yourself.

How to install a SIM card?

You just need to activate the card. You need to download the Yota application (for iPhone in the AppStore, for Android in PlayMarket), and then insert the SIM card directly into the smartphone. You should also add an access point (APN) - internet.Yota. There is no need to change other settings. After all these manipulations, check the box next to the “Data Roaming” line and then restart your mobile device. All is ready.

If the application on your phone does not work or for some other reason you cannot use it, you can type the following commands:

  • *567# - activation;
  • *106*N# - connection to a package of minutes and the Internet (N - amount of selected time).

Automatic Network Setup

As soon as the SIM card is activated, you will receive a message with data for installing the Internet. Modern mobile phones quickly recognize these coordinates. In the event that a message has been deleted or sent to the spam folder, it is possible to get automatic Network settings again. To do this, you can contact a consultant through the application, by phone or using the operator’s website.

If the phone cannot determine these parameters on its own, then you need to install the Internet manually. To do this, you just need to understand Yota. Setting up APN is quite easy.

What to do before setting it up manually?

Before you start creating an APN yourself, you should review some settings on your phone. Perhaps this small check will help save a lot of time and nerves. To begin with, it’s worth recalling that all MMS and Internet parameters come as an SMS to your phone and are installed automatically. So what to do in the APN Yota settings? You need to be sure that this did not happen, and only then start working with the connection.

Owners of iP hone 5 need to know: the model does not support operation with Russian mobile operator companies. In this case, it is better not to purchase Yota at all. The Apple smartphone of this release is not intended for Russian providers.

If the phone supports domestic operators, and its owner can’t wait to configure it manually, it’s worth checking the coverage map. The region is part of the network zone, which means Yota will function normally. You also need to disable WI-FI on your mobile device and enable Yota data transfer. APN settings should only be made with the connection enabled. Without this, you cannot start work.

Setting up APN on a mobile device

Creating a hotspot is slightly different depending on your phone's operating system. On Android, just stick to these simple commands to set up the Internet:

  • You need to go to the “Settings” section, click on “more”.
  • Setting up APN Yota on Android is very simple - you select the “mobile networks” item on the page that just opens, and then click on “Access points” and configure the Internet there. You just need to enter APN: internet.Yota and come up with a name for it.

If you have connection problems on your Apple device, don't despair - it's quite easy to install. This is done as follows:

  • First you need to go to the "Settings" section.
  • Next, find “cellular communications” and click there.
  • The “cellular data” section will appear on the screen. In it, enter APN internet.Yota, and leave all other fields empty.

If the lucky owner Windows Phone There are also problems with the Internet, they can be easily fixed. This is done by analogy with Android. You need to go to the “settings” section, select “access point” and add it - internet.Yota. After rebooting, you can enjoy unlimited Internet on your phone.

How to install a modem

Many people prefer home Internet to mobile Internet. What should users do in this case? of this operator? In order for APN 4g lte to occur, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. In the “username” item you must enter Yota1.
  2. In APN - internet.Yota.

Similar to setting up a mobile connection. Yota home Internet has many advantages. You can easily switch from one tariff to another or immediately pay for the annual provision of services.

Many inexperienced users may have problems with seemingly basic things. How to activate a SIM card or set up the Internet in Yota? APN settings, as you might guess, are unknown to the average user. Many are accustomed to such services from employees of cellular communication stores and do not understand what to do. In this case, there are two options: go to the salon or try to set everything up yourself. For those who preferred the latter, this article will be useful.