Job description. Job description of methodologist, instructor-methodologist

Job description

department methodologist


1. General Provisions

1.1. The methodologist of the education department of the administration of the Sladkovsky municipal district is an employee of the education system, builds his activities on the basis of federal and regional laws, guided in his work by documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on issues of preschool education , the work of school libraries, primary (general) education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, orders, resolutions, regulations and other governing and regulatory documents higher authorities;

1.2. The methodologist is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the head of the education department.

1.3. The methodologist reports in his work directly to the head of the education department.

1.4. Persons with higher professional education and at least 3 years of teaching experience are accepted for the position of methodologist in the education department.

1.5. The methodologist must know legislative and other regulations on education issues, be able to monitor the activities of educational institutions, and provide methodological assistance in questions.

2. Functions

1. Exercises control over:

8. Executes orders of the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region Administration, orders and resolutions of the Head of Sladkovsky municipal district, orders of the head of the education department.

9.Keeps minutes of operational meetings with heads of educational institutions.

10. Secretary of the meetings of the Municipal Council for the implementation of the PNP “Education”.

11. Supervises the work educational institution MAOU Nikulinskaya oosh.

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The methodologist of the education department prepares documents in a timely manner within the limits of his official powers.

3.2. Executes orders of the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region Administration, orders and resolutions of the Head of the Sladkovsky Municipal District, orders of the head of the education department.

3.3. Preschool education:

3.3.1. Participates in seminars for teaching staff of preschool educational institutions;

3.3.2. Provides methodological assistance to senior educators and educators on the choice of educational programs preschool education;

3.3.3. Responsible for the implementation of the municipal order for the provision of preschool education services.

3.3.4. Monitors the long-term target program “Main directions for the development of education and science in the Tyumen region” (Forms 2-1, 2-2,2-5, 2-6,2-7)

3.3.5. Takes part in the development of methodological and information materials, diagnostics.

3.3.6. Monitors the implementation of preschool education programs.

3.3.7. Coordinates the work of preschool educational institutions to fill out websites:

Information and methodological portal “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”

Education of the Sladkovsky district.

3.4. Primary (basic) education:

3.4.1.Participates in seminars of the regional methodological association of primary school teachers.

3.4.2. Provides methodological assistance to teaching staff of their choice educational programs primary (general) education;

3.4.3. Organizes the regional Olympiad for junior schoolchildren.

3.4.4. Monitors the implementation of state standards for primary education.

3.4.5 Supervises the work of educational institutions on the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

3.4.6. Takes part in the development of methodological and information materials, diagnostics;

3.4.7. Provides and controls educational, educational and thematic plans, primary level programs.

3.4.8. Analyzes and summarizes the results of the work of primary school teachers.

3.5.Organization of school libraries:

3.5.1. Creates and maintains a regional database of educational literature and monitors the order, receipt and distribution of educational, methodological, program fiction literature.

3.5.2. Responsible for monitoring the state of the general and educational fund of school libraries, monitoring library work, monitoring the provision of educational literature to students; generation of applications for educational literature, receipt and distribution of educational literature

3.5.3. Coordinates the work of school librarians' seminars.

3.5.4. Organizes methodological and consulting assistance to school librarians.

3.5.5. Monitors the implementation of legislation and other regulations and instructions on librarianship.

The RMK methodologist is obliged to:

· carry out orders, instructions and instructions of superiors, in the order of subordination, managers, issued within the limits of their official powers, with the exception of illegal ones;

· maintain a level of qualifications sufficient to perform their job duties;

· comply with the internal regulations established by the district administration, standards of official ethics, job descriptions, and the procedure for handling official information;

· do not commit actions that complicate work or lead to undermining the authority of a district administration employee;

· preserve state and other secrets protected by law, as well as information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties that affects the private life, honor and dignity of citizens.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a methodologist (including a senior one), sample 2019. should include the following sections: general position, job responsibilities of a methodologist (including a senior), rights of a methodologist (including a senior), responsibility of a methodologist (including a senior).

Job description of methodologist (including senior) belongs to the section " Qualification characteristics education positions".

The job description of a methodologist (including a senior one) should reflect the following points:

Job responsibilities of a methodologist (including senior)

1) Job responsibilities. Carries out methodological work in educational institutions of all types and types, multimedia libraries, methodological, educational and methodological offices (centers) (hereinafter referred to as institutions). Analyzes the state of educational-methodological (educational-training) and educational work in institutions and develops proposals to improve its effectiveness. Takes part in the development of methodological and information materials, diagnostics, forecasting and planning of training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of institutions. Provides assistance to teaching staff of institutions in determining the content of educational programs, forms, methods and means of teaching, in organizing work on scientific and methodological support of educational activities of institutions, in developing working educational (subject) programs (modules) in disciplines and training courses. Organizes the development, review and preparation for approval of educational and methodological documentation and manuals for academic disciplines, standard lists of equipment, didactic materials etc. Analyzes and summarizes the results of experimental work of institutions. Summarizes and takes measures to disseminate the most effective experience of teaching staff. Organizes and coordinates the work of methodological associations of teaching staff, provides them with advisory and practical assistance in relevant areas of activity. Participates in the work of organizing advanced training and retraining of workers in the relevant areas of their activities, in scientific and methodological support of the content of education, in the development of long-term plans for ordering textbooks, teaching aids, methodological materials. Summarizes and disseminates information about advanced technologies of training and education (including information technologies), advanced domestic and world experience in the field of education. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for holding competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, rallies, competitions, etc. In additional education institutions, participates in acquisition study groups, circles and student associations. Makes proposals to improve the educational process in an educational institution. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of the educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Ensures the protection of life and health of students and pupils during the educational process. Complies with labor safety regulations and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior methodologist, along with performing the duties provided for by the position of a methodologist, he supervises the performers subordinate to him. Participates in the development of long-term plans for the publication of teaching aids and teaching materials.

The methodologist (including the senior) should know

2) When performing his job duties, a methodologist (including a senior one) must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; principles of didactics; fundamentals of pedagogy and developmental psychology; general and private teaching technologies; principles methodological support academic subject or area of ​​activity; system for organizing the educational process in an educational institution; principles and procedure for developing educational program documentation, curricula by specialty, educational programs, standard lists of educational equipment and other educational and methodological documentation; methodology for identifying, summarizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical work; principles of organization and content of the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of institutions; basics of working with publishing houses; principles of systematization of methodological and information materials; basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive teaching aids, organization of their rental; maintenance of the teaching aid fund; theory and methods of managing educational systems; modern educational technologies productive, differentiated, developmental training, implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; basics of working with a word processor, spreadsheets, by email and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements for a methodologist (including senior)

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years. For a senior methodologist - higher professional education and work experience as a methodologist for at least 2 years.

Job description for methodologist (including senior) - sample 2019. Job responsibilities of the methodologist (including the senior), rights of the methodologist (including the senior), responsibility of the methodologist (including the senior).

Alenova Zhuldyz
Essay “What does it mean to be a Methodist? Who is this?"

Who it Methodist? What is its role in the work system kindergarten? Becoming methodologist, I realized that I must be responsible not only for myself and my ability to work with children, but also for teachers, for children from all groups, for working with parents, etc. A methodologist is a person who should always know the answer to any question; a teacher who must show, teach, introduce new methods, techniques, be keep abreast of the latest innovations in the education system.

Job title « Methodist» did not appear immediately. At first it was "educator- Methodist» , and then "senior teacher". But no matter what the position is called, always methodologist were presented high requirements. And in my opinion a person must be a methodologist, who himself was first a teacher, knows this work firsthand.

Methodist is responsible for the most important section of the kindergarten’s work – the pedagogical process. If Methodist a professional in his field, and the quality of the teachers’ work will be high.

In any preschool institution, teachers must improve their professionalism and ability to work with each child. Methodist should help educators determine working methods, consider the creative potential of teachers, help choose a topic for self-education to improve their professional knowledge and skills.

I am working recently became a methodologist, but I pay attention to the issue of improving the skills of each teacher Special attention, since in our time the demands of parents for the work of a teacher in a preschool institution have become higher. Parents want their children to be raised by professionals who are experts in their field. And for this you need to constantly improve your knowledge and skills. In our preschool we use the following forms of professional development: teachers:

Firstly, these are well-known advanced training courses, one of the traditional and mandatory forms of work to improve the qualifications of teachers.

Secondly, these are various shows - competitions. We plan them according to the annual plan. A creative group of teachers is developing criteria for evaluating the competition. We involve parents in participating in shows and competitions, which makes children and adults very happy.

Thirdly, this is the creation of a creative group of teachers. We create them to solve a problem that has arisen in the educational process. This group includes the most experienced teachers and teacher-mentors.

We have in kindergarten and "School for a Young Teacher", where we bring together young educators to improve their teaching skills. Master classes, consultations, viewings of open classes, and exchange of experience are held for them.

In addition, each teacher is engaged in self-education. Having chosen a topic, teachers comprehend it, show its relevance, independently obtain knowledge on the topic and implement it in their work with children. For me this is the direction of work methodologist the closest and most interesting. I offer educators participation in various competitions, seminars, pedagogical readings, and conferences. Each teacher creates a portfolio where he collects all the work on his topic. Twice a year the teacher gives open classes on the topic of self-education.

The main job of a senior educator is working with teaching staff. Methodist promotes the professional growth of team members, motivating teachers to self-improvement, and helps them rise to a higher level of teaching work.

Innovation activity is an integral part of the activities of modern preschool. The senior teacher should be widely informed about all innovations in the preschool education system. Today he himself must work in an innovative mode, know how to organize innovative and experimental work in an institution at any level. An important task is the ability to motivate the teaching staff to engage in innovative activities.

The team of teachers in kindergarten is not always what we would like to see. Someone works with a creative approach to any task, always coming up with something, inventing something. Others work well, do their job, but there is no initiative, sparkle in the eyes, or desire to make the process of education and training better. And the third type of teachers, who have a diploma of education, but are very far from the profession, have neither the ability nor the desire to work and create. And in any team there will be one or two such employees. Task methodologist– know your team, be able to discern strengths and weak sides everyone and instill in them confidence and desire to work.

Life does not stand still, it moves forward, Means, you need to go for new knowledge yourself. It's impossible to say with certainty “I know and can do everything”, we learn all our lives by making some mistakes and mistakes.

Which one should be methodical work in new conditions?

If you are Methodist only by position - there will be little result from such activities. And if this is a calling, then the result will be different. Methodist is a generator of ideas, a direct participant, a theorist, capable of analyzing the pedagogical process, phenomena and drawing conclusions that are essential for improving the quality of work. Professionalism methodologist– not in preserving the image "knowing everything, being able to do everything", but in the ability to provide effective assistance.

Methodist it is necessary to have fundamental professional knowledge, competence, broad outlook and general cultural erudition.

Methodist must have in mandatory corresponding psychophysical qualities personalities: good organizational skills, ability be a leader, the ability to interest and unite practitioners, and speak publicly.

The main thing in work methodologist– not only to convey professional knowledge, but also the desire to constantly engage in self-education. In our time Methodist must be proficient in new information technologies. Methodical the work seems to me like a tree, where methodologist is the root, which nourishes, grows, and thanks to it there are branches - teachers, and with their sensitive, purposeful work, leaves appear - children. Important be a master of his craft. What is this means? And what Means be able to see everything possible problems in the pedagogical process and be able to prevent them, be able to solve complex pedagogical situations, have professionalism, but at the same time be a simple ordinary person.

My job is to help educators discover themselves. An opportunity to show your talents, your creativity, your skills. So that each of my teachers becomes a Teacher with a capital T.

This definitely requires knowledge, but in addition to this, you also need an open soul, a kind heart, love for children and for your profession.

My life principles, which guide me in my professional activities:

1. Never talk "I don't know", the main thing is the desire to find out;

2. Always help others with what I know and can do myself;

3. Control your feelings and emotions;

4. Respect the choice and opinion of another person;

5. Be able to hear and listen.

Sometimes it can be very difficult and hard for me to work, but I don’t give up. I prove to everyone, and first of all to myself, that it was not in vain that I chose this profession...

And, to summarize, I would like to say that professionalism comes with experience and depends on personal abilities, interest in the matter, and the desire for constant knowledge.

List of used literature:

1. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Educator kindergarten methodologist, Minsk, 1975

2. Organization of the work of a rural kindergarten, M., Education, 1988

3. Kovalev A. G. Team and socio-psychological problems of leadership - M, 1978

4. Sukhomlinsky V. A. One hundred tips for the teacher. M.: 1984

5. Kindergarten. Book for managers, M., Education, 1982

A methodologist in a kindergarten supervises educational work. His responsibilities include monitoring the work of others (music director, speech therapist, psychologist), checking plans for educational work, drawing up a schedule of classes that are necessary and mandatory. Preparing for classes. Also attending these classes and analyzing them.

The terms of reference of a kindergarten methodologist include working with young professionals who arrive at the preschool institution. The methodologist is obliged to provide assistance on initial stage work for a young teacher, help in organizing work with children.

Although it is worth saying that the main function of a modern kindergarten methodologist is not control, but primarily guidance. This should be manifested both in work with experienced educators and with young teachers. The methodologist is obliged to bring to the attention of preschool teachers all innovations in the field of education in general, and preschool in particular, to clarify unclear points, and to carry out individual work with teachers.

Who does the methodologist interact with?

A methodologist works in a kindergarten in close connection with a teacher-psychologist; for example, they jointly diagnose the knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils of different ages. In contact with the head nurse, the methodologist provides the necessary and sufficient psychological and pedagogical load for each child individually.

Together with the head, the methodologist organizes teacher councils in the institution, annually recruits groups of pupils, and equips educational groups with the necessary furniture and toys.

The kindergarten methodologist not only attends and analyzes the classes conducted by teachers with children, but also conducts them himself in terms of transferring experience. Often the kindergarten methodologist is involved in working with parents, for example, holding parent-teacher meetings with them together with the head or independently.

During the absence of the director, the methodologist is assigned the duties of the kindergarten.

The methodologist’s workplace is a methodological office, where teachers can turn for relevant literature and advice.

Thus, the range of responsibilities of a methodologist is very extensive. Mostly experienced educators who have proven themselves from a professional point of view are appointed to this position.

Methodist of the cultural center and his job description

It is known that cultural centers (DCs) are unique centers that carry out mass cultural and educational work. The staff of such institutions also includes a methodologist, who is responsible for organizing and coordinating the work of the team. This profession may seem easy only at first glance, but in reality it requires not only professionalism, but also the presence of certain personal qualities. In particular, a methodologist must be an organized, sociable, non-conflict person in order to rightfully be called right hand leader. The duties, rights and responsibilities of a recreation center methodologist are reflected in his job description.

Its first section specifies the requirements for the level of education and work experience in the specialty. The profession of a methodologist presupposes the presence of several categories, while an applicant for the position of a DC methodologist who does not have a category is most often required to have a higher education. vocational education without mandatory experience (or education can be specialized secondary education, supplemented by at least 3 years of experience in the specialty). The same section states that in his work the methodologist must be guided by the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations, instructions and documents developed by higher cultural bodies concerning issues of conducting cultural and educational work. The remaining sections require more careful study, so we will talk about their content in more detail.

Job responsibilities of a cultural center methodologist

The second section of the instructions reflects the responsibilities of this specialist. These usually include the following:

  • drawing up plans, preparing didactic materials and thematic programs;
  • decor necessary documentation, including for personnel service and accounting;
  • carrying out coordination work with all interested departments;
  • approval of own methodological developments;
  • providing assistance, including advice, to DC staff in recruiting/forming thematic groups for classes various types creative activity, participation in the organization of their work;
  • exercising control over the work of employees and bearing responsibility for its proper organization;
  • introduction of best practices of domestic and foreign cultural and educational institutions;
  • preparation of holiday scenarios, concert programs and participation in them if they are held;
  • caring for the employer's property and requiring the same from other employees;
  • execution of orders and instructions from management;
  • desire to improve your professional level;
  • taking measures to improve the skills of DC employees;
  • compliance with safety requirements, fire safety and labor protection;
  • performance of other duties that do not violate the norms of current legislation.

Rights of a cultural center methodologist

Like any other, the job description of a recreation center methodologist contains a section telling about his rights. Among these are:

  • the right to receive information and documentation necessary for work from the head of the DC and responsible persons structural divisions(If there are any);
  • the right to participate in thematic seminars, meetings, conferences, as well as to present their reports at them;
  • the right to develop measures aimed at improving the quality of services (both pedagogical and entertainment) provided by recreation centers;
  • the right to involve DC employees in solving problems assigned to the team by management;
  • right to receive all social guarantees provided for at the legislative level;
  • right to advanced training.

Responsibility of the cultural center methodologist

The section of the job description, which stipulates the responsibility of the methodologist for violations committed by him, cannot be ignored.

For example, in his activities he must be guided by the requirements and provisions of the job description, and for their non-fulfillment (or improper fulfillment) disciplinary liability arises. It also occurs if the methodologist violates internal regulations, fire safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards, labor safety regulations, for negligent attitude towards maintaining all necessary documentation, etc.

We can also talk about bringing a methodologist to justice in the event that he causes material damage to the cultural center or misuses the official powers granted to him, including for personal purposes.

The same section states that the DC methodologist must properly manage the information received and not disclose information that is confidential, because otherwise he can be held accountable in accordance with current legislation.


In addition to the sections already mentioned, such a document may contain others. For example, we may be talking about a section devoted to working conditions/mode (its content is determined by the internal regulations in force in the institution).

The document comes into force from the moment of its approval by the head. The applicant for the position must familiarize himself with it and certify this fact with a personal signature before signing the employment contract.

In the article we discussed only the main provisions of the job description for a cultural center methodologist. They can be used to compile one in each individual institution. In addition, you can always download a sample of a standard instruction manual for a cultural center methodologist on our website.