Federal program for healthy blood vessels, joints and spine. Healthy joints program – Healthy joints program. Treatment and prevention

There are different ways to treat knee joints depending on the condition of the disease. Treatment methods for the knee joint:

  • recreational gymnastics;
  • wellness massage;
  • pills;
  • alternative healing;
  • use of medical devices (bandage, prosthesis);
  • surgical intervention.
  • Diseases of the knee joints
  • Treatment and prevention
  • Stretching is optimal prevention
  • How to treat arthritis and arthrosis
  • Joint development
  • How to treat joints using traditional methods

The most common are arthrosis, arthritis and lipoarthritis - diseases of the knee joints. A surgeon or orthopedist will help determine the cause of pain and the correct diagnosis. It is better to contact them at the beginning of the treatment process.

Diseases of the knee joints

Injuries are a common problem in the knee joints, which are one of the largest joints in the human body. These include the tibia, femur and patella.

Ligaments hold the knee joint together. To make the joint glide better, it contains three bags - synovial membranes - with different inversions, as well as joint fluid. The joints also contain muscles, ligaments, and cartilage (menisci), which are part of the patellar ligament.

The knee joint can be injured due to sharp turns of the body when the feet are fixed, which can cause the ligaments of the joints to tear. Therefore, the most common injuries to the knee joints are sports. Similar types of injuries occur if the impact force is quite large (automobile injuries, professional bruises of football players, fighters, impacts from a fall from a height).

The ligaments of the joint have the property of inextensibility. Sometimes there is only a tear of the ligaments, sometimes there is a complete rupture of them, which shows a disturbance in gait and instability of the leg in the joint. Less common is an injury such as a sprained knee joint. It appears when there is a load whose force is greater than the elasticity of the ligaments. However, sprains most often occur in the ankle joint.

Among other ailments of the knee joints, one can distinguish a cyst of the knee joint. It is a stretch of the bursa under the knee. The cyst can be easily identified using an ultrasound of the knee joint.

Treatment and prevention

If the knee joints cannot be treated with methods such as surgery, the use of medical massage and physical exercise, traditional medicine, or the use of special devices (bandages, for example), then it is necessary to replace the diseased knee joints with healthy ones. Prosthetics includes replacing failed parts of the bone of the knee joint with metallized or plastic components. The procedure takes place with anesthesia and lasts from 1 to 3 hours.

The knee is opened and excess growths are removed. Damaged parts are replaced with new ones made of artificial materials. Unusable parts of knee joints are repaired or the entire knee is replaced.

How to cure knee joints and what measures to take to keep the joints healthy will be discussed below. There is such a symptom as “mouse in the knee.” It manifests itself as follows: the knee is jammed, movement is limited. The pain in the joint space is sudden, but can be tolerated. The more movements, the more pain. The “mouse” here is a piece of cartilage that has come off the meniscus and is moving in the joint. The knee locks if this piece gets into the joint gap. A “mouse” can appear in one place or another.

If painful sensations occur, there is no need to overcome them and endure them. In this case, movement will increase the pain. You can swing your leg in a sitting position and carefully bend and unbend it. Thanks to this simple exercise, the joint space widens and the painful sensations weaken. The “mouse” left a cleft in the joint and moved into the joint capsule, where it continued its correct movements. Most likely, this pinching will recur, but there is no need to treat it. “Mice” do not live long, and therefore they will leave after a while.

Stretching is optimal prevention

The possibility of re-injury of the knee joint increases. Therefore, treatment becomes more and more difficult and arthrosis is approaching.

To prevent similar injuries in the future, it is necessary to give the joints more opportunities to move. This will make it easier for them to withstand the load. To prevent injury, follow these steps:

  • Lesson 1 Sitting on the floor, place your right leg straight in front of you. The foot of the opposite leg is on the right thigh. The left knee should be on the floor. Next, do the same exercise with the other leg.
  • Lesson 2 Sitting on the floor, connect the soles of your feet. Your knees should touch the floor.
  • Lesson 3 Using the pose from lesson 1, bend alternately to each straight leg.
  • Lesson 4 Using the pose from Lesson 2, lean forward.
  • Lesson 5 Sitting on the floor or on a stool, spread your legs wide, press your feet to the floor and move your knees towards each other with your hands.

It is advisable to repeat each lesson a couple of times a day for 1-2 minutes. If you perform these exercises regularly, the joint will not cause concern.

How to treat arthritis and arthrosis

Long-term joint diseases require treatment. Immobility, deformation, inflammation are signs of prolonged arthritis or arthrosis. These are fairly common symptoms. Medicines and therapeutic exercises are suitable for their treatment. Below are exercises for the treatment of joint diseases. They are very easy and there is no pain when performing them. In terms of time, charging can be carried out starting from 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

  • Lesson 1 Sitting on a stool or on a table, hang your legs down and dangle them (at the same time: right leg forward, left leg back) with a distance of about 10 centimeters between them. This is a painless exercise. Perform for 5-10 minutes several times a day.
  • Lesson 2 Sitting on a stool, press the soles of your feet to the floor. Then lift your heels off the floor one by one, keeping your toes pressed to the floor.
  • Lesson 3 The pose is the same as in the second lesson. Now you need to take your socks off the floor one by one. Heels are on the floor.

When performing the above activities, pain does not appear. Pain is not good for joints. And if it appears, then it is necessary to stop performing physical therapy.

For severe joint diseases, classes 2 and 3 are suitable. They can be easily performed even while in the theater or on the bus. Therapeutic gymnastics is silent and easy to perform. However, these movements alone are not enough to heal. It would be good to add drug treatment to them, since the disease also affects the tendons, muscles and joint capsule.

Joint development

You can heal your knee joints yourself. They need to be worked out using 3 types of blows: through the palm, through the finger, and slap. Spanking promotes blood flow to the affected joint area, affecting the skin. Patting through pressed fingers has an effect on joint capsules, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Finger strikes work gently and leave no bruises.

It is good to start the exercise by patting the affected area through your fingers, to determine which you need to place your palm on your knee and bend and straighten your leg. Tapping on the kneecap must be done from the side. The muscles are in a relaxed state. The force of the blows varies depending on the condition of the joint. For a progressive illness - weak taps, for recovery or minor ailment - strong.

While performing the exercises, you may feel some pain. The popliteal cap is not patted. The affected areas should be tapped carefully: first on the straight leg, then on the bent leg. The exercise ends with pats. The more severe the joint disease, the less often you need to use physical exercise. All classes should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

How to treat joints using traditional methods

Treatment with folk remedies together with traditional medicine is simply necessary for good results. Let's look at a few recipes on how to cure the knee joint using folk remedies.

  • Bay decoction.
    You need to boil 25 laurel leaves for about 5 minutes. Let the broth stand for 3-5 hours. This infusion is an excellent remedy against salt deposits. Use it 12 hours after preparation, drinking in small sips. The treatment lasts three days, during each of which the drink is prepared again. After the course there is a one-week break, then the course is repeated again. Before drinking the decoction, you need to cleanse your intestines. If this condition is not met, an allergic reaction may occur. The process is carried out 1-2 times a year.
  • A mixture based on rye seeds.
    Pour 250 g of rye seeds into 2 liters of water and boil. When the mixture has cooled, strain it and add 500 g of vodka, 1 kg of honey and 3 tsp. barberry root. The mixture is stirred and placed in a dark place for 21 days. Use 3 tbsp. l. before eating. The course will end when you drink 9 liters of the mixture in this way.
  • Recipe with horseradish.
    Mix 1 kg of chopped horseradish and 4 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes. Place half a kilogram of honey into the cooled mixture. Store the decoction in the refrigerator. It is good to be treated with this recipe a couple of times a year. It would be useful to include cottage cheese with a high calcium content in the sick person’s food (add 1.5 tablespoons of calcium chloride and half a liter of milk to it).

The composition is heated to 50-60 degrees, then cooled. The resulting mixture is filtered and settled in the dark. In the morning, the cottage cheese is ready to eat. This method, together with exercises and medications, remarkably heals the knee joint.

Useful articles:

In accordance with the recommendations of the European League Against Rheumatism, Methotrexate is prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis immediately after diagnosis. Experts from the American College of Rheumatology also suggest using the “gold standard” treatment for systemic disease first. The drug meets the principles of the “Treat to Target - T2T” program, which was developed in 2008 by representatives of 25 countries in Europe, North and Latin America, Australia and Japan. It includes strategic therapeutic approaches that provide the best results in the treatment of pathology.

Description of the drug Methotrexate

Methotrexate is a cytostatic drug from the group of antimetabolites, folic acid antagonists. Cytostatics are antitumor drugs that disrupt the processes of growth and development of tissues, including malignant ones. They negatively affect the mechanism of cell division and restoration. Rapidly dividing cells, including bone marrow cells, are most sensitive to cytostatics. Due to this property, cytotoxic drugs are used to treat autoimmune diseases. By inhibiting the formation of leukocytes in the hematopoietic tissue of the bone marrow, they suppress the immune system.

Immunosuppressive therapy is the mainstay of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, as the disease is autoimmune. With autoimmune pathologies, the body's defenses begin to fight against its own cells, destroying healthy joints, tissues and organs. Immunosuppressive therapy stops the development of symptoms and inhibits destructive processes in the joints. Cytostatics inhibit the growth of connective tissue in the joint, which gradually destroys cartilage and subchondral bones (adjacent to the joint, covered with cartilage tissue).

The action of Methotrexate is based on blocking dihydrofolate reductase (an enzyme that breaks down folic acid). The drug disrupts the synthesis of thymidine monophosphate from dioxyuridine monophosphate, blocking the formation of DNA, RNA and proteins. It prevents cells from entering the S period (the phase of synthesis of a daughter DNA molecule on the matrix of a parent DNA molecule).

Methotrexate is a first-line drug used in the basic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It suppresses the production of not only immunocompetent cells, but also synoviocytes (cells of the synovial membrane) and fibroblasts (the main cells of connective tissues). Inhibiting the proliferation of these cells helps prevent deformation and inflammation of the joint. Methotrexate stops bone erosions that occur as a result of the attack of actively growing tissues of the synovial membrane of the joint.

Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis allows you to achieve stable remission. The clinical effect persists even after its discontinuation.

Toxicity of Methotrexate

Methotrexate is the most toxic folic acid antagonist. Due to impaired methylation of deoxyuridine monophosphate, it accumulates and is partially converted into deoxyuridine triphosphate. Deoxyuridine triphosphate is concentrated in the cell and incorporated into DNA, causing the synthesis of defective DNA. In it, thymidine is partially replaced by uridine. As a result of pathological processes, megaloblastic anemia develops.

Megaloblastic anemia is a condition in which the body is deficient in vitamin B12 and folic acid. Folic acid (along with iron) takes part in the synthesis of red blood cells. These blood cells play an important role in hematopoiesis and the functioning of the entire body.

With a lack of folic acid, red blood cells that change in shape and size are formed. They are called megaloblasts. Megaloblastic anemia causes oxygen starvation in the body. If the pathological condition is observed for a long time, it leads to degeneration of the nervous system.

When treated with Methotrexate, adverse reactions characteristic of megaloblastic anemia occur. The hematopoietic function is inhibited. If recommended doses are exceeded, the following occurs:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

If, in the presence of such symptoms, the drug is not discontinued, serious diseases of the digestive tract develop. Renal tubular acidosis (reduced urinary excretion of acids) and cortical blindness (impaired vision) are sometimes observed.

Methotrexate practically does not break down in the body. It is distributed in biological fluids and 80–90% is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. If kidney function is impaired, the drug accumulates in the blood. Its high concentrations can cause kidney damage.

With long-term treatment, liver cirrhosis and osteoporosis may develop (especially in childhood). While taking Methotrexate, the following occurs:

  • dermatitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • skin hyperpigmentation;
  • photophobia;
  • furunculosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • lacrimation;
  • fever.

Alopecia (hair loss) and pneumonitis (an atypical inflammatory process in the lungs) are extremely rare consequences of Methotrexate therapy.

Studies have confirmed the connection between the occurrence of side effects during treatment with Methotrexate and a lack of folic acid in the body. During the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, cellular folate reserves rapidly decrease. At the same time, an increase in homocysteine ​​concentration is observed. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid formed during the metabolism of methionine. The breakdown of homocysteine ​​requires adequate levels of folic acid. With its deficiency, the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood increases critically. Its high concentration increases the risk of atherosclerotic vascular damage and accelerates thrombus formation.

A large increase in homocysteine ​​concentration is due to the tendency for its accumulation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment with Methotrexate enhances the negative process, especially at the stage when achieving a therapeutic effect requires increasing doses of the drug.

The administration of folic acid during Methotrexate therapy can reduce dangerous homocysteine ​​levels and reduce the likelihood of developing undesirable consequences. It helps reduce the risk of developing critical conditions in patients who have concomitant cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment with folic acid allows you to avoid other adverse reactions that occur during treatment with Methotrexate. If it is prescribed immediately after the start of a course of therapy with the basic drug or during the first 6 months of treatment, the incidence of gastrointestinal disorders is reduced by 70%. Folic acid helps minimize the risk of developing diseases of the mucous membranes and alopecia.

Folic acid for rheumatoid arthritis is taken daily throughout the entire period of treatment with Methotrexate. The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor individually. The exception is the day you take Methotrexate.

The daily dose can be taken the next morning. This will make it possible to stop adverse reactions at the earliest stages of their development. In addition, a folic acid regimen may be prescribed, in which a weekly dose of folic acid is drunk once a week. The drug should be taken no earlier than 12 hours after taking Methotrexate.

Methotrexate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with Methotrexate is sometimes started even before the diagnosis is confirmed, especially in cases where the pathology is rapidly progressing. The longer the disease develops, the higher the likelihood of disability and death of the patient. Therefore, the activity of the rheumatoid process must be slowed down as soon as possible.

As a rule, a one-time weekly injection of moderate doses of the drug allows you to achieve the desired result within 1-1.5 months after the start of treatment. In some cases, double or triple doses of the drug are necessary to produce and maintain the desired clinical effect.

Since complete remission occurs extremely rarely, treatment is continued for a long time. The minimum course of treatment lasts six months. In 60% of cases it is possible to obtain the required clinical result. To consolidate it, monotherapy is continued for 2-3 years. With long-term use, the effectiveness of Methotrexate does not decrease.

The drug cannot be stopped abruptly. Stopping treatment may cause an exacerbation of the disease. If it is necessary to adjust the dose downwards, do this gradually.

If monotherapy does not have the desired effect on the pathological process, Methotrexate is combined with one or two drugs of basic therapy. The best treatment results were observed after using a combination of Methotrexate and Leflunomide. Leflunomide (Arava) has a similar effect. If you take both drugs, they will enhance each other's effects.

A persistent positive result is provided by therapy with Methotrexate in combination with Cyclosporine or Sulfasalazine. The sulfanilamide drug Sulfasalazine helps to achieve a significant improvement in the well-being of patients in whom the disease develops slowly.

When the pathology is difficult to treat, the doctor prescribes a combination of 3 drugs: Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine and Hydroxychloroquine. When using combination regimens, average dosages of drugs are prescribed.

During treatment with Methotrexate and for 6 months after its discontinuation, it is necessary to use reliable methods of contraception. The medication negatively affects the development of the fetus and can cause spontaneous abortion. In men, there is a decrease in sperm count.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic systemic disease associated with psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis is diagnosed in 13-47% of patients with psoriasis. Numerous studies have confirmed the autoimmune nature of the inflammatory process in the joints. Therefore, basic therapy drugs are most often used to treat it. They allow you to slow down the progression of pathology and achieve positive changes that are unattainable with other treatment methods.

The modifying properties of Methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis are beyond doubt. They have been proven by many years of experience. The drug demonstrates an optimal balance of effectiveness and tolerability compared to other cytostatic drugs.

Methotrexate for psoriatic arthritis is used not only to slow down destructive processes in the joints, but also to reduce dermatological manifestations. The drug is the drug of choice in the treatment of generalized exudative, erythrodermic and pustular psoriatic arthritis. It helps alleviate the condition of patients suffering from the most severe forms of dermatosis.

The treatment program is developed individually by the doctor. Begin therapy with small or medium doses. Injections are given weekly. If there is no result, the dosage can be doubled. After the appearance of a stable therapeutic effect, the dose is reduced. Methotrexate can be taken not only parenterally, but also orally.

A significant improvement in the condition of patients occurs within 3-4 weeks after the first dose of the drug. By the end of the second month, all indicators of articular syndrome decrease by 2-3 times. Methotrexate therapy demonstrates excellent results in relation to skin manifestations. In almost all patients, the progressive stage of psoriasis stops. Such a high effectiveness of the drug is due not only to its immunosuppressive effect, but also to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Over 6 months of therapy, positive dynamics of dermatosis develops in 90% of patients, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Almost every fifth patient managed to achieve complete remission of the articular syndrome.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews of the results of using Methotrexate indicate its effectiveness. But many patients complain of adverse reactions.

  1. Natalya, 53 years old, Kazan: “In the first 2 years, the pain went away and the swelling subsided. Unfortunately, then the inflammatory processes began to increase.”
  2. Valentina, 62 years old, Vyshny Volochek: “I give injections once a week during an exacerbation. During the period of remission I try not to inject. When I was treated for six months and went to a sanatorium, I ran like a girl.”
  3. Maria, 47 years old, Samara: “The product perfectly eliminates the exacerbation of the disease. The only unpleasant side effects are nausea and sometimes vomiting. Especially after a light breakfast.”

It should be remembered that unauthorized prescription of Methotrexate can negatively affect your health. This drug is prescribed only by your doctor!

Trochanteritis of the hip joint

Trochanteritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the trochanter of the femur. This is the highest point of the thigh, to which a large number of tendons and muscles are attached.

At first glance, it is very difficult to distinguish between trochanteritis and a disease such as coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joints). But in approximately half of the cases in patients diagnosed with coxarthrosis, a detailed examination reveals that the cause of pain is trochanteritis. This is by no means a rare pathology, it is simply often not recognized.

Important to remember! Trochanteritis responds well and quickly to treatment if it does not become chronic. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude this disease, first of all, in case of pain in the hip joints.

The essence of the disease

As already mentioned, pathological changes in trochanteritis affect the greater trochanter (trochanter) of the femur (the outermost point of the thigh) and the tendons that are attached to it. This is where the name of the nosological form of pathology comes from. This inflammation can be caused by both infectious and non-infectious causes.

The main function of the trochanter is that it acts as the attachment point for a large number of muscular tendons of the gluteal region and thigh area. Above this bony structure on top of the muscles under the skin is a small bursa that serves a protective role and also helps facilitate movement in the hip. This anatomical formation is very often drawn into the pathological process and becomes inflamed, and hip bursitis develops. Therefore, sometimes you can find another name for trochanteritis - trochanteric bursitis.

Remember! With trochanteritis, the greater trochanter of the femur, the muscle tendons that attach to it, and the synovial bursa located nearby become inflamed. The process is most often unilateral, but bilateral lesions can also occur.

According to ICD-10 (international classification of diseases, 10th revision), this pathology is assigned the code M70.6.

Causes of trochanteritis and its types

Trochanteritis mainly affects women, since men initially have tendons that are stronger and more resilient, designed to withstand various types of stress. The peak of pathology is observed during menopause, which is associated with the development of osteoporosis, weakening of ligament tension, and a decrease in their elasticity against the background of a deficiency of estrogen hormones. But the disease cannot be ruled out in younger patients, but this requires prolonged exposure to provoking factors.

As a rule, trochanteritis debuts after severe overload of the hip joint (long walking, running, carrying heavy objects), and symptoms also appear against the background of colds and other infectious diseases. Sometimes inflammation of the trochanter begins after an injury in the hip area (even a minor one). Very often, patients note that hip pain appeared after they suddenly gained weight, so excess body weight is also a predisposing circumstance.

Risk factors for developing trochanteritis:

  • being female;
  • age (the older a person is, the more likely he is to get sick);
  • systemic osteoporosis;
  • metabolic and endocrine diseases;
  • excess body weight;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • too active or, conversely, passive lifestyle;
  • previous injuries in the hip area;
  • frequent infectious diseases, foci of chronic infection in the body;
  • tuberculosis (active or in history).

Types of trochanteritis:

  1. Aseptic, or non-infectious. The most common variant of the pathology, which is based on inflammation due to overload of the tendons that are attached to the trochanter.
  2. Septic or infectious. Occurs when pathological microorganisms (bacteria, viruses) penetrate into soft periarticular tissue. The infection can enter here with the blood during common infectious diseases from chronic foci of infection.
  3. Tuberculous. This is a rare form of pathology. It is a separate variant of tuberculosis infection. In this case, not only the greater trochanter and soft periarticular tissues are affected, but also other parts of the bone with the development of osteomyelitis. This is a serious disease that is difficult to treat. Occurs mainly in children.

Symptoms of trochanteritis

Most often, patients with trochanteritis tell the doctor about a symptom such as pain. It occurs in the area of ​​the greater trochanter, which can be easily felt under the skin. The pain intensifies with pressure on this area and with active movements. With rest, the pain goes away.

You can read about other causes of pain in the hip joint when walking here

The pain spreads along the outer side of the thigh (in the riding breeches area). But if the process becomes chronic and there is no treatment, the pain becomes very intense and bothers the person even at night, preventing him from falling asleep. You can also note the characteristic symptom of increased pain when positioned on the painful side.

Important to remember! Unlike arthrosis of the hip joint, with trochanteritis there is no restriction of movement in the hip. Due to pain, the patient can spare the affected limb, but passive movements are not limited. This can be easily checked by a doctor during an examination.

If the described clinical picture is accompanied by elevated temperature, swelling on the outside of the thigh, and redness of the skin in this area, then septic or tuberculous trochanteritis should be suspected.


The diagnosis of trochanteritis is purely clinical, since there are no specific diagnostic methods. Main clinical criteria of pathology:

  • pain in the hip when lying on the side;
  • pain in the riding breeches area when you press some points in this area with your finger;
  • preserved mobility in the hip joint.

All other additional studies are carried out in order to exclude similar diseases, primarily coxarthrosis.

Diagnostic program:

  • General blood and urine analysis, biochemical examination, rheumatic tests.
  • X-ray of the hip joints.
  • Ultrasound of joints and soft tissues.
  • In severe cases, CT or MRI is performed.

Treatment of trochanteritis

Trochanteritis should be treated in accordance with its etiology. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the infectious nature of the inflammation, since in this case the therapy is specific. It differs from the treatment of the aseptic form of the disease. Patients are prescribed antibacterial, and in the case of tuberculosis, anti-tuberculosis therapy.

As a rule, with adequately selected medications, drug treatment is sufficient. But sometimes complications develop in the form of suppuration, the formation of abscesses and cold leaks in the thigh area. This situation requires surgical treatment. All ulcers are opened and sanitized.

Most often you have to deal with aseptic trochanteritis, in the treatment of which several methods are used.


Perhaps this is one of the main principles of successful therapy. The diseased limb needs to be given complete functional rest. Otherwise, stress will only increase inflammation and pain.

Drug therapy

To eliminate inflammatory changes and pain, medications from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. They are prescribed in injections, tablets, and also in the form of ointments or gels for external use. Most often they resort to the use of drugs such as diclofenac, ibuprofen, aceclofenac, meloxicam, ketorolac, indomethacin, celecoxib. As a rule, 7-10 days of regular administration of these medications are sufficient to eliminate pain.

In severe cases, when the pain cannot be eliminated with medications from the NSAID group, they resort to local administration of glucocorticoids periarticularly (into the soft periarticular tissues). This procedure is called a blockade. Long-acting corticosteroids are used for it, for example, Diprospan, Kenalog. Local anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine) are also added to such injections. As a rule, 1-3 such procedures are necessary to eliminate pain.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures that are particularly effective for the treatment of trochanteritis are:

  • laser therapy,
  • shock wave therapy,
  • paraffin thermal applications,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • phonophoresis with hydrocortisone,
  • electrophoresis.

Postisometric relaxation

This is a special therapeutic technique that is designed specifically for the treatment of tendon and muscle pathology. Postisometric relaxation consists of interaction between a doctor and a patient, during which passive stretching of the necessary ligaments or muscles occurs by giving certain positions to parts of the sick person’s body.

As a rule, in 90% of cases, to treat trochanteritis you need to take a course of 8-10 sessions (20 minutes each) every other day. And this may be enough for healing. The only negative is the waste of time, so patients rarely resort to this treatment method, and it is absolutely in vain.


Gymnastics for trochanteritis is prescribed without fail, but after the acute pain has been eliminated. Physical exercise can strengthen the thigh muscles and activate blood flow in this area, which promotes a speedy recovery. It is only important to remember that you should not perform movements that lead to the progression of damage to the diseased tendon. The exercise therapy complex should be gentle.

Traditional treatment

Home folk remedies will help reduce pain from inflammation of the greater trochanter, but, unfortunately, they do not affect the cause of the disease. Therefore, you should not use folk recipes as the main treatment; they can only be used as an addition to the main therapy.

Thus, trochanteritis is a fairly common, but often undiagnosed disease, which leads to the pathology becoming chronic and the development of constant pain in the hip. Often people perceive symptoms such as arthrosis and do not seek help, believing that nothing can be done. This is a very big mistake, since in half of the cases the cause of this pain is inflammation of the greater trochanter of the femur, which responds very well to treatment.

Programs may include drip, intramuscular, intravenous procedures or nebulizer therapy (from 5-6 to 10 procedures) to maintain remission in chronic diseases or prevent diseases.
The effect of the treatment lasts from 6 to 12 months, depending on the degree of impairment.
The cost of 1 session for all complex programs is 900 rubles. taking into account the cost of expensive medications.

"Healthy heart"

The program allows you to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prepares you for upcoming physical and psycho-emotional stress, strengthens the myocardium before surgery, preserves the function of the heart and blood vessels in case of existing coronary heart disease and hypertension.

To maintain the function of the cardiovascular system, intravenous drip infusions of drugs such as mildronate, riboxin, panangin, cytoflavin, mexidol, actovegin, lasix, vitamins, etc.

"Healthy lungs"

The program helps improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

Intravenous drip infusions of highly effective modern drugs are performed: cytoflavin, Mexidol, vitamins, calcium preparations.

Complex treatment uses nebulizer therapy with bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs and expectorants.

Ozone-oxygen therapy sessions are conducted.

"Healthy Liver"

As you know, the liver performs a number of important functions, including the main ones:

Metabolic function: production (synthesis) of a number of important, vital substances: albumin, prothrombin, fibrinogen, cholesterol, urea, etc. The liver is involved in all types of metabolism: carbohydrate, fat, protein, etc.

Participation in digestion. The liver produces bile acids that promote the breakdown and absorption of fats, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K

Detoxification. Foreign agents and metabolic products can have a detrimental effect on the human body. The barrier function of the liver maintains the stability of the internal environment, provides timely protection and neutralization of all harmful substances. In the liver, toxic substances bind to sulfates, ammonia, indole, phenols and many other compounds coming from the gastrointestinal tract and from the outside are inactivated.

Hemostasis. The liver maintains an optimal state of hemostasis (blood coagulation system).

People with impaired liver function often experience nervous and psychological disorders, memory loss, increased levels of drowsiness, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and inadequacy.

In an aggressive external environment, liver function suffers even in healthy people.

The “Healthy Liver” program includes drip intravenous infusions of so-called “hepatoprotectors” (from the Greek hepar - “liver” and the Latin protector - “guardian, guardian”), which increase the liver’s resistance to toxins, and, in general, in various ways contribute to the restoration of organ functions. The treatment uses such highly effective drugs as Heptral, Remaxol, Essentiale.

"Healthy vessels"

Improves the condition of blood vessels throughout the body (brain, heart, limbs, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skin, etc.).

An effective program in the treatment and prevention of many diseases that have a vascular component in their development.

It is especially popular in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, diabetes mellitus, obliterating atherosclerosis, heart disease and hypertension.

In treatment we use such highly effective drugs as berlition, trental, actovegin, nicotinic acid, mexidol, cytoflavin and others.


The program is designed for:

  • managers,
  • persons working in extreme conditions, as well as
  • with prolonged intense intellectual stress (burnout syndrome in the workplace)
  • in stressful situations in the family and at work.
The program prevents health problems among managers, people working in a state of chronic mental overstrain under conditions of increased responsibility (chronic stress), as well as in acute stressful situations.

Health improvement within the framework of our program is aimed at preventing cardiovascular accidents (strokes, heart attacks, hypertensive crises, etc.), exacerbations of existing chronic diseases, as well as restoration of working capacity. The program is carried out in collaboration with the center of psychosomatic medicine (group or individual classes if necessary) and the physiotherapy department - relaxation procedures according to an individual program, including optional massage, swimming pool, exercise therapy, exercise equipment, alpha capsule, thalassotherapy, acupuncture, etc.) .

During the treatment process, the necessary diagnostic procedures and specialist consultations may be prescribed.

"Intelligence +"

The program is designed for people working under conditions of increased mental stress (persons of intellectual work), elderly people suffering from memory, attention, thinking disorders, as well as people with similar disorders due to chronic diseases, primarily hypertension.

Patients receive a course of treatment with drugs that improve intellectual functions, as well as recommendations for the treatment of causative diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.).

"Healthy immunity"

The immune system protects our body from any genetically foreign invasion: microbes, viruses, protozoa or cells of our own body that have changed as a result of mutations or diseases. If immunity is good and the immune system notices an invasion from the outside or breakdowns within in time and reacts adequately to them, the person is healthy.

Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system lead to increased sensitivity to diseases, increased relapses and the severity of a particular disease. To work more efficiently, the immune system must be constantly kept on alert.

Effective antioxidants, vitamins, etc. are used to maintain the function of the immune system. Active immune drugs are used on the recommendation of an immunologist.

Oxygen therapy is used in treatment.

"Women Health"

As you know, in the modern world, a woman takes a fairly active position in life and tries to be successful in many areas, for example, in starting a family, in a career, and leads an active social life. All this requires a sufficient amount of physical strength and often significant nervous tension.

The main goal of this program is to help a woman manage everything and at the same time maintain her health and beauty.

Modern highly effective antioxidants, vitamins, and drugs that improve liver function and promote cleansing are used.

Courses of medications are prescribed that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which determines the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Oxygen therapy is used.

If necessary, further examinations are prescribed.

"Healthy joints"

Joints are an important mechanism for the full functioning of the human body. However, over time, the joints wear out and therefore pain appears, limiting movement and complicating life.

Highly effective, safe drugs that support the structure of cartilage are used. During the treatment, inflammation decreases.

Risk groups in need of prevention of joint diseases

  • people over 45 years old;
  • overweight people;
  • women after menopause;
  • the presence of congenital joint pathology;
  • in cases of acute and chronic joint injuries;
  • parents and relatives have joint diseases;
  • for endocrine diseases, for example diabetes.

"Detoxification and cleansing"

The body must cope with negative influences from the external environment on a daily basis. If we want to live a long and fulfilling life, we must create conditions for our body so that it can cope with any adverse effects.

A drip infusion of drugs that improve the functions of the excretory organs and antioxidants is performed.

An examination is prescribed and the function of the gastrointestinal tract is supported.

"Preoperative preparation"

Some patients are operated on as planned, in these cases there is time for careful clinical observation, detailed comprehensive examination and strengthening of the body. The efforts of the preoperative period are aimed at reducing the risk of surgery and preventing complications that may arise during and after it.

"Athlete's Health"

The Athlete's Health program aims to prevent pathological conditions that arise during long-term and intense training. Patients receive drip infusions of vitamins, drugs that have a positive effect on metabolism and ozonized saline solution to maintain health. We will improve your achievements!

"Health in 5 days!"

The program is an intensive preventive course of treatment using highly effective new medications, which allows you to quickly support the main systems of the body.

The program includes such effective and safe drugs as reamberin, gliatilin, heptral, berlition, vitamins, etc. as needed.

Chronic aching joint pain is the first sign of arthrosis or arthritis. Secondary symptoms are crunching, stiffness of movement, swelling of the joint, general lethargy, weakness, and malaise. If you have at least 2 symptoms from this list, your joints are affected by arthrosis or arthritis. Joint pain is just the beginning, followed by joint deformation, muscle atrophy, unbearable pain, increased body temperature, and joint swelling. The result of all this is only one - a wheelchair, loss of ability to work.

Many who already have characteristic symptoms of joint damage simply do not pay attention to it, thinking that there is nothing special about it. However, according to doctors, any pain and discomfort in the joints is a sign that the joint has begun to deteriorate.

As part of the Healthy Joints program, every Russian can receive a joint treatment product for free. This year, the program includes a new development by Russian scientists called Artidex. Many eminent doctors call it a real salvation for joint pain. It allows you to completely relieve pain, restore the joint and eliminate the risk of further development of dangerous pathologies in just a few weeks.

We asked the country's leading orthopedist and rheumatologist, a doctor of the highest category, Professor Mikhail Vladimirovich Zavyalov, to tell us more about the federal Healthy Joints program

Zavyalov M.V.:

If people knew what condition their joints were in, they would start treating them now. And this is not a joke at all!

As recent studies conducted by our institute have shown, 84% of people over 25 years of age have joints in critical condition. And if nothing is done now, we will soon be faced with a sharp increase in the number of people turning to medical institutions regarding joint destruction and the development of dangerous diseases.

The main danger is that the cartilage in the joint quickly dries out and becomes thinner. As a result, the bones that form the joint begin to rub against each other, causing unbearable pain, from which even the most powerful painkillers cannot help in advanced stages.

In addition, when bones rub against each other, their integrity is disrupted, microcracks appear in them, into which an infection occurs, against which, in the internal organs, cancerous tumors can develop. As a result, the joints begin to become inflamed, which often leads to the need for urgent surgical intervention and even complete amputation of the joint and subsequent disability. Many people with affected joints can live only on injections, which themselves are very painful.

Joint destruction occurs very quickly. If this process is not stopped in time, the joint will collapse completely.

Why are we talking about this problem right now? And why is she receiving so much attention today?

This has just never happened before. In general, thinning of joints and loss of elasticity is a natural process, and it happens to everyone. However, if previously all this was observed in old age - joints began to bother at 60-70 years old, but now they hurt already at 30 years old. But if they start getting sick at 30, then imagine what will happen at 40, at 50?

We associate this worsening of joint problems with the lifestyle of modern people. After all, we all move catastrophically little, eat foods without vitamins and breathe dirty air. And cartilage tissue is very susceptible to negative influences.

Mikhail Vladimirovich, you claim that you managed to find a way out of the current situation. Can you tell me more?

The Ministry of Health, of course, cannot turn a blind eye to a problem so important for every person, so the issue was raised to the federal level and a special program “Healthy Joints” was launched. During it, every resident of the country is given the opportunity to receive the cream FOR FREE

"Artidex" is a new generation product that is aimed not only at eliminating pain, but also at completely restoring the joint. The components of the cream penetrate deep into the tissue and act directly on the cause of the disease - it regenerates destroyed cartilage tissue and restores its elasticity.

The cream was developed by Russian scientists and is characterized by extremely high efficiency. As our clinical trials have shown, it helps in 88% of cases. Even in severely advanced cases, joints recover completely in 2-3 weeks! This is much faster than using any other means.

An important advantage of this product is also that it has a completely natural composition, and therefore can be used at home without any restrictions. Herbal components are selected in such a way as to enhance each other’s actions.

Artidex includes:

  1. Altai deer antlers. The inflammatory process is stopped, as a result of which the destruction of joints and cartilage tissue stops.
  2. Extracts of medicinal plants. It is the most powerful pain reliever that does not contain substances toxic to the body.
  3. Useful vitamins and oils. They restore the elasticity of cartilage tissue, which brings it to its original state before the onset of the disease.
  4. Rare plant extracts. Act as an immunostimulant, stopping the autoimmune process in the body, which is the starting point of the disease

Amputation of an inflamed joint. Don't let things get worse! Treat joint diseases as early as possible!

Mikhail Vladimirovich, you said that you can get Artidex cream for FREE? Can anyone do this?

Yes, absolutely any resident of our country. True, there is one thing. At the moment, the federal program is valid only in the territory.

This is due to the fact that pharmacy chains refused to help us sell this product, motivating their reluctance by the fact that it was not economically profitable for them. Whatever one may say, pharmacies are still commercial organizations that are more interested in making a profit than in improving the health of the population.

Then we decided to sell Artidex through a specially created website. However, it is impossible to work for the whole country at once, so we decided to implement the federal program in turn in all regions of the country. Now it is held in. Residents of this region today can receive Artidex for FREE

Until when will the program run? After this, will it be impossible for residents of this region to receive the cream for free?

Absolutely right. The federal program expires in . It is before this deadline (inclusive) that you must leave an application on the website.

At the moment, several tens of thousands of people have already received Artidex. Every day we receive a lot of positive feedback on it, as well as words of gratitude. This remedy helps everyone.

FEDERAL PROGRAM FOR COMBATING DISEASES OF THE MUSCULATORY SYSTEM (JOINTS). Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich Russian doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. The founder of Modern Kinesitherapy - an alternative (neurology and orthopedics) method of treating chronic diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, the focus of which is not on medications and wearing corsets, but on the internal reserves of the body and the patient’s understanding of his own body. “Remember a simple truth, and don’t listen to anyone: joints can always be treated, even in the deepest old age.” A month and a half ago, the federal program “Healthy Russia to combat musculoskeletal disorders” was launched. We asked you to tell us more about the federal program “Healthy Russia” Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. This doctor claims that he will cure 18-year-old osteochondrosis in a couple of months. That he will completely cure an ancient grandmother with the most advanced arthritis in 78 days. And joint pain, he says, with the right approach, will go away in 4 day! And, over the course of 48 years of activity, he confirms every statement with practice. Immediately after the broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel (on the topic “how to preserve joints at any age”), the famous professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky agreed to give us an interview. - Hello, Sergey Mikhailovich. Tell me, is it true that joint diseases and osteochondrosis are “obligatory” companions of adulthood? - Hello Irina! Of course, this is not true. Mandatory companions of mature age are excessive trust in doctors who have been treating you for 10 years, but still cannot cure you. But in fact, joints, chondrosis and the entire skeleton are amazingly treatable at any age. This is not a miracle, but ordinary science. Moreover, if you know the secret and apply a little discipline, it is possible to recover even at home and very quickly, which is what thousands of my patients do. - And what is this secret? - The secret is in understanding why you have pain. In general, encyclopedias list up to 147 possible causes for the development of osteochondrosis and arthrosis, but the consequence is the same - joints, vertebrae and cartilage lose their elasticity, hence the pain. They wear out due to poor blood supply. Here’s the secret - by restoring the blood supply to the joint, we cure it! - Yes, but it is believed that it is almost impossible to restore blood supply after 40 years? - This is all nonsense! I pulled myself out of a wheelchair after an accident, and this is worse than turning 40. - What are the first signs of deterioration in joint function after 40? The first signs can be considered when the patient has cramps in the joints of the arms or legs. This happens most often due to physical overload of the joint; lifting heavy objects, such as heavy bags, uncomfortable shoes, and repetitive movements all lead to overload. The articular cartilage breaks down and the bones begin to touch each other, causing you to feel discomfort. As a result, first there is stiffness of movement and swelling, and then the limb can be completely paralyzed. The increased salt content in the body also plays a huge role. If you have cramps in your arms or legs, you urgently need to limit yourself to the consumption of foods and liquids containing sodium: It is not recommended to drink: Mineral water Tomato juice Pickles Alcoholic drinks Tan, koumiss (fermented milk products containing sodium It is not recommended to eat: Salted butter, margarine All types of hard and soft cheeses Smoked meat, ham, bacon, corned beef, cold cuts, jelly, canned meat Frankfurters, sausages (industrially prepared sausages and other meat products are added with various preservatives and stabilizers containing a lot of sodium) Instant meat and fish dishes (canned or frozen) Smoked and canned fish and seafood Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish (unless cooked without salt) Canned vegetables (except special ones where salt is not used as a preservative) Chips, sauerkraut Roasted and salted nuts, peanut butter Sauces , gravies, ketchups, salad dressings, marinades (except those prepared at home without salt) All types of instant soups Bouillon cubes - Have you pulled others out of a wheelchair? - And repeatedly. But most of my patients are ordinary people over 40, whose diseases appeared “with age.” They come with very similar problems: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, pinched nerve. These diseases are exhausting and interfere with life. They cry, they are in pain, they even have difficulty walking. And, it would seem, ordinary people are not athletes or disabled people. And they complain - “why am I doing this, why me?” And I answer: let’s not lament, but restore blood supply. - And how to restore blood supply at this age? - I treated people using movement and a set of 96 exercises on simulators. This is an extremely effective, but very difficult and time-consuming method. People are in pain, it’s difficult, they don’t have enough time to visit the gym. But, YOU NEED TO BE TREATED!!!

The “Healthy Joints” program is recommended for use in the complex treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, as well as for the prevention of the development of degenerative changes in the joints. Diseases associated with wear of interarticular cartilage most often occur in middle-aged and older people, as well as athletes. But inflammatory diseases of the joints (rheumatoid, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis) are also typical for the younger generation. If you want to move more, play sports, cope with increased physical activity, be successful and modern, you should think about strengthening your joints in time.

What is the Healthy Joints program based on?

The components of the Healthy Joints program contain biologically active substances: chondroitin and glucosamine, which improve the structure of the cartilage tissue of the joints.

Chondroitin is the main structural element that is involved in the construction and restoration of cartilage tissue, which protects the joint from wear. The main task of chondroitin is to retain water in tissues, which creates good shock absorption during movement and increases the strength of connective tissue. Chondroitin inhibits the action of specific enzymes that destroy connective tissue, while simultaneously stimulating restoration and metabolic processes.

Glucosamine is used for collagen synthesis and connective tissue formation. In other words, our body uses glucosamine to build cartilage, ligaments, tendons, nails, hair and even heart valves. Glucosamine, being one of the components for the production of chondroitin, stimulates the body to create building material for cartilage tissue in joints. With age, the production of glucosamine in the human body decreases, so an additional source of this substance is needed.

  • provides nutritional support for the formation of cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bones;
  • normalizes the activity of the immune system and metabolism;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • prevents the damaging effects of free radicals on the body;
  • improves digestion, facilitates the digestion of proteins and fats.

Benefits of using the Healthy Joints program:

  • 100% natural product obtained from seaweed and seafood;
  • complex effect on the body;
  • excellent tolerability, safety, lack of addiction with long-term use;
  • effectiveness at any age.

Part Healthy Joints program The following dietary supplements and food products are included:

Source of glucosamine, collagen, triterpene glycosides, amino acids, chondroitin sulfate, B vitamins, calcium (1 pc).

Scheme of application of the “Healthy Joints” program.

First 15 days:

morning, lunch - Extract from bivalve mollusks, 1 capsule;

Next 15 days:

lunch, evening - Artrofish 2 capsules.

Final 15 days:

morning, lunch, evening - Sea urchin roe product, 2 capsules;
lunch, evening - Extract from sea cucumbers, 1 capsule.

Contraindications: intolerance to individual components of the product.
Not a medicine. Consult your physician before use.
Storage conditions: in a dry place at a temperature from 0ºС to 22ºС.

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