Fortune telling with matches. Various methods of fortune telling with matches

A bit of symbolism

The elements that have surrounded man in the process of life since ancient times are shrouded special attention and honor. For centuries people have felt fear of their power and a deep sense of gratitude for the “help” they gave. It is not surprising that all this has grown into a kind of cult, and many completely human actions and qualities are called “elemental” names (hot like fire, cold like ice, fast like a river). Many ritual actions are also associated with this: fire is most often used to predict the future, and water is used to get rid of illnesses or unpleasant memories.

Smart choice

Why was something as simple in everyday use as matches chosen for fortune telling? Despite all the obvious advantages, they in no way cause even some semblance of awe. Of course, many suspicious people It happens that they will jump when they strike a match on a box, but this does not count. But fortune telling with matches still has its own mystical background. Who can know a person better than a thing that has been nearby for many years and has already managed to absorb all the energy of human life? Only from such a thing can you ask for advice, not unfounded, but with knowledge of the matter. So, this choice is more than justified.

Fortune telling with matches "Yes - no"

The simplest method of fortune telling has been familiar to us since early childhood. It helps to cope with difficult situation when a solution to a problem is required, but there is no one to ask for advice. This fortune telling with matches works as follows: a new box is bought, and for some time it is carried around, clutched in a fist. Moreover, the fortuneteller must be focused on the problem. You don't need to walk for a long time, 10-15 minutes is enough. Then you need to take out a match and, having asked the question of interest so that your breath touches the sulfur head, light it. If, while burning, the match deviates to the left - the answer is negative, to the right - positive. And if it flared up, but did not catch fire, the solution to the issue must be postponed.

Fortune telling with matches "Testing feelings"

This method is good for testing your partner's feelings. To do this, a pair of matches must be installed strictly vertically. This can be achieved using plasticine, paraffin or wax from a church candle. One match represents the fortuneteller, the second – the partner. Both matches are lit. If during the burning process they leaned towards each other, the feelings are mutual; if they deviate, there are no feelings or a breakup is possible in the near future. If the match denoting a partner deviates, but the other does not, this means a cooling of feelings or complete indifference.

Fortune telling with matches and a glass of water

This fortune telling allows you to understand the problem in more detail. Moreover, this investigation can be as deep as the fortuneteller needs it. It will require a new box of matches and a glass of water. Before you begin, you need to hold a glass of water in your hands for several minutes. At the same time, you need to try to free yourself from thoughts. Then you need to pick up a match, ask a question and throw it into the water. This is repeated again. If the matches lie parallel - the situation will be resolved in favor of the fortuneteller, with a cross - there are some obstacles, “smoke” is coming from the matches through the water - someone is trying to interfere, the match did not burn out right away - the fortuneteller is poorly concentrated on the question and the fortune telling must be repeated again.

Fortune telling "Well of matches"

This the old way fortune telling, which allows you to recognize the future groom in a dream. A well is made from matches, and a mug of water is placed next to it. A lock is placed on the handle of the mug and the key is placed on the pillow. The fortuneteller, before going to bed, says the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me at the well to drink water, ask me for the key.” After this, the fortuneteller should not talk to anyone until the morning.

Many people consider fortune telling with matches to be an easy way to determine how a person who is important to the fortuneteller really feels. With the help of these simple items you can find out whether your wish for the future will come true.

When telling fortunes with matches at home, a person turns to fire. This is one of the basic elements revered in ancient times. It is believed that it cannot give the wrong answer to a person’s request. This is not only a strong, but also a light element, because fire gives light.


Preparation for fortune telling should set the mood for the ritual participants, which will help to carry it out in the best possible way and accurately determine the future. The first rule is not to guess around people who do not believe in this method of prediction. A place should be chosen so that it contains only people who consider this method to be real. It is advisable not to allow people who are unwell or in a bad mood into the room. If their presence is inevitable, it is better to postpone the fortune telling.

The best truthful fortune telling using matches

People who begin fortune-telling should have exceptionally bright thoughts, their souls should be calm. People participating in fortune telling must be positively disposed towards each other.

Christmas fortune telling with matches

Traditional Christmas fortune telling will tell you about your relationship with your partner. Take a box and a pair of matches, which are designated as the fortuneteller and as his partner. Matches are placed around the edges of the box and lit.

During combustion, they occupy a certain position, by which they judge what feelings a man and a woman have for each other. If both heads are facing each other, there is love between the guy and the girl. If one of the matches goes out faster, and the second continues to burn, this means that the feelings of one of the partners will not last long. At the same time, the relationship itself can continue, the love will simply cease to be mutual, one person will grow cold.

For love and boyfriend

Fortune telling for love and boyfriend for a single person can be done by taking an indefinite number of matches out of a matchbox. Next, count how many of them are in your hand.

  • If the number is even, true love will have to wait for some time, while light romances are quite possible in the near future, but they will only be a prelude to the real betrothed.
  • If the number is odd, it means that love is just around the corner. The other half is already nearby, you just need to take a closer look at those around you.

On request

To tell your fortune whether a wish will come true or not, take a match and say your wish on this item. After this, the fortuneteller throws the match and watches in which direction it falls.

  • When the match hits closer to the window, it means that the wish will quickly come true.
  • When you get closer to the door, your wish will come true, but you need help.
  • If she lands closer to the wall, she says “no,” that is, what the person wants will not happen.

On matches and water

Take matches and a glass of water, think about a specific desire, precisely say its wording so that there are no inaccuracies (otherwise the answer will also become inaccurate).

The fortuneteller lights matches and throws them into the water, after which he watches how they are placed next to each other. If they lie parallel, this is a good signal. Matches with water promise that your wish will come true. When they lie perpendicular, the prediction is not the most favorable. This means that on the path to realizing your desire you will encounter difficulties. In the most unpleasant case, the wish will not come true.

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How to use matches to determine the presence of damage

Now the composition is ready and they move on to matches. They are lit one by one and waited until they burn out. It is desirable that the fire spreads to the fingers, almost burning them. After this, the burnt matches are thrown into the glass.

You need to see how many matches will sink and how many will remain on the surface. If everyone is under water, the person is damaged. It is believed that such spells cannot be removed on your own; you need to turn to magicians for help. If only part of them is under water, this is an ordinary negative, which can be fought with ordinary prayers at home. If everything remains on the surface, there is no damage or negativity.

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Fortune telling with matches is a simple activity. In general, there are no conditions under which it may not come true, unless the above conditions are violated. For example, the presence in the room of a person towards whom the fortuneteller has a sharply negative attitude can undermine efficiency. This method is also negatively affected by the lack of faith of one of those present.

Thus, fortune telling with matches does not require complex accessories, significant skills, or long training. Prediction techniques using these items are available to everyone. In most cases, the ritual does not give ambiguous results; the future becomes completely clear from the behavior of the matches. This is why many people try to find out what awaits them using a simple box.

Many people use a very simple and effective way, allowing you to find out how your beloved person feels for you - by fortune telling with matches. In addition, thanks to matches you can easily find out the answer to asked question, because they can tell you whether your cherished wish will come true. If you delve into the depths of the ancient Persian faith, it is generally accepted that such fortune-telling always gives the correct answer, since the powerful element - fire - answers the question posed.

Fire is endowed with incredible power of purification, and it is also characterized by divine wisdom, which, without a doubt, allows you to easily see your past and look into the future. And in order to predict your fate, you don’t need anything other than having matches on hand.

Even in ancient times, the power of fire was worshiped and endowed great power and were called by various names. The element of fire was most revered by residents living in Iran. These people constantly built churches of fire, in which rituals were held, cures for serious illnesses, blessed babies and performed sacrifice rituals: dry plants, trees.

Even then, fire was considered the most powerful element, since all living things on earth were endowed with it. Residents of Iran believed that fire had cleansing powers and divine properties, thanks to which one could protect oneself from diseases and also not allow evil spirits into the house. That is why many people asked the element of fire for help, especially when there was a need to find out the answer to an important question.

Today, few people remember all the ancient rituals that were carried out in those days, and the reason for this was the refusal of Islam and Christianity, considering the rituals old-fashioned. But be that as it may, the majority simple fortune telling Many people still use it today. Previously, the most common fortune telling was considered to be those in which coal, a torch, and flames were used. But today, fortune telling with matches is very popular.

Fortune telling for a loved one

Fortune telling for love using matches is in great demand and is considered the most common type of fortune telling, allowing you to quickly find out the answer to a question of interest.

If a girl is very concerned about what feelings her lover has for her, then all that is required is nothing: buy a new box of matches and choose two from it. These two matches will be considered symbols of the couple, that is, one match is the lover, the second is the fortune-telling girl. Matches are placed vertically close to each other. It is best to secure them with plasticine. After this, the matches are lit and it is necessary to observe their combustion:

A match symbolizing a guy burned out in upright position– he is indifferent to the girl and feels absolutely nothing for her.

If the matches burnt, leaning towards each other, there are mutual feelings between the lovers, and they love each other very much.

If the match burns leaning in the other direction (not towards the match symbolizing the girl), then this means that the man does not have feelings for the girl at all. One can say more - he feels rejection towards her.

Fortune telling with matches for love

There is another simple way of fortune telling with matches, which allows you to find out which of the two people the chosen person will give his preference to.

The help of such fortune-telling is very often resorted to by a person for whom it is important to know who his beloved man will choose between two people. In order to start fortune telling, you need to select three matches from a new box and set them vertically. The two matches that are on the sides are the persons between whom a choice must be made, and the central match characterizes the person choosing.

After setting the matches, the central one is lit: a determination will be made from it. It all depends on which way the central match is tilted. This is the answer to the question. If the match burns in the upright position, this will mean that the hidden person does not have feelings for either of the two people. If the match burns, leaning in the other direction: there is a third person whom the mystery person loves.

Difficult fortune telling with matches and candles

In order to start fortune telling, you need to have with you a deep container of water and two thin wax candles (purchased yourself). We take a needle and on one candle we write the first letter of our name, and on the second - the first letter of the name of the person you are going to tell fortunes about.

Each candle must be lit with a different match. After which each match, after burning, is thrown more than half into a container of water. Now you need to pick up both candles and start dripping wax into the center of the container for 30 seconds.

With the help of wax, a certain pattern should be formed in the water, which needs to be examined and understood in more detail. Often this method of fortune telling allows you to find out your future and the development of future relationships. For example, if you see that the wax has formed a circle or other figures that are connected to each other, then this indicates a strong connection.

If a heart-shaped figure has formed, then this indicates an upcoming emotional shake-up, which will be for the good and will be beneficial, strengthening your relationship with your chosen one. If both matches are captured along with the wax, then this is a harbinger of a wedding.

In any case, you need to turn on your imagination and take a closer look at the resulting drawing. Only in this way will it be possible to understand the interpretation of fortune telling using matches and candles.

Fortune telling with matches is an effective way

Thanks to fortune telling with matches, you can easily find out the answer to exciting question. For example, about who is not indifferent to you, who hates you, and who is completely indifferent to you. Fortune telling with matches can also be used using a cigarette. You just need to act carefully so as not to get burned.

You will need two matches, one of which must be given the name of the guy, and the second - the name of the fortune-telling girl. Place the matches vertically, securing them with plasticine. Light it and watch. When the matches completely burn out, you can begin the interpretation. Which match turns to the second one is the one who is not indifferent to that. If the guy’s match remains standing in a straight position, then this indicates indifference towards the girl; the match turns in the other direction - the guy begins to hate the girl.

The easiest way to find out about a man’s feelings is through matches. There are several options that will help you find out all the desired information.

Fortune telling with matches for your betrothed

To carry out the ritual, you need to take 2 matches, one of them should symbolize you, the other your betrothed. It is recommended to sign them to ensure that they are not mixed up. It is important that the matches are dry, this is the only way to be sure of the veracity of the fortune telling. Secure them into some object so that they stand straight and do not fall. For example, use plasticine or something similar. Next, you need to simultaneously light them and watch how their position changes.

The meaning of fortune telling by matches:

  • if the match, which implies a man, turns in your direction, it means he loves;
  • if the match stands straight, it means he is indifferent to you;
  • if the match turns away, it means he feels negative towards you.

Thus, you can tell fortunes about other people, for example, friends or new acquaintances, just sign the matches with their names.

Fortune telling with matches and water

Thanks to this ritual, you can find out information on how to resolve a particular situation. For this you need to take matches and a glass of water. Before you start guessing, close your eyes and free yourself from all thoughts. Then take a match, ask the question you are interested in, light it and throw it into the water. Do the same with the other match.

The meaning of fortune telling is as follows:

  • matches are parallel - the outcome of the situation will be in your favor;
  • cross - there are obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want;
  • “smoke” comes from the water - a certain person is disturbing you.

Fortune telling with matches for love

This ancient ritual will give you the opportunity to see the future groom in a dream. You need to make a well from matches, and place a cup of water next to it. Also for the ritual you need to buy a small lock, which you close on the handle of the mug, and put the key under the pillow. Before going to bed, say the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me at the well to drink water, ask me for the key.”

Fortune telling with matches based on wishes

This ritual must be performed at night on the first day of the full moon. Take a white candle, light it, make a wish and mentally connect with cosmic force. Stand facing east and use a candle to draw a boundary between you and the space. After that, take the matches, make a wish, shake the box and pour the matches onto the table.

Prediction has always stirred the souls of people. Fortune telling about the feelings of a loved one or about future relationships will help set priorities in a couple. Why does a person look into the future?

Matches are exactly the attribute that helps you learn about upcoming events

Uncertainty frightens every living creature endowed with reason and consciousness. It is easier to tell fortunes and find out events that are yet to come true than to be lost in guesswork. Desire to build a good relationship with her chosen one, this is what pushes a woman to search for magical power. What fortune telling will allow you to see the most significant moments of emerging love?

The essence of fortune telling

It is difficult for a fortune-telling woman to cope with her emotions. For a representative of the fair half of humanity, falling in love is tantamount to walking over a cliff. Scary and exciting at the same time. Women are sensitive by nature, receptive and open. It's easier for them to get to the bottom of things magical rituals and secret rituals. Magicians or witches are more often contacted young girls and adult women.

Fortune telling is the destiny of those who are not afraid to see the world from the other side. Discover new facets of it. Prediction, the main attribute of which is matches, helps to see changes in personal life the questioner. A simple type of divination is very popular, because in a short period of time a woman can hear answers to pressing questions.

The sensual side of human nature cannot be described; after studying it, scientists from different fields of activity still cannot answer what is love? Soul?

The feelings of another person remain a secret that a woman in love is so eager to find out. Fortune telling about the intentions, feelings and thoughts of another person belongs to a special type of magical predictions. This type of fortune telling is practiced by professional magicians and beginners. A simple fortune telling done at home will help you foresee the future of a new relationship.

The principle of fortune telling with matches

Fortune telling for love, love spells for a loved one, strong attachments - a woman stops at nothing to get the object of her love. Fortune telling for love is allowed at home. A girl who decides to see a picture of future events should not deviate from the recommendations of specialists. Fortune telling for love using matches is accurate and easy to perform.

The results of the prediction are not perceived as a verdict. It depends only on the person, his decisions and actions love relationship. A man’s feelings will be revealed to his beloved, and will either meet her expectations or become a heavy burden. Before calling for help magical powers You should be aware of your own motives. Which answers will satisfy your interest, and which ones may cause harm?

Fortune telling using matches predicts:

  • feelings of the chosen one;
  • spouse's intentions;
  • fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • turning points in relationships.

Matches can predict the fulfillment of desires and events in relationships

Before fortune telling, you should prepare yourself mentally. Get rid of worries, fears and prejudices. They are of no use, and the increased stress of the questioner will affect the results of the prediction.


How to guess using simple matches? Instructions for quick fortune telling:

  1. A paired number of matches is selected. One of them should symbolize the chosen one, the second - the woman who started fortune-telling.
  2. It is better to light matches from a candle bought in a church (if you don’t have one at hand, then any source of fire will do).
  3. There is no need to rush, let the matches burn out calmly.
  4. It is not difficult to decipher the results of fortune telling if you take your time and carefully study the position of the matches, the distance between them and other important factors.

Should you believe in simple fortune telling or not? The decision remains up to the woman or man who wants to know the future of a promising relationship.

Who can use fortune telling with matches?

Fortune telling with matches and water or similar fortune telling without additional attributes will help you see not only the feelings of another person, but also problems and exciting moments that are about to happen. To build strong relationships, fortune telling with matches best helper, which will not take up much time.

Who can tell fortunes using matches? Experienced magicians recommend thinking twice before performing rituals or making predictions at home. Carelessness in such matters can not only upset a woman, but also harm her. Moral readiness is the main condition under which any fortune-telling will take place without problems.

It is easier to carry out fortune telling on a loved one on the water, but if one of the methods of foresight does not suit a woman, she will easily find a worthy replacement. Fire is an irresistible force. A cleansing element that leaves neither good nor bad in its path.

Fire is an irresistible element that leaves neither good nor bad in its path.

It is not without reason that powerful rituals use fire, which is born and dies in the hands of an alarmed woman. If the soul is drawn to magic, then its help will be timely and safe.

Fortune telling about the feelings of a loved one

For quick fortune telling, a new box of matches is used, which no one except the woman has touched. From the box you will only need two wooden blocks, which will symbolize a man and a woman in a couple. Place them vertically, fixing the position of the matches with dough or ordinary plasticine. The sulfur tip is then set on fire. A woman should watch the flame, not letting the matches go out.

The position of the burnt pieces of wood will indicate the attitude of the lover:

  1. The coals leaning towards each other are a sign of sincere love, a long, respectful relationship. A girl is dear to a man, he makes far-reaching plans with her. A good meaning should make a woman happy and give her hope for a future relationship.
  2. If the match, which symbolizes the guy, burns out without bending, the feelings on the part of the lover are no more than affection. You shouldn’t rely on such a man, because he could leave at any moment. If the female match bows before the second coal, we say that there is no equality in the pair and never will be. No matter how hard it is for a woman, she should take care of herself. About your own spiritual harmony.
  3. Matches that burned out in different sides, it’s the hardest. The most negative meaning concerns a couple, which is personified by two matches in this position. Lovers will not have a good relationship. If there is sympathy, it is fleeting.

It is better not to repeat simple fortune telling with matches too often; repetition will not improve the result. There is no need to worry about the interpretation, because even an incorrect forecast is only probable events, and not a final picture of the future. The will of a person determines the fate of relationships between people, not boxes of matches. You can get an urgent answer with the help of a simple ritual both day and night, regardless of the position of the Moon.

Effective love prediction

Fortune telling with matches is more often done for love relationships, less often for friendships. Sometimes the tricks of fate lead to the most unexpected consequences. People fall in love, fall out of love, and open their hearts again to new feelings.

If the choice is immediately between two men, fortune telling on a box of matches will help you understand a difficult situation.

A box of matches will help a woman make a choice between two men

For prediction, you will need two pieces of wood, symbolizing possible lovers, and one match, personifying the woman. In the center there is a match of a person who needs to make a choice, and on the sides there are prototypes of rivals. Pieces of plasticine or fresh dough are used for fixation.

The central block is set on fire. Whichever direction he bends, that man will be a more worthy match. There are times when a match does not bend at all, but burns with an even fire. Such fortune telling speaks of indifference that cannot be changed. The girl will remain alone or choose another guy. It is impossible to avoid such consequences.

A special case is when the match turns in the other direction. This behavior indicates that the object of love loves a completely third person. If the choice is made by a woman who is waiting for the guy to reciprocate, then she should once again reconsider her own attitude to the current situation. Feelings without reciprocity are worse than love, which torments a person.

Getting involved in love affairs is harmful to the soul. Lost in such confusion Vital energy. A woman should bloom from a man’s love, be a flower that grows from the tremulous feelings of her chosen one. If this does not happen, then, on all visible and invisible levels, this man is not suitable for a woman. Fortune telling gives important advice, but whether to listen to him or not is decided by the fortuneteller.

Will the wish come true or not?

Will your wish come true or is it not worth waiting for your dream to come true? When faced with a difficult choice, one should turn to magic only in the most deadlock situations. Fortune telling with a match should be done on full moon, then the predicted situations are more likely to come true. I guess with large, small, hunting or fireplace matches.

A secret ceremony is carried out without outside help, in complete solitude. The fortuneteller sits due east and lights an ordinary candle. An invisible circle is outlined with fire. Take a new box in your hands, close your eyes and say the cherished words (desire) to yourself. The formulation of the desired event must be clear and precise.

The man shakes the box so that a distinct knock is heard, and then throws all its contents onto the table. The number of matches is counted. An even number indicates a quick fulfillment of a wish, while an odd number promises bad news.

Simple fortune telling is available to everyone who believes in magic or is working with it for the first time.

You can get the results and interpret them immediately, without waiting for the fortune-telling to manifest itself over time.